#ya girl just got too excited lmao
evilgwrl · 1 month
okay ngl, this is an ask I'm sending to multiple people because holy shit why did it pop in my head I need to see this written T^T
reader is part of !141 and is the only one who knows how to ride a motorbike, so she has to go undercover for a biker gang?? idk but just hear me out. Anyway she has no tattoos or piercings so they get her those temporary tattoos that last two weeks and some fake piercings (or real ones in case they fall off) and so none of the 141 know she's having this whole makeover, and when they get the big reveal I just want to know their reactions- I'm sorry I suck at writing, I'm just good at coming up with the ideas lmao. reading back my whole paragraph I realised how much I truly suck at typing, I apologise that you had to deal with this.
Ahhhh!!! I love this. I hope I did your idea justice and you enjoy it anon 🥹 If you want something a lil more racy let me know but I kept it SFW just incase
CW: None
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Your body felt exhausted, thighs moulded to the chair as manicured hands rushed around your frame, prodding at your skin with brushes and wet rags, stamping your flesh with intricate designs. The woman’s voice was soft as she took in your expression, an understanding smile adorning her features as she assured you, they were nearly done.
“Voila,” she gasped, moving away from you as you stared at the mirror in front of you. Temporary tattoos snaked around the coil of your arms, muscles stamped with infamous gang signs and your nose and eyebrows dangling with metal jewellery as your fingers prodded at them, your face creased with slight discomfort.
“We’re going to need to get you dressed but you already look the part!”
You winced at the excitement in her voice, a slight simmer of humiliation broiling through you as you took in the look. You looked so… different. “Thank you,” you murmured, turning around to take in the large snake design that was entwined between your spine.
You felt like you were entering a pageant, constant hands smoothing out your skin and hair as you coughed at the lethal amount of hairspray. Grease dribbled down your chin as you choked down some food, disgusted huffs passing through the lady’s mouth as she ushered something about acting the part too.
“You’re all done, sergeant.”
You paced the room anxiously, wire taped to your chest, nestled in between your cleavage as you awaited the remainder of the task force. It was strange, the most they had ever seen you in was a pair of jeans and a simple top beside your military gear, the barracks were no place for fashion. Sweaty hands rubbed at the leather pants; slick stains of residue quickly brushed away nervously as you prodded with the facial piercings in the mirror.
“Hells feckin’ bells, Bonnie,” a swift voice whistled, Soap’s face charmed with a boyish grin, blue eyes sweeping across your exposed skin, “ain’ you a sight for sore eyes?”
“I look ridiculous,” you blurted, folding your arms self-consciously as the Scotsman tsked his tongue, smacking his lips together.
“Ye’ look good… lil too good for the task force, hen. Might need to find ye a new profession after this.”
You rolled his eyes at his playful tone, his lashes flickering as he took in the sight of you. A flirtatious whistle cut through the air as Gaz slapped his hand against the door, mouth wide. “Sergeant Y/N, that you under all those tattoos?” You bit back a bark as he smiled at you, tongue darting out to lick his chapped lips.
“You look good, [callsign]. Them bikers might wanna keep you to themselves.”
“We ain’ gonna let that happen, lass,” Soap jabbered, “Yer’ our girl, ain’ ya?”
Your reply was cut short by a pound against the door as a gruff voice snapped, “Oi, let’s move it. Don’t got all bloody day, Sergeants.”
Ghost’s eyes lingered over you for a moment, blonde lashes flicking up and down your body, pausing on every tattoo almost as if he was memorising them before he turned around, cold physique dusting through the hallway as you all followed. Captain Price was rambling through his headset to Laswell before he paused, dismissing himself as you all waltzed towards him.
A large Yamaha was sleeked against the exit, the tyres slightly worn to feign usage as you whistled lowly. “Got this all for me, Cap?” Your tone was sharp, admiring the ride before you as a tattooed hand wrapped around the leather handles.
“A biker looking like you ain’ gonna ride a shitbox,” he said, his voice holding an underlying meaning as he did a once over, “Y’ get in trouble in there and you call us in immediately, you understand [callsign]?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Take care of those tattoos after this as well, suit ya.”
A warm blush settled on the apple of your cheeks before you reached for the helmet, flattening your hair down as you secured it in place.
“Let’s get us a win.”
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
You ARE The Father! (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
After getting back to the human world you realized you were pregnant. You decided to keep it a secret during your relationship. After having the baby/babies for a few weeks, you finally decide to tell your demon baby daddy.
»Characters: Demon bros // -> [Part 2: Dateables] Now available!
»Tags: Female reader/MC, Unplanned pregnancy, Humor/fluff, Bulleted Style Fic
»Note: Sorry it's kind of long. Also I imagine the babies all heavily resemble their dads. 🥺♡ I might make a part two with Diavolo and Barbatos but they will be short stories. Well, maybe. Lol
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"That's not funny."
Didn't believe you because how could you keep that sort of secret for months from him
You sent him a photo of you holding a very unamused baby boy with black hair and red eyes
The Avatar of Pride has fainted. I repeat, he has fainted
Didn't pack or say anything to his brothers once he woke up, he just bolted out the house to find a magic seal to travel to the human realm
Quickly let Diavolo know why he canceled their meeting whilst on the way to you
He arrived disheveled, man was sweating lol
Anyway he immediately reached for his child and cradled him
His baby's horns and wings popped out!
Barely wanted to talk to you at first, you wounded his pride...Did you think him unfit? Did you think he wouldn't accept?
He would've been there for you no matter what, it pained him that you went through everything alone
Promised to be there from now on
He hugged you and the baby "...I love you two. ♡ Come live with me. You two won't ever be in need."
Dia and Barb visited shortly to see Luci's baby!
His baby slapped everyone in the face at some point
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"Ha! That's a good one! I always loved ya sense of humor!"
Really thought it was a joke
You decided to surprise him in person instead
You got permission from Dia to visit
You had only told Lucifer ahead of time about the surprise visit but not why
When you knocked on the door holding the white-haired baby girl Lucifer had to do a double take
"Is this..."
He smiled and excitedly held her for a minute before returning her
"Excuse me" Lucifer said as he closed the door
yeah the baby started crying
You could hear the loud commotion inside
The door swung open and Mammon stared in shock along with the rest of the family behind him
He cuddled his baby girl and gave her so many kisses
You guessed it, the baby sprouted horns and wings after being held by him
Was upset at himself for thinking you were joking
He demanded you move in right away
"Nothin' will break this family. I got ya both! Daddy will take care of y'all! "♡
His baby girl managed to grab his wallet and wouldn't let go
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"As if..."
Was skeptical...him? A dad? He always thought Mammon or Asmo would be first
He didn't know anything about being a dad but he was getting more excited the more he thought about it
You wouldn't lie to him about that right? RIGHT?
But why didn't you tell him sooner!? He could've been there for support like you always supported him!!
He texted you saying he would be visiting soon
He made a quick phone call to Dia for help getting to the human world
"Yeah let's not tell Lucifer yet heheheh"
He hurriedly grabbed a few figures and collectibles to go pawn off...kids are expensive!
After selling some things he bought some baby stuff and a gift for you...the mother of his child!!
When he finally made it to the human world he cried when he held his own purple-haired baby boy
The baby cried too lmao
The baby shifted into demon form & Levi wailed even more at his beautiful copy+paste baby
Both stopped crying when you played some anime on the tv
"I-I have a ring for you...w-will you marry me? I'll be the best husband and dad I can be!" ♡
He was planning on asking anyway; this just sped things up
He wasn't sure but he thinks his kid was giving him the stink eye when he was taking too much time with you...jealousy!?
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"You're telling me this now?"
Yeah he was angry
He had a hard time believing it but he knew you wouldn't lie about something like that
After the call, he grew excited and couldn't wait to visit
Told Lucifer what was going on ASAP and he let him go to you
He tried to read as much as he could from parenting books while on the way to you
He brought some gifts and offered to let you nap while he bonded with his daughter
Yeah she shifted into demon form after being held by him
He cooed at her, brushing her blonde hair lightly, remembering his own birth
"Daddy might've been an accident, but you're definitely not. Just a beautiful surprise. ♡"
He would do anything you asked of him, he just wanted to take care of his own little family
"Hey listen to me...I won't ever let you two down. I swear it.♡"
His daughter angrily yanked the new kitty plushie from his hands and smacked him before giggling
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"Ahaha...riiight. That's not the first time someone's tried that on me! And triplets!? "
He loved you but that was a weird joke to pull so many months later
Seriously, triplets? You had to be joking!
You were a little hurt but you kind of understood his reaction
Either way you wanted Asmo to meet them and decided to do a surprise visit
You contacted Dia for help and Barb escorted you safely to the Devildom (it was hard moving around with 3 babies!)
You nervously waited with your babies at Dia's castle while they summoned Asmo first before the other brothers
"Lord Diavolo, I'm he-" you heard Asmo gasp
He froze and took in what was in front of him
"You weren't joking!?"
He sobbed and cried out apologies to you, as he tried to figure out how he could pick them all up (sorry only two at a time!)
You handed him the two girls and watched as they shifted into demon form in his arms
Mini Asmos!
He excitedly talked about all the different outfits you could all wear and match as a family
You took one of the baby girls and handed him the boy and watched as he too shifted
"You're my family! My big beautiful family! Papa will make you all proud! I'll work SO hard!♡"
The other brothers happily joined the gathering a few minutes later
Every time someone picked up one of the babies, they were happy and friendly!
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"Huh? What? What do you mean? ... I'M COMING."
Mixed emotions: Anger for not telling him. Excited that you had his child. Sad that he wasn't there to support you on the journey. Happy overall for his new family.
He wasted no time after you told him, he called on Lucifer to let him go to the human world. His brothers caught wind and wanted to go too.
Teared up when he saw you standing and holding his baby boy, he gave a big soft family hug
Was surprised and excited when his baby shifted into demon form when he held him
It was a mini him!
He was absolutely in love with his new family
"I will give you both everything. No matter what. I will take care of you two, always.♡"
Wouldn't stop doting on you two
Growled when Belphie wanted a turn to hold his baby...he might've been a little too protective
But everyone did get a turn eventually
His baby bit/nibbled everyone at some point
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"Twins!? Mine!? When!? You should've said something!"
Was upset you kept it from him. Scared because what if he fails you and them? But was happy to have his own little family
As soon as he hung up, he quickly called Lucifer for help and had Beel accompany to the human world
Freaked out because what do babies need? What did you need? He hurriedly bought ready made baby gift baskets hoping it would help somewhat
Each step towards your place was nerve wracking and exhilarating
Having Beel there soothed him a little so he was thankful
Belphie thought you looked so beautiful standing there holding his twins in little cow print onesies
He nervously held both and teared up when they shifted and they looked so much like him
The baby boy started crying and he freaked out
"Yeah he cries a lot. The girl however is very quiet and sleeps easily."
Belphie hummed a lullaby and soothed his son who rested happily on him.
"This is better than any dream.I will do my best to make you and them proud.That's a promise.♡"
Beel patted his back letting him know he had him and the others
His babies seemed to like cuddling a lot. They really liked holding fingers tightly.
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⬦You might also like: MC Feeling Insecure︱Waffle House︱Coconut
*Super long* Authors Note/Ramblings: Moved those notes to my AO3 journal lol
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
life in the fast lane // miles teller
summary: the life and times of trailblazing indycar driver y/n y/l/n, and her celebrity husband, miles teller. in the weeks leading up to the indy 500, the pair have a very special announcement that will alter lives forever.
pairing: miles teller x andretti driver! reader
author's note: its hard to write an smau about a man with no public instagram account lemme tell you that real quick-
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y/ny/l/nteller just posted!
indianapolis, indiana.
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liked by josefnewgarden, monicabarbaro, valkilmerofficial and 4,578 others
y/n/y/l/nteller indiana never felt like home to me until i had you on the open road.
indy tests start monday, and we are officially one month out from the five-hundred. let's do this, indiana!
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valkilmer you got this kiddo! we're all rooting for you!
-> ynylnteller 🥺🫶🏻 love ya Val!
kyle_kirkwood i have known your husband for four years now and he still looks awkward in every single photo that gets taken of him at the track. how does he do it?
user babe come home, the children miss you?
-> y/n/yl/nteller miles and i don't have any kids (yet)
ashleynewgarden shocked we got through that dinner without josef and miles singing beyoncé at the karaoke bar
-> josefnewgarden that happened ONCE. I wish miles had social media so he could help me defend these accusations
-> y/n/y/l/nteller take it up with the hubby, not me
user does she look like she’s out on a bit of weight?
-> user it’s probably muscle lmao she’s an athlete bud
patriciooward most photogenic couple in the paddock!
monicbarbaro booking my flights rn
-> ynylnteller girls weekend here we come!
y/ny/l/nteller just updated her story!
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ynylnteller just posted!
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liked by reesewitherspoon, coltonherta, glenpowell and 5,145 others
ynylnteller god I’m going to miss all of this
*this caption was deleted*
ynylnteller days like these 🫶🏻
see all comment
user did anyone see the original caption?!? where is my girl going!
stingrayrobb thanks for making my nieces day so special! she looks up to you so much and she spent all day talking about how awesome you were. thank you and god bless!
-> ynylnteller your niece was an angel, it was my pleasure!
coltonherta your straight line speed this morning was absolutely incredible. are we thinking an andretti 1-2 is in the cards this weekend?
-> ynylnteller absolutley! let’s get it!
glenpowell everyone is talking about straight line speed and I’m just amazed that you can balance on the tires like that-
-> ynylnteller it took five years of practice to be this good glenn
ynylnteller just posted!
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liked by monicabarbaro, katherineracing, scottdixon and 4,653 others
ynylnteller as much as it pains me to say it, the todays Indy 500 will be the end of my 2024 season. while I’m upset that this season is coming to an end prematurely, I am also beyond excited. if the pictures above didn’t give it completely away (and my husband was able to keep his mouth shut all weekend), I am beyond overjoyed to announce that miles and I are having a baby! we tried to keep it under wraps for as long as we could, but as of the next race, baby teller would be too big for me to race without hurting them or myself,
while I won’t be on the track itself for the rest of the season, I couldn’t give this place up if I tried. Instead, my car will be driven by the amazing callum_ilott and I will be joining my bestie jameshinchcliffe in the commentary box.
when I was little, I only had one dream: to be a race car driver. but as I got older that dream began to change, and I realized all of that meant nothing if I didn’t have anybody to share it with. I wanted a family.
We are so excited for this new chapter in our lives.
Lots of love,
Miles and YN Teller xx
see all comments
scottdixon I’m so happy for you, darling! that baby is going to be so loved and so cherished. please pass my congratulations on to miles as well!
-> ynylnteller none of this would have been possible without you, so you’re the real hero here!
user mother is going to be a real mother now!
valkilmer congratulations yn! if you and miles ever need anything at all, you know where to find me (or mercedes and jack)
-> ynylnteller thank you val!! ❤️
glenpowell I am going to be the best godfather this kid has ever had
-> ynylnteller first of all who said you were the godfather?
-> coltonherta yeah it’s gonna be me actually
-> ynylnteller actually it’s going to be neither of you
-> coltonherta but why? I’m already a great uncle?
-> glenpowell yeah so am I!
-> ynylnteller everybody be quiet or we’re making Val the godfather -Miles
-> coltonherta you’d pick the old man over us?!?
-> ynylnteller he *is* less annoying
ashleynewgarden so pleased for you both! this will be your next great adventure! kota is looking forward to having another little buddy to hang out with 🫶🏻
callum_ilott I promise to take good care of the car! rest up and relax over the next nine months, god knows you might never sleep again
user miles is becoming a dilf!!! miles teller is becoming a dilf!!!
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @cartierre @lorarri @diorcharles @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @userlando
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takochan-writes · 2 months
Don't Make a Sound - DBF!Javier Pena x f!reader
Pairing: DBF!Javier Pena x f!reader
W/C: 900
Tags/Warnings: 18+ MDNI, DBF (Dad's bestfriend), pwp, p in v, creampie
A/N: sex with fireworks view on your bedroom window? HELL YEA 'MURICA! Lmao. It's not even the 4th of July… but fuck it, right? It's STILL July after all lmao
Summary: Your family is hosting a party for the 4th of July in your family house until midnight. But, a certain someone comes into your room to have some alone time with you.
It's the 4th of July and your family decided to invite their friends and neighbors to have some barbeque in your family house. It's a big day for them, but you can't help it to wait for someone special that you know he's gonna come tonight. It's your dad's best friend, Javier Pena.
And you're not even going to lie, Javier is one of the most attractive people on this planet. You have known him since you were in middle school. When your dad invites his best friends to look at his new car, he introduces you to all of them. But, you were smitten by him, because of his broad shoulders and that handsome face of his. His tight pants and those beautiful brown eyes keep you on the edge every time he comes over to your family home.
You've been thinking about him ever since. You think that he's taken an interest in you too. You always catch him looking at you with…. hungry eyes. Like a predator trying to keep an eye on his prey before anyone or anything else can catch you before him. Every time you catch him looking at you, he'll look the other way real quick. But, you noticed him every time.
But today was different. Today, you're excited to go see the fireworks, especially him. Your parents and their friends are already on the porch, barbequing, drinking, and having some fun talking about their lives. They seem busy with what they're doing. You finally catch his eyes in the crowds of people. You both start a starring contest for a while with flirty eyes. But, you suddenly break the eye contact to wink and start walking to your bedroom upstairs. You hope he got the hint.
So here you are now, sitting on your bed in your white nightgown, waiting for Javier to show up with all your hopes and dreams riding high in the air. Finally, Javier knocked on your door and started making his way inside your room.
He walks into your room like he owns the place and closes the door. "You waitin' for me, darling?"
You just nodded and gave your best puppy dog eyes.
He chuckles lightly and pulls his shirt off. You gasp quietly, watching him take his pants off and then lay them down somewhere on the floor next to his shoes and shirt. He turns back to face you and gives you a devilish grin.
"Are we going to do things or just stare at each other?" He raises a brow and you giggle a little.
He got on top of you and your breath hitches when you feel his hand rest on your hip as you close your eyes. You open your eyes to find him smirking at you. He didn't let you wait and slowly slide his cock into your wet cunt. You groan as you feel the head stretching you.
"Shhh, baby girl, shhhh.. It won't hurt so much if you stay quiet"
You close your eyes and just enjoy the feeling of having him inside you. But the feeling of him stretching you was almost too much. You have enough experience with sex, but you didn't expect him to be this big. You start to whimper and cry a little bit because of the overwhelming feelings you experienced.
"Shhh, babygirl. Don't cry. I know it's too much for you, huh? My cock is too big for your cute little cunt? Just breathe in, honey. You're taking me so well. I'm almost all the way inside of ya, honey"
He keeps his body as still as possible to let you adjust to his bulbous head before he thrust forward and pushes his full length inside of you.
"God dammit, honey. You're squeezing me so much. I'm trying so hard not to fuck you like a fuck toy that you are. Do you like this, babygirl? Huh? You like my cock so much that you squeeze me this hard to keep me inside of you? I know you fucking like this because I can feel you dripping all over my balls, honey"
Soon enough you feel the familiar wave of pleasure washing over you and you cry out loud. You hear Javier moan loudly along with you. He finally, slowly thrusting into you.
"Oh fuuucck… that's it, babygirl. You've taken all of me inside of you. Fuck, you squeezing me so much, babygirl. You feel so good, so warm. I'm so proud of you, honey. You are my perfect little toy, huh?" he murmurs against your ear and you just whimper in response.
He starts thrusting into you fast. As he hits the spot that you need, you start screaming his name. You can hear him moaning as he pumps his cock faster. The waves of pleasure are crashing and crashing over you and your legs are shaking uncontrollably. You feel his cock twitch in your tight pussy and you feel him fill you completely. A few seconds later, you finally reach your climax and he comes deep into you. He grabs you tightly with his arms and collapses on top of you.
"I love you, babygirl. I love you so much," he mutters and pulls his head from the crook between your neck and shoulder and kisses you passionately.
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kumquats-are-gay · 10 months
sparing with Johnny, and you pin him down only to find that he's rock hard, maybe some teasing/sex? idk idk
Johnny Cage x gn!reader (SFW/NSFM)
NOTE: This will be a two-parter because I just couldn't wait to post what I had already, lmao. This first part only has sexual themes and foreplay, while the second part will have actual smut (also, while this first part is totally GN, the second part will be mentioning afab anatomy, but I will still be using GN pronouns). I'm sorry this took so long to get to; I've been working almost every day for the past two weeks and ya girl is tired, lol. Was super excited to write for this though! :D
Pasted straight from Google Docs and NOT proofread, so please excuse any grammatical/continuity errors/syntax and formatting. I am also still VERY much an amateur writer so pls go easy on me <3
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51869623
Come On With a Come-on
         For a ‘professional’, Johnny Cage is about the least professional person you’ve ever met. Propriety must be a foreign concept to him with how frequently he flirts with you, especially on set—you know, in front of all of your colleagues and crew? The man was shameless in his relentless pursual of you, like a goddamn dog with a bone. And worst of all? You liked it, and this fact frustrated you to no end. 
         How could you possibly be attracted to someone who is so insufferably arrogant, loud-mouthed, and impossibly far up his own ass? An ass that, admittedly, you find yourself staring at whenever you think he isn’t looking. But, because you’re an actual professional, you’ve rebuffed his every attempt to seduce you thus far. Plus, you had a reputation to keep and dignity to hold onto; you weren’t sullying either when the likely outcome would involve your face and name on countless tabloids. 
         Without warning, his stupid, smug, and incredibly handsome smile invades your mind, and you suddenly find yourself wanting nothing more than to punch it off of his unfairly chiseled jaw.
         …or maybe kiss it off.
         “Grah!” you abruptly shout while burying your hands in your hair, momentarily tugging at the roots in annoyance. God, you had a problem. 
         “Huh?” You look down at your hip where your phone had just buzzed in your pocket. You pull it out and flick your finger across the screen to unlock it, then tap on the messaging icon.
         Johnny Cage: Hey, wanna spar later? 👊👊
         You raised a brow. You and Johnny worked in the same sphere for a reason. Action films were your guys’ bread and butter since the both of you knew how to fight as well as do your own stunts. 
         You and Johnny hung out casually here and there, but the two of you had never sparred before. You sensed an opportunity in his proposal, though: an effective way to get your frustration out on the source of said frustration. Shrugging, you figure, ‘why not?’
         You: Yeah, I’m down. But I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into b/c I won’t be holding back!
         Johnny: Woah, don’t go threatening me with a good time ;) 
         Your stomach twirled in unbidden delight at the cheeky response, and you internally chastised yourself for being so easily affected by this man. You and Johnny sorted out the details of your meetup—his place, late afternoon—and returned your phone to your pocket. You would just have to kill some time until then.
         “Of course you would have your own gym, and of course it’s fuckin’ huge,” you joked with a bit of sarcasm, yet enough lightheartedness as to not offend. Though, you doubt Johnny could be so easily offended; he’s got way too much self-confidence (for better or for worse) to be put down that easily.
         “Oh, honey, you haven’t seen ‘huge’ yet,” he boasted with a smirk. The wink that followed did nothing to abate the heat that was slowly taking over your body, but you did your best not to let the effects show. Since when were easy, immature innuendos such a turn on for you? You just closed your eyes and shook your head.
         “Alright, I am definitely knocking you on your ass for that one.”
         “Hah, see if you can, sweetheart!”
         The two of you stood in your  respective corners and took your stances. One quick little countdown later, and the game was on. 
        You knew Johnny was a very good fighter being a martial arts expert and all, but you didn’t realize he was that good. In all honesty, you figured he was more bark than bite, and that you’d have no real problem going toe-to-toe with him. Unfortunately, it seems like you may have underestimated him. It turns out that Johnny Cage was one of the rare few you had met who could back up their arrogance. Bully for you.
        Furthermore, this shithead was fighting dirty! Well, okay—technically he wasn’t fighting dirty. He was just talking after all, and there’s nothing wrong or “illegal” with that. But it was a dirty tactic regardless, and it only infuriated you further with how helpless you were to try and block him out.
        You pivot sharply on one foot and  use the momentum to lift and swing the other around, aiming the kick at his head. You expect him to duck under such a high-reaching maneuver—maybe he’d follow up with a low sweep with your single foot planted on the ground—so you prepare yourself to counter this. See, before you went into acting, fighting was your primary activity; you won many tournaments and managed to make a decent living off of it. One of the main things you were known for were your notoriously powerful kicks; few would risk trying to outright block them rather than moving out of the way.
         You must have forgotten who you were up against; that was the only reasonable explanation for your short-sightedness. You were not distracted by him or anything like that, thank you very much. Johnny-fucking-Cage just lifts an arm and grabs your leg. With one hand. Like it was nothing.
         The impact creates a loud smack! that briefly leaves you dumbfounded; you felt the force of that blow against his palm, and it was enough to leave the skin there tingling unpleasantly. Johnny didn’t look phased in the least bit with a crooked smile dancing across his handsome features, just gripping your ankle. Casually. Like you weren’t currently being held in the near-vertical splits.
         Johnny took this fleeting opportunity to give you a quick once-over, and his smile only grew. “Nice legs,” he quipped, “bet they’d look a lot nicer over my shoulders.” You openly gaped at his brazenness, and he used your shock to his advantage, flipping you in one fell swoop. You grunted when your back hit the mat underneath you, but the heat that overwhelmed your person (caused by your anger and fury, obviously) had you back up in a flash.
         “Best two out of three,” you nearly seethed. Johnny had the audacity to appear as anything but intimidated. In fact, he seemed rather amused.
         “You know, you’re like, really hot when you’re mad.”
         You nearly flung yourself at him in a mindless bout of rage, but caught yourself only a split moment before you could make such a devastating mistake. A delightful idea quickly sprang to mind—two could play at this game. 
         You kept up the facade of indignation and outrage in order to trick Johnny into thinking that you actually were going to make that blind charge at him. You stepped off of your dominant foot, using the momentum to make a lunge for him. He braced himself to counter your head-on attack, but you feigned right at the last possible second, swiftly gripped his shoulder with your left hand, and brought your right leg in against the back of his knee to buckle it. Johnny was quick to recover, though, keeping enough of his balance to twist and grapple with you as his leg nearly gave out. 
         Ah, so it was time for plan B.
         Before he could finish off the move, you brought your face right up to his, making sure that the two of you were making eye contact, and looked at him with sensual purpose. It was almost enough to disarm him, so to ensure you had the upper hand, you threw him another curveball with a breathy, “I wonder if you fuck as good as you fight.” 
         That did the trick. Johnny’s mind was sent reeling with your seemingly out-of-pocket comment, and you jumped at the chance to knock him flat on his ass. Johnny got the wind knocked from him as he landed with a resounding thump. Not wasting a minute, you straddled yourself across his hips and held his wrists against the floor mat. While Johnny had more raw strength than you, you hoped that the KO would leave him dizzy enough to keep him subdued.
         “Ha! Gotcha!” you barked out in triumph. Johnny just blinked up at you in a daze as his response. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to handle the taste of your own medi-” you had cut yourself off when you felt something stiff beneath your pelvis. ‘What…? Wait, is he…’
         “Are you hard right now?!” you squawked incredulously. Johnny just shrugged his shoulders and gave you an audacious smirk, as if to say, ‘Uh, yeah I guess so. What about it?’ You were flabbergasted. “I can not believe you right now!” You released his wrists and made to get up, but he grabbed your hips before you could get away. Damn it, his body was so warm, and…holy shit he felt big.
         “Woah now, hang on just a tick,” he spoke like he was trying to soothe a startled horse. This fucking asshole! Why, just why did you have to fall for him? “It is very difficult not to pop a boner when I’m getting up close and personal to the most gorgeous person I know,” he spoke with an immense amount of charm and a surprising measure of sincerity. Your eyes widened comically before you squinted at him with a healthy amount of suspicion. 
         “Oh, really now? And I don’t suppose you’ve used that line with every other person you’ve taken to bed, hm?”
         Johnny just sighed like he was the exasperated one here. “Darling, I’ve been laying it on thick for half a year now. There’s no way I’d still be after you just to get into your pants.” He looked at you with this sort of ‘duh’ expression on his face, like he couldn’t possibly understand your confusion. “I mean, don’t get me wrong: you’ve got just the kind of body that I love,” he added, and you nearly clocked him then and there, but you relaxed again as he spoke further, “but I’ve come to really like spending time with you. There’s never a day that I don’t look forward to working with you on set, you know.” And, just like that, you felt like the stupidest person on the planet for denying yourself something that you evidently could have had for a long time now. 
         You hung your head low and shook it from side to side in disappointment of yourself. You fool. You buffoon. You absolute imbecile. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Johnny took this the wrong way, looking offended, and opened his mouth to say something. However, you were quick to shut him up with a short yet firm kiss of which he wasted no time in returning. He ground his hips against yours in short, desperate thrusts like there would never be another chance to do so, and you eagerly mirrored his movements like they might be your last. Without warning, he rolled the two of you over to flip your positions. Sprawled out beneath him with your hands held beneath his own, Johnny thought you looked like a dream.
         “By the way, I think you’ll find that not only do I fuck as good as I fight, but I fuck like I fight, too—hard n’ fast,” he intoned in a voice nearly an octave deeper. 
         You squirmed in anticipation at his words, and retorted with equal huskiness, “let’s see it then.”
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kxmisato · 1 year
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↳ characters : exbf!dan heng x gn!reader
↳ genre : fluff, like a pinch of angst
↳ synopsis : after receiving a text from your ex-boyfriend’s little sister asking to hang out and accepting, you go over to their house. there’s no way you’d see him again, right?
↳ note : opera house by cigarettes after sex (he is so bf, so autumn time bf, so fall time.)
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bailu ♡ (dan heng sis): 
y/n are you busy
i miss you a lot
can we hang out
hi bai
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
i miss you too and no i’m not busy, i’m on fall break
idk if we should hang out though,
i don’t want to make dan heng uncomfortable
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
who cares about him !!
i’m talking about you and me
not him
ur so cute bailu
but you shouldn’t say that about ur brother
he cares about you a lot
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
ya but
i’m mad at him
bc you guys broke up
we both agreed to break up bailu
we just got busy with midterms
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
do you still love him?
right into the deep questions, huh bai?
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
it’s okay dw
yeah i still do love him
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
then will you get back together?
pls get back together
i miss you
i would like to get back together but i don’t know if he wants to
i miss you too
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
can we please hang out
we can do it when he’s not home
i will text you when he leaves the house
i think he’s going to the library today
okay bai
but i think you should tell him before i come over
bailu ♡ (dan heng sis):
i will see you soon !!
i’m sooo excoted !!!!
excited* !!!!
me too!!
though bailu said that she would tell her older brother, she in fact did not. about half an hour after she had sent ‘he’s gone !!! come over FAST !!!’ and made your way over, you heard the front door to the house unlock. 
internally you were hoping it was their mom coming home from work, but a sliver of you also hoped it was dan heng. 
even though your break up was a mutual one, it still stung, bad. the two of you agreed to try and avoid each other on campus, thinking it would make things easier for you but instead it made you feel emptier.
someone who you had talked to everyday for 2 years had become a stranger in the matter of seconds, he was a part of your routine and you were a part of his, the sudden removal of each other made it hard to accept.
which is why you were hoping it was him walking through that door. then when it was, that pinch of excitement you had quickly faded into anxiety as your stomach dropped when his face came into view.
it was the first time you had seen him in 7 months, he looked the same. same blue eyes, same beauty mark on his neck, same brown hair, but a bit shorter, did he get a haircut?
“oh.” is the first thing he said when he seen you. 
oh? really? ‘oh’ is all you’re going to say?
“bailu, you said that you told him that i was coming over?” you turned to the girl.
“o-oh… i did? i must’ve forgotten to ask…” she stumbles out, pink flush creeping it’s way up the back of her neck to her cheeks. “i was going to ask him but he was already in his car when i was going to…”
you sigh, “it’s okay bai, i’m not mad at you. i think i might just leave though.”
“what?! no! please don’t leave, i’ve missed you so much, y/n.” there’s a tremble in bailu’s voice. “please.”
“you can stay,” dan heng interrupts. “i don’t mind.”
“you’re not uncomfortable?” you ask, looking up hesitantly. though you’re exes, you still care and respect him.
“yeah, it’s okay.” he gives you a quick smile. “i’ll just be in my room.”
“oh, uh, okay, thank you.” you sputter, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.
“no problem.” he says, and as you turn back around to look at bailu, you hear his feet pad heavily down the hall.
“you can’t do that again bailu, okay? i’ve missed you too, but it’s not fair to dan heng to have me be here without him knowing.”
“okay… i promise i won’t do it again. i just really missed you.” she mumbles.
“i’ve missed you too,” you sigh lightly and then change the subject. “so what movie did you want to watch? i think you’d like the princess diaries.”
during the first half of the movie, bailu was enthralled by it. but once you had been watching for half an hour, bailu let out her first yawn. then five minutes later, she let out another one, and then ten minutes later, she was passed out on her end of the couch.
you looked over and smiled at her sleeping form, then got up and covered her with the throw blanket you were occupying.
you stretched lightly, feeling the need to straighten out after lounging in the same position for a while, then picked up your empty cup of tea on the coffee table and made your way to the kitchen.
everything in the house was the exact same, considering how long you and dan heng have been broken up for, regardless if it’s felt like longer than it has been.
family photos litter the walls, photos of bailu and dan heng when they were babies, wedding photos, and dan heng’s graduation photo. you were in that photo, wearing a matching cap and gown with him and cheesy smiles.
making your way into the kitchen, you rinse your empty cup with water and think about why that picture was still up. 
why didn’t they change it out?
too lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear dan heng’s footsteps head towards the kitchen until you heard his voice.
“oh. sorry, i’ll just come back later.” he says, and goes to turn around.
“no! sorry, no it’s, um, it’s okay. i was just putting my cup in the sink. besides it’s your house, i’m just a guest in it.” you rush out.
“ah, okay,” he replies, making his way past you and grabs a glass out of one of the upper cabinets. “you know you’re not just a guest, right?”
“what do you mean?” you turn and ask, wanting to look at his eyes but breaking eye contact as soon as his eyes met yours.
“my mom and bailu love you, you’re basically family to them.”
“oh, but aren’t you uncomfortable?” you ask, though you wanted to also know what you were to him. were you family to him too? does he still love you?
“no. i’m not.” he says matter-of-factly.
the silence between the two of you was deafening but oddly, it wasn’t uncomfortable. it almost felt like the two of you had never broken up. like you were just talking in the kitchen during winter break as you had before, and it not being 7 months since the last time you talked.
“...i–” you start.
“can we talk about something?” he interrupts.
“yeah, what is it?” you ask.
dan heng gets up from where he was leaning against the counter, making his way over to the sliding glass doors to the backyard. “do you mind if we talk out here?”
“no, not at all.” you say.
dan heng motions for you to head out first, and you mumble a quick ‘thank you’ as you step out of the doors, with him following close behind you. 
as you walk out, you’re met with the crisp autumn air. the coolness brushes against your cheeks as your eyes settle on the falling leaves of trees in his backyard.
he closes the doors as you sit down in one of the lounge chairs on the deck, then he makes his way over to sit in the one across from yours.
“so…” you play with the hem of your sweater, “what did you want to talk about?” 
does he want to talk about us?
“i.. uh…” he starts. “how have you been?”
how have i been? that’s what he wants to ask?
“i’ve been fine, i guess? what about you?”
“i’ve been,” he clears his throat. “fine too. how were your midterms?”
“they went okay…?” 
this is weird, you think.
“that’s good. i’m glad they went well.”
then the same silence from before is back, but this one is awkward, deafening. it takes up the air of the conversation and feels suffocating.
“so, what did you want to ask me, dan heng? or did you just want to catch up?” you question.
instead of answering your question, dan heng remains silent, his eyes meeting yours and then immediately looking away.
you let out a sigh as you stand up from where you were seated. that slightest bit of hope you held onto for the conversation about your relationship quickly dissipated.
“i think i’m just going to go, it’s getting late anyways and bailu has school tomorrow, right?” you say and walk to the sliding doors. “could you let her know that i paused the movie when she fell asleep? i don’t want her to wake up and get upset thinking that she missed the rest of i–”
“i’ve missed you.” he finally says.
you turn to look at him again, his back is facing towards you and his head is hanging low.
“what…?” you mumble quietly.
“i’ve missed you, and i think that we should try again.”
“really?” you say in disbelief. he had seemed so unbothered when he seen you for the first time earlier today. you had thought that you were the only one affected by seeing each other for the first time in months.
“i’ve been thinking about you non-stop since we broke up. and not being able to talk to you, see you, touch you, was horrible.” he breathes out. “i tried to stop thinking about you, but wherever i go, i get reminded of you.”
you walk back over and stand in front of him. 
“i’ve missed you too. so much.” you admit.
“i’ve wanted to call you so many times, i’ve wanted to see you so badly. see your mom, bailu, you. i missed you so much, dan heng.” you croak out, feeling the sting of tears in your eyes as you try to hold them back.
dan heng stands up, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. he rests his head in the crook of your neck, refamiliarizing himself with the smell of your perfume. 
vanilla and cashmere, like always for the fall time he thinks.
when his arms crept around your waist, yours wrapped around his neck and you melted into his warmth again, it contrasting to the cool air of fall.
your hands play with the bottom locks of his hair as he pulls you impossibly tighter against him, afraid that if he lets you go, you’ll never come back.
when you pull back, you study his face again. the same blue eyes, same pouty lips, same beauty mark on his neck. the same dan heng. 
“i like your haircut by the way” you giggle and a light smile spreads across his lips.
“yeah?” he says. 
“yeah, it suits you.”
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Okay but AU where Miguel is an alpha and reader is normal but they still give off the smell of being in heat before their period or just once a month so poor Miguel has to struggle with an oblivious reader whose just going around saying hi to people like they’re not a walking talking advertisement for sex
Reader: what do you mean 'I probably shouldn't go near Miguel right now? I thought he looked like he had a headache earlier so I got him some of those empanadas he likes from the cafeteria and some migraine tea
Peter B, not sure how he can tell you without sounding like an absolute freak that his friend is an Alpha and can smell that you're ovulating right now and if you go near Miguel when you're like this you could end up pregnant: beeeeecaaaussssse, Mayday misses you! Yeah, come hold my baby and come this way and hang with us and definitely NOT to Miguel's office!
(Lmao Miguel just checking security feeds by coincidence and, ugh, double whammy combo, he sees you holding the baby, in his eyes looking like the CUTEST potential mom, and he's just like "well, if she gets pregnant it's God's will 🙏". 'Poke holes in the condoms' girl he doesnt OWN condoms and he tells you up front, on his shit like "we're married, this is what married couples do". Or it's like. Kinda like with superman lol, where Miguel's altered not completely human DNA skirts around the spermacide in condoms that's formulated for humans so he might knock you up unintentionally but once it's on the way he wont let you get rid of it and he's actually so excited)
He overhears another Alpha make comments on your body and your scent and you just turn your head to see Miguel holding them by the collar as their little feeties dangle in the air and he's growling at them to "watch who they're speaking about that way" and you're just left ignorant that he's basically strangling the dude cause he was saying the equivalent of "if Y/N doesn't watch out she's gonna end up knocked up" and "hey maybe it'll be me" (no, absolutely not, run laps cadet, the boss ain't happy with ya)
And it works in reverse too! He smells good and you definitely cant help but notice 😩❤️ He stands just a little too close to you one day and you can smell this kind of masculine musk, I feel like he's kind of like too lowkey a recluse holing himself up to wear men's cologne but he's also like kind of an older man so just like, the thought of him having the scented pomade for his hair and you smell things like his deodorant and body wash when he's too close and it all smells very much you know Male but in a sexy way, the scent of aftershave sticking to him some mornings, coffee on his breath when he points to something on a monitor over your shoulder, just all these sorts of smells to associate with his presence even if you can't pick up the intricacies of his more "biological" components. You're up working late once and you fall asleep in a chair and later on you wake up tucked in on a couch in a break room with a blanket that has a scent on it (to tell other Alphas to back off and let you rest) and you can't help but put your face into it. like, as a young girl I didn't understand but I'm 26 now and there are just some male colognes and just like idk scents where you smell it and it's just like UGH I bet the man who left this is big 😩❤️ if it's not overpowering and you're not used to smelling "dude scents" that shit can be dangerous in the wrong hands
You experience the rare event of Miguel actually sitting down for once (shocking I know) and your desire to help and also your coochie activates when you see him looking kind of tired and run down and like, rubbing his face with a hand and he's got a migraine and here you are, "let me platonically rub your shoulders sir it definitely isn't at least partially because I'm crazy crazy horny for you and something about you kinda lowkey makes me wanna serve you"
Like you reach out and start rubbing his neck and shoulders and he's just so sore and had been working so hard he's like GROANING and shit like 😩 how could I not run my fingers through his hair, how could I SURVIVE if he started doing that shit. I couldn't, he felt your nails lightly drag against his scalp and it sent shivers up his spine and now you're getting your back put on the nearest flat surface while he pulls all your clothes off
"Sorry, but I don't think I can hold myself back anymore."
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goldfades · 1 year
✮ '𝟐𝟐 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩, zegras' have more fun
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♡ ─ summary | little flashback to when y/n posts her 2022 summer dump on instagram to update everyone on where she's going to college.
♡ ─ warnings | literally just fun, fake arguments, mention of ohio state.., literally nothing else.
♡ ─ taglist | tbd
♡ ─ ev's notes | i'm so excited for this au, i already fell with all the dynamics lmao. i'm trying something relatively new with the best friend oc's, please lmk how u feel about them!
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ynzegras bedford, new york
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Liked by trevorzegras, briesbagels, jhughes and 2,832 more
ynzegras | summer dumpie '22... also let's all take a guess on where i am going 4 uni (hint: it's red) tagged: pchandler68, briesbagels, avazegras, trevorzegras, griffinzegras august 7th, 2022
View all 234 comments
briesbagels | ohio state????
↳ ynzegras bingo!
briesbagels | gorgeous gorgeous best friend <3
↳ ynzegras ALL U BRIE, ILY
↳ trevorzegras ha ha ha, i'll fr make u laugh your ass off with those screenshots in my camera roll
↳ jhughes sorry king, u look good man
lhughes_06 | new fav wolverine
↳ ynzegras love ya lukey pookie
↳ pchandler68 what about me bro 😢
↳ lhughes_06 sorry man, ur both my fav
↳ ynzegras it's okay lukey you can be honest.. (it's me)
_quinnhughes | growing up too fast little z 🥹
↳ trevorzegras why didn't you cry when i grow up too fast??
↳ _quinnhughes i had an aneurysm reading that and because i dont fw you like that buddy
↳ ynzegras damn... u rly gonna take that trev??
↳ trevorzegras shut up """"LITTLE Z."""" 😐😐😐
↳ _quinnhughes im jk, trev (jk)
pchandler68 photo creds????
↳ briesbagels YA TO ME?? 😑
↳ pchandler68 yeah no, to ME
↳ briesbagels it's clearly MY digital camera parker
↳ ynzegras ooo she's going by first name basis, you're in real trouble chandler 👀
↳ trevorzegras guys stop arguing
↳ briesbagels tf asked you, trevor
↳ trevorzegras 😐😶
avazegras | don't remind me 😭😭 you're leaving me!!!!!
griffinzegras | gtfo you're no longer invited back to the house after u posted that pic
↳ ynzegras be nice griff i'm leaving in 2 weeks
↳ griffinzegras yeah good, ur no longer gonna eat my leftover wings and take my shirts for gym cover-ups 😑
↳ trevorzegras SHE DOES THAT SHIT TO YOU TOO???? you have a problem y/n
↳ ynzegras bruh. im getting ganged up on
↳ briesbagels leave her alone, she's just a teenage girl!!!!!
↳ trevorzegras fucking barely, she's 17 🙄
↳ ynzegras when he literally doesn't understand numbers????? 😭😭
umichwsoccer | 👀👀
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
Negans reaction to reader being pregnant with his baby? Head canons or a short story are fine!!!
Negan Reaction To A Pregnant S/O:
A/N: I am working on a Negan and Reader having a baby request rn actually, so this will be some Headcanons lmao. I got like 5 anons with baby fever in my ask box rn and I am here to support you all LMAO
Pairing: Negan x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: No specific pronouns used, Negan (He's crazy let's be fr), Mentions of Lucille, Mentions of the other wives, canon typical violence, Negan has Baby FeverTM, Pregnancy, Pet names, let me know if I need to add more!
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He still has multiple wives when you find out, so you're very hesitant about telling him. He's mentioned to you a lot more personal things than he ever did any of the other women, but you still were uncertain if you were really his favorite. Plus, even though he mentioned that he and his actual wife, Lucille, had wanted a baby. You weren't sure if he still wanted that baby, especially with you.
You try avoiding him for a few weeks, but it doesn't work. He finds you and confronts you about the behavior. He doesn't raise his voice with you once, though. Any of his other spouses he would, but you took a notice that they weren't even his spouses anymore. They were mostly just his servants and leverage against Dwight and some of the other men he took the girls from.
"What's been with you lately? I haven't seen ya around. I didn't do anything, did I?" He'd ask, and you'd feel your heart swell because for some reason you did love him. Even if at first you weren't the only person he was sleeping with.
You'd be scared, and he could tell that something was up so he'd lead you into either your own room or his room - whichever was closer - in order to give you privacy and set you down beside him. "Come on honey, you can talk to me," he'd assure, smiling as he reached up to brush his knuckles over your cheeks.
"I'm pregnant, and it's yours."
He wouldn't react at first. His eyes wide as he stared at you and it'd scare you. You'd be afraid he might kill you and stick you out on that fence to deter his enemies from the compound - but then he finally reacted.
"Mine? My baby... I'm gonna be a dad?" He'd ramble, jolting to his feet as a surge of energy shot through his body. Leaving you sitting on the bed alone as he paced the room in front of you. "We're having a cub?" He'd speak and his voice would crack. Facing you with the biggest and most genuine smile, his eyes brimmed with tears and he raced back over to you. Long strides making his way to in front of you so he could kneel. Being just a little shorter than you on the bed, now.
"How far are you?" He'd ask, and you could practically feel the excitement that radiated off the man, and it gave you hope that your kid might actually get a good father. "Only a few weeks, a month at most the doc said." You spoke, and he reached up to hold the sides of your face. "I hope they have your eyes," He'd tell you, and you'd feel your whole body heat up. Eyes darting to the side with a sheepish smile, but it was quick to fade.
"What's wrong?" He'd asked. "I'm not really that important, though. You have other wives, it could have been one of them carrying your baby." You frowned, and he shook his head. "I stopped sleeping with them a long time ago, honey bunches," he'd tell you, rubbing his thumbs over your cheek bones. "Stopped claiming them, too. They're just kept up here to keep the guys in line." he'd hum, "I only want you, I promise you that. Have I ever lied?" He hadn't. He always told you the truth and you both knew it.
He'd prove it to your further by even making it so the other women dressed in more casual clothing. None of them referred to him as anything other than Negan, and he'd walk you around with his hand on your hip, on the small of your back, or in your hand constantly. He wants to prove to you that you are the only one he thinks about. The only spouse that he wants.
He'd eventually ask you to "marry" him after he figured you trusted him enough to do so. If you say no, he gets it, but if you say yes he's ecstatic. He loves you, truly, and he's glad that you agreed to be with him til death do you part.
When you were far enough along that you couldn't hide the bump in your stomach any longer Negan would call a meeting to the people. Standing above them all with you by his side while everyone kneeled before the two of you. His hand resting on your stomach while he held you close.
"Some of you may already know, but I wanted to make it official. My Honey-bear and I are having a cub of our own here soon." He'd tell them, all while looking at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes that it made your heart soar. "There's about to be a little Negan running around. They're gonna be such a little shit too," He'd announce with such an enthusiastic voice, and you'd chuckle. "Well, let's hope they don't have your complete personality, then." He'd snicker at this, pulling you in for a kiss that he couldn't help but grin like a fool into. Everyone would cheer for you both, because truly. None of them had seen their leader so happy with anyone.
Negan would get more and more protective over you the closer you got to popping. He'd be by your side, making sure you had everything you need. He wouldn't let anyone get too close to you. He was already protective of you, but now was worse. You'd be off limits to everyone except for his previous wives that he knew you trusted. They'd help you when he was gone. They were happy for you, truly. Plus, you practically granted them freedom.
Negan would cry when the baby was born. He secretly hoped it was a little boy, and he'd so thrilled if it was a boy. He'd be bouncing off the walls and trying to convince you to let him name it Negan Jr. but really he'd be fine with about anything you came up with. He wasn't picky.
If it was a little girl though? Oh, that feels so much different for the man. He's holding the girl with practical heart eyes. Smiling as tears roll down his cheeks and he stares at her. "Hi, baby bear," he'd coo, and choke on a sob if they cooed back. He's never letting his little girl out of his sight. He's gonna be the most protective Papa Bear anyone knows. Everyone better pray that he they don't hurt her in anyway.
He'd spoil the shit out of his kid. Ordering his men to get them toys out on their runs. He'd let his kid get away with murder and just smile while cheering them on. They can do no wrong in his eyes.
With Negan being their dad. Expect the kid to be repeating some pretty interesting words as it gets older. "Suck my dick," "You wanna taste your own balls today?" "Fuck" "Shit" you name it. They've got quite the vocabulary as they get older and you're thankful school systems don't exist anymore.
Negan is the type of dad to do everything with his kid and even takes some time away from leading the saviors and puts Simon in charge for a while so he can spend it with you and the baby. He still doesn't let Simon get away with the stupid things he wants to do and still attends the meetings though to makes sure the system doesn't fail.
Everyone adores you and the baby. You two are the new celebrities in the factory, and everyone loves how happy you both make Negan. He swears up and down that he won't ever let anything happen to you or his baby.
"Personally, I think I deserve another baby... Maybe another five more." He'd tell you, and if you didn't say no, he'd be taking that as a yes. He loves kids and wants as many as you'll have for him. Plus, he loves the way you look when you're carrying his child. How your skin seems to glow, how round and soft you are. He wishes cameras still existed so he could have a photo or two of you.
He loves his little family, and even if you only had one kid for him, or if you decided to have one more or a few more. He's happy and content. He never thought he'd have the chance to be a Daddy and he is forever thankful that you not only gave him that opportunity. But also that it's you that he gets to share these moments with.
If you would like to be added to my tag list for TWD stuff, please fill out the form on my pinned post :) It is linked as "TWD Taglist Form"!
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ebonysplendor · 9 months
Where Winter Crows Go Review ❄️🐦‍⬛
TL;DR: Chaga mushrooms ain't the only thing that Crowe be foraging, but this time he doesn't want to share the spoils with the squad for research purposes.
Game Link: https://prikarin.itch.io/where-winter-crows-go
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Optional Reader-Insert with choice of pronouns, Yandere LI, 17+ Spiciness: 1/5 -- It gets a little flirty, but it's sweet and innocent LI Red Flags: 3/5 -- Manipulative, little hands on, has a temper
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Okay, so, the full release finally came, and ya girl was SO excited! The demo was very promising, but I needed a little more convincing. That being said, this wasn't by any means one of the one's that I was the most ecstatic about, but I was still excited enough about it to check back occasionally for the full release. I just so happened to get lucky recently and saw that it had actually dropped back in November. So, I was late, but not embarrassingly so. Now, this review on the other hand... But listen! I just recently decided to take the plunge and start making reviews, so mind ya business lol.
Anyways, this isn't about me and my tardiness, this is about this pleasant little game that really went for it in the full version, and boi, did they go for it!
I'd classify this as one of those "slow burn" visual novels, simply because it's not obvious that our LI is a lil' psycho off the rip, and there's nothing too unsettling from the jump aside from getting caught in a blizzard. Actually, since we're on the topic, the LI -- his name is Crowe Lynn, by the way -- is actually pretty damn hospitable, and he's a full blown scientist. The most shocking part is, he isn't even doing anything sketchy! for the most part. He is deadass living in the middle of nowhere for research purposes and is writing books to know why nature is...well, naturing, for lack of better wording.
That being said, I think the intro is long enough, and I'm really excited to tell you more about this game, because you guys have got to play this whenever you get the chance! As always, I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
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So, boom. We're -- or Aspen, should you decide to play through their eyes, but I prefer self-insert -- going on a trip in our favorite run down car to get to some town where there is supposed to be this really nice place to let off some steam via skiing. Trust me, we did research on this; we know what we're talking about. Anyways, while driving, we start noticing how we've been on this same road for a long time, and yet, we haven't seen anybody for an equally long time.
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Run down car? Long road? No one for miles? You already know what's about to happen.
Yep, you guessed it, we get a flat, and as you've also probably guessed, we have no spare tire, but bear with me! The game isn't this predictable, I swear! You've gotta understand that it can just be a little hard to get away from certain tropes, and let's be real, they kind've have to happen for plot purposes. I mean, think about if we actually had a tire in the trunk. We would've been outtie, we would've had a great trip, and there would've been no game lol. Sometimes, you just gotta cut the devs some slack.
Anywho, so yeah, flat tire and no spare. Naturally, we hike it to try to find some help, but the weather kind've picks up, and the clothes that we have, while appropriate for the cold, aren't adequate enough for a full blown blizzard. No worries though, because guess who comes to the rescue? This guy!
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Everybody, this is Crowe. Crowe, this is everybody.
As you'd expect (I know I keep saying that, but lmao it's not a overly predictable game, I swear!), Crowe is this really chill dude. Actually, more than a chill dude, he's a massive nature nerd. That's actually why he's out in the middle of the woods anyways! Like I mentioned before, he's researching why nature be naturing, specifically -- at least, his current topic from the way it was worded is -- partial migration. If you've never heard of that, don't even worry about it, in the game he explains it to us. Like, I'm telling you. This man is super into this stuff, and we love a smart man.
Getting away from that though, he basically ends up telling us that the town that we're in is pretty much deserted with the exception of like 13 other people, and because of the blizzard, the time it'd take to clean the roads, the likelihood of there being another blizzard right behind the one that just happened, and cleaning up after that blizzard, getting to our planned destination just wasn't going to happen. ...Well, shit.
What are we going to do then? Our car has a flat, we can't travel, and there's not any resorts nearby. No worries though, because the bae came through! He said "Oh, you can just stay with me!" Oh wooooooord???
So guess what we do? Make ourselves cozy in this bomb ass cabin. I'm not even exaggerating about that. Like, this cabin is REALLY nice! Take a peek!
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That's just our room and the hallway. You can only imagine how bomb the rest of the place looks. Like, I'm telling y'all, it's super cozy up in here. But we must stay focused! And by we, I mean me, because I could go on and on about how nice this cabin looks.
Back to the topic at hand though, we've agreed to stay with Crowe, even though, we honestly don't have much of a choice, but it was just dope that Crowe was cool with everything. That being said, during our stay, we do all kinds of pretty cool stuff! We go foraging with him for chaga mushrooms and winterberries, we create some powders to add to other stuff, and we make some medicines. Everything was going super smoothly ... until it wasn't.
Crowe kind've has...a weird temper. Like, we had accidentally gotten hurt, and he had gotten super pissed about it. We love a man that cares about his guest, but he was a bit overdramatic about it. You'd think we would've lost a limb or something. The main thing that got him really pissed, though, was when we had mentioned our car and implied leaving. He did not like that, and when I say we got into it bad? Oh, the insults were flying. Like, look at this!
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So, yeah, we fought, and what about it? It's whatever. Forget him...
...Actually, we felt really bad about the whole thing, and so did he. We talked it out, and everything was all good again; however, now he's acting really weird, we're getting really suspicious, and we still have to get home. That being said, we call it an early night, borrow one of his books, and pretty much make a gameplan so we can figure out how to get home as well as what the hell is going on that is not only making Crowe act weird, but what is going on in general.
And we do! We sneak out the next morning and ... we actually make things worse because now, we're REALLY confused. I'm not going to get into the details, but just know that there are more questions than answers at this point. So, yeah, while the investigating helped, it only helped a little, and I genuinely mean only a little.
One thing that we know for sure though...
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This man is definitely crazy in love with us.
And that's all I'm going to tell you! Lol I'm sorry! But if I tell you the rest, it'll literally be the ending, and it'll ruin it! You know how much I want you guys to play it, so no way am I going to spill the details, but like most visual novels, how it ends is completely up to the choices that you make.
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Guys...the full game delivered.
I prefer choice heavy visual novels like Darling Duality and Forcefully Yours, but this still wasn't bad by any means. I actually thought it was quite good! Like I said, the most shocking thing to me about all of this is that this man is deadass a scientist! Like, he really isn't doing anything entirely sketchy out there! That was the biggest plot twist of the century to me! But, anyways, letting go of that. Let me tell you more of my thoughts on the game, and why I feel like you should play it whenever you get the chance.
The visuals are absolutely stunning, first and foremost. So far, my favorite VN visual wise has been Mushroom Oasis, but this is definitely a solid number 2 spot. I absolutely adore the art style. I also appreciate the revamp that they did with Crowe. There is nothing wrong with femboys by any means, but to me, Crowe was a little girly looking, and he very much so looked like a small child lol. Like look at the difference in this.
This is the old Crowe Lynn
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And this is the new Crowe Lynn
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Lol you see what I mean? He looked like a child that wanted to be a scientist when he grew up versus the actual adult him that chose science as a profession. The redesign was definitely a good choice, and I love how he looks now, especially with the longer hair and worn out lab coat. What do you think, though? Which did you prefer?
Aside from that though, you know what one of my favorite things about the game was? The fact that -- and listen close, because this is about to be a tip! -- the endings that you get are based more on how the character feels about Crowe versus how Crowe feels about us. How curious is that?
In a majority of visual novels, the endings are literally dependent on how far we push the LI or their affinity for us, but it's not like that in this one. We get a different ending based on if we trust him or not, if we flirt back with him or ignore his remarks, and some other factors that I don't want to include and possible spoil the story. I just thought that was a really interesting take, and that was super creative of the developer. It was definitely refreshing to play as more of myself and base the gameplay on my -- or rather my character's -- feelings versus playing for the LI and his feelings.
With all that in mind, I definitely say give this game a go! It has a nice mystery/suspense to it, and not to mention, there is a really bomb song during the credits. I was so sad to see that it was not on Spotify! Well, let me clarify, it IS, but it's not available to me which sucks ass. It's not even on YouTube, and it hurts me so bad! Ugh!
Anyways, in case my feelings and opinions weren't clear -- play this game, play this game, play this game, play this game! As always, be sure to leave your comments on the dev's page if you feel like they've done a good job, and you want to give them that extra reassurance to keep making games. Of course, donations are always helpful to them as well! Like mentioned at the very top, here is a link to the game so that you can play it for yourself, and I really want you to play it for yourself!
That's all from me! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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Where Winter Crows Go
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest Vol. 2 - Fic Recs
Here's everything I added to the Pedro Fics Spreadsheet in the last week with my unedited ramblings attached (the notes I make immediately after reading, often unhinged).
Surrender - a Joel series by @ezrasbirdie
-> ofc daisy, grumpy/sunshine but the sunshine has depth and the grumpy isn't mean. ellie is excellent in this
Hayloft - a Joel WIP @atinylittlepain
-> dancer!reader (stripper), cute awkward joel, smutty smutty smut. reader is kind of soft!dom?
High Enough - a Joel/Dieter series by @psychedelic-ink
-> Actor!reader and your bodyguard Joel hookup with Dieter Bravo at a party and it is SO hot
Short Days, Long Nights - a Joel series by @frannyzooey
-> post outbreak!joel but it's also domestic bliss. the filth is filthy but the slow burn makes you work for it. This is gorgeous and beautiful and sweet but also so fucking hot!
What he didn't do - a Joel one shot by @joelsgreys
-> divorced!reader and Joel finally go on a date after he's been crushing on you for 10 years and it's very cute
Build Me Up Buttercup - a Joel series by me
-> You're failing Dr. Miller's architecture class and you decide to confront him about it.
Best Laid Plans - a Dieter series by @prolix-yuy
-> Dieter Bravo, legendary Hollywood playboy and a tabloid’s best friend, never thought he was worth much more than a good night to a parade of faces. Until Murch, the editor on his film, turns his world upside down. Now he’s got big plans to do the same as he drags her into the deep end of his hedonistic life. He’s got a guy for everything, but she’s got something he’s always wanted - a big enough heart (and patience) for him to fit in.
Breaking the Girl - a Joel one shot by @cinematicgf
-> Your boyfriend sucks, but you go home with him for the summer anyway. His neighbor and boss Joel Miller is decidedly not an asshole. And he's really hot.
Me-use - a Claude ;) one shot by @boliv-jenta
-> Just fucking trust me you have to read this
Toyin' with them older guys - a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes
->Hot bartender joel fucks with your sex life... and then ya know
The Babysitter - a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes
-> Babysitter reader seduces single dad joel and it is everything you could ever hope for, but it also leaves you wanting more (in the best way possible)
Push and Pull - a Joel one shot by @javiscigarette
-> Dom!Joel, pretty fuckin rough sex, but like Joel is a consent king and the aftercare is so sweet.
Deserve it - a Joel series by @fake-bleach
-> Joel's wife is cheating on him but it doesn't really matter bc you're giving him the best blowjob of his life
A Girl Walks Into A Bookshop - an Ezra series by @oonajaeadira
-> Ezra owns a bookshop and you get pulled into his store one day. This is the softest, most beautiful little story. Give yourself the gift of reading this please.
Vaya con Dio - a Dio one shot by @atinylittlepain
-> Dio thinks he has it all figured out, but you put him in his place
This Will Be The Day That I Spy - a Jack series by @oonajaeadira
-> You go on a blind date with Jack and it's full of surprises
Restoring the Roots - a Joel series by @bearsbeetsbeskar
-> Tommy and Ellie try to convince Joel to see a therapist... This is going to be really good...
A Long Day - a Javi P one shot by @jkprincess10
-> Have you ever wanted to rim Javi Peña? If not, you will after reading this
The Living Waters of Mandalore - a Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
-> Din discovers your uhhh living waters... and he's really excited about it
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There's a lot of Joel on here this week... I was going through something lmao. I tried to throw in a few other guys for y'all too though.
Enjoy <3
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scourgediva · 5 months
Finished Vol 8 a couple of nights ago. Pretty good! Spoilers Ahead! You've been warned! This is going to be an unorganized mess, we're sorry Ok, so. Huh. Some of that I saw coming, Emerald hitting the "Change teams" button for example. Some of the other stuff? Not at all. Oscar getting captured, I knew that Ironwood would go off the deep end but not like that, I got double baited with the red herring red herring that turned out to be my original idea coming true, just not when I thought it was. Speaking of seeing "Themes of death" as a warning before an episode was so jarring LMAO, I was excited but damn. Still dont like the aceops, glad most of them are gone. Glad Mr. Schnee is gone too (but thats mostly because we all have father issues in this head). Winter was good, having the whole like internal conflict of "This is my job but it isnt right" was great (and relatable. Fuck you schnee family stop being so relatable) Neo was great and I love her dearly and would do anything for her, she's SUCH a cunt (/pos). Cinder was pretty good too, the whole like, tricking Ironwood into thinking he was fighting Salem instead of Cinder was great! I hope this entails a return to "Silver Tongue Cinder" like we saw in vol 1-3 where she was there but alot of the chaos caused was because she was pulling strings in the shadows weeks before hand and it all fell into place like dominos. Her lying to Salem is based. "Oh they used the lamp, sorry" Girl. She might've killed you for lying and y'know what? good on ya for lying to Salem of all people LMAO. Emeralds semblance getting better to the point that she even deceived Salem was great too. Penny dying was not expected but was done well. Cinder got so close to getting the winter maiden powers too.. genius idea to just look at Jaune and tell him to kill her tho, cant have the powers if Winter has them lol. Portal room was pretty, and Im curious as to what the fuck happens now that they all fell into what I think is the void. Fucking mustache man (I dont remember his name) being held off the side of a building by Cinder and taking the "No one loves you" gamble was big brained, because either she drops you and you get the last laugh or she brings you closer, securing your life for a bit. All in all, 1 volume left. What will I do with myself once the credits roll for the last time?
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shaunamilfman · 10 months
More Random HC’s cause I’m waiting to go into work :)
- Unironically LOVES shirts that are/have the same energy as “women love me, fish fear me”/“Big dick is back in town” etc. she wears them more often than you’d like
- She lives off of Mountain Dew, Red Bull and hot Cheetos, that’s all she packs for lunch everyday and you have to drop off water and a snack for her at practice so she doesn’t pass out since she barely takes care of herself
- was one of those girls that had a thing for the Onceler from the Lorax
- She was def apart of the 2012 tumblr culture, (superwholock or whatever it was) one of those girls that would get a tattoo off of one of the YA books they read, hunger games, Harry Potter, stuff like that
- Either really knows how to play American football and is super invested in the NFL, or does not know anything at all “What is a down?”
- Is SO CLINGY (Derogatory) sure you thought it was cute at first until she gets up at 5 am for her morning practice and wakes you up too so you can “brush your teeth together”. It gets even worse when she’s sick, shes the hugest baby when she’s sick and you know if she gets sick you’re bound to get sick a week later because she’s plastered to your side
- Legit loves anything you get her, even if it’s kind of a joke. Stupid $2 tourist T shirt? You got it for her so she loves it, childish Spider-Man socks, thinks they’re cool as fuck. Just overall very appreciative and excited to recieve anything from you
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; She’s absolutely good at all the fine arts; she can draw well, she definitely can play the piano and violin, bc her rich parents paid for her to have lessons, etc
- She definitely also did some nerdy shit like take taekwondo until she was 14. Idk why I can just imagine this girl in like that white martial arts gi, doing like punching exercises.
- I don’t know if this makes sense but the kind of gf that when you guys go out to eat, you’ll both be quiet/not talk so you can eavesdrop onto people’s conversations and talk about it in the car on the way home
ugh no nat is such a loser she so would. she shows up at your house wearing this
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asking her when the last time she drank water was and she's really got to think about it. she gets so shy if you like cook her something though omg
Misty would have crushes on the weirdest fucking cartoon characters and shit I swear. she pulls you a picture of megamind and you're like "... okay"
superwholockian misty i know that's right. misty has like collectors editions of the Sherlock books. she has like an original printing displayed in her living room fr
Misty def had one of those shirts like "heading off to the shire to become a jedi because my hogwarts letter never came."
i take that and I raise you Jackie being super super invested in the NFL but still does not know how football works. she's into the vibes she's just competitive as fuck. you look over and she's googling what a halfback does.
also Jackie totally follows a soccer team obsessively. she has like 5 jerseys and so so much merch. she even buys you some so she can make you wear it. she's so excited whenever there's a game on. she's def screaming at the ref for making a bad call
jackie's dramatic ass makes you sit in the bathroom with her as she showers. your just sitting on the sink with your head against the mirror barely able to keep your eyes open and she's excitedly rambling on like she's on fucking crack.
also i feel like jackie is such a morning person. you're half an energy drink in and barely awake and she's bouncing off the walls at 6 AM
she definitely gets you sick whenever she gets sick for sure. she's expecting princess treatment squared when she's sick. omg you thought she was needy normally?? your ass is not ready.
Van is so fucking sentimental bro she has a whole box dedicated to little things you gave her, even if it was just something you randomly handed to her lmao
artist lottie has such a hold on me tbh I love it.
martial arts lottie def got a participation trophy and a pat on the back i can not see her being good at it lmao
oh no fr shauna is such a hater she loves doing hater activities with you. jackie's talking about jeff or something and yall are like 😒🙄. she always looks straight for you when stupid shit happens.
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subskz · 1 year
Who is the ship dynamic "nice boy x girl who pegs him" and why is it Chan? (And arguably Binnie and Fefe too)
Like, just thinking abt virgin/inexperienced Channie and his first time getting pegged. (Also thinking bout him with lingerie on... my mind isn't well rn 🫤)
Like,, can you imagine? How giggly he'd be once he got comfortable with it? BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, don't think abt how red his ears would get and how his shy babyboy-isms would increase tenfold.
Sigh... big sigh
Also, so unrelated; but I have partially pink hair rn (got it during Pisces season so my energy was just Pink on Pink Pisces truly)
Also also; are we talking about astrology?? Bc ya girl has yet to reveal her rising sign. So if you wanna place your bets on my rising, feel free lmao
please it’s so true…no one radiates that energy of sweet, boy-next-door who’s completely oblivious to how desirable he really is quite like chan
it’s not a pink original without the mention of lingerie! 😽 the thought of channie dressing up in it esp gets me so good bc you know he’d be embarrassed out of his mind, too flustered to even meet your gaze and reluctantly uncrossing his arms from over his chest when you tell him you wanna see how pretty he looks ㅠㅠ but at the same time he loves it, the excitement of trying smth new, how the lacy material makes him feel, and most of all he loves your attention…the way you admire him w that hungry look in your eyes makes heat pool in his stomach faster than anything else~
the babyboyisms 💔 he’d be so adorable squirming over every compliment you give him and denying them w a sweet lil whine…but the redder his ears flush, the harder he gets <3 so much of his behavior just screams wanting to be babied and doted on and cooed over, so once he feels safe enough to let go around you like that, he’d absolutely melt into the cutest, giddiest mess imaginable
pink hair!! and during pisces season too…no wonder ur power has been at an all time high lately hehe did you get it split dyed? and you know this blog is always one step away from becoming astrology focused lmaoo let’s see if my luck has run out 🫢 for ur rising sign…i’ll go w sagittarius! or maybe libra?
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peachysunrize · 2 months
I've got so many books in mind but I'll just give you a good couple that I love and are part of the genres you listed as well <33
I really love Chris Carter's books. He has a series with a detective called Robert Hunter, they're mostly psychological crime thrillers, and honestly, his books had me gripped. There's about 13 so far, I think.
This one isn't mainly romance but there is a sweet romance in it, it's called as long as the lemon trees grow, but it is quite heavy so I'd suggest reading the trigger warnings beforehand. But I absolutely loved it !!
I'll never not recommend it but A Thousand Splendid Sun's and The Kite Runner, all time favourites, and the more I reread ATSS the more beauty and sadness I find in it.
Circe by Madeline Miller will always have a special place in my heart, it's just beautiful prose and bittersweet.
Song of Achilles (by Miller too but I preferred circe)
Silence of The Girls is another really good one.
The series is more YA but the Folk of the Air series is really good, I think it actually deserves the hype it has, it's fantastic.
The Poppy War Series by R.F. Kuang, again I'd recommend reading the trigger warnings beforehand but it's simply superb and the MC is mind-blowing it's crazy.
I've heard good things about the silent patient, and it's literally sat on my shelf waiting for me to read it lmao.
Animal Farm by Orwell is short, but it's a very contemplative piece and I love it so much, really thought provoking.
Purple Hibiscus, again it's like ATSS and I love Adichie so much, beautiful book
The once upon a broken heart series I loved but the MMC is originally from a series called Caraval and tbh I preferred the OUABH series so so much more. I'd say to read the caraval series just so you have that background but yeah
I recently bought a book called 'Perfume, the story of a murderer' and it looks really interesting
The Mountains Sing, Pachinko, Fahrenheit 451, The God of Small Things, The Book Thief, The Secret History, Serpents and the Wings of Night, Heartless, a good girls guide to murder, daughter of the Moon Goddess, and lastly, one for my enemy
Those are the ones that came to mind, and chances are you've might have read or heard of most of them tbh but yeahh if you're into crime and thriller chris Carter would be my main one.
Hope i managed to be of some use, and i hope you have a lovely day too <33
OMG THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!! I’ll definitely order these😩😩😩😩
I WAS ACTUALLY SEARCHING FOR CIRCE IN THE BOOKSTORE BUT I COULDNT FIND IT😭😭😭😭😭 I’m sooooooooo excited to get my hands on this book asa
I HOPE YOU HAVE A VERY VERY LOVELY DAY TOO!!! Thank you, I’m a fast reader so I’ll get to these books quickly!!🥹🩷🩷
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whatislovevavy · 2 years
Back again already with another scenario, I'm alternating between my accounts lmao. How would Jake react if someone started flirting with Mustang? Maybe one of the guys, because they don't know they're together yet?
I just love imagining Jake all territorial and childish, because someone's flirting with his girl, but he can't say it's his girl, because she's not ready to tell people yet.
Ok so I've also thought about incorporating this into the story as well lol but yes this is a very tantalizing thought.
Ok, ok, ok. This is kinda just a scenario that's been playing through my mind the past couple days. Tbh I can see it happening with a stranger or another member of the dagger squad. Hopefully, the muses let it satisfy:
It was a night of celebration. Everyone had come home safe and sound from the mission and Penny had opened the hard deck for Navy personnel only.
You got out your favorite sundress you packed for San Diego: a black soft fabric with lush pink roses gracing the fabric. You had forgone a bra and something special for Jake: your favorite pair of lacy soft pink panties.
From your knowledge, no one else on base knew about your relationship with Jake, with the exception of Rooster, Phoenix, Halo and possibly Coyote.
You both agreed to keep it on the down low until you both found a good time to break the news.
You'd been conversing with Halo as you watched Phoenix and Rooster go against Jake and Coyote in a few rounds of pool, the loser having to pay for the winners drinks.
Jake sent you a wink as he called the pocket and shot the 8-ball in, "and that's game."
Rooster and Phoenix's groans made you chuckle, as Jake sent you a smile as he went to the bar top to retrieve his and Coyote's winnings, as well as a treat for you.
"I'll be right back," you said to Phoenix as you made your way to the jukebox, while Halo went to talk with Harvard and Fritz at the dart boards.
As you looked through the disc collection for a Fleetwood Mac song, you missed hearing Yale approach you, lightly tapping you on the shoulder.
You jumped a bit, "oh hi, Yale, how's it going?"
"not so bad, can I get you a drink ?"
"sure, a beer would be great," you smiled softly going back to finding Rhiannon on the jukebox disc collection and pressing play.
As Yale returned, you only assumed he was being friendly. Those thoughts went down the drain as he complimented your sundress, his gaze focusing from where it cuts off around your knee to your framed breasts to your eyes.
You continued to make light conversation, playing the oblivious card.
"Hey, where's Mustang?" Jake asked when he returned to the pool table with two beers and a pina colada.
Phoenix only chuckled, as Rooster pursed his lips and pointed to where Yale was leaning into your personal space, not caging you in, but definitely too close for his comfort.
Jake's jaw tensed, furrowing his brows as his grip tightened on the glass of pineapple juice and rum as he watched Yale lean against the juke box more. Truth is, he couldn't blame Yale. You were as pretty as a peach and sweet like one too. He didn't know that you were very much taken, you both wanted to keep your relationship a secret for a bit longer. It made it more special and exciting.
But if more people on base kept flirting with you, he wouldn't last another day without having to fight or fuck you in front of someone, which ever came first
Rooster, Phoenix and Coyote only chuckled at his expression. It was that of a petulant teenager. A whipped petulant teenager.
"Bagman, you're gonna have to deal with more of this if you and Mustang don't make yourselves official soon." Phoenix playfully said as she took a sip of her beer.
"Ya know, I could say the same for you two." He snipped back, as Rooster choked on his beer and Phoenix shot him a glare.
Jake took a seat, but his eyes didn't leave your form. This sundress had to be his favorite and it didn't help that when you bent over, your dress left very little to the imagination. He knew you could handle yourself and-
Your laugh had simmered down and you were about to excuse yourself back to the pool tables when you felt Yale push a strand of hair out of your face as he smiled, "you know Mustang, since we're gonna be in Cali for a while would you wanna go out sometime ?"
"Yale, I really appreciate the offer and you're very nice but im-"
You heard a chair screech against the wooden floor as you saw Jake storm towards you and Yale in purposeful strides, jaw tense and eyes piercing.
"Hey community college, you mind if I steal Mustang for a few? Thanks." He said, not even looking at him.
"Jake, what are- put me down!"
Jake slung you over his shoulder, making strides towards who knows where, lightly smacking your ass to quell your protests, making your face burn bright red.
You couldn't believe he was doing this in front of your teammates and colleagues. How were you going to face them when Monday rolled around ? You looked up, seeing Halo and Phoenix's shocked but amused features, Rooster's and Yale's speechless face and the rest of the dagger squad's bewildered expressions. Luckily it was still loud and most people weren't paying attention, but still. You even heard a few whoops and cheers of encouragement.
You heard Jake push through the men's room door placing you down on the sink edge, checking to make sure the stalls were empty before locking the door.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him, his piercing eyes, straight domineering posture, the way his biceps flexed subtly as his hands flexed at his sides.
"Jake, I-"
He brought his lips to yours, growling, stealing the breath from your lungs.
"Princess, I'm gonna fuck you so hard that when I'm done everyone here is gonna know you're mine."
That was how everyone at the Hard Deck that night learned that you were Hangman's girl and the full range of sounds he brought out of you. And how the dagger squad pieced together that you were Hangman's special lady friend and you both were responsible for the uprooted felt on the base pool table. And how you got your favorite pair of panties ripped and "stolen" from you. And, lastly, how poor Yale found out that he wouldn't get that date with you, but you'd be sure to send him Halo's way.
So um yeah this is what I got tbh, hopefully it suffices. I feel the muses have served me well lol. Enjoy <3
Feel free to send an ask, my inbox is always open :)
Parts 1-4 of Mustang are up and more are on the way :)
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