#xmen the official game
flojocabron · 1 year
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Mutation may be the key to evolution. But something went wrong here.
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devileaterjaek · 5 months
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kedreeva · 1 year
in a fit of 'fuck I really need to clear the back steps because people will be using them heavily tomorrow' I moved all the crap that's just been sitting on the steps and then went to clean out the cubby across from the door and as I was pulling a plastic bag bag from the depths, it crumbled to flakes in my hands from old age, spilling 15 signed Magic the Gathering cards, 3 ancient MTG comics, an "official encyclopedia" of over 2000 cards w/ pics of all, and a box of extremely random other playing cards, including 2 decks from a Star Wars card game, 1 deck from a Star Trek cardgame, cards from some kind of xmen card game, one card from an apparent doctor who card game, a neopets card game, and several others I don't even have names for or recognize at all. Stuffed inside the encyclopedia is a yellow piece of notebook paper from 20+ years ago, written in my mother's script, listing cards and prices.
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ayosdesignz-blog · 1 year
Hey so about fictional newyork?
All the mutants, mutates, freaks, geeks, sneaks, and geniuses seem to congregate this big small area without really overlaping all that much even when the characters are owned by the same company.
And that's just not fun enough.
Please keep in mind that I had no access to comics as a child. l have not had the opportunity yet to get my hands on comics now to gorge myself on and am MOST familiar with the old 80s/90s cartoons/shows and subsequent movies.
I am aware that the marvel movies are having heros occupy the same space in cinema. I'm aware of the spiderverse and even got to watch the 1st movie. I'm even aware that in more recent years (I think?) There was an official animated movie special that had Batman and the teenage mutant ninja turtles working together.
But I have yet to hear of any such thing for the TMNT meeting Spider-Man. And that's just wasted opportunity in my opinion.
So I wanted to ask my fellow fanfic readers (and fanfic writers if you see this)
Can ya recommend me a cool Spideypool fic that has the fantastic four, avengers, x -men acknowledged to exist and interact as friends. Team red being a thing and Spider-Man being one of the few to know the TMNT are real and works with them periodically as well as learned additional fighting skills from them with them helping to train his spidey sense some with their ninja skills. And Spidey in turn has 4 additional hero friends he can be himself with and they know who he is(who they gonna tell? Plus they keep distant surveillance on his loved ones for him) and were even introduced to his loved ones as a safety measure. Everyone likes Aunt May, Mikey especially likes the treats and trinkets she always has on hand to give them when they secretly visit her when Peter is too busy to so she isn't too lonely.
I basically wanna read a fic where Spider-Man grew into his heroism with 4 ninja turtle friends no one knew about. As an adult he managed to make his own punloving team in team red. Has worked to slowly introduce TMNT to other accepting allies/friends of his he thinks will mix well.
And while the xmen have a snooty gate keeping model of "mutates aren't real mutants" they're still nice in general and Kurt/Nightkrawler becomes their newest bestie while Master Splinter and Beast and the Thing are tea drinking buddies.
Deadpool meanwhile has been long gaming it to try to wife up Spidey even while accepting whatever he can get. And loses his shit once he's finally introduced to the TMNT because he'd hope they were real but didn't expect them to be for some reason. He's always wanting to spar with them for fun. And lightly flirts of course.
Team red and TMNT spar and the turtles use the spiderman and daredevil's senses as a game to increase stealth whereas the other 2 use it to increase their awareness. Deadpool tends to switch sides in the game.
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boardgametoday · 1 year
Adepticon 2023: Atomic Mass Games reveals new X-Men, Black Panther, and more!
Adepticon 2023: Atomic Mass Games reveals new X-Men, Black Panther, and more! #xmen #blackpanther #amg #marvel #marvelcrisisprotocol #adepticon
At Adepticon 2023, Atomic Mass Games revealed a lot of what’s coming for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. There were quite a few surprises as well as a lot of characters that players had hoped for. Photos are from the Marvel: Crisis Protocol Facebook group and we’ll update as official images are released. X-Men The X-Men have a bit of old and new with multiple releases and varied characters. Mainly…
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Today’s character of the day is: Beast aka Dr. Hank McCoy from the X-Men series
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miloscat · 3 years
[Review] X-Men: The Official Game (DS)
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Working my way down the versions, let’s compare the dual-screen tie-in game for the third X-Men film.
Developed by Amaze Entertainment, this doesn’t try to replicate the experience of the console game. It’s pretty much a middle ground between the former and the GBA version by WayForward. Amaze was also responsible for Spyro: Shadow Legacy and the first two Legend of Spyro games on DS, and this is quite similar to their version of A New Beginning, in that you fight through short action stages from a vaguely isometric perspective.
As a DS game, X:TOG makes novel use of the touchscreen for the characters’ powers. This time around, the playable characters include Nightcrawler (always solo), as well as Wolverine, Iceman, and uniquely for this version, Magneto (most levels feature a combination of these guys). You move fairly slowly with the D-pad, swap characters with L, and tap to attack baddies. For Kurt and Logan this means automatic melee swipes when they’re in range, and Bobby fires ice blasts at range (with some enemies being immune to either, hence swapping around). Erik has the unique ability to move things around by dragging them with the stylus, which must have been the big idea behind his inclusion and the control scheme itself.
You also have a powered up mode, activated (often accidentally) by tapping your character. You’d think Kurt could shift around by tapping elsewhere, but no I guess that would break the level design. Instead he enters the demon realm or whatever they call it, which stops enemies and the timer. Logan heals, Bobby has more powerful shots, and Erik can move bigger things. For the most part it’s just a way to get past a blockage or to balance health recovery, and isn’t too exciting.
The main problem is it mostly feels sluggish and janky. They try to vary up the enemy types and environments a bit but it just doesn’t feel great to play. In between levels you sometimes get a very brief motion comic-style cutscene, but there’s no voices anywhere, and most of the exposition is delivered by text dialogue before and after levels.
This is actually the one strength of the game (beyond Magneto’s technically novel controls): the frequent dialogue lets them explore the setting of this interquel story a bit deeper. You get Xavier directing the different teams remotely, discussion of Silver Samurai’s motives and character, and the banter between characters is especially fun with the begrudging allies. There’s also a greater focus on themes that come up in these mutant stories like human-mutant relations, the public image of mutants and the dichotomy of extremism and striving for tolerance, as well as the Sentinels’ social role in the conflict.
As for the plot, it’s truncated from the console version but differently to the GBA version’s choices. Sentinels are introduced in the opening cutscene as a current threat to mutantkind, with Kitty momentarily seen escaping one. Alkali Lake and both Strykers are skipped entirely, with Silver Samurai and Hydra positioned more prominently as antagonists. Logan starts the game in Japan pursuing Deathstrike, and then as with the console game the action moves to Hong Kong to infiltrate the Master Mould, while Kurt deals with side problems of Hydra stirring up anti-mutant sentiments and violence with terrorist acts in the US. There’s no other characters on either side, which does make the world feel smaller but on the other hand it’s more focused, I suppose.
With 40 short stages it doesn’t take too long to beat the game. The extra modes of survival (play through stages back-to-back with one life) and boss rush aren’t worth it, but score attack will let you replay a level without dialogue. Each stage has a strict score goal, judged on time, enemies defeated, and point pickups found, and if you clear that you earn a permanent slight boost to either health or mutant energy, which can help as the game progresses. My advice: don’t try for 100% if you prefer your hair not torn out.
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prozdvoices · 3 years
time to play X-MEN: THE OFFICIAL GAME on ProZD Plays Games, y'know....based on everyone's favorite movie....the third one.....
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xmenwickedgame · 5 years
//okay sooooooo I know this is completely out of left field but after tonight’s Legion episode I remembered how fucking smooth and classy Oliver Bird is. Then I remembered he’s a telepath. And I got to thinking...
...would it be totally crazy and implausible if I threw out the headcanon that a version of Oliver Bird is the actual biological father of at least my Charles/X...? It falls in line with my interpretation of Brian and Sharon’s marriage...
Seriously guys watch the rap battle and tell me that wouldn’t be a groovy headcanon~
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#anyway its official my favorite genre is 'books that are wildly different than what the author meant to write'
My Top Posts in 2021
I still can’t believe LB described Aleksander Morozova’s backstory as a “shitty childhood” in that tik tok thing.
You know, just a regular shitty childhood where you and your immortal mother are constantly on the run, you mum told you never to let anyone touch you, your friends tried to murder you and wear your bones, people like you are hunted, kidnapped, and killed just for existing, you know a shitty childhood just like any other shitty childhood in the world.
I can’t take her seriously at this point because she clearly doesn’t even know what is in her books.
189 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 06:37:33 GMT
The fact that Aleksander only ever thought of the Sun Summoner as his equal, his balance, and his eternal partner says a lot about the kind of person he is.
Because you have this all powerful immortal dark prince who is basically going to bed everyday dreaming about his forever partner and I honestly think that’s very beautiful of him. It could have been easy for him to spend centuries thinking about the Sun Summoner as a threat that needs to be gotten rid off because as far as I know, evil villains generally don’t like the idea of having anyone around who is as powerful as they are. They certainly don’t spend time constantly encouraging them to embrace their power.
Darkles and Sparkles deserve to be end game so much, and they deserve to have all the love and epic soulmate romance things they want forever, and I will never not be salty about it.
230 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 07:49:01 GMT
If LB wanted The Darkling to be pure evil, there are literally a lot of things she could have done. But giving him a sympathetic backstory that is actually a legitimate reason for him to turn out the way he did was definitely not the way to do it. If she wanted pure evil, she could’ve given him a backstory that’s just a ridiculous sob story, not “for hundreds of years my people have been hunted and killed because of prejudice and no one did anything about it until I had enough power to.” Do you even realize how easy it is to get people to be on your side when what you want more than anything is for your people to be safe from harm?? That’s literally why we don’t get mad at heroes for killing people, it’s because we know they are protecting vulnerable people.
I’ve seen people say The Darkling is like Magneto (re: his fight against what was happening to mutants), and while that comes close, I think The Darkling is even more sympathetic because at least the XMen had the good sense to have Charles Xavier there to provide a more humane/viable alternative to Magneto’s solutions, and we got to see the difference between their methods. But, in the Grishaverse, we have a monarchy in Ravka that only sees the Grisha as useful for war but also doesn’t let them own property, we have a heroine who doesn’t seem to care about anything except meadows and her childhood crush, we have the entire country of Ravka that seems to only like dead Grisha because “new saint to build a cult over,” then we have the only person who seems to prioritize the protection of these people who have no one and we’re supposed to care that he’s ruthless with anyone he perceives as a threat to his people? When you haven’t given us a viable alternative to his methods? To make matters even worse, he’s not even imagining these threats, he is literally reacting to their aggression, e.g Fjerdans come for Alina, he uses the cut, Zlatan sends an assassin to infiltrate his secure building and kill Alina, but ends up killing another Grisha under his care, he kills the assassin and does Novikribirsk, etc.
This is not a justification of his ruthless methods of punishment for those who are threats to him and his people, this is a “you cannot expect me to focus entirely on his methods when he’s literally the only reason why his people have any semblance of protection” rant. The heroine who we think is going to save the day is basically dragged through her character development and all her progress is destroyed very quickly because of this ridiculous need to pretend that the underdog is always right (Mal, power is evil, blah blah blah).
Somehow, we’re supposed to just be ok with the fact that a group of people who haven’t exactly showed that they care about Grisha suffering are going to save them from prosecution? I mean, let’s not forget that this group includes: Mal who we already know is prejudiced against Grisha, Alina who *sigh* so much potential wasted there, Nikolai who I have decided exists for comic relief because I will not be convinced that a “maybe prince who is also a Jack sparrow type pirate should be king of a country with very complex social and political situations.” Like, I’m looking at this group of supposed saviors and honestly, I would rather take my chances with the 500 year old extremely powerful Grisha who scares everyone. Let’s not even forget that we’re somehow supposed to consider Baghra one of the good guys for “warning Alina,” even though 2 episodes later, we basically see that Baghra doesn’t exactly care about the survival of the Grisha.
Give people a truly evil villain and we will act accordingly. Don’t give us a Magneto type villain with legitimate points and then expect us to treat him like Voldermot or something. You can even decide to not understand Magneto because hello, we are given real alternatives to his problem solving skills right away. But with The Darkling it’s just “he’s pure evil because I said so, but like also this is how he got here, but also he’s super evil, but like do you understand where he’s coming from? but also he’s super evil even though he has points.” That’s not a villain dear, that’s a good person doing bad things and needs to be shown a better way.
You can’t give me an antagonist with a compelling, truly tragic backstory and then be like “now that you understand why and how this character ended up in this dark place and you can see that all this was probably avoidable if so and so did/didn’t happen, let’s totally blow up their life because so what if they’ve deeply suffered?” Especially when there’s a path to redemption right there in the protagonist who you have made sure to establish has a deep bond/connection with this person.
You want to write pure evil? Give me a character that has no remorse, no capacity to care for anyone or anything else, no reason for his cruelty, etc. Don’t give me guy who uses his power to keep his people safe and then falls in love with his soulmate so deeply he can’t stop looking at her and holding her hand in front of the whole country.
Also, can we like actually address the issue that got Nina kidnapped, made the Darkling who he is, and forces all Grisha to basically only have one life plan?
It would be so much easier to believe that The Darkling is a villain if there was an actual alternative to him, but there isn’t.
And btw, in this age of social justice, the fact that LB didn’t think people will see the value in a person from a marginalized community doing whatever is necessary to free his people from oppression is just LOL.
Ok, incoherent rant over.
233 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 01:26:29 GMT
The level of internalized misogyny it takes to look at Mal and be like “yeah, that’s the kinda guy women should want” is insane.
Mal is like a character from a bygone era, the era of films/shows where the female character’s only purpose was to get the guy to notice her. Like, I can’t count how many films or tv shows have that shitty “girl pines endlessly for guy she’s known forever who doesn’t notice her, then she transforms into someone ‘special’ and suddenly guy who has never noticed her pining suddenly sees it and gets possessive, and they live happily ever after” 🤮 story. That’s basically Mal.
Mal as he exists in the Grishaverse is a toxic fuckboy who feels entitled to Alina because she’s suddenly special. She has been his “best friend” since they were children, yet he has ignored her feelings for ages. He has also ignored their friendship for years, and yet I’m supposed to be happy that he suddenly likes her now that she’s getting attention from the rest of the world? He even had the balls to be resentful of her powers, the fact that she was thriving without him, just like his fellow fuckboys would do, and yet LB and self righteous antis on the internet want me to root for this guy? Let’s not forget the giant red flag that is his disdain for Grisha and their powers.
If your ‘friend’ has been taking your relationship for granted for years and they suddenly start to be extra attentive/possessive/resentful when you become famous and powerful and start hanging out with other famous and powerful people, they are literally not good friends.
If the guy you’ve have been pining for forever only starts to notice you when a better guy starts to notice you, and then chooses to shame you about your relationship with the other guy, slap him. That’s literally the only option. Slap him to make sure he’s listening when you tell him to fuck off.
Anyway, Mal is shit for so many reasons, but the ultimate one for me is that he’s the kinda supreme fuckboy that wants to be the center of your universe without actually doing anything to deserve that. That’s basically what he does to Alina in TGT. He tells her she’s “just Alina” and then we the audience have to suffer through Alina the Sun Summoner spending her entire journey trying to be “just Alina.” Then she accomplishes nothing, kills her soulmate, makes her country/people (Grisha) worse, looses her powers, and fully becomes “just Alina.” 🙄
Again, I want to know what LB expected the young women she’s so concerned about to learn from this. You know, us young women she’s protecting from falling for 500 year old immortal men with sharp jawlines.
296 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 01:38:49 GMT
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t actually need Aleksander Morozova to become an “good” guy because of Alina. Morally grey at best or willing to consider the consequences of his actions more, that’s the best we can get from Aleksander because:
1. He’s at least 500 years old. Try changing a regular human older person, tell me how that works out for you. I sure as hell haven’t succeeded with my 64 year old dad.
2. He doesn’t need to. Yes he got more ruthless over the years because all of his pain and suffering made him jaded AF. But he managed to maintain his love for his people, his need to protect them no matter what, the ability to be a tough but fair leader to his people, his love for Ravka, and the ability to fall in love so deeply. He may have gotten ruthless over the years, but it was a ruthless that came from being in survival mode for centuries. That’s something Alina could have controlled because she’s literally the only one that can.
3. Alina is super morally grey and does not need a pure guy as a love interest. She’s an incredibly powerful immortal, what she needs is an equal. Because she’s still growing into her power and immortality and will definitely make a mistake at some point, Alina needed a partner that was just as powerful, and honestly more experienced. Someone who understands her exact unique situation, someone who won’t shame her for changing, someone who can recognize the dark parts of her and won’t judge her for them, someone who won’t make her feel like her power is an evil thing. Someone who actually wants her to discover the full extent of her power and learn to control it. Someone who can challenge her. My Sun Queen deserved a powerful, hot, judgement free partner that would literally worship the ground she walked on, but LB said no.
Alina and Aleksander don’t actually need to completely change who they are to be together, they just need to do what we all do when we’re in relationships, figure shit out together. And I can’t think of two people more destined to be together, than these two people who perfectly compliment/complete each other.
324 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 06:43:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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devileaterjaek · 5 months
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3naU3Cx #
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From now until this coming Saturday, PC players can claim the seminal Far Cry 3 for free, courtesy of a giveaway from Ubisoft. Developed by Ubisoft Montréal, the crew behind Splinter Cell and Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3 hit stores in late 2012 for PC and seventh-generation consoles. The dynamic open-world gameplay, exploration, and Heart of Darkness-inspired story captivated millions of players, yet the villainous Vaas is what keeps the title in the conversation nearly a decade later.
Actor Michael Mando, now known for Orphan Black and Better Call Saul, brought Vaas to life, essentially drafting the blueprint for Far Cry villains that would follow in his stead. Far Cry 4 dropped players into the world of the eccentric Pagan Min, played by Troy Baker. Greg Bryk took lead as Far Cry 5’s Joseph Seed, a David Koresh-like cult leader whose charisma proved equal parts fascinating and unsettling. The brand’s sixth mainline entry arrives this fall, complete with a tyrannical antagonist, Antón Castillo, played by Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad fame. In preparation for the next adventure, some players may want to revisit the franchise’s inflection point.
Related: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Classic Edition Rated For PS5 & Xbox Series X/S
By visiting the “Giveaway” page on Ubisoft‘s official website, Ubisoft Connect PC players can download free access to Far Cry 3. This deal for the open-world first-person adventure will last from today, September 7, through September 11 at 1:30 AM local time. Those who don’t already have a Ubisoft Connect account need only to register should they choose to take advantage of the limited-time free offer.
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This free offer arguably couldn’t have gone live at a better time, considering the impending rollout of Far Cry 6. Like Far Cry 3 before it, the sixth mainline installment takes place in a tropical environment, though the franchise’s newest setting obviously took cues from real-world Cuba.
Far Cry 3 placed players in the role of Jason Brody, a young man vacationing in the fictional Rook Islands with his brother, girlfriend, and a small group of friends. What starts as a fun trip quickly morphs into a twisted game of survival for Jason and his loved ones. By the end of it all, Jason stands transformed, a new man whose fate rests in the hands of a deceptively simple player-based decision.
Next: 10 Awesome Tattoos Inspired By Far Cry 3
Ubisoft‘s Far Cry 3 is playable now across on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.
Source: Ubisoft
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alright--ki · 6 years
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macgyvertape · 3 years
shadow & bone s1 thoughts
Overall I really enjoyed the show, the people who told me I'd really enjoy Kaz's character and to thirst watch for Ben Barnes playing a villain were 100% right.
Books are definately on my to read list, and I want to read them before I really interact with the fandom beyong gifsets and memes. I know theres a lot of wider context and changes from the books. 
I kinda feel like how people who weren't familiar with Witcher books/games and saw Netflix first had very different takes from the previous works just becuase the Netflix show was just different in tone & different in content also I was drinking for the first 4 eps so most of my takes are about things that really stood out to me or just salt
“There are a lot of characters I find really interesting in S&B, but im really enjoying this guy who runs a train through the darkness death zone and set up a whole timing system and way to drift between tracks"
"Imo "competence is sexy" and the ep4 heist was some good shit. Inej, Kaz, and Jasper are really stealing the show from the darkling"
drunk me was right, really they stole the show
also i got the impression that if this wasn’t a pg13 rated show Kaz would absolutely be willing to do some Peaky Binders level shit
can't wait for the cosplays, how does Inej's coat/cloak work? it has sleeves but a lot of confusing layers
seriously how do Alina and Mal not realize that people have incentive to fuck with their mail and keep them isolated
"Lmao no wonder train guy had a train that could run through the darkness zone. I got so caught up with how cool trains are I didn't see the twist"
looking over my notes while writing this post I had wonder how the track and marker posts had been laid as that would be a massive infastructure effort in the darkness zone constantly under attack, so it makes sense that there would be some military government backing
"Mattias and Nina storyline I think is the one I'm least interested in. 0 interest. Like the bickering doesn’t come off as romantic, it comes off as this guy is part of a nation that kidnaps civilians then tortures and executes them"
"Previous note was from before witchhunter dude goes "it's not natural for girls to fight" it's as their God wills it. Officially the worst plotline"
seriously I couldn't remember the names of these 2. But like Mattais doesn't even renounce the system he took part in that kindaps, imprisons (in conditions that are torture), then executes people just for having Magic.
like the "banter" these two have is clearly meant to be flirty, but I'm not sure if it's an actor issue that it's just falling flat or the writing feels like its just pushing characters together in romance just cause. Either way i just end up disliking them more
Ok I really like the subtle but meaningful difference between what Bagrha said what happened with the divide vs how it shows playing out in ep7. Like doesn't seem like he was doing it out of lust for power but that the army was hunting all mages down (and killed his wife)"
im sure the books will change my impression of this but I kept getting xmen impressions with the whole Grisha persecution. Like i got the sense that even if the Darkling surrendered the soldier's were going to kill everyone in the building behind him
"Thanks for saving me" says the grisha Stockholm syndrome woman, "what happened to all the other prisoners on the boat, were they not hot enough to get saved?" I wonder"
you can tell i was real salty about these two. Seriously there were other captives on the ship but I guess the captain didn't try to feed or free them
ok the body horror of the bone collar is awful. Well done makeup team its visceral and personal enough that I actually dislike the Darkling for it. Also that the Darkling put 11 year old Genya in that position of abuse, its the closer to real life crimes than bother your than the fantasy murder conquest
The whole back and forth before the raw af line "make me your villian" was good writing. Real palpable sense of what could have been if the Darkling was actually about helping Grisha and not him
been calling him the darkling b/c i couldn't remember how to spell his name, kept thinking he was General "Kerrigan"
ok if those jewels were enough to free Inej how hard would it have been to steal more stuff from the palace, or off the dead foreign dignitaries
as the show is ending, "In the books did Alina ever confess to burning those maps which then got her entire surveying team placed in danger (and that they all died as a result) I kept waiting for it to come up as a "maybe our codepentcy causes problems"
looked this up later - in the books apparently her whole team is assigned straight away. With the maps thing, I thought I thought it was interesting that while Alina and Mal's bond is a source of strength, it's also a flaw
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docholligay · 5 years
For the optional question on the surveys, where I get a ton of enjoyment reading, I asked for all of them “Tell me why you picked what you picked” I loved reading all of them so thank you to those who filled it out, but I’m going to share a few favorites: 
Real talk - I'd love more Bob Ross, but those supplies ain't cheap, either. I may not vote for it in further rounds, because I do not want you to be in financial hurting by trying to provide this for us. (And second real talk - I desperately want to hear you talk about history and formal manners. You make topics come alive in wonderful ways.)
It’s true it is NOT CHEAP, but I do have more of the stuff now so it won’t be QUITE AS MUCH OF A BOMB as last year where we totally lost money on the whole deal ahaha. And thank you! I love history and manners and all of that good goofy stuff. 
Can’t get enough of your writing
There is no way I COULDN'T choose fix/writing day because your writing is phenomenal and I will never pass up an opportunity for more.
I basically kept these because they made me feel good and I wanted an easy place to get to them, I am bought cheaply.
I used a random number generator to pick these! (Because every episode of Utena is wonderful when you're talking about it.)
This absolutely delighted me
Deeper... Go deeper. (Seriously though I’d love to see your thoughts on the Nemuro flashbacks now that you’ve finished the show.)
There are so many things I want to revisit in Utena now that I’m finished but I don’t know that anyone would think it was cute for me just to start the anime again ahaha. 
Sailor Moon: 
 I picked pretty much all of the episodes featuring Michiru and Haruka because IM GAY
Idk any of the episodes, I just picked the ones that sounded the most gay
You don't normally do inners-only things (for obvious reasons), but I think there's a lot to dig into in EP 45 and it would be really interesting to hear your take!
I pretty much NEVER do anything before S, because if there aren’t my lesbians why is the show even around, but 45 got through! 
Clocks are stupid. 
L O L 
I am legit shocked you have not seen The Last Unicorn, but it could be that I'm remembering you've read the book instead? I swear I read a post of yours that talked about it…
I swear I haven’t! I’ve seen like 15 minutes of it when Jetty livestreamed it and it was like right at the end so honestly the credits and Jet not being impressed are the only things I know! I have heard great things about the book, and considered picking it up, but never have! 
If I had fuck-you-money, I'd visit every time Ari Aster released a new movie and just goddamn scream about it PLEASE consider the director's cut if possible!!
I am low key obsessed with Ari Aster and approve of you gaining fuck you money. 
Doc talks about class romance YES PLEASE.
You made freaks sound very interesting!
IT WAS SO GOOD. It didn’t get through this round, I imagine because it’s not well known, but it was basically the sort of thing I always wanted Xmen to be, and also it was a very Jewish movie on a number of levels. 
Doctor Who is my favorite show ever, but the original run is just, well, ummmmm.... Great characters, great stories, wow bad effects. I think this would be more fun for you than the New Who eps starting in 200?
I have seen a handful of Doctor Who episodes: The angry baldish one and the inescapable David Tennant. I LOVED Torchwood though, watched it like wild once it was recommended to me, so we’ll see! 
I thought Twilight Zone was nominated! I thought I had nominated it! A great disservice upon us all! I really love reading your commentary on the Haunting of Hill House, even though I haven't watched it. It's just so fascinating, especially the mentions on camera work and the like.
I was a little surprised no one went for TZ either! But not in a bummed way, just a surprised way, everyone seemed to really really enjoy the TZ liveblog last year. Thank you! I LOVED hill house, and it’s such a treat to me to get to liveblog it. 
I need to see you intensely on your shit, and feel that will happen with most of what I picked.
Bc Leverage is the best show in the entire world and it’s so good everyone should watch it
I know almost NOTHING about Leverage except that people want me and Jet both to watch it (And I’m going to have her report back to me when she streams it for Patreon on the 26th, either way) but from what little I know it’s a heist procedural? So I’m sort of surprised people look at it for me, but maybe I have the wrong idea about the show PLEASE NO SPOILERS 
To quote Regalli in your discord: "make someone liveblog A Place Further Than The Universe, I need well-articulated screaming about spite as a motivator and friendship and loss!"
I know nothing about this show but I have to say this was a magnificent pitch and my ears are officially perked. 
Psycho Pass because I really love your non-fiction pieces and the tidbits of morals and ethics that you dole out and I would love to see your take on the morals/ethics of the ending of the series. <--which is 500 years away until I win a liveblog, but that is my goal for next year, to pay patron and get one of those positions!
Thank you! I feel like I see so much shit just because I started running the patreon liveblog contest, which gives people a chance they might not have had. 
I want to see you talk about the murder cupcake forever? Is that a good reason?
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seize-the-droid · 5 years
Hey!! Can you tell me a bit about Charlie Whittaker? Any quotes/songs that you associate with her, her ship (if she has one), anything else you'd be willing to share?? I love xmen ocs and she seems really cool!
Oooooooh boy. Thank you so much! I don’t talk about her often, but I love her.
[ Background ]
Charlie grew up as the quiet type who always kept to herself. She never made a scene or drew attention to herself, especially since she developed her mutation. She knew her country’s track record of views on anything that wasn’t the standard.
Charlie was meant to be the defense to the offense of the original X-Men while fighting Sebastian Shaw in First Class. She was 15 going on 16 when Charles and Erik started recruiting. Since her mutation is not a physical one, she never saw the need to discuss it. So when two grown ass men rolled up to the diner Charlie worked at chatter her up about this team of mutants they were forming, she was shocked.
She was also meant to be a healer (the type where she takes away all of the 'patient's' pain, but feels it herself. But her powers and profession after Cuba might change. I’ve seen a lot of X-Men OC healers and Nurses / Vietnam Nurses, so I’m trying to tweak it). I'm still nailing down her mutation, but either way she was in Cuba.
After Cuba, Charlie kinda changed. She was still very quiet, but she didn’t take as much shit. By the time DOFP comes around, she’s not quiet anymore. She’s tough as hell and living like a single mother who works a full time job.
[ Ship ] 
I was going to ship her with Alex Summers but I decided against it. 
I’m going to be 100% honest here… I have a Josh Helman problem. SO with that being said, Charlie is married to William Stryker (This does not mean I agree with ANY of his actions). They were childhood sweethearts and he knocked her up at 16 and he was 18. It was before he was going into the Army… And they just got BUSY. 
The first couple of years as parents were good. Will convinced his father to let him go to school to become an Officer before officially getting shipped out. He wanted spend a few years with his family before leaving. Charlie was also going to school at this time (because that girl is NOT going to be a stay at home mom. Hell no. She is not going to be a stereotype). But either way they were adorable. 
BONUS HAPPY HEADCANON: Will was an athlete in high school and college. SO all I can picture is Charlie and little baby Jason rooting him on at his games. 
Then Stryker got shipped out. Both of them at this point were really hoping that they were gonna keep being close and happy… But that’s not how it went down. The longer Will was away, the more jaded and hateful he became. The military just tore him down and built him up into whatever intolerable soldier is his today. At this point, he also became obsessed with his work. So whenever he was home, all he did was work. 
Jason being the sweet boy that he was, he absolutely loved his father unconditionally. So he didn’t really notice any differences. But Charlie did and tensions grew in their relationship. 
Let me note that by the time of Days of Future Past, Charlie had NO idea what Stryker was up to and Stryker had no idea that she was a mutant. Even though the man was so dedicated to his work, he refused to talk about it with her. So with that being said, when she does find out about it she is LIVID and does not stand for it.
[ Quotes ]
Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered.
You save everyone, but who saves you?
No one made me. I made me.
She needed a hero so she became one.
Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
[ Songs ]
At Last - Etta James
The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
Fast Car - Tracey Chapman
Zombie - The Cranberries
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright
Tainted Love - Soft Cell
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
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