#writeblr recs
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theaftersundown · 2 months ago
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let us join hands
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inkskinned · 10 months ago
hello. you left a neon pink post-it with pgs 194-359 due 9/12 in the book, by the way. it is now May 23rd and the library's printer is running out of ink. it jammed and tore my passport application. one of the librarians dutifully blacked out all my information (front and back!) before proceeding to use every unmarred inch as scrap paper.
i think maybe our (plural, inclusive) lives are connected. all of them. i have been thinking a lot about borrowing. about how people move through the world in waves, filling in the same spaces. i have probably stood on the same subway platform as you. we held the same book. all of us stand in the same line at the grocery, at the gas station. how many feet have stood washing dishes in my kitchen?
i hope you are doing well. the pen you used was a nice red, maybe a glitter pen? you have loopy, curling handwriting. i sometimes wonder if it is true that you can tell a personality by the shape of our letters. i'm borrowing my brother's car. he's got scrangly engineer handwriting (you know the one). it's a yellow-orange ford mustang boss. when i got out of the building, some kids were posing with it for a selfie. i felt a little bird grow in me and had to pause and pretend to be busy with my phone to give them more time for their laughing.
i have a habit of asking people what's the last good book you read? the librarian's handwriting on the back of my smeared-and-chewed passport application says the glass house in small undercase. i usually go for fantasy/sci fi, but she was glowing when she suggested it. i found your post-it on page 26, so i really hope you didn't have to read up to 359 in that particular book. i hope you're like me and just have a weird "random piece of trash" "bookmark" that somehow makes it through like, 58 books.
i wish the concept of soul mates was bigger. i wish it was about how my soul and your soul are reading the same work. how i actually put down that book at the same time you did - page 26 was like, all exposition. i wish we were soul mates with every person on the same train. how magical to exist and borrow the same space together. i like the idea that somewhere, someone is using the shirts i donated. i like the idea that every time i see a nice view and say oh gosh look at the view, you (plural, inclusive) said that too.
the kids hollered when i beeped the car. oh dude you set off the alarm, oh shit is she - dude that's her car!! one was extremely polite. "i like your car, Miss. i'm sorry we touched it." i said i wasn't busy, finish up the pictures. i folded your post-it into a paper crane while i waited. i thought about how my brother's a kind person but his handwriting looks angry. i thought about how for an entire year i drove someone to work every day - and i didn't even think to ask for gas money. my handwriting is straight capital letters.
i thought about how i can make a paper crane because i was taught by someone who was taught by someone else.
the kids asked me to rev the engine and you know i did. the way they reacted? you would have thought i brought the sun from the sky and poured it into a waterglass. i went home smiling about it. i later gave your post it-turned-bird to a tiny child on the bus. she put it in her mouth immediately.
how easy, standing in your shadow, casting my own. how our hands pass over each other in the same minor folds. i wonder how many of the same books you and i have read. i wonder how many people have the same favorite six songs or have been in the same restaurant or have attended the same movie premier. the other day i mentioned the Book Mill from a small town in western massachusetts - a lot of people knew of it. i wonder if i've ever passed you - and didn't even notice it.
i hope whatever i leave behind makes you happy. i hope my hands only leave gentle prints. i hope you and i get the same feeling when the sun comes out. soulmates across all of it.
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creelson · 5 months ago
[Famous Boyband] x Y/N Wattpad Styled fic, where Y/N describes in 1st person POV how fragile she is and how hard her life is before the boyband of her dream comes and rescues her, NEVER disappoints, not even in the year of our lord 2024
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at-thezenith · 1 year ago
i recommend @outpost51 @fleurtygurl @distortedsense @doubtingreality !
my dash is feeling empty, so please reblog/comment if you post about your writing! i want to follow more people and get more taglists to add myself to.
bonus points if you write scifi, horror, and/or are deep into worldbuilding!
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obito-in-disguise · 6 months ago
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| Bedtime fluff with the jjk men |
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Featuring: Satoru Gojo, Geto Suguru, and Nanami Kento.
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You sighed as you pushed through your front door, trudging your tired body across the foyer into the living room. Work was tough today and you wanted nothing more than to hop into bed right now, preferably with your cuddly boyfriend, Satoru.
“Evening baby, what took you so long?” he asks from his spot on the living room couch, his six eyes notifying him of your presence before you even stepped into the house.
“Work was shit today, plus the bus was 15 minutes late”
Satoru sighs, tugging you to sit on the couch before pulling you into his arms. You basically melt into his touch, his comforting warmth making the stress dissipate from your body like melting snow.
“You know, my offer to pick you up from work everyday still stands” Satoru hums as he rests his chin on the top of your head.
His statement causes you to scrunch up your face, “you already have a lot on your plate Toru, I wouldn’t want to burden you”
“nonsense! It would be fun, it’ll be like carpooling.” He explains animatedly, already excited about the idea. “oh and Suguru can come too!” “I’m pretty sure Suguru would rather die Satoru, but sure” you chuckle at his enthusiasm before patting his paintbrush like hair.
“Great! Let’s get you to bed then” He announces, scooping you up as he strides to the bedroom with his long limbs.
“Gosh Satoru! A little warning would be nice first” you playfully glare at him as you clutch his clothes for dear life, your heart beating out of your chest from the sudden action.
He merely laughs as he reaches the bedroom, setting you down and heading into his closet to find you something to wear to sleep.
You use the opportunity to freshen up in the bathroom, emerging a few minutes later wrapped in a fluffy towel.
“Thanks toru” you mumble as you change into the shirt he laid out for you, giggling when you catch him sneaking peeks at you as you change "Stop staring perv”
“hey! You can’t do that in front of me and expect me not to look” he scoffs as he grabs your arm and tugs you onto the bed, wrapping his long limbs around you like a snake.
You try to shove him away a little but eventually give up when he only tightens his hold in response.
“sleep princess, I’ll be here when you wake up” he whispers uncharacteristically softly, that was all the charge you needed to doze off into dreamland, Satoru following after you not long after.
“Just try it”
“please sugu!”
“no Y/N” he mocks your whiny tone as he chuckles, watching you hold out a face mask you’ve been begging him to try on with you for the past eight minutes.
“I thought you loved me” you scoff, folding your arms.
“you’re going to question my love for you over a face mask?”
“yes! Because if you truly loved me then you would do it”
He rolls his eyes before grabbing the face mask from you hands and examining it skeptically “fine but no pictures”
“aw but you look so cute in face masks” he scoffs and moves to drop the facemask back but you laugh and quickly grab his hands “ok ok deal”.
“how long do we have to keep it on” Suguru asks exasperatedly, his fingers prodding at the itchy mask as you two now sit on the bed tangled in each other’s limbs.
You swat at his fingers to prevent him from messing up the mask which earns you a warning glare. “Just a couple more hours” “WHAT”
“I’m only kidding Sugu, just thirty minutes more”
“like that’s any better” he mumbles throwing his head back onto the pillow dramatically.
A few minutes go by and while you’ve been mindlessly scrolling through your phone, Suguru has been tossing and turning dramatically, hoping to get your attention and make you feel bad for putting him in this predicament.
“Stop being such a baby suguru” you roll your eyes as you watch him turn childishly for the umpteenth time.
“wow that’s your response to your husband being in pain?”
“he’s not in pain” you dismiss him, dropping your phone and untangling yourself from him to head to the bathroom. He sits up and watches you curiously
“where are you going Y/N” “To get something to take your mind of the mask” your muffled voice replies as you emerge a few seconds with his hair oiling kit.
You sit on the bed once more, your back resting against the headboard “sit” you tell him gesturing to between your legs.
He grins as he happily obliges “now this is what I’m talking about” you chuckle at his insistent hate for the face mask as you watch him settle between your legs, his head resting against your torso and his palms gripping your thighs.
You begin oiling and massaging his scalp causing him to let out little hums and noises of satisfaction, not even minutes later the noises stop and his body grows slack.
You chuckle as you lean over his head to see him fast asleep, you wait a couple minutes more before pulling the facemask off his face and gently dislodging yourself to lie beside him.
You hold him in your arms as you reach over to turn the bedside lamp off, kissing his forehead as you bid him goodnight in an unheard whisper.
You lay sprawled out on Nanami’s body, your chin propped up on his chest as you observed him read his book which was his usual night time routine.
Occasionally, Kento would glance at you and reach his hand out to stroke your cheek softly, his little way of making sure you weren’t bored. He did this even though you assured him multiple times that his handsome face was more than enough to entertain you.
“Yes my love?”
“I just realized….” Kento raises his eyebrows as you trail off, dropping his book to give you his undivided attention.
“you realized what sweetheart?”
“I just realized you’re a blondie” you muse, your hands reaching up to feel his soft blonde hair.
He stares at you for a few seconds before shaking his head, laughing softly “that’s not a bad thing is it love?”
“absolutely not, its adorable”
he hums, his fingers reaching out to stroke your soft cheek again “well as long as you find it redeeming then I’m more than happy to be a ‘blondie’” You chuckle as your fingers begin to card through his hair in a rhythm now, stroking the soft locks that are usually pushed back during the day.
“we should get you pink hairclips to match the aesthetic”
“of course sweetheart, you can use my card”.
You huff out a laughter as you retract your hands from his hair, resting your cheek against his chest now as your exhaustion began to catch up on you. “that easily?”
kento pats your head before putting a bookmark in the page he was reading, deciding he was done for the night “there isn’t a lot I wouldn’t do for you my love” he whispers softly as he pulls you closer, his hands moving down to draw gentle patterns on your back.
Your eyes flutter open as you quickly respond sleepily “I would do a lot for you too ken”
He chuckles at your barely coherent sleep laced sentence, his hands moving to slip under your shirt to enable him skin to skin contact. You hum appreciatively as you fall more and more asleep, his hands always knowing exactly what to do to lull you to sleep.
He places a soft kiss in your hair before reaching over to turn off the light. “Goodnight sweetheart”.
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Am I the only one that loves reading fluff bedtime scenarios before I go to bed? Anyways, here is some jjk bedtime fluff while I write part two of my Itachi arranged marriage series. I will definitely do more scenarios in the future with more characters, the next one might be angst like an argument because I'm addicted to hurt to comfort, please send help.
Feel free to check out my other Jujutsu Kaisen fics and more stories!
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 2 years ago
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I find that the perfect writing playlist can GREATLY enhance the writing experience. Even if it doesn't make your writing "better" (which it can, since it helps writers with visualization, tone, and mood), it can definitely make your writing flow easier!
Personally, words distract me when I'm writing, either by breaking my train of thought or by getting me too into the music so that I'm jamming out to my favorite tunes instead of writing.
Therefore, I've amassed a vast knowledge of instrumental music across a variety of media over a course of many years. Now here I am, deciding to share all of them with you!
Maddy’s Favorite Instrumental Songs
Just like the title says. All of the best pieces of instrumental music I've ever heard, compiled together with no regard for genre. It can be a bit of a whiplash playlist, but some amazing recs in there that I just like listening to in my free time, not just for writing.
Maddy’s Ultimate Instrumental Playlist
A mega compilation of 550+ fantastic instrumental music from a variety of media and genres. Kind of a whiplash playlist if you put it on shuffle, but is a great start for anyone looking to find what kind of instrumental music they like! Playlist Groupings in Order: Independent instrumental songs, live action movies, animated movies, animated tv shows, live action tv shows, video games.
Maddy's Instrumental for Sleep
Some more chill vibe instrumental for people who either A) want to sleep or B) want a relaxed playlist that won't distract you with loud volume and sudden changes in tempo or melody.
you're a haggard adventurer discovering worlds beyond your wildest dreams
Music to inspire wonder and wanderlust, the kind of feeling you get when you finally reach the end of a mountain hike and see the world stretching out before you.
you're a hero who's just lost everything
Basically the most sad instrumental music I could find. A playlist for grief and revenge.
more beneath the cut :)
you're a cowboy in the great American West
Cowboy instrumental for all of your ambient and writing needs. Or if you just really want to feel like a cowboy.
you're a divine witness
Epic choir music (no English). Most religious, some not, but all kind of have that eerie sacred vibe. I listen to this while writing my book about angels and demons.
you’re a scholar uncovering the secrets of the universe
Great chill study playlist! Has the kind of same exploratory/discovery type feel as the haggard adventurer playlist, but more dark academia.
you’re a villain plotting to take over the world
Villain-coded instrumental! Sinister, dark, and/or unsettling.
you're an academic weapon
HIGH BPM STUDY PLAYLIST! Keeps me focused, hyped, and helps me work faster!
you're an ancient god
Playlist that gives an ancient/eerie vibe. But some ancient gods are merciful- so there are some upbeat songs for wonder and awe!
you're falling in love
Music that encapsulates what I think falling in love feels like. Very beautiful, tender, and uplifting instrumental.
you're fighting the final battle
Intense and epic battle music for all of your fight-scene-writing needs! Good for getting shit done, but isn't necessarily restricted to high BPM like the academic weapon playlist.
you're having a tea party
Refined instrumental for a tea party, including classical, big band, and some miscellaneous goodies.
you're in a chase scene
Music for writing chase scenes. Pretty good hype music, too. Includes soundtracks from classic chase scenes in popular media!
you're in the medieval times
Medieval-sounding music for all of your ambient and/or writing needs.
you’re in your childhood room. the door is open a crack. people talk softly downstairs.
A playlist dedicated to nostalgia, to the feeling of lying in bed with your nightlight on after being too tired to stay awake at your family get-together. Could either make your day or break your heart lmao
you're the happiest you've ever been
Lighthearted instrumental meant to lift your spirits! A playlist dedicated to the joys of the little things.
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goldenjetpack · 2 months ago
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i cant help it
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toribookworm22 · 9 months ago
Awww, thank you, Gem!! ❤️
I love being a radical weird queer writeblr on here.
@likegemstone is definitely one of the weirdest (affectionate) writers I know. Love you, Gem!
Some others not mentioned include: @thatndginger @akiwitch @creatrackers @risingshards @cljordan-imperium & @ashen-crest
I’m sick of being told that tumblr is dead and new artists/writers can’t thrive on here. This is the only website that has ever supported my work - work that is too queer, erotic, and genuinely subversive to survive the omnipresent corporate algorithm. The fact that there are people out there making posts and memes and fanart about my book blows my mind. 
(Staff has done everything in their power to run this website into the ground, so I don’t want to heap uncritical praise on them of course.)
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gwen-tolios · 2 months ago
Recommended January Reading
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A reminder that reading is political and powerful.
Pick up a book to learn, buy a book to support your community, and donate a book to the neighborhood (or suggest it for your bookclub) that might shift someone's opinion.
Books For Self-Education:
How Fascism Works by Jason Stanley
Autocracy, Inc by Anne Applebaum
Book by Indie Queer Authors
Transverse by Jamie Winters
Tears in the Water by Margherita Scialla
Written With Pride edited by Fable Tethras, Viveca Shearin, & Claudine Griggs
Or a gazillion other queer books
Books To Subtle Encourage Your Neighbors to Read
The Children of Men by PD James
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Firebreak by Nicole Korhner-Stace
Any others you can think of, but famous books or subtle books work best for this category I've noticed
Feel free to build the list!
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fashionteahouse · 3 months ago
ultimate master list vol. 3
started: 10/12/2024
updated: 03/21/2025
-hey beautiful people this is the new master list. i hit the 100 post link limit again haha. i will still put links of •master list vol 1 • and •master list vol 2 • so you can still enjoy the stories on there! I have decided to make this master list to make my page more easier to navigate and enjoy :) i take requests so feel free to drop whatever you want because i write everyday ! the wolfpack is my preference but i will write for any other twilight characters as well :> however, i won’t write about jacob black x renesmee and quil x claire xoxo (plagiarism of my writing is NOT allowed)
Twilight saga
esme cullen
emmett cullen
aro volturi
wolfpack imagines
paul lahote
death of me
it’s nice to have a friend pt 2
the knowing
sticky part 2
tennis court
or what
the knowing part 2
hold that heat
swept away
revolving door
jacob black
on earth
embry call
i was never there
losing is the new winning
sam uley
sour candy part 3
seth clearwater
save your tears
jared cameron
nothing yet !
leah clearwater
mirrored heart
i wouldn’t ask you
yeah i said it
runaway with me
quil ateara
nsfw abc hcs
vampire imagines
edward cullen
out of your league alternative version
out of your league alternative version part two
carisle cullen
vampire blurbs
cullen x sensitive reader hcs
cullen x reader who breaks up with them over text without reasoning
cullen x reader valentine’s day hcs
cullen x reader breakup prank hcs
wolfpack smut
paul lahote
crushed velvet
pink diamond
embry call
nsfw alphabet hcs
lipgloss part two
seth clearwater
blood and butter
poly paul and jared x reader
wolfpack series
out of your league part twenty three
out of your league part twenty four
out of your league part twenty five
out of your league part twenty six
out of your league part twenty seven
out of your league part twenty eight
wolfpack blurbs
blood on white satin
delete forever
sleeping on the floor
doves in the wind
can i call you tonight
vampire series
edward cullen
i wonder
i wonder part two
i wonder part three
i wonder part four
i wonder part five
i wonder part six
i wonder part seven
i wonder part eight
i wonder part nine
i wonder part ten
i wonder part eleven
i wonder part twelve
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writing-chats · 6 months ago
your playlist guide 101 (writers, readers, etc.)
note: credits go to (ofc) the original artists + compilers
emotional sad
last time together
waiting for the one who doesn't come
pov. heartbroken mermaid
slowly losing grip on reality
fight scenes
instrumental music for writing and fighting
you call it revenge, i call it returning a favour
all thrones come at a cost
a hogwarts comfort
you're studying with the dead poets society
and suddenly, we were strangers again
before sunrise
realising we're living in a dystopian reality
you built an empire on the streets of birmingham in the 1920s
a little more dark academia
fine, make me your villain (darkling)
pleasingly dancing for your hot enemy in a private room
it's 1998 and you're drifting through tokyo
among all the stars and infinite galaxies, how lucky am i to have met you
we're just used to this already (honkai star rail)
the playlist finds the cool kids
it's an old money summer at your house in europe
all my demons dance through the nighttime
office wave 1986
lost nostalgic
maybe in another life
what it feels like to be a memory
it's summer again, the days are blurring and the nights are sleepless
lost in space
you exist for a reason (dreamcore)
a dreamlike peace
quiet autumn days
the calm before the storm
time periods
"it was not your fault but mine" greek mythology playlist
1970s (marauders)
1990s (supermodel)
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moondust-bard · 6 days ago
I am currently very ill, so this will just be a list of my faves and friends. Here we go!
@saintedseraph @incandescent-creativity @isabellebissonrouthier @chayscribbles @italiangothicwriteblr @crowandmoonwriting @acertainmoshke @likegemstone @pinespittinink @ryns-ramblings @sleepyowlwrites @scribble-dee-vee @writeblrgarden @new-royston-cursebreakers
Right lads, who are your favourite writblrs? My dashboard is dead as hell (keeps following gaming content)
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travelingtwentysomething · 7 months ago
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Prompt: “Pick a god and pray” they said, and you did, praying to every god you knew. And as you did this a name popped into your mind, one you didn’t recognize, yet you prayed to them all the same. In response the air stood still, like even the world had forgotten their name.
Devotion Tastes So Sweet On Your Lips (AO3)
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It was another one of those nights- Steve was running through the dark trees, waking nightmare chasing him down.
He prayed his footing stayed true. He prayed that his breaths didn't falter. He prayed that the hungry darkness falling fast in his shadow didn't catch him.
He prayed to all the gods. Every deity he had ever learned of, all the new gods, and the old. He prayed until the sweat burning his eyes blinded him and he felt a root leap up in front of his foot.
He stumbled but did not fall.
But the sound of a snapping maw was closing around the dust he kicked up.
Suddenly, in his desperation, a name floated from the depths of his erratic heart to the tip of his bitten tongue.
"Eddie the Banished, of the Fallen Forest— Please- Please," Steve huffed, a force behind the name punched through his diaphragm and left him no air to plead with.
No sooner had the name fallen from Steve's lips, than the ground fell away beneath him- an embankment, steep and unforgiving in its angle. He rolled past tree trunks, slid over rough roots, and scraped jagged rocks loose for gravity to bring along for the ride.
His body hit the bottom and bounced.
Steve was dazed, his ears felt muffled as if he had landed underwater. He sat up so fast his vision swam, leaving trails of light where the stars shone down on him under the glare of the full moon.
He tried to stand, but his stomach protested- knees, shaken and unsteady, refused to hold his weight. He fell, once again on his back, trying to catch his bearings.
When his head cleared enough that the moon ceased it's dance in the sky above him, Steve sat up slowly, taking stock of his surroundings. He strained his ears to hear the snap of twigs or the slide of rocks down the slope he had just ridden as his pursuer followed him into the gorge.
It was silent as a ghost.
Steve pressed his palms to his ears and felt no blood, squeezing to try and pressure shock them into working.
He listened again—
Not even a whisper of wind in the trees.
Steve picked up a twig from the soft bed of moss that had saved his limbs from the worst of the abrupt impact and snapped it between his fingers- the sound sharp enough to startle him.
His ears worked just fine, it seemed- it was the forest that was broken.
As Steve got one knee under him, prepared to make another attempt to stand- a shadow fell over him.
Steve kept his head lowered, subdued under the charge in the air- the unmistakable aura of predator.
He slowly raised his eyes, and only his eyes.
There, standing tall above him, was a Wild God.
"It has been... So long-" The voice was grinding stones carried on the wind, "I'd forgotten what it sounded like." The Wild God lowered his body into a facsimile of a bow. A hand that shadows cling to like smoke, finger tips black as the night and ephemeral, ghosted under his chin, raising Steve's eyes to meet the darkness shining in the Wild God's own. "My name on some desperate tongue."
Steve was struck with a lightning heat deep inside his belly that rose like a plume of ashes from the mouth of a volcano, his face burning under the gaze of the most beautiful and terrifying wonder he had ever witnessed.
"Say it again." The Wild God demanded, voice deep enough to shake the ground Steve knelt on.
"Eddie the Banished, of the Fallen Forest." Steve moaned, unabashed.
Eddie's eyes rolled and the whites flickered behind shivering lashes as he savored the taste of devotion.
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augustyearroundprod · 4 months ago
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To some people, Louise is too much. She feels too much. She thinks too much. She loves too much. And when her heart is broken, she will do way too much to get back the man who left her.
Written By: Katie Rose Rogers
Narrated By: Katie McGrath
The dream team has done it again! @katierosietoesrogers and Katie McGrath always come together to create such beautiful works of art, and we’re beyond lucky to have them in the (Un)Likeminded family! I continue to be blown away by everything Katie Rogers writes— truly don’t know how so much talent can live in one human. And Katie McGrath’s voice is so soothing and powerful, bringing it all to life in such an incredible way! I’m so excited for you all to listen!! Links in comments!
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noahhawthorneauthor · 4 months ago
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A collection of books with trans leads or trans authors, I've read most of these but the rest are ones I want to read. Do you have any favorites here?
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obito-in-disguise · 6 months ago
| Arranged marriage! Itachi x Reader |
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Itachi must choose between massacring his clan or marrying the hokage's granddaughter.
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“Itachi, you’re not here to report this conflict is miraculously over I suppose?” Hiruzen rasps out, noticing the slightly vacant expression on Itachi’s face before taking another puff of his pipe. To make himself feel better, Itachi often assumed the substance in Hiruzen’s pipe was crack.
“There was nothing I could do about it, the elders have decided to overthrow the village… tomorrow night”
The room went silent for a solid minute, the atmosphere as thick as a fog. Hiruzen sighs glancing at Itachi’s kneeling form before him, his shoulder’s slumped and his fists clenched.
“Stand up Itachi, we knew this was coming...I suppose you know what you have to do now” Itachi gets up, his head still down, teeth clenched and his shoulders shaking in panic. Why did it have to end up this way? Why did he have to be the one to take care of it? What was going to happen to Sasuke?
Hiruzen glances over Itachi’s distraught form with pity, he knew it was incredibly unfair and selfish to ask the boy to dispose of his clan for the sake of the village. Nevertheless, Hiruzen had a duty to protect the village’s interests above anything else. His mind drifts as he smokes his pipe, there was another way out of this he had though of but it was a gamble, he personally hoped it wouldn’t have to come up.
“Itachi, it saddens me to have to ask this of you, you are like a son to me” he turns around and sits on the window sill “so I offer you two choices today, dispose of the Uchiha or...marry my granddaughter”
Hiruzen lets out another puff, giving Itachi time to process his words. “Marry your granddaughter” Itachi repeats almost dumbfounded.
“A union between you and one of my own will force a personal stake for both the Uchiha and the village to maintain peace”
“...and how would you guarantee I just don't dispose of her” Itachi’s cold voice rings out, Hiruzen glances at him. It’s a plausible question, Hiruzen can’t argue with that. “then you would give me the reason I need to forge ahead with the execution of the Uchiha clan for good” He replies just as cold, the old man was far from stupid, he knew Itachi couldn’t feel all rainbows and sunshines towards him considering what he had put the boy through, but he had to remind Itachi of his place.
“Our new familial bond will enable me to advocate more for your clan’s interest without protest from the village, It is exactly what we need to show your clan that they will always have a stake in this village”
“You have until tomorrow morning Itachi. The fate of the village is in your hands”
So here he was in the living room of his new marital home, gifted to him by Hiruzen, getting ready to meet his new...wife, the mission paperwork in his hands long forgotten.
Of course it had come to this, if this was what it was going to take to maintain peace and save his clan, Itachi was going to do it. His thoughts raced as he sat on the living room couch, he had no intention of cozying up to this stranger who was probably going to be a spy, after all that was exactly what Hiruzen made him do. He planned to get another apartment far from here, where he would use the excuse of missions to be as far away from her and the marriage as possible.
Knock knock.
Itachi stiffens, she was here. Despite his completely calm expression, he felt his stomach twisting. His life would never be the same after this, he wondered what she would be like and desperately hoped she planned to keep her distance like he did. He walked over to the door slowly, each step felt like torture, he wished this was all a dream and that he would suddenly wake up. His pale hand reached for the door handle and slowly twisted it open.
A girl stood before him, she was noticeably shorter and seemed to be nervous, her gaze was fixated on something distant as she chewed her lip while twirling a strand off her hair absentmindedly. "Hello” he greeted, making her nearly jump out of her skin. Very absentminded, he noted with a slightly disapproving look. Nevertheless, he pushes his displeasure away and holds out his hand politely, “you must be Y/N Sarutobi, pleasure to meet you”
She shakes his hand clumsily, still rattled from earlier “The pleasure is mine Itachi-san.” He gives her a once over before silently side stepping her, her eyes follow him in confusion as he grabs her luggage in the hallway, lugging it in. “oh! Thank you Itachi-san, you didn’t have to” “Just Itachi is fine” he responds without looking back at her before dragging the luggage into their shared room. The thought of sharing a room makes him cringe but once again, he pushes the thoughts aside. He’s doing the sake of those he loves, he repeats.
She stands in the living room fidgeting. He seems cold, she muses taking in the living room. It was small and quaint, the perfect starting house for a new couple. She considers taking a tour round the house but freezes once Itachi re-enters the room.
He sits at the table, resuming his mission paperwork not even sparing her a glance. Really? She thinks as she awkwardly stands in the middle of the living room, was he just going to pretend like she wasn’t here? She sighs, walking forward tentatively and taking a sit at the table opposite from him.
Her eyes travelled over his features, he was very…pretty. His long lashes framed his obsidian eyes as he read, the stress lines that travelled along his face surprisingly added to his charm. Her eyes continue to scan him, taking in his dark hair tucked away into a low ponytail before moving back over to his eyes.
She gasps when her gaze meets his own, his expression unrevealing and his mouth set in a straight line. “Nice hair” she awkwardly tries to explain why she’s staring at him, cringing as soon as the words leave her mouth. Itachi keeps looking at her for a few seconds before going back to his paperwork.
“Intelligence department…” He gives her a once over, clearly not convinced, his eyes going back to his paperwork “Did your grandfather introduce you?” He asks almost innocently but she could feel the venom behind his words, her smile quickly drops from her face. She was used to the nepotism accusations, her grandfather being the Hokage and all but it hurt to hear it from him she didn’t even know why, they had only known each other for a couple of minutes. Her anger only grew the more she stared at him. She decides to confront him on his behaviour, someone needed to put him in his place.
She nearly groans in embarrassment before shifting awkwardly in her seat, why was he making this so hard? “I’ve heard a lot about you Itachi, your reputation precedes you” she tries again.
“Is that so?” he replies not even looking up “yes” she chuckles “you’re quite the superstar at my workplace.” He finally glances up “and where is that?” his interest piqued. “I work at the villages intelligence department, in the hokage’s tower” she responds, happy he’s finally being responsive.
“Why’re you being so rude? I’m just trying to make this w-“ “perhaps I should remind you of what 'this' is” he interrupts her sharply, dropping the paperwork abruptly “this, is nothing more than an arrangement, it is not a fairy tale, it is not a love story. Sorry to inform you but there will be no warm discussions or pleasantries exchanged here” he finishes, nearly gritting his teeth.
She stares at him in shock before retorting. Politeness be damned, she tried to make this work. “Remember that reputation I told you about? It was about you being an asshole! and boy were they right” she scowls, struggling to keep her need to say more incheck. Itachi doesn't take to kindly to her remarks, a cold expression washing over his face before he closes his eyes. When he opens them again his usual obsidian colour swirls into the pattern of the sharingan “I couldn't care less what you think about me but…I would be more than glad to confirm that reputation right now” he states menacingly, standing from his chair.
A scuttling noise rings out from the hallway, causing her to glance in the direction of it, her heart rate picking up. Her old co-worker emerges from the shadow of the hallway, his form contorted as he speaks.
She gasps standing up as well, scrambling back at the sight of his sharingan. Perhaps she should’ve watched her mouth, she was no shinobi after all, she was a mere civilian.
Itachi walks toward her frightened form as she slowly backs away, her eyes wide with fear. She walks backward until her back hits the wall, swallowing as she stares at the angry uchiha in front of her. Itachi may be cold but he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her...right?
“you’re so used to always getting want you want” another co-worker emerges still disfigured “your job, your house, your marriage” “everything was handed to you on a silver platter so you should just know your place!” another disfigured co-worker appears yelling at her with a mangled voice, it was like they were repeating all her insecurities straight from her head.
She screams in terror as she looks to Itachi, half in bewilderment and half for help. Itachi stands in his previous spot unmoving, continuing to stare her down. The pieces of the puzzle comes together as it dawns upon her that she is caught in one of Itachi’s gentjutsu. Her breaths come in shallow gasps.
“I’m sorry Itachi, please stop this” she cries clutching her head as the taunting voices get louder “you should just disappear!” “go away! Run back to grandpa” the voices yell at her. She sobd sliding down unto floor, covering her ears as the voices become painfully louder “stop it Itachi!” she yells over the voices through her tears.
He finally snaps out of his hateful daze, releasing the gentjustsu. His eyes fall on her sobbing form slumped on the floor. She glares up at him through her tear-filled vision “you’re a jerk” and with that she races toward their shared bedroom, slamming the door.
Itachi sighs as he sits back on the couch, deactivating the sharingan. He rubs his face with his hands, glancing in the direction of the bedroom door where her muffled cries were coming from. He sighs again, perhaps he took it too far, he only wanted to scare her into not trying to be friendly with him but ended up torturing her.
He gets up slowly and walks towards the bedroom, determined to apologize to her. He was angry, angry at the situation, angry at Hiruzen, angry at his clan but he didn’t need to lump her in. He was going to try to make things right.
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I wanted to make Itachi as canon as possible. I may make a part two but this time, there'll be lots of fluff and Itachi won't be as mean lol.
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