#yeah i drew the old ones in those poses
lolbree · 2 months
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so those new vocaloid poses huh
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margueritedaisies · 1 year
@sneakystorms @frozenladybug
Saw your old JTTW content and I am currently hooked with this fanbase. So here's a lil gift I did for fun during vacant period in class.
Recently drew dynamic combat poses with Wukong trying to fight fair and square (but he still has higher ground) so he wouldnt get disqualified in some brawling tournament. So he's in human form, no weapons or magic.
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Personal fave drawing, just love to think if Wukong really put the finesse in his combat skills to full potential .We barely get a chance to see him really do a fair hand to hand combat, usually just him abruptly throwing punches and kicks, and those poorly executed flying harness scenes. And always relying on his supernatural abilities and cudgel. Like I get he's so self assured and usually takes things easy for himself. But would really love to see his mastery in martial arts . I guess he'd only do it when he wants to really show off against those who he has bad blood with. If he's on a risky fight where he finds his match. The more things at stake, more thrill and hes definitely having fun . He'd want to pull off flashy moves to overwhelm his opponent.
Smear lines are a powerful thing for dynamic fighting poses. Been looking at One punch man manga fight scenes.
"He is dignified and beautiful, and I love him. "
*While Wukong shreds his way through the carnage*
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Feral bb, I imagine demon monkey roars sound like cheetahs/leopards
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Hoo boi 😭🥹🔥 Wukong's ponytail is just Shikamaru and Musashi(Vagabond) hair combined
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Oh yeah,just can't pass up to draw more SunTang
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jayietheriverwarrior · 2 months
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Well. Here's a piece that I meant to have done during Pride Month, that I finished at the end of July, and then didn't actually post online until August. Oops. XD Ah well. Anyway, here's some of my pride headcanons for Warriors, with each cat holding/wearing something with the colors of their relevant Pride flag.
Up first are the aroace queens, Drizzle of RiverClan and Mousefur! Drizzle's from Riverstar's Home if you don't remember her, she got super cranky/uncomfortable about Riverstar's relationship with Finch Song. A lot of it was probably just her being young and not wanting to see her old leader and his wife kissing in front of her, and her overall annoyance at how Riverstar's love for Finch Song kept them from going home on time, but to me she just gave off so much "ew allo romance is gross, I'm too aroace to deal with this" vibes, I love it. :D We need more ace queens in this world. Mousefur I won't get into as much, as I think viewing her as aroace is pretty standard. As a RiverClan warrior, Drizzle's of course carrying a fish she caught, while Mousefur caught a bird.
Up next we've got gay Tallstar and bi Jake. :D Tallstar gets a pretty gay butterfly (I drew the butterfly in this piece before the butterfly wings in the Hake drawing if you can't tell, this one looks a lot more awkward XD) on his head, and Jake as a kittypet gets a non-wild accessory, a bi bandana - a bidana, if you will. XD I don't think Jake was actually in love with either of his mates after Tallstar, I think that was more just friends who wanted kits together (though Quince was definitely more in love with Jake than she let on), but he's attracted to both toms and she-cats.
Then we've got best gay farm boys, Ravenpaw and Barley. :D For Barley I cheated a bit and let him have a non-wild accessory since he's a farm cat even though we never see him interact that closely with the twolegs, I figured a little kerchief thing worked well enough for a farm cat. I was pretty stumped what to do for Ravenpaw's accesory until I remembered, oh yeah, he's Ravenpaw - give him an adder! XD Reffed their pose from a really cute photo of two cats cuddling.
Up next is pan Sasha! Pan always seemed to fit her really well, there's so many cats of various genders she's shipped with. For once she actually looks happy. :D Just taking a moment to enjoy a bit of Pride in a pan-colored collar.
And now for all the various demisexual headcanons. :D Up first are two she-cats Sasha is shipped with a lot, demibisexual Leopardstar and demilesbian Russetfur. Leopardstar gets a damselfly as her accessory, they hang out near water and have shimmery wings that flash different colors in the light so I figure that works, and Russetfur has berries behind her ear as a nod to her one biggest moment that makes me dislike her character despite loving her portrayal in the Tigerstar and Sasha books - the scene where she watches Berrykit struggle in a fox trap and does nothing to save him. Still not sure how to reconcile that scene with her portrayal in the other books. Anyway, Leopard liked both Frog and I like to think Sasha as well, but only those two and doesn't tend to find anyone attractive until she forms that strong bond, and Russetfur only ever liked Sasha as far as I'm concerned and was too focused on her role as deputy to care much about romance besides that one time.
The last two are our demibi boys, Riverstar and Jayfeather! For Riverstar, he does feel attraction a bit more easily than the rest of our demi cats, he likes looking at a pretty face, but he doesn't really feel a deep attraction until those deeper feelings form, like with Flutter and Finch Song - but there was definitely something there for Gray Wing, even if it never fully developed into love. For Jayfeather, he hardly ever feels attraction, though he could for toms or she-cats equally - the only time anything developed far enough for that was Half Moon. Riverstar is wearing a flower crown 'cause he strikes me as a flower crown kind of guy, and Jayfeather is carrying herbs.
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asp1diske-art · 6 months
Your technical skill with lineart and shading is amazing in itself, but it's your ability to convey emotion and atmosphere in your work that is trademark to me :) its incredible how you can show through gesture and body language just what these masked, expressionless characters are feeling, and how the environment itself conveys that. Your lurien comics, especially the one that ends in something along the lines of "I return to the kingdom you abandoned" are I think the spark that made Lurien go from Some Guy to Deeply Interesting for me, and your use of color pop and shaky line contributed so much to the feeling in those comics. You are one of the artists whose skill at evoking emotions I aspire to <3
Oh wow, I've been reading and re-reading this for the last 20 minutes this is amazing.
So, emotions!
If there is one thing I'm proud to have accomplished during my time in Hollow Knight, it's the skill of expressing tone. Because here's the thing, facial expressions are just one of the many components of tone. (I even wrote about this in another ask some time ago.) Colors, gestures, camera angle, lighting, paneling, lines and narration - all of these come together to convey the mood of the scene.
Check out these wips from the Watcher and the Watched comic, for example.
You can see that color played a huge role in setting the atmosphere in the comic. It shows that this comic is taking place in the Watcher's Spire, but it also gives a dark, subdued feeling that wouldn't come from idk, a yellow background. The backlight emphasizes the ominous tone of the last page. As does Lurien's pose - coupled with the butler looking up and Lurien looking down, it makes it look like Lurien is looming over his butler (and the reader). All this builds up to deliver Lurien's lines with maximum impact.
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So yeah, a lot goes into conveying tone in comics, and I'm very happy to hear that it was recieved well!!
The Lurien, Dreamer comic. It's almost 2 years old now but it's still one of the favorite comics I drew about him. Together with the City of Tears comic, it's the epitome of my interpretation of Lurien. My characterization of Lurien's relationship with the Pale King was quite different from the usual fanon at the time (I don't know how it is now, I haven't gone into the tags in years haha) and I wasn't really sure how people would take it. So I'm glad to hear that it got you interested in Lurien!
It's the one that took the longest too lol. Usually I draw comics in a single setting, but that one took 3 days. Besides Two Ghosts (which was an 18 chapter+@ comic that was over 50p and took about 2 months), no other comic has broken this record. I put in a lot of care into it, and it still holds a special place in my heart.
Honestly half the reason I use messy, sketchy lines is that I suck at drawing clean lines lmao. But I like to think that I've made the best of it and utilized it as an art style. In that comic especially, because the whole thing takes place in the dream realm and I wanted to give a rough, unreal feel to it.
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I'd show breakdowns of this one too but the file is so big it keeps crashing lol. (Pro tip - draw your comic pages in separate files. Don't be like me and draw 300dpi 10p comics with 30 layers in each page in a single canvas. It will crash and you will be sad.) But drawing the White Palace was a interesting challenge because I usually draw in highly saturated colors whereas the Palace is, well, white. So I had to work out a way to color this without making everything looking grey, while also making it recognizable as the palace. iirc I used a lot of overlay & burn & dodge layers along with a few difference & subtract layers to give the white a slight yellow tint to stand out from the dark blue. (I'm pretty sure they're the culprits crashing the file.)
Sorry this got long, I really took this as an invitation to ramble about my art hkfsldjkflj
Thank you for all the compliments! It's an honor to hear that my art could be someone's aspiration, and I'm very happy that all my Lurien art got someone else into Lurien. I hope you have a nice day :D
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dooralight · 3 months
The demons have passed, and the king is naked(Erase everything you've known about me until today)
It's been two days, three hours and 27 minutes since damian went missing.
It's been an hour since Jason found him.
Usually, Jason didn't care much about the brat; he could take care of himself, after all. Like Jason, Damian was trained by the league, and knew 102 ways to kill a man thrice his size but he hates killing, and felt the need to remind the elder of that at least once a week. Plus, Jason had very few reasons to care for his so-called 'family', as dick insists to call their weird, creepy, sad bat-cult. And damian was definitely not one of them.
While the two were technically brothers, the role of robin was the only thing they had in common. Jason was raised in poverty, barely surviving the cold nights of gotham, and was forced to steal and run. Jason had nothing but a mother who wrapped her bony body around him at cold nights until she didn't. Damian, on the other hand, lived a life of luxury. The league's prince, the al ghul's pride and joy. Damian was raised in a cult full of murderers, barely surviving the brutal training he was forced to endure, forced to either kill or be killed. And Sometimes he was killed. damian had everything except for sympathy. And for those differences, Jason couldn't ever connect with the kid. That, and because damian was an absolute displeasure to be around.
So when he got a frantic call from Dick, claiming damian went missing, Jason honestly didn't care all that much. ''maybe the demon spawn doesn't want to be found.'' He told the oldest of Bruce's child soldiers children, not even removing his eyes from the gun barrel he was cleaning. "what?'' dick's disdisbelieving voice uttered from the other side of the call. "how can you say that?" Jason rolled his eyes and got up to get cleaner rug from the kitchen. ''you heard me. Kid's does that all the time. Disappears for a while, then comes back from the pits of hell just to torment us.''
"don't talk about your brother like that.'' Dick scolded, and gosh, he sounded like such a mom. ''besides, he never disappeared like that before. he always leaves a note or something.'' 'he always lets me know' was left unsaid. Honestly, gross. ''I don't know what to tell you, dickie. Maybe the kid felt like he was too old to let his wannabe daddy sigh his permission slip-'' a beep announced that the call has ended before he got the chance to finish his sentence. 
He found damian by accident.
Stephanie informed him of a case that cannot tolerate delays. ''a bunch of magic users are trying to summon a demon in the forest near gotham.'' She told him, a deep frown settled on her chin. She looked unusually troubled. "do we know why?'' he asked. That was too vague, even for brown. Batgirl only seemed to grow more upset by his question. "from the intel Constantine gave me, they're trying to create a new world from 'the ruins' of this one.'' She tried to mimick the man's British accent, but it ended up sounding more like Alfred. "and why exactly do you need me? I may be friends with an amazon, but I don't know all that much about magic, kid.''
Stephanie straightened her posture from being bent over the bat-computer and started heading towards the bat-mobile with her fists clenched at her sides. ''I need your…brute force. Either knock some sense into them,'' batgirl's too-calm voice echoed through the cave, ''or knock them out.''
And that's how he found damian, standing behind a large, relatively flat boulder in the middle of a forest, surrounded by various animals, holding his katana in a threatening pose. ''your footsteps were too heavy, and I could hear the sound of Autumn leaves crunching under your feet from a mile ago. Were you not aware you're in a forest, Todd?" the little brat criticized distastefully, though he drew the weapon away and lowered himself into the ground. Jason scoffed. "yeah, whatever. Mind telling me what am I seeing?"
because the view in front of him probably got into the list of 'top 10 weirdest things red hood has seen this month', which meant something. In front of him, damian, in his 4'5 glory, was sitting calmly, drinking tea from one of alfred's favorite sets of cups, and he wasn't the only one; batman's blood son was surrounded by a raccoon, two deers, titus & Alfred the cat, and a fricking bear, all of them having their own cups. ''why do you care?" damian spat. Titus let out a growl. The dirty looking racoon stuffed his face into his cup of tea. ''I don't want to take the blame when B and dickie finds out their little baby got torn apart by a bear.'' Jason returned with the same amount of venom.
He regretted separating from Stephanie. She's one of the only people on the planet who has mastered the ability to deal with damian's attitude. ''I am not a baby. And besides, American black bears are the friendliest breed of bears." Damian scowled for a brief moment, then let a small smirk crawl into his features. "though, I wouldn't expect you to know that."
''you little—oh, whatever. Good luck with your bear.'' Jason turned to leave, then remembered the reason he came in the first place. "by the way, have you seen any magic users around here?'' Damian paused from petting one of the deers. "magic users?" Jason nodded. "yeah. Batgirl reported seeing them yesterday. You didn't happen to see anything?" Damian stared at him. "brown was keeping me company yesterday. There is no way she noticed something that I didn't." Jason's brain short-circuited.
"She was with you? yesterday?" And she didn't tell Bruce anything? Well, he could actually understand that. But why didn't she at least tell dick? Damian scoffed. "Are you deaf as well as foolish?" Jason's fingers twitched around his tranquiller, his vision filling with a too-familiar-green.
'Knock sense into them, or knock them out'. So, Steph led Jason to the little punk on purpose. She couldn't possibly expect him to talk damian into coming back, could she? She was smart enough to know he was the less suitable bat for the job. Did she expect him to get him home forcefully? Hm. He supposed could do her a favor. He might even enjoy it.
"What are you doing here anyway?" He asked and sat himself between damian and the bear , making himself a barrier between the two. "Why do you care?" The tiny satan demanded yet again. There was a certain spark in his eyes jason could tell he was trying, and failing, to hide. Jason shrugged. "Just curious." And he wasn't lying; Damian has run away before to fight villains, mercenaries, and sometimes even heroes behind their backs. But this? Going missing without telling anybody just to... hang with a bunch of animals? Jason didn't get it.
At his answer, the spark in damian's green eyes died. "Go away, Todd." He sneered with hunched shoulders. "Listen here Junior-"
"Go away!" Damian suddenly lashed out, standing with his fists clenched in front of his body, preparing for a fight. "You weren't invited here! You're ruining everything!" Jason remained sitting, though his hand tightened around his belt. He's missing something. Damian was going through some crisis for a reason he didn't know, and Stephanie, damn her, was nowhere to be found.
"Just tell me what's happening, damian." He said cooly.
Damian eyes, damian's sparkless, tired eyes locked with his. For a reason jason didn't know, the younger listened. "Will you leave if I told you?" He whispered defeatedly. "Sure," Jason decided to entertain him, but his hand didn't leave his tranq'.
Damian looked down with an unusual shyness, his foot shuffling against the forest's ground, before he looked up.
"They're my new brothers and sisters." He stated with renewed confidence, and smiled a little when the bear let an unholy screech.
"Your- what?" Jason expected a lot of things, but certainly not that. Definitely not that. Damian didn't seem how understand how strange the situation was. He repeated, like it was obvious. Like it was normal.
"They're my new family."
'But they're a bunch of brainless animals' Jason thought. Out loud, though, he chose to ask: "why do you need another family?"
Damian's long, thick lashes hid his eyes as he tilted his head down, locking eyes with titus as if silently asking for advice. "I… do not belong in father's family. I never did, and i never will. I understood it, and it's only a matter until they- until you realize that too." damian informed blankly.
What? Damian 'the batman's only blood son' Wayne thought Jason, the failed robin, fitted in the family more than him? Jason bit back a shocked laugh. "Kid, they're looking for you right now. They're worried sick-"
"They're afraid. Afraid I'll go on a killing spree now that I have no supervision." he dismissed bitterly, then his head snapped up with a glare. "I wouldn't. Tell them I wouldn't."
'Like they'll believe me'
"...Why did you come here of all places?" Jason asked and tensed when the bear roared loudly. "Do you want a refill, Stephanie?" the boy completely ignored Jason's question and got up with a teapot, circled the boulder to get to the bear- to "Stephanie", apparently- and gracefully poured the warm liquid into his cup. The bear roared again, and this time damian took it as Stephanie being happy and returned to his seat.
Only after he settled down he bothered to answer Jason's question. "…All people know to do is to judge. they decide for you whether you're good enough, kind enough, or if your cruel enough, skilled enough, brutal enough- " the moment he started, damian couldn't seem to know how to stop, "and do you know why that's the problem, Todd? let me spill light on the ugly truth; You will never be good enough for them. For any of them. Because they're people. and all people know is to judge. It doesn't matter how much you will train, or how much blood will you spill -yours or others- or how many people will you've maimed, or how many people you saved- you will keep running and running and running, until your legs give out and you won't be able to breath and you will still. Never. Be. At. They're. Pace."
Damian's scarred fingers- why were they so scarred? - patted alfred's fur distractedly, his eyes burning holes into Jason. "Because they are saints. And you, Todd, are not." And as true as it was, Jason got the feeling damian wasn't talking about him.
"Damian-" Jason's voice cracked as he stared back at His brother. At his kid brother. Because damian was just a little kid. How could Jason, who called himself Gotham's children protector, not protect his little brother from the pain he knew all to well? How could he- how could they all not notice the kid in their house was suffering? How could they let him think his worth was only judged by his actions as robin?
"Animals don't judge, todd. They're just... animals."
'Because it was'
"Damian," jason spoke. The other failed robin peeked curiously at him. "can… can they be my brothers and sisters too? I kinda need a family too." He hoped damian would understand what was he really saying. 'Let me into your new family. Let me into your heart. Give me another chance to be a brother to you. Let me save you from becoming me.' Because as much as damian needed him to, Jason couldn't get himself to say all of that out loud. In some ways, he guessed he wasn't all that different from their old man.
Damian eyes narrowed, then widened almost comically. His fingers fidgeted and his breath hitched.
"Only...uh, only if they say it's ok." Damian stuttered and leaned to put his ear near one of the deers' mouth. Jason held his breath as the deer licked damian's cheek, and watched damian scrunch his nose and wipe it discreetly.
"they allow it.'' damian announced boredly, but jason didn't miss the return of that spark to his shining eyes. "but don't you dare tell any of the others about it."
jason, despite himself, chuckled. "not even tim?"
damian's nosetrills flared. "especially not drake."
mabye they weren't so different after all.
"I'm back!" A cheery voice called from the behind the trees. Oh, so now stephanie bothered to find them.  
"I see the stealth training I gave you finally started to get into your head." damian told her.
"oh, please. if anyone trained me, it was cass." steph rolled her eyes and set a plastic bag on the surface of the boulder. "here, i brought more supplies to your little tea party."
"it is not a tea party! what do you think of me? a mere child?" 
"yes." steph and jason responded at the same time, and locked eyes as damian scoffed, offended.
"knock some sense into them, huh?" jason lifted his brows. stephanie smirked.
"or knock them out. i gave you two options.'' she shrugged innocetly.
"why me?" jason asked her.
"why you what? what are you two talking about?" damian demanded. steph looked them both over, then sighed.
"we... the three of us, 'the dead robins'," the failure robins, jason translated easily. "need to stick together. have each others backs, y'know?"
"i agree." surpisingly enough, damian was the one who said it. "we will never be a match for dick grayson, or cassandra cain. it wouldn't do any of us any good to stand alone in their shadows."
wow. the kid was full of surprises, wasn't he? "I don't know, kid. i think you're on the way to get there." jason then procceded to wrestle his baby brother into a mendatory head ruffle, to which damian tried to bite his way out of. 
"okay, enough with the emotional talk. damian, you're going back to the manor today. we'll figure out a lie about where you've been later." damian tried to protest, but was distracted by knuckles dugging harshly into his skull. "now, how is stephanie the deer?" she cood.
"the deers' names are gilbert and mr. alexander." damian deadpanned, finally free from his ridiculous big brother.
"wait, what? then who's stephanie?" she questioned. jason tilted his head towards the bear, who was napping now. he will have to ask damian later how did he manage to tame a wild bear, but for now he'll just lean back and enjoy the show while alfred the cat cuddled close to him.
"you named a bear after me?!' the former spoiler shouted, outraged.
"it seemed fitting, fatgirl." 
"why, you little--"
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GQ Magazine - July 2007
The Summer of Jessica Biel
To celebrate Biel’s being in a movie actually worth seeing, we sent Adam Stein to play carnival games with her.
When I told various friends I’d be interviewing Jessica Biel, I got the responses you’d expect—jealousy, mild rage, a plea to give her a phone number because she’s the one person that a friend’s wife would give him a free pass to sleep with. The uncanny thing is, when I asked these guys what they thought of her as an actress, most of them drew a blank. They hadn’t seen a single motion picture of hers. Okay, one or two had girlfriends who’d brought them to see The Illusionist, but otherwise, nada. As my friend Taj put it: “I’m obsessed with a girl I’ve never seen move.“
Well, that’s about to change. Later this month, men across America will see Jessica being very good in a very funny movie, and the nature of their love for her will…deepen. She’ll still be inhumanly beautiful, sure, but now they’ll have to contend with genuine talent, too, and that one-two punch can be disorienting. You know what else can? The fact that despite her recent tabloid exposure, she’s actually sweet, funny, earnest, occasionally a little crude, and—if my time playing carnival games with her can be used as evidence—uniquely driven to conquer whatever stands between Jessica Biel and what she wants.
I am waiting for her at the Santa Monica Pier, sitting on a stool next to one of those games where you shoot water from a gun into a clown’s mouth. I haven’t shaved for a week, because I read somewhere that Jessica Biel likes guys with beards. I’m inspecting mine in the reflective back of my iPod when a nice-looking young woman materializes in my view. “Excuse me,“ she says. “Are you Adam?“ “Jessica?“ I ask, ridiculously. Of course it’s her, in wraparound sunglasses, an open gray sweater over a white blouse, and faded jeans. She wears checkered Vans, like Jeff Spicoli. On the pier, no one recognizes her, which I suppose makes sense: There’s little resemblance between the pinup girl and the sneaker-wearing civilian out on a Monday afternoon. She doesn’t stick out as we walk the wooden planks of the amusement park; she blends in. She is, you might say, a very chill girl.
“Can we get a photo next to a star?“ she asks, stopping in front of a booth hawking photographs with huge cardboard cutouts of celebrities. It’s an impressive, eclectic array: Bill Clinton, Mini Me, Michael Jordan, Hilary Duff, Enrique Iglesias(!), Jean-Claude Van Damme, DiCaprio in Titanic. “They’re all kind of old,“ she says. I don’t know if she means the cutouts or the celebrities themselves (because to me, Mini Me will never age). She’s only 25 years old, so it could go either way. I ask her who she’d most want to pose with. She scrutinizes the assembly and makes her call: “I’d probably pick Van Damme, ‘cause he looks the coolest.“ She takes the Muscles from Brussels over Leo—a victory of might over sensitivity. Nice.
Then she decides it’s time for the games to begin. She passes up the Riptide Ring Toss (“That one is impossible,“ she says) and focuses her attention on the Pier Plank Plunge. The PPP is basically a rope ladder suspended horizontally over an inflatable mattress. The trick is to climb, perfectly balanced, to a taunting red button placed approximately ten feet away. Press the button, win the prize—an enormous Sonic the Hedgehog. I ask her if she’s ever Pier Plank Plunged before. “Yes,“ she says, assessing the structure, looking for its weaknesses. “But I’ve never been able to achieve it.“ She begins barraging the bored-looking carny with questions. “Do you have any tips?“ (It’s all about balance.) “Have you done it before?“ (Nope.) “Has anyone ever won?“ (Yeah.) “Has anyone won today?“ (Not yet.) She turns to me, and I have to say she seems genuinely excited. “This is our chance,“ she says. “It’s our chance to win.“ I’m beginning to get the distinct impression that winning is important to Jessica Biel. “Ladies first“ being the imperative, I take the initial go-round. It’s harder than it looks. My arms shake. Everything shakes. I can feel her hopefulness—Do it, get there—but I fall off within seconds. The shame is truly surprising. I wanted to do it for Jessica and failed. She throws me a “good try“ before stepping up herself.
Jessica was a gymnast when she was younger, and the training appears to be paying off as she mounts the unstable rope ladder. (It also occurs to me that the view I currently have is one the paparazzi would kill for.) She deploys a disciplined crawl, gets tantalizingly close to the red button, reaches for it—and loses her balance, flips over, and lands flat on the cushion, laughing. “Holy shit,“ she yells. “It’s so hard. That’s so frustrating.“ The carny asks if we’d like to try again. She pauses for a moment, looking at the button, and then, with obvious reservations, demurs. “You were really, really close,“ I tell her. “I know,“ she says, still staring at it, reluctant to move, apparently, without conquering the damn thing. “That’s how it gets you.“
Next up is something called the Hi-Striker, a game in which you swing a mallet to test your strength. I take three feeble swings, each one less successful than the last. A huge Hispanic man laughs every time I bring the mallet down on the metal block, and when I exit the cage and hand it off to the female attendant, she takes one exhibition swing and makes my emasculation complete. Up goes the projectile. Ping goes the bell.
J.B. watches, rapt. “Look at her awesome stance,“ she whispers, absorbing the details, memorizing the motion. Some actors “find“ their characters via a process of internalization—investigating emotions, plumbing psychology, creating an “inner life.“ This is known as the inside-out approach. Other actors work outside-in—developing a walk, a gesture, a physicality. Look at, say, Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby. Look at Jessica Biel in the Hi-Striker cage.
Mimicking the attendant’s, her first swing easily skunks my best effort. And she improves with each attempt. She’s getting into character. As she exits the cage, there’s a look of satisfaction on her face. She returns the mallet to the attendant, who looks at me and says: “She did better than you.“ As we leave, I ask her: “Is it more technique than strength?“ She shakes her head. “Brute strength,“ she says. “You just throw it up and slam it as hard as you can.“ On our way off the pier, we pass Zoltar, the animatronic fortune-teller who turned that kid into Tom Hanks in Big. Zoltar senses us and speaks: “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.“ Zoltar makes Jessica smile. She digs his philosophy.
Jessica Biel’s destiny, at least of late, has led her to a prominent place in the trashy supermarket gossip rags. First it was snapshots of social excursions with second-banana studs (Chris Evans, Ryan Reynolds). Then, upping the ante, there was a beach fling with a sports icon (Derek Jeter). And then, in February, she grabbed the tabloid brass ring for reportedly nabbing the world’s most eligible bachelor, Justin Timberlake. Unsurprisingly, it’s not something she’ll discuss.
One thing she is happy talking about, though, is the unladylike girth of her knuckles. We’re getting dinner at an unassuming Italian trattoria across the street from the pier when she flashes those meaty joints and describes her nascent production company. “It was almost called Fat Knuckle Films. Because I have fat knuckles. See?“ she asks. “They don’t really look that way until you start putting rings on them, and then it stops right there.“
I have to say, Jessica Biel’s chunky midfingers are endearing, human, attainable—a word she uses a number of times in our conversation, as if to remind the world that she’s just a regular girl from Boulder, Colorado, who happens to have been called, by Esquire magazine in 2005, the Sexiest Woman Alive.
“At first I felt really embarrassed about it,“ she says. “You know, it’s a weird thing to talk about. Like, ‘Hey, guys. Guess what?’ You don’t just go telling everybody that.“ She shifts her weight forward and goes on: “But after I got over that, I just started to embrace it. I started thinking, If I ever do have kids, and if they have kids, I can tell them: ‘You know what? Your grandma in 2000-and-whatever was the Sexiest Woman Alive. How about that, kids?’ That’s what I started to think about. I’ll always have that picture to say, ‘That’s what Granny used to look like.’ “
Before coming out here to get my ass handed to me at the Hi-Striker, I immersed myself in Jessica Biel’s Collected Works. She got her start in the mid-’90s on 7th Heaven, the WB dramedy that made a splash with the moral-values set, before leaving around 2002 for bigger (and badder) things. It’s been a grim scene ever since: Summer Catch (2001), which starred Freddie Prinze Jr. and stands at number forty-nine on Rotten Tomatoes’ 100 Worst- Reviewed Films of All Time. The Rules of Attraction (2002), notable only for Fred Savage shooting heroin between his toes and saying things like “I can feel my dick.“ (Remarkably, Biel comes across as fresh and charming, despite the astonishing pointlessness and nihilism of the flick.) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003), which was Biel’s first top billing and is her biggest box-office performer to date, with a take of about $80 million. J.B. screams her head off throughout the movie and is entirely believable in distress, but you can’t help thinking as you watch her, There’s got to be better material than this. Sadly, no. There was an atrocity called Cellular, in 2004, and Blade: Trinity that same year (in which Biel kicks much undead ass as a midriff-baring vampire hunter). But the nadir has to be London, in ’06, a delusional piece of trash that starts off with a sex scene, Biel on top, saying, “Are you coming? Are you coming?“ before she proceeds to another not-quite-dignified act and then dips out of the frame to, presumably, swallow. Like I said, a grim scene.
And then, just in the nick of time, salvation arrived. A script called The Illusionist, to star Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti. There was a problem, though. The filmmakers didn’t want to give Biel an audition. They weren’t convinced the vampire-hunting Hollywood creation could rearrange herself into the role of a refined fin de siècle Hungarian duchess.
But Jessica Biel has a hard time taking no for an answer. And when another actress “dropped out“ of the film, her tenacity paid off. They finally brought her in. She arrived wearing a full period costume. She made them take her seriously, she says, and three days later, an offer arrived.
The Illusionist wasn’t what you’d call a “hit,“ but it got good reviews, made decent money, and changed the industry’s perception of her. Doors that were closed began to open. They just weren’t opening fast enough for her taste.
She sets down her after-dinner tea and says, “I want choices. I want options. I want to lay out all the directions I could go and have the ability to choose. I’m slowly starting to have that now.“ It’s the “slowly“ that kills her.
One film that will almost surely expedite the process is I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, which will be released this month. It stars Adam Sandler and Kevin James as two Brooklyn firefighters who pretend to be a gay couple in order to receive domestic-partner benefits. J.B. plays the female lead, their hoodwinked attorney who falls for Sandler by the end of the picture.
Chuck and Larry is Jessica’s first real shot at popular, mainstream film success. Unlike her previous big-budget endeavors, it doesn’t rely on CGI or fetishistic weaponry to make its points. It is also—apologies to Freddie Prinze Jr. —her first comedy.
“It was a little bit intimidating,“ she says. “I really admire Adam and Kevin, but then, I didn’t try to equal them or one-up them, and the character I created didn’t have to be that. She’s the straight woman, but very fun and very cool and just—attainable. That’s the kind of part that I’d like to play more. I mean, a vampire hunter? Is that really attainable? I’d just like to play something a little more quirky, interesting, outrageous. And uninhibited.“
“You’re not worried that she can do comedy,“ the movie’s director, Dennis Dugan, tells me. “You can tell she can do comedy. So we just met her and cast her. I really think she can have one of those diverse, Oscar-winning careers. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no horizon to her talent.“
The sun has gone down, and we’re standing on the sidewalk in front of the Italian joint, across from the pier. I’m holding a small stuffed Spider-Man doll that Jessica won as a prize back at the amusement park and which she’s given to me to give to my son. I ask what she’s doing tonight, and she says she’s playing chaperone to a girlfriend on a first date. “Basically, I’m her wingman tonight,“ she says. “I’ll probably slip away if it’s rolling along well.“
She graciously agrees to a photograph with me, which I would include except for two reasons: (1) I don’t want to make Justin Timberlake jealous, and (2) you never quite understand how unattractive you are until you see yourself in a picture with Jessica Biel.
I watch her as she walks toward the pier. I know it’s where her car is parked, but I have this image of her heading straight back to the Pier Plank Plunge. The carny won’t know who she is, nobody on the pier will recognize her, and she’ll just hand over her fiver and go at it. That red button, almost within her reach. Attainable.
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koalaphoenix · 9 months
I was going through my art folder on my phone and realized how far I've come with how I draw Shay (and her different forms).
Way back in 2021 I drew her for the first time. She effectively came from a dream I had, where I lived her life in one night. But the struggle was I never actually really saw what Shay/I looked like in the dream. I knew what I was, who I was, but not what I looked like, beyond my hands. One of the most spectacular dreams I've ever had, by the way.
So early on when I was streaming, I decided to take a crack at drawing the dragon woman I'd been in the dream. I couldn't even really remember my/her name, although with help from my friends it came to me.
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The first sketch was... Rough, at best. I had no clue how to draw an anthro creature, which Shay effectively was. I used multiple references to even sorta rough out what I wanted, and the result was not spectacular. But it was a start.
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Then I was memeing with my friends about our D&D characters. I fully intended to RP as Shay when we began a campaign. It led to the version above - the first proper drawing where I was mostly happy with her overall design.
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Late 2021 and I tried to push myself a little further, although I still didn't know what I was doing.
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Art block hit me like a truck for a few months. When I finally managed to get drawing again, the results were initially really, really bad. But it wasn't too long and I drew what would end up being a far more finalized version of her design, the template for many future works. She was a more agile figure than her design sketch. I adjusted her horns to make more sense anatomically, and to fit better with her hair.
And also I drew abs on her.
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Then there were several more drawings. I touched on alternate versions, put her in some fun situations as self indulgence, tried to experiment with difficult poses. There was a lot of struggle, as I still couldn't quite get her head shape consistent.
Then I found some new resources, and on a whim I drew what's becoming my favorite alternate version of her: Shayaa.
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(Flat color iteration shown)
Shayaa was born out of two thoughts. I wanted a version of Shay that was a little thicc, and I wanted a version where she hadn't been abandoned. This ended up with her in armor, and was a leap forward in terms of quality and some design cues. The softer snout, more defined mouth, and thicker horns ended up really helping me draw her more consistently.
I was worried that it was one of those cases where I went beyond my actual ability and wouldn't be able to replicate it, but I was mostly wrong.
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I decided I wanted to adjust "prime" Shay's design a bit, to improve her visibly aging and to widen the gap between her and Shayaa to emphasize their differences. I thinned her up a bit, made her muscles more lean, and rounded her features to make her appear more youthful - she's in her early 20s at the start of Godbreaker, but I saw her design as more in her late 20s or early 30s. She was always intended to be more lean than I'd drawn her, but skill issue. I also kinda hated parts of her default outfit, they seemed off and weren't the easiest to draw.
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And now? I'm pretty satisfied with her design. She looks younger and more lean, and ideally a little less "civilized." Her hair got spikier to make it easier for me to draw - I suck at floofy hair. She's still pretty big, at 6'7" tall, but she doesn't look like a brick house anymore (nothing wrong with that, I love brick houses, she was just not intended to be that).
But yeah. Going through the old art, a lot of which I can't add to this post, it really hit home to me how much in such a relatively short time she's changed since the first real sketch, how much I've changed...
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...And how much has stayed the same.
Aaaand to not end on any sort of deep moment, holy shit her old feet were HUGE.
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smurfylegofan2005 · 30 days
If you support Adriennsposts, I would like to list the crimes they committed two years ago.
1. Art thievery. Two years ago, this person was on the lose and stole many people's artworks and harassed them into drawing their favorite character, a rat named Grey from a series called Larva. They even forced them into drawing characters in the transformation scene from a Goofy movie multiple times (Where Max turns into his father in a nightmare sequence, if you know, you know) 
2. Tracing. Of all things, tracing and claiming as their own is one of the more common things Adrienn has done. After a person answers their "requests" via artwork, Adrienn's audacity was stealing the art work, tracing and/or "drawing it in their own way" and make it seem like they drew it. But when someone else finds out, things get heavy.
3. Forcing. In 2022, Adrienn requested a user to draw their Grey rat. The user of course said no, but Adrienn wasn't having it and got so pissed that they even held the poor user at gunpoint saying "Do it, idiot!". Forcing the poor user to draw the rat. People understandably had enough of Adrienn, so did I, an AdriennBanai victim. And when they do get caught, they apologize with literally broken English only to do the same thing over and over again.
4. Using multiple accounts in order to do the same thing over and over. After I blocked the original Adriennsposts account, another Adrienn account one came out of nowhere and literally asked me the same thing the original Adriennsposts account asked me. That other Adrienn account being the one with the FNF girlfriend as their profile pic. Other accounts one had a FNF Sky pfp, a grey rat pfp, and even a Banaiadrienn2 account, which is no longer active due to unknown reasons. (Is because I got blocked by them, but it was worth it.)
5. Defecting, attacking and blaming others. Yeah, Adrienn is pretty much one of those users that don't take no for an answer and don't learn from their mistakes. After being called out, they then harassed other users, including Nooneperhaps and Nia1sworld. They even went in disguise by posing as a user named Slantjones with a Nia pfp, messaged Magicalmysteryperson and... It's fucking weird.
6. Never learning from their mistakes. Whenever someone gets called out, they make their apologizes  and learn from their mistakes. Adrienn on the other hand, isn't one of those people.
7. Reblogging porno on Twitter/X and sending porn to a minor via Tumblr DMs. Yes. They actually sent porn. To a minor. A 15 year old minor. Adrienn even drew porno and posted it on their Pixiv account. (Pixiv is a Japanese art site that allows people to post their art) 
So yeah. If you support Adriennsposts, you need to read this and reconsider being friends with them.
I do NOT know that user, but given everything you said, I will NOT be friends with him/her/them!
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Mayhaps I request Sodo finding out u constantly sketch n draw him for fun n subconsciously n when he confronts u about it u say it’s bc he’s pretty and u love him n he’s confused bc he looks just like the other ghouls but he doesn’t know he’s the first ghoul u ever saw and liked in every kinda way
I stg I actually had this premise jotted down in my notes for Copia. Sodo works a lot better for it tho <333
He had always seen you with a sketchbook in hand, often scribbling down whatever was in front of you. He had seen Swiss post for you several times, in those cliché poses one would see in life study sketches. He thinks he’s seen Aether volunteer a few times, though he always seemed stiff whenever he stood in front of you. Rain’s anxious smell had made him dizzy the one and only time he actually posed for you, and Mountain had stayed still long enough as he lazed on the couch for you to do a quick sketch of him. Even the ghoulettes had giggled as you snapped a quick picture of them to use later.
In the beginning you had asked him a few times to be your model, and he had complied. For a price, of course. Just a little of your blood. It was like a treat. And though he would never admit it, he was flattered whenever you asked, melting against your hands whenever you would help him into the position you wanted for the sketch.
But lately, you hadn’t approached him. Sure, he still saw you here and there, your pencil scratching against the paper as you drew. You had even sat in during their practices a few times, and Papa had been so flustered when you asked him to strike a pose among the others. He wondered just what your sketchbook looked like and how everything was pieced together.
He got his wish when you had left it behind during mass. He knew it was yours by the personalized cover – an old gift from Terzo if he remembered correctly. He picks the little book up, flipping through the pages. He remembers these poses he struck for you. A smile tugs at his lips as he sees the sketch you did when he gave you Baphomet’s signature pose. You had inked it, adding little details in red. He thought it was cute.
As he continues through the pages, he decides to sit down on the pew. There’s no surprise when he sees multiple poses of Swiss and a few of Mountain speckled in here and there. There’s also Aether and he loves how you added on the ghoul’s rings and bracelets. He even sees Copia and Terzo on a couple pages.
But then he gets a little surprise. The next several pages are all of… him? Casually sitting at the tables during lunch, him tuning his guitar, even a really quick one of when he had flipped off Aether during practice. Had you… had you been sketching him all this time without him knowing?
“Oh! Hey, Sodo.” He picks his head up, staring at your face. “I see you found my sketchbook.”
“I didn’t know you drew me.” It comes tumbling from his lips as he gestures to the book. “Like… a lot, too. I thought you just had people pose for you?”
“Catching everyone in their uh… natural habitat makes for better sketches.”
“But… me?”
“Well, yeah.” You give him a smile. “I love drawing you. You’re also pretty, so like… bonus points.”
“I’m not special,” he huffs out. “I’m just a ghoul like the others.”
You walk over to him, taking the sketchbook from his hands and setting it aside. “Aether has a nose ring. You don’t.” Your fingers thread through his long hair and he finds himself leaning into your touch just that little bit. “None of the ghouls have long, soft hair like this.” Your hand moves to his cheek, cupping his face. “No one else has your facial structure or those soft eyes.” His face heats up as you kiss his forehead. “And no one else will ever be my favorite model.”
“I…” His tail flicks wildly behind him. He was actually your favorite? A smile appears on his face again. “And here I was, thinking that Swiss was your favorite.”
“He gives me good poses,” you tell him. “but no one is… natural like you are. You always keep me guessing and you always do something new. You’re different.”
“Now you’re just trying to make me blush.”
“And I can see that it’s working.”
“Shut up!” Still, you two are smiling at each other. His arm is laying across the back of the pew, his head dipping down to lay on top of it as he lets out a soft, thoughtful hum. “So, you think I’m pretty, huh?”
“Very.” He moves a little closer to you, a smile on his face.
“Well, maybe I could show you how pretty I am in other places.”
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southern-god1 · 2 years
The Pale Rider
“And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”
Revelations 6:8
The motorcycle rolled toward the bar, the headlight piercing the dark like a searchlight. The radio played an old song from the 1940s, “Dream A Little Dream of Me”, and the rider hummed along. The sleek pale green motorcycle slid to a halt, the music died, and gravel crunched under the rider’s boots as he walked to the door. He strode into the bar and took a seat at the counter, flagging down the bartender.
“Sazerac, with absinthe if you’ve got it, and Peyhcard’s bitters.”
His voice had a distinctive accent, something which drew the attention of the man beside him: a thin but cute local named Eric. Eric tried to look at the stranger without drawing too much attention: he was quite tall, handsome, and pleasingly scruffy. He wore a pair of jeans that showed off his ass and a pair of nice boots. 
Taking a sip of his Sazerac, the stranger ‘s intense green eyes flicked over to glance at him through the corner of his eyes, as though feeling Eric’s gaze. He turned to face him, drink in hand. 
“See something ya like, ma chere?”
The strangers accent clearly marked him as a New Orleanian, and he smiled. Eric’s palms got sweaty, and he nervously nodded.
“Um…uh, yeah. W-we don’t many people who can speak French in here.”
The stranger chuckled.
“Well now you have. What’s your name, you precious little thing?”
Eric’s cheeks turned beet red.
“I’m Eric, who are you?”
“My name is Rhett, ma chere. Rhett Delacroix, humbly at your service.”
He offered a mock bow, as best he could from the barstool, which made Eric laugh. 
“Are you from New Orleans?”
Rhett’s response was sarcastic.
“Your certainly quick on the uptake. What gave me away? The accent? The French? Or my smoldering sex appeal? But yes, I am, my little snow bunny.”
Eric was immediately confused.
“Snow bunny?”
“It’s what we call those of you from up north. Think of it as a term of endearment.”
“What brings you up this way my…swamp gator?”
Rhett laughed aloud, amused by the awkward attempt at making an equivalent phrase.
“Ha-ha! I’m here on business. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who has something I want to buy. But enough about that…I’d like to get to know you better, my cute little snow bunny…can I buy you a drink?”
Cute? Eric beamed inside. Hot guys like Rhett hardly ever looked his way, let alone called him cute or offered to buy him a drink. He agreed. 
After a few more drinks, Rhett suggested they go somewhere more private. Eric was too smitten -and slightly drunk- to disagree. Rhett headed toward his motorcycle, only for Eric to frown and complain that there was nowhere for him to sit. Rhett sighed and hopped in Eric’s car. It was a tight fit, and Rhett insisted on driving. 
“But you don’t know where I live.”
“I know. We ain’t going where you live.”
“Calm down little snow bunny - I told ya, I know a guy. Got me a nice motel room up the road."
Rhett set off driving, quickly changing the radio station from the news to the local country station. He drove until they reached a seedy motel, where Rhett was supposedly staying. He actually wasn’t, but Eric didn’t need to know that. He spied a vacant room, and with a quick, effortless little application of power, had conjured a skeleton key and unlocked it. 
“Get on the bed and undress. I’ll be right there…”
Eric eagerly began to strip as Rhett strode into the bathroom. Rhett Delacroix, codename “Pale Rider" gazed at himself in the mirror for a moment, mentally preparing for what was about to happen. Fucking a snow bunny was hardly fun, but maybe this one would be different. He was looking forward to what was going to happen afterward more than the sex, in any case.
By the time he had pissed and washed up, Eric had already undressed and was posing in what he mistakenly assumed was a sexy pose. Rhett smirked and decided to assert himself as the one in charge of this little encounter. He growled out.
“Turn around. Your ass is mine.”
Eric seemed pleased by this dominant turn…that was good, since there was more of that to come. Rhett peeled off his jeans and boxers, tossing his shirt off onto a lamp, but left his boots on. In a flash, he was on top of Eric. 
“Now, my little snow bunny…. you’ve never been with a real man before. This’ll probably hurt.”
He grinned and without further ado, began to mercilessly fuck Eric’s tight ass with his 9-inch cock. His scruffy chin rubbed against the back of Eric’s chin, his ear. Eric was clearly in pain, but also clearly enjoying this, moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure. Rhett could sense his little fuckbuddy was already getting close. Damn this boy was pent up…and tight. He grinned and began to fuck harder, getting closer himself. He grinned and began to whisper in Eric’s ear.
“You love this don’t you? You like being used by a real man? Do you wanna feel this way every day? Give yourself up to me. Everything. Your love. Your soul. Your heart. Every. Fucking. Thing. Will you do that, my little snow bunny?”
He punctuated every period with another hard thrust, and he smirked as Eric let out a cry that was halfway between a cry and a yes, and came, staining the sheets with his cum. That was close enough to a yes for Rhett, and he came as well, filling Eric’s tight ass with a load of his hot, salty Southern cum. He immediately pulled out of Eric’s ass. He snapped his fingers and immediately he was clean and fully clothed again. Eric stared in confusion as he turned out, still groaning in the hazy afterglow of sex. 
Eric was confused. How was Rhett dressed already. That was so fast.
“L-leaving already?”
“Yes, but don’t worry…we aren’t about to part ways just yet.”
Because Eric could ask what he meant, Rhett’s eyes - so briefly it must have been a trick of the light- flashed a blood red, a stainless white, and a brilliant blue, before returning to their normal color. His hand was doing something complex, rapidly moving. Eric was instantly frozen. He couldn’t move or make a sound. An intense heat began to build up in his chest, rapidly enveloping his entire body. Then he saw the knife in Rhett’s hand, something intricate and bearing strange icons engraved on the blade. Eric frantically screamed, but his screams only bounced around inside his skull. 
“Don’t worry. I ain’t gonna kill ya…I’m hardly The Axeman, not like some of my friends who enjoy killing y’all. I think that’s pretty stupid. Waste of a good soul. No no, I’m just gonna extract and bind your soul. Now…just like I said before…this’ll probably hurt.”
With a smirk, Rhett strode around to behind Eric and with a single, obviously practiced motion, slit both of his carotids. Yet no blood flowed out, as it normally would. Eric felt something leave his body, and seemingly hover before Rhett - but he still felt his body, dimly. 
Rhett’s eyes flashed again and with a few more hand gestures, Eric’s soul began to compress and thin out, becoming powdery, wrapped up in a white and brown bit of paper. Rhett reached out and let the cigarette fall into his waiting palm. Eric could see all this happening, feel himself hitting the warm palm, being plucked up by two fingers. With a smile, Rhett reached into his back pocket and pulled out an engraved cigarette case and tucked Eric in with several others. These were not just cigarettes -at least not the kind one casually smoked; if he wanted a smoke, he had a pack in his other pocket. No, these were special. Rhett’s more complex spells and magic sometimes required souls, or sacrifices. Quite simply, Yankees weren’t always around when you needed them, and the cleanup after a sacrifice was…just so tedious. By trapping their souls as cigarettes and smoking them into oblivion whenever a soul was needed, he bypassed the need for a direct sacrifice. Now…to deal with the body.
Despite being sealed in the darkness of the cigarette case, Eric still had a connection to his body, however faintly. He still felt the intense heat, still filling every inch of his body. Eric felt himself start to shrink, dimly seeing the hunky New Orleans stud seemingly grow bigger. His body began to feel strange. His tongue shot out, stretching over his head and turning brown, as his hair, stretched over his outstretched tongue, became long and stringy, tipped with little plastic aglets. Within seconds, his face began to flatten out, and his body began to contort, painfully, bones snapping before being remade. Everything grew dark, and he felt Rhett’s strong hands grab him and give a strong tug, yanking some part of him apart. 
Rhett reached down and yanked the newly formed pair of boots apart, tearing apart the thin layer of leather still connecting the two new boots. He pulled them on and tied the laces that used to be Eric’s hair, his tongue now the tongue of the boots. He grinned and rubbed his foot into his face, now the sole. He took his first steps and Eric practically exploded in pain and pleasure; almost as though he was being fucked again. Rhett had offered to let him feel like that every day, and the two had agreed to a verbal contract. Rhett was a man of his word. He was especially happy he had tricked the Yankee into signing away his own soul. He strode out of the motel room, and with a snap of his fingers, erased any DNA or fingerprints, locking the door again and evaporating the cum. There was the roar of an engine as his motorcycle rolled up into the parking lot by itself. 
Let’s see…DNA, fingerprints, cum…ah yes, the snow bunny’s stupid smart car was the only thing left to destroy. As he strode over to his bike, his eyes flashed as he casually shrank Eric’s smart car down to the size of a toy. He hopped on his bike and made sure to drive over the puny car, the bike tire completely obliterating it as he drove off. Rhett felt Eric vibrating with pleasure as he drove, and grinned. This had been a good night. Another soul cigarette ready for when he needed it, and a new pair of boots.  He began to drive south. He had a party to get to; a fellow stud from New Orleans named Alexandre Frost was throwing a party and Rhett would rather hang than miss one of those parties. Maybe he’d call the rest of the team to make a surprise appearance, really make the party memorable. For now, he flicked on the radio and was pleased to hear Elvis. Heartbreak Hotel played softly as the Pale Rider headed south, vanishing into the night. 
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My first attempt at a story with the Southern Avengers! I decided to focus on Pale Rider, the team magician and occultist. He keeps Yankee souls in cigarettes as a convenient way of having souls ready for sacrificing at any time; though he's not averse to slitting a throat. I was going to include some more Lovecraftian influences, but I felt madness didn't exactly pair well with this story, which focuses on seduction and manipulation. Also a lot less direct domination here.
Frost, refrerenced at the end of the story, is one of the characters used by @idesofrevolution; he's an excellent TFer who helped me make Rhett a bit more authentic as a person from New Orleans; he introduced me to some stuff like "snow bunny" being used rather than Yankee. Go check out his stuff! Also, the Axeman is not a team member of the Southern Avengers, he's a New Orleans serial killer from 1918 who loved jazz. I figured I'd toss in another nod to New Orleans history while I was at it.
Hope y'all like it! I hope to potentially explore more of Rhett and his teammates later on! Comments and feedback are always appreciated.
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okkalo · 1 year
Alrighty, based on what you know abt them, what do you think the bllk boys’ rooms would look like? (Just a fun lil ask)
HAHA THIS IS FUN also hi again 🪻 anon!!
i’ll add sendou + oliver to this (not sae bc it’s probably plain asf so it’s not even worth mentioning [even though i just did])
also going super out of order so have fun
isagi: literally a hotel room. his room is so boring bless his heart. probably has a noel noa poster but that’s it
bachira: im pretty sure we saw a peek of his room (i think but i won’t go back to check) and it was super duper colorful and pretty open. without any of that i would’ve said his room would probs be the messiest one
kunigami: has those small weights in his room no doubt, probably even a yoga mat. you walk in and immediately smell sandalwood.
chigiri: i’ve seen a lot of doodles with him and stuffed animals so he probably has a lot. his sister probably visits his room a lot and it shows. a girl could walk in and immediately say “this is so cute!”
gagamaru:🐻🌲🌲🌳🌳 💀
reo: bro’s room by itself is a penthouse. nonchalantly mentions his private kitchen/bar in his room like it’s a normal thing to have.
nagi: yk how sometimes ur room gets a mess even though u don’t do anything. it’s him. choki’s table is clean though
barou: hotel part 2. literally nothing wrong with his room, not a thing out of place. not a single dust particle.
shidou: now. 💀💀 bro probably lives in a dungeon and he chose his room to look that way
rin: i think we also saw a peek of his? plain, probably pictures of him and sae that he drew over with sharpie 💀
kurona: i know he feels so connected with sharks. i know it. probably has shark posters and a shark plushie
nanase: he has polaroids on his wall and literally every kind letter he has received on his desk, other than that it’s pretty plain
sendou: so many idol posters and i KNOW after the u-20 match he frantically tore them all down like he was having the biggest mental breakdown to replace it with hollywood actresses
oliver: old spice smelling room 💀 has a huge list of numbers that belong to girl’s he had flirted with (has to have a name and description to remember her too) and a bunch of football posters on the wall
yukimiya: probably one of those ✨aesthetic✨ rooms. has a closet but has a rack he prefers to put his clothes on. BEST SMELLING ROOM
karasu: keeps all of his trophies and medals in his room to show off whenever he gets the chance (“yeah, i’m pretty cool” 😏😏) and a bunch of football posters
otoya: think of a cool teenage boy room and there you have it. is a part of the skater aesthetic and shows it off.
hiori: we saw a peek and it was pretty plain as well,, small and the computer is the main attraction. not a single mess in his room
nikko: hotel part 3. lots of skincare products
tokimitsu: actually so plain as well. probably has cute animal posters and magazines (HE HAS THOSE CUTE POSTERS WITH A CAT HANGING OFF A TREE THAT SAY “Hang in there!” LMAO)
aryu: idk the style name but has a lot of pictures like picasso or people posing in weird positions and has a whole wall dedicated to hair care products
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If you support Adriennsposts, I would like to list the crimes they committed two years ago.
1. Art thievery. Two years ago, this person was on the lose and stole many people's artworks and harassed them into drawing their favorite character, a rat named Grey from a series called Larva. They even forced them into drawing characters in the transformation scene from a Goofy movie multiple times (Where Max turns into his father in a nightmare sequence, if you know, you know)
2. Tracing. Of all things, tracing and claiming as their own is one of the more common things Adrienn has done. After a person answers their "requests" via artwork, Adrienn's audacity was stealing the art work, tracing and/or "drawing it in their own way" and make it seem like they drew it. But when someone else finds out, things get heavy.
3. Forcing. In 2022, Adrienn requested a user to draw their Grey rat. The user of course said no, but Adrienn wasn't having it and got so pissed that they even held the poor user at gunpoint saying "Do it, idiot!". Forcing the poor user to draw the rat. People understandably had enough of Adrienn, so did I, an AdriennBanai victim. And when they do get caught, they apologize with literally broken English only to do the same thing over and over again.
4. Using multiple accounts in order to do the same thing over and over. After I blocked the original Adriennsposts account, another Adrienn account one came out of nowhere and literally asked me the same thing the original Adriennsposts account asked me. That other Adrienn account being the one with the FNF girlfriend as their profile pic. Other accounts one had a FNF Sky pfp, a grey rat pfp, and even a Banaiadrienn2 account, which is no longer active due to unknown reasons. (Is because I got blocked by them, but it was worth it.)
5. Defecting, attacking and blaming others. Yeah, Adrienn is pretty much one of those users that don't take no for an answer and don't learn from their mistakes. After being called out, they then harassed other users, including Nooneperhaps and Nia1sworld. They even went in disguise by posing as a user named Slantjones with a Nia pfp, messaged Magicalmysteryperson and... It's fucking weird.
6. Never learning from their mistakes. Whenever someone gets called out, they make their apologizes and learn from their mistakes. Adrienn on the other hand, isn't one of those people.
7. Reblogging porno on Twitter/X and sending porn to a minor via Tumblr DMs. Yes. They actually sent porn. To a minor. A 15 year old minor. Adrienn even drew porno and posted it on their Pixiv account. (Pixiv is a Japanese art site that allows people to post their art)
So yeah. If you support Adriennsposts, you need to read this and reconsider being friends with them.
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Excuse fucking me? Well, good thing I didn’t follow them in the first place, I’m definitely cutting ties with them.
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salchat · 8 months
Springtime of my loving
There was someone standing at the foot of the jungle gym. She caught a dark shape out of the corner of her eye. It’d better not be Coralie wanting her to come and play families, or worse, Heather, pretending to want to be her friend, but actually just being a total bitch.
Charlie carefully drew a fine, straight line coming from her knight’s hand, aiming for the soft underbelly of the attacking dragon - because everyone knew that was where they were vulnerable.
Then she flicked a careful glance at the potential disturber of her peace. If she made eye contact, whoever it was might think she was interested in them, and Charlie was more than happy doing her own thing in her own dragon-infested world, thank you very much.
Oh. It wasn’t one of the girls. It was Dean.
Dean was a kind-of friend. She’d shown him one of her pictures once and he hadn’t laughed at her red-haired, dragon-fighting lady knight. He’d said she was ‘awesome’. And if Dean sometimes teased her, it was in a nice way, and not a ‘I’m pretending to be nice but actually I really think you’re scum,’ kind of way. Adults never seemed to get the difference - so that if you snapped and punched someone in the stomach as hard as you could, you got the blame because they were ‘only being friendly.’ When they weren’t.
Anyway, Dean was okay, mostly.
He was an onion-person, of course. Lots of people were like onions - so many layers of stuff that wasn’t really them covering up what was inside. But Charlie didn’t mind the layers. And a couple of times she thought she’d glimpsed what was hiding inside Dean’s tight wrappings and she'd liked what she’d seen.
At the moment though, Dean was using his cool-guy onion skin, which he did most of the time outside of class. In class he used the slow-kid skin, or sometimes the bad-kid skin and it took a clever teacher to peel the skins away - cleverer than Miss Smelly Hanson, that was for sure.
Charlie flicked Dean another sidelong glance. He was leaning against the jungle gym, arms crossed, one leg straight, the other bent up, his head tipped on one side, eyes narrowed - like he was seeing stuff way too dark and deep for most eight-year-olds. And actually, even though the pose was a familiar part of the cool-guy routine, this was Dean. So maybe those dark and deep things actually existed.
He took an audible breath and let it hiss out through his parted lips, his eyes squinching up even tighter. It was a super-awesome act, even if he really needed a leather jacket to pull it off completely. His too-small, holey hoodie didn’t work.
Dean was building up to something, though. In fact - and the handful of trail mix she’d been nibbling on suddenly started skittering around her insides - all this must be for Charlie’s benefit. He was going to ask her out, wasn’t he? He must like her. Like like her. Oh God, this could be really bad.
“Hey, Charlie?”
She closed her eyes and sent a quick prayer to Ganesha, who she’d recently come across in a solo expedition into the humanities section of the local library and she’d decided was a pretty cool kind of guy. Then she took a firm grip on her trusty pencil-lance and sat up, smiling brightly and, she hoped, unattractively.
His lips wobbled, like he thought he should smile back, but cool, tough-guys didn’t smile. The potential smile got diverted into a choking splutter and his face turned bright red. Oh no. No. Please don’t, Dean.
He shifted awkwardly against the metal frame.
“Uh, so…” One hand made a bit for freedom from his crossed arms. It rubbed the back of his neck and then scratched through his hair, which was a bit longer and more floppy than Dean’s usual short spikes. “Um…yeah, so, uh…”
This was torture. If he was going to declare undying love, he should just spit it out.
“So, uh…” Dean’s throat bobbed as he swallowed hard. And then there was a blurting mix of maybe ten or so mashed-up syllables, with an uptick at the end to show it was a question.
Charlie stared at him. “What?”
Dean’s eyes darted from the dusty ground to hers and back again. He took a deep breath and then ran through his word-mess again, marginally slower.
Read on AO3
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margueritedaisies · 1 year
@sneakystorms @frozenladybug
Saw your old JTTW content and I am currently hooked with this fanbase. So here's a lil gift I did for fun during vacant period in class.
Recently drew dynamic combat poses with Wukong trying to fight fair and square (but he still has higher ground) so he wouldnt get disqualified in some brawling tournament. So he's in human form, no weapons or magic.
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Personal fave drawing, just love to think if Wukong really put the finesse in his combat skills to full potential .We barely get a chance to see him really do a fair hand to hand combat, usually just him abruptly throwing punches and kicks, and those poorly executed flying harness scenes. And always relying on his supernatural abilities and cudgel. Like I get he's so self assured and usually takes things easy for himself. But would really love to see his mastery in martial arts . I guess he'd only do it when he wants to really show off against those who he has bad blood with. If he's on a risky fight where he finds his match. The more things at stake, more thrill and hes definitely having fun . He'd want to pull off flashy moves to overwhelm his opponent.
Smear lines are a powerful thing for dynamic fighting poses. Been looking at One punch man manga fight scenes.
"He is dignified and beautiful, and I love him. "
*While Wukong shreds his way through the carnage*
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Feral bb, I imagine demon monkey roars sound like cheetahs/leopards
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Hoo boi 😭🥹🔥 Wukong's ponytail is just Shikamaru and Musashi(Vagabond) hair combined
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Oh yeah,just can't pass up to draw more SunTang
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bunbeeplays · 2 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 118 - Not So Zen
We're back at Sparadise, a location we haven't seen in quite some time, for a family friendly yoga session.
Wiki is very excited to see her old clients. One of them is a four-star celebrity now too! She's definitely going to promote that on her professional Simstagram page.
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Gemma is very excited to see her uncle Moses and pibling Drew!
Gemma: Pibs, pibs!
Drew: I heard ya the first time, kid, come here. Oof, you're getting so big!
Gemma does yoga with her mommy and daddy at home sometimes but she's excited to take a class with Drew and Moses too!
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Moses: I can't believe it's been so long. Our last session was before you and Xander were even engaged!
Ophelia: Life gets in the way sometimes. You'll know all about that pretty soon. I can't believe you and Ian are gonna be dads!
Moses: How do you think I feel?
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Moses: Just a few more days until we can finally bring her home. You think my dad beard will be ready by then?
Ophelia: I think it took Xander a little longer than a couple of days.
Moses: Ian works with gym bros, maybe they have some hair growth supplements I can take.
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Ophelia: Moses, facial hair isn't going to make you a better parent. You're going to do great, and you've got a big support system if you need help. Just focus on enjoying your family leave, and your little girl.
Her fake dad will be a real dad in a few days. How exciting!
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Gemma: Uncle Moses is gonna have a baby! His belly's gonna get REAL big and a baby'll pop out!
Drew: I don't think that's happening, Gem.
Gemma: Oh, then Uncle Ian's gonna have the baby!
He technically could, but trans reproductive health is a discussion for another day.
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Xander's busy getting Lulu settled in, who thanks him for his hard work by blowing a kiss. She's never done that before!
Ophelia: That'll be you and your little girl soon.
Moses: Don't you dare make me cry before yoga, Lemon.
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While the two hug, Drew sighs.
Drew: Getting married, having kids? They're getting old on me. Good thing I'll never be old, right, squirt?
Gemma: Yeah! You're only like 50.
Drew: Gee, thanks.
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Everybody (including Some Guy) get onto their mats and ready for the class to start. Lulu's really enjoying the calm music that's playing. Gemma just loves any excuse she can get to move around.
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The gang has gotten pretty good at yoga! Not experts by any means, but good form all around. Gemma's killing it the most, though.
Gemma: You takin' a nap, Momma?
Ophelia's about to explain what corpse's pose is when she hears the flicker of a camera. Our old friend is back!
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Ophelia has had it!
Ophelia: Are you seriously taking photos of my children? I keep them off social media for a reason!
Willy: Yeah, that's why getting pics of them is a good scoop!
Ophelia: Delete those photos now!
Willy: Or else what? You're in public, you can't stop me!
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Something in Ophelia snaps.
Ophelia: Leave my children alone, you creep!
Before she knows it, she starts swinging at Willy Weiner, paparazzi scum. She's getting into her very first fight!
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Gemma picked an excellent time to go toddle off to use the potty. Nothing to see here, kiddo!
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Xander: Can you tell what's going on?
Moses: They pop out every once in a while but it's hard to make heads or tails of it.
Xander: I just need to figure out if he's winning so I can know if I'm getting in my first fight today too.
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Ophelia and Willy pop up for a moment to slap each other.
Ophelia: Look at him, everyone, he's hitting a woman! What a pig!
Willy: You literally started this!
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Ophelia, level 10 fitness queen, rocks Willy's shit.
Ophelia: If you know what's good for you, stay away from my family! The Watcher's deleted Sims for getting in the way of a screenshot, don't think they won't delete you!
She can't stand weaselly little rascals like him!
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They continue to watch Ophelia berate this dirtbag.
Xander: Is it weird that I'm finding all of this hot?
Moses: It's weird that you're telling me you do.
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Willy slinks off in shame. I don't think we'll be seeing him anytime soon.
Ophelia may be stinky but she's feeling victorious!
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Drew: Way to wreck that guy, O! I never knew you had such a mean hook!
Ophelia: I don't know what came over me.
Drew: Those mama bear instincts kicked in, that's what!
Luckily, Gemma spent most of the fight in the bathroom and Lulu somehow slept through it.
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Xander approaches and she thinks he'll be upset she put herself in danger like that.
Ophelia: Xander, I'm sorry, I-
Xander kisses her deeply. It's hard to keep things passionate with two little kids sometimes but the adrenaline was definitely doing something for them both.
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Xander: Can you guys watch the girls? We have to go… hit the showers.
Moses: I have a feeling you're going to do whatever it is you're going to do no matter what I say. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're both too horned up to even be listening to me.
Ophelia: Great, thanks.
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Hey, Ophelia needs a shower anyway. Might as well multitask!
No, they don't make any babies in the shower, although that would be pretty on-brand for them. These two love conceiving children anyplace but their own home.
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The rest of the day is pretty normal, at least for them.
Gemma: Mommy, Daddy, Lulu's stinky!
Xander looks like he caught a whiff before he had to be told, but thanks for looking out, Gemma.
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Ophelia: You're on diaper duty today, babe.
Xander: Why me?
Ophelia: Remember in the shower… I did that thing you like me to do. Y'know, the thing I usually only do on special occasions. You owe me.
Xander: You make a compelling case. You really were raised by lawyers, huh?
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Xander: Alright, come here, stinkbug.
Ophelia doesn't consider herself a violent person, but she doesn't regret her actions today for a second. She'll protect her precious little family with everything she's got, even if it means breaking some pap's nose.
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If you support Adriennsposts, I would like to list the crimes they committed two years ago.
1. Art thievery. Two years ago, this person was on the lose and stole many people's artworks and harassed them into drawing their favorite character, a rat named Grey from a series called Larva. They even forced them into drawing characters in the transformation scene from a Goofy movie multiple times (Where Max turns into his father in a nightmare sequence, if you know, you know) 
2. Tracing. Of all things, tracing and claiming as their own is one of the more common things Adrienn has done. After a person answers their "requests" via artwork, Adrienn's audacity was stealing the art work, tracing and/or "drawing it in their own way" and make it seem like they drew it. But when someone else finds out, things get heavy.
3. Forcing. In 2022, Adrienn requested a user to draw their Grey rat. The user of course said no, but Adrienn wasn't having it and got so pissed that they even held the poor user at gunpoint saying "Do it, idiot!". Forcing the poor user to draw the rat. People understandably had enough of Adrienn, so did I, an AdriennBanai victim. And when they do get caught, they apologize with literally broken English only to do the same thing over and over again.
4. Using multiple accounts in order to do the same thing over and over. After I blocked the original Adriennsposts account, another Adrienn account one came out of nowhere and literally asked me the same thing the original Adriennsposts account asked me. That other Adrienn account being the one with the FNF girlfriend as their profile pic. Other accounts one had a FNF Sky pfp, a grey rat pfp, and even a Banaiadrienn2 account, which is no longer active due to unknown reasons. (Is because I got blocked by them, but it was worth it.)
5. Defecting, attacking and blaming others. Yeah, Adrienn is pretty much one of those users that don't take no for an answer and don't learn from their mistakes. After being called out, they then harassed other users, including Nooneperhaps and Nia1sworld. They even went in disguise by posing as a user named Slantjones with a Nia pfp, messaged Magicalmysteryperson and... It's fucking weird.
6. Never learning from their mistakes. Whenever someone gets called out, they make their apologizes  and learn from their mistakes. Adrienn on the other hand, isn't one of those people.
7. Reblogging porno on Twitter/X and sending porn to a minor via Tumblr DMs. Yes. They actually sent porn. To a minor. A 15 year old minor. Adrienn even drew porno and posted it on their Pixiv account. (Pixiv is a Japanese art site that allows people to post their art) 
So yeah. If you support Adriennsposts, you need to read this and reconsider being friends with them.
Mmm well im not support Adriennsposts but she block me on twitter (x) but thank for questions
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