#yall have a good day and be safe 💜
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tvrningout-a · 1 year ago
i have barely begun work and already i wanna go home oh my gosh
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pringlesaregoodngl · 11 months ago
Haii! I saw you wanted someone to request I'm gonna ask for a female reader that acts like Amy rose from sonic for fizzarolli,Verosika,Blitzø,Beezlebub,Lucifer, and Vaggie and Charlie together if you can't do it all it's okay but I've been waiting for a reader that acts like some sonic characters so I wanted to request so hope you have a good day or night :>
hello! And thank you for requesting but pls next time if u ever request pls make sure it’s 4 people but I’ll let it go since I don’t know which characters are ur most favorite ❤️
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Fizz LOVES ur personality and how bubbly u are he even calls u bubble 🫧
he loves making u laugh and hearing ur laugh
when u two are u in bed he loves cuddling next to u and making jokes until I fall asleep
and when u try to help him calm done he just tells u he’s fine even know he’s not
verosika 🩷
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she’s kinda likes ur personality ig only because she just wants u to be a little more serious sometimes
but she loves seeing smile and she loves how cute it is
when u try to help her with something like singing she’ll sometimes let u help but not all the time
when she gets home she likes to watch a movie with u and when u fall asleep she carries u to bed
blitzo ❤️ * the o is silent *
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he likes ur personality but sometimes he which u could be rude to people
he LOVES buying little horses for u and him and sometimes Luna to all play with
when u help him he doesn’t care he just thinks it’s nice of u to help him
every time he gets home he’ll just fall asleep in ur arms
beelzlebub 💛 * couldn’t find a gif for her*
she loves ur personality
she’s loves how bubbly u are and sweet
every time u help her with parties she just loves it
and when she comes home she makes sure ur safe
Lucifer 🧡
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He’s like ur personality but he doesn’t love it
he we’ll always make ducks with
ur the reason why he has so many ducks because u give him to much ideas
and when yall are in bed he makes sure u fall asleep on his wings
Vaggie and Charlie 💜🤍
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Charlie LOVES ur personality so much but Vaggie kinda likes it mostly because she’s stuck with two bubbly people
Charlie loves how u always smile Vaggie loves how u like to help
when u help Charlie she just gets all excited when u ask her but with Vaggie it depends what u ask to help her for
and at night all of u guys fall asleep together
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fishfingersandjellybabies · 2 years ago
Hey yall. Bit of a check in, for anyone who cares.
Things are going okay, actually. I went to disneyworld recently and just had a really good, nostalgic time. The child in my family is safe. And in really great news - I got a new job!
It’s going really great so far, and I’m having a great time. They value my opinion and expertise, and there’s a great work/life balance. Unfortunately, my old job went to hell in a handbasket and I’m sad/guilty every day when I hear from the ones I feel I left behind. I’m far too empathetic and always strive to be the therapist friend, so despite things looking up for me, I’m still pretty drained over them, despite there being nothing i can do.
I’m maybe seeing someone, or was. We’ve hit a bit of a rough patch, and I’m questioning some things. But its whatever.
The boys were both sick recently, but doing better now. Damian tried to bully some dogs today.
I turned 31 four days ago. I still have that mental block about my age so…i dunno. It was a normal day.
After eight months, i finally got back to the comics shop. Can finally finish the Damian’s latest robin series haha.
My house is a wreck but I haven’t quite gotten enough out of my funk to do the deep clean so desperately needed. Maybe the nicer the weather is, my motivation will come back. Same for writing. Its not there yet, but I’m getting those daydream plot ideas again. Its been a while for those.
A few people have reached out in my time away. I know I havent answered but Ive seen them and appreciate them so much. thank you so so much 💜
This isn’t like…a return. I’m still pretty broken and trying to pick up the pieces. But im getting there. Maybe. Hopefully.
Thanks again. 💜
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stormblessed95 · 2 years ago
Heya Storm,
here's the one that suggested you No. 6. I'm really happy you like the anime.😊 I love the story and it's one of the few mangas I own. I'd love to watch a sequel to see how the characters evolve and how the city develolps. Unfortunately, since hardly anyone of my friends or familiy is interested in anime/manga, I'm particulary pleased. So if you want someone else to talk about, I'm really happy to be the one. By the way... do you know Uragiri wa Boku? 😅 And wich of the other proposed animes do you already know? Do you plan to watch one of the others?
Anyway, i finally had some time to catch up since I joined tumblr (by the way, I joined because i looked for others who love BTS and Jikook as I do and stumbled about one of your posts. Thank you for that! Your masterlist is georgeous and helped me a lot as baby army but it is soooo much. 😍🥲) and was shocked and sad how toxic my timeline has become. I'm so sorry you're being attacked and I feel I didn't/couldn't support you and other bloggers. I am sorry for that and try to be a better person next time.😓 I think you doing amazing. I really enjoy every one of your posts, especially those that are long, and I can't understand at all how someone can blame you for anti-behavior or somthing like that. All I see is how much you love BTS (and books/animes). Your posts about the diffrent albums are also great, I really hope you will do it in the future too. In general - I really miss reading your point of view about current events, etc. so much that it surprised me. Of course I unterstand what led you retreat and I think you're very strong that you post again. It hurts me that tumblr is no longer a safe place for you and I hope so much that this will change again some day or that you may find another good platform (if so, please take me with you🥺). I'm glad you have your family and wonderful friends.
I've been thinking a long time about whether to send this message at all. After some of your posts, I feel that I really don't have the right to do so and I shouldn't bother you. Finally I will send it to you, because I'm really happy you like No. 6 and I want to recommend Uragiri. Feel free to ignore the other part. Furthermore, I just want to apologize and wish you all the best. Sorry for my long message, please answer only if you have the time and desire. Not important if its here or as a DM. I would love any answer.
I hope you could enjoy Yoongis concert and/or can (re-)watch it next weekend.
Have a nice day/evening/night - Lyn
Hi Lyn! Thanks for reaching out. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you so much 💜 I'll DM you after posting this so that my DMs will be open to you there as well to continue to talk books/anime if you want! And thank you for the rec for No 6! I loved it! And I recommended it immediately to another friend, who I force her and her fiance to watch everything I like 🤣
(literally I message her edits of animes to convince them to watch what I want them too, I've taken over their TV and I'm not sorry 🤣. Z, when you read this, know im waiting for yall to tell me which anime ive mentioned you are watching next!)
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I've added all the ones you rec'd in the comments that I haven't seen yet (and now also Uragiri!) To my crunchylist to watch! I'm just blind faith trusting you (and other people who've messaged me/commented) lol on these recs so we shall see how it all goes!!
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As for what I've seen so far? Here is my list:
- Attack on Titans (watched through Season 2 then DNF, too much graphic gore and blood and it scared me, im a wimp lol)
- Ouran High School Host Club (cute but sooo tropey lol)
- Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (LOVED)
- Demon Slayer (LOVED - but haven't seen season 3 yet because I watch with my husband and I have to wait for him to be home for us to watch together)
- Yuri On Ice (LOVED)
- Your Name (made me cry!)
- Naruto (amazing)
- Naruto Shippuden (LOVED)
- Sasaki and Miyano (so cute I died)
- Buddy Daddies (tons of fun!)
- Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting (cute!)
- Haikyuu!! (Love!)
- The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague (cute and fun, but kinda bored lol)
- Sk8 the Infinity (LOVED)
- A Silent Voice (sad but great)
- No. 6 (sooo good, so interesting, I want more)
- Given (love it, so cute)
- Hunter x Hunter (In Progress. I'm like 40 eps in and Watching with husband)
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I have read the Manga for Yona of the Dawn, Spy x Family, Inuyasha and Haikyuu too. And I've read the first volume of the Manga for The Case Study of Vanitas so far! And for my birthday I got the entire Demon Slayer Manga box set so I'm excited to read those soon!!
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abbsterlicious · 2 years ago
In case you haven’t told yourself yet today,
who is worthy of all the magical things this universe has to offer
soak up all the love you can without shame because YOU DESERVE IT
you bring something unique to the world just by existing. nobody can replace you.
& that makes you pretty damn special…
so in case you haven’t been told lately you are deserving of all the love & sunshine that comes your way
be proud of who you are. and if you are currently in a situation where you can’t yet be your true self safely, please take time to find solace in support groups online to help. you are not alone. people are fighting for you every day. soon you’ll be able to shine your brightest self. but PLEASE be safe…
At the bottom of this post is a link to resources available for the LGBTQ community.
PEOPLE ARE HERE FOR YOU all you have to do is reach out!!!!! That is the hardest part. there are people waiting to love ur unique special self. there are people who understand you and don’t want to change you. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
****if you are in the USA, you can save a life by letting people know they can CALL or TEXT 988 to get in direct contact with mental health crisis support professionals. it’s completely CONFIDENTIAL******
for anyone wanting to support your community, there are many ways to do so. an easy one is instead of taking donations to Good Will or Salvation Army, look up places to donate to within your community that go DIRECTLY to those in need instead of to corporations that then sell them. I personally donate to the youth homeless shelter in my area.
You can always call these places within your communities and ask what they need. Lots of times socks and underwear are afterthoughts that are needed. If you don’t have funds, you could volunteer.
These acts of love are easy way to show love for another. It means the world.
you are loved. keep going. do something nice for someone no matter how “small” it seems it can be a life changing impact on someone else.
everyone deserves to feel like the bad bitch they are.
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itsnatt09 · 2 years ago
Hey friend's, if you're on the West Coast like me you probably have to worry about fires and smoke every year. My town is about 4 hours from a fire right now (8/20/23) and the smoke has been getting worse all day. Just wanted to find some tips to share and this post is pretty good. Stay safe yall 💜
some friendly advice as new areas of the country start having long-term wildfire smoke problems:
Don’t do extended exercise outside. If possible, don’t do extended work outside.
Shower once you’re back inside to wash the particles off your skin/hair. This helps to keep you from inhaling it when out of the smoke.
Hot showers and steam help sooth inflammatory airways (nose/throat)
Wear an N95 mask when outside for extended periods to help keep from inhaling smoke. Look at what size particles and how much the mask will protect against (ie 95% vs 99%).
Get an air filter for your office/room/house. They’re in the $50 range online (price May vary in person). If you can’t get one, look into how to make a Corsi-Rosenthal box (box fan, two air filter frames and lots of duct tape).
If you have an A/C (window or central air), turn the fan from “auto” to “on”. This will make sure your air is still being filtered even when the cooling part of the system is not on.
Drink water. (I mean you should try to do this anyways)
Important to note: you may feel side effects slower than others. You may feel them quicker than others. Sore throat, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, itchy eyes, pink eye, exhaustion, difficulty breathing— these are all common side effects of prolonged smoke exposure.
The dangerous part is that in areas of high concentration, the particles are small enough to be absorbed into your bloodstream. So please, do what you can to help protect yourself and friends/family. Even when you aren’t feeling it, it’s affecting you.
signed, an Oregonian in the Midwest with permanent lung damage from wildfire smoke.
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goldenbear228 · 2 years ago
There bbys there BbYs I lOvE ThEm 😍
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I made flame and max in Gacha club
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Oh and I guess I made collei 2.. but anyways
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screeching-0wl · 3 years ago
So how I essentially met Ares was through a dnd game. I was playing a Half-Orc Barbarian of the Spiritual Ancestors subclass. And in the homebrew world the dm had the Norse, Greek, and Egyptian gods as the main pantheons. And I was looking up gods that would fit her, and I looked up Ares. (And I knew of him from the DC Universe mainly where he's a villain.)
I was reading his mythos and what he stood for and I just started feeling a kind of recognition I hasn't before. (I was very newly accepting myself as a witch). And this idea in my head of worshipping him kept popping in my head, to do more research, to not ignore this.
So I went on Tumblr and found people who did worship him and the other gods, and as I read yalls stories and such, as I was worried what it meant that I felt connected to a War god. I'm a big pacifist and hate confrontations, what use would he have for me? (Not that is the point of all of this I'm learning).
But one particular moment that cemented it and I started to worship him afterwards was I was reading through theoi-crow blog in particular and listening to Sabaton (Swedish metal band that focuses on military history, they're so good) when I suddenly felt this warm adrenaline run through my chest and heart. And I felt safe, like things were right. A blast of dopamine, it was the most pumped up I've ever felt that hasn't been anxiety based, as I have a lot of adrenaline, it just feels shitty a lot of times.
So yeah, I saw your post and hope this was what you meant. I'm still pretty green at the gills with life and shadow work taking up a lot of time. But I talk to him and it helps, so there's my spiel on Ares, thanks for listening ❤
Ah, I know that warm feeling too well lmao! 💜
You know, I also wondered about something similar - why worship a God of War or in my case, be devoted to him and what that would mean to me. I'm not a fan of using violence and I don't think it's a good solution either. Well, I won't get into too much detail here because I'm planning to write a post in the near future where I'll go more in-depth and discuss what it means to me to worship.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with Ares! I really enjoyed reading it and I think it's very interesting ☺ I'm glad to hear that he's there for you and he's been helping you! A little reminder, just in case - don't neglect your self-care when doing shadow work!
Have a lovely day and take care! 💜
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meltwonu · 4 years ago
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〚 💜 𝕕𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕡 💜 〛| [Chapter 2]
this chapter pairing; Yoongi x female!reader x Woozi 
genre&warnings; threesome, dom!yoongi, dom!woozi, studio fucking, recording audio, hair pulling, blowjobs, anal, sex toys, dirty talk / degradation / name calling, dumbification, slight praise kink 😌💕 also can i just say i love that there’s like… no chapter previews for any of the double dip chapters so its like a complete toss up of what chapter is next ☠️ LMAOOO every chapter is a surprise! 😗 Also, I noticed my hashtag for double dip isn’t working on my tumblr so I’m gonna try to figure out what’s going on with that some times this weekend!! For now enjoy ch 2 and enjoy the concert tonight if you’re watching!! Or morning if its in the morning for yall!! 💕 I love you, have a safe weekend~ 💕
word count; ~3000
chapters; 1 - 2 - ? 
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“Change the pitch.”
“No, down.” Yoongi leans over Jihoon’s office chair; fingertips hovering over Jihoon’s on the computer mouse. “There.”
The younger male lets out a sigh as he rests against the chair. “I’m tired and stressed.”
“We know.” You retort, laughing lightly under your breath when Yoongi turns to look at you. “You’ve been changing the pitch on that guide track for the last 45 minutes. Even Yoongi’s starting to look stressed.”
Jihoon groans as he runs his fingers through his hair; this time spinning the office chair to face you as Yoongi steps to the side and rests his back against the computer desk.
“I know it doesn’t need to be perfect but something’s just not sitting right with me and I need to submit the guide in two days or it won’t even be considered for the new album.” Yoongi nods in understanding, reaching out a hand and placing it on Jihoon’s shoulder. He squeezes lightly, letting the younger male know he's not alone in the way he feels.
“You have two days, you’ll be fine. Overworking the track might do more harm than you think and it sounds pretty good as it is. Honestly, what you need is a break.”
You nod, grinning as you get up from the sofa to meet the two near the computer and music equipment. “Which is why Yoongi and I are here! For some ‘stress relief’~”
There’s a beat of silence before it dawns on Jihoon; brows raising and lips pressing into a firm line when he understands your scheming expression. “So what, you just expect us to fuck in my studio?”
“Are you implying we fuck in mine? Also, don’t forget I’m older than you, I expect some respect in here.” Yoongi narrows his eyes at Jihoon, albeit no real threat in them.
 They always did this.
You stand awkwardly off to the side, fiddling with the hem of your dress while they seem to forget you exist. “We’re already here anyway and Hoseok is working in the studio next to mine. Unless you want him to hear. ‘Cause then by all means, let’s go. I got my car outside.”
Jihoon shoots you a side glance before turning back to Yoongi who shrugs.
“Fine. But next time, we’re using Yoongi-hyung’s studio.”  He mutters quietly as you giggle and nod back. “C’mon, it’s always a good way to de-stress. Remember last time Yoongi wouldn’t come out of his studio?” The said male’s lips also press into a firm line at the memory.
“Before or after Namjoon came in without knocking and saw me tied up to my office chair? I don’t even want to imagine Hoseok walking in on us. He’s got a weaker stomach than Namjoon.”
You and Jihoon share a grin as you remember the fond memory. “Hey, he said it was hot too. And we ended up fucking in your studio all night anyway, even after that happened.” Jihoon finally cracks a smile at this which causes you to let out a sigh of relief. 
“Anyway, let’s move the table before we fuck it up.” Yoongi suggests, already moving from the computer desk to the other end of Jihoon’s studio. You take this time to lean over Jihoon who’s still glued to his chair, tilting his head up and kissing him square on the lips as he moans and melts into the kiss.
“Guess I’ll move this myself then.” You smile into the kiss before pulling away, already noting the way Jihoon’s eyes pool with lust the second he looks up at you. “Ah, should I show Jihoon the ‘lil present I prepared for him?” You teasingly start raising the hem of your dress as Jihoon’s eyes flit down to watch more and more of your skin being exposed to his line of sight.
“A--a present?” He gulps.
“Oh, yeah. We might’ve pregamed a little before we got here.” Yoongi comments. You nod slowly, licking your lips as you turn so that your backside is in Jihoon’s viewing range. He watches as you tug your dress up to your waist, exposing your already soaked lace panties that do nothing to hide the anal plug when you lean forward and jut your ass out at Jihoon.
“O-oh… f-fuck.”
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Jihoon’s head lolls to the side as his fingertips thread through your hair.
“Mmh… You’re so good with your mouth, baby.” He grits his teeth when you sink your mouth down further onto his cock; hips canting up and hand guiding your head down as you moan around him.
“She looks so pretty with her lips stretched wide around a cock.” Yoongi smirks, already positioned behind you as his fingertips play with the end of the plug. “All she needs now is both of our cocks inside of her pussy and her ass at the same time.”
They share a knowing glance as you whine and jut your ass out more at Yoongi. Simultaneously, you start deep throating Jihoon as you gag and sputter around him.
“Oh? She seems so eager to have both of our cocks filling up her holes. What exactly were the two of you doing before you got here, hmm? What’s gotten her so riled up?” Jihoon tugs on your hair as he licks his lips and watches his cock disappear into your mouth.
“Nothing much, really. We had to do it fast or else I knew we wouldn’t leave the apartment, but you should’ve seen her. Squirming ‘n whining me to fuck her before we left to come here. Pussy already soakin’ through her panties with how much she needed a cock inside of her. Just like the good little cockwhore she is. Greedy.” Jihoon moans at Yoongi’s words; body flooded with arousal at the mental images that flood his mind.
“Fuck, hyung, let me fuck her pretty ‘lil cunt.” Smirking, Yoongi nods as he slightly starts playing and tugging on the toy. He uses his free hand to run his fingers through your wetness, collecting it on the digits before slowly sinking two into your entrance to stretch you out and prep you.
“Fine by me. I think you deserve it anyway.” He teases. Jihoon rolls his eyes, tugging you off of his cock by the hair as you sputter and catch your breath. Your eyes are wet with tears, lips swollen as Jihoon tilts your head up. “Hear that? Gonna fuck your pretty ‘lil cunt while Yoongi-hyung fucks your ass. Ah, you’re gonna feel so good stretched around our cocks at the same time, baby.”
They both chuckle as you gulp and nod gently, hazy eyes staring up at Jihoon. “P-please… Want y-you both inside m-me…” Your voice is hoarse and slightly slurred; already drunk off of sucking Jihoon off and Yoongi’s fingers scissoring and curling inside of your pussy.
“She always feels so fuckin’ good when we’re both stretching her out. Right, sweetheart? Cumming around both of us at the same time while we fill up your holes with cum.” Yoongi coos. He curls his digits right into your g-spot as you mewl and thrust your hips back to chase the feeling.
“Y-yes, ah, I’m--I’m… Please… I--I need y-your cocks…”
“Well, we know that, sweetheart. Can’t you say anything else? Or has Jihoon’s cock down your throat and my fingers in your pussy already made you stupid?” Yoongi slides his fingers from inside of you as you try to clench down onto his fingers to keep them inside.
He brings his soaked digits to his lips as he licks off your wetness; simultaneously using his free hand to start tugging the toy out of your ass. “O-oh fuh--fuck…” A whine spills from your lips as Jihoon watches your face contort in pleasure, “Mmh, that’s right. Feels good, doesn’t it, baby? Soon his cock is gonna be replacing that empty feeling I know you get so often.” Jihoon mocks.
“Your greedy ‘lil holes always need to be filled, don’t they, sweetheart? I know that’s all you ever think about, hmm?”
You nod feverishly as you bite down on your bottom lip when the toy is finally pulled all the way out. “My--my toys a-aren’t, ah, enough… it’s n-not the same… Need t-to be filled all--all the time...” Yoongi drags his fingers through your folds, collecting the wetness on his fingertips again, except this time he brings his soaked digits to your puckered rim as he teases you even more.
“Mm, such a ‘lil cockslut~ I bet you love stuffing your holes full of toys when you’re alone. Probably have one down your throat too, just to feel full when we’re busy at the studio.” Jihoon’s cock throbs at Yoongi’s words and he can’t help but paint a mental picture of you sprawled out in one of their beds, filled to the brim with toys while calling out and begging for them.
“God, fuck, I need to fuck her cunt, now.” Jihoon growls, tightening his grip in your hair momentarily as you wince. “Did hyung prep you well enough? Is your dumb ‘lil cunt ready for my cock, baby? Or do I need to prep you some more?” You shake your head ‘no’ in response, “Ah, ‘m so--so wet, p-please… I c-can take it…”
He nods, meeting your blown out teary eyes before he looks beyond you to Yoongi. “Ready?”
The older of the two nods, already having nudged his sweats and boxer briefs down enough to wrap a hand around his cock.
“Need to fuck her cute ‘lil ass too.”
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After Jihoon settles against the sofa with you hovering above him and Yoongi positioned behind you, it only takes a few tense breaths before you’re sinking down onto Jihoon’s cock and fighting off the urge to cum just from him bottoming out.
“Shit, you’re so fucking tight and hot around my cock already, baby.” Jihoon lets out a choked moan at the way your pussy clamps down onto him in a vice grip and he already knows you’re fighting off cumming within seconds. “I don’t know how long the two of you were planning this but… Bet you were thinkin’ about it all day, weren’t you? You’re so fuckin’ wet, I slid right in. Slutty ‘lil holes were craving our cocks, huh?”
“Y-yes, god, yes! Yoongi, p-please!” You swivel your hips atop Jihoon’s; already impatient and wanting them both to fuck you at the same time.
Jihoon was definitely right about having thought about it all day. You could barely sit still behind them as they worked.
“So fuckin’ impatient, sweetheart. We’ll have to teach her some manners once you get some free time, huh, Jihoon?” Yoongi smirks at the younger male, already mentally plotting what to do with you when they both were less busy.
You feel Yoongi’s hand on the small of your back pressing you down towards Jihoon and it’s not long before you feel the head of his cock prodding at your puckered rim. “What should we do with her, Jihoon?” Yoongi slowly starts to sink his cock into your ass; letting out a groan when he feels how tight you already were around him with Jihoon’s cock already snug between your walls.
“Mm, depends. Maybe tie her up to the bed… Keep her favorite Hitachi pressed against that sensitive ‘lil clit of hers until she squirts all over the bed.” Jihoon laughs under his breath, watching as your eyes cross at the fullness of both of their cocks inside of you once Yoongi is also bottomed out. “She’d look so pretty… Eyes wet with tears after she’s cum so much. Body sensitive to our touches when we fill up her greedy holes.”
Yoongi and Jihoon give you a second to adjust to both of them inside of you, and it’s you that quietly begs them to move after a few moments.
They go slow at first, alternating their thrusts as you whine and cry out their names in return. “You’re lucky my studio is soundproofed or else everyone would hear what a ‘lil slut you are in here.”
Jihoon’s lips ease into a smirk, “Or… the mic is recording right now, actually. Should I use your cute ‘lil moans as backing in some of the tracks again?”
The thought alone has your entire body set ablaze as you clench around them both and only beg them to fuck you faster.
It hadn’t been the first time Jihoon and Yoongi managed to sneak in your quiet cries into a song disguised as backing vocals. And as cliché as it was, it was also always fun to guess where and how they used it. “I--ah, y-yes…”
“Yes, what, sweetheart?”
“U-use… my--my v-voice…”
It falls into a comfortable rhythm; both of them starting to fuck you faster as you try to stave off your orgasm. Yoongi’s hips slam against your ass just as Jihoon thrusts up and soon they match each other’s pace so that their cocks are filling you at the same time.
Your choked whines and cries mix in with their growls and harsh breaths; all three of you working in tandem to get off.
“Fuck, I--I don’t think I can hold off, ah, much longer…” Mumbling, Jihoon can already feel the pleasure in his body building too fast to even stave off his own orgasm, cock throbbing inside your tight cunt. “Gonna cum inside you, baby, okay?” You nod feverishly, hands braced on his warm chest as you try to meet their quickening movements.
“P-please, ngh, cu--cum inside of me… b-both of you… Fuck, ah, you’re fucking m-me so deep...!”
You feel your abdomen tightening at the way their cocks both fill you perfectly and your body only craves more and more. “P-please… want y-you to, mmh, fuck me l-later too… when y-you come home...” Whispering, you let them both take the reins as your body jerks between them and their hands are all over your skin, massaging and teasing you. 
“Greedy ‘lil cumslut. We’ll fuck you if we have time, sweetheart. Jihoon’s still busy so we might just have to send him a video of me fuckin’ his cum back into your cunt.” Yoongi’s comment sends a shiver down your body as you cry out their names.
“Fuck, she’s gonna cum, I can feel her sucking my cock in deeper.”
Yoongi nods, “She’s been so good about holding off her orgasm… I think she deserves to cum now, don’t you?” He pauses, smiling gently at Jihoon whose eyes flutter shut and eyebrows furrow in concentration. “Sweetheart, doesn’t Jihoon deserve to cum too? He’s been working hard these last few days, hasn’t he?”
The praise goes straight to Jihoon’s cock as it twitches inside of you. “Tell him, sweetheart.” You lick your lips, head lolling to the side as you, too, watch Jihoon’s face contort in bliss.
“Ah, Jihoon’s b-been working so--so hard… He d-deserves, hah, to c-cum inside me all t-the time… w-whenever he wants…” You take a pause, thighs shaking as the pleasure starts to mount. “I-in my pussy and my--my ass… and down, ngh, my t-throat…”
“Fuck, ‘m cumming!” Jihoon cries out, ears ringing and body momentarily going numb with how hard his orgasm hits him. Yoongi only fucks you faster as Jihoon goes tense, trying to throw you and himself over the edge as well.
“Cum for us, sweetheart. Let us feel how tight you get for both of us.”
It takes a few more skilled thrusts from Yoongi before you’re cumming too; a slurry of their names and inaudible noises spilling from your lips as you clamp down onto them with a vice grip. There’s a growl from Yoongi as he finds it harder and harder to thrust into you with how tight you get and he opts to grind against you as he, too, feels the pleasure wash over himself.
The warmth of them both filling you up with cum has your toes curling and your mind going blank; mouth hanging open with drool dripping onto Jihoon’s bare chest.
“Mmm, don’t make a mess, sweetheart~” Yoongi coos, already sated and warm as he rides out his orgasm.
Jihoon lets out a noise of agreement as he lays under you, catching his breath as his own high starts to ebb away slowly. “Oh… don’t you dare even spill a drop of our cum on my sofa, baby. The blacklights in here will show everyone the evidence~” There’s a tired yet teasing lilt to Jihoon’s voice and a shiver rolls down your spine at the implications in his comment.
“Ah, ah, Jihoon’s studio, Jihoon’s rules, sweetheart. You heard him. Not a drop.”
You can only whine in response, finding it hard when they both came so much inside of you to the point where you felt it ready to spill out at any second.
It takes a moment before you feel Yoongi start to slip his cock out of you and you’re immediately filled with worry when Jihoon’s hands on your waist start to pull you up and off of his cock as well.
Tiny cries spill from your lips at the sudden, extreme emptiness you feel and for a split second, you let your guard down as you try to chase the feeling of their cocks inside of you.
“Oh no, sweetheart…” Yoongi lets out a ‘tsk’ behind you, shaking his head in mock care. “Fuck, would you look at that? Cum dripping out of her spent ‘lil holes and making a mess all over the sofa and the rug.”
“I--but, I--”
Jihoon laughs under his breath at your shocked expression and he helps you sit down on his thighs instead; cum freely dripping directly onto the sofa in a puddle where his legs are parted. 
“‘Lil cockwhore. She really does want everyone to know what a dumb ‘lil cocksleeve she is for us and she wants to be punished too?” Yoongi nods, looking around Jihoon’s studio for anything they could use to switch it up. He grins once he catches his reflection in the mirror; hair tousled slightly and a sheen of sweat on his brow.
“Guess we won’t be leaving the studio this time either, huh, Jihoon?”
The younger male grins when he catches onto what Yoongi’s saying, giving in and forgetting about work…
At least for the next few hours.
“But I’m sure she doesn’t mind, right?”
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abyssal-ali · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,910 times in 2022
That's 1,910 more posts than 2021!
75 posts created (4%)
1,835 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,490 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#jason todd - 502 posts
#red hood - 275 posts
#batfam - 190 posts
#batman - 141 posts
#batfam shenanigans - 129 posts
#damian wayne - 120 posts
#bruce wayne - 113 posts
#my beloved murder baby - 105 posts
#dick grayson - 90 posts
#tim drake - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i believe that jason's second choice was a book but since b took all the fun options out of the way he must rely on talia to kill the joker
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jasonette Crack (feat. Talia al Ghul)
~0.8k, everyone (Talia) is WilDlY OOC, you have been warned. Not beta'd (if anyone wants to beta or even just toss ideas around, let me know!) Please tell me what you think, and I'm open to constructive criticism as well.💜
Marinette groaned into Talia's bed.
Talia merely raised an eyebrow, waiting for the young woman to speak.
"Is something the matter, Marinette?"
Another groan, then Mari raised her head to look at Talia. "I want a boyfriend. Can you find me someone? If *you're* happy with him then he'll be great, and I won't have to worry about my family's disapproval."
Talia couldn't believe this was happening. Marinette was asking her to set her up with her OTP!
"I shall begin the search," she said neutrally.
Jason kicked off his boots and hung his jacket up, then collapsed onto the sofa.
"You need a girlfriend," said Talia from the shadowed chair she was sitting in.
Jason almost screamed. "T, you gave me a heart attack!"
"Be aware of your surroundings," she said unapologetically. "You need a girlfriend," she repeated.
"I have neither the time nor the patience to find someone everyone will like. You find me a girlfriend and I'll be happy."
Two weeks later a kidnapped Jason and a kidnapped Marinette were stood in front of Talia, who spoke somewhat quicker than normal. "Marinette Genevieve Dupain-Cheng, do you take this man as your husband?"
Talia ignored her and turned to Jason.
"Jason Peter Todd-Wayne, do you take this woman as your wife?"
"T, what are you-"
"I now pronounce you man and wife!" she said cheerfully.
10 minutes later, once they freed themselves from their ropes, the new couple burst into her room.
"T, what did you do?! I didn't actually mean it!!"
"I just wanted a date! What was that?!" screeched Marinette.
They looked at each other, then back to Talia.
"You're perfect for each other, you know. I've shipped you two for years; this is a blessed day. I can die happy now. I was thrilled when you asked me to find you a partner."
"I didn't mean a husband!" "I didn't mean a wife!"
"You're welcome," she said, calmly sipping her tea. "I saved you the dating-- it's inevitable you get married."
They sputtered at her impeccable logic and left.
"I'm so sorry about Aunt Talia," said Marinette.
See the full post
31 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
[Summary of AYFTBK]
Poll time: Would any of yall be interested in reading a Jaysteph WIP (that I haven't worked on in months but is fully plotted in my brain)?
A bit of summary: Jason meets Steph in Africa on his world tour and they fall in love. [Warning: I have no idea how to write people falling in love] They foster/adopt Damian (bc good mom talia wants Damian safe but Bruce is...y'know...BrUcE). While they're gallivanting about the world they run into Cass and she joins their family too. [Timelines? Canon? Who're they??] Eventually they go back to Gotham and start work as Red Hood and Indigo, Gotham's underworld new bosses, and run into the bats (of course) and antagonize them (of course). Eventually the bats find out the new crime lords are their not-so-dead ex-Robins and chaos ensues, as I like it.
[Warning #2: I do NOT know how to end stories. They always seem so awkward to me😬 Tips appreciated]
42 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Why I Think Jason Todd Would Be A Good Blue Lantern: headcanons from Ali
"In fearful day, in raging night/ With strong hearts full, our souls ignite./ When all seems lost in the War of Light/ Look to the stars -- for hope burns bright!"
When I was researching lantern facts from the lantern wiki for a maribat fic, I came across the blue lantern page. It says to recieve a blue lantern ring, the holder must have lost all their hope but be a source of hope for others. As soon as I read it I thought of Jason todd.
Picture it: Jason has just had his showdown with Bruce. He's just been trapped under rubble in a building explosion AGAIN and left for dead, (throat bleeding if you follow that canon). He's been rescued by Talia/ a kind bystander/dug himself out...got out somehow and healed/is healing up.
Now he knows Bruce doesn't want him back as he is and he has no plans for the future since his plans for the Big Showdown have been completed.
What should he do with his life? Bruce doesn't want him, won't accept his way of cleaning up Gotham, there's nothing and no one in Gotham for him anymore. Maybe he should have just stayed in the explosion and died again...
But then he meets a street kid he freed from a gang of traffickers and they thank him for rescuing them and their little sibling.
His gang of street kids he employed to spy on the bats for him have collaborated to make him a thank you card and they made matching red hoodies to show they're under his protection and working for him. They're so proud to be associated with Red Hood, their protector and big brother, the one who actually cares about them and used to be one of them. Maybe one day they'll be as well known and liked in Gotham as Hood! (Even if he's adamant they go to school and stay out of trouble so they don't have to become family-less vigilantes with at least four bounties on their heads.)
The working girls sent a delegation to check on him since they heard he was in the explosion from when he went against Bats face-to-face. The youngest (underage and Hood got her out of it, but she still stayed in touch with her friends and looked for Hood to pass on potentially useful info) broke down in tears when she saw he was in relatively good health and then they all started crying.
A grandma Hood helped take down her potential mugger gave him a hug and a batch of cookies almost as good as Alfred's. She had claimed him as her surrogate grandson since hers died in a brawl at Blackgate, and told him no less than a dozen times how glad she was that she hadn't lost her second grandson.
And so the people that Hood helped now helped him and showed him how much he had bettered their lives.
...And then a bright blue light appeared, floating in front of his face. "Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps, Jason Todd of Earth."
...want a part two of blue lantern jason??
52 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Batfamily as Swifties: Headcanons
Jason is a huge Swiftie-- he loves the lyricism; it really appeals to his classic lit snob side. He especially vibes with Reputation era (LWYMMD anyone??)
His voice-mail is 100% "I'm sorry, the old Jason can't come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, 'cause he's dead."
(Bruce hates it but everyone else thinks it's funny)
Dick and Steph are Swifties thru and thru and proud of it.
The rest of the family are swifties too but in the closet and make fun of Dick and Steph for their obsession.
...Until one day they find Jason vibing to I Did Something Bad in his safe house, singing at the top of his lungs as he cooks.
He swears them to secrecy.
One day during a road trip Dick and Steph have control of the aux (Steph won a bet) and they only play Taylor Swift.
Bruce breaks first and belts out Love Story
Jason laughs at him
Until No Body, No Crime plays. He has it completely memorized.
Duke joined the Swiftie squad when he joined the family.
Damian was caught secretly grooving to I'm Only Me When I'm With You while he painted.
Cass just loves music and sings along to anything, but one of her favorite songs to freestyle ballet to is Enchanted.
Babs is a BLINK but a secret Swiftie. She is caught when she's helping with a case. Babs instantly recognizes the background audio.
"Hey, isn't that mad woman?"
Tim:...how do you know that?
Babs: ...I heard Dick play it??
Tim: You recognized it that fast?
He's skeptical but glad someone else said it before HE did. He's teased enough about his ___ obsession as it is.
Tim is outed by Jason, who unplugs his headphones when he falls asleep, trying to pull a prank. What happens is better than Jason hoped. Tim's phone connects to the Batcave bluetooth speakers. Red blares, startling Tim awake and he falls off his chair.
He tries to cover it up by saying it's for a case. Jason uses his superior height and weight to scroll thru Tim's music files while Tim tries to retrieve his phone. The largest folder is labeled "rachmanoff" so the family wont be suspicious but it's every single Taylor Swift song (Taylor's Version) in existence. His attempt at getting out of teasing is unsuccessful.
Now they all blast their favorite songs throughout the manor...luckily Alfred likes her music too!
63 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Masterlist 1: the works yet to be posted
Masterlist of all my finished fanfics!
Please let me know which one(s) intrigue you so I can settle on the one to type up next!
The ones with a title will be bolded, the rest left in chat font
Batfam (🚫batcest🚫)
Family Sticks Together- Jason Defense Squad, Assemble!
Prince of Gotham, the Arkham Knight- I yell at Bruce's bad writing through Jason
Cryptid Batfam, Batfam Reveal to the JL
Doctor Jason AU, Best Mom Talia
Titans Tower AU, with a twist
The Best Bat (?)-Best Aunt Diana, Jason Gets His Own Life, minor Dr. Todd
Immortal Jason, Depressed/Suicidal Jason, angst/whump
Imagine Dragons- Dragon Batfam, (inspired by salparadiselost's dragon au)
Brother-Jay and Dami met In the League AU, Best Mom Talia, shenanigans
Whump Trilogy, (Jason 1st meeting AU, Tim 1st meeting AU, Jason & Tim hurt/comfort)
And yet Forgives the Butcher's Knife/the Bat that Flits at Close of Eve (AYFTBK/The Butcher's Knife)- JaySteph and Batfam crack and shenanigans
The Dark Knight of Gotham- Mafia Batfam AU/ character study (+ optional section of Daminette)
Damian al Ghul & his Mysterious Bodyguard- Jay & Dami bonding in the League, ID shenanigans
Vigilantes of Gotham: Part-time Models Edition- crack Batfam/JL reveal
Jason x OFC, ID shenanigans, crack?
Shattered Glass & Shadowed Ghouls- Daminette, DCxMLBxMCU
Saga of the Robin and the Lady Bug- Daminette, Medieval AU
Vengeance of the Shadows-platonic Daminette/ twin AU, Lila Redemption
Jasonette Neighbour AU (Joker dies in it!!)
It's a Small World- Jasonette, bio-bro Tim, Mari knew everyone before she met them as Jason's fiancee
Jasonette, Good Mom Talia, Arranged Marriage AU, crack
The Lakes- Daminette, based off Taylor Swift's song the lakes
Kaos-Jasonette, kind-of Assassin Marinette
See the full post
64 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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borathae · 3 years ago
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I felt every FUCKING EMOTION I could and I'm here to bark about it.
First of all, personally, I NEVER EXPECTED MYSELF TO BE A DOM TO JUNGKOOK, EVEN THOUGH I'M A DOM BY DEFAULT (lmao is that right? idk, I just know y'all would get me anyways) BUT WHAT IN THE NAME OF MONA LISA'S EYEBROW DID THIS OC AND JUNGKOOK DO TO ME-
Me to my now 'I'M NEVER SUBBING FOR HIM' mindset:
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Coming to the actual REASON I wanted to bark, THE AFTER MATH of it.
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But I don't blame her cause Jungkook's romantic self is impossible to not fall for.
Also, Jungkook went from being alone and not wanting to wake up the next day to wanting a life with her.
We love to see it, though we know it's not going to be that easy, atleast he's trying to find a reason to wake up the next day.
It's obvious for them to fall but a safe landing is what seems to be very impractical to Lucky,.....actually, she doesn't even want to imagine one, as she knows she'd to be drawn too much into it to figure out things.
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Also Ryujin, I get it that your boss is too hot to handle and has given you consent before, but HE said NO and you play the GUILT TRIPPING CARD?
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Then comes THE FIRST (?) JUNGKOOK AND OC MEET! OMFG freaking finally! But I'm glad it wasn't rushed. I, for the first time ever, got trapped lmao. I BELIEVED IT WAS LUCKY THEN NOT AND THEN THAT SHE WAS HER AND THEN NOT AND-
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Also, I genuinely want people to not hate Happy here, even though she was harsh with her words, she did the right thing. Imagine being her, having a guy at your sex club trying to be someone your frnd doesn't want. He'd potentially seem like those obsessive ones that should be got ridden off for OCs security and privacy.
(Don't come @ me, y'all I'm just giving a potential scenario. I know he isn't. )
Then came the tsunami of heart wreck for me and Jungkook that had my eyes peeing for way too long.
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Every freaking line had its impact right in my heart and YALL NEED TO READ THAT AGAIN TOO.😗🥲✌🏻
Also, I'm not done.
First of all I am loving the fact that you are yelling for the majority of this becAUSE YES OMFG YELL YOUR EMOTIONS AT ME 🤧🤧 second of all afjdsjjf the MEMES JSJJS you know that I am a sucker for a good meme and those memes are just 10/10 😂💜
Also, Jungkook went from being alone and not wanting to wake up the next day to wanting a life with her.
please catch me crying in the club with my alcohol free mimosa in my hand because this shit breaks me, fuck I love him 😭😭 (i'm acting as if I didn't write this character but lisTEN I LOVE HIM ALRIGHT)
Also I am all for loving Happy, she was just a good friend and we all need a real one like her in our life 😔😔😔
Now I am off to answer part two of you barking at me and I am loving it and you 🥺😭💜
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systimming · 4 years ago
not a req, but we wish yall well on your classes! stay safe and treat yourselves kindly, you got this 💜
Awww, thank you so so much!! This is so sweet! 💛💛💛 Have a great day!!
- Mod Primarina.
:-) Thank you! Good luck on your classes too if you’re a student.
- Mod Pent.
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taeminie · 5 years ago
hi ali my love 👾💜 for your sleepover ask: Tell us your thoughts theories and favorite bits of still2gether ep 1!
KYLIE!!!!!!!!!! hi angel 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 
 ohhh my god okay i will try but i dont wanna make it too long and bore yall to death so here i go doing it under a read more because it will be long, sorry.
thoughts: I LOVED IT. it was beyond my expectations. i feel like part 1 was a whole fix-up for the criticism in eps 12/13 and how they addressed the whole pam/mil situation at the hospital. and learning that wat was at the hospital from his pov was so smart i cant stress this enough. also both tine and sarawat apologizing and agreeing to communicate more and healthily yes we love to see it!! when they made the pinky promise of having a heart-to-heart next time something’s bothering them. that was so so important. i also loved how they addressed fan service in the beginning and wat being like “we’re a real couple we don’t need to prove it to anyone” that whole scene was really nice. so definitely aof took notes and listened and im just on cloud 9 about episode 1 like it was SO GOOD.
theories: ok i suck at theorizing but i got a few...
- i definitely think that we’ll get an eventual time jump in the finale where we see them married with kids or with a pet (maybe charlotte??) but yeah i feel like they’ve hinted too much at a proposal.
- not really a theory but i feel like we will get to see a special date for sarawatine (either anniversary or a b-day) because you know in the trailer how wat’s making wishes and there’s a whole voiceover of him talking to tine and wishing him happiness... i think they’re gonna start the ldr thing and wat is gonna surprise tine at some point. also because in the trailer when they introduce win as tine you literally see tine turn around and smile at someone so my guess is sarawat surprised him and the dolls are a gift from him but who knows...
- definitely wat is gonna find out about mil and he won’t be happy about it at all but that’s kinda obvious
- might be wishful thinking but i feel like we will get more “kiss till you drop” scenes and third times a charm u know what i mean..... but yeah *sigh*
- ohmfong and earnpear are gonna out of nowhere show up as canon in the last episode or so i wish haha fuck
favorite bits: 
- “you’re safe tonight” i already talked about this but that whole scene was soo beautiful, the way wat reassured tine and how he protects him!!
- i really loved to see the guntithanon brothers talking and actually having scenes together. like wat really has a brother and they didn’t forget it felt so refreshing to see
- another bit i absolutely loved was the scene in bed with sarawatine at the end of part 1 just because of the way tine was looking at wat???? we see wat always looking at tine like he hung the stars but seeing tine SOO IN LOVE really made me feel things. and my boy delivered the absolute horniest line in the whole episode looking like the puppy eyes emoji all around.
- i loved the scene with ohm fong and tine (loved that they talked about puak and pluem wasn’t just written off and forgotten) and i also loved the teasing and the fact that wat actually talked to ohmfong and asked them to talk to tine. oh and when tine said “i care about sarawat”.... yeah going back to theories i have a theory that tine will say i love you first in the show but dont quote me.
-  i absolutely loved when tine was practicing with a tutorial of sarawat teaching him!! that was so endearing and such a small gesture thats actually not that small and sucha tine thing to do. which brings me to the point that sarawat was jealous of himself... gay little wat smh. but honestly 2gether ep 9 is my favorite ep so the fact that they included those scenes where sarawat is telling him to imagine himself as the protagonist and you can tell even in ep 9 part 4 tine used that as encouragement and now he’s using it again. tine remembers the small things he really does and he cherishes wat soo much.
- ok last but not least the scene after the time jump when they’re sitting on the couch at home... something about confident tine knowing he played well and being like “all those ppl loved me!!” i couldnt stop smiling like that’s my baby!!! and i can’t wait to see more of him like this.
overall it was such a good premiere episode. it tackled so many important topics like healthy communication in relationships but also the whole cyber bullying storyline with tine...and some of our beloved fong’s quotes “you can’t make everyone love you so just focus on the ppl around you”... im gonna be in this high for longer than i thought because that episode just gave us so much more than i imagined.
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jenuinedog · 5 years ago
Your art is just ifhfidbsiflfxjd so good! Im so glad you're back! Even if its just doodles or sketches i love your art! Keep up the good work and have wonderful day! ❤💛💚💙💜
ty anon I hope you’re being safe and taking care!!!!!!
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madlittlecriminal · 5 years ago
Hey! I just wanna say ur probably my fav writing blog rn because your writing is so good and I'm so happy at all the Erik requests because HE DESERVES that. Also, I just wanna say I hope you have a good day and will always have the will and motivation to always be creative in writing! 💋💋💋💓💓💓💓💓💗👅💗💗👄💗💗💕💗💞💙💙💜💛🖤💛🖤💛🧡Ily billie💓💜💖💜❤️
YOU GUYS ARE GONNA MAKE ME CRYYYY 😭😭 YALL REALLY MADE MY TERRIBLE MONTH SO MUCH BETTER! it’s actually funny because at first, i was getting an endless supply of Charles & now im getting an endless supply of Erik & im not even mad! i actually love it :D so far my day is going well & thank you! i wanna get into the writing field when i get older as quarantine making me teach myself how to write a script/screenplay 😹 ANYWAY! HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAT ANON!!! STAY SAFE! 💙💙💙
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nukafucker · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,215 times in 2022
That's 58 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
1,209 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 68 of my posts in 2022
#artist - 2 posts
#financial aid - 2 posts
#art - 2 posts
#we're not gonna take it by twisted sister - 1 post
#arent we all - 1 post
#what can ya do - 1 post
#¯\ (ツ) /¯ - 1 post
#if you qualify for food stamps you also qualify for a government phone by default - 1 post
#yknow youre absolutely right - 1 post
#papyrus deserves love and attention - 1 post
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#me sorting my parents spice rack: whats these seeds in the back of the top shelf??
My Top Posts in 2022:
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0 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
As today is the last day of Pride Month I just wanted to say this Pride has felt the least like Pride for me. I've not even hardly been able to think about the fact that this month is for us in the lgbt+ community, for our visibility, for resistance to a world in which we aren't safely able to be fully ourselves.
I just wanna wish my fellows alongside me in our community a safe and good rest of the year. Never be ashamed to be yourself, you'll always have someone on your side. Happy pride ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
0 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
just watched the uncharted movie, hated it so much, came here to find salvation in nate and sully fanart, upset to find the uncharted tag has only been flooded with tom hollands nip nops
3 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
Hey yall! So idk how many of yall kno but I am an artist and I'm very much pushing my art these days. Call it a new years resolution call it passion or whatever you want but I'm very excited to say I'm finally putting the same love into my art as I've learned to put into myself.
With this I'd like to promote my Redbubble a little, I've put a few of my original designs on Redbubble and am very excited to show everyone what I can do!
I'd also like to say I've been in a very rough spot for the past year. I live with my fiance now and have been for almost a whole year at this point and its been amazing being with him, but we've been living a hotel the whole time, barely able to feed ourselves. Come the end of February we're going to be kicked out, and we don't have the money to move as Orlando is legit in the top three poorest cities in the United States and we cant drive. It's not been easy to keep a job because all of the restaurants are disgusting and pushing and stressing me way too far and being lousy managers and I just can't mentally handle that anymore. I'm looking for a new job as I just lost my job at Chipotle
It would mean the world to me and my fiance if yall could spread the word of my Redbubble and maybe buy some stickers or something!
Here's my Redbubble link!
5 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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i cant believe this is the first piece of good fan art ive ever posted
116 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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