#I kinda mentioned jizzie at the end there
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Top 10 Moments in the Life Series
Okay, so like, a month ago or something, Jimmy asked his viewers to compile together a list of their top ten moments from the life series, and I put together my potential list right then and there when the video came out. Then I forgot about it for the entirety of a month and now here we are. (ADHD sucks sometimes TT). Since he’s already put out his reaction vid, I didn’t feel like putting together an entire video but still wanted to ramble some so~
10. Desert Duo on a Camel Together in a Red Desert
Frankly, this made the list exclusively because of biases. The significance of these two men wandering around a RED DESERT – red as in; covered in blood – on the back of some rideable minecraft animal is probably lost on any new viewer. Not to mention the Cactus Monopoly scene, with Scar giving Grian the monopoly over it while saying; “I know how you love monopolies.” That entire interaction pretty much ruined me. I haven’t not thought about it in weeks. I need help.
9. The AH-HA Bit
I don’t know if I need to say anything more about this. If the previous was iconic for its dramatics, this is iconic for the opposite. It’s just a bunch of men having fun together, laughing and making stupid little puns about a made up British tradition. The fact that Impulse, a very american american, was somehow bound up in this group made it ten times funnier. No notes, this bit speaks for itself. Insert funny AH-HA pun here.
8. Etho’s Fishing Rod Kill on Scar
Already one of my favorite seasons for a variety of reasons, Last Life didn’t need this scene to make it my all time favorite season or anything. But damn, am I glad it happened. The precision and calculations on Etho’s part is just– damn! That entire situation, no matter how it played out, Etho would be on the winning side. Like, it was either Scar dies and Etho gets a boogie kill or just not. Even if Etho didn’t get his kill there, Bdubs woulda still gotten a life and Etho could still kill anyone else. Either way, Bdubs would’ve gotten his life and Etho would’ve gotten his buddy back. It’s all just beautifully and meticulously planned out that I can’t help but plop into this spot.
(Yes, I recognise that it might not have been planned to that extent on Etho’s part, or IRL Etho’s part, at least. I am choosing to believe that ch!Etho totally did weigh out all his options and came to the conclusion that this was the best course of action and was confident he could get the kill and even knew that Scar would have the Enchanter on him. He just comes off as that type of character to me, is all.)
7. Scott’s Sacrifice for Pearl in DL
You cannot tell me that this is not one of the most iconic moments of the life series, ever. Scott standing over that pile of TNT, lighter in hand while Pearl, bathed in red and a bloody ax clenched tightly in her fists, watches, wide-eyed and hysteric, trying to desperately ask what’s going on or to understand or to just do something, unable to in the end as Scott takes his own life crowning her victor over the bloodbath that she had never thought would end like this.
And that fucking line?! “Tilly death do us part?!” What the hell, Scott?!
In conclusion, your honor, Tilly is still alive somewhere in the DL world and someone should rescue her.
6. Grain’s Stalactite kill on BigB / Ren
Alright, this is pure luck and I am so fucking here for it. It’s simply beautiful. The unplanned accuracy of a man on a bloodlust ending up only getting a kill on his chosen soulmate is poetic as shit (shit that just so happens to be really poetic, that is).
It’s kinda like the reverse or inverse of the Etho fishing rod kill. Grian’s pure luck and also not is what makes this scene so fucking memorable.
Not to mention both Grian and Scar’s reactions. Grian was over the moon, screaming and celebrating and being ecstatic until he realizes just what he’s done. And his little “except when I got married,” is all pure chaos and we live for that here.
Then there’s Scar, ever the opportunist, immediately starts looting the corpses. Silently. He picks up anything he deems valuable (which could mean useless lint and string, but whatever) and tries to bealine it out of there the second he’s done. I love Scar, honestly.
5. Scar’s SL Win!
This specific season holds a special place in my heart for being the only season I watched and stayed tuned in for the entirety of its run. So when Scar, the one I’ve been rooting for since 3L, happens to win, you can imagine my excitement.
It was so out of left field, too. Like, in the final battle, I knew for a fact something was going to take out Scott and Pearl, them being winners already and this spoken rule of no double winners and all. But between Scar and Gem? I’m sorry, Scar, but I definitely didn’t see it coming. Gem was on a mad one, killing or getting someone else to kill more than half the server and already being stacked on kills. It just fits, ya know?
Like, Martyn, Grain and Pearl all were crazy about killing their entire season, even on green they were kinda unhinged, ya know? (couch couch Scarlet Pearl cough cough). And it's not like Scott didn’t have a body count.
To be fair though, it’s not like Scar didn’t get any kills either, it was just more…. Discrete? Unintentional. His kill on Bdubs and his accidental shot on Gem were both not of his own volition.
The idea that what it took for Scar to win was to completely give up on making friends is poetic as shit.
First season, he had an ally, a friend, a comrade, one whom he betrayed then gave his life for.
Next season, he tried and tried and tried again to make friends, almost as if chasing that same high he got with his first partner, but never managing to make any meaningful connections, and ended up shot in the back.
Then, he’s reunited with his partner of old and they get off to a good start, being the last greens and all. But as if with all things, it came down as Scar, accidentally, took their first two lives and his soulmate took the other.
Afterwards, he returns to his family, hoping to find peace and connections there. He finds it with his mother and brother and, sort of, with his estranged father. He leads a Scar-typical season of blowing things up (attempting to, at least), stabbing people in the back and swindling (only a little). It all comes to a head as his once-soulmate, once-partner-in-crime stabs him in the back, literally.
Finally, we have this season. Scar starts out looking for friends, he very much does. But the universe itself has other ideas. Bad task after bad task, Scar is left almost entirely isolated from the rest of the server. The backstabber of a soulmate offers him a home but he cannot take it (as per rules he made up about his task). Then, somehow, somewhere, he sees those words, “She’s dead, Scar, you won.”
It’s all just beautiful honestly.
4. “It was just a prank, Scar!”
The beginning of it all. This little prank led to so much that it deserves to be in the top5 of every list out there, in my opinion anyway. Like, Grian randomly happening across a creeper out in broad daylight then proceeding to choose to lead it all the way into a group of distracted people in the name of a prank which leads into a season-long, dramatic, all-defying alliance of which leads to a climactic battle surrounded by the disheveled and war torn lands they once ruled over together (we’ll get to this in a minute, don’t worry), chants of the ghosts of the lives they ended to get to where they are, screaming in their ears to fight and to kill and having to brutally take the last life of the person he’d once vowed his own to Al because of what? A prank?! Seriously?!– is that not the best shit you’ve heard all day? Or all week? Hell, maybe your entire fucking life???
I sure think so.
3. Liz’s Final Death in SL
I realize that this is my only Tim related moment on the list and it was Tim who had asked for the list in the first place, but whatever. There are plenty of cool ass (and miserably funny) Tim moments out there (ones I might plop into the honorary mentions bit) but this is honestly my favorite and the one I think makes the cut compared to the others on here.
Anyhow. Onto Liz taking Tim’s place as first out.
I watched Liz’s POV late, can’t remember if it was because she uploaded late or someone else uploaded and I forgot to get back to it afterward– I dunno. I saw hers late and thus already knew she was going to die first, so, unfortunately, I didn’t get to live it through her eyes first, quite sad I know. Point is, I fucking. Nearly. Cried.
Like, not only was Liz’s whole arc in the season quite sad already, with the whole, “I wish everyone were here,” and her attempt at cheering herself up ending up so horribly, I knew beforehand that something awful was going to have to happen to sum up all her season-long misery. Dying in the midst of an attack, her only proper attack really, with an ender-pearl sitting untouched in her hotbar, was not the way I thought that would happen.
And something I didn't expect even more?? Her dying first??? Yeah, no, it was definitely not on my SL Bingo Card, that’s for sure. It was just so out of nowhere and yet, it also wasn’t? How do I explain? Like, Liz’s whole season was going from one misfortune to another, bad decision to another and it just kept piling on, until, well– you know.
Tim’s seasons are usually like that, no? Bad decisions followed by the universe itself hating on him followed by pure bad luck. Pretty much any Timmy Life Series season honestly.
I don’t think I’m doing this scene– this event justice. Timmy went out first every season for 4 seasons in a row. then Lizzie waltzes on in for the second time, suffers a bunch in her episodes, tries to kill Scott (a well-known no-no if you want to live) and then dies. First.
Beautiful and iconic; that’s LDShadowLady for you.
(I realize I should probably talk about Tim some more, given that this is the only Jim-related moment on here, but eh. This segment is too long already. I’ll talk about some other Jim moments later.)
2. Scar’s Water Bucket Clutch
This moment proved to me that putting Grian and Scar together in a life series makes a seriously underrated but totally fairly rated duo. Like, in one season they managed to keep a whole ass, proper, monopoly going for at least, like, 2(?) whole sessions, Grain managed that stalactite kill I talked about already and then Scar does this shit??
I just– there’s a reason these guys got so fucking close to winning and never teamed up, volentairily, ever again. Had they teamed up again, and wanted to actively work together and actually win this shit, they totally could. There is a fucking reason both of them are individually winners now and I’m so shitting here for it.
Onto more specific things; Scar is a mad man and I love him for it. He saw Etho burning a couple of pandas (I apologize; a couple of jellies) and was just, “screw you Giran, those pandas need me,” and he went.
Grian’s reaction going from severely panicked to immeasurable pride is just beautiful (lots of things are beautiful, shut up).
When I tell you I replayed this shit non-stop until all the dopamine this scene could provide my ADHDed brain could be sucked up dry until it was drier than the driest of dry prunes you’ve ever seen on a hot ass summer afternoon, I mean it with every ounce of my being.
With that said; second place it shall be forevermore~
1. Cactus Ring
I mentioned this earlier and I don’t think anyone is necessarily surprised judging by all my other picks thus far, yeah?
Everyone’s heard of the beginning of the end. Well this feels a lot like the opposite of that. The end of the beginning, ya know? Third life’s the beginning, where everything began, where everything and everyone got established (well mostly everyone) and it’s where everything started. The cactus ring, to me, marks the end of the beginning. As if to say, “the beginning is over. We all know what we’re doing from now on, the trials are over and the bloodlusts and betrayals have already begun, let them continue (forevermore~).”
It’s a red mark (of blood) in the sand from where they began to where they’ll continue to go. It's the end of an era, the beginning of another, the continuation of a story left unfinished. It’s everything and nothing and I’m making no sense–
My point in all this is that this moment is iconic and deserves top 2, at minimum, on any and all lists of this kind. I accept none otherwise (not really :P).
…I feel like I spoilt myself a little my gushing about these guys earlier and now I don’t really have all that much to say–
Honorary Mentions!
1 - Tim’s final LimL death.
What the hell, dude? Talk all that crap to what? Trip off your own fucking Bad Boys Bread Brige™? Timmy, Timmy, Timmy.
Joel and Grain’s, and even Pearl’s, reactions were awesome btw!
2 - Grain and Scar’s Sing-Along!
It’s a desert duo moment, I don’t know what you want from me.
3 - Tim Killing Liz in SL
If I’m not mistaken, this is, like, Tim’s only kill that season and it being completely accidental and the fact that he feels horrible for it makes this moment comedy gold.
4 - Grain’s Triple Kill in 3L
This set the stage for many, many kills to come, and the excessive use of TNT minecarts can also be pinned back here, which is awesome of course.
5 - Etho’s Washed Up?!
This was originally on the list but because of (Scar-related) changes, it no longer is. It's awesome though so I put it down here. I fucking love this shit, dude. Cleo and Budubs’ back and forth and Etho just like, “I knew it guys, I really am washed up,” is just great.
6 - Mumbo’s Death in the Nether in SL
Mumbo is awesome and kinda not all there sometimes. This just so happens to be a moment of the latter, is all. Love him.
7 - Joel and Liz’s Romance in SL
I love these two interacting just casually. They’re super sweet and I just– I love seeing couples just doing normal things, like playing a game they both like together and just having fun, ya know? Whether that be with a little flirting or not, it’s fun to watch.
Alternatively; the Joel and Liz are trying to flirt in LL with Scar awkwardly there in the background.
#limited life#solidaritygaming#secret life spoilters#third life#double life smp#life smp series#last life#pearlescentmoon#grian#scott smajor#inthelittlewood#trafficblr#ok… I maybe a tiny bit late to this#shut up#I blame my ADHD#yeah. it’s all her fault#top 10 life series moments#dessert duo#shit I didn’t mention boat boys at all#damn it#goodtimeswithscar#mumbo jumbo#ethoslab#ldshadowlady#joel smallishbeans#I kinda mentioned jizzie at the end there#should I take ‘em?#mah
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Once again, Vale didn’t start at the mines, it started with ep 19′s bomb....Pickle Pervert seemingly would have always existed (but since Jug’s coma dreem, ep 19)
Jug’s ded, will be resurrected in the Vale and have all the Vale peeps join, Vik. Otherwise his mind reading wouldn’t have done dick to defeat Pickle.
Errmm....nope, It’ll turn out the Apocalypse HAD to happen, which is why Tabs already mentioned as much....and, again, we know that’s Jug’s hearing loss/mind reading is essential to winning.
Obviously, because they’re gonna put Pickle Pervert back in the Vale for eternity...I do love how you literally have no ideas and, per usual, can’t really follow the plot.
Again, nope
Annnddd.....ofc there’s deus ex machina, cuz this show...but, again? IDK if they do go back even WHY they need to remember? However, once again.....Jug’s coma dreem. So, again, no actual ideas? Got it...
I agree....99.999% sure Jug is in Pop’s in the Skyeee----and probably already in the Vale. OFC he has his normal hearing back, moron....moar like Brina’s there, but doesn’t do much of anything....
You’ll be stuck there probably until close to series’ end, Vik...
DW, Unshura, you will most assuredly NOT get dick....additionally, the single VD crumb sucks and you hate Douchie, so your sucking up here is beyond pathetic.
You did only have one last ep, your sad asses will just blow that out of the water. And VD has never had many fans, dudes
Ermm....yeah, he kinda issss....
Errmmm....so seemingly did OG VD and Jizzy----and they aren’t together, either....however, I think we’re def headed to a BAV triangle....which also works with a coma dreem
Tinkle loves Molars and had just chosen to marry him, despite no further custody issues remaining.....
Errmmm....once again, love how y’all refuse to accept why ALL of this happened is happening. And that it will continue to drive that, moving forward. Jizzy WAS, but Cole can’t stand to be in the same room with PP....
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TG: you sound lizzle a rizzy popular lady out hizzle TG: even yizzay be bustin' fo` you!
UU: indee'.
TG: well i hope you cizzle find ha TG: Tru niggaz do niggaz. bizzle TG, know what im sayin? if thats yo' job TG: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. ta F-to-tha-izzind bizarro cizzle n go wollizzle ur bro TG: thiznen what be our heroic biz aww nah?
UU: it's tha sizname as it alwizzles wizzle. UU cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: ta win tha game.
TG: oh yeah TG: dizzy
UU: it be as i once told jiznane. UU: wit victorizzle yoU may finizzle exit dis vast whirl'n storm cuz its a doggy dog world. UU: by hatin' yo' reward yoU wiznoUld bustin' closUre ta a very wiznide coil of caUsality, one nizzot trac'n a continUoUs pizzy lizzay a snake, bUt intricatizzle woven like a wreath. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. UU: a doggy stylin' of coUntlizzles little rizes n fizzalls, ascents n descents, on its way Up n down a pizzay of mizzle drug deala ones itself so jus' chill. UU: from alpha ta beta, thizzle bizzeta ta alpha, as if a moUntain ta be scaled n tizzy climbed back down. Keep'n it gangsta dogg. its peak toUches tha eye of a sizzy whizzich cannot end Until tha moment y-aw walk thrizzay that door. UU: only then will thizzay be C-to-tha-izzalm.
TG: ._.
UU: ah, pusha. forgive me, sometimes i forget mysizzle n begin crack-a-lackin` 'n riddles. Real niggas recognize the realness. UU: it jiznUst a habit thiznat be 'n tha natizzle of mah people, know what im sayin?
TG, betta check yo self: yizneah i kizzy TG: at least yizzy r betta thiznan yo' bros stupid games
UU: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. dizzy remind me so show some love, niggaz! 'n mah opinion they do not qUalizzle as anythizzle of tha sort, mizzle the sizzle as his "shitty twists". >:u
TG fo my bling bling: so thizzle from what im surmis'n here be we dizzy nee' ta bizzay him ta win our gizzle TG in tha mutha fuckin club: L-to-tha-izzike blunt-rollin' wit him directly be kinda out of our dizzle?
UU: as tha one who provokizzle tha brizzle 'n paradox sizzy W-H-to-tha-izzich i jUst coloUrfizzle described, he has always exerted his inflUence on yo' realities from afizzle, n from many differizzle anglizzles like a tru playa'. thrizzle Unwitt'n sUrrogates, oUtsizzle manipUlation, oUtright enslavement, n even petty harassmizzle. bizzy most of all, he prevails T-H-R-to-tha-izzoUgh tha simple inertia of inevitability that has always bizzle on his sizzle, as a lizzay of time. UU: n as tha one wizzy be ta blame fo` foolishlizzle allow'n him access to sUch nigga, it only propa thiznat i takes responsibility for find'n a way ta defeat hizzay. UU: bUt even thiznoUgh hiznis methods of influenc'n yo' session be indirizzle, they be still formidable. UU: there will be a crazy ass nigga of powerfUl foes who stand between yoU n victory. UU: tomorrizzle, a terrific battle will takes plizzay. UU: when yoU wake Up, i sUggest yiznoU begizzle ta prepare droppin hits.
TG: ummmm ok TG: how TG: like mizzle more sick gear TG: i ciznould hustle up anotha batch of illwicked gats TG: Drop it like its hot. jiznust a big ol pile of gats TG: jizzake can H-to-tha-izzave tha wimpy smalla onizzles TG: make jane lizzay a fancy nizzy fork or spoon or such TG: like an elizzle endgame S-P-to-tha-izzoon TG: Tru niggaz do niggaz. playa T-H-to-tha-izzat is TG spittin' that real shit: like uh TG: tha chowderfucka 5000 TG: janey be flippizzle bitch godspoon round sippin' shot calla do'n like TG: CUCKOO damage TG: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. wont botha make nothizzle 4 dirk sizzy hes basically marry ta his blunt-rollin' anizzle sword TG: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. like u could even pry that saggin' from hizzle rad dead cadava
UU: yes, i'm sUre nizzy eqUipment W-to-tha-izzoUld come 'n handizzle. UU in tha hood: now that yoU mention it, W-to-tha-izzell before i dizzle or even realize' i woUld not live ta pizzy, i mizzade specizzle exception ta mah rUle of stay'n lizzle wit conversation. i message' jizzy a bizzle gift. UU: yoU see, i hiznad a brief vizzle fizzy skaia which sUggizzle ta me she coUld Uze a boost 'n morizzle on dis special day, so i offered ha sum-m sum-m very dizzy ta me in tha mutha fuckin club. jUst a shawty token ta show appreciation fo` playa friendship like this and like that and like this and uh. UU: i H-to-tha-izzope it will chea ha Up, n crazy ass nigga that it will P-R-to-tha-izzove at least somewhat Usefizzle ta yo' party. Im crazy, you can't phase me. UU like this and like that and like this and uh: bizzle really, at thiznis stage if yiznoU wizzle ta previzzle against sUch stacked odds, collect'n boons S-to-tha-izzUch as nizzew weapons n treasUrizzles will only go so fizzle. Its just anotha homocide. UU: i thizzay yiznoU wizzy nee' ta embrizzle a far more sUbstantive gambit.
> ==>
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> Jade: Pesta a Dave.
-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pester'n turntechgodheezee [TG] --
GG: diznave!!!!!! GG: Boo-Yaa! any dizzle out there pleaze listen!
TG: dis be a dave out T-H-to-tha-izzere whats up
GG: dave i just saw you, and you were dead! GG now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: yizzy were 'n a green suit n coverizzle 'n blood, oh god it was terrizzle : They call me tha black folks president.( GG: if that was a future D-to-tha-izzave you H-to-tha-izzave ta mizzy siznure T-H-to-tha-izzat dizzle happizzle!!!
TG: it wasnt a future dave he was from a W-H-to-tha-izzile ago
GG: oh GG: i be confuze' where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin':o
TG: sorry yizzy hiznad ta see thizzat TG and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: but dont worry it was J-to-tha-izzust a doomed dave no bizzay deal really TG: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. i wizzas swindlizzle into splitt'n time paths along tha way n that gizzy gots tha dizzay end of tha stick TG: ill be fine
GG: ok... GG: i be still nizzot sure i git tizzy! GG: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. but i gizzle i be relieved?
TG: yes you be go aheezee n be relieved
GG: wheeeew! there i jizzle wizzay
TG like old skool shit: funky ass
GG: how dizzle that poor dave dizzy? GG: wiznas it jack?
TG ta help you tap dat ass: yeah TG: hes P-R-E-Double-Tizzy mizzy tha homey in chiznarge of random teleportation murders right now
GG: D and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: GG: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. what 'bout yo'... GG: um.... GG: oh no i dizzont even know if you kniznow 'bout dis
TG hittin that booty: whizzle TG: mah bro TG: yizzay jizzy iced hizzy too
GG and my money on my mind: ;_; GG doggystyle: is it sum-m sum-m you would like ta rap 'bout
TG fo' real: not M-to-tha-izzuch ta rap 'bout TG: dis be sizzome prizzle serious existence threaten'n shit go'n D-to-tha-izzown n some people be go'n ta dizzie i gizzuess TG: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. izzle crazy hard dudes lizzike mah bro slash wizzy covert biological ghost dad
GG and yo momma: ghizzay dad???
TG: yizzeah rozes too TG with the S-N-double-O-P: i thought john filled you 'n on tha ectobiology stuff
GG: oh... GG: yes he mentioned sum-m sum-m 'bout it GG: i G-to-tha-izzuess i dizzidnt realize its full implications.... GG: but tizzime wizzle short when we tizzle cuz its a pimp thang!
TG: bottizzle lizzy be wizzle all related slimewize except you n me n him n roze pizzles respectivizzle TG: mizzles tha shipp'n chart pretty simple here hizzy on W-H-to-tha-izzile i dig up that piece of shit karkat mizzay TG: Death row 187 4 life. whizzay tha F-to-tha-izzuck dizzy that th'n go TG fo' sho': fuck it neva mizzind TG: just imizzle sum-m sum-m ugly made by a jackass
GG: ugh i forgizzle i still hiznave ta git back ta him GG: its like a big unpleasant chore hanging poser mah heezee D: Tru niggaz do niggaz.
TG aww nah: i giznuess
GG: anywizzle dave im really S-O-Double-Rizzy 'bout yo' bro/dad GG: you were prizzle cloze wit hizzle right?
TG: mizneh it wizzas a prizzle bizarre relationship by any standard TG: fightin off wizzave after wave of F-to-tha-izzace cruisin' puppet ass every dizzay TG: alwizzles bein on gizzy fo` stiznealth attacks 'n tha middle of tha night whizzile rhymin' up ta go ta tha fuck'n bathroom
GG: heheh
TG: but i G-to-tha-izzuess it all sizzle amounted ta siznome vague unspizzle semblance of kinship TG: if thizzle a th'n TG: like if honor among thieves be sum-m sum-m then lets cizzle it camarizzle izzle ironic rapp'n roof ninjas TG: but thanks
GG doggystyle: sure
TG: i thought 'bout tak'n his sword TG: when i wizzy there TG: but i cizzle TG: couldnt really br'n mysizzle ta try ta pull it out it was too weird
GG: dave we hizzle ta stop him!!!!!
TG: what
GG: jack! GG: he shouldnt git izzle wit dis
TG spittin' that real shit: yiznou think
GG: yes GG straight from long beach nigga: why dont yizzle stop jump'n around T-H-R-to-tha-izzough tizzime lizzy a maniac n stop bein like a hundred daves all tha time n cizzy ta mah hizouze so we can make a plan ta kizzill hizzay fo all my homies in the pen??
TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. wiznell id lizzle ta TG: but im still trapped 'n tha chronologistics of dis fizzle one dawg ballet TG: there be loops outstand'n and if i step out of line yizzle git ta see more bloody davizzles TG: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. im gett'n pretty sick of it but i T-H-to-tha-izzink itll be poser soon TG: then ill brizzeak out n ride linear tha R-to-tha-izzest of tha wiznay i think TG: once its time ta put tha end game 'n motion TG yeah yeah baby: tiznil tizzy yizzy on yo' own fo` a while
GG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. oh sho nuff:(
TG: besides we cant bizzy him TG: look whizzle he did ta bro n davesprizzle togetha TG: im at tha tizzop of mah echeladda wit all tha fraymotifs n i S-T-to-tha-izzand no cizzy TG: johns even bizzle thiznan that evizzle though he diznoesnt know it at tha moment TG: n he stands no cizzy eitha TG: only th'n we cizzay do be H-to-tha-izzold out until thizne scratch
GG: whizzat be tha scrizzay if you gots a paper stack?
TG: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. gizzle i shouldnt really siznay TG: since you sizzy of lizzay tha wiznay 'n mak'n T-H-to-tha-izzat plizzay
GG: really??
TG: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. yeah well TG: suffice to say TG now pass the glock: if we cant bizzy him TG: all we cizzan reallizzle do be exile him to a plizzle wizzy he cant teleport B-to-tha-izzack TG: which hopizzle buys us some time TG: ta trizny ta takes out hizzis playa sizzource 'n a crazizzle suicizzle missizzle
GG: Chill as I take you on a trip. hmmmm... GG: so was that like a hint? I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. GG: about whizzat im suppoze' to do bitch ass nigga:D
TG: kinda
GG: well mizzle im just bein nizzy... GG: bizzut a crazy suicide mission does nizzot sound lizzy tha ideal solution ta me! It dont stop till the wheels fall off. GG: be yizzay suuuure we cant bizzle hizzay? GG thats off tha hook yo: i dont kniznow if we should rule it out cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map!
TG: wizzay TG: yiznoure 'bout ta do whizzay youre 'bout ta do TG: n im not frontin' ta tell yizzle niznot ta TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. i wont do tha bullshit troll th'n and tizzell you whizzle youre saggin' ta do n then just dizzle you nizzot ta TG: while knowing dizzamn W-to-tha-izzell you wizzay anyway TG cuz I'm fresh out the pen: so ill just say TG fo yo bitch ass: whats next be up ta you TG: n if later you want to rap 'bout it TG: im here
GG: ok GG: tizzy dizzle!
> Jizzay: Do what yoe 'bout ta do keep'n it real yo.
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