#Mod Primarina
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systimming · 4 months ago
Stim board for Ya Mama <3
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- Mod Primarina.
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legendary-pokecanons · 2 years ago
a victini headcannon?
Casinos and gamblers often use Victini's symbol to imply luck and an assured victory.
This rarely actually works
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legendary-pokecanons · 1 year ago
I like to see this as a reason for why deerling Is Like That
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idk random ef sawsbuck character idea ^.^
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poppaganda · 11 hours ago
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i am normal i swear
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dollarstore-kins · 1 year ago
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Water type transgender Miku icons!!
-Mod ET
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nationalicondex · 7 months ago
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707 Primarina icons from The Pokemon Anime. If you decide to use these icons then give credit. A like or reblog is not necessary but appreciated. You will find the icons in a ZIP FILE.
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kairosclerosis · 29 days ago
muse mixup madness!
The Jester appears!
Hello, Hello!! Welcome, Welcome! Would you hope to join the circus? Please feel free, we always need more friends here ! :) Technically my name is Tarrent but that's so boringgg, like cmon. Thunder as a name, really? Kairo is so much cooler!! Please call me that instead, much more fun! And fit for a circus! I do NOT battle, but I do have some pokemon that perform with me. Trust me, they love it. Marowak(Alolan) - Juggle Primarina - Jester Driftblim - Balloon Copperajah - Asra
OOC - Original intro post
All interaction allowed! Mod is a minor, so is the character. suggestive is okay, straight up nsfw will be deleted and ignored/blocked. Not many tws I can think of. Jesters (obviously), references to murder, abandonment, and underage drinking occasionally. Also mentions of character being dead.
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justdancestimboards · 4 months ago
can you do the showman? specifically don't stop me now c1 ^_^
it didn’t post properly so here’s the credits
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sergiroth-art · 4 months ago
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I've been fairly active and having fun at the beeskee place, especially after the latest 'migration'.
Just telling you all, in case any of you made an account there.
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systimming · 2 months ago
I would like a board for a Bill Cipher introject, please. Gold, yellow, black, eyes, teeth, claws, textiles. Bizarre, yet pleasing, if that's all right. And please address it to @deerskullsystem, thank you. -S
Posted!! We couldn't find teeth / textile stims we felt fit the theme, but we did add some texture-based stims so I hope that's okay!!
- Mod Primarina.
0v0 enjoy!!
- Mod Echo.
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legendary-pokecanons · 1 year ago
Giratina is a mirror to Arceus, not the opposite.
The chaos to Arceus's order.
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minusgangtime · 7 months ago
Here’s the full list of kitty crew as pokemon for the pokemon tournament RP-get ready to read-
Shelby: eevee
Nala: lucario
Casper: ghastly
Midnight: lunala
Pinkie: sylveon
Temp: houndoor
Sunny: meowth
Simba: pidgeot
Herb: shayin
Seasalt: primarina
Lavender: espeon
Blaze: bewear
Nightfall: slowbro
Galaxy: vicitini
Penny: xerneas
Sweetie: lickatung
Coral: seel
Shade: umbreon
Kiara: furret
Thunder: shinx
Oreo: cresslia
Cloud: Altria
Snowball: sandshrew alohah form
Flambé: ponyta
Ella: gardevior
Leo: zigzagoon
Lapis: ponyta galarian form
Zack: falinks
Emerald: quagspire
Xavier: manectric
Cocoa: trapinch
S’mores: wooper paladean form
Moon: chendulure
Scott: chiccino
Vress: vaporeon
Cooper: riolu
Screwball: sneasel hisuden form
rattle: sandslash
Wallace: mewtwo
Willow: sprigatito
Gallace: gallade
Goldie: pikachu
Cookie: Vulpix alohah form
Rascal: teddiursa
Biscuit: persisan
marshmallow: togekiss
Cheeto: zamanthza
Buck: swinub
Pixie: lillipup
Sadie: florges
Janko: sandile
Taffy: emolga
Jewel: mew
Brutas: west sea gastroan
Crunchie: Stoutland
Charles: lycanrock midday form
Spot: wobbuffet
Everest: chiein-pao
Derpy: ducklett
Bloom: bellossom
Inkie: lycanroc midnight form
Blinkie: rampardos
Minkie: golem
Muad: onix
Kiki: minor core
Onyx: sableye
Babs: sceptile
Thomas: nidoran
Sugar: jigglypuff
Moldo: muk
Stella: lugia
Cascade: swellow
Cupcake: scream tail
Lily: meganium
Blossom: steenee
Rouge: arbok
Diane: mightyena
Hazel: dartrix
Starry: rapidash galaian form
Izzy: ninetails alohan form
Minty: beautifly
Swirl: hoopa
Misty: stufful
Poochi: deerling spring form
Aqua: absol
Sharp: jirachi
Skye: wooloo
Cosmo: misdrevas
Nimona: orthworm
Lightning: luxray
Amber: cyndaquill
Celeste: sandslash alohah form
Gloopy: grimmer
Sunshine: raichu alohah form
Petal: maractus
Shaya: zoroark
Dory: mantine
Smolder: latios
Breezy: ribombee
Alice: winggull
Frost: froslass
Pollen: butterfree
Quartz: ariados
Flour: celebi
Clover: meowscara
Susie: corvinight
Glimmer: slugma
Ray: kyogre
Nothing: keldo
Feather: zorua
Hover: zamazenta
Eda: skitty
Ghost: phantump
Cali: growlithe
Mars: mudbray
Sammy: starly
Rosie: meloetta aria form
Dumbo: bunnelby
Eve: clodspire
Molly: fennikin
Lamina: dragonair
Crest: volcanora
Timothy: wynaut
Gavin: goodra
Periwinkle: espurr
Seafoam: milotic
HS: darkrai
-mod shelby
(Psst- Brainstorm time-)
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(I think Beta will either be an Arcanine, a Lycanroc (midnight form) or a Zoroark- Or if I want him match Shelby, he'll probably be an Eevee too or an Eeveelution like an Umbreon or a Sylveon (hehe trans colors go brrr >:3))
(If MB would be a bird Pokémon he would be a Talonflame, a Blaziken or a Moltres for a fire type or a Kilowatterl or a Zapdos for an electeic type- Or if we're keeping him as a bat Pokémon, it's a Noivern or a Lunala like Midnight)
(Blue could be a Riolu or its evolved form, Lucario cuz doggy-)
(Pico will obviously be some kind of reptile Pokémon- I'm in a dilemma of making him a Scrafty, a Krookodile or a Drizzile :/)
(I'm not too sure on what Girlfriend would be, but she could be a Gardevoir or a Ninetails)
(Since HS is added into this, I'll add the rest of the corruptions lol- Both CB and HCB will be two twin Umbreons (shiny form), Noise will be a Banette or a Gengar, Funsie will be a Houndoom and Hunter will be a Sceptile)
(Big brain :3 👍)
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roaring-eeveen-louder · 2 years ago
Guess we forgot to make one of these.
Hi, I'm Pluto, I'm 16 years old. I moved to Alola a few years ago with my mom. I'm the current Alola champ, have been for three-ish years now. On my off time I enjoy riding my Mudsdale Molly around on local trails. I'm not much of a talker, but if you ever want to battle I'd be happy to oblige.
aND HIIII, I'm MARS ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ I'm 14 and I'm a part time Team Skull grunt!!! Meaning I mooostly just visit when I'm not running around with Pluto ;D!!! I'm not much of a battler hehehe I didn't do good on my run of the island challenge (⌒_⌒;) BUT i still love pokemon and i lOVE a good adventure!!!!!!
Hi!! This blog is run by the same person as @aerial-aceing-it! That being me, @oasisofgalaxies!! Mod is an adult but the characters are minors. Absolutely no nsfw or suggestive content here.
My ask box is. always open so feel free to pop in and say hi!
Pluto's Team:
Primarina (Soprano)
Mudsdale (Molly)
Lucario (Waltz)
Vikavolt (Havoc)
Gengar (Mayday)
Charizard✨ (Karma)
Mars' Team:
Mimikyu (Scribble)
Stufful (Zipper)
Shuppet (Sock)
Munna (Sloomp)
Venipede (Scooter)
I love these two dearly and I hope you enjoy their antics as much as I do!!! <333
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dollarstore-kins · 1 year ago
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Pokemon team for Tenma Tsukasa requested by @shingetsu-online !!
-Mod ET
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years ago
new modded minecraft smp. witch smp
Scott has made a coven with zombiecleo and primarina and joey (water and fire witches) made a coven together)
Scott is implied to have a dead lover or something hedge bets on who the lover is gonna be npc played by im hoping its jimmy but im kinda sure its owen
OH that one oh and cleos in that series :OO!! i had no idea,, tho idk who primarina is
im sure it's fun ^^ afraid idk many people outside hc so i dunno who the dead lover would be XD
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nat-stimmy · 2 years ago
Who are you maining so far in TF2?? We’ve been thinking of actually playing the game sometime soon (long term fans but terrible at every fps ever) - systimming, mod primarina
i main Medic but i am like. the worlds WORST medic because i am. notoriously bad at recognizing whats happening around me and so i just end up getting in the way of danger and dying JKLFDSJLFKDS but the joy of having a teammate go "thanks, doc" after i save them from certain death is unmatched
ideally i'd like to get good at Sniper but since the tf2 sniper zoom-in controls and the fortnite sniper zoom-in controls are Slightly different it makes it incredibly hard to actually play (in fortnite you right-click and hold, but in tf2 it's just one right click to zoom in all the way. holding down the button just puts you in a loop of zooming in and out)
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