#yeah they're tired of my bs
qqueenofhades · 2 months
Not that anything's a for sure bet but my read on the general situation re: Harris-Walz is that there's going to be a lot less headwind to fight for Harris specifically as opposed to Clinton because the amazing right wing media hasn't had twenty years for poison to seep into the layperson's thoughts about Clinton's "worthiness"
Well, that and the fact that the MAGA crowd are just really, really bad strategic planners (especially since a solid 75% of their strategy is "lol we'll just cheat and win it that way, we don't need anything else.") They howled for 3.5 years about how Biden was too old to serve and should step down, and then when he did, they had zero plan how to run against Kamala and Trump is now practically begging Biden to magically get back into the race and save him. They ran an anti-Shapiro influence campaign by encouraging the antisemitic online left and planning to exploit the issue among Democrats divided on Israel/Gaza, then furiously melted down when Walz was picked and had no plan to deal with him either. Fascism is a helluva drug, kiddos. Don't try it at home.
The reason Harris has been able to rocket so high is simple, which is that she's channeling Obama 08 energy in more ways than one. Obama also came onto the national political scene four years before (with his speech at the 2004 DNC) and four years later, he was the party's nominee. It didn't even matter that he was a skinny brown guy named Barack Hussein Obama, because people were so tired of the chaos and war and incompetence of Bush Jr that they latched onto a simple message of hope and change and the historical nature of his candidacy felt like an optimistic risk worth taking. Why couldn't it be time for the first African American president? Yes, of course, there was incredible vitriol and we are still dealing with that backlash in some ways now, but still.
As I have said before, Trump is technically not the incumbent, but the last 8 years have been dominated by his hatred, chaos, division, rage, and treason in a way even Bush could never quite manage, and when people get to that point, there's a lot of coiled-up energy that has at last come bursting out. We needed Biden's old-moderate-white-man cred to defeat Trump as the sitting president in 2020, when most of his worst scandals hadn't even happened yet, but this is not 2020 (or 2016) and the dynamic is different. We are now on offense and playing to win, people have readily and eagerly embraced the absolute god tier karma that would come from a black female prosecutor finally ending the Orange Menace's reign of terror once and for all, and the Republicans are spitting smoke and spinning gears running frantically through their usual tired old stupid cliche attacks. GAY TRANS EVIL BIRTHERISM SWIFTBOAT FOREIGN FAR LEFT COMMIE LIBERAL HEATHEN!! they scream desperately, trying to find something that sticks. Except this time, no matter how hard the corporate media tries to help them out, nobody is listening. Nobody is buying it. We know exactly what BS they're trying and we're just shrugging and going "Yeah, no. Weird."
It absolutely helps that Kamala is not dragging the ball and chain of 20 years of Republican smear attacks, yes. But there are a lot of reasons why the GOP is imploding before our eyes and it's probably now more statistically likely that there is a blue tsunami than it is that Trump wins. I still cannot, CANNOT, believe it has been barely three fucking weeks. If this is a dream don't want to wake up, etc. Let me goddamn stay in this timeline just a little longer. And if we do the work, we can in fact make it that way, and Yeah. Yeah.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
Ruby: Hey, Jaune, I know we've met your sister's and all, but what about Extended Family?
Jaune: Well, About that ...
Jaune: Hi Aunt Cynthia! It's been a while hasn't it!
(Champion) Cynthia: Indeed it has Jaune. Your sister's keeping you busy?
Jaune: Don't you know it. How's being Champion?
Cynthia: Tiring some days, detracts from my time to search ruins and hunt for relics and myths- Though i wouldn't change it for the world.
Cynthia: You've got a lot stronger at Beacon, huh? Let's test your skills in battle!
Darkness: You really must grow a spine cousin! You're the only Man in your Family, and you should act like it!
Jaune: I- I know Darkness ...
Darkness: Hold yourself High, Speak Clearly and With confidence and Teach those Girl where they Belong, Beneath Your Heel!
Jaune: Well, They're my friends-
Darkness: Grinding it down in the back of their heads, Pushing Their Faces into the D-Dirt!
Darkness: Making them clean it with their tongues, perfectly subservient to your whims or else they'll be punished~
Jaune: ... Darkness?
Darkness: *Holding herself, Shivering* And Gods that Strength~ Leaving Marks, throwing them around as Ragdolls~ Hmm~ The P-perfect Man~ To use them at your Leisure~
Jaune: ... This is why I don't talk to you about leading people.
Jaune: And Pyrrha's nice and helpful, teaching me how to fight.
Link: *Pouring Honey over Salmon*
Jaune: She reminds of your old friend Mipha in a way ... Kind, powerful, but too shy for her own good.
Link: *Pauses at Mipha's name, resumes*
Jaune: People think there's mutual respect, when really She's too scared to not be Pyrrha Nikos, Four Time Regional Champion and Argus's Sweetheart, and call them out on their BS. She's tired of the Fame. I just hope I can be the person she's not scared of being herself around.
Link: *Puts Fish in Oven, Turns to Jaune, Signing* I wish I could help you be that ... It's really a matter of time, and proving your reliability and the respect you have for her. Lords know that's what it took for Zelda to see me as her Anchor, not her Leash. Something to rely on in a storm, not fight against.
Link: After all, the most important thing we can give another is our Time. Don't squander yours.
Jaune: Aunt Sam-
Samus Aran: No you can't take apart my ship.
Jaune: I'm Jaune, Not Claire.
Samus: Right, I get all you confused.
Jaune: You seem stressed.
Samus: I'm always Stressed.
Jaune: More Stressed. You're Molting.
Samus: *Pulling loose feathers out* Yes, and it's stressing me out, Now if you don't know how to help me fix my armor, Shoo.
Jaune: *Hugs her* Take a breath Aunt Sammy.
Samus: *Shaking*
Samus: *Sinks to the Floor, Crying* I- I miss them.
Jaune: I know. I know.
Jaune: I just washed the walls and ceiling, could you please not walk on them?
Gwen Stacy: I dunno ... It's pretty Fun!
Jaune: Gwen, Please.
Gwen: Fine. *She Falls to the floor, landing in three point*
Jaune: Why do you do that everytime you're over.
Gwen: To get a rise out of you. *She slings a chair beneath her* It's pretty fun.
Jaune: *Sigh* Why am I always the target- Go mess with, what's his name? Kilometer? Whatever your boyfriends Name- HMM!
Gwen: *Webbing jaune's mouth, Blushing* he's not- We're not- Shut UP!
Jaune: *Smug, Mouth still covered in Web*
Jaune: ... And that's not even a sixth of them.
Ruby: ... That's all on your mom's side?
Jaune: Yeah, I only got Uncle on My Dad's side.
The Helltaker: *Scared for his life* Yes Ma'am!
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paragox · 2 months
DR S2 P2 Discussion
A lot of yapping about Arin :3
Quick thoughts:
Overall I think it was a solid season, Imo pt. 2 had more pacing problems than pt. 1 but it was still very enjoyable and overall tops s1.
I have my problems, a few w some characters but I also think people were over-hyping a lot evil Jay when I think what we got was enough, he got his moment, we got more interactions and well, he's gonna be on and off in the series and I think we all have to make pace with that, we can't just follow all the storylines all the time and the focus are still the source dragons and the merge.
As I said, this is a long wanting game and we're gonna have to understand that to make this more enjoyable to us.
A bit BS how obviously they're underpowering the Ninja on the matches but I can get behind it better after the revelation of the traitor.
You can tell if not Doc's fav season he really likes ToE a lot, a lot of parallels to it which as one of my fav seasons is fun.
Kai and Nya relationship is still beautiful and I'm glad Zane seem to be showing more emotion, still sidelined but his expresions and behaviour seem way less robotic now.
They did kinda put all the grief part onto the Wyldfyre audios and shorts and I wish they kinda expanded on that w everyone else but well, better than nothing ig.
Arin and Sora conflict being dragged is good, and Arin doubts growing each ep is nice too.
Good on them for the attention to Riyu's scales, I love Sora and Jordana true brief interactions.
Cole is... Cole? At least he's there, and nice touch to see his Mom's mech.
I can't say much about Geode 'cause I don't ship it, sorry, cute to see them together?
Btw have a game and check on the background charas, you might find some other EMs from the older season ;)
Speaking of, some elements are definitely bs and they were running out of ideas but whatever, fun matches overall.
Love the long-running main story tho, I think that one is having a good phase and we got open ending, as I said, long waiting game, gotta get used to it-
Now Arin
I actually wanna discuss Arin a bit more in-depth here because as an Only Child I can really really understand him.
First, Arin seemed to be quite a lonely child, mostly on his own without friends which could be for multiple reasons, I get that, I totally get that, he's used to entertaining himself, play by himself and most importantly, be a lot with his parents.
See, as an only child if you got a good relationship with your parents you might spend a lot of time with them, especially if you have difficulty socializing, I won't go too deep into this but is not weird to go you three out as family to a lot if not most of stuff, this is why when Arin just spent a lof of time with his parents playing Murder Mystery I could totally get that.
Your parents are gonna be there, they're gonna be your parents sure but a lot of times they're also gonna be your only playmates and maybe the few people you will ramble about your likings, this creates a more complicated relationship with them, not in a bad way, in an intricate way so I can totally see why he's in such a rush to find them and get them back.
An only child relationship with his parents (when is a good one) is very different from one of children w siblings and their parents, I don't think I'll ever convey it properly as you have to experience it yourself but what shown on Arin's memories and urges is very real.
They were probably the only "friends" he had for a long time, Arin doesn't seem like the type of kid to be outgoing or going to party or such, he probably stayed at home or close to home a lot and so he spent a lot of time with them, the were the only stable thing through his life too and his safe space, when your parents (and maybe few only friends) are you only stability to get that ripped out of you-
Yeah, I can totally understand why he's so tired of Ninja business, sure he loves the Ninja, he loves Sora, he loves Riyu and all, but there's always be the empty space his parents filled for such a long time and knowing they're alive is just-
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franki-lew-yo · 10 months
Speaking as a proud monster lubber who also prefers his beast look because no duh...I'm really tired of the passive but somehow unironic fans of Beauty and the Beast dragging the Beast's human look.
Firstly, he's not really all that ugly. He just needs more facial hair and chonk, especially to differenciate him from Tarzan. I know the "can you maybe grow a beard" line was added for the crapremake, but he legit would be fixed with just a few changes. It's like giving Elktaur a nose. It's really not that big a cosmetic different when you get down to it.
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first pass edits (top:made eyes less sad and more happyBeast mode; bottom:begins changes)
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Added: top chonk, thick eyebrows, beard like how god intended. sideburns, dilf energy. +Keeps deep(er, than regular) voice. Face the facts. +darker dirty blonde, though not nearly as dark as Belle's hair, so he stands out.
Upsides: is more obviously the Beast so people can shut up now about this guy "replacing" Belle's beast ++enough boys lets bring in the men. Coulda been our original Kristoff.
Downside: would def be babymipped into Christian art as a prettyboy Jesus.
The problem with the Human!Beast's design, as those before me have already said, is that he looks ruggardly handsome but standard and it feels like a different character because of that when it was the Beast that Belle and the audience fell in love with.
It's a bad design in lieu of what came before for him. That's it. Enough with your unironic "he should have stayed a beast"-bs. Same goes with that "Rapunzel looks better with long hair" or "Ariel looked better as a mermaid" garbage. Yeah, yeah and Jack Skellington's Christmas was better because it was "more fun". Even in animation where crap that you're expected to be endeared to somewhat despite it being weird in universe to the other characters, you are fundamentally missing the point of the story to ignore that.
Disney Beast is a spoiled crybaby manchild who made the mistake of crossing a fae on her bad day as a teenager, and now had to forever walk around with the ugliness he was and was in threat of becoming forever. He did not want this body. He is trapped in it and has decided to just never get better and be his worst self because of it- he even screams at Belle for almost touching his stuff and goes to save her because it's his fault she just ran out into a wolf-infested blizzard. Gotta love how ya'll only are annoyed with the beast's actions when he's a hawt beautiful glen keane monster and not his true self; a pretty boi spoiled manchild. Aww. You learned nothing.
Speaking of Centaurworld again, this is not a situation where the main character needs to learn to accept his new body as Horse does in that show. This is not the end of How to Train your Dragon where sometimes life sucks and you loose a leg and it's kind of devastating yeah dysphoria amIright-- the Beast did not need to learn to accept his body he needed to learn to accept himself. To be a better person.
Just to be my own kind of pettynontake-All the servant's human designs kick ass and look incredible. They're the true victims of this circumstance. Prince Adam not being your monster bf anymore is a sacrifice worth making for their sake.
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sparxaf · 4 months
Tried S9 or whatever
I didn't want to play. I just wanted to see what the MC options were because it's fun to build an MC. So I built this one with kind of stupid space bun hair because all the hair is stupid and looks wrong, like the volume of the hair is too small for the size of the head and the head looks too small for the width of the shoulders. And oh my god why did the locs look so bad? Fusebox has done locs successfully before, so I know they know how! What even is this? Every season it gets worse and worse with them paywalling all the protective hair options, and then having the audacity to give so little fucks about making them look decent (I will admit, I liked the mermaid braids last season though). As a woman of color it's just infuriating. But yeah, after building an MC that I liked, it was 92 gems. 92. If you buy the 140 gem package in the US for $9.99, that means it would cost $6.56 before the game even started. What? Just to be pied off by characters I never liked to start with? I shut the game down without buying a single thing or even making it past the creation process. I can spend less on an overpriced tea latte from Starbucks that will give me much more joy.
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I know I say I'm done every season and then I get sucked in because my fandom friends beg me to play, but I really do think I might be done with this one. I'm just beyond uninterested. Their bait and switch "All-Stars" BS already set my teeth on edge, and I hate the "stars" they've brought back. I've seen the possible list of returning characters and there isn't a single one I care enough about to entice me to play. I love Marshall but if he comes back as a host, I don't care. It won't be canon to me. And if he comes back as a returning islander, I don't care because it won't be canon to me. There is such a fundamental disconnect in Fusebox's understanding of what people want. I'm just fucking tired. The seasons are coming so fast and furious that the fandom can't even get on its feet and enjoy what happened. I keep having to go back to the fandom wiki to even remember what happened in the previous seasons because they're just blurring together in my mind. There's no time to discuss it or theorize or come up with fun fanon. To make mood boards and character boards dedicated to what kind of house they'd live in. There's no time to craft a long fic for the season that just ended unless you start it at the beginning of the season before events even happen. It's just sucked out all the joy. Which maybe, might be the point? Throw them at us so fast, we play hard, and don't have time to think about it or criticize it or come up with ways to make it better. Consume it like a rice cake. Flavorless and forgettable. And I say this as someone who actually rather enjoyed last season, until it got stupid repetitive, with what felt like zero branching.
I dunno. I'm just not having fun. For those who are having a good time, or at least enjoying the chaos and train wreckage, I'm so glad. I look forward to hearing about it because I know I will 😆 For me, I'm gonna be focusing more on finishing TSIME and then working on some original fiction. And maybe some Romance Club fanfic, if the mood strikes me. Because the world building, branching, storytelling, and sexy love interests (even when I hate them) are delicious and immersive. NGL it's expensive, but RC is more generous with their gem rushes and tea parties and whatnot so I don't feel ripped off.
I mean look at this man. If I have to spend my hard earned money on something other than tea lattes from Starbucks, I'm spending it on him.
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romanticatheartt · 2 months
I'm getting tired of the "If Azriel only cares about the mating bond, why is he after elain who already has a mate" argument, when Azriel himself literally gave us the reason why in his pov:
3 brothers + 3 sisters.
That's the damn reason.
The bonus chapter literally starts with him obsessing over mating bonds and envying his brothers.
These are the right question to ask: if he's so in love with Elain, wtf is that "He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to" line? Why tf couldn't he think beyond sex in the elriel part the whole time? Why didn't he tell Rhys that he loves and cares for her instead of telling him the whole "Why was the third sister given to another??" bs? Why was it so easy for him to move on afterwards? Mind you, he had the chance to know her for over 2 years.. For someone who's apperantly in love, he sure isn't acting and thinking like it.
I still haven't gotten a valid explaination. It's just "Gwyn manipulated him" and "Azriel isn't allowing himself to further think about it" or "It's natural for him to think like that"- but Lucien would've gotten flamed for it.
Sorry, I had to rant. I usually don't and have long since given up on thinking about this ship war, but some elriel post on my fyp on Insta brought up this dumb argument back and it's just..🤦‍♀️
At least I didn't look at the comments.
Hi anon<3 I'm not really sure if wanted to come here and rant to me but if you did I'm happy you're comfortable enough to be here and drop your rant.
I agree with everything that you said and I remember the first time I read the line "he hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to." and it was over for me. it was never started but yeah
If that line doesn't convince you then idk what will!! I want to compare it to Feyre only managing to have a connection and only form of communication with Tam/in through sex. The phrase "skin to skin" was used at least 3 times in acomaf.
And look at what other MMCs have said about their mates:
"I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have … The wait was worth it."
“I will find you again in the next world—the next life. And we will have that time. I promise.”
“I want to see her. Just once. Just—to know.” “To know what?” “If she is worth fighting for.”
Do you see the difference?
I know people drag Lucien for this line but what they don't want to see is he's fighting for her. He's coming back every time he's invited to one of their ceremonies, he always brings gifts for her, he respects her and never forces himself on her, he just sits there and watches from afar, waits for her signals. He's waiting for her and doesn't care how long. Just like Rhys, just like Cassian. Rhys never forced himself on Feyre and was fine with her being in love with another person and he knew Feyre was his mate long before she even met Tam/in. Cassian would've waited for Nesta in another life for her to join him.
Like as I'm writing these, I have tears in my eyes, literally. Because look how romantic is that!! Look how sure they're in their love for their mates even if they didn't know they're already in love. Look at Lucien who keeps coming back with no expectation. This is how love looks on a guy!! They respect them long before the feeling reciprocate.
And we have Azriel... who jerks off by the thought of Elain and it's his only thoughts of her. I'm not saying it's wrong but just compare him to others...
It's not how sjm writes his MMCs as much as everyone else wants to find this romantic. I mean sure, if this doesn't deter you from loving them then by all means, it's your preference and it's totally fine. If you think this is peak romance then I think you should higher you standards but then again it's not my business at all. But other people finding this weird and not romantic is valid.
He calls her the third ffs (she's the second sister but ok Az it doesn't seems math is your strong suit anyway) He acts like she's some kind of object when he says "was given to another" like I'm sorry?
And more importantly Az never answer Rhys question about Mor... He is still in love with her (I'm sure he has no idea what love is) and he's giving the same treatment he gave her to Elain. I call this obsession and desperation for a mate. And the moment he gets a mate he will leave both of them for his mate. Everyone always say Elain will break the bond and leave Lucien, which now we know she will never not feel him in her soul, but never how Azriel will react the moment he finds his mate. Which their answer is Azriel and Elain are the real mates. And we know they're not...
Anyways I just wanted to add a little to what you said and compare it to other characters and why we don't think Azriel and Elain will ever end up together. Sjm write romance and love stories first and not smut. Yes sure she approach Nessian this way and only because it would suit their story but Nesta literally say she was always in love with Cassian since the moment they met. And I don't think whatever Azriel is feeling for Elain is love or even lust. He feels this way because he thinks Elain should be his mate. He jerks off to the thought of Elain being his mate and not Elain herself.
Edit: I forgot to say. Please filter their tags on every plat form. I did it on both instagram and twitter and I barely see anything from that side of the fandom. It will make your experience better I promise you lol
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secretgamergirl · 5 months
When Complete BS Becomes "Common Knowledge."
Someone told me they stopped paying attention to someone who reviews movies after one too many mean-spirited jokes about trans people, and it was one of those cases where the reviewer in question definitely had the vibe of someone who'd go around doing that, but I couldn't think of any real flagrant examples. Cut to me watching a movie the other day, remembering that oh yeah, I skipped that one guy's review of it because I wanted to go in blind, and sure enough, that review has this big long crappy 5 minute aside of an out of left field "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER!?" routine. So that's a shame.
Now this particular guy rather famously Does Not Get Out Much. Pretty sure he hasn't really have any exposure to a single trans person, or to any real die hard transphobes, and most likely what happened here is he saw I dunno, an episode of South Park or a facebook post from some bigoted aunt, or some Tiktok video, something like that, and just blithely assimilated it into his world view.
But you know, the reality is... to the best of my knowledge no trans person has ever actually said this, or anything similar to this, and we sure as hell don't live in a world where anyone would have the back of someone who did? But you know, here we are.
Now I want to be clear, this isn't some kinda thing where trans people can't take a joke or anything. Literally while I was typing this, some cis guy just tossed this out, and this is a real tired old hokey one, but I cracked a smile, because oh yeah, the whole "programmer socks" bit really is a weirdly accurate stereotype.
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And there's plenty of other trans jokes I'll laugh at. Ones directly at my expense. Some real dark ones even. You wanna go off on trans women all having the same like 10 names and them all sounding like we were born in the 1800s, go for it. Other stuff about how we all dress? Coping mechanisms? Low standards? Being too into pickles and sriracha? There's plenty.
But "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER!?" and while we're at it, "I identify as..." don't even have the vague shape of something you're ever going to encounter in reality. Like if I didn't know the context of where these came from and hadn't had them posted a thousand times or so by people with swastikas for avatars and such, these probably would get a laugh from me the first time I heard them, because they sound like weird surrealist humor. Like, "don't you hate how every time you go to the laundromat, you have to play chess with the dragon before they let you in?"
But, again, I know the context. And the context is a bunch of fascists want people like me dead, and they're both too scared to pick up a gun to do it themselves and too incompetent to know who to point it at or where to find them. So they sit around with each other and go "hey, what sort of person does everyone hate? Let's all say trans people talk like them!" And because they haven't spoken to a single human being besides each other and the rich parents they're sponging off since getting banned from the Something Awful forums in the 90s/punk bar in the 80s/whatever, they settled on "rich white person calling the cops on somebody for walking down the street" and "didn't I first get into being a hatemonger because I was stupid enough to think that time I saw someone roleplaying he really thought he was a big scary dragon?" Which has honestly worked out weirdly well for them when you stop for half a second to appreciate just how absolutely ridiculous it is to ever imagine cops coming to the aid of trans people.
Like... here's a situation that actually plays out in reality. I have a bad tooth. Dentist says I need a root canal, and she doesn't do them. Refers me to another dentist like an hour and a half away. I walk in, write my Victorian sounding name on some paperwork, fill in all my various medications, wait a bit, hop into the big dentist's chair, so far so good. This dentist busts out the pick and the mirror about to have a look, and goes "hey, so I noticed on your medications you're taking a ton of something called divigel? What is that?" I say "oh, yeah, I'm trans, so I'm on supplemental estradiol." She almost drops the mirror, stares at me like she just realized I'm Venom and if she bent down to look at my teeth I was about to swallow her whole head. She stands bolt upright, says, "your teeth are fine, get out." I'm a bit confused, but I can read a room, so I say "well that's weird, but OK..." and start to leave. I get a "have a nice day SIR!" shouted at me. And then I go out, call the cab company to say my appointment ended early, and get told too bad, it's coming when it's scheduled, and someone snickers. See, at some point in having to take cabs to all my appointments, a driver worked out that this woman he'd been picking up from this address for the past year has a similar voice to and maybe vague family resemblance to who he'd been picking up from that same address the year prior, and after getting the courage to ask me, guess who's constantly having cabs show up late, or not at all, or on time with a driver staring angrily into the rear view mirror while blaring AM radio with someone shouting about all "the gays" needing to be rounded up so they can burn in hell. And I just need to suck it up and live with it. I'm sure as hell not going to pick a fight over it. I'm just gonna stand out in the cold (fortunately with nice warm knee-high socks) waiting for this cab for an hour because I sure as hell can't stay in this lobby.
But again, the whole weird myth here posits a world where trans people are all-powerful and control the government and stuff. And the basis for that is like... sometimes people refuse to pass ridiculous laws to stop trans people from doing things we only do in bigots' imaginations at great taxpayer expense, and SOMETIMES someone is responsible enough to double check what's up before they allocate the funds. Like... hell, you know what's exactly as completely divorced from reality and honestly the same people doing to same crap? That wild BS about "schools keeping litter boxes in classrooms because all this acceptance of trans people means we also have to accept kids who think they're cats!" Like... how the hell can anyone actually be stupid enough to believe that anyone else could be stupid enough to believe that they're actually stupid enough to believe such an OBVIOUSLY made-up narrative? Like... lawmakers bring that one up and try to get bills passed on it. Everyone else in the room is socially obligated not to laugh and ask whether they also want to pass legislation against Bat Boy and UFO abductions. This is Ralph Wiggum tier absurdity.
But like... what do you do about this sort of thing, really? As the person ultimately has to deal with the dentists who think I'll bite their heads off, ask to speak to their manager, and drop trou over a sandbox the state mandates they keep in the middle of the room, I'm... not in the room when this BS gets concocted, or discussed, or shared in Minions meme some film critic sees and imitates to try and be relatable and relevant. Can someone else start grabbing all these people by the lapels and shake them and shout questions about how they can be this stupid, maybe invite them back to reality for me?
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 10 months
Haiiiii ^_^ can you translate Rivals! from the block party album? pretty please with CHEESE 🧀
Sure. Under a cut for length.
This one just seems to be goofy vibes and doesn't have as much imagery or anything requiring reworking as the last three requested songs. As a result, the translation is pretty darn literal. No attention paid to rhyming, line length, or rhythm.
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly flipping out over where we went wrong. 1, 2, 3! Turn it up, yo! Action plz I feel like I'm pulling a blunder, shooting craps and betting on big 6 [1] at the last second. Don't stop the game! Oh please, can't I get some fiction plz? [2] To hit the button to go back and redo everything. Just you wait; I'll destroy the current reality! Aren't you about to go off the rails? Aren't you about to fall off the tightrope act? Take it easy, baby, now. Take it easy, baby, now. [3] And screw it! Let's play it fast and loose! Let's gooo!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly committed to flipping out over where we went wrong. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go! UGH. Time to bolt down the meal I paid for with my overtime. Hm? My cellphone's ringing off the hook. Slapping down hardcore rhymes on my time card, Participating in another joint effort so we can all clock out with a bang. 1, 2, 3. Yup, let's all line up. 2, 2, 3. And march in step. We take our lyrics very seriously, and we're strongly committed to providing you with a great singing experience! [4] My eyes can tell, tell, tell what it takes to win. [5] The one and only guy to cross the most ridiculous lines, living on nothing but adrenaline, taking each day as it comes and winning! Yeah, take it easy, baby, now. Take it easy, baby, now. And screw it! Let's play it fast and loose! Let's gooo!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz Everyone's gotta struggle and put in the hard work, even the folks you're sick and tired of. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go! I bet all my chips right from moment one. It's all or nothing. It's the uprising of the corporate drones. Don't mess with guys who've got nothing to lose. There's no doubt about it; we're gonna burn out sooner or later. That's just our fate. Poor us! Dead or Alive in da house Crazy DOPPO in da house Yeah, yeah, high, high, let's gooo! [6]
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly committed to flipping out over where we went wrong. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz Wishing you all the luck--or, well, as lucky as you can ever be. Someday we'll laugh over this together, but until then we're Rivals! Rivals!
[1] Craps big 6
[2] This part's written in English, but I assume he means "fiction" in the sense of 空想 or 絵空事--something he wants that's too good to be real. In this case, it's a button he can hit to go back and redo everything.
[3] If I am correctly assuming what they're trying to say, this is more naturally worded as "Now, take it easy, baby." [4] Admittedly, this part's not very literal haha. I was having difficulty with the tone otherwise. Like a lot of Doppo's raps, it's written in a style reminiscent of business language. I drew inspiration for this bit of PR BS from some real life companies in a BBC article. [5] This (勝ち線, kachisen, lit. "victory line") is a pun on 勝ち戦 (kachisen, a fight someone wins). Dice then uses this to perform a piece of wordplay on the phrase "一線を越える/cross the line" which, unlike its English counterpart, can carry a connotation of breaking an established norm in a good way. (Hence the Cross a Line song--ie, breaking the norms by going above and beyond in new, revolutionary ways)
[6] Partially a pun on how はい (yeah) 灰 (lit. ash, part of the line I translated as "burn out") and English "high" all sound similar and partially evoking a sense of high energy.
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wooshifts · 7 months
i know why u aint shifting
sorry for the like acc insane shiftok style title but i wanna say this:
you aren't shifting, and you don't know why. i'll tell u something that may not be true for everyone, but is true for most people. you are doing too much. what i mean is, the whole obsession over shifting, shifting methods, begging shifters for the meditation/subliminal/method they used, when in reality you're actually hurting yourself by doing this. i've gotten so sick of even searching up "shifting method" or "void state" or "law of assumption" because there's no new information that'll magically make me shift. all i need is to realize that it's mine and the only thing stopping me is me, and how stupid does that sound? yeah. so stop searching for a new magical "everyone is shifting with this their first try" method, bc that's (kindly) bs, and just know you've already shifted. go about your day doing robotic affirmations (or don't, doesn't change the endpoint) saying "i am already in my desired reality". live your day as your dr self. so if you're spending 4 hours doing homework while watching a show, that's not cr you, that's dr you. approach your life with this mindset, and when you "attempt to shift" follow a minimalist approach. i literally tell myself "i don't even need a method because I've already shifted." the most i do is count to 100 and then affirm for like 2 minutes and fall asleep, which is pushing it at that. and i tell myself like ok who tf cares if i fall asleep in the middle? not me girl. idc. bc guess what!! my desired reality will not refuse itself to me because my body fell asleep at the number 64 instead of the number 100. like how stupid does that even sound to say. so stop overdoing it, approach your dr as you are already living it (even when you're just eating an apple bc believe it or not dr you is also a regular real person who has moments where they're just eating an apple in silence), and don't dtm on shifting methods. they only work for certain people and if by now, 3 years into your shifting journey, doing methods hasn't helped you, it ain't gonna hurt to give this a shot. i call this method the not a method method. bc it's not a "method" and there aren't steps or requirements, just know you're in your desired reality and don't put too much into it. i hope this made sense, i'm deliriously tired rn. love you guys and lmk if this works for you or helps u feel better.
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https-cyber-slxt · 1 year
Holy shit! Your blog is an oasis in a desert istg. Finally some proper unadulterated femdom content on this hellsite. Thank you so much!
If your requests are still open, can I please get some sub!Dante content? General headcanons or just a little pegging for my bbg :) Up to you. And thanks again <3
P. S.: A word of advice: try to avoid more explicit tags, like sub!character or dom!reader, and use something more general like character x reader. I've noticed that Tumblr algorithm doesn't take into account actual contents of the post and shadow bans based on tags. I've seen some really outrageous stuff fly under the radar, because it only had fandom tags and nothing specific. Hope this'll help at least a little bit. You don't deserve to deal with this bs. Wish you the best!
hiiiii anon, I really appreciate these kind words, here just for you.
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Oh and I'll absolutely give you your “daily” dose of pegging Dante :P
Devils Do Cry!
Sub!Dante x FemDom!Reader
A/N: I am so unmotivated (also it's 10 pm and I'm tired as shit, so if this is bad, I'm sorry)
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“So... Who's Elizabeth?” you question out of nowhere as you pull your sword out of the Hell Caina's chest, causing it to wither away. Dante becomes stunned at the question, raising a brow at you. “Just another Devil Hunter, why?”
He swallows thickly at your serious expression. You prop your glasses up and wipe the blood off of your weapon. “A little birdie told me that you went on a *date* with her last night” Dante whimpers and furrows his brows before propping himself up properly. “Oh yeah? Well maybe that little birdie was trying to make you jealous” your face becomes even more serious. “Why would Nero wish to make me jealous?”
Dante stops in his tracks and nearly bursts into a sprint, damn you little nephew! “I uh- uhm-” his sentence cuts off as you grab his collar and shove him against a wall. “Don't lie to me Dante! What were you doing last night!?” He sobs as he licks his dry lips. “I'm sorry (Name), but I promise I didn't do anything, I just- walked her back home, that's all, and Nero must've thought something else“
You drop Dante and turn away, walking back to his office space with him not far behind you.
☆~ 5:30 PM ~☆
You lie on your stomach as you flip through the pages of the magazine, munching on the cheese pizza while doing so. Your fingers rest at the bottom of the page while your eyes fixate on the pictures, making you unaware of your surroundings. Your reading becomes interrupted as the doors slam shut, making you look up at Dante. “Jeez those two are a pain in the ass” he sighs while stretching.
“If they're so annoying, why are you friends with them?” you ask while flipping to the next page, placing your hand under your chin. “Well you know, it's nice to have some company in this shithole” He answers while walking up the stairs. You scoff and lift yourself off the couch. “Hey! Which drawer do the magazines go into?” you shout while fiddling with the book in your hands. “My desk drawer!” oh wow real helpful.
You roll your eyes and walk behind the desk, opening up the top drawer, nope, the middle one, nu-uh, the bottom one perhaps? Your hand grabs the handle and just as you're done opening it halfway, you slam it closed and grip the magazine in your hands even tighter.
A few moments later Dante rushes down the stairs, oblivious to your shocked expression. “Hey babe so, Morrison will be here in a few and- are you okay-” his sentence cut off as he stares at your grip on the bottom drawer handle.
You both stand there in complete silence, until you stand up and purse your lips, dropping the magazine on to his desk. “So how long have you had those?” you ask while side eyeing him. Dante stands there in complete shock. He lifts his hands up and defence, trying to think of an excuse. “How. Long. Have. You. Had. Those?” Now your entire body was facing him. “A-awhile it's that, I've been hesitant on asking you..”
NSFW Below The Cut X3
A bright blush covers his face as he answers your question. “Bend over the desk” you command while opening the drawer with your heels. “But Morrison-!” his sentence interrupted as he's pushed against the desk. “I don't care about Morrison, if walks in here that'll be his own problem. Now, bend over the desk, and take off your pants while you're at it”
A sob leaves Dante as he follows your command, taking off his pants and boxers while bending himself over his work desk, spreading his legs open and resting his chin on his forearms.
Meanwhile with you, you pull the strap-on out of the drawer, and you're not gonna lie when you say it's packing a decent size, 8-9 inches at least and relatively girthy as well. You notice the ring gag in the drawer and pull it out, it'll be of good use. You set the strap aside and lift the gag right in front of Dante's face. He gasps and looks back at you, you smile and giggle. “You know what to do” were the only words you said before he sighed. Shoving the gag into his mouth, you grab the straps and adjust it to your liking.
You reach back down and grab the lube out of the drawer. You grab Dante's hand and squeeze the lube on to his fingers. He looks back at you with confusion and you just smile at him. “I can't just shove this entire thing into you without any preparation, go on, open yourself for me” you continue smiling as he lets out a soft whimper.
Using his free hand, Dante spreads his ass open, allowing his fingers to slip in easier. He slowly inserts his middle finger in, soft gasps escaping him as he inserts another finger. He goes knuckles deep, making him arch his back, his free hand quivering and struggling to hold himself open.
His upper body basically falls limp as he starts to finger himself, getting lost in pleasure and completely forgetting about your presence. You grin and grab his wrist, giving him a fright in the process. You pull his fingers out and grab the strap-on from his side.
You tie the harness around your hips and grab the lube, carelessly squeezing some on to the strap, causing a little bit to fall on the floor beneath you. You stroke up and down, smearing the lube all over.
You slowly insert your strap into him, heavy moans escaping him as he grips the front of the desk. “Ah! nghhhh~!” drool slips down his chin as his eyes begin rolling back. You insert the entirety of the strap in him, the harness touching the skin of his ass.
You readjust yourself and lie on top of Dante's back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You short thrusts cause sobs to escape Dante as tears begin to fall from his eyes, leaking onto the desk below him. Your nimble fingers remove themselves from his neck and creep down towards his dick. Your free hand wraps around his leaking cock, pumping up and down gently.
Your other arm wraps around Dante into a chokehold, making his hands move from the desk to the arm around his neck. Letting go of his dick, you untie the gag move your hand back to its original position, pumping faster than before. “Shit! You're killing me! Just fuck me already! I need it, please!” Dante's tears roll down on to your arm along with his drool.
You unwrap your arm around his throat, causing him to drop on to the desk. You grab his arms and lock them behind his back, speeding up your pace in the progress. Dante cries and moans, not caring of someone or something hears him. “God fuuuck~! Yesyes! Oh you make me feel so- so good! Ah! Ah~! Nggggh!”
Your hand lets go of his arms, but like the loyal slut he his, he keeps them there as you grab his hair, lifting his head up and biting his neck. “Yes!! Oh fuck yes! Faster, faster! Fuckmefuckme!” Dante moves his hands to his dick as both your hands grip his hair and jacket collar. “I'm g-gonna cum! Pleaseplease! Let me cum! AH!” his begs and pleas turn into a nonsense of sobs as you rake your fingers through his messy and sweaty hair. “Cum for me” you whisper in his ear.
Dante sobs and cries as he releases all over the floor, some even getting on his desk. Quite sobs escape him as his left over tears form a small puddle beneath him.
Just as you lift yourself up, Morrison busts through the door, an unpleasant look on his face. “Considering that you two have stopped fucking like two rabbits in heat, just take this before my day is even more ruined” Morrison hands you a letter, not saying another word and slamming the building doors closed, his car revving up and leaving the area just as quickly.
You set the letter aside and stare at the fucked out Dante beneath you. “What to do with you...”
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jimcantswim · 2 years
some thoughts about trans naoto. its mindblowing to me honestly that people still view him as Cis Female when
1.Naoto has done nothing but get really uncomfortable every time theyre referred to or viewed as a girl by the main cast (hot springs scene) (school beauty contest scene) Up until the end of Naoto's social link where the "Right Answer" is to pressure them into presenting effeminately and "admitting they're a woman"
2.Naoto was outed deliberately, and no one even stopped to ask naoto whether this was something they were okay with/The scene with naotos shadow in the laboratory was clearly a reference to a trans affirming surgery/naotos shadow represents everything Naoto has repressed inside, and with the constant allusions to "wanting to be a man" "you'll never be a man" etc
3. What with the misrepresentation/absence of trans people as a whole in general media, a lot of folks have latched onto the image of Naoto as a trans man. as much as i love Persona, it really doesnt do lgbt rep at all, save for years ago when it was more of a niche franchise(p2). I think of Naoto as a trans man, while it may not be "canon" its something that really helps me see myself in one of my favorite series
4. That's another thing-- Atlus does its best in the spinoffs and continuing comics (cough; detectiveXNaoto) to hyper feminize naoto and make him kind of like.... Like the gender confusion never existed, Naoto was always and will always be a girl, Kanji looks stupid, They're both heterosexual.
5. Naoto supposedly wants to "be male" in order to be respected in the workforce , which is a totally reasonable thing to want. I'd believe it more if Naoto weren't adamantly presenting as male in every aspect of life and even at school, going so far as to bind and deepen his voice. Besides, Naoto acts way too trans for the job bs to be the reason he dresses masc. I mean he's 15. And he goes to SUCH great lengths to be seen as male by Everyone(sounds a bit transgender to me) And you can't tell me there was no way naoto could be a female detective. Naoto's dead mom is literally a female detective and she was apparently hugely reknowned by everybody.
The persona fandom likes to draw Naoto blushing in dresses and skirts and shit. im just tired of it because yeah thats clearly how you view trans people XD And naoto would be SO UNCOMFORTABLE like that
But no one cares. No cis persona fan has the capacity to care. 1. Because they're cis 2. Because they're a persona fan.
6. TLDR naoto is a trans king but you knew that already
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
catie let’s discuss vettonso headcanons what are ur favs
*sends you to my vettonso tag* shsjkdkf kidding kidding, but wah this is so weirdly hard to answer despite the fact that I think about them literally every day of my life, ig they're just kinda intrinsic to me 😭 but I'll try my best!
I think Fernando really resented Seb for a while, especially during the championship fight years, and originally was very unhappy when Seb then went on to take his Ferrari seat away from him too. But then while he was gone from f1, he kept track of f1 still and realized Seb was going through the same ferrari bs and pain and failure to realize your childhood dream that he himself went through, and he then softened on Seb.
I find them literally to be the same person(but their narratives are offset.) And I think that's a big reason why they never really became friends, they're *too* similar to the point where it annoys each other too much fhfkkff Especially bcs theyre always ahead of one another in the narrative(fernando won his wdc before, fernando is in ferrari before Seb, seb is in Aston before Fernando, etc.) It's just weird to kinda witness someone that's so similar to you, but at a past stage in your life.
They would be the best and most annoying teammates ever. I think they'd both just constantly try to out-compete each other, and maybe it would be toxic back in the day and make the team fall apart like 2007 mclaren or martian rbr, but if it happened at Aston, I think it would actually make the team stronger and the car better. Like fighting for "who can give the best feedback" "who can do the most sim time" etc etc, I think it'd be really sweet 🥹🥹 I just imagine them making post-race debriefs last like 5 hours, except everyone else snuck out of the room at the hour mark, and they've just been debating abt the telemetry at each other, cause they only have eyes for each other <3
^ but yeah seriously think they have the type of competition that could bring each other together, not drive each other apart. Especially at their softened old man age. I guess I think, being forced into such close quarters with each other, they'd be able to realize how similar they are. Bcs otherwise it's just too easy for them to avoid each other. I mean I think a lot about the japan 2023 pics, them talking over the car that was practically the product of their joint effort, and that makes me so emotional 🤧
They absolutely love irritating each other, irs like a sport. I like to think though that Seb kept doing it soooo much pre-Fernando first retirement, and Fernando was always like 😐 just sooooo done with it, and often unwilling to fully play along. I love how seemingly Seb is one of the only ones who can kinda make his mask break, and have him show full annoyance. Like think about the "you must leave the space" clip, Fernando is sooooo annoyed, its just so funny. But yeah I love how Seb kinda forces Fernando in a way most others don't, if that makes sense? And then he comes back, rejuvenated, different mindset, and is suddenly willing to play along??? And now Seb is the tired one :( but Fernando has realized all he was blocking out before, and is willing to engage :,) BUT YEAH! see again, think about the fact that Seb literally paid a fee to not listen to Fernando talk. Mutually they are the only ones that annoy the other so much that they crack to that point, and I love it seemingly swapped over time. They're just such equals in that way.
Here's the interesting thing, I find them to be mirrors, right? I think like if they met each other when each were at the same place in their career(i.e. ferrari Fernando with ferrari seb, renault wdc fernando with rbr wdc seb), I think they'd have a better chance of getting along. Cause they understand where the other is at deeply, but the way it is in real life makes it so they're at different points and suddenly are at odds with each other. Ig that's why I wish we got them as teammates at Aston! It was pretty cute with alpine fernando x aston seb, but ah man if only we got the actual "conclusion", I would have loved to see what they'd be like when genuinely in the same parts of their career together. I think a lot about timeswap AUs I guess. Like both of them at ferrari being able to commiserate together, their wdc selves bragging about how many races they won(until they find out who the other had to beat to become wdc, and then they choke each other out.)
Me: ill try!!!
Also me: six paragraphs
Though I think if you asked me abt one of my AUs, I could come up with more than just daydreaming about their dynamic sjfkkg. Hope this was what you were asking for???? Also lmk, what are your favs!!!
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corgiestnerd · 6 months
Genuine question. Does anyone else theorize that Mu is the biological daughter of the Prince/Snatcher and Vanessa?
The baby room in the mansion has plagued my mind once again and I have a hard time believing that it was just there for no reason. They must have been expecting a child, right? Like you don't just renovate a room like that for no reason, it's costly(they're probably rich tbh but still). I find it hard to believe the room is pointless and only there to add some spooky feels to the game bc it's not a scary room. I also find it odd, in game play, Vanessa doesn't check that room until the end bit of her looking for Hat kid and most players will never see her go in there bc they go to the attic immediately. If you stay back, to be an nuisance like me, you'll find she actually goes to the baby room but why does she go there last? I genuinely think she tries to avoid that room at all costs. Maybe she still feels regret about it even while being possessed(or whatever happened to her in canon).
Ok so now let's talk about Mu's weird ass yellow eyes. So this is more supported by fannon but just fallow along. So Lots of ppl like to draw the prince, right? Right. But drawing a character with no confirmed eye shape or color is hard, right? Right. Most ppl hc the prince's eyes to be yellow mainly bc of Snatcher's being yellow, right? Right!
Soooo let's just say MAYBE if the Prince and Vanessa were to have a child that child could possibly have blonde hair and yellow eyes???
I know that's more of a stretch so maybe I should point out more obvious things. I just like the eye theory lol
So one I like the most is that Vanessa and Mu share the same voice acter which could point to a connect between the two. And even if they didn't share va, both of these characters are very vengeful. Like we all know what happened when Vanessa became enraged. Lots of ppl died. Now look at Mu's final level bs. That place is a death trap for sure, and IF you(mainly talking about the npcs) get to the end you get judged by Mu. And well. Last guy we saw there fell through a trap door. He's probably a goner. I genuinely think if Mu was left to her own devices with no intervention from Hat kid, she'd probably kill most of the cast. She's very vengeful much like Vanessa.
I will say tho Vanessa is much more petty about her vengeance. Mu has a much better reason to be so angry about the world that wronged her.
Another thing to point out about these two is that they're elements of anger and rage are opposite of each other. Vanessa has a kingdom of never melting ice and Mu's kingdom is ever flowing lava. I find the parallels between these two interesting.
Anyways talking about fire, you know who else has fire as one of they're main elements?
Yeah it's Snacher.
Both Mu and Snatcher are Mischievous, cocky, willing to use others to get what they want, willing to kill ppl, both are traumatized by someone ruining they're old lives and having to abandon they're old lives just to survive and they both has to suffer ALONE bc of these ppl. I pointing at the last two very loudly.
(I'm sure there's more similarities between these two. It's 4am and I'm just very tired.)
Now we don't know what the Prince's personality was prior to these events happening but the similarities in outcome are interesting. Both were shown to be nice and sweet ppl before these events happening to them and now both have nearly Impenetrable walls so that others don't get close to them.
BTW on a side thing. I don't think Mu ever considered Hat kid as a friend like that Lil progress bar thing showd after Hat kid saved her. A reliable ally at the time, yes but never friends. I think she just saw Hat kid as an easy way to the mafia hq. I mean Hat kid does most of the work and just after one disagreement Mu considers Hat kid her rival. Plus that friendship bar never shows up again! It was a lie! A show! Why doesn't it show up again?? I genuinely don't know.
So as a last note, so that I can go sleep in peace tonight, here is what I think happened.
Vanessa and The Prince were expecting a child soon.
The Prince goes to law school and leaves a pregnant Vanessa behind while he goes studies.
Either the child came sooner then expected or a miscalculation happened and Vanessa births a child while The Prince is still out on his studies.
Vanessa possessed with that weird jealousy hex(no idea what happened in canon) doesn't want the child to steal the Prince's attention from her.
Vanessa not in her enraged killing spree set of mind like she is in the future decides to abandon the newly born in a new land. Far from her home but somewhere safe.
The child in taken in and taken cared of by the ppl in that safe town and the child grows up there.
Vanessa gets to have all the Prince's attention as she always wanted and more as they "mourn" together for a stillborn that never happened.
ANYWAYS Mu is never confirmed to have parents and she lives in a pecking tiny ahh "cave" by HERSELF and the townies cant take care of her anymore bc of the mafia invasion!And I'm just going insane over here!I'm so tired!
Hope whoever is reading this can understand my mad ramblings. I've been sitting on this for so long. And as much as I live and BREATH for found family between Hat kid a Snatcher. The similarities and oddities that connect this three make me go even more insane and I hope maybe ppl will get where I'm coming from. And maybe hopefully there are ppl just like me out there going insane about Mu and her possible backstory.
Anyways good night. Imma pass out
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mohabbaat · 9 months
i'm sure you must've come across those reels that literally romanticise teen pregnancy, early marriages, being a homemaker etc. and it's so appalling?? like, to me, it's no longer "their life their choice" wtvr wtvr,,, because atp they basically seem like they're tryna instill this whole pre 19th century fantasy into the viewers minds. it's just another misogynistic bs that just doesn't seem to stop? they keep making fun of feminists they are constantly blaming feminism and suffrage and every rights movement ever because they're tired of work or just wanna have a married life. it's not like i'm implying wanting that is bad, it's not, go on live the life you dream of, but what's with disregarding others' views and hard work?? it's so. disgusting. and infuriating, i wanna smash my phone screen. (it's apparently more prevalent in the US bcz i only see americans doing so,,, yeah ik i should not spend sm time on ig)
i am so happy to hear everyone's fyp page is fucking with them cause honestly what the fuck is up that. i am so sick of those "dinner as a 19 year old mom of 3 😍" and "come learn the traditional feminine way with me!! yes i submit to my husband!!! 🥰" reels. it's honestly so dumb how everyone is going out of their way to promote a very specific lifestyle where women are seen as the lesser sex and/or baby making machines. like we just started moving forward from that mindset and there's this whole bunch of women who are hell bent on dragging us back. the teen moms especially make me so mad cause most of them have 2+ kids and it's honestly so careless of them. and it's harmful for the kids as well to grow up in a trailer home or in a shelter with a mom who's clearly clinically depressed, doesn't have a fkn high school degree and is showing their daily life on instagram for clout.
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quackitysdrugdealer · 2 years
As some people may know i'm going to start writing one shots so i made a list of promts feel free to use these i can do other promts and things this is just ideas but there are some things i won't do like smut i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with your request and explain that i'm uncomfortable with that and if you send in a request i'm a small account so i can pretty much guarantee that i'll get your request done within 27 hours lol but for now enjoy my promts!
1 "Aw, look at you!"
"Stop touching me."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to annoy you; you're just so cute."
2 "Do you even realize how cute you are?"
"Oh yes, I'm adorable. I'm a fucking delight."
3 "I just can't get over the fact that you said yes."
(while gazing at their ring) "Believe it, baby. I said yes over a year ago."
"I know... but still."
4"I've never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do."
"Yes but in the best possible way."
5"Stop touching me."
"But I wanna cuddle!"
"Oh, well then why didn't you just say so. C'mere."
6"Do you know who's the best person in the world?"
"No, me but only because you make me the best person."
7"I want to be better for you."
8 "I want to deserve you and I never will unless I become a better person."
9 "I still can't believe you love me."
"Better believe it, baby."
10 "I'm crazy about you."
"Yeah, you're crazy alright."
11"Kiss me!"
"Oh, I was kidding! Stop pouting like that."
12 "You're my favorite!"
"You married me, so I really hope I'm your favorite."
13 "Have you ever thought about leaving me?"
"I'd be a fool to ever want to leave you."
14 "You are the best."
"Not nearly as best as you!"
"That made no sense."
"Only because you don't understand how incredible you are."
"No, that just grammatically didn't make sense."
15 "Quit being a grammar junkie!"
"Why don't you come over here and make me?" (😘😉)
16 #11 “I’m tired” “I can see that babe” “Sleep with me?” “mhm”
17 “Kiss me?”
18 “You are my home, you have been since we met”
19 “Hi sweetheart” “Hi babe” “Is that my shirt?” “No”
20“Die” “Bet” “wait- babe no stop”
21“Hello lovely” “Hi <character name>”
22 “I've to go” “Noooo please” “Sorry love”
23“God I love you”
24 “Happy Birthday”
25: "i'm pregnant"
26: " you know i only let you touch me"
27: " there's no other person for me i swear"
28: dancing in the rain
29 "dance with me?"
30: person a shares persons Bs secrets with the there friends and they break up
31 They're drunk and you're carrying them to their room, when they unexpectedly say how much they love you, causing you to drop them on the floor
32 They end the phone call with an accidental ''love you'', leaving you flustered
33 Confessing before being separated for an uncertain period of time
34 Asking them how your name + their surname would sound like (or/and vice versa)
35 Accidentally confessing while laughing over something
36 Saying "I love you" while they're sleeping/unconscious/in coma. You know well that they can't hear you, but a small part of you hopes they did
37 Always giving each other yellow roses for valentine's day, when one day you see that you've got red roses instead
38 Tears drench your cheeks as you confess. The last thing you hear before dying is them screaming your name
39 Confessing at the same place where they first met
40 Scolding them for doing something stupid, wondering "why did I have to fall for you" and not realising that you just said that out loud
41:“You saved me, let me save you”
42: “You can’t save me and then walk out”
43: “ Focus on me please”
44: “You deserve better” “And you need more”
45: “Babe it’s not what it looks like” “Yeah? then what is it?”
46: “How are you in the wrong if you’re the only one putting in the effort to make it work?”
47: “Sometimes giving up is easier my love”
48: “How many times do we have to hurt each other before realising we’re no good at this”
49: “So what that’s it?” “Yeah it is, this relationship is one sided and I’m tired okay”
50: “Can you hold me while I go?”
51:hot chocolate and cuddles
52: person b gets hypothermia
53: breakfast in bed
54: holding there child for the first time
55: walking in on person a cuddling there baby
56: person a and b break up and 3 year's later person a finds person b with a child there child
57: Braiding eachothers hair
58: dieing before you can admit there feelings
59:dancing in the light of the fridge
60: dyeing eachothers hair
61: person a has autism
62: doing face masks together
63: one of them getting shot and almost dieing
64: person b has adhd and person a notices that there fidgety so the grab there hand
65: person a being a Assassin and is supposed to kill person b but they can't and make it there lifes mission to protect person b
66: movie night!!
67: (requester chose's a song for the oneshot to be based off of)
68: person a thinks there house is haunted but it's just person b being annoying
69: meeting the parents for the first time
70: person a finding out they need glasses and realizing how long there visions been so blurry and they thought it was normal and freaking out beacuse they can finally see person b clearly and thinking there beautiful
71: photographer meets artists
72: " we've GOT to stop meeting like this"
"You kidnapped me idiot"
" but your not a kid?"
" oh my gosh you are a idiot"
73 " murder wasn't on today's agenda"
"It's not on anyones"
" no it's on mine, just not untill next Thursday"
74: " did you have to hit me with a corpses leg? Was that really necessary?"
"Necessary. No. Hilarious, yes"
Brother's best friend!au
enemies to lovers!au
Friends to lovers!au
Love letters!au
Famous brother!au
Time travel!au
Ghost and human!au
Suicidal x therapist!au(not romancing being Suicidal please if you feel this way talk to someone even if it's just a little or about your day it will help and dms always open)
Student x teacher!au(both of age)
Demigod x mortal!au
Beast friends brother!au
Transfer student!au
Dark academy!au
Different sides in a war!au
Polor opposites!au
I hate everyone in the world but you!au
Fake dating!au
Grumpy x sunshine!au
Cowarker romance!au
And again these are just ideas you can thinknof your own if you want to
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Sooooo tired of the Team Black allegations. For the 1256th time, they either do NOT like Helaemond and dislike it as well OR don't care about it at all. Sure, there are some self declared Helaemonds out there who say they are Team Black but they're like…five people??? Why is it so difficult to admit Helaemonds are 99% Greens? Otherwise yes, there are trolls who will love the drama of the kids being bastards or simply the idea of the Green side having its own incestuos affair because it will paint the fans who hate incest as hypocrites (and many are for sure since they ship Helaegon, sorry, but it is the truth) as they will have to defend Aemond from it but do we have to care about them and their opinions? They're going to find stupid and baseless reasons to hate the Greens regardless of Helaemond becoming canon. F**k them. Also, this whole Team Black thing is very transparent and reminds me of the times when Al*smonds and antis were accusing Helaemond shippers of being secretly Team Black because they want to justify Blood & Cheese and paint the Greens as hypocrites. Yes, this happened.
Thank you for pointing out Aemond's duty to his Baratheon betrothed. You're actually one of the very few Green bloggers who do so. For some reasons most forget, or pretend to, about this which is…very telling! I also hate the theory that Aemond will stop caring about duty after Storm's End and B&C. Although not impossible like you've mentioned, for Aemond to act as if he can go and do anything is very child like behavior and feels like it would be really bad characterization and, at least in my opinion, will make him really, really unlikable as a person. No matter how awful he will be feeling about himself, his remaining family still depends on him honoring his promise to the Baratheons. It's literally a matter of life and death, he can't just say "Fuck duty, fuck everyone, I will be marrying Alys because I can and want to" and expect no consequences, especially militarily. Why should the Baratheons accept such an insult? Having bastards is one thing, he would very easily get away with it being a man, but marrying a bastard servant twice his age? Do these people think he can marry Alys and, if he wins his battle against Daemon, return with her as his wife to King's Landing afterwards? Do they think the remaining lords should simply accept it?
I'm not kidding, if they go with this interpretation, with Aemond not giving a fuck anymore, I will only 100% ship him with Dark Sister. I'm not sure I can bear how insufferable antis will become if Aemond will be leaving his remaining family's fates to the Blacks for a woman, because this is what the whole affair would essentially be even if they will claim it to be a tragic love story and go after anyone else who disagree as they're doing right now. And I hate even more how the same people who use the duty BS argument against Helaemond claim that he married Alys BECAUSE he is DUTIFUL and didn't want their kid to be a bastard. It's just baffling. The hypocrisy is amazing. Yeah, I get it, we should like it because love >>> duty and Aemond still became a kinslayer despite following his duty so why he should care about it anymore? but regardless, these people we are talking about are royals whose actions have deep repercussions across the entire realm. They can't do whatever they want even if it's in the name of love.
Also the idea that we should protect Helaegon from the infidelity allegations when show!Aegon is out there cheating (and raping women) on Helaena is just sick, and dare I say misogynistic. It's simply insane to expect her to stay faithful to him no matter what, especially if there is someone out there who genuinely loves her and vice-versa. Why is it that every time a situation like this comes up (the man cheating with other women) it is ALWAYS on the wife to remain faithful?
I have to say that this post had me in stitches, so thank you for that. I basically agree with everything you've said, love the passion & also, you're going to love this, because I was on Four Storms alert ever since my first Aemond/Alys post. [For any new visitors, there's more in my tag + this particular post that delves some of the points anon is talking about, with contributions from many other friendly voices. Also, ofc, my Maris/Aemond cinematic universe. Alrite, enough shameless self-promotion].
Yeah, the idea that we should protect the sanctity of the helaegon marriage never really sat right with me when Aegon is out there cheating left and right and Aemond is making the beast with two backs with a random woman he's known for 5 minutes. Meanwhile Helaena is subjected to indescribable trauma and gets a horrific ending, but she's not even allowed some measure of reprieve after the showrunners made sure to depict even her book!decent!marriage as sketchy. Personally, this concept of unconsummated courtly love rings rather too flavourless to my ears, as well - what can I say. To each their own, but it's kind of unfair to Helaena.
A further observation I would like to make is that I, too, often find this discourse on Aemond's sense of duty lacking, because many fans seem to treat duty like a switch. "Aemond is dutiful up to X point in this linear timeline I've decided upon (and any alternative interpretation is blasphemy and should be vigorously suppressed), after which his sense of duty completely dissipates because I need to make his relationship with Alys ~romantic~ and he basically doesn't give a shit about his family or political responsibilities anymore." I actually think helaemonds have the right of this, because they're always more likely to paint Aemond as a conflicted figure, consumed by a very byronic inner turmoil, who's always teetering on the edge of doing what's right by his family vs experiencing the freedom of giving into his own desires for once. It is within that precarious balancing act that you can build the most compelling dark princely figure that makes the girlies' hearts a-flutter! Whereas the first interpretation feels very robotic and soulless to me, yes, perhaps even shippable with Dark Sister.
To close off, nothing would ever justify Blood & Cheese, even IF Helaena's kids would be Aemond's. The retributive "payment" for Luke's life would be Aemond's life aka his actual killer END OF. "A son for a son" does not make sense and is not justified - that was always the point of it. Needless brutality, the horrific inhumanity of it. Killing off innocents who had absolutely nothing to do with the act is not how people enacted retributive justice. I'm pretty sure Hammurabi would agree with me on this.
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