#and at least she has phil. her dad. who’s there time and time again. and it doesn’t make him somehow morally better or wtevr. he’s there an
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zeb-z · 1 year ago
I just think Tallulah gets to be upset about this. “It’s not Wilbur’s fault” “He’s not a bad dad” “He loves his daughter so much” yes! These are all true! And it’s not his fault! But he’s still not there. And Tallulah has gone through so much and still hasn’t seen him, the one time he was around was the one time she wasn’t, and all she has are letters and “I’m thinking of you always” and things that used to be theirs together, but he’s still not there. She’s waited and she’s been patient and she’s loved him all the same, and he’s still not there. Like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, from the happy milestones to the traumatic events, he’s still not there.
She knows that it’s not his fault, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s absent. That in and of itself just adds to the sorrow, because she knows why he’s gone, and she’s been told time and time again it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, she knows this - it doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting, that it doesn’t hurt, that she doesn’t yearn for her father to be there more than anything in the world, and he’s just not there.
So yes, she gets to be upset, and be caustic, and stomp her feet and write bitter messages, and be angry and vitriolic, because she’s a little girl missing her father, who feels things with her whole heart and soul - and that means she gets to feel the ugly parts of it, too.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years ago
guys. we are missing out on the potential of an elementary school PTA au for qsmp. think real housewives kind of drama. quackity is the PTA president because he's old friends with a lot of the school board even though he doesn't show up to like half the meetings because he's busy. there's so much gossip about who the father of his kid is and he definitely gets judgemental side eye from the other parents about it. tilin is doing well at least? even if they do spend more time at roier and jaiden's house than their own sometimes.
bad is another other single parent but he doesn't get gossiped about because he always runs the bake sale fundraiser and does a great job at it so no one wants to upset him. bad and dapper are the type of parent child duo where bad keeps dapper up to date on ALL the drama going on with the other parents (to a child friendly degree) and dapper is going to grow up to be the worst gossip just like his dad.
no one knows what the fuck is going on with charlie and mariana's marriage. if you ask charlie they're in the middle of a divorce. if you ask mariana they're doing perfectly well they just got into a couple's spat this week and charlie is dramatic. what do you mean it happens every week? no no you misunderstood they're doing fine they're definitely not getting a divorce. literally the only thing they have going for them is how both of them went to bat for juanaflippa when she told them she was a girl it's the sole reason the other parents respect them. what's a more pressing issue is that juanaflippa keeps trying to start fights on the playground and instead of discouraging her charlie and mariana both cheer her on and give her lessons on how to punch people.
phil is one of the older parents and is already experienced since he has an adult child and wasn't planning on having another, but he's done the parent game before which is probably part of why chayanne is at the top of his class while also excelling in his karate classes, softball practice, cross country team, etc. missa is his trophy husband who's just happy to be there. literal "she's everything / he's just ken" moment.
yknow when there's that one mom in the PTA group who is very stereotypically attractive and everyone is convinced she was the mistress for her current husband and caused his last divorce? that's foolish. no one trusts him to be around their partners despite the fact that he didn't cheat!!! at the same time, the minute doors are closed everyone is trying to flirt with him and gets frustrated when he insists he's loyal to vegetta. at least leonarda seems happy.
jaiden and roier are like the picture perfect parents with bobby. he and chayanne constantly compete for the top spot in their class. both jaiden and roier work as lawyers and there was a rumor going around that they were representing charlie and mariana respectively for potential divorce number 3 but this didn't seem to cause any tension between them. roier takes over to lead the PTA meetings when quackity can't make it while jaiden sits in the corner awkwardly trying to keep charlie from getting into an argument with mariana again.
no one has seen spreen in ages. there's another rumored divorce going on between him and fit but instead of making it as public as charlie and mariana's problems fit just makes snide comments about his absent husband here and there.
tallulah transferred to the school in the middle of the year and phil invited wilbur to the PTA meetings so he could be involved in the school. quackity and wilbur are exes and while wilbur insists tilin isn't his kid no one quite believes him. he's a very young single parent though and clearly has no idea what he's doing so even if it's a bit strange that his kid is almost the same age as his little brother chayanne, the other parents are relieved that phil seems to be taking the reigns to help him out. also wilbur is a famous musician and he's gotten asked for autographs from some of the other parents of kids in tallulah's class.
dan and maxo only showed up to the first PTA meeting and never came back. trump transferred schools and no one has heard from them since.
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joelalorian · 11 months ago
Fall Into Me - Chapter Five: My Whole World Came Alive
dbf!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
Story is inspired by the song Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk. Chapter titles will be lyrics from the song.
Word Count: 2.9k
Chapter Warnings: Mature, under 18 take a hike. No outbreak AU. Lots of feelings, confusion, and self doubt. Two idiots falling and pining for each other, and finally some progress. Tommy keeps it real. Age gap of about 9 years (Reader 24/25, Joel 33/34). No use of y/n. Reader has a nickname used only by her dad. Emily is modeled after my sister and JB is based on my dad, who used to try setting me up with his younger work buddies when I was in my 20s :)
Dividers by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
Thank you all for reading! Comments and reblogs make me weep with gratefulness.
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Chapter Four | Main Masterlist
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Sitting in Phil’s Icehouse with juicy burgers and drinks – you insisted Joel try a mimosa – conversation flowed between the two of you. Joel found his lips twitching into a smile at nearly every word that came out of your mouth. He was fascinated with the stories you shared of your college years, and he listened, completely enraptured, to your plans for the future. Every bit of your lunch together felt like a date. He wondered if you felt the same, yet he couldn’t find the courage to ask outright.
“Yeah, so, I have a meeting at Sarah’s school this week for a possible position. Remember that interview I mentioned a few weeks back? It went really well and now they want me to meet with the teacher who’s retiring and the principal,” you explained, sipping at your mimosa. “I’m pretty excited.”
Joel’s eyes lit up. He’d forgotten that you were looking at a position at Sarah’s school. “Wow, that’s great, darlin’. This would be for a science teacher position, right?”
“Yep. Middle grade science.” The beaming smile you flashed him nearly blinded Joel. “Wanna know the best part? If I get this job, I’ll have the same hours as Sarah, give or take a bit, so I can continue with the school drop-off and pickup for you. She might have to stay later with me somedays, but it’ll still work.”
Nodding, Joel’s mind was flashing lightyears forward, picturing you calling his house home and taking Sarah to school with you, coming home to have dinner together, watching TV in the evenings. Heart thudding in his chest at just the thought of you living together, Joel shook himself. He had to slow his mind down, put the brakes on those kinds of thoughts until after you were actually dating him, at least.
“You could be Sarah’s science teacher in a few years, huh?” Joel asked, focusing once again on listening to you instead of drifting off into daydreams.
“Could be, yeah,” you laughed. “I imagine she’d be my favorite student.”
He beamed at that. Conversation shifted to other things and soon your meals were finished.
“We should do this again,” you said, glassy eyes meeting his across the table, lips curved in a gentle smile. “I really enjoyed spending time with you, Joel.”
Fighting the urge to grab your hand and entangle your fingers, Joel smiled back. “Yeah, me too.” He wanted to kick himself for not saying more, for not asking you out for a real date. He just couldn’t find his words.
How was it that you made him so nervous?
Joel spent the next week in some kind of weird liminal space between a dream and reality, between agonizing confusion and utter happiness. Lunch with you on Sunday felt like a date – he asked you with the intention of it being a date, even if you didn’t know that yet. He spent the week thinking about that lunch, how you teased each other, laughed, shared stories of your past. How your gazes locked for longer than necessary, touches lingered, the smiles never fell from your faces.
It was wonderful, yet nothing was said of what it all meant – which was his fault, probably. Hence the roller coaster of feelings throughout the week.
He could tell you felt it, too. Doing as Tommy suggested, he started paying close attention to how you acted around him, how you looked at him when you thought he wasn’t looking. It was all starting to come together. He could finally see what Tommy was talking about.
You liked him. You really liked him, Joel Miller, overworked single father.
It was a wonderful feeling, knowing that someone liked him. It’d been way too long since he felt that way, that spark of hope for something more.
For the first time in a long time, he slept well the night before and woke early, eager to face the day and see you before heading off to work. He was already out front, filling a birdfeeder Sarah asked for, when you arrived.
“Good mornin’, darlin’,” he greeted, pulling the car door open for you once you parked in the driveway. His heart skipped a beat at the way you smiled up at him, taking his hand to help you out of the car. Your touch electric on his roughened palm.
“Hiya, Joel.” Your voice washed over him, warm as honey and twice as sweet. “Whatcha doing out here?’
Gesturing to the red barn-style feeder Sarah picked, he finished filling it with the wild bird seed the clerk insisted birds loved. “Just fillin’ our new birdfeeder.”
“Oh, what a cute feeder!” You admired the intricate features as it hung from the post Joel installed. “Sarah has been talking nonstop about birds this week. Hopefully we’ll see some good ones.”
“Hope so,” Joel hummed in return. “Don’t know much about birds personally, but I’m sure Sarah’ll teach me.” Your smile brightened at his sheepish grin.
“I have a bird guide I could give her to help identify all the different types that visit the feeder.” Your face lit up with excitement. “I even have binoculars from when I took an ornithology class in undergrad. I’ll bring them when I pick up Sarah this afternoon.”
“Orna what now?” Joel questioned. He had no idea what kind of class you were talking about, but he loved how smart you were.
“Ornithology,” you repeated, drawing out each syllable with a soft giggle. “It’s the study of birds. It was a really cool class. We had field trips around campus once a week to go bird watching. I got pretty good at naming the different species that we saw, but it’s been a while.”
In awe of you, Joel’s eyes crinkled with the strength of his grin. “Would you, uh, maybe want to go on an adventure with us tomorrow?” he asked, stumbling a bit over his words, a nervous energy welling up in his gut as he once again sort of asked you out. “We could go for a hike in the county park, and you could teach us about birds.”
You gazed at him, lips pursed in thought, for long enough that Joel began to fidget, brimming with recurring doubt. Did he misinterpret the signs after all? He wouldn’t be surprised. He wasn’t any good at this stuff anymore. You responded before he could spiral back into the land of self-doubt. “That sounds great, Joel. I’d love to.”
A visceral relief washed through him. “It’s a date then,” he said, his voice deep and rough while his dark chocolate eyes locked with yours. A satisfied smirk graced his lips as your eyebrows rose in surprise. Too quickly, doubt clouded your pretty eyes, and you laughed it off like he was teasing you. Joel sighed. He would be more direct next time. He’d get the hang of asking a woman on a date again someday. Hopefully.
“We’ll have to go early, is that okay? Birds are more active in the early morning hours,” you explained, heading for the door to find Sarah.
“That’s fine. We’ll make a day of it, grab lunch somewhere when we’re done.” Joel followed you into the house, already plotting out conversations in his head on how to properly ask you on a date.
The rest of the day went by in a blur for Joel and before he knew it, the job was finished, and it was only mid-afternoon when he arrived home. You pulled into the driveway with Sarah shortly after him and he came down from taking a shower to find the pair of you on the living room floor playing a racing video game.
“Hi Daddy!” Sarah exclaimed as he kissed the top of her head and took a seat on the couch. It didn’t take long before Sarah asked him to play as well and the three of you were taking turns racing against each other, laughing when one of you crashed.
There were moments, when your gaze would connect with Joel’s and he’d swear you shared the same thought – this was how it could be if you were together, a family.
“Do you want to stay for pizza? Tommy and your dad are coming over,” Joel asked when Sarah’s attention focused elsewhere.
“We have an early morning ahead of us, Miller. Don’t be up late partying with the guys,” you replied with a smile that reached your twinkling eyes. “I’ll stay for a bit, but then I need to go dig out the old binoculars and get my beauty sleep.”
“You’re already beautiful,” he murmured, watching your eyes widen as you smile demurely.
“You say the sweetest things, Joel.” Your voice held a teasing tone that drove Joel nuts. How was he ever going to convince you that he was serious?
Shortly thereafter, Tommy arrived, pizza and beer in hand. “Come on, Millers! I come bearing gifts. JB here yet?”
“I’m right here, ya troglodyte,” your dad called from the front yard, stepping up the porch steps as Tommy whirled around.
“What the hell did you just call me?”
“A troglodyte. Learned it from Spud and thought it fitting since you don’t close doors behind you.” He winked at you as he teased the younger Miller brother. Placing a kiss on your cheek, he added, “Hey Spud, haven’t seen you in a bit. Must be working too hard. Miller! You workin’ my daughter too hard?”
Joel spluttered. He was too busy gazing at you to pay much attention to JB and feared he got busted. “I hardly think so,” he grumbled, fighting the blush he knew rose to his cheeks.
“Ah, in the same ol’ grumpy mood, I see. Maybe this’ll help.” Your dad placed a 12-pack of Joel’s favorite beer on the coffee table before taking a seat in the recliner he always chose at Joel’s place.
The five of you sat around the living room, eating pizza with beer for the men and sodas for you and Sarah. The conversation revolved mainly around construction work, and you ended up taking your leave before the sun dipped below the horizon. Your dad followed not long after, eager to relax in his own well-worn recliner.
“Alright, nugget. It’s time for bed. We have an early morning tomorrow,” Joel said, swinging the young girl over his shoulder much to her delight. “Say goodnight to Uncle Tommy.”
“G’night Uncle Tommy,” Sarah squealed as Joel tickled her sides.
“G’night nugget.”
Always a good kid, Sarah went right to bed after brushing her teeth, but not before pestering Joel about why they had to get up early on a Saturday. Pressing a loving kiss to her forehead, Joel tucked her in. “We’re going on a surprise adventure. Now, to sleep with you.”
Returning to the living room, Tommy handed him another beer as the brothers watched Sportscenter. “Have you made any progress yet?” Tommy asked.
Matching dark eyes met as Joel shrugged. He knew his brother was talking about you. “Some, I guess. Told ya I took her to lunch on Sunday and that felt a lot like a date. I asked her to go on a hike with me and Sarah tomorrow. I told her it was a date after she agreed, but she thought I was jokin’.” He paused, taking a long pull from the bottle of beer. “Then, this afternoon, I told her she was beautiful and again she thought I was teasing.”
Swirling the bottle of beer in his hand, Tommy shook his head and chuckled. “She’s givin’ you a run for your money, brother. Good on her.”
“Good on her,” Joel mocked, but his tone quickly turned to pleading. “I need more advice. Surely you got something up your sleeve for women like her.”
“Nah, brother. The only way to get someone like her is to be yourself and keep chipping away. It’s clear she has as much self-doubt as you do, so it’ll take her time to believe you’re for real.” Tommy eyed his brother a moment as he mulled over the situation. “Though, I will say this. You need to start bein’ direct – come right out and ask her on a date, for fuck’s sake. Enough hinting at shit. It’s clearly gettin’ you nowhere.”
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You arrived on the Millers’ doorstep bright and early the next morning, two travel mugs of coffee and a container of chocolate milk in hand. A pair of binoculars and Sibley’s Guide to Birds were tucked away in the bag you wore over your shoulder.
“Wakey, wakey, Millers! The early bird gets the worm!”
Joel and Sarah were perched at the breakfast bar when you let yourself in, both looking half awake and less than enthusiastic about being up so early on a Saturday.
“Too damn cheerful for this early,” Joel grumbled half-heartedly. His pitiful smile looked more like a grimace, yet you found it adorable. It made you ache to run your fingers through his hair until you drew a real smile from his lips.
“Don’t gimme that. This was your idea, Joel Miller!” you sassed in return, patting his broad shoulders. “Let’s go!”
Herding cats, that was the perfect analogy to describe the next fifteen minutes as you tried to get the Millers moving and into Joel’s truck. Just when you’d get one heading for the door, the other would disappear. Finally, you managed to wrangle them both into the truck and you were well on your way to the preserve. The ride didn’t take long, Sarah peppering you with questions about birds she found in your guidebook as Joel drove. By the time Joel pulled into a parking spot at the entrance to the trails, everyone was wide awake and ready to hike.
The morning was crisp and refreshing as you zipped up your jacket and looked around. You’d never been to this preserve before and wanted to find a trail map, but the mini-Miller was too anxious to wait for that.
“I can hear the birds chirping already, Daddy! Come on!” Sarah exclaimed, charging toward the first trail excitedly.
Joel beamed as Sarah took off, turning to you before following her. “Ready?” He reached out a hand, palm up and fingers splayed, inviting you to grasp it.
Your eyes trailed from his outstretched hand to his heavy gaze, uncertain of what to make of the signals Joel gave off. The feelings you harbored for the man grew stronger each day, yet you couldn’t quite get a read on whether he shared even a fraction of those feelings. Somedays, you thought he did. Yet others, you figured he thought you had a crush on him and found amusing. Your heart sunk on those days, causing the doubt to linger every time he did something to make you think otherwise.
The moment carried on too long, you realized, as Joel’s warm eyes began to shutter, the tender smile starting to slip. Bolstering your nerves, you plunged ahead and grasped his large hand in yours, tangling your fingers with his thicker ones. His hand was warm, skin roughened from years of working with his hands, and it felt wonderful against your smoother skin.
Heat flashed up your chest and neck as Joel led you down the trail to catch up with Sarah. A broad smile never left your lips as you walked.
“I meant it, you know,” Joel’s deep, gruff voice rumbled from deep in his chest and you glanced up to meet his gaze. “What I said yesterday, about this being a date. If that’s something you’re interested in.”
Heart thumping wildly, your mouth opened and closed a few times before you found your words. “Are you sure? I mean, yes. Yes, I’m interested.” You winced at how flustered you sounded, tripping over your words. And, worse yet, why was your voice so squeaky?
“Never been surer in my life,” Joel confirmed, his gaze searing your skin as he watched you, taking in every minute change in expression. His hand squeezed yours gently, steadying the butterflies in your stomach.
“I would really like that,” you replied breathlessly, relieved to finally have confirmation that the moments between you and Joel weren’t all in your head. You were on Cloud 9 until reality smacked you in the face. “But what about my dad?”
Sarah popped around a copse of live oaks, startling you both from. “Come on, you slow pokes! The birdies aren’t gonna wait all day for us to find them!” Not trusting you both to follow her on your own, the little girl latched on to your hand and pulled you along the trail. “You need to help me find the birds,” Sarah reminded you.
Joel’s hand still clasped in yours, you dragged him behind you, grinning over your shoulder at him. “I’m liking this date already, Joel.”
He beamed back at you. The three of you walked in silence for a bit, listening to the sounds of nature around you. When you spotted a bird blind, you handed Sarah the binoculars and the guidebook, challenging her to identify as many birds as she could from that spot. Joel stood next to you, watching Sarah enjoy the activity.
“Let’s see where this goes first before we worry about your dad,” he murmured. “I’d like to take you on a few dates first, okay?”
It made sense and you nodded, pleased at the way things were working out. Your hand remained in Joel’s throughout the birding adventure and though Sarah never mentioned it, her smile grew wide at the sight.
p.s. we should start building up to the good stuff in the next chapter.
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panlight · 7 months ago
What is something that you thought when you first read the books and how did that develop over time?
My opinion of Renee was initially a lot more positive when I first read the books. She reminded me of my mom, and my mom isn't by any stretch of the imagination a bad or neglectful mom. She was just the kind of carefree extrovert who liked to try on new hobbies that Renee initially seemed to be. I also didn't read Bella's "I've been running the house since I was six" as literal, I read it as hyperbole. I read the "at least Phil will make sure the bills will get paid" as a joke, since my dad has always been forgetful (but again! in no way bad or neglectful!) and we make similar jokes. I still maintain that Renee wasn't initially meant to be terrible and as SM kept writing books she wrote her worse and worse. Again, I don't think SM would have named the miracle baby "RENEsmee" if she had a poor opinion of Renee. Remember, she wrote Forever Dawn right after Twilight; all the other books, including New Moon and Eclipse, came later. I've since accepted a more negative view of her based on how she has been written in Life & Death and Midnight Sun, and come to realize that maybe SM/Bella DID mean it literally when Bella was doing the taxes as a child.
I thought the James bite was going to be a Big Deal. Bella was, as far as we know, the first person to be bitten by a vampire and NOT die or turn, and that, to me, should have been a big thing?? But it's not? It never went anywhere? Other than to occasionally look at her silvery scar. I had initially thought it could have gone in so many interesting directions (did the experience work like an inoculation and now she's immune to venom? could they use her blood to great a cure? conversely would it slowly be turning her into a vampire? or give her some kind of powers?). I still feel like this was a HUGE missed opportunity, and while i still wouldn't have loved the halfpire baby and 'Bella's the best newborn ever' plot points, using this one-of-a-kind situation with James' bite could have at least been a way to explain them better. Maybe she was able to conceive BECAUSE she had that exposure to venom; or maybe that exposure was what made her able to skip all the newborn stuff. Like this one was thing where Bella WAS legitimately special and unique and SM didn't really do anything with it.
A minor one, but when I first read Eclipse and it talked about how Bree surrendered and "only Carlisle would think of offering" and I originally read that as Carlisle offered surrender to all the newborns and Bree was just the only one who accepted. I had this image of him standing on a rock in the clearing being like, "We don't want to fight! This isn't your battle! If you surrender we will spare you! We are merely defending ourselves and the town!" as the raging newborn horde is running toward him until Jasper and Emmett have to drag off the rock before the newborns overrun him. The Eclipse movie and Bree Tanner book ruined that interpretation, haha.
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dozyrogue · 1 year ago
Hey I'm an old tubbling (dsmp days) that hasn't been really keeping up with the qsmp but knows some of tubbo's lore. What's all this about a revived tubbo? If you don't mind explaining of course.
Hiii anon!! As you hopefully remember tubbo does a lot of subtle lore so the only way to understand the revival is if u get some conext before that. Sorry if it gets just a little bit rambley
I will do my best to explain but for some background ever since maybe purgatory 1 qtubbo has been spiraling. Then he got sunny and genuinely tried to be good for her. And he was!! Hes a great dad to sunny but qtubbo is very mentally ill.
Then he got kidnapped for purgatory 2 and came back significantly worse. He became very passively suicidal, like he didn't outwardly say he wanted out, but from his actions you wouldn't know any better. At least from chats pov. Like he would jump off the top of tubchunk and get downed and sunny would be forced to revive him. "Accidentally" falling off the wall when hanging with phil. Going against the eye workers and just not caring how many times he died. It was pretty bad.
He started feeling like all his friends didn't really care for him and only wanted to use him for the factories he made and the supplies he had created. Then fit and pac got together and again he got significantly worse. So because the relationship that is morning crew changed even tho they claimed it wouldn't. Tubbo started actively pushing people away. Like he would purposely be suppppper fucking annoying and loud and abrasive. It was like he was testing who would stay with him even if he was being a dick. And basically no one passed really. Like even sunny would constantly go to fit or pac or bagi. Saying she doesnt know how to help her dad, he needs help, plz help him. And they would all respond in some variation of "aaahhh its just tubbo!!! Hes fine. Hes just being dramatic." Or assume its about fred.
On top of that because of tubbos mental stability. He couldn't really help Sunny's with her feelings and mental stability.
And I wanna mention all the eggs could see him rotting away and they would mention it too their parents, but they were like "well keep an eye on him" but didn't exactly do much. At least from tubbos pov
But moving on to the new island/spawn point.
For the most part he didn't really interact with morning crew at first. He was with foolish and the town of fobo and he was so fucking happy!!!! It was awesome!! Like even sunny was so excited that tubbo was happy again. Foolish and town of fobo was a new start for him and he felt appreciated. But everything changed when create was put behind a pay wall (I love atla lmao)
So foolish got to get to work on town of fobo projects but tubbo was feeling extremely useless. He couldn't participate in the only way he knew how. create.
He felt useless without a purpose, and was trying hard to get the money for create. He had his high with the beginning of town of fobo but this new create playwall would be the star of a new low. He was once again actively rotting in front of his friends especially his daughter and only she and a few eggs really noticed. His friends would laugh and giggle that hes being dramatic. He was rotting away again in real time. Faster than before really. Tubbo was lacking purpose, he was useless in his eyes and started looking for a purpose, a reason to keep living.
How did he find that you're wondering??? By getting two lives. So one day we had a bunch of the eggos with him. One being empanada and he brought up the fact she's the only egg with one life. How that sucks and if he could he would give a life up for her. Empanada of course refuses. But he keeps going and was like "oh you know what would be really cool..... Only having 2 lives and if I die I don't come back for good." *stares at chayanne*
Empanada is refusing and hes like "naaahh it would be really fun and cool tho." She even tries to get him to stop by bringing up sunny. And he stops for a millisecond and says something like "sure she wouldn't like that too much but I'll be fine" so now he's on two lives.
The thing is tubbo was not hiding this information, like he brought it up all the time. "I have to be careful I only have 2 lives" then he lost one. "I only got one life then I'm dead dead." Feb 13 he almost lost it due to radiation (he will never escape the nuke aesthetic lol) and the next day valentines day he dies.
And I have to make it very clear tubbo keeps telling everyone hes working on one life. He only has one life. Hes doing hardcore. Everyone thought he was joking. So on valentines he went out with a group consisting of sunny, fit, ramon, phil, chayanne, chunsik, and richarlyson. They wanted to compete a dungeon together and tubbo was down for it.
Tubbo ended up making a beat with richarlyson that he ended up losing. Richas killed him, qtubbo ended up dying begging for fit to help him but he died anyway. But it wasn't like last time he didn't come back. Fit basically left immediately sunny was left just standing over her dads body in shock. Chayanne also thought he was joking this whole time but unfortunately learned that he was being serious. And phil was there to just laughing saying tubbos being dramatic lol. No one took his death seriously, like they were all joking and laughing in front of his daughter saying he was having a tantrum and would be back when create is back. The only other person who understood sunny was chayanne.
People only started takeing his death kinda seriously was after creation showed up. The eggs did at least
Now creation is a robot that a ~version of~ qtubbo made to protect the eggs. More importantly protect sunny. Especially in the event that "primary protector" aka tubbo is gone. So late during the valentines stream on phils end, creation shows up confirming that qtubbo is dead dead and hes not coming back unless creation has the proper data. His purpose. The only way to get tubbo back is to bring him back with his purpose
And now I can finally talk about this weeks streams. Creation comes and we are shown the message that was left for sunny. Saying he doesn't know how he got himself into this, and how sunny shouldnt have to hear this message. How he expects any of the adults there to care for her. He knows he hasn't been a good example of self care. But he explains that he will have no idea that he left the message, he will have no idea that the message will even exist. There's only 2 people that can show u this message, and he promises that he will make sure she will never see either of their faces. He apologizes and explains that he never expected to have to take care of anyone else. Goes on to say if he had known he was going to care for someone else he would have never signed up for this kind of "scheme" or "operation." We don't exactly know what hes talking about tho.
He again emphasizes that the friends that we have will take care of her. And how he refuses to believe that they would let anything happen to her. And tells her to keep going and have fun in life because she's just a kid. Then we were cut back to creation who finds sunny saying he needs to find people to help bring him back. They end up with a group consisting of bagi, sunny, empanada, and chayanne and they work together to get what creation needs to bring back tubbo. Its old smooth stone, form a mod, thats before the rest of the islands time. The old order creation stated. And eventually find a secret room in town of fobo, that bagi decodes a book to get the data needed to bring tubbo back. Builds a contraption and creation dies but tubbo is alive again!!!
Then we have the next stream and tubbo is back,,, but he's different-
he comes out of lava and only remembers dying and he thinks he's been gone a day at best. He learns that only fit helped sunny. He doesn't want to believe, but its mostly true. But oddly enough he plans to murder people cuz how dare people not take care of her. Hes more aggressive, he keeps making threats of murder and only sunny is safe it seems. Hes massively holding grudges as well.
they woke chayanne up and hes basically jumping on him and yelling lmao. Claims chay doesnt care cuz he didn't wake up immediately and isn't happy hes back. And like chatters know chay was genually fuck up after losing tubbo. But dude is s c r e a m i n g at sleeping chay.
Chay wakes up, they go outside and end up talking, learned he was gone a week but hes very loud not understanding the vibes of 2 depressed children who missed him very much. He keeps trying to speak but the windchimes are pissing him the fuck off to the point he rips them down. Noises in general is really pissing him off, like things that normally would be really quiet like fire places and the motor boats he gets really angry cuz he claims its really loud.
Just overall being a Menace. Like Chayanne apologized for hitting him and Tubbo was like "oh it's okay it's okay I understand but I will simply take note of that and you'll never know when I'll Strike Back." So he's threatening even the eggs even If he is joking. Qtubbo never use to do that, some.of the eggs ruined his farm and it sent him into a tirade of just talking about how things build up and up and up how they turn into large cracks in the wall and eventually the wall will break. But as he's doing this he practically yelling but aggressively. Also threatened chat saying he can prove how scary he can be lmao.
And was constantly asking people who they think the worse parent of the island is. Sunny and chay were just tryna see where he is mentally. But hes like cornering chay "DONT I LOOK FINE, IM ALL GOOD, WHATS WRONG???"
In other words hes very angry???
Fit was just existing and man's dogged on him "what you think you're so much better than me with your spit shine bald head of yours" and anytime any of the group would try and talk away from him hes just "ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME???" "WHATS HAPPENING, IS THIS ABOUT ME"
Oh and he keeps mentioning the little time people have left.
Like I said some of the eggs ruined Sunny and Leo's farm and he starts off calmish??? But just gets angrier or aggressive is a better term?. Planning to just stand over richas's bed and stare at him. Hes giving arg kinda need to draw that ngl.
He gets mad that the lil group of fit, chay, Sunny, and ramon for fixing the farm that the other eggs destroyed. And fit is trying to like convince him that it's okay like they're just kids it's a mistake. And fit is like it isnt your house so it's okay and tubbo is like "fit I think you're undermining my feelings how is that okay." And fit is just like "oh but it's just like a little thing so it's no worries." And this is how tubbo goes on his "chips and cracks in the walls monologue" that sums up his character perfectly.
Soooo yeeeaaaahhh revived tubbo something else
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merao-mariposa · 11 months ago
Who will you call?
When the end draws near who are you going to call?
The sky is burning and there is nothing to fight for, nothing to fight against because your opponent is invincible, the fear of death swallows you alive but its march is inexorable and you know in your heart that it is all, suddenly your life passes in front of your eyes and you call a name, what is it?
The little warrior have fought well but it is all for, only at the end can he feel his heart tighten, have he failed? Again? This can't end here he don't want it to end here and suddenly he calls his papa Missa.
Whenever he's not with Tallulah or another egg to protect, I think Chayanne would call Missa.
He is terrified that it is the end of him, they (his family) love him and he knows that there will be no danger for his papá here. He does need consolation, Is it too much to ask?
He is a good boy, a great warrior, and he did try so well. He knows that either of his parents will assure him that he did the best he could. He knows that they will give him soft guarantees that will make the feeling of inadequacy and pain diminish.
But he wants his dad Missa.
He knows he's not thinking, anyone knows that Dad Phil can face any danger better than Missa would.
But he's not being rational, he's being sentimental, he's not being the big brother, he's being the little egg who he knows he is.
He wants the tranquility that Missa can offer with the simple aura; he wants the happy optimism that Missa sticks out like a sore thumb in his gloomy and ominous appearance.
But Chayanne knows better that his father is naive, and so kind that's why he has to protect him! Even though now it seems that he won't be able to.
He doesn't want dad Phil to see him like this almost as much as he longs for his gentle protection and the right words of encouragement from him. Chayanne wonders what would he think of him?
Nothing bad, he would probably be filled with worry, concentrating on speaking sincerely and with his heart in his hand.
Like the last time…
But Chayanne knows deep inside, at his young age that this is the definitive one for him, there will be no another time.
So if he can't have all together, his family (please let the boy have all there he loves them and he needs to see them one last time)
Then he would ask for his father, the man who sang the first song he ever heard in his life, name him, teach him water drops and how to cook, the one who teach him how to turn his violence into something profitable, he wants the man who makes him happy with only his appearances in his life outside of his busy schedule.
He wants, he does need to feel loved and protected like he once did when he was a tiny egg just came to life. Maybe it sounds so childish but a part of him needs to feel like a loved and silly child again.
So this is the end…
Chayanne seeks the comfort that his papá Missa inspires, Oh how he wants to hear him sing one last time…
Her lungs squeeze painfully in her chest, the chaos around her roars like a thousand beasts indiscriminately that she already has enough pain in his body without having more, there is nowhere to run, can't run, and the name Philza turns to her tongue…
Beyond the first eggs, like Chayanne, that were loved upon arrival, Tallulah arrived with a heavy heart from the beginning.
Spreading her love everywhere as a mere defense against abandonment or at least in part (it was not the intention of the islanders to abandon her, the adoption process was not well done, some with two eggs and others with one, it was not fair for her or hope)
But on the other hand she knew what it was like to not feel the love she saw in others, she strove to give it to everyone to share just what she lacked.
In this context she comes to Philza, holding hands with Missa will not deny that she embedded part of his appearance in herself, so similar; music, ghosts, and even colors.
It was easier to protect herself from the bond that she could have with Chayanne's father if she looked like someone else (even if he was still another of Chayanne's father).
But if there is something that hurt Tallulah, it was loneliness, every bit of it was like returning a little to that Federation attic, alone eating dirt to survive.
Her fate could have been worse than this, that would have been a lonely, tragic ending.
She knows it now but before she wasn't so sure.
A mixture of jealousy and anguish choked in her throat when she saw the other children so… complete and free without having to earn anyone's love /God, she and Missa are so similar, those who say that he is not her father are so wrong.
Then she was struck down by overwhelming guilt because she had someone she had Phil! But Phil is Chayanne's father, not hers.
Never hers.
While all the other children freely adopted these traits of their parents, Tallula is happy to just see herself as her own person because she does not believe that she can bring herself the shame of imitating her loved brother's father.
She will never be able to steal it! Only sometimes it is impossible for her wings to not be blackish or for her hair to be so dark.
They are all she have, all the family she knows and that she can say about them beyond the fact that they love her deeper than she has ever let herself love others.
Words will never be enough to explain how grateful she is to them.
So she expresses it with actions, her flute, flowers, nicknames, always looking for a way to convey her feelings that she does not verbally, to share a little of how happy they make her even with the black cloud hanging over her head.
The black cloud refuses to abandon her, be it the Federation that left her behind, the monster that traumatized the people she loves most in the world, being kidnapped multiple times (isolated for a moment, alone, so alone) and walking through hell.
But they are always there, especially dad Phil!
When they took them back to that dark attic that she thought she would never return to, and when they visited that macabre place called egg island her dad Phil was always there, late sometimes, but always there, always found her.
He managed to pick her up when the code stabbed her and she arrived just in time to pull him out of the water after his (failed) leap of faith.
Could she begin to repay him for all the love and security that he made her feel? Maybe not, but that didn't matter.
Because now he understands that he doesn't have to “pay” or “earn” her father's love, she can simply… have it. To have love, to have a father and to be a daughter without being ashamed or guilt. As Chay once told her; "The more people, the more love to share."
Tallulah has been through terrifying things before, she sees it in how her life flashes before her eyes but she surprises herself that she has peace in this moment because she knows that her dad Phil will arrive, even if it is not to save her, she knows he will be there, He will be there with her and that is more than she could ask for (although she would ask for her entire family to be there)
There are worse ways to die and now she knows it better than dying of hunger in an attic forgotten by God, at least where she is now she knows that she is loved and when the storm passes she will still be loved.
She hopes that dad Phil is proud because she fought so hard and came so far. She knows that he is...
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panxramic · 11 months ago
A little excerpt from my Sundrop and Moondrop AU :)
Chayanne and Tallulah
When Tallulah wakes up it is late at night and Chayanne is gone. Her face feels icky from all the crying and the last thing she wants to do is get out of bed. She looks over to Chayanne’s side of the room and finds his bed empty, which is odd at this late at night. The moon is just above their window shining a light glow into their room. Everything feels cold tonight, more so than usual.
Sometimes it feels like the world is laughing at Tallulah, seeing what it can take from her next. She’s young still, and it feels like people keep coming in and out of her life more often than she can remember. She’s been abandoned again and again, left to rot alone in countless orphanages and attics. No matter what she does, or how nice she acts, no one stays. Soon everyone gets tired of her, they send her to the next home or throw her out into the streets to die. It was a miracle the emperors wanted her.
Tallulah was found one breath away from death. She doesn’t remember much, but she remembers a man with blonde hair and giant wings holding her. She remembers a long journey in which she spent the majority of the time sleeping. She also remembers a little boy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair. He wouldn’t leave her side, even took it upon himself to hold her throughout the journey. But the one thing she will never forget is his eyes.
When Tallulah first met Chayanne she swears his eyes glowed. They called to her, mesmerized her in a way nothing else ever has. She was only 6 when she met him. Phil and Missa say that for the longest time, they couldn’t get her to stop crying, but Chayanne could, he always could. Tallulah distinctly remembers it was the eyes, something about them calmed her down.
She thinks maybe it was her just imagining things, maybe some trick of the light. Either way, bright blue eyes or not, Chayanne’s ability to calm her down has remained. Through every nightmare and bad dream, he’s always been there. Every scrap and every bruise. Even when she’s gotten into trouble and grounded, Chayanne would always be the one to sneak her in cookies or treats she was banned from having.
He knows her, knows her better than anyone else ever has. And just as he knows her, she knows him too.
Cautiously she makes her way out of their chambers. This part of the castle seems quiet tonight, even with the extra guards she can see down the hall. No one else seems to be asleep, probably trying to figure out where apa Missa went. Quietly she sneaks down the hall and around the corner to the doors of her parent's bedroom. She opens the doors and surely enough, there is Chayanne.
He is wrapped up in the blankets, lying on apa Missa’s side of the bed. She makes her way around to his side, closer, she can see him clutching tightly onto his duck plushie.
The moon's light is perfectly situated on his face. Tallulah swears she can see bright yellow and blue specks in his eyes. But under the light, she can also see faint marks of dry tears down his cheeks. She feels her heart shatter.
Tallulah thinks the world has been incredibly unfair to her. Time and time again she’s been abandoned, left to rot by her parents who believed her to be a curse. She believed she could be happy here, she believed she had parents that would stay. But the world was unkind and decided to take one of them away from her. And yet through it all, there’s been one person who has stuck by her side, one person who hasn’t left her. For the first time, Tallulah has someone to cry with. She has someone to hold her and dry her tears. It hurts, but at least she’s not alone.
Tallulah makes her way around the bed onto papa Phil’s side. He must still be awake, trying to find out what happened to his husband, her other dad. She climbs into the blanket and gives Chayanne a tight squeeze.
Into the moonlight, she whispers, “I’m here for you too.”
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themushroomgoesyeet · 1 year ago
It's time ladies and gentlemen
Arcana characters as Disney's Hercules
I promise not all of these are gonna be Disney themed lol I'm just a Muriel simp (if you couldn't tell) and when I originally came up with the Disney princess idea Muriel as Hercules started rotting a hole through my brain so here we are! Also, we're gonna get some side character/familiar action here as well, yay!
Asra, Nadia, Julian, & Portia - the muses
Are there other characters that these four could fit? Probably
Am I going to fit them there? No
Someone needs to be the muses, and I choose these 4
From left to right (since none of the muses are named) Portia, Julian, Nadia, & the last two get subsumed into Asra
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Idk I think they'd have fun jamming out & watching Muriel do his thing
Lucio - Hades
Oh god I can hear the Lucio simps screeching at me in the comments already
But consider: am I wrong tho
Let's face it bro is the villain in every route but his own and the cynical, "better than thou" personality that they both share just fits so well
Plus this version of Hades is a Satan analog who makes binding deals with others for his own benefit, and doesn't that sound like a certain devil we all know?
Not to mention both of them are trying to escape the realms they've been assigned & make themselves god king of everything
Two words: ✨anger issues✨
Morga - Phil
And now we get to the fun characters outside the M6
I will admit, Phil is a lot nicer than Morga, but jaded older mentor figure trying to make up for failed prodigies fits
Plus, Morga was Muriel's mentor in his route
I feel like both also fit into the role of proud parent figure by the end of their respective stories
And both are disapproving of their pupil's romances lol
Inanna - Pegasus
Admittedly Inanna is a bit more no-nonsense than Pegasus is, but she can still be goofy and fun when she wants to
Incredibly supportive of their human companions, important assets in battle, their appearance started the main character on a path for a better and more fulfilling life
Not much else to say here it just works
Vlastomil and Volta - Pain & Panic
Honestly idk if I can fit Vulgora and Valdemar into the Hercules narrative, but at least I could get these two in here
Vlastomil is Pain and Volta is Panic; I realize both could probably fit into Panic's role as they are the more timid and mild mannered courtiers, but I've chosen things this way because Volta is a little bit more flighty and afraid to commit crimes like Panic, where as Vlastomil is a bit more bold (when he's allowed to be) and better fits Pain
There's also the whole shape shifting deal they can all do
Khamgalai - Zeus
This one.....is a bit weird ngl, I'm still not quite sure about it
Honestly this is the ONLY time I will conflate someone so near & dear to my heart with Zeus
Mostly this all fits into the "detached/secret family member" archetype
And....I mean Zeus in this narrative at least is actually very kind & caring, as well as a proud dad which is similar enough to Khamgalai to work ok
Plus they both act as a guide for the main character when they're trying to find/drifting away from the plot a little bit
Merf (my MC) - Meg
I know what you're thinking
And I'm going to state once again that I am a huge Muriel simp
My MC is also a self insert, and for as long as I can remember I've always identified the most with Meg, more than any of the other Disney women
Anyone who has read my fic, seen the stuff I've posted about my character either on this blog or others, or even just talked to me on the arcana discord started by @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia can probably see that our personalities are very similar
Meg is very special to me as a character and I'm literally writing a post about mashing together my beloved and one of my favorite Disney movies, I'm not apologizing for conflating her with myself
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comfymoth · 2 years ago
Can we get some Monster au Tallulah facts? 👁️👁️
Also, is Quackity her dad who wants to marry Wilbur like in the qsmp? How does that translate into monster au?
oh tallulah’s still just some kid wilbur found, he came back from traveling one time to find her living in his empty house and with no family to speak of he kinda just. took responsibility for her after that. legally, phil’s the one who adopted her, and she stays with him most of the time (wilbur travels A Lot), but she considers wil her dad and when he’s home at least he tries to be. the way quackity fits into the whole thing is just— well. he’s a teacher. and wilbur has to enroll tallulah in school, doesn’t he? maybe it’s a little awkward that it’s the one that his ex teaches at, but he didn’t know, okay, forgive him for not remembering exactly which school quackity works at after god-knows-how-many months!
so that’s kinda how they reconnect, and start up another on-again-off-again relationship guest starring quackity’s insane commitment issues. one week he says it’s no strings attached, and the next he wants to get married. it’s silly. very very silly
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wlwdwtys · 3 months ago
tell me moory about more
Ohohohoho well!
Moory is my main dsmp oc, started out as just a self-insert, ended up as an OC. She's a traveller who accidentally wandered into the lands of dsmp and decided to stay there for.. reasons.
Now let's talk about backstory. Warning: she's connected to some characters family-wise so if you don't like that just skip this part.
She's Schlatt's daughter and Tubbo's older sister. She came from a one-night stand and somehow ended up being raised by Schlatt. He was not very good at it as you might've guessed. When she was around 9-10, Schlatt brought home Tubbo. The latter came from a relationship that didn't work out. Schlatt, again, was a shit dad so she helped with raising Tubbo a lot. At least during 2-3 years. At some point when she was 13 or so and Tubbo was 3-4, Schlatt said that he couldn't afford both children simultaneously so Moory had to choose who stays. Schlatt likely didn't actually mean it. He was probably drunk or something. But Moory believed it and, well.. she knew that a 3 yo wouldn't survive alone with Schlatt so the only way was to give Tubbo away. So she left him on the street, where Phil found him later. Which, she feels so incredibly guilty for this. For leaving him. Grief. When Moory was 17, Schlatt got a lot worse. His business schemes started getting more risky and his alcohol problems started getting more serious too. And at some point, he raised a hand at her and she knew that she couldn't stay there anymore. It wasn't safe. So she ran and never looked back. During the next 8 years she travelled around the world, on foot mostly, doing odd jobs for food and money and sleeping in her bag- which serves as a portal to a mini pocket dimension, it's a whole thing. Basically like Newt Scammander's bag. During that time she has grown and matured and eventually, she found dsmp. She didn't plan to stay there for long, but then she discovered L'manburg and realised that holy fuck that's her brother. And she wanted to keep an eye out for him, as much as she could without revealing herself as his sister (because guilt). So that's how she decided to stay in the dsmp.
She wasn't a part of L'manburg but she helped it out, as well as pogtopia later on. Sometime after the pogtopia war she decided to move away and stay closer to the anarchists, (abandoning Tubbo again during one of the hardest times in his life ghhhhhhhhhhh but she couldn't stand seeing him become more and more like Schlatt.). During the Doomsday, Tubbo finds the photos and basically evidence of their connection and is like oh fuck. And Moory is like oh fuck! So.. their reunion is.. rough, but she starts at least trying to actually face her actions and face him and help him build Snowchester and stuff. It's awkward at first, but their relationship becomes better with time and effort.
Backstory part over
Okay now. Her relationships and likes and other stuff.
She's close to Tubbo and Ranboo, on relatively good terms but a bit strained with Tommy, strained terms with Techno, Phil and Fundy. She's on bad terms with Wilbur, Dream, Quackity and Sam. She's on good terms with Niki, Michael, Puffy. Very very bad complicated terms with Schlatt.
Moory's hobbies include gardening, potionmaking and playing on a flute (she's bad at it but hey! It's fun.). She also likes bone collecting and all sorts of craftsmanship. Oh also knife throwing is fun but she doesn't do it as much anymore.
Her reference!
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Herrr hehehe, drawn by me.
Yes, she dyes her hair. Originally it's brown with blond specks. Cause she's a speckled sheep hybrid! Gosh I forgot how much I loved her.
Thanks for letting me rant about her.
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gemwing1988 · 4 months ago
Rugrats: Curse of the Werewuff Review 🎃
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Hey, it’s time again and Halloween is just around the corner. To celebrate the spooky, month, I’ll be doing a review of one of my favourite Halloween episodes from one of my favourite childhood franchises; Rugrats, Season 8 Halloween special, “The Curse of the Werewuff”.
Despite Tommy, Chuckie and the twins had been introduced to Halloween way back in Season 1 concerning the adults building a little haunted house for the trick-or-treaters and where the babies accidentally scared Angelica and even Grandpa Lou when trying to try some Reptar bars, Season 8 retcons this special to be their first Halloween alongside Kimi and Baby Dil. As confusing as it is, I didn’t mind it at all. I’m not too fussy as long as it gives us a good storyline.
Anyway, the episode begins with the grown-ups preparing for Halloween and once again, Chuckie is scared by the concept and things go from bad to worst when Angelica decided to scare him for her own amusement (as usual) told him and the rest of the babies a little fib about what happens when they dress up for Halloween.
“According” to Angelica, once you dress up in the Halloween costume, you turn into a monster and become one for forever. Typically due to their very young age, the babies believed her and Chuckie takes it really badly as he’s horrified he’ll permanently turn into a werewolf, or in baby talk, “werewuff”.
The following night before Halloween, Chuckie has a nightmare of transforming into a cute little werewolf pup where everything is black and white just like in of those old timey and mildly cheesy horror movies. After a failed attempt of stealing babies just like what Angelica claimed in her lie, Chuckie the Werewuff gets chased out of the village by an angry mob consisting of all of his friends and loved ones. After the mob cornered Chuckie in the woods, an apologetic Chas advanced on his own son, intending to trap him inside a Jack’s lantern to prevent him from potentially hurting anyone.
Thankfully, the nightmare ends before that could happen and Chuckie was relieved when he woke up that he was normal. Unfortunately, it was short-lived when Kimi happily enters the room, donning her witch costume, wishing her brother a happy Halloween and Chas enters with the werewolf costume in hand.
I really love the choices of costumes for the babies. Kira certainly made a good choice top for Kimi since she makes such a cute witch. There’s something especially wholesome where Tommy is dressed up like a vampire like his dad so they could match. They even got Dil dressed up as a spider.
For Phil and Lil, they’re most especially delighted with being dressed up as bats when Chuckie bluntly informed them that bats eat bugs, which would make no difference since they tend to such that even when not in costume. At least Lil used to until she decided to swear off her bug eating habits after being traumatised seeing a dragonfly getting devoured by a flytrap on the Isle of Uninhabited in Rugrats Go Wild.
There’s a small running gag where Angelica tries to sneak some candy out of the candy bowl meant for the other kids trick-or-treating from door to door, only to get caught by both her parents. When she was caught far too many times, her parents threatened to ban her from going trick-or-treating herself.
That’s when Angelica schemes to take whatever candy the babies collect for herself by manipulating them into giving them to her by claiming she can undo the “curse” because her princess costume would transform her into a magical princess. Of course, all of the babies (sans Chuckie, who was thinking about it) refused, much to her annoyance.
Later, the adults take the kids over to a Halloween fair. There, Angelica meets up with her friend/rival and Tommy’s neighbour across the street, Susie Carmichael, who is dressed as a sweet little angel. When Susie invited her to go trick-or-treating with her, Angelica begs her father if she could go. Being the doormat father as he is, Drew promised Angelica she can go on the condition she’ll be on her best behaviour.
Since this is Angelica Pickles we’re all talking about here, I doubt she would be behave even if her life depends upon it. 🙄
As the adults go about doing their own thing at the fair, Grandpa Lou and Grandma Lulu take the kids to a special little haunted house attraction made especially for the kids to explore where they get to terrorize a man in a dopey monster mad scientist costume to “show him who’s boss”.
While straying away from Lou, Lulu and Dil, the babies wondered through a little section that shows off some of those funhouse mirrors. There, Chuckie tries to seek help with “turning back to normal” from another girl dressed up like a princess, assuming she would be a better magic princess than Angelica. Unfortunately, due to the funhouse mirror making his reflection distorted, this made Chuckie believe he had accidentally scared the “princess” and runs away in fear of being doomed to be a Werewuff forever.
Realising that Chuckie was right, the rest of the babies decided that the best chance of ever being normal again is to collect as much as candy as they can and give them to Angelica in a trade for her to “use her magic to change them back”.
After successfully collecting a good amount of sweets that could last for a couple of weeks to satisfy a sweet tooth, the babies track down Angelica, who carelessly wandered into a a haunted house made especially for the grown-ups. Although Chuckie object to it at first since they’re babies, Tommy reminded him that they’re “monsters” now. Chuckie then questioned if he’s a baby monster that hadn’t grown up yet.
The babies ventured into the grown-up haunted house. To be honest, it’s no different from the kiddy haunted house since it is after all a kid’s show. However, I suppose the props such as animatronics with scarily carved Jack’o lanterns for heads and fake zombies rising up from their graves are pretty much scary for the standards of cartoon toddlers.
When a terrified Angelica pleaded for the babies to get her out of the cemetery section of the haunted house, an overly frustrated Chuckie out his foot down and demand her to change the babies back first. A very annoyed and reluctant Angelica agrees and Chuckie boldly leads her and the rest of the gang out, all the while making use of his Werewuff persona to intimidate the zombie animatronics.
After the kids escaped the haunted house, Tommy, Kimi and the twins happily praised Chuckie for his bravery, only for Angelica to mock the babies for believing her lie from the start, gleefully gloating about it when Chuckie asked she had made the whole thing up.
Despite Tommy’s stern logic that he and his friends shouldn’t give their candy after all, Angelica adamantly claimed otherwise as she forcefully snatched Chuckie’s candy bag and greedily eat as much candy as she could.
Unfortunately for Angelica, karma was got the drop on her once again when she gets caught red-handed by both her parents, which not only cost her the opportunity to go trick-or-treating with Susie, but also giving her a serious time-out.
Deliberately disobeying them by repeatedly attempting to sneak sweets out of the candy bowl meant for trick-or-treaters is one thing, but for Drew and Charlotte, catching their wayward daughter bullying babies out of their Halloween candy and eating them before their very eyes is what the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Once again, Angelica ends up facing the consequences of her greed and lack of obedience. Typical Angelica.
While Chuckie’s relieved that he hadn’t permanently turned into a real werewolf, it was still awesome he got to display an awesome moment where his bravery shines between standing up to Angelica and guiding his friends safely through the grown-up haunted house. That’s such an impressive feat for a 2-year-old. 😄
As with any other Rugrats episode, the Halloween special has a couple of humour and brick jokes like Stu trying to Bob for apples with his fake vampire fangs, only to lose them in the tub of water during the said attempt.
I also liked the chemistry between Lou and his wife when he pulled a harmless Halloween prank on her by sneaking up from behind a door. Lulu took the small jumpscare in stride as she jokingly said that her husband scared her so bad, her hair had turned white.
It’s also most hilariously adorable how the adults got the dogs, Spike and Fifi into the holiday spirit by dress them up as ghost dogs, which basically have them wearing sheets with eye holes for them to see through, which is so cute. 🥰
Personally, I really enjoyed that episode for its charm and spooky moments. And now and forever, the original Rugrats cartoon will always have a special place in my heart, no matter what the years.
I certainly hope you enjoyed my review and please share your opinions about the special in the comments alone but please keep it kid friendly as possible and no flames, please.
Happy Halloween and may your dreams shine. ✨🎃
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friendly-books · 1 year ago
Dresden Files Dead Beat live blog
Dead Beat live blog
This is going to be a two parter comment because I apparently have a lot to say. Part one
Thomas and Harry living together!
“Thomas looked like someone’s painting of a forgotten Greek god of body cologne” pg. 18 Bi Harry 20
On Harry’s bed?!? Thomas! That’s rude at least keep it to the couch 
Oh Kincaid and Murph are going to Hawaii together good for her as far as I’m concerned Kincaid is better than Rich 
Uh oh Mavra’s blackmailing Harry
Harry’s grave 
Aw Harry’s got pyrophobia :(
Oh Bob thinks someone is Evil
Kemmler started WW1 glad to see urban fantasy address it for once *cough* Harry Potter *cough* What about WW2? 
He died several times and it took the whole White Council wow he was powerful 
Oh Kemmler had Bob before 
Aw Bob :(
I’m glad Harry and Bob are friends and care about each other 
Oh cool science as to why wizards live long lives 
Poor Phil
A fedora really? :| 
No Butters it isn’t a cool hat
Zombies are scary in this universe 
Top 30 wizards is impressive stop selling yourself short Harry
Harry you not being popular among the White Council is an understatement 
Oh yay White Council bashing my favorite I have so many issues with the Council it could be its own comment 
“Roommate” sure Harry can’t wait for Butters to meet Thomas 
Why not let the Alphas help Harry?
Cool that Ebenezar wrote a book
“Touché, O dark master of evil bathrobes” pg. 139 Ha
“And again do I answer thee. Bite me” pg. 140 Ha
“At Biacana’s masquerade” “It’s been coming back to haunt me for years” “A great many things of significance happened that night” pg. 141 That’s what I’ve been saying. What kind of Checkhov’s party was that? So many checkhov’s guns and and people were there. It was only the third book in the series. How can one party be this important? Did Biacana know how important this party was going to be. Or how important she was as a minor character. She was only in two books but her party and death set off a chain reaction. 
Cool that Harry flipped a car
Lash’s influence 
“I think you need to talk to someone. I don’t think it’s important who it is. But you have a lot of pressure on you, and if you don’t find some way to let them out, you’re going to hurt  yourself” “People talk to their friends, man. No one can do everything alone. You work through it together” pg. 162 that’s what I’ve been saying Harry talk to your friends or a therapist please 
“Why didn’t I pick up the kid instead of Lasciel ‘s coin” pg. 165 That’s what I asked 
Mort’s back!
Mort I thought you and Harry were friends :(
Harry’s dad!
“I’m fresh out of vorpal swords, the closet I can get is a Snickers snack” pg. 185 Ha
“While she’s in Hawaii” “With Kincaid” “Thomas stopped running” pg. 192 Ha Thomas is a Harry/Murph shipper 
“Of all the ridiculous immature nonsense” I said. Then I hooked a foot behind Thomas’s calf, shoved him down to the sand and took off down the beach at a dead sprint” pg. 195 Ha 
“If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s ruining people’s day.” “You can say that again” “If there’s one thing I’m good at-“ pg. 217 Ha and very true 
“Yes my Lord” pg. 228 Interesting the ghoul could be progressive but I doubt it 
“Bony Tony worked for John Marcone” pg. 232 Yay Marcone mention 
I’m half convinced that Marcone’s cursed with how many of his men have died at this point
“That stupid polka suit filled up most of the backseat of the SUV” pg. 236 Ha 
“Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is a jar” pg. 237 Ha
Aw Harry isn’t allowed at the bookstore anymore :(
Mind battle so cool
Ninja Ghoul is cool 
Cool that Harry used his pain against Lord Corpsetaker 
Marcone! Yay Top five character has arrived 
“He looked handsome and wholesome” pg. 274 Bi Harry 21 
“You must admit Dresden that I have just saved your life. Again” pg. 274 Yep and you’ll do it again I’m sure
“What is the point of having free will if one cannot occasionally spit in the eye of destiny” pg. 275 Ha
“Hubris. Mortals never understand” “Tell me about it” I said “Everyone makes that mistake but me” pg. 275 Ha 
“His eyes wrinkled at the corners. It was nearly a smile” pg. 275 aw glad that Marcone thinks Harry is funny 
“I don’t have time for any more banter” pg. 275 I do keep the banter going 
“I suspected you would somehow become involved with the events at hand” pg. 275 When is Harry not involved in supernatural event in Chicago?
“Because I know you. I know that you would oppose them. Just as you know that I will not permit them to take one of mine from me without punishment” pg. 277 They really know each other 
“Stay off of it for a few days at least” pg. 286 like that’s going to happen 
“Since they arrested you there, they haven’t lost one” “You did something” pg. 288 It’s nice to see Harry’s good deeds come around 
Welcome to the world of gray magic Harry
Harry be nice to Mister
“He’s a coward” said Thomas” pg. 295 Thomas you should know better than to talk bad about Harry’s friends also that’s rude 
“You have a date” pg. 298 Ha that’s the part he picks up on
“Good God. You’re shy” pg. 299 Adorable 
Mab? Why is she here and not Lea?
I like that Harry is protective and sentimental of his friends and things. Lea might not have been “nice” to him but she’s his Godmother so he cares 
“Nothing that I could imagine would truly rattle Mab’s composure, but that sentence apparently came close” pg. 313 oh no that’s not good
“My offer of knighthood yet stands open to you” pg. 316 Yet another job offer from Mab. What is it with people and offering Harry to work for them? First Marcone, Mab twice, and Nic with Lash’s coin. What about him inspires such fanatic employment offers? 
“I’m never going to be your knight” pg. 319 ouch painful irony 
“There’s no way they’re going to get in here” pg. 32 Harry you should know better than to say that 
“Because Thomas is too pretty die. And because I’m too stubborn.” “And polka will never die” pg. 331 Ha and Bi Harry 22
“Oh no. A risk” I said “Well we wouldn’t want that, now, would we” pg. 341 Ha
“No one likes a wiseass Harry” pg. 341 No I like Harry being a wiseass 
“Well That you know you’re gay” pg. 364 Ha and Harry is Bi obviously 
Lasciel has arrived! This is going to be fun
“By any chance does all this knowledge and power and good advice come for only three easy installments of nineteen ninety-five plus shipping and handling?” pg. 372 Ha
“Or maybe it comes with bonus set of knives tough enough to saw through a nail, yet still cut tomatoes like this” pg. 372 Ha
“You aren’t nearly as funny as you think you are” pg. 372 Ha and I think Harry’s funny
“They’d use both of us against each other” pg. 383 aw :(
“You could just leave this whole thing. We could head for Aruba or something” pg. 384 Ha Thomas you tried it’s never going to work but at least you tried
“No one has remembered me birthday since Susan left” pg. 385 aw :(
“But you can be a really scary guy” pg. 401 aw Harry’s friends are scared of him :(
“Say please”
 “Please” I said 
Her smile widen “Pretty please”
“Don’t push me” pg. 413 Ha 
“You’re either incredibly stupid or one of the most courageous man I’ve ever known.” 
“Go with stupid” pg. 417 Ha and it’s both 
Oh a body switcher cool
Ugh Morgan why him? 
So this is how Harry became a warden Morgan must be so mad
Outsiders so He Who Walks Behind I see that capitalization 
“You don’t to be Merlin of the White Council by collecting bottle caps” pg. 454 Ha
I’m glad that Harry still cares about Ebenezar to ask about him 
Why would Harry want to become a warden? The white council has been out to get him since day one. They haven’t made an effort to ingratiate themselves to Harry. With people like Merlin, Morgan, and LaFouter why would Harry trust or like the white council? Luccio you need better arguments. 
“When the Council is in its hour of need, it will make our people look at you differently” pg. 467 till they kick Harry out 
I guess Harry got drafted :(
“Harry, do you feel any more judgmental and self righteous than you did this morning?” pg. 476 Ha
“He offered his hand and we traded grips” pg. 479 What no Harry and Thomas should hug each other 
It’s very cool and immersive that Harry was able to bind and push back against the Erkling 
Oh no they took Bob :( 
“How could I be so stupid” pg. 507 Harry stop being so critical of yourself 
“I whirled in a fury and slammed my fist into Murphys fridge so hard it dented the side and split my middle knuckle open” pg. 507 ouch
Ooohhh Shelia is Lasciel 
Look Lasciel I know you haven’t known Harry for long but surely you know by know that Harry’s really stubborn and when he says he’s not going to take up the coin he means it
Liver Spots is Cassius how did he aged so much?
How does Harry not have more brain damage from all the blows to the head he’s had? I know he doesn’t like hats but I feel like he should wear a helmet 
“You’re about the fifth-scariest person I’ve met today” pg. 548 Ha
Shiro :(
If Michael or Sayna could show up that’d be great 
Why does Cassius think the coin is on Harry? Why is him not having the coin so impossible?
“Surrender your coin” he purred” pg. 554 Creepy 
“No one is coming to save you Harry” pg. 555 :(
Mouse and Butters to the rescue 
“Butters skittered away from the knife, eyes wide with terror.
But he skittered directly between Cassius and me. 
And held his ground.” pg. 556 So cool Go Butters!
“DIE ALONE” pg. 560 A death curse so cool but kinda lame curse. I don’t if it’s because I know he’ll come back or if I’m just a lot more chill about death than I realize cause everyone dies alone 
Interesting that Lasciel and Id Harry talk 
“Both I and my alternate self said, at the same time and exactly same voice 
“Shut up” pg. 564 Ha 
“It’s the right thing to do” pg. 566 Yep
“I promised that I would live my life by my terms. That I would know the difference from right and wrong and that I wouldn’t cross that line. I wouldn’t allow myself to become like Justin DuMorne” pg. 567 I like this bit
Sue is so cool this fight is going to be so cool best part of the book
“I didn’t know this before, but as it turns out, Tyrannosaurus can really haul ass” pg. 581 Ha 
“Here’s something else I bet you didn’t know about Tyrannosaurus: they don’t corner well” pg. 582 Ha 
“You’re like a human wrecking ball!” pg. 584 Ha and an accurate description of Harry 
Nice that the wardens are protecting the kids trick or treating 
Luccio is cool
“Sue ate him. Snap. Gulp. No more ghoul” pg. 591 Ha 
“I told you he would turn on us. This latest violation of the laws only proves what I’ve said all along” pg. 595 Take a hike Morgan no one wants you here. What’s it going to take for you to realize that Harry is a good?  
Go Butters! Nice circle
Harry is being the voice of reason 
Morgan Harry isn’t fighting you 
Luccio to the rescue hooray! 
Morgan definitely loves Luccio not sure what kind. Cause coworkers don’t react like that when they’re coworkers die 
“Everyone else who lets me ride on their dinosaur calls me Carlos” pg. 618 Ha 
I’m glad the younger wizards look up to Harry 
I bet that Carlos has never dated nor had sex with a woman. No one who has talks like him. He’s a virgin guarantee 
Oh no poor Bob :(
“Bob wasn’t precisely a friend to me” pg. 634 No you two are friends 
Go Bob 
Even the Erkling thinks Sue is cool
“I’ve got a fallen angel tripping all over herself to give me more power. Queen Mab has asked me to take the mantle of Winter Knight twice now. I’ve read Kemmler’s book. I know how the Darkhallow works. And I know how to turn necromancy against the Black Court. So once again, let me be perfectly clear. If anything happens to Murphy and I even think you had a hand in it, fuck right and wrong. If you touch her, I’m declaring war on you. Personally. I’m picking up every weapon I can get. And I’m using them to kill you. Horribly.”
There was utter silence for a moment 
“Do you understand me?” I whispered 
She nodded 
“Say it” I snarled 
“I understand” she rasped” pg. 644 So cool 
“Son. Everyone dies alone. That’s what it is. It’s a door. One person wide. When you go through it, you do it alone” pg. 645 Nice, see it’s a lame death curse 0/10 Cussius you could have done better 
“He died doing the right thing” 
“God I hope so” pg. 646 I’m not sure if he will as he does commit suicide and then come back. Would that be the death curse? An outside force? Speaking of death curse with Harry dying does that fulfill the death curse? Does coming back negate it? Is it a one time use? This is another reason the curse is lame. 
Now Morgan thinks Harry isn’t doing anything out of malice finally 
“You know, Butters, for a mortician you’re a pretty good healer” pg. 651 aw :)
Final thoughts 
I liked this book. We had two Bi Harry moments up to 22. I always liked the Marcone moments.  Loved the White Council bashing. I loved Butters in this. I’m glad Bob is safe. Harry should punch Morgan as a treat. I hope to see more of Thomas and Harry interacting. I’m glad Dresden files kinda addressed the WW1 question. What I mean is that a lot of urban fantasy with magic and monsters don’t really address WW1 and by extension WW2. Like if you had magic where were you during WW2 and the Holocaust? With Kemmler he started WW1 which led to WW2 and his whole mass graves. The death curse was stupid and a waste from Cassius. I liked the Erkling. I loved Sue she was so cool. I hope I get more Lasciel. I like Carlos and I’m glad Harry got a friend. Harry’s threat to Mavra is very cool. Onto the next book.
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tangleweave · 1 year ago
Phil: 12. What was your last dream about?
13. What talents do you have?
14. Are you psychic in any way?
15. Favorite song?
16. Favorite movie?
Tumblr media
[ Making Acquaintances / Accepting ]
12. Coulson crosses his arms as his eyes flicker through the filenames of the various reports he's scouring, not even straying for an instant to look at Jay as he does so. Twin troughs appear between his eyebrows and one side of his mouth curls up in an almost-smile. "What are you, my shrink now?" he quips, before his arm darts out and his finger flicks forward to touch a filename that's caught his eye.
But it's not a good impression to leave her with, that he won't answer her questions when he's already invited her to ask.
Can you feel that?
Who ordered this?
Mmm. Don't stop.
It was, at the very least, a pleasant dream. A tropical island. The sunlight so bright it hurt his eyes. A scantily-clad woman massaging his shoulders. A man with equally as little in the way of clothing, all beaming smile and mai tai. The normally reserved and stolid agent lying prostrate and topless across a comfortable surface.
"Beach vacation," he replies, adopting his trademark smile. "The kind of place you think you'd like to be, but if you're there for longer than a couple days you start going stir-crazy. Gotta say, I prefer being awake. I get more done."
He looks back to the filename and with another flick of his finger, sends a copy of it to her email. "There. I think that should cover everything your people need." His confused frowning smile returns for a brief moment. "I guess I get why you'd wanna set up shop there, I'd just hate to see the magic take a nosedive."
Can you feel that?
Who ordered this?!
Don't. Stop.
He's not sure whether Jay's smile is just a quirky reflection of his own... or hiding something else.
13. He circles around his desk and tugs the chair back, maintaining eye contact with Jay while gesturing to one of the chairs on her side. "May wanna take a seat, we could be here a while. Or... well, I guess I could just give you my CV, if you're that interested."
It's a calculated maneuver, and just as calculated a document he withdraws from a corner drawer of his desk and slides across the surface to her. It lists, in meticulous order, an assortment of skills that would make him a formidable asset in any intelligence-gathering operation. Military endurance training. Weapons training and marksmanship scores. Martial arts expertise. Tactical knowhow. Interrogation success rates. Linguistic fluencies.
The file isn't formatted like a boilerplate résumé, of course. He's never going to take to Indeed in the search for work. This is the kind of thing one intelligence officer hands to another. It looks like an entire feast of red meat to an especially eager recruiter... but each and every item has been crafted to remain as vague as it sounds impressive. For all Jay knows, she might be trying to pull in a Level 2 agent.
Or an accomplished backstabber.
"You should probably be warned, I'm not totally convinced you could pry me away."
14. "Is that what you meant when you were asking what 'talents' I have?" Coulson smirks again and clasps one wrist with the other hand in front of his belt buckle. "The official position of SHIELD is that we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of psychic abilities among the populace of Earth, since it's really not in our purview. Unofficially? Six to five and pick 'em, maybe someone out there can read minds, but the odds are a lot longer when it comes to inscrutable people like us."
He leans ever so slightly forward and arches an eyebrow at her. "You should call your dad after we're done here. You two might not see eye to eye, but take it from me, you don't want to miss out on what time you can still have with him. And maybe don't feed Jenna quite so many potato chips this week."
15. The question is put to him as he's perusing the coffee shop's selection. She's swiping through the display of a phone connected to the shop's speaker system via auxiliary cord -- a delightful throwback of barely a generation ago. The advancement of Bluetooth tech has led him to nearly forget how irritating it was to wrangle the rat's nest of cords behind tube televisions.
"If you've got any Radiohead on there...?" he suggests, allowing the edge of his inquiry to trail off into the ether of vague acceptance absent any further elucidation. His tit-for-tat with Jayden oftentimes sinks into the more mundane aspects of their interactions, and putting forth a band name is probably juicy enough that he doesn't need to give her red meat to psychoanalyze. He's not so much a fan of Creep (and by all accounts neither is Radiohead), and he won't say a word about How To Disappear Completely or Let Down... but when the curiously upbeat and lyrically contemplative Go To Sleep starts to strain through the speakers, a few of the wrinkles in his face seem to smooth and settle out as he takes a moment, just a moment, to close his eyes and feel the music.
16. Coulson sips cautiously at the beverage he ordered -- a simple latte, nothing fancy -- and permits himself an indulged smile. "Wow. This is good. Hope you didn't kill anyone I know for the recipe."
It's become a habit, he supposes, to throw a tangential wrench into the conversation. To trade backhanded compliments and offer up a variety of agency-based innuendos. Talking is a game. It has to be, otherwise he loses his humor... and how many times throughout his career has he been called a G-man? That's the opposite of fun.
Jayden's inquiry comes as less of a shock since trying to chase down his favorite song a few minutes ago, but he does find himself more willing to discuss his favorite film without emotional interdiction. Maybe because movies are less personal to a soul than music? Well, at least to him, that's what it seems.
"I'm sure it's no surprise I'm into history. And I imagine you'd expect something like The Longest Day. Patton. Gettysburg. Maybe even Saving Private Ryan. War films that tout heroism, the ideals of American exceptionalism, that kind of thing." He shrugs. "But those are kind of a dime a dozen. Did you know there are entire societies on the other side of the world that to this day don't even know the U.S. was in the second World War? Of course, chances are their movie theaters aren't showing American war films."
He shakes his head. "Nah, we've got enough film showing off how great we are. We need to have examples of light shining into our own dark places. Actual accountability, even at the highest levels. Regular everyday people bound and determined to do what they're good at, for the sake of everyone else that depends on them. So for my money? It's worth checking out All the President's Men."
Two years.
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year ago
I'm not okay
She is just a baby:(
On the bright side, fit and pac are dating yay
Uh... I'm not thinking about that post about pac having two hands or something, nope, it's not like eoiles have ttwo hand too, one for fighting other to hold pac's hand...
Polyqsmp for the win, y'know?
Also, Ramon and Pac's relationship is the cutest thing ever, they are father and son your honor 🥺
I love them
At least a couple is okay because guapoduo, on the other hand... meus pais meus pais where are them?
Slimeriana too...
I really want Mariana to log on, but specifically when Richas is awake because it would be funny
Roier traumatized him kkkkkkkk
Oh, and I friend of mine really likes goodomensduo(Scott + Febatista), the thing is that they had very little interactions... The poor guy is suffering with lack of content
The problem of liking not popular dynamics/ships is that you have to make the content yourself
We suffer
Apparently, Cellbit, Slime and Baguera's thing is running their voices on karaoke every time they meet up
They are having fun:D
I don't have that confidence kkkkk(I don't know if I wait or fear the day my friends decide to do a karaoke while I'm with them because they are liking the idea recently)
I was remembering your royal(? Or was medieval, I struggle with names) au the other day and I don't remember if you talked about Baguera's kingdom, or Phil(who is on the wall, the sigh must be nice), does she still a duck?(and the other winged people too?) Or they are just humans?
And I'm fearing that the owl Cellbit hc will catch me, I AM ALREADY A INDECISIVE PERSON I DON'T NEED MORE IDEAS TO FREAK OUT
But I saw some fanarts and... owlboy... I love owls...
Anyway, I hope you had a great day and week:D
Good day/night!
- 🍽
empanada dying was probably an accident too :((( (based on tubbo's analysis on stream) it's so sad :(( she's the first egg to lose a death ever since the new eggs arrived + everyone got their two lives back.... i really thought richas would be the first one to lose a life again ngl just because of how he is
DSVAKLSMDLA PLLATE ANON YOU'RE MY HEROOOOO XDD you're right. etoiles has two hands, one for pac and the other is to fight the eye workers from purgaotry <33 pac has two hands, one for fit and one for etoiles and mike is helping fix his prosthetic leg <33 romance <33 at it's finest
i loved that ramon called pac his dad and mike didn't realize janvkjasdjk he completely forgot that fit and pac dating now meant that ramon is pac's son XDD the favela family grows bigger every day...
i would love for mariana to log on when roier and richas are both on because i want to see roier make a big deal out of it and richas runs for his life XDD i want richas to spread his fear to the new eggs too like imagine how funny that would be asdvkjaska poor pepito,,, being told one of pepito's dad is an egg eating monster
EVERY DUO AND FRIEND GROUP FROM PURGATORY IS SUFFERING!! THEY LIVE OFF OF SO LITTLE CONTENT TT at least they can make up whatever lore they want with the purgaotry cubitos... im shaking your friends hand for liking a rarepair TT we make the content all ourselves... life is so hard for us
ive never done kareoke before but it looks like fun to do with friends :oo i can't sing so i would be so bad at it kjnsdavjkask
-- -- --
YAAA THE ROYALTY AU (which is also a little medieval, it's like both so it's okay adsjkvnask)
baghera is the queen of her own kingdom!! everyone is human in this au but they have magic they specialize in and can create items to give them things that are sort of like wings!!
philza is a special case tho because his wife is the goddess of death so maybe she blesses his cape to act like wings or something... since baghera is a queen im sure she has the resources to find someone to make her a cape or item that works like wings because i feel like something like that would be super hard to make.
jaiden is a witch in this au and she doesn't live in any kingdom!! she lives sort of by herself surrounded by a rose garden and she uses a lot of nature magic which is focused on birds!! because of this and how long she's been studying it she's able to enchant herself a cloack that allows her to glide short distances :DD more similar to the paraglider in mineraft then an elytra. the feathers she used for her cloack were all shedded feathers she gets from her bird friends :]]
-- -- --
IVE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF OWL CELLBIT HCS BUT THAT'S SO COOL,,,,,, he would be so unnerving, imagine he can turn his head all around 360 like an actual owl advknaskja poor roier if he ever sees that,,,, he would scream so loud
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merao-mariposa · 1 year ago
first writing that I publish at least a long-ish WIP: Draft of Death Family going to the realm of death, meeting Kristin and Mamamissa
Trips to visit family must be really interesting for the death family.
I can easily imagine them crossing the barrier between life and death as soon as they leave quesadilla because they want their children to experimente the dominion of the dead.
Yep, Missa owes his boss a lot of reports and Phil is absolutely delighted with the idea of ​​finally seeing his wife again after everything did happend. Chay and Tallulah keep making fun of him about his constantly fluffy wings and the silliest smile on his face, and his cheeks blush however deep down they are really excited too, a little nervous but they definitely want to meet her.
It's halfway there, they are walking along the banks of the River Styx. It won't take long to get there, somewhere, anywhere, where The Goddess is. Dad Philza jokes that flying with the eggs would be faster and easier, because of course his wings had improved considerably in the last few weeks, but in the afterlife his wings were almost revitalized to the surprise of his children. Which was to be expected for an angel of death, surrounded by the dead realm.
Missa jokes that he would leave him behind, of course. Which Phil playfully rejects; is a loyal crow! He would never do that thing of leaving him behind.
He did it in purgatory.
But he didn't do it in prison!
¨No mames Phil, they were going to take us out sooner or later¨ Against the grim reaper's arguments the crow just rolls his eyes and fights back
¨when was the last time you crossed the river of souls, mate?¨
Missa sighs softly, he can't remember the last time he sailed the river. For a long time he has dedicated himself to harvesting souls to help them to make it to the afterlife.
Phil rests his hand on the small of his very platonic husband's back (in the realm of the dead, missa's real form is more likely to come out; he still avoids having a height comparable to that of the cellbit castle, right now? just He's 2 or 3 times Phil's size (he literally can't reach any higher, it's either that or grabbing his pants leg to comfort him) with a soft coo; ¨it's okay dude, don't worry about that¨
Chayanne interrupts the lively (not so much anymore) discussion between his dads before it gets angsty (it's an instinct), signing so quickly with his hands that it is almost difficult to translate what he said.
"Papa Missa can take us OVER the river???"
missa and phil look at each other, in fact that can shorten the path quite a bit, if it works.
This is how much of the way they spend with Tallulah and Chayanne on the shoulders of an even bigger Missa while Philza flies through the skies of said Death´s kingdom, sometimes perching with his children on the shoulders of his husband.
It's all fun and laughter until Tallulah signs a question; "why did Kristin gave me the gift of listening to my siblings". which causes Philza to reverse heis flight and Missa stops completely to see his hija. Chayanne blinks worried about what happened.
¨Tallulah, mi ninha-a, Kristin has no connection to anything on the island… she was blocked from it¨
¨But I know who was not blocked¨ Missa looks at Phil, more serious than he's ever been.
And Phil sighs before looking at his children softly to reassure them. ¨So guys, you wanna know your… erhm, ab-abuela, abuela?¨
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phanfictioncatalogue · 1 year ago
Married!Phan (4) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three
Beautiful (ao3) - enthuzimuzzy
Summary: Dan takes a photo of the man he loves.
Decorating (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Husbands Dan and Phil decorate for their first Christmas together in their new house.
Delivery Dan (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan puts forth maximum effort to surprise his husband with elaborate sexual role play on a cold, December night.
In and out of my mouth (ao3) - Tidbitswithtoby
Summary: Phil believes his husband has an oral fixation
It's Black and White (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan and Phil attend the Star Wars movie premiere in London and find it incredibly difficult to keep their hands to themselves, even in public, so they steal a moment for themselves.
kiss an angel good morning (ao3) - fallentales
Summary: Dan gets home early from a trip, and lets his inner fanboy come out as he appreciates his amazing husband.
AKA, in which Dan Howell is still Phil Trash #1
Leave A Light On (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: Dan told people he cared about that he wanted to get better.
Mothers day (ao3) - Bow_of_Artemis
Summary: Kindergarten teacher! Phil is having his class make mothers day cards but one of his students comes up to him with a little problem
Mr. Lester's Husband (ao3) - nipsu
Summary: Phil Lester, a young teacher, takes his family to work and surprises his class of students.
On/Off (ao3) - crazed_peanut
Summary: Dan and Phil have a 2 1/2 year old and a stressful morning.
Patching the Holes (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan is really close with his grandma. He spontaneously decides to come out to his very homophobic family on Christmas. Obviously doesn’t go well. Then stuff happens
Pretty Baby (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan, who previously fought his own, natural, femininity, explores the traditionally feminine to surprise his future husband and learns that there is much to love about these parts of himself.
Proud (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Elisse Lester is seventeen, and she’s ready to come to her parents about her sexuality. She knows it’ll be fine. She has two dads for crying out loud. But, that won’t stop her from being nervous. Luckily, her girlfriend is there to assure her that everything will be fine.
Share A Bed, Share A Life (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary: Having a child is a stressful, time-consuming, argument-inducing process but, naturally, Dan and Phil ride the ups and downs together, ending up just fine.
Sick (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan is sick one day, then passes it onto his husband Phil who isn't thrilled to say the least. Extremely short one-shot that I wrote in like 20 minutes
Something Special (ao3) - danblossom
Summary: The holidays always brings something special.
The Art Of Teaching (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan used to be into art when he was in high school but stopped once he grew up but started again and now has a website where he sells his art for money. Phil is a principal at a high school, and nobody is aware that he has a husband, someone he’s been with since he was a teenager. Something happens to the art teacher so Phil offers Dan the job, and Dan takes it. Phil finally introduces Dan to the rest of the school as his husband.
(TW) Those Were the Days of Our Lives (ao3) - dansshibainu
Summary: Every day, Dan buys a cute card, a small bouquet of flowers, and a lion bar for his husband of thirty years. Trouble is, Phil can't remember him.
Two dads on mothers day (ao3) - phanhowlterstuff
Summary: Phil talking about his husband, Dan, to one of his students
We're All Doomed (ao3) - ellohello
Summary: Dan's been across the country performing his show, and Dan has just really been missing Phil. He won't see him for ages yet, but he can't wait for that day
wikihow to stop a divorce (ao3) - ivorycastle
Summary: Dan has finally shown that he's too difficult to love, and seldom to keep Phil inspired amidst the cold break that legally split the two flames apart. This house lease binds the two obnoxiously tight to each other like wild grapevines. Maybe this will grow over if the universe allows it to.
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