#like this fic will never ve popular but it makes me happy... they make me happy
aeronbracken · 11 months
Elam Drals... I need him to eat m-
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
You Get Me — Satori Tendo x Reader
Summary: Being friends for a very long time allowed you to better understand the enigma Satori Tendo is. And after a series of messages, you know something´s wrong with your best friend. He crashes at your place to talk about what´s been troubling his mind for a while now. 
Posted: 05.01.2020
I can´t believe from the number of guys I love from HQ, my first HQ fic had to be Satori (considering that I cry every time I think of Asahi and that Oikawa also makes me go ajdskjfskjfs, but Satori is the one I relate to the most. We are both one and the same ToT)
Also, I´m experimenting with something new. Something I´ve never done before sjddjkfa I´m so nervous idk why, I shouldn’t be. Fry attempts: adding texts screenshots to imagines.
And with this, I add Haikyuu!! to the list of fandoms I write for. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. 
Word Count: 2.2 K
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff with no warnings that I can think of. 
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Years and years of friendship with Satori Tendo allowed you to better understand the weird enigmatic mind he had. And of course you would. Weirdos usually got together, and the both of you being basket cases of your school, you ended up becoming friends from a very young age. 
And because you knew Satori Tendo better than anyone, you knew this was bad news. Something had happened to him, and that instantly stung in your chest. 
For someone who always had a poker face, and rarely cared for what others thought of him, he cared deeply for his friends. That being said, the only opinions that got through him were those coming from the people he cared for. He was a tremendously emotional guy, however, only you got to see that side of him.This series of messages was a cry for help. "I need to talk, and I need to be heard" they said. 
Just like he had threatened, 20 minutes went by and he rang the bell at the door. Opening the front door you found your best friend talking with the pizza guy. He grabbed the pizza, thanked him and walked towards the entrance. 
"Yo, [Name]-chan. I paid half the pizza. I would've paid all of it but I ran out of money" He said greeting you with one of his trademark sassy smiles. 
"Yeah, don't worry. actually the pizza was going to be on me, but you were a step ahead" You chuckled awkwardly as he patted your head, scratching your scalp gently. 
"As I often do~" He sang.
Tendo walked inside your house making himself comfortable. You paid the rest of the pizza plus the tip and went back inside. Tendo was lying on the couch, already engrossed in his new manga. You sighed closing the door behind you and walking to the kitchen. 
Grabbing two glasses, you filled them with cold water from the fridge and returned to the living room. 
Without looking away from the manga, Tendo reached out to grab the glass. In a swift move, he sat up straight and drank half the glass. 
"Re-fre-shing!" He sang "Thanks!" 
"No problem" You sat on the ground in front of the couch as your friend put the glass on the coffee table and lied back down on the couch. 
You knew better than to ask Tendo what was wrong. He was your best friend, and he rarely kept things from you. And he was well aware that you knew something was wrong. It was best to just let him talk when he was ready.
"So," he began after a few more minutes of silence. "You know how some people seek fame and power?" 
"Greedy people" 
"Exactly" Tendo said, closing his manga and sitting on the couch "The volleyball team is quite popular around school, you know that. The best way to get people to know who you are is by either getting in or by hanging out with us" 
"Why does this sound familiar to Mean Girls" You giggled moving from the floor to the couch, sitting next to your friend. 
"Because it is" Tengo hissed. "Ah, what a great movie…" he sighed. You stared at him, smiling gently.  
"Is this a story about betrayal?" You murmured before taking a sip of water.
"I broke up with her" Tendo said flatly. You noticed the change of tone and how he refused to say his former girlfriend's name.
"What? You did?" You said not as surprised, since you could tell they were soon to break up. "Why?"
"She's one of those greedy people. Although I wish I'd realized earlier…" 
"Tendo-kun" You whispered.
"There wasn't something quite wrong, but things didn't feel right. And then, I realized she wasn't what I was looking for, plus she didn't correspond to my feelings"
"Oh, dude… I-I'm" 
"Don't say you're sorry" Tendou cut you off "I don't need that negativity in my life. Besides, she wasn't entirely happy either" 
"What do you mean?" 
"She said I spend too much time with you. And that I rarely make time for her. 'It's either volleyball or [Name], but its never me, is it?' she said" He faked a high pitched voice as he quoted her. 
"What did you say?" You asked.
"That you do like me for who I am, and not because I'm in the volleyball team" 
"Didn't you have feelings her?" 
"In the beginning I did. I truly did. But she's right. I prefer to spend time with you than with her" Tendo sighed casually as you felt your heart skip a beat and looked at him. 
"When are you going to realize that you like her" Tendo's girlfriend had told him minutes before the break up. However, he already knew this. He also knew that eventually the two of you would end up together, it was just a matter of time. 
You stared at him, as he kept reading. Unsure of what to say next, what to do next. You looked around the room, looking for inspiration or some sort of enlightenment to act. Then, your eyes set on the pizza.
"Pizza?" You asked. 
"I was wondering when you were going to bring that up. Yes, please!" He cheered
He grabbed a slice and took a huge bite. A sudden silence grew between you two as he ate his pizza. 
After a few bites, he continued talking. You followed him and grabbed a slice for yourself. 
"I normally don't care for this kind of shit" he whispered between bites "I don't know why it's affecting me so much right now" 
"Because you cared for her…" You sighed looking at him in the eye "Your smug little ass for once cared for someone else" You smirked and took a bite from your pizza.
"Don't say it like that!" He said in a high pitched voice "I care a lot about you. And I care about my teammates" He said ruffling your hair and scratching your head softly. "Girls can be so mean sometimes" He sighed loudly.
"Yes they can" You answered covering your mouth with your hand as you chewed.
"But not you" 
"I try to be a decent person" You said after swallowing the bite and looking at the slice in your hand. 
Something in your gut felt uneasy, and it was hard to pinpoint what exactly. You felt sorry for Tendo, for breaking up with his girlfriend, since Tendo hardly had feelings for someone to begin with. And now that he did, she didn't like him as much as he did. 
At the same time, a guilt swirling around your stomach. Guilty for feeling relieved that he had broken up with her. Not that you were jealous of his now ex-girlfriend, but you were a bit possessive of him. He was your best friend. He was your go to person whenever you wanted anything. He was your greatest confidant.  And knowing how some girls were the jealous type, the idea of having his presence limited made you feel insecure and lonely. After all, it wasn't precisely easy for weirdos like you to make friends. And Tendo was the perfect weird to match yours. 
"You're the most decent person I've met. Even though you're a little bit weird" You chuckled, broken away from your trance of spiraling thoughts, and looked at your friend, meeting his stare. 
You felt that familiar warmth endearment tickling your gut. You usually avoided thinking about how much you liked him. But in times like these, in which he smiled at you, it became hard to breathe and hard to ignore your repressed feelings. 
"You think I'm weird?" You chuckled leaving your half eaten slice back in the box. "Do you not know my best friend? He's the weirdest of them all!" 
"He must be a cool guy" He said looking at you attentive to your answer.
"Oh, he is. He's the coolest, actually. I am so very grateful that I met him. I am even more grateful that we became and still are friends" 
He was taken by surprise. He knew all those things, but he had known them through actions. A series of memories gathered ever since your childhood that proved how much you cared for him and how much you fought to keep your friendship afloat despite going to different schools for a while before you both made it to Shiratorizawa.
However, for the first time, he actually heard those words. Moved by the sudden change of tone. Going from playful to sincere real fast, had him feel an urge to hug you and never let you go. From the two of you, he was usually the emotional one who always exaggerated his emotions through words. You were usually the quieter one who simply made happy noises or sobbed silently while clinging to him. 
"Thank you, [Name]" He said resting his head against yours, not sure why he was containing said urge to wrap his arms around you. 
"Let's stay weird" You said leaning into his touch, gently rubbing your face against his.
"For eternity, you and me" 
"Against the world" 
A brief silence flooded the living room, as you kept rubbing your face like a needy kitten. Tendo, with his eyes closed, savoured this moment of peace. It felt just like when the two of you were still kids. Weird forms of affection like face rubbing and making weird noises back and forth as if you were talking a language of your own.
"You get me, don't you?" The redhead broke the silence. 
"Better than anyone" You answered. 
 Tendo began rubbing his face against yours now. The both of you, back and forth, Your cheeks pressed together, as the two of you very ridiculously rubbed your faces together, just like you would do when you were kids. 
"Hmmm, that's nice" You giggled, feeling the flashbacks coo you gently.
Your noses began touching gently as you continued. Eventually, Tendo stopped rubbing his face against yours, but he did not pull back. He stayed there, his forehead against yours, the tip of his nose brushing yours.and his eyes, for once, didn't look like those of a bird of prey. The usual analyzing eyes he had were now replaced by a much tender stare. 
Both if your faces, rather close together. And the velvet silence rising up the tension. His eyes, inviting, capturing yours. The anxiety building in your belly as you wondered if it was okay for you to lean closer. 
Not wanting to waste your chance, you did. Closing your eyes as you gently pressed your lips together. Tendo gasped briefly before giving in the kiss. He kissed you back, as you shyly locked your lips with his. 
Despite being your first kiss with him,  Tendo wasn't being shy at all. He'd been secretly waiting for this moment. And now, he was savoring it. He wanted to be closer to you. With one of his hands, he put them on your hips and gently pushed you into the couch. 
You followed his lead, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer. Your mind seemed to turn off with the excitement overflowing in you. He positioned himself on top of you, between your legs. Kissing you slowly, passionately. You wondered if he kissed his past girlfriends like this. The thought alone made you jealous.
He stole your breath with every teasing brush of his tongue against yours. With every time he gently bit your lip. The weight of his slender body on top of you made your blood get warmer and warmer as you lost focus of the world. 
At least until he broke the kiss. You panted loudly, trying to catch your breath. Tendo remained closed to you, smirking proudly with a faint blush on his cheeks. 
"[Name]?" He said resting his head on your chest and snuggling his face underneath your jaw.
"Yes?" You sighed still breathless. 
"Hypothetically speaking" He said "if I were to ask you to be my girlfriend, what would you say?" 
"I'd say yes" You answered at once without a second thought. Tendo smiled at this sudden answer. "Hypothetically speaking" you added.
"Follow up?" He asked once more.
"Why would you say yes?" 
"Because..." you stopped, while staring at the ceiling for a brief second before speaking "...you get me better than anyone else. We're both different kinds of weird. And I don't want your fame or popularity. I decide to hang out with you because of you. I don't need anything else, and I don't want anything else" 
Tendo giggled and brushed his face against your neck, giggling softly. You blushed, your face getting instantly hot, wondering if you had sounded like a fool. However, before you could Ask, Tendo spoke once more
"My hypothetical girlfriend is so weird. She's clever though, and has a way with words. She always has the best answers, and you know what?" 
"What?" You asked shyly as Tendo leaned up, resting his weight on his elbows against the couch.
"She's my girlfriend now" He giggled, bumping the tip of his  nose against yours before stealing an innocent peck from your lips. 
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got2gh0st · 4 years
interview with the writer
@alienfuckeronmain tagged me i love u so much!!!!!
Name: chi - got2ghost on ao3
Fandom(s): my current fandom i’m writing a lot for rn is haikyuu!! i love cql/mdzs but i dont think i’ll ever write for it FJEWKJWLJW. i have. thought abt abandoning all of my one d*rection fics but ppl still enjoy them so wahtever i’ll leave them up
Where You Post: ao3 ! sometimes twt threads but honestly twt is gross
Most Popular One Shot: probably cancel your reservation which has? crazy amounts of hits????????????/ 
Most Popular Multi-Chap: hahaha i’ve only ever posted one chaptered fic other than the one i’m currently posting up chapter by chapter now! but it’s my sterek fic that i’m still very fond of bc it holds a lot of memories for me.
Favorite Story You’ve Written So Far: i like my extremely silly lesbian taagnus fic. love somebody today! i wrote it SO FAST and i still go back and read it bc i just want. more lesbian taagnus content but im the only one whose ever written it LOL. i also still think big dick energy is fucking funny and i wrote it literally in one sitting but the dialogue makes me laugh
Fic You Were Nervous to Post: the one! i’m posting up right now!! hold a place til’ you’re coming home.  i’ve worked so long and hard on it and have made so many edits, so it’s the most polished thing i’ve ever put out. plus i rly love this pairing and want 2 do it justice
How do you choose your titles? im p sure every single fic i’ve ever posted is from a song title except for big dick energy 
Do you outline? god no. it’s why. i could never finish stuff or like. i would just miss entire beats. i’m trying to be better about it and i’ve been forced to outline more bc of my beta, tae, and also bc i was required to outline for a big bang i’m writing for!! 
Complete: 20!!!!!!!! 
In Progress: oh boy let me look at my wips i’ve got about 10 or 11 WIPS - 3 of which were just word vomit ideas that i slapped into a doc. 
Coming Soon: i have a krkn xmas exchange fic i’m post on the 18th! and then in april, i have a kiyoyachi i’m posting for wlwhqbb!! those are my fics that have actual deadlines. i’ve got like. 5 iwaois i want to write so badly and also a gigolas i never finished for gigolas fuck fest :( 
Prompts? only when i’m blocked! currently I DONT HAVE TIME
Upcoming Work You’re Most Excited About? these iwaois... im just. wanting to write so badly. but i am just most excited about hold a place because . i ve just put. so much into it. 
i’m gonnnaa tagggg @ghostpot @neenswrites @eska-rina and @happy-princess 
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catte-bard · 4 years
A Letter She’ll Never See
A sequel/companion to an old fic I wrote a good while back: A Letter You’ll Never See.
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My dear Bellona,
I know not where you are, but I so do hope you’re safe. I don’t know where to start; what you’ve done is extremely reckless and foolish. But I suppose I have no right to scold you for I know it was my fault that you ran away.
That is where your mother pins the blame at least. And I’ll not correct her. Because it is my fault. 
She misses you sorely. I have never seen such sorrow in her eyes. It hurts to see her that way. And Claudius though he tries his best to appear strong and stoic on the matter misses you just as much. He’s quiet—distant. I worry for him some days. 
And as for myself, there is not a day that goes by where I am not thinking about you. Worrying about your wellbeing. 
I know that of late things have been stressed between us. And perhaps I can admit that there were times where I’d been too harsh with you. I never enjoyed arguing with you, I never enjoyed raising my voice at you. If I could take that night back, I would. If I go back and stop myself from saying just a few words, I would.
But I was a frustrated man, there was much I was dealing with and I feared that if anyone heard you speaking of Populares propaganda you’d be hurt. I urged silence not out of contempt but out of concern for your safety. Should the wrong person have heard you then you could have been arrested for treason or worse. And I didn’t want to see anything happen to you.
And perhaps, I did not express these worries well. I let it manifest as anger and it drove a wedge between us. More than that—it made you run away from me. From home, a place where you’re supposed to feel safe. 
But I suppose I’ve made enough excuses for my sorry behaviour. I want to apologize if I ever hurt you in any way. And you may not ever find forgiveness for your fool of a father...but I still want you home.
I know I haven’t always been the most emotionally available father. Too often I have let work steal my time away from my children. And I hope it never made you feel unloved by me. You’ve frustrated me and exasperated me many times but never once did I ever stop loving you. 
I wish I had said more often how proud I am of you. You’ve grown into a very strong and clever young woman. A headstrong and outspoken and very, very stubborn one. But also a very passionate and driven one.
The manor feels smaller without your presence. Tis getting close to noon as I write this. Around this time you’d slip into my study while I worked. Thinking you were being quiet as you snuck in and sit down in one of the chairs. I wouldn’t say anything and you wouldn’t say anything. But usually you’d just get out a book you;ve brought with you and read. 
Your way of trying to spend time with me when I was busy. I never told you how much I appreciated it. We may not have spoken much during those moments but I always enjoyed having your silent presence in the room with me. It made grueling work so much more bearable. 
I also miss the sound of your humming in the halls. You so did love music. You were my darling, little songbird. I always enjoyed attending your performances. It made me proud seeing you there—seeing how many people were in awe of you. 
I was able to see a safe future for you. A simple one where you were safe and happy. That’s all I ever wanted for you. That’s what I still want for you.
And perhaps you do not believe me, perhaps you are still angry with me. 
I promise I will at least try to make sure things are different. For now, I just want you to know that wherever you are, you have my love.
Sincerely, your father
The wall chronometer chimed, indicating that it was three quarters past the bell. 
Kaeso looked up; time had gone by quicker than he thought. The Senate would be meeting soon and his attendance there would be mandatory. 
The Senate had been calling forth assemblies more often of late. And even Emperor Varis attended them more frequently. An odd change considering the man never cared much for the Senate like his grandsire did.
It was never known when the emperor would attend these assemblies and because no one wanted to appear flippant before His Grace, all minded their attendance to such things. 
Though Lord Kaeso’s presence was especially expected. The others had been watching him closely. News of his daughter’s desertion had earned him and his family much scrutiny.
Such attention was dangerous for a man like him. Politics were a vicious warzone. There were many who were jealous of his power and influence as praetor and sought to take from him. There would be many who would try to test him. 
He sighs, looking down at the letter he’d penned. A useless thing to do for he wasn’t even going to send it—he didn’t know where to send it.  He had written more to soothe his nerves he supposed.
He worried for her well-being while she was out there. But he could not let himself show it. His colleagues would see it as a weakness to be exploited. His emotional attachment would cloud his judgment and thus make him too unstable to make proper decisions. 
His wife called it callous of him to worry more about his reputation in the Senate. Perhaps, it was…
He drummed his fingers against his desk, then picked up the letter. Written words would never be enough to express how he felt about the whole thing. Such words came off as artificial unless spoken face to face. 
And will I ever get the chance to?
Another sigh slipped from him and he tossed the paper back on his desk.
“You have other things to dwell on.” The Garlean muttered to himself as he stood up. 
He had a meeting to attend and could not do so when his mind was clouded with worries and sorrow. 
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Is there any fics with kind of slow flow? They can be friends for longtime before turn into lovers or a long phase of lovey dovey relationship? Simply put, long story without angst, no pinning. Thanks
There are 32 posts under the slow build tag. Here are 13 fics to get you started. I love slow-build fics so much that I write them myself! I included two of them one the list. - HKVoyage
Dating lessons by @delightful-fear​
Blaine is interested in his hot, older boss. Can he de-geek and get his attention with Kurt’s help?
Desperate times by coffeeaddict80 (@caramelcoffeeaddict​)
Blaine Anderson is a college student studying theater. He is also a well known porn star that goes by the name Devon Anders.When Kurt Hummel starts having some financial difficulties he asks his classmate Blaine to help him get a job doing porn.Virgin!Kurt / Pornstar!Blaine AU
Don’t You Want Me by Quixoticity
Blaine Anderson’s plans of a life spent performing were derailed in his senior year, and he had to compromise on everything he’d dreamed of - except love. Kurt Hummel, haughty and aloof Broadway darling, was forced to come back to Ohio where there was nothing left for him but painful memories - until he noticed a pair of fine eyes. (Pride & Prejudice inspired, but set in present day)
I Belong to You by DualWielding
Blaine’s ship is attacked by pirates! But captivity isn’t what he expected, and neither is the infamous Captain Black.
Near Misses by @flamingmuse
Kurt and Blaine could easily not have met on a staircase in high school. They could have met a few years later in college instead.
Off Limits by @munchkinpandas24
For once in Blaine Anderson’s life he was pretty happy with how his life was going. He had an epic college experience with his best friend Jamie. They partied way too much, studied way too little and slept with their fair share of the best ASU had to offer. But one rejection letter later and Jamie was moving to San Diego to pursue his PHD while Blaine got accepted to the doctorate program at their Alma Mater. ASU without Jamie didn’t make sense to Blaine and he was not happy about it. To top everything off Jamie asked Blaine to look after his little brother Kurt who was starting his freshman year of college. Kurt wasn’t the little kid he pictured when Jamie asked Blaine to let him move in and it was clear things were about to change even more than Blaine had expected. In short, Blaine Anderson was screwed.
Sally Meets Harry by MaryFlanner
What if Blaine fell for Kurt first?
100 Days by borogroves
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends (and nothing more) since the age of six. Now 22-year-old college graduates, they take a roadtrip around the USA, visiting every state in 100 days. Fifty states. Two boys. One love story.
Chained to the Rhythm of Love by mirvly
Breakout artist Blaine Anderson is new to the life of a celebrity. With his popularity rising as a pop star in New York City, he longs for a connection with someone that goes beyond his life of luxury. When he meets Kurt Hummel, an up-and-coming name in the world of designer fashion, he knows he has to get Kurt to design an outfit for him for the red carpet. But it soon becomes clear that the two have a connection beyond business. 
Breathe In Now by Star55
Love is like breathing. Sometimes it comes easier for others and sometimes it takes a moment to catch your breath but as long as you keep inhaling, things will be okay. Kurt Hummel never expected Blaine Anderson, a man twice his age, to catch his breath and subsequently be the one he fell in love with.
Little Numbers by iknowitainteasy
AU: Blaine sends a text message to a wrong number by accident. Things progress from there.
Note: Download the PDF/EPUB 
Butterfly Wings by @hkvoyage
A fashion blog started at University launched Blaine Anderson’s fortune and fame. As Vogue’s new editor-in-chief, he is struggling to find an original angle for an upcoming issue. Kurt Hummel has recently arrived in New York City after finishing high school, and is having no luck building a musical theater career, so he decides to explore another passion of his: fashion. He applies for an internship at Vogue, and Isabelle sees in him the perfect fresh face to liven up the magazine, and convinces him to try out as a model. Kurt meets Blaine, and in spite of their 10-year age difference, sparks fly. Can they overcome misunderstandings and sabotage to find their happily-ever-after? Klaine model AU.
Westerville Abbey by HKVoyage
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
Sequel: Life in the Big Apple 
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 years
Fanfic Author Asks
Thanks for tagging @veliseraptor ! Drinking red wine, wrote 1.5k words, ready to answer some questions!
Author Name: bereft of frogs
Fandoms You Write For: I’ve really gotten onto an MCU streak. I’ve never been this productive in my life. And churning out like...actual completed fics. MCU is apparently my current home. I also sometimes write for Les Misérables, and, despite my griping earlier today, I do still have my ‘Death Gods magnum opus’ planned for Supernatural. As far as ‘fandoms I write for and never publish’ that list is much, much longer. ;-)
Where You Post: now I only post to Ao3. I have a fanfiction.net account, but I haven’t crossposted anything in years. I still have some bookmarks saved there that I’d like to keep, but it’s unlikely I’ll start regularly posting to fanfiction.net ever again.
Most Popular One-Shot: My most kudo-ed one-shot (defining ‘one-shot’ as self-contained story in one chapter, not part of a serialized narrative’ so I excluded ‘hard road’), is ‘hurts like ghosts’. (If I was counting ‘hard road’ which I maybe should because this one was, technically, a one-shot when I posted it, the answer would be ‘bone and broth.’)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Easy-peasy answer. ‘pain and other human sensations.’
Favourite Story You Wrote: I honestly, absolutely am super proud of ‘dark underground//violent sky’. It’s pretty fucked up, and I multiple times in the notes said it was “the worst fandom thing I’d ever done” but that was just to cover how much it delighted me. I’m real proud of it.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: I’m nervous for a couple upcoming works, right now, but of what I’ve already posted, probably the third chapter of ‘bound at the end of the world’. Oh no, I remember, it was definitely the chapter ‘Betrayal’ in ‘pain and other human sensations.’ I was rambling in the notes, I was nervous to check for comments. It was not the most Tony Stark friendly chapter, very anti-Sokovia Accords, and introduced a female OC...I was hella stressed. It worked out well though, and really was probably one of my best chapters of that fic.
(I’m frequently nervous posting fics so this question had a lot of possible answers.)
How Do You Pick Your Titles: Honestly it’s mostly ‘how dramatic does this sound’? Rarely it’s song titles (Like ‘spare me over’ from ‘O Death’ and ‘hurts like ghosts’ adapted from Lord Huron’s ‘Love Like Ghosts’.)
Do You Outline: Yes and no. Sometimes fics just pour out of me in a slightly horrifying word-vomit. Bigger projects often have a rough outline of scenes in brackets (example: [background info here] [conversation about X]). The Biggest Project (the Endgame AU) has a very, very detailed outline.
How Many of Your Stories are complete: So far all of them, because I’m terrified of repeating my youthful mistakes. I don’t start posting until I’m 100% sure I can complete it in a reasonable amount of time. Right now I have two in-progress series (the nine in the tree and hard road) but all of my individual fics are technically complete on Ao3.
In-Progress: Um. Well...I guess I have like 10 currently in some state of existing?
Coming Soon:  Been mostly concentrating on the big bangs, but here’s what’s coming:
Marvel Big Bang: ‘of the stern agony and shroud’ (Part I of ‘the dead reign there alone’. Part II ‘his chambers in the silent halls of death’ is also coming along quite nicely, so should be ready by the time the big bangs posts!). Hela reigns in Asgard. Thor and Loki struggle with this.
Thorki Big Bang: (very nervous to post, first foray into the ship) ‘water all around’ A young Thor and Loki go off by themselves and find themselves investigating a mysterious set of disappearances in a small village. (Hundreds of years later, aboard a refugee festival with the last remnants of their people, they’re circling each other again.)
Grandthorki Day: (also so, so nervous to post. It’s really fucking dark. Real dark. I’m sorry. But hey, it’s over 7k words and has a title now.) ‘actors without props//beasts without names’. The Grandmaster likes to put on a show.
Whumptober 2019 Project: (thus far untitled). I picked 8 prompts, a totally reasonable number. Totally. Reasonable. My goal is to start posting on October 24, to culminate on October 31, which is Halloween but also my fandom-versary! I can’t believe I was smart enough a year ago to make my first day actively posting fanfiction Halloween. I truly am, That Spooky Bitch.
I know people are looking for the ‘Endgame AU’ (alone amidst the ruins) to appear on this. But I decided that, personally, feeling satisfied with the narrative is more important to me than rushing it out. The Worst Draft is about 2/3 done, then I’ll start rewriting, I’m really hoping to hit a groove and get it done soon, but I don’t want to make any promises about how soon that will actually be.
Do You Accept Prompts: Sure why not! I’ve asked for prompts before for ‘hard road’, but I’d be happy to take general prompts, or prompts for other series (like ‘the nine in the tree’) or whatever! I had a lot, a lot of fun answering all those AU headcanon asks, so I’m always thrilled when I get asks/questions/prompts! (Can’t always promise that how quickly I’ll get things done, but I’ll do my best!)
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: As much as I’m nervous to post the Thorki big bang, because it does feel a bit like tipping over a cliff, not just taking on a challenge to cover a really popular pairing but also opening myself up to possible intense criticism, or future scrutiny*, I’m honestly really, really satisfied with the narrative and the quality. I’m proud of it. I’m excited to get to share it.
*Even though yes, I am the one who, just hours ago, when faced with the rumors that VE Schwab was an incest shipper/supported incest shipping (accusations thrown around by the Supernatural fandom of all people) did say that if it turned out to be true I’d actually probably respect her more. I’m still a bit nervous.
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions: Ahhh you all know how bad I am at tagging people. I’m going to try, just a couple, but you’re under no obligation and I’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged: @kiwimeringue @adhd-loki
Okay I tagged two actual humans, other than that, please do consider this an open tag! If you want to go for it!
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miraculouskatsukii · 7 years
so, yoi creator appreciation day went down earlier and... i didn’t manage to tag all the people i wanted to. not by a long shot. i’ve met so many wonderful and amazing people in this fandom, and the idea of calling out how awesome my friends are has been in my mind for a while now, so: 
@iceprinceofbelair adrian. you might not remember this, but really early on my days in the vwc chat, you helped me out. a lot. i was in a bad place then, it was the start of summer and suddenly i couldn't do anything but think, and you helped me out talked to me gave me options and encouraged my plans. thank you, truly, thank you. not only that but i just noticed you have fics too?? what??? i’m checking them out as soon as i’m done with this. 
@where-his-towel-is omg, you guys. ellen is everything. you helped me out so so much when i was just starting with my superhero fic, i was barely 5k in and yet you cared enough in my idea and actually liked it and you became my beta, and more importantly, a friend. a wonderful beta, with a quick mind and amazing skills, an even more amazing friend with such creative ideas who always supports me and the best wifey ever<333 thank you <3333
@yoyoplisetsky cary, holy shit, i can’t stress this enough, you’ve always been there when i feel unvalidated or unimportant or whatever. that time when you hacked lily’s account particularly stands out right now, but you’ve always been such a beacon of positivity in my fandom life, so thank you <333
@queenofaburiedkingdom lily!! the ultimate admin. no one tops you. no one tops anocily. you’ve always been there for me, always participated in stupid drama with me and doc, always been such a wonderful and amazingly positive person who’s always ready to be positive. thank you <333
@reddyonice red’s always been there!!! red’s always been there for me to bond with, to share my sorrows with, red always gets me no matter what and you’re so so kind and thoughtful and also an amazing writer and ahem gorgeous as heCKITY HECK UHMMM??? you might need to tone down how cool you are. just for the rest of us <3333
@kasumi-chou kas!! has who deserves it all, such a worthy and wonderful person who’s talented and hard working and has given so much to the fandom and honestly kinda needs a break!! you’re always there as big sis, a shoulder i can lean on, so thank <333
@rayrayswimusic ray ray was possibly the first friend i made on the vwc. i barely knew anyone there i was terrified being surrounded by all of these amazingly talented people with actual purposes in the fandom, and i remember talking with ray ray during my first few days there, such a sweet person who was always kind, so thank you. thank you for talking to me <333
@katsukifatale mac!! mac’s so full of positivity (references: immmm positivelyyoi??) and put up with all of our mistakes in the yurionicebigbang, can’t believe what a calm and patient person they are!! amazing <333
@roseus-jaeger rose wow... rose is always there in the chat, i just see rose pop up all the time. answering his messages on #general is like second nature by now. wouldn’t be vwc without rose, i don't even know if i can call you my friend because you’re undeniably The Cool One, but it’s so nice seeing you on the chat<333
@silencedfalcon NOC. HOLY SHIT. holy shit, not you guys. doc is The Popular. honestly how tf did i end up her friend???? hmm no one knows. in so many servers, knows so many people, she’s like the fandom black market, always has blackmail, always has the best and most amazingly refreshing angst and au ideas, i can't even believe. so glad you’re my friend doc, seeing your messages every morning brightens my whole day<33333
@sinkingorswimming dommi, ok wow, what do i say about dommi? um, first of all, her fic, cause I'm a taker bLEW MY MIND ALRIGHT? best version of a inside look at canon, everything feels so real and her writing is gorgeous. we’ve talked sometimes in vwc, not too much but you deserve to be here because you complimented my eyeliner once which, is honestly all i care about in life so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@n3rdlif343va SAM!! ok, listen, sam, you made my day a WHOLE LOT better during one of my horrible times. i’d been hating my writing for ages and then sam goes “oh yeah you wrote that fic so i *had* to read that one” ummMMM I DIED OK THAT S TOP LEVEL TIER OF COMPLIMENTS I DONT THNK I’LL EVER BE ABLE TO REPAY YOU IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, THANK YOU <333
@fallsintograce grace is wonderful. grace is amazingly strong and such a fighter. you’re going through a rough time, and you deserve better, so much better. it’s always so lovely seeing you pop up in the sws, i’m so glad i met you, take care and thank you <333
@domokunrainbowkinz DOMO!!!! domo, holy shit you guys, doom has some of the very best writing i was so amazed from the first time i read her harry potter au, i knew that she would be a wonderful wonderful person and you are!!! i’m always so happy to talk to you <333
@red-heather chloe’s always talking about her au in the chat its so so amazing seeing everyone pitch in trying to help her out with picking designs from photos and listening to what she has planned, a wonderful person in the chat who i’’m super glad to see all the time <333
@phoenixrei MEG!!! meg ok we haven't talked in FOREVER but meg was one of the people i was really close to at the beginning of the vwc, always there to talk about her au (WHICH IS GORGEOUS BTW UMMM WHO ARE YOU IF YOU HAVENT READ IT CHECK HER AO3 @ FullmetalChords PLEASE LORD SHES WRITTEN THE MOST AMAZING ACE!YUURI YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE) and always there when i ask her dumb questions about video editing software, I'm so glad to call you my friend <3333
@teekettle ok i can't tag her wtf anyway i LOVE seeing you in the group chat such an amazing presence here, always helpful with fic info always super nice and kind, i helped her out with a fic idea once and it was BOMB ANGST like it was amazing angst, a wonderful person over all!!! <333
@dramaticmari MARI!!!!! mari we bonded right from the start, you were such a positive and lovely person so helpful and a wonderfully talented artist who didn't fail to make me feel so welcome in this new chat filled with cool people, thank you so much for being a friend, for listening to me, for everything <3333
@krizariel kris has... kris has been there for me. A LOT. even today ifs omg i wouldn’t have been able to do the admin form correctly without you and sasu!!! not to mention what a lovely supportive and uplifting message you left in my inbox when i felt bad about myself. you’re such a positive influence, I'm glad you're my friend <3333
@iced-sass SASU ok literally the only other person within my timezone rip, you're always a wonderful friend who’s there to talk to, to share a laugh with, you never fail to be a talented wonderful human being who’s also hilarious um??? thats how we met i legit complimented you on a joke you said that doc showed me and thats how i got onto the sws, so really thank you so so much for bringing all these new friends and opportunities into my life <33333
@katsuki-skates bas, wow, bas or bass, whatever, is always there to listen, ever present on the vc and no matter what will support you and be super kind and lovely, i can't believe I'm friends with such a wonderful and amazing person. fun fact: i’ve been following you for forever and i kid you not i’ve been low-key stanning you for a good chunk of time. i was slightly terrified when i figured out your tumblr because i loved you so much. <33333
@thehibiscusthief sara, i barely know you, but for the whole short time i;ve known you i have also been low-key standing you. UHM ANOTHER DANCER WHOS APPARENTLY GOING PROFESSIONAL HOLY SHIT AHHHH i’m so so glad you’re going to a dance school, and you’ll definitely be accepted because you’re a talented wonderful person who’s not only a great dancer but also a great writer!!! um what!!!
extra shout outs to people who’s tumblr idk:
kuma, who is the meme dealer of the sis chat. i think we can all agree that kuma’s fucking hilarious, no matter what you might say puma, you're funny as hell and own that please
anna!!! who idrk that well atm, but i always see you on the sws and you're always a hilarious person, i’d say you and kuma are tormenting us with two trucks but i enjoy your humor so much that it would be a lie <333
sammie!!! sammie pls, sammie’s always been such ana amazing person to talk to, a bomb music taste, such a funny and wonderful person I'm so glad i see you in the chat<333
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bewareofchris · 8 years
writer woes
so i’ve had several days off because i’m trying to cope with stress and anxiety that feels like its trying to kill me.  And in those days off I”ve been all over tumblr and read all kinds of posts about how terrible writing fanfiction is, and how difficult it is when nobody reviews your things, and how there’s no point in writing if someone isn’t around to tell you that you did a good job.  I mean, I’ve read a few books worth of this at this point.
1. writing fanfiction is hard. 2. wanting validation/praise for doing hard work makes complete and total sense 3. spending time creating something you love and finding nobody else to love it sucks. 4. no, not all writers write for the sake of writing.   5. like no.  I never once wrote a single damn word because i was inspired by the deep, personal love of the craft.  i have written for the following reasons:
a school assignment
to prove i was better than my brother
to make someone like me
to make someone happy
to piss off someone
because my teacher pissed me off
because someone said i couldn’t
because i didn’t think i could
because someone asked me to
because i couldn’t sleep for days
to show off
for the notes
i was angry
nobody else had written what i wanted to read
my best friend told me i was emotionless
my best friend wrote better than i did
i didn’t want to become an alcoholic
to cope with anxiety 
i disagreed with the interpretation of a trope/character
i thought it was a funny idea
6.  I love writing and it’s hell.  It’s constant hell.  I mean, I love it.  I wouldn’t give it up but literal constant hell.  I’ve got scars on my hands and my arm because I can’t cope with the things in my head.  but I can write them out.  so writing is constant, self-inflicted hell.
7.  I actually started out in originals.  I began my long career in fandom by writing terrible gay vampire novels and various other stories involving boys that liked to kiss one another.  I was an uppity little shit, obsessed with death/murder and writing almost exclusively with all male casts.  
8.  in my writing class we had to write fanfiction off a book, no joke.  and since my BFF at the time was like LOOK AT THE GAY ASS GUNDUM BOYS, and I discovered the internet and people who would read my stupid stories, I basically started writing fanfiction for 100 years
9.  i have literally only ever once tried to get something published.  and it was bad and I’m actually very happy it got rejected.
(9a. i have never won a writing contest, ever.  Not in fandom*, not in school, not in professional writing magazines.  *that i intentionally entered, I believe.)
10.  it’s been like my entire life, and everyone i talk to about my writing is like: “oh you should get published, you’re really good” and that’s always a nice pat on the back.  Its uplifting.
11.  but i don’t believe them.  I know I”m a lazy fuck, I know i’m hanging on by a thread here.
12. I also oscillate violently between wanting to be published and giving up before I try.
13. which I tell myself is perfectly okay.  I’ll either get there or I won’t.
14. but wouldn’t it be amazing if I did get published, and became a best-seller and they made a mini-series out of my story.  And I could go online and people would be writing literally the worst fanfiction ever about my characters?
(14a. also, so I could be like: OK HOLLYWOOD YOU CAN HAVE THIS AMAZING CAST OF CHARACTERS AND MY BADASS STORY LINE BUT REMEMBER THERE’S LIKE 3 white people and like 1 straight person and you can’t change their race or sexual orientation for any reason.)
15. I’ve written millions of words of fanfiction since I started and I can name probably 4? fanfics out of that list?  Inertia (or the laws of motion), Sass-Badger Vs. The-Son-of-No-One, Immovable, unbreakable and Underbelly (an RPS fic don’t go looking for it).  
16.  so if I were to look at this objectively, I would say that it’s basically half my life that i’ve wasted writing useless trash for the internet.  i’m no closer today to getting published than I was when i was writing gay vampire novels at age 14.  
(16a. I do have a much better understanding of sex though.  So there’s a plus.)
17. but it would be unfair to the struggle of actually writing those millions of words, and of the worry that i wasn’t good enough, and of the progress I’ve made as a writer, and of the connections and moments I’ve shared with readers to call any of those millions of words a waste.  (I mean, realistically I could have not written some of them.)
18. despite all this, and despite having spent most of my fanfiction career actively vying to be popular enough to be recognized, i just want to throw it out there on the internet
19. you can write for the notes, or for the love of it, or because your girlfriend was like “hey, why not write a star trek fic set in the wild west” that one time before she was even your girlfriend and you were like “i bet I could impress her if I just wrote that wild west fic despite knowing nothing about the genre or the actual wild west”.  You can write whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want and that’s 100% fine
20. but nobody has to read it.  nobody has to like it.  nobody has to comment on it.  nobody has to leave a kudos.  your success and your well-being is not the responsibility of the reader.  
21. i’m not trying to be mean, and i’m not trying to start fights.  but even if you’re writing for the notes, and the comments, and the praise (which is 100% ok, we all want those things), you will never get enough notes, enough comments and enough praise if you walk in thinking that is owed to you.  
22. its hard to be discouraged, and its hard to work for no reward, and it’s shitty to feel underwhelmed and shitty and go on the internet and have people tell you that you’re wrong for feeling that way and you should write for the love of it and not because you want praise.
23.  i’m not saying develop sudden full enlightenment and ascend to a higher plane of existence where you require nothing and no longer have human weaknesses or needs.
24.  i’m saying, be proud of your work, be proud of your notes, and keep working.  it gets easier, it gets better, you get better as a writer.  When you’re down, reread your favorite story you’ve ever written and think of how amazing it is that this story exists because you wrote it.  
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yuzuria · 8 years
Bnha for the 1 and komahina for the 2!
001 | bnha
Favorite character: kacchan!! i havent gotten around in bnha lately but hes still my number one angry sonLeast Favorite character: the grape pervert i forgot the name, monota? mineta?5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): i dont srsly ship any of these but i enjoy some like kiribaku (yebc of u) momojirou is cute!! todomomo dekuraka (tfw ur str8) and tododeku Character I find most attractive: hatsume and momo!! also /sweaty/ midnightCharacter I would marry: maybe momo i adore her a lot Character I would be best friends with: uraraka!!! the sweetest summer child. id rly love to be in their group tbh iida (?) and deku are cool tooA random thought: i need to relearn their names and catch up. i stopped reading at ch 69 (yes i did that in purpose so i can remember)An unpopular opinion: hmm not rly i dont even know whats popular or not My canon OTP: is there one? hm nahNon-canon OTP: nahMost badass character: iwant kendou itsuka to kick me and step on me and make me her personal punching bagPairing I am not a fan of: teachers/teachers and don’t ever tell me teacher/students existsCharacter I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i still don’t rly know yet !Favourite friendship: are deku and kacchan’s mom besties or was that just a hc? if not then for the main trio and momojirou
002 | komahina
when or if I started shipping it. my thoughts: okay so i think i’ve known them since 2013, i was a lurker and had seen stuff of them. i even had a bad impression of them bc said materials let me saw the “fanon komahina” with crazy stalker ko x tsun maso hinata so i stayed away as much as possible from that order (till now tbh it scarred me). then dr3 happened ! i invested a lot of time while dr3 was airing to get to know them and spoiled myself to the majority of sdr2, i was in denial in that period tbh bc i was dissatisfied with their rship in sdr2 bc of the lack of closure and how i believed hinata won’t ever return komaeda’s feelings (as how i put it before when i still didnt know better) it’s almost hilarious i was in denial i ship them while i read their top fics in ao3, 100k word fics included, every night then wake up and tell the world nope! i dont ship them! then it just happened, the denial decreased, i started to read more abt sdr2, followed ppl and read their thoughts about komahina, kibou hen already ended, occasional rts (spams) their art in twitter then before i knew it, i never expected myself to like komahina but im in here deep
What makes me happy about them: how do i even start… i had to sort through my memory bc almost all of their canon interactions make me sad. ok first thing i love how one’s smile has impact to the other, of how hinata thinks ko’s smile is calming and drives his worries away and how painful it was for komaeda to remember hinata’s that implies to weigh equally as his death in sdr2.5 ( this is sad and not happy wtf ) hinata wanting to understand komaeda, komaeda feeling serenity when he’s with hinata, the dangan island scenes!! the ridiculous ones with “i don’t mind if you want to see me naked”, hinata taking komaeda to a carousel, komaeda being nervous around hinata when he noticed they’re alone, hinata never expressed disgust or called ko “creepy” in canon unlike the others where he thinks komaeda being confusing. and hinata reaching out to take komaeda’s hand twice in sdr2.5 
What makes me sad about them: everything in sdr2 wtf? one, there’s so many unsaid things between them in canon, like komaeda saying less about his feelings when there’s more to it, him lying about lying about his condition in his last fte and hinata’s confused and frustrated over that? he didn’t know which are true or not and he simply can’t figure it out alone. komaeda and their hostile situation are definitely not helping. also where he shrugs off thoughts that could lead him understanding komaeda’s true feelings as “overthinking” especially in chapter 5. but in the end of his fte, hinata acknowledges he feels a mysterious bond with him which is true, of how they look after each other in a way after everything and other else.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i back off before i start to read those i think are gonna annoy me but i hate myself and i still checked so here are some,
-the fanon komahina mentioned above goes here without a doubt-the crack fics that spam and flood their tag… like really? shrekmaeda? trumpmaeda? s*mmer l*ve???-the “uwu so pure cant hurt everyone! pls protect me hinatakun” komaeda and “hide in my arms babe im here for u” hinata-just. very aggressive and clingy komaeda.-violent dom/sub, noncon, hate sex-shsl slut hinata-kun-fucking komaeda who’s stuttering every single time
Things I look for in fanfic: i’m up to anything! tbh i’ll accept any post dr3 where they’re happy or alternative post sdr2 where it’s angsty with pent up emotions and both of them have to deal with a lot of things left from the simulation (im disappointed sdr2.5 didnt give us drama :0 ) or just simple fluff aus good for the soul. angsty aus bc sadness is never enough to me. canon divergence!! im happy to see some twists made within sdr2… and dr3 please. 
My kinks:  komahina being passionate with each other : ‘  D
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: non Non No. this ask got very long do you think i even have the time to imagine either of them without the other… well there’s kamukoma, technically it doesn’t count, and that’s it
My happily ever after for them: komahina moving on from ordeals together finally reached a complete understanding, they might still hit a rocky road along the way but they have each other to rely on. that s cheesy, most probably, but please
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Bitch Fest (Group Fic / Supermodel AU) - Sira
AN: So I haven´t writen in a while, I was really busy, but now I came up with this idea and I hope it´s not a total washout (I just found out that word lmao), in the story all of the queens are females, and there are going to be lots of pairings but mainly Pearlet and Shalaska, and I took a lot of creativity license cause I know nothing about the real world, anyway, I hope you like it and let me know what you think <3
Ps: Sorry if my grammar sucks, it´s still a fucking challenge to write in english for me haha
Tw: Implied eating disorder
Tonight was the big event, the anual festivity of the agency. Every year there was a party to celebrate the fact that “Ru Paul´s Model Agency” was still the best place to find any kind of models. Their fame had increased considerably when they were the first ones to actively accept the diversity of body shapes and nationalities. And this night, specially this night, everybody would be there, and everybody meant everybody. All the models that were part of the agency, as well as the photographers, editors, staff, the media and of course the directives, which were only two now. Violet looked in the mirror again, they were doing her hair, her makeup was all done, and she looked amazing, but again, she always did. Sitting by her side was Katya that seemed really interested by something in her phone, she was probably texting with Trixie, Violet rolled her eyes, they really could never stay away from each other. She knew that if Trixie wasn´t in another room, Katya would most probably had abandoned her by now. They had them separated by “level of importance” as Violet liked to call it, mostly because said that way, it sounded worse than it was, and she loved feeling like a bad bitch using that term. To be honest, the only difference was that they had the models that were the most popular ones, or got the most remarkable jobs during the year, in “special treatment” which meant they were borrowed more expensive clothes and the hair and makeup was sure to be made perfectly so each of them looked their best tonight, at the end of the day, people wanted to see them. Violet loved this kind of events and this kind of separations, it made her feel special, like a rewarding to all of her job, she had her place secured now, and that was something only a few people could say. 9 to be exact, the only 9 people to ever be the face of the agency, it was an honor, or at least that´s how she saw it. Being the face of the agency means that everybody loves you, you are the fucking sensation and every teenager in the world wants to be you, let alone teenagers, everybody wants to be you, and she could said she had been there. She looked in the mirror again and smiled, and her smile just got bigger as she spotted someone at the end of the giant room, wearing a robe and drinking from a bottle of water. She tried to catch her attention waving her hand, hoping the other girl would turn around and see her reflection, fortunately she did, and when she realized who was waving at her, she smiled and started walking towards them. “What´s up bitches?” Pearl asked positionating herself between Violet and Katya, careful not to bother the hairstylist that was still working on Violet. Katya seemed to wake up at the sound of Pearl and turned to look at her with a frown. “What are you doing here?” She asked genuinly confused. Violet couln´t stop the loud laugh that left her throat. “Well hello to you too” The newely arrived girl answered in an offended tone, Katya just started giggling after realizing just how rude she might have sound and held Pearl by the arm. “Sorry, it wasn´t meant to offend anybody, just…” “Just that if you are here that means Trixie could, should, or would, not sure which one, be here too” Violet finished knowing exactly what the russian blonde was thinking. Katya turned to see her open mouthed and after brief seconds she concluded “Right, just what she said” The three girls laughed a little and then it was Pearl´s turn to speak and answer all the questions that the other two girls could have. “Well, first of all, how do you know I shouldn´t be here?, I just want to remind you that I´ve been doing a great job” She said crossing her arms. “Oh, we know Pearly, but your name just wasn´t in the list” the brunette girl said. “Wait, how do you even know that?” Violet just smiled and winked her eye at her. After rolling her eyes Pearl finally answered, “I guess they just made a mistake, you are right, I wasn´t in the list, but something happened, I don´t know what, but Bianca was really mad” Bianca was the person in charge of all the logistics, she was the one to take care of practically everything to do with the events of the agency and the PR. After that Katya was called to get her outfit and the hairstylist finally finished what he was doing, leaving Pearl and Violet alone. “I´m actually really happy they made a mistake” Violet said taking Pearl´s hand. “Someone´s feeling bold today” “Oh hush, see? Nobody is around” Violet ended the sentence stealing a quick peck from Pearl´s lips, the other girl just smiled, she couldn´t really be mad at her. “Are we going home together, or do you preffer going separate ways?” the blonde asked. They had been living together for a while, well, more less, Pearl still had her aparement in a nice building, but during the last 6 months, she had been sleeping almost every night at Violet´s place, all of her important stuff was there too, the only reason she still kept the other  apartment was just a facade so people wouldn´t actually know where she was living. The decision to keep it as a secret was taken by the two of them , after what happened with Sharon and Aalaska and the media going crazy, they thought that it should be known until it was strictly necesary. “Let´s go home together, I don´t think anybody will suspect anything, at least not tonight."                                                            *** All the models were lined up ready to get into the cars that would take them to the the red carpet. The red carpet was the most expected moment for the paparazzi, such a unique thing to see the line of beautiful models entering the lobby of the salon, but first, pictures, of course. Alaska could feel the all too familiar adrenalin flowing through her body, this was her year, she had worked so fucking much to have this, probably harder than any of the other girls here, she was sure. All those hours crying and starving herself to death had to worth something, and here was the result, hundreds of periodists trying to take a picture of her, everybody following her on twiter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, all to see what she was wearing and what she was doing. She called the shots here, she decided what was cool and what was not. She felt powerful and wanted, but that didn´t stopped her body from feeling incredibly weak, she had to keep it together, it´s not like she hadn´t done this before, there were times her body was screaming at her to stop the abuse, but she hadn´t, she had worked hard despite everything, and look where it got her, the top of the world. She felt really dizzy for a moment so she took a sip from the bottle of water that Pearl had given her earlier after asking if she was okay, of course she was, she was fucking famous. While she drank the water that tasted a little bitter in her mouth she could see Sharon through the corner of her eye, she was talking with Katya. She looked beatiful and scary, more mature now, Alaska had to admitt it, since the breakup both of them went through a hard time, there was a time when she almost lost her job because she always looked so sad and bad in general, but then the time passed and she focused in what was important, and she had donde it, and of course, Sharon had too, she had always been a winner, so unique and perfect as she was, no wonder why she fell in love with her. She sipped the water again, and again and again, it almost felt like it was only making it worse. "Ready girls?, we are sending you in groups, section A come with me, the ones with partners, they are waiting in the lobby” that separation was made every year, section A, the one that Alaska belonged now permanently was taken to the lobby where they would call their names and guide them to their cars, if they had no partner sometimes they would put some of them together in the same limousine. They were just waiting now, Alaska was kind of immersed in her own world, like she always did when she was tired, she didn´t know why she was so tired though, but a hand in her shoulder made her inmediatly come back to real life. “Hey Alaska? Are you okay?” it was Sharon, why was everybody asking that lately? “Yes, thanks” She answered with a smile and she had to held her hands together so the other girl couldn´t see they were shaking, she didn´t know why the were shaking, it was probably just the adrenaline, she was under a lot of preassure at the end of the day, plus the bang of nervouness that she always got when Sharon talked to her didn´t help at all. It was stupid to be honest, it had been 3 years now since the break up and they kept the relationship as a long friendship, of course that didn´t sttoped Alaska from crying all night when she found out that Sharon was dating someone else. Sharon opened her mouth to say something else but quickly closed it when Bianca got in. “Okay ladies, you all know what to do, look pretty and be charming, now I need Alaska to go with Steve…” Alaska didn´t hear much after that, she searched Steve with the look and once she found the guy, she started making her way towards him. “Wait!, emm, take care Lasky, have a good night, enjoy yourself please…” Sharon told her while sofly grabbing her hand and the letting go of it, Alaska could start feeling her eyes watering ,and a warm sensation took hold of her body, she didn´t understand why this was affecting her so much, she wasn´t this sensitive in a normal basis. The only thing she could do after that was give a silent nod and a little sad smile. Sharon saw Alaska turn around and follow this dude Steve alongside Bob and Naomi, and she could tell just by the way she was walking, something was off with her ex, earning her a feeling of concern that she wasn´t able to shake off during the entire night.                                                          *** They were all in the red carpet now, hundreds of pictures were being taken and of course people fighting to get interviews with the most wanted girls in the moment, that was Fame´s favourite part, she loved posing in front of a camera at any time and at any moment, this event was always so much fun to her, from finding the perfect dress, to chosing the perfect shoes and of course reuniting with old friends. She was making a flawless serious face for the many photographers when she could see from afar Violet posing, maybe as flawlessly as she was, with Trixie and Katya by her side. She just couldn´t stop the little smile that made her way through her face, it had been so long since they last saw each other, they used to be together all the time, but then she got married and work started to take different ways, so it was always a pleasure to at least spend some time with her. Slowly but surely she made her way to her friend, while still posing for the cameras. “Hey Vies” she said sliding her hand on the brunette´s waist. Violet instantly turned to see her, becoming surprised to see Fame in front of her. “Oh my God, Fame!” She said trying not to do many body language, she gave her a very subtle hug and two elegant kisses, one in each cheek. They really had to look pretty all the time, at least for now. They took a few more pictures before it was time to go inside the salon cause the event was about to start, It was divided in two parts, first there was like a ceremony, where they would post a video, and Ru would talk, Michelle would talk, this year Alaska would also talk, and it was all live on T.V, as well as the red carpet, there were many famous guests too.The other half was the private party. They were all entering the building ,and as fast as they were out of sight they hugged each other so tight they could hardly breathe. “I missed you bitch! Violet said once she gave a step back to look at her face. "Me too, I really did miss you a lot my love” They smiled warmly at each other before Violet squealed happily. “Well, now that you are here, I have soooo much things to tell you, like a lot” “And I can´t wait to hear them, we have like 5 minutes before we necesarily need to be at our places, so spill the T in order of importance” “Okay, okay. Well first, you are not going to believe this, but my dream is finally coming true, the agency decided that it was a good idea to invest in a new project related to me, and in a couple months, you are not going to believe this..” “Bitch, you are scaring me, just say it!” Violet stared at her for a couple more seconds with a huge and anxious smile. “In a few months, we start working on my clothes line collection” They stood in silence looking at each oher for about five seconds, Violet still with that huge grin and Fame was left speechless with wild eyes that got bigger with the time, everything was silence until her shout. “Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!, This is huge I´m so happy for you!” Fame hugged Violet again, but this time they couldn´t stop jumping around like teenagers. “I knowww, right?, but please don´t tell anyone, you are the only person in the world tha knows about this, well, apart from Miichelle, and Ru, but not even Pearl knows” “Really? Why not?, you and Pearl seem very close lately” Fame rememebered a few years ago when Violet had this strong crush on the girl, she never accepted it out loud though, but seeing as they were so close now, made her suspect some things, even if neither of them had confirmed anything yet. “I just want it to be a surprise” “Oh okay, well, anyway I´m so happy for you” They shared another hug before they started finally making their way to the reception vanishing in the small crowd of guests that were doing the same thing. “Oh and Fame?” Violet said once they were walking, Fame turned to see her, she was looking at the ground with a dreamy smile on her face, her aura was kind of insecure and vulnerable, something really rare in Violet. “Mmmh?” “I think I might be falling in love” Fame couldn´t be happier for her friend now, she could still listen to Violet telling her that she woud never fall in love, she could have affairs, lovers, even stable relationships, but love meant putting the other person first, on top of anything and anyone, including yourself, and nobody was worth more than her. Things had definitely changed in their time apart. “Really, how´s so?” “I don´t really know, I just think I find the right person you know?, the one that´s worth it” Her friend only smiled, held the girl´s hand, and squeezed it. She knew better than to push her, Violet would open up to her later, when she felt more secure about her feelings. “It must be a really great person”                                                              *** Willam sat in exactly the place she wanted, it was such a struggle to get it, but it was just the angle she needed so the pictures would come out perfectly, it wasn´t in the same table so it wouldn´t look suspicious but it was near and with the perfect view of Pearl. She had planned this for months now, and the fact that her friend Courtney was  in the agency and going in dates with the feared Bianca Del Rio helped a lot. It wasn´t personal against Pearl, she just needed something fresh. “House of Eswards” was the main gossip center of all times, they started like a magazine, and now they even had their own T.V channel, they were a beast of the media, and they always got the biggest news in  record time, but tonight things were going to change a little. Willam had made her way to the top of the ciberworld by her own resources, who doesn´t love a drag queen with the hottest gossips, and an even hotter personality?, her blog was now one of the most visited ones, and her youtube channel was just as famous. She started getting free tickets to cover events, and one of them was the anual anniversary of RuPaul´s Model Agency, but there was always a problem, sure people loved seeing pictures and interviews with beautiful models, but things were starting to get a little boring for her, and if she wanted to beat the House of Edwards for this one, she needed to do something about it. She smiled and looked at the hour in her cellphone, it was almost time. The place was starting to get full and after all the greetings and salutations, the people strated to go to their places, once Pearl was in her seat Willam knew it was just a matter of time before the real drama started. Michelle was the first one to talk, she went to the podium, that was in the middle of an scenario, that had a little runway to it. “Hello, welcome everybody, tonight we celebrate, as every year, the glory and success of our beloved agency, this started as a project to show the world that every person is different but equally gorgeous, we have in our hands a group of people that have fought to get where they are now, working and looking always…” Willam was constantly looking into Pearl´s direction, bearly hearing what Michelle was talking about, every year was the same anyway, they would talk about the work they have done, and how they are awesome, in fact, this all damn thing was to show off, she was sure. Her target was still the same way as she arrived, sure the girl always seemed a little high and sleepy, so it was difficult to see if it was working. “…Now, with that being said, let´s receive the creator of this wonderful company” As soon as those words left Michelle´s lips, the place got all dark with the exception of a reflector pointing to the same podium. Willam had her camera ready, this was always the best part, each year they seemed to get richer, and the event got fancier and fancier. The music started playing, and some different lights appeared making fugures in the background, the moment the bit of the music got faster, Ru appeared using an incredible dress, as always. Everybody got up and started clapping and screaming, Willam turned to see Pearl, only to find her in her feet and clapping lazyly, but she wasn´t sure if it was just  because of the girl´s slow demeanor. When she sat down and stared in concentration to the front, she looked exactly the same way as she did in the beginnig. Willam checked her phone again, she was suppoused to be fainting by now, she groaned in exasperation and turned to the front to pretend she was listening. “… cause´ if you can´t love yourself, how the hell you are gonna love somebody else?” Everybody clapped again, and a video was projected in three different big screen, one above the podium and the other two at the sides. The video was the highlights of the year for each model, the center of attention being Alaska for what she accomplished, but almost every model got to appear, even if it was just in the background. Willam smiled as he saw Courtney and Alaska together in a shoot, Courtney had been friends with her since they moved together to New York, and she getting into the agency and becoming kind of famous about it, helped them both a lot, just like today, of course Courtney didn´t know anything about the Pearl thing, now that would be a problem. The girl also made her and Alaska become good friends, she could almost say they were her only two friends, it was weird, Willam never thought that her two bests friends were going to end up being supermodels, one of them super famous. They never went out in public, Alaska liked seeing Courtney and Willam in their apartment or vice versa, she hated dragging attention to them together for some reason. Then suddenly there was clapping again and Willam´s attention went back to Pearl, she was exactly the same way as always, something was wrong. The lights changed again, making the runway all blue, and all the girls that had once being the face of the agency started modelling, Alaska was a the end, and after all the girls divided into two lines, she walked through the space between them until she was at the front, making a pose and leaving everybody screaming, but Willam´s attention wasn´t on her again. Pearl was on her feet, but this time she looked a little more sleepy, she closed her eyes, and leaned on the table, holding it tightly with one hand. This was the moment. Willam took her camera, and held it close to her face, making sure she had the perfect vission of her. Then the model just closed her eyes and shook her head, then opened her eyes again, Willam´s mouth dropped, and then Pearl was clapping again like nothing happened. She put her camera down and stared in desbelief. “What the fuck?” She whispered, good luck nobody on her table was looking at her, they were all so bussy paying attention to Alaska, which she wasn´t, she had bigger problems right now. “What if she didn´t drink the all water?, what if she gave it to somebody else?” she thought, but that couldn´t be possible, she hadn´t thought about it, she herself watched her drinking it… before she went away with this other model, Violet, and what if she drank it?. She turned to see Violet with urgency,that could also work, but she prefered it was someone that wasn´t that important and not in the stage, but the girl seemed perfectly fine. She could feel her heart beating with force, she was nervous, and that didn´t happened often, maybe she was overreacting, maybe nobody drank it… Willam´s thoughts were interrupted by a gasp by someone on her table, making her turn her face inmediatly to the front, Alaska was giving her speech, or at least she was suppoused to be doing that, her eyes were closed and she was leaning on the podium, a loud gasp could be heard when her knees gave in and she had to almost hug the podium for support.  “Fuck” Willam whispered again, this time full of fear and a, growing with the minute, regret. Just as some security dudes and a few guests started to make their way to the girl in order to help her, she fell to the floor unconscious. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Willam could her the screams, and all the people standing up and going to the front to see something, and Willam´s panic started getting bigger, just as eveyone elses. The security people were now gathered around the sleeping girl making everybody step back, and the flashes were all around tha place. She could see Laganja, the pothead dancer of House of Edwards get some good shots. This wasn´t suppoused to be this way, sure, the drama was bigger now, this was some high quality entertainment news, but that was her friend in there, she had chosen Pearl for a reason, besides the fact that it would have been so funny cause eveybody is making fun of her being a sleepwalker all the time, she was lowkey famous, which meant, nobody payed her enough attention, but everybody knew who she was, it would have been entertaining yet it wouldn´t have stole the show. An ambulance could be heard from affar, and Willam´s attention went back to all the people in the stage, and the doctors that were allready taking care of the girl, why the ambulance?, it was just a painkiller dissolved in water, the doctors there could take care of that, they could even wake her up now, of course she considered Pearl being healthy enough… She closed her eyes and tried not to think about the fact that she probably put in danger one of her friends, and on top of it all, she had nothing, a few pictures of Ru entrance, an interview with Alaska from a few hours ago and that was it, one force making her stay just where she was, and not going to the front to take the last pics of Alaska in the ground with the doctors, guilt. “Fucking fuck”                                                           *** Violet and all the models that were on the stage besides Alaska were now being dragged ou of it, they were instructed to join the rest of the guests, and Michelle would tell them what to do in a moment, Alaska´s health being the main prioritie right now. There was one feeling that could even be palpable at the moment, panic. Nobody knew what happened and sounds of the ambulance, that was now parked outside, didn´t make things any better. Violet searched Pearl with the sight finding her in a corner all alone, she turned to see her other companions, but they were all looking at each other talking about what just happened with concern, when no one was looking at her, she made her way towards her girlfriend. When she was in front of Pearl she could see the girl closing her eyes and holding the bridge of her nose, she only held the bridge of her nose when somethig was wrong. “Hey, what´s wrong Pearly?” she said taking her hands away from her face, interwining their fingers. “Nothing pumpkin, I just feel a little dizzy, I don´t know why” “Are you sure?, I mean Alaska was feeling just dizzy like 20 minutes ago” Violet answered allready feeling concerned. “Don´t worry, it´s fine I promise, I feel worse when I´m very high” The girl giggled and then leaned to give her girlfriend a sweet kiss. “Now who´s the one feeling bold?” Before Pearl could answer, someone calling the name of Violet broke the moment, the girls quickly stepped away from each other. “Oh Violet, it´s so nice to see you” “Hi Santino” Violet gave a quick hug to the man and then a kiss in the cheek. Santino used to work for the agency a long time ago, but he was still friends with Ru, so they would work together some times, that´s how he knew Violet, He had a clothes line, and recently he had opted for opening his own model agency, but in the past Violet had work for him, actually she assisted to many of his runways, and she always got the best dresses, Santino always used to tell her she was as beautiful as a doll and as graceful as a swan, she was his favourite in the industry, and that´s how they became friends. Pearl on the other hand, gulped and started counting the seconds until they could walk away from this man. “And hello miss Pearl” He said turning to look at her. Pearl faked her best smile and tried to hide the nerveousness that always came when she was near him. “Hello"  That seemed to be enough for him, that just turned to look at Violet. "Have you been thinking in what I propoused you?” Pearl frowned, what exactly were they talking about? Violet laughed a little bit, and then looked at him shyly. “I´m afraid the answer is still a no” Santino had offered Violet many times to switch agencies, that she would be very welcomed in his agency, and of course she would have priorities, and maybe in another time Violet would have consider it, but since Ru Paul herself was taking the risk on invest in her and her clothes line, she couldn´t really complaint, actually she was more than grateful and happy and she wouldn´t change that for anything in the world. Santino laughed a little and then accepted the answer, not going further in the conversation. “If that´s the case, then I can only dream about it right?” Violet nodded still with a smile, she thought the conversation was over until one las comment was added. Santino turmed to look at Pearl directly at her eyes,who still had that akward uncomfortable demeanor. “Yeah, we´ll see” and with that, he gave one last smile to Violet and walked away. Pearl frowned again and started questioning what this was all about, she definitely didin´t like being around him, and she definitely hated her girlfriend being around him even more. Violet chuckled a little seeing as Pearl was so lost in her thoughts. “Hey, don´t laugh at me, you still have a lot of explaining to do” “Oh, do I?” Violet answered in a teasing tone. “Yes, like since when you and Santino are best friends?” At first Violet thought she was kidding, they would always play like that, teasing each other and making small fake dramas, but looking into Pearl´s eyes she could sense the girl was serious, she had an eyebrow raised and her mouth was a straight line, no hint of a smile in there. Violet laughed to herself a little and then leaned to whisper in her ear “So, I don´t know what´s with you today, or why are you acting so weird, Santino just want me to work with him, to which I ansewered with an ovbious no, but If we can stop talking about it, maybe I can start concentrating in what´s important, and start thinking how are you gonna make my night fun” she finished and then she bit the blonde´s earlobe, Pearl turned to see her with awe and biting her lip, she was right, the night was young, and with all of this happening tonight, they needed a stress relief. Michelle´s voice echoed through the place as she instructed everyone to go back to their places. They smiled to each other and Pearl watched her beautiful girlfriend walk to her table, she was so fucking lucky. 
Next Chapter: -How did Willam do it? (Water drama) -What´s with Pearl? -Some Trixya for your nerves -Oh, and smut ;) 
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