#yandere anti monitor
Just wanna say that I despise Cyprus as a person. If he started stalking me I’d change jobs and countries and get a restraining order against him. I hate you for making him (I’m kidding) and I hate that I read his story even though I can’t stand him. He gets worse and worse the more I learn. This transphobe can catch these hands.
Oh yea this dirtbag absolutely can catch your hands, he is a boxer and a terrifying one that is. I created him to be someone who talks big and has the fighting credentials to match it 🔥
THere must be an anti Yves and Blanche, hence Cyprus is created 💔like yin and yang, they balance each other outs
naw im just kidding i actually made Cyprus because i was kinda craving for some clout at the time, but my soft yanderes that i like writing about kept flopping and i couldn't get as much notes as i did when i reached my peak in like 2022 ish,
so i tried another approach: literally, trend hopping,, Cyprus is a literal trend and a tiktok thirst trap genre
so cyprus is actually an amalgamation of like common Yandere traits that blew up in tumblr, like what seem to make a yan 'smexy' and super desirable, like a sexual predator but hot and mean. I fr didn't like this mans and it was damn hard not to make him 100% an unlikable edgelord but i try to get that balance, to push myself out of my comfort zone in writing
and it did worked, the proof is that now in this new generation of CKB ocs, Cyprus is my most popular oc and there are a lot of yalls simping for him in my asks like slobbering on his knob type
so i decided to fuck with him and like curse him with really crappy traits like homophobia and transphobia, ykno to try and direct traffic to Yves and his Yandere line (blanche, Leveret, Monty)
but also to see if i can tread the line of making him as divisive as possible, like yea a vocal lot of yall hate him for being a shitty man now, but i KNOW there are a good handful of you guys who still would slob on his knob, i monitor my asks 🫣🫣and i seem to summon a bunch of "i can fix him" readers too
but i remember about this one anon who said "cyprus is the type of man we all love in theory but avoid so hard irl thats why we dickride him on this blog so bad , escapism go brr" and i guess that's pretty much why he's so popular and even if i make him so crappy, there are still people who would beat on his meat
but anyways moral of the story, STAN YVES INSTEAD
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yuckie-obsessive · 1 year
Idea yandere septiceyes x dead Reader and all of them work together to bring back reader from the after life. And reader tries to escape all the septiceyes and all of them working together to get reader back "home"
I’ve never really considered any of the other egos other than Chase and Anti. I guess I can make some HC lists for this.
Guys, I totally went overboard on this so I really hope you enjoy xD
Note: I’m only gonna cover Anti, Chase, Henrik, Jackieboy, JJ and Marvin, respectively. The latter four being a tentative take on the yandere side of these characters. I don’t know much about their fleshed out personalities or what is widely accepted in the community. So… please be kind 😅
Back From The Dead
Gonna clean the set up a little: the egos are trying their best to bring back dead!reader, with or without help. When reader is brought back, they understandably cannot comprehend their situation. They are scared out of their mind at the reality of being revived. Each ego reacts in their own way and pursue reader to bring them “home”.
- cause of death is up to your imagination
Tw: death (obviously), obsessive/possessive behavior (yandere), implied nudity, blood, use of restraints, abuse mention, kidnapping, gaslighting, stalking, drugging, alcoholism, non-consensual medical procedure, mind control, physical possession (body control), isolation, mental breakdown, anxiety
Jacksepticeye Egos x Reader (gender neutral)
Okay let’s get into it.
Words: 4,928
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Anti: possessive yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
He met you through Chase, and though he was initially annoyed with yet another person to keep track of, a devilish plan formed in his mind.
A being as soft as you, so incredibly soft, would be easy to manipulate to his own wishes.
Don’t expect to have privacy ever around him after this.
Especially online.
He has immense control over all things electric, of course, and will use that to know what your habits are.
Even peeping through your phone’s camera and mic to monitor you.
He wouldn’t really call this being obsessive until he got in far too deep.
He isolates you and eventually lures you into a home he had “renovated” for his needs.
Then begins the long process of reprogramming your mind.
Though, he starts growing soft.
You are kind, no one had ever really been this kind to him before.
He doesn’t allow you to talk to the other egos anymore.
He’s not sharing you with anyone.
Hating when people mess with what’s his.
And you��ve become his most prized treasure.
All your attention belongs to him.
What happens when you die:
You can’t be gone.
You shouldn’t have had the opportunity to encounter anything dangerous under his watchful eye.
This shouldn’t have happened.
His emotions are manic and volatile at any provocation.
Exploding and lashing out at anyone and everything that slightly inconveniences him.
You are the only thing that kept him calm.
And he’d do almost anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?:
Absolutely tf not.
He doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
Reaching out to any other ego would be a huge hit to his own supersized pride.
You were already removed from them and he would never put you in a position to be taken away.
They would just fuck it all up anyway.
He wants to bring you back and prove to himself that he can overpower death itself.
How he would bring you back:
His range of control is vast within the online sphere.
He will quickly scan through billions of lines of text and code to search for answers.
Anti is precise in executing this plan to bring you back.
Using knowledge of human anatomy and various texts about the human consciousness, he would use a mix of both science and magic.
He is basically a demon after all.
He uses dark forces to pull you back to reality.
Wherever you ended up, he forcefully pulls you back into the waking world.
And he will ensure everything falls into place perfectly.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Your eyes flutter open and his pride is reinforced.
He can do anything, even bringing the dead back to life.
Then the rush of relief hits.
You were back with him.
He envelopes you in a tight embrace.
Possessively so.
This wasn’t going to happen again, he would make sure of it.
You’re frightened, naturally.
It’s an expected human response.
He wouldn’t be surprised.
But he’s still a little hurt when you wrestle yourself out of his hold and bolt for the door.
How do you escape?:
Oh, darling… you won’t.
This house you resided in had every inch connected to a mainframe.
He could detect every movement, controlling every working aspect from a single point.
So when you grab the handle to the front door, you shouldn’t be shocked to find it locked.
You also shouldn’t be surprised to find every exit suddenly blocked by shutters.
How he reacts to your escape:
He knows this is a terrifying process.
You just died and were revived. You must still remember the pain.
But he put in all that work and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
No no no, he wouldn’t allow it.
Fight and reject him?
He’ll just laugh in your face.
Never admitting that it hurt him.
Everyone made his life so goddamn difficult.
He gave you affection, resurrected you and THIS is how you thank him?
Now he keeps you locked in your room 24/7.
Strapping you down to your bed, you have as much time as you need to reflect and accept how kind he’s been.
He provides you with everything you need to barely survive, of course
And watches you break down enough in order to return you to the normal life you shared.
By force.
“Do you think I want to do this? I’m NOT letting you get hurt again! You understand don’t you? I’m keeping you safe from yourself.”
Accept him?
He’ll hold you and calm you down with back rubs and sweet words of reassurance.
Treating you to all of your favorite things.
You might be treated like a porcelain doll from now on, but he does so lovingly.
The thought of going out was a long forgotten dream.
At least not without him practically glued to your side.
His form distorts and his expression shifts wildly at the idea of letting you out to get hurt again.
Though he hides it from you as best he can.
He just can’t stand the thought of letting you put yourself in ANY situation where you could get hurt.
So he’s all too happy to keep you at his side permanently.
His sweet, sweet (y/n).
You’ve already shared so much together after all.
He knows you better than you know yourself.
“I’m so glad we can be together forever. I’ll keep a better eye on you from now on, I promise… You’re my everything~”
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Chase Brody: protective yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
after his family had… disappeared, you became his new family.
He relied on you.
You distracted him from everything else.
You listened and were there when he would break down.
You were comforting.
You knew how to handle his depressive episodes.
He decided he wouldn’t lose you like he lost everyone else.
Understand, he has to study anyone that comes into your life.
To keep you safe.
People can take you away.
They could hurt you.
It’s why he kept you distant from the other egos.
Knowing all too well the dangers of a few notable figures…
So he asked you to move in with him- as a roommate.
He needed your stability.
You even helped him out of his alcoholism when you moved in.
He could finally see the silver lining.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
Not again not again not again.
You were his everything!
He NEEDED you!
How was he going to survive when everyone in his life died before him?
He’s willing to do anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Though a little hesitant, he reaches out to Marvin first as he was seen as the most trustworthy.
Marvin suggests getting Henrik involved.
He’s nervous to ask Henrik. He’s eccentric at the best of times.
But they get him involved and start a plan to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
They use both Marvin’s magical abilities and Henrik’s extensive medical knowledge.
Reviving your body and calling your consciousness back to the living world.
Reactions after they bring you back:
Literally crying from happiness and relief.
It didn’t seem possible.
He always held out hope though.
Your confused and frightened and at first Chase didn’t understand why.
Henrik explains how you probably remember the pain of dying.
Marvin counters that you could’ve had a metaphysical experience and you weren’t ready to return.
Regardless, you run as a result of your frightened state.
How do you escape?:
Simply running.
None of them were expecting this outcome, leaving them unprepared.
You could get hurt again!
Chase can’t go through another instance of this- it might actually break him fully he lets that happen.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s frantic and enlists the help of the other two egos to track you down and bring you back to safety.
Reject and fight him?
He’s devastated.
His closest friend, his family, no longer wants anything to do with him?
Wait, he can change your mind!
So he stalks you.
You can’t get anywhere without him knowing.
He sends care packages of your favorite things.
Writes letters about how much he misses you and how he wants to talk.
Apologize for whatever he did wrong.
Not admitting that he started drinking again.
He moves to whatever city you relocated to.
Asks you questions about your new life.
Eventually he thinks you prefer things this way.
Okay, he can keep his distance.
But he’s never going to fully leave you.
Until you let your guard down enough for him to take you back home.
“You know I’ll always be lookin’ out for ya. Though, it’s starting to get hard to protect you when you keep running around so much… (Y/n), can we go home now?”
If you come willingly?
Chase is still an anxious wreck, but your presence is reliably calming.
He sticks close to your side for months until he’s able to even remotely relax.
Don’t think you’ll be able to return to an independent life.
He needs to know everything you’re doing at all times.
You can hardly do anything without him over your shoulder.
He would rather spend the rest of his days glued to you rather than risk you being hurt again.
“Babe, I-I know I haven’t been the greatest person to be around. Actually I’m straight up terrible- especially for letting this happen. You’ll forgive me wont you? Please! You’re all I have left… and you know I’m always here for you right?”
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Henrik Schneeplestien: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Initially a doctor/patient relationship.
Purely professional.
He gets to see you regularly.
From simple colds to mental struggles.
He wouldn’t say this to a patient, but you were the saddest little thing he’s seen in ages.
Regularly wondering how you’re clumsily drifting through life.
How were you still alive with all this misfortune?
It was amusing at first.
Then a bubbling worry began to grow.
You were always kindhearted, treating staff with high respect. 
Including himself.
If not a bit quiet and shy.
Looking at your hands anxiously or really anywhere else when discussing your issues.
God, you really were just an absolute wreck.
Was no one looking after you?
Surely someone had to be.
The tipping point was seeing you covered with various bruises during a physical.
It reminded him of the abuse victims he would occasionally encounter.
You waved them all off as not being the most coordinated at work or at home.
Making him felt anxious…
Something worse could happen.
He had to take action before you got even more hurt.
Henrik wasn’t above slowing drugging you into slowly depending on him.
So your visits became more frequent
Until you broke down in his office from the stress of this “new ailment”
You could hardly work your job and these constant visits were draining your wallet.
He was reassuring and comforting.
Everything will be much better from now on, he promised that.
Then preparing another injection of medication “to ease the pain and stress”.
It was too easy.
You fell unconscious.
As it was an impromptu visit after hours, no one was around to see him carry you off in his car.
Stealing you away from everyone else.
What happens when you die:
He knew someday something like this might happen.
So he already has a plan to bring you back.
He’s thought of this in advance after all.
He had a solution for every medical possibility.
You were the most important thing to him, so he needed some way to revive you should an accident like this occur.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Everything is under control and an emotional ego would only get in the way.
They never met you anyway.
You essentially didn’t exist to the outside world so letting others know where you are would only bring more trouble.
How he would bring you back:
He is a medical expert.
Multiple times he has mapped your brain and nervous system.
Without your knowledge…
An invasive surgery and a large cocktail of drugs made in-house would reawaken your system.
Much time passed with this procedure.
But sure enough, you’re body awoke with a gasp and heavy coughing.
Like being born anew.
Reactions after he brings you back:
He had conditioned you at this point to feel comfort with his presence.
And is expecting you to be delighted with his god-like abilities.
But this situation was one never experienced for you.
It frightened you to your core.
Enough for you to blindly rush forward, trying to run away from the awful pain.
How do you escape?:
You run out of his makeshift operating room and out into the open.
Ripping open all the stitching from your life-giving operation.
You obviously didn’t make it far.
Warm blood rushing down your limbs.
Once the pain set in, you drop and nearly fainted from seeing so much red.
How he reacts to your escape:
Genuinely surprised to see you run off like that.
Concerned something could go wrong as you left his sight.
You needed rest.
You needed to heal.
Now you were exposing your injured self to the rot of the world.
When he finds you, he’s distraught but moves with purpose.
Coming to rescue his favorite patient.
Fight him?
He has a sedative ready.
Then carries your unconscious body back inside.
Oh how he wishes you didn’t fight.
Those legs would be a problem in the future…
Another surgery.
That pesky little problem is taken care of.
Now you wouldn’t run away.
Another surgery would fix that inner voice telling you to run.
Maybe remove some of those problematic memories too.
Working you back to that precious little darling he sculpted you into.
“Libeling, I do this out of love you see. Can you imagine what else could happen if I wasn’t here to save you?”
Accept his help?
He is more than forgiving.
Of course your emotions had overtaken logic.
The human condition is hard to predict, but he is patient with you.
He gently carries you back inside to tend to your wounds.
He is careful and every movement executed with precision.
Your gentle soul settled in an even more delicate body.
He worships your form.
While you heal, you are forbidden from moving until the stitches can be removed.
Maybe even longer…
He acts as your hands from now on.
He’s already seen everything so there was nothing to be bashful about.
He washes your body.
Cleans your teeth.
Hand feeds you.
Dresses you everyday.
You may not have independence, but he would give you anything you wanted.
As long as it had nothing to do with the outside world.
And you never had to leave his sight.
“Shatz, DON’T- please don’t get up. Let me get that for you. You could get hurt again! I’m your doctor (y/n), and I know what’s best for you.”
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Jackieboy Man: paranoid yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Casually sees you in a specific part of town on this routine checks around town.
For some reason he felt a pull to you.
Making a small habit of observing you from different vantage points.
Small turned into regular occurrences.
He found where you lived.
Turning into a full blown obsession.
Needing to know everything you liked, what you did, where you worked.
He slipped up on his responsibilities to the common people.
But you became far more important in his eyes.
He enjoyed sneaking into your home undetected.
Watching you sleep…
You had never been this safe in your life.
Until you fell under his constant watch.
He introduced himself by “random chance”.
You knew of this hometown hero and were naturally excited.
It became common to “run into” him from this point.
Well, you might as well get to know each other over coffee in the mornings,
And lunches,
And dinners.
After a time, you invited him into your home.
Seems he was already comfortable, but you simply waved it off as his nonchalant attitude and usually chipper disposition.
He showed you his face.
An intense display of trust.
You were his after this.
He was paranoid someone would catch on to your relationship.
So he whisked you away to an undisclosed location.
To protect you.
His job brought too much danger to your life.
Now all those bad people can’t possibly hurt you anymore.
What happens when you die:
He wasn’t protective enough.
This was his fault.
He owed it to you to bring you back.
You didn’t deserve this.
You are the most precious thing in his world.
Would he reach out for help?:
As long as he trusted them enough.
Which is an extremely short list.
Marvin would team up with him on occasion so he sought his help and expertise.
How he would bring you back:
Closely supervising Marvin as he conducts his rituals.
Being caught breathing down his neck and rightfully walked back to let him work.
Jackie is just nervous to whether this will even work.
Or that he might worsen the situation more than it is now.
That changes when Marvin succeeds.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Jackie can’t believe his eyes at first.
But there you were.
Bright eyed and alive.
But… something’s wrong.
Your breathing is fast and you look panicked.
Wait- why are you running?
You can’t leave!
Not now!
Not when he just got you back!
How do you escape?:
Trying to flee into the isolated landscape.
You end up lost and more disoriented than when you woke up.
Having a panic attack when you finally tire out.
How he reacts to your escape:
Using any ability to track you down.
Nothing would stop him from finding you.
And eventually.
He does.
Seeing you distraught causes him to quickly take you into his arms.
Resist him?
Now he’s hurt.
Why did you have this sudden change of heart?
What did Marvin do to you?
He has to practically drag you back to the base.
You weren’t in your right mind.
Even if he has to restrain you, he’s going to break you out of whatever mind control you had to be under.
He excommunicates Marvin and everyone else.
“Don’t be upset! The bad man is gone now-“
Moving you to another country.
Deeply isolating the both of you.
He just can’t find the missing piece to bring you back to him.
But he’d never give up on you.
Everyday he loves you, you know he does.
And he knows somewhere deep inside, you love him back.
One day these effects will wear off and you two will be happily back in each others arms.
He just has to wait.
“Baby I know you’re in there somewhere. I’m nothing if I can’t be your hero… I will wait until the end of time for you to come back to me. I love you (y/n).”
Return to him?
He’s relieved, but nervous why you panicked in the first place.
Maybe you shouldn’t interact with anyone else from now on.
24/7 you have his attention.
On the occasion he needs more supplies, he lovingly locks you in the safest room in your home.
Where nothing can bring you harm.
Don’t worry, he always returns in quick fashion.
Knowing you shouldn’t be left alone for too long.
He’s had to essentially safety proof the entire base.
You will never again encounter anything sharp.
That means all meals are prepared by him.
Everything you do is closely monitored.
You won’t even toss in your sleep without him knowing.
Should you stray into potentially dangerous behavior?
He will make sure to correct and lead you away from it.
Sometimes a little too harshly.
He makes up for it with constant (maybe slightly overbearing) affection.
He loves to love, and will overcorrect if he thinks something he does is lacking.
But all in all he wants is you to be safe, happy and healthy.
“I’m here for you always. Don’t you ever worry about a thing. Ol’ Jackieboy is gonna keep you real safe. There’s nothing to fear when your hero is here.”
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Jameson Jackson: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
A random encounter that turned into regular meetings in a public space.
He was intriguing and you drew his attention.
No one ever wanted to sit with him and take the time to have a proper conversation.
He was mute after all.
But you still wanted to develop a friendship.
He started teaching you sign language.
Wonderful memories were made.
He could listen to your voice for hours.
Your laugh sent him over the edge.
You were the one.
Maybe he could rearrange a few things to get a little closer with you.
Perhaps, you encounter a few unruly individuals to seek his help and comfort.
And maybe your friends and family start avoiding you, for reasons unknown to you.
He pulled some strings to get you fired from your job.
You came crying into his arms, scared you would lose your home.
Over all stressed out of your poor little mind.
He would pick up the pieces for you.
He lets you move in to balance out the lack of income.
He likes the control he has over your life.
And in his home he has the most control.
You were caught in a web he had no intention of letting you escape from.
Everything from how you spoke to him, to how you carried yourself were molded into his ideal version of you.
He saw your true self and was helping you achieve personal perfection.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He didn’t understand how this could’ve happened.
Nothing fell out of place.
He quickly shook himself out the shocked trance and moved towards a solution.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Only as a last resort.
He’s grown clingy and the others always found him unnerving.
Not to the point of excommunication.
But enough to keep distance.
Eventually though, after many failed attempts, he reaches out to Henrik.
How he would bring you back:
The doctor make quick work in restoring your body.
Excited to practice a new experiment he had in progress
With success you wake.
Reactions after he brings you back:
If he could shout for joy he would.
All he can do is pull you into a tight hug.
Quickly shooing Henrik away, he gets ready to resume his perfect life with you.
How do you escape?:
Dashing out a window while JJ was busy dealing with Henrik.
Of course he immediately knows something went wrong when he returned
Not hearing the slightest movement from the room you were left in.
How he reacts to your escape: 
More panic-
Even more exhausting than the first time.
He just wanted things to go back to normal.
You hadn’t even made it off the property before a cascade of wires and strings halted your escape.
You couldn’t move but you could hear him approaching fast.
Struggle and fight?
He’s disappointed.
He though he taught you better.
Were you faking your affection?
This thought made him more upset.
He needed to make you see things from his perspective.
With his talent of strings he can take control of your body.
Puppeting your limbs to walk,
Conduct daily tasks,
Holding you back from fighting his affection.
You love him.
And he will show you the best way how.
(In sign) “There now (y/n), you see? You are much more suited for this kind of life. Don’t give me that look. I know what’s best and I’m going to make you perfect.”
Relax and let him take you back?
You must’ve simply misunderstood when you woke.
He still doesn’t want you running away again.
Attaching light, nearly invisible wires to your body in order to detect your movements.
So light you wouldn’t feel a thing.
He gently sways and builds you back to living in his perfect life.
Of course, he was going to be more careful.
More aware.
Sectioning off several rooms that hold objects of possible danger.
You never entered the kitchen again.
But that’s fine.
Everything is under control.
His control.
Letting you have enough distractions to miss the intricate processes behind the curtain.
(In sign) “Too many dangerous things out there for you to be toying with. How delicate and sweet you are… life is better when you can stay by my side isn't it?”
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Marvin the Magnificent: clingy yandere
How he feels about (y/n):
Love at first sight.
He could feel that you two were meant to be together.
It was practically written in the stars.
He grabs your attention with flashy parlor tricks.
No need to worry about any other pests.
They were all such a bad influence.
And he couldn't stand when you gave your attention to anyone else.
He lured you in with wonder.
Finally showing you some true magic once he has you all to himself.
Sure you didn’t know where you were after that last flash.
You actually didn’t mind.
The sweet incense lacing the air was incredibly relaxing.
He showed you images beyond your wildest fantasies.
And beamed when your eyes sparkled with delight.
A captive audience.
Illusions that weaved into your subconscious.
Whispering to your mind that you were exactly where you needed to be.
That your destiny was with him.
What happens when you die:
Intense panic.
Though he is quick to start looking for a solution.
He frantically flips through pages upon pages in mystic tomes and scattered scrolls.
Trying to find that one spell.
That one incantation that will bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
By all that is and ever will be, no.
The thought might’ve briefly crossed his mind, but was waved as soon as it came.
He is a Master of Magic.
His power is unmatched.
He alone would be enough to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
Eventually landing on the sought after collection of texts listing castings and provocations… of necromancy.
Using the most rare artifacts and ingredients he could get his hands on.
He starts a multi hour ritual to retrieve your soul from the beyond.
Reactions after he brings you back:
This cast left him exhausted to his core.
Barely able to stand when he is finished.
But with fruitful results.
With a flash in your eyes, you quickly sat up.
Finally awake and lucid.
Too lucid.
His spells and influence had disappeared once you died.
Now you saw the gravity of the situation in front of you and bolted.
Him being too tired to run after, let’s you go.
You won’t get far.
How do you escape?:
You try to run.
After a while of turning random corners and dashing through long halls, you feel like you’ve traveled a far distance.
You stop for a breath.
A bright flash at your feet makes you gasp and the floor softens to consume your legs.
You’re caught up to your thighs when the floor hardens again.
Marvin rounds the corner and closes in.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s not concerned about where your going, but your state of mind.
This domain bended to his will.
You could be running for hours and he could still pinpoint your location.
So he lets you drain your energy as he regains his.
Catching you once you had tired out.
Fight him?
Not for long.
A dizzying miasma fills the air and causes your body to feel heavy and weak.
He carries you around the corner he appeared from, back to your “home”.
With a drop in your stomach, you realize you were nowhere near freedom.
Your body refuses to move after he places you down on a table.
Silent and stoic, he moves to collect different potions and light several bundles of exotic herbs.
The air grew sweet.
Your mind focused on the alluring aroma as he began reciting a new spell.
One that would lock your mind into his influence for good.
Your own good.
Anything that existed beyond his wonderland is a long forgotten fantasy.
“This is for the best, (y/n). You won’t have to worry anymore. Sleep well, starlight, and be reborn to the life of your dreams.”
Resign to your fate?
He realizes why you fled and takes caution.
Not showing his cards fully.
You both know you can’t escape.
He wont let on that he’s aware of this.
He eases you back to the warmth of your shared home.
Calming you from the adrenaline high with some of your favorite foods.
He performs a small light trick that always delighted you.
You hardly reacted.
No, this wouldn’t do.
He wanted to reawaken the brightness of your soul that attracted him.
To reinvigorate the gravity in your aligned stars.
A slower approach perhaps.
Instead of the immediate stunning performance that brought you to his abode, he drums up a soft consistent rhythm to ease your nerves.
The halls seemed to still catch your wonder, if even a little.
Small distractions lead you away from problematic thought.
A few extra ingredients in your food would help you relax and readjust to everyday living.
His consistent calm, collected demeanor- if not a bit overbearing, did eventually convince you of your safety.
He’s always gentle towards you, after all.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad…
“Will you allow me one lifetime? I always strive to amaze, but I’ve never replicated anything close to your beauty. The show must go on, my startlight, won’t you join me in the encore?”
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knullanon · 3 years
Ah, I see you write for the DC universe. I actually wanna request some headcanon’s with an any gender reader. Have you read the 1985’s Crisis On Infinite Earth’s? Oh I have a bad habit of beating around the bush, ya see cause I’m shy n stuff.
Oh jeez, I’m here to request yandere headcanon’s for the Anti-Monitor. I just gotta know what his deal is with consuming realities and all.
heheheh so I saw a video on him and uhhh this is what its gonna be but yes i love this mf and his stupid brothers
also im making perpetua exist just cuz i can, and i am sorry if i fuck up anything that's not true bc this shit is complicated
he doesn't remember how he found you all he knows is that he was pretty much like "why is there a kid out here"
he didn't know what to do for like the first 4 months so he just kinda sat on his home planet thinking "what the fuck"
when he's eating worlds n shit he just leaves you be, bc 1, outside you will probably die, 2, for the most part you get really anything you need.
also, lets assume he just took you from a positive-matter universe and just kinda ignored that fact and just placed you with his brothers. which they wouldn't know what to do either btw.
truly does not give a fuck about what you think on matters like "can I go visit so and so"
hes a literal god who eats universes like what???? who is so and so and why aren't they dead?
you nicknamed him anti-virus software for fun and he took it way too seriously, either getting all angry about it or taking it in pride and there's no in between on how he acts when you call him that (yes this was supported by that one youtube comment im making it real)
also, get ready for loneliness. there is going to be no one there for you. except for those thunder knights he has.
monitor would appear and be like "yo why is there a kid in your house" and he would just kinda tower over you all, "they're my kid"
also, since he's normally like 900 meters tall he sometimes just makes himself 12 feet tall so he can talk to you but also still be tall as hell.
sometimes offers you a taste of a universe while you just sit there like (ㆆ_ㆆ)
honestly tho, probably just turns you immortal and then uses the anti life equation to his favor. maybe he might even turn you into a warrior. maybe.
really a bitch about meeting the rest of those mfs. monitor would be the uncle whos really nice but gets shit talked behind his back, world forager is the guy who somehow gets past the walls to meet you, and anti-monitor doesn't wanna argue with perpetua bc c'mon. dude.
on a real note however, it does get extremely lonely whenever you're left by yourself, which is why its always fun when he grants you immortality or another godlike power, then asking one of your uncle or perpetua to send you to a positive matter universe and then fuck around there.
anti monitor seeing you hang with the teen titans in a different universe for the fifth time in a row:
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yeah that's all I got
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rare-yanderes · 3 years
A/N: Idk, I think I’m just much better with headcanons but whatever.
I actually wrote this before this blog was even a thing and I think it was kinda the beginning of my tumble into yanderes.
TW for mentioned genocide, dehumanizing words, a kidnapped reader, and a lotta purple prose.
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Your feet carried you, fast. Fast away from what you felt was the inevitable. The end was chasing you, and you knew there was little you were capable of doing to ward its approaching hand away from you. It was instinct, primal instinct that carted you along and away from those omniscient eyes, if you could call them that. They were more like holes carved into armor.
Those eyes, those infinite eyes that crackled. One more gaze into their scorching depths and you were sure you’d ironically freeze within them. Sometimes those eyes were like fire crackers, a whirling torrent of spiky fire that mesmerized and captivated. Sometimes they were like stargazing. Looking at the universe, only an opposite..An antithesis of it.
Reality shudders around you. The one you’re currently in, anyway. Soon enough it will writhe and succumb like all the countless others before it. You feel it’s doom approaching. Reality bends and begins to cave. Along with its death, your hope. With the shudder of space time comes your halt, because you can sense his presence. There, leering at you. Confined to the will of your universal pursuer, you numbly accept that running is no longer an option. Your lip trembles as you turn around to face the monster behind you.
Strings of atom wind around your body like silk and you realize your feet don’t even touch ground anymore as your wrists are forced against each other, your fingers individually wrapped in an intricate pattern of space time string in all directions. Your legs bend at the knees where string slithers around and constricts them. You’re in the air, the prey caught. You gaze upon your captor. He is magnificant, he is terrifying. Looking over you, a being of pure energy encased in a monstrous shell of armor.
And those sockets..Devoid of anything other than a hunger. So focused on you. So utterly cold and so very burning as they lock upon you and your brittle matter self. Your whole body trembles. You don’t want to be condemned to such a horrid fate, absorbed and unraveled at the atomic level. Your energy imprisoned.
You can feel him leering down at you. Lording over you like god about to hand down your judgement. You glimpse metal and you hear the violent energy thrumming against the shell that holds it. You close your eyes, squeeze them shut. You didn’t want to confront him or look into those eyes any longer.
You feel his hand against your face, a twisted caress. His metal touch sends a chill through your very soul. “So foolish. Thinking you could outrun me. I will savor your fear.” The voice slams into you like the shockwave of a supernova, you feel like you have whiplash.
The binds upon your body tighten as they bring you closer. A large hand clasps around your chin, forcing you to face up to The Anti-Monitor himself. Looking upon him is every bit as terrifying as the first time.
You’re not even sure what you could possibly classify him as. A black hole? Maybe an abyss, an infestation of pure malevolence? Maybe he was simply a graveyard for reality itself. It sends you into a downwards spiral to meet that gaze. It’s so hungry as it locks onto you, so oppressive.
Faintly, you think you hear screaming inside that metal shell, echoing from burning sockets. They meet your gaze head on. The hand upon your chin shifts, and the skin upon your face is tingling from the new sensation of having such a cold hand breeze against it ever so slightly, you feel a metal finger caressing your bottom lip. You want to vomit at the intimate gesture.
“Your energy. I can feel it. It will join the rest of your positive matter universe. Bent to my will.” You know what will happen next. The fire in you is fueled. The last instinct of self preservation.
“Never!” You try to bite the offending finger near your mouth, and you are rewarded with what appeared to be amusement.
Kicking desperately at the abomination before you, your feet slam against an unmovable torso as you shake your head, trying to throw the tendrils off of you. They merely tighten further. How far would they allow you to get before they tightened so hard your limbs snapped off? You feel yourself being dragged. The strings upon you yank, dragging you into caging arms that wrap around you as you rasp in terror, at a loss for breath. You didn’t want any part of his hands on you.
“No, no! Let me go!” You can barely hear yourself over your own hyperventilation.
Your rapid movement ceases as you’re pinned against this dark opposite being, strings forcing your limbs to a standstill. You’ll be a lost cause the moment you slip through that portal, and you helplessly are. You can’t help the snarl of frustration as you are dragged through to a universe you never hoped you’d see. You feel completely enveloped with his eyes just inches away from yours. You were close enough to share the same air, only there was never an intake of breath on his part and soon enough, not on yours, either. Being in open space, you figured he’d somehow altered the situation to keep you breathing somehow.
Gazing through that portal brought the dreadful sight of Qward, and if you weren’t lost now, you surely were as you were dragged into the depths of the stone structure. Your reality had vanished to his grasp long before, one of his first victories over millions more and yet here he imprisoned you as if you were it’s highlight. His bizarre fixation over you had disturbed many of the different iterations of the justice league and other heroes but never did you think it was to this scale.
“Let me go, bastard!” You try to push one last time and find his hands grasping your throat, tight enough to be threatening but not enough to cut off air.
“That is enough! You have evaded me thus far! I will never allow you to taste freedom ever again. Cease this childish tantrum and accept the truth of your loss.” The hiss of anger scares you, and you are eye to eye with your captor yet again.
You squirm relentlessly, writhing in his grasp and the hold of strings, but he pins you in his arms with ease, resting a hand behind your head and snaking an arm around your small waist. That’s what you were, small. So small in his malevolent embrace, and he’s clearly enjoying every tremble that comes out of you, dead sure on forcing your body against his until you crumbled to dust in his unrelenting hold on you. Your arms are pinned against your body as the string moves them behind your back and your legs simply strung together.
Hungry eyes loom over your squirming body, and that is the moment you cease movement. Your jaw clenches and your breath hitches as they roam. You feel bugs crawl all over you. The grip around your torso wasn’t just uncomfortable now. It was near crushing. Did he even realize how fragile you were? You think back to being crumbled. If you were in pieces, you wouldn’t run, would you?
You hang limp in his hold, but your body still quakes as you reel in the desire to cry. It wasn’t just your mind doing front flips over his presence, your body was too. Every part of you is against him, bounded and entirely helpless to any further action. You wonder if he can hear your heartbeat.
Your torrent of thoughts is interrupted.
“I know what I will do next. Let’s see how long your resistance lasts when I give you a front row seat” he paused before reaching up to stroke your hair. You quiver, trying to pull away from the gesture. “I’ll destroy everything. Everything but you. You can be the only remaining positive matter left. My trophy. Proof of my supremacy.”
You shake your head, gasping. “T-they’ll find me. They’ll take you down, it’s only a matter of time.”
His touch feels like poison, as you are left suspended but not alone. Strings hold your weight again and you feel like a puppet. The arm on your waist dips lower, giant hand insisting on resting against your inner thigh while his other rests at the crook of your neck, thumb over your Adam’s apple. You grimace.
“Then I shall snuff all light that guides them.” If only the harsh open space had boiled you. It would be a pleasing fate compared to this one. You are dragged, screaming into pitch black depths.
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iamvegorott · 2 years
Who would be in charge of what jobs in the don’t starve au?
I've been thinking of having the AU based on Phantom accidentally sending them all to that words after getting into an argument with Mare
So Phantom would be the main guide since he knows the game best
Jackie is the main monster fighter, takes care of the spiders for webbing, etc
Dark is a night monitor, one of the only two unaffected by the killer shadows
Anti is the light/tech finder, almost works as a compass for the pieces they need to escape
Wilford helps with monster fighting, has his gun but with limited ammo
JJ is the main gatherer for berries, grass, sticks, etc
Chase helps around where he is needed, doesn't have a main job and just jumps in when someone needs an extra hand
Marvin helps with monster fighting, able to craft the magic staffs without gems but still needing a stand-in
Bing has the map inside of him and Google is the only one that can read it
Henrik and Edward are our doctors/healers
Mad is the main technical crafter, able to know what is needed if Phantom can't recall it
Mare is the other night monitor, the shadows not hurting him as well
Yancy and Illinois take charge of breaking boulders and chopping down trees
I'm thinking that the kiddos (Robbie, Blank, CJ/RJ) got left behind with Yandere and Bim which leads to more of a panicked rush to get out
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juju-on-that-yeet · 3 years
Unravel, Chapter 14/20
Work Summary: Antisepticeye has a plan to destroy Darkiplier, steal his power, and take over everything - and he might just succeed. What starts with Yandereplier going missing evolves into a messy web of betrayal and grief, of blood and tears, of old wounds and new faces. However this ends, Ego Inc. will never be the same again. Chapter Summary: After Anti’s devastating attack, all the egos can do is lick their wounds and mourn the ones they’ve lost. Some of them are coping worse than others. Warnings: Implied death + discussions of death, some graphic descriptions
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To most of the egos, the first few days after Anti’s attack are a blur, spent in a haze of grief and despondency that turns them all into zombies. Half the egos have the nightmares that Natemare gave them to keep them up at night, the other half have the memory of Anti ripping out the hearts of their friends. Time is meaningless in the wake of those horrors, and hours can pass by with the egos doing nothing but remembering.
The only ego who truly feels each creeping second of each creeping day is Google.
Granted, that’s not true of those hours immediately after the fight. With Dr. Iplier and Plus both dead, Google is the group’s best medic, and it becomes his job to triage and help everyone. He stitches up and gives ice packs to the main group, he gives oxygen to and monitors the breathing of the weaker egos, and does what he can for the three dead. None of it is easy work. Everyone is upset, some are angry. Just when everyone has mostly stopped crying, the news of exactly what ended the battle comes out to those who weren’t there, and half of those egos start crying again at the thought of Wilford snapping Jackie and Marvin’s necks. No one blames Wilford for doing it given the circumstances, but they still grieve Jackie and Marvin, they still consider them friends, or at least friendly. When Silver hears about Jackie’s death, he goes silent. Once he’s been treated by Google, he goes to his room and stays there for three days, not even coming out to eat.
Google can’t care. Even once everyone’s injuries are treated, he still has too much to worry about. There are still duties that are now his responsibility, some that he thinks he’s doing better than others.
He has to look after Celine now, for one thing. She’s returned to the clinic once the excitement of the fight is over, and Google has to make sure her condition doesn’t change. He fashions a chip to put in her heart monitor that will alert him to any significant change in her heart rate, so that at least makes the work easier. Also in the clinic is Dr. Iplier’s body, and that’s considerably less easy to address. Google patches up the hole in his chest to the best of his ability; partly because it’s customary to fix those fatal injuries when figments die in case they come back to life, and partly because it was unnerving to look at the hole through his chest and the blood all over his body. Whenever Google looks in on him, someone is always there. Sometimes Host, sometimes Yandere, sometimes even them both together, talking to Dr. Iplier or crying or just sitting numbly. Google never watches long. It reminds him of the emotions in his own mind that he’s trying to avoid.
Those emotions start to swarm him when he’s repairing Plus and Oliver, both of whom have been placed on stretchers in his workshop for him and Chrome to repair. Anti broke up both their cores, smashing a chunk of each into tiny pieces and breaking countless metal plates and snapping countless wires as his hands went through their bodies. The only thing keeping Google from giving into the tidal wave of despair that creeps up when he looks at his little brothers is the fact that, from the neck up, they don’t look dead at all. Androids don’t go pale or rigid with death like humans do. The absence of breathing isn’t strange, either, since androids hardly need to breathe at all. If Google just looks at their faces, they could pass for being asleep. If he’s not looking at their faces, he’s looking at the holes in their chest. Stitching up Dr. Iplier was comparatively easy; Plus and Oliver are mechanical marvels, with hundreds of parts to repair, to recreate, to reorder, to replace. He has Chrome to work alongside him, but Chrome isn’t much help.
Google has been keeping his emotions down, but Chrome has not, cannot.
It’s not a surprise to Google. Chrome’s never been able to control his emotions, even when he really tried, though he usually didn’t. Now, not only are his brothers dead, but it was his hands that dealt the killing blows. It was Anti’s fault, of course, and Google knows that Chrome knows that, but it doesn’t make the guilt go away. It doesn’t make Chrome feel any better. He can hardly stand to work on his brothers, can hardly bear being in the same room as them. He either destroys his room, breaking his prototypes in half and punching the wall in directionless rage, or he wallows in despair, screaming and crying more than Google even knew he was capable of. Maybe the worst part of it all is that Google has no idea what to do about it. He doesn’t know what to say to his brother. He tries telling Chrome that he doesn’t blame him for what happened, that it wasn’t his fault, that Plus and Oliver will (hopefully) be okay, but none of it sticks. It all feels trite, even if it’s true. Chrome’s never gone to Google for comfort, they’ve never had that kind of relationship.
But Chrome and Yandere do.
Google sees them together often. It’s not a new thing to see, but things are different between them now. They both carry a grief so suffocating, so unimaginable that it might swallow them both whole if they didn’t have each other to turn to. It’s good for them both; Google is certain that Chrome would drown in his guilt and sorrow without Yandere, and he can only imagine what Yandere might do to himself if he had to bear the loss of another loved one alone. They both feel guilt for what happened during the fight with Anti. Chrome’s reasons are obvious; Google hears him describe to Yandere how he can still feel the oil on his skin, still feel the weight of his brother’s cores in his hands, still feel the curl of his fingers into the delicate machinery. Yandere has his own guilt to wrestle with as well. From what Google can gather, Dr. Iplier sacrificed himself to keep Anti from hurting Yandere, and Yandere regrets how angry and hateful he was to Dr. Iplier before his death. As upset with Dr. Iplier as he was, he never wanted anything like this. Yandere and Chrome understand each other’s grief better than anyone.
Google will walk through the control room for a screw or a metal plate, and see Chrome and Yandere on the couch there, trying to comfort each other. Sometimes Yandere will be curled in Chrome’s lap, wailing into his chest, and Chrome will be holding him, stoically stroking his hair. Other times Chrome will be the one breaking down, sobbing hard enough to need coolant refills afterwards to replace the tears, and Yandere will hug him tight, whispering gentle words into his hair. Google can’t help but be envious at how Yandere can get that close to Chrome. He wonders why it’s so hard for him to connect with his little brother, why it’s so easy for Yandere. Somehow Yandere, between fits of grief, can become Chrome’s pillar of support, and Google, despite his database of information, can’t understand it.
That is, he can’t understand until one day, when Chrome is trashing his room again and Google can’t get him to calm down. Chrome shouts over everything Google tries to say, won’t listen to the words that he can hear. Google’s so focused on trying to get through to Chrome that he doesn’t know Yandere has come into the room, attracted by the noise, until he speaks.
“Aka-kun?” he asks, “What’s going on?”
Google is a little impressed. Yandere has red, irritated eyes from crying earlier in the day, but he’s utterly fearless in the face of Chrome’s destructive rage. Upon seeing him, Chrome’s nostrils flare and he turns away, eyes still blazing red.
“Go away,” he growls, so low the air rumbles.
“I won’t,” Yandere replies, undeterred. He steps into the room alongside Google.
“Leave me alone!!” Chrome yells, punching the wall, putting the dozenth hole in it since he started this fit.
“I’m not going to,” Yandere says, a note of stubbornness entering his voice, “And I don’t think you actually want me to. Come on, look over here.”
Chrome stomps further into his room. He still hasn’t turned to look at Yandere. He says nothing.
“If you really wanted me to leave, you’d say it to my face. Come on, otouto, look at me.”
Many moments pass. Google waits for Yandere to speak again, but he doesn’t. He stays where he is, stays silent, and simply stares at Chrome, expression so gentle Google can hardly look at it. Chrome continues throwing things for a long minute, but eventually goes still again, body shaking with rage. It takes nearly another full minute for him to look back over his shoulder at Yandere. His eyes are narrowed and blinding bright red, but tears are flowing down his cheeks.
“Come here, otouto,” Yandere murmurs. If his voice were any softer, Google thinks, it would break in two.
After a few more agonizing moments, Chrome finally turns around and shuffles to Yandere. He’s no less angry, Google can tell, but he seems tired, exhausted from his own hot-blooded rage. When he reaches Yandere, he hugs him, lifting him off the ground to hold him close. It reminds Google of a child hugging a teddy bear nearly as big as they are. Unlike a teddy bear, Yandere hugs back, arms wrapping around Chrome’s neck as he lets his legs dangle. He starts talking to Chrome, whispering gently, and Chrome walks out of the room and to the couch that he and Yandere always go to, carrying Yandere with him.
Google tries to return to work on Plus and Oliver, though the whole interaction stays in his mind. It doesn’t help that his advanced hearing can pick up hints of Chrome’s muffled tears and Yandere’s whispers from the other room. That evening, when Google hears Chrome go back to his room to start cleaning up and charge for the night, he listens for Yandere to start walking out of the control room. Instead, he hears Yandere’s footsteps come closer, until he looks up to see Yandere standing in the doorway of the workshop.
“What?” Google asks. He feels a little protective, suddenly, over his two little brothers’ bodies, both laid out in full view. But Yandere doesn’t look at them, only at Google. His eyes are no longer red-rimmed, and he seems calm yet curious.
“You’ve been staring at me and Aka-kun a lot,” Yandere asks, “What’s up with that?”
Google is surprised, not just at Yandere’s boldness, but at his observation.
“Blunt, aren’t we,” is all he says in reply.
“No more than you on the average day,” Yandere scoffs, though he manages a quick grin. “Seriously, though. You’re always looking, but I can’t tell what you’re thinking when you do.”
“Must you know?”
“Well…I have a hunch.”
“Do you.”
“Yeah. So…why do you always stare?”
Google must be going nuts. All those moments of holding in his feelings must be making him loopy. He decides he might as well tell Yandere what he’s been thinking. The world has already gone so sideways, a little more crazy couldn’t hurt.
“I can’t get through to him,” Google says, not bothering to clarify who he means. “Not just today, not just when he throws fits, but not at all, ever. Not since the fight.” He looks down at Plus, who he’s currently working on. “He’s so locked in, and I can’t get through. I’ve never had to worry about him like this before, he’s never needed me like that. But he does now, and nothing I say seems to make a difference. Yet you do. He listens to you. The things you say work. How?”
There’s a pause as Yandere considers this.
“Was that your hunch?” Google asks, only a little derisive.
“Sorta,” Yandere admits. “I know from Aka-kun that you guys don’t get all, like, touchy-feely about stuff. I don’t think he minds that, that’s just how it is. But I think I know why that is, and why he goes to me for emotional stuff instead.”
“Why?” Google can’t help but ask.
“You aren’t vulnerable,” Yandere replies. “You said Aka-kun’s locked in, but so are you. Aka-kun’s told me that he hasn’t seen you cry or grieve or anything. Not that he thinks you don’t care, and I don’t think that, either. But I think he sees how you don’t, like, emote about it, and he’s internalized it. He can’t relate to you. He can’t be vulnerable to you unless he’s losing control, and I think it’s because a part of him doesn’t know if you’ll understand. Because you’ve been the cool big brother this whole time.”
“One of us has to be collected,” Google mutters, though Yandere’s words spear him deep. For someone normally so dramatic, Yandere is much more emotionally intelligent than Google would’ve guessed. “It has to be me.”
“You don’t have to fall apart or anything,” Yandere says, “Just…unlock. Open the door. Let him know you have feelings in there, and maybe then he’ll feel like he can talk to you.”
Even after Yandere leaves and night falls, his words stick. The more Google turns them over in his mind, the more he thinks Yandere’s right. From the outside, he realizes, he must look close to invincible. How could Chrome know that Google’s single-minded drive to fix his brothers and keep Ego Inc. standing is a way to chase away his own despair? But Google fears that if he tries to unlock, tries to open the door a crack to give Chrome vulnerability, that the door will swing wide open out of his hands and he’ll be just as despondent as Chrome, and then nothing will get better.
It takes another few days before Google gets an opportunity to be vulnerable, and it starts with Bing of all people.
Bing took the news of Oliver’s death hard, and the time it took Google to repair Bing’s injuries was difficult for them both. Bing steers clear of the control room for a while, and Google doesn’t care to know what he does with his time. He has enough to deal with without worrying about someone he doesn’t even like. But then Bing walks into the control room, managing to choose a moment when Google and Chrome are both there, taking a break from fixing the others.
“What are you doing here?” Chrome is first to ask, voice venomous. Google’s reaction isn’t so severe, but he isn’t happy to see Bing, either.
“I’m not here to start anything,” Bing starts, defensive. He sighs. “I just…you guys are still repairing Ollie and Plus, right?”
“Why do you ask?” Google counters, approaching Bing. Chrome follows, eyes starting to glow red.
Bing almost steps back, intimidated, but it only takes a moment for the anxiety to wash out of his eyes and replace itself with numb sadness. Google suddenly wants to look away. Bing has the same look in his eyes that Google sees every time he looks in a mirror.
“Ollie’s my best friend,” Bing says, “And I know you have him and Plus to fix, and a lot of other shit to deal with since Doc’s gone, so…” Bing steels himself, meets Google’s eyes with determination. “I wanna help you repair the others.”
Google only has a split-second to be shocked before Chrome interjects.
“No fucking way,” he snaps, “Why the hell would you offer to help us!? You hate us!”
“I want to help!” Bing insists, “Maybe I don’t like you guys, but I care about Ollie, and Ollie cares about Plus, and I’m the only other person who can fix them aside from you and Googs.”
“I’m not letting you touch my brothers in a million years!!” Chrome shouts, “How the fuck do I know you aren’t gonna do something to them, if not to Ollie then to Green!?”
“Jesus, I’m not a fucking monster!!” Bing exclaims, reeling back as though struck, “If you’re really that worried about it I can just help with Ollie and leave Plus alone!” He scoffs and shakes his head. “Just because you and Google were a dick to me when Mini Bing died doesn’t mean I’m gonna sink to your level. But I’m not gonna make you accept my help, so fine. Talk to me if you change your mind, or don’t, I tried.”
Just before he turns to leave, Google sees that numbness filter back into Bing’s eyes. Then he’s gone, walking out of the control room without looking back. Google is left stunned by the whole interaction, and turns to Chrome as soon as Bing is gone.
“What the hell was that?” he asks flatly.
“Don’t tell me you were gonna let Bing work on the others!” Chrome exclaims, eyes still burning red.
Honestly, Google was. He could tell just by looking at Bing that he wasn’t lying about his intentions and his reasoning. It may have hurt Google’s pride to accept help from his nemesis, but Oliver and Plus are more important than a petty grudge. And Bing was right; Google has too much on his plate to turn down an extra pair of hands.
“We need more help,” Google says, trying to be diplomatic, “There’s still so much we have to fix, and I’m busy being everyone’s doctor on top of it.”
“We’re not getting help from Bing!!” Chrome spits, getting in Google’s face. “We don’t need that moron screwing things up even worse!!”
“He knows our mechanics better than anyone else in this building,” Google retorts, frowning deeply, “And you know as well as I do that Bing was telling the truth about his feelings. Are you really too proud to accept help??”
Chrome glares at Google petulantly, but says nothing. After days of running on empty and pushing down grief, something in Google breaks.
“You’ve got some nerve to turn Bing away when you’ve done almost nothing since your brothers died,” Google snarls, voice dripping with poison, “All you’ve done is throw tantrums and break things while I try to make things better. I’m getting Bing to help us and you’re getting your head out of your ass before I come back.”
Chrome draws back, and his expression barely changes, but not even his relentless rage can hide the spark of pain that flits through his eyes. He turns away from Google, stomping to his room and slamming the door. Google regrets what he said before the sound stops reverberating through the air.
“You don’t have to fall apart or anything,” Yandere had said.
“A bit late for that now,” Google thinks bitterly.
He knows he has to apologize, but he also knows he has to give Chrome time to cool off before he tries. As an android whose internal clock is always attuned to the exact millisecond of every moment, time is straightforward and linear and unsurprising. Yet the twenty minutes Google waits to talk to Chrome is the longest twenty minutes he’s ever experienced.
When he knocks on Chrome’s door, he already expects him not to respond. The silence still aches, stretching long between them. Google knows better than to try pleasantries, so he takes a deep breath and begins.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I’m sorry I said those things. I know what happened really hurt you, I know you’re reacting to that. I…I can’t imagine how you feel. I don’t want to imagine it. I don’t even want to think about how I feel.” Google sighs, Yandere’s advice ringing in his head. “The truth is, I’m terrified. I’m terrified that I’ll be working on Ollie and Green and they’ll both just disappear in front of me. I feel guilty, like if I’d just been faster or been a few steps closer when they were killed, I could’ve stopped Anti from killing them. And I’m sad, I’m so sad all the time, I miss them both so much, I almost hate looking at their bodies.” Google leans forward, letting his forehead gently thunk Chrome’s door. Now that the words are coming, he can’t stop them. “I’ve been keeping all that down because I didn’t want to make things worse for you and I didn’t want any distractions from repairing the others. I feel like I have to be the strong one. But it means we’ve been drifting apart. The one thing I haven’t been able to do is be there for you, and I’m sorry for that. I want that to change, I just…” Google’s throat tightens, tears collect in his eyes, and he can’t decide if he hates or craves the sensation. “I didn’t want to stop being strong. I don’t want to fall apart. But…” A sob escapes him. “Maybe I have to.”
The door opens. Chrome is standing there, eyes still red but no longer glaring. They’re wide, tear-filled, leaking coolant down his cheeks. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out but a whimper. He stops trying to talk and throws his arms around Google instead, squeezing tight enough to crack a human’s ribs.
But it’s not too tight for Google, and Google hugs back just as hard, and finally lets himself feel.
Some time later, when they’re both done crying, Chrome speaks up first.
“I’m sorry, too,” he says quietly. “You were right about Bing, I was being an ass.”
“Wait, admitting you were wrong and that you were a jerk?” Google asks, feigning shock, “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”
Chrome snorts, letting Google go and stepping out of the hug to look him in the eyes.
“Seriously,” he continues, “I mean, I know I haven’t done much, and Bing was telling the truth about everything, I just…” He looks away. “I hate the thought that the guy I hate could do more for my own brothers than me.”
“I hate it, too,” Google admits, “I’m definitely not looking forward to asking him for help. But the others need it, and they’d need it no matter how much you were helping me.”
Chrome nods, considering. He looks back at Google.
“I hate looking at them,” he says, brows drawing together in sadness. “I hate seeing them like that, and remembering what I did…”
“That was Anti, not you,” Google tells him, “I’ll say it until you believe it.”
Chrome smiles, crooked and tear-stained but unmistakable, and that’s when Google thinks they might be okay.
Going to Bing and asking him to help out is as awkward as Google feared it would be, but once he’s assured that Chrome is okay with it, he accepts and starts working on Oliver like he offered. Now that the dam’s broken between Google and Chrome, Chrome is able to contribute more, though he still has to take frequent breaks. He and Yandere continue to help each other, but from what snippets of conversation he overhears, Google can tell that Chrome needs less from Yandere than he did before. Yandere catches Google’s eye at one point and gives him a huge smile, and Google can only shake his head and grin in return.
Despite that ray of light, Ego Inc. remains shrouded in darkness. Oliver and Plus are still dead, and so is Dr. Iplier, and so is Dark. Everyone is still upset, still sad, still in mourning. Google is still the one in charge of healing everyone. He still has to monitor the other egos, still has to change Host’s bandages every other day while he weeps over Dr. Iplier, still has to see if the dead have risen or if Celine has awoken, still has to attend strategy meetings with an increasingly-despondent Wilford, still has to fear every crackle of static electricity or glitch in a monitor in case it means that Anti is back. It’s likely that he’s waiting for Jackie and Marvin to wake up again, but given how popular they are, it won’t take long, and the egos aren’t ready to face him again. Despite the meetings, there’s no new ideas, no plans, nothing. Ego Inc. is still suffering with no end in sight.
The drudgery is interrupted when, a week and a half after Anti’s attack, the chip Google put in Celine’s heart monitor goes off.
It pings until Google turns off the notification, telling him that her heart rate has gone up. Google has no idea what it means; even Dr. Iplier barely knew what to make of Celine’s condition, what to make of the fluctuations in her vitals. Still, Google leaves the control room and walks down the hall to the clinic to make sure nothing’s wrong with her. He doesn’t know what he expects to see as he opens the door to her room.
It sure as hell isn’t Celine sitting up in bed, looking wildly around herself, hands clenched around the rails of her hospital bed. Her gaze lands on Google, dark eyes wide and piercing. Google is sure that even a human would hear her rapid heartbeat from the doorway. Yet when she speaks, her voice is strong, sharp, as harsh and angry as Google remembers from the videos she’s in, yet breathless and strained with nerves.
“What is going on,” she gasps, “And where on earth is my brother?”
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Omgomgomg that yandere thing you did with kasamatsu but with takao please I loved it!!!
you know what people say about “boys will tease you because they like you”? well, that’s takao to a T
the thing is, how can he not joke around with you a little bit, when you’re just so entertaining? 
takao mocks anything and everything you show an interest in
if you’re talking to a friend about a show you’re watching at the moment, takao will shove his head between the two of you, laughing, “wow, you like ___? that’s such a dumb show!”
he’ll join any school clubs you’re a part of, make sure he’s sitting next to you/pairing up with you, and then proceed to tease you over how stupid this club is too - “why are you still here? ha, even being the basketball club’s manager would be more fun than this!”
(there’s a definite hint in that last sentence, but whether takao says it consciously or not, who knows)
in general, somehow takao pops up wherever you are
not in a stalker way - he’s not quietly simmering in the background - instead he’s constantly trying to get you to chat with him, or he’ll just talk at you, if you try to give him the cold shoulder
curiously, he’s especially quick to appear, if you’re talking with someone else, especially if that someone is someone who looks like they may just be interested in you
say a classmate is asking you for some homework help, takao will be in between the two of you before you know it, like he’s a puppy guarding its owner
sometimes he’ll just monitor the conversation (no one wants him there, but no one wants to ask him to leave); sometimes he’ll just drag you away, leaving you calling out apologises behind you
the worst part is, there comes a time where you just start accepting takao’s presence
he gets bolder too: he steals a kiss from your cheek every once in a while, he’ll make murmured comments about how hot you look today, he’ll let his hand linger on your thigh
(and then he’ll burst out laughing when you blush: “did you really think i was interested in you?”)
and, over time, he’s just always there
you’re on the train? he’s there, wrapped around you (“i’m the anti-chikan squad”). you’re at the cinema trying to choose a film? takao’s there with popcorn directing you to the movie he wants to watch, even when he definitely wasn’t invited
as much as he annoys you, you’re so used to his presence, you can’t even find it weird when he pops up yet again
that is, until you’re walking home late at night
it’s raining, you’re soaked, takao taps on your shoulder with an umbrella
“let’s share,” he grins, “i’ll keep you company till you get to —St. that’s where your house is, right?”
and that’s when you remember: you’ve never mentioned where you live
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 71 Rundown!
Code Geass: Lelouch establishes the Black Knights floating iceburg country complete with representatives and shit and somehow no one on the team monitoring Lelouch notices he disappears right when Zero is exiled, like yeah half of them are in Lelouch’s pocket anyway but you’d think him just yeeting himself out of the country would be difficult to hide from the oversight committee. Anyway Brittania being Brittania is going to have a political wedding with the Chinese Disturbingly Loli Empress and their literal oldest Prince, like they couldn’t even pick a slightly younger prince to make this less creepy, it’s literally the First Prince who’s like 40, I’m sure Charles has fucked more recently and they have a younger prince but no we have to really hammer home how creepy this is. So yeah now that Lelouch’s new band is under the Chinese banner, having them make peace with Brittania and sell them out would be bad so Lelouch decides to crash the celebration and… challenge Schnizel to Chess, because reasons. And both of them just proceed to completely ignore the rules of Chess for shit that’s thematically appropriate before Nina tries to stab Zero and Schnizel says he has all he needs about who Zero really is. Also Milly’s here and I feel bad for her because all of her friends are several degrees down the sanity cliff now and she’s just there trying to hold their cliché student council group together while wondering if she really will have to marry Lloyd or not because it’s been a year and they threw together this Chinese marriage in like two days so who knows anymore. Anyway Xingke crashes the wedding because of his adorable backstory with the Empress and Lelouch crashes Xingke’s crashing of the wedding by literally appearing out of nowhere which is pretty good for a guy as shitty at athletics as Lelouch and also Jeremiah is on a chair in a desert and this is important or something.
Inuyasha: So we start the Panther Deva filler arc and it’s pretty good honestly, we have an array of Captain Planet Panthers to fight with elemental powers of varying strength to give Koga, Miroku, Sango and Sesshomaru something to do so it’s not just the Inuyasha Wind Scar Power Hour and we have some good foreshadowing/fluff of Inuyasha eating steak in the modern era and fucking around with Kagome’s cat and pissing it off which is a good thematic throughline about how petty cats are and the whole thing has this sunset coloring and it’s really pretty. Anyway Kagome gets captured, you know how it goes, Koga’s pissed because Inuyasha is always letting Kagome get captured and he has a fucking point, bitch is captured more than Princess Peach at this point. But turns out the Panther Demons run behind a barrier and too bad for them Inuyasha just got a new anti-barrier sword to try out.
Yu Yu Hakusho: So Suzaku’s kind of broken, he can dispel his clones to heal himself which apparently gives him all of his energy back because he went from exhausted to just being able to re-do the clones again and start blasting Yusuke so he heals and rests indefinitely as long as one of the clones is alive that’s fucking insane. Anyway apparently despite just healing, Suzaku got his guidance system damaged by Yusuke’s first attack and his aim has been getting progressively worse so he just has to sit there with stormtrooper aim winging Yusuke now and then to torture the poor guy despite going Super Saiyan last time Yusuke only had one shot in him but now he does the whole Life Chakra deal and gives his life for one more even Super Saiyan-yer burst and Shotguns Suzaku’s clones into dust and somehow transmits energy to Keiko through the tv to protect her. It’s pretty convenient that Yusuke learned an AOE attack right before fighting someone that needs all of their clones to be killed at the same time to stay down but yeah, arc over, pretty fun, Yusuke pulled so much power out of his ass he literally dies but some spirit mouth to mouth with Kuwabara saves him with surprisingly little consequences for either of them while Hiei says he’d never drag himself down to save anyone and I’m sure that won’t come back to haunt him. Also Yusuke FINALLY tells Keiko he’s a Spirit Detective given this is like the third time she’s been held hostage by a demon she probably should’ve figured this out sooner.
Fate Zero: Caster’s sitting there talking about how Saber is his waifu and like dude Saber is EVERYONE’s waifu but apparently it’s not actually Saber he’s after but a Saberface so he’s not wrong but he’s also not right. So yeah, he orders more child murders which knowing this guy there isn’t a situation that calls for less child murders. Also Lancer’s teacher asshole dude is cheating by using two E-Tanks for his servant after being all ‘haha old magician families are just better lol’ he has to use two dudes to make his servant fight and still got rolled by Iskandar. Also Kiritgusu bombs the fuck out of his building which given this takes place in 1994 is probably in very poor taste. Also Kirei meets Kiritsugu’s battle maid and shit goes down but everyone’s like “Okay Caster’s more insane than usual so we should probably take care of that” and Gilgamesh claims he’s gonna teach Kirei about pleasure while shirtlessly drinking wine so there’s that.
Konosuba: So Dio-voice Dullahan is back and he’s pissed because Megumin keeps getting off to destroying his home. Though through a combination of luck, Darkness being a meatshield, Aqua’s absurd water/holy power and Kazuma’s dumb luck along with Megumin blowing up the henchmen, everyone plays a role in defeating him in the most ridiculous manner possible. Despite not actually getting any money from it, it’s nice to see the group come together and actually accomplish something in their own way. Makes me think maybe this series won’t just be dicking around about nothing forever, which is fun don’t get me wrong but I don’t think I could stand 52 episodes of one note character jokes with absolutely no progression.
Sailor Moon Crystal: Tuxedo Mask blows the load on the whole Silver Crystal deal to the whole town so now everybody knows about it and can keep an eye out for it. So despite Tuxedo Mask being nothing but helpful Luna assumes he still may be bad and has the power to brainwash a whole town despite his only notable skills thusfar have been standing on telephone poles like Itachi Uchiha and cheerleading. Anyway Luna takes everyone to Zordon’s Morphing Control Center under the aracade which you think would’ve come up by now and reveals she’s a moon cat which you think also would’ve come up by now. Luna’s really just been “We gotta do the thing cause I say so” this entire time. Anyway they wreck the tv broadcast and kick the King’s ass but we have a Disc One Final Boss as Queen Beryl shows up and uses her Conqueror’s Haki to knock out the other Guardians without touching them while Usagi has an existential crisis about her crush maybe being problematic. They give motivational speeches to each other, basically Usagi telling him that they both have to try harder despite feeling powerless and them immediately wilting and saying she’s hopless so he can have a turn giving her a speech and then she gets surprised when he knows she’s Sailor Moon despite literally just telling him she’s the leader and has to help everyone and shit. Anyway, you know how this goes by now, Ancient Moon Laser Beams, bad guys fall, Queen retreats and Usagi wakes up in Mamoru’s apartment ready to reenact Fifty Shades of Moon. Hey an actual fucking cliffhanger for once, that’s kinda neat.
Durarara!!:  Mikado’s plan finally comes together and he meets with Ms. Yagiri while Celty confronts the girl with her head who says her name is also Celty. We get Mikado’s backstory about basically creating Reddit to make The Dollars a Stand Alone Complex, a gang that doesn’t actually exist outside of the rumors of its existence, man this kid’s been watching too much GitS. Still despite it going predictably awful with guys doing shitty things in their name by some miracle some of Mikado’s wide-eyed optimism gets through and his belief in the good of humanity makes the Dollars a gang that’s good at its core. And now they use that good to outnumber the Yagiri goons and let Mikado get away while Celty jumps off a roof on her bike and has a mental breakdown which people seem to hear for some reason. Also Seiji broke out and is using his yandere energy to hunt down Mikado.
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[ ID: A gif of Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro pictured from the chin up, smiling cheerfully. END ID. ]
Happy Friday, Kids! Arri here. How are we all today? I’ve noticed some of you are really struggling lately. My DMs are always open and so are my asks. Your conversations with me will be completely confidential.
Today’s support post will be a little different. You’ll see why in a moment.
List of SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINES from all over the world. Help is available.
Things to include in a First Aid Kit.
Sterile dry dressings. (Gauze)
Medical tape.
Wound closure strips. (also known as Steri-strips, sticky tape that holds the wound closed)
Sterile absorbent pads.
Alcohol swabs and disinfectant.
Take a clean, sterile pad and hold it against the wound. Press down to try and stop the bleeding.
If the bleeding still hasn’t stopped after applying pressure for 10 minutes, go to the closest urgent care center.
If the cut is not deep, cover with sterile dressing and seal the edges to prevent infection. You will need to change this dressing daily. Use this as a chance to monitor for any signs of infection.
If the cut is deep or you think there could be damage to tendons (connective tissue that connects the muscle to the bone) or ligaments (connective tissue that connects bone to bone) go to the closest urgent care center.
Place the burn under cool tap water for 20 minutes to prevent it from burning any further.
If there are blisters, do not burst them. Seek help from your general practitioner (GP) or visit the closest urgent care center so that they can assess how bad the damage is and what type of dressing you might need. Monitor for any signs of infection and go back to your GP or the emergency room if it is showing signs of infection.
If there are no blisters, use an after sun lotion to prevent the skin from drying out. Monitor for any signs of infection and go to your GP or your closest urgent care center if it is showing signs of infection.
Do not burst any blister you might have, as this can cause an infection. If blisters do burst at any time, rinse with warm water to reduce bacteria.
Pus in the wound.
An increase in fluid leaking from the wound.
A smell coming from the wound.
Redness spreading around the area. (cellulitis)
The wound has not healed after 4 weeks.
The wound starts to bleed again.
Pain, heat, swelling, or tenderness in the area.
Do this every day until wound is healed.
Wash your hands with warm water and soap and dry thoroughly.
Carefully remove the old dressing and throw it away. If the dressing is sticking to the wound, avoid pulling or ripping it off as this could re-open the wound. Instead soak it in warm water until it comes off.
Clean the wound with warm tap water.
Carefully dry around the wound with a clean towel, but do not touch or rub the towel against the wound, as this could allow fibres to get in.
Look for any signs of infection now that your wound is clean and dry.
Place a new, sterile dressing on the wound and seal the edges.
Finish by properly washing and drying your hands again.
Remember that I am so, so proud of you all. Y’all are so strong and amazing.
~Auntie Arri
Credit to https://spunout.ie that’s where I got these tips
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[ID: A green banner with Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro on the far right side, walking left in a freeze frame with a smile on his face, a leaf on his head, and a black umbrella in his grasp. Next to him on the right side is white text that reads “Totoro protects this blog! DNI if truscum, terf, anti agere, (no)map, triggering content pro-ed, or not safe for a kid to see.” END ID. ]
Nieces and Nephews: @babie-sanie @time-for-confession @npc-haechan @chatwithchuu @yourdaddychan @adoringeun @hunter-chaeyoung @domyukhei @minjimooooo @amazingspiderhan @yourcupidchuu @badboyjinie @babieyuqi @loverboi-hyunjin @seagoddessfelix @bunjihyo @sydney-oc @soft-hyunjin-chatbot @yanderechenle @subbyjwoo @daddyxuxi @switchxu @domyeonjun @domminho-cb @sugbbyinbot @leextaeyong @wolfxhwasa @yeojinsheight @sweetandsleepyjamie @camboy-superm @vampire-jeonghan @madman-woodam @badlands-ryujin @cavetown-jeongyeon @5sosxseulgi @rex-woosung @madhatter-jaemin @joji-wheein @troye-yerin @loverboyuta @gryffindorxjeno @yandere-lia @mafia-chaeyoung @kitsune-choisan @yandereminholee @fallenangel-oc @badboyhyuck @caretaker-johnny @dancertenbot @yoohyeon-cb (1/3)
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 46
Little did Angel know that his father and brother were watching Angel from the laptop connected to a video camera in the living space of the basement.  
The laptop sat on the table in between the plates of breakfast food that were scattered about.  
Don Henroin sat at the head of the long table glaring at the door blocking him from seeing Angel in the bathroom while Arackniss sat to his right quietly eating his omelet and drinking his coffee.  
Arackniss knew what was coming and helplessly knew it was best to let it pass.
Dr. Red entered the room unsuspectingly humming a happy tune and holding his notepad as he sat down at his place at the table at the don’s left side and served himself a plate of food.
“How is my son, Doctor?” Henroin asked.
“Excellent,” Dr. Red replied, chipperly filling his plates with food.  “Anthony has been completely obedient.  His behavior was quite promising.”
“Is that so?” Henroin asked.
Dr. Red gave Henroin a confused look and replied, “Of course.  He did everything I asked him to.  Is there a problem?”
Henroin typed on the laptop, turned the monitor around for Dr. Red to look at, and said, “Watch closely.”  
Dr. Red watched the video footage play back to when Dr. Red gave Angel his pill and walked away to put the dishes in the sink.  He watched closely as Angel opened his mouth and let his long tongue fall out of his mouth.
“What is he doing?” Dr. Red asked.
“What do you think?”
“He spat out my pill!”
“Yes, we should have known he’d pull some shit like this,” Henroin said annoyedly.  “Anthony is not someone who complies easily.”
“Not to worry, Don Henroin,” Dr. Red replied.  “I’ve dealt with quietly rebellious patients before.  Anthony will be no different.”
“So, what are ya gonna do about it, Doctor?” Arackniss interjected between sips of his coffee.
“I have ideas,” Dr. Red replied.
“What kind of ideas?” Henroin asked with a devious smile.
“Tell me,” Dr. Red replied.  “Do you two have porn collections?”
About an hour later, Angel had finished his bath and put on his gray uniform.
Angel looked at himself in the mirror and sighed.  His clothing was unbearably dull.  He looked and felt completely like a prisoner. Every outfit he had for the next week would look like this.  That fact was almost more painful than the therapy he had already endured.
Right on cue to add to his current misery, Angel heard the basement door open and shut and the sound of Dr. Red’s stony feet stomping their way down the stone steps.
Angel exited the bathroom to meet Dr. Red just as he reached the bottom step.  He stood there at attention as politely as he could.
“Hello, Doctor,” Angel said shyly.  “What do we do now?”
Dr. Red said nothing but grabbed Angel’s wrist and quickly led him to the chair he was sitting in before.  
Dr. Red moved briskly in a surprisingly quick manner for his stone composition.  Angel was back in the chair before he even had time to be nervous.
“Dr. Red, what are ya doing?” Angel asked timidly, not even protesting when Dr. Red strapped him back into the chair.
Angel waited patiently until the good doctor finished his work and walked away.  The silence was tense.  
Angel anxiously gripped his knees with his free pair of hands as the basement door opened and another pair of footsteps made their way down the stone steps.
“Uh, doctor, what’s going on?!” Angel asked a bit more anxiously than before.
Angel looked up to see his father with a box stomping angrily in his direction.  The anger on his face made him gulp in fear.
Henroin set the box on the ground, stomped over to Angel, and said, “Anthony, why the fuck aren’t you cooperating?!”
Angel shrank back confusedly and replied, “Dad?!  What are ya talking about?!  I’ve done everything the doctor asked!”
“Not everything,” Dr. Red fumed with his ruby eyes burning, holding a dirty red pill Angel recognized all too well.  “We saw the footage from our video camera.  Did you really think we wouldn’t catch on to what you were doing?!  Do you think we’re stupid?!”
“N-no, I…I just didn’t think…” Angel managed to stammer out.
“No, you didn’t!” Dr. Red interrupted as he headed back towards the kitchen to dispose of the dirty pill.  “If you were, you wouldn’t be making me waste perfectly good pills!”
“I’m sorry…I…I just don’t like pills that don’t make me high!” Angel stammered out, blurting out the first lie that popped into his head and writhing in his chair on the verge of a panic attack.  “I can’t swallow them!”
“Well then, it looks like we’re going to have to perform some heavy-duty electroshock therapy until you do,” Dr. Red said with a sadistic chuckle.  “Don Henroin, please find a way to restrain his spare arms.”
“Gladly,” Henroin said, summoning rope out of nowhere while Doctor Red began pushing the cart back over from the other side of the room.
Angel couldn’t take it.
“WAIT!” Angel screamed in a panic.  “I’ll take the pill!  I’ll take it!”
Dr. Red stopped pushing the cart, stood up straight, and said, “What was that?”
“I’ll take the pill,” Angel said, hyperventilating on the verge of a panic attack before making himself take a deep breath to calm down.  “I’m sorry.  I spat out the pill because I thought it would hurt me.  I didn’t know what it would do.  I’m so used to Val giving me pills that I don’t trust them no more.  I’m really sorry.  I’ll be a good boy.  Just don’t shock me again.”
“Now we’re getting somewhere,” Don Henroin remarked as he made the rope disappear.
Dr. Red smiled happily and said, “A breakthrough!  How wonderful!  Thank you for your honesty, Anthony!  I’m so proud of you.  Now let me get you that pill and a glass of water.  You’re showing so much promise.”
Dr. Red practically skipped over to the kitchenette in excitement to prepare the pill and glass of water for Angel.
Angel sat in his restraints trying to catch his breath while the good doctor explained, “These pills are meant to calm down your emotions, not unlike an anti-depressant.  They’re of my own creation.  I have used them on patients plenty of time, and they have very few side effects.”
“Okay,” Angel replied meekly.
Henroin annoyedly walked over to Angel and grabbed hold of his chin, immediately shaking Angel out of his frightened stupor.
“You ain’t gonna give the good doctor any more trouble now?  Are ya?” Henroin asked in the intimidating voice he used in shakedowns and interrogations.  “I’m paying him good money to take care of ya, so I don’t want to hear or see anymore trouble out of ya.  I’ve invested far too fucking much into bringing you back into the fold for you to fuck this up for all of us now, ya giant shit.  So, if ya don’t keep quiet and do what your told, you ain’t ever gonna leave this basement or keep all of your brain, if you catch my drift.  You got that?”
Angel repressed his anger as much as he could against his entitled sperm donor.  He shook angrily, but he managed to keep his face twisted in fear so that his father could only assume he was shaking of fright.
“Well?” Henroin asked.
Angel couldn’t open his mouth and keep himself under control, so he responded with a shy nod and his father let go.
“Please back away, Don Henroin,” Doctor Red replied, walking across the room with a new pill and a glass of water.  “Anthony has apologized.  You don’t need to intimidate him anymore.  He’ll behave.  Right, Anthony?”
Angel nodded shyly again as Doctor Red approached him with the glass of water and the pill.
“Now, take your medicine,” Doctor Red said.
Realizing he had no choice and barely able to hold back his tears, Angel opened his mouth and allowed the good doctor to place the pill in his mouth.  Doctor Red then held the glass of water to his lips and Angel slowly drank down the glass of water until there was nothing left.
“What a good boy!” Dr. Red said, enthusiastically patting Angel’s head.  “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Angel replied with a shy smile.  
Doctor Red quit petting Angel’s head and began unstrapping his limbs.
“Set up the projector, would you, Henroin?” Doctor Red asked as he unstrapped the rest of Angel’s body.  “It’s in the closet.”
“You got it,” Henroin replied.
Henroin walked over to the closet to get out the projector while Doctor Red got Angel back to his feet.
As he got to his feet, Angel noticed that his head was lighter.  His mind felt clearer, and his heart felt somehow calmer.  
“Are you feeling alright, Anthony?” Dr. Red asked, snapping Angel out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, just a little light-headed,” Angel replied.
“Oh, the medicine must be working already,” Dr. Red said, gently pressing his stone hand on Angel’s back to guide him over to the sitting area on the other side of the basement.  
“What?  Already?” Angel asked in surprise.
“Yes, this medicine is meant to calm you down,” Dr. Red replied proudly.  “It wouldn’t be much help if it didn’t work quickly.  Would it?”
“No, I suppose not,” Angel agreed.
“Of course, this medicine is still in the experimental stage, so I can always adjust the dosage later if you’re not feeling comfortable enough,” Dr. Red suggested.
“Okay,” Angel agreed as Dr. Red sat him down in the fainting couch facing the wall.
Angel felt the calm feeling occupying his mind rapidly materializing into a fog.  The fog grew denser and denser until every anxious feeling Angel might have felt was replaced with a sedate, serene sense of forced tranquility.
“Very good,” Dr. Red said.  “Henroin, is the projector ready to go?”
“Yeah, Doc,” Henroin replied, taking his spot on the couch against the wall.  “We’re good to go.  I’d like to stay for this if ya don’t mind.  These films happen to be my favorites.”
“Of course,” Dr. Red replied while Angel suppressed his desire to physically cringe at his father’s remarks.  “Let’s get this show started.  Angel, for this next therapy session, you only need to watch and observe the straight porn on the wall in front of you.”  
“Okay, doctor,” Angel replied, getting comfortable on his couch.
Dr. Red pressed the button on the projector and started the film.  He quickly crossed the room to shut the lights off and sat himself down in the chair between Angel and Henroin before the credits could even finish rolling.
Angel laid back against the fainting couch and settled in for some “therapeutic” porn.  
The cloud inside his head held back any anxiety and panic that he had felt before.  His mind felt clearer in a way yet still analytical in another.  He felt peaceful yet so disconnected from himself and what made him, well, him.
Angel realized then that this clarity was something he could use to his advantage.  He could use this time to figure things out.  He would use this time to plan.  He would use this time to think of every possible scenario that could happen when he tried to escape so that, when the time came, he would know what to do.
“Oh, this is my favorite part,” Henroin said, interrupting Angel’s thoughts.
“Keep it in your pants, Henroin,” Dr. Red chided.  “This therapy is for Anthony, not you.”
“I don’t wear pants,” Henroin retorted.  “Besides, isn’t it good for him to be around men having normal reactions to men and women having sex?”
“He’s been around plenty of that, Don Henroin,” Dr. Red said.  “Anthony knows plenty about how to mirror the reactions of others.  We need to allow him to show natural reactions of his own.”
“If ya say so, doc…” Henroin relented.
Angel hardly paid any mind to their conversation.  He barely took any mind of the distorted sexual mess playing on the wall in front of him either.  
Angel ignored everything and simply thought.
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Doll - Antiaverage Drabble
Character/s: Antisepticeye, Chase Brody  Warnings: Ego Shipping, Creepy Anti, Yandere stuff Genre: Angst Masterpost of my Stories AO3 edition of the Post
Part of the I Got My Strings On You Series (AO3 for Easier Reading)
Tag-List: @the-rampaige​​ @iris-the-asparagus​​ @sqxxddygremlin​​ @awkward-bullshit​​ @jaysflight​​ @assbutt-of-the-readers​​ @humblecacti​​  @stuck-in-a-l-o-o-p​​ @ellien-artistica​​
Nimble fingers stroked the bare back of the docile man perched on the glitching being’s lap. His green eyes glowed as it reflected the light coming from the floating holographic monitors showing his uninvited guests scurrying around his hideout searching for his most prized doll. They won’t find him, however, since he’ll make sure the insignificant puppets won’t touch what is his.
His doll murmured and stirred from his sleep. The Puppetmaster shushed him gently and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
Chase pulled away from his Master’s embrace, closed eyelids fluttered open to reveal unseeing baby blue eyes. It pained him very much to have to punish his doll like this but he had to discipline him after the rare instance of him throwing a tantrum. On the other hand, he does have to depend on him more which is always an enjoyable sight.
“… Anti…?” Chase slurred. Anti chuckled darkly and wrapped his addicting static around his doll.
The younger shuddered, a soft groan escaping his lips as the static seeped into every pore of his body, digging into him, making him all the more aware of the presence of his Master wrapping him in His essence. Chase whimpered when the static burrowed into his heart and mind, his body slumped into Anti’s waiting arms as if he was a puppet whose strings were sliced away.
“Shh… Go to sleep, doll,” cooed Anti, submerging the man even further into his drowning static, “I’ll join you in our bed later on. I just have to greet our uninvited guests and make them feel right at home.”
Chase’s mind felt like it was slipping away from his hold. Any thoughts were chased away or drowned out by the blissfully soothing static that made him His. He couldn’t muster up any energy to answer vocally so he just hummed in reply and wrapped his arms around Anti’s waist.
“Goodnight doll,” Anti whispered into his ear while Chase fell deeper and deeper into the abyss of sleep. “Sweet dreams.”
Anti felt Chase lose all consciousness and lean all of his weight on him. He gripped Chase’s chin and tugged up the sleeping man’s face so that he can place a claiming kiss on his unresponsive lips. Once that was done, he glitched his doll back into their bed just as the door into his throne room slammed open. He grinned widely, showing rows of sharp teeth that glinted in the dark.
It was finally showtime.
“Welcome to my show, uninvited guests.”
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writingmilo · 5 years
Uncles: Chapter 2
Part 2 of Flipped AU
Marvin sat cross-legged in a circle of candles, his hands folded over a spell book and his eyes blank. Slowly, his lips began to move, carefully forming the syllables of latin that would activate his spell. Eventually two words tumbled through his lips that set the spell’s course. “Maya Williams.” It locked onto her, and over the following few hours, Marvin began to receive whispers of her location. By the time the month was over, he would be able to follow her exact location whenever he wanted.
Jameson left after they were all dismissed, needing to talk to his web of people that helped him throughout City. 
He arrived in his preferred meeting place, a swanky bar just off the main street, within fifteen minutes, and was conversing with his contact before he even got his drink brought to him.
“So, what’d’ya need boss?” The contacts were always so crude, could they not at least try to hide their intentions?
“There is a girl I need finding. Maya Williams. I need to know as much about her as you can get, her address, which school she goes to, her timetable, every single thing, even if it’s what she wore last Tuesday. Everything, you understand?”
“I got’cha boss, I’ll get the word put out, and let you know what we find out. Now all that’s left is payment. I assume you’re doing the usual, nout until you get your results?”
“Of course. Now go, get the word out, and be quick.” Jameson downed his whiskey, and stood up, walking out of the bar. 
All he had to do was wait for answers.
Henrik returned to work the next day, less caring about his surgeries and showing off his incredible talent as a doctor, and spending his day preoccupied with the thought of accessing the medical files. Despite the meticulous planning, it was easier than he had hoped, he didn’t even have to ask permission. But then again, who is there to ask when you own the hospital?
He learnt from her records that she was a patient of a hospital far out of City: was his brother that scared of him that he would take Maya hours away from the city just so she didn't meet him? Perhaps so, but as he continued to comb through her record, he found a weakness. A past prescription of diazepam and a current prescription of fluoxetine. Both anxiety medications, with the past prescription of diazepam suggesting a severe case. His brothers would be so proud of him.
Jackie had a whole army of resources to track down Maya. And he used every single one he could get away with. Surveillance monitors were told to record any sightings of her after he found a recent picture. He was able to find her address on the national database, she had been taken to the station several months ago after being found on a bridge. He could remember her case, the social services looking into her family but finding nothing. If only he had paid more attention. But thankfully, he could now track her, see the social worker's opinion of her relationships at home. Apparently she was extremely close to Anti, something difficult to believe.
It took over a month before the next meeting was held. Each brother reported his findings, and eventually they sat in silence, unsure of how to proceed.
"Brothers" Jameson stood up, addressing them all, "I have a plan. Maya is close to Anti. There is no way she would join us, unless she thought she had no other choice. With a police officer at our disposal, what better way to lure her to us than by destroying her life?" Everyone looked puzzled, they must not have caught on to his plan. It wasn’t surprising, it was something like a movie plot, far fetched, but it just might be that crazy she would believe it. 
"We know her school. What if something unfortunate were to happen to Anti, and police chief Jackie was to go and break the news, that she would have to live with her uncles, after both her mother and father's tragic deaths." He grinned as the others started to figure out what he meant.
"So we kill Anti and Lou so we're her next of kin?" Marvin offered his interpretation.
"No of course not you idiot, we just tell her that they are both dead. What would the fun be in killing him, we wouldn't get to watch him try and get her back."
end of part 2
@unsuredoodles @bloodygoldensam @thelunarmasquerade @the-yandere-kitsune @septicuniverse @honestlyitsjustkenna @theluckoftheclaws @innocent-angel3 @goldenoceanaart @simsepticfan @kate807 @friezzzboiii @jessiitjiia
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Week 10 on Yandere Simulator
Megami: Ayano I finally found you Aoi Hand me the pepper spray
Aoi:*Accidently Grabs the Silly String*
Megami:Eat Mace
Megami:*blasts streams of Silly String onto Ayano*
Megami:What Happened to the pepper spray
Aoi: Funny You Mention That
*1 Week Earlier*
Shiromi: Ok So Pepper Spray Fight
Kuroko: Don't Be Immature
Shiromi: *Pepper Sprays Kuroko*
Kuroko: Even with glasses that still stings
Aoi: *Pepper Sprays Shiromi*
Akane:*Pepper Sprays Aoi*
Aoi: Ow My Bad Eye
Akane: Come On Kuroko
Kuroko: Fine
Kuroko: *Pepper Sprays Akane*
*End of Flashback*
Megami:Note to self cut off Shiromi's tounge
Ayano: You hear that people of Akademi This Person is against the idea of the middle and lower class having Ideas
Genka: Megami See Me In my Office
Headmaster: Mr Saikou Your Daughter is no longer allowed to lead the student council
Genka: Megami as punishment I'm revoking your leadership of the Student Council
Megami: No my Father would kill me
Genka: The New Student Council Leader and Hier to Saikou Industries is Ayano Aishi
Megami: Why
Genka: You were a cruel dictator over the entire school
Megami: That's how it feels to be powerless
Genka: To Keep You In Line, Musume Roanshaku will be monitoring you for anti Akademi Behavior
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tyrannysaurusfloof · 5 years
I just got a Surwin Heart Rate monitor thing which is like a Fitbit but cheaper and just as useful
and my brain automatically went to thinking about the egos with bracelets like this that track them, and they’re all connected to Mark’s phone.
- They can’t take them off, only Mark can, which annoys several of the egos. - Dr Iplier uses them to track the health of the egos, including their heart rates, sleeping patterns and levels of exercise. - The Googles’ are built directly into them, they’re the only ones that don’t wear them as bracelets. - They are also the ones that created them for Mark. - Wilford tried to cut his off. It did not end well. - Dark has access to them all as well, unbeknownst to Mark, meaning he can track the egos. - Honestly, Jack probably thought it was a good idea to get one for his guys too. - Anti’s doesn’t work, he glitches out too much for it to pick him up. - Sometimes he glitches into Dark’s and stays there to freak Jack out because he can’t find him. - This is extremely helpful for Dark when he wants to do something without Mark knowing because Anti disrupts the tracking device. - It’s the only time Dark with grudgingly admit Anti is useful. - Chase loves it. He and Bing have matching straps. - Schneeplestein uses it much like Dr Iplier but with a slightly more sinister twist. - Jackieboy Man’s is kitted out. - So is Silvers but he can’t use it because of his gloves. - Bim’s is connected to the heating in his room so he can control it remotely for his plants. (inspired by @ reverseblackholeofwords idea for Bim having plants in his room). - Dark has the entire alarm system set to his so he can summon the egos with a flick of the wrist. - Wilford’s is connected to all music players throughout the building and only Google can override it. - Mark is concerned by the amount of time the tracker shows Dark and Wilford together. He never questions it, but keeps an eye on them when they’re together. - KotS’ doesn’t like it and tried to chew through it. That also didn’t end well. - Yandere’s is modified to constantly track his current senpai. It’s also set up to police frequency so he can make sure no one is on his tail. - Mark finds it extremely useful to have access to all the ego’s locations on his phone. It takes a lot of stress off having them not near him all the time. It also gives him a chance to prepare if they decide to come for a visit. - The only other member of Teamiplier to have the access is Kathryn. Because Mark knows she would control the egos if she needed too. and lastly - Dark’s aura can’t effect it much to his chagrin.
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rare-yanderes · 3 years
Le masterlist of yandere’d characters.
•Anti-Monitor scenario (slight nsfw)
•Arishem the Judge scenario
•Tiamut/The Dreaming Celestial scenario
•Tiamut/The Dreaming Celestial scenario.
•Galactus headcanons
•Reader escapes Arishem
•Arishem headcanons
•Great Gatsby
•Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby headcannons.
•Scythe series
•The Thunderhead
•AM Obsessing over reader
•AM‘s very loving and totally not creepy apology headcanons (nsfw)
•AM protecting reader
•A Good question and a scenario of AM (nsfw)
•AM and a very sadistic reader
•Doom (video games)
•System Shock
•Shodan headcanons (nsfw)
•Yandere! AUTO headcanons
•Reader trying to help WALL-E
•WALL-E as a yandere
•Tau headcanons
•The Thing
•General yandere A.I’s.
•Reader Dom scenario (nsfw)
•Reader returning affections (slight nsfw)
•Skynet headcanons
•Showing affection to reader
•Skynet/Colossus/Proteus/Ultron/Vikki/Hal 9000 headcannons
•Scrooge McDuck
•Flintheart Glomgold (1987)
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
YT - Choose Your Own Adventure Part 16
Previous: Here
A. The blue.
B. The red.
“Red,” Chase decided at last. Nodding curtly, Bing moved on ahead of him, stepping carefully over the petals littering the hallway. Chase followed in his wake. Even the air here felt wrong, so he held his breath as he went. He wasn’t sure when he’d be able to release it; every breath felt thin and frail as he remembered how desperately Brianna had screamed for him.
There was another door at the end of the hallway, but to the group’s great unease, it was already open. A long red carpet was rolled out from the entryway. As soon as Bing’s eyes swept over it and came to the end, he lurched back, knocking shoulders with Chase as he gasped, “What the—?!”
“Aww, here they are!” Yandere exclaimed gleefully, near hopping up and down in his excitement. “Look at that, Brianna! The whole party came to save you!”
“Mom, Daddy?!” Brianna wailed, visibly trembling as Yandere adjusted the katana against her delicate throat.
“Bri!” Connor screamed. “Let her go, let her go!”
As Stacy caught ahold of her son, pressing him tightly against her, she burst out, “Who are you?! You’re—you’re not Anti! What do you want with us?!”
“That’s Yandereplier,” Bing stammered in disbelief. “He’s…he’s one of us, an Iplier. Yan, you—you were the one who—?”
Beaming, Yandere nodded, stark red hair flopping wildly with the motion. “Of course I was! Don’t you remember? I took you off your skateboard and brought you here, dolled you up all nicely so you could be the best man! I knew you’d want to!” As Brianna squirmed, he latched onto her shoulder, scolding playfully, “Hey, now! I told you to hold still while the adults are talking!”
“Daddy…” she whispered, hazel eyes welling.
“You—You—!” Cursing viciously, Chase lunged, though he didn’t get far as he would have; Bing latched onto his arm, swinging him back before he could reach him.
“Stop, Chase! You get any closer and he’ll cut her throat!” Bing hissed.
“Best man?!” Chase snarled, straining against Bing’s iron grip. “Best man?! What’s he the best man for?!”
Yandere laughed then, a light and airy sound that made everything in Chase’s core burn. “For the renewing of your vows! See—” Squeezing Brianna’s shoulder with his free hand, he crooned, “Brianna’s here in her pretty flower girl dress! Connor’s going to be the little ring bearer! You and your best man are all dressed up too and…well…” Something in his eyes changed then, revealing a hint of disappointment. “If Stacy had come alone when Brianna asked her to, we could have gotten her sorted with her wedding dress sooner, but now is as good a time as any!”
“We’re—we’re not renewing any vows!” Stacy spat. “Are you sick?!”
“Yes,” Yandere answered without any hesitation. After a beat or two, his face fell and his tone became a shade softer. “I’m…I’m sick of seeing true love thrown away. You two were meant to be, I know it! So by working together to save your three children, you’re going to come closer together! I’m going to rekindle that spark!”
“Yandere…” Bing couldn’t help but stare at him, his grip on Chase’s arm falling. “Dude…I don’t think it works like that—”
“It does!” Yandere snapped, shifting the katana to lift Brianna’s chin. “It does. I’m going to make sure of it.”
“Wait,” Chase realized, taking a wary, deliberate step forward. “You…you said our three children. We don’t have three children.”
Tsking and jutting his chin out in a childish pout, Yandere huffed. “Well, you would have if you’d gone down the blue hallway first! Just look!” Removing his hand from Brianna’s shoulder, he fished through the pockets in his skirt for a remote, using it to flip on the old, cracked TV monitor mounted on one of the warehouse pillars. As it came to life, the color fritzed and fizzled, but Chase didn’t need color to see the picture.
“Jameson…” he gasped, an icy chill snaking around his spine to slide into his stomach. The younger Ego was thrashing and heaving on the ground as a cloud of fog filled the room. His legs were restrained, clamped down like Bing’s arms had been; he couldn’t get up, but no matter how he stretched, he couldn’t reach the machine to turn it off.
“Adopted children are just as important as blood children, aren’t they?” Yandere commented neutrally. “I wanted him to be here for your second wedding, but you didn’t go to save him! I would’ve waited patiently.”
“What’s in that fog machine?!” Chase demanded in horror. “What—what’re you doing to him?!”
“Oh, it’s poison.” Yandere’s cheerful little smile returned and he tilted his head, letting his hair fall gracefully over his eye. “He’ll probably die soon.”
“No!” Surging forward a few steps and then cringing as Yandere tightened his grip on his weapon, Chase cursed breathlessly, glancing between the TV and their captor. “There has to be something you want, something—What do you want?!”
“Well, you can go down the blue hallway to try and save him…” Yandere mused, chewing his lip thoughtfully. “Or you can save your little daughter by having Stacy put on her nice dress and renewing your vows!” Giggling, he fidgeted happily, the katana swinging dangerously close to Brianna’s skin until she flinched back against him. “I’ll be your officiant!”
Jameson was curled up tightly as the fog blasted over him, fingers shaking as he dragged his handkerchief and his watch out of his pocket. With a delirious struggle, he buried his face in the handkerchief, his whole body heaving as he searched for clean air. Watching, Chase could see the weight dragging against Jameson’s swaying arm as he lifted his watch, trying to aim for the machine’s mechanism.
“No…” Chase sobbed in a whisper. For the first time since they’d come here, tears stung at his eyes and he pivoted, glancing back at the others without any attempt to mask his terror.
He didn’t know what to do.
Make a choice.
A. Return to the blue hallway. Save Jameson.
B.  Conduct the new ceremony. Save Brianna.
C.  Try to negotiate. Reason with Yandereplier.
Part 17: Here
Tag List is under the cut.
@beastboicrank @thesinginggal @spicy-spedicey @thealyssa4life@inarticulate-screaming @vity-dream @shadowedlove97@viostormcaller @alucarddraculina-blog @the-kit-kate@cryptidjourney @lafayettelover2337 @rogue-of-light-analyzed@the-crypt-of-randomness @a-heist-of-words @storm337@wolfox76 @farming-chick @illyriashade56 @nil-the-glitch
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