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janboxyahoo · 2 years ago
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painfully-painful-pain · 2 days ago
SiMPeople: Japanese PS2 Store Advertisement meant for the shelves/storefront
My purpose is to search for Sims Merch and to just document it. When I'm not being biased towards the same 3 sims I am usually biased towards of course.
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Photos taken from YahooAuctions
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makoto1688 · 1 year ago
新着シリーズ⑦です🙇 (本日12/14、20時更新)
【このような方へ】 ✅ヤフオク!で商売したい方 ✅中国輸入に興味がある方 ✅希少性が高い商品で差別化したい方
向けに、 「ヤフオク!×中国輸入」について記事にしてみました🧑‍💻
ご質問、いつも歓迎です🙇 https://makoto1688.com/blog/yahooauction-chinaimport/
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nighttomb · 3 years ago
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Part 1- Recovered Kaiketsu Zorro Material Auctions- Sold between 2015-2022 on Yahoo Japan Auctions.
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remambo · 5 years ago
What is Remambo shopping service? What is Japan proxy buying?
Remambo is a Japan shopping service. Also could be named as a proxy-buying service.
— What is proxy-shopping or proxy-buying?
Proxy-buying means shopping using a third-party to buy goods overseas on your behalf. If we can purchase the item you request and send it to you, we will handle your order and help you obtain the product you are after.
In other words, we help you purchase an item, you cannot buy by yourself, and we ship it to your address. It's as simple as that.
— You want to buy anything from Japan
But buying from Japan isn't easy. You’re dealing with:
* Japanese online stores which you can't navigate. * Sellers who will not ship overseas. * Japan-only methods of payment. * Japanese shops which can’t handle pre-sales inquires in English. * You need ASAP help with auctions, limited-edition, and pre-orders items.
You need someone who can handle all this for you. Someone who can answer your questions. Someone who can buy from Japanese online stores, get your items and ship your packages from Japan.
— What we do
Remambo Japan Shopping Service offers you the ability to buy items from Japan that would otherwise not be available internationally. As most Japanese stores do not ship overseas we are able to help you by buying these items on your behalf and forwarding them to you from our Japanese office for a flat nominal fee.
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highwayking · 2 years ago
Thinking about the Avalon code garage kit that not only from being a garage kit but also released in 2012 would be next to impossible to find
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enma1966 · 3 years ago
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#修理 #ブルーレイドライブ交換 どうやら2011年から使い続けていたらしい 数ヶ月前から「このディスクは使えません」とメッセージ 調べてみたらディスクではなく読み書きするドライブの故障 もう11年も前だから修理できないかと思ったら ヤフオクに交換用の中古ドライブがたくさん出品されている 何故?! 高くないのでダメ元と思って初のヤフオク落札 ご丁寧に手順書と工具付き 小一時間ほどで交換終了 無事、復活 判ったのは“ディスクは入れっぱなしにしてはダメ” 起動の都度にディスクの情報を読みに行くので傷みやすいということ でも11年もよく動いてくれてるなぁ あ〜、ホコリだらけだ… #ブルーレイレコーダー #bluray #bluraydisc #BDZAT970T #BDZ #BRD500T #ドライブ交換 #ヤフオク#ヤフーオークション#yahooauction #SONY #a7 #α7 #a7R3 #a7RIII #α7R3 #α7RIII #voightlander #voightlander40mm #noktonclassic40mmf14sc #cosina #フォクトレンダー #ノクトンクラシック #ノクトンクラシック40mmf14sc #コシナ https://www.instagram.com/p/ChGeNb7vb4s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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8uru · 5 years ago
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Sale! #diggers #digging #diggin #dig #antique #auction #ebay #yahooauction #古物 #古道具屋 #蔵出し #初荷 #旧家 #古民家 #ヤフオク #木彫り https://www.instagram.com/p/B87Z_SkH4or/?igshid=xu7qpiycfw3a
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markpickardlife · 5 years ago
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I recently bought a used Squire by Fender Jazz Bass on Yahoo Auction Japan for ¥8,600 (approx. US$79). Of course, it was made in China. It's red and I'm glad because I'm a bit tired of guitars and basses painted black, white or burst. It appears to have ceramic pickups. The pots are of a decent quality. It's wiring is a bit different from most other bass guitars that I've seen with passive pickups. But, it sounds better than other cheap electric basses. It's going to need some loving especially the frets (leveling, crowning, filing ends, polishing). And a good cleaning. I imagine a black pickguard would look better with this red finish. I love guitars especially electric bass guitars. Guitars are cool. #squire #fender #squirebyfender #jazzbass #jb #jbass #bass #bassguitar #electricbass #electricbassguitar #basses #usedguitar #usedbass #usedbassguitar #yahooauction #okinawa #japan #エレキベース #ベース #沖縄県 #沖縄 #follow #followme #followmejp #followjp (at Naha, Okinawa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6UV-EXHiuc/?igshid=1dhr6yhu9p3gq
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shirleykarasuma · 4 years ago
Hello my friends,
This time I want to talk about a very specific topic called the work of indipendent artists, or for short Doujinshi. O^O
╔══════❀ Disclamer ❀══════╗
I know a lot of people will be triggered by this topic and probably hate me for talking about it, but I want to break the bad cliche! Òwó
Also everything I say in this post is my opinion. You don't have to agree with me. (´•᎑•`)
Over the time of being active in the DCMK fandom, I collected a pretty nice collection of DCMK Doujin. This is my collection.
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Here are my Three favorites!
I have these.
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They look absolutely gorgeous. Not only from the outside but also on the inside. I feel like every single Doujin you will find with Makoto X Sonoko is so polished and well thought of. *w*
I have those.
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Those are actually old. They are from 1997 - 2002. According to some Japanese people I showed them, they are real treasures. °A°
And I have this one.
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This one is essentially just a romance Doujin drawn in the style of "Otome Games". I had never seen anything like this before and I am amazed by how amazing it looks and feels to read. ♡.♡
So now that I've annoyed you with my favorite Doujin, let me tell you a bit about it. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ˶)
The Japanese word Doujinshi can be roughly translated as "unprofessional personal magazin" and it is used to describe items that are published by an independent artists or artists groups (circle).
Doujin can range from short comics/manga, artbooks/photobooks over written stories (fiction) to magazines, videos, music and even games. So basically any items from those categories that are published by a independent artist or artist group (circle) are considered "Doujinshi" in Japan.
The main genres are Romance, Comedy/Parody, Action and Drama. At least thats what Japanese people like the most. °^°
There are two big main sections "for male" and "for female". When it comes to DCMK you will be more likely to find Doujin here in the "for female" section.
Also doujin are categorized after their main character shipping, so it's easier for people to one they would enjoy. (´•᎑•`)👍
In 2019 I had the opportunity to go to Japan and it was amazing. I went to the doujin store of "Toranoana" in Akihabara which is specialized in Doujins "for female" and it was amazing! ☆^☆
When you entered the small store the first thing you were confronted with, were all DCMK Doujin. Eight big shelfs, three tables, all full packed with DCMK Doujin and a big TV only for advertising them. 〣(๑º口º๑)〣
So yeah reading DCMK doujin as a woman is actually very mainstream in Japan. ô.ô
Most Doujin I saw in the Store were standart Romance, Comedy/Padody and Drama. Honestly there weren't much adult ones I have to say. I think it's because Japanese women don't really like that much hardcore stuff. °A°
Now on to the question "Why are there so many weird and absurd Doujin?". ÓAò
Adult stuff sells, it always has. Also its technically illegal in Japan and illegal stuff is always much sighed-for. Thats why so many indie artists that focus on content like that. Well, it's unfortunate but it can't be helped. >~<
And yeah, the easiest way to be recognized is of course making weird shit. Thats how the Internet works. °^° XD
Besides that....
Funfact of the day:
Did you knew that Gosho Aoyama did doujin before he became a professional mangaka? °^°
There isn't much information about this online, but I found one of his doujin for sale at YahooAuctions. Owo
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Gosho once said he doesn't like the stuff he mad in early artist days. Yeah, it may be weird, cringe and nerdy, but every artist starts like that. °^°
If you are an indie artist or you'r a person that supports them, don't let anyone tell you your weird for creating and/or liking this stuff!
This 100% acceptable and those stupid ass people have to stop thinking inside thier cliche box! ÒAó
Yes I do support indie artists! I stan that! ( ˘꒳​˘ )
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woman-from-the-village · 8 years ago
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Managed to put this kimono on Sariel 😂😂😂. It was a struggle and by the end of it my shoulders were aching 😵😵😵. Even with a guide, putting it on was extremely time consuming and difficult 😥😅😅. I'm just glad this beauty is somewhat finished. #bjd #abjd #superdollfie #doll #dollphotography #photography #kimono #japan #lutsdelfmoon #luts #delf #lutsdelf #japaneseculture #yahooauctionsjapan #yahooauction
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driftancedelinkance · 8 years ago
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helloharuo-rocka-rolla · 3 years ago
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LINDA RONSTADT ⁡ The Rollingstone magazine December 1996 ⁡ #rollingstone #1976 #lindaronstadt ⁡ #helloharuo #yahooauction #ヤフオク
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noppokun · 5 years ago
omg where'd you find the hamtaro plush for 11$ ? i gotta know!
I found it on Japanese Mercari! I think the prices have gone up a bit to like $20+ on average. But generally not too bad for a plush of its size being imported from Japan. I’d also try yahooauctions Japan, you might find a cheap one there too!
Oh, also I buy through buyee (which is like a middleman service. Unfortunately if you live in the states, they’re not currently delivering here, but they will continue to hold your package at their warehouse until jp post decides it’s safe enough to deliver to the USA)
Happy hunting :^)
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a1li-ens · 2 years ago
hello! if u want the winter sonico that matches the winter pochaco, shes on solaris japan for 40+! :)
THANKU FOR CHECKING FOR ME 🥺 honestly I think her prize figs should go for less than that I am addicted to finding them for under 3000¥ on Mandarake or yahooauctions since Australian postage is like 2-3000¥ for most figures ever💀 and finding good deals for ages has made me sort of a cheapskate unfortunately LMFAO but that's a pretty good price still!
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piratepimp007 · 4 years ago
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Just picked these up off of YahooAuctions. It’s great being able to get things off of their in days instead of weeks/months. •WWE RAW Limited Edition •Innocent Tears •Xbox Player’s Guide Winter 2003 •Project Gotham Racing lanyard •Phantasy Star Online USB Keyboard Adapter •NEOYA X2VGA+ I’ll post more info on the individual items later. @xbox_jp (at Zushi, Kanagawa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7ZiWQnwhc/?igshid=1slw39a7xvlaa
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