#runic rambles
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So my mom's in the hospital
#she's getting surgery tonight but if that fails they need to do something else#she's in high spirits via texts but i still worry#just needed to get that off my chest so i dont rot in bed the rest of the day#kinda took a shotgun to any motivaiton/happiness i was having today (not her fault at all. just... yeah)#runic rambles
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y'all are absolutely free to use tumblr however you please but I want redditors to know that they could, hypothetically, start a sideblog about a particular topic, add moderators to it, turn on submissions (and asks), make an "about" page laying out rules and such, and create a good tagging system. If you want it to be a bit more familiar.
#reddit blackout#reddit migration#runic ramblings#if you want examples of how blogs with multiple moderators are run#ask around about sonic-for- *shot*#but really be warned that they do cause drama... not that reddit mods don't lol
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There are many types of rune systems, including Younger Futhark, Anglo-Frisian Futhorc, Medieval runes, and Elder Futhark, which are the ones I’ll be talking about.
The Younger Futhark (long twig) has 16 runes and is typically used in translation with Old Norse. It was used in Scandinavia during the Viking Age, from 800 A.D to 1200 A.D.
Then you have Anglo-Frisian (Frisian being Dutch), which had around 30 runes and was used in Britain. It’s also known as Anglo-Frisian Futhorc.
The latest and closest to us is the Medieval Runes, which fall back into a 24 system (like Elder Futhark) with the Roman/Latin alphabet, which is also used in translation to Old Norse.
Finally, the Rune system we’re talking about is the Elder Futhark used in a 24-rune system and is used to translate proto-European languages (proto-Germanic, high Italic, proto-English, etc, NOT Old Norse!) None of the names of the Elder Futhark have truly been written down; they have come from reconstruction and guesswork from scholars. The names have come from Old English/Gothic sources and the Rune poems that feature names and pieces associated with names.
Norse=Runa English=Rune both meaning “a secret” or “mystery”
Old Norse=Rún Old Irish=Rún Middle Welsh=Rhin “to whisper” “secret” or “mystery”
Scots=Roun “To whisper” or “speak often about one thing”. It’s also associated with the Rowan tree in Scots, which is a very well-known magical tree in many folklores (also known as the “rune tree” or “the whisper tree”).
It was believed the Elder Futhark came from the Rome/Latin alphabet and had ancient Greek relations—due to the closeness of the Germanic tribes there and the mingling of Elder Futhark and High Italic.
The runes were not traditionally used as magical symbols. they were used in divination but were not considered magical themselves until later centuries, far after the Viking Age when they became popular as magical symbols. The furthest back they were found to be used was theorized to be Germania, as typically (but not always) female diviners would “cast lots” which were believed to later influence the Norse people to cast the runes. It was widespread for Norse kings, warlords, and explorers of this time to have a rune caster or diviner with them wherever they traveled. Diviners and Rune Casters at this time were well respected and always welcomed into people's homes.
Then in the myths, we find where Odin discovers the runes and shares them with the other gods. Later the gods share them with humanity. The god Odin stabbed himself with his spear, Gungnir, and hung himself from Yggdrasil for 9 days and nights without food or water sacrificing himself for the runes till they appeared to him in the Well Of Urd. This myth differs depending on the source you found it on. Then in the Havamal 80’ page, 31 of Jackson Crawford's translation of the Poetic Edda (elder edda), it states, “What you ask the runes will prove true; they are gifts of the Aesir, made by the gods and painted by Odin. You’ll learn best with your mouth shut.”
Freyr’s Aett
Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenuz Gebo Wunjo
Hagal’s Aett
Halagaz Nauthiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowulo
Tyr’s Aett
Tiwaz Berkana Ehwaz Mannaz Lagaz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala
24 runes in total for the Elder Futhark
Freyr’s Aett
Everything for your basic human existence, talking with the divine, human social life, and the earth and its bounty, and how to live our lives happily or at least contently.
Hagal’s Aett
shows us how to navigate the difficult parts of life when things take a rough turn and you don’t know what to do. This Aett shows us how to move forward in life and cause change and unexpected luck for ourselves.
Tyr’s Aett
This Aett shows us how to connect with life around us like. We learn to connect with and communicate with Humanity, deities, and nature around us, as well as how to connect our physical worlds to the unseen spiritual worlds we work in.
Getting into the runes themselves and the meanings and associations
God/Goddess-Freyja, Freyr
Meaning-Wealth or cattle
Association-Wealth, Livestock/cattle, prosperity, abundance, fulfillment, stability, success, new beginnings, things earned and won, reward, good health, unexpected good luck
Runic poems- Old English, “Wealth provides comfort, but you must share it who hopes to cast lots for judgment before the gods.”
Norwegian, “Money causes strife among kin; the wolf grows up in the woods.” Icelandic, “Money causes strife among kin, and the fire of the flood tide and the path of the serpent.”
god/goddess-Ullr, Audhumla (the creation cow), Thor
Meaning-Ox or bull sometimes bison
Association- challenges, endurance, courage, strength, untamed potential, good health, good luck, moving forward after being stuck in stagnation, sudden breakthroughs, overcoming challenges, trials, power, creative forces
Rune poems- Old Norse, “The wild ox has great high horns with which it gores; a fierce fighter who boldly stamps the moors.”
Norwegian, “Slag is cast from bad iron; reindeer cross the hard snow.”
Icelandic, “Drizzle is the weeping of clouds, and blights the harvest and is hated by the herdsmen.”
Meaning-Giant or Thorn
Association-Strength, breaking down barriers, Thor's hammer, defense, reaction, temptations, resisting temptations, disruption, passion, protection, conflict, power
Rune poems- Old Norse, “Thorn is wickedly sharp and causes pain to those who grasp it, hurt to you who rest among them.”
Norwegian, “Giant causes the sickness of women; bad luck pleases nobody.”
Icelandic, “Giant is the torment of women, and the dweller of rocky vales and husband of Varthrun the giantess.”
God/goddess-The aesir, Odin
Meaning-Aesir, the ancestor god
Association-communication with the gods, wisdom, divine power, knowledge, creativity, understanding, passing tests, understanding, communication
Rune Poems- Old Norse, “Mouth is the source of the word, bringing wisdom and counsel to the wise, hope, inspiration, and a blessing to all.”
Norwegian, “Rivermouth opens most journeys; but the sword belongs in it’s sheath.” Icelandic, “Odin is the ancient creator, and Asgards king and lord of Valhalla.”
Meaning-Wagon or chariot
Association-Rythme, journey, travel, personal development, change, evolution, decisions, taking the opportunity, movement
Rune poems- Old Norse, “Riding is easy for heroes inside a hall; it’s much harder astride a strong horse pounding against the great mile.”
Norwegian, “Riding is said to be the worst for horses; reginn forged the best sword.”
Icelandic, “Riding is a sweet sitting and a swift journey and the toil of the horse.”
Letter-K and C
Meaning- the torch
Association-Knowledge, Light, warm, illumination, visions, enlightenment, intuition, learning, Improvement, creativity, Inner voices, Breakthroughs
Rune poems-Old Norse, “The torch we know by its flame, which brings illumination, and light wherever noble souls encourage.”
Norwegian, “Ulcer is the curse of children; grief turns us pale.”
Icelandic, “Ulcer is the bane of children and a grievous blight and the house of rotting flesh."
Association-Love, partnership, giving and receiving gifts, generosity, sacrifice, balance, joy in relationships, talents, abilities
Rune Poem-Old English, “A gift returns to adorn the giver with greatness and honor; it helps and heartens those who have nothing.”
Association-happiness, light, perfection, comfort, harmony, recognition of worth, reward, success, good health, prosperity, flourishing, bliss
Rune poem-Old English, “Joy comes to you who know no sorrow, blessed with grain and plenty, content in a strong community.”
Association-interference, disruption, corrections, changes for long-term good, change, being tested, nature, overcoming obstacles, wrath, chaos, misfortune, transformation
Rune poem-Old English, “Hail, whitest of grains, whirls down from heaven, is tossed by the wind, and turns water.”
Norwegian, “Hail is the coldest of grains; All-Father shaped the world in ancient times.”
Icelandic, “Hail is cold grain and a shower of sleet, and the bane of snakes.”
Association-resistance, demand, desire, personal development, constraint, willpower, endurance, self-reliance, patience, necessity, kindling passion, recognizing your needs
Rune poems-Old English, “Need constricts the heart but can bring help and healing if heeded in time.”
Norwegian, “Need leaves one little choice; the naked freeze in the frost.”
Icelandic, “Need is the bondmaid’s grief, and a hard condition to suffer, and toilsome work.”
Association-cold, lack of change, stagnation, challenge, self-control, harsh reality, concentrated self, clarity, watching and waiting, delay, obstacles, danger
Rune poems-Old English, “Ice is cold and slippery; jewel-like and glistening, fair to behold, the frozen field.”
Norwegian, “Ice we call the board bridge; the blind need to be led across.”
Icelandic, “Ice is the rind of the river and roof of the waves, and a mortal danger.”
God/goddess-Freyr, Idunn
Meaning-Year, Harvest
Association-cycles, harvest, efforts rewarded, plenty, good spirits, change, completion, fertility, growth
Rune poems-Old English, “Harvesttime brings joy when the goddess Earth gifts us with her bright fruits.”
Norwegian, “Harvesttime brings bounty; I say that Frothi is generous.”
Icelandic, “Harevsttime brings profit, and a high summer and a ripened field.”
Letter-Ei, Y
God/goddess-Ullr, sometimes Skadi
Meaning-Yew tree
Association- strength, endurance, protection, movement, balance, death and life, Yggdrasil, change, magic, rebirth, friendships
Rune poems-Old English, “Yew has rough bark without but holds the flame within; deeply rooted, it graces the land.”
Norwegian, “Yew is winter’s greenest wood; it splutters when it burns.”
Icelandic, “Yew is a taut bow, and brittle iron and the arrow of Farbauti.”
God/Goddess-The Norns, Frigga
Meaning-Lot cup/casting cup
Association-fate, gambles, hidden things, unknown outcomes, chance, destiny, pregnancy/birth, luck, common sense, revelation,
Rune poems-Old English, “Gaming means to play and laughter among the high-spirited who sit merry together in the mead hall.”
Algiz (Elhaz)
God/goddess-All the Aesir, Heimdall
Meaning-Elk, the white elk
Association-Protection, awakening, teachings of the divine, ward off evil, defense, guardianship, opportunity to grow, fulfilling dreams, employment, shelter
Rune poems-Old English, “Elk sedge grows in the fen, waxing in the water, grimly wounding; it burns the blood of those who would lay hands upon it.”
God/Goddess-Sol, Baldr
Meaning-The Sun
Association-motivation, action, the sun, guidance, health, victory, cleansing, life purpose, enlightenment, spiritual will, goals, light, energy, self-confidence
Rune poems-Old English, “The sun guides seafarers who ferry across the fish’s bath until the seahorse brings them to land.”
Norwegian, “Sun is the light of the world; I bow to its holiness.”
Icelandic, “Sun is the sky shield, and a shining radiance, and the nemesis of ice.”
Meaning-The god Tyr
Association-Courage, victory, peacekeeping, faith, loyalty, leadership, logic, sound judgment, compassion, honor, passion, masculine energy, truth revealed
Rune poems-Old English, “Tiw is a sign that spells confidence to the noble; unfailing, it holds true though the night clouds.”
Norwegian, “Tyr is the one-handed of the aesir; often has the smith to blow.” Icelandic, “Tyr is the one-handed god, and the leavings of the wolf and ruler of the temple.”
God/Goddess-Nerthus, Freyja, Frau Holle
Meaning-birch tree
Association-New life, life changes, growth, healing, new beginnings, femininity, birth, regeneration, renewal
Rune poem- Old English, “The birch thought fruitless sends out countless shoots; leafy branches, high crowned, reach to the sky.”
Norwegian, “Birch has the greenest-leafed branches; Loki brought the luck of deceit,”
Icelandic, “Birch is a leafy limb and a little tree and a youthful wood.”
Letter- E
God/Goddess-Freyja, Gullveig, sleipnir, loki
Association-momentum, trust, harmony, change, healthy relationships, progress, transportation, loyalty
Rune poem- Old English, “The horse brings Joy; proud on its hooves, by heroes praised, it is a solace to the restless.”
God/Goddess-Odin, Thor, Heimdall
Association-Humanity, soul, divine influence, social order, society, friendship, teamwork, self, family, support
Rune poems-Old English, “We are each other’s mirth yet must one day take leave, for the gods will allot our frail bodies to the earth.”
Norwegian, “Man is the waxing of dust; mighty is the hawk’s talon span”
Icelandic, “Man is the joy of man and the increase of dust and the adorner of ships.”
God/Goddess-Loki, Freyja, Hel
Meaning-Water, Lake
Association- Emotion, cleansing, intuition, dreams, flow, guidance, love, memory, feminine, physic abilities, renewal
Rune poems-Old English, “Water to land folk seems never-ending when they set sail on a heaving ship; the huge waves overwhelm them and the seahorse won’t head the bridle.”
Norwegian, “Waterfalls free from the mountain; gold trinkets are so highly prized.” Icelandic. “Water wells from the spring and the great geyser and the land of fish.”
Inguz (Ingwaz)
God/Goddess-Freyr, Ing
Meaning-The ancient god
Association-love, peace, internal growth, harmony, approval, agreement, completion, Masculinity, time of rest, goals, common sense, home, channeling force
Rune poem-Old English, “Ing, first seen by the East Danes, later rode his wagon away eastward over the waves; thus was the great god named.”
God/Goddess-Dagr, Baldr, Sol
Meaning-Day, dawn
Association-Dawn, daylight, change of direction, prosperity, clarity, awakening, breakthrough, hope, completion, balance, transformation
Rune poems-Old English, “Day is the gods’ messenger; the light of the gods grants ecstasy, good hope, and a boom to all.”
God/Goddess-Odin, Hel
Meaning-Home, Ancestors
Association-Family, inheritance, Home, Knowledge from the past, heritage, experience, value, group prosperity, positive mental state, good health, good financials
Rune poem-Old English, “Home is loved by all who prosper there in peace and enjoy a frequent harvest.”
Bind runes
Bind runes are 2 or more runes combined to make one bigger Bindrune. Used historically as a way to shorten up writing or just as a fun way to write, we now use them as stronger versions of runes, or as a way to have many runes together without having to write them all out.
Famous ones, Vegvisir and Aegishjalmaur (Helm of Awe) aren’t runes or bind runes, but instead Sigils that came around centuries after the Viking Age, and were found to be from the 1800s. Vegvisir is a path finder, not a compass. The Helm of Awe is used as a warding symbol but historically wasn’t actually used for anything as far as our sources note.
https://oreamnosoddities.com/blogs/news/how-to-make-a-bindrune-Bindrune explaining
https://oreamnosoddities.com/blogs/news/rune-meanings-the-elder-futhark-elder futhark source
http://www.shieldmaidenssanctum.com/blog/2019/3/12/the-elder-futhark-runes-and-their-meanings- elder futhark sources
https://youtu.be/nK51UmwJxRU-bindrune source from witches view with a little misinfo on Helm of Awe and Vegvisir
https://youtu.be/wG9d95vJibk-Bindrune source from Jackson Crawford
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATNGYBQ-TjrPCf9YGy0qzqca1ypcGs50-Jackson Crawfords videos on runes through historical source
https://youtu.be/IROvre0w6hc-Vegvisir info
https://youtu.be/kW9KbtjyHN4-intro to runes
https://youtu.be/Gjmxu7z04kk-explaining the connection between the runic writing and languages
“Runes For Beginners” Lisa Chamberlain
“A Little Bit Of Runes” Cassandra Eason
“Nordic Runes” Paul Rhys Mountfort
“The Poetic Edda” Translated by Jackson Crawford
“Tales Of Norse Mythology” Helen A. Guerber
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F5INHBpAeUZ8Ux632760FbNQ0SUHDUGX/view?usp=drivesdk-Reading Past Runes book
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p5L1BFpUFRte-BVq7XgBdXLjAqqZKKkI/view?usp=drivesdk-Nine Doors Of Midgard book
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EGtRedzunDGtUYkAbtdDrOQS0ppBBH9t/view?usp=drivesdk-The Big Book Of Runes book
#witchcraft#witchythings#beginner witch#witch tips#witchblr#norse runes#runes#norse mythology#norse pantheon#norse paganism#norse gods#norse heathen#runic#runic magic#study notes#notes#witch community#nordic#rune magic#rune stone#rune symbols#witchyvibes#studyblr#study blog#paganism#wow#runestones#rambles#spilled ink#photography
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obsessed with the idea that once the detective has their blood all murphied up they become this very powerful antimagic field. they can just see through veils and illusions sure, but also standing near runes or sigils is an issue bc they just turn them off. they are effectively banned from certain parts of the warehouse or the agency complex bc they ruin all magic around them
#see i also think its fun if a nonsupernatural can kind of learn runic wards and very basic limited magic too. and tea would eat that shit up#shes making bombs normally. now imagine her with a runic bomb? horriifying#but also shes got her super special blood so she cant :( boo#ramblings
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I love my imperial. Soooo good to have you back Sky
#ragna ramblings#ragna thumbnails#Fought boiling lizard full power w/her and she used runic shield LIKE EVERY TIME IT COUNTERED HER
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Not looking just saying thanks to all the people in the comments saying it's some combination of:
Elon musk
mark Zuckerberg
big naturals
male-presenting nipples
Someone who makes 3d-modeled NFTs
Popup ads aren't something I wanted to relive, tumblr seems a bit confused about that one.
Reminder that the mobile site is mostly functional now (relative to as much as this site ever is anyway) and mobile Firefox has uBlock origin available as a plugin.
I got THE worst possible Tumblr ad
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Joke's on you, Tumblr, I'm just getting started >:3c
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I beat kitten burst. Nya :3
Still trying at the post-game boss
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BG3 Drow Lore: Names Written In Drow Script
So... I was wondering how drow names from BG3 would look like written in drow script - because hey, surely there is one, right?
Apparently (but please correct me if I am wrong) there is no official drow script because for some odd reason, drow in DnD universe are supposed to use elvish script called Espruar. You can stumble across this script in some places in game, for example, some of the posters from Act 3 have text written in Espruar. It looks like this:

But I was not satisfied with this - I mean, seriously, drow using a surface elven alphabet? 🤔 - and after a bit of searching, I found some not-exactly-canon, but cool alternatives.
The first one is 3e Espruar script, a redesigned Espruar alphabet that is no longer used in the newest edition of DnD. It is elegant and looks pleasantly elven. The second one is High Drowic script, a redesigned 3e Espruar with a touch of Abyssal and more runic design. High drow language was supposed to be used mainly by priestesses (for ritual purposes) and among nobles.
Below some examples - 3e Espruar / High Drowic variants:
There is also another script, known simply as Drow script, that has two versions: rounded and angular. This script looks a bit chaotic, as if somebody gathered letters into a jar and shook them before writing them down - I also like it:
Espruar font and High Drowic font are by Neale Davidson. Drow font is by Daniel U. Thibault.
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
#baldur's gate 3#bg3#bg3 drow lore#drow#minthara#minthara baenre#nere#true soul nere#kar'niss#araj oblodra#dhourn
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Yknow, new plan: every time I catch myself in this headspace I'm just going to mentally shout "That is a 50. DKP. MINUS!" and see if that convinces my brain it's overreacting
Losing or Doing poorly in a video game is morally reprehensible
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✨🌺 Writing Share and Questionnaire Tag 🌺✨
Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for tagging me! If you’ve done so recently, know that I appreciate you and was probably not alerted (sorry if I missed any!) HOWEVER, I did catch a questionnaire tag here from @willtheweaver ! Thank you for the tag! 💛✨
I’ve written some progress from ITROG, and I’d figure I’ll share a little more of Tyrell’s personality through these questions. Stick around for a story snippet at the end 💫
My questions:
1. What would it take for you to forgive someone who wronged you?
Tyrell: (snorts in a sneer) Hel if I know. Usually if someone crosses me, they’re not comin’ back into my good graces anytime soon.
2. You are given the chance to resurrect someone you loved for 24 hours. Would you do it?
Tyrell: Já, of course I would! Who wouldn’t? Odin’s blessing, I’d keep móðir alive a lot longer if I had the chance.
3. What is the one job you don’t want?
Tyrell: Probably being second in command to a man like Bartok….ugh, nei. Someone with a stick shoved that far up their own ass would be tastin’ tree bark on their tonsils. Nei, þǫkk.
And speaking of Bartok, here is a bonus writing share from ITROG! ✨
On the route to the food storage, Bartok snickered over his shoulder: “What’s wrong with yer sonr? Did he have another faint?”
“That’s none of your business.” Stefan answered curtly.
The warrior whistled through his teeth. “Ah, it’s a shame….you aren’t thinking of enlisting him in the Ursyne Trials, are ya’?”
“Haven’t decided yet.”
“Ya’ can’t be serious, Chief.” Bartok scoffed. “Imagine: Tyrell climbs up Feldin’s Peak, and halfway his heart gives out….”
“…..” Stefan ground his teeth in silent seething.
“…..Or when he has to duck under the icy wake. If the cold isn’t enough to shock his system to shutdown, the faint’ll due him to drown 30 deep until his skin’s the color of a Frost Jötunn—”
“—Enough, Bartok! Must you be so descriptive about my SON?!” The viking chief lashed out. “And keep those Hel-forsaken demons off of your lips before I sew them shut with runic thread.”
A nervous laugh crested Bartok’s voice “My apologies, chief. I don’t mean to rattle you. Only meant to warn….” He shrugged in nonchalance. “…..I’d be rightfully worried, though. These trials are no joke.”
“I know. They’re to train warriors—the strongest to lead the Bear Clan…..” Stefan nodded in conviction. “…..of which my son shows heart.”
@gioiaalbanoart and @wyked-ao3 , you’re gonna need the shovel for THIS one 😂
Thank you everyone! If you’ve previously tagged me, make sure to poke me twice—Tumblr notifications can be hit or miss sometimes, and I love seeing what everyone’s working on! ✨
Speaking of tagging, let me tag the following (no pressure, join if you wish ✨): @wyked-ao3 , @gioiaalbanoart , @jev-urisk , @tragedycoded , @autism-purgatory , @finickyfelix , @theink-stainedfolk , @drchenquill , @deanwax , @the-inkwell-variable , @mysticstarlightduck , @illarian-rambling , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @ominous-feychild , @mrbexwrites , @sharkblizzardblogs , @agirlandherquill , @rhikasa , @houseplantblank , @justabigoldnerd , @justanotherchangeling , @pippinoftheshire , @noxxytocin , @alinacapellabooks , @seastarblue , @talesofsorrowandofruin , @theaistired , @paeliae-occasionally , @aurumni-writes , @smellyrottentrees , @lavender-gloom , @cowboybrunch , @aziz-reads , @dyrewrites , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @theeccentricraven , @birdycage , @nczaversnick , @honeybewrites , @somethingclevermahogony , @topazadine , +open for whoever else wishes to join! ✨
Your questions for your OCs (in cut/paste format) 👀✨
1.) What location is always considered a home to you? 2.) Do you enjoy traveling with company, or alone? 3.) How many landmarks in your world have you visited? Were they fun? Horrifying? A place to remember?
Thank you all again! I’m excited to pick up ITROG and (hopefully) answer more questions and games about the story! Have a great week everyone, and Happy New Year! 🎊✨
#writeblr tag games#tag games#writing share#oc questionnaire#spilled ink#creative writers#creative writing#goldencomet💫#ITROG#high fantasy#norse mythology#jötunn#Jötunheimr#epic adventure#bl romance#romantasy#gay romance#writers on tumblr#writeblr#writblr#writing community#writerscommunity#writeblr community#writers on ao3#ao3 community#writer#writers#writing#writer stuff
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Arcane Season 2 Act 1 Spoilers
i've just watched the first three episodes of arcane season 2 HELP
SPOILERS BELOW i've just rambled about what happens lol
i feel like the pace was amped up so much! so much happened in such a short space of time!!!
mel and jayce - they didn't address exactly HOW mel and jayce were completely unscathed by jinx's rocket, but they focused on mel's glowing gold armor again in the opening scene so i assume it'll come up later
THE BLACK ROSE OMG - i feel like we could see this coming but they really didn't hold back with it! i wonder what ties ambessa has to them... and i wonder if we'll see leblanc later on in the season? the black rose magic looked so cool tbh
side note - ambessa's guard rictus used his runic weapon that glowed green, which reminds me of riven's sword!
mel - she got captured by the black rose?? like she completely disappeared in the last scene so where are they taking her?
viktor - UMM HELLO WHAT? HE JUST LEFT JAYCE AND THAT WAS IT?! AND JAYCE DIDN'T TRY AND STOP HIM? wtf did the hexcore do to him? and he's like... jesus now? are the people he's healing going to become like the gold-adorned floating people in the trailer?
jayce, heimer and ekko - wtf. wtf. again i assume it'll be explained later but like wtf. the hexgate looked corrupted and then what happened to them??? jayce fuckin bodied the hexcore?
hextech weapons - the hexcore had a weird effect on the hextech weapons when vi and caitlyn were fighting jinx and sevika? something CRAZY is happening with that omfg
VI AND CAITLYN - THEY FINALLY KISSED AAAA BUT THEN they're broken up again like damn my heart can't take this 😭
the way ambessa manipulated the whole situation at the memorial service and now caitlyn's the leader of the military force i'm screaming??? she's really turned dark omg
jinx and sevika and isha?? love that for them. i wish it showed more of their relationship tho, i feel like we didn't really see much of them :( sevika's new arm being built from the punching machine that vi and jinx used to use omfg
Lest is such a cool character wtf. i hope we see more of her
jarvan cameo? :o
the new intro sequence is so cool. i like ambessa and mel with the literal black roses, caitlyn's hands on her head makes her shadow look like it's wearing a crown ("heavy is the crown"), ekko going back in time a little bit (still waiting for an in-universe explanation about that...)
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The Gateway Guards
The witch queen let loose a sigh of boredom another day in her endless cycle watching over the boundary between life and death.
Yet even as she went about the same tasks she always did there was a shift in the air, as if the entirety of the Infinite Realms was holding it's breath.
As the Witch looked towards the gateway the tension burst and a surge of ghosts unlike any she had seen for centuries burst through a cacophony of cries echoing overtop of one another rendering the cry unintelligible.
The Queen grasped her spear and readied herself to fight, yet an instant before she lunged she recognized the cry repeating in countless languages.
"Sanctuary! Sanctuary! The dread king awakens! Pariah is free once more!"
"Hold there! What do you mean that tyrant walks free? His tomb was impenetrable without the key." Demanded the Witch Queen silencing the crowd.
A nervous looking ghost of a cobbler if his tools were any indication stepped forward wringing his hat in his spectral hands.
"Word is a ghost by the name of Plasmius was seen fleeing the Keep beat up mighty bad milady. We promise we won't leave her ladyship's domain we ask only to hide here away from his gaze."
The undying witch blinked in shock baffled at the arrogance of this so called Plasmius.
"Very well but those who know their way around weapons should ready them should the Tyrant attempt to lead his army through here I shall repel him as I did in ages long past but I will not be able to fight all of his army at the same time."
The cobbler almost melted in relief "Oh thank you milady thank you!"
The Witch Queen quickly armed herself with her best spear and her battlewear before taking up a post alongside what warriors were within the mass of ghosts.
The tension was high as the Queen and her volunteers stood guard at the gateway to her realm. Hours passed the Queen as steady as a statue until she sensed something coming closer.
"Ready yourselves something approaches!" She called as she raised her spear and readied her runic magic.
Yet what passed through the portal caused all tension to leave her body and the friendly face of a familiar Yeti of the Far Frozen.
"Hail Icefang! What news brings you here in such dangerous times?" The Queen called
"Hail Queen of Shadows! I come with glad tidings! Pariah Dark has been vanquished and sealed once more!" The jovial Yeti called causing cheers to ring out from the spirits surrounding the Queen.
"Truly? I did not expect the Ancients to move so quickly. Lugh knows they bicker like children when they gather." Mused the Witch
"That is the interesting thing old friend it wasn't the Ancients who bested him. A young spirit whose home the King attacked doned a powerful suit of armor and battled him to protect the land of his birth. The word is it might even have been an official challenge! Chief Frostbite is seeking an audience with Lord Clockwork to confirm these rumors." Rambled the excited healer.
The ghosts burst into noise as they expressed their shock to one another and the Witch Queen herself was shocked a feeling she hadn't felt for centuries. Not since her last student has she been so flatfooted.
Months passed the Queen settling back into the same monotonous routine before one day a sudden weight left her soul.
The Ancient Queen felt tears well up in the corner of her eyes the curse binding her to the land she protected fading from her yet she felt paralyzed she had been bound to this land so long that she didn't know what to do with herself.
Days later the Queen conflicted, as she was no longer bound by curse to stay trapped in this land she had protected for longer than even she knew yet the human world had surely changed in ways she couldn't imagine and surely there was no place for an immortal Witch like herself.
The proud warrior likely would have stayed paralyzed by doubts if Icefang had not returned.
"Hail Queen of Shadows! I come bearing news of the Great ones ascent to the throne!" The towering Yeti bellowed.
"Great one? Who do you speak of Icefang?" The Queen asked offering her old friend a seat.
"Ah yes the ghost I told you of before who battled Pariah. It turns out he had been officially recognized as a challenger and the Ancients have all given their approval whether it was through battle or other tests. His first day after he was told was to break all the curses the Tyrant had spread. You are free to join the humans once more!" The excitable Yeti said seemingly unable to contain their excitement.
"Yes I felt the curse fade away, though it's good to know the source. Although I'm not sure it's a good idea to leave, it's been so long surely humanity doesn't have a place for an ancient warrior like myself." The Witch Queen admitted.
Icefang let a knowing smile come across their face before turning their head and changing the subject.
"You know it's quite impressive what the Great One has accomplished in such a short time, why he only just had his first death-day and only days after his fifteenth birthday as well. Oh and there is the fact that he is a perfect halfa equal parts living and dead. Why word is that the day he died it heralded a new permanent portal to the living realm that he has stood guard at. It's quite impressive as one with so little formal training was capable of so much " Icefang said with a leading tone.
"Fine fine I see what you want me to do and I will investigate. But I hold the final say on whether I teach him anything. Now show me to this portal you spoke of." The now free woman said a tone of irritated defeat in her tone.
The unlikely pair departed the Witches home and entered the vast green expanse of the Infinite Realms.
The journey was quite long and they passed multiple spirit cities where billions of peaceful ghosts seemed to be celebrating.
Finally the pair approached a metal hexagon floating in the air and the pair stopped.
"This is as far as I take you old friend, beyond this door is the home of the Great One. I must return to my home I have an appointment in a few hours that I must prepare for. Slán go fóill." Iceclaw said as they flew away.
The Queen took a deep breath before crossing over the threshold. Immediately the witch noticed the sterile walls and tables and hid as she heard voices.
A young spirit floated down the stairs he wore a black suit with white accents and his hair, white as freshly fallen snow, moved about his head like he was underwater. However the most important thing was the crown and ring he wore marking him as the new ghost king.
The young king was speaking into a device as he grabbed a strange looking cylinder before with a flash of light he was suddenly living with black hair and a lack of crown and ring.
The witch quietly followed the young warrior observing him and how he fought and while it was decent for the era it was nothing like what people were capable in her heyday.
Finally at the end of the day she had made up her mind and approached him.
"You have talent little king but if you don't hone that talent someone will come along and crush you with superior skill." The Witch Queen said.
"Jeez lady! Are you trying to kill me for a third time? Ugh you must be that teacher Frostbite said one of his doctors knew. Though I was expecting another ghost." The teen said a hand over his unbeating heart.
"You could say that, I am here offering to train you as thanks for breaking the curse that bound me to my home." The Witch Queen said crossing her arms as she looked down at the lanky teen.
"Ugh I didn't do that for thanks I just didn't want anyone suffering under that prick any longer than they have to. But if you are offering some training I guess I'll try it at least since Icefang vouches for you." The young boy said while rolling his eyes
"Excellent it's been centuries since I last had a student! We will start first thing in the morning." The Witch said excitement at a new student filling her.
"Sounds like a plan. Oh yeah Icefang only said you were a great teacher, but the Far Frozen seem to be allergic to names so what should I call you."
The Queen smiled at the boys question.
"Teacher is what you shall call me during training but my name? I am the trainer of legendary heroes, godslayer, and Queen of the land of shadows, I am Scáthach!"
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since it's apparently my side gig translating runic script for... well nobody, I just can, here's the translation of the journal page at the top of the original post! [btw great art, I'm about to expose your octo boi]
notes on the side of the page "those eyes…" "that smile…" "their poses…" "oh I'm doomed…"
apologies in advance, that first passage had me stuck for a minute and I'm still not sure I translated it correctly, due to the grammar used
staggers in the door
LOOK! a drawing gar made for your enjoyment. decode this at your own risk it's super gay. (not inappropriate just fruity)
anyway, more drawings

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Placeholder Ask - Naveena Qs Part 2
Hello, @thecomfywriter I told you I would circle back to these questions so here we are maybe a month later…
i read your post on the runes system briefly (gorgeous by the way. great distraction from pathology. i’m always doing pathology 😔) BUTTTTT can you pls ramble more about it? i wanna know what makes someone of magic. sponsorship from ike? is there drama between the gods? how has it affected history? how does it affect believers and their contrasting dynamics? how does it affect politics?
I always have more magic rambles!
How is magic acquired?
Ok so it depends what type of magic.
Ahinti (Arcane) magic - this is the type that the mages use. This is taught as it manipulates the naturally occurring Ike in the world.
Druidic magic - This can also be taught as it also draws from the magic naturally around you
Sorcerers - To be a sorcerer you have to be born magic as you cast from a personal store of magic that you have since birth.
Runics - You can learn the runes under certain conditions.
So essentially the runes are weird because they cast using the natural Ike but using the runes like a catalyst to break individual simple components out of strands.
The runes themselves are cursed by the god of magic Ezemhaziel so that the weirder has to have suffered as he and Rin suffered at the hands of mortals. This essentially means they have to go through extreme loss and pain to the point of emptiness to be able to channel through the runes.
But after the condition is met they can be taught and train like other magic users.
Is there drama between the gods? How has this effected history?
The answer is yes and the relevant posts are here and here.
How does it affect believers and their contrasting dynamics? How does it effect politics?
Now this is an interesting one.
So in this world there is not a distinction between believers and non-believers in the gods, as they were quite obviously real and present in the past.
But, there are different religions that hold things higher than the gods, and think if the gods differently because of it. (I am not explaining the whole church of the eternal lore here but feel free to ask)
There is however conflict over what they believe about the gods.
Before the dissolution, many cities had patron gods and rituals and festivals surrounding a variety of gods. Notably some were treated more like folk heroes than how you would expect a god to be treated as many people has higher beliefs than the gods they could see before them.
These alignments with certain gods still effect culture in the modern day, whether through a societies values, their art, or their industry. Their favour with a god also likely acted as a shield in the pre-dissolution massacres, especially if they were protected by one of the older, more powerful gods.
The various churches have dramatically impacted politics especially surrounding the support or animosity towards magical research. (This parallels the supposed ‘religion/science divide in our world) They also have impacted laws in the will of the eternal, or control the daily schedule of entire nations as giant ethno-religions.
I might need to make another post about the various religions in the world. Not all of them are as fully fleshed out as I would like but there are a couple strong ones.
Anyway tagging the tag list:
@thelovelymachinery, @an-indecisive-nerd, @the-letterbox-archives, @oliolioxenfreewrites, @winvyre
@happypup-kitcat24, @wyked-ao3, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @alnaperera, @dearunreliablenarrator
@rumeysawrites, @urnumber1star, @seastarblue, @thecomfywriter
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Now, you might be thinking:
"Dip that's not a Troubadour why does she look like that??"
(Warning: Large amounts of text below, abandon all hope ye who enter here, yada yada yada)
That's because she's not a Troubadour! I lied! Lyris is actually a Hexer! And a Runemaster! But more than that, she's an experienced artist unlike a certain somebody.
So what exactly does this mean?
Well, although within the confines of the EOU's class selection, her gameplay role of supporting the party with buffs is that of a Troubadour, Lyris, rather than using the inspiring power of song and dance, uses a mixture of Cursemaking, Runemastery, and, indeed, her own art to empower her allies. Thus, I've taken to calling her a Pictomancer.
Now what exactly does that mean?
To explain, I ought to use an example. Take the humble Warrior Song, an emboldening bop which bolsters the abilities of a Troubadour's fellow battlers. While Lyris may use a skill of the same name, my sick and twisted cranium envisions vastly different goings-on than an especially strengthening song being sung.
See, the book Lyris holds in the image above is one of her sketchbooks. Within this specific textbook are various depictions of various monsters which reside within Etria's own Yggdrasil labyrinth (you're gonna have to use your imagination because I sure as hell am not drawing them). The particular drawing which concerns Lyris' recreation of Warrior Song's effects is her drawing of the Forest Wolf.
The Forest Wolf has a skill called Evil Cry, which raises the attack strength of all of its allies. Rather similar to Warrior Song, eh?
Though Lyris could hardly hope to muster a howl with such a helpful effect, she doesn't need to.
Though her Cursemaking abilities, Lyris can conjure up an illusory image of this Forest Wolf from her sketchbook, which will use its own Evil Cry to empower her comrades. But that's not the end of it—though the illusions she creates can mimic the use of a skill, its her manipulation of runic energies through Runemastery while the small spectacle occurs that bears most of the true supportive effect.
Does this mean that the illusions Lyris creates are near useless? Yes! Yes it does! But she's a sucker for theatrics (watch her summon an illusory double of one of dragon trio for Flame/Frost/Shock Fantasia), so she insists on their presence.
This combination of Cursemaking, Runemastery, and her own artworks is what forms the crux of Lyris' role in battle.
And it also explains why she looks like that! I did my best to incorporate aspects of both Runemasters and Hexers into Lyris' design. See the dress she's wearing? The same kind that Runemasters wear.
(Transparent, high-res EO4 character portraits are about as easy to come by as... something really hard to come by, so I ripped this one straight from the game. What can ya do? Incidentally, this specific portrait is another one of my EOCs. Everybody say "hi Libby!" I'll get to her someday.)
That chain and string around her waist? Quite similar to that which Hexers bind themselves up with. And that eye-shaped emblem on her sketchbook? The same one that Hexers wear above their bells.
(This is also the portrait Lyris uses in-game. You can sorta see where she got the hair from.)
And though it's easy to overlook, she wears a Hexer-style leg-cuff on her left leg.
(This portrait just so happens to be the one used by Isabell, my EO2U "Hexer!" Her class is a similar deal to Lyris'. I'll get to her in time.)
Only the one, though, not both. She can't levitate like full-time Hexers, and is thus hardly of the mind to bind both her legs together like one.
Lastly, Lyris has a sword! That sword in particular is my take on the Vorpal, which is the sword you get from the Reaping Shade's conditional drop (kill while arms bound) in the Emerald Grove. While the sword sees little use, Lyris keeps it on her person, per the insistence of her twin sister Katris—the EOU party's Protector—that she have something to defend herself with in any scenario wherein Katris is unable to.
Why'd I choose the Vorpal specifically?
No real reason, besides it being what she has equipped right now. It comes with +20 HP and +3 Agility! It's a damn good stat stick, if nothing else.
Okay I think that's all. Bye bye.

Now THIS is more like it! My Etrian Odyssey Untold Troubadour, Lyris Harper.
#dip speaks#<-and good LIRD did he SPEAK#i'm gonna need a nap and a hug and a bowl of mac and cheese and another nap and bowl of mac and cheese and I've done this bit before alread#ONE LAST THING#you might wonder#why does Lyris need a sword? isn't she a runemaster? can't she just blast enemies away with a galvanic rune and be done with it?#WELL‚ if you'll direct your focus back up to Libby the runemaster for but a moment...#you'll see she has a kick-ass little wand#runic energies are usually kind of unwieldy to just control with runic incantations—#the wand which libby wields is what allows runic energies to be focused down into something that can actually deal damage.#having no such thing‚ Lyris is limited to just the incantations‚ and unable to do any damage with them#as they say in argentina: c'est la vie#etrian odyssey#etrian odyssey untold#oh and one last one last thing#could you tell by reading this whole thing that i like alliteration? because i really like alliteration.#eoc rambles#eoc: lyris
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