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In a land of mythical secrets and mortal feuds, a young martial artist sets out to fulfill a promise to a friend.
Hi guys! Not my usual post but my friend's been working on this manga series for at least a decade (we're high school besties) and she just posted the first chapter! It's still a bit slow cause we're still getting into the worldbuilding but please go show her some love if you can!!
Also, I think there's some sort of monthly new manga contest on this platform so yeah if you could help a girl out with the views! 🥺❤️✨
It features a KICK ASS female character plus a fantasy Ancient China setting PLUS it's got a really good sense of humor AND a 90s-esque art style!!
Did I mention how cool the MC is?!
#where red persimmons fall#wrpf#manga#new manga#sorry in advance cause i won't shut up about this for a LOOONG time#shounen
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I had my second meet today! I did better than last time which was ultimately my goal. I went 7/9 and added 55lbs to my total. My DOTS score went up by nearly 40 points! I set a state deadlift record in my weight class.
I went 3/3 on squats and got a PR at 112.5kg. very happy with my squats today. Another lifter and coach commented on my narrow stance and said she was surprised I make depth but I really have the opposite problem, I tend to squat too deeply since that's what my body wants to do naturally. My knee bugs me sometimes when I'm squatting to depth so sometimes I go a bit lower to reduce the strain on my knee
bench was a struggle, on my first I jumped the rack command so got all reds. Others were saying the judge was too slow to call the rack command but jumping it is ultimately on me. I think i was too in my head for the second attempt because my pause was hot garbage and it was an absolute grind. I got so in my head after that, the pressure really got to me, but everyone was supporting me and giving me a pep talk. I went to the back and sat down and just had to have a serious internal conversation about how i was handling it and telling myself I could do it. And I did! I had a good pause and three white lights! My coach and boyfriend were really hyping me up beforehand and telling me not to get in my head. I was being really negative but I'm glad I could get myself out of the funk. I didn't meet my bench goal of getting 2/3 but I still got a meet PR at 60kg.
And now for what I'm actually good at: deadlifts! I opened with 140kg and smoked it of course. My second attempt was a state record attempt at 147.5 and I got it easily. I let my coach pick all my weights so I didn't know exactly what I was pulling. That helped so much honestly, I couldn't get in my head about it. My third attempt was 155kg which was another state record attempt. I crushed it! Honestly it didn't feel that hard. I probably gripped and ripped it, I always struggle to pull slack when it's heavy because I get nervous. But it went up and that's what matters. Everyone was really nice and told me I did a good job! I'm so happy and proud of myself. I train really hard and consistently and it paid off.
Now I'm looking into the future and trying to decide what my next steps are. I've been thinking I should gain weight to get stronger but I'm not so sure. I was going to try to gain a pound a month to get higher in the 75kg class, but I feel good about my body at this weight so part of me thinks I should try to maintain. I am leaner than I usually am when I eat to satiety.
My coach wants me to compete in his USAPL meet in December but there are issues with that meet, so I don't think it's a good idea. I'm out of town that whole week and I'd have to compete drug tested. I'm open to the idea of competing drug tested and taking Strattera instead of Ritalin for a few days leading up to the meet but I don't think I can compete after being in Chicago all week.
There's a Powerlifting America meet in January that might be a good option. It's also drug tested but I don't think it will be a huge issue to switch meds. So that gives me 20 weeks to train. The other issue there is the weight class difference, I would compete at 69kg at my current state which is 152. so if I maintained weight or gained a couple lbs and water cut I could compete at 69kg and be more competitive. I could say fuck it and compete at the higher weight class. But if I gain weight at a conservative pace until then I would weigh 156ish and could water cut to 152. Lots of options...
Dunno how my coach will feel about me competing in another federation but he doesn't mind rpf I think. I do hear some negativity about the judges in wrpf and I think that affected me today which sucks. It took forever for me to get my rack command and press commands, it was kinda stupid. So that's one reason to maybe switch to a different federation.
Much to consider .. for now I am happy with my performance and feeling really good about myself. I decided I think I'll return to Jeff Nippards powerbuilding series because I enjoyed it so much last time. That means I have to fire Jimmy, but I'll hire him again to prep for my next meet.
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Once You Become Fearless, Life Becomes Limitless 🔥 @ajtjewellery ✖️ 📸 @waynehowlettpl Wearing The King 👑 Of Skull Rings, Arnold Schwarzenegger Regal Skull 💀 💪🏻 💻 Order Now online www.ajtofficial.com or email 📬[email protected] ⠀⠀ #waynehowlett #powerlifting #slaughterhousegym #squat #deadlift #benchpress #wrpf #slaughterhouse #proraw #moscow #bench #powerlifter #wrpfaustralia #пауэрлифтинг #deadlifts #strong #australia #training #worldrawpowerlifting #strongman #russia #Australia #lifestyle #Powerlifting (at Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpa053AhfLm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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848lb @andrey_malanichev @_korotkov_maksim Прошёл Чемпионат Мира WRPF (@wrp_official ) и натолкнул меня на мысль написать пост, который давно хотел. Тяга, техника, ошибки. На примере неудачного подхода Андрея (@andrey_malanichev ), хочу поговорить об ошибках. Так вот, сейчас такая тенденция в пауэрлифтинге, что ради рекордов, судейство становится все мягче и мягче, но это за границей, а не у нас. Это не очень полезно для спорта, особенно, когда начинают считать все подряд, только из-за того, что это рекорд, не только тягу, но и присед тоже, за границей, порой, считают просто ужасно, а приседания , ощущение, что вообще там забыли как приседать в угол, мое мнение. "Подныривают" коленями под гриф, тащят по бедрам, не вставляют колени, полностью не выпрямляются и все это очень часто засчитывают. Но как я писал выше, скорее всего, Андрею, заграницей засчитали бы такую тягу. Но тут, если присмотреться, видно, что он не до конца выпрямился, а причина этому, по-моему мнению, плоская подошва. Как я уже писал это в своих постах. Если подать корпус еще назад, то потеряешь равновесие сместив вес на пятки и чтобы устоять, придется просадить немного колени, что, в свою очередь, тоже будет не засчитано. Что делать и как быть в этой ситуации? Когда строгое судейство и надо полностью выпрямиться с полностью включенными коленями? Выход - небольшой каблук. Если у вас есть проблемы с фиксацией в финале, в классической тяги. Пробуйте обувь с каблуком. P.s Этот совет только для классической тяги, а для тяги сумо - непременим! Что думаете?Passed the world championship WRPF (@wrp_official ) and gave me the idea to write a post that has long wanted. Traction, technique, mistakes. On the example of the failed approach of Andrew (@andrey_malanichev ), I want to talk about mistakes. So, now this trend in powerlifting, for the sake of records, refereeing is becoming softer and softer, but it is abroad, not here. It's not very good for the sport,⤵⤵⤵⤵ #info_korotkov #info_korotkov_squat #pro #powerlifting #korotkovmaksim #maipower #maipowerteam #coach #coachpowerlifting #worldclass #animal #тренерпауэрлифтинг #тренер #пауэрлифтинг #wrpf #raw #q #strong @mai_powe https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8ExmxAHhb/?igshid=1c8pyrp5wmgpo
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29 октября в Ульяновске проходил ежегодный чемпионат Федерации WRPF по пауэрлифтингу и отдельным движениям💪 На турнире принимали участие спортсмены из 8 регионов страны. 3 месяца потел, и вот результат😎 кандидат в мастера спорта!!! Спасибо моему тренеру @semshchikov_igor 🤝 дальше выше💪 МС, МСМК 💪 #мотивация #wrpf #кмс #спортивныйульяновск (at Ulyanovsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbhIEMs2y9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Do túnel do tempo irei postar alguma memorabilia e recordações. Espero que gostem, e lhes tragam boas lembranças #wrpf #rpg (em Curitiba, Paraná) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4VJ9KTB9PT/?igshid=10us85h7mq1hf
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Multi Level Pick Tower, aprovecha el espacio de la bodega y aumenta la eficiencia del proceso de picking en unidades reduciendo el recorrido del gestionador y así disminuyendo el tiempo de culminación de las ordenes de transporte.
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Обо мне:
МСМК по пауэрлифтингу WRPF/НАП
Элита по жиму, элита по становой тяге
МСМК по стритлифтингу
Персональный тренер
Привыкла к поддержке единомышленников в Инстаграмм. Мы болели друг за друга. Давали советы. Делились переживаниями. Сочувствовали. Радовались. Вместе смеялись.
Время искать иную платформу…
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Learn how to say no. Don't let your mouth overload your back! ~ Jim Rohn ~ @zlatoustwatch @ajtjewellery @jimmyemmsphotography #waynehowlett #powerlifting #slaughterhousegym #squat #deadlift #benchpress #wrpf #slaughterhouse #proraw #moscow #bench #powerlifter #wrpfaustralia #пауэрлифтинг #deadlifts #strong #australia (at Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiCmSx-hA1n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#painkillerapparel #powerlifting #benchpress #wrpf #ipl #союзпауэрлифтеров #железноебратство #спорт #fitness #красноярск #саянск #екатеринбург #сухойлог #fitness #crossfit (at Красноярск) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYhD9fIKXN1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Строгий подъём на бицепс. Первую попытку испортил 55кг, второю поднял 60кг, третью 65 не смог. Кмс сделал. Это только начало. . . . #строгийподъемнабицепс #соревнования #wrpf #качайбицуху (at Simferopol, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVgH87BJ5D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5poagxkhswrg
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😍😍😍 @biotechusa.ru При покупке ISO WHEY ZERO 2270г коробка протеиновых батончиков #ZEROBAR В ПОДАРОК😍 Высококачественный изолят сывороточного белка, без лактозы и глютена, с дополнительными аминокислотами. В 1 порции (25 грамм): - 22 г белка - 4,9 г BCAA - с добавлением аминокислот L-аргинина и L-цитруллина для усиления продукции оксида азота #biotechusa #zerobar #bombar #fitness #biotechusarussia #questbar #бс_москва #бс #сушка #протеин #гейнер #аминокислоты #ifbb #паурлифтинг #wrpf #ipo #ipl #ifbbpro #russia
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Жим с паузой 42,5х4 от @na_taliia8216 Ты должен быть сильным, Иначе зачем тебе быть?! Что будут стоить тысячи слов, Когда важна будет крепость руки! #PashkovTeam #PowerLifting #BenchPress #Олимпия37 #Olimpia37 #Ivanovo #Иваново #Спорт #Фитнес #Fitness #ПерсональныйТренер #Тренер #Coach #FitnessCoach #ТренерИваново #Пауэрлифтинг #ЖимЛёжа #ПауэрлифтингИваново #ПауэрлифтингСпортСильных #WRPF #СоюзПауэрлифтеровРоссии #СПР #НАП #СборнаяИвановскойОбласти (at Олимпия Фитнес-клуб) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2ZSG7iAe7/?igshid=1qe5ji9hgtvwl
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. تیم wrpf در دو بخش آماتور و حرفه ای راهی روسیه شد. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmGrA79sDM5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🏋♂ Онлайн-подготовка к соревнованиям 🌐 Дистанционный тренинг под ключ 📝 Консультации на любую тему 🏆 Работа только на результат 👨💻 Связь со мной 24/7 О себе: ➡ ПРО-атлет WRPF по становой тяге �� МСМК по пауэрлифтингу AWPC, WRPF, СПР, WPC ➡ Соревновательный стаж с 2009 года ➡ Опыт тренерской деятельности с 2009 года #питерскийтягун #пауэрлифтинг #присед #жимлежа #становаятяга #piterskiytyagun #powerlifting #squat #benchpress #deadlift https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl_OVvvLZB4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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➕ DREAM BIG! REAL BIG! F**K THE NAYSAYERS💀 BROTHER AND SUPPORTER SINCE DAY ONE ☝🏻 @waynehowlettpl 💪🏻🔥💯➕ @ajtjewellery ™️ 🔥END OF YEAR SALE ON NOW 🔥💻 Order Now online www.ajtofficial.com or email 📬[email protected] #waynehowlett #powerlifting #slaughterhousegym #squat #deadlift #benchpress #wrpf #slaughterhouse #proraw #moscow #bench #powerlifter #wrpfaustralia #пауэрлифтинг #deadlifts #strong #australia #training #worldrawpowerlifting #strongman #russia #Australia #lifestyle #Powerlifting (at Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVjf-ZfBDIy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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