#wouldn't you?
cleverthylacine · 2 years
In case this tweet disappears:
Daier18993844 posted this on twitter, 1st October 2022, and it’s one of the hottest and most beautiful pieces of art that I’ve ever seen.
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dissentersbedamned · 8 months
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art commissions
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any-corrie · 1 year
only a tiny bit disappointed that the 2nd season didn't include how uhh you know
how young kaz actually got back to the shore
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Although actually I kinda wanna share something that was silly but also a lil hell world ish yesterday-
So me and my dad were in the car and as usual he was entertaining my autism and I was talking about the Muppets when we brought up why I like them so much and eventually we talked about Rowlf which when my dad correctly (and embarrassingly) guessed I have a crush on him or as he put "the boyfriend I never had"-
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theyaregayyourhonor · 2 years
Btw the 'damsel in destress' arch isn't finished yet. It wasn't finished in s1, given we saw Will throwing up a slug thingy. By the end of s2 it still isn't finished, you would think the boy had enough but we know he still has a connection to Vecna in s4! Will is still the show 'damsel in destress'.
And who is tied to this arch? Mike, the answer is Mike, in s1 he runs around like a headless chicken to find Will, in s2 he didn't move from Will side, but neither time was he the one actually saving Will. In s1 it was Joyce and Hopper (you wouldn't send a twelve year old to hell to find his dying bestie) and in s2 it is Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy who cook the MF out of Will.
Mike never finished his task as a paladin. He never saved Will from Vecna.
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nevertrulyset · 1 year
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shoddylottie · 2 years
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i'd let this guy take me on a walk through the forest
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thebuni · 2 years
Look, it's not complicated: London did this -
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...and inside my flat did this -
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...so I went here:
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...and watched some clouds do this:
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anxiousangerball · 1 year
I don't know who needs to hear this, but
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spider-artdump · 17 days
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wizard-laundry · 7 months
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heeppy hoolida
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baejax-the-great · 2 months
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s-lycopersicum · 14 days
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stay still, i'm copying you to my pc
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annabelle--cane · 28 days
the asexual double edged sword is that a lot of people, particularly queer discoursers(tm) online, are really really rancid about ace people who have sex, I mean like stunningly awful, so naturally sex favorable/indifferent asexuals will be very keen on making sure that they aren't erased within their own community and that people at large know they exist. at the same time, people are also Very Bad about ace people who don't have sex, and sex averse/repulsed asexuals face a lot of pressure both on societal and interpersonal scales to submit to sex that they don't want, and so naturally it'll really rub them the wrong way to constantly have "but don't worry, ace people can still conform to the societal expectation!" appended to their PSAs about their experiences of asexuality. and so everyone's just kinda upset and annoyed all the time when instead it should be peace and love on planet ace.
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yuwuta · 2 months
whenever you and satoru have an argument, he holds your hand and he won’t let go until he’s certain you’re not mad anymore. you’re telling him off because he forgot to unpack the dishwasher again, and he knows that’s his fault and you have a right to be mad but he hates when you’re mad and even worse when you’re mad at him, so he does the first thing that comes to mind and laces your hands together. now you can’t leave and be mad at him alone, you have to be mad at him while he’s connected to you and satoru has learned that that far reduces the amount of time you spend mad at him. getting upset because he led you two in the wrong direction? holding hands until you’ve cooled down. upset with him for being reckless mid-fight? he drops his infinity just to be close to you, holds your hand and tells you the curse can wait, he needs your forgiveness more. mad at him because he forgot something important on his way home? you’re holding hands until you forgive him—which could be all the way until you go to bed, or dragging you by your connected hands with him to the store to pick up what was forgotten. you get irritated with him in public? he’s quick to hold your hands and beg for kisses. sometimes the first years see you steaming and satoru following you like a lovesick puppy, his leash being your laced fingers and megumi just sighs and explain to yuuji and nobara that, “they’re fighting. this is their get along tactic, just leave them be.” 
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themthistles · 1 year
whenever i see another tiktok girlie talking about how she wishes to have been a fangirl in 2010s i feel like a seasoned veteran overhearing a foolish youngin boasting about wanting to go to war for glory and adventure. you naive little idiot. you know nothing. you understand nothing. you weren't there in the trenches. i have seen things, terrible things. i cannot plug in my phone charger at night without being plagued by the visions of Him
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