#writer: sung-il kim
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Book Review: Blood of the Old Kings by Sung-il Kim
_Book Review: Blood of the Old Kings by Sung-il Kim_ What if the evil empire was evil, but the alternative was possibly worse? #books #bookreview #fantasy
Blood of the Old Kings seems to ask the question, “what if the Evil Empire was Evil, but the alternative is possibly worse?” The Empire in Blood of the Old Kings is incredibly vast and has managed to conquer the entire world. (It’s organization is very Roman Empire themed, and the overal feel is very Western fantasy setting.) It is an empire run on the power generated by dead sorcerers. There are…
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 6,9 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: The Silent Sea (English tilte) / The Sea of Tranquility (literal title)
Hangul: 고요의 바다
Director: Choi Hang-Yong
Writer: Park Eun-Kyo
Producer: Jung Woo-Sung
Date: 2021
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Bae Doo-Na, Gong Yoo, Lee Joon, Kim Sun-Young, Lee Mu-Saeng, Lee Sung-Wook, Kim Si-A
İlk çıktığı dönem bir iki olumsuz eleştiri okuduğum için izleme listeme bile almadığım ama en nihayetinde Gong Yoo 😊 olduğu için daha fazla karşı koyamazdım. Zaten 8 bölümlük minnacık bir dizi. İnsanlığın yok olmaya başladığı bize çok da uzak olmayan yakın gelecek konu alınmış. Suyun damla hesabı ile dağıtıldığı, zenginliğin su ile ölçülebileceği bir dünya da geçiyor. İnsanlar öfkeli, bıkkın ve kabullenilmiş çaresizliği ile yaşıyor.
Beklediğimden çok daha başarılı bir giriş ile oldukça ilgin�� bir şekilde başladı. Bütün bu kötü şartlara çözüm bulmaya çalışan hükümet, çok önce ayda bir araştırma üssü kurmuş. Ancak beş yıl önce gizemli bir radyasyon sızıntısı nedeniyle 117 kişi ölünce araştırmalarda durdurulmuş. Günümüzde ise yeni bir ekip ile öncekilerin bulduğu önemli numuneleri almaya karar veriyorlar. Bunun için bir ekip kuruluyor.
Dr. Song Ji-An (Bae Doo-Na) ablasını bahsi geçen bu ay üssündeki radyasyon kazasında kaybettikten sonra onun araştırmasına ulaşmaya çalışan bir bilim insanı. Hem ablasının amacı olan dünyayı kuraklıktan kurtarmak üzerine araştırmalar yapıyor, hem de ablasına ne olduğunu bulmaya çalışıyor. Başta uzay ekibine katılmak istemese de merakına yenik düşüyor. Ekipte almaları gereken numunelerden sorumlu kişi kendisi. Ben oyuncuyu Kore dizilerinden ziyade Amerikan bilimkurgu dizisi Sense8’den tanıyorum. Bence şahane bir diziydi. Dizi tamamen yapım ekibinin Game of Thrones’u geçen harcamaları nedeni ile iptal edildi. Yazık oldu.
Captain Han Yun-Jae(Gong Yoo)’a gelirsek. Kendisi operasyonun başındaki isim. Herkesin güvenliğinden sorumlu, tek söz sahibi kişi. Gong Yoo ile ilgili ekstra bir şey söylememe gerek olduğunu sanmıyorum. Onu bir kere izlemiş herkes benimle aynı fikirleri paylaşacaktır. Dizide de yine varlığı yeter tadındaydı. Ekipte pilot, doktor, teknisyen, asker olmak üzere farklı meziyetlerde insanlar mevcut. Aynı zamanda bir önceki kazadan kurtulduğu söylenen bir kişide onlara dahil oluyor.
Kısa bir dizi olmanın verdiği yetkiye dayanarak uzay gemisi yolculukları dizinin daha en başında aksiyon başlıyor. Gemileri arıza yapan ve zorunlu iniş yapmak zorunda kalan ekipten daha en başta bir önceki olayın kurtulanını kaybediyorlar. Oksijenleri bitmek üzereyken güç bela üsse kendilerini yayan olarak atıyorlar. Bismillah daha girer girmez cesetlerle karşılaşan ekip, Dr. Song Ji-An’ın “bu insanlara ne olmuş bi bakalım, otopsi yapalım” ısrarlarına rağmen tam gaz, almaya geldikleri numuneleri bulmak için devam ediyor.
Şimdi dizide ufak bir yer çekimi sorun vardı. Maalesef o uzayda olma duygusunu tam veremiyordu. Ama bence sorun değildi. iç mekanlarda, yerçekimi olmadığını göstermeleri gerekmediklerinde ki dizinin büyük çoğunluğunda çok da göze batmadı. Kore dizilerinde karakterler her zaman ön planda oluyor. Oyunculuklarla çoğu zaman bu tarzlarını da arşa çıkartıyorlar. Belki bu kadar düşmemizin sebebi de bu oluyor. Bu dizi bunu birazcık değiştirmiş diyebilirim. Kesinlikle hiçbir karakterin hikayede hükmü yoktu. Minik minik arka plan hikayelerini gösterdiler ama hiçbir karakter tam anlamı ile hakimiyet kuramadı. Kuramadığı içinde anlatılan arka plan hikayeleri hep havada kaldı.
Aslında dizinin fantastik tarafı da var ama bilimkurgu öğesi çok daha ağır bastığı için o fantezi normalleşiyor. Ayda almaya geldikleri numune canlı ve kendi kendine çoğalan su. Bu kısımda dizi izleyiciye farklı denklemler kurabilmesi ve soru sorması için özgürlük tanıyor. İnsanlar için ölümcül olan bu suyu dünyaya götürmeliler mi? Çoğalabilen bu su nasıl kullanılabilir. Dünya bu suya karşı evrimleşirse nasıl bir sonuç ortaya çıkar. Zehir mi, panzehir mi? Bu noktada dizi kendi sorunun cevabını aslında kilit noktalarda satır aralarına gizlemiş gibiydi.
Aslında dizi yeni bir şey anlatmıyor. Daha önce bir çok dizi, film dünya dışından gelen su ile ilgili senaryoları bizlere sundu. Bu diziyi benzerlerinden ayıran şey o suyun olmadığı bir dünyayı ve böyle bir suyun varlığını anlatırken ki yaratılan görsellik. Bu dizide nasıl ana konu “su” ise iki yıl sonra çıkan Black Knight dizisinde “hava”ydı. İkisinin ortak noktası ise hikayeyi anlattıkları o dünyayı izleyiciye başarılı bir şekilde aktarabilmeleriydi.
Aksiyon dozu yerinde, sinematografisi ise oldukça başarılıydı. Kısa olmasından da kaynaklı birçok şey uzatılmadı. Sakinleşmeye başladığı anda hareketlendi. İnsanın düşmanı; kuraklıkta olsa, kıtlıkta olsa, kirlilikte olsa yine insan oluyor. Bu tarz dizilerde gerilimi arttıran da tempoyu hızlandıran da hep bu insan hırsları oluyor. Bu dizideki bilimkurgu kısmı ise bize çok uzak olmayan bir düşünce olduğu için çok daha gergin ve gerçekçi ilerliyor diyebilirim.
Bu paragrafta bir eser miktarda spoiler vereceğim ama bunun yorumunu yapmazsam olmaz. Şimdi bu terk edilmiş insan yapımı üssün içinde kimsenin bilmediği çoğalabilen bir su bulunuyor. Ve buna adapte olmuş bir insan yavrusu ile karşılaşıyorlar. Kazara da bu küçük insan birini ısırınca bağışıklık kazanıldığını gördüler. Abicim ekipte biri bilim insanı olmak üzere iki tane doktor var kısmını geçtim; sıradan bir vatandaş olarak böyle bir ortamda bu bilgiyi edindiğim an beni de bir ısır gözünü seveyim diye açarım kolumu. Bunlar hiçbir şey yapmadılar. Çok saçmaydı. Saçma demişken en başta bahsettiğim “cesetlerle karşılaştıklarında, bunlara ne olmuş bir bakalım” ısrarını görmezden geldiler. Hadi tamam dedik. Sonra ekipten biri diğerlerinin nasıl olduğunu bilmediği bir şekilde enfekte olup öldü. Biz izleyici olarak nasıl neden olduğunu gördük, o kısımda sorun yok. Ama siz görmediniz yahu, bu nasıl bulaşıyor acaba endişeniz nerede? Yine 2 doktor varken bu kadar tedbirsiz davranışlar sergilemek kesinlikle senaryo açığıydı. Her halta eldiven çıkarıp dokandılar. Maske vs hak götüre… çok anlamsızdı, çok. Ayrıca neden bulaşan adamın kamerasına bakmadınız? Nerden bulaştı bu diye bir izleyeydiniz keşke.
Ortada öyle bir gerek yokken kendini feda etme kısmına girmeyeceğim. Hiçbir motivasyonu yokken ben öleyim madem diye atlayan bir karakterimiz vardı. Bunun kim olduğunu söylemeyeceğim. Ama yaşamak için bir sürü nedeni varken kendini feda etmek için hiçbir nedeni yoktu.
Sonuç olarak, sonunu görmezden gelirsek güzel ama bitmemiş bir diziydi. Sonunu açık bırakmak istemişler ama daha çok çekmemişler gibiydi. Bunun üzerine gelebilecek 2.- 3. hatta 4.sezon çekilebilirdi. Bunun yerine 2 sene olduğu gibi bırakma kararı alınmış. Bundan sonra da çekileceğini sanmıyorum.
Yaşandı bitti saygısızca 😊
Tizane - Floating
Raven Melus
#The Silent Sea#The Sea of Tranquility#kdrama#yorum#inceleme#dizi#eleştiri#kore#Bae Doo-Na#Gong Yoo#Lee Joon#Kim Sun-Young#Lee Mu-Saeng#Lee Sung-Wook#Kim Si-A
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Holidays 4.15
Anime Day
Anniversary of Tarija (Bolivia)
AR-15 Day
Ariadne Asteroid Day
ASL Day (American Sign Language Day)
Banyan Tree Day (Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)
Bija Mangala (Field Cultivation Festival)
Buck Rogers Day
Children’s Day (Spain)
Criminal Investigation Department Employees Day (Ukraine)
Da Vinci Day
Day of Love (Georgia)
Day of People (Aysellant)
Day of Radio-Electronic Fight Troops (Russia)
Day of the Sun (North Korea)
Father Damien Day (Hawaii)
Fluff Appreciation Day
415 Day
Freak Out Day
Gallaudet Day
Good Roads Day (Illinois)
Great Stichwort
Hardware Freedom Day
Hillsborough Disaster Memorial Day (Liverpool, UK)
Himachal Day (India)
Historical City Day (Malacca)
Hug Your Boiler Day
Income Tax Pay Day
International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day
International Pompe Day
Ivory Soap Day
Jackie Robinson Day
Kim Il Sung Day (North Korea)
Lilac Day (French Republic)
Lover’s Day (Kazakhstan)
Mariah Carey Day (California)
Melaka UNESCO Heritage Day (Malaysia)
Microvolunteering Day
National Anime Day
National ASL Day
National Collegiate Recovery Day
National Griper’s Day
National Hookup Day
National Keaton Day
National Laundry Day
National Poet Day (Peru)
National Rubber Eraser Day
National Security Education Day (Hong Kong)
National That Sucks Day
National Titanic Remembrance Day
One Boston Day
Purple Up Day
Quantum Teleportation Day
Rubber Eraser Day
Swallow Day (UK)
Take a Wild Guess Day
Tax Day (US)
Tax Resistor's Day
That Sucks Day
Tipsa Diena (Traditional start of plowing; Ancient Latvia)
Titanic Remembrance Day
Type 1 Diabetes Day
Universal Day of Culture
World Art Day
World Tiny Art Gallery Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Fast Food Day
McDonald’s Day
National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
National Takeout Day (Canada)
3rd Monday in April
Boston Marathon Day [3rd Monday]
National Stress Awareness Day [3rd Monday]
Landing of the 33 Patriots Day observed (Uruguay) [3rd Monday]
Patriots' Day (Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin) [3rd Monday]
Sechseläuten ends (Six Ringing Festival; Zurich, Switzerland) [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 15 (3rd Week)
National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week [thru 4.19]
Undergraduate Research Week [thru 4.19]
Week of the Young Child [thru 4.19]
Independence & Related Days
Independence Day Holiday (Israel)
Unitedlands (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Vishwamitra (f.k.a. Children’s Group; Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Day after Sidereal New Year (South and Southeast Asian) (a.k.a. …
Bengali New Year (India)
Bohag Bihu (Parts of India)
Himachl Day (Parts of India)
Lao New Yar (Laos)
Masadi (Parts of India)
Nababarsha (Parts of India)
New Year Holidays (Myanmar)
Sarhul (Parts of India)
Songkran (Thailand)
Water-Sprinkling Festival continues (Yunnan, China)
Poila Boishakh (Bengali New Year)
Festivals Beginning April 15, 2024
Boston Marathon (Boston, Massachusetts) [3rd Monday]
Coquina Beach Seafood & Music Festival (Coquina Beach, Florida) [thru 4.17]
Singing in the Sun (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) [thru 4.20]
TED Conference (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) [thru 4.19]
Feast Days
Abbo II of Metz (Christian; Saint)
Arshile Gorky (Artology)
Bananas with Everything Day (a.k.a. Banana Day; Pastafarian)
Basilissa and Anastasia (Christian; Martyrs)
Day of Tellus Mater (Pagan)
Elizabeth Catlett Mora (Artology)
Father Damien (The Episcopal Church)
Festival of Hero/Bast (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Matsu/Mazu (Goddess of the Sea; Taoism)
Fordicidia (Old Roman Festival of Fertility to honor Ceres)
Henry James (Writerism)
Hippachus (Positivist; Saint)
Hunna (Christian; Saint)
Jeffrey Archer (Writerism)
Kanamara Matsuri (Iron Phallus Festival; Japan)
Leonardo da Vinci (Artology)
Munde (Christian; Saint)
Padarn (Christian; Saint)
Pammy (Muppetism)
Paternus of Avranches (Christian; Saint)
Peter Gonzales (Christian; Saint)
Ruadan of Lothra (Christian; Saint)
Rusalja (Celebration of River Spirts Rusalki of the Lemko People of Carpathia; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Tellus Mater (Old Roman Mother Earth Festival)
Vlad Tepes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [14 of 53]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the Titanic Sank and it’s also Tax Day.)
The Adventures off Marco Polo (Film; 1938)
Aftermath, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1966)
The Art of Real Happiness, by Norman Vincent Peale (Book; 1950)
The Black Island, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1938) [Tintin #7]
Catalogue d’Oiseaux, by Olivier Messiaen (Pieno Pieces; 1959)
Colors (Film; 1988)
Dark Command (Film; 1940)
Donald’s Nephews (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Don’t Speak, by No Doubt (Song; 1996)
84, Charing Cross Road, by Helene Hanff (Novel; 1970)
El Amor Bruno (Love, the Magician), by Manuel de Falla (Ballet; 1915)
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (Film; 2022)
Fargo (TV Series; 2014)
The Fitzgeralds and The Kennedys, by Doris Kearns Goodwin (Book; 1987)
Flashdance (Film; 1983)
Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes (Short Story; 1959)
Genghis Khan (Film; 1965)
Girls (TV Series; 2012)
The Hypo-Chondri-Cat (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
The Little Goldfish (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
Little Red School Mouse (Noveltoons; 1949)
In Living Color (TV Series; 1990)
The Last Emperor (Film; 1988)
The Lumberjack (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
The Moon and Sixpence, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1919)
Mouse Come Home (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1946)
Outer Banks (TV Series; 2020)
Outer Range (TV Series; 2022)
Rattus Norvegicus, by The Stranglers (Album; 1977)
Ride ‘Em Plowboy (Oswald the Luck Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Rio (Animated Film; 2011)
Robinson Crusoe’s Broadcast (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Rock & Rule (Animated Film; 1983)
Rock for Light, by The Bad Brains (Album; 1983)
Stage Fright (Film; 1950)
St. Matthew’s Passion, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Oratorio; 1729)
Think, recorded by Aretha Franklin (Song; 1968)
To the Finland Station, by Edmund Wilson (Novel; 1940)
The Twenty-One Balloons, by William Pène du Bois (Novel; 1947)
Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On, by Jerry Lee Lewis (Song; 1957)
Wild, by Cheryl Strayed (Memoir; 2012)
Today’s Name Days
Anastasia, Damian, Una (Austria)
Rastislav, Teodor (Croatia)
Anastázie (Czech Republic)
Olympia (Denmark)
Uljas, Uljo, Verner, Verni (Estonia)
Linda, Tuomi (Finland)
César, Paterne (France)
Anastasia, Damian, Una (Germany)
Leonidas (Greece)
Anasztázia, Tas (Hungary)
Anastasio, Annibale (Italy)
Aelita, Agita, Balvis, Gastons (Latvia)
Anastazijus, Liudvina, Modestas, Vaidotė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Oda, Odd, Odin (Norway)
Anastazja, Bazyli, Leonid, Ludwina, Modest, Olimpia, Tytus, Wacław, Wacława, Wiktoryn, Wszegniew (Poland)
Aristarh, Pud, Trofim (Romania)
Fedor (Slovakia)
Telmo (Spain)
Oliver, Olivia (Sweden)
Mstyslav, Mstyslava (Ukraine)
Kenya, Octavia, Tavia, Tucker (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 106 of 2024; 260 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 7 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 66 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 16 Cyan; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 2 April 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 22 Archimedes (4th Month) [Varro]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 28 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 26 of 31)
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b78dab161c51a5cd3355980b0addef67/9589554d1d4db38f-7a/s540x810/2c36bafbc4f940cb024b89f75d45b5ac6b7668e3.jpg)
The Scientific Seminar for the Middle and Near East and African countries on the JUCHE idea held from 19th to 21st November, 1973 received a welcome and hospitality in the beautiful city of Mogadishu, capital of the young Democratic Republic of Somalia, which strives to consolidate its sovereignty, relying on its own potentials and natural resources. The work of the Seminar has attracted great interest from all peoples of these areas, who are vigorously struggling to consolidate their national independence and build a new society, under the banner of opposing imperialism and practising complete sovereignty. Among the participants in the Seminar, there were seven delegations, representing governments including the delegations of Somalia, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and Uganda; seven delegations of government standing; four delegations representing fighting organizations; six ministers and parliament deputies; five distinguished professors; many political and public figures and writers; representatives of study groups of the Works of Comrade KIM IL SUNG, and 240 observers.
Read more
To imply the alliance with the BPP was the only consequential achievement of the ideology when anti-imperialist projects around the globe were once consolidated and uplifted under the banner of Juche is an extremely ignorant stance that I urge you to rethink. The BPP viewed Black communities in the US as third-world colonies that needed to be liberated, which was the basis of their alliance with the DPRK, which was considered at the time as the leader of the third world. You can see how consequential these third-world alliances have been with how the DPRK and countries in Southern Africa still depend on each other to this day.
Disclaimer that the second article I link is grossly wrong about many things, including that the relations between these countries are "based not on ideology but on survival instinct", which I think the first link I provide clearly disproves.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/78804dddd0a1cc2d19b422525c9b6e7a/0eba5d85fc2063eb-08/s540x810/f9d62c04d4dfe58caf79ab9cb6a7af2126aeb3f1.jpg)
Comrade Huey P. Newton
Black Panther poster from the DPRK
Date: Unknown
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Uprising (2024) Movie Review
Uprising – Movie Review Director: Sang-man Kim Writer: Park Chan-wook, Shin Chul, Sang-man Kim, Jahye Lee (Screenplay) Cast Gang Dong-won (Train to Busan Presents Peninsula) Cha Seung-won (Believer) Park Jeong-min (Deliver Us from Evil) Jung Sung-il (The Glory) Kim Shin-rock (Burning) Jin Seon-kyu (Space Sweepers) Namisi Govin Emma Plot: In the Joseon Dynasty, two friends who grew up…
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Uprising Teaser
Set during Korea's Joseon Dynasty, Uprising follows two friends, one the master and the other the servant, who "reunite post-war as enemies on opposing sides." (Netflix)
Uprising stars Gang Dong-won, Park Jeong-min, Cha Seung-won, Kim Shin-rock, Jin Sun-kyu, and Jung Sung-il. The film is directed by Kim Sang-man from a screenplay by writer/producer Park Chan-wook.
Uprising hits Netflix on October 11, 2024.
#uprising#gang dong won#park jeon min#cha seung won#kim shin rock#jin sun kyu#jung sung il#kim sang man#park chan wook#netflix#TGCLiz#Youtube
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Holidays 4.15
Anime Day
Anniversary of Tarija (Bolivia)
AR-15 Day
Ariadne Asteroid Day
ASL Day (American Sign Language Day)
Banyan Tree Day (Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)
Bija Mangala (Field Cultivation Festival)
Buck Rogers Day
Children’s Day (Spain)
Criminal Investigation Department Employees Day (Ukraine)
Da Vinci Day
Day of Love (Georgia)
Day of People (Aysellant)
Day of Radio-Electronic Fight Troops (Russia)
Day of the Sun (North Korea)
Father Damien Day (Hawaii)
Fluff Appreciation Day
415 Day
Freak Out Day
Gallaudet Day
Good Roads Day (Illinois)
Great Stichwort
Hardware Freedom Day
Hillsborough Disaster Memorial Day (Liverpool, UK)
Himachal Day (India)
Historical City Day (Malacca)
Hug Your Boiler Day
Income Tax Pay Day
International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day
International Pompe Day
Ivory Soap Day
Jackie Robinson Day
Kim Il Sung Day (North Korea)
Lilac Day (French Republic)
Lover’s Day (Kazakhstan)
Mariah Carey Day (California)
Melaka UNESCO Heritage Day (Malaysia)
Microvolunteering Day
National Anime Day
National ASL Day
National Collegiate Recovery Day
National Griper’s Day
National Hookup Day
National Keaton Day
National Laundry Day
National Poet Day (Peru)
National Rubber Eraser Day
National Security Education Day (Hong Kong)
National That Sucks Day
National Titanic Remembrance Day
One Boston Day
Purple Up Day
Quantum Teleportation Day
Rubber Eraser Day
Swallow Day (UK)
Take a Wild Guess Day
Tax Day (US)
Tax Resistor's Day
That Sucks Day
Tipsa Diena (Traditional start of plowing; Ancient Latvia)
Titanic Remembrance Day
Type 1 Diabetes Day
Universal Day of Culture
World Art Day
World Tiny Art Gallery Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Fast Food Day
McDonald’s Day
National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
National Takeout Day (Canada)
3rd Monday in April
Boston Marathon Day [3rd Monday]
National Stress Awareness Day [3rd Monday]
Landing of the 33 Patriots Day observed (Uruguay) [3rd Monday]
Patriots' Day (Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin) [3rd Monday]
Sechseläuten ends (Six Ringing Festival; Zurich, Switzerland) [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 15 (3rd Week)
National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week [thru 4.19]
Undergraduate Research Week [thru 4.19]
Week of the Young Child [thru 4.19]
Independence & Related Days
Independence Day Holiday (Israel)
Unitedlands (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Vishwamitra (f.k.a. Children’s Group; Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Day after Sidereal New Year (South and Southeast Asian) (a.k.a. …
Bengali New Year (India)
Bohag Bihu (Parts of India)
Himachl Day (Parts of India)
Lao New Yar (Laos)
Masadi (Parts of India)
Nababarsha (Parts of India)
New Year Holidays (Myanmar)
Sarhul (Parts of India)
Songkran (Thailand)
Water-Sprinkling Festival continues (Yunnan, China)
Poila Boishakh (Bengali New Year)
Festivals Beginning April 15, 2024
Boston Marathon (Boston, Massachusetts) [3rd Monday]
Coquina Beach Seafood & Music Festival (Coquina Beach, Florida) [thru 4.17]
Singing in the Sun (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) [thru 4.20]
TED Conference (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) [thru 4.19]
Feast Days
Abbo II of Metz (Christian; Saint)
Arshile Gorky (Artology)
Bananas with Everything Day (a.k.a. Banana Day; Pastafarian)
Basilissa and Anastasia (Christian; Martyrs)
Day of Tellus Mater (Pagan)
Elizabeth Catlett Mora (Artology)
Father Damien (The Episcopal Church)
Festival of Hero/Bast (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Matsu/Mazu (Goddess of the Sea; Taoism)
Fordicidia (Old Roman Festival of Fertility to honor Ceres)
Henry James (Writerism)
Hippachus (Positivist; Saint)
Hunna (Christian; Saint)
Jeffrey Archer (Writerism)
Kanamara Matsuri (Iron Phallus Festival; Japan)
Leonardo da Vinci (Artology)
Munde (Christian; Saint)
Padarn (Christian; Saint)
Pammy (Muppetism)
Paternus of Avranches (Christian; Saint)
Peter Gonzales (Christian; Saint)
Ruadan of Lothra (Christian; Saint)
Rusalja (Celebration of River Spirts Rusalki of the Lemko People of Carpathia; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Tellus Mater (Old Roman Mother Earth Festival)
Vlad Tepes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [14 of 53]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the Titanic Sank and it’s also Tax Day.)
The Adventures off Marco Polo (Film; 1938)
Aftermath, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1966)
The Art of Real Happiness, by Norman Vincent Peale (Book; 1950)
The Black Island, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1938) [Tintin #7]
Catalogue d’Oiseaux, by Olivier Messiaen (Pieno Pieces; 1959)
Colors (Film; 1988)
Dark Command (Film; 1940)
Donald’s Nephews (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Don’t Speak, by No Doubt (Song; 1996)
84, Charing Cross Road, by Helene Hanff (Novel; 1970)
El Amor Bruno (Love, the Magician), by Manuel de Falla (Ballet; 1915)
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (Film; 2022)
Fargo (TV Series; 2014)
The Fitzgeralds and The Kennedys, by Doris Kearns Goodwin (Book; 1987)
Flashdance (Film; 1983)
Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes (Short Story; 1959)
Genghis Khan (Film; 1965)
Girls (TV Series; 2012)
The Hypo-Chondri-Cat (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
The Little Goldfish (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
Little Red School Mouse (Noveltoons; 1949)
In Living Color (TV Series; 1990)
The Last Emperor (Film; 1988)
The Lumberjack (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
The Moon and Sixpence, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1919)
Mouse Come Home (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1946)
Outer Banks (TV Series; 2020)
Outer Range (TV Series; 2022)
Rattus Norvegicus, by The Stranglers (Album; 1977)
Ride ‘Em Plowboy (Oswald the Luck Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Rio (Animated Film; 2011)
Robinson Crusoe’s Broadcast (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Rock & Rule (Animated Film; 1983)
Rock for Light, by The Bad Brains (Album; 1983)
Stage Fright (Film; 1950)
St. Matthew’s Passion, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Oratorio; 1729)
Think, recorded by Aretha Franklin (Song; 1968)
To the Finland Station, by Edmund Wilson (Novel; 1940)
The Twenty-One Balloons, by William Pène du Bois (Novel; 1947)
Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On, by Jerry Lee Lewis (Song; 1957)
Wild, by Cheryl Strayed (Memoir; 2012)
Today’s Name Days
Anastasia, Damian, Una (Austria)
Rastislav, Teodor (Croatia)
Anastázie (Czech Republic)
Olympia (Denmark)
Uljas, Uljo, Verner, Verni (Estonia)
Linda, Tuomi (Finland)
César, Paterne (France)
Anastasia, Damian, Una (Germany)
Leonidas (Greece)
Anasztázia, Tas (Hungary)
Anastasio, Annibale (Italy)
Aelita, Agita, Balvis, Gastons (Latvia)
Anastazijus, Liudvina, Modestas, Vaidotė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Oda, Odd, Odin (Norway)
Anastazja, Bazyli, Leonid, Ludwina, Modest, Olimpia, Tytus, Wacław, Wacława, Wiktoryn, Wszegniew (Poland)
Aristarh, Pud, Trofim (Romania)
Fedor (Slovakia)
Telmo (Spain)
Oliver, Olivia (Sweden)
Mstyslav, Mstyslava (Ukraine)
Kenya, Octavia, Tavia, Tucker (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 106 of 2024; 260 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 7 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 66 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 16 Cyan; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 2 April 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 22 Archimedes (4th Month) [Varro]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 28 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 26 of 31)
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TV Binge: The Glory (2022)
TV Binge: The Glory (2022) #TheGlory #SouthKorean #Revenge #Thriller #TV #TVseries #Review
The Glory (Season 1, 2022) Director: Gil Ho Ahn Cast: Hye-Kyo Song, Do-Hyun Lee, Ji-Yeon Lim, Sung-Hoon Park, Hye-ran Yeom, Sung-il Jung, Kim Hieora, Joo-Young Cha, Gun-woo Kim, Sang-Im Park A woman lives for absolute revenge against her childhood bullies who destroyed her life. – IMDB Revenge is a dish best served cold. The director and writers for The Glory really took this saying and…
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Haha! I don't know anything but you gave me a new rabbit hole and quite a lot of work! Most 60s movie posters look like this though. It's crazy how much they packed onto the posters back then.
The Hangul part of the title (the text at the left in red) is "어디로 가시나이까" or "Where Are You Going?". The Hanja Part - I had to trace it in the search bar od Naver Hanja dictionary! Translates to "전하" or "Your Majesty", basically how one was supposed to address the King. So, we got the title : 어디로 가시나이까 전하" or "Where Are You Going, Your Majesty?"
A lot is in Hanja, like the actors names and the producers names etc, so I had to plop her into Papago and get it translated from Japanese/Chinese.
The part at the top gave me these results :
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6b391a11cbf904dbaed65eec0ff4e0dd/87e033997ad1f864-2e/s540x810/132a95ba0132457a7ba1a92e0de096f803b08db0.jpg)
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Basically the "advertisement", as the "Dong Yang Radio's most popular TV drama".
Im trying to find some cast and crew credits - once we have that, we can search for more info on the net.
Copying the ehite and yellow text on the rtop ight into hanja dictionary gave me "제작 : 김일수" , "Release : Kim Il Soo" and "기획 - 김속기, 안배관" "Production : Kim sok Gi, Ahn Bae Kwan"
the Blue text in the right gave me "답 : 이규웅", "... : Lee Gyu Woong". The Hanja in the beginning was picked up wrong because of the bad quality. But I can't find who this person is...
The text under the blue text om the right have me "원작 - 교본 - 임희재" "Orginal Work - Script - Lim Hee Jae" - which means that there is a separate book or other original piece that this drama was based on, by a writer named Lim Hee Jae.
Thats all I could find for the moment, so I went and searched it up. And I found so much more!
Its not a drama but a movie. Kinda expected given the poster.
It was released 1969.
The cast is fucking crazy for 1969 - Shin Sung Il, Kim Jin Gyu, Kim Ji Mi and Yoon Jung Hee. That's literally the top two actors with the top two actresses. This is one HELL of a star lineup, believe me.
I found a naver blog that talks about it :
What this blog says is :
The production cost around 1억 (100 Million) won at that time which is a CRAZY amount of money for 1969 and even crazier if adjusted to inflation. Like, we could have fed half the Korean population for a year with the costs of this movie.
The plot of the movie goes like this :
At the end of the Korean Empire, when the enlightenment groups centered on Kim Ok-gyun (Kim Seok-hoon) caused a Coup d'etat, Min Young-il (Namgung Won), the nephew of the Empress Myeongseong (Do Geum-bong), seeks help from the Qing Dynasty to defeat the enlightenment groups. Lee Jung-won (Shin Seong-il), who was Kim Ok-gyun's colleague, fled to Japan with the help of Wolhyang (Kim Ji-mi), a popular famed Gisaeng. While he went to Japan, Lee Jung-won's family, which was against the odds, was exterminated, and only his wife In-soon (Yoon Jung-hee) survived. In-soon is in crisis because she caught the sight of Min Young-il, who was once her husband's friend, but Min Young-il leaves In-soon, who had to hide her identity, to Wolhyang, who suggests Insoon starts living with her. After that, In-soon, who became a gisaeng too, lives with Wolhyang, and two women wait while adoring and missing the same Lee Jung-won, but each other do not know that the man is Lee Jung-won. After that, when Lee Jung-won returns from Japan, the film comes to a tragic end.
It mixes facts with fiction and is basically a fictional sageuk.
Soooo yeah! I think I found more than I thought I would. Here you go!
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ee11d8f65cb2d54cd398e6a60d50b099/587e053a4da12c8d-2e/s540x810/54f0ac44cfcce41be7953ee0b20d9e1428f9b67d.jpg)
I feel like so much is going on on this poster.
@anemoiawithatouchofobsession, I feel like you might know this old korean drama? IDK
#tbc era#60s movie#60s Korean movie#Yoon Jung Hee#Kim ji Mi#Shin Sung IL#Kim Jin gyu#60s actors#60s actresses#retro#Old movie#Research
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First Impression and Unfiltered Thoughts: Jirisan
#Jirisan has captured The Maknae's attention! Come see if this stellar-looking drama by writer Kim Eun Hee (#Kingdom, #Signal) is right for you.
There are some dramas that are just perfect for fall weather, when a cool wind is blowing and the night comes earlier and earlier. Jirisan is set in the mountains of Korea, and it’s full of intrigue and heroic people and heightened emotions and all the things that set the Fangirls’ hearts fluttering for an autumnal watch. Come see if it should be on your watchlist! (more…)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/49e3b9746b1a508cbd1bc9000df6891a/1759c56d6cdb73af-1e/s540x810/fb31ba9f47d02e377740ac13fd94c03f98d6b038.jpg)
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#Jirisan#Joo Ji Hoon#Jun Ji Hyun#Kim Eun Hee writer#Lee Eung Bok director#new dramas#Oh Jung Se#Sung Dong Il
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Currently Watching Kdrama Update:
1. Extraordinary Attorney Woo: I haven’t voiced my thoughts on this drama here because it got popular too quick and fans of the drama were unable to accept any criticism of this drama. I guess the euphoria has died down given how this drama has fallen into the formulaic Kdrama trap forgetting what it has started out to do. The writer is completely confused.
It was supposed to tell us Woo’s story, how autistic people face discrimination and how she grows as a lawyer tackling the personal & professional challenges. The legal cases were very good until episode 6 and then they went downhill. Then they introduced too many tracks - second lead romance & love triangle, back story for the mean guy, boss’s illness. But the worst bit of the drama and something that has made me extremely uncomfortable is making Tae SuMi a villain - she was literally forced to have a child she did not want. She has full rights to not want a child - given how women’s rights are being attacked all over, what the writer has done here is great disservice to the women and their choice!
The romance was the sweetest part of this drama and even that has been ruined with the typical family and breakup melodrama. I honestly couldn’t care now if Woo and JunHo end up together or not, it’s so Kdrama cliche to cause unnecessary breakups. I loved the girl friendships and Kang Ki Young, his dynamic with Woo is one of my favourite bits. But they reduced both these aspects so much post episode 8, that I have nothing to look forward to in this drama now.
I even have my views on EunBin’s portrayal of an autistic character, and even though I like EunBin, I haven’t been able to connect to her performance, because autistic characters in other dramas / series touched me more - Move To Heaven and As We See It being my favourite ones. So conclusion , my mixed feelings in Ep1-3 went to liking the drama in Ep4-6, and post that it’s just been downhill for me. No where close to making it to my Top20 or will rewatch many times lists.
2. Goblin : I finally caved in and started watching this drama to understand why it is so popular. I’m 6 episodes in this drama and I’m struggling. The lead pair romance is a no-go for me. The female lead is shown to be 18-19, a high school senior. The ML (ignoring he is actually a zillion years old) is around his mid30s. I wouldn’t be fussed if a 20 something adult was dating a 40+ , but she is in school. How on earth are people swooning over their romance? Also Kim GoEun who am generally neutral to, is unbearable to watch as the cutesy teenager. She is not pulling this off. Everyone raves about the bromance and yes it is good, but I have watched far more KDramas where bromance was far better. LDW has only one expression on his face. Gong Yoo is literally saving this drama, but him a middle aged man falling for a school girl doesn’t make me want to watch his romantic scenes at all. I don’t think I will finish this, or probably skip a lot and watch to see how it all ends.
3. Chicago Typewriter : Only managed 5 episodes and I have liked what I saw except the actress who has not impressed me at all. She is rather expressionless. Yoo Ah In is stealing the show in every frame and scene he comes on screen. The soundtrack is lovely, and the story is very intriguing. I really need to get cracking on this one.
4. If You Wish Upon Me : I’m very biased to Ji Chang Wook, but post Suspicious Partner I have not liked any of his dramas. LoveStruck in the City was good in parts, but he really needs a good stylist, the panache, the head turning persona from Healer and SP has been missing for me. I’m not sure I like his look in this drama, but in the first 2 episodes his acting has been top notch. He has nailed every scene and his dynamic with Sung Dong Il is superb. The female lead is cute and doesn’t take shit from anyone. Anyways too early to judge - the premise seems like a blend of Move to Heaven and Chocolate. I had liked both the dramas - very hopeful and positive, despite the grim subject matter they tackled. Let’s see how this one goes.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/cc8c01d4693b85f1716fe0cdca076acf/0a08dea5f8648c6a-30/s540x810/2ea0890724b9de90401fe701f793038a617775e1.jpg)
#extraordinary attorney woo#goblin the lonely and great god#chicago typewriter#if you wish upon me#ji chang wook#yoo ah in#gong yoo
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3794db1b266e555bffd2d232c3e865b5/355258cb87f52825-9d/s500x750/c0b6006fe565447b9d82e072054c65cfe9d57886.jpg)
April 15, 1912: Birthday of Comrade Kim Il Sung, founder of the Workers’ Party of Korea and leader of the Korean Revolution.
As founder of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, he led the successful resistance to U.S. imperialism during the Great Fatherland War (Korean War, 1950-53).
Sam Marcy: Kim Il Sung: Anti-imperialist fighter, socialist hero
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: Island
Hangul: 아일랜드
Director: Park Kwang-Hyun
Writer: Yoon In-Wan (webcomic), Yang Kyung-Il (webcomic), Jang Yoon-Mi
Date: 2023
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kim Nam-Gil, Lee Da-Hee, Cha Eun-Woo, Sung Joon
Aynı isimli webtoon’dan uyarlanan dizi, farklı bir tarza değişik bir havaya sahip. Ayrıca ilk kez başrol oynasa da, en azından benim izlediğim dizilerde, Lee Da-Hee’ye bayılıyorum. Bence çok güzel bir kadın. Onu daha önce; The Beauty Inside, Search: WWW dizilerinde izledim. İkisinde de hemen kendini belli ediyordu. Diziye dönecek olursak, Jeju adasında geçiyor. Büyük bir şirketin tek varisi olan Won Mi-Ho( Lee Da-Hee), sergilediği bir takım aykırı davranışlar nedeni le medyada linç yiyince babası onu Jeju adasına gönderir. Burada bir süre gözlerden uzak olacak, bir okulda rehberlik öğretmenliği yapıp medyada güzel bir imaj çizecektir. Tabi adada dünyayı yok etmek isteyen kötü ruhlar olduğu için bu sakin planı çok uzun süremez. Dünyada sıkışmış olan kötü ruhlar hemen sonra hanım kızımızı hedef almaya başlayınca da hikaye hareketlenmeye başlıyor.
Bu noktada ihtiyacımız olan iki şey ise; kötü olmayan kötü bir ruh ve rahipten bozma bir avcı. Rahip Johan (Cha Eun-Woo), Vatikan’dan Jeju’ya bu anomaliyi araştırmak ve efsanelerde adı geçen canlıları bulması için gönderilir. Gizli görevi ve gizemli karakteri ile hikayeye dahil olur. Ve efsanevi yaratığımız Van(Kim Nam-Gil); kendisi yarı kötü ruh bir ruh avcısıdır. Ondan hem korkulur hem ihtiyaç duyulur. Kimine göre kötüdür, kimine göre koruyucudur. Kendisi ise ölümsüzlük lanetini bitirip hayatına son vermek için seçilmiş kişiyi aramaktadır. Kulağa tanıdık geldi mi? Gelmemiş gibi yapın, hiç alakası yok. Aslında biraz da, bence, The Witcher dizisinden arak var. Yarı kötü ruh olan, ruh avcıları üzerinde deneyler yapılan ve bu amaç için yetiştirilen çocuklarmış. Van(Kim Nam-Gil) ile birlikte aynı kaderi paylaşan Tan (Sung Joon) bir zaman sonra fikir ayrılığına düşüp farklı bir yoldan gitmeye karar vermişler.
Hikaye bu dört karakterin etrafında dönüyor. Karakterlerin kendilerini tanıma macerası gibi de düşünebilirsiniz. 2 sezon toplam 12 bölümden oluşan mini bir dizi. Biraz “Bulgasal: Immortal souls”, biraz “The Witcher”, çok azıcık da Goblin karıştırıp harmanlayıp sunulmuş. Kötü değildi bu arada. Rahip Johan rolü ile özellikle Cha Eun-Woo oyunculuk kariyerine bence sağlam bir taş koymuş oldu. Artık rolüne girebilen, rahat bir oyuncu olduğunu söyleyebilirim. İdollük kimliğinden nihayet sıyrılmış gibiydi. Daha önceki “My ID Gangnam Beauty” dizisinde çok amatör, “True Beauty” dizisindeyse çok tutuktu. Zincirlerinden kurtulmuş gibi geldi bana.
Karizmatik Van rolü ile Kim Nam-Gil üzülerek söylüyorum ama beni çok etkileyemedi. Karakteri karizmatikti ama oyuncu o karizmaya yetişemedi. Ama diğer yandan Tan rolü ile karşımıza çıkan Sung Joon şahaneydi. Oyuncuya; “Hyde Jekyll, Me” ve “Call It Love” dizilerinde yan rollerde olsa bir göz aşinalığım var. Bence karizma olması gereken karakterden daha karizmatikti. Hem karakteri hem oyuncu.
Sonuç olarak, farklı değişik bir diziydi. Şans verebilirsiniz.
Groovy Room - We Higher
Raven Melus
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Events 7.8 (after 1930)
1932 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level of the Great Depression, closing at 41.22. 1933 – The first rugby union test match between the Wallabies of Australia and the Springboks of South Africa is played at Newlands Stadium in Cape Town. 1937 – Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan sign the Treaty of Saadabad. 1947 – Reports are broadcast that a UFO crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico in what became known as the Roswell UFO incident. 1948 – The United States Air Force accepts its first female recruits into a program called Women in the Air Force (WAF). 1960 – Francis Gary Powers is charged with espionage resulting from his flight over the Soviet Union. 1962 – Ne Win besieges and blows up the Rangoon University Student Union building to crush the Student Movement. 1965 – Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 21 is destroyed by a bomb near 100 Mile House, Canada, killing 52. 1966 – King Mwambutsa IV Bangiriceng of Burundi is deposed by his son Prince Charles Ndizi. 1968 – The Chrysler wildcat strike begins in Detroit, Michigan. 1970 – Richard Nixon delivers a special congressional message enunciating Native American self-determination as official US Indian policy, leading to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975. 1972 – Israeli Mossad assassinate Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani. 1980 – The inaugural 1980 State of Origin game is won by Queensland who defeat New South Wales 20–10 at Lang Park. 1980 – Aeroflot Flight 4225 crashes near Almaty International Airport in the then Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (present day Kazakhstan) killing all 166 people on board. 1982 – A failed assassination attempt against Iraqi president Saddam Hussein results in the Dujail Massacre over the next several months. 1988 – The Island Express train travelling from Bangalore to Kanyakumari derails on the Peruman bridge and falls into Ashtamudi Lake, Kerala in India killing 105 passengers and injuring over 200 more. 1994 – Kim Jong Il begins to assume supreme leadership of North Korea upon the death of his father, Kim Il Sung. 2003 – Sudan Airways Flight 139 crashes near Port Sudan Airport during an emergency landing attempt, killing 116 of the 117 people on board. 2011 – Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched in the final mission of the U.S. Space Shuttle program. 2014 – Israel launches an offensive on Gaza amid rising tensions following the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers.
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i have the personality of a 2 year old learning how to play match the shape which is why i'm reading up on the og material that inspired youth of may's storyline (aside from the real-life events) and i'm surprised to find out that 80% of the show characters are born out of writers' creative freedom! in the grand scheme of things, the four main characters actually represent the youth as a whole at that time (duh, the drama title says it all but let me dig more into the book, there might be spoilers)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d1ba8fdb7967d04ad5ba6d0e5dfc9192/ae95b32d8fef603d-86/s540x810/a286370df082abab40a4e626d0bfcab88dbe1547.jpg)
the book that the drama writers based the story on is titled 오월의 달리기 / running in may / may's race (?) - it's a fairy tale by writer kim hae-won that won the changwon children's literature award, and was first published on may 18 2013.
the difference is that the book deals with the story of 13-year-old myungsoo (myunghee's brother in the drama) who was selected as a rep runner of the south jeolla province at the national youth sports festival and lived in gwangju in 1980 when protests demanding democratization continued every day.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/478f57fb4d52a56c6eded21b12bd9489/ae95b32d8fef603d-0e/s540x810/b9c7ef0ce4b128b593c2bdcb6dd4311a85bafdc8.jpg)
while researching gwangju's history during that time, writer kim hae-won contacted a track and field athlete after seeing an article that the national youth festival was postponed due to the 5.18 pro-democracy movement back then (it will most likely be cancelled in the drama too, poor kiddos omg). the athlete turned out to be a national student at the time and lived in a dormitory in gwangju so the book is the product of her research and meticulous coverage.
and rather than emphasizing the painful wounds of the may 18 pro-democracy movement, the book focuses on showing the life of children who lived during that period. it depicts the life of myungsoo, an ordinary child who dreamed of becoming a national representative athlete, who wanted to be recognized by his father, and tried hard to beat his rival friend jungtae (heetae's brother). the book delves into painful history and the despair suffered during that time through children's lens and is even used as learning curriculum in schools to make children wonder why the may 18 pro-democracy movement that destroyed this child's life took place at all
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/75874f1be8784af11185bc6e98562deb/ae95b32d8fef603d-f1/s540x810/6121fe382e02a70386f8b1aa97cd05318e00ff37.jpg)
writer's notes: "it’s good to be careful when talking about the may 18 pro-democracy movement in class. it is not possible to mention only objective dates and numbers with no context, so various materials and media need to be used, because students' reactions vary widely depending on which part is emphasized.
even now, the may 18 pro-democracy movement is at the center of controversy. although it was listed in elementary school textbooks as an important example of a pro-democracy movement and even listed as a UNESCO world record heritage, the claims that it was a riot are quite noticeable if you type 5/18 in the portal site search box. how should we explain the may 18 pro-democracy movement to children who are easily exposed to such confusing information?
this book depicts the scene of the may 18 pro-democracy movement from the perspective of a child who lived at the time, and shows realistically how many people were lost due to national violence.
children who boldly attempt to escape from the training camp to avoid their coach, witness the sight of an airborne unit brutally hitting people in downtown gwangju. at the time, the soldiers only looked good in the eyes of the children so most of them said, “these soldiers are not the soldiers of our country. they must be the people's army sent by kim il-sung of north korea.”
however, the children end up learning that our country's soldiers can trample and kill their people. in 1980, gwangju had to make a huge sacrifice under the control of a real villain. most of them were hard-working people. why these people were killed for no reason, this book tells the truth and tragedy of the may 18 pro-democracy movement.
오월의 달리기 depicts ordinary people's desire for democracy, their tearful efforts to protect each other, and their heartbreaking sacrifices. in particular, through the images of myungsoo who lost his family and those who support him, the story shows hopeful gestures to heal the painful history and wounds of his heart, leaving a long lasting impression."
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possible similarities with the drama
in the book, myungsoo's dad runs a repair shop in the market and has a weak leg just like in the drama. he also disapproves of myungsoo's dream to become a running athlete and myungsoo shows embarrassment towards his father. one day, an unexpected event occurs in the training camp, in which one of the kids came up with a plan to escape from the dormitory. however, downtown gwangju, which was thought to be full of interesting sights for the kids, turned out to be full of college student protesters, soldiers, and the nasty smell of tear gas
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the children follow the protesters with curiosity and witness unbelievable scenes. soldiers beat college students with clubs (곤봉) and even kick the elderly who were watching. the children who see this are terrified and run away. they enter a billiard room in a building to escape and face an even more terrible scene. seeing the soldiers smashing the head of a student protester who had sneaked in there, and seeing the blood dripping out, even kicking the old uncles who told them to stop, and hitting them with a club...
soon, news comes out that the national youth sports festival has been postponed and the coach comes to the dormitory with tears in his eyes to deliver shocking news.
“myungsoo... your father is dead.”
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in parallel with the book, the drama places a focus on radio and broadcast as these mediums suffered from censorship during that time... it's not a coincidence that jinah's character dreams to become a radio pd and that heetae who happens to be her tutor knows his way around radio and supports her dream the way he does. although the preview for ep 9 shows jinah being unconscious and heetae struggling to save her (a reenactment of his traumatic past in a sense), it is most likely that she will live, and through the support system heetae has around him (myunghee) this time, he will be able to save her and free himelf of his trauma. i think jinah will grow to become a radio pd, perhaps on the same frenquency bette midler was playing and to which heetae shared that intimate moment with myunghee at the end of ep 8... this is just my personal wish tbh but i find these details interesting to dig into
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another item that figures in the story is the watch belonging to myungsoo and myunghee's dad... one of the questions asked in the school textbook based on the story is that the watch contains memories (as in pictures) of myungsoo... in the drama, the watch is the first thing we see in the first episode as recovered belonging to someone during the uprising. going by the book, it was the dad who ended up dying in the book... i don't know if the drama will follow the same narrative but if it does, the man seen in the beginning is most likely myungsoo
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Here are some brief thoughts on kdrama that started airing in 2020 that I've watched. I said brief, but those who have been following me would appreciate that this is indeed, brief.
The list is in alphabetical order.
1. 365: Repeat the Year (MBC)
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Disclosure: I am a HUGE Lee Joon Hyuk stan. He is second only to Hyun Bin on my list. The fact that this drama is on the top of this list is a happy coincidence 🥰🥰
I was soooooooo excited when I knew Lee Joon Hyuk was to star in a new drama. MBC made the announcement of the drama late last year, and I was literally walking to the office when I saw the announcement on ig.
The premise of the drama was pretty straightforward. 10 people were given the chance to travel back in time exactly one year prior. Mysterious things kept happening to the people who took the trip, so our Detective Ji “Fluffy-Hair” Hyung Joo and webtoon writer Shin “Self-Hater” Ga Hyun joined hands to figure out what exactly happened.
Once they finally figured out what caused the mysterious cases, they faced a great dilemma on what to do, with our Fluffy Hair detective running as a fugitive.
The ending was really sad, and I really wished it ended differently, but the main character of the story was our Fluffy Hair detective, and him having to live on and reset the whole thing from the new past was a nice touch to the ending.
This drama was full of surprises, twist and turn, and it is certainly a drama I would consider rewatching in the future.
2. Do You Like Brahms? (SBS)
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Many people criticised the second half of this drama. Apparently the year 2020 is the year when kdramaland keeps being a disappointment, and many people are quick to include this drama in the list of disappointing drama, despite having a good beginning.
I beg to differ though. To me this drama feels more of a healing drama, wherein the characters are forced to deal with their issues. And anyone who has had to go through any form of therapy knows how hard healing process is.
TL;DR: The main leads are both people who have been mentally abused by the people around them, except for Cha Young In, because she was the only reason I did not throw my remote control at my 50-inch TV.
Park Joon Young is your classic example of a ‘gifted kid’ struggle. He was seen as a young, talented pianist who had a bright future ahead of him. But people started to treat him more like a trophy than a human being, so he decided to take a sabbatical, much to the criticism of people in the music industry. Park Joon Young realised that his passion in playing the piano has faded away, no thanks to his abusive piano professor who belittled him again and again, and practically brainwashed him into being a people pleaser. You could see how Park Joon Young was not himself in the beginning of the drama once you finish the drama.
Chae Song Ah took interest in violin at a later age (much later than professional musicians) and decided to pursue her dream by enrolling into a music programme. Her classmates were all younger than her, and it didn’t help that they all learnt music since much younger. I love how Song Ah did not give up on her dream easily and gave it her all, before she finally decided to let go of her dream to become a musician. The metaphor of her love for violin and Joon Young hurting her again and again and she just endured it though.. I cried like a mess well I am a mess but that’s a separate issue
Special shout out to Cha Young In who was there for both of them.
3. Flower of Evil (tvN)
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If thriller is your thing, consider this drama. If you are one of those people who like to see your characters being tortured (physically and mentally), this drama is a MUST WATCH. And if you enjoy watching Lee Joon Ki playing a character who is put at a great distress because he is trying to run from his past, go watch this drama.
More importantly, if you enjoy a drama where your ML is sexy, attends to house chores and takes care of his bright young daughter while his wife goes crazy for solving violent crimes, a devoted husband who is attentive and a tender person but also a freak in the sheets, you are wasting every single of your breath not watching this drama.
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I mean look at this man teasing his wife about his stamina.
Flower of Evil did not feel draggy at all. Everything that happened within the first 6 episodes could have been an entire drama if this was written by someone else. Seriously, this drama kept me at the edge of my couch!
The dynamic of HS and JW screams POWER COUPLE but at the same time it broke my heart how they were pushed into corners too many times by the people around them I do hope they had some sexy times while they were in the corners though
The focus on their wedding rings throughout the drama symbolised their unbreakable bond. The wedding rings were literally the very last thing that kept them together when JW stumbled upon evidences that pointed against HS.
JW, whose compass was only trusting what she saw, and not what she heard, tried to break the stigma of women being at a disadvantage in the police force. Heck, she was better than her entire team when it came to solving cases, her being the only woman in the team. Who said women cannot make good cops?
The plot twist though.. And the climax.. To this day, I still listen to this soundtrack from the drama and cry just thinking of the climax.
4. Into the Ring (also known as Memorials) (KBS2)
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I didn’t even plan on watching this drama. I was channel surfing and saw Park Sung Hoon looking all depressed in the first episode and ran into Koo Se Ra. Girl was UNHINGED and determined to fight for her way.
Her motivation was initially on getting a stable pay check from being a district representative (it was only 60 million won which is like USD55k so it’s not that much) but she eventually became the district representative who fought for the benefit of the people and did not care for the political warfare that took place.
Came along Seo Gong Myung, a government officer in the local government office who was demoted from planning unit of the accounting department or something to be a secretariat to the district assembly. Seo Gong Myung sticks to his principle no matter what, which surprise surprise, is HATED by everyone in the district government.
Turns out our main leads were friends when they were kids so Se Ra kept teasing him and dragging him into her scheme of fighting for the people, which Gong Myung agreed to, not so much because he was a community-loving person, but because he was afraid Se Ra would get into trouble since she was as straight as a ruler.
Long story short, our leads fell for each other, and their relationship was HILAIROUS to watch. I think I speak for everyone who watched the drama that we had no reason to believe Se Ra did not peg Gong Myung for fun 😝😝
They were so cute together awwww
5. Kairos (MBC)
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This is another drama that I stumbled into. Only this time, I saw Nam Gyu Ri and I remember seeing her ig post on a new drama so I decided to give it a go. She wrecked my heart in 49 Days so I decided to check this out for funsies. Hooo boy was I in for a major surprise.
The first two episodes got me hooketh!! I still cannot believe how the drama managed to keep me on my edge especially during the last 5 minutes of every episode. The pacing is even faster than Flower of Evil, and since this drama went back and forth between past and future, it keeps me guessing whether their efforts would bear fruit.
Will Kim “Sexy Brain” Seo Jin and Han “I-Know-No-Fear” Ae Ri succeed in fighting the evil, who at this point in time remains unknown? I know Chairman Yoo Seo Il is currently being hinted as the culprit behind everything but I know better that he is just a puppet who sold his soul to the real devil who most likely is in the higher ranks in politics. I mean he even hinted at his remorse for what happened with Taejung Town 19 years prior. My suspicion is he is trying to cover up whatever happened because otherwise his own family would be at risk, so his only option is to redeem himself by doing something about the Taejung Town. I could be wrong, but regardless of who turns out to be the real villain in the story, I can say I am so satisfied by how the story has progressed so far.
The time paradox still hurts my brain, but I am choosing that this drama does not assume that time is linear.
There is still not enough people watching this drama and I’m begging you all to go and catch up before it ends in two weeks time.
6. More than Friends (JTBC)
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A little trivia: I reblog most of the posts from @kdramastuff even if I am not watching the show at the point of reblogging the posts. I had been following her posts on this drama for 3 weeks, and I finally decided to marathon all 6 episodes and joined the watching party.
More than Friends was another drama that many people called a disappointment but I had a different opinion on it. Yes, I used to be the nerd who had different opinions on many things in high school sue me
The drama is premised on Kyung Woo Yeon who is said to have a crush on her high school friend, Lee Soo for 10 years. Lee Soo is nowhere near to be the perfect boyfriend material. He is selfish, does not care about other people’s feelings, and was always a lone ranger.
BUUUUUUT, Lee Soo seemed to show signs of care and affection (even though it was not at all for a normal person’s standard) for Woo Yeon. Surprisingly, he seemed to only do it for Woo Yeon and gave attention to Woo Yeon alone, even though he could practically pick and choose anyone he liked from the swarm of girls who were chasing him.
One day, he told Woo Yeon that he had to leave to the US to study, which made our girl sad. She decided to confess at the airport, but he outright turned her down, saying he only wanted to be friends with her. Over the time, they kept running into each other by coincidence (note: her name Woo Yeon is a wordplay on coincidence in Korean). Later, it was revealed that he wanted her to always be by his side, but he has built a wall as tall as the Great Wall of China before the idea of love so he didn’t realise what his true feeling for Woo Yeon was all along.
Woo Yeon, who felt sick of the ten-year crush, decided to end the “curse” and kissed him by the beach, thinking of getting a closure on her crush.
Long story short, Lee Soo finally realised his feeling for her and decided to confess, but by that time, a young, handsome, rich CEO of a conglomerate has entered into the picture. Cue the game of cat and mouse between Lee Soo and Woo Yeon about resentment, regret and relationship.
This drama was promoted as a romcom, but it feels more like a slice-of-life drama with a mix of melo and romcom in there. Seriously, I cried buckets watching this drama, not something you’d expect from a romcom. The dialogues were well-written, with each episode revolving around a specific theme. This was such a good drama coming from a rookie writer.
This drama did not have that many viewers to begin with, and many of those few people dropped it along the way, including the one who was responsible in getting me hooked into this drama :p By the end of it, there were so few people talking about this drama in the tag (shout out to @dohyunsoo @have-yet-to-decide @starfire-s @thbn-anything for keeping me company to the very end of this drama)
This drama broke my record of screenshots per episode and total screenshots for any show. Until now, I have yet to finish posting them. I should probably upload more screenshots later tonight.
This drama had some AMAZING shots in the first half, with beautiful sceneries mostly in Seoul. It’s like what they said, “a daily occurrence for you, a trip for me”.
7. Oh My Baby (tvN)
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I did not even remember watching this drama!! It was only after scrolling through my gallery that I saw I had shared some posts on my ig story about the drama.
It was in the middle of a lockdown when this drama aired and many of my memories from back then feel so distant to me.
The plot was not THAT good, but this drama is something you may consider if you like torturing yourself about the struggle of wanting to have a baby.
8. Once Again (KBS2)
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Arguably one of the weekend family drama KBS2 in a while that kept me waiting for new episodes in front of my TV. Some people are turned off by weekend family drama because they tend to have slow pacing which makes viewers feel like they are being dragged to one of those boring corporate events that you would rather miss and wish you could be literally anywhere else.
Because this drama had more pairing than the typical weekend family drama, the story did take some time before it was on full momentum. It did feel like the drama could have been better with even one less sibling to worry about, but it was a fun watch in the middle of lockdown.
Will I watch it again? I’d rather rewatch House of Bluebird (starring Lee Joon Hyuk and Lee Sang Yeob as friends to enemies to friends again) because that drama spoke to me in a way that was more relatable. No hate to Once Again though. I just prefer House of Bluebird better.
Note: Justice for Song Ga Hee and her lovely son, Kim Ji Hoon. He had to grow up so much because of what happened to his mother, that it broke Ga Hee’s heart. And mine of course
9. Secret Forest 2 (tvN)
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I watched Secret Forest once it has finished and I fell in love with the drama! Imagine my excitement when they announced Secret Forest 2 with my three main characters reprising their roles. No hate to Yoon Se Ah, I love her, but her screen time in Secret Forest was not enough to make me excited about her return. But I was pleased with her role in Secret Forest 2 and I hope if there is a third season, her character gets the redemption arc that she yearns for.
Secret Forest 2 was not as intense as the brilliant original, but I understood that it had to do with the overall theme of the season, and the theme required the script to be as such. Some people may argue me on this, but I still think what they pulled off was brilliant.
Too bad there was a severe lack of Lee Joon Hyuk on my screen though.
10. Tale of the Nine-Tailed (tvN)
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Well. This drama went far beyond my expectation. The OTP was to die for. No such thing as miscommunication trope. This drama did not waste time on unnecessary drama. The pacing was incredibly fast, even faster than Kairos. Although to be fair, Kairos had to play with two different timelines and required time to establish the setting.
I’m sad about what happened to Lee Rang, but he did what he did, and he would never be able to erase that much pain from his memory even if the deities decided to be lenient on him because of his roles in killing off Imoogi. A fresh start as a human seemed like a fair reset to his life, and I hope he lives well, surrounded by people who love him.
I was never a fan of Jo Bo Ah (no hate on her, I was just indifferent) but this drama opened my eyes to what an incredible actress she is. I wish her a successful career ahead.
#365 repeat the year#365: repeat the year#do you like brahms#do you like brahms?#flower of evil#into the ring#kbs memorials#mbc kairos#more than friends#oh my baby#kbs once again#secret forest 2#tale of the nine tailed#kdrama#kdrama review#kdrama opinion#personal#annual drama recap
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