#writing ch 4 gave me so much joy and i might... write ch 5
aeronbracken · 11 months
Elam Drals... I need him to eat m-
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Dear Heart - CH 12
Dick Winters x Melanie Davis
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Summary: Melanie Davis is a nurse from North Carolina who has lived a sheltered life since her father died. Her father’s best friend, Colonel Sink, invites her to experience more as a regimental nurse for the 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne. She embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.
Tag list: @thoughpoppiesblow​​​​​​ @primusk​​ @itswormtrain​​​ @hesbuckcompton-baby​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
Word Count: 5k (another doozy but omg a lot has to happen okay? they have to talk, Dick has to be a simp, it’s important to the plot)
A/N: Thank you again to @mercurygray​​​​ for being a wonderful beta reader, as always <3
Warning(s): Descriptions of an assault
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11
Chapter 12 here we go!!
A warm spring began in Germany, welcoming the American invaders with its beautiful scenery and pleasant weather. Melanie wondered how people who lived in such a lovely place could have begun a war that was so terrible. The regiment came to a long stop in a town called Sturzelberg, where there was a hospital, and Melanie finally felt like a regular nurse again. She even got to change out of her OD’s and into her nursing uniform dress. It was wrinkled from the journey in her bag, rolled up at the bottom until she could wear it again. It was somewhat of a homecoming, though it seemed a different girl stepped into it. Not even a girl at all, really. A grown woman. A changed woman. 
Her and Juliet’s billet had a mirror, so she took the opportunity to really look at herself for the first time in weeks. Though she was clean, she looked tired. She didn’t have much color to her face, and she had lost more weight. She frowned at her reflection, hearing her mother loud and clear in her mind. To her surprise, she voiced what she heard. 
“Thin and pale,” she murmured. “That won’t do.”
Juliet looked up from her notebook. “I beg your pardon?” 
Melanie did not reply. She was too busy pinching her cheeks along the bone, giving them a semblance of rosiness. It was an old trick, but a useful one. So was chewing one’s lips to make them red if one didn’t have any rouge, which was her next task.
“Mel, what the bloody hell are you doing?” Juliet demanded, getting to her feet. 
“Making myself somewhat presentable,” Melanie answered. “Now that we’re back in relative comfort, I’ve got no excuse for walking around looking like a rag doll.” 
Juliet scoffed in disbelief. Then she stood in front of Melanie, took her by the shoulders, and looked into her eyes, searching. 
“What are you doing?” Melanie asked. 
“I’m looking for Melanie Davis, I hope she’s still in there,” Juliet returned. 
It occurred to Melanie that Juliet had only known the exhausted, wounded Melanie from weeks at war and no sleep. Already a little jaded from the amount of wounded who passed through. Of course she didn’t recognize the Melanie from before - who lived with constant reminders of femininity and vanity she’d had ingrained in her since childhood. 
She rolled her eyes and dislodged herself from Juliet’s grip. “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course it’s me.” 
“You’ve been through hell on Earth,” Juliet pointed out. “Who cares what you look like?”
Melanie hadn’t thought of it that way. And she had certainly not had many experiences of criticism being met with compassion. She didn’t always feel she deserved compassion - she was happy to give it to others but for herself? Perfection only. It was hitting her now what an impossible standard she was holding herself to. 
“Oh, I must sound awfully vain,” Melanie sighed. “I don’t mean to, but I can’t help it if I prefer feeling feminine. I can’t believe how much I took for granted just having lipstick or nail polish.” 
“Obviously, you can enjoy those things, but I cannot stand by and let you say that you ‘won’t do,’” Juliet replied. “You’re a beautiful woman, with or without lipstick.” 
Melanie looked at the floor and fixed her clothes. “That’s very kind of you, thank you.”
She was unused to getting such compliments. Her mother had always fixated on Melanie’s looks, though she had never been insulting. It was always reassurance that she was pretty enough to “catch a husband.” But, as she had pointed out to herself, there was more to the world than all that. The war was still on. She had a job to do. 
“Alright, I’m off to work,” she said. “It feels mighty fine to be saying that again.” 
She forced herself to smile, putting all thoughts of her appearance behind her. She just needed to get back to a hospital and work with patients so she could start feeling like herself again. Juliet wished her luck, and then Melanie was off. 
As they made their way deeper into Germany, Dick’s inner conflict deepened, too. Melanie’s condition, her moods and general demeanor, seemed to improve, while Lew seemed to get steadily worse. The day of the jump (which he was still a bit bitter to have missed, despite its outcome), when Dick had to tell his best friend about his demotion, he was disturbed by Nix’s non-reaction, followed by flippant remarks to disguise a frustration he clearly would not voice. Dick sought out the only person he felt he could talk to about his concerns - Melanie. 
He went first to her billet. The day was drawing to a close, so he assumed she would be back by now from the hospital. Juliet opened the door and looked surprised to see him.
“Oh! Hello, Major,” she said. 
“Is Melanie here?” he asked, getting right to the point. 
“No, she hasn’t come back from the hospital yet,” she told him. “Is everything alright? Did you have something...important to tell her?” 
She raised a knowing eyebrow at him and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. At this point, he wasn’t sure who was more invested in his relationship with Melanie - Nix or Juliet. He wondered what might have happened if she had been around to help orchestrate the Paris trip. For now, he let it slide.  
“I just want to talk to her,” he said. “Thanks, though.” 
“Worth a shot,” she said under her breath. “Well, let me know if we need to send out a search party.” 
“Will do,” he said, amused. “See you later.”
She nodded in return and closed the door. Dick headed to the hospital. He looked forward to seeing Melanie - he always did. He just wished his friends would see that, and realize it was enough for now. There was enough understanding between them that they were pretty well aware of what they felt for each other. At least, Dick was sure he understood. But there was still a war, and that wasn’t really the place for romance. 
By the time he arrived at the hospital, he had pushed his frustrations with his friends to the back of his mind. In the first ward, he found Melanie, in a chair beside a patient’s bed, a deck of cards between them on a tray, and laughter on her face. The patient pulled a card from his hand and laid it down, which made Melanie’s jaw drop. 
“Another red three?” she gasped. “I think it’s very clear how this game is going to end.” 
“You’ve still got a chance, Miss Melanie,” he replied through a thick Southern accent. “One good hand and you could turn this whole thing around.” 
“Well, lucky for you, my hand isn’t anything to write home about,” she returned, frowning at it. “Draw your cards, Sergeant.”
He reached for the deck and picked up three cards, adding them to his hand. Dick watched the game play out for a moment - the sergeant discarded, Melanie drew two, then she discarded, and the sergeant drew again. All the while, Melanie talked to the man. He was missing his right leg up to the thigh - and a fleeting image of Bill Guarnere and Joe Toye passed through Dick’s mind. But judging by this soldier’s attitude, no one would have guessed anything was the matter with him. The way he smiled and chuckled at Melanie’s praise, he didn’t seem to notice that he was even in a hospital bed. 
Dick’s heart was warmed by the sight. Melanie really was back to her old self. She was off duty, and yet she sat with a man she didn’t know to bring him some small comfort. A simple card game. A chance for him to feel normal again, even for a few moments. Dick wasn’t sure which he admired more - her selflessness or how happy she looked to be where she was. The grin on her face gave away that she considered it no trouble to play a game with a patient when her rounds were over. She was genuinely glad to do it. Dick hoped Toye and Guarnere had similarly wonderful nurses wherever they were. 
“A canasta already?” she cried as Dick approached. “If you go out on me with all this in my hand, Sergeant, I’ll be finished for sure!”
She discarded and then finally, she looked up. She caught Dick’s eye as he took some tentative steps toward her, hesitant to interrupt. But she beamed at him, so he assumed he was welcome. 
“Good evening, Dick,” she said kindly. 
The sergeant turned and saw Dick, so he offered a quick salute. “Good evening, sir,” 
“Good evening,” Dick returned politely. “Sorry to interrupt.” 
“Not at all,” Melanie assured him. “Dick, this is Sergeant Samson - the finest canasta player in the US Army. Sergeant, this is Major Winters.” The two men shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Then she met Dick’s gaze again. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah,” he said, and found himself regretting coming at all. She was busy, and he felt foolish for disrupting her moment of joy. “I can come back later, though -” 
“Actually, sir, I’m about ready for some sleep if Miss Melanie will let me off the hook,” Samson said. 
She cast him a playful look. “I see how you operate, Samson. Quit while you’re ahead, that way you don’t lose.”
He laughed, a bit bashful at her teasing, but she collected the cards all the same, and set them aside. 
“We’ll play again tomorrow if you like,” she offered.
“Of course,” he returned. “That is, if you enjoy losing that much!” 
She feigned offense while he chuckled some more. Then she fluffed his pillows and pulled the blankets up to his chest. Dick watched and felt a familiar stir in his heart of affection for her. She was the most beautiful person he had ever had the pleasure of knowing - and that did not just apply to her pretty face. Melanie was a sweet soul, a nurturing heart, and a bright mind. She was a high quality person. And tiny moments like this showed that to him more than anything. 
“Can I get you anything else before I go?” she offered Samson. 
He shook his head. “No, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am.” 
“Good night, Sergeant,” she said. 
“Good night, ma’am, sir.” 
Dick nodded in acknowledgement before offering Melanie his arm, which she took, and they left the ward together. It struck him that her touch no longer made him so nervous. It thrilled him - even after knowing each other for years - but it was comfortable now. As if the crook of his arm was made for her hand. It was natural. 
“Is everything alright, Dick?” she asked as they stepped outside. “You seem troubled.”
He didn’t consider himself a particularly emotive person, but Melanie never failed to pick up on what he was feeling. Especially when he needed her. 
“It’s Nix,” he said. “His drinking...it’s become such a problem up at regiment that he was demoted today. When I told him that, he didn’t even seem to care.”
Melanie’s brows furrowed and she looked thoughtfully ahead. “I’m sorry to hear that. Lewis is a good man and a fine officer. I would have thought he’d be more invested.” 
“Well, in his defense, he’d just come back from that disaster of a jump,” Dick said. 
“What disaster of a jump?” she wondered. 
He told her what Nix had relayed to him - that the troopers didn’t even make it out of the plane. The CO was killed. Nix and just a handful of others survived out of sheer luck. 
“Oh, how awful,” she said, heartbroken.
 There really could be no moment between them where the war did not rear its ugly head, Dick thought bitterly. No matter what, there was some news of tragedy. Death sank its teeth into even a simple evening stroll. He decided to steer the conversation back to its original subject. 
“Seeing Lew like this just has me worried,” he said. “I feel like he’s close to spiraling, and I don’t have a clue what to do. I thought it was just a bad habit, but now...” he trailed off, unsure what to call his friend’s profound issue. 
“I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do,” Melanie told him. “Nix is...troubled, and he has his coping mechanism. Unless he wants to quit drinking, there’s nothing you - or anybody - can do to stop him from picking that bottle up again.”
Once again, he was being told to do nothing - frustrating and impossible advice. He had hoped for more from her. 
“What you can do,” she went on, and he felt a glimmer of hope again. “Is make yourself available to him. Let him know - subtly, of course - that you’re ready if and when he’ll need you. Eventually, it will come to a head, and he’ll need people in his corner that he can truly rely on.” 
“It still sounds like doing nothing,” he said, defeated. 
“I know you’re a man of action, Dick, but this will take patience,” she returned, understanding. 
He didn’t answer right away, still a bit frustrated. He also took a moment to look at her. The dim twilight was flattering on her skin. A cool breeze made her flyaway hairs stir around her head. She looked a bit like a painting with the Bavarian backdrop behind her. It struck him again how much he loved her. She met his gaze. 
He shook his head to clear it, though appreciating her beauty had eased some of his irritation about Nix. 
“Sorry,” he said. “You look nice tonight, that’s all.” 
“Thank you,” she said, blushing lightly. “I’m feeling much better now that we’ve got more food and I’m back in a hospital.” 
He had noticed her improvement over the past few days. Her cheeks were rounding out again, and she didn’t look so tired. Her bruises were gone, too. 
“I feel a bit silly,” she admitted. “I was fussing over how I looked when we first got here because I didn’t have lipstick or nail polish. What a ridiculous thing to worry about.” 
Melanie always looked natural, so he tried to remember the last time he saw her looking nicer than usual. It was Paris. Which was beginning to feel decades in the past instead of just months.
“It’s not ridiculous,” he assured her. “Silly, I’ll give you, but ridiculous is a strong word.” 
“Alright, silly it is then,” she teased back with a smile, and he ached at how much he adored it. 
They reached her billet, stopped outside the door, and faced each other. 
“This takes me back,” she said. “All the way to Aldbourne.” 
He nodded in agreement. “Yeah. I don’t think I’d recognize those two kids.” 
“Me neither,” she chuckled. “So much has happened. But, I…” 
He looked expectantly at her as she trailed off and gathered her thoughts. Her brow furrowed, which told him she was searching for the right words. 
“I am so grateful we’re still friends,” she said. “If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I could have made it this far.”
It was his turn to get flustered. For a moment, he stood there silently, a bit lost for words. It was such an honest and wonderful thing to say. How could he return that sentiment?
“Well, I don’t know about that, but I’m grateful too, Mel,” he said, feeling the understatement like an itch on his skin. “Really.” 
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said, smiling. “On that pleasant note, shall we say goodnight? Unless there’s anything else?”
He shook his head. “Thanks for listening. As always.” 
They said goodnight, and she went inside, no doubt to chat to Juliet before climbing into bed and settling in. Dick wanted only for Melanie to be safe and comfortable, especially after everything she’d been through. He hoped that after the war, she could end her days in his arms instead of alone, he could tell her plainly how much she meant to him, and that he could be her true refuge. Until then, his mind went to lipstick and nail polish…
The following day, on his way to HQ, he found some. An abandoned drug store sat on the intersection he crossed, and there were a few enlisted men already scrounging around inside, claiming whatever they could find. He normally wasn’t one for taking souvenirs, but he was more compelled by the idea of doing something nice for Melanie. So he stepped through the kicked in door and looked around. The makeup aisle had already been pretty thoroughly picked over - broken bottles and compacts littered the floor, but one last untouched gold tube on the shelf caught his eye. A red lipstick. He took it. 
He glanced around for nail polish too, but the only color left was a dark purple, which he could not for the life of him imagine Melanie wearing. The lipstick would have to do. 
 He intended on giving it to her that day, but he got caught up in several different briefings, which evidently could not be postponed. So many that he sent Zielinski to the hospital with a message asking Melanie to join him in his office for dinner. They hadn’t had significant time together in much too long, and he missed it. So he was grateful when she accepted and agreed to meet him at eight o’clock. 
Dick got worried when eight-fifteen came and went. He checked his watch for the tenth time in the last sixty seconds and sighed, fearing that Melanie had forgotten him. Or worse, something was terribly wrong at the hospital, and she was enduring further tragedy. Finally, when he was about ready to go looking for her himself, there was a knock on the door. 
“Come in!” he called. 
To his great relief, Melanie walked through the door, closing it softly behind her. She looked a bit sheepish as she came closer. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Dick,” she said. “Sergeant Samson and I were just wrapping up.”
“More canasta?” he asked. 
She nodded. “It’s his favorite game. He used to play it with his sisters back home. He’s got three of them.” 
“Three sisters, wow,” he remarked. “No brothers?”
“One,” she said sadly. “But he was killed on Guadalcanal.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said. “But I’m impressed with you. You really get to know the men you’re treating.” 
“I certainly try,” she said. “Hospitals can often feel overly clinical and cold. Doctors don’t have much time to spend with patients, and nurses can get overwhelmed. I don’t want the patients to mistake that for not caring.” 
Dick had met very few people who had the emotional capability to invest so much in others. For a fleeting moment, he likened Melanie to a priest or pastor, with a flock of people to look after, but what she did was different. She wasn’t a spiritual guide or advisor. She was a simple comfort. A place to tell someone about your favorite game or your siblings or your life story. A generous ear to listen to you talk about something besides your pain. 
“That’s very sweet of you,” he told her, keeping the true depth of it to himself. 
She took a seat across from him at his desk, and they had dinner together. At first, she asked mostly about him and how he was doing, but he eventually turned it around. He let her talk about the patients she’d met at this hospital, and she shared little tidbits of their lives. She wasn’t burdened by it, either. In each one, she found something of interest, worth remembering and holding onto. He listened, but he knew he’d never be able to recall everything the way she did. But he hoped he helped by doing a little bit of what she did for others, for her.  
When they finished eating, she sat back with a satisfied smile. He loved that look on her face and he couldn’t help but smile a bit himself. To continue that momentum, he went into his desk and pulled out his gift for her. He didn’t have a box or anything this time, so it wasn’t nearly as big as the gift of the dress, but he hoped she’d still appreciate it. 
“I got something for you,” he said. 
She raised an eyebrow. “You did?”
He placed the tube of lipstick on the desk as her mouth fell open. But a sparkle in her eyes told him it was a delighted sort of shock. 
“Where did you get this?” she gasped. She picked it up and examined it, as if not quite believing it was real. 
“There’s a drug store in town that’s...no longer in operation,” he explained. He still didn’t love that he’d technically stolen it, but he wouldn’t let her know. “I think every man in the regiment got something for the women in his life. And you mentioned wanting some.” 
“And you remembered?” she wondered. 
“Sure I did,” he replied with a chuckle. 
“How kind of you,” she said, her grin widening. “I can’t wait to use it! Thank you so much!”
Did anything feel better than making her happy? Dick wasn’t sure. The warmth in his chest told him there was nothing. It didn’t matter that he’d taken it by looting. For that smile, he was prepared to commit highway robbery.  
“You’re welcome,” he returned. 
He watched her gaze at the items in her hand, a pensive, contemplative expression coming over her features. There was something more she wanted to say. Knowing her, she would shake her head, smile again, and mumble “never mind” mostly to herself before moving on. He hoped she wouldn’t, so he remained silent, giving her the space to work through what she was thinking. 
“It seems silly to say this over something so small,” she began, her voice soft, so he had to lean closer in order to hear. “But may I share something with you?” 
“Of course,” he assured her, though the question made him nervous. 
He tried to think of what could make her so serious all of a sudden, but nothing immediately came to mind. A split second of doubt came over him that she was going to confess she had met someone else because she was tired of waiting for him. But that seemed like a rather outlandish conclusion to jump to. He slowed down his thoughts and focused on her. 
“I know you’ve been wondering about what caused me to leave the hospital in Bastogne and come to the front lines,” she began. “And I haven’t been able to tell you. I’m sorry.” 
He was still curious, but he certainly didn’t want her to feel like she had to talk about that just because of a lipstick he didn’t even pay for. 
“You don’t have to-”
“Please,” she cut across him. “Let me get this out before I lose my nerve.” 
“Take your time,” he said gently. 
She nodded and took a deep breath. Tears pricked her eyes as she released it, slow and shaky. He mentally braced himself to hear the worst. 
“Before the hospital was bombed, Terry...made me an offer,” she continued. “For a life together after the war. He told me he had always had feelings for me and basically that he wanted to marry me.” She ran the fingers on her right hand over the ring finger of her left. 
“Naturally, I refused,” she went on. “I wasn’t in love with him.” She paused there, toying with the lipstick tube, as if debating adding something onto that sentence, but decided against it. “I thought my answer was clear, even before the bombing. But the day I was supposed to return to work, he came to my room.”
She stopped again, chewing her bottom lip before swallowing hard. 
“He’d had a bit to drink,” she said. “He wasn’t out of control, but I could smell it when he got close to me. He proposed again. I refused him. He shouted at me that he loved me. He said he couldn’t bear the thought of me with another man. And that’s when he started to throw things.” 
Beads of sweat appeared on her brow and hairline. She wiped them away with the back of her hand, undeterred, though trembling. She rubbed her hand against the fabric of her dress to dry it off.
“I pleaded with him to stop, but he grabbed me by my face,” she said. “Painfully. Then he looked me in the eyes and threatened to...crush my skull against the vanity, to use his words.” 
She looked at him, and suddenly, she halted and met his gaze.
“Am I upsetting you?” she asked. 
If he didn’t know her better, he would have thought she was being sarcastic - trying to remind him just who really had been hurt here, but she wasn’t. She was genuinely concerned about him in a moment like this. Her tone, apologetic. 
Dick’s anger had risen from a simmer to a boil. He’d been trying to maintain composure as she spoke. He did not want her to lose her nerve by seeing him get agitated, but he couldn’t help the set of his jaw. He regretted not fighting Clarke when he’d had the chance because maybe this might not have happened. It’s harder to throw things and grab people with broken fingers, after all. He shook his head and took a deep breath to calm down, intentionally relaxing every muscle in his face. 
“I’m fine, Mel,” he lied. “Please, go on.” 
She raised a skeptical eyebrow, but did not protest. 
“I tried to resist,” she continued. “But then he grabbed me by the throat. If he said anything else at that point, I didn’t hear. I was blacking out quickly. And for a moment, I was afraid...I was so afraid I was going to die.” 
She choked on the last word, and she swiped the tear that leaked onto her cheek away quickly. He kept his gaze fixed on her face, watching her lip quiver. He knew it was ridiculous, but overwhelming guilt sank its claws into his heart. He should have been there to defend her. He should have warned Colonel Sink about Terry. He should have done something. Even now, he wished he could protect her from the very memory of it. 
“I don’t know what came over me,” she said. “But somehow I found the strength to get away. I remember striking him, but not much else. That was when Colonel Sink showed up. And I begged him to let me go...well, anywhere that wasn’t the hospital. He suggested the Bois Jacques, and I agreed.” 
He sat with it a moment, impressed at her resilience, and a little relieved that nothing worse had happened - and he had imagined much worse, especially when she said the altercation had taken place in her bedroom. But she got away. She rescued herself. There was something to be said for that. 
“I’m so sorry you went through that, Mel,” he said. “You were very brave.”
“Please don’t flatter me, Dick,” she replied. “Dogs have enough courage to fight back when attacked. I acted on instinct.”
“Even so, you did well,” he insisted. He hesitated asking his next question, unsure how she might take it or if she was receptive to being questioned at all. 
“Why didn’t you report him?” he asked, feeling desperate. “That’s a court martial offense, assaulting a fellow officer.”
“Colonel Sink offered to do the paperwork, but I asked him not to,” she told him. “There’s no point, really. It would be my word against his and that rarely goes well for a woman.” 
Dick carefully disguised his distaste for that answer. He wasn’t frustrated by Melanie, but that she was right. 
“Besides,” she said. “He didn’t really do anything. He just frightened me, that’s all.” 
“That’s a bit of an understatement,” he returned. “He nearly killed you.” 
She shrugged, keeping her eyes fixed on her hands, which were in her lap now, fidgeting with the lipstick tube, which made a soft pop each time she opened or closed it.
“You may think you’re being kind by showing him mercy, Mel,” he said. “But Terry should be at the least reprimanded for what he’s done. I know it’s hard, but you’re brave enough to -”
She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. 
“Dick, stop it!” she cried, looking desperately at him. “I’m not brave or strong or kind or anything else! I’m scared, alright?! I didn’t report Terry because I’m terrified that he will find me again! And how much worse would it be if he had nothing to lose?! It isn’t mercy, it’s fear!”
She lowered her eyes to the floor and tried to draw in a breath. It was shallow and shaky, catching on the lump in her throat. He couldn’t stand that he was not holding her. So he got to his feet, crossed to the other side of his desk, stood before her, and held out his hand. She looked at it, then up at his face, before placing her fingers in his palm. He helped her to stand. Then, he gathered her up in his arms. Her forehead found a resting place on his chest, and she nuzzled into him. They fit together like puzzle pieces. 
“I’m sorry, Melanie,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m so sorry.” When she only nodded, he continued. “You’re safe now.” 
“Yes,” she said softly into his chest. “Yes, I know.”
He made a silent promise to himself and her. From here on out, he would be her personal shield. No one deserved what she had endured, but she especially didn’t. This woman, who was all heart and grace and goodness. He would protect her with everything he had.
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Ch 1
I’m back! With the first chapter of Arc 4: Re-Bonding in Mistral a.k.a. The FUCKING ARC THAT I’VE BEEN DYING TO WRITE SINCE I STARTED THIS THING!!!!
Now then, this arc is split into two parts. First part is Vol 5, which will be chapters 1-9. Second part is Vol 6, which will be chapters 10-17.
Some of the chapters WILL be semi-original (i.e.: Chapters 1, 4, 8, and 9). With that out of the way, let’s start.
This first chapter is, obviously, Ruby, Qrow, Oscar, Evergreen, Summer, and team JNPR returning to Patch for some rest.
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy!
Disclaimer: Surprise. Still own nothing.
(4:48 PM)
(In Patch…)
“Yes, Tai. We’re almost there.” Summer said into the scroll. “Trust me. We’re only a few minutes away.” The group looked at Ruby’s mother as said woman groaned. “Taiyang, for the last time. We’re almost home. Trust me, please.” The former STRQ leader said. “Thank you. See you then.” Summer then hung up, before letting out a sigh, “Was he really like this? Even back then?” Qrow nodded, “After you...legally died, yeah. That only got intensified with the Fall of Beacon.”
Ruby looked at her scroll, before smiling, “Yang’s made it to Mistral.” Summer and Qrow both sighed with relief, with the former saying, “Thank the maker.” “Has she encountered any of your friends yet?” The former bandit asked. The red cloaked teenager shook her head, “Not from what I know. She might encounter Weiss and her mom when searching for her own mom.” The former STRQ leader sighed, “I hope THAT goes well.”
Qrow nodded in agreement, knowing that Raven would probably be stubborn. He then looked at his former leader, “How are your eyes doing?” “Still good. Nothing else’s changed...yet.” She responded. Both of Summer’s eyes had Grimm-like red sclera with her initial silver eyes, though neither had shown any signs of pain. Summer even used her silver eyes and that remained unchanged. Right now, she was instructed by Anna Pine to observe them and their behavior for the time being.
After a few more minutes, the group arrived at the Xiao-Long-Rose Family Home, which Ruby proceeded to walk right in, shouting, “Dad? We’re home!” Upon hearing her voice for the first time in a while, Zwei immediately rushed out from who knew where and almost tackled the red cloaked teenager to the floor, yeeping and licking her cheek as he did so. “Missed you too, Zwei!” Ruby laughed, before the corgi leapt off and ran towards the rest of the group.
Summer picked him up, scratching her ear with a smile. “How’ve you been, hun?” She asked, receiving another yip. Chuckling, the former STRQ leader nodded and gave the corgi a brief nuzzle, “Good. Would you like to meet some new friends?” Zwei nodded, before the taller woman brought him over to Oscar and Evergreen. Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora looked at Ruby and Qrow with understandably confused expressions.
“While it’s easy for him to understand us, Summer can understand and speak with Zwei due to her semblance.” The former bandit chuckled. Pyrrha tilted her head, “Does she remember that?” Ruby sighed with a disheartened expression, “She does not, along with most of her childhood still. And she’s understandably frustrated with it.” While Oscar was having a genuinely enjoyable time getting to know the corgi, Evergreen seemed...slightly intimated.
And while Summer noticed it, she didn’t question it, figuring the headmaster possibly had a phobia of canines...or allergy.
With that, she set Zwei down, who then rushed back to Ruby. The group was then greeted by a VERY exhausted Taiyang. “Gods, Tai.” Qrow sighed with a smirk. “Did you run a marathon when you heard we were home?” The blonde man said, “Just hug me, you ass.” as he was catching his breath. The taller of the two wrapped his arms around Taiyang with a chuckle, with said man sighing, “I missed you, dude.” Qrow nodded, “Same here. I hope everything was somewhat peaceful here.”
“Mostly, yeah.” Taiyang nodded, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He lifted his youngest daughter off the floor in a hug, smiling, “How’s my baby girl doing?” “Healing well.” Ruby chuckled, hugging her father in return. The blonde man then set her down, before noticing a couple new faces. “I see I got two new friends to meet.” He said. Summer smiled, “And adopt. But only as a godfather, according to Anna.” She then introduced Oscar, explained that he was Anna Pine’s daughter.
Taiyang nodded, “Your friend who’s a doctor in Mistral, right?” His former leader nodded with a chuckle, “Same one.” Ruby and Jaune then introduced Pyrrha, who, along with the rest of team JNPR, was very amused by the blonde man. “Ah, is she your girlfriend, young man?” Taiyang asked Jaune, both teasingly and seriously. Jaune and Pyrrha blushed furiously, before the younger blonde stuttered, “We’re...still kinda trying to figure that out. Taking slow steps for now.”
Everyone gave them disbelieved looks. Summer rubbed her eyes, before saying, “Let’s head inside. I’m sure you all want some dinner, yeah?” Pyrrha and Jaune both mouthed “Thank you.” at the elder Rose, before receiving a comforting nod. Soon, the teenagers went inside the building, along with Zwei and Evergreen. Taiyang and the headmaster gave each other a recognized nod and a small smile. “I’ll explain as much as I can with you privately.” The while haired man said, heading to the building.
After the group went inside, Qrow pointed at his former teammates, before heading in as well. Summer sighed, knowing that the former bandit wanted her and Taiyang to talk in person. She then turned, “Tai-...” She was cut off and caught off guard as the blonde man hugged her tightly. “I missed you...so fucking much…” Taiyang said, his voice cracking and tears staining the taller woman’s shoulder as he buried his face into it. Something inside the woman cracked, before she tightened her hold on him.
“I missed you too, Taiyang.” Summer whispered. She began rubbing the blonde man’s back as he choked out, “I...I thought I lost you-...!” “Tai… Look at me…” The taller woman said, briefly breaking the embrace and holding the blonde man’s face in her hands. “I’m here. Okay? I’m here and alive…” It took a few moments for Taiyang to process what was happening, but he eventually nodded, sniffing and wiping away his tears. “Sorry…” He mumbled.
The former STRQ leader gave a reassuring smile, before kissing Taiyang’s forehead, “It’s okay, hun. I’d react in the same way in your position…” The two then looked at each other, before slowly kissing one another. One kiss turned to two. Then to three. And then five, before the couple gently broke the kiss for air. After a few moments of silence, Taiyang wrapped her arms around his former leader, sighing, “I missed you, Sum.” Summer hummed with a small smile, “You too, Tai.”
He then pulled back and looked at the woman’s eyes, “They’ve changed.” Nodding, Summer said, “Yeah. They’re fine for now though. No pain.” “Good. They look nice.” The blonde man said. The former STRQ leader blushed and smiled, playfully scratching the man’s beard, “Thank you. You should keep the beard.” Taiyang grinned, rubbing the back of his head, “It looks nice, yeah?” The two then shared a laugh, before Taiyang explained to Summer what she had missed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Meanwhile, inside the living room...)
“They look happy.” Evergreen hummed, sipping his cup of coffee as he looked out the window. Ruby and Qrow nodded in agreement, though the former bandit then mumbled, “Gods, I hope Tai and Rae can have a somewhat tolerant reunion.” The headmaster looked at the red-eyed man, “Does he know the truth on why she left?” “No. Hell, I’m not sure if he’d even understand.” The former bandit answered. “Then again… I was like that too until Raven told me herself. So who knows?”
“The same might happen with Yang.” His niece said. “She wants to believe that her mother left for a just cause...and she and I trust Mom immensely.” Ruby then sighed, “She wants to hear the truth from her though, rather than someone else.” Qrow nodded, “I can understand that.” The young leader bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if she should say this, but decided to do so anyway.
Hesitantly, she said, “She...wants to be able to call her ‘Mom’...” “She wants to...view both Summer and Raven as our moms.” She explained.
Qrow turned to his niece, shocked. “I wanna be able to call your sister...‘Mom’ as well...and view her as my other mom when I meet her too.” Ruby said hesitantly, grabbing onto her cloak. Suddenly, Qrow felt his initial shock turn into joy as he smiled, ruffling the red cloaked teenager’s hair, “I hope that happens. I really do, kiddo.”
He was sure it’d mean the world to both Summer and Raven if Yang and Ruby called them both their moms. And he prayed that would happen soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that’s it for the first chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it.
Now, I know I showed Taiyang x Summer here, but...Rosebird is going to be the main ship. I just...need to try to do that in a realistic way.
Next, we’ll be seeing what Weiss and Willow are up to...as they unintentionally meet a certain bandit leader.
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meitanteisachi · 4 years
*raises hand eagerly as if in class* I'm curious, so here! 4, 8, 10, 20, 22, 26/27, 30, 40, 41 and 48! So sorry if it's too much, ignore if it's too much! Hope you're having a lovely weekend! - artycreaty (Aina)
Yay, I love the questions! I’ll try to answer them all Aina! Thank you! ♥️ Will put the rest under the cut ‘cuz long answer ahead!
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
Oh not at all! :) Fortunately the fandoms I belong to aren’t toxic or at least the users I follow aren’t toxic, thus making my fandom experience a lot enjoyable and worthwhile. I owe it to them that I do not regret joining those fandoms!
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
I would say Jujutsu Kaisen but I haven’t invested in it that much yet since I’m waiting for the first season to finish. So I’ll answer with my second to the latest fandom - Naruto! I got involved because my mutuals over here (hi trouvelle and purplellamanator!!) post a lot about Naruto and I got curious. So I watched the first part on Netflix and DAMN. My two months went by in a flash. 😂 720 episodes and 10+ movies later, here I am, a Naruto trash but most especially, a Kakashi simp. HAHAHA.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Yes! Almost all my fandoms except Detective Conan. 😂 I read fics of Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto, and Kimetsu no Yaiba but I never published any fic for these series. I’m good with just reading fics made by others. ♡
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Yes, in Naruto, I’m quite surprised I find myself liking KakaSaku. I shall admit it’s one of the ships out there that get lots of hate because, well. But I will not tolerate it when people conclude that people who support the ship support p*dophilia. I won’t dig into that further because I might ramble. Haha! Anyway aside from KakaSaku, other ships which I surprisingly like in Naruto are KakaObi, KakaRin, KakaObiRin, SasoSaku, ItaSaku, ShikaIno, etc. For BNHA, BakuCamie, BakuMomo, and BakuJirou. It’s all surprising because those who know me know that before all of these, I mostly ship canon pairings. But then, idk, Naruto changed my life and widened my lens to a variety of rare, unique, non-canon pairings with dynamics I love and I want to tinker with.
I just have to add to this, the main reason I ship is because I enjoy characters’ dynamics. I ship because I enjoy how the ship works and that’s it. Sometimes one doesn’t have to necessarily ascribe to it any sort of ethical meaning. After all, shipping is about finding comfort in two (or more) fictional characters’ interactions with each or one another - there are lots of varieties. Certainly that doesn’t equate me being a bad/immoral person because I know for myself what’s right or wrong. Fictional characters won’t let me affect my stance on irl sensitive issues. Okay so I did ramble a little.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
No! Certain cringe-y scenes probably yes, but not the whole fic. I don’t regret writing any of my fics because I knew they gave me joy once. <3
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Writing! Summaries! It’s tedious. It’s troublesome. It’s difficult! What do they mean I have to summarize the whole story in less than three sentences?! I can’t! What if the summary turns out bad? People will lose the chance of reading the actual fic which may actually change their lives! Yeah, I hate writing summaries. Hahaha.
30. What inspires you to write?
My daydreams principally inspire me to write. ✨ Following close are the reviews and kind feedbacks I get from people. ♡ 
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
I struggle with expositions, world-building, and dialogue. 😵 You know how I have it all mapped in my brain but when I convert the thoughts into actual words, my fingers do nothing but hover over the keyboard. What do I type?? What shall person B say in response to person A? What sentence shall I type after this sentence to make it flow smoothly? Ah, the questions I ask myself every single time I write. 
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I have several Ao3 tabs open rn and imma handpick some:
why don’t you say so (Ch 19) by frazzledazzle (BNHA kacchako)
Cost of Freedom (Ch 19) by MintChocolateLeaves (DCMK)
we were screaming colour (only a possibility) (Ch 33) by mouseymightymarvellous (Naruto kakasaku)
The Night Off by SpicedGold (Naruto shikatema)
Black Roses by Fyliwion (DCMK kaiao)
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
95% of the time I do! Very rarely do I not leave reviews. As a fellow writer, I understand how frustrating it can be to have someone read your work and not say anything. It makes you anxious or paranoid or lose your drive to write more fics. That’s why I always make it a point to leave a comment after reading any fic I read, may it be just an emoji or a simple ‘I like it!’. Writers deserve feedback after spending hours making their craft and mustering the courage to offer their masterpiece for the world to read. :) 
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human-trash-fire · 5 years
Beautiful Disaster: Ch. 4 (Pynch Soulmate-AU)
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I realized I never posted Ch 4 for my Pynch AU! So here it is, for anyone interested, HERE is a link to my masterlist where you can find the first 3 chapters. (THIS WILL NOT MAKE SENSE WITHOUT READING THE OTHERS) I’m also on Ao3 as glam_reaper2 <3 
Anyways, this fic is the writing I’m most proud of, and I can’t wait to drop Ch 5 this week! 
TW: Adam’s Dad/ mentioning abuse, graphic depiction of violence, mention of suicide attempt.
Adam Parrish woke in the early hours on the third day after the alley. The pre-dawn glow streaming through the crack in his curtains cast shadows on the plants and books covering his shelves. Eyes heavy and throat raw, Adam took a deep breath. In through his nose, oxygen flooding his lungs, battling to release the weight that had long since laid claim on the space behind his ribs. He held it until he thought he might choke. Vision blurring, heartbeat hammering in his ears, a pulsing reminder that he was still here; then in a rush, he released. The momentary weightlessness was a small reprieve.
The tiny arm slung across his abdomen a reminder that, at least for now, he wasn’t alone. Blue had crawled into his bed the afternoon before and stayed with him through the long night. Adam moved her arm off and slid as carefully and quietly as he could from the bed, he didn’t wish to wake her. She needed sleep, the exhaustion evident on her face even now. 
He moved toward the window, reaching out to open his curtains, allowing the morning light to flood in. And there he stood, hand still holding the curtain, eyes trained on the horizon. He remained unmoved, watching the sun crawl from the earth bathing everything in its path in colors Adam had never seen. They were fresh, warm, soft. They stole his breath and for a moment, a lifetime, he stood frozen and allowed that hopeful warmth to settle in his bones. In awe of the majesty of nature, swallowed whole by the gift of color, broken by it. 
His breath stuttered.
The man in the alley would never see a sunrise, or a sunset. He had given Adam this gift and left mere hours before Adam could have reciprocated. His thoughts spiraled, fingers tightening on the curtain, eyes burning. The sunrise moved from photographic clarity to an impressionist painting, and salt kissed his lips.
“Adam…” Blue breathed from his side, reaching out and pulling aside the second curtain to allow a full view.
“It’s-” Adam choked on a whisper, “It’s magnificent, and he’ll never see.”
Adam spent the rest of the week coping in the only way he knew how: throwing himself into his jobs and school work. Blue and Henry had closed ranks, showering him with their own personal versions of love. 
For Henry, it was distraction, mindless conversation, a steady companionship during hours in the library. Henry Cheng, though initially someone Adam never saw friendship potential in, was more than most gave him credit for. On the outside, he was loud. From his clothes to hair, he was unabashedly himself: caring, vibrant, loyal. Adam appreciated the effort, never pressured to talk about what was clearly tearing him apart. 
Blue was the opposite, in a very Blue way. She brought him coffees and hugs, asked him about his mood, and made highly unsubtle references to “healthy coping mechanisms.” She was kind but stern, pushing him towards what he knew logically was the next step. But this trauma was too big, too heady to file away in the closet in his mind marked “DANGER.”
It had been a little over a week since he watched his first true sunrise when Blue decided to take off the kid gloves.
“Look.” Her voice was as unwavering as her eye contact, sitting next to him on the chipped-white metal bench in the alley beside Nino’s Cafe where they took their break. Nino’s was his second job, and Blue’s “fun money/ free caffeine” job, covering the hours she wasn’t working on her photography portfolio.
Adam held her gaze, and his breath. Her tone brokered no room for argument, and he knew he had spent enough time avoiding answering anything truthfully… Her forcing a “talk” on him was inevitable. He nodded once to indicate he was listening, and waited for her to continue.
“I know you aren’t ready to talk, and that is completely fine. I won’t bullshit you and pretend I have any idea what kind of pain you’re in. No- no,” she held up a finger to cut off Adam’s rebuttal. “Don’t shake your head and feed me you’re ‘i’m fine’ because we both know you’re not. That being said you’re a grown ass man, who makes his own decisions and I respect that. But, Adam?”
He cocked his head to the side, and made a noncommittal grunt.
“You need to do something. You know I always advocate therapy, but -don’t scoff asshole- but, I’m also aware that it’s ‘not your thing’ so I had another idea. Here,” Blue thrust a bag towards Adam. It was a recycled paper shopping bag, rolled at the top and lighter than he expected.
“What’s this?” He asked.
“Open it.”
He unrolled the bag skeptically and peered inside. His right eyebrow hitched as he looked away from the bag’s contents and towards Blue. “The fuck?”
“Letters. That’s my idea. Something I never told you but, when my dad left I had all this rage and I had no one to direct it towards. My mom got me a pack of envelopes and blank paper and told me to try writing a letter to him. She told me I didn’t ever have to send what I wrote to him if I didn’t want too, and I didn’t. The act of venting everything in a direct way really helped me, it was more than a diary, or whatever, because these were shots at an intended target. I could be mad and then seal it in an envelope and the weight in my chest lifted a little. I thought maybe…” She motioned towards the bag with a crooked smile and a shrug.
“Letters…” Adam repeated. “To a dead guy?”
“Blue, I don’t know.”
“Look, just take the damn bag. Do it, or don’t. I can’t and wont force you. But at least consider it.” Then she rose to her full height, the most intimidating 5 feet he had ever seen, giving him what could only be called a “mom look” and sauntered back inside.
That night, weighted down by grief and half delirious with exhaustion, Adam opened the bag. He pulled out the box of white envelopes, cracked open the pack of college-rule paper, and grabbed a black pen from the cup at the right of his desk. This is so stupid, he thought as he put his pen to paper...
i. You, I never knew your name. You left before I ever had the chance to ask. I wish more than anything that I knew your name, at least then I’d be able to grieve a person instead of a stranger in an alley. You were… Exquisite. Even floating in a pool of your own life, you were beautiful. You were. Past tense. Gone. I dreamed of knowing you. The idea of you, in abstract my whole life. I didn’t know who you’d be, but, still I dreamed. It was my secret. The odds of finding your soulmate are so slim these days, and yet… In the quiet hours of the night, bone tired and barely standing at work, or when the hunger pains threatened to cripple me, I’d pull you out of the careful place in my mind, and dream. It’s dangerous to dream. I know better now. You fucking left me. How dare you? It’s probably a good thing you’ll never read these letters. Blue, my best friend, suggested I write them to help me “find closure.” That’s very Blue. She’s all about self-care and talking through feelings. Henry, my other friend, agrees with her. So here I am, attempting to vomit my heart on a page in hope of finding some semblance of peace. There is so much I wish I could have told you, and so much more that would have terrified me to admit. That’s one benefit to your never knowing me I suppose... Honestly, it was probably for the best that, in the end, you never had the chance to try knowing me. I’m a disaster. I’m unknowable. And that’s, fine. Ya know? I’m okay, I think. Holding onto that which sets me apart, and working my hardest to  fix everything else that’s in my power. That’s how I got here, Georgetown. I did it myself.  That’s something I would have told you, because it’s something I am proud of, though I’ll never say. I worked 3 jobs through highschool, made straight A’s, volunteered, and slaved away. I saved money in a shoebox under a loose vent in my trailer to buy books. My dad would have killed me, literally, if he’d ever found that. I was supposed to give them everything, but I hid that. I hid so much. I got really good at hiding in that place. Henrietta… What a fucking shit show. Anyways, I saved and pushed myself. I think I ate maybe once a day for those years, if I was lucky? I know I barely slept. But it was worth it the day the acceptance letter came in the mail. Georgetown. 3 hours away. A world away. A full ride. I was so fucking happy that day, I even allowed myself to dip into the shoebox to buy a coke fom the gas station by the autoshop I worked at. That was my life then, and still is now, to some extent. Small rewards, focus on the bigger picture. Work, work, work, and then one day have the power and money, the status, the ability to fight for people like me. I had barely put the box back when my dad, Robert, saw me holding my acceptance letter, and a $20. I wasn’t allowed to have money in my room, even if I made it myself. It was “for the family” he always said. “Do you want us to starve?” “you think you’re so fancy at your charter school don’t you?” always the same. Always cruel. So I’m standing there, money and letter in hand, smiling like an idiot when he comes in. I’ll never forget that day. I’d taken so many beatings from him by the time I was 17, it was second nature really. But this one? For some reason it surprised me. I thought for sure that he would be capable of some sense of joy. I got into college, for free. But Robert wasn’t like that. I could smell the beer on his breath. Keystone, always fucking Keystone. It smells like piss. It still makes me gag.  “What the fuck is that?” he asked. And I didn’t know how to respond. I remember stuttering. I was always stuttering, mumbling, hiding, lying. Anything to avoid the inevitable. “I asked you a question, boy.”  I panicked. “Its, uh, a letter, sir. An acceptance letter. From college. I-I got in.” Apparently it wasn’t the right response. I don’t remember much after that, I know he told me I had no right to hide money because I “owed him.” I always owed him. For breathing, for having the audacity to live. That night was the worst I can remember though. He wouldn’t stop. He was screaming about how I wasn’t allowed to just leave. I took more hits than usual, but I could have handled it. I’m no stranger to broken bones and bruises. But I was so scared this time. I knew, somehow I knew that this was it. If I didn’t get out he was going to kill me. Kill me because of a $20 and a full ride. I tried to run. I did.  I never made it very far though. He caught me, and the last thing I remember was a screaming pain in the left side of my head. I don’t know why I’m even writing all this, maybe Blue and Henry were right? I’ve never even told them all of this. I really doubt I would have told you this had I been given the chance. I would have stuck to the barest details: Deaf in left ear. Accident. Long time ago. I don’t talk to my parents.  Or maybe I wouldn’t have hid…Soulmates are a safe space right? Through whatever magic, or science, or God (if you believe in one of those, I don’t- hope you wouldn’t have cared) we are supposed to be able to share it all. A balance. A quiet place. A home. I wonder what you would have said if I told you? I hope it wouldn’t have been pitying. I don’t do pity. I’ll never know that though, which is maybe a relief? I don’t know. I hope you would have been proud though, that I did get out. Of what I’m doing with my life now. I haven’t even told “you” have I? I got a double Bachelors in Political Science and Conflict Resolution. I’m currently taking a Masters in Public Policy. I know, most people see “Georgetown” and “Politics” and think “Here’s another white guy with dreams of power.” But it’s not that. I’m going to change things, my thesis is on Domestic Violence: prevention and programs. I’m going to fight for the kids like me, in the homes like mine. I’m going to fight for every time I didn’t hit back. Every bruise and broken bone. I’m going to change the world for the Adam Parrish’s. I’m going to bring an end to the Roberts.  That’s what I’m doing now. I guess I’ll be okay without you. I’ve always been better at work than relationships anyway. If we’re being honest you probably would have hated me. I’m terrible with making time for anyone. I have goals though, I don’t have the luxery to fuck around. I’m not conducive to a partnership, and I’m not even sure I’d be capable of love.  I would have tried for you though.  Maybe you needed that. Maybe if you’d had it, love, you wouldn’t have ended up in the alley. I don’t know. I wish I could ask you why. I just… fuck. This letter is getting severely out of hand.  It doesn’t matter why you did it.  You did. And that’s that I suppose.  Forever a mystery, the man with the beautiful face and ice blue eyes. “I used to build dreams about you.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Benediction That’s all you are now. A dream.
He folded the pages in thirds, slipping them in an envelope, and sealing them away. On the outside he wrote the number one, then slid the envelope into a crack between one of his potted plants and a row of books on his window sill. Then Adam crawled into bed and finally slept; for once it was a dreamless- restorative sleep.
Shattered heart hanging heavy in his chest, Adam looked up when the bell above the door to Nino’s chimed the arrival of a new patron. The young couple made their way towards the counter. The smaller man leaning lovingly into the side of his partner, while the taller man looked down lovingly, arm draped across the first’s shoulders. It was a quiet moment, something so personal and beautiful Adam looked down, he didn’t want to intrude. His hands were shaking, a bitter jealousy crashing like waves in a storm through his entire being. He took a steadying breath, trying to quell the rage, and uncapped the black marker, grabbing a cup to prepare to take their order. 
“Hi,” he bit out through his customer service smile. He looked up from the cup in hand, allowing a little of his Henrietta lilt to color his words into something close to friendly. “Welcome to Nino’s, what can I get started for you today?” 
“Hi! Can we please get a- Oh, wow!” The shorter man had stopped mid-sentence and leaned close to Adam across the counter. “Your eyes are so blue! Babe, have you ever seen eyes so beautiful?” Adam wanted to fucking snap. The larger man leaned in as well and hummed in approval.
“No I haven’t, sorry. I know this is probably so inappropriate,” he leaned back, tone placating. “We don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, this is just all new for us-”
Adam didn’t fucking care.
“-Anyways, can we please get two Americanos, and a a slice of apple pie with two forks?”
Of course, Adam nodded. He finished the order and made the drinks with shaking hands and a barely controlled rage burning him from within, blooming pink across his cheeks.
 He couldn’t breathe. 
When he returned home, he slammed his door and flew to his desk; practically tearing a lined sheet from the pile of supplies from Blue and began to write. Pen pressed so hard small tears formed in the paper as he purged…
Fuck you for what you did. For what you did to yourself. What you did to that man in the alley. Screaming. Begging. Holding you together.
 For what you did to me. 
I hate you. 
I hate that I love you. The idea of you. Because you couldn’t even wait for me. I never got the chance to love the real you, and I loathe you for it.
You fucking left me alone.
All this goddamn color, all these beautiful things, and I’m still living in black and white. 
I’m drowning.
You were my hope. 
You were my end game. Sometimes, I fear you’ll be my end. 
I can’t get away from the idea of you.
I see your face every time I close my eyes.
You’re haunting me.
You’re ruining me.
Fuck you. 
I hate you.
Fuck, You.
Why did you leave me all alone?
When he finished his breath was ragged, chest rising and falling in heavy swells. Angry tears drying splotches across the page before him, turning certain words into a blurry but still legible watercolor. He threw his pen across the room, shoved the letter into the envelope marked 2, and placed it alongside the first. 
Adam spent the remaining days of September numb. He had taken to carrying a few sheets of paper and envelopes in his messenger bag in case he ever needed them. 
It was on one particular afternoon -two days before September ended- as he sat in Nino’s sipping coffee and staring blankly at the textbook in front of him, that he wrote his third letter. He felt untethered, unbalanced, the sky outside was such a pale blue that his mind began to wander. With a sigh, he pulled out a sheet of paper, and an envelope marking the outside with the number three. 
I’m so lost…
I can’t fall asleep without seeing your eyes.
Ice cold.
I wonder how they looked when you were happy… I hope you were happy, truly happy. At least once there before the end.
I bet they were beautiful.
Come back.
Adam stayed staring at that plea, that unanswered wish, until his coffee was cold. He wondered if this would ever end, he wasn’t unfamiliar with want. Adam had wanted more than anyone he had ever known. He was accustomed to the pain, the resentment that came with wanting that which you cannot have, but unlike all the other times this was wholly unattainable. No amount of extra shifts, A’s on homework, perfect test scores, hard-work would ever give him this particular want. 
He packed his bag slowly, tossing his coffee in the trash by the door and waving half-heartedly at his coworker behind the counter. The bell chimed his departure and he made his way out into the chilly September afternoon. The walk from Nino’s to his apartment was blessedly short. As he rounded the corner at the end of the block he was assaulted by the acrid smell of smoke.
Adam looked up, chill already forgotten, for the source and his eyes landed on a peculiar sight: A handsome man, in a nice crisp peacoat and cashmere scarf. Standing, hands clasped behind his neck, staring into the open maw of a smoking, Candy-Orange, ‘73 Camero.
“Hey!” he half shouted, making his way towards the gentleman, his greeting had clearly disturbed an emotional crisis. “Hey, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you, did you maybe need some help?”
“Oh, hi. Yes, Hello. I’m, no thank you. I’m alright. I’ll give someone a call, The Pig is an auto-shop frequent flyer I’m afraid. Though, I’ve never seen it smoke quite so heavily.” The man half laughed, and shook his head.
“I don’t mind, I’m actually a mechanic down at Boyds. I can take a peak and see if I can do anything here if you’d like? Save you a trip.”
“Are you sure? I’d be more than happy to pay y-”
Adam shook his head fiercely, “No need. I’m Adam, by the way.” 
He held out his hand towards the man, who grasped his in kind. A vibrant smile lit his face, “Lovely to meet you Adam, I’m Gansey.”
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paganinpurple · 5 years
Be Careful What You Wish For - Ch 6
Will Write For Coffee
Another chapter commissioned by the lovely @simply-zerah Enjoy! And thanx to @the-wonders-of-self-indulgence for betaing this for me.
Adrien and Nino find themselves in an alternate timeline where Hawkmoth never attacked and so the Miraculous heroes were never chosen. Just how much has changed in this universe? And how will they find their way back?
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6    Part 7
It hadn’t taken long for Chat Noir to use his claws to unlock one of the windows in Gabriel Agreste’s atelier and slip inside. As dark as it was, he could clearly see the layout with his night vision and relied on that and the careful warnings Marinette whispered into his ear to guide him safely across the room without tripping any of the sensor beams that activated the alarm.
It was, therefore, only a moment before he reached the large painting on the far side of the room. It had been commissioned years before his mother had gone missing, so he wasn’t surprised to find it in the same place it hung back home and he took a second to glance over the piece in its splendour.
His mother had always been a huge fan of art and Gustav Klimt's The Lady in Gold had been her absolute favourite during her studies, so his father had given her a recreation, with her own face instead. It had been on their first wedding anniversary after his company had taken off successfully; a small flash of wealth and a celebration for them both. For both his father and himself, it now served as a memorial to her and it often caused Adrien more sorrow than joy when he took the time to contemplate it.
“You okay?” came the soft voice in his ear and Chat realised belatedly that his eyes were wet.
Shaking himself a little as if to wake himself from his daydream and wiping his face with the back of his hand, he quickly nodded –knowing she would see the movement from her end. He moved to pull the painting from the wall on one side, quickly finding the latch that held it in place and swinging the whole thing towards him on its hinges. He heard Marinette gasp as it revealed the safe hidden behind it.
He would have much preferred to use Plagg to phase through the lock, but he would’ve lost his connection to Marinette and he didn’t want to risk being caught as Adrien –which would be difficult to explain– all because he didn’t have his enhanced hearing. Instead, he quietly called for Cataclysm , barely whispering the word before the black destructive energy bubbled over his hand. Pressing his palm to the safe door, he watched as it dissolved away into nothing, leaving only a blackened edge to the surrounding area.
“Okay, that was…kinda cool,” Marinette said, sounding impressed. He failed to hold back the snicker it elicited in him as he started to look through the contents of the safe, finding something of interest just as Carapace's voice drifted through his earpiece.
“Dudes,” he said, sounding nervous, “I think we have a problem.”
As he finished speaking the atelier flooded with light dramatically. In shock, Chat spun himself around to face the person towering by the doorway, the light from above casting ominous shadows down the length of their torso. The tall, slim silhouette of Gabriel Agreste was as fierce and intimidating as ever, but Chat took confidence from his Miraculous and the abilities it granted him to stand firm and proud where he was.
“Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?” Gabriel asked, voice deceptively quiet, but cold nonetheless.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Carapace muttered at the same time Marinette called out his name.
Forcing a little more bravado into his stance and letting his signature smirk fall into place, Chat took out his baton to lean against, attempting a nonchalant tone when he spoke. “Bit big to be calling this place a house, isn’t it?”
Gabriel glanced at the safe behind the oddly dressed stranger as the man leant forward on his baton, and a wrinkle of confusion passed across the older man’s face. “How did you remove the door to my safe?” he said, beginning to glance around the floor for it, “Where is it?”
“I don’t think that’s really the most relevant question right now,” Chat said, reaching back into the safe while keeping Gabriel in his peripheral eyeline, “I think it’s much more important to ask how you came to have these .”
Removing his hand from the opening and outstretching it in front of him –to ensure Marinette would be able to get a good look as well –he watched Gabriel glance down at the two Miraculous in his clawed hand. To his credit, the older man was very good at hiding his panic, but Chat had known to expect a reaction and could feel the strain and tension that he gave off, as an almost physical force in the air between them.
“They have no monetary value. They are purely sentimental,” he said, as a drop of sweat formed across his forehead and dripped down his nose, “Now, the voice detectors have likely picked you up as an unknown intruder. The police will be on their way, so I suggest you put those back and leave before they arrive.”
“You’re cool, man,” he heard from his ear and Chat couldn’t help but chuckle as he pulled the Butterfly and Peacock pins back in towards his torso.
“Actually, my colleague is pretty good with tech and he assures me he has all the outbound communications well under his control, so I’m not worried. Besides, I have a feeling I’m on the whitelist and wouldn’t be flagged anyway.”
“Chaaaaat,” Marinette chastised, “Careful not to give away anything.”
He tutted once in an attempt to reassure her he knew what he was doing. There was little else he could do without drawing attention to his words. “Now, I believe I asked you how you found these…artefacts.”
“Gabe? What’s going on?”
Both men turned to the doorway as a woman appeared in the entryway. She was wrapped in a lavender robe which she clutched close to her chest and her grey-streaked blonde hair fell loose and limp across her shoulders, tousled from sleep.
“Emilie!” yelled Gabriel –no, his father– and the woman –his mother– flinched in shock. “Get out of here! Get Adrien and go find some help!”
Everything seemed to slow, and Chat watched in shock as his mother’s eyes turned to his, wide and full of terror as she realised he was there and was fearful of what he might do. His father moved his body in front of hers, using himself as a shield in the event that their intruder might attack. He was shouting something, but Chat had no idea what he shouted as all he seemed to hear suddenly was a ringing in his ears. There were faint undertones of other voices in his ear, but their words were also completely unrecognisable.
All Chat was capable of hearing was the choked sob his mother suddenly gave at the sight of him and mentally, he found himself thrown back into his childhood, just a little boy approaching his mother’s bedroom door as he heard her sob for a reason he couldn’t remember.
“Mommy?” he called before pushing the door open wider, seeing his mother quickly wiping her eyes once he moved far enough into the room that she came into sight. She turned to him and gave him an enormous smile, her eyes still wet and puffy, as she scooped him up into a crushing hug.
“It’s nothing,” she said, “Something just gave mommy a fright, that’s all.”
“Was it me? Did I frighten you?” he asked, his little face pouting at the thought.
“Of course not, my love,” she said, pressing the tip of her nose to his and rubbing them together until he burst out into happy little giggles, “You could never frighten me.”
“Mommy?” Chat said as his transformation melted away.
Buy Me A Coffee?
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MDZS ch.94
okay, i’ve been dreaming about this part and now i just need to know what happens so bad i’m ditching my studying schedule (and relax for a bit, uni is making me going totally insane) to read this, better be worth it-
Lan WangJi gladly accepted his exaggerated praise. He opened Wei WuXian’s sleeves and  poured all of the stolen jujubes inside, saying, “For you. All for you.”
i think lwj doesn’t like wwx thanking him. he snaps every time he does that. uuuuuugh my heart-
lunatic lwj is the best things in the whole universe
He took out a jujube, wiped it on the cloth at his chest, and bit half of it away, thinking that  if Lan Zhan wanted to play, he should just play with him, “What do you want to do next?” He held himself back from saying, ‘Whose house do you want to destroy next?’
(i’m excited, what’s next on the drunken lwj’s list of adventures?)
Lan WangJi frowned slightly, correcting him, “We.”
The two arrived at a wall. Lan WangJi looked left and right. After making sure that nobody was around, he unsheathed Bichen from his waist. With a few swings, glaring blue light flashed by, leaving behind a row of tall characters.
Wei WuXian went forth and looked. There were seven words—‘Lan WangJi of Gusu has been here’.
Lan WangJi nodded and handed Bichen to him.
Wei WuXian, “?”
Lan WangJi handed Bichen to him again. Wei WuXian took it. As he saw how there was still much empty space after the words ‘Lan WangJi’, he understood.
Lan WangJi was waiting for him to write his name up there as well!
i’m done
i am done.
this is too perfect, and perfection SCARES ME. if this is giving me so much joy i could actually die from it, what’s gonna happen next? WHAT.
Lan WangJi seemed quite satisfied, finally taking Bichen back. After a moment of thought, he reached out again. This time, it wasn’t to write, but rather to draw. A few glares of the sword zipped across, and the small portrait of two kissing figures appeared on the wall. The precision of the lines and the obscenity of the content was enough to make Wei WuXian slap his own forehead.
he is trying to woo wwx by doing what he did when he was young and guys my heart has totally melted)
Suddenly, a series of wild barks exploded. Wei WuXian seemed as if firecrackers had just bursted beside his ears. He immediately screamed, unconsciously jumping onto Lan WangJi’s body, “Lan Zhan, help me!!!”
(bAbY- *he always have an excuse to wrap himself all over lwj, what a coincidence-)
Lan WangJi gained a complete victory. He finally patted Wei WuXian a few more times and leaped off the wall with him.
The dog’s barks were never heard again, even after they walked for a long while. Wei WuXian was finally able to tear himself off Lan WangJi’s body. His eyes were glazed and his legs shivered. Lan WangJi patted his shoulder, gazing at him with dedication, as though asking if he was fine or not. Wei WuXian still hadn’t recovered from the shock. Now that he could finally catch his breath a bit, he praised, “HanGuang-Jun, you’re so brave!”
(this was-
like, the cutest thing ever. i love how lwj protects him from everything, even things that are not really life treatening. that dedication you see, wwx, THAT’S LOVE, SO LOVE HIM TOO OKAY LOVE HIM LOTSSSSSS-)
Hearing this, Lan WangJi seemed to smile.
The ripple of movement faded at once. Pausing in astonishment, Wei WuXian thought he saw wrong.
what’s wwx gonna do the moment lwj will smile completely at him?
omg we’re all gonna die in bliss)
Wei WuXian swept them off of him as he laughed, “You’re so dirty!”
Lan WangJi, “Wash my face for me.”
Wei WuXian couldn’t help but tugged his forehead ribbon, “You’ve even learned to order me around!”
The first time he was drunk, Wei WuXian washed his face for him, and Lan WangJi seemed as if he liked it a lot. Of course, this time, he asked for it on his own. Wei WuXian wanted to do it for him in the first place, but now that he was already like this, simply washing his face wouldn’t be enough at all. And so, he asked, “How about I just help you bathe instead?”
A  B A T H.
Finally the words i wanna hear.
Hearing this, Lan WangJi widened his eyes slightly. Wei WuXian examined his expression carefully, “Do you want it?
Lan WangJi immediately nodded, “Yes.”
lwj is so eager, CUTE
He himself went downstairs, boiled water, and carried them up one bucket at a time, filling the entire tub. He tried the temperature of the water. Just as he turned around, wanting to tell Lan WangJi to take off his clothes, he saw that Lan WangJi had already stripped on his own.
(WeIwUxIaN.exe has stopped working)
When he ran into Lan WangJi taking a bath, he didn’t have any other ideas either, and during both those two times, more than half of Lan WangJi’s body was buried underwater. And so, suddenly seeing such an uncovered HanGuang-Jun… It was needless to say that Wei WuXian received quite a big shock.
At the moment, he didn’t even know whether he should follow his heart and look as much as he wanted or find something with which to cover up Lan WangJi and pretend to be a decent person.
His scalp tingled. He couldn’t help but to walk backwards, but as he walked back, Lan WangJi continued to walk forward. Wei WuXian had already backed away to a corner of the wall. He couldn’t hide at all, and could only braven up as he watched Lan WangJi approach him expressionlessly. The distinct Adam’s Apple, fair-colored skin, and smooth, aesthetic muscles flashed before his eyes so clearly that he didn’t even dare look at them straight, eyes averting slightly. He swallowed unconsciously, somehow feeling a bit parched.
Wei WuXian was almost in a state of despair. He clenched his teeth, pretending like everything was fine, “I’m only pouring the bathwater for you. Okay. You can do the rest now.” As he spoke, he was just about to move away when Lan WangJi suddenly reached out and tore his sash belt into half.
who the hell am i kidding i’m going on, nosebleed or not-)
And so, he dragged Lan WangJi towards the tub, “Fine, I’ll help you bathe. Come here.” He thought, My loss, my loss. Fine, I’ll just scrub him a couple of times. I won’t do anything else at all.*
*yeah well we all know that’s not gonna happen
also, wwx trying to convince himself he won’t do anything else besides wiping him a bit i’m like >______________>
(esr commenting wwx’s intentions represents all of us)
Lan WangJi was finally hauled by him. He sunk into the water again. Wei WuXian also rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the tub.
(i’ll explode, i’ll totally go BOOM POW in a sec when wwx’s hands will be all over lwj omg omg omg omg omg omg OMG-)
Since Lan WangJi had been staring at Wei WuXian without a single blink, Wei WuXian was worried the water might drip into his eyes and make him feel uncomfortable, “Close your eyes.”
(this is how i would explain what love is to me)
Lan WangJi didn’t listen to him. His eyes were still glued to Wei WuXian as if he was scared that if he blinked once, Wei WuXian might have run away. Wei WuXian reached out to shut his eyes, and he buried the lower half of his face into the water, letting out a series of bubbles. Wei WuXian laughed as he lightly pinched his cheek, “Er-Gege, how old are you?”
EDIT 7: okay, about lwj’s scars... i think he did that to himself (or made it so that it feels like he was punishing himself, you get me, right)? i mean, wwx describes them as coming from ferocious whipping, so even if lwj deserved to be punished, i can’t think of lqr and lxc being so angry at him to that point (it feels like adding cruelty to the punishment). so, either what lwj did was really bad or... well, he punished himself (whipping himself or having someone do it to him, so to be extremely strict). my heart is crying.
Wei WuXian got him drunk and spent almost half the night mulling over the matter, but he still didn’t get any answers. It wasn’t that he forgot. He’d always held in the back of his mind that he gave wine to Lan WangJi just to ask him, “HanGuang-Jun, just what do you think of me?” But every time it was close, he’d find some reason to blur things over, like not being so eager and asking after he played with him for long enough, like not being so casual and asking after they sat down properly… But even with all these excuses, the real reason that he dragged it until now was probably that he feared.
He was scared that he’d hear an answer different from what he hoped for.
omg now my heart is breaking again, i can feel my stomach twisting, he is scared. if only he knew, if only... pls lwj, tell him. tell him how much you longed for him and need him and embrace wwx’s hope to be loved by you, i swear i won’t ever need anything else in my life
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Toby Fox spoiled my novel-length fanfic’s ultimate plot twist (an “it happened to me” story???)
New content in the Switch release of Undertale last week contained a major revelation about a canon character… and confirmed a major headcanon / plot twist that I had been gradually foreshadowing in my WIP backstory fanfic for over two years and almost 100,000 words (and the fanfic is only about 2/3 done, so the twist wouldn’t have been revealed for like another year yet.)
For a week I’ve been caught between amazed elation and an undertone of exasperation. I feel like I need to make some public record now… as proof it happened this way??
(The fic is “The Problem of Bodies” by Mz_Mallow on AO3.)
Explanation / spoilers under the cut.
With the addition of the Mad Mew Mew battle, Toby Fox revealed that Mad Dummy is a trans woman, just like Mettaton is a trans man.
TBH when first planning The Problem of Bodies I was going to simply make Mad Dummy a grouchy uncle/aunt… It was my amazing fiancée & beta-reader who convinced me to write MD as sibling to Mettaton and Napstablook and as a trans girl.
So, as a record, here’s an account of the foreshadowing in The Problem of Bodies. (EDIT: I had forgotten one instance of foreshadowing when I first posted this... it’s item #3)
1) No pronouns used for Feisttablook in narrative voice. Other characters refer to Feist as they/them in dialogue, but the narrator avoids pronouns for the character altogether. Happstablook got no narrative pronouns either until he had a personal revelation of his gender at the end of Part 1, Chapter 7, the final line of which is, “Happy hovered at the sideline for a minute before yelling, loudly, deeply, a crow of pure joy; and he threw himself into the pile-up.”
2) Feist’s first experience wearing clothes in Part 1, Chapter 7, which is meant to be an echo of that classic narrative of the first time a trans femme person sees herself in feminine clothes. Feist’s overall love of fashion is drawn from original game canon, ie the dream of becoming a fashion mannequin recounted in the Mad Dummy boss battle.
3) The first line of Part 2 Ch. 4, when Feist is going to see Hark’s bodies for the first time: “Phasing through the floor into the room below, Feisttablook almost landed directly on top of a pink plush doll [...]“
And then halfway through that chapter, as the city ghosts are talking about their feelings re: becoming corporeal: “Feist felt dizzy as the lingering fear of rejection and ridicule dissipated. In some ways these stories were similar to what Feist felt… but somehow different, as well. It was that undefinable difference that left Feist reluctant to share more.“
4) Feist’s thoughts on first possessing the dummy body, in Part 2, Ch. 4: “Was the body perfect? Of course not. There were things Feist would have changed in the design — a more rounded head, more like the cute version of the everyman design used for smaller dolls; a lower center of gravity; curved mammalian-type lines �� but it was so much better than having no body.”
5) The fact that Feist becomes pregnant in Part 3, but is unable to impregnate another ghost.
6) Feist’s experience of being pregnant in Part 3, Ch. 3: “The idea of pregnancy had been frightening — expecting restlessness, volatile moods, compulsively chasing away other ghosts — but instead, Feist had found a sense of deep calm, like making a new family this way wasn’t just life-affirming, but self-affirming. Finding new ways of expressing love, through courtship and now through expecting the child, felt intimate and important; like when Feist found clothes that fit just right.”
Contrast with Happy’s reaction to the suggestion that he might be or could become pregnant, from Part 2 Ch. 2: “Comprehension hit, and for a moment Happy was terrified that Staid saw something true, that there were strangers growing inside of him. (Not strangers, he would later correct himself, More of us, more of myself.) The beat of fear and repulsion he felt at the thought gave him reassurance: ghost pregnancy came from satisfaction and hope, not anxiety and doubt. He was all set for prophylactic cynicism.”
(These reactions are NOT intended as statements on how all men or all women feel, or are expected to, or are supposed to feel; the contrast is simply a part of fleshing out these two characters)
7) Feist’s thoughts on trying to find a new body in Part 3, Ch. 11, in which she longs for a feminine body the way Happy longs for a masculine body, but unlike him is not yet able to recognize her feelings as having to do with the way the body will be gendered: “A body. Not just a tool made for someone else and repurposed; a personal, personalized body. With personality. One that was strong and flexible and adaptable. One that expressed the soul inside instead of obscuring it. A body to fuse with. The dream grew and took on dimension and weight, as if the dream itself were becoming corporeal.
“What stood in the way of realizing this dream? The curiosity or censure of other ghosts? After all that had happened, Feist was beyond worrying about what other ghosts thought. The impossibility of the body itself? The dummy body wasn’t bad, it was just insufficient, lacking in some way… and that could be figured out, with a little room to experiment.”
Sooo… TPoB fic will proceed as it’s been planned from the beginning, moving forward to and through and beyond in-game events… Except that I never guessed that Alphys would have a life-sized plush Mew Mew Doll in her house (WTF, Alphys), and that it would be found by Mad Dummy / Feist… so that will be written in, when the plot eventually gets to that point.
I do have another major plot twist planned for Part 4 that is not in Undertale canon… and I know Toby Fox will not spoil this one, because (1) it’s based in originally existing game canon, and (2) it involves mature-rated thematic elements. Take THAT, Toby you marvelous troll. XD
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dorkyungsoowrites · 6 years
Spontaneous Attraction Ch. 28
Pairings: Kyungsoo x You
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Smut | Ambiguous AU
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.7k
Description: Minseok wants to cash in on the favor you owe.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
It was time. You had lost a bet with Minseok and now he had decided what his favor should be. The suggestive smirk spoke more than the greeting on his lips the instant he stepped into your apartment. He closed the front door behind him then slung an arm around your shoulders. You hadn't thrown on much before rushing to the door when you heard knocking. Only Kyungsoo's shirt and some sweatpants. You had panicked, thinking it was one of your neighbors coming to complain about noise from the night before. When Minseok had grinned in the doorway you relaxed. However, with his heat pressed to your side you froze awkwardly. He seemed to sense you weren't comfortable and shuffled away a few paces.
"What's up?" you asked as you strolled to the kitchen. He followed you, leaning on the island while you rummaged through the fridge for breakfast.
"I figured I'd take Soo to work today, and I thought of your punishment." You settled on a cup of yogurt for yourself and a bagel with cream cheese for Kyungsoo. You'd both put off getting out of bed for so long neither of you had time to cook. Your knees were still chattering with the effort of holding you up. As you got the proper utensils and began spreading the cream cheese you spoke to your unexpected guest.
"So? What is it?"
"At least act a little worried," the man pouted.
"I'm too tired to act like anything, Minnie. Plus we agreed it wouldn't be sexual favors so I don't care."
"Why are you so tired?"
"Didn't sleep well."
"Oh, well anyway. You know how we wear masks and stuff out in public?"
"Please get to the point," you sighed.
"Buy sex toys for me?" Your eyes snapped up, incredulous. Minseok was smiling and batting his eyelashes.
"You know you can do that online, right?"
"But I want you to do it."
"Will you pay me back?"
"Of course."
"Alright," you shrugged. His smile dropped, shoulders sagging.
"What? You're not embarrassed?"
"I understand why you don't want to be seen buying that stuff, but I don't care. I can go to the store I usually go to. The people there are really nice and helpful. Do you want something that's hard to find?" His pout was back. It was fun to see his plan to mess with you crumbling.
"No, but I haven't had the chance to..." His words trailed. He had an idea. You saw it in his eyes. He leaned his chest over the counter more as if he had cleavage he was trying to flaunt. "Since you're so casual about sex can you buy me those things anyway and still do a punishment?"
"And why should she?" Kyungsoo stepped in. Shirtless in only jeans, to your confusion. Not on why; it was quite normal when you were alone, and you knew Kyungsoo was really close to all the other members. But your emotions went haywire when you saw the messy trail of bitemarks, scratches and hickies spotting his torso out in full daylight. Your face flushed hot. You swallowed the sudden amount of saliva you had with a fat tongue. You tried with all your power to pry your eyes off his gorgeous, heavily marked skin, but jesus fucking christ that man made you weak. A rush of arousal hit you like a monster truck as your gaze followed the irritated red scratches on his sides going up to his ribs then around out of sight on his back. As you remembered when you made them. The way he felt inside of you, slamming into you while looking at you through it all. You remembered biting those crescents by his collarbone and on his shoulder. The way his voice echoed in your ears as he moaned and swore he was yours. Your eyes drifted to the red and bruised patches that traveled from the base of his neck over his chest and stomach then to the one peeking out on his hip. Only partly covered by the band of his underwear that barely stuck out from his jeans. You had to brace yourself with a hand on the counter. Your joints were jelly. Your legs felt like they might come out from under you. Then someone touched your cheek and you snapped out of your memories. Kyungsoo was much closer, and when you looked up at his face he was holding back a grin. He pressed his lips lightly to yours then steadied you with a hand on the small of your back.
"Are you okay, jagi?"
"Ah~" Minseok drew out. He giggled like he found out a secret. "Didn't sleep well, was it?" He was ignored by both of you. Kyungsoo's hands slipped to your waist and suddenly you were sitting on the island counter. You reached out without thought, urging him by his shoulders to come stand between your legs. The grin he'd fought cracked his lips as he leaned closer, and your fingers slipped into his hair. It was still damp from the shower he just finished before Minseok came.
"Your face is all red." You could hear the amusement in his voice. Your nails scratched the base of his skull lightly, mesmerized by the way his expressions shifted faintly as he talked. How focused he was. "Let's eat and I'll help you back into bed." There was a magnetic pull to touch him. So you didn't debate. You practically fell forward to catch his lips. They gave under the weight of your own for a moment before you felt them tightening and stretching into a smile. He chuckled, letting you taste his happiness, and pulled away. You leaned your head on his shoulder and mumbled,
"You look breathtaking." Kyungsoo laughed once then whispered,
"Thank you." It was very quiet for several seconds before he backed away completely, leaving your reach. Minseok was handing him a collared navy shirt. You hadn't noticed him leaving to retrieve it. Kyungsoo pulled his arms through and began buttoning it closed. Your gaze finally widened to the rest of reality with your nights escapades hidden under fabric. Is that how Kyungsoo felt when you walked around with his marks? Cause if so, how the hell did he control himself? Your blood was on fire. But holy shit it felt good to see his pleasure stamped into his skin. He'd feel those bruises for days, thinking of you. Wanting you again. Your head was dizzy with delight.
"Hey dove," the eldest called your attention. "If you're too sore from last night I can come back later for that favor."
"No," you responded then shook your head clear. Your voice more stable and audible. "No, I have work anyway. I'll...I'll go after my lessons. What did you want again?" Minseok smiled. To his right Kyungsoo was tucking his shirt into his jeans.
"I'll write it down. Thanks again. Um, about the bet though..."
"Yes I'll still do a punishment," you replied in mock exasperration. He sprang up and clapped happily. His smile lit up the small apartment.
"Good! I had a backup! You have to watch one of my dramas with me." You sighed. "Without mocking it." That made you groan.
"But the shows you like are stupid."
"Just because they use tropes doesn't mean it's bad."
"No, but they write it horribly. And the acting is so over the top. I don't know how people enjoy that bullshit."
"I said no bad-mouthing," Minseok scowled. You grit your teeth.
"Good. Now where's some paper?"
"I have some in my music bag." You jumped down from the counter on wobbly legs. Slow to stand upright. When you did you faked more strength when you noticed Kyungsoo watching you warily. You went to the corner and on the floor by the bookshelf was your bag. You grabbed a small stack of sticky notes and a pencil, and gave them the Minseok. Normally you used them to mark a students lesson book so they knew what to practice at home. He wrote while Kyungsoo tied his shoes, sitting on the sofa. When he finished Minseok gave your things back with a,
"Come on. We're gonna be late," over his shoulder. Kyungsoo grabbed the bagel you made for him and started following the eldest toward the front door. He stopped long enough to kiss your cheek.
"Sorry I can't sit and eat with you. Don't push yourself too hard today, jagi. I'll be home late tonight."
"H-hold on," you stammered. You flung your arms around his neck and hugged him. Then you whispered, "I'll be thinking of you." Kyungsoo smiled and chuckled, understanding the implication.
"I'll miss you, too." You felt his free hand on your waist, fingertips tightening in a brief reassuring squeeze. Your heart raced. The heat from his hand burning through the thin borrowed t-shirt. "But I really have to go now."
"Sorry," you replied and quickly let go. Minseok waved with a,
"I'll come over tonight for that drama session." Then they left. You hauled yourself to the kitchen for your yogurt and collapsed. Your legs screaming in joy as you relaxed.
As the day went on your muscles regained their strength. Luckily for you all your music lessons were taught sitting down so you could recover. The feeblness in your knees especially lasted much longer than it ever had before. You really needed to work out your legs if you were going to repeat the previous night more often. Which you suspected Kyungsoo would enjoy. You would very much like it, too.
Buying Minseok's list of things was easy. It wasn't really much of a list anyway. He just wanted a dildo, to which he gave you a brand and model name, a rubber cock ring and a decent pair of leather cushioned handcuffs. You imagined he had been using ties and shirts until now and needed something more sturdy. After lessons you ate, went to the adult toy store, bought a few odd groceries and went back to the apartment. There was only one weird thing to happen while you were out, but you weren't sure what to make of it. So you would wait until Minseok came over and ask his opinion.
To pass the time you practiced your new set for the orchestra. You had previously introduced yourself to the neighbors on either side of you to make sure they were okay with you practicing since you could be loud. They both worked during the day so there was nothing stopping you like at your last place. At least on weekdays. One had even come over one afternoon just to compliment how well you sounded because they were home sick. You didn't practice as long that day so they could sleep and brought them some honey to put in their tea.
Once you finished practice you got a text from Minseok saying he was almost done for the day. You ordered pizza and not ten minutes after it arrived Minseok was knocking on your door. He didn't waste any time getting food and settling on your sofa. You smiled as you grabbed your own food and two beers and joined him. It was nice to have friends who felt comfortable in your shared apartment. He propped his feet on your coffee table, plate on his lap, one arm on the back of the sofa behind you. You pulled up your laptop and settled into his side while he used his free hand to search for his show. When it started you did your best not to roll your eyes at the cheesy soundtrack.
If his goal was to get you hooked he failed miserably. Although it was a good distraction to keep your thoughts from lingering on Kyungsoo and the marks you left on him. He picked an episode in the middle of the series and kept talking over the dialogue to catch you up on the plot. When he wasn't explaining why something was happening he was ranting about the characters. How he hates this girl for doing this. Why he thinks this should happen. Quick, look at that guy; I'd totally go down on him. Minseok was more entertaining than the show. He'd hardly even touched his pizza by the end. The show you still hated, but seeing Minseok so invested in these characters was fun. So when one episode ended you clicked on the next one. Ready to hear your binging buddy's raving commentary. Turns out, the more beer he had the more trash he'd talk. You were howling with laughter by the end of it, your punishment of not being allowed to mock thrown out the window. Your head had moved from his shoulder to a pillow he put on his lap. Both of you pointing out dumb mistakes and practically screaming at the screen when someone made a bad choice. Your night of watching horrible television ended when Kyungsoo came home. You moved your legs and sat up as he sank into the cushions beside you. He leaned his head back with a deep sigh, exhausted.
"And that's my queue to leave."
"Don't feel the need to rush. I'm just tired," Kyungsoo assured. "Stay as long as you'd like." He turned his head to look at you. "How were lessons, jagi? You mentioned one of your students is graduating soon right?"
"Oh," you realized, snapping to attention. You tucked your legs under you. "I almost forgot. Something weird did happen today. I got a call earlier."
"What about?"
"They said they were your fan. Well, they said Chanyeol was their favorite." Minseok immediately jumped from the couch to go in front of you. Kyungsoo's head shot up, eyes wide.
"Were they harassing you?" the oldest spat out quickly. "Did they say how they found you? Do we need to change your number?"
"No," you laughed. "God no. It'd be chaos giving my new number to everyone in my contacts. Plus it'd kill my teaching business. She was nice. She said she's been thinking about starting piano." Minseok's shoulders relaxed. So did Kyungsoo's features. Your words settling over them like dust.
"So why was it weird?"
"I don't know. It was just...my first time talking to one of your fans. It was surreal to hear about y'all from that perspective I guess."
"What did you talk about?"
"Well, not much. She introduced herself and told me her and her friends online were happy for me. I was kind of flustered so she assured me not to be nervous. That very few people were actually upset Kyungsoo is dating, which was really comforting actually," you chuckled nervously. "She looked up some of my performances, too. Then she mentioned wanting to learn piano because of Chanyeol and asked if that's how we became friends as kids. She said she would have to call me back after she knows she can afford music lessons."
"So nothing scary?"
"No, just weird. Good weird," you reassured with a smile.
"Aren't you worried about more fans calling you?" Kyungsoo questioned.
"Maybe, but for now not really. It's not like she stalked me to find it. If you search my name I have my website. It has clips of me performing and credentials for people who want to hire me, and my teaching information with ways to contact me. They can either ask for lessons or I'll block them. Whatever." With a shrug the two men accepted your answer for now. You were confident your anxieties from before were for nothing. Kyungsoo had been right. As long as you're happy with him everything else was background noise. Whether his fans hate or love you, you would stay. He would do the same. You knew it without a shred of doubt. No matter what occurs it looks like fate has you two tied together.
"Well thanks for hanging out dove," Minseok waved as he grabbed the opaque black bag with the toys you bought him. "It's nice watching those shows with someone."
"Anytime Minnie. I actually had fun." Kyungsoo waved lazily over his shoulder as Minseok went to the front door.
"See you tomorrow." You watched the door open and shut, leaving you alone with Kyungsoo. Leaning your head on his chest you sighed contentedly. You felt him take a deep breath, fingers going into your hair. Pulling the strands through his digits before they fluttered down and tickled your skin.
"So, how was your work today?"
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imitranslates · 6 years
Fukigen na Mononokean Ch. 57
A familiar face, some cute scenes, and a sharp Ashiya~ What answers await us next month? I wonder!
Please remember to check out the official English release when it comes out, preferably on Crunchyroll if you’re able to!
The newest chapter can be read on the official website by clicking the yellow button labeled 読む!
FYI, next month’s translation might be a day or two late (or it might not!).
Fukigen na Mononokean Chapter 57 – Sprouting Secrets
Page 1
Sakae: I'll exorcise you, too.
Sakae: ...Disappear.
Page 2
Ashiya: ...
Ashiya: Haa...
Ashiya: Haa...
Ashiya: Haa...
Page 3
Ashiya: Haa... haa...
Ashiya: ...Haa...
Ashiya: Haa—....
Ashiya: ...Another one.
Ashiya: A dream about killing a demon with my influence.
Page 4
Ashiya: How many times does this make it...
(Ashiya: My alarm...)
Ashiya: ......
Ashiya: Today's November 2nd, huh...
Page 5
Joumatsu: Delicious! I haven't had this flavor in awhile!
Page 6
Joumatsu: Ashiya! One more!
Ashiya: I see you're still an impressive drinker!
Abeno: Has Anmo-dono been well since last time?
Joumatsu: Yes! The princess is as lovely as ever!
Her easily charmed nature hasn't changed, but... it’s lessened a bit from how it was before she closed herself up in that shell. I'm relieved!
Joumatsu: And compared to when we were in the mundane world, we fly together in the sky much more often!
Joumatsu: In fact, I went on a sightseeing flight with the princess in the forest a short ago!
Joumatsu: Since we came to the Underworld, every day has been full of joy!
Joumatsu: You have my gratitude for exorcising us!!
Abeno: ...That's excellent.
Ashiya: (What a completely doting story...)
Page 7
Mononokean: How sweet!
Ashiya: I'm relieved that you're getting along well.
It's been so long. I wish I could have seen Princess Anmo as well~~
Joumatsu: (Hmm...) Unfortunately, I couldn't bring the princess here...
Ashiya: Why's that?
Joumatsu: That is... Well... The reason for me visiting the Mononokean a second time is...
Joumatsu: Because I wanted your help with the princess.
Joumatsu: I was thinking that...
I would like to give the princess a gift!!
Ashiya: A present for Princess Anmo?
Page 8
Abeno: Would this be a "congratulatory gift"?
Joumatsu: No... It's nothing like that...
Ashiya: Abeno-san... Don't ask such a silly thing.
Joumatsu: T-that said, I'd like to give the princess something she'd be enjoy!
Ashiya: Uh-huh.
(Abeno: What's with that knowing smile...)
Joumatsu: Since we're from the mundane world, I was thinking I'd present her with something from here...
Ashiya: It'd be nice if she had something from the mundane world to keep with her in place of Joumatsu-san.
Ashiya: What kind of gift did you want to give her?
Joumatsu: Ah, yes...
Joumatsu: I have not decided that yet...
Joumatsu: I thought that if I hadn't settled on anything before I arrived,
Since the Mononokean is well informed about the mundane world, I would come to ask your advice for any good ideas. (I can't give her something that she might fall in love with, either.)
Page 9
Abeno: (Rather than worrying about it, isn't it more effective to ask the person directly?)
(Abeno: I see...)
Ashiya: (I have the feeling he's going to say, "Just ask her directly.")
Abeno: Why don't you just...
Ashiya: UMMM! That's right! How about some flowers!
Abeno: !?
Ashiya: My place is a flower shop, so if you give me a bit of time, I can prepare something!
Joumatsu: Flowers, huh!
Certainly, the princess did love looking at flowers!
Joumatsu: This is a wonderful idea!
Page 10
Joumatsu: Now then! Let's make haste over to Ashiya's home!
Abeno: Joumatsu-dono, by Underworld law, you can't enter the mundane world from here.
Abeno: We shall go and make the preparations, so can I ask that you wait for a brief period?
Joumatsu: Hmm... If it's like that, I have no choice.
Ashiya: By the way, do you happen to know what Princess Anmo's favorite color, or favorite flower is? (I'd like to have a reference for when we make the flower arrangement!)
Joumatsu: I see~~ Then perhaps~~
Page 11
Ashiya: Excuse me...
Ashiya: Could you make me one fluffy and sparkly flower arrangement?
Nara: Sure thing. Fluffy and sparkly, huh~
Oh! Welcome, Abeno-kun!
Nara: Thanks for helping me the other day. (For taking me to the hospital...)
Abeno: It was nothing...
(Ashiya: Come inside, come on.)
Nara: Could it be... You're the one who wants these flowers, Abeno-kun?
Nara: A present for your girlfriend, maybe?
Abeno: Yes. (Please make it with a girl in mind.)
Nara: I knew it!
Nara: You must be popular, huh, Abeno-kun?
You know, when Hanae was in middle school...
Ashiya: AAAAH, MOM!? Can you not say anything unnecessary?!
Abeno: ?
Page 12
Nara: Ah, yes!
Nara: Since you're here, why don't you try making it yourself?
Ashiya: !
Nara: If it was made by Abeno-san, I'm sure she'd be happy.
Nara: Of course, she'd like it if I made it, too. ...What do you think?
(Joumatsu: Flowers that are fluffy and sparkle like the princess!)
Ashiya: Sure, if we made it ourselves, it would probably be more convenient.
Since we know what Princess Anmo looks like.
Abeno: How would we convey that? There's no way she'd think the recipient is songbird-sized, either, huh...
Abeno&Ashiya: (In that case...!)
Page 13
Abeno: Allow me to accept your proposal and try to make it myself.
Ashiya: If it's a simple arrangement, I can help make it!
Nara: If Hanae's with you, you'll be okay without my teaching.
Please use my work bench.
(Nara: If you have any problems, I'll be in the back, so just call for me.)
(Ashiya: Let's get started!)
(Ashiya: This basket should be good.)
Page 14
Ashiya: Abeno-san! This should be a good size for putting it in!
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: Yikes!
(Ashiya: What's wrong?)
Ashiya: This is the first time I've seen a customer choosing flowers with such a demonic expression... (The flowers might wither.)
Abeno: Which flower is fluffy and sparkly...? A double flower in a really bright color...?
Abeno: Would a cotton flower be fluffy? But it's not sparkly...
Ashiya: (Has this abstract request triggered a mild panic...?!)
Ashiya: It's fine if you don't think about it that hard.
Whatever you choose with that sort of feeling is OK!
Abeno: Whatever has... that sort...
Page 15
Ashiya: When I imagine Princess Anmo, I think starting with a pink base would be good.
A carnation has a kind of fluffy, sparkly feeling to it~~
(Ashiya: The gerbera and rose is good, too~)
(Ashiya: And the dahlia is in season and fresh~)
Ashiya: Next is gypsophila to increase the volume!
The caper bush should be on the inside...
Ashiya: Ah, here it is! After that, I should put in some green...
Abeno: !
Abeno: .......
[Funeral altar flowers.]
Page 16
Ashiya: Abeno-saaan!
Ashiya: Abeno-san, which color looks more fluffy?
Ashiya: Right? Left?
Abeno: .....Left?
Page 17
Ashiya: .......
(Ashiya: What's wrong this time?)
Ashiya: Abeno-san, please just insert it...
Abeno: This is the first move. Wherever I place it will become the cornerstone...
Ashiya: Is this shougi?
(Ashiya: F... First, why don't you try putting it in the center?)
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: ...!?
Abeno: ......
Abeno: (Haa...) The rest of this... you do it...
Ashiya: Alright...
Ashiya: (To give up after the first move, he must be really bad at this...)
Page 18
Abeno: November 2nd...
Page 19
Ashiya: The day Sakae vanished...
Ashiya: It's the anniversary of Sakae's death, huh...
Page 20
Abeno: ......
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: Did... I say something to bother you, Abeno-san?
Abeno: Huh? No... What are you asking all of a sudden?
Page 21
Ashiya: The crease of your brow seems to indicate, "I'm troubled... What should I do..."
Yeah! Today is the death anniversary, but! It's not like my family does anything special in mourning, so you can just ignore it!
(Abeno: My brows indicates...?)
Ashiya: Though... In the first place, I can't really tell my family,
So can you not say anything to my mom, either?
Abeno: You're not saying anything?
Ashiya: ...I won't say anything.
I mean, it's not like I can explain it.
Ashiya: If I knew the reason he died, or the circumstances, I might be able to tell them, but...
Even though Abeno-san investigated for me, it was over before we found out anything...
Page 22
Abeno: ...Well, I guess that's true.
Ashiya: That wasn't a complaint or claim just now, though?!
You looked through every nook and cranny during your investigation, so I only have gratitude for you!
Ashiya: Your investigation into Sakae is worth the 1 million yen added to my debt!
Page 23
Abeno: That additional debt... I'll writing it off.
Ashiya: !?
Ashiya: ...Eh?
Abeno: The investigation request I accepted from you to find out about "the last moments of your father," but I still don't know.
I don't have anymore clues, so searching beyond this point will be difficult.
Abeno: The work I did isn't enough to receive the request fee of one million... That's why I don't want it.
Page 24
Ashiya: No, no... No matter the result, the fact that you did your investigation doesn't change...
Abeno: I said I don't want it.
(Ashiya: It... it's a million, you know!?)
(Abeno: Don't want it.)
Ashiya: (He's refusing to take it?!)
Ashiya: ...Then,
Ashiya: I'll accept your kindness...
Ashiya: (That said... I'm glad my debt decreased, but...)
Ashiya: ......
[Why did he only "write it off" at this moment?]
Page 25
[If he thought that investigating more than this would be difficult...]
[Why didn't he say that when he gave me his report?]
[By writing off the debt...
[He's saying he's "giving up any further investigation..."]
[But, Abeno-san...]
[Until now, has never given up on a request...
Not even once.]
Page 26
[If there was another reason for it...]
(Could he know something he can't talk about?)
Ashiya: ...!
(And that's why he decided to give up the request?)
[Just what about my father...]
[Does Abeno-san know?]
Page 27
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: ......
Ashiya: Um... I'm going to ask you about something else, but...
Abeno: What is it?
Page 28
Ashiya: There's something about Sakae...
Ashiya: That you're hiding from me, isn't there?
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zig-a-zow · 6 years
As told by Aiden [Chapter 4: Watching and waiting]
Summary: Aiden Zhou had everything figured out. He was a Junior at high school, he would graduate in two years, attend a prestigious school such as Juilliard and become the best musician he could be. Of course, despite being practically a prodigy at what he loved, he had a lot to learn yet, especially the most important lesson: there was more to life than what he once thought.
Pairings: Aiden x MC (Grace Ashton)
Word count: 2826
Notes: Hello there! What is this, you might be asking yourself? Well, nothing other than what the title says: High School Story as told by Aiden. The events from the book, but from his perspective, plus extra scenes/fanon lore. There are significant changes in this story, though. For once, I have two MCs, best friends Grace and Callie. However, one of them will be significantly more prominent due to being Aiden’s love interest. Also, each chapter has its own song, cause how could I write about Aiden without music included? Click the lyrics to listen.
Taglist: @mlmseangayle @ravenclawpokegirl25 @poofboopmew @apluschoices 
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2  - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 (It’s right here!) - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6 - Ch. 7 - Ch. 8 (Coming soon!)
Oh, you capture my attention
Carefully listening
Don’t wanna miss a thing
Keeping my eyes on you
He had been staring at his phone’s screen until its light stopped illuminating his face, and he could see his reflection on the glass.
The screen came to life again with a single tap of his finger, as he immediately deleted the message he had written but not sent.
Was he really going to text Grace? Right now, while laying in bed, unable to sleep?
It probably wasn’t a good idea, he told himself. They had been talking all night, and even if she seemed pretty… interested in him, maybe it was a little too much to talk to her now.
Plus, she was probably already asleep, like a normal person at 5:00am.
Aiden sighed deeply, leaving his phone on his bedside table and pulling his blankets to cover his whole body in a futile attempt to rest at least a few hours.
Next morning, he had a raging headache and wished he could stay in bed all day. Or maybe all week. All month…?
Begrudgingly he got out of bed, and left his house hoping for a little bit of quietness at school.
Which he didn’t find.
“Aiden! AIDEN, HOLY SH–!”
“Myra, language” he simply said, waiting until his friend reached their usual table at the cafeteria.
“You’re not gonna BELIEVE what happened today at homeroom!” she exclaimed as she sat across from him, a big grin of joy adorning her face. “Come on, ask me what happened!”
He sighed.
“What happened, Myra?”
“Okay, so Grace and Callie are sitting in the front with Caleb, right? And suddendly Brian comes in and starts acting like a jerk, so Caleb is fed up and they both get up, like, they’re gonna fight!” she started narrating, her hands gesturing as she spoke. “And Brian goes and punches Caleb when he’s distracted! And Grace is all like ‘Oh, no you didn’t!’, so she goes and…!”
Her hand turned into a fist, and she punched the air with a smile.
“BAM! Right in the face! And he almost falls on his back! It was hi-lar-i-ous!”
Aiden listened in silence, an expression of astonishment displaying on his face. He tried to imagine Grace, petite and dainty Grace, punching the school’s quarterback so hard that she made him stumble. It was surprisingly easy to picture.
“So Callie is all like ’Oooh nooo, don’t fight!’, and grabs Grace before Brian can hit back, and Vice Principal Isa came in right then! And she took them ALL to the Principal’s office! HOW COOL IS THAT?!”
“Pretty cool, if you ask me” they both turned to Ezra when they heard his voice, just as he took a seat beside Myra, grinning. “Yep, everyone’s talking about it. I think Morgan recorded it all, I hope she uploads it to MyTube soon.”
“Oooh, man! Why didn’t I think of recording it…?!”
“Wait a minute… are you two celebrating this?”
At his words, Myra and Ezra exchanged glances briefly before turning to look at him again, stunned expressions on their faces.
“Well, she did punch the biggest jerk at Berry High, so…”
“… of course we’re celebrating, you dummy! Here’s a better question, why aren’t you?!”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because I don’t condone violence in any way, shape or form?” he replied to Myra’s rhetorical question with one of his own. “What Grace did was wrong, no matter how justified you might think it was. She lowered herself to his level, it’s as simple as that.”
Ezra smirked at that.
“Okay, you tell her that.”
“Hey guys” Grace’s voice startled him as she took a seat right beside him. She gave him a quizzical look before turning to the others, grimacing at their smiling faces. “Don’t tell me…”
“Aaah! Grace, you were so awesome!” Myra almost bounced out of her seat with excitement, her voice a squeal. “Remind me not to mess with you!”
“Oh, and Aiden has something to tell you” Ezra smirked mischievously, nodding his way as if to give him the word. “What was that you were saying right now…?”
“I, uh…”
Aiden stammered for a few seconds, suddenly feeling all his confidence and resolution go down the metaphorical drain. To his surprise, Grace barely turned to him with a tired expression.
“I heard him. What I did was wrong, I lowered myself to that idiot’s level. He’s right” she mumbled, casting her gaze toward the table in shame. She let out a long sigh of resignation. “Don’t get me wrong, he deserved it. And I’m not gonna lie, it felt good. But guess who was almost suspended and is now stuck on Homecoming committee?”
She half-heartedly pointed to herself with her thumbs.
“This girl.”
A moment of silence reigned between them, and Aiden took a good look at the girl beside him. She looked somehow smaller than before, and genuinely remorseful. He raised his hand a few centimeters, tempted to place it on her shoulder, before Ezra spoke again.
“Sorry, Grace. We didn’t mean to make you feel bad or anything” he said with a soft tone, and Myra nodded silently by his side, a rare serious expression on her face. “It’s just, what you did today? It was great, even if it got you in trouble. You wanna know why? ‘Cause that guy always thought he was untouchable, he could do whatever he wanted, but guess what? He can’t, 'cause people like you are out there putting jerks like him in their places. So chin up, queen. You did good.”
Grace looked up at that, her dark eyes shinning slightly as a tiny smile started to appear on her face. Myra rounded the table to sit by her side and give her a quick hug, smiling encouragingly.
“That’s more like it! We’re not saying you should go around punching every person that looks at you the wrong way… though honestly, that would be pretty cool” she started, before catching herself, shaking her head quickly. “But seriously… giving the Brians of the world a reason to count their teeth? Yes, please!”
Just then, the bell rang. Several people started abandoning the cafeteria, and that included them as well.
“Thanks for the pep talk, guys” said Grace with a little smile, shrugging slightly. “I guess this could be worse…”
Aiden remained silent. He had heard lots of stories about how Maria Flores, his classmate and the person in charge of Homecoming committee, was like as a leader. They all agreed in the fact that she could be utterly terrifying.
But somehow he had a feeling that Grace would be able to handle it just fine. At least he hoped so.
A growing feeling of discomfort didn’t leave him alone for the rest of the day.
Aiden couldn’t help but feel guilty about the way he had spoken before. He dreaded the idea that his words could’ve hurt Grace’s feelings in any way. So he needed to talk to her so he could… apologize? He wasn’t really sure of what to do, but he had to do something.
He didn’t see Grace again until it was time for him to finally leave the school. He had just walked out of the band room after practice, and was approaching his locker when he could hear her cheerful voice calling his name.
“Oh, hey! Look, it’s Aiden!”
When he turned around, he could see her approaching quickly with a grin and a cupholder full of milkshakes, Maria following her at a moderate pace and clearly not as excited.
“Grace, we can’t stay for too long…”
“I know, I know! Just wanted to say hi!” she replied with a brief laugh, turning to him again. “Hi!”
“Hey… what are you doing here?” he mumbled as his eyes fell on the cupholder significantly.
“Homecoming committee… we had to go and get something to eat 'cause we all got hungry halfway through.”
Aiden was about to say something when he could hear Maria huffing at a prudent distance from them, probably unaware of him noticing her gesture of impatience. He sighed.
“It seems like you’re busy… but I need to talk to you” he admitted as he finally reached his locker, placing a few books inside. “It’s… moderately important.”
“Oooh, you got me at 'moderately’!” Grace had a playful smile on her face, so he wasn’t sure if she was kidding or not. “Tell you what, I’ll hit you up as soon as I’m able, okay?”
“I’m coming!”
Grace winked before she walked away and joined Maria, who clearly was growing impatient by the minute. She turned around once with a smile.
“Talk to you later!”
“Yes, talk to you later!” repeated Maria as they both started to walk away, and seemingly realized what she had said a few second later. “Why did I say that? I’m not going to talk to him later!”
Grace laughed loudly as they reached a corner, and Aiden was barely able to hear them anymore.
“Don’t laugh, it’s not funny…!”
“But it’s super cute…!”
Aiden stopped for a second before closing his locker, his gaze directed toward the corner where the pair of girls had disappeared from view. He frowned slightly. Had he heard that right?
Had Grace called Maria cute?
'No. She thought what she said was cute. In a funny way’ he told himself as he shrugged, hanging his backpack on his shoulder. 'But what if it was… in a flirty way?’
Well, if that was the case, it was okay. Because Grace had the right to flirt with whoever she wanted, and he had no say in that matter, obviously.
He knew all of that, and still, he wasn’t able to erase that frown from his features.
He had patiently waited for Grace to call, but she didn’t.
At first he thought nothing of it, and distracted himself with simple tasks like composing a short piece for violin and making small talk with his parents while having dinner.
But as the night progressed, he started to feel… something.
At first, he was worried. Was she okay? Maybe something bad had happened. He contemplated calling her himself to check, but what if she was simply busy and his call was unwelcome?
Then he was somewhat disappointed. Maybe she just had forgotten, which was completely plausible.
Or maybe she was talking with Maria instead.
Aiden huffed as he finished drying his longish hair with a towel after a shower, as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He frowned, though he wasn’t sure why.
He made his way back to his room and let himself fall on his bed with a soft thud, staring at the ceiling for a few moments.
He could feel his tired eyes give in after minute or two, and drifted to sleep.
Aiden wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but his phone rang on his bedside table and startled him. He grabbed it, half asleep, and let out a sleepy groan.
“You have to be kidding me…”
It seemed like Grace had decided that calling him almost at midnight was a good idea.
He felt tempted to ignore her call and resume his much needed sleeping… but he couldn’t do that. Well, he actually could, if it were Ezra or even Myra.
But seeing Grace’s name and face in his screen was somehow enough for him accept the call.
“Hey! Did I wake you up?!”
“Ohmygod, I’m so sorry!” Grace’s voice sounded a bit hushed, as if she were trying to keep quiet and failing. “I didn’t mean to, but I just now found a moment to myself.”
Aiden yawned as he sat down on his bed, rubbing the sleep out of his tired eyes in an attempt to fully wake up.
“Why?” he muttered, his voice a bit hoarse from sleeping. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah… I mean… well, Emma did something really dumb and brave today and needed some cheering up, so I had the brilliant idea of staying up with her and Callie for a while” Grace explained with a sigh, sounding tired as well. “I didn’t expect Emma to stay for so long. Her mom came to get her like twenty minutes ago.”
“And Callie?”
“She’s sleeping on the floor. I don’t know how she does it, to be honest.”
Aiden nodded slowly before remembering she couldn’t see him at the moment. He sighed deeply.
“Sorry, I can hang up if you…”
“No, I mean… I’m already awake” he mumbled, and it was only half a lie. “I might as well say what I wanted to say. It’s about what happened today.”
“A lot happened today” she pointed out, matter-of-factly. “Are you talking about me punching Brian or…?”
“Yes. Partially. Mostly about what I said later on, at lunch.”
Grace remained silent, and all he could hear for a few seconds was her calm breathing. He knew she was waiting for him to explain further, but couldn’t help finding the soft sounds oddly relaxing.
He shook his head, feeling himself blush.
“I meant to apologize, Grace. I was out of line.”
“For stating your opinion?”
“For the way I worded it, I suppose” Aiden looked up at the ceiling yet again, suddenly feeling like he didn’t really know what to say. “I felt… guilty afterwards. I did not mean to hurt your feelings.”
“Aw, Aiden… you didn’t. Really” she assured immediately, and he could almost hear the smile on her face as she spoke. “You were right. And it’s okay.”
“Maybe so, but…”
“If it makes you feel better… then I accept your unnecessary apology.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the tone of her voice and the emphasis of her words. Her soft laughter made him smile.
“Thank you, Grace.”
“Don’t mention it. I guess I should let you sleep now” she muttered then, and he could hear the mischief in her voice. “Even though I don’t really want to.”
Aiden let himself slide in his bed until he was again resting on his back, and repressed a yawn. He was really tired, but the conversation was getting more interesting by the minute.
“Is that so?” he could also hear a rare glimpse of confidence as he spoke, and assumed it was only because she couldn’t see his blushing face. “May I know why?”
“I dunno. I really like the sound of your voice. It’s… deep but also soft? Like a constant whisper… if that makes any sense.”
Suddenly all that confidence he was building up once again drained faster than it had arrived. He swallowed hard, feeling his face burn red with embarrassment.
“Oh. Um… thank you? I think… uh…”
Grace giggled at that.
“You’re blushing.”
“N-No, I’m not.”
“You’re totally blushing. That’s cute.”
Suddenly Aiden felt the need to hang up without any warning, and just go back to sleep, possibly with a frown.
But that would be too immature for him, so he sighed.
“I really should go back to sleep now” he said then, and he noticed that his voice sounded more serious now.
She noticed as well.
“Uh… sure. Of course. Have a good night, Aiden.”
And there it was again, that sting of guilt he hated so much. He sighed, his tone softening slightly.
“Good night, Grace.”
They both hung up at the same time, and as he was setting his phone aside, Aiden came to have an epiphany of sorts.
No matter how hard he was trying to deny it, it was very clear now.
He was jealous.
And he hated it.
Oh, you capture my attention
I’m anticipating
I’m watching and waiting
For you to make your move
Got me on my toes  
Chapter 4 is up!
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Remember that I can add you to my taglist if you want me to, so you don’t miss any update!
As always, feedback is appreciated and encouraged! Thanks for reading!
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madewithonerib · 4 years
   John 16:8-10 | ⁸ And when HE comes, HE will convict the    world in regard to sin & righteousness & judgment:    ⁹ in regard to sin, because they do not believe in ME;
   ¹⁰ in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the    FATHER & you will no longer see ME;
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Geneva: Miles Coverdale & John Knox, English Baptist [1557] | John 16:10
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    Of [c] righteousness, because I go to my FATHER, &     you see ME no more;
    [c] Of CHRIST HIMSELF for when the world will see          that I have poured out the HOLY SPIRIT they will          be forced to confess that I was just, & was not          condemned by my FATHER when I went out of          this world.
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Matthew Henry, Nonconformist [1662-1714] | John 16:7-15
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    CHRIST's departure was necessary to the Comforter's coming.
    Sending the SPIRIT was to be the fruit of CHRIST's death,     which was HIS going away. HIS bodily presence could be     only in one place at one time, but HIS SPIRIT is every where,     in all places, at all times, wherever 2 or 3 are gathered     together in HIS Name.
    See here the office of the SPIRIT, 1st to reprove, or to convince.
    Convincing work is the SPIRIT's work; HE can do it effectually,     & none but HE. It is the method the HOLY SPIRIT takes, 1st     to convince, & then to comfort.
    The SPIRIT shall convince the world, of sin; not merely tell     them of it. The SPIRIT convinces of the fact of sin; of the     fault of sin; of the folly of sin; of the filth of sin, that by it     we are become hateful to GOD; of the fountain of sin, the     corrupt nature; & lastly, of the fruit of sin, that the end thereof     is death.
    The HOLY SPIRIT proves that all the world is guilty before GOD.
        HE convinces the world of righteousness; that         JESUS of Nazareth was CHRIST the righteous.
         Also, of CHRIST's righteousness, imparted to us          for justification & salvation. HE will show them          where it is to be had, & how they may be accepted          as righteous in GOD's sight.
    CHRIST's ascension proves the ransom was accepted, & the     righteousness finished, through which believers were to be justified.
    Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
    All will be well, when his power is broken, who made all the     mischief. As Satan is subdued by CHRIST, this gives us     confidence, for no other power can stand before HIM.
    And of the day of judgment.
    The coming of the SPIRIT would be of unspeakable     advantage to the disciples. The HOLY SPIRIT is our Guide,     not only to show us the way, but to go with us by continued     aids & influences.
    To be led into a truth is more than barely to know it; it is     not only to have the notion of it in our heads, but the relish, &     savour, & power of it in our hearts.
    HE shall teach all truth, & keep back nothing profitable, for     HE will show things to come.
    All the gifts & graces of the SPIRIT, all the preaching, & all the     writing of the apostles, under the influence of the SPIRIT,     all the tongues, & miracles, were to glorify CHRIST.
    It behoves every one to ask, whether the HOLY SPIRIT has     begun a good work in his heart?
    Without clear discovery of our guilt & danger, we never shall     understand the value of CHRIST's salvation; but when brought     to know ourselves aright, we begin to see the value of the     Redeemer.
    We should have fuller views of the Redeemer, & more lively     affections to HIM, if we more prayed for, & depended on the     HOLY SPIRIT.
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Johann Albrecht Bengel, Lutheran [1734] | John 16:10
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John 16:10. ???a??s????, of righteousness] The world had accounted JESUS as most guilty [Comp. John 16:2-3].—?t?—?p??? [‘because’], that—I go] as “the Righteous,” 1 John 2:1, “If any man sin, we have an advocate with the FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the Righteous,” thereby obtaining access for believers. The departure of CHRIST to the FATHER was confirmed by the advent of the Paraclete.—?a? ??? ?t? ?e??e?t? µe, & you see ME no more] that is to say, & I come into that state, wherein you no longer see ME. There is a change of person; i.e. I no more am seen: & yet it is not without reason that the language is framed in the 2nd person; for if it were the privilege of any one to see JESUS, it would be that of the apostles; & yet it was the part even of these themselves [not to see, but] to believe, & to invite all to believe. Acts 10:41; Luke 24:52; Romans 4:18-19, “Abraham—against hope believed in hope,” etc. Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the evidence of things not seen;” John 16:27, “Moses endured as seeing HIM, who is invisible;” ch. John 6:19; 1 Peter 1:8, “Whom not having seen you love, in whom, though now you see HIM not, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable,” etc., John 21 : 2 Corinthians 5:16, “Though we have known CHRIST after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we HIM no more;” 21, “HE hath made HIM sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of GOD in HIM,” wherein we ought to weigh well the righteousness spoken of. On the other hand, so long as CHRIST could be beheld among men, righteousness was not yet obtained. Hebrews 9:26; Hebrews 9:28, “Now once—hath HE appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself;—to them that look for HIM shall HE appear the 2nd time without sin unto salvation.” 1 Timothy 3:16, note, “Manifest in the flash, justified in the SPIRIT.” [So long as HE was manifest in the flesh among sinners, HE was regarded as like themselves, & in fact did bear their sins; but afterwards by HIS death HE abolished sin which was laid on HIM, & claimed for HIMSELF & for HIS people eternal righteousness, with the full approbation of the FATHER]—[Righteousness & glory are things conjoined. Romans 8:30, “Whom HE justified, them HE also glorified.”—V. g.] Previously to HIS death, HE had been exposed to the eyes of mortals; not so also after HIS resurrection, except in so for as it was necessary that the witnesses of the resurrection should be confirmed; & even to these very persons HE was not visible during the whole of that period, but only appeared at occasional times, much less was HE visible to the world. And the sight of HIS glory, which accompanied HIS righteousness [“HIS justification in the SPIRIT”], would be intolerable to those living in the flesh.
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Charles John Ellicott, Theologian [1749–1905] | John 16:10
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[10] Of righteousness, because I go to my FATHER.—In the conviction of sin, the world is convinced of its own sin by the SPIRIT’s representation of CHRIST to it. That representation of CHRIST brings also the conviction of righteousness, but this is the righteousness of CHRIST, not that of the world. The conviction of CHRIST’s righteousness necessarily precedes that of the heart’s own sin. The light makes the darkness visible, & the revelation of the darkness shows the clearness of the light. The special reason of the conviction of righteousness is the resurrection & ascension of our LORD. Men had called HIM a sinner [John 9:24], & HIS crucifixion was the world’s assertion that HE was a malefactor [John 18:30]; but even when HE was hanging upon the cross there came to the centurion’s mind the conviction, “Truly this Man was innocent” [see Luke 23:47]; & moreover HIS return to the FATHER was Heaven’s witness to HIS righteousness. For the way in which this conviction was brought home to the hearts of the Apostles, & through them to the hearts of mankind, comp. especially Acts 2:27; Acts 2:31; Acts 2:36-37. See also Acts 3:14; Acts 7:52; 1Peter 3:18; 1John 2:1; 1John 2:29; 1John 3:7. And you see me no more.—The word means, “look upon,” “behold.” The going to the FATHER would cause that they should gaze upon HIS bodily presence no more; but the SPIRIT’s witness of HIM, which would convince the world of sin & righteousness, would be, to them a truer presence of their LORD than any which physical eye could see. The eye of the SPIRIT sees the reality; the eye of the body only looks upon the appearance.
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Albert Barnes, American Theologian [1798-1870] | John 16:10
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Of righteousness—This seems clearly to refer to the righteousness or innocence of JESUS himself. HE was now persecuted. HE was soon to be arraigned on heavy charges, & condemned by the highest authority of the nation as guilty. Yet, though condemned, he says that the HOLY SPIRIT would descend & convince the world that he was innocent. Because I go to my FATHER—That is, the amazing miracle of his resurrection & ascension to GOD would be a demonstration of his innocence that would satisfy the Jews & Gentiles. GOD would not raise up an impostor. If he had been truly guilty, as the Jews who condemned him pretended, GOD would not have set his seal to the imposture by raising him from the dead; but when he did raise him up & exalt him to his own right hand, he gave his attestation to his innocence; he showed that he approved his work, & gave evidence conclusive that JESUS was sent from GOD. To this proof of the innocence of JESUS the apostles often refer, Acts 2:22-24; Acts 17:31; Romans 1:4; 1 Corinthians 15:14, etc.; 1 Timothy 3:16. This same proof of the innocence or righteousness of the Savior is as satisfactory now as it was then. ONE of the deepest feelings which an awakened sinner has, is his conviction of the righteousness of JESUS CHRIST. HE sees that he is holy; that his own opposition to him has been unprovoked, unjust, & base; & it is this which so often overwhelms his soul with the conviction of his own unworthiness, & with earnest desires to obtain a better righteousness than his own.
And you see me no more—That is, he was to be taken away from them, & they would not see him until his return to judgment; yet this source of grief to them would be the means of establishing his religion & greatly blessing others.
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Joseph Samuel Exell & Henry DM Spence-Jones, Anglican [1897] | John 16:10
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v. 10.—In respect of righteousness, because I go to the FATHER, & you behold me no more. Not merely that the world will be led to form a new conception of righteousness, seeing that GOD has exalted him whom they have condemned as a malefactor,—that would really, with Lucke & Meyer, limit this "righteousness" to a judgment concerning the guiltlessness of CHRIST; nor can we, with Luther, etc., regard it as equivalent to the d??a??s??? of Romans 1:17, the righteous attribute & righteous process by which GOD is able to treat as righteous those who believe. This is the only place in the GOSPEL where the word occurs, & it can scarcely bear the technical significance of the great theological discussions with which it was afterwards associated. Schaff has called attention to the Vulgate translation justitia, which is represented in the Rheims English Version by "justice," & reminds us how Archdeacon Hare urges that "righteousness" & "justice" correspond to the entire theology of the Protestant & Romanist Churches. The Protestant sees in "righteousness" an ideal never reached by the human will in its own strength; the Romanist, by the term "justice," embodies itself in outward acts. The idea of righteousness involves the demand for purity; the idea of justice, one for cleanness. But seeing that CHRIST had all along called urgent attention to the fact that that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of GOD, & that the righteousness of his kingdom must exceed "the righteousness of the scribes & Pharisees," it becomes clear that his exaltation to the right hand of the FATHER would exhibit GOD's ideal of righteousness; & by the aid of the HOLY SPIRIT working through the word of the apostles, the world's view of these things would be utterly subverted, the world would be silenced, convicted of being utterly in the wrong in its idea of righteousness as well as in its judgment upon the nature of sin. The idea of righteousness will be expanded & transfigured; the idea of sin will be deepened & intensified & brought home. Stier has, with great eloquence & power, pressed the other view, which makes the ??????? of the HOLY SPIRIT nothing short of this—that there is no other righteousness for men than the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST & the righteousness of CHRIST before GOD. Notice, nevertheless, the occasions on which the world was brought to recognize the triumph of CHRIST's righteousness & confusion of its own prejudices [Acts 2:27, 31; Acts 3:14; Acts 7:52].
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my favourite quotes from “Letter To Lord Sesshoumaru”.
Hello, here I come once again trying to make this fanfic work. I won’t give up that easily! In short, is Adult Rin and Sesshoumaru pairing. Here are the parts I had the best fun writing until now:
1. The letter
“...I wonder, if I had chosen the village over the city, and you over everything else… Would I be equally satisfied or happier? Would the emptiness disappear? Would you correspond to the feelings I have for you? The truth is, milord, that I really love you. Always had. I was only too young to deal with it. I am older now, and sure of I want, but how about you? Do you still see me as a child? Have you ever thought of me being something more than a travelling companion or friend? I know, those are too many questions, and you’re not exactly the talkative type, so answer them if you want. I have a couple of months off until I do any applications for university, and I am going to spend this time in the village, with Inuyasha and his friends… And I’ll be waiting for you, Lord Sesshomaru. Love, Rin.”
2. When Rin get’s back to feudal Japan and Miroku doesn’t recognise her.
“Are you the ghost that’s been haunting the village tonight?”
Rin turned around and recognised the monk right away.
He jumped back and got his sacred sutras in hands.
“How did you know my name? You’re going down, ghost!”
“I am no ghost, I am human, made of flesh and bone”, she insisted.
“Let’s see about that!”, Miroku shot the sacred sutras at her and shouted. “EVIL SPIRIT, BE GONE!”
The sutras had no effect on her, because she was no ghost, and didn’t have a single drop of evil in her blood.
“I told you, Miroku. I was saying the truth. It’s me, Rin”, the young woman came closer.
Miroku took a good look at her face. He wasn’t sure yet if that was the Rin that he knew, but she was beautiful. The monk held her hands, and smiled big, before assuming a charming position towards her.
“So, Rin, if that’s what your real name is… Would you consider bearing my ch-”
BANG! A triangular shaped rock had just hit Miroku’s head. It was, of course, Sango. She suspected something was wrong because her husband was taking too long. She was a couple of weeks from giving birth and still she was strong and ferocious like a beast.
3. Sesshoumaru presenting his son to Inukimi
“Tell me, little demon”, she looked at Jaken. “Who is the boy that accompanies Sesshomaru this time? Since he doesn’t say anything, as always”.
Jaken sighed. It was no use correcting her with his real name.
“That, milady, is Seijin. He is Lord Sesshomaru’s first heir. Fruit of an accident between milord and Lady Hiniiro, the volcano goddess”.
Sesshomaru looked displeased with Jaken’s summary, but there wasn’t any good way to tell that, was there? He looked down at his son’s eyes. Inukimi seemed surprised. She was being presented to her grandson. Never in a million years she would have guessed that Sesshomaru would have such intimacy with another youkai - or entity, which was the case. And he produced an heir. A beautiful pure blooded and dark red haired boy.
“Come, Seijin. Let me see you closer”, she asked.
Sesshomaru patted his son’s back, encouraging him to go. He was trembling, in front of her, but as soon as she spoke to him and touched his little hand, he felt the same of when with his father. Her voice was peachy like his, and her hands were soft. Inukimi examined his arms and cheeks, and recognised the marks. Secondly, she gently held his fringe up and found joy with the crescent on the forehead. Seijin pointed at her face and smiled big.
“You have one too! Just like daddy and me!”
“Why do you hide it with your hair, little one?”, she innocently asked.
“Oh… My mommy said she hated it because of father. She used to hit me too”, his answer terrified Inukimi, that looked back at Sesshomaru.
“He needs to stay here for a while”, Sesshomaru finally said. His mother nodded positively, but had to say what was in her mind.
“You know what else he needs? A new mother - and I ain’t gonna be her. I’ve taken care of you for 150 years. Go find yourself a wife”, she blurted and didn’t see Sesshomaru express bashfulness because she was too busy fixing her grandchild’s hair. She pulled everything and tied it up in a bun. “That’s it. Now you look like a beautiful descendant of the Inu no Taisho!”
4. Sesshoumaru’s reaction after reading Rin’s letter
He was glad that Rin lived in a place that was worthy of her, or that was his impression about the school. She was doing better there than inside that poor village. Sesshomaru was also intrigued with the importance that future gave to music making. In feudal era, music was a job for bums. It worried him that Rin still couldn’t fight to defend herself, it would be no good if she came back lacking that skill - but she loved him. She had written it in the clearest way possible, using all its words. Sesshomaru swallowed dry, as he read the details of Rin’s confession. Curse it! Memories of his father came again.
“Sesshomaru, have you someone to protect?”
Sesshomaru pressed the paper against his face and breathed through his nose. It had her scent. The dulcet smell of her skin and her hair. Again he pictured in his head, his father’s corpse, Seijin, and then Rin.
“I Sesshomaru, can’t protect all of you and not protect myself. What is the point of your love if I’m dead? I shall not repeat my father’s mistakes. He was a fool, and he paid for it”.
5. Sesshoumaru and Rin meet
Sesshomaru caught himself finding her attractive, which made him feel awful. He was not supposed to be that way. She was too much to be the Rin he knew, anyway… Until he heard:
“Lord Sesshomaru?”, her voice tone, and the way she pronounced the words. It was undoubtedly the way Rin would say them. She took a few more steps closer.
“Rin”, he responded, standing still, in his place. His eyes lowered to observe her clothing.
She was dressing a handmade kimono, originated from a rare silky and flowered fabric, the one that he bought for Rin, five years before - it was excessively stained with blood and bodily fluids.
“The blood is not mine”, she was so embarrassed for ruining his gift. She didn’t plan on delivering a baby with it but it was necessary. “I was helping… With the birth… And…”
“I know”.
Rin had been waiting so much to meet him, and when he finally arrived she had completely no idea of what to do or say. He was just there, in flesh and bone - the same way he was before, unaffected by age, while she had changed, was still changing. It finally came to her, whatever happened between them, it was going to be so insignificant, so ephemeral, she wondered if it was really worth all the trouble. But if it was, for Sesshomaru… Why was he there?
6. Jaken being funnily mean 
a. “It’s unacceptable that you have grown this big! For a mortal girl!”
“I missed you as well, Master Jaken”, Rin kneeled and hugged him, but he was not fond of such contact with humans.
“Release me!”, he ordered, and she obeyed, ashamed.
b. “Don’t you laugh at me, skinny brat!”, the vassal protested. 
c. “You see, milord had never fallen in love before. And I had come to a conclusion that might cheer you up!”, the vassal now talked cheerfully and with pride. “The more irritated Lord Sesshomaru gets with you, the closer you are to his true feelings!”
“Does he have feelings at all?”, Shippou popped his head from outside the door, getting in the middle of the conversation.
“Shut up you fool! Of course milord has feelings! The problem is that you all are not worthy of them! Oh, but you are, Rin! Don’t think you’re the same as them!”
d.  “She’d better not die, or Sesshomaru will kill not only me, but you too! He will tear you apart in tiny little pieces and eat them as a snack!” 
e. “What a terrible idea! You convinced Rin to be vulgar before Lord Sesshomaru’s presence! And I will not allow you to look at her, only milord can observe Rin’s bareness!”, Jaken pushed Shippou and blocked his view putting his tiny hands over the fox’s eyes. 
f. “Put me down at this right instant, petty girl!”
7. Sesshoumaru declares his love for Rin
“I thought you were ashamed of me”, a tear escaped from her eyes.
“I wish not to be”, he held her hand tighter. Rin gasped silently.
“What do you want me to do, Lord Sesshomaru?”, she finally stared at him, expecting him to do the same.
“If you become strong and capable of defending yourself and our family, then you will have what it takes to be the wife of a youkai”, Sesshomaru spied her with the corner of his eye.
That was enough for Rin - it sounded like a proposal. She placed herself in front of him, freed her hand and put the back of it against his forehead.
“Wife...? Family…? Does milord have a fever?”
Sesshomaru sighed and held her wrist, removing it from where it was. Rin feared he would squeeze her, but no, he was tender, and placed her palm against the left side of his chest. His heart was beating in an accelerated pace. That was his way of telling her he loved her. He would never be able to express it into words, but his actions would make justice to his sentiment. 
8. This bit
The young woman curved, thankful, and went away running, as if in a hurry. She passed by Inuyasha, who was resting on a branch of the tree he liked the most. Rin always ran to see Sesshomaru. They didn’t speak, but the hanyou couldn’t avoid his denial about the whole situation. “Sesshomaru, that liar… He hates humans and turns into a heartthrob for her… What an hypocrite!”
The young woman reached the flower field, but found herself alone. That was so typical. He liked observing Rin, just like a prey, before surprising her. Enchanted with the beauty of the flowers, the girl decided to kneel down and make herself a flower crown to match her own clothes. She was wearing a copy of her childhood kimono, the first one that was given to her by Lord Sesshomaru. She crafted it herself. It was the first one. Kaede wasn’t there to make kimonos anymore, so Rin had to learn it by herself. Of course, she got help from Sango here, and Jinenji’s mother there, but it was mostly her own work.
Sesshomaru hesitated before meeting the woman he chose. He was, like thought, observing her, from afar. He wished he could freeze what he saw in a painting, or even freeze time itself. His beloved Rin was there, kneeled in a field of yellow flowers, surrounded, wearing a kimono that was yellow and orange, like the one she wore ten years before. That colour sticked to him. Yellow was Rin’s colour, her theme, her soul. Yellow like the sun. Rin was his sun, and he was her shadow. Sesshomaru patiently closed in and caught her focused on her little project.
9. And finally, when Rin gave Sesshoumaru a blowjob...
They kissed with so much intensity, it seemed like those few weeks lacking intimacy were years instead. Rin was surprisingly good at what she was doing, sucking his lips and fishing for his tongue with vehemence. Sesshomaru was taken away with her actions, and held tightly to her hips and back, tracing her slim shape with his huge bony hands. He didn’t know much about making out, but followed the signs to do whatever he thought would please Rin: squeezing her flesh, giving little bites on her shoulder, he only didn’t want it to end in sex - but Rin seemed to think the opposite. She longed for her lord, she wanted him more than closer, she wanted him inside her, so she whispered in Sesshomaru’s ear.
“Do me… My Lord… Please…”, she begged, as if she knew exactly what to be expected, to the demon’s surprise. What kind of thing has she learned in the other side of the well besides nursery and music?
“Not tonight, not before you have fulfilled your part of the agreement”, excited as he was, it was difficult but necessary to refuse.
“Lord Sesshomaru…”, again Rin rested on his chest, but now her whole self was against him. “I can’t wait any longer. If I can’t love you with my body, I shall love you with my hands and my mouth”.
While Sesshomaru was left pondering about what she meant by that, Rin slowly made her move down on him. No one has ever dared to do that to Sesshomaru. The woman partially undressed him, and looked up, waiting for his approval. He had denied her so much by then, he couldn’t deny her that. She wanted him so much, that anyway should do, having or giving pleasure. It was the very first time Sesshomaru had fellatio, but he had his doubts if it was the first time Rin had ever given it. To hear him breathing strongly, struggling to keep his moans to himself, meant the world for the young woman. His doubts about his human lover soon didn’t matter. For the first time there was nothing in Sesshomaru’s head. Not one thought, not a single dreamy reflexion to make.
The inuyoukai growled uncontrollably loud when he climaxed, causing Jaken to rouse fully alerted, holding his staff of two heads in position of attack.
“What’s going on, milord? Where is the danger? What is Rin doing?”
LASH! Glowing green lines rushed towards the imp in less than a second, wrapping around his minuscule ankles.
“Forgive me, milord, I promise I didn’t see anything! Lord Sesshomaruuuuuuu…!”, Jaken cried, as he was tossed 300 feet away from the bonfire.
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sparkleywonderful · 7 years
The Prince of Nostalgia [ Ch.13 ]
Part 13 of The Prince of Ice series, a retelling of Heir of Fire from Rowan’s point of view.
Previous Parts [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ]
A/N: I have been dying to write this chapter, just dying. Because it is the first time we see a playful Rowan. The first time I read this chapter I did not appreciate it. Rowan has been stuck in darkness and he still is. When you start to heal from life crippling event, there are good days and bad days and all the meh days in-between. On the good days you remember how to live, on the good days you remember the little things.
- - - - - - -
He did not want to admit to himself the reason he was in a good mood. When he decided to take Aelin to the commune, he did it for her, to show her something that she would not find in Rifthold and honestly to take a break from training. What he did not expect was the excitement and eagerness the flowed out of her.
He had done that and in turn, it had released something in his soul, something warm and forgotten. His nightmares last night were mild and when he awoke with the taste of her blood in his mouth, he did not want to immediately go and rip her to shreds. Instead he patiently waited for Aelin to grab breakfast. When she finally appeared, he held his small pack open for her. “Clothes.”
He did not know what to say to her. Just about everything he had ever said to her, riled her up. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought that maybe he got under her skin, just as much as she did his. He wanted to enjoy the fleeting moment of amicable silence between them, so he headed west and did not speak until they were through the wards.
“Shift, and let’s go,”
“And here I was, thinking we’d become friends.” Friends. What in the hell was this girl doing to him?  He could not find it in himself to completely reject or accept the term.
So instead he gave her a wicked grin, “It’s twenty miles, we’re running . . . Each way.”
“And where are we going?”
He didn’t know why he expected her just to comply. “There was another body—a demi-Fae from a neighboring fortress. Dumped in the same area, same patterns. I want to go to the nearby town to question the citizens, but …”
He needed to stop himself right there, he didn’t need to snarl, his kind caused this rift.
“But I need your help. It’ll be easier for the mortals to talk to you.”
“Is that a compliment?”
He clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes, “Shift, or it’ll take us twice as long.”
“I can’t. You know it doesn’t work like that.”
A month had taught him that snarling at her was not going to result in her shifting. Neither was silence, patience, or growling. Fists, curse words and vulgar gestures also did not work. The countless hours of chopping wood did not seem to phase her. He doubted that flattery would work, in that sense he knew they were the same, flattery were hollow words. Maybe a challenge.
“Don’t you want to see how fast you can run?”
“I can’t use my other form in Adarlan anyway, so what’s the point?”
Because you are here now, because we are here now and for the second day in a row he was not drowning in the past.
“The point is that you’re here now, and you haven’t properly tested your limits.”
Fine, if that point would not work, “The point is, another husk of a body was found, and I consider that to be unacceptable.”
He gave her braid a sharp tug as he taunted her, just like the times he used to taunt his cousin Sellene, “Unless you’re still frightened.”
He almost laughed as he watched her nostrils flare, he never understood what it was about tugging a braid that infuriated girls.
“The only thing that frightens me is how very much I want to throttle you.”
And there it was. The same look she had each time she had shifted. It was not out of fear that she had shifted, no it was anger.
“Hone it—the anger.”
He enraged her every day, unless he didn’t. Unless the cursing, snarling, growling, and vulgarities was an outlet or a wall to protect, maybe both. Anger, he understood anger. He had lived the past two hundred years in some form of anger, because he could never find peace.
“Let it be a blade, Aelin. If you cannot find the peace, then at least hone the anger that guides you to the shift. Embrace and control it—it is not your enemy.”
That is when he saw it, she had been afraid to shift from whatever conditioning she had received. All this time it was fear that stopped the transition, it was anger that fueled it. He would have to think on that later.
“This will not end well,” she breathed.
He would not back down, every sense in his body told him he was close, that she was close to breaking through the veil.
“See what you want, Aelin, and seize it. Don’t ask for it; don’t wish for it. Take it.”
Because no one is ever going to give it to you, even what the gods gift you they will take away.
“I’m certain the average magic instructor would not recommend this to most people.”
She was not most people and he was not a magic instructor. He really did hope that his uncle paid their magic instructor well. Between him, Edna and Sellene, that instructor really did not have a chance.
“You are not most people, and I think you like it that way. If it’s a darker set of emotions that will help you shift on command, then that’s what we’ll use. There might come a day when you find that anger doesn’t work, or when it is a crutch, but for now . . . it was the common denominator those times you shifted—anger of varying kinds. So own it.”
And there she was. The ice in his veins danced and in that moment he decided he wanted play. So he moved with speed that he had honed over the years and yanked her braid. And for a moment he remembered the happiness he had as a child, teasing his cousins. He darted and pinched her side.
He was standing in front of her now, his magic and his heart were screaming, begging her, please play with me.
He moved to pinch her left side — What. The. Rutting. Hell. Just. Happened?  
He blinked. She did not seriously just whack him upside the head, while blocking him.
Her answering smirk, was all he needed.
“Oh, you’d better run now.”
He slowed his pace waiting for her to adjust to her new body, to the senses that were likely overwhelming. He watched the anger fade away into what seemed like joy.
For the first time in what seemsed like an eternity Rowan let the world go. Let the pain. The expectations. The titles. The sorrow. The loss. He let them all go and lived in that moment. He could not remember the last time he felt this free. The last time he smiled from joy. He did not want to stop.
When they arrived, she was just staring at him and the reality of the situation hit him in the gut, they both had demons that they would never be free from. So he tossed her the spare shirt she brought from the pack and turned to change into his own.
- - - - - -
The town had been everything he expected, closed doors and sealed lips. He was about ready to head back to the fortress.
“You’re used to this, I assume?”
“A lot of the Fae who venture into mortal lands have earned themselves a reputation for … taking what they want. It went unchecked for too many years, but even though our laws are stricter now, the fear remains.”
He had pushed for the change, actually him and Gavriel had just taken it upon themselves to punish the crueler of their kind.
“Who enforces these laws?”
It was one of the few tasks that he enjoyed. The assassination orders and campaigns he could live without, the thanked the gods that he did not have to share her bed. “I do. When I’m not off campaigning, my aunt has me hunt down the rogues.”
“And kill them?”
Most of them time, unless it is a rogue she has a plan for.
“If the situation calls for it. Or I just haul them back to Doranelle and let Maeve decide what to do with them.”
“I think I’d prefer death at your hands to death at Maeve’s.”
Most would, but they often forgot that sometimes we were just an extension of Maeve’s hands. If we were ordered to kill a fae over days, the bond demanded that the death be slow.
“That might be the first wise thing you’ve said to me.”
“The demi-Fae said you have five other warrior friends. Do they hunt with you? How often do you see them?”
It had actually been a while since he had seen and of the inner circle. Now that he thought of it, he had been stationed mostly in Wendlyn since the winter.
“I see them whenever the situation calls for it. Maeve has them serve her as she sees fit, as she does with me.”
“It is an honor to be a warrior serving in her inner circle.”
He said it only because today he needed to remind himself of the lie he had been telling himself since Sollemere. She hadn’t even ordered the children out, he and Lorcan drew that line in the sand.
“Did you bring any money?”
“Yes. They won’t take your bribes, though.”
“Good. More for me, then.”
She pointed to the sign swaying in the breeze. He should have known that the princess had a sweet tooth.
“If we can’t win them with charm, we might as well win them with our business.”
“Did you somehow not hear what I just—”
And just like that, an 18 year old girl taught him a lesson he had never learned. Bribes were for courtiers, politicians and criminals, not for close knit communities with hard working peoples. They went from shop to shop and he watched in amazement as Aelin charmed every single business owner. He carried every bag and box, except the chocolate. He was pretty sure that Hellas himself could not get those chocolates from her.  He appreciated that most of what she bought could be used by someone at Mistward. She had only bought herself the chocolates and a few books.
The day ended and although they gained no new information, it was a good day.
He watched her sleep and so did the little people. When they realized that he would keep watch, they drifted away.
The last two days and the silence of the evening under the stars, brought forth a plethora of thoughts. He stared at the Lord of the North as he acknowledged that in a month, not even a full month, she had him feeling more than he had in the last two hundred years. He knew he would never be free, Maeve would only release him to death, but that did not stop the yearning in his blood for that home full of pine and snow. Until today he did not regret his oath, and he knew at some point this would end, the girl would leave, but it was damn nice to have a happy memory for once.
Parts [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 14.5 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]  [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20 ]
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daisy-chain-gardens · 7 years
Exchange Romance - Chapter 7
A/N: Hey guys, me again. Sorry for the slow update but I've had a bit of a crazy week so I haven't had a lot of time to write. This chapter is quite long though so hopefully that makes up for it! The next chapter is going to be 'day by day' style as well. I was going to merge this chapter and the next chapter but I really wanted to post something today and I think this chapter is long enough as it is. Happy reading :)
Word Count: 6,050
Ch. 1 // Ch. 2 // Ch. 3 // Ch. 4 // Ch. 5 // Ch. 6 // AO3 link
Brave. This is the first word I would think of if someone asked me to describe Betty Cooper. Although these five small letters do nothing to describe the incredible human being that you are, they begin to describe what you are to me. The next word I think of is gentle, then strong, then intelligent, and then a millions others which would take a lifetime to write out. The truth is, a light such as yourself can’t be summed up with mere words, no matter how many I try to use. You couldn’t possibly be summarised because you are so much more than just a few sentences. You are your accomplishments, your failures, your memories, your regrets and everything in between. Every single one of these things has created you, the amazing, ethereal, kind hearted girl who I am incredibly lucky to call my girlfriend. You make me feel safe in this screwed up world and for that I am eternally grateful. Snowball fights and late night movies and vanilla milkshakes and that certain shade of green will forever remind me of you, surely bringing a smile to my face until my dying days. If someone ever asks me about it, I’ll be sure to tell them all about the beautiful blonde with a funny accent and piercing green eyes. The way her hair looks like pure gold when the sun hits it just so. The look of pure joy and wonder on her face at the sight of snow. The way she tilts her head back slightly and scrunches her eyes shut when she laughs. The tune she taps absentmindedly against the table as she does her math homework. If anyone ever asks me why I remember all of these small moments that anyone else would deem insignificant, I'll tell them it is because of you. The unforgettable Betty Cooper. The girl who had my heart from the second I saw her laughing away in a booth at Pop's. What I'm trying to say, or rather write, is that I love you Betty Cooper. Somehow it feels like I always have. Like I just knew, as soon as we locked eyes, that you were the only girl that would ever be anywhere near enough for me. I am so so happy that you're in my life, and now that you are I can't imagine my life without you. I hope that you have the most unforgettable Christmas, Betts, because you deserve it. You deserve all of the goodness and happiness in the world and I will try my hardest to give it to you. I love you.
This was the letter that Jughead wanted to send. The words flowed smoothly as his pen raced across the page to keep up with his thoughts. Before the ink on the first word had even begun to dry, Jughead knew he would never send this to Betty, no matter how desperately he wanted to. "What kind of wimp tells his girlfriend he loves her in a letter?" He mumbled under his breath before scrunching it up and tossing it in the bin.
What felt like several hours later, the bin beside Archie's desk was overflowing, crumpled paper marked with half finished sentences spilling over the sides of the small metal basket. Jughead held his head in his hands, willing himself to continue. This letter had to be perfect but nothing that he wrote felt right. His sentences felt clunky and his words sounded generic and impersonal. After many more failed attempts, he begrudgingly sifted through the paper mountain and pulled out the crumpled sheet hiding at the very bottom.
Betty didn't realise she was crying until the ink became blurry, forcing her to clear her eyes before reading the final words of Jughead's letter. His fingers ran over the crumpled page, circling those three words that changed everything. She didn't try to fight her lovesick smile, knowing that her efforts would be in vain. He loved her. Jughead Jones loved her, Betty Cooper. She couldn't believe it. She had to stop from running and jumping around the room for fear of waking up her host family. She reread his letter countless times until she had it memorised, her mind playing the words over and over again. She reached over to her dresser and grabbed her phone, bringing up Jughead's name on Skype and calling him faster than she thought was humanly possible. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hi Betts," he mumbled sleepily, a groggy smile on his face at the sight of his girlfriend.
"Hi Juggie." Her voice was quiet but Jughead could hear the excitement in it.
"Everything ok? It's pretty late. Shouldn't you b-"
"I love you," Betty blurted out, her voice now strong and sure. "Jughead Jones, I love you," she repeated, more to herself than anyone else. Betty wished she had a camera to take a photo of Jughead the minute the words slipped out of her mouth. Pure love and adoration covered his face, no sight of his usual nonchalance.
"Betty Cooper, I love you." There were tears, and quiet promises, and three words whispered over and over again, so many times that they were the only ones either of them could remember. All that Betty wanted was to be with him. To be able to hold his hand, stroke his cheek, press his lips against hers, anything. She absentmindedly traced his face on the screen, aching for his touch. They kept talking until their conversation turned to yawns, the quiet sound of Riverdale in the morning flooded through the speakers before their screens finally turned black.
26th December
By the time Betty emerged from her room, Ronnie had already finished one mug of coffee and Hiram and Hermione were standing near the door.
"Ah, Betty, I'm glad you're awake. Hermione and I are heading off to Paris until the New Year. We have some meetings and things to attend for the company. You two should be fine here but Smithers is staying behind in case you need anything. Have a good time, stay safe," Hiram called over his shoulder as he strolled out of the front door, his wife on his arm. Veronica let out a small sigh when the door closed before quickly turning her attention to Betty.
"So B, I heard voices very late last night. What were you and lover boy up to?" Veronica questioned playfully, waggling her eyebrows.
"Nothing just ... talking," The blonde looked down at the table to hide her smile, failing to hide her happiness as her face blushed red.
"Just talking? If you say so. What did he say in that letter he gave you?" Betty looked up at her host sister, her face resembling that of a deer in the headlights. Ronnie had an innocent smile on her face causing Betty to narrow her eyes.
"What do you know?" Betty asked slowly, her voice curious but threatening.
"I know nothing. But I may have talked to a certain boyfriend of mine who may just happens to sleep in the same room as a certain boyfriend of yours. A certain boyfriend who might sleep talk." Ronnie's voice raised teasingly as she kept her eyes trained on Betty, her innocent smile now having morphed into a knowing smirk. Betty kept her eyes narrowed, still unsure as to whether or not Veronica was bluffing.
"What do you know?" She repeated, her tone becoming more threatening than curious.
"Fine, I give up, you're no fun. Archiekins was clearing out the bin in his room and there was a whole bunch of letters; all addressed to you, all written by Jug. Arch kept teasing him about it until Jug confessed that he loves you." He waited for a beat, creating a dramatic pause which only Veronica could pull off in an actual conversation. "But I wasn't lying about the sleeptalking thing." Betty couldn't contain the smile on her face. Last night the pair had said that they loved each other more times than most people did in a lifetime but Betty didn't think she would ever get tired of hearing it. "So then, last night wasn't just talking, was it?" The brunette raised her eyebrows again, this time questioningly instead of playfully.
"Yes, V, just talking. Sorry to disappoint," Betty replied, laughing when Veronica fake-pouted. "You are the only person I know that would be annoyed I didn't do anything other than talk with my boyfriend on Christmas. Well, you and Kevin."
"At least Kevin has his priorities straight. Speaking of which, shopping is compulsory today because, well shopping should be compulsory everyday really. But, we need to get you something nice for when you get to see Jughead again!" Ronnie practically squealed, looking a lot more excited than Betty.
"Fine, only if we can go sightseeing this afternoon. I haven't gotten to do any sightseeing."
"Deal. Now go get changed, I just got to make some calls," Veronica agreed mysteriously but Betty was too caught up in her daydreams to notice.
Not more than an hour after their conversation in the kitchen, the two girls were walking around one of the many malls New York had to offer, arms linked at the elbow as they walked through the crowds of shoppers.
"Ok so, first stop, Victoria's Secrets? What colour are you thinking? I think you'd look good in light pink, maybe blue," Ronnie started rambling, talking about various styles of lingerie.
"Wait, what? Why are we going here for me?" Betty asked, her face revealing her confusion.
"To get you something for Jug, remember?" The dark haired girl replied before laughing at the blonde's blatant confusion. "What did you think we were shopping for, lollipops?" Thank god for waterproof makeup because Veronica was crying herself to tears at how naive Betty was.
"I don't know. I thought maybe a new dress or something. I don't really know if we're at the lingerie stage yet," Betty said shyly. She was used to talking about her relationship with Ronnie but this felt different, more personal.
"Not yet but I have a feeling you will be soon. You love him and he loves you, what else is there?" Veronica asked, as if it were as simple as that.
"I don't know it's just ... scary, I guess," Betty confessed, slightly embarrassed.
"B, I'm not trying to pressure you into sleeping with your boyfriend or anything but it's just how it is. people have needs. You might not feel that way yet and that's nothing to be ashamed of. If nothing else, we can always just go and get cute bras for you, Jughead never has to know." Betty hugged her host sister tightly, thankful that she wasn't pushing the matter.
"Fine V. Only because I know that you’re not going to drop this."
"I have raised you well my little kiwi." Veronica smiled up at her blonde friend with motherly affection, laughing when Betty crouched down to her height. Half an hour later, although Betty would probably tell you it was about five hours later, the pair walked out of the mall, arms laden with bags, all from the same store.
They finally sat down for lunch at a trendy vegan restaurant, shopping bags surrounding their small table. Their food came quickly and they were just about to start eating when a high pitched voice interrupted them.
"Veronica Lodge, OMG! I didn't know you were back in New York!" A short blonde girl hurried towards them, the amount of shopping bags she was carrying rivalled Ronnie's.
"Zara? It's so good to see you! I thought you guys were in Spain for the holidays." Veronica rushed out of her seat and into Zara's arms, hugging her tightly.
"Just for christmas, we flew in this morning. You know how much I love the shopping in New York." She said, her voice bubbling with excitement.
"Tell me about it. Zara, this is Betty. She's an exchange student from New Zealand and she's staying with me in Riverdale until June." Betty stood up, remembering all of those years of etiquette training her mother had drilled into her.
"IT'S VERY NICE TO MEET YOU," Zara yelled very slowly, over annunciating each syllable.
"It's nice to meet you too," Betty replied, trying to not to laugh at the small girl in front of her.
"Oh, you speak english. I thought maybe you spoke dutch or something." Zara said, unfased by her mistake. She joined them at their table, contributing immensely to their mountain of shopping, and kept the conversation easy until Betty and Ronnie had finished their food. "You girls up for round 2?" Ronnie looked at Betty, waiting or her to answer.
"You two go ahead. I wanted to get in some sightseeing but I'll be fine on my own. I'll text you if I need anything." Betty said, ever the people pleaser. Ronnie thanked her silently before kissing her on the cheek and bouncing out of the restaurant, Zara following right behind as they handed off their shopping to an ever obliging Smithers. Betty chuckled at the sight of them before walking out of the restaurant herself, heading in the opposite direction.
Juggie: Hope you haven't died from over-shopping. Betty laughed when Jughead's slightly morbid text lit up her phone about an hour after she'd left Ronnie. She'd managed to navigate the subway more a less successfully and then was currently standing in line to go up the Empire State building.
Betts: Not yet. Check back tomorrow and I might have a different answer. They texted back and forth until Betty got to the front of the line, eventually making her way to the elevator and stepping out once it arrived on the top floor.
She was speechless. The whole city was spread out beneath her, the skyscrapers looking like they were a normal size while the rest of the city looked like it was built for ants. She slowly walked along the edge of the fence, trying to soak up every second of the experience. Her phone buzzed in her bag, forcing her to tear her eyes away from the skyline and redirect her attention to the screen where a new text from Jughead waited for her.
Juggie: I love you. She felt unstoppable. Reading those words whilst standing on the top of the world made the butterflies in her chest flutter. Betty turned her back to the city, turning her camera around to take a selfie, the smile on her face bright enough to rival the lights which the city was known for.
Betts: I wish you were here with me
Betts: I love you. It made her so happy to be able to type out those eight letter. Jughead replied almost instantly.
Juggie: I'll be seeing you sooner than you think. She held her phone to her chest, smile still bright as she looked out across New York for one last time before walking back over to the elevator and heading back down to earth.
Jughead and Betty continued texting for the rest of the afternoon, Betty sending him various photos of herself posing in front of New York landmarks. She ached to see him and sent him a Skype request as soon as she got through the apartment door that evening, making note of Veronica's absence and figuring she probably wasn't going to be back any time soon.
"Hey Betts," Jughead said as he accepted her request.
"Hey Juggie." She was almost breathless at the sight of him, not sure how he could make her feel like this through a computer screen.
"I was just about to order burgers for dinner. Archie's out somewhere and Fred's working late. I don't know why on boxing day but I get the house to myself so I'm not complaining," Jughead said, reaching for the phone to call the number for Pop's he'd memorised a long time ago.
"I think I'm in the mood for pizza. You up for a movie tonight?" She asked, barely able to keep the expectation out of her voice.
"Always, any ideas?"
"I am in New York so I feel like 'West Side Story' is compulsory viewing," Betty said whilst scouring the internet for nearby pizza places. Of course there were a million.
"Not sure if I agree with your reasoning but you've convinced me, West Side Story it is," he said in mock disappointment.
"You've gone soft Jug. Probably just because you love me," she smiled, turning her attention away from her computer to look at him on her phone. His eyes sparkled and they somehow looked deeper than normal. His beanie-less hair was sticking up in all directions, leaving Betty wishing she could run her fingers through it.
"Anything for you Betts." His expression could only be described as loving and Betty had to bite her lip to try and prevent her smile from taking up her whole face. "However, I do have food waiting for me so I'll call you back in 20 minutes, ok?"
"Okey dokey. I'll see you in 20 minutes, not a second later. Love you!" She called out before hanging up the phone, promptly dialing Smithers number.
"Hey Smithers, do you know of any good pizza places nearby?"
"Certainly Ms. Coo-, Betty, I can go and find some for you if you'd like? Any particular toppings?" It had taken almost three months for Smithers to voluntarily call Betty by her first name but it still made her giggle a bit when she heard him struggle with the informality so much.
"Surprise me. That would be amazing thank you. I think it's a pj's and takeout kind night."
"I understand Betty. I'll bring it up to you as soon as possible."
"No rush. Thanks a ton Smithers!" Betty set up the TV and found the movie on Netflix, changing into her pyjamas while she waited for Jughead to call. Her phone started buzzing as soon as she walked back into the living room.
"You ok Jug? You look a bit flushed." Betty stated as soon as his face popped up on the screen, voice laced with concern.
"I'm ... fine ... 20 ... minutes ... isn't ... very ... long." Jughead choked out, breathing heavily.
"Did you run Jug?" Betty asked, trying to stop herself from laughing at his breathlessness.
"Maybe ... I think Pop's has ... gotten further away ... since you've been gone." A giggle slipped from her lips and Jughead laughed along with her, both just happy to be with each other. Smithers knocked politely on the door, handing Betty her pizza before slipping silently back into the elevator.
"Ok, dinner's all set, you ready to start watching?" She asked, the remote already in one of her hands as she reached for a slice of pizza with the other.
"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied, his breathing finally under control. The music for the intro started and Jughead couldn't tear his eyes away from his girlfriend. It wasn't the same as having her with him. He couldn't feel the weight of her lying across him, his arm wrapped around her or running his fingers through her hair. He eventually looked away when he heard the Sharks clicking through the streets of New York, the sound ripping him from his thoughts. They engaged in their usual movie conversations throughout the film, commenting on various things which caught their eye.
Jughead noticed Betty's uncharacteristic silence and looked down at his phone, the sight before him one which he swears made his heart stop. Betty was leaned back against the couch, wrapped up tightly in a blanket with her hair messily falling around her face. Her mouth was hanging slightly open and her soft snores were barely heard over the noise coming from the TV. He let himself look at her for a few more seconds before softly whispering those three small words and ending the call.
Veronica tumbled through the door very early the next morning, or late that night, she's not quite sure. She's greeted by Betty's sleeping figure on the couch, the Netflix menu on the TV, and Jughead's Skype profile on Betty's open laptop. Ronnie couldn't help but think about how the sleeping blonde was going to react when she found out about her surprise tomorrow. The raven haired princess recovered Betty with her blanket, shut down her laptop and the TV, and then walked down the hall to her room, her eyes closing as soon as her head hit the pillow.
27th December
Betty woke up to the sun streaming through the windows, New York already buzzing down below. She got up slowly and decided to make some pancakes, blasting her music in the kitchen while she worked. Veronica stumbled into the kitchen as Betty was taking the last batch out of the pan, fumbling around for her coffee mug.
“Fun night V?” Betty asked.
“How could it not be? Two girls armed with daddy’s credit card, sounds like a recipe for success.” Veronica replied sleepily, filling up her cup carefully. “Care for a stroll in Central Park after breakfast? I think a bit of fresh air will help get rid of this thumping headache I just happen to have accumulated.” The brunette’s eyes twinkled knowingly as she finished her sentence, causing Betty to giggle.
“New York, new Veronica? I thought you hated strolling, and the outdoors, and watching people exercise,” Betty pointed out skeptically, confused as to what had caused Ronnie’s sudden change of heart.
“You never know, maybe we’ll find something more interesting to do along the way.” She took a long sip of her coffee, dismissing Betty’s bewildered look.
“Whatever you say V. As long as it doesn’t involve shopping I’m good with whatever.”
“Speaking of shopping, you should wear something that you bought yesterday. What’s the point in buying it if you’re not going?” Ronnie asked, feigning nonchalance.
“What’s going on V? First you want to ‘go for a stroll’ and now you’re trying to get me to wear nice underwear for said stroll. Is there something going on that I don’t know about?” Betty was completely puzzled at this point and was frustrated that Veronica was being so secretive.
“Only time will tell. Eat up quick, I want to go to the park as soon as possible.” The brunette refused to meet Betty’s eye as they finished their pancakes, Betty’s mind racing with possibilities as to what Veronica could possibly have planned for them at the park. Although she would deny it if Ronnie asked her, Betty put her new baby blue bra and matching underwear on under her winter clothes. Ronnie all but dragged her out the door as soon as she was decent, stilettos clicked hurriedly along the icy pavement. Betty was lead this way and that for about ten minutes until she realised that Ronnie was following the signs to the ice skating rink.
“V, why are we going ice skating? I know how you feel about wearing shoes that other people have worn.” The raven haired princess shuddered at the thought before replying to the girl she was dragging along, a devious smile playing on her lips.
“If things go well, we’ll be doing a lot more than ice skating.”
A bright smile lit up Betty’s face at the sound of children playing, a sure sign that they were getting close to the ice skating rink. Her curiosity was killing her and she could tell that it was taking everything Ronnie had not to spoil her mysterious surprise. As soon as they rounded the corner the ice came into view, but Betty took no notice. All that she could see was him. Jughead and Archie were leaning against the barrier, chatting animatedly about something, caught up in their own bubble. Betty ran over to them and jumped into Jughead’s arms, hugging him tightly. Jughead reacted in an instant, holding her close and spinning her around.
“I missed you,” she whispered in his ear, melting into him.
“I love you,” he whispered back. She shifted slightly in his arms, moving so she could rest her forehead against his, her green eyes getting lost in the depths of his.
“I love you.” Before he could react her lips were on his, desperate and loving, trying to convey how they felt now that words were no longer enough.
“As adorable as you two are, there are children here,” Veronica pointed out from where she was standing next to Archie. His arm was already wrapped around her shoulder as he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. Ronnie’s eyes fluttered closed at the sensation, letting herself lean into his chest. Betty pulled back slightly, blue eyes meeting green, giving her a look that made her feel like she was floating. She had thought that reading those words made her feel something but after hearing them fall from his perfect lips, she didn’t think she could ever get enough. Reluctantly, Betty untangled herself from Jughead as he lowered her gently to the ground, her arm staying around his waist as she turned to face Veronica.
“This is incredible V, I can’t believe you did this,” Betty said, her emotions written all over her face.
“Anything for you B, you know that. I think Archiekins and I are gonna head back to the apartment, you guys want to tag along?” Jughead didn’t even check with Betty before replying.
“Thanks Ron but I think we’re gonna walk around a bit, maybe do some sightseeing.” Jughead looked down at Betty with a sly grin and she burst out laughing, remembering all of the strange pictures she had sent him yesterday.
“Ok well we’ll see you guys for dinner? Maybe watch a movie after?” Ronnie asked, taking over Betty’s usual role of organising everyone now that the blonde was too busy staring at her boyfriend.
“Sounds good, see you tonight,” and with that they were off, running away from their friends and deeper into the park, hand in hand, laughs ringing out and masking the sound of the ice skaters beside them. Ronnie watched them go, a small smile on her face as she watched the pair disappear through the trees. The couple stayed like that for a while, holding each other close and watching the snow fall around them, before slowly turning around and strolling off in the other direction.
As soon as Archie and Ronnie were out of view, Betty and Jughead once again became a tangle of limbs, holding each other so tightly they almost seemed like one person. Jughead’s hands were cupping her face, pulling her into the kiss with everything he had. Her hands mimicked his before running through his hair, knocking his beanie to the ground. Neither of them knew how long they stayed like that, kissing the life out of each other, hands roaming as they pleased. Seconds felt like hours but even the hours weren’t long enough. The snow had stopped falling by the time their lips pulled apart, hugging each other as though they would disappear if they put too much space in between them.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Their words repeated over like a mantra until their voices turned hoarse from the cold, forcing them to held each other in silence. Silently, they let each other go, hands still joined as their fingers laced together. Jughead leaned down and picked up his beanie, the colour almost black from the dampness of the snow it was half buried under. He tucked it into his pocket, sending Betty that smile which made her heart melt. They slowly made their way out of the park not quite sure of their destination but not really caring.
Jughead and Betty spent the whole day running around New York, hand in hand, laughter following them through the bustling streets. They retraced Betty’s steps from the day before, recreating her goofy photos with the camera Jughead had been given for Christmas. He was constantly taking photos of anything that caught his eye; a colourful sign, people caught in conversation, old buildings, Betty. She was somehow completely oblivious to his camera, too caught up in her own little bubble to hear the constant click or notice the lovesick smile on her boyfriend’s face whenever she appeared in his lens. Halfway through the afternoon, Jughead’s phone buzzed in his pocket.
“Can you grab that Betts? I really want to get this shot,” he asked without looking at her, eyes completely focused on the small screen of his camera. A small smile played on her lips at the way he looked when he was completely focused, tongue slightly visible through his pink lips as his fingers fiddled with some buttons. She watched him for a second before digging his phone out of his pocket.
Arch: Ronnie wants to go out tonight so we might not be here when you guys get back. Movies tomorrow night?
“It’s Archie. V’s taking him out tonight so we’ll be all on our lonesome,” Betty relayed, unable to keep her smile from growing at the thought of having the apartment all to themselves. She sent off a quick reply to Archie and was just about to turn it off when something caught her eye. Jughead’s background was the photo she had sent him yesterday, her smiling face looking back at her from the screen, New York filling up the background. SHe stood up on the tips of her toes and softly kissed Jughead on the cheek. He stopped fiddling with his camera and looked down at her.
“What was that for?” He asked, slightly confused by his girlfriend’s sudden display of affection.
“Because I love you,” she replied, slipping his phone back into his pocket.
“I love you.” He leant down to kiss her, slow but quick at the same time. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of say those words,” Jughead confessed, eyes locked on hers.
“Good because I’ll never get tired of hearing them,” Betty said with a cheeky grin, pulling him back in for another kiss, lacing her fingers back through his and leading him through the crowd.
They tumbled into the apartment later that evening. Jughead held takeout in one hand and Betty in the other. The two of them promptly collapsed onto the couch, not even bothering to take off their winter coats. Betty leaned against Jughead, closing her eyes for a few seconds.
“You ok Betts? We can just go to sleep if you want,” He suggested, concern leaking into his voice at the sight of his exhausted girlfriend.
“No, I’m fine. It’s just been a busy day,” Betty said, opening her eyes and smiling up at him, adjusting slightly so she could see him better.
“It’s been an amazing day.” His voice sounded soft, his hand squeezing her gently from where it rested on her hip. She snuggled in closer to him, leaning into his chest with her legs lying across his lap.
“It was truly incredible. But now we have to eat, my stomach is getting angry at me,” she commented, making no effort to move from her spot. Jughead chuckled at her response.
“A girl after my own heart,” he quipped, running his fingers through her blonde locks a few times before moving her off his lap so he could grab the food. Betty took off her coat and shoes while she waited for him to return, turning on the TV and scrolling through Netflix. They ate their takeout and watched movies, just like they always did. Betty was so happy that he was here and not on the other side of a screen. She sat as close to him as possible and took every chance she could to touch him; brush his hair out of his eyes, draw small circles on his arm with her thumb, kiss his hand as he held it in hers. Jughead found it adorable how affectionate she got when she was tired. It seemed as if her inhibitions melted away and she was truly herself. He had to fight off a laugh at the end of the movie when he realised she had somehow fallen asleep in what he thought looked like a very uncomfortable position wrapped around him. He was unable to extract himself without waking her up so he gently nudged her shoulder.
“I’m awake, I’m just … resting,” she mumbled, eyes still closed. The chuckle finally escaped his lips as he helped her slowly move to an upright position.
“You ready for bed babe?” He teased, brushing her hair out of her face.
“I like it when you called me babe.” She sent him a sleepy grin which made his heart flutter. God she was beautiful, even with her hair a mess and eyes half closed. He quietly stood up and half carried her down the hall.
“Which bedroom is yours?” Jughead asked when they got to the corridor.
“That one over there,” she pointed to a door about halfway down and Jughead chuckled again. “What’s so funny?’ Betty asked, not sure if she had missed something or if Jughead was just being strange. “Just Ron. That’s the room I stayed in last time I came here with her and she told me I would be in the same room again.” Betty smiled again, not really awake enough to give a proper response.
“Guess you’re stuck with me then.”
“I can think of worse things,” Jughead replied, kissing her nose when she scrunched it up in mock anger. Betty flopped straight onto the bed when they got into the room
“I can’t be bothered moving now,” she admitted, voice muffled by the duvet.
“Come on babe, you can’t sleep in your jeans. Where do your pj’s live?” He asked as he put his bag in the corner.
“Second drawer down. Just grab whatever.” Jughead could hear her voice getting sleepier and moved quickly around the room, grabbing a pair of flannel pj’s before walking over to the bed.
“There you go. Do you want me to wait in the bathroom?” She shook her head before dragging herself off the bed, starting to take off her sweater. Jughead walked calmly over to his bag, pulling out his own pyjamas. By the time he turned around to ask her something, she was only in her bra and undies. He help but stare. She was absolutely breathtaking. He tried to gulp down the lump that was forming his throat, will himself to stay calm but not quite sure how to go about it. Betty noticed him staring and let out a giggle.
“Like what you see?” She teased, a sparkle in her eye that Jughead hadn’t seen before. She walked over to him and he could have sworn it was in slow motion. She wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him, hard. Where their other kisses had been filled with unspoken promises and loving touches, this was purely instinct. Hands roamed where they pleased and tongues collided, both of them trying to get as much of each other as possible. Jughead’s hands gripped the back of her thighs, pulling her up as she wrapped her long legs around his waist. He carried her the short distance across the room, his body pressed against hers until he carefully lowered her onto the bed.
“Juggie, I really want to carry on but I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open. Is it ok if we continue this later? I’m really sorry,” Betty mumbled into his ear. Jughead could hear the sleep weighing down her voice and had no problem complying.
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” he whispered back, content that she felt secure enough around him to tell him how she was feeling. She crawled across the bed and snuggled under the covers, patting the space next to her to encourage Jughead to slide in next to her. He did just that, wrapping his arms around her as her eyes fluttered closed once more.
“Good night Betts,” he murmured into her hair, kissing the top of her head lightly. He took a moment to remember this feeling before closing his eyes to the world and joining her in dreamless slumber.
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dailyofficereadings · 4 years
Daily Office Readings June 25, 2020
Psalm 105
Psalm 105
God’s Faithfulness to Israel
1 O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. 2 Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wonderful works. 3 Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. 4 Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually. 5 Remember the wonderful works he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he has uttered, 6 O offspring of his servant Abraham,[a] children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7 He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth. 8 He is mindful of his covenant forever, of the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations, 9 the covenant that he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac, 10 which he confirmed to Jacob as a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, 11 saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan as your portion for an inheritance.”
12 When they were few in number, of little account, and strangers in it, 13 wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people, 14 he allowed no one to oppress them; he rebuked kings on their account, 15 saying, “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”
16 When he summoned famine against the land, and broke every staff of bread, 17 he had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. 18 His feet were hurt with fetters, his neck was put in a collar of iron; 19 until what he had said came to pass, the word of the Lord kept testing him. 20 The king sent and released him; the ruler of the peoples set him free. 21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions, 22 to instruct[b] his officials at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom.
23 Then Israel came to Egypt; Jacob lived as an alien in the land of Ham. 24 And the Lord made his people very fruitful, and made them stronger than their foes, 25 whose hearts he then turned to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants.
26 He sent his servant Moses, and Aaron whom he had chosen. 27 They performed his signs among them, and miracles in the land of Ham. 28 He sent darkness, and made the land dark; they rebelled[c] against his words. 29 He turned their waters into blood, and caused their fish to die. 30 Their land swarmed with frogs, even in the chambers of their kings. 31 He spoke, and there came swarms of flies, and gnats throughout their country. 32 He gave them hail for rain, and lightning that flashed through their land. 33 He struck their vines and fig trees, and shattered the trees of their country. 34 He spoke, and the locusts came, and young locusts without number; 35 they devoured all the vegetation in their land, and ate up the fruit of their ground. 36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land, the first issue of all their strength.
37 Then he brought Israel[d] out with silver and gold, and there was no one among their tribes who stumbled. 38 Egypt was glad when they departed, for dread of them had fallen upon it. 39 He spread a cloud for a covering, and fire to give light by night. 40 They asked, and he brought quails, and gave them food from heaven in abundance. 41 He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed through the desert like a river. 42 For he remembered his holy promise, and Abraham, his servant.
43 So he brought his people out with joy, his chosen ones with singing. 44 He gave them the lands of the nations, and they took possession of the wealth of the peoples, 45 that they might keep his statutes and observe his laws. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 105:6 Another reading is Israel (compare 1 Chr 16.13)
Psalm 105:22 Gk Syr Jerome: Heb to bind
Psalm 105:28 Cn Compare Gk Syr: Heb they did not rebel
Psalm 105:37 Heb them
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Numbers 17:1-11
The Budding of Aaron’s Rod
17 [a] The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2 Speak to the Israelites, and get twelve staffs from them, one for each ancestral house, from all the leaders of their ancestral houses. Write each man’s name on his staff, 3 and write Aaron’s name on the staff of Levi. For there shall be one staff for the head of each ancestral house. 4 Place them in the tent of meeting before the covenant,[b] where I meet with you. 5 And the staff of the man whom I choose shall sprout; thus I will put a stop to the complaints of the Israelites that they continually make against you. 6 Moses spoke to the Israelites; and all their leaders gave him staffs, one for each leader, according to their ancestral houses, twelve staffs; and the staff of Aaron was among theirs. 7 So Moses placed the staffs before the Lord in the tent of the covenant.[c]
8 When Moses went into the tent of the covenant[d] on the next day, the staff of Aaron for the house of Levi had sprouted. It put forth buds, produced blossoms, and bore ripe almonds. 9 Then Moses brought out all the staffs from before the Lord to all the Israelites; and they looked, and each man took his staff. 10 And the Lord said to Moses, “Put back the staff of Aaron before the covenant,[e] to be kept as a warning to rebels, so that you may make an end of their complaints against me, or else they will die.” 11 Moses did so; just as the Lord commanded him, so he did.
Numbers 17:1 Ch 17.16 in Heb
Numbers 17:4 Or treaty, or testimony; Heb eduth
Numbers 17:7 Or treaty, or testimony; Heb eduth
Numbers 17:8 Or treaty, or testimony; Heb eduth
Numbers 17:10 Or treaty, or testimony; Heb eduth
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Romans 5:1-11
Results of Justification
5 Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have obtained access[b] to this grace in which we stand; and we[c] boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we[d] also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
6 For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. 8 But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. 9 Much more surely then, now that we have been justified by his blood, will we be saved through him from the wrath of God.[e] 10 For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more surely, having been reconciled, will we be saved by his life. 11 But more than that, we even boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
Romans 5:1 Other ancient authorities read let us
Romans 5:2 Other ancient authorities add by faith
Romans 5:2 Or let us
Romans 5:3 Or let us
Romans 5:9 Gk the wrath
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Matthew 20:17-28
A Third Time Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
17 While Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and said to them on the way, 18 “See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death; 19 then they will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified; and on the third day he will be raised.”
The Request of the Mother of James and John
20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, and kneeling before him, she asked a favor of him. 21 And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Declare that these two sons of mine will sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22 But Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?”[a] They said to him, “We are able.” 23 He said to them, “You will indeed drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left, this is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.”
24 When the ten heard it, they were angry with the two brothers. 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. 26 It will not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; 28 just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:22 Other ancient authorities add or to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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