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liesmyth · 4 months ago
Which cities in Italy are the best and worst place to be a werewolf?
SICILY IS BOTH. Local folklore believes in werewolves! You have sun and food and fun and people might be able to spot u as a lupunaru for better or worse
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happybirthdaynoah · 2 months ago
Hiii I'm new to this blog nice to meet you
If I could request a part two on the habit head cannons pleaseeee 🥺
Nice to meet you too!! I'm sort of drained with writing atm but!!! I'll power through for u guys hehehe
While inhabiting Evan's body, he's trained it to eat, sleep, and function like he does in his natural form
I know he probably doesn't have a canonical form, I see him more as a spirit/poltergeist-esque thing... but I imagine it as a giant monster wolf-rabbit thing with a fur pattern colored almost like the Sung Tongs album cover :3
He has a crippling addiction to ice cream, specifically Dairy Queen flurries with the little reeses pieces in them
Besides eating candy and sweet stuff, he LOVES cup noodles so much, it's his guilty favorite.
His favorite things to steal are just small things that'll make your day inconvenient, like eye contacts, car keys, phone chargers, left shoes, socks, makeup items, and other stuff along the lines.
Here I'll start on more of the selfshipping stuff below!
He will become OBSESSED with you.
And by obsessed, he'll do ANYTHING for you. Anything.
He'll hang around your friends and study their behaviors and weaknesses.
He'll kill your friends if they do you wrong. He will.
He's VERY cat-like!! He'll claw you affectionately and just...stare....at you... (like a kitty :3)
He loves EVERYTHING about you and will put you on a god-complex trip with how much praise he gives you. He wants you to know how much better you are than everyone else.
He loves to listen to you talk, he'll just stare at you while you talk and not say anything, it's just a blank stare.
He'll talk 100% normal around you, like that weird double-warped thing he does.
He'll carry you if you get tired of walking somewhere, Ev's got the muscle for it so he'll use it!
He loves to buy you things, he's the type of guy to go over-the-top with everything, you mention you like flowers and all of a sudden there's a whole ass garden in your backyard..
He steals ALL of your stuff, he basically lives in your house now, or he'll force you to move in with him.
He LOVES seeing you in his clothes. Especially if they're baggy on you
He will call you his little Bunny or other names of the sort, it's his way of being endearing towards you
He loves loves LOVES laying on top of you and looking into your eyes, he won't smile or anything, he'll blank stare you with this BIGGEST pupils...
He loves to ABSOLUTELY smother you while you sleep, he'll hug you all night and WILL NOT let go. (He won't even let you go pee in the middle of the night
He craves your affection 25/8, he's obsessed.
He does this thing when you play with his hair, he'll do a low, repetitive growl, almost like a purring sound :)
He's very touchy with you in public, he wants everyone to know you're his.
He's a very jealous person, if he's super super super obsessed with you, he'll MAKE you cut your friends off. He'll lovebomb you and make you feel guilty for "replacing him"
His favorite type of date is an at-home date, he loves watching movies and eating snacks with you on the living room couch. (If you fall asleep on the couch he'll either throw you over his shoulder and carry you into bed, or fall asleep laying on top of you <3)
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rvspecter · 6 months ago
top ten favorite things about harvey?
in no particular order but we should get the superficial out of the way
look at him
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ahahaha he's perfect dahsdhadjhsakhd
to quote this embarrassing creature
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2. secret softie
look at this dumb boy acting like he doesn't give a shit about mike ross "TOO MUCH WORK TO FIRE HIM" <- PLEASE
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meanwhile behind the scenes he's leveraging his entire career for him
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3. the lengths he'll go to protect those he loves (while being a dick)
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he was willing to lose his licence, go to jail, break a billion laws WHATEVER IT TOOK to keep the people he loves safe but that doesn't stop him from being an asshole to them
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4. his eyes ahahsdhkjsahdkhskdhak
i mean aside from being extremely expressive and emotive he just does the WHO HURT YOU face so well ok
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6. arrogant but pulls it off
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7. he doesn't impose his moral code on others (also doesn't want u to think he has a moral code)
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8. he respects women
i'm gonna paraphrase u to u but not once do we see him gloat about the women he's slept with or objectify them. u don't see him flirt with his insubordinates (HE NEVER FLIRTED WITH RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or noticed her existence prior to her involvement with mike ross)
he sells himself as a womanizer and commitment phobe BUT in 9 seasons we see him a) have 3 one night stands b) try to have actual relationships
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he thinks if he employs ppl and pays them well that he can make them stay SWEET BB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11. he's the most sentimental character i've ever seen
i made a post
he sobbed a million tears over his mom's painting. HE KEPT MIKE'S ENTIRE APARTMENT WHEN HE FUCKED OFF TO SEATLE!?!?!?!?
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thewrothode-if · 4 months ago
Will you play other DA games??? Will you show us your MCs???????? Will you???? 👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁
This ask has me so excited. I'll cut this for people who aren't interested bc it's long.
I am a massive gamer geek. I love games, especially open world ones. But I have this massive problem where I start a game, but never finish it. I have already begun playing all three Dragon Age games, but not yet finished them.
Here are all my characters for each game, and don't ask me for their names because I literally don't know. I am horrible at remembering names, even though I literally came up with them myself. :D
Dragon Age: Origins:
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Elf, rogue, and very hot (my humble opinion). Y'all, I fucking fell in love with Alistair. But can you imagine my disappointment when I found out you're not able to romance him as a male warden??? Like I was so devastated, and I am not about to replay and grind all over again. (I have this problem where I HAVE to complete every little side quests before jumping to the main story which makes replaying so tedious.)
Dragon Age II:
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I love her so much. She can be very mean, but that's why I love her. This Hawke is a rogue (don't judge me I like being fast). I have a thing for falling in love with characters that you are not allowed to romance, and this time I fell in love with Aveline. I LOVE her, even though she judges me for trying to complete Athenril's side quests.
Dragon Age: Inquisition:
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A Qunari warrior this time! I struggled so hard to make her look pretty. I had to follow a tutorial on YouTube to actually make her look presentable, but I love how she turned out. I honestly like the older games a lot more, so I don't have much to say about it other than the Iron Bull is hot as fuck.
I also don't plan on buying the latest game because from what I've seen, it's really cringe. 😭 Good dialogue and lovable characters are what drive me to play these games. And it doesn't seem like Veilguard has any.
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d0rianw1lde · 2 months ago
And if Dustin is shown a flashback/vision of Eddie in season 5, then what?
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VERY OLD ART! If you recognize the film reference used for this ily
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shroompunk · 6 months ago
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the woodsman and the beast
...this started as a shitpost and then i put in too much effort.
(it's much funnier if you know that's a certain evil dead god of illithid mythos)
ID: Digital illustration spoofing Over the Garden Wall characters with D&D characters. The central figure is a bird man with black feathers with iridescent highlights in a autumnal orange tone. He's dressed as the woodsman in his heavy gray coat and crooked tophat, holding a large red lantern in one hand and a woodcutter's axe in the other. Behind him, a silhouette looms overhead, reminiscent of the beast from the show but instead of antlers on his head, he has a series of spooky black tentacles reaching towards the front of the image.
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voidzphere · 10 months ago
What main brushes do you use in ibis paint x?
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these are my main ! i dont tend to use a lot of brushez, i usually just use the one i use for lineart for everything ^_^
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itsjustnausicaa · 3 months ago
how many times have you cum in one day :3
bonus question how many times have you made someone else cum in one day or how many people have you made cum in one day?
(online through sexting works too btw :3)
ooo okay fun questions
1. i think 20. would not recommend to do so alone. i was firing blanks.
2. my ex and i had continous sex for like 2 hours, and he said i made him cum 7 times? which to me i was thinking 5 times.
3. i dont think if i count online stuff its higher than 7. prob 3 or 4 at most if its online stuff
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mothscotch · 10 months ago
May I draw
Bad Form Ashley?
all my ocs are free to draw if anyone wants!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
i made some refs for him if you want
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oldmanpusspuss · 2 months ago
Hey, how are you doing after your tooth being pulled?
owie ☹️
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catrayz · 1 month ago
You know what? I do know what to talk about. Tell me about your trash man
HI I WAS MEANT TO RESPON LAST NIGHT BUT I FORGOR………. IM GONNA ASSUME U MEAN SEVERN??? im so sorry for the incoming infodump ur the first to ask me about him LOL
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this is my trash man!! his name is severn (or sev), and he’s just a real piece of shit lmao. he’s in and out of prison all the time and a career criminal. armed robberies, heists, violent street fights, theft, public intoxication, supply/posession, it’s all on his record
he’s usually sporting some kind of black eye/injuries from whatever fight he’s picked the night before. he’s a massive chain smoker (3 packs a day), drinks and sniffs blow way too fucking much, gambles what little money he has away nearly every night, and practically lives for chaos. there’s nothing stable about him and his life and that’s all he’s ever known
i originally designed him to be a lone wolf, only working with other people when he needs to, although I think that dynamic has kind of changed a little? he’s still very much line wolf mentality wise if that makes sense, but he tends to stick with the two other protagonists (loose definition) in my story.
he’s great with electronics and computers and will hack into systems/phones/whatever to get information for blackmail. he’s also pretty good at woodwork from his time in prison…. he’s also bi with a HEAVY preference for men, but he wouldn’t ever, ever admit that to anyone
his backstory is actually really sad and there’s a reason he’s as fucked up and chaotic as he is….. he’s just babygirl and i Love Him. i have many plans to make him suffer in my comic because why the Hell Not!
also this is how i imagine his voice would sound like. like as soon as i heard this song i was like oh my god. it’s sev. because im normal like that
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kindahoping4forever · 1 year ago
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carnelianfoxx · 2 months ago
What brand of chili was it? Or was it homemade? Did it have beans or no beans?
I don’t remember the brand. from a can. had many beans
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bunnithechubs · 3 months ago
14: What are some places where you feel most at home? 🏠
Physically? My house or my parent's house (childhood home). I'm a MAJOR introvert so I always find comfort in familiar spaces.
Emotionally? Wherever my husband and cat are. It's lame and sappy I know, but my husband is my literal other half. We could be living in a box and it will feel like the most coziest of homes ever.
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bisexualnamjoonie · 2 years ago
me listening to take two:
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tetsuskei · 7 months ago
What I’ve been thinking about ALL day is your post about kneading biscuits on his tummy & I just the thought of you innocently perched on top of his lap petting his tummy & you can slowly feel his cock swelling against your pussy…
nana i’m so unwell and unstable about this question i would say you have no idea, but i think you know EXACTLY what you’re doing…
because for childe im sure touch is a big love language for him and im honestly shy about touch but if its someone im close with then i will divulge and give it as much as said person.
so he’s already going crazy because i’ve unconsciously plopped myself on his lap and made myself at home there. as we know im obsessed w tummies and especially his so im like mindlessly rubbing at it and feeling over his abs.
i would say a lot of times my actions are not intentionally sexual but bc my hands are so close to his pelvis he can’t help but get hard (because let’s face it, anything gets him going).
childe’s so playful (and horny) so he starts grinding up against me and rubbing up on me and whining, telling me to stop being a tease.
this probably ends up being dry humping tbh, and will end with him cumming in his pants (he’s incredibly sensitive). he then demands i take care of him properly and clean him up (i do bc im not mean) because it was my fault to begin with.
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