#writing vent
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kawareo · 1 month ago
am realizing with horror and great annoyance that if i don't write a chapter in one go and then post it immediately, i get hit with a huge wave of 'oh i hate this actually' and it becomes almost impossible for me to finish it
i really have to power through that one and i think i will hate it until it's posted but i'm just. so annoyed with myself. I've been writing it on three separate days already it feels shitty and boring and bad but I know it's just cause I haven't finished it already
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greater-grief · 1 month ago
i wonder,
frequently wonder,
what life would've been like to you if alcohol didn't take it over.
what would have been like if your lips never wrapped around a bottle and drank your fill of the harsh liquid?
what would of happened if you never got that unquenchable thirst?
or even what would happen if you still did it all, no redos, but just learned to control it.
would you have had a happier childhood?
would you have been less of a child grasping at straws to be happy and instead be an adult finding it in your own actions?
would you remember more memories instead of forgetting them and constantly changing the narrative?
would you stop using it as an excuse for all your mistakes in life?
it's a rhetorical question.
i know if you could go back and redo it all, it would still end the same.
you would still prefer to be laid out in the grass, trying to focus your blurred eyes on the stars, instead of putting yourself to bed.
you would still prefer to quiet the constant noises in your head with a bottle or two instead of just turning up the music.
i know, deep down, i could beg you to stop,
i could beg for you to just drink some tea instead,
i could beg you to just get into bed with me and go to sleep,
i could promise you all the things life has to offer if you just set down the bottle,
i know in the end you would still continue.
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vividdreamer · 5 months ago
"yes i know having villains and/or morally grey characters in a story is important – nay, crucial — but I think this character is too *lists the qualities and traits of a villain/morally grey character* and anyone who likes this character should seek help immediately!!!"
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caxycreations · 10 months ago
Went on this mini-rant in a discord already but posting it here cause I'm starting to feel the weight of it more.
I feel like my decision to write a furry novel has actively limited my potential reader base. People see "furry" and think "Oh, I'm not a furry, I won't like that".
But furry is a circumstance of the story, not the focus of it. And maybe it has more impact than I'm seeing, maybe there's deeper reason to turn it down for being furry, but it kind of hurts to see people showing genuine interest in similar stories and tropes and genres and then ignoring mine entirely because they see that the characters are anthropomorphic animals.
I don't know, I'm sure there's other reasons, but I've been outright told by people they've turned away from it because it's furry and they're not furries, as if not being a furry means you are incapable of enjoying the themes, the topics, the story itself. Like the main character being an anthropomorphic canine means you won't enjoy any aspect of it, or won't find anything interesting in it.
It hurts a little more every time someone openly turns it down entirely based on "Well it's a furry thing, right? No thanks." As if that's all there is to it...
As if that's it's defining feature...
As if nothing else could possibly be good, or interesting, or captivating about the story simply because it's about furry characters.
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lara-prism-light · 6 months ago
I feel extremely unmotivated for anything, I don't feel motivated to do anything, and I especially feel unmotivated to write.
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alex-wolfdragon · 3 months ago
Not gonna lie, as an author, it's so disheartening when your favorite work is your readers' least favorite.
In my case, it's a fanfic, but still. I have the most planned for this one lil story and there's hardly any interest for it, and that kinda hurts. Heh, maybe it'll gain more traction the more desperate people are to read fics. I dunno.
Sorry for the vent, it's just frustrating.
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lazui-l · 1 year ago
Sorry this is kind of a weird desperate vent post but please tell me I’m not the only one who will just read a book/watch a show/play a game/witness whatever form of media and start hyperfixiating on it because of how enjoyable it was
and then you walk over to the creative workshop part of your brain and you sit down and go “I want to make a story just as good as the stories I’ve been hyperfixiating on. I want to make something that will effect the reader just like how (insert inspiration) affected me” so you start brainstorming a plot or a character or a setting
But then you just stop and look at your ideas and think to yourself “I’ll never be as great as (insert certain artist/author who’s inspired your work) I’ll never have the positive emotional impact on someone like they had on me” and you just start hating everything you make and get swallowed by this endless pit of “I’m never gonna make anything great enough” and that makes you so miserable because you genuinely love creating stories and creating characters but your anxiety and constant need for validation drains the joy you once experienced and you feel like an unfinished painting on fire.
Like maybe this is a very universal experience with writers but I’ve never really seen anyone talk about what it’s like to have certain pieces of fiction you adore and bullying yourself into believing you could never make something as great. Has anyone else gone through this/are going through this??? Anyone have any advice or experiences or anything??
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mylittle-escapingdreams · 8 months ago
Nothing Really Matters
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Fandom: Marvel Shipping: Tony x GN!reader WC: 797 Note: I came back to tumblr only to find a distinct lack of Tony fluff. I love smut as much as the next person but fluff... is necessary sometimes. This is more of a vent thing for me - again.
The water slowly washed over their feet, the cold pulling them back to reality every time. There was little like this, and yet there was nothing that could make it better. The beach could be lonely and drowned in purple and blue just as the sky painted, a soft glow on their skin from the sun that had started falling behind the horizon and yet something was amiss. Something still left them feeling like there was a hole in their chest, a complete void that somehow managed to suck every bit of happiness out of it. Medication, therapy, yoga, exercise. They'd tried it all. Judging from this one could guess that the issue was a depressive episode, it'd pass. But it never does, does it? It comes back crashing just like the waves do. They disappear and gather whatever strength they have, slowly washing up on the shore only to cover their feet again.
Tony was just arriving in one of his cars, blasting ACDC as loud as he could handle it. He hadn't a care in the world which car it was, what time of day. He remembered this was their favorite spot to be when everything got a bit too much, when life was hard. He'd known hardships, anxiety, depression too. He couldn't begin to understand what they were going through really, since he'd never experienced it first hand, but knowing that it ate them up gave him a pain in his chest not even having his reactor ripped out could mimic. As he slowly walked down a small path with dirt and stones in his shorts and some button up he threw on, he took off his glasses to see the love of his life in a clearer light. The sky behind them gave them an ethereal look, even more so than usual. Something straight out of a book, he'd say. But none of his words will do much to keep those waves from crashing, and he knows it. His steps carried him closer to his love and he stopped beside them, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Tony, I think I'm not meant to be here," they said softly, their gaze just locked to the floor. They were biting on their cheeks, keeping the tears at bay for sure. Tony breathed in slowly, knowing there was more coming so he didn't speak; "It hurts. All the time. It fucking sucks, and nothing works. I've been going through the fucking motions every day. I take my meds, I do the work, I do therapy. And still it fucking hurts. And for what?" They complained, their voice filling with anger. Anger for themselves, the world, the reason they are this way. They wanted to scream, shout, cry about how much it hurt but there was so little that did. Nothing was really helpful here. Tony moved his eyes over to properly give their face a glance, keeping his eyes on them, too. Despite the tears welling in their eyes, despite their bloody lip from biting it hard, and despite the messy and greasy hair nothing could beat the beauty of his person. He could do little but remind them over and over that they are, in fact, meant to be here with him. Listen, help them through it.
"Listen sweetheart," he started, taking a small pause just to contemplate what exactly he was gonna say, "There are few things in this universe I can't explain. Hell, I can explain a shitload of things. And if I could explain and make it all better I'd do it in a heartbeat and you know it." he gently grabbed their hand as he spoke, wanting to slowly approach the matter of touch. Sometimes it's too much, sometimes it's necessary. And he'd learned that it was important to scope it out beforehand, "You are the most important thing in the world to me. I'd burn it all for you."
Tony ran his finger over the ring on their finger. A small token of his appreciation, nothing super expensive because he knew their favorite band and gem. The words they'd promised eachother invisible, but he knew they were engraved on the inside of the ring. Their eyes met his now, the tears falling down their face. It wasn't often that they cried.
"Time and time again I'll let you know I won't let you go. We'll weather this storm. And every single one after it too, you know?" Tony said again, getting a little closer to them. They nodded slightly, their breath shaky. With a quick movement Tony pulled them into an embrace and just held them as they sobbed. If this was what they needed, he'd do this. If they needed him to burn the world, he would, too.
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alex-a-fans · 10 months ago
I have so many ideas for art/fanfiction, so much time. Yet no skill. Any tips? Criticism? It can be anon too.
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papasbaseball · 2 months ago
I'm literally backtracking so hard on this chapter bc it just didn't feel right and now I'm just like🧍‍♀️okay but what do I do then?
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triippng · 5 days ago
"how can you call your writing/paracosm realistic fiction? you had a male character carry and birth a baby."
guess what buddy...
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trans and intersex dads exist 😱
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Dear Princess Celestia,
I am so tired of looking up rhymes why oh why does Zecora talk like that
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greater-grief · 5 months ago
pieces of you
you may have left me long ago.
our love left to sit on a shelf and grow dusty,
but no matter how desperately i try, i can't forget you.
your shadow haunts my room,
the stain of your messy departure still forever staining the carpet,
pieces of what was left of us prick my fingers as i attempt to move on.
feverishly i try to sweep, scrub, mop, anything to make it all go away. to make it all brand new.
like it never happened.
but no amount of soap will cleanse me.
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whumpthefuck · 4 months ago
Video Description:
A video by the tiktok user authorchrispcompton
A man opens his wallet to show nothing is inside, with text over him that reads ‘Writing about a really rich character when you only have like $20 in your bank account’. The view then switches to his computer screen open to a word document that just reads ‘Her mansion had two bedrooms AND a whole kitchen’.
End of Video description
Literally though, sometimes it feels like I’m writing high fantasy when writing a rich character. Every so often it’ll hit that there are real life living breathing people who are just as rich if not richer than the character I am writing.
Like they literally live a life of luxuries I will (statistically speaking) will never know, I won’t even get a whiff of the amount of money these people spend in a single day let alone their entire lives!! Insanity.
Anyways eat the rich. Greed should be punished not rewarded or glorified and glorifying the obscenely rich will lead to further pain and suffering of the poor.
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blorbocedes · 11 months ago
ok so initially I wanted the max/GP fic to be 3 chapters in a classic three act story however it's stressing me out 😃 and it's supposed to be a fic for fun....... so I can break it to 4.5 small tiny little chapters with no thematic cohesion 🥹 but at least it'll be out literally like. right now and I wouldn't have to worry ab it... but maybe I should challenge myself to stick to the original plan waaaahhhh idk
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