#wouldnt be convinced by theory and that the people im talking to Already Know The Theory. im not gonna unnecessarily lengthen this post by
gibbearish · 6 months
i know im preaching to the choir on transgumblr.com but can i just say. cis people who throw big fits about transfems who dont shave have just. black holes for brains. like even putting everything about how it sucks to say shaving=femininity while pretending to be a feminist and whatnot aside, you cannot tell me a beard isnt a dope as fuck accessory on a femme look. it literally fucks and if you think it looks gross you can just say you have bad taste and go. beards look cool as fuck and femmes look cool as fuck, why would combining them cancel out the cool as fuck factor. like are you jealous that they get free jaw contouring without having to put anything on their face or what
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livecharliereaction · 7 months
Ill probably make charumiq2 for next ep for easier navigation for meeee But yeah thats done now thats um aaahahahha
- bernkastel showed up i am so happy. YAY! So many mentions of this lambdadelta i kind of thought shed be satoko somehow but im not seeing it rn well see when she shows up
- i rly hope the witches wont stay as only ????? characters n get weaved into the main story but guess what im like 100% sure thatll happen at least somehow but i dont know how. Miss bern said shed help me YAYYY! So nice of her
- i can rly see what ppl mean when they say it starts slow though it wasnt a problem for me bcs i liked the characters in the family already but i can totally see it being a problem for someone else Bcs like i knew theres witches. So theres the whole "ooh u think itll be a regular murder mystery but its fantasy" "is there a 19th person ooh" Well that just doesnt happen at all. However smth ive been noticing about wtc that although theres always secrets and thus always reveals theres SO MANY mysteries that the story doesnt rly lose THAT much if u know smth (But its still important to me that i get to know things in the order the author wants me to like in general so spoilers r still being crazy avoided...)
- i had the theory that beatrice was very young when kinzo met her and was traumatized by his "love" and then died and her spirit is sort of haunting the mansion but its not entirely clicking what that would be so im ditching it for now
- i know tea party and ????? cant be taken tooooooooo seriously but theyre the main reason i dont think that anymore See Im kind of doubting the existence of a human beatrice altogether. Sure bernkastel was kinda rikaing around but it seems too complicated to compare it to that so no way
- I still cant forget lambdadelta sharing some resemblance to satoko (from the shit that i saw BEFORE i was avoiding spoilers Im talking very very slight like rly just hair n eye color) but i feel like we wont see her in the next ep at all. Im imagining (hoping) each ep might have a new witch in it. I cant imagine the gold thing going all the way through 8 eps so... (Bcos What riddle takes that long.)
- Favs r still maria and natsuhi from the human side at least Like that didnt change. And i doubt it would I also like jessica a lot i do
- motherhood goes crazy Natsuhi and Jessica i could die and also marias lack of motherly love rips me apart
- Im very curious about the physics of this though or i mean like What now? Are we going back in time? If so how much????? Im kinda imagining its just kinda similar all over again but with different sacrifices each time but the ways that can be done r hmm. Someone else might try to do as the epitaph says and thus killing people but yeah.
- Not to be battler but if ep1 were to actually be a humans doing itd be maria (u know) natsuhi (absolutely not sorry for even saying it queen but she was running around w the rifle and all and had a lot of control over some situations) or kinzo (its easiest to believe that corpse wasnt really Him out of the corpses The toe thing isnt convincing to me but theres the problem of Ok whose body is it charlie? and i wouldnt know)
- Excited and baffled it was 12 hrs i feel like i started it what maybe this week idfk School starts again so i have to slow down the pace but thats ok...
- I thought the role of "the witchs messenger" might change too but i kind of hope its just marias job each time i liked the way she did it shes so fun
- no clue abt the rules of this world yet but im excited bcs theyre spelling it out to Think about it so u know it wont be obvious I dont even think i Can make a good guess rn
- natsuhi save me
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marunalu · 3 years
I want to talk a little bit about the “Inko Shimura” theory and while Im not 100% convinced about it and there are not as many hints as with the dad for one theory, its not as impossible as some people seem to think. Remember there were almost no hints about the “Shirakumo is Kurogiri” theory and in the end it was true. This post is inspired by similar posts of @gentrychild​ and @psychomurderz​ and I will just list a few hints that support the theory.
First hint: All might says Inko reminds him of Nana.
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Here All might tells Izuku that he “cant put his finger on it” why Inko reminds him of Nana. In the end he mentions they have the same hair, but that alone is clearly not the only reason why he feels like that. He is unsure himself. Of course Inkos motherly and protective nature could remind him of Nana too, but he doesnt mention that. And knowing Hori he didnt include this moment for nothing. There was by itself no reason why Hori should include this, if he doesnt want us to remember it later. And while I personally dont see much of a resemblance between Nana and Inko when it comes to their looks, in the bnha universe they seem to be similar, otherwiese All might wouldnt have mention that. 
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If you look at them like that, you could indeed think they are related. To me personally its the weakest hint, because the only resemblance they have in my eyes are their hair style. But! Even if they dont look like each other that much, that doesnt debunk the theory, because for all we know Inko could come after her father/nanas husband. We dont know what the guy looks like and its very possible that Inko inheritet her features and colours from him, while Kotaro clearly comes more after his mother in appearance.
Second hint: the scarf.
Like the first hint this could be a complete coincidence, but Inko and Nana wear the same scarf. And I like to think that Nana left it with baby Inko, when she left her in the hospital for adoption/foster care.
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Again, maybe its just nothing, but Hori could have choosen any pattern and motive on Inkos scarf, but he choose the same as for Nanas.
Third hint: Kotaros quirk.
You most likely think now “but he never showed what his quirk is”. Yeah, thats right... or is it? Look at this:
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In the first panel on the left, we can see that Kotaro spotted a garden tool near him. Distance wise I would say its about 2 to 3 meters away from him, because we cant see it next to him on the picture in the middle. But in the very next picture in the bottom right, Kotaro already holds the tool in his hand. The tool is to far away to just grab it and its strange that Hori didnt draw a picture of Kotaro running or jumping for it. Its as if he left out a picture on purpose. And if you look closely you can see that it seems indeed as if the tool “jumped” or “flew” right into Kotaros hand and he closed it over the tool handle. Its also interesting to note that Kotaro holds it with his right hand, despite his left hand being nearer to it. Of course we could say its because he is right handed, but if you are in a situation like him, wouldnt it have been more logic to grab it with the hand that was nearer. That tells me he grabed it with his right hand, because that is the hand he is used to using his quirk with (and because he is most likely right handed). So if what we see here is indeed Kotaros quirk and the garden tool “jumped” into his hand on his own, I think we can all agree that this sounds suspicious similar to Inkos quirk, attraction of small objects, with which she also can make objects “fly” or “jump” into her hand and Nanas quirk is called “flow” after all, only that she makes herself flow and we dont know what the quirk of her husband was.
Fourth hint (now it starts to get interesting): “That was a demon that threw away her own children.” - Kotaro Shimura about his mother Nana.
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Yeah you read it right. Here Kotaro says word for word that Nana threw away her “children”. Not child! Children! Plural! For someone who is supposed to be an only child, its very strange to speak in plural here. And the interesting thing is: he also uses plural in japanese. In japanese he says: “Kodomo o suteda kichikuda.” The translation for that is: “Its a devil/demon that throws away (her) children.” So its possible that Kotaro knew that he was about to become a big brother. The timeline suggests that when Nana gave Kotaro in foster care, she was already pregnant (the death of her husband was probably not long ago). Its spring at that time, because we see can see the Sakura blossoms fall. And Inko was born in summer. And if we look at Nana in that pictures, she looks indeed as if she gained weight. You could say its because of the coat, but even then she looks more “rounder” then normal and its also a little suspicious that Hori didnt draw her from the front. And from afar she really does a lot look like Inko, dont you think?
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Also the building in the backgroud looks very similar to the house complex the midoriyas life in right know.
Fifith hint: Inkos birthday date.
Some of you may wonder now, whats so special about Inkos birthday date. Inkos birthday is on 4. July or 7.4. The special thing is in the translation of the numbers, because it translates into: seven (nana) and four (shi). 7.4. = nana shi. And if we consider that Hori loves to put informations about his characters in their names and birth dates, I think this is a pretty big hint from him.
Sixth hint: Parallels
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Im pretty sure I forgot a few hints, but this were the ones that came right to my mind, so feel free to ad a few more if you can! 
P.s.: And lets face it. If dad for one is canon, we all know, afo would go after Nanas daughter, as soon as he finds out about her.
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unmaskedpod · 3 years
so i read your response to my theory and i want to bring up some counter points of my own:
i said enhanced people or aliens we’ve known. if there are some with similar powers then they haven’t shown their faces and i find that suspecious. most people have powers that are similar to each other, hulk and captain america while different they both have similar enhancements. the power man from brooklyn? the bronx? harlem? new york is like immortal or something and you can say thats some kind of healing factor like deadpool is known to have. but there isnt anyone known with similar powers to spiderman (ignoring super strength that like literally everyone has nowadays. your neighbours grandma has super strength); thats weird.
tony stark has the resources to make himself a suit and hes also proven theres a man inside the suit. spiderman hasnt. but maybe it is a normal human inside a super suit!! then he would still need the resources to make the suit… maybe thats why the vultures daughter liz allen (? i suck with names, sorry about the vision thing) told you to look into oscorp!! maybe they are the maker of the suit and thats why they don’t want to say anything!!
the voice modulator… the mask its like skin tight, it would be really difficult to hide a voice modulator there, and you didnt see him swinging around with a phone on his hand everytime he had to talk, did you? even the ironman helmet thingy isnt as close to the face i dont think (how would he breath if it was??? also i imagine the metal is quite uncomfortable). if he is a man inside a suit, then it would make the most sense that the suit has all the powers like ironmans including some voice modulator, but if he was a robot? some android? then he wouldnt have the breathing problem bc the mask is not a mask its face and it doesnt have to worry about poking itself in the eye when installing voice modultor thingies.
the blood is a theory you have, unless you already know the dude and asked him yourself. maybe its a robot with social issues that really thinks that if he makes something look like blood no one would question it, you dont know whats going on in that guy’s head. or maybe thats what the robot wants you to believe.
now im kind of more sure that its either a robot/ai or some ironman wannabe in an oscorp suit. fucking oscorp answer the calls i want to know. you dont have to be an asshole for your own close mindness jeez, why do you hate robots.
[ ps: author this is a joke this is lighthearted pls i love your fics i love harley i laughed so much when i saw the response. last chapter was amazing, your writing is so fucking good. i loved the spin on uncle bens death and (as someone who recently lost an uncle and is going through the same as peter) i felt so identified with peter. keep it up!! <333 ]
I'll address this the same way you did:
1. You say yourself we haven't seen anything yet that equals up to the same and then call it suspicious in the same breath. Of course it's suspicious but enhanced individuals are currently risking forced registration and jail time if they even accidentally show powers so I can't blame them for staying quiet.
2. We won't know anything about whether that is true or not until they agree to an interview.
3. You do know you can use some really good stealth tech (made BY SI) to modify your voice, right? All you need is a microphone which even your classic bluetooth headphones have.
4. As you say, unless you're spoken to him you don't know what he's thinking. And that works for you too, anon.
Why are you so convinced that he HAS to be a robot? There's no way in this conversation that I'm the only close-minded one.
~ Harley
(Ooc: 😂 don't worry at all! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for interacting!)
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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blookmallow · 5 years
i finally rewatched Us watching for details... I also took a bunch of screenshots, I’ve mentioned before I live in santa cruz and grew up going to this boardwalk so im obsessed with this movie, I’m going to go try to take some better comparison shots sometime (here’s a few I took before) (and here’s a Tethered mannequin that was outside of the frightwalk for a while. i havent been inside for ages so I don’t know if they moved him inside or if he’s just gone now) (i HOPE they did something with the theme considering the frightwalk is literally a horror attraction beneath the boardwalk. i dont really want to go in there by myself though lmao. not a fan of animatronics jumping out and screaming at me) 
this is a lot, i have many things to say 
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- the opening news segment is 11 at 11 
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- you can faintly see adelaide/red’s reflection in the tv screen, with a toy rabbit (her shirt also has twin lines on it in multiple places but that could be looking too far lmao) 
- in the “Hands Across America” segment (aside from the obvious red figures linked together in the logo) : “from the golden gate bridge to the twin towers” another possible 11/twinning, and it starts in california, which is where the tethered revolution begins 
- on “from sea to shining sea” the exact same coastline image is just flipped 
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(there’s also another 11 on the side of the TV here) 
- “This summer, 6 million people will tether themselves together” 
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- brief mirroring in the boardwalk ad, not just two girls running on the beach but also two girls with upside down reflections in the ground, 
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- fairly obvious one, but “find yourself” (as a sidenote there’s nothing in that spot irl, the roller coaster and the swings are real but there was never a ‘vision quest’ or a ‘merlin forest’ as far as I know and there’s no door or anything there either, the interior shots must’ve been done separately somewhere else) (nothing’s left here from the movie now either, I have no idea when they filmed it because I never saw anything or heard anything about it) 
- adelaide/red whistles “the itsy bitsy spider” when the lights go out in the vision quest - “down came the rain and washed the spider out,” it’s raining outside when her tethered comes up (and she is dragged down). she also drops her red apple on the ground before she enters 
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- zora’s rabbit shirt 
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- everyone else is eating fast food of some kind, except adelaide, who is eating red strawberries 
as well as being a visual cue, its possible she has an aversion to meat if she was forced to eat raw rabbit as a child
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- young adelaide arranging animals in the sand (it seems like some of the tethered tend to mirror their counterpart’s movements, so it’s possible she’s mirroring red, though it’s probably not that likely she’d be planning this early/the dance hasnt happened yet so its probably just foreshadowing) 
- young adelaide very pointedly watches “her” mother crying, saying “I just want my little girl back” - she will never have her little girl back again, though she doesn’t know it (I’m not sure if adelaide still remembers what she’s done at this point either) 
its also mentioned that ‘grandma’ has passed away as of the present time, likely adelaide’s mother (i dont remember if its stated outright but since the house belonged to the grandma, and it’s in santa cruz, that would line up) so. the tethered mother, if she’s still alive, would not kill red’s real mother in the uprising. dont know about the father, or if red knows/cares about this, but. thats there. that also means the original mother will never know what happened with her daughter (likely the father won’t either, it’s not clear if he’s still alive but there’s no mention of him being around/he’s not at the house so it seems likely he passed already too) 
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- adelaide, her reflection, and a (not so) itsy bitsy spider 
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theres even two spiders, one a toy, one real 
- jason crawls out of a cabinet at zora’s feet and scares her while she’s looking in a mirror (which is also a very pluto-like movement) 
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- adelaide finds the toy rabbit in a box; assuming the intro was chronological, we saw “her” with it in the tv screen reflection before she went to the boardwalk, so this was red’s rabbit first (she probably does not remember this, though) (red also later finds this and cuts off the head, not sure why though)
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- adelaide “sees” her child self in the room with her (in her memory) learning her dance alongside her reflection
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 but the reflection is the one she “sees” looking directly at her 
(she’s also interrupted by hearing her son, above her, screaming because he’s trapped, but that might not be intentional) (though when red comes down here later, she is also interrupted by her son getting stuck in the closet too)
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- she’s also wearing a choker necklace with a matching gold bracelet, maybe an allusion to. the choking and the handcuffs, again i might be looking into it too much, but. the white clothes which steadily become red with blood seems very intentional so i wouldnt be surprised if the jewelry was planned specifically too 
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- its really hard to see and its a split second throwaway comment but kitty goes “oh isnt that beautiful” showing her the magazine and i thhiiiink thats a white girl in a native american headdress :’  ) probably doesnt have. much deeper meaning other than ‘clueless white friends’ but 
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- guy buried in sand comes bursting to the surface again and scares his friends (also eyyooooo you can see the wharf in the background im down there all the time) (sorry this is still wild to me. i grew up here ive been to that beach like 9 million times)
- i didnt catch it and was waiting for it to be shown again and it wasnt and i dont want to go back for it but anyway jason has a drawing of a bunch of people holding hands in a line like the hands across america thing in his room, theres a lot of drawings around and we see his drawing of the first untethered, so he probably drew that as well
- jason has a hard time communicating, but he seems to use drawing as a way to express himself. he doesn’t tell his mother about the encounter with the old man (and only shrugs when he’s asked about it) but he does draw it. adelaide found self expression through dance when she was a child before she was able to talk, so he probably got those traits from her. her voice also goes low and hollow on the line “I just didn’t know if you were lost, or... taken” 
- her voice also gets very strange when she’s talking about her memory of the encounter in the vision quest. low, shaky, harsh. its fascinating hearing how much alike the voices are (obviously they’re both the same actress/if the tethered are clones it makes sense that they’d have identical vocal chords but like. red’s got a fucked up voice. hearing echos of that in adelaide is wild and i didnt notice it at all before) 
- its not clear whether adelaide actually remembers what she did, or even realizes she was the copy - is she trying to protect her family from what she believes was the girl who almost took her, or trying to stop her from getting her revenge? she describes the event to gabe as if she was the one who was attacked but escaped, and im not sure if she’s lying or has convinced herself that’s the truth
something’s going on with jason and pluto too but I don’t quite know what it is. when we first see jason he’s wearing a Jaws shirt, kind of a similar vibe to the thriller shirt, and when the tethered arrive he’s wearing a white tuxedo t shirt, white matching his mother’s white outfit. the others all go off to kill their doubles but pluto holds jason’s hand, sits with him quietly, watches his magic trick, he’s told to go “play” which. obviously has a violent undertone to it but he doesn’t actually try to kill him. i dont even remember seeing him with the scissors. why are jason and pluto different. why does pluto get stuck mirroring jason’s movements even to the point of his death but the others dont. why didn’t adelaide mirror red
i guess its possible its because pluto is the youngest in the family so maybe he hasn’t broken out of his connection yet? they didnt really ever explain how they learned to do that 
and as for the connection with adelaide it. could just be that jason takes after his mom more and zora takes after her dad more but that seems too simple. i mean theres the theory going around that jason was actually switched with his clone too at some point and its got some good points (jason forgetting the magic trick, getting stuck in the closet again, etc) but theres a whole line of logic to debunk that too so its just. What’s Going On Here  
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cal 11 
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i took the first pic to get a comparison shot at the same place later irl but then noticed the ambulance they come across is the same one (#2) they saw earlier 
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pretty obvious but the real rabbit comes out through the picture of an identical rabbit (there’s also probably a “rabbit hole” allusion here) 
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i noticed this before too but now i have a screenshot of it, im the rabbit in the background just chilling on the floor during the climax here
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- im sure i must have seen this before but i forgot about it. the 11:11 guy’s tethered didn’t have a sign so he just.......carved it into his head
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- it never healed, either, he did it badly enough to scar
- red says “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, how you could have taken me with you” - she doesn’t mean adelaide ran off and left her there. adelaide made the choice to trap her in the underground. its possible red might have even been thinking how she would have let adelaide come with her if given the chance, which. i mean, i dont know how her parents would have reacted to suddenly having identical twins out of nowhere, but like. knowing there’s a chance red might have accepted her. and all this could have been different 
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this is definitely a movie that’s not really intended to be fully explained, there’s a lot of questions that aren’t really supposed to be answered, but nonetheless one of my biggest concerns is where do the clothes come from underground. red tells us they were all abandoned down there generations ago so nobody’s supervising or providing anything. how do they end up with copies of the clothing their counterparts are wearing. and here adelaide has a messed up faded old shirt that either looks similar to red’s shirt or is the same shirt just badly damaged, she switches it with red’s before she goes out for good so that explains how she gets the new shirt, but where did this one come from. why is it different if the other clothes aren’t
and of course there’s the whole question of “where did they all get these red jumpsuits from” but again. questions that aren’t really the point, i guess
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange Part 9
Jason returns, may be a 2 parter to cover tim getting kidnapped and the aftermath. Will let you know at the end. We are getting to Marinette dealing with Ladybugging soon.
Marinette wasnt sure what to think this year. She met The Barry Allen last year. She also figured out 2 heroes pre-flash revelation and two more after—in her defense Hero Stalker’s old theory on The first Robin did Batman in. it is not her fault 5 founding members have the multiple-persona game of a booger.
She was also Tetch (Mad Hatter. Doesnt deserve the name) and Mr. J’s, Jerimah’s, last victim before they died. Then some idiots revived Jerimah. She hates his cult a lot, okay.
Everyone was on high alert and trying to keep her inside. The thing is, she hates being inside. She’s inside for designing, sure. Research? She’ll live.
But 24/7 inside time?
Never a good combo with her.
Rose’s plants may be snitches, but they seemed to agree on the over coddling. She’s ten, can break phones by tapping them, and is defiantely more off her stickers than on at the moment.
The one on her was uring her into some alleyway. If she was reading the movement pattern right, a gang fight.
Lovely, she usually did these with some sort of supervision but they were all being rude and she needed time outside.
She checked her belt, a few pairs of ball weights tied together with one chain each to make bolas clipped to back. She has a taser in hand, and a few rubber bullet loaded gun on one hip and a stun gun her size in the other. She had a packet of zipties and rope up each sleeve. Easy to giftwrap and humiliate bad people, like Batman does.
She blinked once when she saw—new player? In a bright red full face helmet that looks horrible. And he’s holding that gun make all wrong to max out usage. Ugh, amatuers.
Some part of her groaned about a potential run-in with Batman and his new Robin—she was pissed about Tim not telling her still—and decided this was as good an anger management as any. New vigilante, maybe the sirens would help him find a team.
She snuck up behind a few members, quick to grab the guns and move them out of reach. No need to give anyone playing possum an easy out, right—she saw a mix of her people in with the gang. She needed to teip this guy up before he hurt the RKC street kids and honoraries tangled up in this.
“Hey helmet, if you’re gonna shoot them you’re holding the gun wrong.”
Helmet turned to see her. She didnt grab her usual harley-knock off outfit for helping today. She wanted to be Pixie Pop for a bit. And if the Rogues forgot that she’s Pixie well, better for her, right? Pixie just wore her hair like Tinkerbell and wore a bit of green.
The guy he was aiming at made to run.
Marinette grabbed a makeshift bolas and threw it at his knees. She recognized him from one of the RKC hit lists—human trafficker. He fell with them wrapped around tight and defiantely injured bith his knees with how the weights hit him.
“I, Pixie Pop?” Weird, no one had seen her as Pixie in two years. How’d he know it was her?
“Yeah. Havent been around much lately.” She threw another bola at another guy. “You new?”
“Talk after i kill these guys.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, because really?
She threw a knife to screw his aim into non-lethal on one guy. “Kick their ass first, some RKC are in here.”
Helmet oddly did as she said, switching from guns to—is that. A. Sword?
She twisted to punch the guy sneaking up on her. Helmet threw a sword and landed it in his shoulder.
“Holy shot you’re really here this time.”
“Did you get hit with feargas as a baby or something?” Her partner being prone to dellusions and good with weapons was a bad thing.
“Just came back from the dead is all.”
marinette hit the guy going for helmet with her stun gun.
“That’ll do it!”
Helmet turned to one of the guys, gun at the ready. She had a feeling Helmet needed a lot of help, or else one of Rose’s agents would be down.
“If you know about pixies, you should know she got an upgrade to having some trust dust.”
Marinette walked over to the guy, letting her tracker plant take a look. The flower bloomed and he got a face full of ‘filter-less pollen’ that’s as close to a truth serum as Rose could make. After all, people can turn sides.
“Truth pollen?” Helmet was staring at her closely.
“Yep.” Marinette turned to her victim. “Are you helping the traffickers?”
“Does infiltration and killing them count as helping?”
Helmet stared at them then.
“Which team?”
“HKT ma’am. How did you get rose to give you one of those?”
“Think for a minute who she gives these to.”
“Comanding officers of the the RKC reconn and interigation but there’s only 15 and i met them all when i joined in the fall.”
“Im the summer help when theyre not puppy gaurding. Now, i have to do zipties on the traffickers, think you can help?”
“I lost coordination from the pollen.”
“Of course you did.”
Marinette turned to see Helmet staring at her. Like she should be dead, not the new revival guy.
“Good enough.”
“I thought only Poison Ivy could do things like that.”
“I have a badass team, well, when they aren’t going overboard. One week kidnapped and suddenly im made of glass.”
“Pixie you are what, ten?”
“So? Two of my best friends went missing becuase no one stepped up, one of them resurfaced as an idiot a year later but still.”
Helmet stopped then. “Two?”
“Hero stalker went after our big brother vanished.. he came back as an idiot.”
Helmet paused. “Hey, you check the others and i’ll help you drop off the good ones at a doctor or something.”
“Zipties are at the ready. Mind doing your share?”
Helmet did as she asked, working with her until all was squared away.
“Okay, my tracker gave off a signal to the RKC to gather our guys here, and—why are bleeding?”
Helmet looked up at her then. “I am?”
“... you’re coming with me since i dont know if you need a transfusion, but i know a guy who can help.”
“I’m driving.”
“On what?”
Marinette let him walk her to it, and she got on first. He ‘drove’ them while the plant told her when to turn. They ended up at her dad’s clinic as ‘Mr. Smith’. He was so grounding her.
“Smith, i need help,” she tried.
Her dad came out and paled when he saw her carrying Helmet. Before he passed out he let her take it off. “Red hoodie... oh god he said he was revived.”
Her father worked out the blood bags while she checked the wound, bullet still in there. She got it out with tweezers. No major damage to the muscles and shit. How many scars did he have? Pre or post revival?
When he came to she turned to her father and said one thing.
“So this is my new brother. Dont try to get out of it, he kept me alive when i was comstantly pixie, and you said if he was in a bad place then you’d take him in, no questions asked.”
Strange sighed, nodded, and went back to fixing Helmet up.
The next day he was forced moved into an extra room by hers. Somehow there was already clothes his size and style in it.
“Im determined and my honorary aunt is a cat burglar.”
Helmet hugged her.
“So for the documents, what do you want to go by?”
Helmet said he didnt want it to be obvious, given who he was before.
“Its not like you were robin.”
“I was.”
“.... i know two robins now, pre-robining. What is my life?”
“ you are ten, calm down. And you knew dick?”
“Met him as Nightwing, not very friendly. But uh, remember hero stalker?”
“The idiot who followed me and B?”
“Yeah, so funny thing, it was a thing that he wanted to be Robin when you went off from Gotham, and then he somehow managed to convince bats to take him on.”
“That Child is Robin.”
“Will be another hero soon if he knows what’s good for him—he’s too easy to make.”
“Wait, you know who he is-is or—”
“I know 5 secret identities and want to lodge a formal complaint about heroes having no secret identity game.”
“Youre ten. I refuse to let you deal with legal things.”
“But illegal is still on the table?”
“I am a vigilante, of course it is.”
“Good, so can we tlak about how dumb Supes secret id is? I photoshoped glasses on as a joke and looked at my file and knew.”
“Wait have they found you yet?”
“No? I dont think so. Not the mom and step dad or father one yet.”
“But its.”
“I know, but i can keep multiple secret identities. They cant handle one. What is this bull they drop in my lap? No masks for two of them, and the three with cant even manage a basic gait switch?”
“I am so glad you noticed too.”
“Also we need to intervene with Hero Stalker.”
“Does your father know-know or...”
“Knows i know, but knows im not telling even in death.”
“Fair. So, heads up i am going to yell at the JL after killing B for impact.”
“How about beating him up instead and kidnapping Hero Stalker? Bats is fine just needs an adult working with him.”
“Maybe. If my mind wasnt so fucked i’d send the Dick a text or something about this, but i think he hates me so that probably wouldnt work.”
“We have planning time, that’s what my house arrest is good for. Now name.”
“... i want to go by Jay.”
“James work?”
“James “Jay” Smith then. And we are fixing your vilagante outfit.”
“What’s wrong with it.”
“Your helmet has a nose. And the who this is shit for discreet armour. I’ll get a rant in fifteen on armor history from a fashion obsessed friend and make something for you using that, ok?”
“Do i have a choice?”
“I am your little sister offically. resistance is futile.”
So the long awaited return of Red Hoodie/Red Hood/Jason Todd.
For refrence (as age is weird here) Jason looks 14/15 here, but due to dead years is technically 18
Tim is 12
Marinette is 10
Dick is 20something.
Bruce is 30something
Heads up, this will be a two parter for this summer. As i love the next part but need sleep.
@ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @emeraldpuffguide @dast218 @weird-pale-blonde-person @mystery-5-5
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Ok two months to go lets hear it: Who lives and who dies?
My death list is actually kind of short, but (probably) controversial:
The Mountain
Beric Dondarrion
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Jorah Mormont
Euron Greyjoy
Theon Greyjoy
The Night King
Sansa Stark
Jon Snow*
(*but he will be resurrected)
You’ll notice one very big name - perhaps the biggest - happens to be absent from my list. I’m not so sure I believe the leaks. *shrug*
My explanations and reasoning under the cut.
The Mountain
Of course, The Mountain is already dead, so this feels little redundant. I don’t think Cleganebowl is happening. The Mountain isn’t the same person Sandor had beef with, and Sandor isn’t the same person he once was. *shrug* I’m personally rooting for the Arya-takes-down-the-Mountain theory.
There’s a good chance that Melisandre is wrong about Varys’ death (like she’s wrong about well, almost everything):
“I have to die in this strange country, just like you.”
But we pair that with the line from Daenerys:
“If you ever betray me, I’ll burn you alive” 
…and it seems to seal his fate (I don’t buy for a second he’s got allegiance to anyone but himself). Of course, there’s a chance it could be a line foreshadowing someone else’s death that’s been ‘leaked’. We’ll see!
I could argue that Viserion is already dead… but since “(The Night King)’s done the same thing to Viserion that he did with Craster’s sons,” I assume he’s a dragon version of an other. That’s probably not too important, anyway.
I think Viserion will be taken down by Drogon, mirroring Viserys and Drogo *shrug* I love my parallels, don’t I?
Cersei Lannister
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. Eh, eh?
For as much as everyone cries “cliche!” about Jaime being the valonqar, imagine if all that foreshadowing was traded in for some shock value, and someone like Sansa does it. *shudders* Nah, man. I want Jaime to mirror himself - the Kingslayer/Queenslayer who took down both mad monarchs threatening to ignite King’s Landing in green flames - finally getting recognized for his act of heroism. That’s much more satisfying than a quick shock that has no buildup. But I suppose, there is a pretty good chance the valonqar is Euron.
(Though I do admit - I would actually love for Cersei Lannister to make it out of this alive, somehow)
Jaime Lannister
“I cannot die while Cersei lives. We will die together as we were born together.”
Both twins have weird lines like this. So, it’s fair to assume if one dies, they both die. And if one lives, they both live. So if Cersei is brought down, Jaime will be, too. How do I see it happening? Perhaps by one last (poisonous) kiss - wherein Brienne comes in to cradle him as the life drains from his body? I dunno. But after all, he wants to die in the arms of the woman he loves, and for better or worse - that’s Brienne.
Jorah Mormont
It’s been long speculated that in season 8, we’ll be seeing a ‘beloved’ character turn into a wight - and I think the best candidate is Jorah Mormont (keep in mind we’re talking show Jorah, who is leagues better than book Jorah).
Admittedly, I do notoriously give D&D more credit than like, anyone else around here. That said - I’m not sure the polar bear thing was entirely for “coolness” factor, like they claim. The moment I heard this line, followed by Jorah looming eerily over Beric…
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I thought for sure we’d see this paid off in the very same episode. To me, it just seems wildly out of place and a waste of dialogue. I hope it’s some clever foreshadowing that we’re going to see a dead 'Bear’ of Bear Isle biting someone next season.
Of course, there is always a chance that the greyscale might play some sort of role in preventing Jorah from turning… I guess we’ll see!
Lastly, I’ve always been intrigued by Jon holding a Mormont shield during the BotB - I have a tendency to read too much into everything, I admit - but wouldn’t it be great if Jorah died saving Jon’s hide?
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Euron Greyjoy & Theon Greyjoy
For as formidable as book Euron may be - I don’t see him living. This series just isn’t about evil prevailing. What I think he will do, however, is attack Jon and/or Daenerys at sea, perhaps as they try to flee the north. I’m one of those annoying people who thinks very few lines of dialogue are wasted in-show, and this one is a fucking thorn in my side:
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I think Theon will succeed in taking down Euron (I think this scene is a great foreshadowing that he’s going to save house Greyjoy by saving Yara), but it will likely be at the cost of his own life. I suspect he’ll not only save Yara - but perhaps some members of his other house, too. After all, he’s a Greyjoy and he’s a Stark.
The Night King
Oh, this one is fun, isn’t it? I’m probably the only person who doesn’t want the Night King to die - but I’m pretty sure he will and that I know how it’ll happen. First, we’ll finally get to see Vladimír Furdík’s stuntwork paid off in the final season, which almost ensures there will be an epic showdown between Jon and the Night King.
But you shouldn’t want Jon to defeat him! (Or Daenerys, for that matter!) Why?
“The gods hate kinslayers, even when they kill unknowing.”
This quote is specifically told to Jon by Ygritte when she recounts the tale of Bael the Bard. Interestingly, Bael the Bard heavily mirrors Rhaegar x Lyanna. And what also happens to mirror Lyanna, is how Sam and Jon become friends. Jon comes to his rescue as he’s getting his ass whooped by his fellow black brothers - just like his momma coming to Howland Reed’s aid. Both Jon and Lyanna go out of their way to further humiliate the tormenters, too.
I predict the Night King will disarm Jon Snow and in this crucial moment, and that’s when Sam the Slayer will thrust Heartsbane through his back (perhaps melted down into more wieldable daggers by Gendry?), Howland Reed-style, saving Jon’s life and frankly, blowing everyone’s minds.
Because after all…
“Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before.”
Buuuut it’s going to be about as satisfying as Arthur Dayne’s demise - as we’re going to learn of the Night King’s history, and perhaps that his death marked not only the death of the wights and white walkers - but all of Craster’s sons, perhaps wiping out a whole misunderstood race.
‘A villain is the hero of the other side’, after all - and if you’re familiar with my theory that the Night King is the one using his greenseeing powers to manipulate the visions in the flames that the followers of R'hllor see… then this line by Beric might foreshadow his death:
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And that our heroes, the 'enemy’, will win.
Sansa Stark
Before anyone comes for me, there’s a fair amount of eerie foreshadowing - at least in the books. If the season 7 script leaks are to be believed, Sansa might still be the 'lone wolf’ she warned against last season, distancing herself from her family out of jealousy or paranoia.
The way I see it going down, though, (if it does at all) the Stark girls will mirror their direwolves - and Sansa just might die in her sister’s place, saving her life.
Jon Snow
First, let’s look at the conversation between Jon and Melisandre prior to the Battle of the Bastards:
“Any advice?”
“Don’t lose.”
“If I do, if I fall don’t bring me back.”
“I’ll have to try.”
“I’m ordering you not to bring me back.”
“I am not your servant, Jon Snow.”
“You’re in my camp. I’m the commander.”
“I serve the Lord of Light. I do what he commands.”
“How do you know what he commands?”
“I interpret his signs as well as I can.”
“If the Lord didn’t want me to bring you back, how did I bring you back? I have no power. Only what he gives me and he gave me you. Why? I don’t know. Maybe you’re only needed for this small part of his plan and nothing else. Maybe he brought you here to die again.”
Other than that, we’ve got some fucked up lines from Sansa:
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(Thanks, Sansa. Great job.)
As well as Beric:
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Alternatively, there is some amazing book foreshadowing that Jon will live.
Why include in the story Beric has come back from the dead multiple times, at all? Why tell us that each time he comes back, he’s a bit less of himself? He’s not a major character. Is it all just for 'flavor’ - or are we being groomed to see it happen again to someone we love?
And how bittersweet would that be - seeing Jon come back a second time, but not quite the man he used to be - the one we all grew to love.
I love the theory that Jon Snow is Dany’s mount, treason, and fire for love - and that she’s the one who commits treason against him, by possibly demanding he be brought back 'against his will’ (though, considering he’s a father-to-be and potential newlywed, I don’t think he’ll gripe about it as much in season 8 as he would’ve in season 6.)
When Jon died the first time - I thought for sure he’d come back in some blaze of glory. That they’d try to burn his body, but he’d have this epic 'Unburnt’ moment, like Dany (lol). I’d like to see Dany wake a dragon a second time with some sort of similar funeral pyre that she walks into… except that two people walk out instead of one.
I know, I know. *adjusts tinfoil hat*
But Sam Tarly happens to agree with me:
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Beric Dondarrion
Considering the man gave his life long ago for Catelyn to become Lady Stoneheart in the books, I think his entire purpose for still kickin’ around in Season 8 is to give someone the 'Last Kiss’. Not really a unique idea, no. Popular candidates tend to be Sandor (after all, he tells him 'We will meet again’), Daenerys, or one of the Stark kids. But my money’s on Jon.
I’m an atheist (like GRRM), and therefore, I more or less despise Melisandre for basically convincing what used to be a good man to burn his daughter alive. That’s some Abraham and Isaac shit right there (and that shit better happen in the books because it’s powerful AF commentary and I’m here for it).
All that said, what I’d love to happen with Melisandre is to see her realize her god isn’t real (assuming the Night King has been messing with her visions), and have a personality crisis/breakdown. Afterward, if my theory about Jon happens to be true, she’ll play a role in bringing him back, perhaps even lending her life in the process. Buuuut I wouldn’t mind Gendry’s future wife avenging his cousin’s death and closing her 'blue eyes’ forever.
As for the rest…
People I’m unsure will live or die:
Drogon 🤞
Ghost 🤞
Nymeria 🤞
Davos Seaworth 🤞
Tyrion Lannister 🤞
Sandor Clegane 🤞
Grey Worm 🤞
Ned Umber
Alys Karstark
People I think will live:
Samwell Tarly
Daenerys Targaryen
Arya Stark
Bran Stark
Little Sam
Jon Snow (resurrected)
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Vol. 6 Questions (but mostly theories)
- Who is the Winter Maiden? So far the maidens we have seen (with the exceptions of Amber) have been characters that knew of beforehand and are already familiar with. Is the Winter maiden going to be someone we already know of? or is going to be a whole knew character?
-Speaking of the Winter Maiden, are we going to see Penny again? Will she be the Winter Maiden? I think that they are going to build another Penny- maybe with the memories of the old Penny or a whole new Penny. I was never attached to Penny as a character, but i hope we get to see Penny again so we get to learn what her purpose was to the government of Atlas.
- What is the state of affairs in Atlas? I mean its been pretty heavily implied that Atlas is a military dictatorship of sorts (and i use that term loosely for this case). The military isn’t directly controlling the government, but the general of the military does hold two seat in the government council. And judging from this picture (WOR: Atlas):
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there are only 5 members in the council. Meaning that holding 2 seats is a huge amount of influence- influence that the military general has. Not only that, but the military also controls the output of possibly the most important people in Atlas-hunters. I mean, Jacques probably has a huge amount of influence in Atlas, and Ironwood was able to directly go against him- even smashing up his desk lol. That should speak to the amount of sheer power that the military has.
-Going off of that, is Salem going to try to use those tensions in Atlas to get what she wants? I wouldnt be surprised if she sends in Dr. Watts (who arguably has the most know-how when i come to the culture of Atlas) to somehow manipulate the people at the top to get what Salem wants. Due to the current distress the SDC is under because of Ironwood closing the borders, i wouldnt be surprised if Dr. Watts finds his way under Jacques’ skin in order to convince him that going directly against Ironwood is the way to go. All that Jacques’ cares about is the company, so using his power and influence to somehow ‘dethrone’ Ironwood (who has made it clear that he wouldnt take Jacques’s opinions on policies) would be great for the SDC. Salem wont go the Mistral route of trying to get the headmaster on her side (*cough* Lionheart *cough*) and trying to destroy atlas with grimm will absolutely not work, getting her hands on the Relic of Creation will probably be the result of her and Dr. Watts manipulating the various twists and turns of Atlesian high class society.
-  And if my hypothetical situation does take a turn for the worse for Jacques- he looses against Ironwood and gets thrown in jail for sedition idk- what happens to the SDC? I mean its been heavily implied that the Weiss Arc, when it comes to the inheritance, is not yet over. She still needs to find a way to get the SDC back and I dont think its going to be the way many people in the fandom think its going to go down. Perhaps Ironwood is going to install Weiss as the heir of the company again. He is going to need someone who is loyal to him running a huge company that supplies dust, so why not Weiss (or perhaps Winter)? 
-  Where is Mama Schnee? I mean RT has completely avoided showing her even when one of the main characters was literally in the same house has her. Is it to further enforce the fact that she is negligent and absent? or is there another reason that she is literally missing most of the time? Idk. I hope they do something with her character, she seems really interesting. I mean, the daughter of Nicolas Schnee, the beloved bad-ass hunter and creator the SDC. Is Mama Schnee also a huntress? Perhaps Weiss’ rapier was passed down to Mama Schnee first from her father and when she married Jacques and started a family she resolved to give it to Weiss. All i know is that i need Snow People soap opera angst in my life. Is mama schnee the winter maiden?:000000 n o s e r i o u s l y 
- free my nigga whitley schnee    Honestly WHY does Whitley dislike his sisters? Its such a weird thing to me. I have 2 siblings myself, and even tho there are times when i hate their guts, i would never want to see them unhappy or in emotional pain. People say its bc of his jealousy of their powers, but i dont think that’s it. It was so weird that in the entirety of vol 4 this question was never answered. When he was asked directly, he deflected the question and stared talking about how hunters are barbarians. I want to know tbh. Im really curious, bc its probably not something he learned from Jacques. Jacques is an abusive control freak, but i doubt he hates Winter and Weiss. He sees them as children (and to an extent- his property), not has individuals worthy of someone’s hate. So its probably something Whitley came to learn on his own. thisboybetterbringhistrashyassbackinvol6orimmabemorethanupset
- speaking of people who should bring their trashy ass back in vol 6, is Dr Watts going to play a larger role in the Atlas Arc? I think he is. He is much for subversive and sneaky- traits that you need if you want to make your way in Atlas. Lets be honest ppl, you cant fight your way to victory in Atlas. Their society probably looks down on that, so if Team RWBY wants to get what they want, theyll probably have to do it in a sneakier way. They cant just show up and start beating ppl up and declare they relic is theirs. And Dr Watts seems more like the knowledgeable type, not much of a fighter. I for one am looking forward to our favorite character trying to find their way through ‘polite’ high class society.
- Winter the Ice Queen herself Schnee. Thats all i have to say. This is not even a question but sometimes it be like that.
Sorry for the long post my dudes but i have waaay too much free time on my hands lol. Please give me feedback im bored as shit.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP WAITER Interview Questions and Answers
WAITER Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. Do you have any restaurant server experience? Yes sir im have a experience for server because in my last work in phils. is to serve that a customer need a plates or whatever. 2. What is your favorite item on our menu? As a customer, I may give suggestion based on where they come from and what they have ordered. 3. Have you ever skipped work at your previous employment? No I would never miss a shift I had a very good relationship with my boss and would never leave him down. 4. Why do you want to work as a waiter? I would like to work as a waiter/waitress because i love being around people and serving them. I love to socialize and to have a job where i can have fun and get paid for doing it, well there's nothing better. 5. How would you handle a guest that was upset with their meal? This is a great time to showcase your problem solving skills. Talk about how you would first want to make sure that you understood what the customers needed and ensure them that you were going to try to make things better. Try to bring up examples from your current or past employment that are relevant and that help showcase your customer service and problem solving skills. 6. Tell me are you currently in school? Yes . I am full time accounting student. But beleive me it wont be a problem. Because I know how to keep balance I my studies n job. Actually I have nearly five year experience in doing so. 7. How long will it take you to memorize our menu? It would take time to memorize everything on the menu, however I have a good memory and it would probably take a day or 2 max, also if I was dealing with the same menu everyday I would probably just remember it without sitting down to learn it. 8. What challenges are you looking for in this catering waiter position? A typical interview question to determine what you are looking for your in next job, and whether you would be a good fit for the position being hired for,is "What challenges are you looking for in a position?"The best way to answer questions about the challenges you are seeking is to discuss how you would like to be able to effectively utilize your skills and experience if you were hired for the job.You can also mention that you are motivated by challenges, have the ability to effectively meet challenges, and have the flexibility and skills necessary to handle a challenging job. 9. Suppose a customer asks you to pick a meal, what will you suggest? I would ask what sort of meal they are going for and what particular foods they like and find a dish suited to their specific tastes. If they have no idea, I would tell them my personal favourite dish so they could choose that. 10. What is the best part as a waitress? One can prove as a unique candidate by answering this question. Like, It is not routine job, it will give the opportunity to meet different kind of people. One should be able to convince and satisfy the customer with their service. It gives chance to prove, interpersonal skills. Every customer is different so have to deal with each one according to their behavior. It gives a lot of satisfaction by serving and getting feedback from the customers. It is a chance to present yourself and gives chance to develop in career.
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WAITER Interview Questions 11. Suppose i called your previous restaurant, what would they say about you? I always have a positive attitude towards work and am always willing to work to the best of my ability. I take pride in good customer service and have worked in both formal and informal environments. I work well in a team and can work on my own in busy atmospheres. I can remain courteous even when dealing with difficult customers. 12. What do you know about waitress role? The waitress had to take orders from the guests and serve them with their desired menu. As soon as the guest appears you have to greet them and provide them with menu card. Once they have decided to order, note the order and provide the same order to kitchen staff so that they prepare the food and can be served with the help of a boy. Sometimes need to help the guests if they found any issue with their order or environment. Overall a waitress should serve the customers with great hospitality and make them feel comfortable 13. Suppose a customer gives you a 25 cent tip, what do you do? Smile and think to my self at least they gave what they could (only if you know you gave good service) If not, I would assess my actions and come to terms with what I did wrong and fix it! 14. Tell me are you used to serving meals in a heavy volume environment? Yes, in my previous job we worked as a fast paced time. Most of the time service was banquet style. During this time our team of 8-10 host had to serve a dining room of up to 200 guests. After service usually each of us were left to serve drinks to two tables. 15. What is your greatest weakness and why? This is a question that is almost sure to be asked! Think about something that you would like to improve upon, but something that is not detrimental to you getting the job. This is actually a great time to showcase your talents. Talk about past work experiences where you have had trouble and how you have learned and grown from them. A great example would be talking about how you have had trouble disseminating work amongst your peers in the past, but have now learned how important trust and teamwork are in the workplace. Make sure that you are able to recall a specific example of this in order to show the interviewer that you aren't simply making up an answer that you think they would want to hear. 16. What was your worst experience with a customer at your last serving job? I think my last worst experience i had before in a customer. is complaining bout the food that i had serve to them bout the. taste or something strange taste.just like that. then i offer them to get a new dish on our menu and i have to stay calm even if he or she is getting angry. 17. What brings you to work in this role? There will be a reason behind every action. So prepare yourself why did you choose this field and answer the interviewer smartly. Do not say that you do not have any option so you have come to this interview. Highlight the importance of serving the customers. How passionate you were towards hotel management and serving. Let them know how important it is for you to land this job. Show them that, are you feeling excited to work in their prestigious hotel. Study about the organization before attending the interview so that you can showcase how enthusiastic you are towards the job. 18. What techniques do you use to upsell? Always having a positive attitude, a smile on your face, and let your personal charm shine through. its easy to make a connection with customers this way, so its easier to suggest different menu items. 19. Briefly introduce your self? Tell me something about yourself, this is the basic question that will be asked by the interviewer. Always remember to say about the strengths and positive things about you in the interview. To be a unique applicant in the interview, one should not boast about themselves, but should elevate their attitude and zeal to work in this role. Try to relate your previous experience with the waitress role how that experience will help to grab this position. Let them know your ability with an example how did you managed a tough customer with your patience and pleasing smile. 20. How is your personality towards customers during slow times? Do you consider yourself pretty friendly? I consider myself to be a friendly warm person at all times but when its extra slow i can use that extra time that i wouldnt normaly have when the restaurant is full to make the cutomer feel extra special 21. Tell me are you ready to stretch yourself for extra hours? The answer should be positive otherwise it will lead to disqualify you for not being flexible. Yes I am ready to serve the organization whenever they need my help. Sometimes the restaurant may be houseful with crowd and short of staff. Then I will be always there to work hard for the success of the restaurant. I am not working for the money but as I love this job so i will accept any kind of responsibility. This question is to know whether the candidate is able to handle the pressure and ready to help restaurant in hard situations. It is to know how stable the candidate is in doing the work. 22. Have you eaten at our restaurant before? yes I have , I enjoy food and always interested in trying different types of , restaurants are good places to explore varieties of food and cooking ways 23. Why did you leave your last serving job? It was my third job at the time, and i just wasnt making enough there to compensate for the long drive to the establishment. 24. Why would you make a good addition to the team? Where do you fit in? Serving is a team effort, so your prospective employer needs to know that can work well with others. They also need to know that you can integrate yourself quickly into your new role. Give an answer that explains how much you value teamwork, and that you can fit in quickly. Here is an answer that fulfills both criteria: "I'm a team player and a quick learner. Each shift I will try to contribute more to help my coworkers than I ask in return. I think I can still learn a few things from the servers already here, but also hope that I can contribute a bit as well. I hope that as I improve my own skills, others will improve theirs as well." 25. What is your least favorite part of serving? Fight the urge to say there's nothing you dislike. While this is the perfect answer in theory, in reality if falls flat because it's simply not true. No job is perfect, so pick something that everyone can relate to. Some part of the restaurant business that nobody likes. That way you are being completely honest in your answer, but without sounding undesirable. Here is an answer that any restaurant worker can relate to: "My least favorite part of serving is bad tips. Not every customer will appreciate my service as much as others. But it's not something I can change, and I try not to take it personally. I can't expect every customer to tip the way I would." 26. What do you want to work for our restaurant? This question actually will be helpful for the candidate this is a chance to impress the employer It will be an addition if you had experience in having some food at their restaurant so that you can share your good experience how you enjoyed it. You may answer like this I am a food lover, and enjoy serving food at home. So this is the best place where I can show my talent, I heard a lot about this restaurant its pretty famous in the town so I will be privileged if provided to work with your organization. This will really help for my career growth. I am happy to attend the interview for this prestigious hotel. 27. Explain a typical work week for catering waiter position? Interviewers expect a candidate for employment to discuss what they do while they are working in detail. Before you answer, consider the position you are applying for and how your current or past positions relate to it. The more you can connect your past experience with the job opening, the more successful you will be at answering the questions. It should be obvious that it's not a good idea talk about non-work related activities that you do on company time, but, I've had applicants How they are often late because they have to drive a child to school or like to take a long lunch break to work at the gym. Keep your answers focused on work and show the interviewer that you're organized ("The first thing I do on Monday morning is check my voicemail and email, then I prioritize my activities for the week.") and efficient. 28. Suppose we require you to come in an hour before busy time, and stay an hour after we close to clean, is that okay? Yes that is fine. It would be good to be able to prepare for the busy periods. Also being busy is a challenge and which i truly enjoy. 29. What's more, that the waiter has to do? It is not enough to just take the order and provide them a bill. I will also check whether the table arrangement is good and comfortable for the customer. Have to check whether the glasses and other spoons, forks, knives are available. Also check whether the water is refilled in the middle of the meal. Find whether the food is good, or if there are any issues try to solve them, replace the food if something went wrong. Help the customers if they want anything else from a meal like desserts, etc. When they are done with the meal I will wish them that it is happy to serve them and hope to see them again. 30. What are your go to wines, that you recommend when asked? It depends what their choices from the menu are, but considering many of the items on the menu here, I would suggest a light white wine with the seafood and fish dishes or a cocktail, and maybe a more full bodied red with dishes such as the bbq tray. 31. How would you take negative feedback? This shows whether the candidate is eligible to land this job. The answer should be very impressive. You can answer like I will always try not to get negative feedback, but if I get one, will take it in a positive manner. I would always ask my customer for feedback which is very important to develop myself. It will try to analyze my mistake so that I will improve my skills while facing my next customer. 32. Explain about the customer with whom you had a bitter experience? Never display the interviewer that you handled the customer badly, tell them that you tried to help them but still the customer is not satisfied. Example: Once I got a chance to face the couple who were in an argument and they are in a bad mood. I tried to help them, I gently asked them what they would like to have. They were very impatient at me, but still I maintained my pleasant smile and took the menu as per their instructions, when people are at bad mood they will not like whatever we do so all one need to do is just understand their mood and carry out the same professional behavior. 33. Have You Worked as a Waiter Before? One of the first questions you will likely be asked when you are being interviewed for a position as a waiter or waitress is whether or not you have any previous experience. Since you will be required to perform a variety of tasks which include taking orders, delivering orders, prepping workstations, handing disgruntled customers and even handling money, most employers prefer experienced wait staff. If you have experience, simply provide this information. If you do not, a statement such as, "While I don't have formal experience, I enjoy working with people and I learn very quickly" should suffice. 34. How often do you miss shifts? Very rarely. If I do, there is certainly a valid reason, and I will ensure that supervisors are given enough notice, or I will work to find someone to replace me. 35. What is your favorite part of serving? Use this question to show your employer that you know your way around a restaurant. Give an answer that uses some common restaurant terminology. Also, use this question to highlight why you want to work in a restaurant. This well let your prospective employer know you're not just there to collect a paycheck. Here's an answer that accomplishes what you need: "I enjoy the constant challenge. Every day is different. Every shift has a new surprise, and I enjoy the challenge of handling them. I also like how I improve more with each one. I always handle a new situation better than the last, and I like the progress I've made. This also keeps the job from being boring." 36. What are your additional skills? In this fast and competitive world, the employer expects an additional skill that can be enclosed for the purpose of successful turnover of the restaurant business. And that's why the candidate should have some special skills like bar attending or anything, this provides a possibility that the candidate might get selected for the job offered. Therefore, obtaining additional skills in a restaurant business can be an added advantage for the candidate. 37. What have you learnt from your previous job? Most probably the employer might try to get some negative opinion from a candidate about his / her previous job experience. But the way of handling such question would be that when a candidate is approached by such question then he / she needs to project the positive side of his / her previous job. And also have to keep in mind that a candidate needs to present only positive side of the restaurant or company even if they are no longer working in that particular restaurant or company. 38. What is the toughest time you faced in your life? This question is to find out how can one handle hard situations. This will reveal the capability of a candidate. You should not hint them that you are arrogant and impatient. Only tell them the story in which you played a good role. Put yourself with a story which gist with an excellent potential skills that will tell the interviewer how you handled the customer. Like for example, one day you had to handle many customers, which is very important for the hotel to make business on that day, tell them how quickly you took a menu and served the customers well with the help of your team. 39. Tell me do You Have any Related Degrees or Certificates? Most waiters and waitresses do not have any degrees or certificates that are specific to their fields. Thus, if you are able to obtain any certifications such as those in food handling or even a certificate in foodservice, you will be a much more valuable asset to your employer. "I earned the Oregon State Food Handing Certification in 2012 and I took a six-week course in proper foodservice techniques in 2010" would be a great reply. You should bring any certificates with you to the interview and present them when this question arises. 40. What previous jobs have you held? Earlier this year I waitressed at the seafood restaurant where I undertook tasks including setting tables up with cutlery and crockery, basic food preparation, waitressing and cleaning duties. I have also waitressed at christenings and birthday events for relatives, neighbours and family friends. During my time at school I also volunteered in a number of hospitality events including a cooking demonstration. 41 How can I trust you? You can trust me because I am a responsible person. I have been in situations where I have been trusted before. I have been minding children since I was 13 and that is a job which requires people to trust me. I know it is nothing like waiting but people have trusted me with their kids which show I am responsible. Also I really want to work, I don't work for the money, money is only one benefit of working, I want to work and do a good job. 42. Tell us what is your greatest weakness? Think of this as another opportunity to show off your strengths. With the proper wording, you can make a fault sound desirable, while at the same time still being an honest answer. This way you are still showing that you're humble, but not hurting your chances of getting the job. One answer might be along the lines of: "It's probably true that I am hesitant to ask for help. I feel responsibility for my own work, and don't like to burden others who have their own set of responsibilities. It's something that I'm trying to work on, because I know it's okay and often a good idea to ask a coworker for help." 43. Are you fluent in communication? Working in a restaurant and being a waitress is something related to their communication skills which helps them attract customers to their restaurant with their service. Therefore, it is necessary that while selecting a candidate for the waitress position the employer need to be well aware of his / her communication skills. Excellent communication skill can provide the candidate the waitress job which can eventually benefit the restaurant business. 44. How would you help in the success of a restaurant? One should not only look into individual goals, but also should work for organization growth. You can answer by saying that one should able to manage the customers with a great respect and should never be rude to customers. Apart from the food taste the service also should be extraordinary. If their experience is good, they would visit again and again, which will be plus point of the restaurant also they may receive party orders because of the fame spread by the customers. We just have to take care that the customers enjoying the food at our restaurant. This is enough to improve the business and this is how I would help in the restaurant success. 45. What is your greatest strength and why? What are you good at and how does that make you a great match for this job? Multitasking is something that you will have to be able to do in order to be a waitress and is something that can be easily tied into multiple situations. Think of a time where you have had to multitask in the past and how you were able to successfully accomplish all tasks. This question will allow for you to talk about how past experiences will help you succeed in this job. Other possible examples include: Great customer service Excellent listener Reliable Incredible communication skills Team player Dependable 46. Do You Work Well with Others? While a customer is dining in a restaurant, the waiter or waitress is often the only face the customer sees and is therefore the face that customer associates with the business. Your demeanor will have a huge impact on the business, and as such, employers often ask whether or not you work well with others. Rather than simply providing a yes or no reply, be descriptive in your answer. Something like, "I do work well with others and I enjoy being part of a team" followed by any examples you can provide is often the best answer to this question. 47. Tell me about yourself? I am a very friendly and positive person, I always work with passion and do my best also I always make sure that my customer are happy because I think people should have a great experience when they eat out and it my responsibility to make sure that they enjoy their meal. 48. Lets suppose your car breaks down on the way to work, what would you do? I would leave the car securely parked, and take a taxi or public transportation. 49. What is your greatest strength? Where do you shine? What sets you apart from other people up for your position? There's no place for modesty here. Emphasize your strengths with all the gusto you can muster. But remember, while it's okay to push the envelope a little, never tell an outright lie. A good answer might sound something like this: "I have enough experience in the restaurant business that very little can throw me off. Even when things get crazy, I'm able to stay cool and calm, hopefully setting an example for others. Not that I'm any less busy than my coworkers, but I know how to remain focused and get the job done." 50. Are you a Multi Tasker? There are some situations in the restaurants when a waitress need to handle more than work under certain situations. For that purpose the employer needs to hire such candidates in the restaurant who can handle more than one work when there is a crisis situation. Obtaining the qualities of a Multitasker can bring a candidate the position of waitress as it is required in the job description. Therefore, while answering such question the candidate needs to keep in mind that if they really need that job, then they are supposed to be Multi Tasker. 51. Can you please What are your strengths and weaknesses? Most commonly these strengths and weakness list of questions are asked for the sake of understanding the level of hard work that a candidate can put out . And the candidate must keep in mind that while answering such question they need to present a set of strengths and weakness which cannot be questioned in future terms. Sometimes the employers confuse the candidate by tricking them inside the answers they have already given. 52. Explain me something about teamwork? One will not appoint only for a specific role, they promote you for different roles where you need to work with a team, in that case how do you manage, this is what exactly the interview checks keenly while doing interview. You can answer like this I have a bit of knowledge about this field but I take help from my co-employees and develop myself in serving the customers. Also I will be there to help my team whenever they need my help. Tell them how can you integrate yourself in the team and work for the organization. Tell them how fun it is to work with team and enjoy the workplace environment. 53. Why did you leave your last job, or why are you looking to leave your current job? Never say anything negative about your past or current waitress positions. You can talk about how you are looking to expand your knowledge and experience and that this job would allow for that. If you were working at more of a chain restaurant and interviewing at an independently owned restaurant you could talk about the uniqueness and how you would rather be working for an individual instead of a corporation, etc. 54. Explain a Situation in which You Helped a Difficult Customer? As with any business, restaurant patrons will sometimes have complaints and it will likely be your responsibility to resolve them. Perhaps a steak was underdone; perhaps another member of the wait staff was rude or unkind to the customer. Whether or not the example you can provide is directly related to the restaurant business is often irrelevant. For example, "When I worked in retail sales, I once assisted a woman who had purchased a defective product. Although she had to go through the manufacturer for a replacement which made the process difficult, I walked her through it each step of the way to achieve a resolution" is a perfect answer. 55. Have you ever had difficulty with a kitchen member? How did you work out the problem? New girl was slow on the coffee machine when there was a large queue. Quickly had to re-evaluate the situation and move the staff around to positions we were better suited to so as to keep up with the influx of customers. 56. Would you say you are a people person? Yes I would say I was a people person. I truly enjoy working with people as part or a team and meeting new people. I also really enjoy that being is the hospitality service industry that meeting new people on a daily basis is part of your job. 57. Operational and Situational Waiter Interview Questions: What is your experience with customer service and how does that relate to this position? Describe your last dining experience and how it could have been improved. What do you know about our main competitors? What are some food trends that you've recently noticed? What wines do you often recommend to your customers? Recall a time you handled a customer complaint. What was the situation and outcome? What would you if your customer tried to combine some special offers that can't be combined? How do you stay organized while taking orders? How would you rate your upselling skills? How would you handle getting a bad tip? What would you do if your car broke down on the way to work? Recall a time a team member wasn't doing their share of the work. How did you handle it? What are your feelings on tip sharing? Have you dined with us before? What do you think we could do better? 58. Basic Waiter Job Interview Questions: What jobs have you worked that required you to be in a fast-paced and crowded environment? How did you maintain quality standards in this environment? What do you consider to be good customer service? Describe a time when you had to deal with a particularly difficult customer/table. How did you handle the situation? Is there anything you would have done differently? Have you ever taken charge in a restaurant in an emergency? How do you handle fast-paced work environments? How do you entertain customers as a waiter? What is the most difficult part of being a waiter? Imagine a customer asks for an item on the menu that is not available at the time. How do you convince him to select something else? What would you do if a customer sent his meal back? If a customer asks for a suggestion, what would you say? What is your favorite item on our menu? WAITER Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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tumblunni · 7 years
Bunni plays Richard and Alice, and gets an ending, and DIES INSIDE, WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK
* okay seriously i was COMPLETELY WRONG about every expectation i had, holy fucking shit
* In the end the final flashback was EVEN WORSE than I ever expected, oh god i wanna throw up! I don’t know if things could have gone differently due to my choices, but the way it went down this time was just... oh god... “I am gonna bawl my eyes out if Barney dies” HEY YOU KNOW WHAT’S EVEN WORSE THAN THAT?? He was dying and his mother had to mercy kill him so he wouldnt suffer What the fuck, what the holy everyloving fuck jesus christ god no The only choice i had in the matter was that i gave him back his toy car to hold while he fell asleep, and then it appeared on his grave at the ending and i got a few extra lines of continuity hoping that Barney is going on an adventure with Daddy in his big ol car... Fuck fucking christ god no oh godddd
* and like HEY LETS JUST RUB SOME SALT IN THE WOUND apparantly the grave we were visiting all this time was empty cos nobody could even find her husband’s body so like.. she doesnt even have the consolation of knowing they’ll be together in death
* oh and DEAR GOD there was a REALLY ATMOSPHERIC scene before it really fucking surreal and confusing oh god you’re just left with the dying barney sitting there on the floor and no choice and no items except your gun and i knew right them what i was supposed to do but i tried to leave and backtrack and find anything that could help and then all you can do is return to that empty church and find that it isnt empty anymore there’s some weird nameless faceless grandpa hiding in the confessional booth, and you can talk to him about this horrible horrible story and your horrible horrible choice and you never get to actually see who he is or anything but i choose to believe he actually did want to help, and all.. the conversation with him helped it be a little less painful at least
* and then you just go back to the empty grave marking your dead husband, and you have a horrible scene of her breaking down and yelling at him cos she knows he’d believe she’s stronger than this, and he’d tell her not to kill herself, but she really wants to die if she has to take her son’s life and god, she talks about how she attempted suicide once before from depression back when they first married, and he saved her from doing it, and now she wishes she could have died back then and never brought her son into the world if he’s just gonna suffer like this oh godddddd
* and then we get back to the present day and its all ‘aww richard really cares about you’ and ‘oh that silly richard being a comic relief’ and ‘hooray we managed to escape’ and then THE BIGGEST FUCKING EVIL PLOT TWIST HOLY JESUS FUCK
* richard i have never wanted to reach thru a screen and strangle a man more than this moment jesus fuck
* mr purposely vague ‘oh im just a generic good guy’ protagonist was lying THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME and god its even worse cos like all of his personality was still real he’s a sick fuck who THINKS he’s a good guy, and tries to be all friendly like, and just like.. compartmentalizes it away in the back of his head and pretends he hasn’t committed this damn sin, that he still counts as good if he’s just ~polite~
* FUCK SERIOUSLY MAN I have never been so terrified to hear the word brussel sprouts! I didnt even think to mention the brussel sprouts line back when I heard it! you just hear one of the gang members mention some stupid folksy idiom about brussel sprouts during the flashbacks I should have fucking known it was richard, it fits with his goddamn fake good guy persona! he slips up and mentions it after you leave the prison, he doenst know you heard him say it before GOD FUCKING DAMN YOU YOU SICK FUCK
* and like.. well.. at least it seems I was wrong about the cannibalism. Or at least, as far as richard knows they werent doing that to the victims. But it feels like he didnt know or care what happened to the people he kidnapped, all part of his strategy to put it out of mind and pretend he’s still the good guy... But GOD thats kinda EVEN WORSE that we dont even know what they were doing to the victims! Richard says they were ‘kept in relative comfort’ and compares it to being in this prison. ‘At least they had food and clothes, they wouldnt have that outside’. YEAH BUT YOURE FUCKING KEEPING THEM AS SLAVES AND POSSIBLY *SEX SLAVES* AND GOD JESUS FUCKING CHRIST And we get a partial answer to what happened to the kids from that diary. Apparantly Lucy was (for some reason) valued very highly as a slave, so much so that they’d actually pay the expense of finding insulin to keep her alive. Thats what makes me think it might have been sex slavery, i mean.. they’re valuing this one child slave higher than the rest. The other theory is that maybe Lucy was actually Richard’s daughter that he mentioned as his excuse for working for this gang, he says he was ensured that his family would be kept safe as long as he sacrificed other people... God its so fucked up. And then he tries to justify it to Alice by saying blablabla we do what we have to do to survive and morality is relative and ohhhh we’re not the bad guys i mean they’d suffer more if they died in the cold compared to living longer in pain and slavery AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART IS???
* i got THE FUCKIN WORST ENDING, JESUS CHRIST somehow my choices during my first run led to an ending where alice agrees to join richard’s shit gang i cant even blame her for it, she was fuckin mentally shattered by having to euthanise her son and then she had a scrap of hope with an apparant friendship with an apparantly moral man and then he fucking turns out to be this sort of shit and she has no reason to keep going and i suppose this is technically ‘good’ cos she decided to live, but she also decided to be led away by a manipulative fuckass and join an evil slavery cult and god she probably feels like she’s already a ‘sinner’ cos of what she did to her kid so she belongs with them GAHHHH this is a story of a villain who’s convinced he’s good, and a good person who’s convinced she’s a villain! T_T
* I hope I can find a better ending to this...
* I hope there’s an ending where richard gets bitchslapped in the face with a two-by-four
* Seriously did i just get this ending because I tried to act like a decent friend to Richard and then just SUDDEN TWIST he was evil the whole time and GAHHHH
* fuck you richard fucking fuck you dont deserve top billing in the title
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My rough ideas/theories
-new to having a blog, not new to pll, never written a theory and shared it, this is not a final theory just some ideas and I’m mostly writing it to clear things up in my own head- 
So in my opinion, Uber A cannot be:
- One of the main 4 girls
- One of their main bed buddies, besides Alison
- A parent or anyone old enough to be my mother, I’m looking at you, Tanner is A theorists.
- Anyone that has not been in it since the start
- Any background characters that have only had partial roles in the show
Who I think Uber A could be, based on who i think the show would pick, not necessarily who i want:
- Wren
- Melissa
- Mona
- Alison
- A twin 
(I'm just going to go through anyone who springs to my mind and say if i think they could be Uber A or not, sorry if this is confusing or jumbled I'm literally just writing my thoughts) 
So the person who I want and have always thought would be A is, Wren. 
He has always been super shady and I also think he would be cool as A. Im not even going to list all of the reasons why, theres so many shady scenes with Wren and I'm sure anyone reading this has already read them all anyway. Plus if i wrote them all down I would feel like I'm totally ripping off the amazing theories i have read.
Other people I think can/can't be A - (analysing each character)
So i really love all of the Spencer is A theories, but I just don't think it would work and I wouldn't buy it unless they made it totally convincing, which knowing this show, it just wouldn't be. I love the parts of the theories I have read that say Spencer could be A because of when she has referenced that woman who wrote a murder mystery novel on a crime she was about to commit. And how Spencer wrote the essay about that murder and then thats exactly how Charlotte died. I think if they had this story planned from the start then Spencer being A could be amazing, but I highly doubt this is the case and I also just couldn't believe it because we have seen Spencer alone in her bedroom, awake all night researching clues and trying to figure out who A is, so because of this I cannot believe that Spencer is A. (but i wouldn't put it past the show to do this and not care that there would be plot holes tbh)
I do however like the idea of Spencer having a twin. I think Troian could seriously pull of playing an evil character, (I'm thinking along the lines of Katherine from vampire diaries). I think the fact Mary Drake went to Spencer and was saying how Melissa and her look like twins was very suss and unnecessary unless she's hinting at another secret twin. I also think that they were trying to throw us off with Jessica and Mary so we wouldn't expect another twin reveal. Also, when Spencer visited Hanna, I don't believe it was a dream sequence, it seemed so much more real than the usual dream sequences and Spencer didn't have bangs. Why would they change her hair style for a dream? I’ve seen theories saying Spencers twin could be Bethany, and I thought this too but watching the show back I'm not too sure as Bethany was in Radley and if Spencer was her twin then she would of been recognised when she was admitted. (again wouldn't be surprised if the show ignored these plot holes so could be possible) I don't think any other character could have a twin, i just don't think anyone else could pull it off, except maybe Sasha but i don't think i could deal with another secret Dilaurentis child or another blonde girl in the mix, we have enough. 
I also love the idea of Alison being Uber A, Marlene said the show would come full circle and so it would make sense. Plus I am bored of old lady Ali (no offence to Sasha, I love her) and I want bitchy, manipulative Ali back. 
I’ve also seen some great Aria is A theories and I love these too however for the same reasons I would hate for Spencer to be A, I also wouldn't want Aria to be A. We have seen all of the girls alone and still being tortured or hunting for clues. People say that Mona was A and she received texts sent by herself, but this is just sending texts, we never saw Mona alone hunting for clues, only with the other girls. So that rules out any of the 4 girls, and it may also rule out Alison but I need to keep rewatching the show and see how Alison has acted when she's alone. 
Bed buddies: 
I hope to god that none of the bed buddies (Caleb, Toby, Ezra or even Paige) are Uber A, someone to do with the show said it was going to be a ‘romantic tragedy’ but I just can't see any of these people I mentioned being Uber A. Yeah, some of them have some clues and hints but really? Not A material. I would literally die if Caleb turns out to be A. #halebforever 
But i think Ali could be A because that would be a romantic tragedy and would be full circle. 
I do think Melissa could still be A, but I'm not sure I would like it. I liked it how she was always shady and then in season 5 we found out she was always protecting spencer, if she turns out to be A then it would undo this and I just wouldnt like that. Howeverrrrr I could be on board if Melissa is working with wren and they turn out to be an amazing power couple ruining the lives of rosewoods residents one by one. 
hmmm i don't have any jason is A theories except that ‘full circle’ could just mean the lies revolve around the dilaurentis family once again. I would actually hate for Jason to be A because I love him and Spencers strange bond and I’d hate for him to betray her tbh. I just love all the times spencer has gone to him like he really is her big bro. (even though this whole mary drake thing now makes it so confusing, siblings or cousins? who knows. 
I absolutely love badass Mona and ‘full circle’ could mean that Mona has actually been A the whole time. Buuuttt I don't really want this to happen, I love it when Mona is badass but mostly when she's on the girls side and trying to take down A with them. 
Nothing to say here, just please don't let Lucas be Uber A. 
Not sure who Im missing here or if I'm missing anyone at all. 
So basically the only people I would be happy or semi happy with being Uber A are:
1. Wren
2. Spencers twin
3. Alison 
I really hope that whoever Uber A is, the character is turns out to be extremely badass. I hated the Cece/Charlotte story, not only because of the plot holes but also because I hated how they tried to make us feel sorry for her. I don't want a sob story about how and why this person is A, I want a ruthless, badass killer who isn't just a fragile patient from Radley, they need to be the PLL version of Katherine Pierce or Kai Parker from The Vampire Diaries. This is the kind of villain I want. Mona was kind of like this, and I loved her as the villain so something along those lines would be A-mazing. 
I also hope that the whole Cece/Charlotte story was fake and Cece was working for the real Uber A the whole time. I would love for this person to be Wren and he's been pulling the strings since the very beginning or maybe since Mona. I’d like him to be the mastermind of the show and maybe have someone working with him who is a twin of one of the girls (spencer). Maybe they're in a relationship, we already know Troian and Julian have great chemistry so would be cool. I loved the dollhouse and how creepy it was, and I think the person in the suit wasn't Cece but was Wren, Spencer said they felt familiar so they would either have to be a sibling of hers or a previous love interest. I guess it couldve been Cece if her and Spencer are sisters with the latest reveal but i hope thats not the case. Plus it annoys me because if Charlotte is a trans female then why would she want to dress up like a man, they just seems poor on the shows behalf. 
In conclusion I hope Wren is A but id still be happy with any of the three i wrote above. 
So yeah sorry this is long, thanks to anyone that actually reads it hahaha. I mostly wrote this for my own benefit and so that once we do find out who A is, I have my thoughts posted so I can go back and see if any of it is accurate. Feel free to talk to me about any of your own theories, I love hearing them and if you agree with anything I've said and wanna talk to me the feel free to do so!
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thiefking · 7 years
What's the Two Looker theory?
the tldr version is that there are currently two lookers existing in the same universe, and that its going to be very relevant very soon.
but of course, that shortened version is worthless, because who would believe that without enthusiastic and lengthy elaboration? GET YOUR SEATBELTS ON CAUSE ITS TIME TO TALK POKEMON THEORY
(spoiler warning for sumo postgame ahead! also, seriously, you might want to go get a snack or something. this is long. really long.)
first up: you gotta know that gens 1-5 (and the remakes in those gens) are all in a separate but similar universe to the one in gen 6 and beyond. for convenience, ill call the first universe uni a and the second one uni b. 
(fyi most people refer to uni b as megaverse, but i want the names to match and nonmegaverse doesnt really... roll off the tongue quite as well, so,)
so you might be wondering what the fuck that means and how we know its true; to answer this we need to take a quick look at pokemons current timeline!
im unsure on which one of them came before the other in the timeline, but xy and oras both happen chronologically before sun and moon do. we know this because of dexio and sina appearing with the zygarde and mega evolution stuff, and wally appears at the battle tree as an older and more experienced trainer. 
these are canon, however for right now its mostly just hypothesis that chronologically speaking, after alola its sinnoh. the pkmn breeders from alola look IDENTICAL to the cowgirls/farmers from sinnoh, which doesnt seem to prove much about the order of things but it doesnt disprove anything either; its more like retrospective icing on the cake, since ill be explaining why i think this will be the timeline later on.
so, keep the idea of sinnoh coming after alola in mind. its also important to consider the idea of mega evolution as not just a game mechanic but an important plot point! basically, universe a has no mega evolution, while universe b does, and the differences in the plot between rse and oras are NOT retcons; theyre entirely different universes!
that might not look like it makes much sense on its own (without elaboration or if youre still attached to the belief that mega evo is JUST a game mechanic and not plot relevant or an indicator of anything) but its important to mention now, since as i explain more itll hopefully make more and more sense. 
believing this theory means you have to think about it like this, so while this isnt completely canon yet, its necessary to treat it like it is until you fully understand what this theory is all about and why it would make sense. if youre not convinced afterwards, then so be it! ... i mean, i dont understand how you WOULDNT be totally on board with this, but im not you and maybe youre not quite nearly as into spacetime shenanigans as i am.
now we head into sumos postgame stuff with the interpol! during this, we learn that there are people known as “fallers” that “fell” into a universe from another parallel universe through a mysterious portal, and seem to have lost most if not all of their memories. fallers attract ultra beasts, as the ubs believe they can somehow get home using them, sensing that this person is also not from this universe. 
looker explains that he was once sent on a mission to detain/kill an ultra beast. his team included a faller, who was unwittingly being used as bait for the ultra beast. looker felt pity for the ub and neglected to kill it, unfortunately giving the ub a chance to kill the faller, which it promptly took.
then its revealed that anabel is a faller, who was found washed up on a beach muttering something about protecting the battle tower, which is where you could find her in rse. 
but see, the battle tower doesnt exist in oras, instead replaced by the battle resort, and you do not meet anabel at any point in oras. the battle resort is also where you meet an amnesiac looker, muttering about a mission, speaking in a peculiar way, which is noticeably different to the way he speaks in xy and sumo. he did not make an appearance in rse, this isnt just reused dialogue.
lets put looker aside for a moment though and focus on anabel. while theres a possibility that right now there are two anabels, it seems that she and the battle tower never existed in this universe... but mega evolution does. the anabel we see in rse is the same as the one in sumo; she crossed over from uni a into uni b.
now, lets look at some facts here!
in platinum, bw and oras, looker has a... peculiar speech pattern. if you look up his quotes on bulbapedia, youll see what i mean; its very noticeable.
... looker completely lacks that specific quirk in xy and sumo. hes goofy, yes, but its nowhere near the same. its important to note that oras happens between xy and sumo, and again, that looker didnt show up in rse and that dialogue is completely new. the differences in these speaking patterns are not mistakes. they are fully intentional.
next up: lets crush a few doubts about this theory you might be having right now!
“this is a kids game! surely this is WAY too convoluted. pokemon isnt that deep, they wouldnt bother with a plot this complicated.” wrong. nope. incorrect. buddy, did you play sumo or any gen 5 game? i can only assume you havent, cause not only were the plots in those games the most detailed and involved and emotional, they were BY FAR the best. additionally, kids are a lot smarter than youd think, and i also not only know theyre going to explain everything, i know HOW theyll do it; but i digress.
“youre implying there are two lookers because one speaks a certain way and had amnesia but isnt it possible theres just one, who either isnt a faller or is a faller but had no megaverse/uni b equivalent, and he got his memories back by the time you meet him in sumo?” wrong there too! remember, its CANON that xy and oras happen BEFORE sumo.
now remember anabel, who doesnt have her memories back and had no idea she was a faller.
and remember that xy/sumo looker is very, very explicitly stated to not be a faller, because otherwise, HE would have been the bait on that mission and HE would have been the one who got killed.
xy/sumo looker is definitely not a faller.
but dppt/bw/oras looker is.
if at this point youre still having doubts, heres a question. can you offer any other explanation that is all based on canon information, without retconning anything or making something up, and have it all make perfect sense and resolve all of the issues that come with going against this theory?
yeah, i cant either.
hopefully at this point you should be fairly convinced, but hold on! i still havent explained why i think sumo will chronologically happen before the plot in the dppt remakes! i was all like “this will make sense later” but i didnt talk about sinnoh much at all and havent completely gotten you on board with this yet! well guess what yall ITS SINNOH TIME
a quick note though: past this point is a lot of personal observation/opinion and speculation. its meant to explain why i think this theory is spot-on, and elaborate on what i think is going to happen. im not speaking for anyone else but myself and im not stating my own opinions as fact or concrete proof; though i am saying that i think im right about this.
with that out of the way, lets begin! its going to take a while, but the buildup is necessary (imo at least) and yes, this is in fact relevant to the theory.
something to notice is that the stories in pokemon games have been progressively getting more involved and interesting. there was hardly anything in the first two, gen 3 started getting more involved but its not much to write home about, gen 4 took it up a notch, and then gen 5 the life ruiner broke the fucking scale and punched me in the face.
so, we have all these plots, getting more detailed, but... not a whole lot is tying them together at first. sure, a few lines make reference to other games, johto and kanto are connected both plotwise and literally speaking, theres even that cameo character in bw who was a rocket grunt in a previous game! but theres nothing really significant that ties things together.
well, at least until gen 4.
in gen 4, we of course meet looker, who as a member of the interpol has reason to make further appearances in other games. and then he shows up in every game afterwards, sometimes for a while, sometimes only briefly. less significantly but it does help the point im about to make, we also get caitlins first appearance, who ends up being part of unovas elite 4, and johto is a part of gen 4 as well, which was already a point of connection between regions, but gen 4 added the sinjoh ruins, connecting the games within the same gen!
after gen 4, the games vary in how much they connect to the others, but it definitely changed the standard.
and then sun and moon came out.
even the very start of the game: you move from kanto to alola, meet alolan variations of kantonian pokemon, meet grimsley and colress from bw/bw2, meet dexio and sina from xy, and watch sadly as lillie breaks everyones heart and leaves for kanto.
then, after that, you can go to the battle tree and meet not only red and green, but cynthia, steven, and wally, and you can find grimsley, colress, dexio and sina here too. or, you can go participate in the postgame plot with looker and anabel, who are also returning characters; though anabel is significantly more unexpected than looker. it was pretty unexpected finding out caitlin was part of unovas elite four, huh?
and hey, didnt sinnoh have a lot of weird space/time shit? palkia and dialga are the gods of time and space, and giratina has a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
oh... and alola has fallers and ultra beasts, who came from other timelines/universes... and you go into ultra space, which is a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
plus, gen 4 is the first where you can at any point walk around with your pokemon behind you, making you feel closer to your pokemon than ever, and alola shows a significantly stronger connection between humans and pokemon than ever seen before, even compared to xys introduction of pokemon amie (the trials, ride pokemon, the fact that humans are specifically stated to have influenced several alolan variations, z moves, the ceremony for choosing your starter, everything about the aether foundation/type: null, if you consider ultra beasts pokemon then lusamines a very literal example, there are LOADS of examples)
... and diamond and pearl are next up for remakes.
in gen 7.
paired with alola.
i wonder if the two games are going to be EXTREMELY connected?
personally im willing to bet that the distortion world IS ultra space, i think itd make a lot of sense of cyrus knew what happened in alola and became interested because of it, and that team galactic will be pursuing ultra beasts (which there will likely be more of). 
i also think uni a!looker and uni b!looker are going to meet.
imagine with me for a moment.
diamond and pearl remakes come out. you enter jubilife city, where you meet looker! you have a conversation, he introduces himself, then disappears. 
you move on, and-- oh! theres looker again! you say hello, but he strangely doesnt recognize you and introduces himself again. ... odd.
you see him again. he recognizes you and references your first conversation, but doesnt seem to know anything about your second.
a fourth meeting. once again, he doesnt remember your previous conversation, and also seems to be doing something entirely different, and... hell, he doesnt even SOUND the same...
now, after a while of this, hes realizing somethings up. hes a fucking member of the interpol, hes goofy but hes not an idiot. he guesses that he has an impostor, and begins searching for this impostor so he can confront/apprehend them.
sometime later, maybe in the postgame, maybe in the maingame, you meet him again and have a short chat, when hes suddenly interrupted by a phone call. he hangs up and informs you that someone spotted his impostor, and speeds off to go deal with this. he doesnt tell you where hes going, but he didnt need to; you can easily guess from the phone call that you should head to jubilife city.
there, you see two lookers arguing with each other, and loads of shenanigans ensue because looker is so goofy and endearing theres no way its not going to be hilarious and silly at first; but then when everything calms down, shit gets serious, and anabel ends up showing up.
im willing to bet shes going to feel some kind of connection to uni a!looker; nothing specific, just an odd, unidentifiable feeling that... ah, it eludes her. strange indeed that he seems to also feel... something, that he cant identify at all; he just knows its there. is it... kinship of some kind? but that wouldnt make sense, theyre both certain theyve never met, and theyre certainly not related. how curious!
of course, that only remains a mystery until they figure out this other looker is a faller, and everything starts simultaneously making more and less sense.
of course thats all just my own prediction for how itll happen, but i dont think im far off base at all and i think itd be completely in line with both lookers character and how pokemon games operate.
now, a lot of people believe that this theory means one of the lookers has to die, and to that i say what. no. look, that “there can be only one” shit is completely unnecessary and i REALLY doubt that theyre going to kill off a looker, especially considering how much everyones grown to like him (or at least everyone ive ever spoken to who knows who he is. seriously, hes too lovable for this.)
instead, i think the following will happen!
1) the lookers partner up and work together (and tell people theyre just twins)
2) they find a way to send uni a!looker back to universe a, or somehow create a way to communicate/travel between universes
3) we learn more about what happened in universe a, and why both anabel and looker were mumbling vague things about urgent missions when they were found washed up on beaches
im not sure that all of these will happen in the same game (in fact i highly doubt it) but it seems like the logical progression of things. 
i think im out of things to say so there you go! thats the two looker theory and how i think itll play out in canon! there are likely a few things im missing, but im fairly certain the information i provided isnt incorrect, just possibly incomplete (sure hope not though cause ive been writing this response for no joke four hours straight). hope it helped and also converted you to the two looker theory club, or the tltc. if you join you get a free croagunk sticker and also a heart-shaped locket with a picture of looker in it if you dont already have your own
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tayegi · 8 years
wo w ee i am so excited to see where u take equilibrium! tbh i really like how u r writing jungkook (not in the obsessive relationship sense but like) because it feels like u r really giving us an insight to his mind and how complex of a character he is and like what drives him.. idk if that makes sense lol but i really enjoy the entire story and cant wait to see how it develops !!
Here are the rest of my equilibrium asks under the cut! I am so truly sorry that I just simply do not have the time to answer the rest of them (besides wouldnt you guys rather have me expending my energy on writing ch 12? ;)), but be assured that i have read each and every one of these messages multiple times over and appreciated them all
bonyg said:Equilibrium is really giving me mixed feelings, it's so complicated that I don't know if I want oc with Jungkook or Jimin. It's just not healthy to be in this relationship :"( if I were oc I'd definitely left them both even if I'm gonna die without Jimin :'( it's getting more exciting and I can't wait to know what's gonna happen between oc and Jimin. Thank you for updating ^^
jaaneman-s said:Hi, I don't if this sounds or rude or not, but I'd like to thank you? or idk, I was born in a very manly culture? I know (on my own) how certain things that look okay in this culture but are not in equalness and respect to the woman happen but reading equilibrium has like, opened my eyes a little bit? When I read ch.11 I just sat down and spent a while thinking about everything and how different you view stuff from my point, and how this is actually right? anyway keep the great work ily ♥
Anonymous said:pls read equilibrium at my funeral🙏🏻
Anonymous said:oh oH OH is it going to be one of the cases where the boy "misinterprets" the girls basic human kindness for flirting?!!?? If so, @ the character: go to hell
Anonymous said:Well, it seems like JK (and a little Y/N) has tipped the balance and now everything is coming crumbling down. Who does JK think he is?? I can't imagine Y/N could let the weekend go by without getting close to JM, especially since he needs her. I'm just anticipating the moment when jimin realizes and everything is out in the open. I really loved this chapter! You can see how bold JK is getting knowing that Y/N will do anything he wants, just for his cooperation. Suspenseful!
Anonymous said:me rn: *prays for a joon hyung to sweep OC off her feet and abandon JK and JM* (seriously i'm such weightlifting fairy trash it hurts) (also do you know where i can find my very own joon hyung 😭😭😭😭)
Anonymous said:Reads part 11 Equilibrium -insert jungshook meme here-
Anonymous said:Don't be bothered by those ungrateful readers who thinks you're obligated to write them more than 3k words. Seriously, did they somehow get the impression that they're paying you for this? Just write at your own pace so you can produce quality stuff.
Anonymous said:Finally got around to reading Chapter 11 & if I'm the oc I'd be on a plane up outta there so quick! Set Jimin up with some soup & a blanket, & scoot skedaddle my way out of dodge. Jungkook isn't about to talk to me like that, thinking dick isn't abundant & low value. Shit... Also bless your writing, each Equilibrium update has me on pins & needles~
Anonymous said:I just like... What if Jungkook comes home unexpectedly and finds y/n and Jimin getting it on and then flies into a murderous rage, severely injures Jimin and kidnaps y/n. The second part could be Jimin feeling all guilty and trying to find her while she tries to escape
Anonymous said:Holy shit I'm convinced that Jungkook poisoned Jimin because he's going to be away for the weekend and he's paranoid and crazy as shit that the OC might do something with Jimin so he made sure he's unable to do shit with her 😵 cuz when he called to ask her where she was for his graduation, he didn't even seem all that surprised that he's sick, he just cared about where the OC was.
Anonymous said:Twist end: OC learns boxing and kicks Junglebooks ass
Anonymous said:theory: part two will be titled monogamy and Jungkook and OC will have an abusive relationship. Cause you seem pretty adamant on the idea of abuse (which is 10000% not a bad thing for obvious reason) so i feel like you are taking this story as a lesson for girl to see the warning sign. and part 3 will be about her leaving him finally and becoming single or whatever
Anonymous said:I don't want to defend the oc by saying this but in equilibrium she clearly is right now the one who is fucked up The other 2 get what they want after jk's scary possessiveness and if she wouldn't be controlled by her feelings towards jimin then maybe she would've already left She has also fault but earlier they took advantage of each other's feelings and everyone got something that they wanted but rn oc is like trapped in a cage & can't even touch jimin Idk maybe I'm the only one who thinks so
Anonymous said:I don't understand equilibrium??? Like I thought it was sweet that JK wanted her all to himself but after chap. 11 I think it's just plain creepy with his possessive obsession towards her... like WTF! I kind of want to see Jimin's side of the story like why is he in love with JK and what is with JK not giving a f**k about Jimin at all like when he was the one who initiated this relationship anyways WHUT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!
Anonymous said:I mean it Jungkook will kill them both. Like this boy has the makings of a serial killer. Why the fuck does the oc not love herself?? Why are you trying to create your happiness from the sparse attention given to you by a man??!! Why the fuck are these people so dysfunctional?? Even Jimin and Jungkook they're basing they're entire happiness on people who they know don't care!! If there's ever a lesson here its self love first before you can love someone else.
Anonymous said:Just read the new Equilibrium chapter (11) and wow JK is absolutely terrifying in there. I'm so glad there are stories out there that portray abuse the way it should be portrayed and not romanticized. I really just want the OC to get the hell out of that house and faaaaar away from this messed up relationship ): she needs to run away from him asap like forget Jimin he ain't helping you either just run while you still can girl!!!!
Anonymous said:Regarding Equilibrium, I reread some chapters after I was done with 11. The necklace bit in 11 makes the sex scene in 4 kinda freaky. The way Jungkook yanks on OC's chain and how he got angry when OC said that she didn't know where hers was. It's like Jungkook finds security in the couple necklaces because he associates it with OC being his and when OC doesn't wear the necklace, he feels that his possession has been taken away from him. Maybe I am thinking too much but it was such a cool detail.
Anonymous said:I have a feeling that jimin's going to witness something that's gonna break his heart bc if you look at the situation then jimin should be happy bc he gets his alone time with jk who he loves and he doesn't have to pretend to love the oc that often bc jk doesn't let her go near him and if jimin sees something that breaks his heart(jungkook&oc)then maybe he would leave both and so they would all go their own ways(?)none of them would have a reason to stay but maybe jk will become even scarier idk
Anonymous said:You should just have the OC in Equilibrium go full on Bruce Lee on JK and JM
Anonymous said:Chap 11 in Equilibrium freaked me out btw. Especially after the sex scene when OC watches Jimin sleep. You wrote "tug" so that implies that OC used her hands. So when OC finds her hands restricted by Jungkook, that honestly scared me. Also in that scene, it was interesting for OC to say that she would do anything to comfort Jimin but seemed to take back that statement when she was restricted by Jungkook. It's like OC has become more afraid of Jungkook than she is in love with Jimin.
Anonymous said:In ch11 of equilibrium it was really sad when she compared herself to a pet... like girl, you're a functioning human being, an adult that can take care of herself. You're able to get out of this cage that's been created around you. It's scary what manipulative people can do to someone but at least she knows what messed up situation she's in now and not like... being attracted(?) to the crazies JK is pushing on her
zeloandhobiaremyhubbies said:Hi there ^^ I'm a new reader, and can I just say I love your writing skills and the story line so far. With that being said, coming from a person who has a close friend in a manipulative/almost borderline abusive relationship, I can honestly say I hope the OC get out of that relationship, especially with Jungkook. There's a thin line between being jealous/slightly possessive and possessive and pretty much controlling. Ugh! I want to know what happens next, but I'm also scared to know as well.
Anonymous said:What do you mean you don't know where is the chain OC(me)?! How can I be so careless?? What if Jimin will find it, no I am sure he already did 😑 and now probably the person I precious the most hate me cuz I took his love of life... This shit (relationship) is not falling fast enough huh? Good job me, good job 😒😒
holdingbackforsnow said:I've read equilibrium 11 and somehow I have the feeling that Jimin knew. Even before Jeongguk showed how messed up he is for us readers. I feel like, that's why Jimin entered the relationship. Maybe he was worried for the OC and wanted to act as a buffer in between her and Jeongguk (including his feelings for Jeongguk) that would explain his phone call, when he was gone on business and even how he wanted the OC to go to graduation so badly. I feel like Jimin knows more than we think...
Anonymous said:As much as I anticipate every update, I hope you are taking care of yourself too! Even as an undergrad, I still get stressed & overwhelmed with my workload so I really worry about your well being since being a phd student is so much more stressful and you still give us great content. Thank you so much & I hope you can take some time for yourself as well! ik remembering to take care of yourself is the last thing on your mind with a huge workload but please please don't neglect your well being!
Anonymous said:Oh god Jungkook in Equilibrium is really a psychopath. The fact that he's so manipulative and lacks empathy for others; it's quite terrifying to think about how long he's been manipulating everyone without anyone realizing it. As a psychology major it's really interesting to read a character like this but it's scary how so many people see his behavior as okay esp since there's so many real cases of abusive relationships like this, it makes me really sad. Ty for shining light to issues like these
Anonymous said:Wow, jk has really started to go crazy-something's gonna blow up soon.love the tension you are building though. It's really appreciated the time you take to build an intricate storyline. and not to focus on negative stuff, but for real, if any misogynistic messages pops up now, then... While I think most readers (but apparantly not all) saw the possessive traits of jk in earlier chapters despite it being somewhat(but not very) subtle, this time you rly spelled it out
lastshadowmonkeys said:to stay with Jimin. Everyone's being manipulative as fuck and it can never end well in my opinion...This is so...Wow, and it all comes out of your brain and imagination, that's amazing! I'm so excited to see where this all will go and if Jungkook will just lose his shit (or any of them really, someone is bound to lose their shit) and to see where Jimin stands with oc now and wow so many questions! I'm intrigued! Amazing job, thank you so much for writing this piece of art!
lastshadowmonkeys said:after that, but woops boy was i wrong. He just turned full on psycho, and i have the impression Jimin is not even interested in her in that way and never has been. That leaves OC to be in a relationship with men who don't love her at all, in the end, which is so so sad and i just wish she'd get over her love (or is it obsession, really?) for Jimin, so she could get the hell out of that toxic situation. She's being manipulative herself, going through all that misery to somehow be able (3)
lastshadowmonkeys said:blowing my mind and i have immense respect for that. I'm not lying when i say i'm trying hard to improve my plot skills haha, since my mind tends to be too chaotic to ever get any structure in anything. I enjoy your stories so much. As for Equilibrium, shit's about to go down man and i just can't fucking wait to see what will happen. At first i was rooting for Jungkook and the oc since it seemed like he just had pent up frustrations from being misunderstood? I thought it would get better (2)
lastshadowmonkeys said:Hey Lu! Even though my asks get lost a lot of the time, it doesn't stop me from telling you how much i appreciate the fact you make time to write such wonderful, intriguing stories to make us actually think about important matters. Equilibrium has become one of my top favourite fics ever, and i just love how you can make every chapter like a little piece of a giant puzzle. You write so well, and they're actually plot goals! To imagine you're a grad student on top of all that is just (1)
got7boystobang said:I feel like (in fact; i knew it due to the fact that u hate nochu so much) the end of Equilibrium is going to be such a downfall for jk just like what happened in jjk must die and that crys drabble idk how tho but u just always have ways to kill jkook cause i bet you've millions of pictures in your head on how to😂😂😂 i love your dedication!!!!! lol
Anonymous said:Ugh, Jungkook is threatening people now? Yeah, it's time to call the cops. That's scary. I felt uneasy the whole chapter. I asked myself several times while reading, "Yo, what's wrong with this kid? And what's up with Jimin? Is he just CHOOSING not to acknowledge some of the fucked up shit that's going on around him?" And actually, homegirl is holding up a lot better in this chapter than I thought she would. Interesting. Thanks for another chapter! Looking forward to the next. :)
Anonymous said:Omg so intense!! Gosh I just don't know what to expect anymore, I'm glad there'll be alone time with Jimin but then what if Jungkook finds out, and what if-what if-gah! Can't wait to see what will unfold next, thank you once again for updating even though you're busy~
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isaacathom · 6 years
like, if i were to basically redo it to just be a fun fantasy romp - id take it back to its original sort of time setting rather than having it be urban fantasy. Finley died in an expedition about 10 years earlier, making Crystal and Akian into orphans. theyve basically been living with the D’Lore’s since then, so Akian and Chase being really fucking close makes complete sense (and was likely why they started living wit the d’lores in the first place). in that last decade, like 5 yearsago or so, SKye joins the family after the whole uhhhhh Sorix/Naten situation. my poor boys. so crystal and skye already know each other. they arent super close, mostly because skye’s a moody lil bitch sometimes, but they know each other and are passing friends. crystal works with the d’lore’s apothecary, since the d’lores are like, biiiiiiiig boys. mayors or some shit. big boys. not a king, tho. well, actually, maybe? that could be interesting. or perhaps like a pricipality sorta deal. ill think about it.
since the d’lores are royalty here, kidnapping Akian and Chase (the crown prince boy and his gf) makes complete sense. theyre a perfect ransom and way tohold the entire city/region hostage. its a crisis. skye and crystal, who are really pissed about it, decide to take proactive action. which brings them into contact with Violet, who runs a small library with her “aunt”, Dawn. Violet helps them find some information about some of the weird shit the two reported seeing before their sibs were kidnapped, and gives them a shit ton of advice on what they could do. because violet is the best.
smth smth happens, they come into contact with Will, who is an expedition man just like Finley, and also the guy with th complex relationship with Skye. the three manage to convince Will to take them along into his second trip into a portal he’s discovered north of the town, because violet thinks it’ll have useful info and then begs to come along to see it. sothe 4 go in. suhbitch, its the heaven realm, and here they meet Skye’s mother, Alexa, who has still been dead for 200 years because, lets be clear, Skye’s dad fucked a ghost. fucking crazy. fantasy is wild. and she helps give them some pointers. maybe suggests they head to Quartai, which is the Big Boy Kingdom. a probably more overtly magical/religious place, more info on Ryaris and shit, stuff like that.
the 4 go there. then im not sure how stuff resolves from there. they probably still end up heading to the southern isles, which is an even more Big Magic place that has all these portals. in between then, violet seems to disappear, following an(other) encounter with Princess Alara, angry wind mage of the hour. which isnt great? but thats because Violet realised something was off about Alara (in a way specific to Violet) and she went out alone after the others went to sleep to find her and demand answers, and then, well, shit escalates.
they finally get to the fire realm and find the castle. before they can sneak inside, Alara catches them and promptly kidnaps Crystal, under the rationale that, well, Crystal is actually quartaian royalty, she’ll be a good ransom as well! :) skye and will (and i guess ash if hes just floating around, i dont Know)get tossed in the jail cell with chase and akian. Violet, who has now assumed the position of Princess fucking uhhhhh she has a name. fuck. T- Tacha??? yea ok whatever. Princess Violet’s out here, trying desperately to avoid the consequences of abandoning the group and trying not to get seen by any of them. but after overhearing her mum and sister interrogating Crystal about shit (and probably revealing Crystal’s heritage at that time, tho idk how id tie that shit in proper) Violet decides to stop being a coward. easily talks her way into the jail, frees everyone, get them all their stuff back, and make arrangements with some sympathetic guards that escort the exhausted Chase and Akian to a portal that will plop them out near-ish to the capital city, where they will be quickly found. bonus points if one of the guards, being a local to the area, offers to then personally escort them to the palace and hand them over. if yes, then violet likely gives him something that is proof of divine intervention (like, a symbol that cannot be manufactured by a human? and that is proof that Ryaris was involved and has returned them, smth like that, idk)
then the three of them work together to free crystal from Alara, who is acting as the primary antagonist. Ryaris is getting cold feet like noones fucking business, which is why she hasnt made a single appearance apart from kidnapping the two at the start. Alara’s filled in the rest, in part because Alara can pass for human (shes more a demigod than a minor goddess, in contrast to Violet), and because Alara was a LOT more into the plan from the start. probably using some info they gathered in Quartai or in theheaven world (it definitely has a name, i dont remember it) to convince Alara that, well, no, Dalace is absolutely fucking lying to you, stop it. which is easier than you would think, because Dalace’s lies were revealed the instant Violet returned home.
Part of Dalace’s plan to escape from her imprisonment is to have Ryaris (and her daughter, tho that was a later addition) force a whole bunch of humans into constructing and using portals, which would weaken the seal and also give Dalace more power. then she can break out and wreak havoc. her end of the deal is that, once restored to full power and free, she would bring back Evelyn and Violet. Evelyn being Ryaris’ human wife, who died like 5-6 years prior to the start of the story, and which was actually caused by Dalace in order to force Ryaris’ hand. but that conceit was that Violet and Ryaris were both dead. But Violet is here, perfectly fine, and with 0 trace of any magical interference. Violet was been alive the entire time, just out of Ryaris’ sight and in a different place than where Alara ended up going undercover. essentially a stroke of bad luck.
so, yknow. Violet has overheard Ryaris talking to Dalace, and has already found out about the fact that her revival had been promised. so its like, ‘what proof do you have???’ ‘well, im here, arent i?’ ‘:|||||’ if its then additional that, after violet left the party, the other three found out that Dalace doesn’t have the ability to revive, and that revival as a skill would require the death of Losa (light goddess and just general death lady), they can use that too. combine forces. violet uses her knowledge of the agreement, and the others use their acquired knowledge of the limits of magic. bam. maybe even some prior history, like ‘the stories say that Dalace went mad because everything died in her care. if she could revive the dead, surely this wouldnt have been an issue?’ ‘..... fuck youre right’. i mean they almost definitely have to fight her too because Alara’s a bit of a pain in the ass. people probably almost die. hardcore.
everyone chills out, they go convince ryaris to maybe chill. thats very easy because ryaris literally just wanted to settle down with her wife and two children before shit got messy (and i mean, Same). very easy to convince her off the mess train. but, of course, she’s already done a lot of the damage. the ransom for Akian and Chase has been active for like, at LEAST a week, possibly even more, she’s already reaped a solid chunk and started making good on her promise to Dalace. so the damage has been done. Dalace will get out soon. so they decide like, ok, lets fix it. time to go like, punch her in the face.
and then they beat dalace or reseal her or something. im not sure? dalace’s issues with the world are so deeply seated, her anger so much a part of her, that you cant really turn her good again. and to kill her would be nigh impossible and extremely disastrous. so really its like. do we trap her again but More this time, do we force the gods to actually intervene this time instead of acting through Champions? its rough. a godly intervention would only work if the group had been to each of the realms, because then they’d have met or affected each god in some way. but theyve only been to light and fire worlds. any more than that and it just gets like..... convoluted...... it was the original idea but idk. smaller main cast, makes even less sense. going to the worlds of each of their patrons makes SOME sense??? which then means id need to add a trip to the earth world (perhaps this is where they go from the southern isles. since they dont have a fire portal. and then they lose violet in earht world?). which then only leaves out the water and wind worlds. but the wind goddess is explicitly on Ryaris’ side, having freed Ryaris from her own constraints after a Whole Bunch of Shenanigans. so they dont actually need to convince the wind goddess, Xen i think, to support ryaris. Caliyo, the water goddess, is a little harder to finagle. she doesnt really agree with Ryaris for what i hope are Obvious reasons. in theory keeping Ash as a member of the party would potentially fix that, since he’s an active and practicing water magician prior to meeting the cast, and it’d be fair to guess that she might have a hand in that?in the community he’s from. sort of a mini water realm? Caliyo could also possibly be convincedby like, Losa and....Elra? earth lady. to just maybe think about just fucking talking to Dalace, for fucking once. its been fucking millenia,just talk to her and maybe youll convince her to stop being a shit. idk. Dalace is complicated? and a pain in the butt.
like, if Ash remains part of the squad (which does skew the cast 2:3 male, and 1:3 male when Violet leaves, which Pisses me Off) he can act as throughline to Caliyo. i dont see why not. his community is very much magical. buuuttt you could also potentially get around having him be in the party by having the same connection be present in the Southern Isles, which is a separate magical community that hides away from the continent. and if you think about it, how would you hide an island? other than straight up illusions.mist! caliyo is a perfect patron for the southern isles, thus removing Ash from the story as well in a clean 1 2. which also removes the dragons, which is.... a shame, definitely. big fan of them. but it also makes some sense to remove super overt magic stuff, if people are supposed to believe is superstition or extremely rare. a northern tribe that rely on dragons doesnt gel with that. they can still exist, i guess, but as a completely separate entity. though that does then raise the question of how the party of 4 get from Quartai to the southern isles. in SB, they flew there on the backs of some of Ash’ dragons, which also allowed them to cross the fucking sea between the isles and the coast. unless theres a secret way? like, hey, a secret bridge. use the portals to return back to the capital city, tie up some loose ends (employment and ‘WHERE THE /FUCK/ HAVE YOU BEEN?’ sorts of ends) before heading south to the coast and then trying to find the path across. Skye or will would be good for that, though Violet is also a stellar candidate due to the sheer magnitude of her magic. she’s basically a minor deity. its crazy. it depends on like, narrative usefulness? i guess? like, violet was the one who put them on the path to realise the kidnapper was Divine in some way, and put them in contact with Will. Will got them into fucking Heaven Light World, which got them to quartai, where they were able to get more info (or maybe even skip quartai altogether, tho thats smth else to deal with). so at this stage, crystal and skye’s sole contributions have been to kick the whole thing off. at best, skye mightve suggested they go to a smaller library than the Royal one, since, well, theyre already known to the royal one and the librarian likely tells them to stop bothering everyone and go back home (stay safe from kidnappers, etc). so Skye finding the path to the island, with all that light boy goodness, might work? crystals skillset can then come in handy when they travel to earth world, since she’s an earth mage. she can learn magic and possibly even learn about her heritage there. smth smth. depends how long theyre there.
idk. you can probably remove quartai from the mix altogether??? and have them go straight from Light World to heading south of the capital. does sorta remove the quartai buildup though? with the whole ‘youre the descendant of a runaway prince’ thing. since it justified crystal being removed from the group and likely the first person to find out about violet being a god, which can then feed to like. Shit. theres no other reason to separate out crystal and not, say, Skye. crystal and skye hold identical levels of relevance to thespecific kingdom theyre from. theyre commoners. crystal is in slightly higher regard because akian is practically a princess and even before that her family were good friends with the royals (because, yknow, Finley is a runaway prince who sought refuge in a neighbouring kingdom, lol). skye is just like, some guy, even though he lives in the palace too. theyre just commoners in high esteem of the king. so like, if you were going to separate Crystal out from the group for that, you should also take out Skye, which means in practice youre just chucking Will in a dungeon on his own. which just seems rude. the boy has suffered enough.
the idea was that bringing Crystal into Quartai, a place she has never been but that her father had once promised to take her to (which i can set up). and that by placing her in that environment, maybe even engineering a scenario where she is taken to the royal library (which i guess is like, a public library run by the royals? i dont know) and is spotted by Alara, who has been living in Quartai for the last year or so to gather intel. and, by the nature of how it is, theres royal paintings on the wall showing the late queen, Crystal’s grandmother, and theres an immediate visual connection. Crystal looks just like her dad. someone else (or alara, if it works) might even comment on her being new to quartai with a sort of ‘are you sure youve never been to quartai before? you look like you’d fit right in’ and it couldbe assumed as a personality thing. especially if in terms of personality, crystal doesnt appear to mesh with quartaian society at all. and if the line is by a character with no humour. which means Alara would actually be a perfect fit. it would be a genuine question and observation - Crystal looks Quartaian, whatever that means. while in quartai, they find out its connected to the earth goddess Elra, which helps convince them that they should maybe ask Elra for advice, since she seems like a goddess who has a lot of input and would know about goings on. crystal is then revealed to be an earth mage later (either southern isles or in the earth realm itself) which is like an Ooh boy. you could possibly hammer it further home by, if they DO meet Elra, her confusing Crystal for quartaian royalty. either by assuming she’s a specific Queen (her grandmother) or just a general ‘oh, youre a princess of quartai, then?’ ‘w- no?’ ‘oh? my apologies’. though if elra is going to notice any lineage she’s going to recognize the tall white haired youngster with piercing eyes and an overwhelming magical aura is the daughter of the goddess of fire. so. might distract her?i think it would be too on the nose for Elra to straight up call her out. 
though i could definitely make Crystal not looking local a thing? because she’s not. culturally she is, but both of her parents are full blooded quartaians who fled across the border because Keiran (correctly) anticipated that him marrying a commoner wouldnt go down well. Akian and Crystal both look quartaian. but they also look nothing like Will, who is from another demographic also not native to the kingdom. but his demographic is more prevalent, like there are far larger communities of them. Akian and Crystal just look out of place. Skye technically has a sort of otherworldly quality, but thats partly because his dad fucked a ghost. i cant get over that. but he still looks local enough, because he looks like his mum! and aside from being a ghost of sorts, she was from that kingdom, just 200 years in the past. so theres been drift, and he does look slightly off relative to everyone else, but to an extent you can assume thats just an individual thing. especially since his family is unknown. Akian and Crystal’s parents are known. their apperance is familiar. and that appearance is distinctly foreign. theres no real PROBLEM with that, because theyre good friends with the royal family and have been living in or near them for their whole lives, but its notably. their specific complexion, hair colour, and eye colour? not common ‘round these parts. that sorta thing? could work??? especially if relations with quartai are sorta weird. like..... we’re cool....... but also dont move here? with the exception of Kieran, because the implication is that he’d been a lot friendlier than his mother (and his cousin) and when he comes knocking on the door going ‘listen man i just fled the country can i crash on your couch with my girlfriend for a few days’ the kings like ‘yea dude go ahead. you can explain tomorrow at breakfast. just us’ ‘thanks dude i really appreciate it’. maybe its a quartaian thing. not big fans on these guys. so they just stay in their place and dont leave much. people from this kingdom can come to quartai, sure....... you cant STAY for that long, but you can come visit.......... sure.
which, if quartai is kinda.... i guess just straight up racist??? xenophobic? one or both. if quartai is straight up racist, than crystal’s appearance as a fullblooded quartaian would be quite notable! because its like, oh, youre a local! wait, y- youre NOT a local????? what the fuck do you mean youre not a local????? from - from sp- ok. sure. alright whatever you say lady. move the fuck along then. people see this ragtag group with this one quartaian lady and assume, oh, a local with some friends from out of town. well, if thats the company they want to keep, sure. cause it looks almost correct. it almost makes sense. but then you hear her speak, in a distinctly non-quartaian accent, and its like ‘hold on a sec’ but then she’ll say some words with a quartaian twang, relating to adventure, and you have No idea how to process that. what. its wild. doesnt come across in raw text but, you know.
im sure i can roughly justify going o quartai. theyre a generally more spiritual kingdom, with prominent reverence in a specific goddess who is tied in with the geography and economy (Elra), and the royal family are supposedly her descendants on some level. theyd have more specific information about the gods, the history of their involvement in the world, some shit about Dalace (not in depth, tho, just that she took over at one point and it was a Bad time). it depends how much info they can get from light realm? i mean, they arent REALLY supposed to say much. they arent even really supposed to interact with the living. which does make you go 0>0 at Alexa. hot damn. willing to break big rules for some living dick. legendary.
i mean i feel like its better if they DO go to quartai, because it allows them to encounter Alara, who has basically bribed and conned her way into a position of power through some whack shit and has integrated into the community to get some of the Juicy Information. they can meet her in a safe environment and find that she’s weird, they can learn a bit about shit, crystal being quartaian can be emphasised in a sort of coy way (im a shit writer sooo it probably wouldnt read very coy lol) and there can even be some foreshadowing for Violet’s position as minor fire deity. since thats almost definitely what catches alara’s attention. a tall, light haired individual with burning green eyes and an implaceable aura? fascinating. but when Violet doesn’t catch any of Alara’s references (to like, the gods and shit), Alara assumes she’s mistaken and perhaps she’s just sensing a strange combined aura. its not till later in the earth realm, when they meet as protagonist vs antagonist, that she realizes no, she was right on the money the first time. because at this point in the story, the main cast have actually started using magic, and theyve already found that Violet’s use of magic is effortless. and with their magic unlocked, so to speak, violet’s aura is fucking incredible. none of the others can see it, with the possibly exception of either Will or Skye, depending which way dark/light fall re: seeing shit. but Alara is an incredibly well practiced mage and demigoddess, and she knows how to see it, and violet’s is intense. its unmistakeable. alara isnt 100% sure what if she recognizes the aura, for the simply fact that violet disappeared when they were 9 and alara hadnt learnt to see/feel aura at the time. but she thinks she knows what it means. shes confident that violet is some demigod. which god? unclear. until Violet throws a fireball at her and tells her to fuck off.
the only other possible ways for violet to be a fire demigod and NOT being the daughter of Ryaris, are for her to be the daughter of Xen (goddess of wind) OR be a distant descendant of Ryaris via her mortal parent, who is also her mother, and which might overrule the godly disciple of the godly parent. the latter is nigh impossible because Ryaris has only had two children to her knowledge, unless she blacked out during 200 years exile and accidentally boned down. she’s pretty sure she didnt, though. not that thats a topic that comes up, exactly. but ryaris only has two kids. Alara has no children, and Violet is not the right age to be the daughter of Alara’s sister. she is, however, the approximate age to BE Alara’s sister. so is sheactually, or is it cosmic coincidence that two demigods (the fire/wind twins and someone else) were born around the same time? who knows! alara has no idea. violet doesnt have a damn clue either. ita rough.
uhhh this got very lost VERY fast. uhhh tl;dr return the story to its original full fantasy setting (not urban/modern fantasy). akian is the girlfriend to the prince of a kingdom, with crystal being her sister. skye being in a weird state of being commoner but living with royalty, just like crystal. akian and the prince are kidnapped by Ryaris in order to force the kingdom into an awful ransom agreement whereby they will do a bunch of suspicious shit. crystal and skye believe they saw part of the kidnapping take place, and attempt to get information. after a bunch of the royal staff tell them to stop worrying and go home, they go find a non-royal library run by Dawn and her ‘niece’ Violet, who help them find some info. Violet, being very much in the know, hooks them up with Will, an adventurer and cartographer who is planning a visit to a portal he located north of the city. after a lot of negotiating/arguing, Will agrees to let the three of them come along, and off they go. a whole bunch of shit happens, involving a trip to neighbouring kingdom Quartai, where Crystal is treated strangely in relation to the party and they first meet Alara, posing as a foreign noble who takes an immediate interest in Violet.
more shit, they end up in some hidden magic isles south of the continent, which then leads them to the earth realm, where they seek an audience with the goddess of earth Elra, on how they can get an audience with Ryaris, goddess of fire, and most likely the kidnapper. more shit. alara appears again and they have a brief confrontation. that night, violet disappears. after failing to find her, they resolve to press onwards (leaving fucking missing persons signs all over this foreign land and even informing Elra about it). go to fire realm, get captured by Alara, who separates out Crystal in order to interrogate her about her lineage to confirm a suspicion she has that Crystal is long lost quartaian royalty (si). violet is brought in to help, much to their mutual distress, and then alara kicks violet out for just doing an awful job of forcing crystal to talk.violet then breaks everyone else out of jail, sends Akian and the prince home with some guards she trusts to take them back safely, and then they go rescue Crystal. final showdown with Alara. convince alara that Dalace, goddess of darkness, has been lying out her fucking ass the entire time and cant do anything she promised. alara reluctantly agrees to confront Ryaris about it. Ryaris admits thats all true and that she knew from the start Dalace was a lying piece of shit, but, i mean...... yknow....... your wife dies and you havent seen your daughter in over a decade........ white lies are nice. also alara was the one who got sucked in. its complicated.
then they go ‘aight time to fuck with dalace’ and then i have no idea. probably all the goddesses (who theyve met throughout the story) come and tell dalace to stop being a cunt? roll credits.
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