#xel writer
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year ago
I wanna thank @tumblingxelian, @markzschiegnerii and @marylizabetha for their videos explaining why RWBY is a fun and enjoyable show that is worth watching, or at least giving a chance.
This video is a compilation of their youtube videos which you should give a watch and subscribe. As to why I'm doing this? Because All we're saying is....GIVE RWBY A CHANCE.
You can also hear from the RWBY Fandom themselves at http://www.tumblr.com/iamafanofcartoons/729899953876566016/rwby-fans-talk-about-what-makes-rwby-enjoyable-for
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trust-and-jump · 2 years ago
Timmy, Timmy, stop
Isn't it a nice video? 6 mins.
DC Deep Drive: Tim Drake - Industry Plant by Xel Writer. Almost no comments, sadly. Go watch it, it's about how the writers kinda push Timmy in front of everyone else. A little. Ehe. It was interesting. (sorry for adding the video, tumblr won't let me add just a link)
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autisticrosewilson · 2 months ago
How come you’re a Jason enjoyer while also hating Tim even though he has more consistency when it comes to characterization and also has more comics as robin than Jason. Tim also has more developed relationships with other characters
I’m not trying to just just curious, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to
Buddy my favorite characters are Grant Wilson (died in the 80's, has not been seen or heard from since Rebirth, and even then only in flashbacks) and Talia Al Ghul (hasn't had consistent characterization since the 90's). I could not possibly care less about who has more content.
For me it's just because on a fundamental level I relate to Jason more. I grew up very poor, my mom struggled with addiction, my dad was in and out of jail, cancer runs in my family, and I got adopted at 13. His story is a lot more meaningful to me than some rich kid who only got his start because they retconned everything about Jason. Praising Tim for traits that Jason ALSO HAD but that dc made a solid effort to erase.
I also just find Tim boring for this reason. Xel Writer on YouTube put it really well when he called Tim an industry plant. He was built up on the basis that he's a better Robin than Jason, but not actual Robin Jason, the recklessly angry imaginary version of Jason that's been victim blamed to hell and back. So I really didn't care for him much at all. And it doesn't help whenever he's around characters I like more are downplayed so he can be the smartest special boy in the room. If you have to knock others down so your fav can be on top maybe he's just not that good.
Also Jason has been characterized and deeply affected by the women in his life and his complex relationships to them and his anger about sexual violence in particular is very core to his character vs Tim who right out the gate treated Steph and Tam both pretty badly and he's all around too much like all the reasons I hate Bruce. So.
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konoisms · 1 year ago
oh? what's this? Kono posting art?
Tumblr media
stupid little au... lore dump below !!!
scar owns a cafe, and grian is a guitarist / song writer who performs at his cafe, though it's mostly just guitar covers of other songs. scar thinks he's pretty cool, grian just sees him as a friend.
xelqua is a villain who grew up with the watchers, and is a watcher himself. he always looked up to the villain vex, and wanted to become a villain himself one day, inspired by vex. vex became a hero under the government, and xelqua swore he'd make him his rival. he despises vex now, and vex cannot bring himself to arrest xelqua.
xelqua stumbled into the back of scars cafe while injured one day while running from heros, and scar took it upon himself to take care of him. xelqua and scar ended up becoming quite close, close enough that they both fell in love. scar doesn't care that he's a villain, though he is a little bit afraid of him. (on a late night walk someone made an empty threat to scar, xel shot him.)
vex is a very solo hero, sticking to himself. there has been occasions where he will be told to chase after xelqua and hunt him down, but he always lets him escape, saying he got away too quick, or knocked vex on his feet.
xel will rant to scar about how annoying vex is, and scar will just laugh along, "oh he's so horrible for trying to arrest you, why would anybody want to do that?" and xel has no clue he's.... with vex.
scar doesn't know that xelqua is grian , and grian doesn't know that vex is scar.
when xel is out and anybody can see him, he wears just a simple mask, but he hides the rest of his face with his watched magic as well. when he's with scar, he takes off the mask, only hiding it with watcher magic. he trusts scar, but he knows scar outside of his persona, and doesn't want to ruin what they have. so no face for him (yet, but that's a spoiler 🤫🤫)
when i post about this au i'll tag it with xelvexau !!
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aylish91 · 2 years ago
Ok so you are one of my favorite writers and I've been wanting to request this for awhile but wanted to wait until you aren't bombarded
Can you write a small drabble of either reaper or error or both giving cuddles (or whatever you think they'd give sense error has hephophobia and in some au's reaper kills what he touches) or them just comforting reader
No worries if not, I hope you have an amazing day and your work always makes me smile and I look forward to seeing what you post :)
Aaawe! Thank you so much! It makes me so happy that you like my writing!
I made an Error drabble for you! Somehow cuddles also turned into confessions though, so I hope that's okay. I will have to drag out my Reaper boy after I get the other requests done for ya.
I'm sure he would love to come out and play~ ; )
~ ~ ~
“Hey, Error?”
The only indication your friend had heard you were the huff of air and sideways glance he sent your way.
You were tired. So very very tired. You tried not to lean more into his side.
“Sometimes, when I look at you, I just want... I just want to kiss you. You make living in this dying world worth it.” When all was silent except for the increasing buzz of glitches, you pressed forward to put the metaphorical nail in your coffin.
“I think I love you.”
A choking sound.
You fell asleep to the sound of one of his stuttering crashes. You didn’t want to think about how embarrassing your admission was. You hadn’t even bothered to look at him the whole time you had sleepily drawled your confession. You knew he wouldn’t feel the same, the guy only used this place to vent and hide away for a bit. But, you needed to get it off your chest. Your world was on its last leg and there was no telling if you’d ever get another chance before it all ended.
Perhaps that had been a mistake.
One month, three days.
You hadn’t seen or heard from him for one month and three days.
It hurt, but a part of you was almost glad. It saved you from whatever rejection he was going to come up with. As it was, you doubted it even mattered. Your world had finally given out. The void was calling, and no man was going to stop it from claiming what it was owed.
Everything felt disembodied and heavy as reality disappeared around you. All you could do was close your eyes one last time and sleep, knowing full well there would be no tomorrow to wake up to.
At least near the end, you had someone who made it worth it.
“p-PiX-xeL-L-l !!!”
Warmth was the first thing that you took note of. A pleasant, perfect warmth. The kind that makes you never want to move again because you and the universe had aligned while you’d slept. The next thing you noticed was the rhythmic rise and fall going on beneath you. It was enough to ignore it for a while, but eventually, your confused curiosity got the better of you. Stirring, you opened your eyes and looked around.
Everything was glaringly white as far as the eye could see outside of the little area you were in. Familiar blue strings draped down in droves around you, some connected to little skeleton dolls, while others held glowing cartoonish hearts. Looking down, you found you were sunk into a giant bean bag chair. But that wasn’t all.
Directly beneath you, without your usual blanket barrier, was your missing bone friend. He had you pressed against his chest, one hand on your back while the other rested on your waist. It was the first time in the whole history of your friendship that you had ever had so much of yourself touching him.
Your heart thudded within your chest. Glancing up at his face, you froze.
Error, the Destroyer, stared down at you, yawning then... pulling you... closer...
“Either get up, or stop move-moving, Pixel.”
You were so confused!
Where were the angry glitchy shouts? Where was the gnashing of teeth while he pushed you away? Where were the threats of violence and death or those tight blue strings?
He sighed, looking away. “Don’t think-k-k about it. I only saved you out of bor-ordom.”
Of course! You were alive! Gaping back, emotion squeezed at your chest. 
“You saved-but what about… you said…"
His grip tightened, an annoyed growl rumbling in his chest. “I changed my mind! It’s n-n-not like I LoVe yOu too.”
Oh. Oh!
It all clicked.
Pressing your face back against his chest, you clung to him with the goofiest of grins, your overjoyed laughter muffled by the soft fabric of his sweater. “You dumb stupid bastard.”
“Never change.”
He didn’t seem to know what to say or do with that, quietly letting you finish laughing while he slowly relaxed back into the bean bag. You in turn melted more into him, knowing now he was more than okay with you. 
You wanted to laugh more, maybe even cry as you absorbed all that was him.
Error had other ideas.
After a long while of silence, he took a steadying breath, shakily lifting a hand to slowly run his fingers through your hair. You let him, enjoying the closeness and sensation it left on your scalp. You were glad he seemed more than content with your cuddle pile.
It was enough to almost lull you back to sleep until you caught his soft muttering above you. 
“…You’re… soft.”
It made you giggle again, allowing yourself to snuggle even further into his warmth. “Thank you. I love you too.”
You could feel more than see as a surplus of error symbols formed around him and his face glowed. “I, you-ou-ou! Shut up!”
You only smiled up at him.
Life was going to be quite the adventure from this moment on. 
You couldn’t wait to share it with him.
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smmrofrwby · 8 months ago
The world of RWBY is a unique one. It has so much potential for writers to improve their craft and create unique and amazing stories. Today, we will be sharing the experiences of a few writers in the FNDM, as well as highlight other writers who unfortunately not be with us today. Thank you to SMMR of RWBY for having use, for you all for taking the time to watch, and I hope you enjoy experiencing the amazing creations that all these creators here and you as well have to offer.
Special thanks to Xel Writer, Celtic Phoenix, Judgmental Critter, and Vritzien for sharing their experiences as well as their current and upcoming projects through video. Special thanks to Justabossman, Doomalade, Thornloche, and Arrow118 for sharing their works and future projects to be highlighted here.
Miles Watson: Youtube: @csfwatson
Xel Writer: Youtube: @xelwriter5485
Celtic Phoenix: Youtube: @CelticPhoenix
Judgmental Critter: Youtube: @thejudgmentalcritter6584
Vritzien: Youtube: @Vritzien
Justabossman: Fanfiction.net: fanfiction.net/u/13812110/Justabossman
Doomalade: Archive of Our Own: archiveofourown.org/users/doomalade/pseuds/doomalade
Thornloche: Wattpad: wattpad.com/user/VenomRaptor
Arrow118: Deviantart: deviantart.com/arrow118
RWBYRebuild Commissioned Artwork: deviantart.com/manunuart
To the surprise of no one, the RWBY FNDM has some incredible talent! In RWBY's current hiatus, we wanted to come together to shine a light on these labours of love, and inspire even more! Since the fans are many, the love is a lot and timezones are plenty: instead of a one-off event like RTX, the many events for SMMR of RWBY will take place over a month-long period of time! We’re planning many different kinds of events with the community! Live panels about creative projects, games, video essays, and more! There’s something for everyone!
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3rdlife-musical · 1 year ago
Hello Trafficblr Mod Xels here!
As we all know the current season is on track towards the end and we don’t know how long we have but I wanna post this again!
Applications are still open! Unknown when they will close but it will be slightly after the series end!
Any questions you can DM one of us mods on tumblr!
We are really excited for when this will begin to be worked on!
-Mod Xels
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princess-of-the-corner · 1 year ago
Oh! I actually forgot one fic:
Caught in the Act: by @tumblingxelian (who also makes some pretty good RWBY/DC/anime analysis videos on YouTube under the screen name "Xel Writer"), this fic asks a very simple question: What if Sienna Khan, the ACTUAL leader of the White Fang, learned about what Adam was doing behind her back BEFORE it was too late? Here, she decides to personally investigate his operations in Vale, walks in on two human assassins he employed to try and take out a loyal Faunus (reminder: The entire purpose of the White Fang is to protect Faunus from racist humans), and thus gets to work dismantling Adam's entire operation before he can destroy the entire organization. Canon diverges from there as a three-way war erupts in the streets of Vale. Currently on hiatus, but still a favorite of mine. AO3 link can be found here.
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dextixer · 2 years ago
Oh Dex, you don't get to pull the "I can't be bigoted, stalking, violent trash because I'm more leftist than you are" card.
I'm trans and an ancom and it's no secret that a lot of "ex" gg-ers tried to re-invent themselves.
Funny how it never works for long.
No one outside your diminishing echo chamber believes a word you say.
Actually, that is just wrong. Me being leftist has nothing to do with me not being bigoted. Im simply... Not bigoted. The reason why i point out my leftist "credentials" is to prove through my ACTIONS why you people are fake progressives.
You gave me labels. You are trans and an ancom. Okay. Why should i care? I dont care about your labels (I stopped caring about them during the invasion of Ukraine when people started using the "pacifist" and "anti-imperialist" labels to argue for Russian occupation of Ukraine). I care about actions.
So, let us all recall what YOU anti-RWDE people have done with your actions.
1 - During the RT controversies many of your people came in DEFENCE of RT, people like Lilith Fairen cursed out and attacked people on twitter for criticizing RT and afterwards your anti-RWDE crowd spread Kdins past shitty behaviour. Pointing out her past behaviour is not a problem. But you did so to protect a bigoted company.
2 - Your anti-RWDE crowd has called for people to support RT financially through merch and other such avenues. Showing that you care more for your show and a corporation than its workers.
3 - Multiple anti-RWDE people have been caught using slurs, people like Lilith using ethnic slurs while some of your other people have been caight using the word "ret*rd". One of your people, Darious uses an alt account to spread islamophobic and racist shit to Adel Aka and Vexed Viewer. I dont like their content. But the racist attacks on them come from YOUR crowd
4 - Multiple of your people have been caught faking accusations about others. Canonseeker, a person your anti-RWDE crowd is friendly with for example took issue with me slagging of NAZIS on twitter. Pretending that they were "RWBY fans". I dont know why he stated that Nazis were RWBY fans but you should ask him that.
5- Your anti-RWDE crowd constantly use language or tactics associated with the alt-right. Lilith Fairen often weaponizes an alt right tactic when people call out racism/sexism, to them accuse the accusers of these things. Some of your people freely use the word "degener*te" which is HEAVILY associated with far right ideologies.
6 - Most of your biggest attacks have been against people of colour and sexual minorities. You dont go after chuds. Your MAIN targets are specifically women, people of colour, and those of non-straight sexualities. And that is no coincidence. Hell, quite recently one of your leaders, Lilith straight up made an entire paragraph which just reeked of white saviour syndrome.
7 - It is only from YOUR anti-RWDE crowd that i have gotten shit for supporting Ukraine in their defence against a Russian invasion. No single critic of RWBY has EVER given me shit for that. Only RWBY fans. Why is that?
Need i go on? The reason why i call you fake progressives is not due to the labels you hold. But due to your behaviour. The BEST you can levy in accusations against RWDE people is making shit up.
Xel Writer/Zam/Xelianthought for example is hanging around twitter claiming that the Canonseeker expose document was made with the help of Kiwifarms knowing that its a lie. He wanted to get my Reddit account deleted through false accusations that Lilith wanted to get onto too. Your friend canonseeker is coming up with real life fanfiction about me "controling" RWBY youtubers and r/RWBY mods.
The best you can do are either lies or shouting "YOU ARE SEXIST/RACIST/HOMOPHOBE" with absolutely no proof.
While your, anti-RWDE behaviour has been recorded to be fucking horrible. And none of you ever apologized or even acknowledged the things you have done. None of you have acknowledged or apologized for using slurs. None of you have apologized for defending RT.
You doubled down on that shit.
Also, if you dont care what we say. Why in the fuck do you keep hounding us? Why do i receive nearly daily asks of harassment? Why do you keep talking about us? If nobody believes us or listens to us. Why do you care?
See? Your attacks are so transparent its funny to me. Because in your whole "Nobody cares about you spiel" you reveal just how much of a pain we are to you people. Good.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years ago
4 Positive Youtube videos for those wanting to know why RWBY is a good show!
Credit to @tumblingxelian, @dangerouslydangerousgalaxy @marylizabetha and @yinyangofnevermore
And more to come. Could only post 4 video links at one time.
I’m leaving blaze options on, for those who wish to blaze this.
for those interested in what RWBY Tumblr FNDM thinks of RWBY
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mysticdestiniesarchive · 1 year ago
after a long time of debating and fantasising about this, i'm finally doing it.
welcome to my mystic destinies side blog, my (hopefully successful) attempt at archiving old trivia about the game series as well as breathe new life into the fandom (please i need people to freak out about this near decade old game with).
the old blog for the devs of the game got deleted or something like that, and ever since then i have scoured various tumblr blogs and the wayback machine in order to recover as much of the random trivia and art that was only featured on the old blog. i intend on posting that trivia on this blog as a way to make it easily accessible for any fans of the game series, old or new <3. while i don't know if i managed to recover all the old posts, i have over 200 images worth of posts and art, so it's probably most of it...?
if anyone finds this and wants to request trivia, feel free! i'll mostly be posting the trivia i have however i want, whenever i want, so if i have the trivia you wanna know, i'll post it asap if i get an ask :) if not, then i'll try and answer as best as i can using the info from the games! (i have gone through mystic destinies: serendipity of aeons so many times since 2019, i know it like the back of my hand. echoes... well i'm willing to have a reason to replay and read through it like a hawk!)
i can't find the blogs for the writers, xel and anna (not sure if they still go by those alias but it's what they used on the old studio blog). i'm 99% sure all the art the has been and will be posted on this blog is by @gessoyouknow unless i state otherwise (i'm a little unsure about the initial designs for the characters since it's a different art style, but i haven't seen either of the other devs credited for art).
as a disclaimer: i'm just a fan of the games. i have no relation to the devs of the games, honestly i wasn't even in the fandom until early 2020, and even then i was only ever a lurker. if any of the devs find this and would prefer i take down any posts, then i'm totally fine with that!
i am also aware that there was a bit of controversy surrounding the development of the second game in the series, mystic destinies: echoes. as someone who purchased the game myself and was sad to see it put on hiatus with two routes unfinished, i hope that this blog can help get the devs more support from fans so they know that there are still people excited for it.
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xelsrealm · 2 years ago
amuse bouche
i lay in bed
staring at the ceiling,
the familiar muted, rumbling scrape of the snow plow
forcing its way through the fluffy white layers of my thoughts
piling them off to the side of the road
to be revisited on a warmer, sunnier day.
my attention drifts
to the profoundness of writing
the magic of creation
all birthed from a mundane moment of
the pleasure of
weaving words,
winding wistful wonderings
like spindled thread
into poems
like these,
little flavorful bites of thought
an amuse bouche
for the mind
- xel simone
december 11, 2022 11:34 PM
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frozenearthwife · 3 years ago
How to browse RWBY youtube safely
Install a Youtube channel blocker addon for your browser. Like this one (link).
Once installed, just click the X beside the channel name on youtube and you never have to see that channel again.
(You can export and import your list between devices)
(Sadly it doesn’t work on the Youtube app, only the website)
You can now decide which channels you don't want to see in your recommendations and search results. Remember, blocking a channel doesn't mean the channel itself is objectively bad, nor that you think any of the people behind the channels are bad people. They are just channels you personally are not interested in seeing in your feed.
2) Find something nice to watch! Like:
RWBY Retrospective: Vol. 1 (Wuna !)
The Life Of Ruby Rose (The Amagi)
RWBY Is: Clear In How It Set Up Ironwood's Fall (Xel Writer - Check out the rest of their “RWBY is...” videos too!)
This RWBY Fight Scene is Low Key GENIUS - Monty Oum's Red Masterpiece (Fight Scene Film School)
Let's Figure Out the Planning Behind the RWBY Ice Queendom Anime (Hypeathon - watch their other videos too!)
215 Positive RWBY Youtuber Channels for people to Enjoy RWBY by onesheeptwosheepandachicken
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3rdlife-musical · 1 year ago
Thank you to the people who applied to be Song Writers and Scriptwriters for the musical! We are in the starting to recruit phase for those working on the music and story! Will update everyone here for when we will open auditions and open applications for other parts of the musical!
Any questions you can contact a mod of this blog!
Also Happy New Year!
-Mod Xels
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swapauanon · 1 year ago
First of all, might I recommend THIS video by Xel Writer on YouTube?
But it's worth noting that, reluctant or not, Oscar is still absorbing Ozpin's thoughts and memories.
The one time Ruby was remotely close to being genuine with Oscar, he COMPLETELY missed how much pain she was in, whereas Ruby has to go out of her way to hide her emotions from her friends because of how well she knows them.
There's also the fact that insisting that Oscar knows Ruby better than Yang, who was the one to raise Ruby and has known her since BEFORE Ozpin gave her her unhealthy mindset, is kinda a massive disservice to Yang's character.
Indeed, insisting that this random boy who's only known Ruby for a year (tops) and has barely interacted with her in that time SOMEHOW knows her better than all of her teammates she's known since before this globe-trotting adventure started and has been through Hell with feels...
Kinda like it's just putting down all of Ruby's other relationships just to push her relationship with a guy she is, at most, friendly acquaintances with in canon.
Insisting that only Oscar "knows the REAL Ruby" requires ignoring all of Ruby's other relationships AND every interaction she has ever had with Oscar!
One key part of Oscar's character I feel like the shippers miss: Oscar doesn't actually know Ruby, he's just infatuated with the idealized version of her he has in his head.
In his eyes, she's a hot older woman who has all the answers, and his perception of her might be colored by Ozpin's perception of her as the next Summer.
He's in love with the IDEA of Ruby, but he doesn't actually know her at all.
Ummm first of all I’m not a rosegarden shipper so I don’t really dig very deep into the relationship between oscar and ruby. I think that you do have a point of oscar idolizing ruby, looking up to her and relying on her, but that’s not an oscar-only problem because ruby really feels this pressure from everyone around her, and it’s very important for everyone to put her down from that heroic pedestal.
But I don’t think oscar thinks ruby ‘has all the answers’, like, he’s the first one to question ruby lying to ironwood in v7. Also given how reluctant oscar is to merge with ozpin, could you elaborate on his perception of ruby colored by ozpin? Because even with the ‘simpler soul’, ozpin do think that ruby ‘has her quirks, her faults’. There’s a difference between ‘the perfect flawless hero’ and ‘a hopeful person capable of inspiring others even in the darkest times’ and ruby is the latter, but yes she’s nearly been eaten alive by the ideal hero image until she snaps and breaks out.
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tumblingxelian · 1 year ago
Xel Writer - Channel Trailer
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