#wow that last sentence came out of nowhere
the-whispers-of-death · 7 months
stone sparring against reader ?
Stone is cautious when sparring with you, as he is with everyone. He's a big boy as previously stated numerous times, he can do damage.
But he won't do you the disservice by throwing the sparring match. He wouldn't ever fathom throwing a match. Sparring is to test each other's skills, throwing the match wouldn't do much and would actually hinder improvement.
Unlike how he would spar with Ghost, where he'd dodge and weave. With you, Stone would use his brute strength to his advantage. He's sending blow after blow to you, testing how you'd evade and counteract his punches and kicks. He'll find your weaknesses quickly, using some of that quick processing speed in his brain that allows him to understand what an injured soldier needs in the midst of combat.
Of course, Stone won't always win. Just like how it is with Ghost, it depends on the time of day. You'll have a much easier time getting Stone onto his knees to tackle him and pin him when it's later in the day, since he's been in the base hospital for a long period of time.
But of course, unless you're taller than him (6'9"+) than you might not be able to keep him pinned. Again, it can happen if it's later in the day and you tired him out. But if you manage to get him down onto the sparring mat when he still has stamina left? You're most likely not getting him to yield in your pin. He's twisting out of it the moment an opportunity strikes.
Regardless of who wins the match, Stone is proud of you. He has heard by several people that he's very intimidating physicality wise and so he often doesn't get asked to spar, mostly it's Price telling another soldier to spar with Stone. But you initiated the request, you took on the challenge. And if you won the spar, he's even more proud of you.
It's hot when you manage to pin him down and make him yield.
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ushijimaschubbs · 4 months
"are you really sure you'll pass this test?", samu stared at you waiting for you to answer while you were chewing on your pen instead of solving the equation right in front of you.
"listen, I'm trying. it's hard. i understand the concept I just have no motivation to keep going on its boring and annoying and I just wanna get it over with!" you replied before resting your head on samu's study table. samu knew you were trying, you're good at almost all subjects, even basic mathematics is fine but statistics is something that even he struggled with but if you end up failing this exam you'll be done for and you'll be held back this semester. which is why he decided to tutor you over the weekend after he saw you sobbing in your dorm. he's been friends with you for a pretty long time but he's never seen you cry over academics. you're not the brightest student yet you end up getting good enough marks everytime.
"fine then let's make a deal. if you end up finishing this module by tonight I'll make your favourite dish tonight and I'll also pack it up for you so you can have it later" he said as he pulled your chair closer to his. you were real close to his face this time. samu smelled like heaven, he was a guy very particular about his hygiene which he learned a hard way when he got rejected last time because a girl said he smelled like rotten meat. since then everytime you've been next to him he's smelled like a garden and it's gotten you a bit horny you won't lie. you held back a smile when samu had pulled you towards himself you were still very close to his face and lost in thoughts when he poked your forehead so that you pay attention.
"sounds tempting I'll give it a try ONLY if you promise to also make my favourite dessert", you replied as you shifted a bit back, resting your head on samu's gaming chair. he gave you that to sit on so that you study comfortably.
"done. I'll go prepare the food and you finish the rest of the sums. and remember if it's not done then no favourite food tonight", he smiled and gave you a kiss on top of your head as he left.
Osamu Miya was a huge guy and everyone knew that. Before you had become friends with him he was actually your party crush as in everytime you were attending a party on campus he was the one you looked for since he was always there at some or the other party. He is tall, broad, had an athlete's built and you had just gotten out of a relationship so hooking up with him seemed like the only idea you had in mind that was until you came to know he has a girlfriend. You did end up becoming friends with samu tho but maybe that little crush you had on him never fully left and you were always reminded of that while you were around him.
after an hour samu entered the room to check up on you but he couldn't find you in the room so he started calling out your name throughout the house. he was relieved when you told him you're in the bathroom taking a quick shower as you felt really sleepy and maybe cold water would help with that. while you were showering your clothes that were hanging on the hook fell directly into the tub, your literally only pair of clean clothes that you had here. you called out samu's name and asked him to bring you any clothes he could find. now you're a not skinny, nowhere near skinny but osamu was huge enough for his clothes to fit you so the tshirt wasn't an issue at all. it was the shorts that wouldn't go up your hips. you gave up after a while and decided to spend the rest of the time there in your panties and his oversized tshirt.
"hey look i finished cooki-" samu looked you up and down, his eyes huge as if they were gonna pop out of the sockets anytime soon now. "wow uhh wow uhhh" he was trying to find words but he couldn't.
"will you finish the sentence lol" you smirked as you took the plate from him and headed towards the room. "come inside we have to finish the syllabus remember?"
samu followed you trying his very best to keep his eyes up but he couldn't help but take a sneak every few seconds at your plush thighs.
"i finished half of it I'll do the rest later" you said while you were eating, focused on your food completely unaware that samu was now fully hard and trying to keep that hidden from you by covering it up with a pillow. with every passing second it just kept getting worse for him, he was struggling pushing the pillow down but it kept popping up. you were immersed in the amazing food though so you hardly noticed.
"samu this is so good this is like a a lot better than the last time you made it did you change something in the recipe?", you just finished munching and looked up to see samu's face red and a pillow between his legs. "are you okay? do you have a fever samu?", you asked him, interfering his wild train of thoughts. samu never said it out loud but he had started liking you the day y'all became friends. your cute smile, your loud laughs, your pretty hair, your gorgeous eyes had all turned him crazy for you. he couldn't help but go on and on and on about it to tsumu everytime he came home after meeting you. this is also why he had wanted to tutor you as he thought you'd spend a lot more time together.
"oh yeah dw I'm fine", too distracted by you samu removed his hand from the pillow which sprung up and fell down, your jaw was on the floor now you had never gasped this way ever in your life.
"samu what"
"listen oh fuck", he stood up and ran towards the washroom. you followed him immediately,he was locked inside. you knocked on the door and called out his name but he just wouldn't budge.
"FINE I'LL THROW THE FOOD AND FAIL TOMORROW'S EXAM", you shouted hoping he'd come out now. it worked, he was out in a sec.
"why are you hard as a cactus samu"
"uhh idk morning wood ig"
"samu it's 4pm. what morning wood......"
"fine it's you. it's your gorgeous thighs and the fact that you're wearing my oversized tshirt and also i guess you're not wearing a bra", he said mumbling the last few words.
"do you like me or is it just because you're seeing me like this and I'm just any girl"
"well yeah I've liked you for a while"
samu was red, he was embarrassed and ashamed and a million thoughts were running in his mind. now that he had told you that he likes you would you not talk to him, how would you react etc etc but you did something he didn't expect. you tiptoed, put your arms around his neck and kissed him. he was surprised for a second but then he held your waist and kissed you back. his hands wandering around your waist, sliding down to your ass groping you. then he slid his hand up your shirt to grab your boobs. you could feel his cock throbbing against you. he picked you up and took you inside his room and gently placed you on the bed, kissing your neck and caressing your thighs. you flipped him over.
"let me take care of you samu" you said before you got on your knees at the end of the bed and pulled his shorts down revealing his big throbbing cock leaking precum. you'd never had someone as big as him before. you swirled your tounge around his tip as you pumped his shaft.
"fuck y/n please you're driving me crazy", he said as he threw his head back.
you continued to stroke his cock with your hands while sucking on his balls as he grunted in pleasure, stiffling a moan but a quick lick against his shaft made him moan loud enough. samu was desperate to cum and he was already close as he had fantasized about this day for years now and now he's finally had it, his long throbbing length deep inside your mouth with your plump lips around them. you started opening your tshirt and watched samu gape at your tits and even before he could register it you put his cock in between your tits pumping him up and down while you licked his red plump tip occasionally. samu couldn't hold it in any longer and released his thick cum in spurts all over your face. he sat back trying to catch his breath while you got up and snuggled beside him.
"i like you too you know"
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ourloveisforthelovely · 7 months
Bad Ideas (Part 16)
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating : M
Link to Part 15
“I know you hate me but you better go check on your wife. She looks as freaked out as you are.”
Regulus ran a hand through his hair.
“I mean, yeah, neither one of us was expecting this. We talked about kids but there wasn’t any timeline on it. You’re right. I do need to talk to her. Do me a favor and keep that trap that you call a mouth shut.”
Sirius dramatically put a hand on his chest.
“Me? Trap? How rude.”
Regulus shook his head and started for the steps.
“Sirius, it's me. I have known you longer than anyone else in my life. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius frowned as Remus walked in.
“Moony, am I a big mouth?”
Remus looked up from the mail that he was reading. He obviously hadn’t heard anything that was going on. The fact that he wasn’t laid out on the floor told Regulus that Remus didn’t hear the whole “baby” conversation.
“Yes, Sirius. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius looked offended as Regulus turned to leave the room. He stopped before turning back to his brother and making the motion to “keep his mouth shut.”
Sirius blinked after him while Remus raised an eyebrow.
“I mean it, Sirius.”
Regulus commented before leaving the room. Remus, meanwhile, turned back to his boyfriend.
“Do I want to know? Is it really that good?”
Sirius just stared at him blankly before faking a laugh.
“Well…yes…but I can’t tell you…don’t make me.”
Remus was silent a moment before speaking in his normally calm reserved tone.
“Does it affect me?”
Sirius looked thoughtful. Would he be able to keep his mouth shut? This bit of information was too good not to share with someone. Even if Regulus did threaten to slit his throat. Given Regulus’ current mood, Sirius could see that happening too.
This is why Regulus is always mad at me!
Sirius thought before groaning.
“Yes, but I can’t tell you. Don’t make me.”
“You lied. Now tell me.”
Remus replied. If something was going on with you, he needed to know. You were the closest thing that he would ever have to a daughter and if something was wrong Remus wanted to fix it.
“I can’t, Remus. Stop.”
“Sirius, you know that I won’t say anything.”
Remus added.
“Okay, Y/n is pregnant with twins.”
As soon as Sirius uttered that sentence, he looked around as if waiting for Regulus to appear out of nowhere to kick his ass. Remus, meanwhile, stood quietly himself.
“Did you say what I thought you said?”
Sirius nodded wildly.
“Sure did. Look, Y/n seems nervous about it and Regulus…well, you know him. Please don’t say anything or they will never talk to me again.”
Remus held a hand up.
“I won’t say anything. Wow, I was not expecting that news. It isn’t a bad thing. I only expected Y/n to not rush into…”
“I guess my brother isn’t as good at pulling out as he thought.”
Sirius added with a smirk. Remus gave him a frown.
“I did not want to think about that. Thank you. I suggest not making that joke to James when he finds out.”
Sirius’ mouth dropped even more. He did not even think about James! His best friend was about to have his already complicated life rattled even more. Sirius knew that James was having a hard enough time coming back to life to find his children adults. The last thing James knew he had twin one-year-olds. Now here he sat with twin adults who were busy with lives of their own.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?”
Sirius questioned. Remus sat down and scratched his head.
“My suggestion is to not look at him like you are looking at me. You look like you are in pain and guilty about something. Dead giveaway, mate.”
Before Sirius could say anything else, James came into the room. He noticed Sirius’ guilty expression while Remus was just busy being Remus.
“So…what’s going on?”
James questioned. Sirius made a few random squeaking noises before taking off out of the room.
“What’s with him?”
James questioned, looking after his best friend. Remus looked up from his book.
“No idea.”
Regulus walked into the bedroom where you sat on the bed with wide eyes. He closed the door behind you before coming to join you on the bed.
“So, this is really happening?”
You groaned.
“Looks like it.”
Regulus was quiet for a moment before taking a breath. He wasn’t sure how you were so calm. Regulus was ready to start pacing the room while having the biggest panic attack known to man.
“Am I a big jerk because I’m about to panic?”
You shook your head.
“No, because I’m about to panic too. Regulus we are in trouble. We aren’t just having one baby like most normal people…no, we go for the gold and have two.”
“Sirius said that we had to make a litter. I nearly punched him in his face.”
You turned to your husband and blinked a few times.
“And you didn’t? I admire your self-control. What are we going to do? We haven’t even talked about kids?”
Regulus was quiet again for a moment before taking your hand in his.
“We’ll figure it out. We aren’t having to worry about that stupid Voldemort situation anymore. Lucky for us, you are a healer and will know when the kids are sick. I’m sure they make some kind of book that I can read on what to expect. I do hope there is no pictures of the whole being born part…please don’t make me look when it comes time for that.”
You giggled at the sheer panic in Regulus’ voice.
“There are plenty of books and no, I won’t make you look. I actually prefer that you don’t. I would like to preserve what good memories you have of that part of my anatomy. It’s going to be a lot of work, love. We will have the kids and be working through your furry little problem now and haven’t gotten that mastered yet. I’m afraid adding twins into the mix may be extremely difficult.”
Regulus groaned and laid back on the bed. For once, he wasn’t hyper-fixating on his newest condition. His worry instead was on you.
“Fuck. It will be fine. If Remus can function then so can I. Neither of us has been really healthy lately.”
He grumbled as you turned to look at him.
“That’s how I didn’t realize that I was pregnant. Neither of us have been sleeping normally. I have been eating a ton of shit food. We have both been stressed and that causes issues with a woman’s cycle.”
Regulus stared at the ceiling for a moment. He absolutely hated the realization of what he was putting you and the babies to be through. None of you deserved going through all of this hell right along with him.
“Whatever you are thinking, stop.”
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. You had turned to look at him sadly.
“It's kind of hard not to. You shouldn’t have to be dealing…”
“It's just the way things are. I love you and I don’t care what you are.”
Regulus reached out and pulled your body down against his.
“You are one in a million, sweetheart. Look, I know you’re nervous and I’m about to freak the fuck out but it will be fine. We will figure this out. I think my worry is what if I end up being like my father?”
Your eyes rolled up to Regulus’ face. His grey eyes were focused on the ceiling. While you had never met Orion Black, you wanted nothing more than to kick the man in the ass. There was nothing good that you could say about him.
He never treated Regulus right.
You frowned at the thought. While Orion never really treated Sirius right either, Regulus had it worse. Regulus was the second son. He was the son that Orion didn’t exactly want. Orion wanted a daughter for the second child. When Regulus came along, Orion really had no use for him until Sirius said a big “Fuck you” to the Black family and peaced out.
Thinking of your in-laws was enough to make you want to bring them back from the dead, kick their asses, then put them back in the ground. It was their own stupid fault that they didn’t see how wonderful Regulus truly was. They didn’t see him for anything other than being an heir. They didn’t see how much he truly strived to please them.
“It's their loss.”
You thought before stroking your finger over Regulus’ perfect jawline.
“You will never be your father. The fact that you are even worrying about it tells me that you won’t be like him. Too bad they can’t come back. I would sure love to kick both of their asses.”
Regulus immediately shook his head.
“As tempting and as entertaining as that sounds, I don’t want my pregnant wife kicking my horrible parent’s asses. Granted, it would be fun to see but they know a lot of dark magic.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I know a lot too. I’ve gone up against Voldemort. Walburga and Orion Black would be a day in the park.”
Regulus was quiet a moment.
“Okay, fair. Good god woman, you are cocky.”
“That's why you love me.”
You replied before laying your head back on Regulus’ chest to simply enjoy the silence. What you didn’t see was the dark frown coming back to Regulus’ face. He wanted to make damn sure that you didn’t see his brooding.
Was he happy that you were pregnant? Maybe? Possibly? Regulus was positive his feelings would change after the first healer appointment but for now, he was wrecked. Regulus never planned on having children. At 18, he was too focused on being a death eater and living up to his crazy family’s expectations.
Isn’t this nice? They get what they want after all.
The dark thought made Regulus frown. He remembered telling his mother years ago that he wanted nothing to do with children or a family when Walburga went on a rant about preserving the Black family name/legacy. Walburga had laughed at his response. She assumed that her son was just being an angsty teenager. After all, that was what Regulus was. He was the angsty quiet teenager while Sirius was the one spreading the “eternal joy” of his presence around.
Regulus tried to keep repeating your words in his head. Orion probably cared less when Walburga was pregnant. He probably responded with an “okay” when she told him the news. Orion probably didn’t feel the panic that Regulus was feeling. He probably didn’t worry about how his children would turn out or if he would be a good father. Instead, Orion’s thoughts were…
“She’s pregnant. I did my job.”
Regulus couldn’t exactly understand that line of thinking. Even though he wasn’t excited about what was about to happen to the two of you, he wasn’t dreading it either. Regulus didn’t see it as some sense of duty.
Once I calm down, this will be just fine. I’m sure I will be happy about it.”
Regulus took a breath as you wrapped your arms a bit more tightly around him.
“We might as well tell everyone. You know, get it over with.”
You commented before sitting up and stretching. Regulus moved to stand up and fix his now disheveled hair.
“Sirius took it well…I guess. I threatened to slit his throat if he said anything else to anyone. How did Harry and Ron take it?”
You chuckled.
“We were all on the shocked side. No one was really upset, only shocked. If they were upset, I would tell them to shove it as they are having kids too.”
“Yeah, we were all having sex at the same time. That is an uncomfortable thought. I wish I didn’t think of that.”
Regulus muttered, looking grossed out. You laughed and wrapped your hand through his.
“Well, you can go ruin my father’s day and tell him. That will bring you some joy.”
Regulus immediately looked thrilled by the aspect of totally shutting James Potter up.
“What are we waiting for?”
Walking downstairs, it took all of the control that you had to not laugh at the thrilled expression on Regulus’ face. Everyone sat in the kitchen when the two of you walked in. Your attention instantly went to Sirius who was drinking water to keep himself quiet. Raising an eyebrow, you knew exactly what your god father was up to. He was trying to keep his big mouth shut.
“Love, you need to check him out. I am concerned that he has some kind of disease or something. This is his 13th glass of water in less than an hour.”
James said while giving his best friend a confused glance. Lily meanwhile, stood up with a smile.
“Did you hear Harry’s good news?”
You pressed your lips together.
“I was the one that took the pictures so, yes. How does it feel knowing that you are going to be a grandma?”
Lily blinked a few times.
“I didn’t expect it at my age but here we are.”
You moved to get a drink of water before shooting Regulus a smirk.
“Ginny isn’t the only one having a baby, you know.”
James decided to join the conversation.
“Hermione is too.”
“She also isn’t the only one having a baby.”
James and Lily looked at each other clearly confused.
“Who else is there?”
James questioned. Remus put a hand on his face as if muttering “Merlin help me.”
“Me. I’m having twins.”
It took all that you had to not choke with laughter at the stunned expression on your parent's faces. Sirius took a deep breath.
“Thank Merlin! I mean…that you told them. Twins are nice too. I’m going to stop talking. You two can carry on.”
James and Lily kept looking between Regulus and yourself unable to get words out. Ginny perked up from her seat.
“I took the picture!”
James blinked rapidly clearly taking the information in while Lily smiled.
“What a surprise! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Twins? I love twins… obviously, because Harry and yourself are twins…how exciting!”
James turned to Regulus who was smirking.
“Are you two fucking with me? You both are good at that.”
Regulus looked up from the whiskey that he was sipping.
“We were all apparently having sex at the same time. Surprise, grandpa.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @fific7 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @dumbbunnys-safes @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @readtomeregulus @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @summer-novak @rogue-nyx88 @shaylybaby2032 @coffeeaddictednymph @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ad-astra-again @regulusblackswhorecrux
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Down On My Knees, Part 1
Summary: It wasn’t your fault. That’s what your mother told you. But you were still cast aside like common trash. No longer eligible for the crown that you were raised to wear. All because of the baby growing in your belly. But it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t ask for it. The only one that understood was father Jackson. He understands more than you could ever know. And he was going to cleanse you and your name of the sins that you didn’t commit. It’s now their duty to give your life purpose again.
Pairings: Priest!Jax Teller X Reader
Rating: mature/explicit
Warnings:  dark!fic, language, mentions of non con, unwanted pregnancy, family abandonment, sin, unknown entities, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.8K
Series Masterlist
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The driver of the carriage extends his hand out to you, helping you into the cab, but you turn back to look at your home. No, you had been cast out. You press your hand against your stomach as your mother’s silhouette darkens a window. Seeing where your hand rests, she walks away. You can feel her disdain for your predicament. Didn’t even have the courage to tell you goodbye. You had shamed her and the family.
Your throat starts to close up as you take a haggard breath. This was it. The crown was never going to be yours anyways, but now you were losing everything. In an instant.
“Into the cab, miss,” your eyes roll up to meet a nameless driver. You never even bothered to get to know them. They were just always there, and it wasn’t your duty to know. But they always referred to you as princess. Not anymore. Now it was Miss, like a commoner.
“Go on. Do you know where I’m taking you?” You shake your head no. You didn’t bother to know anyone outside the palace. You didn’t have to. What a charmed life you lived, until one night when you had lost your chaperone. It’s all it took, and you had brought shame on your entire family. They never even worried about the shame that you felt. Or the pain. The humiliation. The fear of men.
You felt him all over your body still. He is growing in your belly, and it makes you sick to think about all that he stole. Everything. Your family was turning you out. You were an unwed and used pregnant woman with nowhere to go.
“Miss, we must go. The Queen left you a pretty handsome purse. It should get you through the year,” you scoff, hopping into the carriage. Wow. A full year. Not to mention what would happen once the baby came. She could have hidden you away, or even raised the baby as her own, but instead she was leaving you to the streets.
Spoiled with no life experience. Everything was always done for you. You wouldn’t allow your tears to fall. Would not give any of them the satisfaction that you were broken all the way around. “Miss? Where to?”
“Where do the whores go?” He turns to look back at you confused. Clearly your mother had kept things more secret than you expected. But you wanted her to hurt. You want her to feel as dirty as you did. “That’s right. I have a bastard in my belly because someone…they,” you swallow deeply, unable to finish the sentence.
“I’m sorry, miss. Where to?”
“Could you not just call me princess one last time? I have nowhere to go, and a baby in my womb, and you…please. One last time.”
He has but a moment of pity. You were an adult with the mind of a baby. The royal family had many secrets, but their youngest daughter being knocked up and shunned from the family isn’t what he was expecting. You reminded him of his own daughter, and it hurts him deep inside.
“The church,” your eyes cast back up at him. Why would the church want you? You were nothing more than a used whore. “They take in girls. Father Jackson I’m sure could give you a warm bed. You’ll be expected to work. But it’s warm, and dry, and your baby can be dealt with.”
You furrow your brows, looking at him confused. Unsure what he was suggesting. The world outside the carriage starting to match the storm that was brewing inside of you. The anger and hate boiling into the fibers of your being. Starting to overtake the naivety you had grown accustomed to.
“Father Jackson knows families that would adopt a baby. Or…find you a husband that can look past…”
“What he stole from me?” Your driver stares out into the rain, knowing how unfair your predicament was, but had no way of fixing it himself. All these people in the kingdom were self righteous, unforgiving, and all of them hypocrites.
“I didn’t ask for this. And because of him, I lost everything. I had dukes and lords coming soon to ask for my hand in marriage, and now I’m a nobody.”
“You were never nobody, princess,” he pulls up to the creepy church, one you had known too well. Staring off at the alley in front of it as lightning lights it up, and you feel his hands on you. Could still smell the scent of stale cigarettes and peppermint oil. His breath on your neck, and his seed in your belly.
“Ma’am?” The driver screams, holding up a hand for you. “Wait in the church. I’ll get your things, and fetch Father Jackson,” gathering up your skirts, you run into the church as you were asked.
Slowly spinning around in the chapel before walking over to the confessional booth. Looking back at the altar, lightning creates gruesome shadows everywhere. The ornate crucifixes mocked and cursed you for stepping in here, and like a child, you run into the booth. Hiding from all the judging faces as you wait for further instructions.
Your driver stomps up to the father’s door, giving it a little knock before the door is slung wide open, “What do you want?” His icy blue eyes cast behind the driver before looking upon him.
“You look like death.”
“I can’t sleep. It’s late,” Father Jackson twists his neck at an awkward angle, and stares at nothing. Deep purple tints the skin under his eyes, and the driver wonders just how many nights the Father hadn’t slept.
“I had to get The Queen’s youngest daughter out while no one was awkke,” the Father’s eyes look back behind the driver, giving a nod to an unknown entity before he opens his door wide. “She’s with child.”
“She’s not married,” Jackson says with no emotion. He had seen you numerous times here. You stood out in the sea of people. An odd glow seemed to always surround your body. Flashes of you in his mind distracted him immensely.
“It appears that she was raped,” the Father motions the sign of the cross, whispering an odd little prayer before he looks back at the driver. “Judging by her panic attack earlier, it was nearby. I couldn’t get her attention as she stared in the alley.”
“Who would do such a thing? And so close to the church,” he clicks his tongue, and looks down at the floor, “She was always such a devout girl.”
“Yeah,” the driver groans, leaning back in his chair. “It’s a mystery. The princess, well, the young lady was cast out of her family. She has nowhere to go for her or her child.”
“And you brought her here?” Jackson squints, looking back out to the hallway, zoning out for a moment.
“She could be of use. There’s rooms here. Look at it as charity. It’s like the Lord was leading her right into your arms,” Jackson’s crystal eyes look up at the driver, a cocky little grin on his face.
“Thank you, Opie. Take her things down the hall. Let me go see what I can do for the…Angel,” Opie grabs up your things, walking directly to the last room on the left while Jackson descends into the chapel.
Looking around the area, before hearing a broken whimper. Taking a deep breath, he walks into the booth. “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”
“You don’t have to do this tonight,” but he wanted you to. He needs to hear where your mind is at, and how further to proceed.
“I’ve had impure thoughts of murder.”
“Murdering your assailant?” You shake your head no, twiddling your fingers in your lap. “Why not?”
“I’m free. I’m scared, but I’m free. My mother wanted me to marry an ogre of a man,” he gulps, moving closer to you. You weren’t overly angry at your attacker. It piqued his interest more than it should. “I heard stories about him. He was cruel.”
“He didn’t touch you?” You turn your head slowly, meeting Jackson’s icy blue eyes through the veil. Licking the briny taste that your tears had created on your lips.
“He spends his money on people, and tortures them for fun.”
“Ahh,” Jackson hums. “You were betrothed to August Marks. There’s no proof of what he’s doing.”
“Why would there be? He’s of noble blood, and everyone turns away. My mother was going to make a show of men asking for my hand in marriage, but I think he was willing to pay the most. I would have been dead, and it would have been slow. Evil men rule the world, Father. I thought you knew that.”
“Evil men also took your life away from you?” It is an odd statement that is more of a question, and you don’t know how to answer it. It was evil, but did it save your life?
“But I won’t die. And all I think about now is killing my mother. She hated me. Always did. I was her only daughter. I think she was jealous,” you didn’t she was, you knew. She told you multiple times that you were the child that stole her beauty. Her hips never slimmed again. Her hair had started to turn gray, and the first wrinkle, it was all because of you.
“You shouldn’t say things like that about the Queen. That’s enough to have you killed.”
“Would you tell on me, Father? Isn’t this a private confessional? Can I not freely tell you about my thoughts and sins? About how I want my mother to be covered in blood? Or how I feel him inside everyday?” Jackson clears his throat, and turns to look at you through the lattice. “The baby is moving.”
“I thought you were being inappropriate,” he clears his throat as his hands drag over his thighs. Stopping to dig his fingers in. Squeezing the muscles on his legs until he winces.
“You thought I was talking about his cock?” Jackson coughs, and whispers a prayer in a language you didn’t quite understand. “I felt that for weeks. My body wasn’t prepared for that, and then it was.”
“You liked it?”
“It’s sin,” you deadpan. Hearing a ringing in your ears, you close your eyes. Going back to that night, and all the emotions that still haunted your every thought. “There’s something wrong with me.”
“There’s something wrong with the world. We’re here to cleanse it. Not everything is black and white. There’s always that gray area where most of us linger. We don’t understand our thoughts, or the way our bodies choose to feel. But we have control over our minds,” and he is struggling to keep control of his mind. Bruises would paint his legs at this rate, but it was the only thing keeping him sane.
“What if we don’t?” A flash of lightning illuminates both of your faces, and for the first time since your arrival, Jackson feels fear. “What if we don’t have control of our minds?”
“You mean someone else is controlling it?” You give him a shrug, unable to explain it. Or maybe it was your mind’s way of explaining your body’s reaction to his fingers gripping onto your hips, and his panting breath in your ear as he tells you that you’re taking him like a good girl.
“I think that’s all for tonight, Princess,” you didn’t have that title anymore, and he was still bestowing it upon you. Looking into your lap as Jackson’s eyes flash towards you. “I’ve prepared you a room. You’ll be expected to earn your keep.”
“And what does that entail, Father?”
“When we are not in this booth, and there’s not one around, call me Jax,” you whisper the name, and a warmth flows through you. It felt natural, and warm to say it. “We’ll discuss your…payment.”
“Will I be required to be on my knees…” Jax can’t read you. Your face is flat without emotion, but your tongue is as sharp as the blade he kept under his pillow.
“Excuse me?”
“In prayer? I’m with child, pretty soon I won’t be able to get up by myself. During church, I won’t be able to be in the chapel, my family will see me, and I’m growing their shame. No one will miss — us.”
Jax takes a deep before opening his door, and stepping over to open yours. “You and I will have private lessons. You will be required to get on your knees — in prayer, and I will be there to assist you up. We…” he looks up at the altar, and then to the floor.
You are giving him all kinds of temptation, and this living situation was going to go one of two ways, and he was not in the right mind to think straight. Sleep deprivation was making him think and feel all kinds of things. Things he shouldn’t be envisioning at all. “We…”
Lightning strobes into the entire chapel, all the while a booming clap of thunder rattles the windows. “I gotta get out of here,” he squeaks, grabbing your hand, and pulling you out of the sanctuary.
His feet shuffle quickly, and you struggle to keep up. Not stopping until he stops in front of your room. “My room is the first on the left,” he was too close to you, but no longer in a room of judging eyes. There wasn’t paintings of all the saints condemning Jax for his sins. Here it was just the two of you.
“We can’t continue to live in sin. Goodnight, Princess,” without even looking Jax moves quickly to his room, and slams the door while the hallway stretches out long before you. The candles create an eerie red warmth, but it chills you to your bones.
Your baby kicks you hard, and you grunt, holding onto your stomach. Unsure if you just keep drifting deeper and deeper into a life altering path, or if you were indeed on the righteous path to a better life. Things were off here. But what other choice did you have? Who would want you? Even though the priest was odd, he took you in.
Jax was fully aware of your condition, and didn’t care about the talk that was bound to happen. Sacrificing for you and your unborn child, and uncaring of what could come of housing you. Something was worth the sacrifice. But was it you or your child?
A chill creeps through your spine, and you look out the window at the end of the hall. The perfect view to your personal hell? Awakening? Enlightenment? You aren’t sure how to describe that night. But there, lighting up with the crooked streaks of the storm was that alley where someone greedily took from you.
The place that changed your life forever. Jax’s bedroom being at the end of the hall, he could have a window there, too. A perfect view of what should be a crime. It was right there. Framed perfectly for people to see. A sinful act that led you straight here. Right under this roof. And right next to the priest who could have seen it all. He could know who did it to you.
Sighing, you press your hand against your little bump, and walk into your room. Much less grand than your old one, but it was yours. And now you are in a different prison.
Jax takes a long drag of his cigarette as he looks out his window. Unable to see anything until the storm lit up the night sky, and he could see everything. Rubbing the back of his head, he stares at the loose brick that no one had bothered to discard, or even put back on the building. A brick that you had lodged out yourself, and used as a weapon, but he still finished. You had eventually quit fighting, and accepted your fate.
He wonders if you knew all that it was going to bring you. Had you not become pregnant, people could have lied about what had happened. But you would never be the same. He extinguishes his cigarette, and grabs up a bottle of oil. Dabbing it behind his ears, and on his forehead. Saying a silent prayer that the minty scent would help his head to quit hurting. And relax enough for sleep to overtake him. And hopefully no dreams. No memories. And no prophecies.
He just wanted to sleep. He wanted his own demons to leave him alone. A few hours of peaceful rest that wasn’t the hoards of nightmarish ghouls telling him what to do. Just a moment of peace. His time was running out. Soon he wouldn’t know peace again.
He lays back on the bed, slowly closing his eyes, “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.”
He knew. And he wanted Jax to keep on sinning. Jax knew it deep inside his blackened soul. He had to keep on sinning. One down. Six more to go…
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @theinheriteddutchess
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
finally explaining the bunny thing!
ok I'm currently really board and stumbled upon an old sketch book and I've decided hey let's FINALLY explain why tf I draw wwdits characters as bunnies (cuz I know it's random as shit and I personally find the story behind my bunny art intresting)
so strap in cuz I'm going to write a lot for something I could probably sum up in two sentences
also small heads up a lot of drawn cartoon violence and blood ahead sooooooo :|
if you just want a short answer I draw these goofy looking bunnies cuz 1 it's fun 2 it's kinda a way to release stress and just a way to overall put myself in a better mood. at first I was drawing the same bunny getting kill/injured over and over again and now I draw characters I like as cute bunnies cuz it cheers me up and it's fun!
ok so I know that last part came out of nowhere but to explain a bit of how tf we got from point a to point b that let's go to the long answer
OK SO (wow I say ok so a lot sorry idk how else to start shit lol) THIS ALL STARTS SOMETIME AROUND EARLY 2022
well if you really get technical it all starts like late 2019 early 2020 when I first read a little comic called johnny the homicidal maniac then picks up in early 2022
in the comic there's a character called nail bunny which as the name kinda suggests is a dead bunny with a nail in it and I wanted to draw this character for whatever reason (I think I might have re read the comic? or I was just bored at the time idfk)
shortly after starting I gave up and instead doodled this:
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why yes that was a heart and yes I did scribble all over it and stabbed it with a pencil for some reason? I kinda learned not to question past me at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so later that night I couldn't for the life of me sleep and idk why but I couldn't forget this bunny I drew so I pulled out my sketch book at the time and drew this:
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(btw the little virgo simbol in the corner of some of these drawings was my signature at the time cuz it's my zodiac sign and I thought it looked neat)
and as the next day came and I talked to my friends over discord I STILL couldn't get this bunny out of my head so we gave her a name
this plush (yes despite bleeding this bunny and any bunny I draw is intended to be a plush bunny which is why I draw them with twinkies for arms and legs) bunny over here is named alexis (named after a friend who wanted the bunny to be named after her) and from that day onwards it was my goal to needlessly kill/injured her over and over in ridiculous ways
the story I created for this character to kinda justify it is that she gets killed/injured in ridiculous ways often (which is why I draw her with X eyes) cause her luck is just REALLY shitty and she just kinda accepts it all at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
some of my favs from this time:
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as times goes by I draw her less and less (cuz I shit you not I ran out of ideas) to the point where I kinda stopped drawing bunny art
jump to later in 2022 and after creating a pixel art shitpost which led to me learning pixel art (but that's another story for another time) I realized wait a minute I actually really like this but idfk what to draw
then I remembered alexis existed! so while chatting with a good friend of mine I asked how should I kill her this time (yes that's exactly what I asked he knew about the bunny thing tho) he said "dying peacefully in a hospital"
so like the great friend I am I decided to be a dick and drew this
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this led to the creation of a new bunny character alexis's friend/roommate/idfk what they are anymore courtney!
courtney's little shory is she knows alexis, she has witnessed her die far too many times, and in later drawings she would gain the stare of a victorian child
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no joke she looks like she saw her parents die of the plague
after asking the same friend what else to draw alexis doing I also created a zombie bunny but I didn't really draw them much
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all of this sparked another wave of bunny art with like a few digital drawings but after a bit it went back to traditional but now with color!
some faves from this wave:
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now ngl this next point is a blur but soon I would draw something that would change the course of history bunny art where bunnies AREN'T killed *gasp*
so apparently this happened earlier this year but it feels like it happened last year ngl
at this point I wasn't drawing bunnies AS much but I would doodle them every so often and for whatever reason I decided to draw stede and ed as bunnies (it might have to do with the fact that I'm not the greatest at drawing humans but idk)
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and for a while it sat in a notebook with the only people I've shown it to being my irl friends
that is until the one year anniversary of this show when I decided to open up that pixel art website again and turn it into pixel art! (here's a link to the post tho I lowkey wanna redraw this since I don't like the way I drew the ears) and originally it was going to be the only bunny pixel art I was gonna do since it took a while and idk how I felt about the results
but then wwdits brainrot set in and I decided since I suck at drawing humans why not draw my boy guillermo as a bunny and the rest was history
ngl when my bunny art first for attention whenever I saw someone calling it cute in the back of my mind I would think hehehe this only exists cuz I would stop killing the same bunny over and over again
so now you know the history behind the art
yay but why?
at the beginning it was just a fun little thing I did and I never gave it much thought. It wasn't until recently as I started to post it onto tumblr I ACTUALLY thought about my bunny art and to say it's just a fun thing to do doesn't really describe it as well as it used to. To me it grew to be MORE than that! it's a simple thing I could draw to mess with new mediums, it's a thing a can draw over and over again and not have to worry about how it turns out since even if I post it on here at the end of the day I'm mainly drawing it for myself, if I need to let off some steam I can draw alexis getting killed in a goofy way, and if I don't wanna draw alexis I can't just draw wwdits bunny stuff since that always cheers me up since it's hard to be upset while drawing plush bunnies (and trust me I've tried)
yeah I know this whole thing is kinda silly and honestly random as shit but this bunny art has a special place in my heart despite me only really doing it for a year
hell it's gotten to the point where I have a small list of rules I stick by whenever creating something bunny related and I have fucking bases I use whenever I'm drawing pixel art of a character as a bunny for the first time
why yes I am taking pastel bunnies far too seriously
I think the funniest thing is (and I think I've stated this before in the tags of a bunny drawing but I'll say it again) bunnies aren't even my favorite animal
that honor goes to frogs (bunnies are in the top five tho)
so this whole thing makes LESS sense if you take that into consideration but idk it's just fun
and at the end of the day that's really all I had to say but I wanted an excuse to talk about the history of this bunny bs lol
thanks for coming to another one of my TED talks and remember I swear I'm not crazy
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passerine-writes · 8 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 88
Warnings: The true start of big brother Tsukare!!!! Mini therapy session Word count: 3785
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 87 | Volt 89
The next few days passed by in a blur with little to no sleep and multiple therapy appointments. Everyone involved in the raid was invited to Nighteyes funeral. It was a quiet and solemn service, but Mirio tried his best to hold himself together. And I admire him for that.
The work studies ended up being put on hold after the raid.
As upset as a lot of us were, we understood why and couldn't argue the facts. It was a large danger that none of us as students should have been a part of.
But if I was given the opportunity to save Eri again, I would do it without any hesitation. Then the day after the service, Eri pulled out of her fever and was moved out of a stricter quarantine.
"Onryo." Dad said at the end of class on Saturday, calling me over to his desk. "How would you feel about visiting Eri?" He asked softly.
"Yes, absolutely. When are we going?"
"We can leave now." I nodded excitedly and gave Denki a quick hug and told Toshi I would see him later before following my Dad to his car. "Eri isn't supposed to be having any visitors. I was able to sway the hospital staff on bringing you since I believe it might cheer her up and because I will be there to nullify her quirk if she loses control."
"Do we know how her quirk works yet?" I asked him as I watched the buildings pass by.
"It's indicated by the horn on her head. It seems to power quirk. The larger it is, the more strength her quirk has. Right now, it's about the size of a small bump. She was also transferred to a closer hospital, that way if something does go wrong with her quirk, I can be there sooner." I nodded and sat contently, waiting for us to arrive. "How much sleep did you get last night?" He asked out of nowhere. I looked down at my lap awkwardly, knowing he would be worried no matter what.
"A few hours maybe?" I hesitantly responded.
"Nightmares again?" I nodded and turned my head towards the window. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked softly.
"Just wish they would stop." I mumbled. "Wednesday night was a major setback."
"I know." He sighed. "You've been acting a lot different, and you haven't been talking as much." I licked my lips awkwardly, not knowing how to get around this.
"I've just been tired." I tried to brush off, not wanting to concern him anymore.
"That's expected. You haven't been sleeping much." I nodded a little and fiddled with my fingers.
"Hey, Dad?" I started, cursing myself for being so anxious to ask him something so menial. "F-For uh, my birthday dinner next week, I invited Nakami and wanted to see if that was okay."
"You invited someone?" He asked rhetorically, seemingly shocked. "Wow, I'm impressed. I wasn't really expecting that. I don't see why not, I'll make sure Nedzu knows he's coming so he doesn't get shut out at the entrance." I nodded a little and got excited as the hospital came into view, a sentence I never thought would apply to me.
We got checked in and got our visitor passes, walked up to the second floor and I stopped at a nurse's station.
"Hi, uh, sorry I just have a quick question." I said meekly, the nurse turning to me with a soft smile. "I'm here with Eraser Head to visit Eri and I was wondering if you had any spare coloring sheets and crayons, that way she could have something to do."
"Of course, honey." She hummed and passed me a small stack of sheets with different pictures and a few paper cups with crayons.
I followed the other nurse into her room and was given the rundown of do's and don'ts.
"Eri? You have a visitor." The nurse said, piquing the girls interest. I slowly walked in and gave her small smile.
"Hi, Eri. It's good to see you again." I told her softly.
"Hi." She mumbled.
"How are you feeling?" I asked her gently, watching out of the corner of my eye as the nurse quietly left.
"I'm okay." She said nervously.
"Doctors are a little scary, huh?" She nodded slowly. "Is it okay if I sit?" I asked her.
"Yeah." I slowly sat on the edge of her bed.
"I brought something for us to do." I told her softly.
"What did you bring?" She fearfully asked and I showed her a few of the pictures and the crayons.
"I figured you would be a little bored, so I thought we could color together." I told her cheerfully and watched as she perked up a little bit. Slowly, I pulled the bedside tray around and set the stuff between us. "Go ahead and pick a picture you want to color." I told her, knowing she might need a bit of guidance still.
We colored in a comfortable silence for a bit until I saw her looking at me confused.
"What's your name? I know the one who got really hurt is Lemillion, but I don't know what to call you." She timidly confessed.
"So my hero name is Sonus, but my given name is Onryo." I told her happily, hoping to ease any of her fears even a little.
"Onryo?" She asked, testing it out on her tongue as she got used to it. "That's a nice name."
"Thank you, Eri. You have a very nice name too." I told her.
"Onryo?" She started, gripping her crayon tighter.
"Yeah, Eri?"
"Thank you, for helping Lemillion and for getting me out of there." My face softened a bit, and I gave her a warm smile.
"You're welcome. I'm just glad you're safe now."
"Is Chisaki coming back to get me?" She asked my in a wobbly voice.
"No honey, he's not coming to get you. And he'll never be able to hurt you again." I explained, watching her slowly process it.
"I'm scared." She weakly told me, and I looked at her softly.
"What has you scared?" She rolled her lips together nervously.
"I don't like it here... And I don't want to hurt you." Her watery red eyes looked up at me and I felt my stomach twist.
"I know, I don't like hospitals either. They're kinda scary." I told her gently.
"They scare you too?" I nodded a little.
"Yeah, they give me the heebie jeebies." I told her, watching her breathe out a semblance of a laugh. "But then I realized that the nice people here just want to help me, and it didn't feel so scary anymore." She slowly nodded. "And you won't hurt me. But if you do, I know you don't mean to, and it was an accident. I've accidentally used my quirk and hurt people a lot of times when I was your age, it's part of learning. And do you want to know the amazing thing?" I asked her, watching her eyes light up a little bit. "When you do start learning how to control your quirk, you'll have a pretty great teacher."
"Really?" She asked and I happily nodded.
"Yep!" She nodded along and continued coloring. Slowly, after about twenty minutes, one of her tiny, cold hands rested on top of my free one. I glanced at her from the corner of my eye, not moving or saying anything. I just let her be comfortable.
"You're really warm." Eri ended up mumbling.
"I get told that a lot. Hospitals are always so cold, and I don't understand why." I told her and she nodded mindlessly. "Are you cold?" I asked her, testing the waters on how much she would open up.
"Yeah." She mumbled cautiously.
"Well, I have an idea. I will be right back." She slowly nodded and watched me walk out of her room to the hallway. "Could I get two blankets, please?" I asked the nurse who stood watching. She shrugged her shoulders but went to the nearest supplies closet and grabbed two blankets. "Thanks." I said before walking back into the room. Eri looked at me curiously and slowly sat down her crayon. "Here is your new blanket." I said dramatically, she slowly grabbed it and set it on her lap. I took my own and wrapped it around my shoulders like a mini cocoon, along with flipping part of it over my head. Eri curiously followed suit, managing to stick out one of her tiny, bandaged arms to keep coloring. "Better?"
"It is, thank you."
The two of us relaxed and chatted a bit while coloring more pictures over the next hour or two, she slowly started letting her guard down around me and I tried my best to contain my excitement. I watched as she tensed up, her head snapping towards the door, and I assumed someone knocked lightly. I looked where she was and saw a different nurse walk in, a lean man with medium brown hair that was neatly trimmed but still grown out a little bit. I felt Eri retract a little and curl in on herself, I stole a glance at her and saw her cherry red eyes wide with fear. I slowly stood up, only stopping when I felt her small hand grip mine.
"Please don't go." She whispered, lip reading being my saving grace since it was so quiet, I couldn't hear her.
"I'm not leaving. I'm just going to talk to the nice doctor out in the hall and I will be right back, okay?" She gave me a shaky nod and I sent the man a look, reluctantly he followed me out of the room.
"Mind if I ask why the hell you aren't letting me do my job?" He asked me, arms crossed over his chest.
"Because seeing you almost sent her into a panic." The doctor scoffed and looked down at me, which wasn't hard for him to do seeing as he was a little taller than my Dad.
"Look, I don't need a kid telling me how to do my job." He went to walk past me but I stepped in front of him.
"You're, what? 25? 26 years old? I doubt you've dealt with an abuse case or someone, let alone a small child with PTSD this severe." I saw my Dad standing a fair distance away incase he needed to step in.
"Kid, I saw you on the news, I get this might be personal to you, but that doesn't mean you know more than I do." He bit out.
"I think it does. I'm sorry, were you slapped around? Beaten until you blacked out? Insulted for any tiny inconvenience? Tossed around like a volleyball from home to home?" He paused as he started taking in my words. "Were you starved or refused water multiple times for no reason that resulted in you going to a hospital where none of the doctors thought anything was wrong because it was looked over? Was your body blasted apart by a man's quirk, someone who was supposed to be a caretaker to you, only to be put back together so he could continue his science experiment because he realized cutting you open repeatedly could only get him so far?" He licked his lips and slowly shook his head. "Exactly. She's already terrified of being here because she's worried about you guys using her like that, because she has known nothing else in her life up until this point. For six years, that is all she has known. So I'm requesting she has a different nurse come in for this shift to take care of her, preferably someone's who's female. Because you saw the news. You saw what her abuser looked like. You're almost the same height as him, similar build, similar hair cut, similar hair color. And I'd be willing to bet in her mind, where she is still living in her own personal hellscape and paranoia, she only saw you as Chisaki. You saw how scared she looked, you saw her heart monitor spike. Do the right thing." I told him softly, making sure to keep my voice low.
"Okay. Fine, yeah." He mumbled and walked away. Dad walked over to me and gave me a hug.
"Good job, I'm proud of you." He said and I hugged him tighter.
"I'm gonna get back in there for a few minutes before we leave, so I can properly say goodbye to her and stuff." He nodded and let me walk back in. "Hey Eri, I'm back."
"Hi Onryo." She murmured and I slowly sat back down at the foot of her bed.
"Are you okay now?" I asked her softly, to which she nodded. After another minute or two, a different nurse walked in, a lady with blond hair who looked to be in her thirties. She started taking her vitals and I noticed Eri's confused look at what was going on. "You can ask what she's doing if you're curious. There's no harm in asking questions." I lightly told her, hoping to ease her nerves a bit.
"What's that?" She asked in a small, shaky voice, pointing to the doctors neck.
"This is a stethoscope. It helps me listen to your heart and your lungs." She explained softly to the child.
"It doesn't hurt?" She asked, worry flooding her face.
"Not at all." I told her. "If you want, she can show you how it works on me." I offered, watching her nod. The nurse smiled softly and placed the metal disc on my chest, instructing me to take a few deep breaths. I watched as she tried to hide her concerns, making me giggle. "See? Doesn't hurt, just a little cold."
We went on explaining different medical equipment to her, which I think helped her relax a lot more when she realized none of them could hurt her.
"Hey Eri, I have to go back to school now, but I'll be back to visit you. Okay?" She sadly nodded. "Do you want a hug?" I asked gently, until I realized by the look on her face, she didn't know exactly what I meant. "Okay, so open your arms really really wide. And then we hold each other." I told her happily. She slowly opened her arms and leaned forward. I wrapped her in my arms and rubbed her back until she pulled away.
"I think I like hugs." She hesitantly told me.
"I like hugs too, so if you ever want one, I will happily give you one." She nodded and waved goodbye to me as I left her room with the nurse.
"Sonus?" She said after the door shut. "I'm really glad you came to visit her. That's the most cheerful she's been all week." She told me softly.
"I'm glad I could cheer her up."
"You're a natural with kids. That's the fastest anyone has been able to put her at ease or get her to open up. Feel free to come and visit her anytime. As long as you're with Eraser, we don't mind bending the rules a little."
"Thank you. I'll be sure to visit again. And uh, I'm sorry that I snapped on your coworker." I told her awkwardly and she waved her hand.
"No need. You were doing right by the patient and that's what counts." She told me nonchalantly. "Well, I'll see you around when you visit again. Have a nice day."
"Onryo." Dad said as he walked over. "Before you go back to the dorms, we have to have a family meeting. I already texted Hitoshi and Sunshine."
"Is everything okay?" I asked concerned.
"Yes. Everything's okay. We all just need to talk about something."
I slowly nodded and followed him out to the car. My anxiety slowly started creeping up on me the longer I thought about why we were having a family meeting.
'The raid is over, so it's not about that.'
'My grades are fine and I only have a little bit of homework.'
'Maybe one of them have another large mission coming up?'
'Maybe it has to do with Nedzu?'
'Does it have to do with my bio family?'
'Maybe Toshi's bio family? I know Dad and Pops reached out, but to my knowledge they haven't responded yet.'
"Stop overthinking it." Dad chided softly from the driver seat, the gates of U.A. coming into view.
"Sorry.." I mumbled out.
"You don't need to apologize, I just don't want you worrying yourself sick over a possibility you come up with." I chuckled a little under my breath and nodded while I followed him inside.
"Sho? Is everything okay?" Pops asked as soon as we walked in the door. I took off my shoes and walked to the living room, giving Pops a small side hug.
"Everything's okay. There's a lot we all need to discuss, so if you two want to get reinforcements, I suggest doing it now." Dad said, directing that statement towards Hitoshi and I.
My brother and I got ice cream and coffee, while Pops grabbed blankets. We all gathered in the living room once again, all of us ready for whatever was about to happen.
"So, first, Hitoshi." My brother's eyes widened almost comically, and he pointed to himself with a spoon hanging out of his mouth. "Your birth parents got back to us yesterday. They were wondering if you were still interested in meeting and if we could set up a day for that." I watched as my brother's face fell into one of shock and disbelief, clearly still taking all of it in.
"Yeah, yeah I wanna meet them." He managed to get out.
"Okay, then we'll talk more about that later. I'll make sure Onryo can go with you as well." Dad paused, both of us nodding in agreement. "Second thing, Nedzu called me into his office today. I told him I would have to talk to everyone first because it's a big decision. For safety and emergency reasons, Sunshine and I have been asked to foster Eri. Her quirk is rewind, and her lack of control poses a true safety issue for people around her, when she got her quirk, she wiped her father out of existence. Her mother walked out after that. I'm the only who can ensure everyone's safety and I will be the one to work with her on how to use her quirk. So, how would each of you honestly feel about Eri coming into our family? Hitoshi?" My brother looked at him blandly.
"Yeah, I'm okay with that." He said casually, seemingly unfazed about it.
"Okay. Onryo?" Dad asked, turning to me.
"Yeah, absolutely." I told him, trying to contain how excited I was. We all turned to Pops, who was bordering on bouncing in place with joy.
"Yes! A thousand times, yes! We're gonna have another kid and our family is getting bigger! And, oh my gosh, can we do those cute family photos? Please, Sho?" Pops started, Dad ended up having to use his quirk when Pops got a little too enthusiastic, starting to talk about shopping therapy.
"Sunshine. Relax. It's probably going to be a few weeks until she can come home. That gives us time to talk to Nedzu about living arrangements, set up a room for her, figure out what she does and doesn't like. Okay?" We all agreed, understanding fully well where he was coming from. "And third, Onryo." I looked at him with wide eyes and slowly took a bite of my melting ice cream.
"Yeah?" I asked in a drawn out voice, looking between my parents.
"I asked Sho if we could talk to you. We're really concerned." Pops said while looking at me intently. "What's been going on?"
"A lot but nothing at the same time." I mumbled, picking at my fingers.
"Dude, you're acting different, we all noticed it. We just want you to be able to talk to us. Or just, someone in general." Hitoshi told me before inhaling the rest of his coffee.
"I know. I think... I think you were right, Dad. About the mental toll it would take on me after. Some of the things that happened, I wasn't prepared for." I admitted finally.
"Onryo. You've been acting more and more like you did when we first adopted you. You haven't been talking as much, more cautious with what you say and how you act, you haven't been interacting with your friends as much." My leg started bouncing with my nerves.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled, mentally cursing myself for proving his point.
"We aren't mad or upset. We're worried about you and your mental health." Pops said and I nodded along.
"I know. I just, I don't want to hurt anyone again." I finally told them, making sure to stare at my hands. "First I hurt Denki because of a nightmare. Then I hurt Izuku. All because I couldn't get myself to stop screaming after a nightmare. I don't want to keep hurting the people I care about."
"You didn't mean to hurt them." Toshi told me.
"I know I didn't mean to, but I did." I said in a wavering breath. "Maybe it's just a bad mix right now, with being in a bad depressive episode and everything that happened." I tried to brush off, not wanting to talk about this anymore. "Can I go back to the dorms?" I asked weakly, feeling extremely drained, physically and mentally. Dad nodded and pulled me into a hug, Pops and Toshi joining in on it before I walked back to the dorms.
My boyfriend immediately greeted me with a warm hug and a loving kiss, I held onto him tight and buried my face in the nape of his neck.
"Everything okay?" He asked softly and I nodded into his chest. "Do you wanna go do something to distract yourself from whatever is on your mind?" He gently offered and I could feel my heart melting.
"That would be amazing. Let me grab my wallet just in case." I told him and placed a kiss to his cheek. "And get changed... Where are we going?" I asked him, wanting to dress at least somewhat decently.
"Just out and about. So dress a little warm." He suggested and I nodded, going upstairs and letting myself feel at least a little excited.
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cascadedkiwi · 11 months
Losing Steam (Comfortember 2023)
Characters: Simon, Female OC Video Game: Detroit: Become Human Genre: Comfort Summary: I project onto a female OC. Simon helps. I have something to post. Word Count: 828
Prompt: 10. Sadness (It's me. I'm sad.)
Mila sighed, pushing away her laptop. The time ticking away past 11pm seemed to scold her, like a displeased Amanda scraping away at her self-worth with just that face. Another minute ticked by. She watched the number change on the digital screen. Her phone sat to the side, beckoning with its appeal of mindless videos and addictive stories written by people more disciplined and motivated than she could ever hope to be in this moment. 
She thought of the characters she loved to read about. Characters created by others who had burrowed themselves into her brain and made comfy little nests in the grooves. She thought of the characters she herself had created - the past Mila, the Mila who had stories spilling out of her ears for lack of space in her overcrowded mind. Those original characters whom she had engaged with for years. Original characters whose tales fought tooth and nail with each other to be penned and typed and read and recorded in the physical world. 
She sunk into herself as she thought of how, in years gone by, the challenge of penning thousands of words each day for weeks on end was a source of excitement, something she was known for. Something she proudly and seriously informed those around her she would be dedicating herself to for these 30 days and so to expect to see less of her until then. She thought of how, even further back in her life, writing came as naturally as blinking. Poems were her go-to for self-expression, and no media she liked was safe from her creative liberty. 
“I really do wish you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” came a gentle voice.
Mila lifted her gaze to see Simon, care and consideration personified, crouched next to her. Eye to eye, making himself smaller as if addressing a child. She couldn’t help but appreciate it, even as her chest tightened. 
“You’re not a failure if you miss a day,” he said, “accidentally or on purpose.”
Mila tugged at one end of her durag, tangling the satin around her fingers. “It’s not like I don’t have ideas… it’s just the execution.”
“You’re also comparing yourself again.” It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t the android’s first rodeo with Mila and her writing.
She looked up at the laptop screen, the insertion point blinking at the end of an unfinished sentence. The words above made sense enough but… 
“Better something than nothing,” Simon said, reaching and pulling the laptop closer. “The priority is consistency, right?”
“I’d like to produce quality, too, if I can…”
“You do. And you will. It's ok if it's not the highest tonight. It’s a challenge, remember? How did you fare yesterday?”
Mila huffed a laugh. “I got like a ten-sentence something right before midnight.”
“And the day before?” 
She perked up. “I actually really like that one! I didn’t realize it was as long as it was until I checked the word count.”
“Did you like it just because of the length?”
“No, it’s actually a pretty cute story that popped into my head out of nowhere. It actually reminded me of how I used to write back in the day. Like I was watching the scene play out in my head and just recording what I was observing.”
Simon nodded with a smile. “And if I remember correctly, that was another ‘last minute’ session, right?”
She thought back. “Wow, you’re actually right. You remember better than me!” And it wasn’t just because he had a literal computer for a brain.
“So, while tonight may turn out to be another salad toss of sentences just to keep the streak up, tomorrow could end up being another observation session. But the only way you’ll know is…” he trailed off expectantly.
“If I type another word,” she finished, looking back at the time again. A minute ticked by but her heart felt lighter, as if the digits were smiling at her. 
“You have to allow yourself to experience all the kinds of writing sessions you’ll have. Not just the good ones.” Simon stood, having retrieved her water bottle from the floor. He opened it and held it out to her, resting the cover on the laptop below the keyboard.
She took a drink, turning to skim the last complete sentence she had typed.
The challenge became how far away she could shove her inner critic - that little voice insisting that things had to make perfect sense tonight before she posted. Who decided those standards, anyway? Tonight she would record whatever came to mind and however it landed on the page, it would live. She was allowed to do worse just as much as she was allowed to do better. It was all ultimately for no one but Mila, at the end of each day. 
Of course, she had to leave herself time to actually post what she wrote before midnight, but with this renewed vigor, it was game on.
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fayewonglibrary · 1 year
Faye Wong wows fans with real singing (1995)
The Best Of Faye Wong '95 Concert Singapore Indoor Stadium
She came, she crooned, and she wooed the hearts of the audience who turned up to see her concert last Friday.
Hong Kong pop queen Faye Wong did this not by her showmanship nor a gift of gab, skills which most Hong Kong singers hone to a fine craft.
Except for a pink wig, Wong's few costume changes also hardly bore testimony to her trademark outlandish dress sense. And forget the Aaron Kwok/Grasshopper type of nimble footwork here - Wong's only movements were limited to the mindless, random twirling and swinging of her long "water sleeves" and the occasional prancing about on stage.
But the star knew what her fans had come for - her extraordinary vocals - which she made full use of on Friday night.
For two hours, Wong teased and pleased the audience's ears. As in her recordings, she displayed a wide range with equal ease. The voice ascended and dipped, whispered and boomed but Wong, of course was at her best when she scaled the high notes, which then seemed to float across the stadium even after she had stopped.
The pop queen silenced critics who doubted her stamina and real singing prowess by maintaining her voice in fine form throughout the live concert. All the help she needed came in the form of a small band, two backup singers, six male dancers and a white screen flashing simple backdrops of the sky, tinted windows in a church and the like, and not the elaborate computer graphics as in many a Hong Kong pop show.
Curiously, while the sounds of a flute supposedly played by her China rock singer boyfriend Dou Wei could be heard, he was nowhere to be seen.
There was no need for a guest singer. Wong held the show on her own, dishing out a medley of Cantonese and Mandarin ballads, fast numbers, a Chinese rap and even an oldie, A Thousand Words, by her "idol" Teresa Teng.
And whenever she hit the first few notes of her chart-busting hits like Sky, Cold War, Promise, Easily Hurt Woman and the last encore, I Am Willing, the 8,000-strong crowd greeted her with such thunderous cheers and applause that the usually expressionless face of the singing sensation broke into flattered smiles.
"Thank you, thank you," said Wong - the star with the ice goddess image - to the audience repeatedly.
At first, she seemed a little nervous. The concert took a little time to warm up, until she greeted fans with "hello" and "wish you will have a nice evening".
"Wong Fei, Wong Fei," fans screamed her name in Cantonese. "Yes, yes, I hear you, " she whispered back. Wong did not know how to handle the crowd and so she reverted to using her songs to communicate.
Finally, when the cheers grew louder and the gifts came flowing in by the end of the first half, Wong started waving and taking long bows in a somewhat un-Faye fashion.
"I heard that Singapore fans are usually sedate. But you are even warmer and more responsive than my Hong Kong fans," she said in what was probably her longest sentence that evening.
"And thanks for the gifts," she continued in Beijing-accented Mandarin.
She hugged some of the stuffed toys given to her, and each time a guard placed gifts on the stage, she hurried over to pick them up.
The evening had a markedly different ambience from how her 18-day sell-out Hong Kong shows reportedly went - there, the audience had remained quiet.
But Wong's first Singapore concert could only boost her popularity here - the chemistry between the China-born star and her Singapore fans was just right.
No other contemporary female singer, be it Anita Mui or Sally Yeh, could have built a pop concert entirely on the strength and beauty of her vocals. But Faye Wong certainly can - and she did.
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setsugekka · 1 year
Hi melty,
Pl irl anon here. It's been a minute! 2023 has proven to be a roller coaster so far.
Almost lost my mother last month after she was in the hospital for four weeks. She's slowly improving but I'm still wary until she makes more progress.
Then, two weeks ago, one of my cats died out of nowhere. So that was a whole 'nother experience.
But! I digress! Bf and me have been together 15 months! We're moving in together next month! So many other good things happening!
Ok ok ok on to the writing: pl again came to play. I'm not sure if I clearly saw any changes since the first time around but it was still like reading it for the first time.
And now atarashi??? I have no idea where I was when you originally posted it, but I'm already in love. Can't wait to see artist Hongjoong and all the others make questionable choices!
Love everything you touch! Do you think you'll ever bring back green house? I totally understand if you don't, that was my gateway fic to your genius mind!
All the loves, hope you and yours are well!
Ps - it's my birthday! 💜
wow, what a year for you.
first of all, i'm sorry to hear about your mother and also your beloved pet. i'm hoping for nothing but a speedy recovery for your family, both physically and emotionally, i can't begin to imagine how difficult that must be for you.
as for the relationship, however, YAY! some good news, haha! i'm excited for you, living with someone is tough but one of the best things i ever learned was to look at everything that pisses you off like a "price of admission" for being with them. "assuming this never changes, am i willing to pay the price of admission for being with this person," it's a good one to have, helps put things into perspective lmao.
paradise lost
i truthfully didn't really change anything about it except for SPAG stuff and the fact that some of the sentences in there were completely incomprehensible IHFGKJDHK no idea what i was trying to say with some of that stuff but yeah, mostly surface level changes. i considering taking out a lot of the smut and also redoing the ending but...i'm lazy, and don't care about pl enough to do it 😃
to be fair you have had a lot on your plate and i don't really push my work out there that much lmao. QUESTIONABLE CHOICES THEY WILL MAKE!
hugs and kisses, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 💗💗💗
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In the MM Storyline, the first intimacy is sleeping together so he can learn how she experiences the process of becoming her each day, with the idea this will illuminate how he experiences that for himself. I just experienced that. I fixed on the idea of deferred gratification. It came to me while I was cutting up moldy bread for the birds which I put out just before realizing I forgot to cut out the moldy parts so I had to stop to soak it all down, which was my solution to the oops. Analytic to an End because no matter whether that decision is correct or not, or whether I could have done better (like by hand gathering every bit), that is the finite End which means this happened and cannot be undone, meaning that has counted, has wound, has been Registered.
So, let’s take a 7 or a 13. First, 4*13 hasn’t been explored at all. In CM terms, is that a connection to D12 so a Thing is the IC of L13 + D12, which is 2SBE2. So 13 is 2SBE2 + 1, and that means 4*13 is 4 Attachments to a 2SBE2. That is visual as a pyramid above L13, since the grid makes IC explicitly now - as per yesterday, to be honest - so LayerView now maps exactly to the labels ++ et al. And that End of 52 at that Bip connects then over some Thing which is identified by its 2SBE2 to describe the Thing made of both of these images, of the pyramid plus the 2SBE2. Again, this means a Thing is formed of 2Things. I can’t think of them as subThings because that imposes a hierarchy and generally a sense of direction. I mean that you can treat a Thing as bigger, as combining 2 sets, or as smaller, as combining parts of sets into a smaller set, like into a finite set. The one is created on top of, so it’s bigger, and the other is created below, so it is smaller, and they’re the same Thing. That’s inherent to I//I, that existence has to invert. I’m thinking about existence at this level, not at the physical, though that’s important. Let me start a new paragraph.
Existence has to invert is true because physical existence is an inversion of 1Space into 0Space so we fit as the 1 in the 0-1-0 of the enclosing 1Space. That sentence explains a lot about people. I’m startled by the depth of what I’m experiencing. It’s too much to put into words. I see weight, how behaviors fill gaps, how renormalization connects through the generation of the finite. That last grabs attention.
Analytic to the Ends, which means known, which translates to measurable. We finally got the full connection to renormalization as a grid squares effect, as a result of the way existence actually works. Feynman would love this. Hey, Dick, here’s the why. Sorry it took so long.
Measurable. A beat, a count, Lebesgue measure is of course a formulation of the concept of edges. Wow. That was deep and really came out of nowhere. I mean I typed measurable, tried to look it up, got lost on Facebook for a minute, thought about how it feels weird to log on and not know what people have been posting and that this impacts how I feel about the app, that there’s an element of discouragement because liking now means showing you didn’t know, then finally looking up Lebesgue measure, and this hitting me right away. This then is a second fundamental proof of the fundamental theorem of I//I over gs, that we define edges using Lebesgue measures and thus calculate within the 0Space exactly as we generate.
I need a break. Need some food.
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writing-imagines · 2 years
Jealousy // Steve Harrington
Summary: after hearing you talk about Eddie for weeks, Steve finally loses his cool and tells you how he really feels
Request: henderson!reader starts hanging out with eddie after they take lucas' place during the match, and steve starts to get jealous because he likes them. maybe they keep mentioning him at work (family video)? and steve just keeps getting peeved until he confesses or smth like that
Pairing: Steve Harrington x half-sibling Henderson reader
Possible warnings: swearing, Steve snapping at the reader
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It was a slow Sunday at Family Video. You and Robin had already taken the week’s inventory, leaving Steve to do the cleaning while you caught up with Robin.
“Oh and Eddie can play the guitar! He played all my favorite songs last night.” You announced with a hint of pride, playfully swinging your legs while sitting on the front desk.
“Wow, Eddie does sound fun. How did you guys end up being friends anyway?” Robin put down her magazine and gave her full attention to you.
“Dustin begged me to take Lucas’ place for their stupid D&D game. After the game ended, Eddie offered to walk me to my car and I found out he’s pretty cool. He’s nowhere near as weird as we thought.”
“Hm, maybe you should invite him to Steve’s party this weekend.” Robin shifted her gaze to Steve sweeping a little too hard. She knew that Steve had a crush on you and your recent taking to Eddie was slowly driving Steve insane.
“What do you think about that, Steve? Can y/n bring Eddie to your party?” Robin asked using her ‘reserved for difficult customers’ voice with an innocent tilt of her head. You looked over your shoulder to see Steve sweeping fast and shrugging his shoulders.
“Whatever. I don’t care.” He practically mumbled, not looking up from the floor.
“Okay, I’m sure Eddie would like it.” You said with a smile before looking back at Robin.
“Believe it or not, Eddie is a sweetheart.” You whispered with a grin.
“I can believe it and I can’t wait to see it.” Robin said, sporting her own grin.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh nothing.” Robin picked up her magazine and continued reading. Meanwhile, you continued to swing your legs and thought about how good Steve looked that morning.
When it came time to close the store, Robin won the coin toss and got to leave early. You and Steve were left alone in the store. Usually, you wouldn’t mind being left alone with Steve, but he had been acting weird all day.
“Have you ever watched Halloween?” You asked Steve as he checked the cash register.
“Of course I have, everyone has seen that movie. It’s a classic.” He said nonchalantly while counting the money.
“So it’s good? Eddie was thinking about renting it so we could watch it together.” Steve slammed the cash register closed as soon as you finished your sentence. You jumped at the loud and sudden noise.
“What the hell, Steve?!” You screamed like you were in a horror movie. Steve quickly turned to face you and he looked furious. You had never seen Steve so angry, it freaked you out a little.
“I’m so tired of hearing about Eddie! He’s all you’ve talked about the last three weeks!” He yelled loud and hard enough to make the veins in his neck pop out.
“I didn’t realize talking about my other friends upset you so much…” You mumbled and looked at the ground, too uneasy to look at Steve. Without another word, you slid off the counter and removed your work vest.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to yell.” He said this time in a much softer and kinder tone, more like the Steve you knew. You forced yourself to look at him and immediately saw the regret written all over Steve’s face.
“I think I’m going to go. I’ll tell Keith to cut an hour off my check.” You began to walk around the corner, but Steve’s gentle grasp on your wrist stopped you.
“No, please don’t go.” Again, you could see regret and sorrow in Steve’s features. Even though he just scared the life out of you, you decided to stay.
“Why are you being so weird?” You questioned softly, worried that Steve might yell again. He let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair.
“Because?” You echoed, wondering what the hell had Steve acting so strange.
“Are you really going to make me say it?” Steve briefly looked up from the ground and to you.
“Steve, you’re confusing the hell out of me right now.”
“I-I like you, okay? There, I said it.” Steve uncomfortably crossed his arms and shook his head. Even though Steve was annoyed, you were beyond shocked.
“You like me?” You gawked at Steve with a small smile. He nodded and finally dropped his arms to his side.
“Yes, I like you a lot and I hate hearing you talk about how great Eddie is.”
“I know, I just ruined our whole friendship.” Steve let out a deep sigh and ran his fingers through his hair again. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. Steve, your long time crush, just admitted that he liked you.
“I like you too.” You said with a huge smile. Steve instantly perked up when he realized what you said. A small quickly spread across Steve’s face.
“You do?”
“Of course I do! Do you really think I like movies enough to work here every weekend on the same exact shifts as you?”
“Well, yeah.” He said with a shrug.
“Oh my god.” You shook your head in disbelief. You were both completely clueless.
“So, now what?”
“I’m kinda hungry. Do you want to grab a quick dinner at the diner?” You asked with a hint of shyness.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” He said with a smile that was typically reserved for flirting.
You both worked faster than normal to close down the store. As you stood outside watching Steve attempt to lock the door, you felt butterflies in your stomach. After years of crushing on Steve, you were finally going on a date with him. You knew Robin and Eddie would tease you endlessly, and Dustin would likely protest you dating his best friend, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was your first date with Steve.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Good afternoon Storm,
I love saying that! As I am a Marvel SUPER-STAN it feels like I am speaking to Ororo (Storm from XMen) and I love that!
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So here is my first official ask for you (following all this months of “respectful stalking”).
What and/or how long do you feel/think it would take for South Korea to look into same sex relationships?
I come from a “Japanese Backgroud” in the sense that I am very familiar with the ways of the Japanese culture. Never lived there, mind you, but my life from 2010 was very much conditioned by it . Any holidays I could take I would go for weeks to Japan and then go back home in Europe. As a self-though, I successfully got my JLPT level 3 so technically I could live and work there as well.
When Japan announced that they were now lawfully taking into consideration same sex marriage, I was so f***inf shook. I love that country, but as a woman and a person who is part of the lgbtqia+ community I didn’t think I’d see any such change happening in my lifetime.
Now the women movement already had started but the same sex marriage came out of nowhere and literally my colleagues had to tell me that! I was so shook. I really didn’t see that coming. Now it is not a made law yet, but it is under revision in congress and some prefectures can already make it legal! Now, the fact that it is under revision has made many in the community much more comfortable over there and I almost cried on that day.
I’m really not familiar with the Korean culture. Not at all. And I was wondering if you happen to know at what point they are with their lgbtqia+ matters, because at the moment with my limited knowledge they seem to be so far away... Regardless of the Christian community which is very strong and very vocal, I was wondering about your thoughts on the matter. I was wondering if you think they might take a “Japanese stand” on the matter or just keep ignoring the matter and proceed as they are?
South Korea also has a very big lgbtqia+ community and it hurts me to think that they might have to struggle to no end.
Thank you so much in advance💜
Hi! So wow, this is a hard and dense topic where I'm not sure if I can do it total justice here in a blog post. I do have a post up from last year about homophobia in South Korea. Which is here for those who haven't seen it or want to reread as a refresher before this post
And I guess we can kind of take this as a part 2 for that post now.
I can't guess on how long something will take, I don't know that much about how policitical maneuvering works. I just know it will absolutely take too long no matter what. But we can sort of just touch on what things currently are looking like over there right now based on my admittedly limited knowledge.
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They do currently have a new president over there, Yoon Suk-Yeol. In regards to the people he was up against for the presidency his stated stances for the 4 pledge recommendations in the LGBTQ category was a partial pledge in all four. South Korea is still one of the lowest ranking developed countries for gender equality and same sex relationships are still considered bad and taboo.
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Though we can say that there has at least been SOME progress. In April 2022, South Korea's top court overturned a 2019 military court conviction of two soldiers sentenced to now suspended prison terms for a same-sex relationship they had. The Court said the original conviction did not take into account whether the defendants' relations, which took place in a personal space, were consensual, and thus excessively restricting their right to sexual self-determination. The two defendants were indicted in 2017 for having same-sex intercourse in 2016, while off duty and outside their base, which is punishable with prison for up to two years under the Military Criminal Act. In the past, authorities said this law was required in order to maintain discipline.
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But some progress is not a lot. Nor has this (to my knowledge) actually decriminalized gay relationships in the military (yet). In 2019, the now presidential secretary, Kim Seong-hoe, made statements saying he believed that homosexuality was a type of mental illness and should be treated as such. He HAS acknowledged that past statement as hate speech and has "back tracked." In the way that politicians do. His statement is now not any better. His current statement regarding LGBTQ citizens? Here:
“I respect individuals’ diverse sexual orientations. However, personally, I am against homosexuality. And there are people who have innate homosexual tendencies, but in many cases, I think people mistake their habits or tendencies as their sexual instincts. In those cases, homosexuality can be treated, like how a smoker can receive treatments for cigarette addiction.”
And the president himself? When asked in a humans rights watch questionnaire about steps he would take to recognize same sex relationships, Yoon stated:
“Although one may have the right to choose their sexual orientation, I think we need a careful approach to the issue because denying biologically assigned genders and recognizing same-sex couples could have significant social impact.”
No, he doesn't mean a positive social impact either. At least in his "opinion." Yoon also made getting rid of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family a central pledge of his during his campaign. Saying that there is no systemic discrimination of gender in South Korea. Which is fundamentally untrue and should show his stances fairly accurately. Not to mention that queer people are still considered bad, there is almost "witch hunts" for them in the military, which have been shared and talked about. And even Holland a few months ago posted about being attacked and hate crimed while walking the city with his manager just for being an openly gay idol
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So do I think anything is going to change in the next few years? No. I really don't. Do I think that there are people fighting for their rights and pushing and that baby steps are being taken? Yes. I hope they will get there. I hope everywhere will get there. No one deserves to live in fear for simply being who they are or being out with someone they love. And this should serve as an excellent reminder to people who think BTS might be gay or who might be dating in a queer relationship and for jikookers who believe Jimin and JK are together but question why at times they may act differently than normal. Or just want them to confirm something. Or just want them to shut people down more effectively. Or whatever TF it is you want. Remember the society they live in and remember the things you are asking them for can actually harm them. Either mentally or physically or otherwise.
If you are queer, living in a homophobic society, that will affect you CONSTANTLY. And it will affect your actions at times too. Hell, even if you don't live in a homophobic society, it will still affect you at times.
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As of now, with this current administration, I don't see things progressing any further than they are now. I'd love to be proven wrong. And I think that at least not letting anything get worse can be considered a small win. The current president campaigning to even partially promote some LGBTQ stances, but doing absolutely nothing about it yet also comparing it to a smoking habit that needs to be kicked. It's giving the same vibes....
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Depressing. But again, Baby steps are baby steps and we can be happy for those while simultaneously wishing for more. And that's just South Korea. So many countries, even the ones that are doing better, have far to go.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (chapter 10 - FINALE)
series masterlist
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 6k
warnings: implied smut, angst, fluff, romcom tropes, lots of swearing, pregnancy mention/minor breeding kink
note: click the asterisk for a hyperlink to a translation when the time comes
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Six months later...
“It’s good!” she beamed, setting down the last chunk of pages and taking off her reading glasses. “Oh man, that ending hurt, but it’s really, really good!”
You leaned back into the plush chair and sighed with relief. “You think so?”
“It’s best-seller material,” she assured. “With some editing, of course. God, I can’t believe you were sitting on this for so long.”
“What are the biggest changes you want to make?” you asked.
“Well, I’m thinking we’ll cut the romantic subplot,” she mentioned in passing, like it was no big deal. “It’s distracting.
“Distracing?” you repeated. “Nia, it’s the story. It’s a romance.”
“I thought it was a thriller,” she frowned.
“A romance disguised as a thriller,” you corrected.
“Listen, I get what you mean, but I didn’t get this—” she tapped the nameplate on her desk: ‘NIA BROWN, HEAD PUBLISHER’ in shiny letters— “for nothing. I know what I’m talking about, and I know what your readers want. Violence, gore, drama!”
“It has all that!” you defended. “But it’s all there to talk about the real love he finds in her!”
“What do you mean ‘real love’?” she pressed flatly.
“I mean…” you pondered. “I mean love where you feel like a version of yourself that you actually like. Love where you feel unjudged, no precedents or caveats or back-up plans. Love that fucking hurts because you never wanted to rely on anything or anybody. Love that lives in silence because you don’t even need words.”
She furrowed her brow. “That… sounds nice, I guess, but I don’t think anybody really has that. Everybody needs a back-up plan. Everybody needs words— a writer should know that.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god,” you groaned, your face falling into your hands. “I’m so fucking stupid. Jesus Christ, I’m a moron.”
“What? What’s going on?”
“I had that! I had that, and I let it go! I’m the dumbest bitch on the fucking face of the Earth.”
“Don’t say that,” she soothed, but you were already standing up.
“No, I need to find him,” you decided as you grabbed your coat and briefcase. “I need to go back and try to fix this. I love him, I’ve never— I didn’t know I could love like that, I didn’t know I could be loved like that… oh my god, I need to find him. It isn’t over.”
“It isn’t over?” she repeated incredulously. “You said Michael signed the papers!”
“It’s not Michael,” you rolled your eyes as you stormed out of the office. “It was never Michael.”
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You ran into the first telephone box you could find, slamming the door shut as you searched your purse for the business card that probably wasn't even in there.
After a moment, you gasped with delight when you pulled it from a very bottom pocket and began punching in the number as fast as possible with shivering hands, long-distance charges be damned.
“Hello?” the confused voice on the other end answered.
“Mrs. Alberti, hi— does Sebastian still work for you?” you asked hastily.
“No, dear," she sighed, apparently recognizing you by just your voice (and likely your request), "he quit recently, and moved away.”
“Moved?" you repeated with a wrinkled brow. "Where?!”
“I assume back home, sweetheart; to Bucharest.”
“Shit,” you sighed. “Shit!”
“Are you having your ‘run through the airport’ moment, sweetheart?” she realized.
“Yes, I think so— do you have his address?”
“Well, no, but I’ll see what I can find.”
You waited rather impatiently as she shuffled through papers in the background, mumbling to herself as she apparently searched for information that could help you.
“All I’ve got is the address of a previous employer… a carpenter,” she finally explained, breaking the silence. “It was his only reference when he came to work here," she explained.
"Wow, you really did just hire him for his looks," you blurted out.
"He was desperate for work, that boy had nowhere else to go,” she defended.
“Right, well, I guess if that’s my only lead then I’ve gotta go for it,” you decided. “Thank you, Mrs. Alberti.”
“I told you to call me when that book was a hit. Did it happen yet?” she piped up.
“It’s not published yet,” you explained. “It needs some more work… but I think it’s almost ready.”
“I think so, too, dear.”
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Learn Romanian in 10 Weeks! A practical language guide.
Week 1, Day 1: Greetings
Hello                      Salut
Goodbye                La revedere
Thank you              Mulțumesc
You’re welcome      Cu plăcere
Good morning         Bună dimineata
Good afternoon       Bună ziua
Good evening          Bună seara
Good night               Noapte bună
You brushed your hair back out of your face with a sigh, turning the page as you mumbled the phrases to yourself. Broken Hungarian and your high school education in Latin were not getting you as far with this as you had been hoping.
How are you?          Ce mai faci
I love you                 Te iubesc
“Te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc,” you repeated over and over in a whisper.
Each day you had a new routine: practice Romanian for an hour, check flight prices online (or call the airline), research what you knew about Sebastian and the address Mrs. Alberti had given you, and then get back to practicing Romanian again.
Oh, and occasionally you worked on the edits Nia wanted for your manuscript. You were focusing on the minor changes— grammar errors, rearranging sentences— and putting off her big request for the removal and replacement of the romantic aspects. More than ever, they seemed like the most important thing the book had to offer.
You had a small apartment, just a place to sleep and shower really; much too small to fit everything you’d already taken from Michael’s house (you know, the one that used to be your house) along with what he’d shipped to you that you forgot before. He included a letter in the package as well. You threw it out, unopened.
Truthfully, you never really fully unpacked. As much as you realized you probably should, in order to really feel like you had a real home, you couldn’t bring yourself to empty your suitcases when you knew you’d be packing them again any day now.
You also realized how outrageous this all was. Ignoring the unlikelihood of even finding him in the first place, Sebastian probably wouldn’t want anything to do with you after you broke his heart, left, and then randomly tracked him down after over half a year. But to be totally transparent, you weren’t really doing this to get him back, necessarily. You knew that was probably never going to happen. You were doing this because you needed to try. You needed to go there, and get hurt, and come back knowing you did everything you could: you’d never be able to live with yourself if you did anything less than that.
You couldn’t start your new life until you had put everything else to bed. And if that meant being 100%, painfully certain that you and Sebastian could never be together, then that was just how it needed to be.
After two weeks of looking, there still weren’t any reasonable flights to Bucharest, so you booked another trip by train, figuring you could use the three day trip to brush up on the key Romanian phrases you were going to need as well as prepare your speech.
Yes, your plan was a speech. You didn’t have a back-up plan. You didn’t even have a return ticket back to London yet.
A passage by Yeats came to mind; But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
In all your life, you’d never understood before why someone would want to only have their dreams. But now, here you were… and yes, it felt terrifying and vulnerable and uncomfortably naked, but it felt pretty damn good, too.
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With a sigh, you scribbled out the last sentence you’d written, tossing the trash paper aside. You looked up out the window at the scenery flying by in a blur, worried that if you didn’t look out from the train every once in a while you’d get motion sickness.
The sun was beginning to set already, the green of hills and trees tinted orange. You only indulged in it for a moment, though, before getting back to this god-forsaken speech you were deadset on finishing before you arrived in Bucharest tomorrow. At first, you’d figured the translating would be the most difficult part… but writing in English wasn’t exactly a piece of cake, either. You had so much to say, and suddenly so few words for any of it.
You’d probably done more editing on this than any of your novels combined; the crumpled up pages spilling out of your wastebasket were proof enough of that.
“And I’m a fucking writer!” you groaned aloud, to no one in particular. “How is anybody else supposed to be able to do this, if I can’t?”
Other people aren’t as emotionally constipated as you, the voice of your inner critic reminded you plainly, making you roll your eyes at yourself.
A rap at your door made you sit up straighter and turn around. A stewardess slid open the frosted glass slightly to give you a friendly smile. “Is everything alright, ma’am?”
Your brows furrowed at the sound of her accent. “Is that a Romanian accent?” you asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” she nodded.
“So you’re fluent in Romanian and English,” you concluded.
“And Portuguese, yes ma’am,” she agreed.
“Could you come in here for a moment and help me translate something?”
She seemed slightly confused at the request but stepped forward, sliding the door most of the way shut behind her. Leaning beside you on the desk, she picked up your handwritten letter and blinked her wide, brown eyes a few times. You felt slightly embarrassed knowing she was reading such intimate thoughts, but that was how it felt the first time someone read anything you wrote so you were pretty much used to it by now.
“I usually ask the passengers what brings them to Bucharest,” she mumbled after a moment. “This is the most interesting thing so far. Am I reading this correctly, that you intend to confess your love to someone you met—” she scanned the page quickly— “during a vacation in Hungary?”
“Yup,” you smiled awkwardly, popping the ‘p’ at the end of the word.
“And he doesn’t speak English?” she assumed; you nodded. “And… you don’t speak Romanian?”
You nodded again, and she breathed in and out quickly, sitting beside you as she stared at the letter.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” she explained.
“Sorry for sucking you into the entropic vortex that is my life,” you chuckled.
“I don’t mean to pry,” she sighed, setting the letter down, and you laughed a little internally at the idea that she was worried about prying when she just read the most personal piece of writing you’d ever put to the page, “but do you think this is… enough? I mean, to build a relationship on?”
You just gave her a shrug. “I have no idea. But, you know, I spent my whole life worrying about stuff like that. I dated my husband for seven years before we got married, because I wanted to be sure. I was initially interested in him because he was successful and ambitious, and it made me feel like this was a really secure relationship that I could rely on. I double majored in English and Computer Science because I wanted a more stable career to fall back on in case being a writer didn’t work out, and even though it did, I’ve spent most of my career publishing what I thought people wanted to read instead of what I wanted to write, so I’d have a better shot at a good paycheck. I grew up thinking the best thing I could ever have was security. And now I’m divorced, watching my royalties shrink every month, more insecure in every way than I’ve ever been, and I’m realizing that the choices I made didn’t give me what I wanted. I gave up so much in the name of safety, and I let the one good thing I’d ever found go, so I could go back to being the same person I always was. I’m ready to settle again, if this doesn’t work… I’m ready to accept that this is just the way life goes, and be thankful that I got a taste of the kind of stuff I thought only existed in the sort of books I’d read but never write.”
She swallowed as she looked at you, and you felt your eyes water as you stared out the window towards the dimming scenery one more time, smiling at the sight of a distant village, a church with a steeple, vineyards and farms. Someone’s whole life is in that little town, you imagined, and they’re just watching your train go by like they see every other day.
“Sebastian gave me more security than I’d ever had before, even though the whole thing was such a ridiculous little whirlwind, and nothing like I ever imagined my life could be. But he made me want to be honest and raw and write sappy letters like the one you just read. He doesn’t have any money, at least as far as I know, and I haven’t known him for seven years, and on paper it makes no sense… but you would understand if you knew him. If you felt that joy that he radiates, if you saw him live his simple little life like it’s the best thing in the world. You would understand if you knew how much I needed this. You would understand if you had been just as miserable being who I’ve been for so long, and finally had a chance to be somebody you think you were maybe meant to be the whole time. So, if I never see him again, I hope I just get to thank him.”
You waited for her to say something, but furrowed your brow at the long moment of silence, looking back from the window finally and finding her staring at you with a tear running down her cheek. When you met her gaze, she quickly wiped it away with a sniffle and looked down at your desk again. “Let’s get to translating, shall we?” she announced with a half-smile.
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You noticed the way the other passengers looked at you as everyone was in line to deboard from the train car; you stuck out like a sore thumb, since everybody else was carrying heavy luggage and all you had was a backpack.
In your defense, you really had no idea how to pack for a trip where you knew neither the duration nor the true final destination. So, it was mainly filled with your essentials, a few clothes for any kind of weather, and enough leu to buy anything else you needed along the way.
The stewardess was waving goodbye to everyone as they shuffled out into the train station, occasionally stopping to shake a hand or give directions to nearby destinations. When you were just about to pass by, though, she pulled you into a tight hug.
“Good luck,” she whispered, holding you just a moment too long before pulling back and giving you an encouraging look. “If he doesn’t take you back, feel free to blame my translation… because if he knows what’s in your heart, I know he’ll say yes.”
“Yeah, that’s the hard part isn’t it?” you laughed weakly. “Thank you for your help. I guess if I come back alone for the return trip tonight, you’ll know how bad it went.”
“Then I hope I don’t see you again,” she winked.
It being a major train station and all, cabs were waiting around every corner so it was pretty easy to grab one and give them the address you already had written down for this exact purpose.
“This is pretty far,” the driver explained, “on the edge of town. Not a tourist spot.”
“Good, because I’m not a tourist,” you nodded, already only giving him half your attention as you pulled out the translated speech to practice.
“And you can afford this?” he pressed. You sighed and dug through your bag, pulling out a haphazard stack of bills and handing them through the plastic partition.
“Is this enough?” you asked, and he didn’t answer, just taking the money and starting the car as you smiled and leaned back in your seat.
As much as you had tried to convince yourself to not get your hopes up, the butterflies in your stomach felt more like whole birds at this point, demanding to break free as you practiced the words hand-written on the page over and over again, committing it all to memory.
“What are you reading?” the cab driver asked after several minutes.
“Oh, nothing,” you mumbled, “sorry if I’m bothering you, you can turn on the radio.”
“No, it’s not bothering me, but what you are saying… it’s very odd. It sounds like something from a play, or movie,” he explained.
“Um, it’s not,” you replied, a little embarrassed. “But does it sound like it’s from a good movie? Like, if you heard a character say this to another character, would you think they should get together?”
“I… don’t know,” he answered, sounding confused. “I mean, it depends on what happened, right? How they met, how well they get along…”
So, you told him the whole story, as succinctly as possible (which is not very succinct at all). By the end, he was actually giving commentary as you spoke.
“Why the hell did you leave?” he interjected, clearly irritated with you. “You loved him!”
“Yeah, well, sometimes love isn’t enough! I loved my husband too, and look how that turned out,” you defended.
“But that’s different. That was love for all the wrong reasons.”
“I promise, it felt very real at the time,” you shrugged.
“And now?” he countered. “You realize that this man— Sebastian, right?— is real.”
“I hope I’m right this time,” you offered. “But even if I am, he may not agree.”
The driver scoffed, taking a hand off the wheel to wave dismissively. “If he’s anything like you said, then he will still be completely in love with you. After all, you still feel the same way after all this time apart, don’t you?”
“If anything, I love him more every day,” you admitted, your heart beating quickly just to say it aloud.
“You know, when I met my wife, she was engaged to another man. He was rich, good-looking, and he wasn’t even a bad guy unlike this husband you describe. He was a good man, but he wasn’t right for her. They were… content together, but she wasn’t truly happy. Every night I would come to her window and beg her to marry me, because I knew that she knew we were meant for each other, but she was scared because her family wouldn’t approve and she would be a poor man’s wife.”
“How did you convince her to marry you instead?” you asked eagerly, sucked into the story already.
“I didn’t. On the day of the wedding, some people told me to go and break it up but I didn’t. I thought it would be wrong, to try to ruin her happiness and take it for myself by making a scene at the wedding. I realized she was her own woman and if she wanted to choose him, I had to let her. I had locked myself in my house, not wanting to see anyone that day, and she appeared at my door. I didn’t need to convince her because she knew the truth in her heart, and called off the wedding herself.”
“Wow,” you smiled.
“She was still in her dress!” he recalled with a hearty laugh. “She looked like an angel. We were married just a few days later. And next month will be thirty years,” he added as he lifted his left hand to show the golden band on his finger.
“Thirty years, that’s… a long time,” you sighed.
“It wasn’t always easy,” he admitted. “But it was always worth it.”
Just as you wondered what you could possibly say to that, you felt the car slow down to a stop.
“This is the address you gave me, this is it,” he explained, pointing out his passenger-side window. You leaned up against the glass and gasped in dawning fear as you saw the storefront dark and empty inside.
“No, nonono,” you whispered rapidly to yourself as you swung open the door and hopped out, pressing your face against the glass to try to get a look inside and finding what was undeniably a closed carpentry business. There was a note on the door, taped on the inside of the glass, and you knew enough Romanian to know it said something about a vacation and three months.
“Shit!” you yelped, holding your face in your hands, wondering if your journey had come to an end before it really began.
“Are you alright?” the driver asked, rolling down his window to speak to you.
“This was my only lead, I don’t have his real address,” you explained. “He used to work here, I thought maybe someone would know him…”
He sighed, giving you a sympathetic look. “Get back in, we can search nearby. You came too far to give in yet.”
But getting back in the car felt like giving in, too, which you realized as you looked back at the note taped to the carpenter's door. This was the closest you'd gotten, and it felt wasteful to leave with nothing.
Just as you were ready to hop in the passenger seat and start searching aimlessly through suburban Bucharest, or maybe look around for a Romanian yellow pages, you heard a noise from behind you, across the street; a laugh. His laugh. But it couldn’t be because it was too good to be true… and yet you found yourself whipping your head around and hoping beyond all reason that it was Sebastian.
Across the street was a restaurant, with a large patio where patrons were dining and chatting as they sat at wrought iron tables, and your eyes searched the crowd for any signs of him.
And then your gaze landed on a head of thick brunette hair, red and gold highlights so obvious now when the sunlight hit it this way. Broad shoulders wrapped in a white button-up shirt. He was facing away from you but he was looking to the side so you could see his face; he was smiling, laughing at something someone had said. And it was his smile that you recognized; it was like everything else faded away, and in that moment you thought maybe you could almost be happy with just this, just seeing him be happy even if it had nothing to do with you.
“Sebastian,” you called out to him, but he didn’t react. “Sebastian!”
His whole body turned, his eyes met yours, and you couldn't help but let the tears well in your eyes as you ran across the road to him.
He looked, understandably, stunned, and you realized he was actually waiting on a table at the moment; he said something to them, apparently excusing himself, and stepped closer to you.
But he stopped walking, not coming any closer, not exactly dragging you into his arms like you might've preferred, but with a breath to try to soothe your racing mind, you summoned your memories of the practiced letter and began. *
“Când am venit în Ungaria…” you started slowly, doing your best to remember the words and hoping your pronunciation wasn’t too awful, “nu căutam dragoste. Căutam spațiu, claritate și poate o idee de carte de un milion de dolari. În schimb, am găsit tot ce am căutat toată viața mea…”
You did your best to bite back tears, especially when his expression was nearly unreadable and you had no idea how well this was going.
“Ești tu, Sebastian, bineînțeles că ești tu,” you sighed, laughing slightly. “Ai fost acolo pentru mine când nici nu știam ce vreau de la nimeni. Ai fost prietenul meu fără să spui vreodată un cuvânt - cel puțin nu un cuvânt pe care l-am înțeles. M-ai iubit și nu știam ce să fac cu asta, pentru că uitasem cu mult timp în urmă cum se simțea să fii iubit. Și ce simțeai să iubești cu adevărat pe cineva. Dar te iubesc. Și am fost prost să te las să pleci, atât de neconceput de prost. Vreau să fim noi, Sebastian. Lasă-mă să te iubesc, mai dă-mi o șansă și îți promit că nu te voi mai lăsa să pleci niciodată.
The first thing he said was your name, and just the way he said it made you fall in love with him all over again.
“I… I dream that you would come back,” he shakily replied. “But now I cannot believe. You are my dream.”
Tears were openly flowing at this point and you wanted to run into his arms, but you tried to stay calm and hear him out. He stepped closer, almost hesitant, like you would run away if he got too close too fast.
“I love you, very much that I am sure I am insane person,” he explained with a grin, and you giggled. “We will live anywhere, do anything you would like— be my wife.”
You gasped as he pulled you into him, gripping your arms tightly as his desperation became apparent.
“Marry me?” he asked softly.
“Da,” you nodded, “yes, of course, anything—”
He kissed you suddenly, but gently, and it said more than any words in any language could.
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It was a small wedding, in the Hungarian countryside by the lake. You could remember diving into that lake for lost pages of your manuscript; you could remember looking out over the water and dreaming of this moment you were living right now, thinking it was impossible.
He didn’t have much family, but they welcomed you with open arms.
Your family, well, they were too busy with planning another wedding, for your ex-husband and your ex-sister. A few of them sent cards but the rest were suspiciously quiet. You honestly didn’t even notice… you had a new family to attend to, anyhow. And it wasn’t like you didn’t have any guests, since you were able to track down and invite a stewardess named Maria, and a cab driver named Andrei and his wife, Paola.
Sebastian’s cousins weaved flowers into your hair and his grandmother tailored her dress to fit you like a glove. A picture of his parents was hung nearby in tribute; he told you they would’ve wanted to see him get married but that he felt, in some way, they were able to even if they had passed away quite some time ago.
You realized you’d never seen him in anything even mildly formal before; in fact, the suit he wore was rather casual, all things considered, but he looked so painfully cute in it. Sometimes you thought he actually looked a bit out of place wearing a shirt, though, especially one that was buttoned up all the way.
Luckily, the shirt was halfway unbuttoned about ten minutes into the reception.
Mrs. Alberti cooked a massive dinner for everyone, and even grew the flowers that you carried down the cobblestone aisle.
And wow, can Romanians drink. You had to be careful not to try to keep up with them, because if you had you would’ve been blacked out halfway into the night and the last thing you wanted was to forget even a moment of this.
As the night started to wind down to a close, you and your new husband retired to the lakehouse, running up the stairs and finding them as creaky as always.
He wrapped his arms around you in the hall and kissed you eagerly as you stumbled back into the bedroom, tripping over the doorway and falling onto the bed together.
It felt so right to have his weight on top of you, to feel his smile against your lips, to wrap your arms around his neck.
“This room,” he mumbled into the kiss. “Do you remember first time?”
“Yes,” you nodded, “da, I remember, how could I forget?”
He grinned and moved his lips down to your neck. "I thought of you every day… I love you,” he whispered.
“Te iubesc,” you whispered back.
It was almost like the first time in so many ways: passionate, yet oddly hesitant as you rediscovered each other. It was comfortable, though… you couldn’t think of any other person you felt so comfortable with, somebody who finally got you out of your own head and who made you want to experience everything life had to offer.
You were sure you’d never gone so long without worrying about something in all your life.
“My wife,” he whispered against your skin. “This is all I had wanted… from seeing you in very beginning.”
“You’re all I ever wanted,” you sighed in return, “ești tot ce mi-am dorit vreodată, Sebastian.”
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Life with Sebastian was beautifully simple. You spent most of the day writing, usually, while he built furniture to sell and occasionally gardened with his spare time. You could always tell how busy you’d been with a new novel lately by how perfectly groomed the hydrangea bushes were.
You’d told him once that you’d come to Hungary looking for a million-dollar book idea. A Killer in Disguise performed alright, but not anywhere near that. The Language of Love, on the other hand, was definitely a million-dollar idea… about eleven times over. Sebastian didn’t seem to worry too much about how much money you made, though; he was just proud to say that he was the inspiration for your hit novel. You secretly suspected that he was more proud of your work reaching enough international notoriety to be translated into Romanian.
His English still needed some work, but you found it endearing. He was determined to get better and spent at least a half-hour each day practicing, but you hoped he wouldn’t get too perfect because you would miss the silly little mistakes he made. At least you could be sure he’d keep the accent forever… damn, that accent; and he knew exactly what it did to you, too.
In fact, you were crossing through the hall in your robe one evening when your husband’s voice stopped you.
“Darling wife,” you heard Sebastian call from the bedroom in a playful sing-song.
“What is it, Seba?” you asked with a smirk.
“Come in here, please…”
You opened the bedroom door to find most of the room covered in rose petals: most of all the bed, which was surrounded by candles, and topped with a shirtless (as per usual) Sebastian, laid on his side seductively with a long-stemmed rose (one you recognized from his very own garden) between his teeth.
“What are you doing?” you laughed. “Is this some sort of special occasion I’ve forgotten?”
You were already searching your mind for what it could be, but your two-year anniversary had passed a few months ago already and since it was spring it couldn’t be the anniversary of when you first met since that was late in the summer.
“Iss not quite a thpecial occathion yeth,” he answered before taking the rose from his mouth so he actually made sense. “I was considering it could be a special occasion, when we’re done…”
You smirked and climbed over the candles and into bed with him, taking the opportunity to run your hands over his chest. “And what occasion would that be?”
“A year from now, it could be the anniversary of when our child was conceived,” he answered.
Your breath caught in your throat, your voice reduced to a whisper of surprise. “Seba—”
“If you’re not ready, I will be understand,” he instantly added, stern yet soft. “Only if you want this, I just thought that maybe—”
You silenced him with a kiss, lacing your fingers into his hair and letting him roll you onto your back. He pulled back just enough to let you answer, but your noses were still bumping into each other and you smiled.
“I’m ready, Sebastian. More than ready,” you whispered.
He grinned and kissed you again, deeper and slower as he held your face with one hand and gripped your waist with the other. As his lips trailed down to your neck, you were interrupted with one pressing thought.
“Can I ask you something?”
He popped up and looked down at you with a smile. “Sure!”
“Why are you wearing ratty old jeans?” you laughed.
“Hey, these worked on you the first time,” he defended.
You gasped. “You don’t mean those are the jeans—”
“Yes,” he nodded, “the jeans that I had been wearing when I was working on Mrs. Alberti’s cottage. And, truly, when I was finding an excuse to work outside your window.”
“Wait,” you sat up, “did you actually work outside my window on purpose?”
He laughed, hanging his head quickly before looking back at you again with a sparkle in his eye. “You are very smart, my love, except for those times when you are— how do you say? Oblivious.”
You chuckled, unfortunately very aware that he was right.
“Didn’t you ever wonder why I was building a window frame, nearly a dozen metres away from the window it was for?”
You thought for a moment before dropping your face into your hands and laughing. “No, I didn’t notice that. I was too busy giving you a thorough eye-fuck,” you recalled.
“Yes, because I was not wearing a shirt and this distracted you,” he pondered, sounding suddenly like a scientist explaining a theorem or something. “See, that’s the beauty of wearing the jeans and no shirt. The body distracts you while the jeans seduce you.”
“How about you take the jeans off and put that body on me, capisce?” you pleaded; not that you didn’t love his humor or anything, but maybe his funny bone wasn’t exactly the bone you were interested in at the moment.
He grinned devilishly and suddenly pulled your legs apart, settling his body between them as he kissed your neck again, nipping at your jawline and ear. “You’re being impatient, dragă,” he purred. “You want to have my baby that badly?”
You whined involuntarily, arching your back as his hands roamed your body and finally began to untie your robe and push the silk out of the way. “Yes, Sebastian, please—”
“Let’s just say, theoretically, I wanted to have more than one? Would you have another of my children?” he asked softly as he reached up and palmed at your breasts, teasing your nipples which were already much too hard and sensitive for how little he’d touched you. The rough denim rubbing against the inside of your thighs was oddly arousing— maybe it was the sensation itself, or maybe it was just that this was almost like the first thing you imagined when you saw Sebastian all those years ago.
“Yes,” you moaned out your answer, “yes, you know I’d do anything for you.”
“What if I wanted a big family?” he pressed. “Really big? Like, Catholic big?”
“We can have our own fuckin’ Brady Bunch, Seb, I just need you right now,” you begged, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into a hot and desperate kiss.
He decided to wait until afterwards to ask what a ‘Brady Bunch’ was. You decided to wait until afterwards to ask when he’d learned how to use the word ‘theoretically’.
sfarsit; the end
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joviewinchester · 3 years
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Part 2 to the supernatural MBAV crossover ✌️ Also this is on crack so I’m sorry in advance. Lol.
“Oh my gosh, Jack! We’ve been living here for two weeks! Do you know what that means?! We actually live here.” Y/N said excitedly.
“Yeah. I like it here I hope we stay awhile.”
“I have a boyfriend now! Do you know how cool that is?”
“You what?!” Dean exclaimed.
“Don’t eavesdrop! It’s none of your concern.”
“Yes it is. I’m your dad!”
“Moms handle the boys and the periods, and she promised me she’d visit sometime this week, so therefore, it’s none of your concern.”
“Since when have you had contact with Amara?”
“Since like a month ago. Uncle Chuck taught her about the world of cellphones. She promised she’d drop by for at least an hour. You don’t think she’s going to flake on me do you?” Tears welled up in her eyes. Dean held his arms out for a hug.
“Hey, come here, kid. Your mom has done a lot of bad things, but if there’s one thing I know for sure about her, it’s that she never says something unless she means it. Now about the boyfriend thing…”
“His name is Benny, he likes Star Wars, and he’s a calculus nerd. Good enough?”
“Come on Dean. Calculus nerd? You have nothing to worry about.” Sam chimed in.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Sammy.”
“Does that mean that me and Jack can go hang out with him and our other friends tonight?” Y/N asked hopefully, putting on the puppy eyes she had inherited from her uncle.
“Fine, but don’t be out any later than 1 am okay?”
“Got it. Would you be mad if we left right now?”
“No. It’s fine. Go ahead, but Jack she is not to be left in a room alone with this punk. Got it? Good.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Drama queen.” She muttered.
“I heard that!”
All of their friends had already arrived by the time they got there. The only thing missing was pizza.
“Dude the delivery guy was so slow last time though. Someone should just go get it. I’m starving.” Ethan complained.
“Not it.” Y/N and Erica said at the same time. Benny and Jack both looked at Sarah.
“Um…don’t look at me. I’m babysitting.” She gestured to Jane who was sitting peacefully watching Dusk.
“I’ll go.” Jack volunteered. Y/N tossed him the keys to the Jeep.
“Don’t wreck my baby.” She said sternly, laying on the floor beside Jane.
“Careful. You sound like your dad.” Jack joked. Y/N threw a pillow at him.
“Okay. Okay. I’m going.”
“So this Dusk thing, what is it even about?” Y/N asked. Erica immediately jumped in.
“Oh my god. It is so good. You’ve never seen Dusk? It’s about a human who falls in love with a vampire and vice versa, but there’s also this werewolf that’s in love with the girl, but she ends up choosing the vampire because, duh, she’s in love with him, but anyways it’s so good and you have to watch all of them with me some time.”
“I’ve seen the Vampire Diaries but I’ve never watched this.”
“Oh my God. Don’t you just love the Salvatore brothers?”
“I love Damon, but I’m not huge on Stefan. Oh and Katherine is so hot, but my favorites are Kol and Kai.”
“You have a thing for murderers with sociopath tendencies and you’re dating Benny?” Erica asked.
“Okay, just leave me alone. Kai is hot and he had reason to murder his entire family.” Literally the entire room was just looking back and forth between them in confusion.
“Remind me to never leave you two alone.” Sarah said.
“Did you just say murdered his entire family casually in a sentence?” Benny asked.
“Yes. If you guys watched the show you would totally get it. Although Jack doesn’t and I made him watch it but then again his biological dad is literally satan-“
“Wait. Wait. Wait. First of all, Castiel isn’t his biological dad? Second of all what is his biological father a serial killer or something?” Ethan asked.
That was when Y/N registered what she had said. “It’s not my place to tell you guys about his biological dad, so like please don’t tell him I told you anything.”
Everyone agreed and dropped it. Soon after Jack came back with the pizza. “Who’s hungry?”
“I am.” Erica whispered passive aggressively under her breath. Sarah elbowed her and gave her a look, mouthing the words shut up.
Benny, Ethan, Jack, and Jane all grabbed a slice.
“Want one?” Benny asked.
“No I’m fine. Thanks though.” Y/N said. Her mood had noticeably dropped, and it was because she was thinking of her mother. What if she didn’t come like she’d promised? Well, at least her cousin Gabriel promised a visit soon, despite her father’s protest.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Sarah asked her.
“It’s stupid. My mom told me that she was going to visit me sometime this week, but I’m worried she won’t show up.” At that very moment Amara appeared in the room. Now there was a lot of explaining to be done.
“Holy shit! Who are you and how did you do that?!” Ethan exclaimed.
“Wow. Gorgeous alert.” Erica said, ignoring the fact that a woman she didn’t know had just appeared out of nowhere. Y/N immediately jumped up and hugged her.
“I missed you, mom.” She muttered into her hair.
“Mom?!” They all asked at once.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. So what are you then?” Benny asked.
“Why are you guys not very freaked out about this?” Jack asked.
“We know about the supernatural, but nothing like this.” Ethan said still in shock.
“So, you made friends? I’m proud of you. How’s your dad doing?” Amara said.
“Same old. Same old. Sad, confused, protective.”
“Wait how do you guys know about the supernatural?” Jack asked ignoring the side conversation.
“That depends. How do you feel about vampires, warlocks, and seers?” Benny asked.
“Wait! You’re vampires?!” Y/N exclaimed suddenly.
“Not all of us. Just Erica and Sarah.” Ethan said.
“You guys haven’t even the ones killing people have you, because that would suck because then I’d have to kill you.”
“No, but really?! Kill us?!” Sarah exclaimed.
“My family hunts the supernatural! You guys have got to stay on the downlow or my dad and my uncle will straight up kill you and not think twice, please be careful!”
“Are warlocks on that list?” Benny asked.
“Wait, you’re a waflock and you didn’t tell me?!”
“We still don’t know what you two are and I think I speak for everyone when I say I would like to know!”
Y/N sighed. This would be a long conversation. She took in a deep breath. “So, my dad is the vessel of the archangel Michael aka the person Michael needed to possess to win the apocalypse which already happened by the way. My dad kind of saved the world. My Uncle Sam on the other hand is the vessel of Lucifer who is Jack’s biological dad which makes Jack a nephilim, and by the way Lucifer is actually pretty chill. But that’s beside the point. This is Amara my mom aka the darkness aka god’s sister which kind of makes me a Demigod which makes god aka Chuck my uncle and Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel my cousins which makes Jack my second cousin and also by the way Castiel is an angel too. Oh and also my dad is kind of gay for Cas but neither of them will admit but you know, subtext.”
They all looked at her with wide eyes. “If you plan on sticking with me welcome to my dysfunctional family.” She announced.
“Are they okay?” Amara whispered.
“Maybe. I don’t know.” Y/N whispered back.
“Ya know what? Cool. Also can we just talk about how Y/N has hot parents? MILF alert. Like it finally makes sense why she is so pretty.” Erica said casually.
“What’s a MILF?” Amara asked her. Y/N face palmed.
“It’s good. It’s a compliment, but don’t say it to anyone , ever.” Y/N tried to explain.
“Anyways…I guess I’m gonna go and let you all process this interaction. Benny, call me. Bye!” They all left, and Y/N insisted that they take the Jeep and not just teleport.
When they got back to the house everyone kind of just looked at each other awkwardly. “Mom and I are gonna go…what do normal teenage girls do with their non supernatural mothers? Paint their nails? We’ll go do that. See you soon.”
Dean looked at Jack waiting for an explanation. “I’ve got…homework. Yeah. Anyways bye.”
“What just happened?” Sam asked.
Dean shrugged. “Don’t know. Don’t care.”
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yungbud · 4 years
pregnancy kink. anything. there doesnt have to actually be a pregnancy, just like, the idea of him fucking and coming inside you, the idea that you COULD get pregnant, could carry his baby. the dirtier and filthier the better. i will pay.
Oh, Baby X
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Word count: 2.4k
Tw:Breeding kink, light smacking, choking, claiming, smut obviously, drinking, cum fetish. Just, I mean, filth. A lil fluff at the beginning tho aww :))
A/n:I’ve been in such a writing stump but damn, money is one hell of a motivator. Please don’t feel obligated to pay me tho, but if you CAN ok and you are safe and aren’t going to starve >:( my cashapp is $Honeybungun1. I appreciate it if you do, I still love you dearly if you don’t. Also! If this is your thing, I recommend britishfilth, here’s an audio porn he did that was along these lines :)
It’s Valentine’s day, well, valentines night you suppose, and both you and Dom had just gotten back from a romantic picnic on a mountain overlooking the city. You watched the sunset while you ate your favorite food, he even sung to you a bit. You never we much of a fan when it came to Valentines day, finding it cheesy and overdone
“You should love and cherish your significant other everyday, if you need a reminder you’re a prick.”
“Awh come on love, it’s sweet, like chocolate.” Dom would always argue. He always had a way of convincing you to do things, and you definitely didn’t regret it. Despite your feelings towards the holiday you actually had a lot of fun finding some time to set apart and spend with the love of your life. 
You’d dragged the outing past sunset and into the night, neither of you wanting it to ever have to end.
But alas, it did, and now you were home. 
This wasn’t so bad either, you thought, sat in front of the fireplace. You heard the clinking of wine glasses from the other room as Dom returned, taking a seat next to you.
“What's that?” You ask, glancing down at the liquid that filled the glass. It was red and shiny like silk, beautiful, but not wine. 
“It’s wine,” He confirmed “it’s called something weird, like starry sky wine. Pretty isn’t it?”
“Yeah, wow, it looks like a potion.”
“Mmh, love potion.” 
“Don’t need it.” You break the short distance between the two of you to place a kiss on his plump lips, pulling away but never straying far, a smile spread across your lips.
“Still,” pausing once more to place a peck to your soft lips “makes me feel all fancy.” He mused, striking a pose with his glass of glamourous alcohol. You both laughed quietly, the room falling into a comfortable silence while you stared lovingly at each other. Dom broke eye contact to glance thoughtfully down at his glass, only looking back up when he was ready to speak.
“I’ve been thinkin’, yenno,” You hum a tone of encouragement, his gaze shifting to your lips “I think you’d make a great mom.” Your eyebrows lifted at this, amusement pulling across your face. You never quite saw yourself as the motherly type, you were surprised Dom did.
“I’m serious, I think you’d be great.” Dom says, moving a piece of hair out of your face 
“Plus,” He added, leaning in to whisper in your ear “I’d love to help you make it.” You smiled at this, finally seeing where he was going.
“It does take two.” You commented, taking a small sip of your wine, still wondering how they managed to make it look this good. The fruity aroma filled your lungs as you lifted the glass up to your mouth once again, taking a small distracted sip. You weren’t as concerned with getting drunk as you were with concealing the sly smile that was sure to come across your face.
Dom’s tongue shot out to lick quickly across his bottom lips, his hand coming up to wipe down the bottom of his face as he mulled over what to say next.
“Well, we’ve got the wine, we’ve got the fire, what are we waiting for?” You shook your head, your hand coming up to rest on his cheek as you pulled his lips onto yours.
You only remembered to set your wine on the coffee table when Dom attempted to remove your shirt, almost spilling it everywhere. There was a collective sigh of relief before you placed it down, Dom moving quickly from your shirt to your bra.
“Look so fookin good for me tonight.” He moaned, his lips coming up to place hot kisses on your neck 
“Well, take it in, if we’re actually going to do this you’ll never see it like this again.” You say, taking a look down at your own body. Dom shook his head almost frantically, a look of distress evident in his features.
“No, no, no, love. Only thing that could make you look any better is if I knew my baby was in there.” He assured you, placing light kisses to your stomach.
“All that’s in there right now is a food baby, bub.”
“Well then, let's change that.” Dom says, smirking the whole way back to your lips. You worked on removing his pants while he worked on removing yours before you both decided to switch and take off your own. You couldn’t wipe the smiles off your face as you undressed yourselves, the perfect end to the perfect night.
Your lips clashed in a harsh kiss, breathing in each other like it was the last breaths you’d ever take. Your tongues wrestled for dominance, the kiss becoming hotter and messier by the second. It was clear how desperate you were for one another.
Dom’s smirking lips made their way back down your body, slowly becoming more open mouthed and wet the lower he got. By the time he reached your navel his tongue was out and swirling against your warm skin, sucking it into his mouth and nibbling lightly. 
Dom spread your legs, leaving them propped up on either side of his head, taking his time kissing up one leg, his tongue sliding lightly against your skin.
 and back down, 
then doing the same to the other.
You knew he would tease, he couldn’t help himself, but you also knew better than to beg. Begging would only make him take longer, he loved hearing you beg for him. Begging never did much for you, only ever feeding his ego. 
So you remained silent, trying to maintain your breathing as he painstakingly slow
“Good girl.” Dom praised, hooking a finger into your panties and pulling them down your thigh. He took a deep breath, inhaling your scent, before diving in. Soft moans slid past your lips at his tongue licking hungrily at you, determined to get every last bit.
“Please, more.” Your hips instinctively jutted along with his actions, but his arm came quickly to rest on top of your hips.
“You’ll take what I give you, slut.” He says, placing a firm smack to your inner thigh before continuing his actions. Dom’s arm remained tightly on you, pinning your hips to the couch, making sure that you would sit there and take every bit of pleasure he gave you. Your hips jutted when he would focus on your clit, but ultimately they would go nowhere. Dom made sure of it.
His fingers came up to your hole, pushing one of his digits in slowly, his tongue coming up to lap at your clit. Dom loved to use tongue when he gave head, he loved tasting every part of you, especially on a night like tonight. A night where you would become one in creation of another, he loved feeling so connected with you. 
 “Hm, it’s more likely that it’ll take if you’re turned on, so I’m gonna need you to come for me.” Dom says, it was posed as an offer, but clear that it was a demand. You dug your fingers into the couch cushions beside you, your hips moving along with his tongue as you tried your best to get yourself off. You could feel your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach
And building
And building until,
“Oh god, oh my fucking god, please!” You shout, your orgasm washing over you. Your toes curled down my Dom’s head, your legs spasming a bit as he milked you from your core, licking up every last bit of you.
When Dom came back up his face was soaking wet with your juices, he had never looked better in your opinion. He didn’t bother to wipe his mouth, hastily connecting his lips with your own, letting you taste yourself, a mixture of you and the wine he’d been drinking on his tongue. 
It was heavenly.
Dom took a moment to catch his breath, giving himself a few languid strokes, making a show of it with his head leant back in bliss, before lining himself up with your hole.
“Stop teasing.” You whine, a pitiful pout adorning your face.
“You have to ask nicely.” He says, making sure to maintain eye contact with you.
“Please.” You whisper, to which Dom gives you a look 
“I’m gonna need more than that, princess.”
“Please, daddy. Please fuck me, I need it. I want you to come inside me, I wanna be your good little girl, I-” Your whines are cut short by Dom pushing into you, a string of moans overtaking your sentence as he begins thrusting into you. His skin smacks against your harshly, the sound filling the room. It took a moment for him to find his rhythm, his finger on your clit and his hips pounding ruthlessly into you, but when he did, he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“I can’t wait to get you pregnant, princess, can’t wait for everyone to know you’re mine. That you’re daddy’s little cum slut. That’s what you are, isn’t it? Daddy’s dirty little cum dump. You gonna give daddy a baby, huh?”
“Yes daddy.” You moan
“Mmh, you better. Cause if you don’t you know what I’ll do?”
“No.” You whimper, your gaze meeting his own as his hand came up to wrap around your neck.
“I’m gonna do it again, and again, and again,” Dom says, thrusting hard with each repetition, sure to leave marks for tomorrow “until it takes, and daddy’s little cum slut gives him a baby.”
“Yes daddy.” You say, although it wasn’t much of an order, or a question. Your mind was so clouded with lust you could barely think, the thought of Dom’s hot cum inside you, draining his balls into your wet pussy. The thought of it dripping out and him fingering it back into you, making sure you take every last bit. The thought of a baby growing inside you, showing everyone that you were completely, undeniably his.
“Beg me. Tell me you want that sexy tummy full of this hot cum”
“Please daddy, please give it to me, I want your cum.”
“Yeah, you want it? And what if I do, hm? What if I do cum inside this pretty pussy, hm? No protection, no birth control, nothing. Daddy’s cum is going right into that fertile little fucking womb.” He groans, wrapping his hand tighter around your throat. 
“Yes, god, please.”
“Daddy’s got so much cum for you, reach down and feel daddys ball sack. You feel that? That’s all for you princess, such a good girl for me tonight. So patient and obedient, so fucking good for me. It’s all going inside that tight little pussy.”
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum.” You whimper
“Again? You greedy little whore. Why should I, hm? You already came once, daddy hasn’t cum yet. Why should daddy let a greedy little cum slut like you cum twice in one night?” 
“I’ll do anything, anything. Please daddy.” You whined, your voice being strained a bit by his grip on your throat. 
“No.” He states firmly, staring down at you falling apart beneath him. Before you knew it your second orgasm hit you like a brick, strained squeals coming out of your throat. His actions stopped momentarily, not allowing you to ride out your orgasm.
“Did you just fucking cum after I told you not to?” He asks
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I couldn’t help it. It just felt so good daddy, please.” You plead
“Who owns this pussy?” He asks, his thrusts starting up once again.
“Tell me again, who owns this pussy?”
“You do. Daddy does.”
“Daddy what?”
“Daddy owns my pussy.”
“Exactly, and when daddy tells you not to do something you don’t do it, disobedient little slut.” He says, his hand coming down against your thigh. Although he was scolding you, you ignoring his demands only egged him on more. You could tell he was close by the way his thrusts became sloppy and desperate, half threats being muttered under his breath as he slowly approached his orgasm, unloading himself in you with a series of groans. 
“Now, daddys going to cum inside you and you’re going to” he paused to groan through gritted teeth “Take it. Fucking take it.” He moans through gritted teeth, his grip on your throat loosening as he comes down from his high. 
Dom pulls out, admiring the mess he had made inside you, his fingers coming up to push the cum that had dripped out back in.
“Stay here, don’t let it drip out.” He says, adjusting you so your legs are propped up into the air. You followed orders, remaining like that until he returned, although uncomfortable you knew better than to disobey him.
“There we go, make sure not a drop slips out. Make sure you take all my hot fucking cum.” He says, placing the cum plug in your pussy,  guiding your legs back to the floor. Dom curled up beside you, laying on the couch, catching your breath and allowing your heartbeats to slow down from your orgasms. Doms fingers came up to tangle themselves in your hair, scratching lightly at your scalp. Your tired eyes closed, glad to finally have some rest after a long, albeit wonderful day.
“What if we really do have a kid?” Dom piped, breaking the silence.
“You’d be a good dad.” You reply, cuddling closer to him.
“They’ll be born in early November.”
“Hm, Autumn, that’s a cute name.”
“What zodiac sign is that?”
“Scorpio and Saggitarius.”
“What’s that mean?”
“I’m not sure,” You laughed, your eyebrows knitting together “all I’ve ever heard about sag’s are that they’re sad and horny.”
“Awh, I don’t wanna hear that about my baby. Here, let’s look it up.” Dom offers, reaching over to grab his phone from the floor. You spent the rest of the night wrapped up in eachothers arms talking about baby names and personalities and zodiac signs, getting up momentarily to stoke the fire. You couldn’t believe that something so dirty could shift into something so beautiful so quickly.
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idontknowmyownmind · 3 years
Fanfic ideas which are obviously Mammon centric. I never include MC because I'm not that fond of a story that has oc as it's main character.
An effective old curse(?)
There is an old curse that will kill a demon if it is planted on them. To use it, they need a lot of sacrifice (not souls or any of that kind) that is really hard to get because the curse will 100% work. When you have already collected all the important things, the curse can be sent like a voodoo thing and the target will not realize it until the next day. It started with some kind of mark on their wrist and it began to travel to their body. Depending on how long the sender wants it to completely work, the curse will spread at a certain pace a day.
Someone who got this curse will slowly but gradually will started to feels tired fast and lost their senses. Before the day they are supposed to die, they will become an unresponsive person. Not paralized type but more like someone who lose all their senses type.
So, there is a witch who wants revenge on Lucifer by sending the curse. But unfortunately the curse got sent to Mammon instead. On the first day, he doesn't even know about it. He found out about the mark on the second day when it already covered his right lower arm. But Mammon being Mammon doesn't think much about it and doesn't know what it means.
Mammon knew about the curse two days after. He and his brothers are having a movie night, something that happens once in millenials. The rowdy type, Mammon, Asmo, and Levi, have their little quarrel. Asmo tried to attack Mammon with a pillow but slipped and pulled Mammon's top, exposing his right arm.
The other brothers who happen to look also don't know about it and asked Mammon if he got tattoos. But Mammon just looks at the mark confused and says bewilderedly that he is not and this mark just appears out of nowhere. He swears it was just covering his lower arm but how it suddenly covers his right arm, he doesn't know.
Lucifer is the only one who knows about the curse and how to recognize it. So he is surprised and dread following after when he looks at the marks on Mammon's right arm. He suddenly in front of him, startled not just Mammon but also the others, and grabbed Mammon's arm and inspected it. There is no doubt that it is that curse.
Apparently he grabbed it too tightly because Mammon started to complain and said that if he is angry because he thinks it's tattoos, he swears that it is not. But Lucifer ignored him and said that they needed to see Barbatos in a clipped tone. Still not letting Mammon go but loosen his grasp.
(Let's say that Barbatos is a master of curse.)
"Wow, wow. I don't think we need to, it's just weird marks. I'm sure it's gonna gone before I know it"
Lucifer hissed and glared at him. But not like his angry one, there is something else in his eyes, tone and body languages, something urgent and unreadable.
"Don't you know what this mark means?! You're gonna die!"
"Huh?" Mammon's brain shut down and his face was blank.
The other looked shocked. Asmo tried to laugh it off, saying that Lucifer was just joking. But when Lucifer doesn't react and is still in a staring contest with Mammon, his smile drops and fear begins to creep on him.
Series of activities happened and they are on their way to the castle. Lucifer began to intrograte Mammon and got little to nothing important information because Mammon himself doesn't even know a single thing.
The brothers also ask questions and Lucifer answers as far as he knows. Fear envelopes everyone while Mammon tries to joke to light up the atmosphere but gets an angry yet worried death glare from his brothers that shut him up.
When they arrive and explain what they knew, they get the heart breaking news that there is no way to lift the curse.
Some ruckus happens and they decide to find a way to lift it with the help of Barbatos and Diavolo. The curse spread faster than they imagined and on day five it almost covered all his upper body.
In those days, Lucifer, despite wanting to spend his last time with Mammon, just can't stop his research because every second matters.
Satan who usually would rather somewhere else than with just Lucifer always by his side to help.
Asmo and Levi make sure to always have Mammon in sight.
The twins always find time to cuddle Mammon.
Mammon was scared but also frustrated with his brothers. He tried to reason that they don't need to neglect themselves just for him, which got them mad, saying that he is more important that got him speechless.
He just let that happen but even he knows that it will be futile.
The possibilities are endless and I'm not sure where and how I want it to end. But one thing for sure is, in the end Mammon died.
Kind of like a sleeping beauty AU
• The brothers are currently at the party hosted by Diavolo
• After some time, Mammon came to the garden.
• In the garden are Levi and Satan who start to feel suffocated inside with all the social shits.
• With Mammon there, surely it's not gonna be a silent situation.
• He teases, argues a little and does things older siblings would do to their little ones.
• As you know Mammon is the fastest demon, and it seems that even Diavolo and Lucifer won't be able to catch up with him if he wants to.
• Mammon is secretly protective with his brothers, yes it includes Lucifer.
• He senses some malicious intent toward one of his lil bros.
• (My hc) Some of Mammon's power is about time. He's the fastest and he also can manipulate time and make it slower or faster w/o others notice, which is handy most of the time.
• He makes sure to use his power in a small radius, not too far to notice Lucifer or Diavolo but enough to prevent anything that may happen to his lil bros.
• Faster than they can blink, Mammon pushes Levi away.
• Levi yelped and Satan was also shocked by the sudden harsh action. It seemed like Mammon used a little bit more strength than intended.
• Levi looked up angrily from where he pushed off and was ready to throw some harsh words toward Mammon.
• All the words died in his mouth when he watched Mammon crunch down, arms hugging himself, with two arrows stuck in his back.
• He whimpered and hissed in pain when the arrows seemed to glow and disappear in every second along with weird and old looking sigils starting to appear on his body.
• Without a second thought Satan throws the book he's been reading and kneels beside his brother.
• He tries to call him but Mammon ignores everything. He also tried to take the arrows but couldn't and tried to solve what the sigils mean but it's the first time he saw something like this.
• Levi who kneels in front of Mammon tries to make him focus on him but to no avail Mammon's eyes just keep being between focus and unfocus.
• When the arrows completely disappear, the sigils glow a little as if sealing something in before disappearing completely and Mammon slump toward Levi.
• One thing imprinted on Levi's brain is how he saw a completely pure fear in Mammon's eyes before they turned dull.
• Levi froze in his place and when he snapped out of his daze, Satan was already cradling Mammon's lifeless body.
• Satan had Mammon's head pressed on his chest and that's when Levi saw how his usually lively and energetic brother looked like a soulless doll.
• His body looks like a doll that has no string to keep them up and his eyes are dull and lifeless.
• "Levi!"
• Levi looked at Satan who looked at him with apparent fear in his eyes and startled a little because right now, Satan looks like an innocent little kid who doesn't know what to do.
• Although he may be one of the smartest among the brothers and the fourth strongest, he is still the youngest of the brothers.
• "Levi, do something."
• He must be crazy because Levi can hear a hidden plea in his tone.
• It's slow but when Levi finally catches up with the situation, that he should be the one who is in Mammon's position and his brother just saved his life, fear and a sheer terror rush to him at full speed.
• He is afraid for his brother's life, afraid that he may lose him, that because of him he'll never be able to see his idiot but lovable brother anymore.
• He starts to shake Mammon awake, do anything he can, shouthing, but he won't bugger even a little. The only movement of him is the sway of his hair because of the wind.
• Levi doesn't know since when he clutched Mammon's shirt and pressed his forehead on Mammon's chest whilst he cried and shouted incoherent sentences in hope Mammon would wake up and laugh, telling him that it was just a prank.
• For the first time since millennials Satan felt lost.
• He always pride his knowledge but right now he feels useless because he just can watch when his brother suffers, died, in front of him.
• Hearing Levi crying and calling for Mammon, Satan couldn't hold his own tears as they began to stream down his cheek while he tightened his hold on his dear brother.
• It seems that their ruckus attracted some demons who were near the garden and they were smart enough to call their other brothers.
• Satan is silently glad because he swears he will tear them apart in anger if they just stand around and watch while they don't even know what is happening.
• In his mind, he vaguely knows that he needs to get the others but he doesn't want to leave Mammon's side. He's afraid that if he lets him go he will disappear forever and it looks like Levi is not doing any better.
• So they just wait and try to wake Mammon or just think, as much as their hazy mind can, what just happened and what they can and need to do.
• When one of the demons in the party comes to Lucifer, he doesn't really pay them any mind.
• He thinks that they may want to talk with Diavolo or Barbatos like the others before.
• Lucifer and his brothers have been Diavolo's companions since the middle of the party.
• What he didn't, never, expected is the demon talk, inform him that his brothers in the garden make some ruckus.
• When he heard the word white haired brother, the first thing he thought was how Mammon caused trouble again, in Diavolo's party no less. He felt irritated.
• But it melted away quickly as it came when he heard what was said after.
• Two of his brothers, Levi and Satan, weeping, shouting something while crying. Satan.
• And how they hold Mammon because something happened to him.
• He didn't hear what was said next because in a second he was already on his feet and hurriedly walked to the garden.
• There is foreign feeling in his chest and he registers it as fear, he feels his stomach drop.
• His mind ran miles for what had possibly happened.
• It better not be some kind of prank or he's gonna be mad.
• The other brothers, Beel wake Belphie when he senses that something is wrong, along with Diavolo and Barbatos who also hear the conversation following him.
• What they saw in the garden is an unexpected thing, something they thought would never happen.
• When Satan sensed someone closer, he held Mammon closer protectively and snarl at them.
• For the first time he is relieved a little when he sees his brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos.
• With tears still streaming down, he looks at Lucifer and says, "Lucifer, wake him. Wake Mammy, please"
• Mammy is Satan's nickname for Mammon, the only brother who he gave an affectionate nickname to, because he's the one who took care of him the most back then.
• Lucifer is trying his hardest to compose himself because he needs to keep strong for his brothers.
• Asmo went to Levi the moment he arrived and sowed tears when he saw Mammon lifeless eyes.
• He tried to call him, shakily, but got no response.
• He almost went into hysteria seeing his brother state.
• While Lucifer checks on Mammon, Asmo hugs Levi who keeps muttering that it was his fault and how it should be him in Mammon's place.
• Beel and Belphie tried to calm Satan.
• They don't cry but Beel looks close to losing it while Belphie tries to stay strong for his twin too.
• Lucifer's heart clenched painfully when he held his, first, baby brother in his arms, lifeless. It brings back all the bad memories of the past.
• Not a minute after arriving and assessing the situation, Diavolo commanded Barbatos to have all the guests come home.
• Diavolo always admired Lucifer for his calm and collected composure.
• But right now, he can see him slowly losing it the longer he holds Mammon.
• Diavolo knows, everyone knows, despite the fact that he equally loves all his brothers, he always has a special spot for Mammon, the second eldest.
• (Skip because I don't know what else I should write in this scene.)
• After Satan explains everything, they begin to investigate the current case.
• Satan may look fine but he drowns himself in books, something that has something to do with sigils and spells, more.
• Levi rarely went to his room and always stayed in Mammon's room. He may as well stay there with how many things he keeps bringing.
• Lucifer locked himself in his room and just went out to the castle to discuss it with Diavolo and Barbatos.
• Belphie, Beel and Asmo tried to help as much as they could.
• Mammon was laid down in his bed like a sleeping beauty.
• They found out that some demons/witches, for whatever reason, were targeting Levi but Mammon took the blow instead.
• The arrows were covered not only by some spells but also sigils.
• What makes it complicated is, the spells and sigils are the really old, complicated and strong ones.
• The ones that existed when Diavolo was a child.
• The fastest way to get rid of it is to wake the Demon King from his hibernate slumber.
• But they can't do that without any risks for the three realms.
• They need to solve it by themselves.
• It takes them hundreds of years (because I think thousands of years is too long... or maybe not?) to figure it out. The brothers, despite their resolve, didn't function really well. They are determined to wake Mammon but there are also times when it's too much for them.
• In all that time, Mammon was shackled down with holly chains to his knee in a dark void with water reaching his waist. Obviously when he wakes up later, his mind will not be in the best place and will be hard to fix.
• When they finally figure it out, Mammon doesn't immediately wake up and the brothers keep searching for what might be wrong.
• What they don't know is that awakening is a slow process. First, he's going to start to be aware of what is happening around him in his sleeping state. Then his senses will start to function again. And he will start to move his body.
• No one beside him, as they focus on what they can fix, for two weeks and in those weeks he almost regains all his senses and moves his body almost fully. He was still sluggish and trembling like a newborn deer but he got there.
• The first one who finds him is Levi. He walks in and throws himself on the sofa, unaware of eyes trailing his every move.
• Mammon is still skeptical if it's a reality or just something his mind keeps making up in his loneliness at that place.
• But when he is sure it's real, he brave himself to joke about how tired Levi looks.
• Levi looks startled and actually jumps on his feet. There is no way he's gonna mistake those voices, a bit scratchy for not being used for so long but definitely it belongs to Mammon.
• He stood there and stared at Mammon with wide eyes while the latter waved and smiled awkwardly, "well, it's nice to finally be back?"
• Levi's lips began to tremble and tears flowed freely from his eyes. Mammon who was sitting on the edge of the bed panicked and worried as to why his brother suddenly cried and looked pained.
• Without a second thought and ignoring how his body aches, he slowly but surely made his way to Levi and brought him to his embrace to comfort him.
• He is confused and doesn't know what to do when Levi starts to cry harder and hug him as if his lifeline depends on him.
• He spoke incoherently. And when Mammon heard something about that it should be him in his position, Mammon forced him to look him in the eye. Firmly and seriously, he said that what happened was not his fault and he did it of his own will and will do it many times for his brothers if he needs to.
• Levi laugh weetly and burried his face on Mammon's chest, still hugging him, and called him stupid. Mammon just says that it was because he is the great Mammon after all, boastful and laugh loud and clear.
• Levi missed this. So he let himself in Mammon embrace while the latter rubbing his back and caressing his hair gently.
• After some moments of bliss, Mammon states that he thinks he needs to see the others, especially Satan as he was also the one there when everything happened to him.
• They decide to come out when it's dinner to surprise the others.
• They rarely eat together again because it's not the same but this time the brothers manage to find time.
• While waiting for dinner, they talk about many things but not once talking about what happened and where Mammon might be. They talk and talk, sometimes just sitting there basking in a comfortable silence, like nothing ever happened.
• At that moment Levi realized something, every brother of his has their own role in this dysfunctional family. All of them are glue but Mammon is the strongest glue that holds them together.
• It's time for dinner and they walk downstairs to the dining room. Levi talk animatedly about new games and anime series with Mammon beside him, listening closely to whatever he said.
• When he is more sure that it's not some fuck up thing his mind torture him, he is more confident and want to savor everything. He misses his brothers so much.
• They walk slower than usual because Mammon is still not used to moving his body.
• The others brothers who already seated began to hearing Levi loud and antusias voice, something they do not heard since that accident
• They are curious as to what the cause of this and who he talk to but then they froze in place when they heard a familiar loud laugh following whatever Levi says
• They look at the door aticipantly and when Levi and whoever he is with arrived in their peripheral vision, they hold their breath
• Mammon stood beside Levi a little awkwardly and waved at them, trying to look confident and choky when he greeted them.
• Anyone would think it's Beel or Asmo who immediately rush to Mammon, or even Satan remembering how he look at that time
• But much to everyone's surprise, it is Lucifer who suddenly stands in front of them and hugs Mammon. He let a shaky breath
• There are many things he want to say, but he manage just to say, "welcome back, little brother"
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