#yeah baby i think the solid gold is the choice
stormfet · 1 year
Mando kit back up and running, ver2.0
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congruent of d'deridahn
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Do you have a headcanon list for the rest of the team's lynx flavors! Leather and Cookies can't be to the taste of all of them!
Let’s be real, nonny – of course I don’t. I mean, who has that? Really, who?
Well, yeah, okay, I do, but only because you asked and because I very randomly happen to be in Dublin* for the week and had the opportunity to stop by Boots and sniff all the Lynx stuff they had (which did not include Java or – to my great disappointment – Leather & Cookies) and take notes, which didn’t earn me any weird looks whatsoever.
The things I do for love.
Anyway. We know Jamie is a jack of all Lynx trade and that Colin favours Leather & Cookies. As for (an non exhaustive list of) the rest…
Isaac – our captain of righteous rage and impeccable taste could never choose anything but Africa, advertised (however misguidedly) as the G.O.A.T of scents. There’s sweetness and spice and fresheness reminiscent of good gin hovering over a woody base – it’s not outrageous by any means, but it’s not boring either: nuanced and reasonably mature, it’s a scent worthy of the footballer with the most fashion sense of the entire team. Has enough gravitas for a captain, too, but without weighting him down.
Sam – leans into the quietly playful notes of Excite; it’s a fairly standard pour homme scent but the hints of coconut (almost edging into sweet liquorice) gives it a little twist, turning it warmer and softer than your average man deo. Perhaps it wasn’t his own choice, originally – I can see Simi gifting it to him, and Sam going no, okay, this works.
Dani – would pull off all the muskier and spicer scents so beautifully but is ultimately (and perhaps unfortunately) attracted to the bright fruit of Epic Fresh. It’s vivacious and sweet and unapologetic about being happy and unrefined; carefree, like Dani when jogging onto the pitch.
Jan – has decent taste but does not care to spend too much time thinking about his deodorant; he selects the simple but not basic fruit and wood combination of Black, and sticks with it. It’s a good enough choice; it’ll do and offend no one (and if it does, Jan Maas will not give a fuck because he has more important things to worry about).
Bumbercatch – goes for the sickly sweet, bright pink and unpleasantly chemical Recharge only to confuse his enemies. “What enemies,” you might ask, but our man Bumber simply gives you A Look and does not answer.
Zorro – just likes chocolate, okay? He’s in tune with his emotions and desires and wearing Dark Temptation makes him feel good. We should none of us begrudge him that.
Richard – spits at your Lynx and your hamster of a mother and elderberry-smelling father. His deodorant is expensive and French and rather discreet because he doesn’t want chemical smells to overpower the sublime taste of wine and also there’s something primally attractive about the natural human musk and why would you ever want to drown that out?
Jeff Goodman – selects Icy Chill because he believes the cool menthol notes makes him seem like a tought guy. They do not.
Cockburn – is a man of few words and a gentle heart. He prefers Gold, both for the warm spiciness of its deep wood and vanilla tones, and for gold of it all. It makes him feel a little special, in a quiet sort of way. Cockburn doesn’t really need more than that (at least not from a deodorant); he knows what he’s about and what he’s worth, and if you do not? Not his problem, baby. It’s a solid, simple choice for a solid, simple man.
If I were to assign Java (unsmelled) to anyone, it'd be to Sasha Kukoč because he's my very special secret darling and is (supposedly) young enough to find 90s retro hot.
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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"I paid the White Worm a visit," Qwynn told her wife as the two broke their fast. "What did she say?" Denna asked. "They slaughter anyone who tried to leave. And the Rat-Lord attacked her people." Qwynn was dressed in a black tunic and tight breeches as she leaned in close to her Dornish wife. "We can't stay here," Denna said, "I don't care if Lord Stark said to come we can't stay." "I agree, we head back for our ship." Qwynn agreed, she glanced at the two Dornishwomen guarding the door. "Thyra, get the horses and inform Karla we are heading for the ship." "If the Dragons wish to burn the south we'll wait it out," Denna said matter of factly. CW: Miscarriage and Child Death. ---- House of the Dragon S1E10 "The Black Queen". Well, this has come to the start, the Dance has begun and blood has been shed. The Dying Words of the Song Dream still ring out after the death of King Viserys I. Aegon II has risen to the Throne and Rhaenys has fled Kings Landing to inform the Blacks of the coming war. Aegon the Folly has come, and yes I'm calling him a Folly because he'll be a greatly terrible King! WE know this, and we know how it is his Nephew who will properly Succeed him. I have been preparing myself for this Episode. Hell, I know who dies, I did that on purpose. I wanted to react to their action of death and not the fact they died. So coming in, I have actually not spoiled parts of this for myself. And as the title screen hits we fade into a scene which I think is the Conqueror's Table. And it is, yes, we get another scene as Lucerys is hovering his hand over Driftmark. His inheritance.and Luke informs his mom she doesn't want his Title. We get a story from Rhae and Luke tells him mom how she's perfect. I do like how much she actually cares for her kids, and they seem to have respect for her. SO fucking counter to how ALicent's relationship with hers is still devolving. Rhaenys then appears and just blurts out about her cousin's death. She wants to be to the point and she just goes into a discussion. Rhaenya is physically struck by the news and we get a big dump of info. Rhae is obviously so stressed she appears to have had a miscarriage. Daemon is visibly angered and as we close to the miscarriage dammit. We see Jace being too violent and is called in to speak to Rhae. She just's in pain and informs her kids who get rightfully angry. Then she lays down th e line that only she may permit attack. Daemon is obviously in charge in this situation and Luke walks in to be a problem. Daemon ignores him and drags out the Kingsguard as he has obviously summoned Carez. The Blood-wyrm growls above him as he gives his choice. WE get shots of Caraxes looming and what I think is Syrax reacting to her Rider's pain. Yup, it has a yellow gold hyde, it's Syrax freaking out. Amost a mirror to the death of Queen Aemma we get a bloody and gory scene of miscarriage. This the pain and betrayl of what she is feeling. Okay though I didn't need to see the dead fetus. That was waaaay to much.But I get how this series is basically about women just being bombarded by cruel abusive folks. So yeah this scene fits with all the gore we've seen so far. It also is a solid visual trauma of what she is going through. Finally, Daemon pops u and we get a few of the baby being prepared by the Queen herself. The Silent Sisters who have take in it and just watch her. Walking down to the shore Daemon kneels in the sand as the Queen mourns her child and then holds a Draong Pyre for the baby. All of Vel-Targs are there. Both parents sit in quiet pain as we see one of the King's Guard back. So didn't kill them as sir Erryk appears to offer what is Viserys Crown. He reswears his oath before the Queen. THe sight of the Crown has reinvigored her as she is given her Father's crown and all before her kneel to swear their fealty to the Black Queen, Rhaenyra first of her name, Lady of the Seven Kings, Queen of the Andals, the Rhounar, and the First Men. THIS all happens in the FIRST 20 minutes. Holy shit this is a lot of plot and action we are covering. Side note here, the writing in this episode and the music was just killer. As Sir Erryk kneels to her we see how Rhae's resolution has exploded, Emma D'Arcy comes into her own here. The music fits as Rhaenys stands across. Meanwhile, the War Table is called and as we see amories being prepared the great Conqueror's Table has been manned. This is so damn cool as it lights up to show all of the carven names and marks of the Seven Kingdoms. WHERE WAS THIS THING IN GOT?! The War Council stares and then gives a bow as her full title is given. Rhaena offers the queen Wine as she stares at the table both nieces on her side. WE get a name of each loyal house and a mention of House Celtigar (a Valyrian House). WE get mention of Sir Borros and Lord Stark. WE get a list of the enemies as a Lord speaks up about the Dragons. ANd Daemon just takes over like the war happy little troll he is. A Green Dragon ship arrives at the Gates and is met Sir Daemon and his loyal Kingsguard. Otto pops up (Draaagon Bait) and out pops the Queen on Syrax in a show mirror to years upon years before. She lands as an angry Syrax just reinforces the scene. And Otto offers some pretty nice terms and Daeon scoffs at them. Lord Hightower gives a pretty long line of proof for the backing of Aegon and she basically calls out his shit. She tosses the Hand's pin away and we can see she's in pain. As the fools and Syrax get angry she tells them all to shove their cocks back in their pants. Daemon is getting mad again as she wants to keep peace and he wants war. In this scene we see how she really has the mind of a Queen. She is putting her family and her realm first than her own ego. Here we see just Rhaenys, Rhae and Daemon remain. But Rhaenys takes her leave as Rhae confronts her Nusband, or Huncle. She recites the Song at him and he grabs her throat and starts to choke her. Wow, talk about abusive shit as he chokes her and we see he is considering killing her. Matt smith is so fucking devious. "Dragons did." She sees the rage of the Dragon as Daemon acts like a prick to his wife. We switch to Corlys waking up on his sickbed to talk to his wife. Rhaenys comes to terms with him as she makes a point of him running away. She speaks of Daemon taking Vaemond's head and he talks about the over ambition of his family. She starts convincing him of how Rhaenyra is being smart. Corlys finally arrives to stand before the Painted Table. Corlys has come to do something. The Twins go to stand beside Luke and Jace with smiles. Corlys asks where Daemon is as he comes to view the table. He makes a point as she cannot rely on Oath,s but needs to affirm standing. He turns to view his Grandchildren. "Your father's realm was one of justice and honor." HE calls out the Hightower Treason and calls his banners for the Black Queen. He gives a bow calling her "your Grace" and the Queen looks to her cousin. She thanks them both and is genuinely happy. She ere's on caution as she is informed how the Velaryon Fleet is siding with her. Thus will begin the Gullet Blockade. Jace speaks up as the kids vow to deliver the messages to Lords Paramounts. A physical Dragon Rider delivering the message would send the message much clearer. As the sunsets, the kids come to speak to so that they kids will not engage in combat. Luke jups on the oath as we see Jace hesitate. Too bad fucking Vhagar in there as each child is informed of their targets. Luke is definitely terrified of what his mother says. Both dragons Arrax and Merax take off into the sky. As we see Luke atop Arrax in the back. Each Dragon is different in head and color. Showing us really how fucking different they all are. Lucerys flies into the skies above as we switch to Daemon deep in the caves of the Dragonmount. He sings an Old Valyrian song walks atop a massive dais with a single torch. He bows and sets down the torch as if looking for something. As a massive Dragon appears in fire. It appears to be almost jet black, is this the cannibal. He leans into almost seeming ready to eat him. THe thing's head looks a lot like Meleys. As we see Lucerys flying closer to what I think is storms end he lands in its courtyard to see the knights waiting for him. Suddenly, we see the form of Vhagar, who just appears. He speaks as the guards sweep him into the Throne Room for the Lord. Aemond has beaten him to the point. Borros acts the arse and waits to receive his message. He points out that the Dragons can't get their shit straight as Aemond is doing an impression of Dr. Evil and fixates on Luke. Borros repudiates his Oaths and as he points out his offer from the Greens far better. Aemond calls out Lucerys. He definitely is unhinged as he calls for Luke to give up his eye. Borros is definitely not happy as he finally gives Luke the chance to escape and Aemond is already got murder on the brain. Arrax definitely wants to leave as Vhagar is still looming in the background and is suddenly gone. WE can hear her in the background of the storm. Arrax leaves as we can see the storm flashing in the back.  The Dragon calls out as he climbs in the air and yet he can sense the Larger Dragon. As a distant rumbling growl comes out of the forescene Vhagar appears below like a shark beneath a seal. She looms over and comes behind like a mountain burst through the mountain. Arrax twists and turns in a descent to evade Vhagar, but the larger dragon and a mad Aemond are intent on killing the young Black Dynasty member. They fly above and yet again this stormy dread hangs over the scene. He is attacked as Arrax reaks out and fires a bit of fire at Vhagar which results in the massive Dragon going into fight mode. Vhagar chomps apart Arrax and kills Luke. Thus felling the first Dragon of the dance. Daemon climbs back into the room of the Painted Table, does he know? Yes, he does, he informs her of the death of her secondborn. She walks towards the fire and we see her seem to falter She grips her stomach once again as she leans forward in pain. Her child is dead because Aemond had to play chicken in the sky. This death is what finally resolves her to the painful decisions she will make in the future. Gay Canon Again, we see that the women of the Targaryen Dynasty are the ones actually thinking. Now while this episode lacked a lot of solid gay content it lends an idea of thoughts for anyone writing a story with one of the characters glimpsing the future mayhap. Rhae waking up from a night terror of her son dying. One that changes her status on her decisions of the future. Hottakes:
Rhaenys rolling in to inform everyone of Viserys' death in a manner that speaks to her growing impatience.
She has been through all of this shit and she wants to prevent war and yet she encourages it by siding with Rhae.
Daemon was a total asshole this entire episode. The abuse scene was beyond fucked up.
Watching everyone set up the Painted Table was a nice touch.
The scene of her losing her child was damn fucking brutal it is definitely a mirror Queen Aemma's death.
Erryk coming in with the Crown made my skin crawl at the gravitas of the acting. Seeing the painted table with everyone present was also damn good.
Otto's line about the validity of Aegon's Kingship was brutally out of Tywin Lannister's playbook.
Rhae's choking scene made me squick as fuck.
Corlys' entire scene talking about how both he and his brother's personal ego destroyed their family.
Luke's flight was nightmarish and claustrophobic.
Borros was right in that he has not real reason besides the oath of a dead man. Aemond toying with his nephew was cruel as it was obvious Arrax was likely going to overreact.
Jaceys determination in this episode was amazing. He and his mother really show a healthy dynamic in this episode.
Luke's actor really fucking sold Lucerys as believable and his death was completely out of nowhere and yes, it did make me cry.
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Prompt: Requested, by the amazing @howdareyouhydra , Thank you for your request babes, I hope you’ll like it 😉
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, smut (implied), light cursing, Roman making us love him even more 🥰
Editor: @rheacanbreakme
Tag: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @wickedsunfire , @sassymox , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: I just love this 💕 You can check out my previous stories on my Masterlist if you’d like (it would make me your girl here very happy 🤗). And now, let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy...
I don’t know about you, but - I. Fucking. Hate. Celebrating. My. Birthday! I’ve never liked, I think it’s dumb and pointless to celebrate being one year closer to your death. But Roman on the other hand, lives for it! He likes doing EVERYTHING: the planning, the shopping, the partying...there’s not one single thing in this process that he doesn’t enjoy.
So to me, it’s no surprise when he stepped out of the bathroom, fresh out of the shower, asking
“What do you want to do tomorrow, birthday girl?”
“The same thing I do every year, Ro. Absolutely nothing” I grinned
“C’mon, Y/N. Ever since we got together you never want to do anything on your birthday! Why is that?”
“What’s the point of celebrating the fact that I’m getting old, wrinkly, saggy and dusty?”
“Damn, baby” He said, laughing “Why so cynical?”
“What’s so interesting about it anyways?” I asked and looked at him “Unless of course, you’re going to dress up as a Samoan warrior and give me a lap dance?” I teased
Roman came closer to me, took the book I was reading out of my hand, and tossed it on his side of the bed
“Do you want a lap dance, baby girl? Because I can give you one” He wiggled his eyebrows, reaching for his towel
He looked so good with his hair wet from the shower, water dripping down his tanned skin with only that white and teasingly low towel around his hips.
“Don’t tease me like that” I swallowed hard
“I’m not teasing! If my girl wants a lap dance, she will get a lap dance” Roman leaned down until his lips were close enough that they could brush against mine with every word he said.
“If she allows me to throw her a birthday party, that is” He whispered
“You’re being mean! This is not fair” I protested
“Life isn’t fair, baby” He smirked and continued “So, will you let me plan a birthday party for you?”
“Will I get my lap dance?”
“Oh baby” He nibbled my bottom lip “You will have the Samoan warrior, the tribal chief...” He trailed off
*Fuck! Now I’m screwed! Roman knows how much I’m a bitch in heat for his tribal chief persona and now, he’s using that against me. The fucker* I thought
“T-The tribal chief too, Ro?” I shuddered
“Of course!” He chuckled lightly “You haven’t seen him in a while...I bet you miss him, don’t you, baby?” Roman teased and I nodded
“Can I start planning your birthday party then, Y/N?” He said with a shit-eating grin on his face, knowing he had won the moment he mentioned ‘the tribal chief’.
“Yes” I whispered, and Roman...stepped back
“Where are you going?” I asked, confused, when I saw him walking towards his MacBook.
“I have a birthday party to plan, baby” He winked
And I knew the asshole was going to leave me there, on the edge, until that stupid birthday party was over.
Roman organized everything beautifully: the decorations were impeccable, the food was absolutely delicious, and he invited all of our friends and family. Jey was singing karaoke (extremely off key), and I was talking to Naomi when Roman appeared by our side.
“Can I steal her for a moment?” He asked her
“Of course! She’s yours anyways. Just don’t be too loud, ok?” She winked, making me blush and Roman laugh
“I have a gift for you” He smiles excitedly
“Is it you in a Tarzan-style loincloth?” I joked
“No, I’m saving that for your next birthday” He smirked “C’mon” Roman said, offering me his hand
He led us to our bedroom and told me to sit down on the bed.
“I was debating what I should give you as a birthday gift. After a lot of thinking, I finally decided and I hope you’ll like it”
Roman handed me a blue velvet jewelry box. When I opened the box, I felt my heart stop as tears rolled down my face.
“Baby, I- how?” I asked in between sobs
“I know a guy, who knows a guy...” He smiled
With shaky hands, I held the necklace in my hand. It was a delicate gold chain with a small glass vial pendant. Inside the glass, there was a small piece of paper written ‘to my little ladybug’ with my grandfather’s handwriting. I recognized that paper, it was from my grandfather’s last letter to me before he passed away. The letter got damaged in a flood but, curiously enough, those four words managed to remain intact and untouched by the water. Roman knew how much my grandpa meant to me, and how upset the flood incident made me. He was the only father figure I’d ever known, so when I lost him I lost a part of me as well. At ten years old, a piece of my heart was buried with him in that graveyard. And even though he never met Roman, I know he would be happy with my choice for a husband.
“Do you like it?” Roman asked, softly
“I love it! It’s the best gift I could ever ask for!” I said, my tears drying up
“The chain and the top of the pendant are solid gold and the glass has triple reinforcement. I wanted to give you something that wouldn’t break and that you could wear 24/7” He explained
I stood up from the bed and hugged him tightly “Thank you so much, baby. It’s the most perfect gift!” I sweetly kissed his lips “You’re welcome, baby girl. The most perfect gift for the most perfect girl” He kissed my forehead softly and I asked “Would you put it on for me?”
“Of course, baby” He smiled
We were sharing one more hug when someone knocked on the door
“Y’all decent?” Naomi asked, opening the door with one of her hands covering her eyes
“Yes we are, you nasty” I giggled
She took her hand off her eyes, and saw us hugging “You two are the cutest! Are you ready for some cake, Y/N?”
“Yeah, let’s go” I smiled
Everyone had left, and I was sitting on one of the stools in the backyard, caressing the pendant Roman gave me, with my mind lost in a daydream, when suddenly he appeared next to me
“Are you ok, babe?” He asked
“Yes” I smiled fondly at him
“What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing...everything” I responded
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No, thank you. My heart is at ease”
“You sure?”
“Yes” I leaned against his shoulder
“”Good, because I have another gift for you” He said in a playful voice
I stared at Roman, amused, as he ran to our living room and returned with his WWE Title Belt tossed over his shoulder. His whole demeanor had changed, he became cold, presumptuous, smug, prideful and cocky.
“Oh, fuck” I whispered
Roman smirked and turned around, entering the living room once more
“Let’s go, Y/N. Don’t make your tribal chief wait!” He called
And I ran as fast as I could...
Please if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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Ok, so Spiderman.
I still hate the multiverse as a concept and how much it cheapens everything that happens in the MCU, won't explain why in detail again, but I admit I was sold on the childhood nostalgia with the previous two Peter Parkers and absolutely adored having them interact together (I wouldn't have minded if everything had been a dream or something though). I loved the jokes, the sort of friendship that formed between them, everything.
Seems the writters put a bit of effort into not making this completely sitcom-y and nostalgia cash grab, I am not gonna lie, and I was pleasantly surprised. Although it also had a bit of that vibe, but the plot was solid enough for a Marvel film. Maybe not, I am bad at spotting plot holes lol.
That scene where Andrew!Peter saves MJ is GOLD, so emotional, so fitting. They managed to give his unfinished story some sort of closure in the few minutes of screentime he had. How is that not AMAZING? Makes me even wish for a third TAS movie where he moves on.
I liked Tobey's moments as well although I was a bit disappointed he didn't talk more about his life and how he is doing in that universe, giving us some closure on his relationship with MJ, whether they are married, have children idk he looks like a dad you have to admit it.
The scene where May died was very emotional and sad. Now, I loved this version of May, she was fun, sweet, affectionate and motherly, and I am a sucker for angst (And Tom Holland's crying on cue abilities lmao), so it is not the death itself what bothered me or even that she is this universe's version of Uncle Ben, but I did think the famous phrase and her pushing Peter to do something as dangerous as trying to save those villains was sort of forced and inconsistent with her character in previous movies. I mean seriously, in the first Spiderman movie she was telling Peter: "If you see danger run the other way", and we didn't get much character development on how she changed her views or whether her desire for Peter to be safe depended on his apparent helplessness and changed upon learning of his powers. Not enough scenes to show this. Even if there were though, it seems letting go of Peter or admiring his urge to help others is something she learnt from him off screen and not the other way around despite her being his tutor. Willing to be proven wrong but I doubt it.
So yeah, I am sorry, I loved her character, I loved her death scene and I am looking forward to reading angst fics describing the effect this will have on Peter lol but I am not sold on her saying the famous "with great power comes great responsability" phrase and the way they only killed her so she could say that and Tom's Peter could have something in common with the other two. Seems like a very last minute creative choice that would have been better had we been shown scenes in previous movies of May being Peter's inspiration. This could have easily avoided also by having Tom's Peter recall an MCU Uncle Ben during a conversation with May.
May could have still died though, just with an original reason as to why. Yes, with her helping, but not necessarily as the main inspiration. Maybe in a way that showed her concern for Peter and dismay he was doing something as dangerous as portrayed in previous films. Similar as to what happened in the movie, but I would have enjoyed it more if she had lost herself a little, you know what I mean? More panic in her actions and reactions. She is a civilian, not a superhero. This is her BABY BOY fighting a dangerous man willing to kill him and she is seeing something like that up close real time on front of her for the very first time!! Panic a bit more, damn it!!!!!! (Nothing to do with the actress, she was great, this is about the writting/direction).
The ending was very sad.
Peter is completely alone :'(
Left me with a truly bad taste in my mouth lol. But a good bad taste in my mouth if that is even possible.
Looking forward to see what they are going to do with his character now but at the same time... bad taste. I don't know how to explain it lol
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wasabito-reblogs · 4 years
here’s my entry for the konoha simps server collab :) check out the rest of the entries here or at @bakubabes-hatake’s page!
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prompt: occasions
word count: 2.5k
tags&warnings: established relationship, domestic fluff, hints of spiciness at the end (nothing major)
summary: In which you and Aizawa rediscover your synergy
There was a sudden click at the front door, following telltale sounds of a key being jimmied into the lock. Both were enough to break the still quietude and have Aizawa cracking open a bloodshot eye, his sleepy, hooded gaze darting around the room until he finally spotted the sudden intrusion.
You stood at the foyer, slipping off your work shoes, with a look of mild concern on your face. Your lips held a slight frown that looked misplaced, especially when directed at him. He knew immediately that he’d fucked up.
A damning, half-empty cup of coffee sitting innocently on top of your old Heroics in Society textbook drew your attention first, before any of the other things. In your shared living room, the state of disarray all pointed to the simple fact that your boyfriend had come home and gone straight to grading.
Aizawa coughed and sat up straighter on the sofa. Though his body moved in slow motion, his mind raced to find some logical reasoning to explain why he was, once again, neglecting his health in favor of work.
Stuck to his chest was the exam sheet he had been eye-balling before succumbing to fatigue. Even after a somewhat restful nap, Aizawa could scarcely make out what hieroglyphics Kaminari had written on his paper.
You came and leaned into the back of the chair to read over Aizawa’s shoulder. Pointing to the true and false section of the exam, you wondered aloud, “Why do the T’s and F’s look so similar? I can barely tell which is which.”
He snorted lightly with a roll of his eyes, “That’s probably the point.” He said, but considering he had just woken up, it sounded more like grumbled nonsense.
Your noncommittal hum in response was all he got before you plucked the sheet from his hands. He watched as you came around and stacked up his papers, making sure to separate graded works from the ones he had yet to look at. How many times had you caught him like this? Passed out on the living room couch with class 1A’s assignments scattered every which way.
“You really gotta take better care of yourself, Shou.”
“I know,” he tugged on your hand, bringing the back of it to his lips. “I’m sorry.”
Your gaze softened at his words and the sleepy expression on his face. It was almost too endearing. “Yeah, okay, you say that now, but I’m sure you’ll be back to it again tomorrow.”
Aizawa couldn’t even deny your claim. He was a workaholic through and through. Most of his time was spent doing some form of work, whether it be in managing his class as a U.A teacher or patrolling the city as a pro-hero.
No one understood the toll it took on him better than you. You were a quirk counselor at Ketsubutsu Academy, after all, so it was your job to make sure that both students and staff were taking care of their physical and mental health. A lot of your work tended to trickle into the home, usually in the form of fussing over your boyfriend and making sure he was taking breaks and getting proper rest.
“You’re home early,” he commented. He kept your hand in his lap to fiddle idly with your fingers. “Something happen? … You look nervous.”
Even half-asleep, Shouta was astute as ever.
“Ah, not really. There’s this thing at work tonight, but I think I might skip it.”
His brows furrowed as he considered your words, “A work thing? Tonight?”
“Yeah, just a little ceremony for the staff, no biggie.”
“Sounds important. Are you sure you don’t want to go?”
“I—” you fumbled; how could you forget this man could read you like a book? Whenever you were dodgy or evasive, he knew just where to press until you were honest with him. “It’s actually an award ceremony. I’m being honored for my work at the school.”
Aizawa smiled, showing off a row of teeth in a way that made your heart skip a beat. You nearly missed his next words.
“I’m proud of you, kitten. Seriously, you deserve the recognition.” His long fingers threaded into yours, and you felt centered in the feeling of his firm grip like you were finally on solid footing. It definitely helped ease the tension off your shoulders.
“Thanks, Shou.”
“Of course,” he nodded. “So, what time is this thing, because I’m not letting you sit at home and miss it. And before you argue, consider the logic in remaining home when you know you’re being honored for something like this.” He stood from the sofa, stretching, and then cracking his neck. “It just isn’t rational.”
“So...you’re coming with me?”
You couldn’t hold back the surprise in your voice. It seemed almost too good to be true, you and Shouta going out together and to an event, no less. Usually, it took being dragged out of the house by his coworkers for him to enjoy a Friday night off.
Not to mention, no one knew of your relationship. His friends probably had their own assumptions but no one on your end knew a thing. This would be your first public outing as a couple.
“Of course I’m coming with you.” He said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. You smiled, realizing it was.
An hour later, you stood behind a seated Aizawa in the middle of your bathroom with a towel looped around your body, still dripping from your recent shower.
“You have to hold still, baby, or else it’s gonna hurt,” you mumble while adjusting your grip on the hairbrush.
He had asked you to help him out with his hair, but the task proved quite tricky. Its length and thickness gave you no other choice but to work in smaller sections, which you had no issues with. If only your fingers in Shouta’s hair didn’t put him straight to sleep again. This was the third time he’d nodded off and caused the brush to snag at his roots.
With a sigh, you attempted to run the brush gingerly through his hair once more. In the past, you’d seen pictures of your boyfriend as a child, always with his hair looking unkempt and so obviously unattended to; at least before he grew old enough to do it himself. Funnily enough, it was like you finally understood the reason why.
After a few more minutes of careful ministrations, you patted his shoulder and smiled. “All done!”
Aizawa looked up bleary-eyed, then shook his hair out and ran his fingers through it. “Nice, thank you.” He leaned over and pecked your forehead before standing to his feet. “Want me to do you?”
You snorted at the subtle implications of his words. “Go get dressed already. I can ‘do’ myself.”
“Oh, can you?”
You were tempted to play along with his little joke, but it was getting late and neither of you were dressed yet. Regrettably, you shooed him away so that you could continue to prepare on your own without him being a distraction
Following another thirty or so minutes, you dressed up and met Aizawa at the door. He had put on a crisp button up shirt and a pair of dark, tailored pants that fit him so well, you had to resist the urge to pinch his ass.
When you approached, he was standing at the mirror in the hall, tying his hair into a bun. You could tell he had given up on fussing with his tie just by the way it hung loose around his neck.
“Here, let me,” with deft fingers you undid the knot, sliding the tie off and then promptly tossed it onto the couch. You also unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, smiling to yourself at the lidded stare Aizawa was pinning you with.
“You want me to go out like this?”
“I thought I’d let you off the hook,” you laughed. “No tie tonight.”
Closing the gap between you two, Aizawa planted a kiss at the corner of your mouth, as a silent thank you.
From what you understood, the ceremony wasn’t supposed to be a large one, still a good bit of Ketsubutsu staff and student body were present.
Already you could tell that Aizawa was a little put off by the amount of people, especially those who kept staring at you two. Though, it just couldn’t be helped. Not many knew that either of you were in a relationship. Dressed as he was, you wouldn't be surprised if most simply didn't recognize him as the pro-hero, Eraserhead.
Even you had to admit that your boyfriend cleaned up nicely, a stark contrast from his usual ‘rolled out of bed’ appearance.
“Hey! You made it!” Emi Fukukado, otherwise known as Ms. Joke, called to you over the crowd. You were just about to go over to greet her and the others when Aizawa cleared his throat.
“I’m gonna get you a drink.” he gave your hand a light squeeze and excused himself before you could respond.
“Hey, hey!! I’m so glad you’re here.” Your coworker had waltzed over and scooped you into a tight hug.
“S-Same,” you wheezed. “Mind letting go?”
“Oh whoops!” Emi laughed sheepishly. When she finally released you, you couldn't help but notice her looking around. “Weren’t you just with someone? I didn’t get a good look but I’m positive—”
“Oh yeah,” you looked around for Aizawa but couldn’t see him anywhere “I um...didn’t come alone. I came with my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?! Since when?!!”
“Ah! Well…”
Thankfully before you could delve into explaining anything, you were saved by the proverbial bell.
Over the intercom, the principal announced for all attendees to proceed towards the auditorium where the ceremony would be held. Although you followed Emi without question, you still silently searched for Aizawa in the crowd but to no avail.
You were escorted to a seat in the front row with all the others who were also being recognized. Still you couldn’t help wondering where the hell Shouta had gone. You could barely focus during the entire opening speech, your attention having been snatched by worry. If not for Emi subtly tapping your arm, you might’ve even missed your name being called.
You stood up and walked across the stage, willing your legs to move forward. The principal shook your hand and presented to you a plaque with your name engraved in gold lettering. Several others on stage, some heroes and staff, also commended you with handshakes and warm hugs. You murmured thank yous all the way to your seat, but still you wondered about your boyfriend.
“Hey, Emi.” You said as you handed her your award. “I’ll be right back, could you watch this for me? I’m going to the washroom.”
Emi seemed a little concerned by your tone but agreed. “Got it!”
Quietly you exited the auditorium and headed in the direction of the reception hall where you’d last seen Shouta, but it was empty save for a few students milling about the snack table. You were tempted to ask if they had seen Eraserhead, but decided against it, you could find him on your own.
After about ten minutes of searching you went to one of the balconies overlooking the sports field. To your immediate surprise, there stood Aizawa, though he seemed preoccupied. There was a cell phone wedged between his ear and shoulder. He noticed you not a second later, and concluded his call quickly.
“Shou, what are you doing out here?”
He frowned. “I got caught up in a work call, I’m sorry. Has it started?”
“It’s more than started, it's almost over.”
Your boyfriend looked stunned for just a moment before he let out a sigh, “I’m really sorry I missed it kitten,” he came to loop his arms around you.
“Like I said, it was no biggie,” you mumbled.
“You okay?… You’re shaking.” he whispered, lips pressed against your hair.
“I’m fine,” you responded. “Just cold.”
At that, Aizawa pulled you closer into his chest, his arms acting as a shield against the evening chill.
Something had been on your mind since the beginning of the night. It was an intrusive thought and although you knew better than to entertain it, it was also proving to be hard to ignore. Shouta had been acting strange since arriving here. You thought it was because of the crowd but he wouldn't have missed the ceremony for something as minute as that. You breathed in his scent, slowly gathering the courage to ask what had been rattling in your brain for a while now.
“Be honest with me, Shou, are you afraid of us going public?”
You felt him stiffen and pull back slowly to see your face fully. He didn’t ask you to repeat yourself, so you knew he had heard you loud and clear.
“What makes you say that?”
You looked away from him, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, “I don’t know… it’s just a thought.”
Aizawa didn’t speak for a long while. He still held you close, almost protectively, but he remained silent like he was trying to find the right words to say.
“Yeah...I guess you could say that.” He sighed, “but it’s not what you’re thinking. I’m not afraid of what people will think when they see us, far from it. But the thought of you getting hurt because of your association to me...makes me...hesitant.”
You blinked up at him. The way his jaw was set as he spoke became proof enough that he wasn’t as unaffected by things as he appeared. Always so cool and collected, and yet he was possibly the most capable of emotion. You pressed your forehead against his chest as you considered your next words.
“I get that. But that doesn't give you an excuse to run off!” You pinched his arm lightly as if it emphasized your point.
“You’re right kitten, although it was an important call.” his lips spread into a wide smile. “How can I make it up to you?”
“Hm, I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
Aizawa huffed and rolled his eyes at you, then bent to capture your lips in kiss. It was heavy and comforting in a way mere words simply failed to be. And for a moment, you allowed yourself to get lost in that feeling. His hand drifted lower down your back until he was nearly cupping your ass.
“Mmmm, Shou.” You pulled back, feeling the heat in your cheeks. Aizawa said nothing, instead he smirked like he had something planned. He cupped your cheek, thumb brushing away a stray lash.
“Shall we take this home?”
(Part 2 in the works, stay tuned!!)
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Captain America The Winter Soldier
A joint review...
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After a hard day of following screaming orbs round London and combing through bludgeoning rocks in the Pinetum we settled down for Captain America The Winter Soldier. @becksxoxo has seen this film A LOT, which is probably for the best because the notes written for this watch through were not great (yeah that's right, we make notes for this shit, like we are trying our hardest guys...) I think its also safe to say @cassandrafey hasn't seen it half as much, but has a new found vigour for some of the characters within, so enjoyed it more this time round. So for anyone what cares here's what we thought:
Is that a wig, or did you grow that out for the part?
This is Cass' question in most media she consumes, as she's a fan of the lengthier hair look. There are 3 people we questioned this of in the film, and also one notable hair mention.
The Winter Solider - Did Sebastian grow this out for the role? Cass has a deep admiration of those who put time and effort into growing their hair, and when asked for further reasoning mumbled off about people going about their business with long hair and then got all flustered. #hairlust
Natasha Romanoff - On the flip side of the coin, we admire Nat's hair, and Becks wondered if Scarlett had been blessed with thick flowing locks irl, or if extra pieces had been added. She'd love to have hair that flipped about and was just reet good. #hairenvy
Alexander Pierce - Is that a toupee? Its got a lot of volume. I don't want to touch it. #nothankyou
Honourable hair mention - when Steve takes his helmet off to fight George Batroc on the boat, he has adorable hat hair and we both enjoyed it. He looked proper baby, but did make his point with his fists so there was that.
Rate that Roll
Have you ever seen so many unnecessary forward roles in one film? We have not, but we enjoyed them none the less. Join us now as we rate all the flamboyant gymnastics we saw...
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6). Coming in at number 6 is Steve's forward roll when having the fight with Georges Batroc. The roll itself is fine and passable, but Georges really outshines him with his entire floor routine. Imagine just being able to fling yourself about like that.
5). Number 5 is Sam's contribution to the roll. Its a fine roll, well executed but he didn't manage the exit, landing in a front flop. Points were deducted for this. He did recover well and take to the skies though, which we love to see.
4). Natasha began the film with her forward roll, which was pleasing. Its always reassuring to know a film will include a forward roll, so she put us at ease with hers. We enjoy the violence that immediately followed her roll. Some may say the two shouldn't mix, but we were into it.
3). This could have scored higher, but as we have pointed out there are many fine forward rolls in this film to choose from. This roll was a combination move with 2 forms of apparatus, very modern. We are of course talking about Steve flipping from the motorcycle into a forward roll to take him over to the plane. Good use of space, strong execution and linked the moves well.
2). In second place, the only roll (technically a doubler) that takes place in the dark (oooh spooky). During the fine chase scene between Steve and Bucky, they both land their leaps across the roof tops with a forward roll, and they were both good. This was one example of the necessary forward roll, but both contestants really made it their own and added style and flair to the move, including both the shield throw and shield catch, a lovely linking choice there boys. And what's that? Could it be... is that man wearing EYELINER? It certainly stopped Steve in his tracks, and we should all be pleased that he'd kept the mask on otherwise it might have become all too powerful.
1). And in first place is Steve Roger's completely unnecessary forward roll in the knife fight with the Winter Solider. It’s a very quick move, and there is absolutely no call for it, but the commitment to include a forward roll when there no need what so ever for one is what has won Steve the gold this year. Cass was so moved by it she proceeded to perform her own roll across the living room.
It’s a difficult job ranking forward rolls, because we all know in our hearts they're all 10/10. They're good rolls Brent...
Team Cap: Meet the gang
To address the snake in my boot, Cass is really trying her hardest (or so she says) to be less mean regarding Steve, mainly to save Becks' feelings, which sometimes leads to that old adage, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, so some of her notes are slightly lacking re Captain Rogers. Becks has enough to make up for it though so let's get into this.
We've previously discussed the bad relationships the Avengers have with each other, but this film does seem to combat this quite a bit, with one of the big themes being trust and friendship, so here's our take on Team Cap.
Steve Rogers / Captain America
No one can tell me that Steve had a fun time of it Avengers Assemble, but it was all action and there's wasn't much time really for thinking. There is plenty of time to think and process in this film, as we see Steve try and adapt to the modern world, with a little help from his new found friends. He starts off the film a little standoffish, detached from Sam and Nat as they try and break him down. He's clearly hurt by the deception of Nat and Nick on the ship mission, and he's particularly salty to Sharron when their meet cute turned out to be a little more planned than he thought. But he does start to thaw and build those relationships with his new pals Sam and Nat, we can tell this because only good friends kick men off roofs and then go on road trips together, ain't that true @cassandrafey?
Cass: Oh Becks you are a lark! On an unrelated note, do you remember that time we talked about how there were some things about our lives you shouldn’t mention on the internet?
Becks: oh shit, yeh, sorry...
Along side coming to terms with being in the here and now, and not the then and gone, he's got that internal sadness of missing those that meant the most to him. Peggy is there, but it can't be the same as it was, and the one guy he'd relied on his entire life had been left behind. I won't talk about it much because I sort of go into it later, but I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to see your best friend who you believed was dead, because of you, running about and to not have it consume your every waking moment. My fave moments of Steve being all consumed with getting his Buck back include:
"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky."
When Sam tells Steve that Bucky isn't the kind of guy you save but stop, Steve's face clearly says no, and then he runs off to steal the outfit that Bucky was so keen he kept in the First Avenger.
His determination that Bucky is still in there, and refuses to fight him at the end, that he would rather die that carry on without him again.
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Sam Wilson: runner, maverick, bird lover.
We love the introduction to Sam with him being bothered by Steve whilst just trying to go for a quiet morning jog (ewww says Becks to the jogging, and Cass to the concept of doing so at dawn). We both commented that if we'd been Sam, Steve would have ended up in that lake at one point or another, so it just goes to show Sam Wilson is a better person than either of us. It's hard to be objective with Sam purely based on this film, as we've seen into the future, and it is good, but Sam does come across as a very well rounded character. He has sadness, but he is also doing his best for himself and those that need him. As Becks has been moved to tell Anthony Mackie (in inebriated moments we have previously discussed...) he's a good egg, and a very handsome one at that. He's cool as hell with his wings, and it is canon that he drinks Irn Bru, so how could you not love him.
Sam feels like the first person that Steve has a proper connection to, outside of work, in the modern world. They have shared experiences, of being in active combat, of losing their best friend, and of struggling to return to life afterwards. Cass has just added that its good to base friendship off of shared experiences, like the two of us surviving the bookshop together. We'd like to point out that we're not wanting to liken customer service trauma to PTSD, but Christmas in retail is Hell. One day we'll have to tell you the time we were stuck in a sardine can of a shop window for four hours putting up a Christmas Tree, but we digress.
Sam sticks with Steve. He fights alongside Steve because it is the right thing to do, he sits with Steve at the hospital so that he is not alone, and he is willing to stay and hunt down Bucky with him, because it is important to his friend. He did also get a good ogle in of Bucky in his uniform, and we don't like to say that this was the entire reasoning behind his choice, but Cass noted down that it was at this point he became very keen on helping. We don't blame you Sam, we'd hunt for him too.
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Natasha Romanoff
We love Nat, she's a great complex character, and we love to see a strong female role in such a male dominated franchise. It’s still a shame she's written by men, but there was a definite improvement from Iron Man 2.
We really enjoyed her undercover schooling of Steve, and felt she could have left some tips for Sam because its an area we feel he could improve on in TFATWS. Seeing them both in muggle clothes does feel weird though, also high heeled trainers were an abomination and again made clear that a man's influence was involved.
Nat is also trying to be a good friend to Steve, which must be a change of pace for her too given her own background. She tries to get Steve to participate in the modern world, rather than being a passive observer. She also teases him mercilessly and it’s cute to watch their interactions during the between times.
It’s sad to watch her have a crisis of confidence when she is confused as to who she is now working for, with SHIELD being compromised, but it’s good to see both Steve and Sam rally around her.
Also props to her for having to take on the flack and the press by herself at the end. She's a strong badass and we love her.
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The Winter Soldier/ Bucky Barnes
It’s difficult to remember being introduced to the Winter Soldier for the first time, and then realising who he is and the impact of all of it, after knowing the film inside out. But it doesn't stop the interactions between him and Steve being any less heart breaking.
He's definitely an imposing figure when you're first introduced to him, veiled by the mask, arm glinting in the sun, hair flowing in the breeze, but it’s the moments when that is all taken away that are the most impactful. The mind wipe and flashbacks, these snippets of him being human are so terribly sad. Memories seeping through as traumatic flashes do make your heart break, especially when it’s clear that he is so confused by them himself.
Steve and Bucky's friendship fills Becks with a great amount of feelings, and they’re feelings we don't always agree on as a shared brain, which is a difficulty, so I'll keep it brief (but know this, it means more to me than you'll ever know...😉). Steve is blinded when it comes to Bucky, and those feelings are clearly mutual as they are strong enough to burn through decades of mind control. Because their friendship is the basis of all three Captain America films, but at times it gets over Hollywooded; by action scenes, explosions and the romantic relationship with Peggy, as though platonic love is not enough to motivate and certainly not between men. It breaks Steve's world a little when he first realises his best friend his alive, and Bucky knew that man on the bridge.
Some of our favourite moments of the film are interactions between these two besties.
Cass adores the eye acting when Steve says to Bucky, 'Then end it, cos I'm with you til the end of the line.' The fear and realisation that hits Bucky in that moment is beautifully encompassed in the actual growth of his eyes. He goes full blown anime, and Cass is lost within his pupils.
Becks made a note regarding the fight scene between Steve and Bucky on the final flying ship, "best friend or no I would shout at you if you shot me in the arse." But it does feel like a best friend thing to do in a fight, like you know how to push each other to the extreme as besties and I think arse shooting is a perfect example of this.
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The Hydra Lads
Bloody Robert Redford. You cannot look at that man and not see a baddie. Which is correct for the role, but still distressing. He's a nasty man, and we did not like it when he backhanded Bucky across the face. We do not understand how Fury has been friends with him for so long and not realised he’s a wrong ‘un, get it together Nicholas.
At one point in this film Brock Rumlow calls Sam Wilson 'Kid' and we were both scandalised by this. What sort of authority does he have to do that? Why did he do that? Neither of them look older or younger than the other. It felt both factually incorrect and disrespectful and we hated it.
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Nick Fury and SHIELD (or is it HYDRA?)
What the fuck was Nicholas Joseph Fury playing at? We had a deep respect for Fury in Captain Marvel and Iron Man 2 but he has really dropped the ball, taken his last working eye off the game as it were. SHAME. Who in SHIELD isn't HYDRA at this point? And how is it a shock to him when he realises? How have you got to the point where you can sleep at night, thinking you're the goodies, when you're developing flying death machines. "We're gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen." That's bullshit, and you should look ashamed when this is spelled out to you. Also, you should have taken a moment to check yourself when you were working out of an underground lair. Zola was deep underground and no one was thinking, oh there goes a good chap. WAKE UP.
We also noted that SHIELD had gone to the trouble of installing chairs for holograms, which Cass thinks shows that you’ve got to a point where you have more money than sense and it’s likely all downhill from here. HR were probably playing ping pong or table football or something when they should have been properly vetting new employees for prior villainous acts and Nazi tendencies. Fucking start ups.
A quick shout out to Maria Hill. The most capable and level headed person in the entirety of the MCU. Someone should put Maria in charge, she'd make sure they weren't hiring HYDRA left, right and centre, and also wouldn't be sticking giant flying murder ships in the sky.
We did however, like to see that Fury had once again secured himself a nice little car chase scene. The inclusion of a giant battering ram was enjoyable, as was whatever tool he used to slither into the sewers. He caught sight of Bucky coming towards him, though fuck me and was out of there. Coincidentally, we also think that when we see our Buck, but for other reasons...
Our favourite scenes:
The Corridor Chase - Is Steve the most extra he's ever been in this scene? Yes. Were any of those parkour moves along the walls and the smashing holes into walls necessary? No. Did Bucky give as much theatrics in his spinning and catching of the shield? DAMN RIGHT. Also there were the forward rolls, so obvs we loved it.
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The Elevator Fight - We love a scrap in a lift, its really good, and we both got on board. At one point Becks' notes just read KICK HIM IN THE BALLS. Cass also recently read a fan-fiction that involved those magnetic cuffs, but I'm guessing Steve wasn't there, and I don't think we need to go into it any further. (Cass here: It didn’t involve Steve, but if anyone’s interested chime off in the comments and I’ll see if I can hook you up with a link 😉). What I will say is that all the baddies in that lift were brunettes, and I feel like there is some any dark hair propaganda going on here that I will not stand for. However, Becks did also say she'd like to kick a guy off a roof at one point, so perhaps it is fair representation.
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The Winter Soldier Vs Team Cap Fight Scene - Everything about this scene is brilliant, its a tonne of fun but also hella important. Particular points we love during this scene are: The ingenuity to think of wrenching out the steering wheel to stop them from getting away; The three of them crouched on the car door as it falls through the sky; A fine showing of both the Bucky Boot and also highlighting that Bucky is in fact the only person in both HYDRA and SHIELD (although now we know they're one and the same) who can shoot and hit a target, what a competent old man; Nat fooling said old man with a voice note hidden behind a car; Bucky stomping down off that car; Hell, Bucky walking in general (the financial implications...); Bucky flexing his arm (again, our finances...); And finally, the fight between Steve and Bucky where the mask is flung off and we get the eternal lines, "Bucky?" "Who the hell is Bucky?!" It is at this stage that our Let’s Get Wrecked a with The Winter Soldier drinking game may commence.
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Steve trying to get through to his friend
Steve: You know me!
Bucky: No, I don't!
Steve: Bucky. you've known me your entire life. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes...
Bucky: SHUT UP!
Steve: I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend.
Bucky: You're my mission! YOU ARE MY MISSION!
Steve: Then finish it. 'Cause I'm with you 'til the end of the line.
*Becks weeping behind her hair silently*
What a whirlwind. Of emotions, and of gymnastic abilities. At times it was like we had travelled back a fortnight and were watching the Olympics again. Perhaps knife fighting could be suggested as a new sport ahead of Paris?
We are now at least half way into Phase 2, and still enjoying ourselves immensely. It is pleasing to have an excuse for spending so much time on all of our little thoughts and feelings. We have now watched two Cap films and an Avengers, and Cass is still struggling to see Steve in the same way that Becks does (always a source of amazement and concern for both of us) but luckily it didn’t impact her enjoyment of the film as much as one might assume. If anything, Becks’ high emotions probably put her off the action more. [It's true, I started crying at one point and it wasn't even an emotional bit, can someone spare some serotonin?]
Which is why we are grateful to be introduced to some new characters next week to give a little pause in the emotional onslaught. Indeed, next week sees the arrival of a character Cass dislikes far more than poor Steve, so get ready for some hot takes folks as we prepare for a light hearted and musical romp with the Guardians of The Galaxy 🤘
Love Cass and Becks xoxo
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
7. Leshen Indruck your choice of rating!
Here you go! I went with SFW
It’s old wisdom that humans fear that which they do not understand. 
Indrid really hoped he would never learn the truth of that wisdom the hard way, but here he is. One misplaced attempt at aiding someone using his foresight and he’s been caught, blindfolded, and dumped in the middle of the vast Monongahela Forest. 
He just wanted to help. 
His foresight renders him less fearful than he’d otherwise be; he’ll be able to see threats coming and locate the resources he needs. If he takes his time, he might be able to use his visions to locate the nearest (friendly) village. And, like anyone who grew up near the woods, he knows how to hunt, fish, and forage. For someone who’s been left to die, he’s rather confident. 
Still, it sting a little.
After a few moments of rightfully-earned self-pity, he buttons up his coat and starts the slow, halting journey towards safety. 
Two days later, he’s pushing his way through branches and miserably pointing out to himself again and again that a town where everyone grew up with basic forest survival skills would exile one of their own somewhere that required high-level survival skills. 
The topography and scenery is so disorienting that he may have better luck if he covered his eyes, spun around ten times, and chose his path from there. It’s a dense landscape of deep greens and browns with splashes of bright color that he’d no doubt enjoy were he not constantly snagging on branches or catching his toes on roots. 
Worse, he’s had no luck catching food, and cannot for the life of him locate water. The fact it rained last night is the only reason he’s not dangerously dehydrated.
A sharp, high chirp draws his eye to the foot of a tree. Flapping sparsely feathered wings, a baby bird hops through the mud, her nest visible but unreachable. A meager meal, but a meal nonetheless. 
Indrid scoops her into his palms, clambers into the lowest crook of the tree, and sets her back among her siblings. 
His stomach chastises him the rest of the day, though the rest of his body rejoices when he finds a hollow in the base of a tree large enough for him to shelter within. From within the trunk, he spies vine sprawling across the ground, berries glinting in the light rain. Deep purple, meaning they’re Brambleberries. 
The handful he shoves into his mouth brings tears to his eyes, even though they’re not the ripest. How else do you explain the bitterness chasing the sweetness down his throat. 
Wait. Brambleberries don’t go purple until mid-summer. This is early spring. Which means those were-
“Chokeberries.” He curses himself, darting outside the tree once more, finger down his throat until his meal comes back up. Maybe he was fast enough.
His throat tightens in a prelude to closing. Sinking to his knees, gasping for air, he swears the ground vibrates with heavy steps. His eyes flutter close as he falls forward. As darkness slips over his eyes, he thinks it’s taking him a long time to hit the ground. 
Bitter metal on his tongue. 
“Nnnnf” Eyes still shut, he pushes at whatever is holding the spoon and it’s vile contents in his mouth. 
“None of that. You’re gonna need two more doses of this before that Chokeberry is outta your system, and they were hard enough to get into you when you were passed out. Swallow.”
He swallows.
A large hand pats his head, “There we go. I know, shit’s gross, but if you were fool enough to eat those berries, might stun some sense into you.”
Indrid sits up, rubbing his eyes, “I was delirious with hunger, forgive me for not remembering the exact seasons of fruits. Did you heal me only to insult me or-” his visions flicker back full force, revealing his host before he opens his eyes. He scrambles back, but instead of a wall or an edge he just finds a vast expanse of bed. 
Watching him with an amused set to his lips is a man three heads taller and much bulkier than Indrid, dark hair streaked with grey-green moss, eyes the dark green of pine needles, and nails like treebark. He crosses arms tattooed with green, gold, and bronze swirls, waiting for Indrid to collect himself. 
“A Leshen.”
“Are...are you going to eat me?”
“What? No, I’m not gonna fuckin eat you. I don’t know which of my kind chowed down on humans but if I ever find out I’m gonna give ‘im a piece of my mind. Ain’t great to have people thinkin I’m a man-eater when the worst I done is throw a tree at someone.”
“That is still very alarming.”
The Leshen shrugs “I’m a forest guardian; I’m gonna guard.”
Indrid studies him, wary, drawing the covers up his chest without noticing. 
“Look” the Leshen sighs, “I ain’t tryin to scare you. Hell, made myself the smallest I can so I could be all comfortin. Noticed you in the woods earlier today and kept an eye on you, since humans-”
“Don’t often come here, yes, I am aware. I was extremely, forcibly exiled into your part of the woods.”
Green eyes blink, “Huh. Well, point is it didn’t seem right to leave you there to die, so I brought you here. Chokeberry is real easy to undo, assumin you got the right herbs.” 
“Thank you.” He doesn’t know what else to say. His foresight tells him the Leshens promise of no harm is true, but there are so many timelines for what he could say and how his host could respond that he freezes. 
“You’re welcome. You got a name?”
“You oughta rest up more, Indrid. I’ll be back with the next dose in a bit.” His host steps out to the hall.
“Wait, do I, ah, get to know your name?”
He snickers, replies to the raised eyebrow with, “Apologies, I expected something tree-related.”
Duck smiles, “It’s a nickname.”
“What’s your plan?” Duck asks from across the breakfast table. The morning found Indrid well enough to walk and to eat without feeling ill, so he’s been perching awkwardly on a chair that’s too big for him as the Leshen makes plates of toast and eggs that don't come from any bird Indrid is familiar with. 
“I, ah, I don’t really have one other than ‘avoid going home’.”
“You were just gonna wander around until you found a village? I hate to tell you this, but there ain’t one for at least fifty miles, and I’m guessin that’s the one you came from. They must’ve used and enter to navigate here, because this part of the woods is hostile to travel by design.”
“Yours?” Indrid sips his tea, face to hide his distaste for its bitterness. 
“Yep.” Duck slides a jar over to him, it’s copper lid revealing sugar cubes within, “Don’t much feel like runnin into humans every damn day, and it means that even as y’all sprawl out more and more, there are parts of this wood that stay wild.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, but it does little to improve my situation. Unless…” he bites his lip. 
“Unless I could stay here. I’m not bad company, and I have some skills which could-”
“No” Duck shakes his head, “savin you is one thing, takin you on as a roommate is all whole other kettle of fish.”
“Ah. Right. Of course.” He sips his tea, reflection crestfallen. Maybe he’ll just finish this and then go back to sleep. 
Duck sighs, expression one of someone who already regrets the offer he’s about to make, “You can stay here for a month. After that, I’ll get you as close to a safe village as I can, and you’re on your own. Deal?”
Indrid grins, appetite returning in full, “Deal.”
Duck has a good guess as to what’s making all the scratching and clanging in his kitchen, but it’s still a surprise to see Indrid moving from counters to chairs doubling as stools to tend a pot that he can barely peer into.
The human’s gotten nimble over the last week and a half, thanks to his routine attempts to help Duck around the house. Everything is scaled to Duck’s smallest possible form, but that still leaves Indrid at a disadvantage. 
He’d be more inclined to help him if it wasn’t so obvious that his help is a ploy to convince Duck to let him stay. Look, he feels bad for the guy, but humans don’t have a great track record with his kind and he generally likes his peace and quiet out in the woods. He also notices that, left to his own devices, Indrid is messy. The area around the couch he uses as a bed is strewn drawings and unfolded clothes that Duck conjured up. Which means this is about Ducks favor, not a commitment to household cleanliness. 
That’s not to say having Indrid around has been unpleasant; the human is good company but also understands Ducks' need for space. He’s odd, and even though the foresight was the given reason, Duck suspects his fellow villagers would have found reason to exile him regardless. Indrid even said that living with Duck was the happiest he’d felt in some time. That wasn’t a ploy; Indrid is prone to saying unnerving statements without registering them. Thorns pricked Duck’s heart when he heard it and, that night, when Indrid fell asleep on the bed during their conversation about deer, he didn’t move him. Just brushed the white hair from his eyes and laid down a respectful distance away. 
“Oh! We’re in the timeline when you’re early.” Indrid waves distractedly as he wrestles open a jar, “I checked on you during the day through my visions and it looked as though you got drenched, so I thought something warm was in order.”
He’s smiling, and Duck’s gaze lingers long enough to see there’s no trickery in it. Yeah, being a forest spirit means storms are refreshing more than freezing, but the one today was so relentless he felt like it was eroding him away. 
“Thanks, Indrid. I’ll join you in a sec.”
The next morning, before he leaves he forms some nearby stumps into a proper step-stool, and transmogrifies the minerals of the earth into a solid set of human sized pots and pans. 
“I know you’re there, Duck. I may not have eyes in the trees, but I do have visions that tell me when someone is dithering about coming to speak with me.” Indrid smiles, checking the fishing pole he’s dug into the shore. He feels rather than hears Duck approach; in spite of his size, the Leshen moves through the woods more softly than a butterfly. 
“Guess those visions do make you harder to spy on than the average human.”
“A not at all creepy statement.” Indrid teases, then tips over when Duck playfully shoves him. 
“Shit, sorry.”
“It’s alright” he brushes off his arm, “the sand is nice and warm.” He picks up his sketchbook (stray pieces of paper sewn together) and pens (Duck turned flowers, fruit, leaves, and wood into them until Indrid had every color) and continues drawing. Half the reason he likes fishing is that he can draw futures (and for his own pleasure) while he does it. The other half is that he doesn’t want Duck to view him as a parasite in his home. Yes, for the first week, he did everything he could to demonstrate that he would make an excellent addition to the house made of twisting trunks and mossy floors. 
Now, though, he just wants to enjoy his time with Duck, even if that means not tidying constantly or cooking every meal. He hopes Duck enjoys it too, regardless of whether he lets Indrid stay. The Leshen is lonely, even if it only comes through on those days when his voice is like the wind through a weather-beaten log. Indrid wishes he knew how to assuage it, but a month is not long enough to learn such things. 
He’s slept in Duck’s bed these last three nights. It’s not purposeful, Duck is just so interesting to talk with and Indrid will lose sight of the time, will slump sideways and mumble that he ought to turn in, and then wake up in the early hours atop his host. It didn’t occur to him until this morning that Duck does that to keep Indrid from being uncomfortably squashed by his larger bedmate. And that Duck chooses to do that rather than carry Indrid to his own bed. 
“Hey, uh, ‘Drid?” Duck’s voice brings him back to the riverside, “would you, uh, wanna come with me on my rounds sometimes? Might be some nice things to draw, and that foresight of yours could be real helpful with some of the stuff I need to keep an eye on.”
His host looks nervous until Indrid nods, “I would be honored.”
Never has the folding of clothes made him so miserable. Yet still he tucks the garments into the large-but-manageable rucksack Duck gave him, placing his sketchpad safely between the layers of fabric.
“Weather oughta be good tomorrow.” His visions show Duck behind him, rubbing the back of his neck. He’s going to miss that voice, the way leaves rustle underneath the drawl. 
“That’s good.” He pulls the ties on his rucksack, sets at the end of the couch but doesn’t turn around. 
“I’d, uh, say you’re welcome to visit but, uh, well, you know how fuckin hard this place is to find.”
“Mmmm.” Indrid wants him to go, wants him to be brusque or happy, not awkwardly fond in a way that gives false hope of shared affection. 
“‘Drid there’s, there’s somethin I wanna, that is I’m thinkin...aw, fuck it.”
Indrid yelps as arms nearly as big around as he is scoop him up. Duck’s lifted him to examine flowers or see over trees, but the hugging is new. 
“Duck?” Carefully, he drapes his arms over his shoulders.
“Don’t go.”
“I don’t want to.” Duck always smells faintly of pine needles and green wood, and Indrid buries his face in his neck, inhaling in hopes of remembering it forever. 
“Then stay. I changed my mind, ‘Drid, life is so much better with you around.” 
“Okay” Indrid can’t get his voice above a whisper; this wasn’t in the timelines, which means Duck changed his mind at the literal last moment. 
“Really? You wanna stay?” Duck shifts him back, Indrid functionally sitting on his forearm with his legs half wrapped around his chest. 
The seer summons his courage, finds it lacking, and so closes his eyes before going in for a kiss. His lips find Duck’s cheek until a firm hand cups the back of his head, guiding their mouths together. At this size, their mouths are compatible even as Indrid remains pleasantly dwarfed. Duck breaks the kiss first but Indrid, hell-bent on making up for lost time, continues kissing his face until they’re both laughing.
Duck kisses his forehead, “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” 
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walkwithheroes84 · 4 years
Lucifer: Season 5, Part 1 Thoughts
Part 1 of Season 5 of Lucifer came out on Netflix on August 21. And you bet your bottom dollar that I binged all 8 episodes. I stayed up until 2 am on August 22, but it was worth it. I’m not sure if the cast, crew, writers, and producers went into this season thinking it was their last (It’s not, Part 2 of Season 5 is rumored to be out in February of 2021, with the final season, Season 6, rumored to be released in early-mid 2022.) or what, but they really brought their A game for the first 8 episodes of the season.
What follows are some random thoughts I have on the season. Yes, there may be spoilers!
- I really like that the last couple of seasons have explored  the supporting cast more. Maze, Ella, Linda, Dan - they are being fleshed out a lot and I am living for it. 
- Seeing more of Linda’s backstory was great. And, I liked the way it tied into Maze’s own feelings regarding Lilith and abandonment. I am here for Linda x Maze, may that be a deep friendship or something more. I always love them together.  
- Speaking of Maze - it is getting repetitive to see her be pissed at Lucifer (who really needs to step up and see that she is her own demon with thoughts and feelings.) or being down on herself for not being able to make solid connections. Maze, you have connections: You have a best friend in Linda, friends in Chloe, Ella,  Amenadiel, Trixie, Charlie. These people are your found family! They love you, Maze. But, Maze has to learn to love herself. Stop betraying them because she’s upset. All that said, Lesley-Ann Brandt always brings her A-game. 
- I didn’t care for Lilith. I get what she was trying to do and that, in the end, she wanted mortally and love, but even she couldn’t find it. But, she abandoned her children. :( I’m thinking her ring will play a key role down the road: either to give Maze mortally/a soul, give Eve immortally (so she and Maze can be together?), make Lucifer human, save Chloe, something! That ring is coming back into play.
-Amenadiel worrying about being a good father to baby Charlie. It was really cute, as is his friendship with Dan. The scenes with Dan, Amenadiel, Lucifer, and Jed trying to calm the baby were comedy gold. I also really loved seeing Amedadiel working a case with Chloe. He’s just grown so much as a character during the last five seasons and I’m here for it. 
- Dan finding out about Lucifer was a bit of a surprise. Poor guy. He’s been lost since Charlotte’s death and all this new age stuff seems to be his way of trying to find meaning in his life. And, now he has to deal with the fact that EVERYTHING is real and his ex-wife/friend is in love with the actual Devil. And, he has this great fear that he’ll go to Hell, because of all he’s done - and knowing the Devil is real - of course that is going to mess with his mind! And, Michael - playing on fears - knew just want to do with that. I’m interested to see where Dan goes during Part 2 of the season. 
-I felt so bad for Ella. She decided that she wasn’t going to go for the “bad boys” and that she was going to look for a nice, normal man for a normal romance and what does she find? A freaking serial killer! Who was using her and planning to kill her! Like, Ella, girl, take a break from dating for a while. She either dates men with no futures, serial killers, or Dan.
- I have to give it up to Tom Ellis in his portrayal of Micheal. So twisted and cowardly and yet weirdly I get it? From what the show has told us or implied - before his fall, Lucifer was one of their parents favorites, made Michael miserable, was a favorite of some of the other siblings. I can see a twin becoming jealous and causing issues. It’s interesting that Michael straight out stated he planted the idea of rebellion in Lucifer’s head. Michael planted the idea of causing Eve to sin. Of coming to Los Angeles. I’m wondering how much of it is true and how much was Michael just speaking nonsense. And, what else has Michael planted in Lucifer (or anyone else’s) head? Did he plant Chloe in God/Dad’s head? Did he pretend to be God/Dad and tell Amenadiel to bless the Decker’s with a baby? Oh, the possibilities. 
-While I didn’t love episode 4 (it felt a bit like filler) - it was so good to see  Tricia Helfer, back on the show. I miss Mom and Charlotte. 
-Chloe finding out she was a blessing/gift from God/Dad? I am so thrilled they didn’t get too angsty with it and played it perfectly. Yes, she had every right to be confused and upset. But, thank goodness they didn’t drag that out! The writers really hit a lot of great beats with Chloe this season.
-  I have read that some viewers were annoyed that Chloe was/is worried that Lucifer doesn’t lover her back - when he has shown his love via actions - but, I get it. Lucifer is Lucifer. He self sabotages, he refuses to deal with issues, and he tends to pull away. He become invulnerable - right after it was more or less agreed by everyone that Lucifer chooses to be vulnerable around Chloe because of his love for her. She might be thinking: “Okay, will he get bored? Is this real? Will something else happen that makes him pull away?” Chloe needs to have a solid talk with Lucifer, and it’s a talk that he may not be ready to have. As a show-runner hinted: “You can’t fully be in love with someone until you fully love yourself.” And, we all know that Lucifer is still working on loving himself. 
- I was really proud of Lucifer during the first half of the season. He stayed in Hell to protect Charlie, Chloe, and the world. He only left to deal with Michael and he was smart enough to leave Amendadiel in charge. He was honest with Chloe, he tried (in his own way and to the best of his abilities) to give her space, he bonded with Dan, he got jealous (that was hilarious), he moved forward with Chloe, he tried (again in his own way and to the best of his abilities) to not freak out over losing his “mojo”, he admitted (to others and himself) that he NEEDS Chloe, he found Chloe. He showed some nice growth. He’s by no means a mature and fully realized “person” yet, but it’s clear he is trying. 
- When Dad/God showed up? I had no idea Dennis Haysbert had been cast in the role, so I was so excited. He’s a great choice. I love that he came down from the Silver City to break up a fight between some of his children. His ex walking around Earth? Demons coming to Earth? A half-angel being born? Eve coming down? Cain and Lucifer fighting? Dad/God’s not bothered by that. He’s not coming down for that. But, his children fighting? Yeah, he’s physically and completely coming down to break that stuff up. I’m excited. 
- So, 5A mentioned the Silver City and some of the other angels often. We learned that many of Lucifer and Amenadadiel ‘s siblings are praising Lucifer for going back to Hell to protect Earth. Something which Michael can’t stand. We also learn that Dad/God has locked himself away and that Michael is the only one he speaks to. You guys - I NEED to see some of the other angels or at least hear about them. Maybe even hints of what the Silver City looks like? Uriel may be dead, but Azrael and  Remiel are still in the Silver City. And, the show has mentioned a Castiel, who enjoys music. We’ve also heard about Gabriel and Raphael, who are apparently proud of Lucifer for being mature enough to return to Hell on his own. I’m actually wondering how many children Dad/God and Mom actually had together? So far we have nine angels/children. Did they have hundreds? Thousands? Just those nine? 
- Let’s talk Deckerstar. If you are a fan of Deckerstar, as I am, then you were loving 5A. There was awkwardness, angst, cuteness, sweetness. They were flirty and playful. When they FINALLY had sex? Linda and Ella weren’t the only one celebrating. And, I loved that it really seemed that BOTH Chloe and Lucifer spent 5A trying to be honest and straight forward with one another. They seem to have realized that they’ve wasted too much time and they have to try and be honest with one another, even if it is very hard. 
- Overall, I LOVED Part 1 of Season 5 and CANNOT wait for Part 2. 2021 cannot come soon enough! 
-And, I’m sorry, but Lucifer gifs are lined up in my queue for days to come. 
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songficsbyrissi · 4 years
Let Em’ Know (part 5)
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Previously on Let me know....(click here for part 4)
Back in the passenger seat of the black Volvo, Damien blew smoke out his mouth and hissed. Seeing your lips on Erik pissed him off. That should be him and it’s going to be him.
“Y/N, you don’t see that nigga ain’t for you but I ain’t mad at you, baby. That fuck nigga is a good actor.” He brought the blunt back to his lips and exhaled harshly.
“It’s cool because I’m gonna make you see that that nigga ain’t for you. Just wait on it.”
“So you’re really going to leave, Erik?! Leave me?! Leave us?!” You screamed at him when he finally revealed to you what’s been on his mind this whole time.
He was leaving.
He was enlisting in the military, putting his life in danger and leaving you. There was no way he could’ve expected you to take this news lightly.
“And in three fucking days??? Are you fucking serious, Erik?!!?!” You questioned feeling your throat get sore from yelling you were doing but you didn’t care. You were hoping this was a cruel joke but Erik wasn’t that good of an actor to keep a prank going on this long.
Your boyfriend suddenly punched the steering wheel out of annoyance but you were too angry to flinch.
“Y/N, what else do you want me to say? You already know my heart is set on this. We had plans but plans change. My feelings about it changed.”
You closed your eyes, sighing deeply to prevent tears from releasing. “How long ago did your feelings change? And don’t fucking lie to me.”
“Does it really matter?”
Your eyes popped open and you glared him with fire in your eyes. “Yes it fucking matters!”
He surprisingly remained calm as he pulled up outside your house. “No. It doesn’t because either way, I’m going into the military and you can’t stop me. I love you but I have to do this.”
You breathed deeply then got a little happy. “Ok if you’re going to go through with this, then that’s fine. But I am coming with you. I can put a hold on college and go with you. And if you get stationed in Hawaii, I can go to college in Hawaii. And we can get married! I know we’re young and shit, but I would get money for school and a place to stay and shit while you’re away. We can make this work, Erik. We really can make this work!”
He finally pulled up in front of your house and put the car in park. Instead of the joyous expression you were hoping for, Erik’s face was somber and it was obvious your idea was not sitting well with him.
“You won’t be happy, Y/N.”
“Yes I will! Because I have you, baby! And you have me! That’s all that matters, right?” Tears rolled down your cheeks as you smiled sadly, holding his handsome face in your hands.
Erik took your hands off his face and gently held them as he gazed into your eyes.
“I’m leaving here and I’m leaving by myself.”
Your smile dropped in a heartbeat, causing you to release your hands from his hold. Your face transformed into a face of agitation.
“Wow. It’s obvious you don’t give a shit about us. So these 2 years together were a waste of fucking time, huh?! Huh, Erik?!”
Out of nowhere, Erik grabbed your face and claimed your lips with his. He gave you a long, rough, and passionate kiss and when it finished, he held your face close to his.
“Don’t you ever.....don’t you ever fucking say that again. All this time I had you were the best damn years of my life and I fucking mean that shit, baby girl.”
Your bottom lip began to quiver as tears ran down your cheeks. “If you mean it, Prove it. Don’t leave or take me with you. Just....don’t do this. Please, Erik. I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.”
Erik bit his bottom lip kissing your forehead and stared back into your eyes that were flooded with tears.
“I don’t have a choice, baby.”
You backed away from him, opening the passenger door behind you.
“But I do. I ain’t waiting around for you. So go ahead and leave. Just know when and if you come back, you won’t find me.” You removed your rose gold princess ring Erik gave you on your anniversary and left it on his dashboard. 
“We’re done.”
You snapped out of your flashback when Erik shifted in his sleep as he laid his head on your lap. You glanced up at his TV to the ending credits of the movie you two were watching on the screen. Damn it. How did you manage to miss the ending? You looked down at the man in your lap and asked yourself how the fuck did he manage to fall asleep?
You were able to move off the couch and lay Erik’s head on the throw pillow without taking him up. You went into the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of water and began to chug it down. That event kept playing your head. You told Erik you were done with him that night then the night before he left, you wanted to see him one last time to properly say goodbye.
You said goodbye to Erik and your virginity that night. You did it because you wanted to but deep down, you hoped he would see how much you loved him and stay. You’re a 18 year old girl who was stupid in love so who could judge you for that?
You told Erik if he came back, he was never gonna find you and yet here you are, in his apartment, eating his snacks and watching movies.
You could not keep your word for shit.
“Y/N....you gotta save me.....” you heard Erik mumble in his sleep. Your eyebrows furrowed as you approached his sleeping body. You were skeptical because for all this time, you’ve known Erik, he’s never talked in his sleep.
“I’m gonna die, Y/N......you gotta save me.”
You crouched down front of him and stroked his beard with your fingers tips. Erik is clearly hiding something and you’re going to find out though his sleep.
“Save you from what? How should I save you?” You questioned softly.
Erik took a deep breath. “‘My horniness.....come sit on my face, Y/N.”
Your eyes narrowed at him and you let air out of your nose. Your boyfriend opened one eye and closed it immediately when he saw you staring him down.
“Sit...on my face...”
An idea popped in your head and you begin to smirk wickedly. You got closer in his face and began to whisper seductively.
“Oh I’m going to suffocate you, baby.”
Erik began to smirk in his “sleep”. “Oh yes suffocate me, baby.”
You got up and went to straddle him, grabbing a throw pillow from behind you. You took your weight off him and took the throw pillow, pressing it to his face. He began to thrash and you got off him, releasing multiple giggles. You sat up to see Erik glaring at you.
“What? You told me to suffocate you!” You managed to say between giggles.
“Yeah with your pussy! Let me go get some damn chips before I get mad.”
You continued your laughing fit as Erik went to the kitchen. Erik’s phone began to ring and you glanced at the name. Soraya. Who the fuck is Soraya and why is she calling him at 11 o’clock at night. Erik wouldn’t cheat on you, you know this. But who the fuck was she?
His phone stopped ringing and Erik entered the room, with some Flaming hot Doritos.
“Was my phone ringing?”
You blew air out of your mouth. “Yeah. Some girl named Soraya was calling you.”
Erik detected your tone and mood was off so he crouched down beside you. He stared into your eyes to let you know he was about to tell you the truth. One thing about Erik was not he could not look you in the eyes and lie to you. He was trained to do that with a lot of people but not you.
“I know what you’re thinking about and stop. You know damn well-“
You cut him off. “Yeah I know. You would never cheat on me. But who is she and why she calling you this late?”
“She’s my cousin, babe. She’s probably calling because she works for me and needs help.”
You knew he was telling the truth.
“I’m sorry. I’m so dumb.” You turned away from him and he grabbed your hands, forcing you to look at him.
“Hey hey hey.” He paused. “You are. You are dumb as shit if you think I would fuck around with some other girls after I busted my balls to get you back. Come on now.”
Your mouth curved into a smile and you threw your arms around his strong neck, giving him multiple kisses. “My fault, stink stink!”
Erik grimaced pulling you off of him. “I fucking hate when you call me that.”
“No you don’t, stink stink!” You kept kissing his face and his phone rang again. He grabbed it and looked at the name.
“Yeah it’s Soraya again. Even though a nigga is enjoying all this, she really needs my help.”
“It’s fine. I gotta get my ass home anyway. You know my parents don’t play that staying out late shit. Even though I’m grown.” You pecked his lips, grabbed your things, and walked out.
“Girl have you lost your damn mind?!” Erik yelled grabbing the door before you can shut it close. You blinked at him in confusion.
“You really think imma let you walk to your car by yourself this late at night?!?? You got me all types of fucked up today! Walk!”
You snickered at Erik’s antics even though he was serious as hell and let him walk you to your car. He waited until you started your car and took off. Once you were out of sight, he returned his cousin’s phone call.
“I told your ass I’m coming. My girl seeing a shorty’s name pop up on my phone this late at night is not a good look.”
“Erik shut up and get here now. Something happened.”
“......what happened?”
“You just need to get here.”
Erik quickly got dressed, prepared anything he needed, and left his apartment. Meeting at the warehouse, he hit with some news he was really not expecting.
“What the fuck you mean Blue got arrested?!” Erik screamed angrily, glaring at everyone.
Von laid back in his chair, very nonchalant. “Nigga, what we mean is he is in police custody. The nigga is locked up. I don’t know how else to say it to you.” He slammed his fists on the table and turned his back. “This is some bullshit! If this nigga snitches-“
“He ain’t gonna snitch.”
“How tf you know that, nigga??? You be thinking niggas are solid but they not. Niggas these days are like paper. Apply pressure and they fold.” Erik scoffed and faced the giant world map on the wall. “Nigga gonna snitch on this whole operation.”
Soraya spoke up. “Then we gotta relocate. If Blue snitches, he’s gonna lead the cops to this warehouse. This is where all the evidence is. We gotta get out and we gotta get out ASAP.”
“And where the fuck are we going to find another abandoned warehouse? This shit ain’t like flowers. It ain’t easy to go around and pick what you want.” Von replied in annoyance.
“I don’t know But what I do know is I’m not gonna sit here and wait for the cops to bust in here and arrest me.” Soraya pushed away from the table and walked away. Everyone else followed suit except Von who just sat there, shaking his head as Erik began to light a blunt, pulled it, and exhaled the smoke.
“Listen, man. I know Blue. He ain’t gonna fold on us. You can trust that.”
Erik side eyed Von as he exhaled another smoke cloud. “Trust don’t guarantee shit for me. Not even for you. So cut that shit.”
“YOU THINK YOU WANNA WHAT?!?!?!” Neriah’s screeches emitted from your phone as you were on FaceTime with her dramatic ass.
You rolled your eyes, taking a deep sigh. “Neriah, you fucking heard me. I think I wanna have sex with Erik.”
“GIRL WHAT?!???!”
“Stop fucking screeching, bitch damn!” You snapped and your friend immediately got herself together.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It just caught me off guard! You gonna let Erik hit so quick?” Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “What do you mean? We dated back in high school, it took a while for me to take him back and it took a while for me to come this decision. This isn’t quick at all.”
“Ooooh yeah I forgot about that whole dating in high school part.”
“You jackass.”
“Ma’am, I am too worried about pussy to be worried about if yours is getting dick.”
You bursted out in laughter. “Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Anyways, like I was saying, it’s not that bad. Besides, it’s not going to be our first time” you mumbled the last part but your best friend heard it as clear as day.
“NOT THE FIRST TIME?!??! Oh hell no! I’m adding Ray!”
“Don’t you dare-“
It was too late. Neriah rang Rayvon and he picked up almost immediately with his headset on.
“Yooo what it do ba-“ your male friend glanced at the phone and sucked his teeth. “Damn I thought y’all were shorties. Wtf y’all want?!” He turned his attention back to his game.
“Ray! Y/N and Erik have had sex before! Not since he’s been back! Before that! Back in high school!”
Rayvon’s reaction was a simple shrug as he continued playing his game. “Congrats on being the last to know, nigga. And y’all call me the slow one.” You raised an eyebrow at your Group FaceTime. “Wait hold up. How the fuck did you know, Ray?”
His mouth formed an O as he paid attention back to the two girls waiting for his reply.
“Oh ‘cause it was obvious. I know Y/N is hard to get but it was obvious she let Erik kill. That’s why she was so mad he left. He took her dick away.”
Instead of berating him like you expected her to do, Neriah just hummed in realization.
“Shit, that makes sense. Dropped that bomb dick off and left. I would be mad t-oh shit I’m getting another call. Lemme call y’all back.”
You looked at your phone to see it was just Ray on the phone and you clicked your tongue while shaking your head.
“So when are you going to tell Neriah you like her?”
Rayvon paused his game and sighed deeply. This wasn’t a topic he wanted to touch upon again. Since you came home from college, it became more and more obvious to you that Rayvon caught feelings for Neriah. You brought it up to him and after frequent denials, he finally admitted he fell for her but couldn’t act on it.
“Never, nigga and You know why. She only like girls. Telling her that shit is a waste of time and will make shit awkward.”
“I know but I feel like this isn’t fair for you, Ray. I mean bottling up your feelings and hiding it like this. It’s not fair.”
“But it wouldn’t be fair for Riah to put her in a position to lose her only guy best friend. I respect her sexuality so I’m backing off. I’m telling you I’m fine, Y/N. I’ll get over it. There’s other shorties. They might not be Riah, but they can come close.”
You really felt bad for Rayvon but as Neriah’s other best friend, you knew he had to leave it the fuck alone because expressing his feelings would open a big ass can of worms. A messy situation.
When you got off the phone with Rayvon, you got yourself ready to go over to Erik’s place. Once you felt cute enough, you walked out of your house and couldn’t help but felt like you were being watched. Maybe you were just paranoid.
You got into your driver’s seat, adjusting your mirror to see a black Volvo in your rear view mirror. You didn’t think anything of it until you pulled off and they pulled off right behind you. You started feeling creeped out but still felt like you were being paranoid. Just to make sure it was your paranoia, you began to take a different route to Erik’s apartment. You took unnecessary rights and lefts and noticed the car still behind you.
You were being followed.
Why the fuck would anyone follow you? You got a boring life. You don’t do anything. What business they got with you to follow you. You were scared but remained calm. You just gotta lose them.
You began to drive slower, waiting for the traffic light to yellow, then stepped on the gas. You glanced behind you to see the Volvo stopped at the light and you smirked in victory as you took a couple of random turns and made your way to Erik’s place. You surveyed the area for the black Volvo and didn’t see it. You sighed in relief and ran up to Erik’s door, knocking repeatedly.
“Damn girl! I can hear you!” Erik’s face dropped when he opened the door and saw your face. “What’s wrong?”
“There was a car......following me.....I lost them....but I’m scared...as fuck!” You planted heavily and Erik ushered you inside. He examined the area then closed the door behind him.
“The shit was so weird. I’ve seen that black Volvo around near my house but this time, it actually followed me! What the fuck?!” You paced back and forth on his carpet as you rambled. “Did I piss someone off? Is that a hit man?! Nah if it was a hit man, he would’ve bodied me by now. Maybe he’s trash.”
“Maybe he’s a creepy stalker! I work at Victoria’s Secret. There’s always creepy motherfuckers coming in there!”
“Y/N.” Erik tried again, this time coming up to you and wrapping you in his arms. He looked into your eyes. “You’re gonna be fine.”
You pushed your boyfriend away from you. “No I’m not! Erik, I gotta go to the police!”
“And say what, Y/N? There’s a car following you? Did you even get the license plate? Or actually see the driver?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “Baby, they ain’t gonna do shit. No one’s threatened your life or came near you. You just see a car a lot. Trust me. They ain’t gonna do shit.”
At this point, you were on the verge of tears. “Then what the fuck do I do?! Erik, I’m scared!”
“I know you are and you don’t gotta be. I got you and I’m going to protect you. You trust me to protect you?” He asked you with a voice dripping in sincerity. You knew you could trust him. He was keeping his word so far so you felt like he was gonna keep this one.
“Yeah I trust you.”
“I got you.” He leaned your head forward to kiss your forehead. When your head came back up, you took his face in your hands and planted a long, wet kiss on his plump lips. Erik chuckled kissing you some more.
“You keep kissing me like that and you gonna make me act up.”
You grabbed him by his collar and leaned in close. “Act up then.” You pushed him onto his couch and straddled him. You leaned over, kissing his lips and going down his neck. He pushed you off a little and you rolled your eyes in response to his action, pushing him down.
“Stop playing with me, Stevens. You’ve been talking all this nasty sexual shit since you came back. It’s time to back it up. Right now.”
Erik’s eyebrows raised as he glanced you up and down, feeling himself harden by the minute.
“Oh imma back my shit up. Don’t worry about that, baby girl. I was just trying to be a gentleman and making sure you were sure about this. But now that I see your ass is...”
In a swift motion, he sat up, grabbed you, and stood up with your legs wrapped around his waist.
“Imma wreck ya shit. Make you feel like a virgin again.”
You two kept making out until you made it to his bedroom and he threw you on his full size bed. You were trying your best to put on a sexy, confident front but deep down, you were nervous. Last time you had sex was with him and it was just that one time. Yeah you talked to and went on date with other guys but they didn’t get past first base. The only thing you were banging were your books.
“You good, baby girl?” Erik’s voice broke you out of your daydream. Your eyes focused on his hands were secured on his waistband tie, ready to undo. You nodded your head, laughing it off.
“What? I’m fine! I just need you to hurry up and fuck the shit out of me.”
“Uh huh or you’re nervous.”
Your sexy expression dropped as you sat up and your boyfriend sat right next to you. You’re a dumbass. Erik’s known you forever. Obviously he could see you were nervous.
“How’d you know?”
Erik chuckled as he put a head through his dreads. “I remember this same nervousness from the first time. You really ain’t never changed.”
You groaned loudly and Erik took your hands in his. “You don’t think I’m a little nervous too? I’ve been waiting to make love to your ass ever since I left. So a long ass time. Now it’s finally happening. I love you, Y/N. I never stopped waiting for you and I never will stop.”
Your face lit up at his words causing you to tackle him with multiple kisses. You were on top meaning you were in control. Your hands traveled up his t-shirt and you felt tiny bumps underneath your palms. You kept kissing him, not minding the bumps until they were continuous. You couldn’t help but pull away and slowly lift up his shirt, removing it altogether. Your eyes came in contact with multiple keloids on his chiseled chest. What the fuck are those? You could see in his eyes he was uncomfortable and you had to fix that.
You decided to plant kisses on his neck and down to his chest. You felt him relax at this, causing you to inwardly smile. You undid the tie and pulled his sweatpants, along with his boxers. His erect, 9 inch dick stood at attention and ready to be handled. You ain’t never gave head but it looks like you starting now.
You began to massage his shaft and his hands found your hands. You pouted, thinking you were doing something wrong. You heard him chuckle.
“Get naked for me first, baby.”
As if you weren’t wet enough already, your shit was running like a faucet now. You bit you lip and slowly stood up on top of you. You were gonna strip for your man. You started singing Dance For You by Beyoncé in your head as you slowly removed your shirt from your body. He was biting his lip and stroking his shaft at the sight of you. Yeah you got this.
You unbuttoned your jean shorts and gently sliding them down your legs. You realized they were around your ankles but you had to get them off but in a sexy way. You should’ve got off the damn bed before you started stripping but fuck it. 
You’re in too deep now.
You bent over shaking your ass side to side and sure enough, Erik was watching it shake in his vanity mirror. While he was watching, you lifted your leg a little to get that leg of the shorts off. Once you did, you lost your balance and fell off the bed, hitting the floor hard. With your face in the carpet, all you heard was Erik’s cackles at your tumble. You felt extremely embarrassed.
“You ok, Princess?” He managed to get out through his loud guffaws.
You lifted your head up, pouting. “I was trying to be sexy for your ass and here you are, laughing at me.”
He clicked his tongue. “You still sexy to me, baby. Get your clumsy ass up and finish.”
A smile crept back on your face and you rapidly got off the floor. You stood back and slowly pulled down your purple thong while biting your lip when you saw a puzzled look on Erik’s face.
“Why your underwear purple but your bra beige? I mean I don’t mind. It’s just that-“
“Motherfucker, do you want this pussy or not?” You cut him off, with your thong around your knees.
“Of course I want that pussy! A nigga can’t make an observation?!” Erik replied with one hand still wrapped around his dick. “You could be wearing red and yellow like the damn McDonald’s clown and I’m still fucking!”
You giggled finally getting the thong off and you made your way back on top of him, sucking his bottom lip. Your tongues pressed together and you released a moan.
“You know you need to shut up when I’m doing something sexy for you.” Erik smirked, grabbing a handful of your ass cheek and jiggling it. 
“Shut me up then. Sit on my face.” He said with so much desire in his chestnut eyes.
You lifted from his chest and felt your heart racing as your hands went to the back of your bra. You unclipped it and let your bra fall off your shoulders. You two were now completely naked. Once you tossed the bra aside, his hands founded your breasts, massaging them tenderly. He sat up, taking one into his mouth. You felt his wet tongue swirling around your nipple and he went to the other one repeating the process. He looked up at you through hooded eyes and released your breast from his mouth.
“I ain’t gonna tell you again to sit on my face.”
You pulled him in for a kiss. “But I want to suck your dick, daddy.”
Erik smiled wickedly and laid back down. “Turn around and put that pussy in my face.”
You did as you were told. Your pussy was in his face and you were face to face with his dick. Ahh 69. You give some and get some.
You felt Erik push your ass down, forcing your pussy in his mouth. You felt his tongue run up and down inside your lips. You bit back a moan and felt a strike on your ass.
“Go ahead and suck that dick you want so bad, baby.”
Right. With your hand moving up and down the length of his dick, you swirled your tongue around the head. You were teasing him which caused him to groan and press his tongue on your clit.
“Fuckkkkkk baby!” You moaned loudly. You took his dick and shoved it into your mouth. You took two hands, massaging up and down as you continued to suck his dick. You kept trying your best to keep going at it but Erik was eating the SOUL out of you. You felt yourself about to cum and you knew he felt it too.
“Come on, baby. Give me that nut.”
You came all over his mouth and he gave your pussy one last lick before taking you off. You were lowkey mad as hell you didn’t make him nut. You couldn’t be mad for too long because Erik pulled you in for a smooch, making you taste yourself on his lips. He pushed you onto the bed and began a trail of wet kisses starting at your neck.
He stood up and you saw him open a Magnum, roll it onto his dick, and pull your legs back, making your knees almost hit the mattress. He made eye contact with you.
“You ready for me, baby?”
“Yes, daddy.”
He grinned, sliding himself slowly inside you. You began to whimper and his hand caressed your face. You bit your lip to prevent a scream and he began to move in and out of you. There was a little bit of pain but overall, it was pleasurable as fuck. His warm dick moving so good inside your wet pussy. He felt so fucking good. He kissed the side of your face as you dug your nails in his firm back. Both of you releasing moans of pleasure. You came again and You felt him nut inside the condom. You breathed deeply, thinking it was over but looking down, Erik’s dick was still hard. He threw the condom away and pulled on another one.
“Turn around, baby girl. Ass up, face down.” Erik turned back. “Matter of fact, switch places with me and do that.”
You didn’t know why he wanted that but you listened because even though you were getting sore, you wanted to cum again.
You did as you were told and Erik entered you from the back, giving you powerful thrusts. Your hands gripped the sheets as you took his passionate poundings, yelling obscenities as he smacked your ass a couple times. Your eyes popped open and saw why Erik wanted to switched positions. The freaky bastard wanted you to watch him fuck you from behind. Damn.
“Fuckkkk Erik!”
“This pussy feels so good around my dick. This my pussy. This was always my pussy. Right baby?” He delivered a smack to your ass.
“Yes daddy. Fuckkkk I’m yours!”
“Damn right you are. You’re mine.”
After what felt like a lifetime of beautiful thrusts to your pussy, you came once again and you screamed through your orgasm.
“Fuck! Y/N!” Erik grunted loudly and you felt him cum inside the condom.
After you two came back to earth, you found yourself cuddling Erik with your leg on top of his waist and your head near his chest. You could stop staring at the keloids that decorated his whole chest and biceps. He seemed self-conscious about it so you didn’t want to ask and ruin the moment but you were really curious about it. How the fuck did that happen?
“War. War is tough.”
You glanced up at the man before you in confusion. His eyes met yours.
“You’re wondering how I got these marks on my chest. War is tough. I’ve killed so many people. I wasn’t ok with it. Each keloid is for a person I killed. I had to be punished and be reminded that I took people’s lives.”
You prevented your face from giving a reaction. You were glad he was opening up and telling you the ugly truth behind his chest. It meant he trusted you and felt like you would understand. It was shocking and a lot to take in but you took it. Your man has been through a lot. You had to.
You planted a few kisses on his chest and looked back at him.
“I understand, baby.”
Erik begin to grin as he got on top of you. He lowered his head to kiss you from your forehead to your neck and went back to your lips.
“Damn. I love you, princess.”
You matched his grin. “I love you too.” TAGS: @lifelover4u @dessianna1 @brattywriters-anonymous @marvelpotterlove @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @ljstraightnochaser @slimmiyagi @cancerianprincess @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @vibranium-chakra @nerd-lovely @chaneajoyyy @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @marvelpotterlove   @destinio1 @madamslayyy @thehomierobbstark @fd-writes​ @semianta​ @raysunshine78​ 
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breanime · 5 years
Congratulations on your 2000 followers IAM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I'm so happy you're getting more appreciation I hope you get much more than this cause you're so talented ❤❤ This event idea is awesome I was gonna suggest it but I was too shy 😘can I request "next contestant " by nickelback with my new baby Rio ( angst that ends in fluff would be great) pleaase ❤❤❤❤❤
*gif not mine*
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Rio eyed you up and down, a frown on his face. He could usually tell how many heads he’s tearing off of assholes by what you were wearing. You were beautiful, obviously, and Rio could understand the lecherous looks you got—he couldn’t blame them. But the rule was: look, don’t touch.
Once they touched, their ass was his.
He rolled his neck, eyes never leaving your form as you walked around the bar, laughing as you carried a drink tray. He wished you’d take the fucking night off so he wouldn’t have to fight off every asshole in town who wanted a piece of you, but no. Your mother had owned the bar, and when she passed it on to you, you became dedicated to making sure it was as successful as it could be. To be fair, it didn’t really matter what you wore—assholes would hit on you regardless, but it seemed like each night it was getting worse.
Which was why he was there.
He hadn’t told you he was coming, and he didn’t make an entrance when he walked in. His guys had told him that the security at the bar had to kick out seven people in the last three days for trying to touch you or bothering you. You’d told Rio that it wasn’t a big deal, and that you were safe—which you were—but he couldn’t let that shit slide. His eyes narrowed as he watched some frat boy stagger over to the DJ. Rio didn’t have to hear him to know what he was saying. The DJ had clocked Rio as soon as he walked in, and Rio watched her eyes widen as the man spoke to her. She looked across the bar at Rio, confirming his suspicions—this prick was asking her what you would say if he tried coming onto you. The guys were always doing that, trying to worm their way into your pants through music. The DJ was a friend of Rio’s, and he knew she knew what was about to go down.
Rio put his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, watching calmly as the frat boy went over to the bar. He pointed towards you as he talked to the bartender, and Rio recognized that move, too. These assholes did that a lot. They thought they’d get inside you with every drink they offered you, and he knew it would never work, but… there was something about this guy that made Rio want to fuck him up. Rio watched the guy walk over to you, and he watched him call out “sup, baby”, and Rio knew why that guy had caught his attention…
He was the next contestant.
You jumped when the man slapped your ass. You turned, ready to punch him straight in the jaw, but stopped—Rio beat you to it.
Rio grabbed the guy by the back of the neck and slammed his head into the nearest table. Glass flew everywhere, and the crowd stepped back, more than happy to let Rio do this thing.
“Is that your hand,” Rio asked, a dark grin on his face, “on my girlfriend? Huh? Is that your hand?”
The man squirmed, one eye closed and the other staring up at Rio, wide and full of fear. “I—I—I—”
“I wish you’d do it again,” Rio said, “Yo, you wanna do it again?” He reached down and grabbed the man’s arm, twisting it behind his back. His grin widened when the guy screamed like a little bitch. “Huh? I can’t hear you.”
“No!” He wailed. “No, no! I don’t want to do it again!”
“You sure?” Rio asked, rubbing the man’s face in the spilled beer on the table. He glanced down and noticed a tint of red in the foam. “Cut yourself, homie?” He asked innocently.
“I’m sorry!” The man cried. “I’m sorry, I—”
“Oh, don’t apologize to me,” Rio yanked him upwards by the back of his neck. The man’s face had been cut by the broken glass, and Rio smirked. “Apologize to her,” he said. “Yo! Cut the music! Let everybody hear this bitch!” Rio commanded.
The DJ stopped the music, and you smiled, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Say you’re sorry,” Rio said.
“I’m sorry—”
Rio punched him in the gut, and the man bent over, groaning in pain. He pulled him up by his hair. “Say it like you mean it.”
“I’m sorry,” the guy sobbed, lip quivering, “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend—”
“Wrong!” Rio said cheerfully, punching him in the face. The man fell into a table, and a few of the onlookers clapped. Rio stood over him, putting his hands back in his pockets. “It doesn’t matter if she has a boyfriend,” he turned his head, speaking louder so everyone could hear, “which she does,” he looked back down at the whimpering man, “You don’t run around grabbing ass just because you feel like it,” he went on, “That’s disrespectful. Women aren’t on this planet for your consumption, man. Ain’t you ever read a bell hooks article?” He leaned down, still smiling. “Now apologize to the lady.”
“I’m sorry,” the man sniffled, “I’m so sorry, I won’t ever do that again—to any woman!”
“Aw,” Rio slapped his cheek playfully, “he’s learning.” He stood up, putting an arm around your waist. “Now here’s what we’re gonna do,” he announced, swirling his finger in the air, signaling the DJ to play the music again. She did, and the crowd dispersed, going back to their drinking. “We can take this outside, and you can explain to me why you thought it was acceptable to put your fucking hands on my girl,” Rio offered, “or you can empty your wallet, tip her with everything you got, and walk outta here.” He chuckled. “I mean, either way, you’re leavin’ here limping, but I think one choice is much more generous of me than the other…”
“Yeah, yeah,” the guy took out his wallet, still on the ground, “of course—I’m happy to tip you—ma’mm,” he added.
Rio laughed, kissing the top of your head as you giggled with him. The guy struggled up, already limping, and handed you a wad of cash.
He looked at Rio. “We… Are we good?”
“Oh, hell nah,” Rio laughed again. He plucked the wallet out of his hand and took out his ID. “See, what you’re gonna do now is go to the nearest ATM and empty your account. Then you’re gonna come back here and give it to her to fix this mess you made…and for emotional damage,” Rio looked down at you, “That sound good to you, ma?”
You nodded. “Yup.”
“But—” the guy began.
Rio lifted his shirt, exposing the solid gold pistol in his waistband. “Clock’s tickin’.”
The guy limped out as quick as he could, and Rio nodded to his homie in the back, signaling him to follow the frat boy—just in case.
You reached up and pressed a kiss to Rio’s cheek. “You’re getting soft,” you teased, “a year ago, you would have killed him.”
“Yeah,” Rio grinned, “bein’ in love mellowed me out some.” He leaned down and kissed you. “You’re taking tomorrow off.”
“I love how you don’t ask,” you said, rolling your eyes with a smile.
He slapped your ass, laughing when you yelped. “Please,” he added.
After that night, you joked that Rio wouldn’t need to make any more scenes like that. And for a while, you were right. People remembered the lesson Rio taught that night (the brand new DJ booth he’d bought with the extra money from the frat boy served as a permanent reminder), and the amount of assholes harassing his girls went down significantly. But every once in a while, a new, cocky son of a bitch would swagger in and try to put his hands on you, and Rio would handle it.
He could always see the next contestant coming a mile away.
Thanks for reading! I was gonna do the second verse “I even fear the ladies”, but I feel like Rio would just be hella amused by that, so I stuck with his reaction to males. I hope you liked it! This is the last one for tonight! :)
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highlights of starkid’s black friday part two
here we go boys
i’m gonna be real the first time i watched this i had no fucking clue what was happening for a solid two and a half minutes
shoutout to whoever choreographed this because i love it
robert’s inflection combined with the exaggerated hand gestures is the single funniest thing i’ve ever seen
i would pay so much money to see this movie
“thaaaaaaaaat’s right :^)”
the love interest’s name is NOELLE bitch i’m hollering
how does lauren look so adorable in that stupid elf costume??
these lyrics are fucking gold man
joey’s literally just vibin
P A S S  C H R I S  K R I N G L E  T H E  B A L L 
santa’s gonna Reconnect With The Teens™
“becky look!!! remember when we carved that?” “yeah...it’s...a penis” “eyyy”
becky’s monologue about her ex-husband...fuck dude
“it’s funny. stanley was the one who made me go to nursing school. that’s how i knew where his femoral artery was.” HOLY SHIT
“you say you killed your family. i hope i killed mine.” D U D E 
Take Me Back absolutely made me break down dude i’m still crying
“if the universe is infinite, then it’s definite, there’s an alternate reality where we’re now a family.”
“if you’re really santa, tell me something only santa would know” GDGJHSLJHSGK
“i knew it. i knew you weren’t santa” WHEN DID THIS BECOME THE CONFLICT I NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE
“........a red tricycle.” “santa!!!!!!!!!!” (passionate tongue kissing)
so we all agree that wilbur cross is uncle wiley, right
“in short, mr. president, we are trying to stop the birth....of a god.” what a raw line
“If We Have Faith, We Will Be Rewarded With A Cuddly Toy” -the homeless dude, who i’m pretty sure has just been vibin this whole time
god i kind of want a wiggly now
the audience losing their minds at linda being the supreme cult mother
 “please, for the love of god, just let me go.” “oh, i’ve met god. he had nothing nice to say about you.” (THROAT SLASH) 
linda: “you willlllll adoooooore me....” my dumbass, already in love: ok
“unless i get what i- shit it’s gerald”
h i p  t h r u s t
hmm i dont like new ethan
wiggly: “hello hannah. let’s be pally-wals.”  me, with a water gun full of holy water: dont try it demon
the way he says “rotten little banana” is terrifying
“i’m going to have to peel you. i’m going to split you in two. i’m going to Eat you, hannah.” WHAT the fuck
hannah’s scream when wiggly threatens her?? chilling
god someone protect this kid
uh yeah Do You Want To Play is genuinely one of the scariest songs i’ve ever heard from a starkid musical, or pretty much any musical. like, this sweet nurse who waited hours in the freezing cold to get a toy for a little girl who lost her sight is about to viciously murder an eleven-year-old in cold blood because of wiggly.
so, theory time. becky’s a nurse. i dont think that even in her altered state she would miss hannah entirely and accidentally inject it into her own leg. but hannah was wearing the hat. i think ethan was right, it protected her.
joey is scaring me but also giving me some very sexy energy that i’m not opposed to
“Only in america could wiggly take root! Hold this”
“i’m going to cut open your belly-well, and deck the halls with your gutsy-wutsies...” JESUS CHRIST
shoutout to macnamara for literally everything, he’s doing great
can you IMAGINE being president goodman here. like you just found out you’ve killed millions of innocent people and the world is probably going to end in the next hour or so and there’s nothing left to do and all the while this demonic entity is baby-talking to you and laughing that terrifying laugh? yeah, i’d go insane too.
curt mega’s acting is top notch here, dude, he actually scared me
also what the FUCK was that last wiggly laugh
“you better not be fucking with me.....” uh hey sherman i’ll give you five (5) dollars to stop that
“there’s something that’s beautiful, being awake for my funeral” fuck
“still, i thought that angels did exist, but now i hope they plan to end it quick, ‘cause friday is black for me, only my ashes will see the sea” i gotta sit down for a while
“I’m authorizing you to use my firearm.” F U C K  Y E A H
theory: macnamara is hannah’s father (and maybe lex’s) since they can both see into/communicate with the black and white
oh my god tim never said he wanted a wiggly oh god oh fuck
“kids don’t want that piece of shit! they’re all into fortnite, dude!” 
If I Fail You also made me cry i’m very emotional over this musical
“answer me, or I’ll open your mouth with my FUCKING KNIFE!” JESUS CHRIST LAUREN
i love that wiggly’s theme is carol of the bells
“look at you! you’re paralyzed with fear!” “no. i’m just lining up my shot.” FUCK YEAH
“you have two choices: abandon your god or burn here with him” this dialogue is so fuckin powerful dude
yeah so all of them burning alive freaked me out but what a way to end a cult
“you know, i have this kooky reclusive biology professor...” when i tell you i YELLED
“wear a watch.” AHHHHHH
what an ending.
anyway stan starkid goodnight
part one
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moodysnowflake · 4 years
Please mind the Spoiler slap that might come your way guys...
Let’ talk about Rufus Shinra.
Yes, he has been exploited better than the OG, and yes, once you get the hint the assesment is trying to throw at you, it’s easier to whack his butt.
He still beats the crap out of you. 
We have to realize that Rufus is a normal human being. He’s not a Turk either. Sure, he was a prodigy and has been trained by the military, and he might have trained with the Turks too during his “extended assignment oversea” (despite being him the boss, I bet Reno would still try to zap him in the crotch, if left unsupervised). Rude would gave him a sturdy run for his money (of course pun intended) and Tseng did probably manage to wipe the floor with his gorgeous platinum-blond ass at least once when they were younger. Rufus manages to stand his ground against Cloud, a final-stretch-game Cloud. Not an early-game Cloud. You have to run, dodge, parry and dive like hell, and when he hits you, it fluffing hurts. He’s the only human enemy in the Remake who actually manages to do some serious damage using a firearm. 
He’s been designed to do that, you might say. Well, yeah, duh, he’s still the only one, so that’s awesome.
Moreover, he doesn’t actually look exhausted, nor particularly beaten up when the battle ends; he just smirks his way out. We couldn’t appreciate it in the OG, but heck yes we can now. 
We might argue that’s all a façade, and I think that part of it could very well be true. Cloud did roughed him up after all. Plus, that’s his character, he would never show a speck of vulnerability (”nobody has ever see him bleed or cry” - can we seriously blame him for becoming an ice prince?).  And he’s not stupid; once he’s disarmed, he immediately opts for strategic retreat. He’s not a brainless goof, he recognized his huge disavantage: a true tactician indeed.
Him and Cloud's battle dialogue...is it just me, or did they sound like ex-boyfriends angrily snapping at each other?...
C: Think you got my number? [Cloud?]
R: Not at all. You’re making me sweat. Good thing I came prepared. [Rufus?]
C: That’s a new trick.
R: Like it? ‘Course you do.
[Did they actually meet in Before Crisis?!]
R: Let’s make it a night to remember.
Okay guys, seriously, tone it down a notch, would you? That’s too much gold for a single scene!
His outfit might not have us all agreeing, I can totally see why. That off-white contrast to Cloud’s pitch black tho...
Here’s the knot my brain is twisting itself over.
The question slammed my brain like a train, pretty much the same as Rufus’.
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I don’t know, you tell me how the heck are you seeing the Whispers...
Tseng going:
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Rufus looks at him like “Wait, what? You’re not seeing this shit? You kidding, right?” then proceeds to glare him into submission, either because he thinks Tseung might imply he’s not okay after the fight and he might be suffering some side-effects, or he’s mocking him.
[If it’s the last one, that would open another pit of thoughts, like: if he thinks Tseng is teasing him, that means that happened before. If that happened before, it means he’s not a utter cold-blooded bastard, and they interacted like functional(ish) human beings up to the point of joking. What is this? Solid character background? OG-wise, we know he’s not a saint, but we also know he’s not totally batshit cracker either. Because WRO and Avalanche. (Can’t wait for Barret’s reaction when that’ll happen. That’s gonna be spectacular XD)
Reno’s line ‘You’re sure you wanna do this by yourself, boss? (ENG)//That’s dangerous (JAP)’ could support this theory, even if we know he would talk back to Sephiroth himself.]
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Untill now it’s evident that he being able to see them is “Because Plot“
But my spider senses are tingling, feeling something lurking below.
He didn’t seem to be able to see them on the platform while Cloud’s smacking his way through. That could be arguable, ‘cause spotting dark stuff in a dark background is not that easy. 
But after the Edge of Creation cutscene (and that’s another thing I’ll talk about later), he’s pretty well able to do that. And he’s the first character we see...
So what happened in between?
Well, there’s Wedge scene...but that’s the only thing we’re allowed to see. 
Based on what’s happening in the game, you’d be able to see the Whispers because of Aerith/Sephiroth’s intervention or because the Whispers need you to see them.
That create some interesting choices, which might combine, ‘cause they’re not mutually exclusive:
1. Rufus finds/saves Wedge, or the Whispers are bringing Wedge to him (very unlikely, but you know, overthinking is so fun). He was minding his own businnes, and Wedge suddenly appears. If this happens, I don’t think he’s gonna kill him...Because Avalanche (and because if you resist Wedge’s puppy eyes you don’t have a heart, nor a soul). Yes, he’s ruthless, I know, but there are times during the story in which he doesn’t behave like a complete dickhead. Very few times. But maybe the Whispers need for Rufus and Wedge to meet, and maybe that’s what happened in the hall.
Also, my useless rambling neuron got stuck over a very stupid, very impossible, but very cute idea why Rufus wouldn’t kill him: what if Wedge and Rufus know each other? Barret and the other knows his face, but what about Wedge? Maybe somehow they casually met in Junon, or (god forsake it, my heart) even before in Midgar he saved him from whatsoever situation and he never mention it? Chances are never really zero in FFVII, but I’m well aware that this is far-fetched...like, a lot. 
How cute would it be if Wedge woke up with Rufus crouched down there, skeptically looking at him.
‘What are you doing here?’
To which he would chirp “Hey Rufus, long time no see! How’re you doing? I thought you were still in Junon.”
‘I’m the boss here, I ask the questions. What are all these creepy things flying around.’
“Well, I don’t have that much of a clear idea...Also, you’re not my boss!“
‘That’s not helping. Also, technically, yes Wedge, I am.’
‘I’m Rufus Shinra. (smug smirk)’
“I know that dummy (Rufus would scrunch up his face), what I don’t understand is how that would make you my boss. Blowing up one of your reactors using your explosive can’t make me pass as construction worker.” 
‘I am not your boss because of Shinra. I am your boss because I’m the boss of the boss of your boss.’
*Whispers taking him away*
2. Sephiroth has a brief chat with him during the moment he’s left on his own (while we’re fighting his true self in the singularity). In the OG, Rufus always had this incontrollable drive to find Sephiroth, an inespicable and obsessive draw to hunt him down, which only Cloud match (and he’s the one guarding Jenova’s remants in Advent Children...). And no, it’s not because he killed his father...we know how idyllic that relationship was. That spark could have been started here.
3. A combination of the two. Because why not.
4. Something else within him helped the trigger.
Speaking about this, I discovered some interesting info. The Remake has retconned his age from 25 to 30, flopping back his birthday from 1982 to 1977. Five years shouldn’t make that much of a difference. We can agree, artistic licence. 
Too bad 1977 is also the exact same year Jenova’s remnants have been discovered...As well as the very start of the machination for Project S and Project G.
Using Dirge of Cerberus as reference, 1982/1983 should approximatly be Sephiroth’s birthyear. Which leaves 5 years of preparation.
Is this a coincidence? Maybe. Or maybe the president let Hojo start to experiment on baby Rufus as he saw fit. Nobody would convince me that the president wouldn’t have done it, those two are just too fucked up. That could explain why he was so flipping good with a shotgun since he was 10, why he managed to face a SOLDIER without turning into minced meat (he didn’t show negative repercussions because he could have been resistant to mako poisoning, like Zack; plus he is the only human enemy with some resistance to Poison and Magic), why the president didn’t kill him when he sided with the Turk’s assassination attempt. That wasn’t paternal love; that was probably Hojo interceding to not have a succesfull test subject except Sephiroth eliminated, promising to have him brainwashed.
Like Cloud, despite Jenova’s cells, he wouldn’t be able to see the Whispers by his own. But Sephiroth, or Aerith, might have flipped the switch in some way. Or even Jenova’s or n#2′s bodies, to which we still have no idea what happened.
4.1. The annoyed/angry glare This could also be another reason for the angry/annoyed glare he shoots Tseng, like he’s saying “You know what I am” or “You know taking me down is not that easy”. The first one reminds me of Cloud’s line to Jessie...the look is pretty similar.
Another interpretation of this expression could be that he actually has, from time to time, some odd quirks or weird moments, residues of the mako treatment/cells' interaction. It is very likely that if that’s true, Tseng - and maybe even Rude and Reno - witnessed them.
That wouldn't surprise me: he’s sporting some serious dark circles under his eyes in this scene.
So, he could be also saying “What? Are we doing this again? You still think I’m frail and crazy? Do I have to beat that out of you like last time?”
5. He touched Jenova’s blood; it wouldn’t be that improbable, since it was smeared all over the floor. That might have done the trick by itself, or, if connected to point 4, he could have been drawn to it by the cells within him, which could have worked as catalyst. 
6. Any combination of two or more of the previous points. It’s Nomura Testuya we’re talking about, they could all be true for what we know. He’s a goddamn psycho: it’s easier to build a house with a sand-pail and a plastic shovel than understand Kingdom Hearts' series plot .
 Too many questions, but the revelation that Rufus can see the Whispers is very intriguing; the whispers needs him for something. Destiny needs him for something. That makes him an even more valuable character that he already was in the OG, and I’m glad they’re doing it. 
Nobody seems to be left behind (in character development sense) this time.
We can only wait and hope.
Wish you all the best, Rufie (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *
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kylermalloy · 5 years
my Thoughts on rebels
Now I don’t have any hot takes or any controversial opinions to put out here. Rebels is a simple show with a simple plot. There’s not a whole lot to analyze, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to enjoy. Sometimes all you need is a straightforward concept with lovable characters. So let me proceed to squeal about Dave Filoni’s second masterpiece, Rebels.
Spoilers abound!
Before I say anything else...
THEY HAD A BABY I haven’t stopped squealing.
Zeb Okay I’ll start with Zeb, for no particular reason. He was the only main character I hadn’t really heard about or seen much of before I started watching. In the first few scenes with him, I was afraid he’d become his stereotype—the thuggish gorilla who argues all the time, disobeys orders, messes up plans, and borderline betrays his friends. I was so pleasantly surprised when none of that happened. Maybe by virtue of being a kids’ show, these characters don’t have *edgy* or twisted nuances. Zeb is fiercely loyal. He likes smashing heads in and gets grumbly sometimes, but he’s never a hindrance. He’s not just “the muscle”; his ingenuity saves the day on more than one occasion. If anything, his nuances take him the other way—he’s incredibly sensitive and childlike in some ways. Being one of the last of his kind is a major plot point of several episodes, which brings so much depth to him and his psyche. It also informs SO MUCH on his relationship with Kallus. Speaking of...
Kallus I never, ever expected Kallus to be anything more than a season-long plot device. The fact that he stuck around and went through actual character development?? Amazing. The episode where he and Zeb are stranded together is gold. He’s got a sense of honor even as he works for the Empire, sparing the rebels as Zeb spared him. He develops a new set of ideals thanks to our heroes, and he begins to question and regret the things he’s done for the Empire—ethnic cleansing of Zeb’s Lasat people included. And that last scene of them in the epilogue? I’m not gonna lie, it was a bit shippy.
KANERA I know while the show was airing, fans were constantly asking when Kanan and Hera were going to get together. But for me, they seemed to be married from the first episode. Hera calling Kanan “love” and teasing him? Kanan constantly worrying after Hera while simultaneously believing in her ability to do...absolutely everything? Their parenting of Ezra, Sabine, Chopper, and even Zeb? Explicitly referring to them as “the kids” and themselves as “Mom and Dad”? Yeah, they’re married. And let’s not underplay their strengths as individual characters. Kanan—or Caleb—is exactly what you would expect of a Jedi whose training is only halfway complete. He’s cool and awesome, but also riddled with self-doubt and uncertainty. And Hera is the mature voice of reason this merry band of children so desperately needs—except of course when she’s the one rushing headlong into danger, whether to get a fighter prototype or to steal a family heirloom or to save a couple pilots in a suicidally risky move. She’s a perfect blend of mature reason and headstrong determination that makes a true rebel. (Wait a minute...she’s totally Katara! Maybe that’s why I love her so much.)
Now back to them as a couple! Most of the show did nothing to advance their relationship—further reinforcing my headcanon that things were always happening between them behind the scenes. Even though they became official canon in the last season, the appearance of their kid in the epilogue proves I was right—based only on what we saw, there was no time for them to make a baby. Of COURSE there were things going on behind the scenes. 😏 (I found the interview that explains exactly where Jacen came from, and I was equal parts ecstatic and freaked out.)
Did I mention THEY HAD A BABY???
Ezra So apparently there are people in the Star Wars fandom who hate Ezra? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised; Star Wars fans hate everything. Except the OT. If you hate the OT you’re a heathen. I can’t really think of a solid reason why people hate Ezra, except for the fact that he seems to be a Luke Skywalker analog. He’s a poor kid with Force sensitivities who gets adopted by a Jedi and becomes a venerated leader of the Rebellion. He also finds an oddball group of friends he comes to call family but eventually bids them farewell after the death of his mentor. They’re not carbon copies, of course—Luke’s an optimistic idealist; Ezra’s a cynic. Luke whines; Ezra snarks. Luke blows up the Death Star and defeats Vader; Ezra completes a series of far more complicated missions and defeats Inquisitors and Thrawn. Again by virtue of him being the star of a tv show instead of just three feature length movies, he gets a lot more time to have his adventures. Maybe there’s some resentment over him getting more screentime than Luke? Maybe it’s because I’m just Not a Luke Skywalker stan. I like him fine, but I don’t hold him up as some perfect saintlike hero. (I didn’t have any problems with his TLJ characterization.) The people who do need to rewatch the OT they hold so dear. Luke’s a beautiful drama queen and you all should love him for that. But I’m here to talk about Ezra! Listen, this child is a disaster and a half—just like Luke, just like Anakin, just like young Obi-Wan. There is nothing to not like about him—except that he reminds you of your favorite characters but he’s not them.
Clone Wars characters I initially started watching this show solely for the characters I already knew from Clone Wars. Ahsoka Tano has been my girl ever since I started watching Clone Wars, and I didn’t even consider watching Rebels until I knew they had undone her death. (If there was just ONE character they could needlessly save via time travel, they picked the right one.) At any rate, she’s perfect in this show. She’s more grown-up, more mature, but still retains that *young and plucky* spirit. (For the record, I usually hate the *plucky* characters. Somehow, she works for me. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t really do that annoying cocky smirk thing.)
But it’s not just Ahsoka. Rex survived! I’m so glad at least one clone (two? Wolffe?) made it out of the war okay. And he’s great here. His constant snarking with Kanan reminded me so much of his banter with Anakin (and I’m sure it reminded him of that too ;-; ) His presence on Rebels isn’t strictly necessary, narratively speaking, but it’s just a nice tie-in to the world we got used to in Clone Wars. It reminds us that this world with the Empire was once the world of the Republic, and there are still clones out there—even if there’s no place for them in this new order. This of course reinforces the tragic narrative of clones as sentient beings created for nothing but combat. And again, I commend both shows for making me feel that narrative so deeply!
Hondo and Maul were two of my favorite antagonists from Clone Wars, so seeing their multiple appearances here filled me with joy. Hondo cracked me up, as usual, and Maul’s farewell was touching and heartbreaking. I almost wish he were still around! There’s still his duel with Ahsoka in season 7 of Clone Wars... 👀 Honestly what surprised me most about those two were the way they were both presented as protagonists. Hondo especially, and Maul does become an antagonist again. But it really speaks to the way all paradigms in the galaxy have shifted after the Republic became the Empire. In Clone Wars, Hondo was portrayed as an annoying hindrance to our heroes. Now with the Empire as an adversary to our main characters, Hondo is an ally. An untrustworthy one of course, mostly in it for the money, but his interests usually lie with helping our heroes, not hurting them. Besides, nothing tops his relationship with Ezra. Their first meeting had me in fits: “You lied to me?? I KNEW I liked you!” (Also I forgot to mention the running gag of Ezra introducing himself as Jabba the Hutt? Genius. And hilarious, since some people actually believe him at first)
Thrawn I need to see this guy again. Whether in a continuation where we learn what happened to him and Ezra, or some other moment in time where we see him younger, rising through the ranks of the Empire full of ambition and ideas. He’s quietly menacing, always confident and meticulous. He does a great job of making the rebels feel helpless in their fight, needling their pressure points and taunting them—but he never makes the conflict personal to him. He always remains detached, just a guy doing his duty. He’s just there to pick up interesting art pieces. I love the way he’s acted—always quiet, cultured, practically whispering. I didn’t know he was voiced by Lars Mikkelson until after I watched, but that was a perfect choice. I found the Inquisitors a little flat as villains (antagonists, whatever) and the other Empire ministers and governors not very threatening. Thrawn was the perfect balance (lol) between interesting and a genuine threat.
MANDALORE For all of Sabine’s merits as a character, I love her most in the Mandalorian arcs. The episode where she comes into her power and wields the darksaber is one of my favorites. She’s not a traditional stern, stoic Mandalorian character. She’s a free spirit, incredibly creative and intellectual. Yet she’s also afraid of her mind and what she could create—for years she created weapons for the Empire to feed her hubris. Maybe that’s why she mainly sticks to painting throughout the series. :) Anyway. I look forward to the follow-up detailing her adventures with Ahsoka.
Chopper I rolled my eyes so hard when I first saw Chopper. Everything from his name to his design screamed “kiddie version of R2D2” and I was fully prepared to hate him. I don’t. He’s just like R2, in that every sentence he says sounds like it’s punctuated with about ten different swearwords. It’s hilarious seeing such a cute character being so surly and even threatening on occasions! Chopper kicks some serious butt. He even comes with a tragic backstory!
Lastly, I don’t think I’ve mentioned...
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Right Side Wrong (X)
Songs for Marin and Matthias Magwood // City With No Sky Pt. 2  (Marin on the left, Matthias on the right)
I’ll Be Your Mirror - Lowland Hum (A song for parallel universes and for someone who is so different but also very much the same)
When you think the night has seen your mind That inside you’re twisted and unkind Let me stand to show that you are blind Please put down your hands ‘Cause I see you
Secret for the Mad - Dodie (Sort of my song for Marin <3 You have to go through the hard stuff to get to the better stuff, but someday this will all make sense) 
I’ve got a secret for the mad In a little bit of time it won’t hurt so bad And I get that I don’t get it But you will burn right now, but then you won’t regret it
Close to Home - Vienna Teng (Home, Home, Home. It’s important to them both, but especially so to Marin. Learning to let go of the physical home, but also maybe the ideological home, and trying to build a new one, while stumbling upon the way.)
Lay your head where they hold Hide the demarcations of your soul And play your silent scream role Harmonize your own worth to what you show Normalized and nowhere close to home
O Magnum Mysterium - Morten Lauridsen (”The singing is slightly discordant, not quite right, unsettling to listen to. Through the making of music that sounds as pained as they feel inside do the priestexes of the Silent One grieve their dead… The dissonance resolves into a more traditional chord; the voices finish in something still sad, but more at peace.” --This is the song I’ve imagined in this spot from the moment that session ended. While it isn’t really a mournful song, there was never going to be another one that fit this part better in my head.)
Latin Choral Piece
Can’t Go Back - The Crane Wives (The ever present mantra, it’s not fair. It’s not fair because this was my home too, and my friend too, and no you don’t get to kick me out of my own home, I won’t leave. Except you do, and you do.) 
Cause you can’t go back, darling The time has come for moving on You can’t be always trying to dig up What you’ve already buried You’ve got to carry carry carry on
Prelude - Tessa Violet (A song for Nora. For two people with walls they haven’t fully broken down. A song for wanting to know more about who a person is behind the things a person does. A song for offering friendship, and a song for hesitance that is hard to get past.) 
I’m insecure Of that I’m sure Don’t need a counselor or seminar to see And even when it’s only you and me There seems to be Somethin’ that you keep behind your teeth
The Loneliness Waltz - The Ballroom Thieves (A song for Raye. For two people in the same boat, even when the oceans are different. A song for wanting other people to want you so badly that you never quite learn to stop giving yourself to people who are not paying attention. A song for picking yourself up again and again anyways.)
We are frivolous with our hearts Watch them bend till they break Then we pick up the parts Yeah, we give, we take We save and condemn And we live just to love again
We’re Not Different - Lo-Fang (A song for Yani Shae. For the weird sensation of looking at a person, and feeling like you’re looking at a distorted mirror. The same but different. Different but the same. I have a lot of thoughts about Yani and Marin and the act of having faith in a deity that is all about random chance, but that’s a whole other post.) 
You look at me but don’t see what I see I’m different But we’re not different Take this plant To feel how I feel Now we’re different But we’re not different Not so different
Leviathan - Dirt Poor Robins (World Eater Vibes- Adara Style. Tbh, the song I wanted to put here wasn’t on spotify, so this was the next best choice. A song for an entity that is threatening all of reality, but no one has ever seen it, and also you only really know it exists because your parallel universe selves told you it did. A song for world destruction as a ticking time bomb with a broken read out.) 
Here I lie in the dark and deep For a thousand years I’ve been asleep Far removed from the walls that rage Undisturbed by the earthquakes And I wait, I wait
Saint Bernard - Lincoln (A song about faith, and about losing it, and finding it, and losing it, and keeping it, and knowing that you’ll never really be able to extract it from yourself without cutting out a vital part of yourself. Marin is struggling with the loss of her home, but even more so with this loss of purpose. She’s just pushing forward and hoping for something to grab onto again.) 
I said “Make me love myself, so that I might love you” Don’t make me a liar, ‘cause I swear to God When I said it, I thought it was true 
In Darkness - Lowland Hum (A song for parallel universes, for someone who is very much the same, but also so different)
Forest of my mind Calm and slow and know comfort of the darkness Knowing you I am more myself but not a self I know; One from somewhere else
Guiltless - Dodie (I have a lot of thoughts about Mattie and their family, and the worries that come with growing up in an environment that is not affirming of who you are and that upholds the status quo to a fault. How do you figure out what parts of you are really you, and what parts are the ones you need to let go or outgrow?)
Oh but I’m not bitter, I’m just tired No use getting angry at the way that you’re wired And I could never let you know (Ooh, you’d never get it) And now I’m the one who can’t let go (Ooh don’t say it’s genetic)
The Hymn of Acxiom - Vienna Teng (A song for being cursed, and the ever present inkling that you are not quite alone in your own head. A song for being cursed, and abruptly understanding in the most gut wrenching way that you are absolutely not alone in your own head, not one bit.) 
Somebody hears you. You know that. You know that. Somebody hears you. You know that inside. Someone is learning the colors of all your moods, to (Say the right thing and) show that you’re understood
Nox Aurumque - Eric Whitacre (I cheated a little bit on this one and used a different composer, albeit still a Latin choral piece. I liked that this piece had an eeriness to it that contrasted with the lighter nature of O Magnum Mysterium. Also the title translates to Night and Gold, which seemed fitting.) 
Latin Choral Piece
Curses - The Crane Wives (The world eater is the one that burns, but their walls are still unstable. Will their friends still be here when the walls burn down? They hope so.) 
Every word I say is kindling But the smoke clears when you’re around Won’t you stay with me, my darling When my walls start burning down, down, down? 
Honest - Tessa Violet (A song for Sheridan. A song for two people who just want to be wanted, who have problems with self sacrifice, and who are learning that you need to lean on other people. It’s okay, their shoulder is here.) 
Here’s the truth My strength ain’t bein’ honest I mostly work from wanting to be wanted And if there’s somethin’ else, well I don’t know if I got it, got it And come the night, I’m never really solid
Trouble - The Ballroom Thieves (A song for Raleigh. For two people who can’t stop getting into trouble with each other. In many ways the two are complete opposites, but in another life they might not have been so different. For the boy who welcomes trouble with the smile of an old friend.) 
I’m terrified of my heart Its hunger for whatever it may want The way it stops and starts Yeah it may saunter into war Trouble doesn’t keep a civil score
Silver Peak - Lo-Fang (A song for Lukas. It took me ages to decide on one for him, and I’m still not totally happy with this choice. I feel like it captures the danger that his helping our party has put him in though, and the frenetic energy of everything that went down during the cult ceremony. I am so sorry that you got sucked into this world eater and blood hunter stuff. You’re a cool dude, and thank you again for the fork.) 
But Never a Key - Dirt Poor Robins (World Eater Vibes- Aillgate Style. It’s all about the fire imagery baby. And the imagery of someone slowly coming undone at the seams. A song for the slow ascent of a burning god that could unravel all of reality. A song for not being sure how to stop this yet. A song for being afraid of losing control of your body and mind again. Also that good good warlock shit.) 
You’re wound up too tightly  So frayed and unsightly  Pulling on your own strings You’re unraveling How can a cure now be found? With no outside threat Just a fire in your chest And you’re melting All over everything 
How I Survived Bobby Mackey’s Personal Hell - Lincoln (This song isn’t quite perfect, but the frenetic energy of it feels really right, especially in the aftermath of the cult ceremony. Mattie is looking for answers, but they’re also just looking for distraction. And control. Some control over these magic powers they suddenly have access too would be great too. A song for anxious waiting.)  
Nothing says I miss you quite like “I’m running out of time” Nothing says I hate you now like Getting sweat stains on a knife I am killing time with a razor blade
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