xmenwickedgame · 3 months
Headcanon: Charles
This applies to all the Wicked Game-based AUs
Just a rehash headcanon since it’s been a while.
None of my Charles muses are paralyzed because the Cuban Missile crisis did not unfold the same way. Charles goes with Erik and the to-be Brotherhood that day: unwilling or not, they were on the same side.
That said, time and age weren’t kind to him: as an older man, he’s still confined to a wheelchair due to severe early onset arthritis in his back and left leg (a break that never healed right turned on him down the road.) I say early because it started, albeit slowly, when he was still a part of the Brotherhood.
Charles can walk, but not well and not without serious pain or support. Why put himself through it unless absolutely necessary?
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xmenwickedgame · 2 months
//fun fact, I’ve always headcanoned Charles as tone deaf because it’s an unexpected contrast to how beautiful and elegant he’s often portrayed as in the fandom. That, and I don’t like the idea that he’s gifted at everything.
Logan on the other hand can sing like it’s nobody’s business but he’s not about to let anyone know that, is he? 😂😏
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xmenwickedgame · 3 years
Headcanon: Charles
This applies to all three versions of him.
Charles will find sooner than later that he’ll need reading glasses. It’s nothing to be terribly concerned about, just part of getting old.
(This entirely because James McAvoy really rocks the look and I want it in these universes😭)
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xmenwickedgame · 3 years
//thinkin’ a lot about Prime!Universe Charles again. I still find it sad and kind of ironic that out of the three main versions of him, this Charles is actually the one that kinda stays depressed and subdued and dies earlier. Especially when I consider doppelganger!Charles started out as deceased in his current timeline🤣 (and he still might die young, depending on the state of his liver.)
You could argue it was a matter of time, that years of smoking finally caught up to Charles!prime...but I think after a little while, he just kinda lost his will to live. It isn’t one thing that triggers a serious spiral, more like he realized (and this is entirely from his POV) that he really was just existing in the wings, and his family would continue going about their lives the same way if he weren’t there.
This isn’t entirely true of course; Raven, James and his family really do love Charles...but as was proven in Second Chances, they didn’t really know or learn how to properly care for him💔and as a result, never properly emphasized how much he meant to them (although I’m sure his grandkids did.)
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
💭 Peter (for Charles, X, Vivian, and Gwen)
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“Peter is a good lad. Honest and sincere, the sort of p-person I think we need in this house. The girls gravitate towards him, like planets around the sun. It’s wonderful, honestly...they all have their share of p-pain to bear, but around Peter, some of it melts away. I’m very thankful for that, and for him. I only wish he could see that. He’s...well...because he, er, c-came from a different sort of upbringing, sometimes I worry he feels a little out of place here.”
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“He’s not bad, you know. For a brother.”
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“Don’t even get me started. The lad’s a pain in the arse. He can’t stand still long enough to have a full bloody conversation, much less keep track of for more than a handful of seconds. That said...he’s not a bad addition to this family. Probably the least threatening out of all of us. Gwen also seems to have a better handle over her abilities around him...so I’ll give him that.”
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“I like him. I always wanted a brother. He’s funny and he’s never too busy to play with me. Oh! Sometimes he’ll sneak me extra snacks, like when I’m sad or didn’t sleep well...but don’t tell Papa. It’s a secret!”
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
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Happy birthday to Charles Francis Lehnsherr (Xavier)
September 27, 1933
My favorite muse, my longest muse, the one whom without which, Wicked Game may not have come to be. He’s been through so much, but he‘s still learning, growing and healing and I love him for that❤️
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
//I hope you all know that from September 1st through New Years, Charles spends most of his free time baking😂😭❤️ how much of course depends on the verse, but if you’re a friend/family, expect many fall and winter goodies for the next foreseeable future~
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
Headcanon: Charles
For the Second Chances storyline
One of Charles’ hobbies is going through his and Erik’s wardrobe and putting together outfits in his head for any and all occasions that might be on the horizon. Or you know, mentally adding this and that until he can go shopping again✨
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
Charles’ b-day thoughts #1:
During his time with the Brotherhood, Charles’ primary concern was to draw as little attention to himself as possible; birthdays and other personal markers fell by the wayside. Instead, he dedicated himself to remembering and celebrating the important dates to Vivian.
One day, when she was about five or six, she surprised him and asked a) if he had a birthday and b) when it was. After an internal debate (and a long pause in which he nearly forgot) he told her. The following year, she surprised him again with a hand-drawn birthday card. It was the only time Charles ever cried in front of her.
He kept every card she made him, hidden safely away, and to this day wishes he’d taken them with him when he left. In the Prime universe especially, as the Ice Queen reserves a special kind of rage towards him now. He knows he deserves it but still...those birthday cards would’ve been a nice memento of the little girl he raised and loved as his own💔
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
Charles’ b-day thoughts #3:
For the Second Chances storyline
I’m fairly certain it was Vivian’s idea you surprise Charles on his birthday that first year, if only because I’m not sure it would cross Charles’ mind to tell Erik. He never developed the habit of making a big deal about himself (he was a flirt and a show off but when it came to personal things, not so much.)
Living at the School for as long as he did, everyone knew his birthday, so he didn’t have to speak up, apart from cake preferences and such.
I can see Vivian glancing at the Calendar on the wall during one visit: maybe she’s looking to see how long she can stay, or when she can come back. Maybe she notices the 27th coming up and pauses because why does that ring a faint bell? And then her memories surface, the cards she surprised Charles with every year, singing happy birthday while he smiled and simultaneously begged her to keep her voice down...
If Erik isn’t in the room she marches off to find him. She’s not a kid anymore and has the power to throw Charles the best birthday she possibly can. With Dadneto’s help of course 😉
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
//it’s international coffee day and I’m sitting here picturing Charles and X at the kitchen table, with Charles gently trying to persuade X to give it up and switch to tea. Charles himself used to be a heavy coffee drinker but since he rarely experiences nightmares, he’s returned to bring a regular tea-drinker.
X is easily wound up, he’s quick to jump to “fight or flight” and his powers are a bit unstable in his new body...a large caffeine intake only hurts😅
I’m sure Charles in part feels responsible for this lowkey addiction, but it’s not all his fault: X came into the tangible world six months after Gwen’s birth...new parents rarely sleep long or well🤣
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
Headcanon: Charles
For all three versions
Charles does not care for winter. He is a small and slender man and so he gets cold very easily. It is not uncommon to see him wearing many layers during this time of year, and/or a blanket like a cloak.
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xmenwickedgame · 5 years
Headcanon: Charles
Charles’ deepest fear is and has always been that he is not good enough for acceptance and love...and that he never will be.
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
//well damn, I just remembered—since I don’t know what his birthdate is in the movie timeline, I decided a long time ago that Charles is a September baby...
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(I realize I could’ve gone with his comic bday but James was born in July so nyeh xD)
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
Lust and Anxiety- Charles and X
For the Second Chances storyline
Charles no longer experiences lust, but as a young man, he’d often get very fidgety: biting his lip, shifting his weight, bright eyes and flushed cheeks that, due to his pale complexion, was usually noticeable. If he were trying to ignore/deny it, he’d start to stutter as well...although he didn’t usually try until he met Erik. After that, Charles and his inability to lie well would usually excuse themselves. You know, before everything went wrong.
X expresses lust similarly to the way Charles used to, but with a lot more cursing (and early on, more embarrassment.) It’s hard being a thirty-year old with a teenager’s libido. However, early on he struggles with both touch and sex anxiety, so it’s a bit of a challenge to work through. Thankfully, the source of his lust is also his husband, and Erik is both patient and infuriatingly responsive 😆 X is technically demisexual, which keeps a lot of that anxiety from resurfacing in later life.
Charles expresses anxiety in different ways. With low-level anxiety, he tends to fidget. Fidgeting is his go-to response. He’ll tug on his sleeves and/or chew on his fingers. He’ll also bite his lip and his stutter increases. He also has trouble making eye contact. With high level anxiety, he’ll start to cry and whimper Erik’s name until his husband picks him up. Thankfully, this doesn’t happen much anymore ;-;
When X is anxious, he experiences different levels of anxiety/panic attacks. He’ll also get more aggressive/short-tempered (at least until he learns to lean on others,) and sometimes revert to his touch-aversive habits. Occasionally, he’ll lose some control of his telepathy. Sometimes, when he’s very overwhelmed or afraid, he’ll also long to cling to Erik, but his difficulty articulating his feelings prevent him from actually saying the words.
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xmenwickedgame · 5 years
//not that I have need for it right now but in case anyone is wondering, my face claim for Charlotte Frances Xavier (and X actually) is Dakota Johnson
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