#yaz: dont be a bitch
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 8 months ago
dan having been witness to the trainwreck that is thasmin for the past 4ish years, being confronted with 15 flirting with him and desperately trying to remind himself of the trainwreck hes been witnessing for the past 4ish years
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frogmascquerade · 2 years ago
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keyofradiance · 2 years ago
Tell me about your blorbos 🫡
well ok
blorbos you know:
k¡ana kas|ana - you know her, you love her, youve definitely heard me freak the hell out bc of her, i would talk more if not being scared about spoiling you
raid3n mei - see above
ruby r0se - SHAKING HER LIKE A DOG TOY SHAKING HER LIKE A DOG TOY SHAKI- god i love her earnest protagonist-ness im so worried for her please stay happy im so so scared for her. if not uhh give her a hug and good long fucking nap where nothing bad happens when she wakes up
raiden 3i - by gods (her) does this bitch have trauma glad she got her therapy arc. also the song "2 bed 2 bath (and a ghost)" by bug hunter is so her to me..
blorbos i dont think you know
satsuk¡ minazuki - i still cant get over predicting a major thing for her character before it got revealed in canon. thats how you do foreshadowing right!! worlds most autistic corpse seer ever. im actually gonna recommend her manga (liar satsuki can see death / usotsuki satsuki wa shi ga mieru) to you (and anyone else) if you think you can handle the gore
ya$mina fadoula - i cant form coherent thoughts on her right now outside of my analysis so: "and yaz is pretty implied to have had trouble in her friendships (eye of the storm and evasive action exemplify it pretty good imo), and these repeated failures in friendship that adhd can provide. this would also give reasons to why she seems to have given up on friendship by the time she starts the series (because, well, with untreated adhd nothing is going to change, especially when you dont know what is wrong) and why yaz is so stressed about abandonment. its because this would provide a traumatizing pattern (meet someone > something wrong with me > they leave > repeat). this would be worsened by rejection sensitive dysphoria, the really fun thing where you feel debilitating emotional pain over perceived rejection or criticism. with the combined power of RSD, worsening abandonment issues, and general adhd emotional dysregulation, it would make sense for yaz to give up on friends because of adhd."
kat3lyn the firefi$t - shes honestly like half the reason i keep rewatching m/cd. shes blue hair bi and has prns. also obsessed with her character. like yes girlll tell me why you stayed with the jury even tho you hate it. yes go to a new lord and follow her like you did before. obvs shes following the protag now so its not really something she has a reason to worry but its so interesting how she follows them both. also knight/lord romance makes my brain fry and go haywire
heath blind - monster girl...
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730hcck · 2 years ago
[ @itsyazmin ]
contact: yaz ✨
( sent ): i’n drunk, only god knniws wjere i aum, i htink im either e;thinkgin toi hard or ium having a heat struhjoke andn i known i fucked up
( sent ): i fucjed up the nonent the words left my mourh when you came uo to talk to me in the ljen fir the batgriom nad i mase youi wlak away grom me
( sent ): i fucke f uo the moment i didn’t just ask yiu to the party
( sent ): it was going tk be after my match on wednesday
( sent ): we were jb fhe trainers, rnemeber?
( sent ): i wa sholding ur habd, u were hilding uo an ice oakc ti me
( sent ): but when i nws gonna do it, you alreaydv said someone ekse asked yiu
( sent ): but that’s not reh inly time i fucked up
( sent ): i fucjmed up when j djdn’t kiss you at the mall
( sent ): wheb you grabbed my chin and yurned my head when j was lookjgn at us ib the mirror
( sent ): i shoudka kissed you an dtokd you nkt to go to the psrty with dom
( sent ): and be my date instemmmmed
( sent ): or at the djne r
( sent ): at ass o’clock in the mkrnjng - waking up early eveb though i’m nkt a morning person bc i didn’t wan tt o miss out on breakfast wirh you
( sent ): i shoild a just ignored that loud ass ugky ass bitch ass waitress who was far too happy on a morning
( sent ): or the nghtt at the club
( sent ): i dont remenber what happened after tbra asshole showed uo
( sent ): but j should have kissed you then
( sent ): at any point i shiudn shave kissed you
( sent ): ir that night i chdkdled you
( sent ): when you turne dalrind and i soooned yiu
( sent ): i shoukd gav turned y around and kissed your worries away
( sent ): or maybe that very first not-date. battlebsip
( sent ): i shoukd ahve told you i don’t car e what haooens to ys in the future - whether you’d “ruin” me ot nkt
( sent ): becaus e thatms a risk i’n willing to take if it means i get to know you
( sent ): but we bith didn’t expect that i’d be the one to ruin you, huh?
( sent ): i’ve been wanting to kiss you since that very first night.
( sent ): i think about kissing you all the time.
( sent ): would you have let me kiss you? did you want me to kiss you all those times?
( sent ): i’m sorry i suck at being just friends with you
( sent ): i’m sorry i let my jealousy blind me and treat you like shit today - you’re free to be with whoever you want. i guess seeing dom calling you his date had fucjifn blindsided me kien crazy even thi i alreaydvjnew you were comjng with him
( sent ): coming because of him. becayse be asked you, nkt me. becays e im always nksising the timjngs ont ehse things and now i’ve lost you.
( sent ): imn sorry it toon me so long to accept my own feelings and huritbg yours in the orocess
( sent ): the fucking doubeld stabdsrds are crayz and imm dk sorry evvayse you don’t deserve shit ljen that and i shouldnnt have been jeakous in the first when all i do is think with my dicke
( sent ): i’ll leave u alroen now, i hust saw your posts in the dashb and it’s oretty obvjous you din’t want me aroudn anymore
( sent ): but jf you want tk talk, just look uo at the stars ans talk to them
( sent ): i’m looking up at the stars and telling them all about my favorite person
( sent ): all about you
( sent ): and how much better you deserve that a dude who can’t even recognize his nown feldkngs of jealousy and resorts to ebeing a dickhead
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captain-noir · 2 years ago
just because its 'gothic' doesnt mean abuse is required in a ship. yall like to use that to justify all the problematic stuff its so transparent
ah yes the gothic genre famously devoid of abuse or incest or 'problematic' elements. its ok to admit this isnt a genre you can stomach instead of spewing your sick all over my askbox. i dont expect murder in my serial killer show. i dont expect romance in my romcom. you catching my drift, no?
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milfgwen · 3 years ago
"i want to tell you everything" thirteen equivalent of saying i love you. love wins you guys
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necronymie · 5 years ago
julian chase🤝me
loving miranda
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brilliantfantasticgeronimo · 10 months ago
the giggle - thoughts and reactions (part 2/2)
obsessed with how much attention donna pays to the recap... ("is all of this true?" well there's some nuances donna but yeah pretty much lol)
"by a bird(????????)" favorite delivery of all time
yoo i saw gifsets of this scene and was sad they skipped 13 era but they DONT skip 13's era dfsklj (And listen im thasmin-truther thru and thru but flux IS more of a proper, affecting trauma than like, the doctor being a fuckboi for the 60th time skdlfjkdl) once again fandom was making a fuss about nothing ugh
the doctor's subtle shift+close-up when it comes to bill's bit in ze recap........... too soon
they contractually needed an scene where nph could show his card-playing magician chops hehe
"i made every opinion supreme. they shout and they type and they cancel. that's the game of the 21st century" ur brain on liberalism/idealist philosophy
"and u know full well we're both elderitch horrors" was such a sexy comeback lol
("doctor, the doctor, fun")
"we can be celestial" ok we didnt need to remember *that* about the toymaker, rtd :/
handmeidens .… interesting insult choice....
"every single one of you is fantastic" iidk mel i have my reservations about twin dilemma!six...
bi-generation is supposed to be a myth ... myht myth myth... EYES EMOJI. BLURRED EYES EMOJI.,!!!!! SALT. THIS ONLY HAPPENED BECAUSE OF THE SALT. (screams into the night)
"i think you're beautiful" "*still* beautiful" obsessed w/ it. yes 14 you’re still a beautiful woman probably.
"i’ll have medows of doctors dying over and over again" he’s just a whump fic writer. Let him be. Toymaker just #tag your shit and everything is OK.
HE SHRANK THE GUARDIANS INTO VODOO DOLLS sdlkfjd rip the funky birds!!!!
you loved rose and river AND YAZ!!!!. damn they SHOULD have put yaz there. it would have Worked so damn well with the themes of this special ghgh and would have actually delivered the point that 14 “says things like that now”. And would have connected all the arcs so well aghghghg.
Lol 15 trying bludgeon 14…. me when [the self-hate] (also // to donna’s "this is so therapeutic!")
but this is what i get... my reward... and is not fair
mmm… dr who is a tv show fuel → the toymaker gets “banished” from this reality… and he gets flattened .... like it is rn if u watch the episode. u are looking at a flat image of NPH...
“you do it day by day”... i cry (“that would drive me mad” let's hope fourteen's life doesn't go the way of The Hours (2002) directed by Stephen Daldry lol)
“my reward.... to come home” t.t aaaaaa mi fine IM FINE
a tardis that regenerates in the second act WILL bi-regenerate in third act
people were so mad that they didnt make it about change.... well yeah it wasnt about change. it was about rehab
if we see a tardis w/o the jukebox, that's not me (we don't see it...)
"you werent gonna leave without saying goodbye, were you?" "as if i would ever do that" (translation: damn, u saw what i was gonna do)
"good luck" (translation: bitch go collect NEW TRAUMA away from me)
the evil step mother dslkfjk
ching out for fandom 2 mine all the Gen Fic possible out of this situation for years to come. Peace.
oh boy. dskflj let's separate it by points, I'm Eager To Soapbox tonite...
this was a success for me in ways the star beast wasn't. there’s so much Food in this one. "to come home" "maybe i will save you", etc etc etc etc. It feels like it draws a close to 10 and Donna’s story... but not really bc “the story never ends”....aka: Fandom the ball is now in ur court, the ground is Fertile for us to produce decades upon decades of Gen Fic (and they even get a TARDIS a la deleted tentoo scene! so we aren't even confined to domestic stuff only!!!) it is our time to Feast. Merry Christmas and God Bless Us All <3
ON MESSAGING: This episode is, at the very least, made up of 2 hats: the first hat is " toymaker outfoxing The Dr." (no complaints in this), and the hat inside that hat is: “humanity going mad and being The Problem” ... this was good enough to be its own hat. but it is kinda forgotten? If this were a normal season I feel that would have been a full episode where we would feel the implications of it . maybe then I would respect it more as a Political Message / Social Criticism bc rn it feels very eye roll lib core / basic af... to Elaborate:
this is what prejudice works like only if u have no understanding of material conditions. "why are people so prejudiced? BC they're afraid and mad! their fear of the new makes them lash out!!!!" sure. but the reason *that's* dangerous is not bc suddenly everyone will start rowing on the streets, is bc 1% of ppl get *benefits* from this line of thinking. prejudices are not actually "born" out of "fear" and "madness" but are *carefully, intentionally constructucted and/or encouraged* by the dominant class)
(Meiners wasn't an "irrational" person, he was being /quite/ rational in furthering scientific racism …… germany's wealth came from exploiting nigeria, togo, rwanda.… meiners own wealth came from that. Slavery *is* logical if you’re an slaverer. Pretending it isn’t leads u to pointless things like trying to “argue” against socdems in power to further refugee rights… they don’t care. They are doing it because it benefits them. It isn’t a “flaw” in the system, it’s the system working as intended).
(so like, yeah this is a ~validating and ~poignant commentary to watch if u are a ~liberal (tr: center-right person) who wants to believe they're superior to conservatives (extreme right person), but it's... not actually an astute or meaningful reading of the political zeitgeist)
so yeah. that plot fumbled imo and my hope now is with the upcoming Kate and PM story we can go harder on "Dealing With The Zeitgeist" and maybe redeem this in the process. we shall see...
On The Big Controversy:
Bigeneration rlly rlly works for me ... tbh On a couple levels… first, the mechanical: the doctor after TTC has been thoroughly portrayed as a Weird Thing more than any other time recently. Ppl used to joke about “elderitch horror” doctor before but now it feels like… way more real. The Doctor is really fucking weird !! so having them split like a cell? To survive? Yeah to me that feels like a very “yeah, this might as well happen”. After The Regeneration Limit has been throughout Debunked in-universe, it follows that we would question... just how much life is there in this fucking guy??? well, too much to be contained in one body, babes!
SO, that’s the mechanical level… but on the emotional level? I love it even more. The thing to understand is that... in this story, regeneration is *not* a device for telling a story about “accepting change” (that’s been done, lbr, more than enough times before). Here, it is actually doing a new thing for The Show: it is telling a story about “the journey of Healing” (hopefully, the first step in a very long Journey focused on that). 15 holding 14, embracing him… that’s just, well, it's moving man. 14 is a mess and 15 from what I’ve seen is Fucked Up In Brand New Ways… but here, in this moment, at least they’re starting to show a little bit of self-compassion. That’s one of the hardest things there is man, and for a character that has gone thru sm Grief and sm Trauma and shown so much downright self-destruction, self-sabotage, season after season after season… (literally saying ‘no’ to Yaz the day before for (reasons)!!!)…. And like, going against every other “the doctor can’t stand themeselves” character beat since The Power Of Tree (which I love don’t get me wrong but!! it's always had Implications!!)!!! ... well... It’s truly hopeful. It’s relatable. It’s beautiful. I'm sorry some dw fans are so tired of DT that they truly are missing out on something Monumental for the show / the character in general. That leads us to... ON THE TRANSITION FROM 13'S ERA
I also feel ngl fandom seriously worries about such… unimportant things all the time. “oh but having a DT with a tardis out there MIGHT make people think Ncuti isn’t legitimate!!!!” bro every other white doctor was already out there having adventures in the TARDIS every other week. Ppl who don't consider 13 or 14 as legitimate were already doing that by refusing to watch the show and sticking to the watching the 40+ seasons of white males as leads that are literally a click away. Like I’m sorry to bring up old fanwank but sdklfjsd god, honestly that was such a bizarre, intangible worry to have. When u actually watch the special w/o all these marketting worries... They very much …… don’t forget 13 in these specials . in fact it’s quite the opposite sdklf to get a true Understanding of all the layers going on in 14’s arc, 13’s story are p much requisite viewing. and I'm a flux Enjoyer thru and thru but c'mon, we all talked about how the resolution was fumbled sdlkfjsd it's Good that they are doing the fallout of 13 committing a triple genocide now!!! these specials actually elevated flux, not the opposite.
That said... god, they really should have mentioned Yaz there at the end in that "we loved her" bit re: Rose/River... I don’t know, it feels so glaring? if you didn't want to alienate the normies, why mention flux and (all the 32408 mentions of lore) in this? mentioning yaz seems so less dangerou in that case. idk. perhaps it was On Purpose and The Shoe Will Drop at some point with 15 (RTD is after all the man who gave us canon Nyssa/Tegan when he really didn’t Have To At All lol this guy would make all the companions gay if he could), but rn it’s like :/ thumbs down on that. CONCLUSIONS TO THE CONCLUSIONS
just great "big event" dr who tbh! flawed and with some things that annoyed me but also with enough stuff to send me out to do/read fanworks for the next 15 years lol . nph annoys me sometimes but toymaker was perfectly done. lots and lots of character and lore implications to make me break the tumblr post character limit. execution wise... the effects were great and the set pieces really worked. messaging as i said was weak, tho like with the lack of enough Shirley+Kate+Mel+Rose development, knowing what we know from BTS news ... this is gonna be re-treaded ground again in a few weeks, so.. we'll see if this improves (or gets worse lol). watch this space~
the giggle - thoughts and reactions (part 1/2)
fourteen breaking up from the dance- w/ the toymaker-> "do you see why i broke with him?"
kate going to hug fourteen feels very appropriate sdlkfj kate is like 14 aka barerly holding it together lol distincly not Having Had A Good time for a while. Esp avoiding any serpents...she’s just 1 scandal away from a malcolm tucker "this job has fucked me in every hole of my fucking body" meltdown")
"no change then, there" rtd making all his rtd1 era political subtext into text lol
oh…. so kate is just 1 mind-funker away from becoming an immigrant-hating, disabled-hater, bravermanish AnCapp ........................ interesting to know (put a pin on that tbh. I feel we may finally get the antagonist!kate of our dreams (my dreams) in this era)
shirley being so "is it offensive? Well, borderline..." and "absolutely no need" and "don't make me the problem" feels kinda like... "oh we can have a have a badass disabled character but she can't actually impose herself or be an inconvinience in any way" ://
like damn in that exchange with kate, just have a "we'll talk about it later" line. From a non-political / strictly narrative-pov, that would give us a bit of a flavor for their relationship as well.
"can't you give everyone a mask?" "imagine trying that" the thing is. russel.......... they did very much give everyone a mask, DSFKLJ like *some* made a big noise and sure it's alarming for "what that means" but like... most ppl did in fact mask up sldfkj that was a very significant thing that happened, in fact.........)
the old archengel network~~
CANON WEST END MELANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rtd taking "but no one watches television anymore!" people and giving them the middle finger <3 iconic
nah we were already mad dr. you're not that important
"that's righteusness! that's human!" but let us seeeee the effect. same problem as the first special. we're too much in the doctor's pov. let me see the *outside world* pov. rtd1 used to be so good with this :/
"you have my permission" autocracy? in MY dr. who? is more likely than u think
(what separates 14 from 10 is that like.... 11-12-13... they could all be quite ruthless, but those post-10 doctors didnt waste time with bs. they just Get On with the autocracy w/ no pretenses lol) (it's growth (tm) but at the same time........... oh, yeah, we're on a waters of marsy / ghost light-y path lol)
"hello" "hi" T.T so cute!!! i love them
"good old sabolom glitz" what an oxymoron lol
"I've got nothing. My family are all gone" oof. timeless child parallelsssss
also melanie if u want a family u just need to adopt a bunch of orphaned, supernaturally-enhanced teenagers. it worked for SJ!!!
kate WILL hire all your ex-girlfriends doctor and there's nothing u can do to stop her
"all this time and you didn't mentioned her" i mean tbf. i love melanie but .not mentioning sj *is* more alarming than not mentioning melanie sdlkfjsdklfjsd
"you're wearing yourself out" YEAH THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING
companions marathoning doctor who thru the doctor's head is always so clara coded
we can't have 10.000 …….. but we can have this “the first man picked up a rock” monologue.
(tbh actually......... i always thought it was very fitting for The Story of dr. who that the very first serial and is a historical about "the day friendship was invented" , so them invoking that rn feels very fitting. The toymaker, as a the Doctor’s Fun House Mirror Of The Day reframes that day (that story) as the day *murder* was invented. )
thie flashbacks make the toymaker serial look so much better than it is lol the land of stories serial >>> toymaker serial
"you never tell me to do that" he does actually jjkjkkklk all the time.......
"that's what unravels me, all the laws I cling to, gone" for The Theme…. → overcoming trauma is about accepting the irationality and injustice of it happening. It’s necessitates accepting that life can be fundamentally Unbalanced and not Karmic.
this ep is fun but is like.... idk some of 14's speeches here. Him being so clear-headed… it feels bit gratuitous? Unearned? this "im always so certain" as well... which *shouldnt feel like that* since we've had 13 seasons (40+ seasons*) of development before this. but idk it still feels like... too much too sudden?
"take away the toys... what am i? what am i now?" the kids aren't all right.mp3
maybe i'll save u!!! aaaaa TOT
(for all the talk about "i say things like that now" the doctor doesn't actually says she loves donna *to* her face here...)
“games don’t have a memory, every game starts from scratch” tbh that’s what watching the show is like sometimes lol even for us ~reconcile everything~folks… at some point u do gotta take each week as its own thing.
the giggle in my head………… // the drumming…?
lol the "i thought i was clever" puppetry imaginery and the twisting of the ten-era"help me" motif.. c'mon toymaker is just ur avarage fan fiction writer. u are valid my dude!! join AO3!!!
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 3 years ago
do you think 13 played dumb on purpose in 11x4 with yaz’s mother “i dont think so” to make it plausible she never realised yaz’s crush?
i dont know how suspicious to be of 13, what she genuinely doesnt know, what shes pretending she doesnt, but i think in general she knows more than people expect and i think that includes me. i think the lies go deeper than you think.
because you can see her decide to lie in that scene at the end of 11x1 when yaz asks “have you got family?” she decides on her first lie there, and then shes kinda dug her grave already because she didnt think she’d be around these people for much longer. so that was a fine decision if not for the fact that they did hang around for much longer and she never really managed to get out of that grave she dug
and she for sure knows at the end of this episode right? because yaz is all hearteyes. so it might be fair to assume she has suspicions or fears before the end of 11x4. maybe not that she knows yaz has a crush on her but that she knows it could turn into that if she lets it follow the pattern we’ve seen with rose and martha and clara
so do you think she did this on purpose? “i dont think so”. ‘im oblivious to these things. i dont notice when people like me. i wouldnt know romance if it hit me in the face. whos morales?’
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venusiangguk · 4 years ago
ok. i finished 10 minutes ago and needed a break. prepare for a long message miss stella 🙂
ok but when oc was kinda sad she wasn’t invited i wanted to cry because i get so immersed into the story i forget nari isn’t hers. it’s just cause she’s so amazing to nari that i forget :/ and it’s hard for me to accept she’s not oc and jk’s baby. anyways.
the ASS EATING STELLA. u went in and i’m so happy for that. wait i need to appreciate this snippet:
“As your tongue works over him, he chants over and over again, tells you how hot you look, how good your mouth feels, how wants you to keep going. It’s when you point your tongue a little, just barely pressing into his rim that his hand goes to the back of your head.
He holds your face to his ass, pushes you into him as he melts into the chair, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths that lilt up at the end.
“Good girl,” Jeongguk moans, his eyes blinking open hazily as he looks down at you again.”
hELP BUT WHEN SHE SAID DADDY AND HE WAS LIKE “no🤨” I SCREAMED … the sir kink i gotta go. let’s not forget how oc was CRYING from the jock. she was so overwhelmed, there was so much happening. like the way u were adding in the little thoughts where we could tell love was brewing 😞 oh and i need to mention him holding her up cause she was completely fucked out… yeah
wait before i get to the hard part, I WANNA SAY JK HAVING A LITTLE AREA FOR NARI WITH A DANCE BAR 😭 sobbing rn
…. ok
now onto the madness.
i just knew nari’s mom was gonna be at the door. like if she wasn’t u would’ve been like “you paid the delivery guy quickly and walked to the kitchen” but the way you were processing every second before oc opened the door.. i just KNEW.
the AWKWARDNESS. we all know oc is gorgeous but we’ve all been there where we meet someone important and we don’t look our best and we’re sCREAMING inside. now oc didn’t seem to care besides the fact she was in jk’s shirt and it was painfully obvious they just fucked (wait i wish oc was like “bitch i ate his ass bet u never did before” ok let me stop)
we all knew dasom was gonna be THAT mom. hardworking, intimidating, classy, beautiful, JUDGEMENTAL. and whilst reading i was angry…quite PISSED OFF i will admit, BUT the more u think about it.. yeah imagine taking your daughter to your ex’s house and seeing a beautiful young woman in a your ex husbands shirt and your daughter reaching for her… what would u do? i’d be petty. so yeah can i blame her? no.
but i still wanted to punch her in the fucking face. like i have a strong hate for her but i also don’t?? it bothers me that her and jk thought having a baby would fix everything. at least they’re both amazing parents. nari’s speech issues hurt me sm. i could feel gguk’s worry. and ngl i felt for dasom when she cried. but also GET OUT OF HERE CUNT!! (i’m bipolar when it comes to her sorry 😁)
but i am mad at gguk for not defending oc. i know he was kinda in shock from the questions about “are u committing to her” but it made me upset. maybe cause i’ve been in that situation. and having someone u care about NOT defend u fucking hurts. a guy did the same to me with his ex. i get it’s a different situation tho, my ex wasnt a hot sexy rich carrying dilf… 
but this is stressful because i understand both sides. i don’t think i’d want to become a stepmom at 22. no matter how much i loved someone and their kid. this is hard for me to say but, i for once would be okay with them not ending up together. (i say this now but if they don’t i’ll be kicking n crying on the floor cussing u out)…. this is totally different than icrlr because here we have both sides communicating their feelings and concerns.
and they are both in COMPLETELY different parts of their life. it hurts.. so bad to say but maybe they aren’t meant to be together.
damn stella you’ve broken me. i’m actually wishing for them to part. look what you’ve done to me 🙂
now i’m not saying i’d be mad if they end up together, but i feel like if they don’t, it makes sense.
but iF THEY DONT POOR NARI WILL MISS HER. oh speaking of nari and oc… the part where she was holding her face while crying i- 😭 ur evil for that. babies r so precious. i’m done. and THE NARWHAL NOOOO 🙁
well i feel like i touched on everything i can remember. i’m sure more will come to mind after some re-reads. thank u my lovely stella, for the lengthy update. 💖💖
(but damn u cant put me thru the ringer like this … my feelings are so fucked up rn)
ahhhh yaz <33 ur reviews always make me sooo happy <333
i too forget that nari isn't oc's sometimes :( (or like i choose to forget about her mom lmao) she and nari have such a special bond </3
yes the ass eating 😤 and yeah okay, when he was pushing her into him i had to pause and like... think about my choices bc something activates me when jk gets so into it 🥴 im glad u liked it, love writing ass eating <3 jk really was like 'no daddy kink ever 🙅🏻' LMAO i feel like this smut was one of their more passionate times, they both were so into it n <33
ur exactly right about the kind of mom dasom is LOL and ur also right about how she reacted, like i feel like i would have definitely acted similarly, if not more petty 😭 but yeah she was kinda bitchy and didn't have to express herself that way. and when they were talking about nari, i really wanted to show dasom isn't a bad mom, and they she LOVES nari... like she's the antagonist but she's not a villain, i wanted her to be very human. (i kinda have a soft spot for her tbh)
it really is so hard because everyones emotions are valid. i know some people will pick sides, but i as the writer understand the motives of everyone a little better so i have a difficult time, although i can understand the flaws in each characters thinking process lol. they have a lot to think about and work through </33
thank u so much for reading and for taking the time to send me this like u have no idea how much i look forward to reading what u think about my stuff, ur opinion is valuable to me friend <33
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thejugheadparadox · 3 years ago
why are you upset about the doctor and yaz getting together? /gen
basicalllyyyyy im a massive nerd and i was raised on classic doctor who, something that gave me an aggressive aversion to the doctor/companion relationship trope as was introduced by tenrose and in my personal annoying little opinion has broadly harmed the show. they might well be good standalone romances (this one isnt tho! its incredibly rushed and uncompelling. i think!) but theyve set a tired tired tired precedent that means this will happen with EVERY fucking companion and they'll rarely be different - as they were to some extent in classic who. we sort of got that in bill but even she had to specifically articulate why it was she hadnt fallen in love with the doctor in a really weird out of place display of lampshading that makes me feel murderous.
also the doctor is immortal and thousands of years old and the women who fall in love with them are almost always in their 20s but thats its own kettle of fish lol.. absolutely the specifics of the issues w that dynamic are different when its two women but any of that is cancelled out by the fact this isnt even a well written romance. it felt clunkily inserted into that episode and i dont have any faith in the writers to execute it well in future ones. i am as it is really hoping theyre not going to get together and it will be unrequited.. i dont know man. partly im just a massive bitch and i #likewhatilike. DOCTOR WHO WAS AS GOOD A SHOW WHEN THEY WERENT DOING THIS! IT DOESNT NEED THIS SHIT!
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thoschei-rights · 5 years ago
Season 12 but The Master kept pretending to be O??
Basically self-indulgent Thoschei with a twist.
lots of typos bc?? i aint got time to go correct stuff yet? I will later?? 
So Spyfall is resolved, The Kasaavin are banished back to their realm and the Fam and Doctor are clueless as to the true mastermind, Barton taking the fall while the Master continues to pose ad O, having decided he’s enjoying the game of tricking her too much.
Perhaps among their texts they’ve grown close, or perhaps the brief time together in the outback led to events?? ;) But either way, he changes his mind mid plan and continues to act human.
Since he never leaves the message or has the confrontation in Paris, the doctor remains unaware of Gallifrey’s destruction. The fam wait off on asking their questions since she isn’t off with them.
Orphan 55 happens, and while the fam go do their shit, O stays with the Doctor bc admit it, she was like oh ;-; when everyone went to explore. My poor baby. So they hang out together before everything goes to shit, how cute?? Things get resolved, but with the revelation of one of earth’s potential fates, and the potential that the doctor lied about knowing, the fam decide to ask to know more about her. She shares what she believes its true at the time, being born on gallifrey and being a timelord, O looms in the background looking awkward bc he knows none of that is true and he feels horrible keeping the truth from her, it makes him as bad as the rest of the time lords- but he is selfish and he doesn’t want to stop what he’s doing, he’s started to really enjoy her company, its everything he’s ever wanted, every star.
And then it’s ruined when Yaz asks to see her own planet. Blissfully unaware of its destruction, she takes them, and so they’re right there with her when she sees, opens the doors to the rubble, the dying flames- and oh god. The fam are horrified, she’s horrified, O has to fake it, while being utterly glad those nasties are dead- maybe he gets to sneakily comfort hug her??? like she’s trying not to tear up even after that whole shit show of the confession dial, it was her home??so yeah he’s like hugging her but he’s so angry bc they dont deserve her tears?? 
The doctor is off after that, and the fam know why, and none of their words of comfort do much, because sure they’ve just witnessed the death of earth too but that is just one timeline, can be completely avoided, while gallifrey is gone forever, and she believes she’s once more the last of her kind. it hurts.
they visit tesla all the same, and when that big ass scorpion looking alien (bc im sorry i didnt like the episode and i’ve forgotten her name so....) mentions dead planets, she can feel the fam stiffen, as though the doctor is gonna blow at any minute, but she keeps calm, tries to bury the rage, but O can tell, can tell by the way her arms shake, hands clenched into fists in her pockets- and it hurts him to see her like this- the longer he spends around her, pretending to be someone he’s not, he’s just realizing more and more what a dumbass he is and that he’s still as in love with her now than he was all those years ago in the academy- none of the truth will change that-
and then boom the shit show with the judoon occurs and suddenly O is confused af because that Lee guy could ONLY have been him. Who else on gallifrey was stupid enough to hide out with the doctor, marry them and die for them?? him because he’s a dumbass? but he’s a dumbass who definitely doesnt remember this memories?? which theoretically in the doctors timeline should have been sometime after the division? or during? he’s not sure? but to his knowledge he shouldn’t have been alive at this stage? and now he’s not sure what the fuck HIS own life is too? did they take his memories from him too? has he lost part of his life? suddenly the truth doesnt seem as known as he thought- so while the doctor is reeling from the information of Ruth being her somehow? O is having his own mental crisis because what the fuck did they do to him too? what is he missing?? 
praxeus continues as similar as it did originally, O is only the tiniest impressed at Yaz, ever since Spyfall he’d sensed she was the human with the most potential to not be utterly worthless so he’s glad at least one of the doctors latest pets seems to have some initiative?? but yeah i dont wanna change much about praxeus? its not important- except the doctor saying she’s a romantic and the master wants that? wait what- he’s conflicted about his own thoughts? he wanted to break her, destroy her with the truth? but he also just wants to wrap her in his arms? make everything as okay as he can? what the fuck is even happening with him? jsut your usual ‘im a mess’ vibes lmao
when can you hear me? rolls around, it happens in a similar way, i dont wanna get to into it because i dont wanna think too much...the episode was weird, it was just weird-- i cant?? although maybe bc that zellin and the lady whose name i forgot...but they were immortal right?? maybe their species is the doctors species?? huh? huh? think about that- but don’t think too hard bc i hate that theory and i’m gonna pretend i never had that thought- lets just ignore can you hear me even though the end made me cry for yaz bc lol relatable sis, relatable. do whatever you want for this bit fam, idc.
Anyyyyyway. the bit I’m waiting for... Villa Diodati ;) O is ready to smack Byron round the face, fingers itching towards the tce everytime he tries to flirt with the doctor. the lone cyberman appears and wopdie doo earth is going to be destroyed and the doctor is about to do something stupid, thinking there is no other way? the master is like um lol change of plans i dont want the cybermen to win, look how in pain my baby theta is?? i gotta help?? oof? and idk, his patience is like nope all gone? and he whips out his TCE on the lone cyberman and boom. crisis averted? except now the doctor is looking at him in horror and shock and- she realizes who he is then and there, and normally he’d made a big drama out of his, throw in some words, a speech about how easy it was to deceive her, how he destroyed gallifrey- about how he was under her nose this whole time- but he doesn’t, instead he meets her gaze and can barely manage to whisper an “im sorry” and wow shit i wasn’t gonna write that version, i was gonna have feral confrontation but now im stanning a sad master who just needs a hug and some therapy because nothing makes sense, he thought he had everything figured out but he doesnt and he just wANTS HIS FRIEND BACK uiferkghlujkfaghjfkgladhfajkg; i m fine 
i dont know what i wanna do after this point? it could go a lot of different ways?? but thoschei rights bitches. could go angst confrontation and then she abandons him in whatever century that was set bc wow i studied frankenstein in school but i couldnt tell you what century the author is from bc im dumb? 18th? maybe idk that seems likely? or 19th? but anyway yeah or maybe she’s just relieved someone else is alive? or is she shouting for answers or?? i dunno.... but woop ??? 
wow this turned into a big mess but hopefully you can kinda see where i wanna head with things? after this he’d probably show her the truth? i dunno how that’d go down, but he’d be there with her?? But anyway, this idea is free for anyone to write, but holla us a link and I'll give yall a free promo at the end of this post!!
Versions of this that yall Lovelies have blessed us with:
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mwagneto · 4 years ago
I wrote like this long response to your Doctor x Rose thing but my Tumblr just blanked. Idk what happened. Anyway, I don't feel like typing anymore😤😤😤 But will just say, I'm not a fan of Doctor x Rose. Maybe I'm one of the exceptions. Eleven and River Song though 👌 Not cuz of "ship competition" reasons. Anyway what about you?
fuck im sorry it got deleted😭 and same, i Really dont like the doctor/rose, like. mainly coz she's still only like 22 when they get together but also idk it just never did it for me...... man i WOULD like the doctor x river so so fucking much if it wasn't written by moffat like jesus fuckinf christ they had sooo much potential and the concept makes me bonkers and river's first ep makes me cry like a bitch but i don't know......the actual story itself is just dripping with moffat too much for me to enjoy it but i love the idea of them
i think the only doctor ship i like is 10 and donna PLATONICALLY whom i love and 13/yaz😔 also the doctor/jack but not in a ship way but in a wow thinking abt how long jack spent pining after this man he thinks is basically god makes me crazy<3 way
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meldy-arts · 5 years ago
Theories and thoughts.
-Doctor who season 12. Episode 5.-
MAJOR spoilers below the cut 
Okay first off. I. LOVED. This episode. It's already become one of my favorites from Jodies Seasons. It was jam packed with so much GOOD. QUALITY. CONTENT. It is such a good middle season episode.
Jack's return had me, SCrEaMinG. We all knew someone would come back, but seeing him again just brought back a wave of memories. And the way he's just his same, horny ass bitch. Peak Captain Jack. 
The fam FINALLY. Started calling her out on her emotions, trying to dig deeper and get her to share. They're finally noticing she's NOT okay. And I live for that. Although, I DONT THINK ASKING HER LOTS OF QUESTIONS IS GOING TO HELP MUCH YAZ. Yaz seems to be being a little harsher when it comes to the questions and wanting answers. I suppose that's just her police training coming out. Or it could just be her worrying. Who knows?. ALSO, Seeing the Doctor snap at them is just, it's so out of character, but it's PERFECT for how she is right now. So lost, so scared, so alone. If only she juST TALKED TO HER FAM MAYBE THEY'D HELP HER THROUGH IT. 
Okay now onto the thing that confused me, and probably everyone else on this site. Two. Doctors.It was obvious that Ruth was the fugitive, but the reveal of her being the Doctor. THAT, Was a surprise. Especially when she told our Doctor that she didn't know her. SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? Is DoctorRuth from an alternate timeline?? An Alternate Universe??? If so. Does that mean an alternate galifray, an alternate Master??? Or is this another big part of the Timeless child plot line? It's all so confusing and I cannot wait to find where this leads.  
I'm not going to theorize to much because I just want to see where this goes. And I much prefer reading other peoples theories etc. 
RIGHT NEAR THE END. WHEN RYAN AND YAZ SAW THE DOCTOR COMING TOWARD THEM. SHE LOOKED. SO. HECKIN. BROKEN. AND YET YAZ AND RYAN SAID OR DID NOTHING. WAS THIS NOT A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY FOR THE TWO THE HUG THEIR DOCTOR. BUT NO. I am grump. Still, right at the end when Graham and Ryan started speaking about what the Doctor means to them etc. And the Doc was just speechless because of their words. So freakin soft. That really small little smile as she came back to reality. Sigh. The fam are so good for her, she just needs to share her emotions and what's happened to her home so they can help her through it. BECAUSE THEY CLEARLY CAN. 
 (Yaz snapping at the Doctor at the end though ~ BIT uncalled for seeing how broken the Doctor was at that point. But heck. Graham fixed it) ANYWAY. OVERALL. AN AMAZING AMAZING EPISODE. FULL OF CONFUSION, BUT SUCH GOOD CONTENT. I LIVE FOR IT.
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captain-noir · 2 years ago
iwtv twitter: "we care very deeply about louis as a victim of abuse, which is why we react with fury to any suggestion that he might have agency over his own life or choices. we wish to keep him swaddled away from the rest of the world where lestat, I mean we, can make sure he's safe. this is praxis."
asdnajsndasjnda the irony of getting a multifaceted black gay lead in a prestige show and the fandom working overtime to strip him of all nuance in an attempt to fight against antiblackness in fandom spaces!? like truly baffling how they reverse engineered the black fan experience and misapplied it to their own detriment. they're the opps! instead of producing art and fic and meta and fanvids they are too busy tilting at windmills and accusing the creators who crafted the definitive ldpdl and arguably one of the best protagonist of '22 of not liking/knowing the character like they do. the self-importance! the arrogance! say what you want about louis fans on this hellsite but they are CARRYING the fandom hard. those iwtv twitter girlies need to step away from their devices and relearn how to engange with stories without projecting onto them. theyre out here giving louis fans a bad rep omg its so embarrassing
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itwasmagic · 5 years ago
doctor who tag game
Tagged by: @sopheirion​ side note i’m not a hugee who stan just a casual watcher so i’m prob gonna have to leave some questions i dont know so for reference: i watched all of ten, some of eleven and the first season plus first 2 eps of the second season of thirteen (i have it all recorded im just... lazy)
Favourite Doctor: ten
Favourite Master: of the ones i’ve watched sacha dhawan but based on gifs missy bc i love michelle sooo mcuh she’s iconic in everything but on the other hand i gotta say i heard some bad things about his personal life but i met eric roberts at a con and he remembered me on the 2nd day when i went to get an autograph as a gift for someone which was really cool
Favourite Sonic: idk about fav but i think thirteens is my least fav i dont really know why but i did enjoy her scene making it
Favourite Companion: rose rose rose rose i’m not sorry for being a basic bitch i love her and my main memories of watching doctor who before my grandma passed was with her (but i’m loving yaz a lot too)
Favourite Story: idk about particular full length story but i loved the clockwork men episode
Favourite Soundtrack: 
Dream Actor for next Doctor: i have no idea can we just go wild and like throw billy porter in there or smthn bc iMAGINE the costumes the drama amazing or do we have an english actor like him idk we only have 5 actors???
Dream Composer: uhhh i love peter grundy but i dont think his work would fit the vibe
Dream Story: just let thirteen meet rose or river let them be in love give the wlw what we deserve
A Companion You’d like to see back: i always wish for rose but it’s been weird when she comes back before,,, maybe donna getting her memories back and not dying or anything bad?? otherwise i never got to watch bill so i’d like to see her
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: they did a werewolf so like can we do a werewolf/vampire war i love vampires just gimme vampires in everything
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: maybe thirteen bc gay reasons otherwise whichever one is the slowest runner bc im not a good runner i couldn’t keep up i’d be left for dead
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