#writers pet
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lorewriter · 20 days ago
Check out my previous post for game details!!
In the meantime, my cat:
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iknowmorethanyou · 9 months ago
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ssssshunyaa · 1 year ago
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darksturnz · 2 months ago
copying/taking inspo from someone else fic/au.
i *believe* @bernardsbendystraws has an post about it (here) but apparently some people still aren't understanding it and still want to steal entire fics/au’s, so let's talk about it again 😸! 
they are two very DIFFERENT things.
The definition of COPYING is the act of reproducing, imitating, or duplicating something. It involves presenting the work as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally. imo plagiarism would be the 'big word" for this, but let's just stick with copying.
1 Direct copying: Reproducing text, images, or other content word-for-word without credit. EXAMPLE: Taking a paragraph from someone’s blog and adding it to your fic without mentioning the source. OR using dividers someone else created.
2. Paraphrasing without citation: Rewriting someone else’s ideas in your own words without acknowledging the original source. EXAMPLE: Rewriting a section of a fanfic in your own words but keeping the rest the same and not giving credit to the original author.
3. Using someone else’s designs or creations: Copying art, music, or inventions without authorization. EXAMPLE: Copying an entire blog layout and not crediting them. 
The definition of INSPIRATION is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or create something, often driven by admiration, ideas, or emotions. When it comes to finding inspiration from someone else's work, it means using their ideas, style, or concepts as a spark or starting point for your own unique creation.
1. Drawing influence: Appreciating aspects of another person's work-like their themes, tone, or techniques-and incorporating similar energy or ideas into your work in a way that is original and personal. EXAMPLE: You love the way an author builds suspense in their stories, so you use a similar pacing technique in your thriller but with your own plot and characters.
2. Transformative creativity: Taking what resonates from someone else's work and reinterpreting it, adding your own voice, perspective, or innovation. EXAMPLE: Inspired by a story about the going to the beach, you write a story about a secret cave they found on the trail there that explores completely different themes and ideas.
3. Acknowledging admiration: While the inspiration may stem from someone else's work, the outcome remains distinct and new, not a direct imitation or replication. EXAMPLE: In your book’s foreword, you mention how a filmmaker’s (or author) use of color inspired your vivid descriptions, even though your story is entirely your own.
Q & A
Q1: How do I know if someone’s copying me? A: Here’s a few steps I use:  1.If it wasn’t sent to you, have someone else read both materials and compare them for similarities. 2. Check the dates to see if your work came first. 3. Read their material yourself and see if it’s just a few bits that are similar or if the entire plot, structure, and timeline match yours.
Most importantly, reach out to the suspected author respectfully and clarify with them.
Q2: What do I say when I text them? How do I know if it’s the truth? A: Keep it respectful and avoid accusations. “Hey, I/someone noticed some similarities between our work. I just wanted to check if my story might have inspired yours?” It’s hard to know the full truth, but their response and attitude can give you insight into their intentions.
Q3: What if they don’t respond, lie, or ignore the situation completely? A: If they don’t respond or you feel the conversation doesn’t sit right with you, it’s okay to protect your peace. You can soft block or unfollow them, even without an explanation. Your boundaries matter, and you don’t owe anyone access to your space if you’re uncomfortable.
Q4: How do I ask to use it for inspiration? A: Most authors include details on how they’d like to be approached in their blogs or fic notes. If not, you can politely ask, “Hi, I really love your ___! Would it be okay if I used it as inspiration for my own work? I’d make sure to credit you.”
Q5: How is it considered copying if the trope/plot/pairing has been used for years? A: While common tropes or plots aren’t necessarily unique, the way they’re executed (specific details, character arcs, and dialogue) is. It’s still important to credit the creator if their work inspired you, even if the plot itself is widely used. 
Q6:What if they say no to inspiration and I have no other story ideas? A: If they say no, you should respect their decision and avoid using their AU/plot. Instead, use Google or Pinterest to search up plot/storyline/character ideas. Try creating something original inspired by the those themes or ideas, creativity has no rules.
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AUTHORS NOTE: having your work copied and then being lied to over and over again is starting to get annoying and we should be *informative* louder so here's my interpretation of roses post (about copying + how giving credit helps grow your account or that's how i took it) but heavily aimed on some of the experiences i and a few moots have been through!!!
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months ago
Whumpee & His Collar part 2
Warnings: tight collar around Whumpee's neck, severely restricted breathing, mentions of beating and past torture & conditioning, panic attack and choking
The collar was tight around his neck, digging into his skin with every strained breath he took.
"Oh honey, I promised I wouldn't hurt you here, and I keep my promises," Caretaker tried to soothe. "Why don't you want the collar off?"
"What did I do wrong?" Whumpee choked out.
"What did you... do wrong?" Caretaker echoed, confused. "You did nothing wrong, Whumpee -- what gave you that impression?"
Whumpee pointed with a shaky finger to the collar around his neck. "Y-You were going to take it off, which means I did something horrific and need to be thoroughly punished for it." He couldn't understand why, but he saw Caretaker's eyes fill with sad tears.
"I... think I understand now. But you're not with Whumper anymore," Caretaker spoke softly. "New house, New rules, okay? You will never be hurt here. Not even with your collar off."
Whumpee found it hard to believe her words. His entire life revolved around this collar, it gave him a clear sense of direction and purpose. So that he would always know what to expect at any given time, depending on how tight it was strapped around his throat.
But Caretaker hadn't done anything with it in all the time since his rescue. So... maybe she was telling the truth...
Whumpee's chest was heaving with the effort to keep breathing by now, his mouth gaped open as he gasped and choked on sobs.
"Whumpee, please -- you're going to pass out if you keep it up. Please let me take it off. I promise I won't hurt you, and I will always love and care for you. Do you trust me?" Caretaker reached her hands out toward him, pausing a few inches away as though waiting for permission to make contact. Giving Whumpee a choice, to accept or deny her help.
Whumpee squeezed his eyes shut tight, terrified beyond belief, but forced himself to give a shallow nod. But he still reflexively flinched when he felt Caretaker's warm hands gently cup his face, a soothing and comforting presence.
"You're going to be okay, Whumpee, just breathe..."
Whumpee tried his absolute best to obey, he really did, to be good and perfect for her -- but it was just so difficult with the tight collar in place, his situation worsened by the panicked hyperventilating. He felt Caretaker's hands gently slide down from his jaw to his neck, carefully fiddling with the clasp keeping the collar on him.
The fear washed over him all over again, but he managed to hold still as Caretaker finally unbuckled the collar and took it off completely. Cold air hit the skin where the collar always rested for the first time in weeks, a sensation so unnatural and foreign to him.
Then there were strong arms around him, pulling him away from the wall he was curled up and cowering against and into a fierce hug.
“You're so brave, Whumpee, so so brave” Caretaker praised comfortingly, running a soothing hand through his hair in the way she knew he liked most.
Whumpee trembled like a fragile leaf in her arms with a whine, burying his face into her shoulder, and clinging to her desperately like a lifeline. It felt different to be able to properly breathe again, so strange after he'd gotten used to the calculated, measured breaths he'd take whenever the collar was on.
He gulped it down greedily, sucking in as much fresh air as he could with each deep breath. Caretaker was right, it felt so much better to have the torturous collar off.
“Y-You're not going to abandon me now that's it off, are you?” Whumpee asked quietly, his voice wobbly and uncertain.
“Never, Whumpee, never,” Caretaker answered firmly. There was no hesitation whatsoever in her tone, and Whumpee wanted to cry again – in gratitude this time instead of fear.
“Thank you for taking care of me, Caretaker,” Whumpee mumbled into her shoulder.
“Always,” Caretaker whispered into his ear. An eternal promise, one that she would forever keep.
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@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump
@ay5ksal @otterfrost @sausages-things @togzy @floral-comet-whump
@whump-till-ya-jump @cravesunconditionallove @whumpwritinglover222
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maracujatangerine · 3 months ago
92: Playing with the pet
CW: institutional slavery, pet whump, dehumanisation, box boy universe, implied abuse, physical injury
The pet’s master had guests. The pet was on its best behaviour, kneeling on the hard, grey tiles next to Master’s chair. It was tired, cold, and hungry, but it did all it could to keep itself from swaying in place.
To distract itself, and to prepare itself for what might happen, it watched the guests carefully. These people were new. The pet had never seen them before.
Two large, muscular men with colourful tattoos running down their arms and wrapping around their necks. Both of them carried themselves as people who were no strangers to violence, and the pet caught a quick glimpse of a gun in a holster when one of them leaned down to place their tan leather messenger bag on the floor.
With them, they had two women in their late teens or early twenties, well a decade younger than the men. They wore carefully applied makeup, and flowery perfumes that itched the pet’s nose and made it want to sneeze.
“Oh!” The blonde woman exclaimed in surprise when she saw it. “You have a pet! That’s so adorable!”
“Can we play with him?” The redhead asked wistfully. The pet saw how its master and the two men exchanged meaningful looks, even though the women seemed unaware. When the burly men nodded, the pet’s master smiled and, with an inviting gesture, handed over the pet’s leash to her.
”Of course you can, Jenna! You can take him into the living room across the hall and play with him as much as you want.”
”That’s amazing!” She turned, and the pet scrambled clumsily to its feet, stiff after kneeling for so long. ”What’s his name?”
”Um… well…” Cassius hesitated. ”He doesn’t really have a name. We usually call him pet, or… well, my niece and nephew sometimes call him buddy.”
“Okay, Buddy it is, then.” She smiled at the pet and patted her thigh. “Come on, Buddy.”
The pet glanced at its Master, but Cassius had already turned away and was busy pouring whiskey into three tumblers. Despite the fluttering of fear in the pet’s chest, there was nothing for it to do but to follow the young women across the hallway and into the room on the other side.
The blonde girl sat down in the black leather sofa and pulled up her legs under her. Jenna sat next to her, and as she held the pet’s leash, it knelt down on the grey carpet in front of her. They both looked at it, which made its stomach tighten in fear. Unsure of what to do, it tilted its head and tried an imploring smile.
“Awww! Look, Crystal! That is so cute!” Jenna clapped her hands together appreciatively.
“Do you know any tricks?” Crystal asked, and the pet immediately panicked.
What tricks? It hadn’t been taught any tricks.
It could walk at heel, and serve canapés, and pour champagne in a straight and perfect arc. It could cook, and clean, and listen sympathetically to its owner’s lamentations. It could grovel, and beg, and bleed. But it had a terrible feeling that none of those skills were what these young ladies wanted, and if it couldn’t show them a sufficiently amusing trick right now, they might hurt it, or its Master might be displeased, and that would be the same thing…
It knew it was spiralling, but it couldn’t stop. It was all it could do to keep the confusion and fear from its face.
“Shake!” Crystal leaned forward, a strand of her blonde hair - more warmly yellow than the pets pale blonde - falling down over her face. She held out her hand, and dumbfoundedly, the pet laid its hand in hers. She gave it a vigorous shake. “Yay!” She cheered. “Good job! Good boy!”
The words rushed like endorphins down the pet’s spine. Blessed relief! It had guessed right at least this time.
”Wave!” Crystal nodded to the pet, and it tentatively raised its right hand in a cautious wave. ”That’s good! Now spin!”
The pet hurriedly span around on its knees, making a full circle and then, daringly, tilting its head at them again.
It was equally successful this time. Both Jenna and Crystal laughed and applauded.
”Let me try.” Jenna said. ”Roll over.” She told the pet, who laid down on its stomach and rolled around on its back to land on its stomach again. ”Good!”
”We should give him a treat for doing well.” Crystal said suddenly.
”Yes!” Jenna nodded. ”Do you like chocolate?” She asked the pet.
”Y-yes, Ma’am.”
She rummaged around in her bag and found half a bar of milk chocolate. Unfolding the metal foil, she broke off a square of chocolate and held it out to the pet. Hesitatingly, it leaned forward and carefully took it between its lips. The burst of flavour almost shockingly sweet.
”Sit pretty.” Crystal ordered, and the pet almost lost it for a moment. It was already sitting, what else did they want from it? In a burst of creative inspiration, it held up both hands in front of its chest, mimicking a dog sitting up on its haunches.
It was rewarded by laughter, and another chocolate square. Crystal leaned forward and tousled its hair appreciatively.
“I know!” Jenna looked at Crystal with a wink, then, with a mischievous smile, she turned to the pet and gave the order.
”Snoot Boop.”
Shyly, the pet stretched up on its knees to lightly touch its own nose to hers. Jenna giggled. It kept its eyes respectfully downcast the whole time. Her breath smelled sweet and fresh, like peppermint, and even though her flowery perfume was strong, it was not unpleasant.
The pet sat immediately down on its knees again, and when it dared to look up at her, Jenna’s dark blue eyes looked straight into the pets own. They glittered with laugher, but the pet could see no hint of maliciousness. It was more like she was laughing with it, enjoying its cleverness, rather than laughing at it.
Crystal raised her right hand, index finger pointing at the pet.
”Bang!” She said. This time, the pet caught her meaning quickly. Dramatically, it flopped down on its back on the carpet, eyes closed.
When its theatrics made the young women laugh, the pet felt really proud. It hadn’t been trained for this, but they thought it was funny - and well-behaved.
Suddenly, the laughter stopped.
“Oh no, look.” Jenna grabbed its wrist, making the pet instinctively go limp, letting her twist its hand to and fro as she pleased. A long, infected scratch along its arm glistened damp and red in the lamplight. ”You’ve gotten hurt.”
Before the pet had time to react, she called loudly out into the other room.
”Cassius, did you know that Buddy is injured?”
A moment’s silence, then the pet’s Master’s voice.
”It’s nothing to worry about, Jenna. You know pets, they play rough sometimes.” He cleared his throat. ”If you want to fix him up, there’s a first aid kit in the kitchen.”
”I’ll get it.” Jenna jumped up and walked out towards the kitchen.
”You poor dear.” Crystal said. ”What happened?”
The pet could very vividly recall Kristoff pushing it up against the chain link fence, its arm catching on the strand of barbed wire hanging down loosely from on top of the fence. But if it said that, the truth might reflect badly on its Master.
”T-this pet cannot remember, Ma’am.”
When Jenna came back with the first aid kit, they carefully cleaned the cut and dressed it with a proper, white bandage and everything. The pet was amazed, especially since they gave it the whole rest of the chocolate bar, ’for being so brave’.
”Can we braid your hair?” Crystal asked, as Jenna gathered up the first aid materials.
”Y-yes, Ma’am.”
So then the pet sat with its back against the sofa, while both Jenna and Crystal played with its hair, making Dutch braids on either side of the pet’s head. They were so gentle and careful. The pet closed its eyes for a moment, enjoying the sensation, when something tilted and shifted. The memory slid away from it, and changed.
Another hand touched its hair, roughly.
”Did you make yourself this pretty for me?” A deep, melodious voice asked.
The pet froze. In the distance, it could hear its Master greet the man with respect and notes of fear in his voice.
”Of course you can feel free to borrow my pet. Take your time and enjoy him as much as you’d like.”
The pet was immobilised. When it opened its eyes, everything was dark. There were hands all over it, groping, stroking, probing. It knew, that whatever it did, they would have their way with it. Maybe today would be the day that they broke it.
The pet pleaded, begged, finally screamed, but the wandering hands did not let up. It twisted and tried to get away.
It screamed again and then, suddenly, jerked awake.
The soft, warm light from the night light alleviated the darkness.
Hands were touching it, but these hands were safe. Coriander heaved itself up into sitting, and nearly melted into the familiar hug, only now aware of the tears running down its face.
Miss Lydia hugged the pet gently. She stroked its back.
”It’s okay, Cory.” She repeated quietly. ”It was just a dream. You are here with me now. You are okay.”
The pet was clinging to her, taking shivering breaths. Slowly coming back to itself. Relief flowed over it, as it realised it was true. It had just been dreaming.
Then, the pet remembered. It froze. When Miss Lydia felt it stiffen, she froze too.
With an effort, Coriander straightened up, and turned away.
”P-please, Miss Lydia. Don’t… P-please leave this pet alone.”
It didn’t look at her, but it could feel her hesitation. After a moment, her breath hitched as if she wanted to say something, but instead, Lydia got up and walked away.
She left the door ajar.
Tag List Part 1: @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-em @whumpzone @wh-wh-whu @neuro-whump @carnagecardinal @cowboy-anon @whump-me-all-night-long @redwingedwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @haro-whumps @eatyourdamnpears @bloodsweatandpotato @pinkraindropsfell @whumptywhumpdump @theydy-cringeworthy @whump-in-progress @whumpsy-daisy @nicolepascaline @whumpcreations @briars7 @shiningstarofwinter @whumppsychology @alex-ember @miss-kitty-whumptastic @whumpy-writings @in-patient-princess @youtube-fandoms-bands @goblinchildindabog @mazeish @distinctlywhumpthing @inpainandsuffering @canniboylism @icannotweave @incoherent-introspection @kim-poce @broken-typewriter @the-monarch-whumperfly @whumpers-inc @grizzlie70 @lil-whumper @writingbackwards-blog @sunflower1000 @wingedwhump @thecitythatdoesntsleep @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @onlybadendings @rabass @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning
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mj-iza-writer · 1 year ago
"Why are you pulling away from me?", Whumper pulled Whumpee's leash harshly making them fall forward, "whatever is going on better stop before you get punished."
Whumpee whimpered as Whumper grabbed their collar and pulled them close.
"Please", Whumpee gulped, "please don't hurt me, I-I'm I'm", Whumpee started to stutter and shake.
"You're what?", Whumper impatiently pulled Whumpee until they were face to face.
"I'm nasty, and-and dirty. I think I smell", Whumpee gasped as the collar tightened.
Whumper looked at Whumpee with disgust, "what did you say?"
"I saw myself in the mirror earlier. How can you be okay with touching me and being near me", Whumpee gasped, "I-I can't breath very well."
Whumper realized and released their grip on the collar.
Whumpee fell down into Whumper's lap and scrambled to the floor to get away.
"Do I own you?", Whumper sat back.
"Huh?", Whumpee looked up in fear.
"Do I own you?", Whumper repeated, "is that not my collar around your neck?"
"Ye-yes master", Whumpee looked down and began fiddling with the dog tag.
"Are you saying I own things that smell and are dirty?", Whumper frowned, "is that a thing you should say about your master? That they own something gross."
"I-I'm sorry", Whumpee bowed, "I didn't mean it like that. I just..."
"It's not a pets place to say that they are dirty, it's their Master's place", Whumper sighed, "you are not allowed to have such human thoughts. Am I clear?"
"Y-yes Master, please forgive me", Whumpee kept their face into the carpet.
"Remember what belongs to me can't be dirty", Whumper lifted their leg and rested their foot on Whumpee's head, "am I clear?"
"Y-yes mas-master, please have mercy on me", Whumpee pleaded, face now shoved into the carpet by Whumper's foot.
A while later Whumper stood from their seat.
Whumpee shyly watched from the corner of their eye as Whumper left the room.
'They're mad at me', Whumpee sighed to themself, 'I'm an idiot.'
Whumpee heard water running, it sounded like it was coming from the bathroom.
'Here comes my punishment', Whumpee groaned, 'I wonder if it will be scolding hot or ice cold', Whumpee almost wanted to run to Whumper to plead for forgiveness, 'will they hose me down, make me sit in it, or hold me under', these thoughts made Whumpee shake.
Whumpee shook their head a little to get rid of the thoughts.
"Are you deaf? Come here", came the command again.
Whumpee quickly looked over to where the voice was coming.
Whumper stood with their hands on their hips, making their impatience known.
Whumpee quickly crawled to Whumper.
"About time", Whumper sighed, "you were thinking again, weren't you?"
"Yes Master, I'm sorry. I was just thinking of all the ways you were going to punish me. I hope I may find grace in your eyes, please", Whumpee begged.
"I'm not going to punish you", Whumper sighed, "I considered your feelings, and have decided to let you have a bath."
Whumpee looked at Whumper in shock.
"You mean it Master?", Whumpee couldn't believe what they had heard.
"Follow me", Whumper led the way to the bathroom.
Whumpee looked into the tub and saw a bath had been drawn with bubbles.
"These are for your hair and of course soap. Do you need any help, or can you manage?", Whumper pulled out a towel and wash cloth from a closet, "you can take as much time as you like."
"I can do it Master", Whumpee happily looked at Whumper, "thankyou so much for allowing me to clean up."
"You're welcome. I'll allow you to have a spa day once in a while as a treat that you must earn for good behavior. The better you are, the more I will add for you to enjoy", Whumper frowned, "I will help with your teeth and nails as I normally do, the rest you can do for yourself. I will continue taking care of your hair as well."
Whumpee nodded, "I could hug you right now, this means so much."
"I'd rather you didn't", Whumper frowned, "I'll be in the living room. Come find me when you're all done."
With that, the door was closed and Whumpee was alone.
They reached their arm into the water. It felt so warm, it sent goosebumps down their body.
They climbed into the tub and just sat in the water for a while. The bubbles sizzled on their skin.
A few more minutes passed, and they started to clean themself. They scrubbed every body part they could reach.
"This feels so good", Whumpee sighed in relief.
When the water started to cool, they unplugged the tub and watched the water level go down. They frowned at how much dirt and grime had come off.
Whumpee turned on the shower head and started to clean their hair.
When satisfied they lathered up their body one last time, and did their final rinse.
Whumpee dried themself with the towel, then wrapped the towel around their soaked hair.
They fiddled with their collar for a while. The thing was soaked, but Whumper didn't remove it, and they had no right to remove it on their own.
"Master didn't leave a brush for me", Whumpee looked around, "they did say they wanted to continue taking care of my hair."
Whumpee opened the bathroom door and got down to crawl.
Whumper smiled as Whumpee rounded the corner.
"Feeling better?", Whumper sat up.
"Y-yes master", Whumpee crawled to Whumper's legs and happily nudged their head against Whumper, "thankyou so much."
"Good, go ahead and sit down", Whumper pointed then reached for the brush, "I'll brush out your hair."
Whumper unwrapped the towel from Whumpee's hair and watched it fall to Whumpee's shoulders.
"I will admit you do smell better", Whumper started to run the brush through the damp hair, "I suppose that's nice."
"Did your pet have a good idea Master?" Whumpee looked up at Whumper, "I hope I did."
"Yes I suppose you were due for a wash", Whumper untangled some of the hair, "did you enjoy the bubbles?"
"Yes Master, they felt good", Whumpee looked up at Whumper again, "it all felt good."
"That's good", Whumper continued to brush until they were satisfied, "your hair feels softer as well."
Whumper eyed the collar, "I forgot to take this off, it's wet", they reached for the clasp and removed it, "we'll let this dry for a while."
Whumpee happily nudged their head against Whumper's leg again.
"I guess you are feeling better", Whumper leaned back, "climb up here, come on. I'm sure you would love a nap after that shower. Too much for a dog to do in an afternoon."
Whumpee did as they were told and climbed up onto the furniture. They rested their head on Whumper's lap.
Whumper patted Whumpee's head for a few minutes before resting their hand on Whumpee's back.
"My silly little pet having human thoughts", Whumper chuckled, "that stupid brain of yours should only worry about pleasing me, that's all it's good for."
Whumpee gently nodded, "yes Master, please forgive me", Whumpee whispered, "I will work hard and be a good pet for you Master."
"Very good", Whumper grinned, "now go to sleep."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
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gothamite-rambler · 4 months ago
Goals for the month
Tim and Damian walked through the park chatting when Damian turned to his brother.
Damian: What are your goals for the month, Drake?
Tim (nonchalantly): Train for a marathon at the end of the month. Yours?
Damian (eager): To pet all the dogs in Gotham!
Tim: Um... I thought you meant more fitness based goals.
Damian: Ah, yes correction. I will train so I'm able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs in Gotham.
Just after saying that, a husky trotted past the two Robins, catching Damian's attention.
Damian (pointing at the dog): There’s one! DOGGY, STOP! I NEED TO PET YOU!
Damian took off after the husky, drawing startled glances from people in the park. Tim quickly followed, exasperation evident on his face.
Tim: Damian, I told you to stop doing this in the park!
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squidgamesfic · 1 month ago
Headcannon - When does Thanos calls you pet names?
🖤 Whispering in your ear: Thanos leans in close, his warm breathe tickling your ear as he whispers your pet name.
Scenerio: As the guard explains the rules of the next game, you try to calm your rapidly beating heart. The outcome of the game is unpredictable - you might survive or you might end up in one of those black boxes. You close your eyes and focus on taking deep breaths. "Don't worry Senorita", you felt more than heard Thanos behind you, his deep voice sending goosebumps to the back of your neck. "You're Thanos' princess. I'll protect you", he whispers in your ear.
🖤 During intense moments: In the heat of the games, Thanos uses your pet name to calm you down or focus your attention
Scenerio: "Red Light" The doll announcement and immediately your became still. You heard some gunshots behind you and knew that several of the players were shot dead. The panic inside you was about to bubble over and all you wanted was to run back through the door. "Don't move pretty flower", you heard Thanos whisper beside you " Just a few more steps and we'll win". When Green Light was announced, he grabbed your wrist and together you ran to the endline.
🖤In quiet moments: When you're alone together, Thanos uses your pet name to show affection and intimacy.
Scenerio: You were sitting alone in your bunk. "Senorita excuse me?" You looked up at Thanos who flashed you a wide smile before sitting on the floor near your bunk. You raised your eyebrows at him. "I thought I'd keep you company till the lights go out" He said innocently. You two got into talking about your past and somehow about your future when you survive the games together. "Goodnight honey" He said walking away when the countdown began, leaving you to laugh at the cheesy but endearing pet name.
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marzipanthots · 7 months ago
Pet Laurent 🔥🔥✨✨😌
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Adventures of Charles bonus 💕-
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as rabid and feral and naughty as possible !!!🔥🔥🔥 I find it interesting that this fandom has been around for almost a decade, but there’s less then 10 fics on AO3 about this AU. but understandable as there’s are just so many cool interesting ideas out there to explore with damen and Laurent world and supporting cast 💕🧎🏻‍♀️ BUT PLEASEE I NEED ITTT!! ILL DO ANYTHINGFF!!
I have one version of this AU idea where Laurent is a pet sent as a disguise he is really a spy to get more info of the rival kingdom as his cruel uncle send him to akielos to be torture used base of the rumors the new king damen obsession with blonds and is blood thirsty- in reality that’s Kastor, ) and of course damen is kind king but blind to his brother treachery. Laurent fall in love with damen as kastor want to own Laurent bc he hate his brother. Laurent help damen see the truth of kastor side . And they have endless nights of feral nocturnal activity together 😌😌🔥🔥🔥
I suck at writing but I will dream and hope one day🙏🏻🙏🏻😔😔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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littlefankingdom · 2 months ago
Tumblr already showed me twice a post where OP implies that Bruce made the choice to not help Jaybin when he was attacked by an angry mob in Legends, so I had to check, and look at that, they were lying.
Context: the general population has been turned against superheroes.
An angry mob does attack Robin, and what is Batman's reaction? To come to the rescue! He even immediately calls him "son", switching to an endearing term to reassure him. However, Batman is hit in the eyes with a bottle of perfume and blinded, as his attention was on his boy. Gordon tries to get him to leave, but he refuses because he can't leave his boy behind, and when Gordon tells him that his men will take care of Robin, Batman is like "I don't trust your men with my son". Batman is forced out of here, he is so pissef, and he is called "arrogant" by the cops there.
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This man trusts ONE cop, and it's Jim Gordon, that's it. And people dare to tell me Bruce isn't an acab believer. He grew up in Gotham and his parents were murdered when he was 8, of course he believes in acab. That's why he was so against his son becoming one.
Anyway, later on, Jason is in the hospital (Bruce was right, Gordon's men didn't do shit), and Bruce is pissed at the situation. However, Jason feels guilty and ashamed, and Bruce immediately goes to comfort him, reminding him he isn't at fault for getting beat up, that Bruce is proud of him and that he is a great Robin. And when Jason compares himself to Dick, Bruce stops that too, bringing up that Dick also had less glorious moments like this. And again, Bruce switches to "son" and "Jay", which convey affection in the goal of comforting his boy.
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In the end, Bruce leaves his son safe at the hospital, resolved to not obey the president and get to the bottom of this. Later, Jason decides he cannot stay there and must help, even if it kills him. And people dare say that he wasn't reckless.
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Anyway, the other thing about this, apart from Bruce didn't walk away WILLINGLY from Jason being attacked by an angry mob, is that as awful this is, the writers never intended this to be a traumatic experience for Jason. Of course, it would be normally, but it's just a plot point here to get Robin away from Batman while he works with the other heroes. Damn, there isn't even a follow-up to Jason leaving the hospital, he doesn't show up in the next issues to help.
Sometimes, especially with older stories, comics' events don't matter as much as you think they do. If you want to re-imagine them as impacting for the characters, that's your choice, but let's not act as if they were intended to be. Because I saw that moment being used as a comparison to Under The Red Hood, to be like "see Bruce keeps abandoning Jason", and like, calm down with the shortcuts. Because you are making that up, on your own, with what was given to you by different writers over the decades that didn't communicate with each others or agree on the characters.
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iknowmorethanyou · 8 months ago
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niamhthefae · 8 months ago
guys. edwin canonically speaks multiple languages. george rextrew speaks multiple languages.
what if in season 2 they meet someone who only speaks like, french (for the sake of this scenario) or something. and none of them know what to do, and edwin just bursts out in PERFECT FRENCH and when the client has left he just goes "my french is a little rusty so it might be a bit wrong here and there but i think i got it :)" and everyone just dies because how on earth did that just happen
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witchthewriter · 1 year ago
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𝑻𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒘/ 𝑩𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝑲𝒐̈𝒏𝒊𝒈
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suspensefulpen · 4 months ago
TW: Implied Bad Caretaker and Pet Whump
Caretaker frowned as he listened to his friends happily discuss the pets they have at home.
It was all they’ve been talking about lately, and he was starting to feel left out. Even Carewhumper now had one.
They all made it seem as if it was the best thing ever. Having a precious pet you can call your own and have your way with.
Allegedly, it was a really big job. You’d have to be really serious about this before deciding to get a pet. Though from what he’s seen, you really didn’t. He’s heard stories about people who kept their pets for a short period of time on a complete whim before giving them up. It infuriated Caretaker, knowing that those poor pets have to get used to a new home all over again because their owners were irresponsible.
Tonight, he decided to ask more about it.
When everyone else left, Carewhumper and Whumper stayed to have a quiet chat over more wine. Caretaker hesitated before walking back into the sitting room, taking his earlier seat.
“There he is.” Whumper smiled crookedly. “We were just thinking about you.”
He only hummed absentmindedly. “I have… a question. For both of you.”
“Really?” Carewhumper lit up in a way that made him want to shift uncomfortably.
“Yes… I was wondering about…your pets.”
The two immediately turned serious, staring at him silently.
“I was curious. I want a pet too.”
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maracujatangerine · 4 months ago
91. A conversation
CW: institutional slavery, pet whump, dehumanisation, box boy universe
“Cory… I think we need to talk.” Lydia’s tone was cautious. Carefully gentle. “What do you think?”
Coriander had been sitting slumped against the wall on his green pillow in the kitchen. When Lydia spoke, he instantly straightened up.
“Y-yes, Miss Lydia. T-this pet needs to talk. It has been thinking.”
Lydia sat down in her usual chair, facing him. For quite some time now, she had been more relaxed around Coriander. She had felt able to trust their report and that also he would be less vigilant in interpreting any gesture of hers as a sign of displeasure or censure. Now, however, she once again felt herself hyper aware of her own body language. Do not cross your arms, she reminded herself. Shoulders turned towards him, heart open, posture welcoming. She smiled, and nodded.
“I’m listening. We can talk about whatever you want.”
“T-this pet has been thinking about what.. what has happened to it. About why it is here.”
Coriander rose to his feet, perfectly graceful as usual.
“Miss Lydia, This pet did volunteer, it did. It knows it did.” He pulled a shaking hand through his blonde hair. “T-there w-was a signature, on a paper, and… and…” He shook his head. “T-this pet cannot remember. But.” He looked down at Lydia, grey eyes suddenly fierce. “B-but this pet knows that it wouldn’t have volunteered if it knew. If it knew what it was going to be like. Nobody would volunteer for that.”
He started to pace the kitchen, back and forth, his shaking hands drawn tightly into fists.
“The cold, the beatings, the starvation, the experiments, the violence, the abuse, the contempt, the neglect.” His whole body shaking, he stared unseeing out the window. “The way you are never good enough.”
Lydia could feel her whole chest ache in phantom pain as her heart hurt for him. She wanted to reach out to Cory, but she was also afraid to disturb whatever path he was on. This was probably the first time ever he named the things he’d been going through.
When he just stayed silent, breathing hard, staring out the window, she eventually said, as gently as she could.
“Cory. This is terrible, and I am so sorry that it happened to you. I’m really glad that you can start to talk about it, though. I’m here, and I’m listening to everything you want to talk about.” She paused, and when he showed no sign of even having heard her, she added. “I just want to remind you that this is never going to happen to you ever again. You are safe here.”
He whirled on her, then.
“B-but, Miss Lydia. If nobody w-wanted to buy it, this would not have happened to this pet.” He paused and swallowed. “This would not have happened to me!”
Looking down, he continued. “You have been kind to this pet, that is true. But there is a paper in the drawer there…” He pointed, his whole arm an accusing arc. “That says that you own it. Whatever you want to do to this body…” He hesitated and plunged on. “…to this soul, it is your right to do it.”
Coriander shook his head slowly, grey eyes boring into hers. Very slowly and steadily he said. “Miss Lydia, i-if it wasn’t for you - a-and many more people like you - t-this pet wouldn’t be here.”
He hung his head, then. Exhaustion and a spasm of pain flickering over his face for just an instant. Gritting his teeth, he met her eyes again.
“Miss Lydia, t-this pet needs some time alone. May it be excused to go for a walk?”
Lydia nodded quickly, biting her lip.
“Of course, Cory, whatever you need.”
The blonde young man inclined his head respectfully, but the fire in his grey eyes did not die down.
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Lydia held it together while Coriander went out into the hallway, put on his shoes and coat, and walked out the door.
It was only after she heard the sound of the latch clicking closed that she leant down on the smooth, wooden surface of the kitchen table, hid her face in the crook of her arm, and cried.
Tag List Part 1: @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-em @whumpzone @wh-wh-whu @neuro-whump @carnagecardinal @cowboy-anon @whump-me-all-night-long @redwingedwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @haro-whumps @eatyourdamnpears @bloodsweatandpotato @pinkraindropsfell @whumptywhumpdump @theydy-cringeworthy @whump-in-progress @whumpsy-daisy @nicolepascaline @whumpcreations @briars7 @shiningstarofwinter @whumppsychology @alex-ember @miss-kitty-whumptastic @whumpy-writings @in-patient-princess @youtube-fandoms-bands @goblinchildindabog @mazeish @distinctlywhumpthing @inpainandsuffering @canniboylism @icannotweave @incoherent-introspection @kim-poce @broken-typewriter @the-monarch-whumperfly @whumpers-inc @grizzlie70 @lil-whumper @writingbackwards-blog @sunflower1000 @wingedwhump @thecitythatdoesntsleep @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @onlybadendings @rabass @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning
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