#year of robberies
coolkraay · 1 year
Speaking of robbed Eurovision entries can we talk about Spain 1983? This beautiful melancholic yet sweet flamenco song got last place HOW DARE. 1983 in general feels like a year with a lot of robbed songs but Spain's especially was so good it should've been top 3 at least!
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rilldineth · 1 year
Again, Loreen is not a bad artist, but she won for the virtue of being Loreen and a past winner not because the song had much merit, and the juries helped it a lot, and this is why I keep saying old winners shouldn’t come back and know she stole the win from the rightful person. You had your time, you know how it feels, and yet...
But be glad now conveniently they won and in the auspicious time to celebrate ABBA’s 50th anniverary, funny how it all works lmao.
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wandixx · 7 months
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies part 5
All work words count: 14 643
Words in this part: 1 685
Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay
Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway
This part summary: Steph finally gets to meet Duke's kid. And she comes bearing gifts!
Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
Duke was really glad that Bruce was busy whole previous evening and couldn’t give him The TalkTM Vigilante edition. Maybe he shouldn’t because B being busy spoke trouble but he couldn’t feel too sad about it. He didn’t want to have The TalkTM though.
For now, Dani was running next to him, with a serious look on her face that was kinda uncanny. She wasn’t supposed to not be happy and some weird instincts were screaming at him to fix it and fix it now. But he didn’t know how!
Though some of his jokes caused a little smile, so it was good.
It turned potentially less good when she stopped without warning, lowering herself to the fighting stance (finally proper, which made him so immensely proud by the way). He stopped too, wishing they wouldn’t have to fight but he knew better than to latch on this hope.
“What’s up, Hoopoe?” he whispered.
“Someone is coming. Light, use grapple” Most likely one of the Bats then, they were due to a visit anyway. However better to not lower his guard in case he was mistaken or it was a prank/test. His expectations were proven right though, when purple blur flipped over the edge of the roof. He relaxed and put hand on Dani’s shoulder so she wouldn’t tackle Steph before they could explain anything. She seemed on edge like that whole day.
“Hey Spoiler” he greeted to further show that the blonde was a friend.
“Sup Signal! Heard I can finally meet your little friend!”
Dani straightened herself and tried to float a few inches up to seem higher probably.
“I’m considerably higher than most kids my age” she deadpanned. She really wasn’t though. He was still trying to learn whether her size was caused more by genetics or malnourishment. Her only family member Duke knew of was also small, so maybe it was a family thing though.
Steph shrugged, waving her palm a few inches below her shoulder, approximately where Damian reached, quite few inches over Dani’s head.
“Robin is the family’s smol violent bean and you’re shorter than him. You’re small bean, deal with this”
Little girl pouted, crossing her arms. Steph cooed.
“Oh, you even get angry like he does!”
Young meta looked like she was asking ‘Should I use violence?’ and inch towards the answer ‘Yes’. Duke decided he should step in before she acted on these thoughts. Teasing was the opposite of what girl needed at the moment. Some good fight might not be bad but maybe not with Steph.
“Cut it Spoiler”
She rolled her eyes so dramatically he could tell she did so despite her mask. He still thought it was impressive “Don’t be boring dude”
Dani growled in a way that couldn’t be fully human, just like she did when they talked about her training for the first time. Duke squeezed her arm. Girl glanced at him before sagging so much he was scared she would fall for a hot second. He exchanged concerned looks with Steph over her lowered head. It was not normal nor was it good.
“Alright, you’re not smol,” Steph agreed lightly “Officially at least. What’s in my head stays there. Does it work for you?”
Duke almost hit her in the arm. Not strongly, in a friendly manner but still. He didn’t only because it seemed to somehow work. He let his hands drop.
“Your mind is sacred,” Dani started seriously “what leaves your mouth is not. Can’t diss you on your thoughts but I’ll on your words” she shared like it was some important truth of life. Or folklore proverb though Duke wasn’t sure about the latter. Afterall he was Gothamite born and breed, he knew countryside from movies “And actions. Actions are kinda important,” meta girl added in lighter tone after moment of thinking.
“Yeah, actions are the best” Steph agreed easily “Hey, can I get it on a T-shirt? I’ll love and cherish it”
“First you laugh at my height and then you want my intellectual property for free? For shame, Spoiler, for shame?”
Steph looked thoughtful, theatrically over exaggerating her body language. 
“Valid” she nodded.
Duke decided he would just watch whatever was going to happen and did damage control if needed. He didn’t feel up to anything else anyway.
“Heard your cape went in an adventure,” the purple vigilante admitted after moment of silence. Dani shrugged rubbing her arms awkwardly. Duke knew she normally would fix said cape. It was her way of fidgeting.
“Yup, it’s good way to put it,” girl nodded. “Somebody needed it more, I hope it enjoys its travel. I should get a replacement soon”
“Well, I can’t let fellow caped crusader, who understands necessity of hood, run capeless”
Younger girl waved her hands in a flurry motion of dismissal.
“Don’t-” she stopped when her eyes locked on orange bundle Steph took from somewhere under her cloak. Opportunity to pull tricks like that had made Duke consider adding some sort of cape to his Signal suit back when he had been working on it back in a day but dismissed it. He still wasn’t looking forward to learning curve of fighting with such additional liability. He couldn’t turn it intangible when it was in a way like certain white haired cheater did.
Speaking of Dani, girl stared at Steph’s gift like she couldn’t quite believe it was real. She held her hands close to her chest but her fingers flexed in grabby motion. Her eyes were hidden behind black lenses of her mask but everything else about her face further proved how awestruck she was. Even her muted aura brightened a bit in a way that he learned to recognize as excitement.
It was still kind of weird, by the way. Normal auras haven’t changed, it was kinda their thing.
Steph wiggled her gift a bit. Dani finally took it but had yet to put it on.
“It’s for me?” she whispered so utterly shocked and small that Duke mentally did a double take.
“Yeah, like I said, can’t let you run around without it”
Dani’s hand was gnawing at the edge of the material as if it was some sort of squashmellow.
“Try it on,” Steph encouraged gently.
“We need to check if Spoiler haven’t messed up something”
Dani snorted, which was all Duke tried to achieve.
She put it on and after a moment of shuffling she once again became orange cloak with feet. She grinned widely looking far more relaxed and settled than she did moments before. She moved around a bit like she was in model show or at least what ten years old thought it could look like.
“You like it?”
“Yup, it’s amazing, thank you Spoiler… Though it’s heavier than I expected”
“Well, I don’t know what your first one was made out of but this is material I use, I found it the best balance between durability, weight and comfiness. Still, it’s quite dense and a bit heavy. Also, I added pockets because you can never have too many of them. Plus there are few glitter bombs inside. You know, ‘welcome to the team’ gifts,” Steph explained eagerly and judging by Dani’s smile, she loved her gifts. Duke would be a little worried on a Gotham crime’s behalf if it wasn’t well, crime and if he wasn’t all there to watch chaos these two would unfold from sidelines with bat-popcorn in hand (though it wasn’t really a thing yet, he would have to mention it to Tim or Jason). For now though, they really should continue on the patrol.
“Now that introductions are over, let’s get going. Crime never sleeps or something,” It was really weird to be the organized one. Before Dani showed up, on a day shift he was a sailor, a captain and a ship (or maybe Gotham was a ship-), We Are Robins days were chaos in purest form and shape and when he was called out for a night he usually was too tired to behave and was just additional mess to organize (on purpose, let him have his goddamn sleep, he wasn’t Tim).
“Okay,” Dani agreed cheerfully “There is a robbery at the greek diner we visited last Thursday. ‘s been going for five minutes or so,” she added unbothered.
Spoiler jumped through the open window of the diner with a graceful roll, glitter bombs at hand. Hoopoe and Signal came inside right after her.
“Spoiler alert!” purple girl yelled, throwing two bombs at robbers heads and kicking third one in the ribs.
Dani decided  that she liked Spoiler right then and there as she threw her own brand new, orange(!) glitter bombs at remaining criminal.
Three of them were running through the city mostly uninterrupted after diner mishap. Steph tried to engage Dani in quip battle but younger girl for once wasn’t jumping on occasion. She kept close to Duke and his only reaction was smug smile in Spoiler’s direction. That’s what she got for trying to steal his sidekick.
“Oh!” Dani exclaimed delighted, stopping abruptly, a smile that spoke trouble gracing her face.
“No, we’re not busting Joker’s scheme by jumping into the meeting to beat them all up without proper back up, again, Hoopoe. They had guns, Hoopoe.”
“Wha- Wasn’t last time enough? Anyway, I heard there is fan meeting with Martian Manhunter in Los Angeles tomorrow,” Great, so no giving him heart attack right now. Thank God for that.
“Shame he won’t make it, huh?” Steph mussed “He is in Illinois right now, isn’t he? It would take him two days driving to even get there”
Dani’s expression looked thoughtful “It’s quite far”
“Yeah, around… 2,500 miles from here”
“What got you thinking kid?” she inquired, ruffling her hair.
“Not a kid and I thought- there is kidnapping at three!” Dani darted in that direction before finishing sentence. Duke jumped right after her slightly scared. She was not ready to handle stuff like that without back up and she would try if he let her run of like that.
Steph: I'm meeting my almost niece tomorrow what should I- *gives a gremlin child an ultimate weapon of chaos*
Sometime before this part:
Steph: So, how is your kid?
Duke: She is not my kid!
Duke: By the way, wanna see video I saved of her doing proper side kick for the first time?
Danielle "looks like 10 years old is 10 months max" Phantom: I am in fact much higher than most kids my age
Duke "whoever is feeding this tiny child does bad job at it" Thomas & Stephanie "it's just a lil baby" Brown: Yeah... sure...
Next part
"Tag list" (i haven't expected to ever make it)
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oh1thehorror · 2 months
I don’t make posts on TGS Mondays but I really should (or am on Tumblr much atm oopsies)
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Robbery, my darlings, ily. You’re so dumb and gay and down bad yet so emotionally constipated and repressed but ily. Pls never change ♥️
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sea-jello · 2 years
movie morro au where morro is literally a fucking criminal in juvie. it’s bad enough that lloyds the son of garmadon, his cousin is considered a mastermind escape artist who might be a high ranking gang member and has never gotten caught for a solid 3 years. no one knows how he does it. it’s like the air itself assists him in escaping
update guys ive got more check #jellos movie morro au in the tags 👇
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seriousturd · 3 months
Been doodling Rhiannon a lot lately hehe
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summerfevers · 4 months
running """joke""" of peter threatening to send neal back to prison is OVER. clear as day in my mind i can invision this instead. peter, believing neal to be 35 in s1 (a full decade older than he actually was), has a conspiracy corkboard in his basement (why don't the burkes have a basement?) full of his 'evidence' of how neal and mozzie were the ones behind the isabella stewart gardner museum heist. here is the police sketch of the suspects so you can see where peter is coming from with this:
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neal thinks this is hilarious. he's flattered, honestly. no one in the fbi is seriously investigating this, this is peter's passion project. he thinks neal was like 17 (the robbery was in 1990 btw) and that he was mozzie's apprentice or something. he thinks the thieves making sure the security guards taped up in the basement weren't uncomfortable and even chatting with them SCREAMS neal&mozzie shenanigans. this mystery of the ages heist that changed museum robbery forever is exactly the kind of bullshit neal and mozzie used to get up to.
but all good things must come to an end... at some point when peter is in his distrusting neal part of his friendship cycle he is REALLY leaning into this. tbh with neal's history he is getting a little worried that a court could be convinced of peter's tale. he has to break it to him.
peter has neal captive at the kitchen table, going over his "timeline of events" for the billionth time until neal is like "ok peter.... i have a confession to make." peter's expression at this can best be described as !!! "when the isabella stewart gardner museum was robbed in march 1990 i was..." peter is on the Edge Of His Fucking Seat "...five years old. i genuinely am stunned that you really believed that i'm 35. i was born in 1984. i literally did not even meet mozzie until like 6 months before i met YOU."
peter is fucking floored. his life is a lie. he put neal, a fucking baby? in jail? the implications this has for his five other caffrey-spiracy boards are far reaching and beyond what he can try to understand right now. he has been trying to pin the most infamous art crime of the last century on neal for years and his alibi is that he was in kindergarten.
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patriamrealm · 1 year
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So I had a brain worm that would not go away from the time when the Nimbasa trio are just teens on their journey. Just, before the twins have at the train system the main mode of transport is pokemon! More often than not zebstrika.
Elesa’s Zebstrika is of course her partner pokemon and she’ll be found just as often running alongside him as she can be found riding on top of him. She caught him as a blitzel when she was young, having stumbled upon an empty pokeball long before she was supposed to be able to catch pokemon.
Ingo caught his rapidash as a ponyta during one of the family’s trips to Sinnoh. She’s not a battler, doesn’t enjoy it in the slightest but she is competive and he will ride her in races when they pop up.
Emmet was gifted his stantler in the same trip to Sinnoh. She does enjoy battling and even learned a completely unique move when protecting him when they got into trouble during that trip, that being Psyshield Bash.
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I like to think Enver Gortash would have a soft spot in his rotten old heart for bratty little mini-criminal kids who are too clever for their own good.
If you want to witness me putting Gortash through The Horrors™, you can find me on my bestie's Baldur’s Gate 3 discord server, Baldur's Taint.
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disfordevineaux · 6 months
Brooo naurrr like I did not just add more paragraphs to a fic I posted in JANUARY of 2021. Because that would be super mega cringe on an ultimate level one can not comprehend. I can't keep getting away with this I'm gnawing at the bars of my poorly secured enclosure
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svampira · 1 month
friendship ending vacations real cause we didnt even fight i just came home and realised i do naut like this bitch
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cat-lady-spinster · 3 months
Someone broke into my car last night, they jimmied the lock so no windows broken. They didn't take my fm transmitter, the jumper cables, tools or the cds.
They did take my expired hand sanitizer and some ill-fitting clothes I'd stashed in the trunk, leaving my old bras.
This is like the least annoying crime someone could do to me. Oh no, you got my orange button up from the Joker costume I wore in 2018 and my least favorite pair of pants, you scoundrel
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briarpatch-kids · 8 months
What plants are you gonna put in your garden? The most successful thing I’ve grown are cucumbers
So far I've got tomatoes, peppers, and ground cherry started but they don't go out till may. I've turned my entire yard into a garden slowly, so I've got peas, beans, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, melons, summer squash, and cucumbers along with some other stuff. I keep trying cucumbers but I've been having bad luck out back so I'm trying out front this year.
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This year I'm trying to grow a really wide variety, we eat out of the garden at least 3 meals a week in the summer. I might do the farmers market if things go well and I have extra produce. They double food stamps and seniors get vouchers for fresh produce and eggs but there's hardly any sellers and very little variety.
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ramon-tikaram-love · 14 days
i published my little fanfic about Adrian the sexy bastard from Daylight Robbery, about when he is in prison after the series, and gets punished :].
the fic is very explicit porn. and there are some slightly negative/dark things happening in it too. so it's not for everyone.
do keep in mind that this takes place in a prison, and some of the people are kinda messed up, including Adrian (sexy but evil).
also, i'm not very good at writing so don't expect greatness.
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Adrian Harris/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Orgasm Denial, Long Hair, Hair Kink, Hair-pulling, Prison, Dom/sub, Attraction, Masturbation, Sexual Harassment, Prison Sex, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Bondage and Discipline, Non-Consensual Bondage, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Everyone Is Gay, Sort Of, Humiliation, Smut, Porn
Words: 2 696
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have some more gifs too
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ms-hells-bells · 3 months
there's been a helicopter going around for hours, so it's likely a police copter looking for a suspect on the run :|
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sidesteppostinghours · 6 months
hey *with the intention of fucking up your siblings relationships even more*
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