#yas my androgynous queen
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#yas my androgynous queen#jojo's bizarre adventure#jjba#jjba part 5#dio brando#giorno giovanna#vento aureo#golden wind#mudad#stupid ass sketch for my mental health
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im veryyyyy much a lurker i do not put myslef "out there" alot(most of my asks r to my mutuals but im TRYING to het out of mh shell so...)
ANYWYAS HAI:3 uhhh one of ur uknighted dream/new dream kids looks reallh pretyy(i think its the oldest one idk hlp), BTW I LOVE emery but i wanna know more about the ukd kids, so like if u have the past posts u made about them or like... IDK HELP i just wanna know more aboutvtjem bcuz ive seen them a couple times and theyre really cutie☹️
also like i scream whenever you use she/her on hugo because YOU LITERALLY GET IT LIEK OMG🙏🙏🙏 i apologize this is very rambly but liek ur art is so sosososoososo pretty & ur hcs and aus and AUGH iys so GRASHSH, so like ya byebhue:33
All three of the ukd kids are GORGEOUS ngl so i assume you’re thinking of ilmari but i can’t rule out the twins either…..Eugene and raps have some good ass genes I’ll tell you that.
Also i’m glad people appreciate my feminization of hugo. I just she/her him by default atp i refuse to hide it any longer this is what the WOKE LEFT WANTS!!!!! He’s so androgynous it’s like if a man and a woman had a baby. I need to kick that f slur into the sun
Anyways…Ough….I HAVE been neglecting the ukd kids a lot lately though i hate to admit it. i love them just as much and i know what’s going on with them too… but the truth is their characters just didn’t “click” into place quite as well emery’s did i think
To be quite honest emery came to me in a vision. Like. “Eccentric cutesy teenage girl who reads bad smut and practices dubiously ethical medicine���. And that is the perfect archetype to me. Literally no notes. Ilmari and the twins on the other hand have….Taken a little longer to perfect. and ive had a LOT of people tell me they want to know more about them but i just haven’t gotten to it yet. Sometimes i wonder why emery is the fan favorite but then i remember i Barely talk about anyone else so. Oops
I have a pretty good idea of them now though i THINK? so i for SURE need to infodump AHSJSJDJFFG Ill put the rest of my more detailed thoughts below the cut uhhhh
Uhhh. Basically. Ryder is the golden child whos really expressive and energetic like raps but very anxious and neurotic. He’s honestly kind of the straight man of yhe group. Most people think it’s ilmari but this is Wrong. Eldest child syndrome despite being the middle child. Workaholic but he fucking hates his job. Stressed out 24/7 and hasn’t slept in 2 weeks. needs to be liked by EVERYONE or he will DIE.
Alina is the baby she’s kinda varian and cass core. Always in the shadow of ryder or ilmari, but shes had support where it matters, so she’s never really cared. She was the shy quiet kid growing up but now he is full of Rage. very clingy, headstrong and stubborn. Strong leader and always tries to take control but his older siblings dont rlly take him seriously. Kind of a smartass and a drama queen but specifically in an old hollywood detective kind of way
ilmari……quiet, blunt, dry and emotionally unavailable. Horse girl and the king of not giving a fuck. they’re a free spirit, and since they were the first to leave the nest theyre always just kinda Wandering. Doesn’t speak unless spoken to. They typically come off as very weird and unsettling, but they are very gentle and compassionate when it comes down to it, they’re just Bad at feelings. They’re silly i promise but they have that like dry ass adira ttpe humor.
I think one of the main reasons the twins are so hard for me to describe is bc i’ve failed to disclose their Main Gimmick, which is that they’re meant to start out as the the typical boy/girl twin trope— where ones shy, anxious and kinda nerdy, and the other one is charismatic, eccentric and extroverted— but by their teenage years, they’ve pretty much completely swapped in every regard: fashion sense and presentation, personality, mannerisms, etc.
they both have some core traits that are stuck to them for their entire lives, and are obviously still undeniably the same characters, but their overall archetypes kind of swap entirely.
as little kids, alina is the timid, reserved, kind of fluttershy-esque type, and is a bit more of the observant, logical “by-the-books” one. meanwhile ryder is the bouncy, outspoken wild child, to the point of being kind of ditzy and careless at times, but hes very emotional and has no trouble making his voice heard.
as they get older, though, alina, with a strong support system, is eventually able to find his voice and speak up for himself, and after years of being silent, he becomes kind of the rebel of the family. he’s intelligent, calculated, and very stubborn about what he believes in. plus, shes spent most of her life observing, so she has a very good understanding of whats going on around her- and a passion for leadership that’s reminiscent of cassandra’s. alina ends up being a very hardheaded, outspoken and emotional individual who’s eager to take a stand and is deeply afraid of being a burden on her loved ones, or worse, never accomplishing anything at all. She is also Soooo fucking angry like all the time and she NEEDS constant validation SO BAD or she will DIE. #Teenagerthings.
Meanwhile ryder, as coronas Golden Child, has the most pressure on him out of all the kids, and slowly becomes more anxious and closed off as he gets older. at his core he’s compassionate, creative, and kind of weird and snarky, but he gets lost in his own head very easily. he cares WAYYYYY too much what other people think of him and is 100% willing to just. Change and/or destroy himself to meet other peoples expectations. this is why he is a horrible choice for coronas heir and unfortunately, because hes REALLY good at masking, it takes everyone WAY TOO LONG to realize this. Even when he learns some decent coping mechanisms ryder always remains kind of a workaholic, neurotic and anxious person. Massive perfectionist also. he has ISSUES. 😭😭😭
the court: We’ve made the perfect heir for corona
rapunzel, gesturing to ryder: You fucked up my perfectly good kid is what you did!!!! Look at him!!!! He’s got anxiety!!!!!!
ILMARI!! ILMARI MY BABYGIRL!!!!!! Ilmaris honestly so so SO bad at feelings they are so distant but i swear they TRY THEIR BEST they just have AUTISM 😭🙏Unlike the twins ilmari doesn’t really have a huge change in character LOL…But i need to talk more about the trios dynamic, cuz they’re all VERY close especially when they were little. Once ilmaris traveling on their own, though, their relationship is a little more strained……..like i said ilmari is very much a wanderer, and they don’t write much either. Obviously they send like monthly letters to ukd out of obligation (cass and eugene especially get CRAZY paranoid otherwise…..) as well as some gifts to the family whenever they can but. Their letters highkey read like business emails LOL.
Ilmaris in a weird place where they do truly care about their family but like….They still feel a big disconnect from their identity and relationships in general. The emotional neglect from their birth mother and the autism have mixed together in the worst way possible and emotions are just never something they really Get.
I think especially in early adulthood they dont really have anywhere where they truly feel like they belong- So they kinda just fuck off to do whatever. They don’t see much of a need to communicate with anyone, mostly cuz i dont think it clicks in their head that people might Want to know about that stuff GAHAHAHAAHA
this is hard on ukd and the twins who end up feeling like mari just…. slips in and out of their lives so easily 💔 DO NOT FRET THOUGH!!!!! They do visit and they improve at communicating over time….their letters are still Corporate email core but they’re more frequent at least. And they eventually come back to corona for good to take over the library when var and hugo retire
Uhhhh I think thats it for rn this is kind of just me screaming incoherently but this ask has made me start working on a new art post abt the ukd kids FOR THE MASSES. 🤞🤞🤞🤞 i need you guys to understand my autistic brainwaves. Heres some incorrect quotes i did with them also cuz they’re sillyyyyyy

#tangled the series#rapunzels tangled adventure#tangled kids#alina#ryder#ilmari#pansy rambling again#tts headcanons#uknighted dream#unknighted dream#ukd kids#tangled ask#ask
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Lost Souls
Chapter Twelve
A young arial was on duty at a watchtower. He picked up a bow that had many scratches on it from usage. He drew an arrow to pull it back. “I am…” he lowered the bow and arrow, “so bored.” He groaned. “Don’t pout like that, this is all a part of your training and job.” A distant voice spoke, “Nothing ever happens, besides your tech has been making the monsters easier to deal with.” The arial said. He raked a hand through his auburn hair. “I’m tired of getting put on watch. I can’t even practice with this weather because I can’t see anything.” He gestured to the thunder storm that was happening. “Oh Aleksha, always rearing for an adventure.” The voice said. He rolled his chartreuse colored eyes. Leaning against the wall he rested his head on his hand, “Not an adventure, a shot to prove myself.” He chuckled at his own joke, “Did you come here to tell me something useful or are you just bored too?” He wondered. “I’m never bored. I sensed something close by and thought I’d let you know.” “What kind of something?” He said in a yawn. His ears perked up at the distant sound of a horse neighing. “I think you might be interested in checking it out.”
His grip on his bow tightened, “What was that?!” He exclaimed. “A horse.” The androgynous voice spoke matter of factly. Aleksha deadpanned, “Ya don’t say. What’s it doing here?” “Headed towards the pillars, it would seem.” He quirked a brow, “Are you always this helpful, Ruth?” “I’m not good at detecting sarcasm, so I can only assume I’m helping.” Aleksha sighed. “Sure, whatever. What should I do? At this rate they’ll enter the shield.” He could feel the voice shrug as it spoke up, “You’re the expert here.” He pursed his lips, “I’m not supposed to leave my post. I should shoot them from here.” The voice cheered. “Oh, most definitely! However…you may want to let that rider in safely.”
“If they can survive the Life Weaver…”
“The what?!”
“Oops, forgot to mention. It’s here too.”
Karissa leaned forward in the saddle and braced herself for if she fell off. The storm was finally passing but the threat was still there. A haze of smoke formed in front of the horse. “Halt.” Vhaerys ordered. The horse reared up in fright, successfully throwing Karissa off of its back. She groaned on the ground, her head was pounding. Through heavy eyes she watched Vhaerys kneel down beside her, “I’m sorry.” She feigned an apology. “I tried to do this in a more civilized way.” She reached out a bony hand but froze when Karissa spoke up. “Vhaerys…you’re the queen, aren’t you?” Karissa asked. “Unfortunately. And you have something that belongs to me.” Vhaerys laid a hand on Karissa’s forehead. “No.” She mumbled. Raising her hand, orange soul strings wrapped around them both. The shard also emitted electricity. “It’s mine, now.” Karissa breathed. Vhaerys leapt to her feet to get out of the way. “So you do need to give it up willingly.” Vhaerys grumbled.
Karissa pulled herself to her feet. Her breath felt ragged yet she’s never felt so…alive. Vhaerys’ face hardened, “What is it you want, Karissa? What are you looking for?” She interrogated. Karissa shared the same detested look, “I want my memories back. I want to know WHY I’m a stray.” Vhaerys faked a smile, “Of course! I can help you if you help me.” ‘You’re lying.’ Karissa wished to say but held her tongue. “Where are Wynter and Émeric? Did you kill them?” She asked instead. Now Vhaerys appeared bored, “Not yet. I won’t have to if you cooperate.” “I…can’t let you have this shard.” Karissa’s words faltered as she spoke.
Vhaerys took notice of the bags under her eyes. “It doesn’t seem like you have much of a choice. You can feel it, can’t you? How it feeds off of you. How long do you think you can last?”
“Be sensible.”
She pointed to the soul reaper’s arm, except now it appears as if lightning had struck it from the various scarring. Karissa’s eyes widened, she hadn’t felt any pain before so when did this happen?
“I wouldn’t have come here myself if I only wanted you kidnapped or killed.” She outstretched the arm that was holding her cane to let the raven land.
The piercing sound of an arrow being fired was the only warning as the arrow struck down the raven. Both of their faces shook with fright.
“Hey, your Majesty!” A young man’s voice mocked, “Up here!” Drawing her attention to the sky, Vhaerys glared at the arial flying above. She despised how relaxed he looked as he leaned back with the wind. His arms were crossed behind his head. “You’re a bit far from your nest, no?” Aleksha taunted her.
When he noticed her attention was on him, he flew down a bit and tossed something out to the distance. Whatever it was, exploded, and caused Karissa’s ears to ring.
The dust finally settled. An armored arm shoved a rock away. Wynter coughed up more dirt, he attempted to rack his thoughts of what happened but his mind was blank. ‘Did we fail?’ He wondered. He looked around and found Émeric struggling to get up from the ground. He rushed over to help him, “What happened?” Émeric asked, “Did it-“
An explosion ripped through the air. Following it was a ringing sound.
“Energy noise.”
Ripples of sound echoed in her head. Triggering the whispers to call out her name. Her faults. The blood that runs in her veins.
‘You are not who they say.��
‘You are not the one they need.’
‘You shouldn’t have come.’
The feeling of a hand grabbing her wrist interrupted her ravaging thoughts. “Hey.” Aleksha called out. Karissa’s eyes widened. He placed a finger against his lips, “Shh, it’s okay.” He let go of her and stepped back. His wings ruffled with unease. “Can…can you hear me?” “Yes?” Karissa furrowed her brows. “Great! I need to uh-“ he clasped his hands together. This whole situation was unnerving. “I need to get you out of here while it’s distracted. The sound might not last long. Can you, uhm, please get on my back.” Karissa hesitated before nodding. She looked at Vhaerys lulling her head around, as if she was trying to make sense of her bearings. “She’s distracted?” She inquired. Aleksha nodded, “Yes…I’ll explain later.” He turned his back to her and leaned down, “Hold on tight.”
The feeling of being high above the ground caused Karissa to hold onto him tighter.
Aleksha wasn’t wrong when he said the sound might not last long.
Vhaerys closed her ghostly eyes and mystical fire enveloped her. She opened her palm and a few white stones appeared, as quick as they appeared, they turned black. She threw them in the air and waved her hand. The stone formed inky spikes that shot through the sky after the pair. “Oh no-“ Aleksha sucked in a breath as he ducked and dodge a few of the spikes. “Hold on! Just a little further!” He tried to assure Karissa but the feeling of something stabbing through his skin caught them both by surprise.
“Are you-!”
“I’m fine! Just keep holding on!”
She moved her hand aside to see blood smeared on his shoulder from the blow. She noticed that some of it even splattered on his face. Like before, orange soul strings wrapped around them and they manipulated the rest of the spikes to not hit the two of them. “Almost there!” Aleksha’s voice grew ragged.
They past through two tall pillars, “We’re through!” Aleksha exclaimed with relief. He gasped and dozed in and out of consciousness as him and Karissa collided into the cold ground. She groaned as she dragged herself upon her elbows.
“Karissa, descendant of Laserie Tallus. Lovely meeting you.” Vhaerys collected the raven in her arms. She turned around to see Wynter and Émeric running out of the brush. Both of them haggard, and beaten. “Until next time.” Vhaerys rasped as her body disintegrated into the ground.
Karissa wrapped her arms around her as she shivered. ‘That was it…the Life Weaver.” Run. Her eyes shot open as she was brought back down to Iovinus from the sound of Aleksha groaning in pain. She rushed to her feet to go check on him as he struggled to get up. “Hey, uhm..sir? Where are you hurt?” She reached her hand out but was abruptly stopped by Wynter. “Don’t touch them.” He advised. She looked ahead and was relieved to see him and Émeric coming over. “You’re both okay!” Karissa beamed yet her face fell as a thought crossed her mind. “Did you fight her?” She wondered. “Step back.” Émeric ordered. “What? No! He got hurt, then crashed and-“ “He was struck down by the stones.” Wynter cleared up.
“Yes, but-“
“Then step back. Those things were poisoned. He won’t make it to Arianrdom.” Émeric’s voice lowered.
With a sigh, Wynter pinched the bridge of his nose. “He saved her, we can’t leave him here to die.” Émeric held up his hand, his nails extended into claws. “That’s not what I’m suggesting.” Karissa stepped over Aleksha to block him from Émeric, “I’m not letting you kill him before you even try to help him!” She ridiculed him.
“Step back, Karissa”
“No, you stand down Émeric.”
Wynter held his arm in front of Émeric. “We aren’t savages.” He glanced down at Aleksha and crouched down. “I can…let you into Arianrdom.” Aleksha huffed. “I can call them from one of the stones. If I’m poisoned…” he seethed from pain, “She is too.” “What?!” Karissa exclaimed. “Arianrdom has medicine. They can…cure her. But you need me…to let you in.” Aleksha’s sentences were coming out more breathy than the last.
“Very well. Although, we would’ve helped you regardless.” Wynter gently moved one of Aleksha’s wings away to look at the wound closer. “How are you feeling, Karissa?” He asked. “I’m okay. I think. What is the poison exactly?” Wynter quirked a brow, “You don’t know? It’s something that only the Life Weaver can command. It’s only reason for existing is to destroy. Sometimes a look into its eyes is enough to poison someone.”
He pulled out a small clear vial from a pouch on his belt. “Here, drink this.” He handed it to her. “Umbra.” It was less of a question. Wynter nodded, “An emergency bottle.” He felt Émeric staring and shot a glare at him for his earlier proposal. Finally he brought his attention back to the arial. “What’s your name?” He wondered. “Aleksha. Aleksha Vimtal.” Wynter nodded. “I’ll need to carry you, Aleksha. And you’ll need to point me in the right direction. I won’t let the big bad wolf get you.” Wynter chuckled at his poor attempt of humor and Karissa glanced at Émeric who was the supposed ‘Big Bad Wolf’. “I mean no harm.” Aleksha grimaced. He grasped his side where the spike had hit. It took a moment before Wynter had Aleksha situated on his back. “Where’s the horse?” Karissa asked. “Didn’t make it.” “Oh-“
They walked along the mountainside for what felt like hours but was actually only minutes. Eventually, Aleksha pointed ahead. “There. That stone.” His bloodied hand made an impression in Wynter’s mind. “I need to get to it.” That was all he needed for Wynter to help him up to the stone with the rune on it. Aleksha placed his hand on it and the rune started to glow. “Ruth, I have them.”
A voice echoed among the empty night. “I can tell. Looks like you need some help getting up here.” “Yeah..” Aleksha’s head rocked back and forth before he finally fainted. “Aleksha!” Wynter tried to steady as best as he could.
“Don’t worry, buddy. Help is on its way.”
The group looked up at the sky as they heard large wings flap. Karissa staggered backwards as multiple guards with masks on landed in front of them. Their faces couldn’t be seen yet the feeling of their gazes was enough to make them all uneasy. She forgot how tall arial are. The tallest of the guards had to have been about 7 feet tall.
“Go easy on them, parakeet.” The nasally voice from before spoke up.
“Shut up.” A deep, gruff voice replied from the tallest arial. “General Dalyn…” Wynter muttered. “Seize the leeches. Take the other two to the healer.” The named General peered at Karissa. “Sedate her.” He ordered. “Wait what?!” She shouted in shock. One of the arial behind her held a cloth over her mouth and nose. The last thing she remembered before passing out was the sound of Wynter and Émeric yelling. At each other or others, she couldn’t tell.
Welcome to Arianrdom.
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🎭 "Wonderland"
— An Informal Novel Introduction

A week or so before, I was crying over Furina's storyline. Although I have reservations against the company that made this game, the story told resonated deeply within my heart. It inspired me to write about an actress known for villainy who lost her true self to the act. I'm a fan of fantasy, mystery and "dark academia" fiction, so this is what the story shall be!
[Fantasy / YA / Queer Fiction]
A group of actors from an art school were selected to form a special performing troupe, led by a loving mentor figure referred to as "Mother". This troupe was tailor made dramas that fit their natural personalities and it caused real intense tension between the members. After Mercury woke up from a peculiar lucid dream, reality slowly became surreal.

1. 🎭 Mercury / The Magician
Infamous for her visceral villain acts, Mercury was associated with rather unpleasant people and behaviour. She was a drama queen, on-stage and off, who delighted in theatric problems. When she was casted as a "pure-hearted heroine" in the play, Mercury started to realise that her acting goes beyond the stage.
2. 🩸 "Han" / The Hanged Man
Tall, handsome and androgynous. Han had always played the roles of beautiful princess and daring heroines; always loved, but never quite 'respected'. When finally casted as a villain, Han's violent feelings started taking over his traditionally rational mind.
3. 🪡 "Veil" / The Veiled Lamp
Introduced as pretentious, aloof and extremely sceptical of Mercury. They re a self-proclaimed "indisposable asset" to the troupe and is always arguing with Mother to claim a more illustrious role. When Veil grew paranoid from the 'visions' they're seeing, they find an unlikely ally in Mercury.
4. 🏰 "Mother" / The Demon
Everyone knew that she's been coaching for a while since her retirement as an actress. Although many perceived her to be kind, it's undeniable that she had an uncanny way of "understanding" another person. Perhaps this empathy was formed during her years in limelight.
Help me?
I'm looking for an audience for this story. I've mostly been a reader, never quite a publishing writer. I don't know how I'm supposed to share my literary work. If anyone's experienced with sharing literature or fanfiction, I'd love to seek for your help. Thank you ( TwT )
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Moon sighed irritably, glancing down at his tablet as he walked. He had to always ensure his duties were up to date, which allowed him the freedom to walk around as he pleased and not be confined behind a desk like some people. His nose twitched, and he looked up, a decadent and delightful scent hitting his olfactory senses.
He looked around the drab grey hallway, walking further as he tried to pinpoint the scent. It was spicy, tangy, sweet. Like human chili mixed with lemon. He liked human food, it always intrigued him. But this smell intrigued him even more.
He kept walking, eyes half closing. Nearly running into a wall, his eyes snapped open to see he was at the gym, which was pretty quiet save for soft breaths. There seemed to be only one person working out right now.
Moon loved working out. He loved to feel the strain on his muscles as he got stronger. He looked gangly, like the rest of his species, but he was actually impressively strong. He was a bit insecure, however, so he usually did his workouts at night, when everyone was asleep.
Strangely enough, it was quite late, and yet someone was in the gym.
He walked further in, looking around before seeing something that made his breath hitch.
It was that human. She had a look of concentration, wearing black headphones as she did squats with a large weight. His eyes widened as he noticed the weight ring that was visible to him had a "50 lbs" on it. This human must be American.
She breathed heavily, staring at herself in the mirror. In this lighting, she looked so strong and muscular, her thighs almost as thick as his waist when she squatted down.
He put a hand over his heart, which beat fast as a gentle blue blush dusted his face. He was speechless, his jaw dropped. Oh wow...
She then set down the weight, sighing as she laid on her back on the floor. "Gods fucking damned it." She muttered, and Moon's blush darkened ever so slightly. Her voice... Sun wasn't lying when he said she sounded like a queen. It wasn't high-pitched like most females, but more androgynous and raspy, perfect for lullabies.
"How long ya gonna stand there and stare?" She asked, taking off her headphones as she stared at the ceiling.
Moon startled slightly, broken out of his reverie. "O-oh, um, apologies. I was coming here to work out, and... couldn't help but notice your strength...." Moon replied softly, and she chuckled as she looked at him.
"Ah, Moon. The lunar part of the Celestial Jester twins." She said with a smirk, "Ya know, soon as I smelled ya, I could feel my heart rate increasing in terror. Not gonna lie, you actually helped a bit with my workout, so thanks for that." She shrugged, sitting up with a hum. She stretched her arms above her head.
Moon could feel his breath stolen away by this muscular beauty, the lighting illuminating her impressive musculature.
"Anyway, how much you squat? I'm curious how strong ya are." She said, smiling at him as she stood up. He could see her pale face, her quivering hands, and twitching eyes. He knew she was terrified right now, but at least was making an effort to be friendly.
"Oh, um, well, in human terms you would understand, I can squat with 200 pounds." Moon responded after a moment.
The human chuckled as she replied, "Times that by 3 over 2 and that is how much I lift."
Moon thought for a moment, doing a quick bit of mental math before he gasped incredulously, "300 pounds?!" He could feel his heart speeding up as his face grew warm. Oh she was strong. She was very very strong.
"Yeah. I could probably lift more, but I still feel a bit of uh... what the word... resistance when I do it with 300. Don't want to overexert myself and fold like a lawn chair!" She replied with a laugh, and Moon's face flushed. Oh god, her laugh, it was beautiful. Raspy and slightly deep that sent a shiver down his spine.
She walked closer, smiling up at him confidently as she said, "Let's see you lift, bro."
Moon blinked, his red eyes widening. He chuckled nervously as he said, "Oh, well, uh, I'm actually a bit shy about that..."
She snorted, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry about being insecure around me. I'm not a judge-y person. I don't like being judged, so I don't judge others." She replied with a smile.
Moon could feel a fluttering sensation in his stomach, his hands clasped over his heart as he looked at her with wide eyes. Such a kind and considerate person!
"That is... quite nice." He finally said, and she smiled and nodded. He checked the time, seeing midnight fast approaching. "Well, um, I need to go." He said softly.
Cadence smiled, waving a hand dismissively. "Aight then, see ya around hotstuff." She replied, chuckling as she turned and left.
Moon blinked, watching her leave. He went back to his room in a daze, his face a dark blue. Entering the living room, he saw Sun sprawled on the couch, tinkering with a human phone. Sun looked up and saw Moon, smirking as he sat up and teased, "Ooh, what's got the big Moonie all flustered?"
Moon frowned at Sun, huffing and crossing his arms. "Well, if you MUST know.... I ran into the human.... At the gym." He replied, and Sun let out a loud 'ooh'. "Oh shut up, I was just going to do my normal workout, then saw.... her there." Moon snapped, covering his face with his hands as he added quietly, "She can squat with 300 pounds on her shoulders.
Sun looked surprised, eyebrows raised as he replied, "Wow! Looks like we got a big muscle mommy on our hands~"
Moon glared, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Sun's face. Sun laughed boisterously as the pillow hit his face, and Moon blushed deeper as he said, "Sh-shut up! I'm going to bed."
"Have muscular dreams~!" Sun teased, and Moon growled as he went into their shared bedroom. He plopped onto the bed, covering his face with his left hand as his right hand held his heart.
He could understand his brother's interest with the human now.
And he had no plans to ignore her.
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lgbtqia+ headcanons !ㅤㅤ– feat. stan, kyle, cartman, kenny, n butters !
warning(s): swearing, some homophobic themes, slight mention of sex
author's note: since its gay month, wanted to post this (and its been rotting in my drafts) so here yall go, ya skittles !!!!

stan marsh .
he/him –ㅤㅤhis parents have taught him (mostly randy) that there are only two genders, female and male, and he identifies as cis. so if you tell him you use any pronouns other than she/her or he/him, and/or ask him for his pronouns, he'll look at you funny. although, he'll try and respect them anyway.
bisexual –ㅤㅤwhen he first met wendy, of course he thought he was straight, but then he started gaining weird feelings for kyle that he couldn't explain. so of course, with the help of useless buzzfeed quizzes and google, that's when stan found out that he's bisexual.
demisexual –ㅤㅤeven when stan hit puberty, he never was interested in the topic of sex in general. one time kenny showed him one of his magazines, and he didn't even bat an eye. of course, as he got older it was a lot more appealing, but he felt like sexual attraction was pretty much pointless. he rarely will refer to himself as "demi", though.
kyle broflovski .
he/they –ㅤㅤkyle has never felt quite whole with the labels "boy", "male", etc... he had always felt there was more to it, he just never took the time to really think about it. he found out what he was missing while walking to class. two openly queer kids had complimented his outfit for that day, "man, i love that dude's shirt!" "yeah, they're totally rocking that fit!" those simple words sparked a sense of euphoria deep inside kyle's core, yet, since he knew up to nothing about queer culture at the time, he couldn't figure out why. after school he did some extensive research on his situation, finally giving a label to how he was feeling. kyle broflovski was a demi-boy.
bisexual, masc leaning –ㅤㅤkyle never thought too much about his romantic/sexual preferences, he was too studious to even have something like that on his mind. although, one day at school stan had shown up with his hair dyed blond. kyle's poor heart pounded so hard he started sweating.. he had always thought almost every girl was pretty, but that day made him realize that boys could be pretty too.
eric cartman .
he/him –ㅤㅤhe has a male superiority complex so bad and he thinks "pronouns" and "more than two genders" is dumb ("my pronouns are U/S/A *bald eagle screeching*")
homophobic closeted homosexual –ㅤㅤhave y'all seen the gay ass shit he's pulled on kyle? that boy is obviously in denial. but he uses the word "gay" as an insult, so of course he's homophobic.
secretly a drag queen –ㅤㅤremember when he wore that cheetah/leopard print shirt and embarrassed his mother on live television? yeah, and the time he wore that blond wig? he has an entire closet dedicated to his craft. more than once has he walked around his room in full drag acting like he's walking down the runway. (he can't do makeup for shit tho...)
kenny mccormick .
he/she/they –ㅤㅤidk, kenny just gives very enby vibes. he doesn't mind being referred to as "he/she", it's just they like being perceived as androgynous. kenny is a #1 "clothes have no gender" believer.
pansexual –ㅤㅤthere have been many times in the show itself that point to kenny liking more than one gender, and them being bi doesn't really work and neither does omni, cuz they don't really have a preference, pan is the best assumption.
butters scotch .
any pronouns –ㅤㅤ"oh, you use xe/xem? me too!" this lil child just loves collecting pronouns like pokémon cards, butters' autism feeds on it. a lot of times, if someone tells him that they use a pronoun that she hasn't heard of, that shit will get snatched so fast, it's not even funny.
gender-fluid –ㅤㅤy'know how butters was misdiagnosed with multiple personality disorder? yeah, that was just them flowing between genders. one day butters will feel extremely masculine, the next hyper-feminine, and the next neither or both. sometimes he'll even switch within a day, it depends.
polyamorous –ㅤㅤbutters is very open both romantically and platonically. he believes there is no such barriers or limits to love, that love should be given to everyone fully and freely, without discrimination. ( + more people, more cuddles !!!)
#south park#south park headcanons#stan marsh#kyle broflovski#eric cartman#kenny mccormick#butters scotch#sp stan#sp kyle#sp eric#sp kenny#sp butters#lgbtq#headcanons#yes they are all queer#bisexual#demisexual#gay#pansexual#gender fluid
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Gender and Sexuality Headcanons - Criminal Minds Characters
These are my sexuality and gender headcanons for the main BAU team from Criminal Minds. My sources are me: a queer and trans person. All right, let’s get into it.
Aaron Hotchner
I see him as bi, but it’s not something he really thought about until after the divorce.
He and Hayley were highschool sweethearts, he really didn’t need to think much about his sexuality.
And he thought it was normal to think guys looked good. He can tell when someone’s attractive, doesn’t mean he’s attracted to them.
Even though in this case, he was.
For gender, I guess cis? If you ask him, that’s what he’d tell you. He uses he/him pronouns. He’s very confident in his masculinity and he likes it.
But it’s also not something that really matters to him and who he is, ya feel?
Spencer Reid
He’s trans and bi.
Basically had to raise himself to begin with, and learn how to care for his mother while raising himself that adding trans care to the mix was something he had to put off until he was eighteen.
Though, this does mean that he’s read a lot of trans-care articles in the time he couldn’t put his research into action.
Because he’s felt like a boy since elementary school. It’s just something that made sense to him so he went with it.
Derek Morgan
He has the potential vibes to be trans, you know what I mean? I personally like both sides of this for him, so I’m not hard stuck one way or the other.
I do see him as presenting straight, preferring to appear straight even though I think he’s also probably bi.
Despite being bi, he most likely leans towards women more often than not. This is both due to preference and a little bit out of fear of being with a man.
I think he’d have to really trust the man if he followed through with those feelings.
Emily Prentiss
She is a lesbian.
Men do not interest her. She does not care about men. She does not care to date men.
She’s pretty open about it when you ask, but it’s not something you’d probably suspect from her (but also she had that goth phase in high school-)
Gender-wise, I’m open to the headcanon of her being a trans-woman! Honestly I think that’s iconic. But, like Morgan, I’m not really hard stuck one way or the other.
Bi. She’s dated a few women in her past.
She does, though, really only give me cis-women vibes.
Anyway, it’s not something she really talks about cause it’s not really a ‘thing’ for her.
She dates who she dates, and it she doesn’t make a big deal out of it.
David Rossi
Okay David. He’s like - he’s never been intimate with a man, but there’s a certain emotional intimacy that he shares with some guys that give fruity vibes, you know what I mean?
So technically, he’s straight because he’s never slept with a man, but there’s vibes there is all I’m saying.
Also a cis-man. He’s too old nowadays to care about that.
Penelope Garcia
Okay queen. I think she’s pan. She loves and she loves and it doesn’t matter who you are (unless you’re mean and nasty and hate kitties) she has a lot of love to give.
And she gives she/they energy, you know what I mean? They like being girly, but it’s in a fun, androgynous way.
The most fluid with their gender out of the group. Again, a queen.
#criminal minds#criminal minds headcanons#aaron hotchner#spencer reid#derek morgan#emily prentiss#jennifer jareau#david rossi#penelope garcia#aaron hotchner headcanons#spencer reid headcanons#derek morgan headcanons#emily prentiss headcanons#jennifer jareau headcanons#david rossi headcanons#penelope garcia headcanons#my writing#headcanons
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Necrozma, Light, and Divinity: A Very Weird Sun and Moon Theory.
I don't think the alchemical connections in Sun and Moon were ever really discussed in-depth enough for my satisfaction. There's no god damn way they'd just base the starter's first forms off the 3 primes and name one of the factions the Aether Foundation just not go anywhere else with that. Sun and Moon were pretty wild games, and I think maybe we got distracted with all the other bells and whistles, like Lusamine's bullshit, the UBs, and ya boy Guzma. Buckle up.
Before we get onto the main bit, I wanna talk a little about Mesopotamian deities. Observe this boundary stone from 12th century BC.

It's Wikimedia Commons details are as follows: Kudurru (stele) of King Melishipak I (1186–1172 BC): the king presents his daughter to the goddess Nannaya. The crescent moon represents the god Sin, the sun the Shamash and the star the goddess Ishtar. Kassite period, taken to Susa in the 12th century BC as war booty.
We've seen this 8-pointed star before, right on Necrozma's back
The star, as the description says, represents Inanna (called that by the Sumerians, and Ishtar by the Babylonians). She is a deity of love, war, fertility, and divine justice. She is associated with the planet Venus (we'll talk about Venus more in a bit). Inanna is referred to as the "Queen of Heaven", described as powerful but capricious.
She is also described as having some ambiguity to her gender, even having the power to alter people's gender, especially in relation to her cult. This ties into another figure Necrozma may be based on, as well as it's alchemical ties. But before I talk about that I wanna walk about the time Inanna died.
Gods die all the time in mythology. Inanna is one of the few who came back. For a time, she was trapped in the underworld by her sister Ereshkigal. Similarly, it's Sun dex entry reads "Reminiscent of the Ultra Beasts, this life-form, apparently asleep underground, is thought to have come from another world in ancient times." Whole it's entry in Sword for gen 8 is "It survives by absorbing light. After a long time spent slumbering underground, impurities accumulated within it, causing its body to darken.". Inanna is eventually saved when "sexless" or androgynous beings are sent to rescue her.
Bulbapedia's trivia section for Necrozma offers a different idea: Lucifer.
Ultra Necrozma, a being of light, four wings, draconic yet angelic, who's battle music begins with a fucking organ absolutely invokes imagery of Lucifer.

In this form, its head becomes the 8-pointed star.
Lucifer, who's name means "light bringer". Lucifer the morning star, associated with Venus. This figure is eventually absorbed into Christianity as a name for the devil, a being who himself was once an angel. It's not uncommon for media to depict him with a mixture of secondary sexual characteristics, though most are male. It's entirely possible this is because of confusion between Satan and the figure Baphomet, though I had a harder time finding info on this one. If that were the case I wouldn't entirely fault Gamefreak for it. Even I have a hard time separating the two. Also probably worth noticing that dragons come up several times in the Bible, usually in relation to Satan. Ultra Necrozma does gain the dragon type after all.
Two figures, sometimes of ambiguous gender, both associated with the 3rd brightest object in the sky? Interesting. Very interesting.
If you're still reading, congrats, we're talking about alchemy now.
It was pretty hard to understand where they were going with this until we got USUM. USUM introduced Team Rainbow Rocket, Giovanni's attempt to gather past evil the leaders into a league of supervillains (who you demolish). Seemed simple enough. Haha, Necrozma is a light god. Z-Crystals are shards of its light because it's a prism. Cool.
But maybe not the whole story. I introduce to you: The Prima Materia.
In alchemy, Prima Materia is a substance that acts as the base form of all matter. It is similar to aether. a book called the Theatrum Chemicum contains the following passage about it.
"They have compared the "prima materia" to everything, to male and female, to the [redacted]*, to heaven and earth, to body and spirit, chaos, microcosm, and the confused mass; it contains in itself all colors and potentially all metals; there is nothing more wonderful in the world, for it begets itself, conceives itself, and gives birth to itself.
*the word used here is considered a slur against intersex people, so I excluded it
Furthermore, the Lexicon Alchemaie (which i would have checked more in depth but I don't speak Latin), lists names alchemists have used for the Prima Materia. Ones that stand out to me are: heaven, the dragon, heart of the sun, spittle of the moon, Venus, the rainbow. The Prima Materia is required in the creation of the Philosopher's Stone.
In USUM, instead of Nihilego, Lusamine beings forth Necrozma. The Aether Foundation's name comes full circle here. Aether as an alchemical element is frequently associated with light and gravity.
What I'm saying is, Necrozma isn't just light. it's alchemical light. it is the Prima Materia. The energy it emits becomes other things (in this case, the Pokemon types).
Now let's take this a step further, with Type: Null and Silvally. They don't directly relate to Necrozma, but I do believe they have an alchemical inspiration that ties them to Necrozma's mythological position in comparison to Arceus.

According to Bulbapedia, Type: Null was created using cells from all known pokemon types. It was supposed to be able to change types with RKS system, inspired by tales of Arceus. There were complications with them going berserk and the project was deemed a failure.
Type: Null is a failed Philosopher's Stone, until the power of love completed it.
With high friendship, Type: Null evolves into Silvally. It breaks free of the limiter attached to its head and regains use of the RKS system, this time without going berserk. Gladion, a kid, achieves what a bunch of detached adult scientists could not.
It seems love and light are very similar concepts, at least in the Pokemon world. The fairy types are heavily associated with light, super effective against dark types, and a certain pokemon repping them when they first got revealed evolves when it loves you (and has a fairy type move).
Now, it's still difficult to say where Necrozma stands in Pokemon's mythology. It's from another world entirely. The question is whether or not Arceus has influence in those worlds. It's God. It should, right? I think there's a few possibilities, but I don't have enough information to decide for sure
-Necrozma is equivalent to Arceus in its own world. Ultra Beasts may not be described as pokemon, but they have types and use moves like them, so they must be something similar but adapted to a different environment. This one's a bit of a stretch.
-Necrozma is a creation of Arceus like everything else and plays an important function, it just made a home in a different area of time and space, or much like Giratina (another Satan inspired pokemon who is dragon type) it was sent there for some reason.
-Less likely, Necrozma is above Arceus, not as a god but a primal energy gained beast-like sentience, the divine Chaos from which Arceus came
One potential hint at this relation may lie in Arceus' name. It's likely this is a coincidence, and they didn't intend this from the get-go, but it did just happen to fit the alchemy theme. There is another concept: Archeus. Archeus is, according to Wiktionary: "The vital principle or force believed by the Paracelsians to be responsible for alchemical reactions within living bodies, and hence for the growth and continuation of life." It is another name for Anima Mundi, the soul of the world. The divine spark. Archeus has four aspects: Life, Light, Chemical, and Reflective.
I haven't worked out yet what this means, unfortunately. I could be connecting a bunch of weird mythological coincidences. But it was very fun. I would like to discuss some less grand alchemical connections in Alola sometime. Those would require a bit more research and milling over however. I genuinely wish I could give you a more satisfying conclusion here.
Altogether, I hope this gives you food for thought.
UPDATE: more thoughts
there's something I wanted to talk about that I forgot when previously writing this, and I've had more time to mull over previous thoughts.
This next section will start with the elements of gender ambiguity with Inanna and Lucifer, and how that connects to alchemy. Rebis.
An end product of the Magnum Opus (creation of the Philosopher's Stone), the Rebis is a fusion of spirit and matter, imbued with male and female qualities. (Lot of the use of that word I omitted earlier here so be advised if you look into it more). While lacking in the two heads, that certainly lines up with the element of gender ambiguity. Ultra Necrozma is the being at its strongest, when it is full of the much needed light its body had been starving for.
Another interesting bit regarding the Rebis is it is considered the result of "reconciliation of opposites", and imagery around it is called a chemical wedding. This is symbolized by the coming together of a king and queen, the king in red and the queen in white, each symbolizing the sun and moon respectively.
While Solgaleo and Lunala do not fit so neatly into the references to mesopotamian myth (Shamash and Sin are both male, Shamash is Ishtar's brother and Sin their father), this might add some ideas for how Solgaleo and Lunala connect to Necrozma. They are all beings of light after all, and Necrozma is able to siphon it from them when fusing with them in USUM.
I believe Necrozma may be a possible evolution of Cosmog. Bear with me, please.
Obviously, this isn't reflected in gameplay. What Cosmog evolves into depends on your version of the game. But Solgaleo and Lunala are framed as mates. You can get a second Cosmog in both games, and when you do, the other game's legendary appears. They are also referred as appearing to be male and female respectively in their Pokedex entries despite having no gender in the actual game data.
But what is Cosmog and Cosmoem in this case then? Well besides being based on nebulas, I think it may be another concept called filius philosophorum, "Philosopher's Child". One of the Filius' ways of being represented is by the Rebis, as well as a direct child of the red king and white queen. Many sites mention an egg as a symbol but don't elaborate further (like baby name websites they often feed off each other indefinitely).
Now Cosmog's name is the same in all languages, but Cosmoem's is not. It's Japanese name is Cosmovum. Cosmos and ovum. Ovum as in egg. The -em in Cosmoem's name may also be for embryo. whoever wrote the trivia section for it's Bulbapedia stage thinks it has elements of both the sun and moon in its design, and I'm inclined to agree. It also mentions something called the world egg.
The world egg is a mythological concept that spans across multiple cosmologies, but because alchemy often takes from the Greek cosmology I'll stick to that. Within Greek myth we are given the Orphic Egg, from which the primordial deity Phanes is born. Phanes' name meaning "to light, or to shine". He is described bearing a helmet and golden wings, largely referred to as male but sometimes as androgynous. His parentage varies, with having no parents at all, to Chronos (time), to Chaos, to Nyx (night). He is described as creating all other gods, or creating the day depending on the telling.
Necrozma is also Phanes, a being of light, born from a divine egg. Necrozma is a more perfect path of evolution than it's parents, but this is likely triggered by something far beyond the control of the player.
(Addendum: If you think this also sounds similar to books about Arceus in the Canalave library, you'd be right. That myth was applied to Arceus first, which makes some interesting implications.)
Now you may be thinking "wow a lot of these concepts sound like ways to talk about the Philosopher's Stone", and you'd probably be right. The Magnum Opus had many names and many ways of representing it visually, mostly alchemists wanted to keep their trade secrets. But there is an interesting one.
The ouroboros. A symbol of unity, eternity, and endless cycles. The beginning and the end are intrinsically connected.

What is Necrozma doing when you meet it in USUM? it's desperately looking for light. It can't make it on its own anymore. It's base form dex entries describe it as craving light, going dormant when it can't find it.
Ultra Sun: It looks somehow pained as it rages around in search of light, which serves as its energy. It's apparently from another world.
Ultra Moon: Light is the source of its energy. If it isn't devouring light, impurities build up in it and on it, and Necrozma darkens and stops moving.
Necrozma is burning out like an old star. Necros, death.
The Philosopher's Stone is often visualized in modern media as a gem, much like it's body in this form. When the power is expended, Necrozma will be just another rock. It is a transient being. Much like the Great Work, perfection is not sustainable in practice.
But it's not all bad. Phanes, again, is also described as creating other gods. In time, it's body will break down and may become a new Cosmog. The end begets the beginning. The Prima Materia is after all, important in the Great Work's culmination.
There is another being described as creating all else though, in Pokemon. Once again it rolls back around to Arceus.
In Platinum and HGSS Pokedex entries, Arceus' goes as follows: It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world.
These beings are connected somehow, but after more research from my first version of this I've come to the conclusion that while Necrozma and Arceus are similar (remember, Arceus can be any type, Necrozma's light becomes the differently typed Z-Crystals), Necrozma is inherently more flawed and impermanent.
It's important also to remember that the Philosopher's Stone is the work of humans. It's not divine but comes from a desire to come close to it. I can't say the same about Solgaleo and Lunala, but it's possible that Necrozma isn't natural. Necrozma was made. By whom? Who knows, but probably someone from the Ultra Recon Squad's dimension. This is merely a guess. It could just be a natural but rare occurrence. From what we've been given, this anyone's guess. Maybe were not even meant to know. Whatever the case, Necrozma is a transient being, Arceus-like but ultimately imperfect. The cycle continues eternally.
BONUS ROUND: tria prima
In the very introduction of this post I mentioned the 3 primes, and the starters's first forms having similarities to their symbols. I'm aware there are likely many alchemical connections in the story that I haven't noticed yet but I wanted to discuss something more with that.
Paracelsus described the primes (sulphur, mercury, and salt) as materials from which all things are made. This is not entirely literal. Alchemy wasn't just chemistry, it was spiritual. Each prime has a different quality.
Sulphur is combustibility, soul, the divine spark
Mercury is volatility, spirit (mind), consciousness
Salt is neither, it is the body that holds them
One of the biggest examples for this is that in say, burning a piece of wood. The fire was sulphur, the smoke was mercury, and the ash was salt.
The tria prima sound a lot like prima materia don't they? It's kind of poetic the way this is implemented in USUM. You begin your journey with a prime material and it's biggest climax is with another prime material. Just as the end begets the beginning, the beginning begets the end.
Note for potential future update: Two substances were added to this later on: phlegm and caput mortuum (Latin for "dead head"). Caput Mortuum was waste product in a reaction. Phlegm, in the alchemical sense is "A watery distillation, especially one obtained from plant matter; an aqueous solution.", to quote Wiktionary. Phlegm was also considered a waste product. CM was produced by sublimation, and Phlegm by distillation. Phlegm doesn't appear to have a symbol but CM does: a skull.
#pokemon#gen 7#alola#necrozma#sun and moon#sumo#usum#arceus#type: null#silvally#alchemy#theory#i haven't stayed up all night writing like this since i wrote the calamity fungus theory post#mythology#cosmology#thought vomit journal
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I don’t hear ppl talk much about balding on T so. Just some info on my personal experience
Ok so it’s genetic in the sense that if the men on your mom’s side of the family are bald, you’re more likely to go bald regardless of whether you take testosterone or naturally produce it. So it’s not that the medication itself necessarily makes you go bald, you just have the same risk as a cis man in your family with the same amount of testosterone.
And I also want people to know it’s not something that’s likely to happen very soon after you start (although everyone is different). So you don’t need to be scared that all your hair is going to fall out within a year or anything but also don’t be spreading implied misinformation like “I’ve been on it for 1-2 years and haven’t lost my hair so it’s fine” bc it can still come for ya.
It started for me around 6 years on T, I’m currently 7 years and almost 25 years old and I have like, not male pattern baldness but *significantly* less hair than I did. I used to be that person who would always have hairdressers say “I would kill for hair this thick” and it stayed that way for years after starting T, so I thought I’d be fine until my 40s. But very suddenly my hairline receded to the point I get told I have a five-head, and you can see my scalp on the top of my head. (Yes I’ve tried everything other than like, medical intervention so I can’t rly speak on that.) (Stress could contribute but I’m also significantly less stressed than I’ve ever been.)
Everyone will react to this differently, like in my case for example I’m scared of losing more hair because I feel it conflicts with my androgynous gender expression. I feel the need to prepare myself to be a “bald queen” or get tattoos on my head or find some way to be confident without much hair in the next few years. As far as the current emotional impact, it makes me feel kinda insecure since a lot of my friends are trans men either pre-T or less than 2 years on T with beautiful thick heads of hair.
People close to me are cool about it but in general I’m treated differently bc of my hair, and it sucks because I feel too young for it. Yes there are cis men my age who are balding but it’s just strange as a trans man because you’re treated as younger than you are, until you start balding. People were infantilizing me, and now I’m viewed as a creepy old guy, and there was like no in between. I *just* got comfortable in my level of transition and now I have this obstacle in my confidence.
But don’t get me wrong it’s been sooo so worth it, I remember saying at the start of my transition that I’d rather be perceived as a bald man than a woman. Gender is an innate part of my identity and I needed my medication to live a comfortable life, whereas my hair is just something that helps me feel good and express myself. I absolutely regret nothing but I want people to have a bit more informed consent about what they may experience depending on genetics.
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@epicspheal is to blame for this so here we go: if my oc's where in the anime and how the anime would butcher them. I have 16 ocs lmao. So I'll only be doing a few:
Jude: His genderfluidity would be completely erased, him being only refered to as a woman who happens to dress androgynous( which isn't bad, but still). Would make definitely take their cold, sometimes cruel demeanor over the top, making them very unlikeable. I'm honestly realizing there wasn't a lot of female characters in XY that were strictly battlers ( that weren't gym leaders) so, Jude would be a considered as the outlier there ( cause, again, her genderfluidity is erased in the anipoke). They might be a gag in that ash and co didn't know her Greninja was a girl until, idk, an attract scene.
Dante: Dante in the legendverse is bascically Alain, so I can see him willingly being a part of Team Flare in the anime. Like, he seems very sweet and gentleman like, but he really just have an ego and wants power. Full evil here. Him and Jude probably won't even know each other.
Naomi: Probably be the same age as Ash and co. Would turn her anxiety and cry baby status up to 11. Probably gains some confident via Ash being Ash( which then erase all the real anxieties that she have) and would probably be the 100th girl to have a crush on him after said inspirational scene. Since she's not the one who is tied to Zacian or the darkest Day, she would be a very small side character, or just not exists at all.
The Twins: Literally just musican trainers. No trauma, no dealing with Ghetsis, have no clue who N is. They would honestly just be living their life, probably got the attention of Cilan. And yes, Elliot would just be " very good friends" with Eva, and any notion that Alexis likes men would be gone. Given how Cheren is in the anime, maybe they've met, but I don't think they would be childhood friends ( or Alexis' ex lmao)
Aster: Similar @epicspheal 's Marsha, she would be the last of the Alola crew, and kinda cold to everyone. Though without the context of her dad and her mom, it would just be because she's like that. OR( cause pokemon can get dark), it would be because her parents are divorced and she just doesn't want to be in Alola, not getting the "Alola spirit".I don't think she would be selectively mute in the anime, just "very quiet", and would eventually break this quietness with the power of friendship, and openly talks with literally everyone in the anime. Queen of slapstick tho( usually the one causing it to others).
Okay, that's all. I hope these where interesting to ya!
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i have some snazzy little opinions, so let’s just go down the line:
!!Really long post under cut!!
-Makoto is a basic bitch, always and forever, and we stan that -Taka looks like a Penguin and you cannot change my mind -Byakuya is just trying to look rich- -Mondo’s outfit is so extra i love it- he even added some probably temporary dye to his pompadour that was hard to see due to the lighting in the group pic -LEON! everyone was calling his fit ugly in the group pic and honestly i’m salty because he and i have the same sense of formal fashion. work it king! -Hifumi’s honestly suits him just fine, i was iffy when i saw it in the group pic but it doesn’t look too awful in full -Hiro..... buddy- i- i mean- what do i say??? it’s ugly as shit and really nice at the same time?? -Sayaka’s formal wear is a massive step up from the outfit she wears in her splash art- i never really liked that dress that much- even if it does have a cultural significance the design the picked felt cheap. But this one is really nice, and i dig it way more -Kirigiri looks pretty, it looked waaaay more purple in the group pic, but looking back the whole thing was over saturated for the lighting affects they did, so i shall forgive. she looks oddly nice in blue actually. -AOI LOOKS LIKE A BETA FISH AND I’M LIVING FOR IT! GO QUEEN!! -Toko’s dress looks way better in full than i expected, because so much of it was covered up i kinda didn’t like it all that much in the group pic, but i’m really digging it now -QUEEN SAKURA! BEAUTIFUL!! A DAMN SUNSET OF A DRESS!!! i love seeing her indulge in being a gorgeous queen despite people’s remarks on her physique -Celeste! also beautiful, but girl are you a vampire?? the layers on that dress- and that’s a massive veil- she’s gotta be overheating in that thing. -JUNKO! Fashionista know’s what’s up! it’s alot less gaudy than some of her casual outfits, but in a way that’s actually pretty good. i love the masquerade mask, it’s a nice touch -Chihiro....... Lucky Charms-
-Hajime’s outfit actually looks better in the group pic than here, i think it’s cause the yellow is more vibrant due to the saturation filter, so it stand out more -Nagito’s outfit is great honestly, i love how they put the shirt design on the sleeves, and i love the half-up hair, and the crooked bowtie- it’s great! -Twogami is a king, all he did was invert Byakua’s outfit and he just pulls it off so much better -Gundham’s is honestly underwhelming. This is Gundham Tanaka for fuck sake! Junko’s is more in character than this. where’s the drama sir???? -Kaz... buddy..... the colors look nice on your jumpsuit, but not an actual suit. I love the suspenders though -Teruteru’s outfit actually make him a bit cute. i’m about 80% sure the brown is suppose to be mud as to reference the fact that he’s characterized as a pig in more ways than one, but i’m choosing to call it a cola pattern ‘cause fuck you i’m going to be nice to him for once -Nekomaru’s suit is... it feels like a cursed amalgamation of a noir detective, a car sales men, a mobster, and a casino owner- and i just works so well on him -Fuyuhiko! i love it, fits him well, but the rolled up slacks are odd and kinda distracts me from the rest of the design- showing off some Bi pride there boss baby? -AKANE IS A DAMN QUEEN!! GOD PLEASE SHE COULD STRIKE ME DEAD IN THAT AND I’D THANK HER -Chiaki’s is simple, but it looks really nice on her -SONIA MY QUEEN! the oversaturation in the group pic did her dress dirty! i saw the blue originally and went “that isn’t her color”, but now seeing it without all the lighting crap she looks alot better.... and also a bit Elsa-ish -Hyoko’s in a lovely Kimono, but she’s always wearing pretty Kimonos, so it’s somewhat underwhelming compared to the rest -MAHIRU YOU SUMMER QUEEN! Mahiru has the best sense of fashion in the whole series imo, her wardrobe’s vibes make me so very happy. I grew up in a christian household (i’m not religious anymore btw) and use to be brought to services, and her dress gives me mad Easter Sunday Potluck nostalgia that i just can’t un-notice -Mikan looks too much like a hooker- i’m sorry, they really just went with the fan-service crap here and i don’t like it at all. Even if it wasn’t meant to be fan service, the dress looks tacky and has a shine on it that signifies it’s latex, so that’s just gotta be uncomfortable as hell- and for a clumsy character like her to try and survive a party in??? -IBUKI LOOKS LIKE FANCY RAVE COTTON CANDY!! THAT’S ALL!!! -Peko’s Kimono looks surprisingly nice on her, she wasn’t a character i’d assume to look good in a checker pattern but damn. i also appreciate how she still has the sword, bet- Fuyuhiko tired to convince her to leave it behind but failed
-Rantaro looks like a Used Car Salesmen. -KOKICHI MY BELOVED!!! i already voiced how much i adore his outfit when the group pic came out, so instead might i point out that he’s wearing high-water slacks and tall socks? it’s just as jarring as Fuyuhiko’s bi-slacks, but this is Kokichi so i feel like he did it on purpose. -Kiibo??? he dead ass changed his plating i-???? idk what i’m feeling towards it, but boy howdy am i feeling -GONTA!!! i love his suit, it’s out there in a good way, and i also love how he’s holding what looks like his casual coat. -Shuichi looks lovely in that suit, and i’ll never forgive everyone ever for saying he looked like a grandpa in it. It make him look a bit more Sherlock-esque and i love -3- -KORK IN A DRESS EVERYBODY MOVE!! i love how Androgynous his outfit is, both in gender and in time. like- is it feminine? masculine? modern? 1800′s england? who the fuck knows! -Ryoma looks good, but the fedora- who tf on the design staff decided to get cheeky?? eh- he’s vibing, doesn’t look too bad so long as you don’t hyperfixate on the pointy groin-stabber fedora -KAITO YOU SNAZZY GALAXY PATTERN SNORTING BASTARD! i swear he’s allergic to putting his right arm in it’s sleeve-. anywho, i love how even his dress jacket has a galaxy lining in it, i think it would have been funny if he was wearing galaxy dress shoes too but Maki would have chopped his dick off for that one -Kaede looks like her dress was inspired by one of those cinnamon peppermints- ya know the ones, they have the pink center and all that jazz? -Miu looks like she’s ready to hit up a casino in LA and honestly that’s such a good vibe! her skirt is a bit funky so it took me a hot sec to realize it was indeed a pencil skirt and not a fancy jumpsuit. -Tusmugi’s looks nice, i don’t have much else to say- kinda fitting considering her Plain Jane shtick -TENKO LOOKS LIKE SHE’S THIS CLOSE TO BREAKING OUT INTO A TAP DANCE AND I’M SO FUCKING HERE FOR IT!!! GO QUEEN!!!! -Kirumi is- well- i don’t go to Genshin Impact, but she looks like that one Genshin character, you know the one right? i think their name was a Starbucks drink size- they have a harp?? yeah -Maki’s dress is really pretty, it is a bit odd for her to wear that considering her character, but i can’t say she doesn’t rock it like the queen she is. -Himiko would be nicer without the transparent extra part- it make her looks like one of those half sphere popper things my friends terrorized me with in middle school. Other than that, you go you cute little magical girl you! -ANGIE OH MY FUCK!!! i love- i- dfj;adgad;jdgd!#2342nh;werkw??? i have no clue at this point what culture she’s suppose to be from, but that definitely looks like some traditional garb she’s got going on and holy crap is is pretty
Over all, i think the staff did a great job with this, i love a good lot of the outfits alot more than i though i would from the group pic. I do wish they would have added at least Komaru and Mukuro though- gimmy my queens yo!
#danganronpa#trigger happy havoc#drthh#Super Danganronpa 2#sdr2#New Danganronpa V3#ndrv3#all characters#danganronpa 10th anniversary#Kai time#long post
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So you were disappointed in Throne of Glass...
(DISCLAIMER: This post does not intend to offend anyone who loves ToG. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and likes and dislikes and is allowed to express that. This post is meant to share books that have similar qualities to ToG for people who were disappointed in the series, like myself, but anyone who does like ToG can absolutely find great recs here! However, if you don’t want to hear anything ToG critical I recommend skipping over this post. Thank you!)
So last week I finally got rid of all my ToG books. I was mostly relieved that I now have more room on my bookshelf but I also felt a little sad. It was a series I really enjoyed when I first read it two years ago, and on some level it will always have a special place for me. It was one of the many books that got me back into reading after a five year slump, it’s the reason I became friends with the wonderful Nicole (@/rainbowbooktheif on Instagram) who was the first person irl to make me feel less alone as a bookish nerd, and it, unintentionally, helped me hone my critical reading skills. However, I slowly began to care less and less for the story and characters as the series progressed and ended up not reading the last two books because I just stopped caring. I wondered why a series that I loved so much in the beginning went down hill so fast for me, but in the process of falling out of love with ToG I realized I wasn’t the only one who felt this way about the series! The lack of diversity (and misrepresentation/mistreatment of diverse characters when they were there), sexism, lazy editing and lackluster world building, among other things, came up many times for me and other former ToG fans when discussing why we became disappointed in the series. But the pitch for the book (badass morally gray assassin taking down a tyrant king for her freedom, so cool!) and some of the elements (romance, female friendships, magic, trials) sounded so amazing even though in the end it was executed poorly. So, I decided to compile a list of books that I have read and loved that have some elements and themes of ToG. This list is by no means exhaustive and is limited by the books that I have read (which is not many when you look at how many books exist in the world) so I would love to see your recommendations! Please feel free to add onto this post any recs that you have! Now onto the list!
1) Graceling by Kristin Cashore
I read this book the summer before I started ToG and completely loved it. It was one of the early books that got me back into reading and it was honestly the perfect book for that. It was exciting and I couldn’t put it down. It follows an assassin for a tyrannical king who begins to realize her own gifts for killing are more then she ever thought they could be. Cashore does a fantastic job developing the lead character Katsa and the ways that she dolls out information to the readers slowly is impeccable. While this book is technically the first in a trilogy of books taking place in the Graceling world, it can be read as a standalone fantasy (which I feel like are very rare). Another part of this book that I really loved was the romance. I usually don’t read very many straight romances (due to the sexist/problematic aspects many of the ones that I’ve read have) but the relationship between Katsa and Po is honestly a breath of fresh air when you’re used to a lot of toxicity and sexism with cishet romances in books. The two take care of each other and their relationship is very balanced. There are no gender roles pushed on either of them and they truly grow to become a team throughout the story and it’s wonderful to see! I would consider Katsa and Po, while canonically cis (there isn’t any explicit queer rep in this book), both quite androgynous characters who often express themselves in a fluid manner which I really appreciate. Over all this is an amazing classic YA fantasy that everyone should check out!
Synopsis: “Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight—she’s a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king’s thug.
She never expects to fall in love with beautiful Prince Po.
She never expects to learn the truth behind her Grace—or the terrible secret that lies hidden far away . . . a secret that could destroy all seven kingdoms with words alone.
With elegant, evocative prose and a cast of unforgettable characters, debut author Kristin Cashore creates a mesmerizing world, a death-defying adventure, and a heart-racing romance that will consume you, hold you captive, and leave you wanting more.”
2) Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
This book is the first in a five book series about three royal sisters raised to battle it out for the throne. I must admit the first book in the series is a little lackluster due to the fact that it’s setting up a lot but the second book just blows everything out of the water in a fantastic way. This series is dark and bloody and intriguing. I got completely hooked on this series and it brought out a lot of emotion to the point where I was gasping and shouting and throwing my book around as I was reading it (I got very invested)! I think that’s one of the things SJM can do well is get you hooked on her characters and Kendare can do the same (if not better). I love the dynamic between the sisters, this book does a great job at exploring the darker side of familial and female/female relationships (mostly platonic.. there isn’t very much queer rep unfortunately) that I really appreciate. The magic system and wolrdbuliding are also something that I enjoyed and I though was quite well done. Kendare does a good job at weaving in worldbuilding and magic system seamlessly into the story and I love that so much. Three Dark Crowns is just a fun and exciting series that I think anyone who loves fantasy YA should check out!
Synopsis: “ In every generation on the island of Fennbirn, a set of triplets is born—three queens, all equal heirs to the crown and each possessor of a coveted magic. Mirabella is a fierce elemental, able to spark hungry flames or vicious storms at the snap of her fingers. Katharine is a poisoner, one who can ingest the deadliest poisons without so much as a stomachache. Arsinoe, a naturalist, is said to have the ability to bloom the reddest rose and control the fiercest of lions.
But becoming the Queen Crowned isn’t solely a matter of royal birth. Each sister has to fight for it. And it’s not just a game of win or lose…it’s life or death. The night the sisters turn sixteen, the battle begins.
The last queen standing gets the crown. “
3) The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
So a little disclaimer, this book is one of my favorite fantasy books of all time. I read it over the span of a few months last summer (its a long one guys...800+ pages) and it was one of the greatest, most well thought out fantasy books I’d ever had the pleasure of reading. I loved the characters, the world, the plot, the magic system etc. I loved everything! There’s some great political intrigue, dragon riders, epic battles, prophecies, weddings, funerals, romance and just general badassery and kickassery happening. Shannon clearly put so much time and effort into this book and it shows. That kind of dedication that shows is something that I really appreciate in a book, especially a fantasy book. Another aspect that I loved so so much is the diversity in this book. It came so naturally and didn’t at all feel like tokenism. The characters, with their differing genders, ethnicities, sexualities, ages, and nationalities etc, and their relationships with each other are truly what made the story. This book also has one of the BEST f/f romances I’ve ever read (as a queer woman I really loved that representation so much and felt very connected to both of those characters). Priory is a long one but if you have the time I highly recommend it.
Synopsis: “ A world divided. A queendom without an heir. An ancient enemy awakens.
The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction – but assassins are getting closer to her door.
Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic.
Across the dark sea, Tané has trained to be a dragonrider since she was a child, but is forced to make a choice that could see her life unravel.
Meanwhile, the divided East and West refuse to parley, and forces of chaos are rising from their sleep. “
4) Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
As a queer woman, I’m always a little on edge when someone mentions f/f friendship in a book. This is entirely because of the erasure many many f/f romances experience when they are just brushed off as friendships (we’ve all heard the term “gal pals”). It’s frustrating and even though I love a good f/f friendship when the f/f romances get erased and replaced by friendships it gets exhausting. However, Truthwitch is a true f/f friendship that I can fully get behind! Dennard is an author that I had been following for writing tips for a while before I finally picked up her book. I knew that she’s someone who is invested in making her series diverse, even if she herself doesn’t fit into those categories, and accepts criticism because she want’s to do her characters justice. That’s something I really appreciate seeing from white cishet authors and is one of the reasons I picked up Truthwitch. It’s so much fun and the heart of the story truly is the relationship between the two leads Safi and Iseult. Their friendship reminds me a lot of my relationship with my friends. Books about f/f relationships (romantic or otherwise) are few and far between so I really love that this book exists. Strong platonic relationships are so often pushed aside for cishet romantic ones so it’s SO refreshing to see a series where the book would not exist without Safi and Iseult’s bond. They are truly soulmates and their relationship with each other is the most important one in their lives and that is just beautiful. Not to mention this book has got an awesome magic system and is building up to an amazing fantasy series! There’s pirates, priestesses, princes and, of course, witches! It’s loads of fun all around!
Synopsis: “ Young witches Safiya and Iseult have a habit of finding trouble. After clashing with a powerful Guildmaster and his ruthless Bloodwitch bodyguard, the friends are forced to flee their home.
Safi must avoid capture at all costs as she's a rare Truthwitch, able to discern truth from lies. Many would kill for her magic, so Safi must keep it hidden - lest she be used in the struggle between empires. And Iseult's true powers are hidden even from herself.
In a chance encounter at Court, Safi meets Prince Merik and makes him a reluctant ally. However, his help may not slow down the Bloodwitch now hot on the girls' heels. All Safi and Iseult want is their freedom, but danger lies ahead. With war coming, treaties breaking and a magical contagion sweeping the land, the friends will have to fight emperors and mercenaries alike. For some will stop at nothing to get their hands on a Truthwitch. “
5) Monstress by Marjorie Liu (Writer) and Sana Takeda (Illustrator)
Another disclaimer! This book is my favorite graphic novel, period. There is really nothing like Monstress out there and I think that it’s criminally underrated. Liu and Takeda are the perfect combo of writer/artist to make this GN come together. I’m constantly in awe of the world, characters, and story Liu built and the frankly stunning art Takeda creates to go along with it. It’s steampunk and dark and dirty and beautiful. The lead character, Maika, is one of the few truly morally gray characters that I’ve read. Her decisions will make you question if you’re a good person because you still love her despite the fact that she just killed that guy... and that guy... and those other guys. This graphic novel series is very reflective of the dark animes (like Tokyo Ghoul and Castlevania) that we are seeing more recently and I personally believe Monstress would make a fantastic animated series if it were ever to get an adaption. This book has also some great representation of queer women (Maika herself is a queer, disabled, WoC). It’s totally the norm for the world and all of the lead female characters are queer, which I just love. This story has amazing woldbulding, magic, characters etc. It’ll give you everything from giant dead gods, to talking cats with multiple tails, to demonically possessed teenage girls who need to eat people. It’s honestly amazing. (I would give a major trigger warning for blood/gore so as long as you know you can handle that I think you should check it out!)
Synopsis: “ Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900's Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam punk, MONSTRESS tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, and who shares a mysterious psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, a connection that will transform them both and make them the target of both human and otherworldly powers. “
6) The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L. Jensen
I never thought I would love a cishet romance as much as I love this one but here I am. The Bridge Kingdom is not really the kind of book I would normally pick up but it was on sale on kindle so I thought “why not!” And I was not disappointed. This story follows the assassin princess, Lara, who was raised to be married off to her fathers rival kingdom and kill the king. However, things get sticky when she begins to actually fall for the king and starts to realize that her father isn’t exactly who he says he is. Not only was this romance steamy as hell (this is an ADULT book folks so there are some explicit sex scenes, beware) but the world is super cool. The political intrigue was something I really enjoyed and I loved to see the world unfold from Lara’s eyes. I also totally loved Lara’s character. She’s complicated and cutthroat but ultimately want’s to do what’s right and is a character made to change and develop. I usually don’t go for that character trope that Lara fits into (beautiful and badass and despite being the MCs they somehow end up being very bland...) but Jensen managed to create a very mature and ever changing version of the YA trope that I ended up loving completely. If you love steamy fantasy romances with cool worlds and intriguing characters this is absolutely the book for you!
Synopsis: “ Lara has only one thought for her husband on their wedding day: I will bring your kingdom to its knees. A princess trained from childhood to be a lethal spy, Lara knows that the Bridge Kingdom represents both legendary evil - and legendary promise. The only route through a storm-ravaged world, the Bridge Kingdom controls all trade and travel between lands, allowing its ruler to enrich himself and deprive his enemies, including Lara's homeland. So when she is sent as a bride under the guise of fulfilling a treaty of peace, Lara is prepared to do whatever it takes to fracture the defenses of the impenetrable Bridge Kingdom.
But as she infiltrates her new home - a lush paradise surrounded by tempest seas - and comes to know her new husband, Aren, Lara begins to question where the true evil resides. Around her, she sees a kingdom fighting for survival, and in Aren, a man fiercely protective of his people. As her mission drives her to deeper understanding of the fight to possess the bridge, Lara finds the simmering attraction between her and Aren impossible to ignore. Her goal nearly within reach, Lara will have to decide her own fate: Will she be the destroyer of a king or the savior of her people? “
#the bridge kingdon#danielle l jensen#graceling#kristin cashore#monstress#sana takeda#marjorie liu#truthwitch#susan dennard#the priory of the orange tree#samantha shannon#three dark crowns#kendare blake#tog#book recomendation#book lover#booklr#book list#fantasy book#fantasy book recomendation#anti tog#queer books#queer book recs#anti sjm#bookworm#graphic novel#ya books#my post
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Raspberry Cookie from Cookie Run and Victor from Pokémon are available for interaction! Both muses have been added to the mobile muse list, the blog muse list, with their small blog bios done, the shipping list and then finally added to the interest check! Check them out!
HERE SHE COMES....our queen knight raspberry cookie!! i know not much cookie run rp blogs follow me (i gotta find those bitches 😳 /lh) i’ve always wanted a feminine knight character, she gives me major utena vibes and really that’s all we gays want! she’s very flirty with women and nb peeps but she’s very determined to her goal becoming the hollyberry princess! she won’t let anyone get in her way and she loves winning! v competitive! also did ya know raspberry mousse is her twin brother??? 👀
I’ve always wanted to make a victor so here we are!! i was in between victor and gloria but seeing black victor yesterday motivated me!! we never get enough poc rep in pokemon so im super happy about it! my victor, who prefers to go by vi he feels feminine, is actually genderfluid! sometimes he feels masculine, sometimes feminine, sometimes androgynous! also he’s afro-southern asian!! a majority of their wardrobe is either masc or androgynous but sometimes he likes to wear super fem stuff! he’s really lighthearted and super sweet, known for being very kind to a lot of people (where people can walk all over him) and can’t hate people no matter what! he uhh kinda gets traumatized because of the darkest day and That's No Good!
now who wants these bitches
making these edits are fun for far so im happy to do more! to respect a lot of artists, I’ll only make the skin edits on official art, like from the official artists, websites, anime, manga, etc. like that!
#Raspberry Cookie (self) | Future princess of the Hollyberry Kingdom!#Victor (self) | Oh I'm just a trainer!!#When I close my eyes lying next to you... | Updates#big boy anxiety | OOC
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A) hi how ya doing? B) I miss you C) can you analyze anything of Aragon? Thank you :)
Hey anon! I’m doing good ❤️❤️❤️ thanks so much for asking! I hope you’re doing well too!
Aragon is really interesting to me, because her song is kind of like the bohemian rhapsody of six. Very few people will say that it’s their favourite, but everyone will instantly sing along because it’s so catchy! Plus, it’s a great song to follow ex-wives with. It keeps the energy up and introduces the audience to the plot of the show.
I will say this until the day I die: while I would love if more songs were as scathing as say AYWD...you could never start with those songs. It’s too much too quickly. You need the more catchy, light-hearted songs of Ex-Wives, No Way and DLUH to start with because it helps get the audience invested in the show and the plot as a whole. Six, first and foremost, will always need to work dramatically. That’s why the old, more openly bitter No Way was changed to something a little more light-hearted.
The first thing that always comes to mind when I think of Aragon is regal. She’s the queen who was married to Henry for 24 years and was a Spanish princess as well. She’s the refined, confident queen who knows her own worth and honestly? I get the vibe she just wants a little bit of respect from the other queens. While some people characterise Aragon as rather cold, I honestly don’t get that? The show portrays Aragon as a very loyal person despite all that Henry put her through, and she clearly cares for Mary and also, to a lesser extent, Parr as her god daughter (remember she calls Howard “the least relevant Katherine”...meaning she does see Parr as relevant.) and she often refers to other queens as “babe” even though she was just arguing with them five seconds earlier (harking on the idea of forgiveness, something I think Aragon is very good at in the show!). Plus, while there’s only one line referring to Mary, Aragon is always so protective of her and warm to her. In the album, Renee’s “aw, hi baby!” is the most adorable and heartwarming part of the song and it’s clear she adores her daughter, while the “oh, you don’t remember?” in the live versions is so protective of her baby. It’s honestly something we don’t discuss enough. Moreover, Aragon’s song is one of the most energetic, but she has her earnest moment of pleading as well, along with her undisputable strength of refusing to back down and accept Henry’s lies. She is also incredibly passionate when talking about something she loves or defending herself when she has to (which make sense! This was the woman who rode with an army wearing armour while pregnant. Aragon was not to be messed with!).
I personally disagree with people who try and claim that Toby and Lucy wrote Aragon as the “angry” queen because she never truly gets to the levels of boleyn or seymour (yes there’s the miscarriage argument where she does raise her voice but like...are we ignoring Seymour’s “boohoo Mary had the chickenpox” or the fact that Boleyn is also shouting in that argument??? And she usually goes louder than Aragon???) and yet she’s so often defined by that trait even though other queens share it and are even more extreme. And yes, Im fully aware of why certain people characterise aragon in this way and I’m so annoyed that even though we continually call out the fact that’s it’s problematic, it continues to happen. However Aragon does have flaws like every good character should. Aragon just won’t try and listen to the other queens. She refuses to accept that Boleyn or Seymour might have had a worse time than her. Now I personally never got the feeling that Aragon blames the other queens for anything. Her feelings are directed at Henry. Notice in now way she talks about how henry is “running around with some pretty young thing” and she refers to him having “one son with someone who don’t own a wedding ring”. Those people? They’re clearly supposed to be Boleyn and Bessie, two people who are actually on stage at the time. But Aragon doesn’t take an easy shot at either of them in her song. She doesn’t say their name or call them out or try and involve them in her song. Contrast this with DLUH where Boleyn grabs Aragon, forces her to be front and centre in this verse and then insults her constantly (“three in the bed” = airing Aragon’s and Henry’s ✨ intimate issues ✨ with the entire world while “Don’t be bitter, cause I’m fitter” and “he doesn’t want to bang you, somebody hang you” are both pretty self explanatory). I think it’s absolutely key that Aragon doesn’t blame Boleyn or Bessie or direct any misplaced feelings towards them in no way or the show. Her (very justified) feelings of anger and betrayal are (generally) directed at Henry. And that’s something so many people ignore! And I personally wish more people would be like Aragon in this regard in the real world. I don’t know if other people agree with me, but it’s your boyfriends/husbands job to not cheat on you, not someone else’s. I do know some people think that Aragon is slighting Boleyn and Bessie in that verse but if we’re sticking to tudor ideals, Aragon not mentioning them by name (in essence keeping their “dignity” and “honour” intact) would be the kinder thing to to. (Note I’m only saying this with Tudor ideals in mind. I also think Aragon fully knows that Bessie was 13 when Henry started making advances on her and again, refuses to blame Bessie for what happened because she knows she’s a victim).
However...Aragon doesn’t ever try and listen to other queens and will insult them if she has to. She (along with the other queens like Boleyn and Seymour) gets more and more defensive and petty as the show continues. However, she never gets to the same levels of hard hitting insults has say Boleyn. But I mean...Aragon was a queen who went through so much in her lifetime and never was able to really talk about it. Yes, she resisted Henry trying to get their marriage annulled, and she was one of the strongest women at the time, but she couldn’t deal with her emotions the same way that we can today. She never got to told Boleyn to go away or leave her alone. She never got to bad mouth Henry because he was the king. She was, first and foremost, a lady, and she was expected to act in a certain way all of her life. And now that she’s reincarnated in modern days, she doesn’t have to do all of those things. She can be annoyed and let it show, she can tell Boleyn all those things she wanted to do back in the day. Some actresses even lean into the idea that it’s sort of cathartic for Aragon to FINALLY just say what she wants to say without having to worry on how it would reflect on her as queen. Mind you, I still think that Aragon considers how her words would reflect on her (much more than any other queen) but she definitely has more wiggle room within the show than she did during her reign.
In addition, while the fandom also like to reduce Aragon to obsessed with her religion, I actually really like how her relationship with Catholicism is portrayed in the show. While I do concede that Aragon’s faith is sometimes reduced to the butt of the joke, that’s not always the case and I personally really enjoy how Aragon seems to gain a lot of strength from her religion, instead of it holding her back or hindering her. While I do understand why so many characters in media struggle with their religion or find it suffocating (my relationship with Catholicism is...fragile at the best of times), but I genuinely love this idea that Aragon’s faith is what guides her and gives her inner strength in times of need. I mean,,,when she’s pleading to Henry during now way, the music slows to something that sounds more like a gospel song, Aragon is kneeling with her hands clasped and there's bright white light around her (i also vaguely remember something that looks like a crucifix behind her as well? But I'm not 100 percent sure on that). At the time where Aragon is most vulnerable and needs to find inner strength and wants guidance...she turns to her religion and that's seen as a very positive thing!!! The same with Aragon's verse in Sox. Moving to a nunnery and finding friends there is something that's now postive and liberating instead of being stuffy and boring and restrictive like nunnery are often portrayed as in media. (yes I know that's also a play on Henry wanting to send Aragon into the nunnery after their divorce but I do think that there’s no malicious religion-basing in Six is a nice touch that’s often overlooked).
Finally, Aragon’s costume is quite important to her character. It is one of the more feminine outlines (especially the updated version on broadway) and I do think it’s an inadvertent issue that the queens with the more stereotypical feminine costumes are more catty whereas the more stereotypical androgynous or masculine outfits (aka Parr and Cleves) are often the voices of reason, but I don’t think that’s intentional or is intended to comment on anything. It’s just a coincidence. However, the gold of Aragon’s outfit obviously symbolises her love, courage and passion, along with indicating her status as a noble. While yes the rest of the queens were all noble in some way before they married Henry, Aragon was a Spanish princess and the daughter of two incredibly powerful monarchs. She was probably the highest standing out of any of the queens, and her costume reflects that. I also think that her wearing gold to flaunt her status could be her trying to make up for the years between her marriages to Arthur and Henry (where she didn’t have many provisions made for her as far as I know) and also the last few years of her life. (I’ve seen differing reports on how Aragon was provided for after Henry divorced her, with her claiming that she was living in poverty while others state she got 3000 pounds. If anyone has any confirmation then let me know). Either way, her wanting to flaunt her status after her reincarnation by wearing lots of bright gold makes total sense. I’ve also seen a few people say that the bust on Aragon’s costume is the most historically accurate but I can’t confirm that, although if it is then that’s a really nice touch.
Well this took ages, but it was fun to finally get to analyse stuff again AND do it on a queen who doesn’t get discussed very much!!! Aragon often gets reduced to “catholic” or “angry” within this fandom, even though she is just as complex as any other character within the show but she just expresses things in very different ways. And that’s okay! This whole show is about how women (and NB folk!) are different and do have different experiences and do express things differently and have different personalities and that’s okay! We should celebrate our differences.
#six the musical#six#sixthemusical#ask#anon ask#anonymous#anonymous ask#anon#ask answered#enya discusses: six
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❝ 𝕀 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕠 𝕒 𝕜𝕚���𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕒 𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖 ❞
NAME — Aylin Angel Lightfoot ZODIAC / AGE — Cancer / Twenty-Three PRONOUNS — He/They (doesn’t mind either, my androgynous king) SEXUALITY --Pansexual OCCUPATION — ya’ know just prince things HOMETOWN — Etheria, Brightmoon (if you don’t count before he was adopted by ian & gracie)
FATHER — Ian Lightfoot MOTHER — Gracelyn Moon
POSITIVE TRAITS — courageous, charming, free-spirited NEGATIVE TRAITS — cocky, reckless, guarded
LIKES: sneaking out, sushi, ripped jeans, black and pink, silver chains, thunder storms, laughter filled nights, sitting on the roof, roses, causing chaos, flirting, romantic gestures, gossip, black tie events, being a prince, art
aylin lightfoots powers are strikingly similar to that of his adoptive mother gracie. which is what caught gracelyn’s eyes in the first place besides that he was a rather sweet boy. he can harness heat into forms of energy like lightning and thunder. when he was younger he couldn’t quite control it. if aylin was upset others could tell quite easily from how loud the thunder would part the skies. he didn’t know his birth parents so he couldn’t trace back the source of his powers.
at a young age aylin was placed in his last few homes with his now sister edith. they grew close through the hardships of foster care and quickly formed an unbreakable bond. when they were presented in front of the lightfoots the king and queen soon realized that they couldn’t bare to separate the two and decided to adopt them both! from that day on aylin became a lightfoot and a prince to bright moon.
once adopted he quickly grew attached to his adopted mother gracelyn. although their powers were different in some ways she was able to teach him how to harness his energy correctly. it took years but for the most part he has his powers under control. he even learned some new abilities through his mom and dad! the heat from his energy can change the color of his lightning bolts, he uses pink for the most part. in honor of his mom and its his signature color. same goes for his hair color. (momma’s boy)
aylin enjoys being royalty but he has no interest in being king, he doesn’t feel fit for it. he’d much rather have fun while he can. plus he’d probably break his own laws in a matter of seconds lets be real. this boy is a wild child and he loves being adventurous.
edith, phoenix, miya, micah - siblings rosalie capulet - he’s got some feelings for her ngl, he’s never been quite captured by someone until her ada teague - trying not to be on her shit list eowyn & kinsley lightfoot - cousins luna silver & effie dennison-- close friends amira foxworth- ex high school sweethearts brynhild arnaldr -royal non-binary besties
#waltnextgen#this mans really just tuxedo mask in human form lbr#also his middle name is in honor of gracies mother queen angella ;)#i cry alot#if you dont see a connection ive made with you lmk know and ill add it!!#{Aylin Moon ;; Next Gen}
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wassup yall it’s been forevys but im officially halfway through this abish book here’s some pros and cons
battle with exclamation points continues, now a new contender has entered the fight: ellipses. these are luxury resources and kc grant is ruining the economy
the most sudden unearned underwhelming unsatisfactory kiss scene ive ever read. we love our androgynous blacksmith babe but they kissed just in the middle of a paragraph completely out of nowhere with no dramatic tension or buildup at all and im upset
her dad’s Conversion Vision also feels pretty out-of-nowhere and also way too neat & tidy? he just comes in like “I had a dream that there’s only one God and everything we’ve ever been taught is wrong, come on let’s go change our entire lives” and abi’s like “ok lit.” we stan a ride-or-die daughter but cmon, gimme some CONFLICT, some INTERNAL CRISIS OF FAITH. I WANT A GODLY WRESTLE!!
it’s racist. the racism is dressed up pretty but it’s there and it sucks. the nephites are white which is automatically a loss but madam grant consistently portrays that whiteness as not only more civilized and righteous but also more attractive??? abi’s living with this nephite family and this one boy walks by with blonde hair and green eyes and she’s like “these nephites were like the colors of the rainbow...such variety...” and it’s. it’s gross.
androgynous blacksmith babe is Lost At Sea. i know from reading the summary of the sequel book that he survives and they get married but for now I Miss Him.......
what is the plot. where is the plot. when is the plot. there’s so many random things happening and she’s ending up so many different places, i have no idea how or when she’s possibly gonna end up where she’s sposed to be. tally marks of “days without my queen” stretch across the wall. ammon has yet to be introduced. where are my children. what is happening. how can i go on
she is how i can go on
at one point she goes to help gardening and when asked what she’s doing she replies “i am sitting in the dirt”
the moment she’s free from Societal Expectations she goes right to climbing trees and killing random peccarys in the wild
apparently lots of research was done on the flora and fauna and geology of this place! enough to have detailed beautiful descriptions of different flowers and rocks but not enough to know quetzals are green
afterwards they’re fleeing town and so decide to cut her hair and start new lives and!!!! aaaaahhh!!!
abish: with this puckered scar from brow to cheekbone and this hastily knife-shortened hair, i must look horrid, at least jared sees past that and loves me anyway
me, a lesbian, imagining her, remembering that she was described as also taller than everyone, thinking about her, THINKING ABOUT HER:
the nephite fam shes livin with is basically just parents & three toddlers and theyyyyyy’re cute
baby brother picks up an iguana and wants to keep it, dad is like No but abish is like Maybe...the lizard saga continues
there was a fun sweet sailor man whom i love, who tries to make small talk in the middle of a storm. just yelling “HEY YALL GOT FAMILY BACK HOME?” over the wind while bailing water off the deck. iconic
at another point some nephites harass her for being Different and she completely destroys them. goes in wrestling and “actually abish did most of the fighting; the boy just lay there in disbelief. it was only after two of the other boys joined in that abish felt her abilities being tested.” HER POWER!!!!
after this she feels all guilty and wants to go apologize but literally everyone else is on her side. like nah those creeps deserved it. good on ya for whoopin them
and when i say everybody? i mean EVERYBODY. A Proclamation Comes From King Mosiah. THE KING. saying “hey heard yall were being racist. cut it out. losers.”
the proclamation itself reads exactly like a modern bishop newsletter but in context it’s like, THE KING??? THE KING. imagine if you got in a fight with your school rival and then a nationwide statement comes out cosigned by russell m nelson and barack obama telling literally everyone that you were in the wrong here
she’s iconic
and finally. every page i turn is a page closer to ammon and the queen. hopefully. we’re halfway there folks. give me strength.
#led#abish book liveblog#i know im being mean but i really am enjoying this and im still so jazzed and jived to have been gifted it#i read it and my years of writing are like :( but i think about it in the abstract and all my whole insides are like :D!!!!!!!!!!!!#this is such a long post rip#anyWAYS!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!! AND IM SO GLAD TO HAVE EXCUSE TO THINK ABOUT HER ALL THE TIME#IM AHPPY#HAPPY#YEE#im#literally so excited for ammon to show up yall i keep thinking about When Itll Happen and vibrating#im very excitable lately it seems#LOTS OF EXCITING THINGS ARE HAPPENING FOR ME.......#i sit in my chair and i Hand Flap and i Wiggle#its a fun time#anyways. ily
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