#yandere takumi
animeyanderelover ยท 10 months
Request: firstly, id like to request more yanderes of your choice, maybe the newer fandoms, with that prompt i suggested long ago, about darling distancing themselves to plan on how to confess to yanderes.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, stalking, threats, manipulation
Darling distances themselves to plan on how to confess
Heiwajima Shizuo
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๐Ÿšฌโ€ŠSomehow Shizuo can't bring himself to be surprised by this. He's scared a good couple of people away due to his temper and sheer physical strength, he's probably more surprised that you stayed as long with him as you did. Does that mean that he's any less hurt by your actions? Absolutely not, his poor heart is crushed. He's put so much effort into trying to better himself around you yet it appears to have been in vain. It's just unfair. Poor Tanaka has to deal with the aftermath of Shizuo's broken heart as the man's temper essentially becomes a brooding volcano waiting to explode at any moment and wreck havoc. Shizuo refuses to let anyone know about his feelings but his emotions are out of his own control as everyone can tell that something is wrong. He's vulnerable right now and doesn't know how to cope with it, prays to all gods that Izaya will let him be.
๐Ÿšฌโ€ŠHe nearly crushes his phone when he receives a message from you, asking him to meet you. The whole way to the place where you two are supposed to meet, he already feels like cracking multiple times but his delicate composure shatters finally when he sees you and you give him a shy smile as if nothing has happened. You know, he used to adore that smile but now it almost fills him with pain because how can you smile like that after the stunt you've just pulled? Everything he's stuffed down breaks out of him as he starts shouting at you, confused, hurt and angry all at the same time. You flinch a bit when he starts yelling but you manage to get him to listen to you and finally tell him why you've done what you've done. One might as well have deactivated Shizuo as his mind wents blank and he just looks down at you, frozen. Eventually his face twists into one of still slight anger yet also overwhelming giddiness, his cheeks turn pink as he's flustered and embarrassed at the same time. Ultimately he mutters that he has to go somewhere as this is too much for him at the moment so he sort of runs away. Give him a bit to calm down and then he'll be the happiest man ever.
Takumi Aldini
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๐Ÿโ€ŠHe truly doesn't understand what has happened between the two of you as in his eyes, everything was going quite smoothly. He had finally gotten over his pride and bashfulness and had approached you and you two have grown quite close since then. So why are you avoiding him all of a sudden? Takumi tries to talk with you, wants to ask you what's wrong all of a sudden but you brush him off and always excuse yourself, barely able to look him into his eyes. This just serves to fuel a growing paranoia as he starts looking back on all interactions he's had with you, wondering if he's done something that unintentionally hurt you. He can't figure anything out though and the lack of knowledge drives him up the wall. Soon questions turn to desperate pleads and he relapses into old habits of stalking you. Takumi tries to keep it together but Isami catches him crying when he thinks that he's alone a couple of times.
๐Ÿโ€ŠTakumi's confidence is shaken and that even shows in his cooking skills so his twin brother and all of his friends try to help him. Eventually you inform Isami that you want him to retrieve Takumi for you since you have a surprise for him. Seldom has he run faster in his life, out of breath when he arrives. He's instantly drowning you with apologies for whatever he's done and pleads to just stop distancing yourself from him before you hush him and point to a plate in front of you and encourage him to lift the lid. He does so and a mouth-watering scent fills the air as an Italian dish is revealed and written on it, in tomate sauce, is a love confession. His brains stops for a moment, his eyes nearly pop out of his head and he looks absolutely flabbergasted. As his brain slowly processes what's going on, a blush starts spreading across his face. It starts from his ears until it covers his entire face. You finally reveal to him that you've practiced to cook Italian Cuisine to surprise him and hearing that you've put so much thought and care into this for him finally makes his heart burst. He probably starts crying a bit, hides his face behind his hands out of sheer embarrassment and happiness. Very much happiness.
Sohma Hatsuharu
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๐Ÿฎโ€ŠHatsuharu is normally always nonchalant, although also quite shameless around you. Yet your sudden ignorance regarding him brings out his worst sides which is Black Haru as he grows aggressive and rude. Deep down Haru is just very hurt because he loves you and thought that you cherished him too yet your sudden absence in his life makes him feel lost and lonely, a feeling he despises and wants to go away. As White Haru he has tried to ask you what has happened but you've never given him an answer, triggering his other side. Worst for him though is that you only ignore him and still interact with others which is only another blow to his fragile heart at the moment. He expresses his hurt with sheer rudeness though. It's quite scary as he suddenly follows you around persistently, threatens your friends and even grabs people by the collar if they annoy him. He's even attempted to drag you somewhere where the two of you are all alone so he can just have you to himself and force an answer out of you.
๐Ÿฎโ€ŠHe catches you one day clutching a letter to your chest, the hearts drawn on it immediately setting him off and before you can stop him, he yanks you closer to him and rips the letter out of your hands before running away. His heart is pounding against his chest with anger and fear. Is there someone else you like? He's tempted to just rip the letter apart but wants to know which bastard he has to beat up since you're only his so he rips the envelope open and starts reading it's contents. You find him a few moments later and realize with horror that he's reading your letter, deeply immersed. His eyes shoot up when you storm to him and a smirk forms on his lips. Before you can react, he grabs you by your hips and pulls you closer, his own lips smashing against yours. Your thoughts stop as for a short moment you're just in pure shock before your whole face heats up with embarrassment and you try to pull away, a fruitless effort as Haru doesn't allow you to break the kiss. When he finally pulls away, you're out of breath and feel like your head's about to explode, unfortunately the mischievous boy doesn't give you a break as he goes in for the next kiss. You owe him that for what you've put him through.
Leah Clearwater
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Leah is pure spit and bitterness, which in itself isn't anything new. It's so much worse now than it has ever been though because it's her imprint who has started avoiding her all of a sudden. It's just so unfair because Leah felt finally happy again after years of being heartbroken and sad over Sam. She physically can't stay away from you and your sudden avoidance of her drives her crazy and makes her immensely short-tempered and aggressive. It gets to the point where no one from the pack wants to deal with her antics anymore besides Seth who is at that point the only one able to approach her without her snapping at him. Honestly, Leah is pretty bad as she's relentless and unwilling to allow you to leave her. She scares your friends as she's insanely jealous that you still spend time with them but not with her and guilt-trips you.
It's a miracle that you stil pull through with your plan but love is blind after all. So you eventually invite her over to your house for dinner and she jumps greedily at the chance to just be alone with you after you've been avoiding her for so long. That doesn't mean that she's not angry at you though, she's still holding a grudge and so her words are sharp and snarky. A part of her is even a bit sceptical to why you've invited her over all of a sudden but her possessive feelings wouldn't allow her anything else than meeting you. Dinner with her is awkward for a while as you feel her hard gaze on you, at least until you decide to confess to her. Surprise flies over her face before she narrows her eyes and observes you, unwilling to fully believe you just yet even if she really wants to. When she sees nothing but sincerity in your eyes, she feels a fuzzy feeling buzzing inside her chest and head and lets out a small scoff, doing her best to play it coo, although there is a small smile on her facel. She's still a bit mad at you for avoiding her but she'll probably forgive you if you promise to make up for the time where you avoided her and spend from now on much time with her.
Hijikata Toshiro
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๐Ÿšฌโ€ŠToshiro officially goes crazy and Okita's comments that he's more surprised that you managed to handle the Vice-Captain as long as you did and that it was bound to happen. Normally Hijikata can ignore Okita's words but this is the first time his words get stuck in his brain as he can't help but consider if he's right. Have you had enough of him? Why? Surely not because of his excessive controlling streak and his overprotective antics. He just wants you to be safe after all, he has only the best intentions. This officer is stubborn and unwilling to slip up during his job and show any weakness but he fails miserably. He's brodding all the time, the slightest things can set him off and he shows higher aggression against anyone who breaks the law as his emotions are a mess. Any attempts to talk to you normally have failed and by now he's that close to breaking your door down, dragging you out and forcing you through an interrogation.
๐Ÿšฌโ€ŠHe snaps when he manages to catch one of your close acquaintances and asks threatens them about what has been going on with you. They stutter out that they suspect that you're in love with someone and plan to confess, words he shortly mulls over in his head before he storms to your house, suddenly having troubles to breathe. That shouldn't be possible, he's sure that he's familiar with every person in your life thanks to his "diligence". He nearly breaks your door down but you open it just in time to see a frenzied Toshiro in front of you, out of breath and slightly twitching as he instantly pushes you inside and asks you with a harsh and slightly betrayed voice if you're in love with someone. Your eyes widen an suddenly he's interrogating you who it is, his mind racing with ideas how to successfully threaten them. Unable to take this anymore, you yell at him with tears in your eyes that he's the person you wanted to confess to. Within seconds his face changes colors from red, to green to a sick-looking grey. Shit, he's messed up. He stumbles out of your house, muttering an apology for the inconvenience before leaving. He comes back the next day with the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, ready to beg for forgiveness for making the wrong assumption.
Seras Victoria
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๐Ÿฉธโ€ŠSeras has always been a bit odd, brave yet timid, smart yet childish. She's a vampire who has her fair share of battle experience and fights yet this woman is more than often a flustered mess when she's with you. Alucard obviously knows about her massive, and partially unhealthy, crush she has but he isn't discouraging her. However, when you spontanously decide to cut off contact between the two of you, Seras is shocked and shaken as she can't even begin to imagine what has happened. Sure, she is a Draculina but you knew that and it never bothered you before. The poor woman falls into a hole and is often just sitting somewhere all by herself, wallowing in self-pity. She can't even begin to describe how hurt she is and whilst she is scared of approaching you and asking you what has happened, she still ends up stalking you as she stays true to her protective instincts. She doesn't want to lose any more people important to her.
๐Ÿฉธโ€ŠEventually you send a letter addressed to her, one she rips more eagerly than anticipated out of Integra's hands when she hands her the envelope. A strange mix of hope and nervousness wells up when it says that you want to meet her in the evening but she appears nevertheless, doing her best to hide her nagging fear. She's constantly looking at her as you begin to chat with her casually, gauging your reaction. She feels like she's on fire, unsure what your big purpose is for inviting her over and eventually you notice that and decide to end her silent torment. Out of your bag you pull out carefully a single red rose adorned with a bow and give it to her, admitting to her your feelings and your reasons for having avoided her for a while now. Seras stares at you, stares at the red rose, blinks a couple of times and then starts going slightly pink, all bashful all of a sudden. She's so relieved and most of all, happy though that you avoided her because you wanted to work on your confession to her. Giddiness starts flodding her body until she can't stop herself anymore and nearly crushs you in a tight and clingy hug. Congratulations, you've earned yourself a clingy and strong vampire girlfriend.
Gokudera Hayato
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๐ŸงจHayato is just such a loyal simp, it's rather cute. If one ignores his aggressive and jealous attitude because oh boy, he can definitely be very obnoxious. He tries to prove a point here though, one can never start showing to his crush that he'd be the best choice. So a long story in short, he does not take well to the fact that his darling suddenly doesn't spend any time with him anymore and straightup avoids him. Initially he thinks it's the fault of someone around you but after a good amount of stalking you and threatening your acquaintances without finding anything suspicious he suddenly starts considering that the problem may be with him. Has he done something that angered or upset you? Have you figured out his obsession? Have you grown tired of him, like Hibari told him once due to his annoying behavior? Gokudera immediately starts overthinking, quickly starts doubting himself and questions everything he's ever done.
๐ŸงจNow he's all on you, trying to ask you frantically if he's done something wrong but your shallow reassurances only fuel his paranoia as he's by now convinced that it's his fault. He becomes unbearable to be around to the point where even Tsuna and Yamamoto have troubles calming his flaring temper down. All gets resolved when one day he receives a message from you where you apologize for having treated him so coldly and that Tsuna has informed you out of concern for Hayato. At the bottom of your message is a sentence that Hayato can't help but read over and over again as if the words don't want to enter his head initially. Then his expression transforms from confused to dumbfounded to thrilled until his cheeks are glowing in a pretty pink. His legs begin moving on their own as he starts dashing outside, to your house. He's tripping over his own thoughts, far too flustered and excited to think straight. He runs past a flower shop, jogs back, buys a bouquet and finally reaches your home, ringing one too many times. You've been hoping for him to visit you after you confessed per message and open the door to be greeted by a out of breath but clearly thrilled Hayato.
Usui Takumi
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๐Ÿ’šโ€ŠNow, this here is a man who has made it a hobby to monopolize his darling's time as he's very possessive and easily jealous when seeing them being close to someone else. Honestly, he's acting almost normal when you initially start to avoid him, even if it is unusual considering that you two have been close up until now. He's going to stalk you anyways and for a while Takumi makes it sort of a game to see how long you can ignore him and avoid him until you give up. When he realizes that you're serious though about sort of taking a break from him, this becomes a problem though because you surely can't expect him to just accept that peacefully. He suspects that you're keeping something from him and that is something he can not accept. He doesn't like it when you keep secrets from him. Takumi becomes an utter nuisance as he tries to coax your friends into telling him your secret and follows you around, insisting on you to admit to him what's going on.
๐Ÿ’šโ€ŠIt's quite difficult to plan your confession with him quite literally breathing down your neck at times, miraculously you still manage to do so. By now Takumi has become a bit impatient which is a bit of a dangerous game as he starts pulling you aside to drag you to places where no one can see you, traps you between walls and his bodies and towers over you as he questions you why you're avoiding him and what it is that you try to keep a secret from him. Only that this time when he slams you against the wall, you can actually give him an answer. His green-eyed gaze on you is intense as you nervously fumble out the poem you made for him out of your bag and hand it to him, flustered and shy. His eyes go back and forth between reading your letter and making sure that you don't try to run, until he realizes what the poem is about and his eyes hastily fly over every word. Just like that the slightly intimidating demeanor about him is gone and his green eyes shine brighter as he pinches your cheeks slightly, scolding you for making him worry over you like this before leaning down to give you a kiss, a smug grin still present on his face. You poor thing, he's going to tease and embarrass the living daylight out of you.
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spectralhunter ยท 1 year
โ› kiss me again. โœ
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โ You know, you don't need to ask twice. โž Two hands caught a grip on the little killer's jacket, capturing a firm grasp with a twist of the wrists. In an instant, Envy got pulled slightly downwards ( just a little tilt ) in order for their lips to touch, savour, and discover one another all over again.
It was a window of careless passion, where one sought to take dominion of the other. Takumi lost no time by pushing his tongue inside Envy's mouth, permitting him to feel the sensation of squeezing himself between those protruding canines.
As they came to part, Takumi made use of a single finger in order to snap the glistening trail of unconditional love still linked between their parted lips. For all Envy knew, there was plenty more of that from where it came.
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๐ˆ๐ง๐ฏ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐ ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐‹๐ž๐š๐ : ๐š๐ง ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐๐ข๐š๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐ฌ.
๐—–๐—ผ๐—น๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ผ๐—ฟ : @s-talking
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real-fire-emblem-takes ยท 29 days
intsys did camilla (who has also been severely wronged by the fanbase) and xander fe14 so fuckig dirtyyy loke. camilla is a character loaded with trauma and they couldve done soo much and explored what makes her the way she is (i.e. eldest daughter syndrome + her mother using her to gain favour with garon). her character was watered down to "big sister fetish" so quickly PLUS i think her supports with takumi are ridiculous. they compliment each other so well but her still treating him like a child because of her big sister complex even when theyre getting MARRIED is ridiculous!
then you have xander who in the stories hes whatever the son equivalent of "garons bitch" is (his dog? daddys boy? idk) but hes so fucking good in the supports. hes smart, caring, and open to listening to people in the supports. meanwhile story xander is a pussy who, in birthright, essentially spits on elises corpse by ignoring her last words asking him to stop fighting. amd he doesnt. support xander wpuld have put down his damn sword. say what you want about fates but i think people with media literacy will agree that HAS interesting characters that were BRUTALLY failed by the shitty writing.
tl;dr support xander good story xander bad camilla could be more than big sister titty yandere if you have any media literacy. i am a camilla and xander fan until i die specifically BECAUSE of the fact that they were failed by the writing. i am extremely passionate about fates as a series and how it could have been so incredible if it had good writers
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yyxandere ยท 7 months
Ok but what if like darling made the yanderes ((from any ace attorney or yakuza character)) the second choice like y'know if darling doesn't get with the first person / first choice they'd go to the yanderes (?) I feel so bad to think of it but like H!$(2)?2{ยข - ๐ŸŽ anon
-ห‹หSINCERELY YOURS. . . ->
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๐ŸŽAnon, you just love your angst huh๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ {{{(>_<)}}}
They would be so devasted, they are willing to bare their entire heart for you, but only when you don't have another choice, always the second, it hurts yet, they are desperate for you and are willing to accept the fact that they are your second choice anything to be with you.
Kiryu Kazuma, Goro Majima, Saejima Taiga, Shimabukuro Rikiya, Makoto Makimura, Reina, Tatsuo Shinada, Kiyomi Kasahara, Ichiban Kasuga, Eri Kamataki, Issie Hoshino,
Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Maggey Byrde, Dick Gumshoe, Adrian Andrews, Iris Fey, Apollo Justice, Wocky Kitaki, Vera Misham, Athena Cykes, Juniper Woods, Robbin Newman, Raymond Shields, Sebastian Debeste, Katherine Hall, Espella Cantabella, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Susato Mikotoba, Rei Membami, Albert Harebrayne,
No. They will not accept this. They ruined people's lives, careers,s and many more just for you, and all they get are you taking them for granted?! Disappointed and rage aren't even enough to tell how much they felt when they found out those facts. No one takes them for granted and that logic also applies to you. They will make you crave for them they will ruin your life, and when you reach rock bottom you will see them as your only choice.
Akira Nishikiyama (Kiwami), Tachibana Tetsu, Goda Ryuji, Yoshitaka Mine, Takumi Someya, Ryo Aoki, Joon-Gi Han (6), Mitsuru Kuroiwa,
Miles Edgeworth, Matt Engarde, Dahlia Hawthorne, Kristoph Gavin, Alita Tiala, Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in, Simon Keyes, Mael Stronghart, Barok Van Zieks.
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felikatze ยท 22 days
once again i think it's so funny that oboro is introduced as more or less a yandere for takumi, but in their support chain she's just. so normal. being boy crazy truly did fix her. congrats
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azxremoon ยท 1 year
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what i do and donโ€™t write for requests may contradict the type of content i write for myself.
please come to me if you have questions, concerns, or donโ€™t understand something. iโ€™m always happy to resolve any issues.
though i have a wp acc, iโ€™ll be posting my writing on my fledgling ao3 under the same handle.
requests are done for fun, not obligation! they are not the primary focus in my life or my blog.
please check my pinned post for my writing status before requesting.
thirsts and suggestions are always accepted! iโ€™d love to hear your ideas and thoughts, if youโ€™re willing to share <3
i have no set schedule or consistency, and fics are published when they are completed.
if you donโ€™t see a character you like on my list, feel free to ask about them!
regarding fire emblem, please specify whether the reader is the protagonist (byleth / corrin / robin) if it isnโ€™t clear.
requesting while theyโ€™re closed or they break a rule will result in the ask itself being deleted.
๐‚๐‡๐€๐‘๐€๐‚๐“๐„๐‘๐’ / ๐…๐€๐๐ƒ๐Ž๐Œ๐’
code geass : lelouch vi britannia, suzaku kururugi, euphemia li britannia, jeremiah gottwald, cc.
final fantasy : cloud strife, tifa lockhart, reno, rude, tseng, sephiroth, genesis rhapsodos, angeal hewley, zack fair, noctis lucis caelum, prompto argentum, gladiolus amicitia, ignis scientia, lunafreya nox fleuret, ardyn izunia, nyx ulric.
fire emblem : corrin, chrom, robin, grima, lucina, henry, tharja, ryoma, takumi, xander, leo, camilla, azura, jakob, byleth, sothis, rhea, seteth, blue lions, golden deer, black eagles.
jojoโ€™s bizarre adventure : jonathan joestar, dio / dio brando, joseph joestar, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, leone abbacchio, guido mista, jolyne kujo, foo fighters, narciso anasui.
jujutsu kaisen : satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, yuta okkotsu, aoi todo.
legend of zelda : tp + botw/totk link, totk ganon, botw + totk zelda, rauru, sonia, sidon, revali, mipha.
nier : 2b, 9s, a2, brother nier, kaine.
persona 5 : akira kurusu, goro akechi, ann takamaki, ryuji sakamoto, yusuke kitagawa, โ€œkasumiโ€ yoshizawa, takuto maruki, sae niijima.
yu-gi-oh! : yugi muto, seto kaiba, joey wheeler, jaden yuki, jesse anderson, yubel, chazz princeton, aster phoenix.
๐ˆ ๐–๐ˆ๐‹๐‹ ๐–๐‘๐ˆ๐“๐„
headcanons and short drabbles only.
spoilers are a-ok!!
character x reader only.
platonic, familial, and romantic relationships are accepted, but must be specified.
alternate universesโ€”modern, childhood, college / university, soulmate, fantasy, yandere, ask for more prior to requesting.
aus of characters inspired by specific vocaloid songs, such as cendrillon and cantarella. bonus points if it is from the evillious chronicles.
polyamorous relationships, unrequited love, various tropes.
fluff, angst, comfort fluff, hurt / comfort, hurt / no comfort.
dark contentโ€”such as major character death, yandere, etc.
๐ˆ ๐–๐ˆ๐‹๐‹ ๐๐Ž๐“ ๐–๐‘๐ˆ๐“๐„
oneshots (for reqs only)
readers with specific race, culture, disabilities, illnesses, or gender identity to avoid misrepresentation.
explicit n///sfw, non-con, fetishes, k///inks.
miscarriages or dark / triggering matters relating to pregnancy.
anything relating to harming oneself in any form.
original characters x canon.
canon x canon.
cheating (on reader, or by reader)
๐€๐๐Ž๐”๐“ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„๐‘
the reader is always gender neutral or female with ambiguous anatomy, unless stated otherwise.
reader will use she / her or they / them, but also may be written in the second person.
appearance, race, and culture are always excluded to include everyone.
the reader can be personalized by the requester, from vague personality descriptors to accessories.
the reader can be inspired by characters of other media, but i must know and be familiar of them.
accepted personalization examples are, but not limited to: a shy!reader, stand user!reader, phantom thief!reader, introverted!reader, idol!reader, reader who wears glasses, tall / short!reader.
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best-yandere-tournament ยท 4 days
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Akito: Akito is very mentally unstable and is willing to do anything to keep members the Zodiac from leaving and being loved by other people. It certainly doesn't help that she's the daughter of another Yandere, one who was more than willing to abort her out of jealousy. (Source: tv tropes)
Masato: He gets violently jealous of anyone close to Mari. One of his main goals is taking Takumi's place in Mari's heart, or really ANYONE'S place in Mari's heart. (Source: tv tropes)
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findroleplay ยท 2 years
Heya, I'm Vee, 18+ years old, female (she/her) from the CET timezone! I'm looking for a few new Fandom Roleplays!
I'm looking for Canon x OC, FxM only (will double for AxA) and very much offer to Double! I only roleplay on Discord.
I am semi-literate to literate. I can write a couple paragraphs, but I prefere not having too much pressure when it comes to length. I usually type around the max. length on Discord, sometimes more. But somedays it might be a bit less.
I write my OC in first person and the character I double as (plus any additional ones) in third person.
I am in college and not the most active (most likely no rapid fire), yet I try to answer regularly and ask of my partner to be patient. Roleplaying is just a hobby for me, so I don't wanna force myself to reply, if I still got work to do or wanna spend my freetime with something else.
I am a big fan of Romance, Angst and Drama! I also like mature themes and topics, like unhealthy relationships, perhaps some yandere here and there and a couple AUs! Smut is possible, yet would I prefere to let it be an afterthought, instead of the whole story.
I also enjoy love triangles (or squares) and am always up to also double for those!
When it comes to Fandoms, those are the ones that I'm looking for, as well as which characters I'd wanna pair my OC with. The coloured ones are my favourites! I can double up as any names characters, as well as a bunch more!
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Eijirou Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Yuga Aoyama, Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hitoshi Shinso, Neito Monoma, Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Yo Shindo, Inasa Yoarashi, Seiji Shishikura, Natsu Todoroki, Rody Soul, Shota Aizawa, Keigo Tamaki/Hawks, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum, Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye, Enji Todoroki/Endeavour, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kai Chisaki/Overhaul, Touya Todoroki/Dabi, Jin Bubaigawara/Twice, Atsuhiro Sako/Mr. Compress, Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner, Tomura Shigaraki
Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Mondo Owada, Leon Kuwata, Nagito Komaeda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Soda, Hajime Hinata, Izuru Kamukura, Nekomaru Nidai, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Ouma, K1B0, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, Rantaro Amami, Ryoma Hoshi, Korekiyo Shinguji
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine/Viperion, Felix Graham de Vanilly, Kim le Chien
Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Apollo, Frank Zhang, Octavian
Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Kallian, Rex, Zeke, Jin, Malos, Mikhail, Akhos, Adam, Minoth, Hugo, Noah, Lanz, Taion, Isurd, Zeon, N, Bolearis, Aizel
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ashe Ubert, Dedue Molinaro, Claude von Riegan, Chrom, Frederick, Stahl, Vaike, Lon'zu, Virion, Gaius, Henry, Gregor, Owain, Inigo, Yarne, Brady, Alm, Lukas, Gray, Tobin, Kliff, Clive, Forsyth, Python, Luthier, Conrad, Fernand, Berkut, Ryoma, Takumi, Xander, Leo, Odin, Laslow, Niles, Silas, Kaden
Junpei Tenmyouji, Santa/Aoi Kurashiki, Sigma Klim/Kyle Klim
Kaname Date, Kuruto Ryuki, Saito Sejima, Moma Kumakura, Lien Twining, Gen Ishiyagane
Shu Amiguchi, Nenji Ogata, Takatoshi Hijiyama, Keitaro Miura, Ei Sekigahara, Takemi Wajima
Towa Asakura, Aya Kamiyama, Rui Miyamoto, Ryuuji Tada, Kyosuke Wakamiya
Kyo Soma, Yuki Soma, Shigure Soma, Hatsuharu Soma, Momiji Soma, Kureno Soma, Akito Soma
Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Miya Chinen, Kojiro Nanjo/Joe
Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi Morinozuka, Kyoya Ootori
Hunter, Edric Blight
Lance McClain, Lotor, Keith Kogane
Ed Nygma, Victor Zsasz, Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska
John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Ray Palmer, Rip Hunter, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarazi, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson
Gilbert Blythe, Jerry Baynard, Moody Spurgeon
Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove
If interested, my Discord is: ส•โ€ขแดฅโ€ขส”#5078
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dynamitesunshine ยท 2 months
My Kamen Rider Faiz Paradise Regained Thoughts: I watched Kamen Rider Faiz 20th Anniversary Paradise Regained and absolutely loved it, It was so freakin' glorious. It brought back all the feelings I loved about Kamen Rider Faiz, with a whole lot less communication issues, lol. Always great to see Takumi back, I've called him my spirit animal and I still feel that way at times. That he was just confused about everything made a lot of sense with what he was going through. I am happy he got with Mari, it's great to actually them connect like that and you know the whole Orphnoch love scene lol. I love the Next Faiz suit, but love how he kicked Muez's and Kaixa's asses in the original suit; something just felt right about it. Still great seeing Takumi's hot food aversion, always a fun aspect of him. It was odd seeing him with Smart Brain, but them keeping him alive and his mixed feelings on living makes sense why he'd be with them. I did love how Kaidou stopped him in Axel form lol using the sauce lol. I wasn't expecting them to change Mari into an Orphnoch, but I loved it and how it connected her with everyone. Her Wildcat Orphnoch form is badass and I loved how she fought in this; she should become a Rider, we need another Faiz movie to continue this lol. Her and Takumi fighting together in Orphnoch forms was magical, something I didn't know I was waiting for. I knew something was up with Kusaka, he was too nice besides the creepiness to Mari, which is Kusaka lol. I want to know how they can make androids of both Kusaka and Kitazaki with their personalities; that seems like they have an Orphnoch database or something, Smart Brain has more to it. Kitazaki was great to see again too; I love his actor from Garo and Faiz; great to see him return. Kaidou was amazing, great to see him back and running the restaurant to help train Orphnochs and protect them. I really like the ideas in this and could watch an entire second season of Faiz based on this concept. Rena is an interesting character that she was embarrassed transforming was fun, but I liked how she was obsessed with Takumi, like a Yandere for him; crazy especially with what she did to Mari, but definitely fits in with Faiz lol. I enjoyed Kei too she was fun; so was Jotaro definitely was in the spirit of his uncle; Kouta was alright, felt bad for him who just didn't want to die giving up the others but that didn't work out well; Hisao, the new Delta was okay too, I feel there was more to Mihara lol. I wonder how this would have went if Kiba's actor didn't pass away, I could have seen him maybe be an android too. Would have loved to have seen Mihara back too, but feel he might have met the same fate lol. I had lots of questions that did get answered and some that didn't too, but this is Faiz so this is normal lol. This definitely expands upon the lore of Faiz, delves into the amazing characters more, and just a wild ride.
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animeyanderelover ยท 1 year
Can you please do general yandere headcanons for shinra from fire force and takumi aldini from food wars?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, jealousy, clinginess, guilt-tripping
Yandere Fire Force + Food Wars Hc's
Shinra Kusakabe
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๐ŸฆถThe boy has pretty much a childhood trauma from losing his mother and his little brother which is the main reason for a development of possessive as well as protective instincts when he falls in love with his darling. He wants to protect someone precious to him now that he has gotten stronger than he was as a child and so he often winds up stalking his darling a bit when he has the time. He always checks thrice though to make sure that no one from his friends and comrades follows him and calls him out. That stems from the fact that Shinra winds up being about half-lucid about some of the things he does. Whilst he will excuse more brutal and wrong stuff if it guarantees your safety and your stay with him, heโ€™ll avert his eyes from the unpleasant truth as much as he can. On the other hand heโ€™s also decent enough that the gesture of stalking would be frowned upon if someone would catch him in his act.
๐ŸฆถThere are a lot of rumors about him bring responsible for killing his mother and he has the name of โ€œDevilโ€™s Footprintsโ€ too so he is often preoccupied worrying what you might think of him. If your image of him is influenced negatively because of those rumors, heโ€™s going to be quite persistent and determined to change your perception of him. Thereโ€™s a real obsession about keeping you safe and staying with you, all largely thanks to the loss of his family. Despite that obsession, Shinra has initial troubles interacting with you. He thinks of you as really pretty and dazzling and is due to that nervous and flustered when around you, resulting in his nervous grin he always has in such situations. Hopefully that wonโ€™t scare you off though since Shinra will always be very stubborn and persistent as soon as you pull away from him, urging you to give him another chance. That can be quite scary the moment he starts following you around and waiting for you in locations he knows youโ€™ll seek out.
๐ŸฆถObjectively speaking, Shinra always tries to respect his darling and heโ€™s also very considerate of the people and citizen around him. He wants to be a hero after all. Heโ€™s very passionate about you though and for that tends to get triggered fast when he realizes that someone tries to impress you. In such times he canโ€™t help his signature strained smile he always gives when something is bothering him and becomes for you after some time the best indicator possible about how heโ€™s feeling at the moment. Unfortunately not everyone knows upon first meeting about Shinraโ€™s habit so that smile will either unnerve them or anger them, possibly both. If someone does call him rudely out for it, Shinra will get slightly angry. Not only is that person trying to get with you, now theyโ€™re also trying to get him into a fight!
๐ŸฆถHe has high standards for the companies protecting citizens from Infernals and has a promise to hold he made with his mother so considering all that, he probably would be more tame when it comes to hurting others. Sure, he can get into brawls with others when heโ€™s triggered because of his jealous and possessive emotions but that rarely escalates further than insults since he knows better than to hurt someone. If heโ€™s desperate though, heโ€™ll definitely be willing to injure others seriously but thatโ€™s probably only the case if someone threatens to kill you. If his obsession starts messing with his rational thinking though, he tends to get impulsive and messy.
๐ŸฆถAbduction is wrong from a moral point of view and by stretch also his point of view yet I wouldnโ€™t put it under him. Shinra would do it if something escalates but he also knows that he isnโ€™t in a position to really be able to pull something like that off. Heโ€™s working under a special task force, doesnโ€™t have the resources nor enough money to kidnap you and provide for you whilst simultaneously keeping you for forever a secret. It seems impossible and he probably wouldnโ€™t be able to help the guilt knocking on his consciousness if heโ€™d actually pull it off. So an abduction is basically him pushing his darling into their room and locking them up inside only to let them out after some time again. Heโ€™s going to be very persistent to stay with you whenever something like that occurs though so he can quench the unease in his heart.
๐ŸฆถAn introduction to the fellow people in his company is eventually due and that already makes him a bit nervous. But itโ€™s nothing compared to when he meets your own family. Oh boy, his smile at this rate is creepy with the way it stretches across his face, showing you clearly how nervous he is. Heโ€™s initially not overly terrible but I feel like heโ€™d get more paranoid the moment the White-Clad show themselves and he finds out that theyโ€™re after him too. He wouldnโ€™t put it above them to use you as a bargain chip if they were ever to find out which inevitably has him turning more protective and overbearing out of paranoia.
Takumi Aldini
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๐ŸTakumi strikes me more of a tsunderish kind of Yandere in the beginning which pretty much just means that heโ€™s trying to hide his rather massive crush on his darling in the earliest developments of things. Partially because he feels ashamed thanks to the somewhat abnormal thoughts and feelings about this crush he has on you, something that has him occasionally questioning his own sanity. The other part of him tries to hide his feelings because his pride tends to not be able to handle the embarrassment he feels every time heโ€™s seeing you and transform into a flustered and clumsy mess with his poor heart doing a parkour inside his chest. Heโ€™s always a bit on edge when youโ€™re around, almost hyper aware of every glance you give him which wracks his nerves quite a bit because by god, he doesnโ€™t want to humiliate himself again.
๐ŸOnce weโ€™ve gone past that stage of denying and hiding though, Takumi becomes very passionate and determined to court his darling. He still tries to downplay his feelings at times and still gets flustered but is more open with his feelings now that heโ€™s embraced them. You and his friends and his brother might catch him in the act of intensely staring at you as he tries to learn about you by observing you. Takumi becomes quite keen on memorizing the smaller details on you. He also grows to act a bit like a mother would do, always asks you if youโ€™re feeling good and offers you lunch he prepared himself. He also develops the habit of always following you around in his best attempts to stalk you a bit although heโ€™d die out of shame and embarrassment if someone from his friends or worse even you would notice him.
๐ŸTakumi wouldnโ€™t want to be someone who comes over as overly jealous, especially if heโ€™s worried that his s/o might think of it as rather annoying. So despite his sometimes hot-blooded side getting the better of him, heโ€™ll do his best to swallow everything down. Heโ€™d probably calm down a bit once heโ€™s in a relationship but before that, heโ€™s going to feel quite easily jealous. Itโ€™s obviously his fault for trying to play his emotions down and he truly resents himself for this in such moments of jealousy. His pride will only let him handle that much if he notices that someone tries to court his darling. Heโ€™s not arrogant but takes still confidence himself. He can be an individual who is quite serious when it comes to rivalry but once he is officially your boyfriend, he wonโ€™t take any bullshit.
๐ŸLooking on how he got incredibly pissed when his brother got insulted, Takumi definitely gets triggered when people he cares about get in any way degraded or disrespected. Heโ€™s capable of holding grudges if someone does such a thing to his lovely s/o just as much and even if he isnโ€™t prone to violence, he will find other ways to silence that person and make them somehow apologize to his darling. He wonโ€™t rest easy until he has fulfilled that desire of his which shows how tenacious he really is. During his time in the Totsuki Culinary Academy and his position as the 7th seat, heโ€™s quite respected as it is.
๐ŸHe plans to take over his family business in Italy and especially if his s/o doesnโ€™t come from there, heโ€™s going to feel simultaneously dread and joy the closer the day of graduation comes. He definitely wants his darling by his side since he canโ€™t imagine being separated from them for too long at the same time knows that he canโ€™t force them to be with him though. Heโ€™s going to do his all to coordinate it somehow That both of you still can see each other. He functions in his restaurant without you but as soon as he has nothing to do, he starts feeling miserable. He wants everything to be consensual so he waits for his darling to be ready although to be fair, he will resort to guilt-tripping if nothing else seems to help anymore.
๐ŸIsami is teasing the living daylight out of him as soon as he finds out about Takumiโ€™s crush. Obviously he still supports his older brother despite everything. Takumi is at the beginning of the relationship a bit more bashful about physical affection since he has a gut feeling that his brothers and friends will tease him for the fact that heโ€™s so flustered about it. With time he grows more comfortable with it though. His main love languages are probably quality time and acts of services though and knowing what this show is about, you can bet heโ€™s going to coon Italian cuisine for you.
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lyonface ยท 1 year
The fact that I havenโ€™t seen a ryotaku fic or art or whatever or Ryousuke being just shy of yandere over Takumi is honestly shocking. My man is bald-faced obsessed with that space boy.
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nowis-scales ยท 1 year
002 Camilla!
Always happy to write for the prettiest purple princess!
Surprising no one, though, this is post is a little long. Maybe not as long as some of the other ones Iโ€™ve done, though!
How I feel about this character:
I donโ€™t care what anyone says, I love Camilla. I donโ€™t deny that there are problems with her character re:sexism, but I think at the very least, she is still afforded the capacity to be interesting in personality in other ways.
I think one of the things I like most about Camilla is how sheโ€™s sweet, but alsoโ€ฆ kind of not. Sheโ€™s pretty disturbed, and rather than that just being an โ€œuWu yandere girlfriendโ€ kind of thing, it stems from trauma that makes her much more complex. Is she motherly and warm? Sure, but thatโ€™s to a point. On the flip side, she is possessive, selfish, and violent. If you get in her way, sheโ€™s incredibly condescending at best and straight up murderous at worst. Even when sheโ€™s terrified or horribly upset, she always keeps even a small air of confidence about her, not willing to show her opposition even an ounce of fear. Sheโ€™ll kill you for separating her from her loved ones and kill you for leaving her just the same, and she doesnโ€™t really care about what happens to Nohr as its princess โ€” just the people she knows and loves. All Camilla wants is to have a happy life of her own, and after what sheโ€™s been through she certainly deserves it, but she definitelyโ€ฆ has a very destructive mindset.
Yet underneath all of this, you do see also a very natural side of her. Not in the mothering, and beyond the violence as wellโ€ฆ You definitely see a lot of someone who has a lot more going for her. Sheโ€™s clearly exhausted by a lot of what sheโ€™s been through, but she still gets up every day ready to do what she can. In spite of her emotional struggles she tries to find confidence in herself, be thoughtful, and find causes for joy and laughter. Sheโ€™s not a perfect woman by any means, but you can still see that there is a part of her that is trying to be someone better. I sincerely hope that in a future for her character, sheโ€™d be living a quite life surrounded by love, security, and a role that truly makes her happy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
You know, for a lot of characters, Iโ€™m usually pretty flexible on what I shipโ€ฆ So long as the environment is positive, Iโ€™ll have a few lined up, but with an obvious favourite. This time around, I honestly donโ€™t have much for Camilla. In my first Conquest playthrough, I went for her and Keaton because I heard that she made for a cute mom for Velouria. And in Revelation, I married her to Takumi because I couldnโ€™t pair her off with the one person I wanted toโ€ฆ
And that brings me to the one person I do ship romantically with this character: Hinoka. Believe it or not, I didnโ€™t used to be crazy about them, because itโ€™s an enemies to lovers and I am very, very picky about enemies to lovers โ€” to me, they must inherently be a slowburn for it to work. But for whatever reason, over time I just ended up warming up to these two. I canโ€™t say exactly how or why, but itโ€™s just something that happened.
Camilla is clearly interested in Hinoka despite knowing that theyโ€™re supposed to be opposed, and Hinoka ends up being really flustered by her because sheโ€™s not at all accustomed to the attention. And while there is a little charm in that to me, I think what I like most when I think about them as a couple is the period where theyโ€™re beyond that little flirting thing and are just really, truly comfortable with each other. Hinoka comes from a family of people who, while they love each other, arenโ€™t so good at communicating emotions or affection. I feel like Camilla would really help her fill in those gaps, both in giving her love and teaching her how to express it more openly. And on the other end, I feel like Hinoka would be a really stable figure for Camilla. She wouldnโ€™t make promises she couldnโ€™t keep that would trigger Camillaโ€™s abandonment issues, but sheโ€™d be always present and willing to communicate. She would never leave Camilla guessing about whether sheโ€™s loved or not, and would be there to help take care of her, just as Camilla would for her.
Plus, you know theyโ€™d be adamant about looking after each otherโ€™s siblings too, which is an important facet of the relationship for both girls.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
SIIIIIIIIIIIIBLIIIIIIIIIIIIINGS. Seriously. Love her with her siblings. Especially her and Xander, I feel like thatโ€™s a really under-explored dynamic, even in the game itself. Their support is mostly about her misunderstanding the kind of person Xander is, so Iโ€™d love to see that relationship develop a bit beyond what we get to see and really become something solid. And, being the oldest of the family, I want to see how they came to trust each other after being involved in the Concubine Wars. I think thereโ€™s a lot of interesting potential there.
Otherwiseโ€ฆ thereโ€™s a few, honestly. Obviously, the Hoshido sibs and Azura (she counts under siblings to me, just in case that needed clarifying), thatโ€™s a core part of the game. Her friendships with Selena and Beruka are also quite important and deserve attentionโ€ฆ I guess if thereโ€™s one that I definitely wouldnโ€™t highlight off the top of my head, but love the idea of, itโ€™s Camilla befriending the Ice Tribe twins.
Flora in particular sticks out to me, especially having seen that fanmade support of the game, because I think it could be a really good case of the two of them overcoming first impressions. I can see Camilla thinking of Flora as someone incredibly rigid, cold, and uncaring. She probably wouldnโ€™t like how much she keeps a lot of people at an armโ€™s distance, and would find her overly proper. Conversely, Flora would hate Camilla, thinking of her as an exemplary Nohrian, violent and selfish and cruel. She can play affectionate as much as she wants, but Flora knows what sheโ€™s really likeโ€ฆ Yet even with all that, I can see the two of them actually coming to like each other a bit more. Maybe it starts with a compliment on Camillaโ€™s part, about how well she cares for Corrin and even for Felicia โ€” or about how she displays good leadership skills. Then maybe Flora compliments Camilla on something every once in awhile, and then they start to notice each other a bit more. Camilla asks Flora about her knitting, and Flora about Camillaโ€™s embroidery, and then the ball just kind of rolls from there. I really like the idea that they could someday be friends, when life is simpler on both sides.
As for Felicia, well, honestly I just think both girls have such loving natures that theyโ€™d match up well. Camilla would love Feliciaโ€™s loyalty, her cuteness, and her openness with her emotions. If something was wrong, Felicia wouldnโ€™t hide it, sheโ€™d just tell her and want to work on a solution together. As for Felicia, sheโ€™d love how openly Camilla gives compliments, feel pretty safe in her presence, and I could honestly see her being happy to share her hobbies with Camilla. You just KNOW Felicia would be filling her in on all of the Ice Tribe fashions.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I think I might actually prefer her voice as Paula Tiso over Misty Lee in the English dub. And before I get anywhere with that, I just want to say that I in no way, shape, or form dislike Misty Leeโ€™s performance. Quite frankly, she does amazing, and I know sheโ€™s what more people pictured when they thought of Camillaโ€™s voice.
For whatever reason, though, I feel like Paula Tiso just works for me. I know the accusation was that she sounds โ€œlike a grandmaโ€, but I didnโ€™t really find that to be true to me. What I like about her performance is that she does equal parts loving and motherly, and quite frankly just a little patronizing. Considering Camillaโ€™s attitude in Birthright, Ms. Tiso being able to really harness that condescending tone and make it work is pretty important to the character. Yes, Camilla is warm and motherly, but sheโ€™s also possessive and selfish. If you threaten her in any way, sheโ€™ll look down on you and treat you like youโ€™re nothing, because youโ€™re something to be eliminated when you threaten those she loves.
And sure, I would accept the argument that you donโ€™t see this quite the same with Misty Leeโ€™s portrayal because there was so much less of that in Warriors and Heroes, but I maintain that itโ€™s something I quite like about Paula Tisoโ€™s interpretation.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
That she would get a different outfitโ€ฆ
I think this says something about me, but I would have loved to see Camilla justโ€ฆ go unhinged. Sheโ€™s a powerful force in her own right, and Iโ€™d love to see her just tear through those who are opposing her. The longer this series goes on, the more Iโ€™ve felt the need to see a FE woman who just goes completely feral, and I think Camilla deserves to be allowed to do that. Like I know they have the more tropey protectiveness with Camilla and Corrin involved in the anthology comics and what not, but Iโ€™d really love to see Camilla justโ€ฆ get some rage for herself, or someone who also hasnโ€™t been able to express their rage.
Like can you imagine if Anankos had used her mother as a puppet? Better yet โ€” put her in front of Leo and Eliseโ€™s moms, too. Iโ€™d have loved to see her just tear into those nasty women with everything she has, reminding her of every single way they failed their children, and how they deserve nothing more than to rot in the ground like the soulless corpses they are. โ€œEven his control is too good for you,โ€ kind of thing. Just let her really sink her teeth in and be pissed about what they went through. Let her be angry for herself and for her siblings, and help her have this moment of self-forgiveness where she knows that she is worth more than everything she has been put through in her life.
Getting to see anything like that? That would have been just *chefโ€™s kiss*.
Because I only have the one Camilla ship I, uhโ€ฆ pretty much already rambled about it lol.
But maybe I can talk about what my ideal future is for them instead, just so I can add something! Iโ€™d say my ideal future for them is probably living in a warm little house situated between Hoshido and Nohr. Camilla has forfeited her title and decided to take up work as a seamstress. Hinoka, on the other hand, has kept hers but works more hands-on โ€œin the fieldโ€ with the people, so she can communicate to Xander and Ryoma where certain needs still need to be met. The couple visits their siblings fairly regularly โ€” if their siblings donโ€™t come running them, that is โ€” and they are always sure to bring along their band of adopted children. Iโ€™ll admit that Iโ€™m not sure how many I think theyโ€™d have. Camilla would probably want, like, a billionโ€ฆ but Hinoka probably only wants anywhere from one to six, just because thatโ€™s what she was raised with. Nonetheless, I can see them taking in children from both countries and making the happiest little family. I can just imagine the dinner Camilla makes every night while Hinoka plays with their kids, telling stories about her time as a pegasus knight. Itโ€™s just too darn cute.
My crossover ship:
You know, in retrospect, Iโ€™m realizing how funny it is that I chose this particular ask game, because I donโ€™t think I really have any crossover ships. I donโ€™t mind a little overlap between things, but Iโ€™ve never been a big crossovers person. I even tend to keep my Fire Emblem games pretty rigidly separate. Every once in awhile, maybe itโ€™s cute to think about how someone would interact with one another, but I usually tend to keep things pretty separate.
So I donโ€™t know if I actually have a Camilla ship that goes across any other games! Lol.
A headcanon fact:
Like most noblewomen in Nohr, Camilla learned to play an instrument. Unlike Elise, who played the violin, she opted for the flute. It was a challenge to play, but she loved the sound. When she was little, she used to play for Garon, and he would delight in listening to her songs. She has several memories of playing for him, and him prancing around like a big goofball to the point where she struggled to keep playing without bursting into a fit of giggles.
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thatanimewriter ยท 2 years
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โžณ i donโ€™t do smut, but iโ€™ll allow suggestive themes โžณ no more than eight (8) characters per ask โžณ no yandere characters or reader โžณ no abo fics โžณ i wonโ€™t be doing match-ups โžณ no crossover fics โžณ please specify if itโ€™s a reader insert or general headcanons โžณ no limit to how many asks, youโ€™re welcome to dump :))
full requesting rules (please read before submitting)
REQUESTS: 20/20 character list is under the cut
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๐’๐‡๐Ž๐Š๐”๐†๐„๐Š๐ˆ ๐๐Ž ๐’๐Ž๐Œ๐€ (๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ญ๐˜บ)
yukihira soma tadokoro megumi aldini takumi nakiri erina nakiri alice hayama akira kurokiba ryou ibusaki shun tsukasa eishi kobayashi rindou isshiki satoshi
๐๐Ž ๐†๐€๐Œ๐„ ๐๐Ž ๐‹๐ˆ๐…๐„ (๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ญ๐˜บ)
sora shiro (platonic or paternal only) riku dola schwi dola (platonic or paternal only)
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๐‘๐–๐๐˜ (๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ญ๐˜บ)
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๐Š๐”๐‘๐Ž๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐“๐’๐”๐‰๐ˆ (๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜ข ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ญ๐˜บ)
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๐…๐‘๐„๐„ (๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ญ๐˜บ)
nanase haruka tachibana makoto hazuki nagisa ryugazaki rei matsuoka rin yamazaki sousuke nitori aiichiro shiina asahi shigino kisumi kirishima ikuya kirishima natsuya serizawa nao toono hiyori
๐๐Ž๐Š๐” ๐๐Ž ๐‡๐„๐‘๐Ž ๐€๐‚๐€๐ƒ๐„๐Œ๐ˆ๐€ (๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜ข ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ญ๐˜บ)
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๐€๐๐’๐€๐“๐’๐” ๐Š๐˜๐Ž๐”๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐“๐’๐”
shiota nagisa akabane karma horibe itona karasuma tadaomi
๐ƒ๐„๐€๐“๐‡ ๐๐€๐‘๐€๐ƒ๐„ (๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ญ๐˜บ)
decim chiyuki nona ginti
๐…๐ˆ๐‘๐„ ๐„๐Œ๐๐‹๐„๐Œ: ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„ ๐‡๐Ž๐”๐’๐„๐’ (๐˜ฅ๐˜ญ๐˜ค ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ญ๐˜ถ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ)
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arven grusha rika larry atticus penny
๐‡๐Ž๐๐Š๐€๐ˆ: ๐’๐“๐€๐‘ ๐‘๐€๐ˆ๐‹ (๐˜ถ๐˜ฑ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ 2.2)
dan heng march 7th kafka jing yuan gepard landau blade dr ratio misha aventurine sunday
๐‰๐”๐‰๐”๐“๐’๐” ๐Š๐€๐ˆ๐’๐„๐ (๐˜ถ๐˜ฑ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ 1)
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dirtyoldmanhole ยท 8 months
ch21 pops off briefly in some cool ways!
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first you get this sick ass Temple Of Doom vibe. Castle Gyges, where all the shit goes down.
god i wish i could tell you some fic spoilers, this is the exact screenshot for one cool scene.
anyway, then check out this sick cinematography as the ominous foreshadowing starts up~~~
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looming dark ominousness both with the building structures and the sky notably going darker, separating the screen in a diagonal sense for the further unease; bunch of purple and green which are traditionally "villain colors".
corrin off to the side of that second shot to further her isolation from the royal group.
anyway right after that second shot anthony is the obvious traitor as he leads corrin to the back enterence all alone. there's a really deliciously nasty dead dove fic that lives rent free in my mind re: anthony about this part lol
thankfully, corrin has at least one brain cell and knows there's a high chance she's walking into a trap, and she's left a message with everyone in case if she didn't return.
anthony goes yandere.
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points for effort of that slasher smile, anthony, though I know somebody who wears it better.... :P
Gunter arrives in the second wave of 'oh it WAS a trap after all' reinforcements, behind Takumi and Leo aka the Thank God You Have Common Sense Royals(tm)
(+Xander who was the 'pls consider it's a trap' guy)
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(this whole scene is simultaneously really funny and REALLY PAINFUL when you know. uh. his deal.)
anankos decides he's totally capital-D-done with anthony and straight up turns him into a faceless in front of you for his failure. the transformation sounds nightmarish, ngl.
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afterwards corrin gets one of those chats with the whole gang of them saying 'yeah you have a major weakness of trusting people but that's also what got you to herd all of us psychos together so, you win for once?
speaking of -
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.... you know what, that's saccharine, but that's actually cute, sheesh. he of all people's seen her from start to finish, so i feel like that actually does mean something as a very subtle nod to all of her work during the middle third of rev, all the way back when nobody believed her and azura.
anyhoo, chapter 22 was up next.
ch22 really could be welded together with 23, as it's basically "azura faces her possessed mother part 1" versus 23 being the "actually finally kills her for good". basically a whole lot of nothing happens here, but i did find it interesting how everyone/corrin/azura really was leaning on the 'she's not your mother anymore' angle as an easier way to accept the fact she's brutally fighting/killing her only surviving family member.
hold onto that thought ~~~~
anyway ch23 is when it actually starts popping off again re: gunter >:) almost there to the fun bits.
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ecargmura ยท 1 year
Opus Colors Episode 7 Review: The Harsh Art World
After Episode 4 robbed us of Iori content, the writers make up for it by giving him focus in this weekโ€™s episode. He and his Grader Takumi take the center stage by diving deeper into the pros and cons of the Perception Art world. While it does seem like smiles and rainbows, itโ€™s not. I like that, honestly. The world of art, whether itโ€™s visual, fine, performance, or even liberal, will always be a harsh industry. I know all too wellโ€”look at me trying to find a place in the writing world with blogging and original writing.
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How was Iori as a character overall? Heโ€™s quite something, honestly. Heโ€™s smug and such, but he has all the reasons to be smug and confident. Heโ€™s an artist and heโ€™s GOOD. Goodness, his Perception Art was AMAZING! I can see why everyone keeps hyping him up. He definitely lives up to his expectations. Itโ€™s also revealed that his inspiration of Perception Art came from Kazuyaโ€™s parents, which he saw them do their art as a kid. He was even at their funeral where he saw the mourning Kazuya as a kid. Huh, I wonder if thatโ€™s going to be a plot point in the future.
While I always liked the artsy, glamorous side of the Perception Art world, I also liked seeing the serious, critical side of it. However, I did think that the โ€œseriousโ€ part of when the staff members criticized Ioriโ€™s exhibition due to a child being injured was going a bit over the top. Yeah, the kid almost got injured, but Iori shouldnโ€™t have been the one to be blamed on. When he opened up his studio for kidsโ€™ safety, he got criticized again. Sheesh, nobodyโ€™s ever happy here. Let him have some fun!
Takumi was a bit one-note in the beginning with his obsession tendencies towards Iori. He has strong yandere vibes. Heโ€™s growly whenever some guy approaches Iori. Relax, no oneโ€™s going to steal your man. While Iori doesnโ€™t seem to fully reciprocate his feelings, he keeps him around because of convenience. Itโ€™s revealed that the Yura family is super rich; theyโ€™re known in the art industry as connoisseurs of sorts. Takumi even invests his own personal money into sponsoring Iori as his own personal artist. Thatโ€™s some obsession right there.
This episode is also REALLY big on the Kazukyo ship. Like, the first part of the episode was just them going on a โ€œdateโ€ to see Ioriโ€™s exhibit and then he got jealous that Kazuya spent time with Iori. Heโ€™s folding for Kazuya soon. I can feel it.
There is a big reveal in this episode: Iori is NOT the Scribbler! I knew it! He was just a red herring! Iโ€™m still on the boat of Kyo being the Scribbler and itโ€™s heavily hinted towards the end! Kazuya tells Kyo about his search for the Scribbler and Kyoโ€™s only response was gaping. Heโ€™s the one! Heโ€™s it!
I wonder whereโ€™s the story going from here? Thereโ€™s five episode left. Whatโ€™s going to happen now that Iori is not the Scribbler? How will Kyo reveal that he is the Scribbler and how will Kazuya respond? I just hope there wonโ€™t be angst.
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eternally6pm ยท 1 year
I think I am going a little madย 
from thinking too long about how Takumi isย quite possibly depressed,ย 
and Mikotoโ€™s death has triggered a very severe exacerbation of it.ย 
His family love him, but his older sister and brother arenโ€™t the greatest at handling someone quite so sensitive (they were never shown how, and likely subconsciously recognise it from a distance as lack of discipline, impatience, weakness)
and Sakura is his best bet at finding emotional support, but heโ€™s her older brother - heย cannot bring himself to burden her with anything.ย 
Contrary to what some of his dialogue would have you believe, Takumi is profoundly thoughtful - in fact, he may suffer a little from overthinking, and tends to drive himself into mental corners, self-defeating cycles of hope, denial, regret.
Meanwhileย Camilla is also more than just some ridiculous armour, a sister complex and a yandere tendency.ย 
There is a melancholy to her that feels like a deeply embedded sort of mourning for the childhood that she was denied,ย 
alongside an unhealthy helping of Venting with Violence.ย 
I find her violent in many ways: violently affectionate, violently sensual, violently physical.ย 
To an extent, I think this to be a sort of mirror of Takumiโ€™s behaviour. Both of them are brash, but whileย 
Takumi is deliberately alienating, Camilla is determinedly possessive.ย 
Takumi lashes out, while Camilla attempts to nurture,ย 
and both do this in response to the traumas they carry with them, but also as an attempt at absolution, and if youโ€™re still with me somehow I have another 45 minutes of straight up stream of consciousness about how this makes them perfect for one another in their similarities and complementary ways, but also sometimes horribly toxic in their inability to cope with the extreme emotions they are saddled with but have never been given the security to properly
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