#yeah. it’s all her fault
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mysticofspades · 7 months ago
Top 10 Moments in the Life Series
Okay, so like, a month ago or something, Jimmy asked his viewers to compile together a list of their top ten moments from the life series, and I put together my potential list right then and there when the video came out. Then I forgot about it for the entirety of a month and now here we are. (ADHD sucks sometimes TT). Since he’s already put out his reaction vid, I didn’t feel like putting together an entire video but still wanted to ramble some so~
10. Desert Duo on a Camel Together in a Red Desert
Frankly, this made the list exclusively because of biases. The significance of these two men wandering around a RED DESERT – red as in; covered in blood – on the back of some rideable minecraft animal is probably lost on any new viewer. Not to mention the Cactus Monopoly scene, with Scar giving Grian the monopoly over it while saying; “I know how you love monopolies.” That entire interaction pretty much ruined me. I haven’t not thought about it in weeks. I need help.
9. The AH-HA Bit
I don’t know if I need to say anything more about this. If the previous was iconic for its dramatics, this is iconic for the opposite. It’s just a bunch of men having fun together, laughing and making stupid little puns about a made up British tradition. The fact that Impulse, a very american american, was somehow bound up in this group made it ten times funnier. No notes, this bit speaks for itself. Insert funny AH-HA pun here.
8. Etho’s Fishing Rod Kill on Scar
Already one of my favorite seasons for a variety of reasons, Last Life didn’t need this scene to make it my all time favorite season or anything. But damn, am I glad it happened. The precision and calculations on Etho’s part is just– damn! That entire situation, no matter how it played out, Etho would be on the winning side. Like, it was either Scar dies and Etho gets a boogie kill or just not. Even if Etho didn’t get his kill there, Bdubs woulda still gotten a life and Etho could still kill anyone else. Either way, Bdubs would’ve gotten his life and Etho would’ve gotten his buddy back. It’s all just beautifully and meticulously planned out that I can’t help but plop into this spot.
(Yes, I recognise that it might not have been planned to that extent on Etho’s part, or IRL Etho’s part, at least. I am choosing to believe that ch!Etho totally did weigh out all his options and came to the conclusion that this was the best course of action and was confident he could get the kill and even knew that Scar would have the Enchanter on him. He just comes off as that type of character to me, is all.)
7. Scott’s Sacrifice for Pearl in DL
You cannot tell me that this is not one of the most iconic moments of the life series, ever. Scott standing over that pile of TNT, lighter in hand while Pearl, bathed in red and a bloody ax clenched tightly in her fists, watches, wide-eyed and hysteric, trying to desperately ask what’s going on or to understand or to just do something, unable to in the end as Scott takes his own life crowning her victor over the bloodbath that she had never thought would end like this.
And that fucking line?! “Tilly death do us part?!” What the hell, Scott?!
In conclusion, your honor, Tilly is still alive somewhere in the DL world and someone should rescue her.
6. Grain’s Stalactite kill on BigB / Ren
Alright, this is pure luck and I am so fucking here for it. It’s simply beautiful. The unplanned accuracy of a man on a bloodlust ending up only getting a kill on his chosen soulmate is poetic as shit (shit that just so happens to be really poetic, that is).
It’s kinda like the reverse or inverse of the Etho fishing rod kill. Grian’s pure luck and also not is what makes this scene so fucking memorable.
Not to mention both Grian and Scar’s reactions. Grian was over the moon, screaming and celebrating and being ecstatic until he realizes just what he’s done. And his little “except when I got married,” is all pure chaos and we live for that here.
Then there’s Scar, ever the opportunist, immediately starts looting the corpses. Silently. He picks up anything he deems valuable (which could mean useless lint and string, but whatever) and tries to bealine it out of there the second he’s done. I love Scar, honestly.
5. Scar’s SL Win!
This specific season holds a special place in my heart for being the only season I watched and stayed tuned in for the entirety of its run. So when Scar, the one I’ve been rooting for since 3L, happens to win, you can imagine my excitement.
It was so out of left field, too. Like, in the final battle, I knew for a fact something was going to take out Scott and Pearl, them being winners already and this spoken rule of no double winners and all. But between Scar and Gem? I’m sorry, Scar, but I definitely didn’t see it coming. Gem was on a mad one, killing or getting someone else to kill more than half the server and already being stacked on kills. It just fits, ya know?
Like, Martyn, Grain and Pearl all were crazy about killing their entire season, even on green they were kinda unhinged, ya know? (couch couch Scarlet Pearl cough cough). And it's not like Scott didn’t have a body count.
To be fair though, it’s not like Scar didn’t get any kills either, it was just more…. Discrete? Unintentional. His kill on Bdubs and his accidental shot on Gem were both not of his own volition.
The idea that what it took for Scar to win was to completely give up on making friends is poetic as shit.
First season, he had an ally, a friend, a comrade, one whom he betrayed then gave his life for.
Next season, he tried and tried and tried again to make friends, almost as if chasing that same high he got with his first partner, but never managing to make any meaningful connections, and ended up shot in the back.
Then, he’s reunited with his partner of old and they get off to a good start, being the last greens and all. But as if with all things, it came down as Scar, accidentally, took their first two lives and his soulmate took the other.
Afterwards, he returns to his family, hoping to find peace and connections there. He finds it with his mother and brother and, sort of, with his estranged father. He leads a Scar-typical season of blowing things up (attempting to, at least), stabbing people in the back and swindling (only a little). It all comes to a head as his once-soulmate, once-partner-in-crime stabs him in the back, literally.
Finally, we have this season. Scar starts out looking for friends, he very much does. But the universe itself has other ideas. Bad task after bad task, Scar is left almost entirely isolated from the rest of the server. The backstabber of a soulmate offers him a home but he cannot take it (as per rules he made up about his task). Then, somehow, somewhere, he sees those words, “She’s dead, Scar, you won.”
It’s all just beautiful honestly.
4. “It was just a prank, Scar!”
The beginning of it all. This little prank led to so much that it deserves to be in the top5 of every list out there, in my opinion anyway. Like, Grian randomly happening across a creeper out in broad daylight then proceeding to choose to lead it all the way into a group of distracted people in the name of a prank which leads into a season-long, dramatic, all-defying alliance of which leads to a climactic battle surrounded by the disheveled and war torn lands they once ruled over together (we’ll get to this in a minute, don’t worry), chants of the ghosts of the lives they ended to get to where they are, screaming in their ears to fight and to kill and having to brutally take the last life of the person he’d once vowed his own to Al because of what? A prank?! Seriously?!– is that not the best shit you’ve heard all day? Or all week? Hell, maybe your entire fucking life???
I sure think so.
3. Liz’s Final Death in SL
I realize that this is my only Tim related moment on the list and it was Tim who had asked for the list in the first place, but whatever. There are plenty of cool ass (and miserably funny) Tim moments out there (ones I might plop into the honorary mentions bit) but this is honestly my favorite and the one I think makes the cut compared to the others on here.
Anyhow. Onto Liz taking Tim’s place as first out.
I watched Liz’s POV late, can’t remember if it was because she uploaded late or someone else uploaded and I forgot to get back to it afterward– I dunno. I saw hers late and thus already knew she was going to die first, so, unfortunately, I didn’t get to live it through her eyes first, quite sad I know. Point is, I fucking. Nearly. Cried.
Like, not only was Liz’s whole arc in the season quite sad already, with the whole, “I wish everyone were here,” and her attempt at cheering herself up ending up so horribly, I knew beforehand that something awful was going to have to happen to sum up all her season-long misery. Dying in the midst of an attack, her only proper attack really, with an ender-pearl sitting untouched in her hotbar, was not the way I thought that would happen.
And something I didn't expect even more?? Her dying first??? Yeah, no, it was definitely not on my SL Bingo Card, that’s for sure. It was just so out of nowhere and yet, it also wasn’t? How do I explain? Like, Liz’s whole season was going from one misfortune to another, bad decision to another and it just kept piling on, until, well– you know.
Tim’s seasons are usually like that, no? Bad decisions followed by the universe itself hating on him followed by pure bad luck. Pretty much any Timmy Life Series season honestly.
I don’t think I’m doing this scene– this event justice. Timmy went out first every season for 4 seasons in a row. then Lizzie waltzes on in for the second time, suffers a bunch in her episodes, tries to kill Scott (a well-known no-no if you want to live) and then dies. First.
Beautiful and iconic; that’s LDShadowLady for you.
(I realize I should probably talk about Tim some more, given that this is the only Jim-related moment on here, but eh. This segment is too long already. I’ll talk about some other Jim moments later.)
2. Scar’s Water Bucket Clutch
This moment proved to me that putting Grian and Scar together in a life series makes a seriously underrated but totally fairly rated duo. Like, in one season they managed to keep a whole ass, proper, monopoly going for at least, like, 2(?) whole sessions, Grain managed that stalactite kill I talked about already and then Scar does this shit??
I just– there’s a reason these guys got so fucking close to winning and never teamed up, volentairily, ever again. Had they teamed up again, and wanted to actively work together and actually win this shit, they totally could. There is a fucking reason both of them are individually winners now and I’m so shitting here for it.
Onto more specific things; Scar is a mad man and I love him for it. He saw Etho burning a couple of pandas (I apologize; a couple of jellies) and was just, “screw you Giran, those pandas need me,” and he went.
Grian’s reaction going from severely panicked to immeasurable pride is just beautiful (lots of things are beautiful, shut up).
When I tell you I replayed this shit non-stop until all the dopamine this scene could provide my ADHDed brain could be sucked up dry until it was drier than the driest of dry prunes you’ve ever seen on a hot ass summer afternoon, I mean it with every ounce of my being.
With that said; second place it shall be forevermore~
1. Cactus Ring
I mentioned this earlier and I don’t think anyone is necessarily surprised judging by all my other picks thus far, yeah?
Everyone’s heard of the beginning of the end. Well this feels a lot like the opposite of that. The end of the beginning, ya know? Third life’s the beginning, where everything began, where everything and everyone got established (well mostly everyone) and it’s where everything started. The cactus ring, to me, marks the end of the beginning. As if to say, “the beginning is over. We all know what we’re doing from now on, the trials are over and the bloodlusts and betrayals have already begun, let them continue (forevermore~).”
It’s a red mark (of blood) in the sand from where they began to where they’ll continue to go. It's the end of an era, the beginning of another, the continuation of a story left unfinished. It’s everything and nothing and I’m making no sense–
My point in all this is that this moment is iconic and deserves top 2, at minimum, on any and all lists of this kind. I accept none otherwise (not really :P).
…I feel like I spoilt myself a little my gushing about these guys earlier and now I don’t really have all that much to say–
Honorary Mentions!
1 - Tim’s final LimL death.
What the hell, dude? Talk all that crap to what? Trip off your own fucking Bad Boys Bread Brige™? Timmy, Timmy, Timmy.
Joel and Grain’s, and even Pearl’s, reactions were awesome btw!
2 - Grain and Scar’s Sing-Along!
It’s a desert duo moment, I don’t know what you want from me.
3 - Tim Killing Liz in SL
If I’m not mistaken, this is, like, Tim’s only kill that season and it being completely accidental and the fact that he feels horrible for it makes this moment comedy gold.
4 - Grain’s Triple Kill in 3L
This set the stage for many, many kills to come, and the excessive use of TNT minecarts can also be pinned back here, which is awesome of course.
5 - Etho’s Washed Up?!
This was originally on the list but because of (Scar-related) changes, it no longer is. It's awesome though so I put it down here. I fucking love this shit, dude. Cleo and Budubs’ back and forth and Etho just like, “I knew it guys, I really am washed up,” is just great.
6 - Mumbo’s Death in the Nether in SL
Mumbo is awesome and kinda not all there sometimes. This just so happens to be a moment of the latter, is all. Love him.
7 - Joel and Liz’s Romance in SL
I love these two interacting just casually. They’re super sweet and I just– I love seeing couples just doing normal things, like playing a game they both like together and just having fun, ya know? Whether that be with a little flirting or not, it’s fun to watch.
Alternatively; the Joel and Liz are trying to flirt in LL with Scar awkwardly there in the background.
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deoidesign · 5 months ago
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when your main characters start dating after years of writing so they finally get to be like this
#rare WIP preview from me#this is in like. 10 episodes. lmfao#its been really hard working this far ahead#my editor isnt giving me any feedback and my friends are very busy so it's felt quite lonely#which is fine! for my friends I mean. but its my editors job to give me feedback...#but the webtoon editors are extremely extremely extremely overworked and my series is set to end so I understand its low priority#its not her fault its webtoons fault. however. its still demotivating...#oh well l m a o#I should be much further ahead ngl LMFAO I want like 12 done but I come back in 2 weeks.#we'll see#when I get really stressed out I go full gamer mode#and usually I'll sink like 60 hours (like 5 days) into a game and then I'm good and move on#but this recent game that grabbed me is. its too much actually#bit uncontrollable ngl I think its an ADHD thing I mostly have just quit playing videogames at all#cause its like yeah being stressed cause theres too much work to do is not going to be helped by losing a week and a half to a game...#and yet.#anyways the game is satisfactory#my friend bought it for me and we've been playing together#and our shared file has. 100 hours on it. and we still havent beaten the game#we're close to beating it and it's not like we're rushing or anything#cause its fun to fuck around and zap eachother or whatever#but it's got me doing math. the exact kind of math I love to do. optimization#and its reminding me yeah in another life id have been an engineer#I'm glad I'm an artist but its always weird like yeah this is easily a path I could have gone down#'artists hate math' speak for yourself doing math calms me down! I love math!#I love math and I love business. I'm almost the perfect artist but I hate advertising so. we can't have it all#anyways theyre so fucking cute its sickening. I love them so much. I could cry#WIP#lineart#time and time again
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until-another-one-comes · 7 months ago
I can't rewrite this season but if it was up to me, I'd still have the Umbrellas sacrificing themselves to save the timeline and at the end we see the Umbrellas still alive, but they're all living different lives and perhaps with varied ages to show that its not their existence that caused the timeline to get fucked up, but the marigold that started everything.
The Umbrellas were always meant to exist and live, but it was the marigold that caused the timeline getting muddled and disrupted their existence. Without it, the Umbrellas (and every other kids that were created by the marigold) were able to be born and live their lifes normally like they were always meant to.
Would it still have a lot of plotholes? Yes. Would it make sense? Perhaps not but at least its better than what they implied with the ending which is very upsetting and dangerous the longer you think about it.
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lonely-space-ace · 7 days ago
On episode 70 and I love Caduceus being like "jesus christ have yall just never been trusted before?"
And then Beau (daddy issues) being like "No" while Fjord (daddy issues), Jester (chaos incarnate), Caleb (everything issues), and Nott all stare at him
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butterflysonnets · 9 months ago
absolutely insane that mike literally p a n i c k e d when will was like "well what about us?" because will wasn't even really making things gay he was honest to god just inquiring about the state of their estranged friendship and wondering why mike didn't make time to talk to him when they're supposed to be best friends but MIKE was the one having an aneurysm like "🏳️‍��⁉️ W H AT!!"
“WE'RE FRIENDS” “i know mike” “WE'RE!!! F R I E N D S!!” “right so why don't you call me — ” “I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND” “… that in no way answers my question"
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cent-scratchnsniff · 5 months ago
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doodle i made when talking about lobcorp to people. i dont think they see me the same anymore after playing lobcorp and rambling about it
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lesbitching · 4 months ago
it’s nowhere near the worst interpretation and i do understand how it could be assumed or even be compelling if you’re very interested in the lords in black but one of my biggest pet peeves is the interpretation that the lords in black are manipulating grace and deliberately driving her to where she ends up the entire play. such a big part of what makes grace work is her role as the driving force in the play, an active agent who’s actions directly lead to all the calamity and tragedy that occurs later through sheer religious guilt, desperation and neuroticism. taking even some of that autonomy away from her makes her significantly less compelling.
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kitamars · 2 years ago
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[avatar au] first meetings :D
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runicmagitek · 3 months ago
So my mom's in the hospital
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zeb-z · 1 year ago
I just think Tallulah gets to be upset about this. “It’s not Wilbur’s fault” “He’s not a bad dad” “He loves his daughter so much” yes! These are all true! And it’s not his fault! But he’s still not there. And Tallulah has gone through so much and still hasn’t seen him, the one time he was around was the one time she wasn’t, and all she has are letters and “I’m thinking of you always” and things that used to be theirs together, but he’s still not there. She’s waited and she’s been patient and she’s loved him all the same, and he’s still not there. Like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, from the happy milestones to the traumatic events, he’s still not there.
She knows that it’s not his fault, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s absent. That in and of itself just adds to the sorrow, because she knows why he’s gone, and she’s been told time and time again it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, she knows this - it doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting, that it doesn’t hurt, that she doesn’t yearn for her father to be there more than anything in the world, and he’s just not there.
So yes, she gets to be upset, and be caustic, and stomp her feet and write bitter messages, and be angry and vitriolic, because she’s a little girl missing her father, who feels things with her whole heart and soul - and that means she gets to feel the ugly parts of it, too.
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yuseirra · 5 months ago
What if the Twins were NEVER born?? They weren't meant to be in the first place.
Okay I could be ALREADY off, answers could be popping out anytime now but It occurred to me, like 3am in the morning so I came to write:
The protagonists, the twins, weren’t meant to be born in the first place, but Tsukuyomi saved them…
So, how would the story have unfolded if they hadn’t been born? Couldn't that have actually been better for some characters?
Suddenly, I remembered: Ai was an idol, but she had a boyfriend, and more importantly, children. That's why someone like Ryosuke, thinking "An idol with kids? What a liar," ended up killing her, right?
But Ai's twins weren’t originally supposed to be born; they were destined to be stillborn… Tsukuyomi intervened and let them be born alive.
If Ryosuke hadn’t found proof that Ai had kids, he wouldn't have gone after her to kill her, would he? It’s only because she had children with Kamiki, that he used it as a reason to attack her.
I used to think that the twins were born for Ai's sake. If she had lost those children, Ai may have fallen into despair… So I thought Tsukuyomi helped her out of kindness. And since I also thought Ai was a deity or a reincarnation of one, I believed she might be a "god who loves humans." If that were true, then through her children, she discovered what love really meant, right?
But… I’m not sure how things would have turned out if the twins weren't there. Sigh… I'm not saying it's a bad thing they survived, I never believed so and thus this idea never occurred to me till the very end, but what if it's actually caused more misfortune than good in some way?;;
Let's go with the premise that both Kamiki and Ai were originally gods, the ones that bless the entertainment industry, Sarutahiko and Amenouzume. Around that time, Kamiki had already been pretty broken, and Ai was left as his only support. His eyes had already darkened, and though he might not have fully understood his own powers, maybe they were leaking out unconsciously. What I'm thinking is, if he had wished, "I don't want Ai to leave," back then, that could have prevented their children FROM being born. That’s kind of chilling… I think Kamiki HAS something to do with wishes. He seems to have some kind of power to make wishes come true, but they end up twisted. He proposed right after hearing about the pregnancy, and since Ai wanted to raise the kids together, he probably wasn’t someone who would reject his children. It’s just that… what he wished for always seemed to turn into something that brought him misery. Originally, Sarutahiko is a god who guides things in a "right" "positive" direction, right? Maybe he had already started going down the opposite path by then because he was broken by the malice?
Anyway, if the protagonists hadn’t been born back then, could they have reconciled? Maybe Ai wouldn’t have died?
I think the "divine mission" the protagonists were given is probably tied to their divine parents.
Ruby's role is to fulfill her mother Ai's dream -> surpassing her, shown through comparison and growth in the story.(not entirely convinced that she's the better version but it is still her objective)
As for Aqua, he likely was assigned by Tsukuyomi to do something related to Kamiki. I think Tsukuyomi might have tasked Aqua with stopping or killing Kamiki. If Kamiki is a god, then he’s too broken and needs to be dealt with… I have a hunch that's why Tsukuyomi probably kept giving him hints about revenge.
If Tsukuyomi hadn’t saved the twins…; at the very least, Ai wouldn’t have been killed by Ryosuke, but she might have faced danger due to overwhelming depression. But considering Tsukuyomi is a goddess of fate, wouldn't she have known what consequences her actions would bring? If the butterfly effect of saving the twins caused trouble to both Kamiki and Ai, then didn’t Tsukuyomi just start a snowball effect that sent both gods of the entertainment industry to their demise? What is her deal, anyway? What if she’s the black star? Haha.
Probably not… but it’s unsettling, isn’t it? However, isn't there a chance that the story could have turned out better if the twins hadn’t been born?
I personally still hold onto the idea that Kamiki would have never tried to harm Ai. It wasn't his personality, and he didn't do much in particular before Ai died, did he? What did he do?;; If he was the type to obsess and harass to make Ai come back to him, why didn’t he take any drastic actions for those four years? If Ai was the one who reached out to him first and said she wanted to let him see the kids, doesn’t that mean he wasn’t causing her trouble during that time? Ai was always sharp; she wouldn’t have made a reckless choice for the children she cherished… Would Kamiki have really wished his children gone??;; That's really too messed up. The way he acted in front of his children was so far from that too, and yeah, as always, regarding this guy, I trust Ai's conviction and guts... I want to trust him on this the way Ai did.
If you look at it positively, the reincarnation would have been for Ai and the two reincarnated souls. But thinking negatively, it might have been an attempt to retrieve the two gods who interfered in the human world and rewrite their fate. And the twins’ existence became the excuse for a killer to target Ai, driving Kamiki to madness. He kept acting out of a desire to see Ai again, and that led Aqua to believe he must be taken down for the sake of Ruby's future.
What if the protagonists hadn’t been born back then? If this had all happened when Ai and Kamiki were in their early 20s, wouldn’t things have been different? Wouldn't they have just announced their marriage and lived well together? It’s just that they were too young, so Ai decided to keep it a secret even though she liked him, and they ended up breaking up. But really, if they had gotten married, wouldn’t they have lived happily…? Both of them wanted that, after all. So if the children weren't born back then, but they reconciled later on... is that a possibility that could have been possible?;
If Tsukuyomi is guiding fate, even if she wasn’t the one to plan everything, the fact that she intervened in the twins’ fate means she wanted to change it. Was there any benefit to them being born far outweighing everything tragic that unfolds in the plot of onk? If Aqua's mission was to take down Kamiki and Ruby's was to surpass her mother, then…
Was Kamiki really beyond any hope of recovery…?
Because, he wouldn't have done whatever the heck he's been doing if only Ai didn't die, would he? Did he already have it in him and thus deserved to die?;; Is that it? This is giving me a headache...
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sieglinde-freud · 13 days ago
i love laslow and nyx’s supports and i love how they go from trauma dump central in the b support
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to making fun of their angst in the a
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like theyre soooo lame and it makes me emo and every time i watch this support i kick my feet and twirl my hair theyre SOOOOOOO SICKENING. WHO WROTE THIS. WHOOOOOOO
#ann plays fates#THIS IS MY LAST GAMEPLAY (‘gameplay’ im reading supports and nothing else) POST OF THE NIGHT I SWEAR#IM DONE#i just have a lot of meaningless thoughts im having a lot of fun#i forgot how much i love these characters its been so long#but yeah i feel like i post about this convo a lot but its always just a different part of it#but its not my fault the whole thing is SO good#i love them so much… definition of comfort hets#even if theyre both definitely bisexual#las also has like aspec stuff going on as well but thats neither here nor there#theyre just sooooo…#im so into the ‘seeing the worst in yourself but the best in the other person’ thing#and they do it so well#bc its like u see their angst and where it comes from and it really is all so unfathomable#and with laslow like obviously the other two could feel the same but hes very much the most introspective of the three#and ive talked about it before but his relationship with death is very different than the other two#and so i think for him to get wrapped up in his own self loathing with this is so much fun#AND ALSO THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU FIGURE OUT HE BLAMES HIMSELF FOR LEAVING THE BAD TIMELINE?!#HE DOESNT TALK ABOUT IT ANYWHERE ELSE (to my knowledge?!)#and then with nyx i feel like a lot of her supports are about her helping others#which makes sense! she wants to repent and this is how shes doing it#but i think for laslow to come along and tell her there is someone like her out there (him!!) can help her come out of her isolation a bit#and its j really sweet#I LOVE THEMM I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM ALL THE TIME#also i LOVE two of the saddest people in the army coming together and making the happiest cutest daughter ever#two characters so moon and stars adjacent having a sunny baby… STOPPPPP#another episode of ann making up shit thats not even close to canon#i feel like ppl often say ‘laslow is fates’ best character’ ‘nyx is so well written!’#and yet no one ever reads their convo together which is a shame bc even if its j platonic i think its a really important one for both#anyways tag limit. i only reach it when talking about them…
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hauntingblue · 3 months ago
Rewatching act 2.... yeah ISHA WATCH OUT FOR THE CYCLE ISHA!!!!! NOOOOO
#ambessa setting up the logs on a fireplace while literally adding fuel to the fire with cailtyn... subtelty#silco spent his whole life trying to rile the undercity together STUPID JOKE THAT IT IS you have the chance to pull it off#isha is the true revolutionary after all... jinx get up to her level#was jinx scared of having hallucinations when the girl she released was gonna touch her shoulder??? and then she didn't#what i find really funny is that warwick knows how to use elevators and that funicular to the prison#also there is a lot of blood when he appears in the prison.... it was surprising#vander recognizing jinx with the name of powder after she complained about it eariler its just crazy crazy crazy#people commenting that its unrealistic how caitlyn bests vi when they meet in episode 6 as if there wasn't a montage about how she lost her#edge because of alcohol and living like shit.... she's not like jinx lmao....#rewatching so recently is so weird i imagine it is as close as being dr manhattan as i can get it is literally happening all at once#also the people of piltover are so dumb... lets let the government implement martial law and put this 20 something with 0 political#experience on charge with the army of this outsider agent. alright. i can tell you guys dont vote in this oligarchy you know fuck all#well i guess in that case it isnt the people of piltovers fault... just the important families that contribute in this oligarchy...#putting count fagula in charge.... salo is speciallt dumb but we all knew that#katie leung needs awards btw.... and interviews#“do not test this or you will yearn for caitlyn's dungeons” be careful singed my friend vi fell for that and look at her... her dungeons...#vander reaching for isha not jinx.... OR VI.... she just stopped him#“hes gonna kill you” and vi fighting vander to protect jinx.... yeah#and then she trusts jinx and the beast turns into vander... he serves as a recognizing tool for their true selves...#their mom being so worried about how to name vi and then names the second one POWDER kahdksjsk never not funny... also the barber of zaun#when vi joins with jayce she unlocks this loser flop aspect of her mother's inheritance.... two losers joining to maximize their joint flop#also vander kinda giving up this promise to protect the girls instead of bettering zaun... how it puts him in a standstill bc it's either or#like damn there is nothing as undoing as a daughter for reals. she didnt experience that bc she died so now vander has to and here we are#episide 6 starts with the end of the episode when viktor drops that metal piece..... hello..... is this anything#“do you think this place could work” underground utopia.... DYNASTIES AND DYSTOPIA FEAR IS NEVER AN OPTION SO DYING'S NOT A REAL PROBLEM#didnt ambessa suspect anything when they spent loke a full minite staring at each other 😭😭 she's lost her edge...#just like when she clocked sevika but not jinx... when there's a strong butch in the area her radar gets jammed up#and caitlyn leaving her weapon behind... ambessa thought she was gonna fistfight warwick or something#the metal thing falling when viktor dies repeats THREE TIMES WHAT DOES THAT MEAN#watching arcane season 2
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brionysea · 2 months ago
when max is depressed we know something's wrong because lucas says with his words that he knows something's wrong but when mike is depressed we don't think anything of it because will's right next to him rolling his eyes about how stupid straight people are
#briony babbles#1) don't assume people's sexualities#I recently saw this from my family members#reacting like !!!!!!! to a girl they know... also like girls?#'oh wow I didn't see that coming' yeah that's because you don't think girls liking girls is normal#so it's sad to see queer people do the same thing bc you KNOW irl queer people act like will#2) I get it romance is stupid people who aren't queer at all and having all these stupid rules for engaging in it are especially stupid#but I listen to my sister talk about her boy drama because I care about her#and it's not just 'how to get them together' it's 'how to help her feel better'#I'm not 15 so maybe I'm being unfair with my wisdom that will doesn't have because he is 15 but like#if I see someone I love people pleasing and feeling like they owe someone a romantic relationship because they're too empathetic#I tell them they should consider working on their boundaries#because I want them to be with someone who makes them truly happy#and then with mike it's just ASSUMING that it's el in THAT WAY#when the only relationship advice he wants to hear is that it's okay to break up with el and still be friends#because he can't lose her again#and ONCE AGAIN he is NOT STRAIGHT#assuming things is stupid! even if he WAS straight but he wasn't happy in the relationship it would be okay to go back to being friends!#mike's problems are just as individual-specific and difficult to understand for his friends as max's are#especially because they won't just say it#but max gets lucas who tries so hard to understand without being told#and mike tries so hard to tell will without saying it outright and will keeps not hearing him#i'm sorry i wasn't there 'it's not your fault' no 'i disappeared' no no you didn't! i just didn't look hard enough. but i see you now#fanon won't tell you this but the point of byler s4 is for *will* to prove that he's good enough for *mike*#mike already did that by being the best bf in the world before they were even dating for the first 2 seasons of the show#saved will's life twice and y'all wanna act like mike doesn't deserve him. shut the fuck up
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goldenpinof · 11 months ago
when was the last time we analysed something to this extent? it feels like years ago. dnpcrafts is truly the return of the century.
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quixoticanarchy · 3 months ago
Nothing new in this but I rly do find it unconscionably irresponsible of clinicians not to tell you the side effects of the medications they prescribe you. Especially if they have a fucking FDA black box warning for neuropsychiatric effects including anxiety, depression, and suicidality
Also ime doctors have told me the side effects of meds I'm going to have to take the rest of my life or I die ("you may run into issues with bone density or - the horror - weight gain...") but for meds that weren't actually life or death at all, they didn't tell me shit. And had I known, I would not have taken them! And my mental health probably wouldn't have tanked drastically in 2023, and I wouldn't have spent almost two years trying to get back to my baseline of 2022 before this fucking medication derailed me
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