#would be interesting to play around with things there of like. How Much would they have to Take from him
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via @iamthepulta
When I was around 13 or so, I got introduced to a friend to Christianity after being brought up in a mostly atheistic household. My parents had also just gotten divorced and my Dad had coincidentally decided that then was as good a time as any to start going to church again, and so would start taking us because we seemed interested in it.
As a pretty lonely kid with a big desire to fit in or have community, it was a formative time in my life, and I took to it quite quickly.
But the thing about a lot of evangelical spaces is, there is no room for nuance, and, perhaps more crucially, having doubts is seen as a crisis. If you are saved by faith alone, the thinking seemed to be that faith must be total and absolute.
For teenaged me, that meant not questioning things too much, at least not openly, and just accepting what was said at face value like anything I had learned in school up to that point. There were limits to this, like when my church brought in a guest speaker that claimed evolution wasn't real and that the dinosaurs had survived Noah's flood, but on the whole, I didn't have enough of a basis to dispute anything I was told.
Enter 'Mark'. Mark went to the same middle school as me and the same highschool I attended freshman year, and he was a really annoying and combative atheist. At some point he clocked that I was Christian, and he started arguing with me all the time. Most of it wasn't all that substantive. We were young teenagers, after all. But it often got heated, because how dare he question this stuff that is obvious truth?
I realize now that me getting into arguments with him so much was based out of a certain emotional immaturity, and a desire to justify to him and myself that I was right in making a decision that I myself was unsure of. It was performative, to an extent, so I didn't actually hate the guy when everything was said and done.
That beef died down after a year or so. The arguments were getting nowhere, and Mark turned out to be a pretty good guy with perhaps a bit of an antisocial streak. We started hanging out a bit more, and talking about things other than religion, and were eventually at least nominally friends.
This same thing played out with a friend that was Jewish, and another that was Mormon. This was all around that same time in my life. We bickered over things for a while, and then eventually religion just wasn't a factor in our relationship.
These pointless arguments made me realize the simple idea that arguing over religion, trying to convert people to your side, is ultimately a pointless endeavor because it is unprovable, and that I could just as easily be "wrong" with my beliefs. They had just as much 'evidence' as I did. So no matter how hard I 'believed' in this stuff, I just had to accept that some other people never would, and that's okay.
That is somewhat heretical in an evangelical context, since the whole idea is to evangelize, but it opened me up to there being space for other religions and belief systems in the world, and that they were comprised of good people who deserved nothing but love and respect.
This seed of openness and maturity was ultimately what allowed me to change when I moved for college, where I was exposed to stuff like the actual science behind evolution, friends who were LGBT, and programs challenging ideas of creationism.
I owe my life now to those conversations. My career, my friends, my outlook on life could have never occurred without them.
And it's why I now could never return to the same spaces I grew up with, because I can now see them for the toxic, hateful places they are.
I don't know how to navigate faith these days, but I am eternally grateful to "annoying" atheists in my life, and for the patience people had when I was still figuring myself out.
We need the obnoxious atheists back. I know they engineered their own destruction by being annoying and pretentious, but it has become apparent how essential to the ecosystem they were. The religious fanatics have become too bold without their natural predators. Jesus wojaks would have been torn to shreds in 2011.
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Doctor's In - Part 16
Summary: Your Westview fam reunites with you and Boston as you prepare to leave the city.
A/N: I believe this is what @jerullium and I would call a filler episode but hey! Enjoy if you like Wanda fluff
You know what the call is about.
“Hello?” you practically sing, your eyes on the road.
“Stop that” Wanda warns you.
“Stop what?”
“Changing the music. You know I don’t like that girl!”
“Babe, Chappell is great” you play dumb.
“I’m the only redhead you can love”
“Yes, darling. Have you asked the kids yet?”
“Just about to. I’m picking them up before my mother steals my car and crashes against a police car. Again”
You want to laugh at how annoyed Wanda sounds. Honestly, you’re dying to meet her mother.
“Let me know if they agree to come so I can get your tickets”
“I can do that…”
“You’re all flying first class, and that’s final. Gotta go. Love ya”
“Me too… you’re playing her music again!” she says and you hang up, laughing.
“You guys are adorable” Val says, sitting next to you in the car.
“Yelena likes to call it ridiculously corny”
“So, not that this is any of my business… but why are you looking to work abroad if you are in a relationship with Wanda? I don’t think she’d be willing to move, right?”
“Well… that’s why I was curious about that summer program you mentioned with an NGO”
Valkyrie knew enough people and organizations to find something that wouldn’t mean moving to a different country indefinitely.
And as it turned out, you had a few common friends, including none other than Sharon Carter.
She was a couple years ahead of you in college, but you’d always gotten along. Thanks to Val, you knew she was ready to move back home -her whole family was in Boston- and you were hoping she could take an interest in working for Romanoff Medical Center.
After everything Melina had done for you (even if it was out of self interest to provide Yelena with a mentor), you didn’t feel comfortable just leaving without a thought after your contract was up.
As you go meet Sharon at the restaurant, your mind drifts to Billy and Tommy. Would they be excited at the prospect of seeing you? Wanda had only mentioned they went through a rough patch, but you were always too afraid to ask the details.
The sight of Sharon waving at you brings you back to reality.
“Carter girl” you greet like you did in college, hugging her.
“Look at you, all grown up”
“Look at you, working for WHO”
“It’s nothing, really” she shrugs it off, greeting Val as well.
There’s some talk about work, just chit chat while the waiter was hanging around waiting to take your order. Once he’s done and you have some space to talk more freely, Sharon turns to you, a smirk on her face.
“You still a player?”
That makes you choke on your drink, while Val whistles.
“What? Here I was thinking this one was a family gal”
“Wait, hold up. That’s insane. In college, she used to charm every girl. Not even the ones with boyfriends were safe” Sharon says, making you blush.
“I don’t seem to recall…”
“Jean Grey.”
“Ok, got it. No need to go further into detail” you interrupt her, suddenly remembering that yeah, you had been a bit of a player in college. “Now I’m with someone who has two kids, so I’m looking to return to Westview”
“Romanoff Medical is going to need a great Head of Trauma” Val chimes in.
“The pay is spectacular”
“Mhm. Heard Melina can be hard to deal with” Sharon says and you sigh.
“Honestly? Not as much. Not if you do your job and you’re good at it. Like me” you wink at her.
“Well, I’d be looking to start in a month or so, because I really wanna get some rest and be with my family”
“Timing couldn’t be better… except I need someone to cover for me this weekend. Do you mind?”
“That’s going to cost you a mimosa”
“Done” you say, waving at the waiter.
Wanda is stalling.
Things were getting better between her and the kids. There was no arguing, even if Billy had decided to quit the soccer team.
She knew they still missed you, but they were starting to heal. And your relationship was going well, but Wanda was afraid of so many things.
Of screwing it up again. Hurting the kids.
Getting hurt.
Though you’d never ever do it, she trusted you completely.
She’s still thinking about how to bring up the trip to the kids when she gets a text from you.
Y/N: Hey, it’s been a couple of hours. If you’re not ready or think it’s not the best idea to bring the kids, I get it. They always come first. Just know that I love you no matter what :)
Wanda smiles at that.
She decides to leave her study and go to the twins’ room, where they’re doing some homework.
“Hey, do you guys have a minute?” she sits in Billy’s bed, and Tommy joins them. “So, I know we haven’t spoken about Y/N. She’s been living and working in Boston”
“That’s where you’ve been traveling to” Tommy says, looking up.
“Right. And we ran into each other… started talking. She mentioned you could join me on my next trip and we’d all go around the city together. There are some cool stuff to do and see”
“Seriously? That would be awesome! Yes, I want to come with you!” Tommy says, excited. Wanda’s about to ask Billy when he jumps out of bed, running to lock himself in the bathroom.
“Wait here, sweetheart” she asks Tommy. “Billy? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t wanna go”
“Why? Are you angry at Y/N?”
“Then me?”
“No” he says, this time with less conviction.
“Then what is it?”
“You’re only making us go so you both can give us the talk” he says through the door, and Wanda decides to open it.
“What talk?” she sits on the floor next to her son, running her hands through his hair.
“The same talk Emily’s parents had with her when they were getting a divorce. About how it wasn’t her fault and they’d always love her even if they weren’t together”
“No, that’s not it at all, Billy”
“She just wants to say goodbye to us”
“I promise you that’s not it. We’re both trying hard to fix everything, my sweet boy. Have our family back” Billy turns around to wipe his face, and Wanda sighs. “Would it make you feel better if Y/N told you herself?”
That makes the boy turn.
Wanda takes out her phone, dialing your number and hoping you’re not too busy with work.
“Hey, beautiful. Got any news for me? Will I get to see my boys?”
“Y/N!” Billy jumps up, leaning his head against Wanda’s to hear you better.
“Billy? Hey kiddo. How are you? I’ve missed you so damn much”
He’s so excited he doesn’t even notice the curse word that leaves your mouth.
“I missed you too! Do you like Boston?”
“It’s alright. Would be a lot more fun if you guys came over to visit me. What do you say?”
“We’ll do some fun stuff?”
“And eat ice cream”
“This isn’t to say goodbye?”
“Goodbye? I have my ticket to Westview in a couple of weeks, Billy. You’re not getting rid of me”
“Ok, yeah! We’ll see you soon!” he says, excited. You laugh.
“Alright then. Now let me speak to your mom”
He hands over the phone, running back to his room.
“We have thirty seconds before Tommy comes running to talk to you”
“Ok, I’ll take it to say I love you and can’t wait to see you all this weekend”
“Will we stay at the penthouse?”
“I’m not sure it’s very child friendly so let’s get a suite at a nice hotel” you say, knowing the place was full of expensive things that could easily break with two kids running around.
Like clockwork, Tommy shows up, kneeling next to his mother.
“Y/N! Can we go to a Red Sox game?”
“I’ll see what I can do, buddy” you say. He keeps talking, asking questions about the city.
Billy joins in a second later, and this is the first time in months that Wanda’s seen them so happy and excited.
She can’t wait to have her entire family back together.
Rumor has it, Fury has found a replacement. He only schedules interviews when Darcy’s away and he asks goody two shoes Kamala Kahn to deliver all the CVs he needs to read.
She’d never move to the dark side, unfortunately.
Darcy is running out of ideas to keep the job open.
There’s one, though.
“Fuck it” she decides, walking to Fury’s office and ignoring his secretary when she says he’s busy.
He obviously isn’t, signing papers.
“Yes, Doctor Lewis?”
“I’d like to be considered”
“Considered for…” he says without look up.
“The position of Head of Trauma”
Now, that makes Fury pay attention. He smiles, removing his glases.
“I thought you wanted Y/N to come back to her old job”
“Well, she’s taking her sweet time and I don’t want anyone else running the ER. So, I’m your girl”.
“I still have to interview you” he says, pulling out Darcy’s file and reading it. “Darcy N. Lewis. What does the N stand for?”
“None of your business” Darcy snaps, forgetting she’s talking to her boss until Fury levels her with a glare. “Nora”
“Alright. Let’s start, shall we?”
Melina’s reviewing schedules when she hears a knock on the door.
“Ah, just who I wanted to see” she says when you walk inside.
“Have I done something?”
“Well, we have a pending discussion about your time with us, don’t we?” the woman says, and you appreciate how she goes straight to business.
“I am leaving after the three months we agreed on” you admit, sitting down in front of her.
“I assumed as much, seeing your girlfriend around these past few weeks”
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted it to not work out” you tease, and Melina huffs, offended.
“I’m not some kind of monster! If you’re happy, I am glad to hear it. I just know it’s gonna be incredibly difficult to find someone who can…”
You interrupt her rant by pushing Sharon’s CV in front of her. She skims through it, raising her eyebrows.
“She worked for the World Health Organization?”
“Mhm. Top of her class, outstanding in every way. She also brings a large network and a lot of prestige”
Needless to say, those are things Melina loves. You’re sure she’d be willing to throw another gala just to show off Sharon.
“We’d have to do a trial, show her around…”
“Already arranged it” you say, smiling. Melina keeps reading the file and you know she doesn’t need any more convincing, so you take your cue to leave. But there’s something more you wanna say, as you stand by the door. “Hey. Thank you for taking me in. You gave me a place to stay and a job when I was completely broken. I can’t imagine what I would have done without your help”
“Just make sure… she’s worth it all. That she values you as much as you do her, Y/N. This is your career, and a big sacrifice at that” the brunette says, her tone softer.
“You’re right. Thank you” you leave with a smile.
It feels like everyone decided to fly today. The airport is crowded, you can barely find room to walk and you know Wanda must be struggling with her bag and the two kids who are running around everywhere.
“God damn it” you sigh, hoping they’re managing through the sea of people.
You hear them before seeing them.
“Y/N!” Tommy screams. You don’t realise where he’s coming from until he crashes against your back, jumping as he hugs you.
“Hey, kiddo!” you try to turn around, only to see Billy sprinting at full speed. “Oh, oh”
He gives the final push that knocks you down, and you shriek as they climb on top of you.
“Boys! Honestly, what has gotten into you?” Wanda comes to the rescue a second later. “You ok?”
“Come here, you two” you sit up, hugging them. “Missed you like crazy”
“And what about me?” Wanda pouts. You laugh, standing up and kissing her.
“Of course I missed you too, beautiful”
Right on cue, they both groan and complain as Wanda kisses you back.
“I didn’t miss that” Tommy sasses you and you glare.
“In that case…” you grab Wanda by the waist, pulling her against you and peppering kisses all over her face.
“Baby” she laughs, and you silence her a second later with your lips.
“Blegh” they both say, grabbing their backpacks.
“Are they teens now?” you mumble against Wanda’s ear.
“No, teenage years will be much worse than this. Are you still up for it?”
“In it for the long run, baby”
Wanda has to go straight to a work meeting, but you stop by a second to greet Wendy, and make sure she gets a chance to meet the twins.
“I’ve heard so much about you!” the woman says.
“Tell Wendy what was your favorite story of hers growing up”
“Uh, the one where the kids go to space” Billy says shyly.
“And they take their dog! We have a dog too and we’d take him to space with us” Tommy agrees.
“Alright, astroboys, let them work. We’re going to a baseball game”
“Oh, no! I’m sad I’ll miss it. Have fun” Wanda lies.
You knew she’d be bored out of her mind so you decided it was as good a time as any to take them to the game.
“Yeah, those are so much fun” you say, knowing baseball is incredibly boring for you too. As Wanda says goodbye you pull her close and whisper in her ear. “I’m taking one for the team so be prepared to thank me later, babe”
“Stop” she tries not to laugh, knowing exactly what you mean. “And don’t eat a lot of junk food”
“You heard your mom”
“I wasn’t talking only to the kids”
As you expected, you still have no clue what’s going on but the kids enjoy eating nachos and watching men running around after a ball.
“Wow, Camarena is about to bat!”
“Oh, I met that guy in New York” you say, remembering how Zach was so excited about that player.
You really need to plan something in the summer for him to meet the twins.
As Camarena prepares to bat, you decide to FaceTime Zach.
“Where are yooou?” he says, annoyingly close to the screen. “Without me? Traitor”
“Who’s that?” Tommy says, looking away from the game for a split second.
“My brother”
“Hi, I’m uncle Zach”
“You can’t be our uncle. You’re too young” Billy huffs.
You’re about to tell them to settle when you hear the familiar sound of people cheering and shouting.
“Ah, shit. Not again”
Another ball falls right on your hand.
Tommy takes your phone, lifting it in the air and dancing with his brother as the camera pans to you.
Honestly, why are people so happy over catching a freakin ball?
Pretty soon you hope there’s another coming your way and knocks you down, because Zach is arguing over the phone with the boys.
“We should totally keep it!”
“Are you insane? If he asks for it you can get a picture with him and get him to sign stuff, that’s worth more!”
“It wouldn’t be the same”
Anyway, as the game ends you get called just like last time.
“You again?” the team manager recognises you and you shrug your shoulders.
“Hey, I’m just as surprised as you”
“Alright, how about a picture and a signed bat in exchange for the ball?”
You shake your head no and point at the kids.
“You’re asking the wrong person, pal. Negotiate with these two”
Why are you even surprised when they get all demanding? They are Wanda’s kids after all.
In the end, they get one picture each, two signed baseball balls, one of his hats and a glove.
“Come on, your mom’s waiting for us at the hotel. You two need to shower so we can grab some food”
“No shower when we’re on vacation!” they chant as you drive back.
“Nu-uh, you’re both stinky. Plus you hugged that stinky man”
“Can we have burgers and milkshakes?”
“You had nachos and popcorn and soda. Oh, by the way” you turn to look at them at the red light. “If your mother asks you didn’t eat all that. Just some popcorn”
“We can agree if we don’t have to shower”
“Shower and I’ll take you to the F1 arcade”
Billy and Tommy whisper in the back of the car, considering your proposal.
“Fist bump” you say, throwing one hand to the back seat so they can seal the deal.
You definitely missed acting like a kid with them.
Wanda was right. You’d never say it out loud because you don’t want her to get all cocky.
But the kids have been hyper ever since they arrived and you’re a little out of practice with taking care of them.
It’s day two and you’re hoping the museum can provide some distraction while you chill with Wanda.
“You ok, detka? Seems like you ran a marathon” Wanda comments with a smirk.
“I’m super fine. Just ate a lot for breakfast” you lie, but still keep her close to your side, hoping you can sit down and watch the kids run around.
And for a little while, everything’s going well. Until you stumble upon an exhibition.
“Hall of Human Life” you read out loud.
It’s like Disneyland for doctors.
“That’s so cool!” you say, watching the model of an artery with high blood pressure. Tommy and Billy pick up on your enthusiasm, following you everywhere and asking questions as they go through every station of the exhibit.
Apparently, there’s a little contest at the end and you join a group of children sitting on the floor.
“Alright” the staff woman says, looking around. “Who can tell me how many bones are in the human body?”
“206!” you shout from the back, making every kid turn to look at you.
“Correct… uh, let’s just raise our hands to answer” the woman asks, thrown off by the sight of an adult in a children’s activity. “Does anyone remember three parts of the eye? Anyone?”
You’re the only one raising your hand, and the woman gives up with a sigh.
“Sclera, iris and retina”
It keeps happening with a couple of questions and Wanda is torn between letting you crash the activity or ask you to join her in the back.
As you get ready to argue with a 12 year old over an incorrect answer, Wanda decides you better get going.
“Come here, baby”
“Ok, what you said is incorrect. 1 in 500 people have a cervical rib” you keep arguing with the kid while Wanda drags you away.
“Here” she pushes you to the back of an exhibit.
“Hey, I was just…”
“We should let the kids enjoy themselves for a bit, don’t you think?” she asks and you’re about to argue when her lips are on yours.
“Yeah, that’s alright I guess” you sigh, a shiver running down your spine when Wanda bites your bottom lip.
“So, wanna discuss anatomy with a kid or show me what you know in this little corner?”
“I’m definitely staying here” you say, making out like teenagers.
You only notice the activity is over when the kids come looking for you.
“Gross” Tommy says.
“Hey, keep that up and we’ll go through the baby section again”
“Nooo” they both run away, traumatized by the drawings.
“How I missed babysitting the three of you” Wanda laughs.
You walk down the rest of the museum, commenting on your favorite thing in each area. As you discuss if they want to go to the aquarium after having some food, Wanda decides to get some souvenirs from the gift shop, Tommy tagging along in hopes of getting a t-shirt.
“You don’t want a t-shirt, beautiful boy?” you ask Billy, and he smiles when you call him that. It’s his favorite thing, from that John Lennon song.
“I don’t want you to be alone”
“I’ll be fine. Go with Mom, help her shop for something for Pietro and Grandma”
“It’s ok” he insists. You hug him and he leans on your side.
“How have you been? Heard you’re not really into soccer these days”
“No, I only went because Tommy liked it. But it’s not my favorite thing. Plus Daniel was being kind of mean” he mutters.
“Isn’t he Dick’s… I mean, Richard’s kid?” you stumble over the nickname.
“Yeah. He was saying that it wasn’t right that mom was with you and that was why I was weird too”
You take a deep breath, turning to look at him.
“You know that’s not right”
“Yeah. Tommy kicked his ass for that. Don’t tell mom I said a bad word” he remembers and his expression makes you forget the anger for a second.
“My lips are sealed”
In that precise moment, Wanda and Tommy come back. Tommy has some dinosaur stuff that he bought for his brother and they’re busy checking everything out.
“Wow, what’s going on?” Wanda says when you pull her aside.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you whisper, shaking with anger.
“Tell you what? Y/N, calm down”
“I’m going to kill him”
“Kill who?”
“Dick, Richard, whatever his name is. He hurt Billy and I’m going to…”
“I already dealt with it, please calm down” Wanda asks.
“Unless you ran him over with your car, it’s not enough”
“I did threaten him with that” she says, which makes you laugh. “I’m serious. I did tell him I’d do it”
Wanda puts her hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at her.
“Are you better now?”
“Yeah. You should have told…”
“I wanted to but you weren’t there. So I had to deal with it the best I could” she says and you hang your head in defeat.
You hope one day the guilt of leaving like a coward can disappear.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I pushed you away, remember? Let’s just get something to eat. Ok?”
“Ok” you kiss the back of her hand, sighing.
“Look what we got you!” Tommy interrupts, unaware of the tension between you and her mom.
He shows you a plastic dinosaur with a cowboy hat and you scream.
“Coolest thing ever!”
“Three kids” Wanda laughs, walking away as you alternate between rawr and yeehaw sounds, holding the dinosaur up in the air.
The kids wouldn’t get on the plane until you showed them your ticket to Westview. Even then, they complained that two weeks was a long wait.
But still, they got on the plane and you were seeing Wanda next Thursday, as it was her final meeting with Wendy’s team.
“Love you two”
“Love you three” they answered and how you missed hearing those words from them.
Everything is still the same when you go back to work. But the kids visit has made you look at things differently.
You don’t feel so alone, and you’re more optimistic about the future. Even Lorne has noticed and is taking full advantage of your mood.
Yelena’s the one with the attitude as soon as you come back.
“Anything interesting happened this weekend?”
“Ask your friend” she says without looking up from her notes.
“What did you think of Sharon?”
“She’s fine. Whatever”
“Fine as in attractive or fine as in capable? I hope it’s the latter because Bishop won’t be happy about the other one…”
“Can you stop being so fucking annoying for a second?” she snaps, standing up to leave.
It’s like that the entire day. You ask her to do something and she complains, speaks through her teeth or simply refuses to acknowledge you.
The only thing you can think to do of is bitch about it to Natasha.
“Is your sister in her late teenage years or some shit?”
“She’s just pissed because you’re leaving” Natasha doesn’t look up either, well aware of Yelena’s behavior.
“Well, she knew I was leaving after three months! That’s hardly a shock”
“You were the one that said you’d never move to Boston and here you are” she levels you with an icy glare. “You can’t really blame her for hoping you’d stick around longer than three months”
“I guess, but still. It’s nothing personal”
“She gets attached easily. Ask mom how many strays she picked on the street”
“So now I’m a dog?” you say, and Natasha smiles.
“Yeah, like a retriever. You’re always goofy. Plus you catch all those balls like it’s second nature”
“Heard about the other game, huh?”
“I’m not going to assume what Yelena thinks or feels, but you should definitely talk to her” Natasha looks at you. “And for what is worth, you’ve made a good impact on the staff. They’re gonna miss you too”
“Are you?” you say when she stands up to leave.
“Nope. I’m taking your parking spot”
She looks back and smiles. You return the gesture, knowing what she’s trying to say.
“It’s a nice parking spot” you admit. “Closer to the cafeteria”
“Exactly. See you later”
“Thanks. For helping me out with Yelena. And for wanting to be my friend even though I can be an ass” you say.
“You’re a nice ass. Wait, that came out wrong” she frowns and you laugh.
“I got the point”
Natasha smiles and nods your way one last time. And as far as you’re concerned, you’d really want to keep avoiding Yelena, but you better go and find her.
She’s in an on call room, and all but groans when you walk inside.
“I’m leaving in two weeks. Believe or not, it’s not easy for me to make this choice, Yelena. I know staying would be better for my career. Your mom is paying me shitloads of money. And the city has its charm, I’m not gonna lie”
“Ok, is there a point or…?”
“I’m coming back to Westview because… I found the one thing I never thought I’d have. A family that loves me. After my dad passed away I didn’t really have a place to call home. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here at all, because it was unfair to create an expectation. But I won’t lie and say I regret it. You’ve grown so much and you have so much talent. I’m really fucking proud of being your teacher”
Yelena looks away, and you sigh.
“Anyways, better get back to…”
“Thank you. Even if it was for a short time, I’m happy you were my teacher” she finally says, wiping a tear and smiling at you.
“Thanks, kid. We are a good team” you sit next to her, nudging her knee with yours. “One could even say we trauma bonded, huh?”
“I hate you”
The last thing you want to hear after a very bad shift is Lorne’s voice proposing to play a game.
“I just feel like I never got to know you!” he insists.
“Walking in on me changing clothes wasn’t enough for you? Glad you’re knocking after that, by the way”
To be honest, it was fun to watch him shriek as he saw you half naked. And how he volunteered to take the sexual harrassment course even though it was pretty obvious he didn’t mean to be a peeping tom.
“No, I mean things like, your favorite cake flavor, or favorite color. And are you a balloon girl? Or more of a glitter gal?”
“Neither. I don’t want a farewell party” you say, knowing exactly what he’s doing.
It’s stupid to throw a party to someone who’s been part of the staff for only three months. And from day one, everyone knew you weren’t staying.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he plays dumb and you chuckle, signing forms while you check your watch.
You better get going if you want to pick up Wanda from her meeting.
“Mhm. No parties. Seriously” you hand over the charts, glaring at him.
He nods, but you don’t really believe he’ll give up. If Yelena sides with him, you’ll have to accept your fate.
“Ready to go?” Sharon says, greeting you at the hallway.
She’s been picking up some shifts, to see if she likes the job. Melina made her an offer as soon as she sat down for the interview and you’re convinced the only reason she hasn’t let you leave early is because Yelena would throw a tantrum.
“Yeah, I have to pick up Wanda. How’s everything? You like it here?”
“Very much, everyone’s nice. The facilities are amazing and it’s a very interesting challenge. Don’t tell anyone yet, but I’m accepting the job offer”
“Congratulations. They’re very lucky to have you” you say, smiling.
“Thank you, for recommending me. I’ll let you go now” she says when she gets paged.
By the time you reach the address Wanda sent out, she’s wrapping up the meeting.
“Didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m sorry” you say as you walk in on people chatting around the conference room.
“Not at all, please come in” Wendy says.
“Hello, darling” Wanda greets you with a kiss on the cheek. “We were only talking about tonight. There’s this party with some editors”
“Oh, that sounds nice” you try not to sound disappointed, because you were hoping to spend the evening with Wanda.
“Sorry for the short notice but you’re going to be my plus one” Wanda puts her arm around your waist and you relax against her.
“Can’t say no to my girl”
As you’re saying goodbye, Wendy’s assistant stops by. There’s a wave of excitement as soon as Lily shows off the baby.
“I thought it was a boy” Wanda says, approaching her.
“We did too. Apparently our doctor’s stupid. No offense, Y/N”
“Hey, I just rode in the ambulance. But congrats. What’s her name?”
“I love that name” Wanda and you say at the same time.
Lily hands over the baby to Wanda, and as she cooes at the little girl, you look over her shoulder, your hand on Wanda’s waist.
“She’s such a cutie”
“You both look good with a baby” Wendy jokes and you smile.
“Babe, they’re conspiring to get us pregnant”
Wanda tries to laugh at your joke, but your closeness is distracting. She wants to focus on Marygold but gives up a moment later, and you intercept the baby before she returns to her mother’s arms.
“You’re gonna have to teach me that move” Lily comments when you sway her gently and lull her back to sleep.
“Natural talent, I’m afraid” you joke.
You’re so focused on the baby that you don’t notice Wanda’s intense gaze on you.
Of course, someone else takes Marygold and you leave with Wanda.
“So, work thing, huh? Sounds fun. Is it more business, casual?”
“Just a small dinner, nothing fancy. And we definitely don’t have to stay for long” she says, looking out the window.
“You ok?” you ask after a few moments of silence, placing your hand on her thigh.
“Yeah” Wanda turns to smile at you.
You miss the way she shivers when you squeeze her thigh, and Wanda’s sure you’re keeping your hand there in an innocent gesture.
But seeing you holding a baby, with your strong arms (that are a lot more buff now) practically made her ovulate on the spot.
She has to be extremely patient, but once you’re in your building and the elevator’s doors close, Wanda corners you, her pupils dilated.
“Wanda?” you say, completely blindsided by the way she has you against the metal walls.
“I want you… fuck. I want you to put a baby in me”
Your attention is split between her words and the fact she’s unbotting her blouse in the middle of the elevator.
“I, technically… biologically, I mean” you stutter as she reveals a black lace bra.
“You’re not even gonna try?” she taunts, undoing your pants and sinking her hand to play with your clit through your underwear.
“Fuck, not what I meant, bunny” you mutter against her temple, while she edges you. “Can you behave until we get there?”
“No” she says against your lips, swallowing your moans.
The doors open into the Penthouse and you’re about to carry Wanda to the bedroom when she pushes you away.
“Give me five minutes to change”
“You don’t need to change, you’re gonna be naked” you whine, taking a look at her cleavage.
“So you don’t wanna see the entire thing? It has stockings. And a thong”
“Can I rip it off of you?”
“No. They were very expensive”
“I’ll reimburse you” you insist. She laughs and you pout, but let her walk to the room, with an extra sway to her hips just to tease you.
You pace around the kitchen, like a caged animal. To be fair, last time Wanda was here you didn’t have a chance to be alone.
That makes you remember the thing you bought and stored inside the safe, just to make sure no one would find it. If Wanda wants to play dirty, you should surprise her as well.
While you adjust the new toy, the bedroom door opens and you practically sprint inside.
“Oh, my”
Wanda’s sitting in bed, her hair down. You take it all in, starting from the heels she’s still wearing, to her beautiful slender legs, the stockings held by a suspender belt.
You kneel at the foot of the bed, and she’s happy to make room for you between her legs.
“No ripping” she warns you as a hand reaches for her thighs.
“I’m not…”
“I’m serious” she says, gripping your chin between her fingers. “Say you understand”
“I understand”
“Good girl”
“You know, you should be the one begging” you say, your hands going up and down her calves while you kiss the exposed skin. “Weren’t saying you wanted me to get you nice and pregnant?”
“It doesn’t hurt to remind you I call the shots”
“Do you, now?” you smile up at her and Wanda holds her breath. She understands a second too late, that you have something of your own to tease her with.
With a chuckle, you push her thong aside and dart your tongue out, tasting her. You both moan and she places her hand in your head, pulling you closer.
You can tell she’s close when you feel her movig her hips against your mouth, so you slow down, until she’s whining.
“I didn’t say you could stop” she says.
“You better watch your tone or I’ll fuck the attitude out of you, baby” you stand up, puling your shirt up. Wanda’s hands go down your abs, which is amusing. Ever since you got back together, it hasn’t been lost on you how she eyes them and tries to get little peaks when your shirt rides up.
“Did you get a new…?” she says when her hand goes lower, feeling the strap on that you’re packing.
“See? I am putting a baby in you” you smile, pushing your thumb past her lips.
Wanda pulls your pants down, and takes the plastic cock between her hands. It takes you by surprise when she spits on it and then smears her saliva all over it. Before you can do anything else, her mouth is on it, and the pressure goes directly to your clit.
“Come on, let me fuck you” you plead, though you’re on the edge.
“Good old missionary?” Wanda pulls you down with her, your lips meeting in a messy kiss.
“God, yes, I want to hear your pretty moans” you say, lining up the toy against her cunt, and you find no resistance as you slide inside.
“Fuck, yes” Wanda moans, holding the back of your neck. You thrust harder when you feel her heels digging on your back, and she’s everywhere. Her scent is invading your nose, you feel her hot breath against your ear and her moans are all you can hear as you keep fucking her, losing control until she practically screams your name.
“Fuck, that was good” she says, as you keep moving your hips, waiting for her breathing to slow down. “I need a minute”
“Ok, I’ll just stay inside and focus on these two” you say, pulling the bra down and sucking on one of her nipples.
Wanda’s protests die down in her throat as you move to the other nipple, readjusting so you’re buried deeper inside.
She pushes you and you’re about to complain when she flips you over, straddling your lap.
“Alright then. Round two”
“Bring it, Maximoff”
It’s a miracle you leave the penthouse at all. Between having sex on every surface, eating and sleeping, it’s time to leave for Wanda’s work dinner.
“You look very fuckable, baby” you compliment her mini skirt, knee high boots and long sleeved sweater.
“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing all day?”
“I mean, I could picture pulling that skirt up and just fucking you against a wall” you say, laughing when she puts her head against the headrest.
“Lets forget about this work thing and go back to bed, please?”
“That’s not very professional of you”
“I know. But you’re not playing fair”
“It will be worth the wait, I promise”
Wanda gets out of the car as you talk to the valet. She walks inside, saying hello to a few people and picking up a glass of wine. She’s about to greet Wendy when a man gets in her way. It’s one of the assistant editors, though she can’t even remember his name.
“Hey, Wanda. Glad to see you made it”
“Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world” she says, though she would absolutely miss it for more hours of hot sex with you.
“I didn’t bring anyone either, so maybe we could be each other’s date?” he jokes, but Wanda doesn’t smile at that.
“Actually, I…” she tries to say but he completely ignores her.
“As a matter of fact, I regret not doing this sooner, but I wanted to ask you out. And I know this is your last trip to Boston but I was hoping we could…”
You walk in that precise moment, smiling at Wanda.
“Hi there, sorry. Had to make sure they knew how to park the Corvette. I’ll have what she’s having” you turn to the man, who shifts on his feet, clearly uncomfortable.
“Not a waiter. I’m an assistant editor. Working on Wendy’s book. I’m sorry, I didn’t know Wanda was bringing a friend”
“I didn’t know either. Who did you invite, baby?” you play dumb, knowing exactly what was going on.
“No one, my love. This is my girlfriend, Y/N” Wanda leans against you.
“Doctor Y/L/N” you correct her before he can introduce himself. You don’t want to be on a first name basis with this asshole.
“My name’s Bobby. So, what kind of doctor? Eye stuff?”
“Trauma. ER stuff”
“Drunk people and broken bones?” he tries to joke.
“No, more like stab wounds. You’d be surprised how much damage you can do with the tiniest thing” you comment, picking up a tiny fork with a bored expression. “I mean, just the right spot and your entire carotid blows up. Gone in three seconds”
“Oh, darling, not everyone gets your medical humor” Wanda laughs a little too loud, pulling you away. “Anyways, nice talking to you, Bobby”
Bitch ass Bobby.
“Shut up” Wanda nudges your side, but she’s laughing too.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“Yes” she smiles when you pull her close.
“Didn’t like the way he was staring. I mean, you are beautiful and everyone should acknowledge it. But he looked like he thought he had a chance”
“Nothing could be further from the truth”
“Between this and tiny Dick back in Westview I’m thinking I should put a ring on it before they cause any more trouble” you laugh, kissing her temple.
It’s a joke and Wanda can tell, because immediately after speaking you’re gulfing down entrees and talking about your plans for tomorrow, but she still thinks about the ring she found and how it’s been sitting on a box for three months now.
“Everything ok, babe?”
“Yeah, just tired” she says, and it’s not exactly a lie, not after four hours worth of cardio.
“We can relax tomorrow. I’ll cook for you” you promise.
Wendy and other people approach you and you’re charming them in no time. It’s very amusing to learn they all heard the story of Lily’s baby and how you walked in to save the day.
Speaking of which, at some point during the evening, someone calls for a doctor.
“Huh” you comment when you spot Bobby coughing, something clearly stuck on his throat.
“Go” Wanda pushes you, but you lean against the bar, sipping on your drink.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. He has one more minute before it gets dangerous”
But at Wanda’s insistence, you sigh and put your glass down, walking towards the man.
“Alright, here we go” you say, doing the good old Heimlich maneuver on him. Though your grip might be a little too strong as you squeeze his mid section.
Something comes flying out of his mouth and you put him down, looking bored.
“See? He’s fine” you say when you return to sit next to Wanda. He looks anything but, shaking and losening his tie. “I mean, he’s not dying”
Wanda rolls her eyes, but kisses your cheek. You spend the rest of the evening glued to her side, hands wandering down her back and gripping her waist. It’s like you’re addicted to feeling Wanda’s body against yours.
“You’re making it really hard to focus” she teases when you’re finally alone.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m gonna miss you. I know I’m going back to Westview next week but I…”
“It’s nothing” you look away, sighing.
But Wendy takes Wanda to meet some people, and you stay at the bar, looking around the room. When Wanda finally comes back, she can tell you’re tired and she says goodbye to everyone.
“Lets walk for a bit” she asks, taking your hand and pulling you towards a park. You nod and follow her, still thinking about everything you’re feeling.
Your thougts are interrupted by a street musician, singing a song you’re not familiar with.
“I know this one” Wanda says, reading your expression. “Reflecting light”
“It’s really beautiful”
“Come on” she offers her other hand, and you smile, your hands on her waist as she rests her head on your shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” she finally asks and you laugh.
“What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“I know you”
“I just…” you sigh, looking at her. “I’m going back to Westview and I have to undo the mess I left at the hospital. The city will be the same, but I’m not the same anymore… and I don’t know, I’m scared that everything will just feel wrong, or I’ll screw up”
“Sweetheart” Wanda interrupts your rambling. “I don’t think either one of us is the same. But that’s a good thing. It means we learned from our mistakes and we’re stronger. It’s gonna be alright”
“You promise?”
“I can promise you this. I’m here for better and worse”
"Sickness and health?” you joke, but your heart beats faster when Wanda looks into your eyes, nodding slowly.
“Yes, my love. Through all of that” she promises, kissing you softly.
As you sway to the soft music, you both think about the future together.
It’s looking good as long as you have each other.
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❛ 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝒷𝒶𝓇𝒾 ❜ 𝜗𝜚 𝑔𝑒𝑜 𝓍 𝑔𝓃!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝓈𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: You and Geo have always been so close that sometimes you wonder if there’s an unspoken thing between you two. Are you just really good friends? Or is there something deeper neither of you is willing to say out loud? Of course, you could always just ask him. That would be the normal thing to do.
Instead, fate—or your own questionable choices—ties you to a much more hands-on way of figuring it out. So, is this just another weird chapter in your situationship or the moment that finally forces you both to admit the truth?
Only one way to find out.
𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔: 18+ NO KIDS (Adults Only) This content contains mature themes unsuitable for children. Please respect the creator's intentions.
𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉: Sooo, I stumbled across a header picture by @mint0hhh on Twitter, then commented, "HELP, I’M WRITING A FANFIC ABOUT THIS!" …except I never actually did. So a promise is a promise; I made this fanfic EXTRA LONG, so even though I’m very late—here it is.
Also, I included @alienfreak124 OC, Perssila Keithens as the reader’s friend and Crowe’s girlfriend. Sorry, not sorry to the Crowe fans. I HAVE officially switched sides to the tall, silent type.
Geo stole my heart~
𝓉𝒶𝑔𝓈: geo x reader, friends to lovers, slow burn (but with tension), mutual pining but make it stupid, light bondage, small smut part, awkward intimacy, geo is soft (but not really), and perusal absolutely is done with you.
No one really knows Geo.
People just accept his existence as a natural phenomenon. He’s there, he does things, he’s filthy rich for some reason, and he knows how to handle a weapon with the kind of ease that makes you wonder if he was trained in a secret underground assassin program as a child.
No one dares to get on his bad side. No one knows his hobbies. No one knows his personality. No one knows anything.
Except you.
For some reason, you made the cut. Congratulations. You’re one of exactly two people in Geo’s life that he actually likes. Maybe not in front of Crowe because, let's be real, he plays favorites, but it’s pretty damn close.
To this day, you’re still baffled by the fact that when you casually admitted you liked being around him, he just... agreed. Like, straight-up nodded and went, “Same.” No hesitation. No sarcasm. Just acceptance.
Which was shocking, because Geo does not, under any circumstances, like people. He barely tolerates society.
The only reason he’s slightly more bearable now is because of Crowe, his first friend—who, let’s be honest, probably deserves a medal for putting up with his cryptic nonsense for so long. But let’s rewind—why did Geo allow you to be around him? According to him, you’re "interesting." Which is bullshit, because compared to his lifestyle, you’re about as interesting as a blank piece of paper.
See, there’s this saying: the quietest people have the weirdest interests.
And oh boy, does Geo live up to that. Over time, you’ve picked up on his oddly specific, borderline ancient-man hobbies: potted plants—a whole collection, opera music—who even listens to that willingly? Theatre—he could quote Shakespeare in his sleep, cats—makes sense, and reptiles—also made sense, but in a ‘he’s definitely plotting something’ way.
Everything about this man screams, ‘I am a young adult but my soul is a retired professor who sits in a leather armchair and contemplates the meaning of life.’ And yet, despite his old-as-hell interests, his quiet judgmental stares, and the fact that he could probably take you out in 0.3 seconds if he wanted to—you still love him.
Old-ass hobbies and all.
As time went on, you started noticing something about Geo—most of his hobbies, the ones he actually lets you see, seem to be deeply tied to his Japanese culture.
Like, ridiculously tied to it.
The way he listens to opera music when he’s focusing? Turns out it’s specifically Japanese opera. His appreciation for theatre? Kabuki and Noh. Even the way he arranges his potted plants—it’s not just some random aesthetic choice, it’s done with an almost ritualistic precision that makes you wonder if this man has secretly mastered the art of bonsai pruning in his free time.
But here’s the thing—Geo never talks about his family. Like, ever.
And when someone does bring it up?
He effortlessly sidesteps the conversation like he’s dodging arrows in slow motion. The man could be the heir to some untouchable, secretive empire, and no one would ever know because he simply refuses to acknowledge it. Despite being filthy rich, he lives like someone who’s been independent his whole life—fully in control, fully detached.
No explanations.
No unnecessary details.
No personal history.
And, well… you’re curious.
Not in a creepy way—okay, maybe a little—but more in the "I am slowly realizing how little I actually know about my closest friend who, by all logic, should have kicked me out of his life by now, yet for some reason tolerates my presence despite allegedly hating people" kind of way.
It’s been picking at your brain for a while now, but there was no one you could talk to about it without sounding weird. Who were you gonna ask? Crowe?
Absolutely not.
Because Crowe—your usual go-to source for all things Geo—has been utterly, completely, and frustratingly useless. Not in a mean way, of course. No, he refuses to tell you anything in the most annoyingly polite way possible.
"Oh, sorry, can’t talk—buried in paperwork." "Ah, you know how it is—so much to do, so little time!" "Oh wow, would you look at that? Another report to file!"
Like Sir. Just say no and move on. At this point, you’re convinced the paperwork is a myth—just an excuse so he doesn’t have to answer any questions.
Which is how you found yourself out at a chill bar, drinks in hand, with the one person who might actually give you answers—Perssila Keithens.
The manic pixie dream girl. The alternative-broke-college-student-in-heavy-debt. And quite possibly the coolest and best girlfriend Crowe has ever had.
Actually, scratch that. She’s not just his coolest girlfriend—she’s one of the coolest people you know, period.
You adore her.
Perssila and Crowe were the first people to help you when you ended up in the Low-Class building, and honestly? You might not have survived that transition without them.
They made it easier.
And while Crowe is the reliable, big-brother type, Perssila is the type of person who somehow always knows exactly what to say—whether it’s life advice, existential ramblings, or just some insane conspiracy theory that somehow sounds plausible when she says it.
Need life advice? She’s got you.
Existential ramblings at 2 AM? She’s down.
Random conspiracy theories? She makes them sound weirdly plausible.
And right now? You need help. If anyone could help you figure out the absolute mystery that is Geo, it was her.
You take a slow, contemplative sip of the deep red wine in your hand, watching Perssila as she processes everything you just dumped onto her.
She stares at you. Blinks once.
Tilts her head. Opens her mouth—closes it. Squints.
Then, without warning, she snorts—an ugly, loud snort that startles the guy sitting at the table behind her.
And then she loses it. Like, full-on wheezing, slapping the table, looking like she just heard the funniest thing in the entire world.
“Oh my God,” she chokes out between gasps, “you’re—you’re stalking him.”
You nearly choke on your wine. “What?! No, I’m not!”
“Yes, you are!” she howls, wiping tears from her eyes. “You’re out here piecing together this man’s entire existence like you’re some detective in a slow-burn mystery novel, and for what? Because he likes plants and doesn’t trauma-dump on you?”
You huff, crossing your arms. “I barely know anything about him!”
“Oh, boo-hoo!” Perssila mimics fake crying, dramatically dabbing at imaginary tears. “You poor thing, your filthy rich, ridiculously handsome, archery-prodigy friend won’t trauma bond with you. How tragic.”
You groan, letting your head fall back. “This is serious, Perssila.”
“Is it?” she shoots back, grinning like the devil. “Or do you just have a little crush on Mr. Mysterious?”
You almost drop your wine glass. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, don’t you ‘excuse me’ me,” she smirks, leaning in. “I’ve seen this before. The accidental obsession, the need to figure him out, the sudden interest in his culture like you’re about to write an essay on it—classic pining.”
You scowl. “I do not have a crush on Geo.”
“Uh-huh.” She takes a slow, smug sip of her drink. “And I totally don’t owe six months of rent.”
“I’m just saying!” she grins, propping her chin up with her hand. “If you wanna get all up in his business, just ask him out already. You’d get answers and possibly a rich boyfriend. Win-win.”
You groan, dramatically slumping forward. “I hate you.”
“No, you love me,” she sing-songs, swirling her drink. “And you love Geo, too. It’s okay. You’re in a safe space.” Perssila is still grinning like she just won the lottery at your expense when you sigh and swirl the wine in your glass.
"First of all, I don't love Geo. Second of all, Crowe is also lowkey rich. You know that, right? He was in high society before he got kicked out—same as Geo."
Perssila snorts and leans back in her chair, balancing on the two back legs like she has no regard for gravity or her spinal cord.
"Yeah, but Crowe acts like it. You can tell he grew up rich. Man’s got that ‘I was raised with money but still humble enough to not be a complete dick’ energy. Geo, though? Geo acts like he just spawned into existence one day with a full bank account and a bow."
You exhale sharply through your nose. "Okay, but seriously—you know anything about Geo's past? I feel like Crowe knows, but he just refuses to tell me. Like, I get it—privacy and all that—but it’s weird how little anyone knows about this guy."
Perssila tilts her head, tapping her chin. "Mmm... Well. Yeah. I know a little."
You nearly choke on your drink. "Are you serious?”
"Why do you think I let you buy me this wine?" she says, smirking. You narrow your eyes. "That was not the deal."
"It is now," she shrugs, taking a slow, smug sip. "Anyway," she continues, resting an elbow on the table, "Geo’s the same as Crowe. Formerly ranked as High Class—was probably on his way to being untouchable, too. But then there was this incident—a near accident or something—and Subaru’s status plummeted. Next thing you know, he's been transferred down to the Low-Class building, and boom—mystery man appears."
You sighed, listening, "Okay and…?"
She rolled her eyes at you. "And my point is—dude went from being top of the world to low-tier real quick. So yeah, it makes sense why he keeps to himself. Probably doesn’t want people prying into his past. Which, by the way—" she levels you with an amused look, "—is exactly what you're trying to do."
You groan, sinking into your chair.
"I just want to understand him."
Perssila snickers. "Yeah. That’s what they all say before they fall madly in love." You consider throwing your entire glass of wine at her.
Just for a second, anyway. Perssila twirls her wine glass between her fingers, watching you with the kind of smirk that suggests she’s having the time of her life watching you suffer.
"Look," she says finally, leaning forward. "If you’re that curious, why not just hang out with him more? I mean just go over his place, bothering him about Japanese culture of all things—might as well keep the momentum going."
You shoot her a dry look. "Bothering?"
She grins. "Annoying. Pestering. Loitering in his presence like a cat that refuses to be kicked out—take your pick."
You take a long, long sip of wine, debating whether or not it's worth the effort to argue. Spoiler: It’s not.
Perssila props her chin on her hand, watching you with an unreadable expression. "But honestly? I think he might actually be more willing to talk if it’s you."
You blink. "…What?"
She gestures vaguely. "I mean, I’ve seen the way he acts around you. The way he actually responds instead of just ignoring people into oblivion. He listens to you. He pays attention to you. You think I don’t notice the way his eyes flick over when you’re talking? Like he’s actually engaged?"
You scoff. "He insults me half the time."
"Yeah, but in a constructive way," she says, dead serious.
"What does that even mean?"
Perssila shrugs. "I dunno, man. He doesn’t tolerate anyone unless he has to, but you? You’re like this weird exception. He puts up with you—voluntarily. That’s gotta mean something."
You stare at her, processing. "…So what, you think if I just keep hanging out with him, he’s gonna start spilling all his secrets?"
She smirks. "I think if anyone’s gonna get him to talk, it’s you."
You squint at her. "You’re saying this. You, who just five minutes ago was laughing at me for giving a single shit about this man’s life."
Perssila grins, sipping her wine. "Yeah, but now I’m having fun watching you spiral."
You groan, slumping onto the table. "I hate you."
"No, you don’t," she sing-songs.
You do not dignify that with a response. But as much as you hate to admit it… She might have a point.
You’ve spent most of your time around him, yet most of what you know about him has been pieced together through sheer observation, like you’re some amateur detective tailing a particularly secretive suspect.
Sure, you’ve figured out some things—his absurd wealth, his love for bow and arrow, his absolute refusal to react to most human emotions—but beyond that? The man is practically a ghost.
So one day, curiosity gets the better of you. Instead of coming at him with a grand interrogation plan—because, let’s be honest, he’d shut that down immediately, you decide to start small. Real casual. Real low-stakes. Just like what Perssila said.
"Hey, Geo, can you teach me more about Japanese culture?"
You brace yourself. You expect something—a deadpan stare, a scoff, maybe even a sarcastic ‘Oh sure, let me clear my nonexistent schedule for that.’ But no. Geo doesn’t even blink. He just looks at you, considers it for all of one second, and says—
"Yeah, sure."
Just like that. No hesitation. No follow-up questions. No cryptic conditions or exasperated sighs. Just a casual agreement, like you’d asked him to hand you a napkin or something.
And now, here you are.
Dressed in a dark purple velvet top, the fabric rich and soft against your skin, its lace-trimmed V-neck adding just the right touch of elegance without feeling overdone. Sleeveless, effortlessly stylish, yet comfortable enough to move in.
Then there are the denim shorts. Not the stiff, awkwardly long kind that makes you look like you borrowed them from a lost tourist. Not the aggressively high-waisted ones that practically scream ‘I’m trying too hard’. No, these fit just right—cuffed at the hem, hugging your thighs in a way that’s both flattering and casual. The kind of fit that feels natural, like they were made just for you.
To pull it all together, you pair them with deep purple tights, perfectly matching your top—subtle, yet polished. A balance between laid-back and put-together, casual but undeniably ‘intentional’.
You weren’t dressing to impress, per se. But if Geo happened to take notice? Well… that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
Don’t look at yourself like that.
It’s not like you're not here for a date or anything. It’s just a casual cultural lesson, nothing more. But let’s be honest—if you’re going to spend time with Geo, a man who looks effortlessly cool even while glaring at people, you might as well put in some effort.
Now, getting to this moment? That was a whole other battle.
Standing in front of his door now feels like a victory because getting into this building was a nightmare.
First of all, Geo’s place isn’t just some high-end apartment. No, this place is fortified. Locked down tighter than a government facility. You half-expected to see snipers on the roof and retinal scanners at the entrance.
The lobby alone had more security than an underground vault. And let’s talk about the front desk—the lady sitting there? She took one look at you, scanned you up and down like she was a human lie detector, and immediately hit you with:
"Do you have an appointment?"
And, of course, because Geo is Geo, he wasn’t answering his damn phone.
The first call? Ignored.
The second? Straight to voicemail.
By the third, you were starting to wonder if you should just accept defeat and go home before you got physically removed from the premises.
“If you don’t have a resident escorting you in, I’ll have to ask you to leave—"
Then, finally, Geo picked up. "Yeah?"
"Geo, open the damn door before I get tackled by security."
There was a pause. A long one. You could feel him debating whether or not he actually cared enough to let you in.
Then, at last—the golden words.
"You can come up." Click.
No ‘sorry for the wait,’ no ‘I was busy,’ just those four words, and he hung up. And now, after making it through what felt like a high-security clearance checkpoint, here you are. Standing in front of his door, mentally preparing yourself for whatever the hell this cultural lesson is going to entail.
The door swings open, and there stands Geo—towering as usual but looking noticeably different from his usual composed, almost untouchable self.
Black sweatpants hanging low on his hips. A tight, black sleeveless workout shirt that clings just right to his broad chest and toned arms. And the finishing touch? A white towel lazily draped over his head like he’s some kind of retired warrior fresh out of battle or, more accurately, a guy who just took a shower and couldn’t be bothered to dry his purple-bluish hair properly.
"Hey," he says, voice deep and casual. "Sorry, I just got out of the shower."
Your brain? Gone.
Just poof, Out the window.
Because first of all, when the hell did Geo have muscles like that? You always knew he was strong—archery class legend and all—but this is next-level. Broad shoulders. Defined arms. That tight shirt clinging like it was custom-made for him. The kind of physique that makes it very clear he doesn’t just train for precision—he trains to kill.
And second of all—this man really just answered the door looking like this, completely unfazed, like he didn’t just hit you with a full visual assault. Meanwhile, you’re standing there, struggling to form a coherent thought, your brain short-circuiting like an old Windows XP system.
Geo, of course, notices immediately. Because of course, he does. He quirks an eyebrow, giving you that unreadable, slightly judgmental stare of his. "...You good?"
You blink rapidly, realizing you’ve been staring for way too long. "Huh? Oh—yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Totally normal. Yep."
Geo doesn’t look convinced. "...You sure?"
"Yes, absolutely, 100% fine, nothing weird happening here at all," you say, definitely not sounding like someone who just had an internal crisis over their best friend’s post-shower look.
Geo shrugs, seemingly letting it go, before stepping aside with that effortless, unbothered grace of his. "Come in. Make sure to take your shoes off."
The moment you step inside, it’s like entering another world—one that is so distinctly Geo that it almost feels surreal. His apartment is nothing like the cold, modern, minimalist penthouses you’d expect from a ridiculously wealthy guy. No obnoxious glass walls or sterile, personality-devoid furniture. Instead, it’s an elegant, traditional Japanese-style home, infused with warmth and quiet sophistication.
Dark brown wooden floors stretch across the space, polished to perfection, so smooth they practically reflect the soft, ambient lighting. The walls are lined with beautifully crafted wooden panels, accented with shoji screens that subtly filter the sunlight, giving everything a serene, almost dreamlike quality. It smells faintly of cedar and something else—maybe incense? Or maybe it’s just the natural scent of the place, like old books and earth after rain.
Everything is arranged with the precision of a man who either has way too much self-discipline or secretly enjoys interior design. The furniture is low to the ground—traditional tatami mats, a perfectly placed chabudai table in the center of the living room, and plush zaisu chairs without legs inviting guests to sit comfortably. A bonsai tree sits on a small wooden stand near the window, pruned so meticulously that you wouldn’t be surprised if Geo meditates over it in complete silence for hours at a time.
And the plants—oh, the plants.
Lush, thriving, impossibly well-cared-for. A variety of potted greenery lines the corners of the room, each one placed with almost suspicious intent as if they weren’t just decoration but rather a carefully curated collection. They look too healthy, their leaves glossy and vibrant.
You narrow your eyes.
This man definitely talks to them when no one’s around.
No dust. No clutter. Nothing out of place. It’s so perfectly maintained that you wouldn’t be surprised if he has a precise time schedule for cleaning, organizing, and making sure everything remains in its exact position. Even the books on the low wooden shelves are arranged with an almost obsessive precision—some in height order, others in a specific color gradient.
It’s the kind of home that feels like it belongs to someone with complete control over every aspect of their life. Someone disciplined. Someone who doesn’t let chaos seep in.
Geo doesn’t give you time to keep gawking at his ridiculously well-put-together apartment. Instead, he just gestures lazily toward the open sliding door leading to his private balcony.
"You wanna sit outside? The weather’s nice."
You nod, mostly because you're still trying to process the fact that you're even here in the first place. Geo invited you over. He didn’t scoff, roll his eyes, or hit you with the usual "Why do you care?" deflection. Nope. He straight-up agreed.
And now, you’re in his very Japanese—let’s not overthink that—ich-person apartment, about to learn more about him in the only way you could think of—by asking about his culture.
Because let’s be real.
You had no clue what else to ask him.
You could've asked him about his interests, his childhood, his favorite color—literally anything that would make this mission of ‘Figure Out Geo’ easier. But no. Your brain completely short-circuited, and the first thing that tumbled out of your mouth was:
"Teach me about Japanese culture."
Which, looking back, is hilarious.
Because let’s be real—Geo’s entire life is already Japanese culture. That’s not some hidden interest of his; that’s just his reality. It’s like walking up to a fish and asking it to teach you about water. But hey—if nothing else, at least it gave you a solid reason to be here. And considering how rare it is for Geo to willingly spend time with anyone, you were not about to waste this opportunity.
"Is there anything specific you wanna learn?" Geo asks, already making his way toward the kitchen, rolling his shoulders like he’s still shaking off the remnants of his shower. "Or are we just gonna chill until something comes up?"
You thought for a moment, “Not sure yet, still thinking about it.”
You follow him, stepping out onto his private balcony—because of course he has one. And not just any balcony. No, Geo’s balcony is a whole experience.
The dark wooden floors extend outward, resembling a carefully crafted deck that seamlessly blends into a patch of neatly maintained artificial grass. It's modern but still carries that traditional Japanese touch, like the rest of his immaculate apartment.
A soft breeze rolls through, bringing with it the scent of greenery—mini bonsai trees placed with precision, a perfectly arranged rock garden that looks like it belongs in a meditation retreat, and even a few bamboo plants swaying gently as if they, too, had been trained to stay in line with Geo’s whole aesthetic.
And then, there's the setup.
Off to the side, there’s a neatly spread blanket on the ground, surrounded by a few pillows that look way too comfortable to be casually ignored. You squint at it. Did he… did he actually set this up ahead of time? For you?
Geo, the same man who doesn’t even like answering basic questions about himself, prepared for this? You glance at him, but he doesn’t acknowledge your obvious staring. Instead, he casually lifts the towel from his head and drapes it around his neck like some kind of makeshift scarf before heading toward the kitchen. As if he didn’t just casually prove that he does put effort into things when he wants to.
"I’ll make lunch," Geo calls over his shoulder, already moving with the kind of quiet efficiency that tells you he’s got a plan. "Might as well feed you while you’re here."
You blink. "You can cook?"
Geo stops mid-step. Turns his head slightly. Levels you with an expression so flat it could press a shirt. His eye twitches. Just a little. The slight downturn of his lips—the barest hint of a frown—tells you everything.
He is not happy.
"Of course, I can." His voice is sharp, clipped—cool in that ‘I’m one second away from throwing you out’ kind of way. "I’m not so useless that I don’t know how to cook."
Right. Of course. Rich, hyper-competent, and mildly terrifying. It was stupid to assume he wouldn’t know how to cook. What else was he going to do in his free time when he wasn’t being a god-tier archer or brooding in corners like some tragic anime character?
Geo gives you one last, unimpressed glance before continuing toward the kitchen, rolling his shoulders like he’s shaking off the audacity of your question. He pulls open a cabinet with precision, grabbing ingredients with the same efficiency you’ve seen him use with a bow. There’s no hesitation, no wasted movement—like he’s trained for this.
You watch as he moves, effortlessly switching between prepping ingredients and heating up the stove, his focus entirely on the task at hand. He doesn’t need a recipe and doesn’t even pause to think. Everything is second nature.
You settle onto the blanket outside, still processing the fact that this is actually happening. You are here. Geo is willingly spending time with you. And now, he’s cooking for you.
All right. Step one of ‘Figure Out Geo’ is officially in motion.
Now, the real fun begins.
With Geo busy in the kitchen, you take the opportunity to *explore*—not snooping, of course. Just… observing.
You step lightly down the hallway, the soft padding of your feet barely making a sound against the dark wooden floors. The place is eerily silent, save for the faint sounds of chopping from the kitchen. Geo’s apartment is massive, and yet it feels too orderly like every single item has been placed with careful intent.
The walls are adorned with sleek, traditional touches—dark wooden beams, sliding shoji doors, and minimalist decor that screams expensive. The warm glow of soft lighting casts gentle shadows across the space, adding an almost serene atmosphere. Potted plants rest in the corners, each one thriving in a way that suggests meticulous care.
Everything about his home is calculated, and precise. Just like him.
But as you move deeper, something feels… off.
There are no family photos. Not a single framed memory, no candid snapshots, no evidence of a past beyond the person he presents to the world. Instead, the walls are lined with framed art—landscapes, abstract pieces, and traditional Japanese prints. Beautiful, sure. But impersonal.
No childhood photos. No family portraits. No friends. Just silence and a carefully curated existence. Weird. Your curiosity gets the best of you, and before you can fully think it through, your fingers move on their own—lightly gripping the handle of a sleek wooden dresser drawer and pulling it open just enough to peek inside.
What you find makes you pause. Rope. A lot of it. Neatly coiled, stacked with precision, different thicknesses, and textures. Some of them have knots already tied—intricate, practiced, deliberate.
Your brain short-circuits.
Why… does Geo have so much rope?
Is he an extreme camping enthusiast? A *very dedicated climber? Does he secretly moonlight as a sailor?
…Or worse.
Has he been preparing for something?
Your mind spirals through every possible scenario, and none of them make sense. You reach for one of the coils, running your fingers over the smooth, tightly wound fibers. The knots aren’t random; they’re specific—intricately done, almost decorative. Like whoever tied them had skill. That’s… concerning. You need an outside opinion. Grabbing your phone, you quickly type out a message to Perssila.
You: Hey, random question—what does it mean if someone has, like… a concerning amount of rope in their dresser?
You hover over the send button, still staring at the strangely organized collection of rope. Your thumb twitches, hovering just above the message. What the hell is Geo into? You can't help but wonder. You're so lost in thought that you don't even notice the heavy silence settling in around you.
And then it hits you.
That presence.
The unmistakable, terrifyingly silent presence of Geo standing directly behind you.
You freeze. Your heart leaps into your throat, and your phone feels suddenly too heavy in your hand. You don’t dare move—just stare at your phone, unable to even blink, your thumb still lingering a breath away from sending the text.
Slowly—very slowly—you turn your head.
Geo stands there, towering over you, his tall frame casting a shadow that seems to fill the entire room. He leans slightly forward, his hands pressed flat against the dresser, a move that traps you in place. You can feel the heat radiating off him, the slight tension in his muscles that only emphasizes just how much bigger he is than you.
His presence alone is overwhelming—an unspoken dominance that somehow manages to feel both protective and intimidating. His expression is unreadable—his features smooth, his eyes sharp, with that cold intensity that’s become all too familiar. But his gaze? Heavy. Like he’s weighing you, evaluating you, and you’re not sure you’re winning this game.
"Interesting," he murmurs, voice impossibly calm, almost too soft. "You find something you like?"
You swallow hard.
Oh. Oh, you messed up.
You don’t even get the chance to respond. The next thing you know, you’re gently nudged out of the room and back onto the balcony, your feet barely brushing the floor as Geo wordlessly leads you outside. You sink onto the blanket, feeling the cool fabric beneath you like it's somehow a symbol of your failure.
Geo follows you out with a tray in hand—cut-off sandwiches—seriously, did he cut these into perfect triangles just to mess with you? And a steaming cup of green matcha tea that looks like it could’ve been brewed in a high-end Japanese teapot or straight from some Zen temple.
He sets the tray down next to you, and you swear you feel the weight of his gaze even before you look up. You sit with your arms crossed over your chest, awkwardly trying to look like you're not completely out of your depth here. The sandwich corners are a little too neat, and the way the matcha steam rises is almost a little too calm. Your eyes avoid his—because the last thing you want is to see that expression.
Geo sits right next to you, arms crossed, then turns and looks down at you with a silent intensity that feels more like a lecture than anything else. His gaze isn’t soft. It’s deliberate, calculating like he’s waiting for you to say something, anything, that doesn’t sound like an awkward mess.
You stare at the sandwiches. They’re perfectly arranged—just like everything else in his life.
He doesn’t break the silence.
Finally, after a moment that feels like an eternity of pretending you’re not absolutely freaking out, you glance up at him. You have to. He’s just sitting there, legs spread wide, shoulders broad, looming over you, radiating a sense of control that makes you feel even smaller than you already do. His eyes—cool, dispassionate—lock onto yours.
"Are you going to eat or just sit there and stare?" His voice is as sharp as ever, but there's a hint of something you can’t quite place.
You blink, then look down at the platter again. The sandwiches look innocent enough. You pick one up, hesitating for just a second before taking a bite. It’s delicious—of course it is. The kind of simple yet elegant meal that somehow makes you feel like you’ve stepped into a high-class tea ceremony instead of a quiet afternoon with a guy who’s clearly got way too many layers for your brain to handle.
Geo keeps watching.
Geo’s eyes don’t leave you as you struggle to form a response. The air between you both is thick, every second stretching longer than it should. He doesn’t even blink, waiting for you to find your words.
"You know," Geo’s voice cuts through the silence again, low and sharp. "You came here to learn about Japanese culture, right?"
You nod, though it’s more of a reflex than any solid commitment to the plan.
"But..." He raises an eyebrow, his voice turning slightly more curious, but still with that edge. "Do you actually want to learn about Japanese culture, or is it just an excuse to figure me out?"
The question hits you like a bucket of ice water. Your breath catches in your throat as you freeze, staring into his unreadable eyes. You open your mouth, but no words come out at first. You’ve got no idea how to respond. Not without sounding like a total idiot.
"Well?" His voice is quieter this time, the same calm tone, but there's something deeper—something that feels a little too close to the truth for comfort.
You shift uncomfortably, your fingers nervously tapping the side of your tea cup. Your heart rate picks up, and your mind starts scrambling.
What did you even come here for?
To understand him? To learn about his life and mind? Or maybe—just maybe—you were trying to learn something else. Something about Geo that you knew he wasn’t just going to hand over easily.
The silence stretches on. And then, all at once, you give in.
"Okay, fine," you blurt, not caring how much it sounds like you're confessing something you’ve kept hidden for a while. "I… I wanna know more about you…” You started before adding, “Not just Japanese culture. I mean, I do want to learn about that too, but it’s kind of hard not to get curious about you when you're this impossible to figure out."
The words tumble out of you faster than you can stop them. The rush of honesty almost makes your head spin. You haven’t admitted this to anyone, and now it feels like you've exposed yourself in front of someone who could probably read you like an open book.
You finally glance up at him, expecting some kind of judgment or mockery, but instead, Geo’s expression doesn’t change. He’s still watching you closely, not saying anything. His eyes are calculating, sharp as ever, but there’s a faint softness in them. Just a flicker of understanding.
And then, just when you think you’ve completely bared your soul to him, Geo does the unexpected. He leans back slightly, a small but knowing smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Mhm,” he says again, but this time, it’s not quite as cold. "So you’ve been trying to figure me out all this time, huh?"
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks, and you quickly take another sip of matcha to hide the embarrassment.
Geo shifts, his posture still relaxed but somehow more at ease now. "Well, you’ve got a whole rest of the day. But I’ll warn you," he adds, his voice low and serious, "I’m not as simple as you think I am.”
You narrow your eyes at him over the rim of your teacup. "Yeah, no kidding. You’re like one of those 5,000-piece puzzles with no edge pieces and half the picture missing."
Geo snorts, just barely, but you catch it. A tiny victory.
"I’ll take that as a compliment," he said.
"Wasn’t meant to be," you mutter, stuffing a sandwich into your mouth before you say something else that could get you kicked out.
Geo watches you chew like he’s evaluating your life choices, then tilts his head slightly. "So, since you’re so determined to learn about me, go ahead. Ask something."
You swallow your bite too fast and nearly choke. Great. Fantastic start.
Geo waits, unimpressed, while you regain control of your breathing. You rack your brain for something that won’t make you sound like an idiot. "What’s your favorite color?" Too basic. "Have you ever been in love?" It’s too invasive—you’re not trying to get kicked out twice in one day. "Why do you own an unsettling amount of neatly coiled rope?"
…Yeah, no. That’s gonna have to stay a mystery for now.
So instead, you blurt out, "Do you talk to your plants?" Geo blinks. Slowly.
Then, in the most deadpan tone possible, he says, "Do you talk to your plants?"
"That’s not an answer!"
He raises a single, judgmental eyebrow. "That’s not a real question."
You gape at him. "Excuse you, I think it’s a very real question. Considering the fact that your plants look like they get more love and affection than most people." Geo doesn’t even try to argue. He just shrugs, gaze flickering out toward the balcony where his suspiciously thriving potted plants bask in the sunlight like spoiled little creatures.
"I read that talking to them helps them grow," he finally admits, voice casual, but his eyes dart to the side like he knows you’re about to make this a Thing.
"Oh my god," you gasp dramatically, leaning forward. "What do you say to them? Do you whisper sweet nothings? Give them motivational speeches?"
Geo exhales through his nose, the closest thing to a sigh you’ve heard from him so far. "You are unbelievable.”
"I need to know. Do you call them by name? Compliment their leaves? Tell them you’re proud of their progress?" He levels you with the flattest look imaginable. "Are you done?"
You beam. "Not even close."
Geo stares at you for a moment longer, then—without a word—reaches forward, plucks a sandwich from the tray, and shoves it directly into your mouth. Your muffled protests do nothing.
"You talk too much," he mutters, leaning back like he didn’t just feed you like a disobedient pet. You chew aggressively, glaring at him the entire time, but you can’t even be that mad. Mostly because the sandwich is good.
Geo lets out a deep, drawn-out breath like he’s regretting every decision that’s led him to this moment. Instead of answering your barrage of ridiculous questions, he shifts positions, stretching out fully onto the blanket, arms folded behind his head as he gazes up at the sky.
The warm sunlight filters through the clouds, casting soft shadows across his face. His aquamarine eyes catch the light, the color deep and almost translucent—like the ocean before a storm. You take in more details now that he’s still, noticing the sharp structure of his jaw, the slight upturn of his nose, and those plumper-than-expected lips.
The dark bluish-purple strands of his neatly tied ponytail contrast against the light fabric of the blanket. His long, rectangular earrings shift slightly as he settles/
And, well… you definitely staring.
Geo cracks one eye open. "If you’re going to hover like that, at least make yourself useful and block the sun." He exhales sharply through his nose, something between a sigh and a quiet laugh, before tilting his head back against the blanket. His eyes flicker to yours, sharp and assessing, before he shuts them completely, soaking in the sun once more.
You, on the other hand, are very aware of how precarious this position is. Your knees are dug into the blanket, your hands braced beside his head, your face way too close to his. You hadn’t even realized how low you were leaning over him until now.
Your body jolts slightly when the realization hits, and the movement doesn’t go unnoticed.
His lips twitch, just barely. "Something wrong?"
"No," you say, too quickly, shifting slightly, but not enough to actually move away. His eyes are still closed, but the smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth tells you he knows exactly what he’s doing. And then, because you refuse to lose whatever this weird battle of wills has become, your mouth moves faster than your brain.
"Just wondering when you’re going to start interrogating your plants since you're obviously dodging my questions."
His expression doesn’t change, but there’s a noticeable pause before he speaks. "They’re still better questions than yours," he mutters.
You gasp in mock offense, shoving at his shoulder—not hard enough to move him, just enough to make a point. "Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t come prepared with an official interview sheet, Mr. Mystery."
Geo finally cracks an eye open, unimpressed. "Maybe you should’ve."
You huff, shifting again, but instead of moving away, you lower your weight onto your elbows, your face hovering just a little closer over his. You don’t miss the way his brows twitch slightly at the movement, but if he’s uncomfortable, he doesn’t show it.
Your gaze flickers over his features. His dark bluish-purple hair is fanned slightly against the blanket, framing his face in a way that makes him look softer, and more relaxed. The sunlight catches on his aquamarine eyes as they track your expression, the color so vivid it almost looks unreal. His septum piercing glints when he shifts, and the earrings dangling from his ears sway slightly with the movement.
You clear your throat, trying to steer your thoughts back on track. "So what, you want me to ask—what? Your deepest fears? Your worst childhood memory?"
Geo hums thoughtfully, tilting his head just enough to make it obvious that he knows exactly what he’s doing. "Better than whatever nonsense you’ve been throwing at me."
"Fine," you challenge, narrowing your eyes. "What’s your biggest regret?"
For a second, just a second, something shifts in his expression. His gaze sharpens like he’s considering whether or not to answer. Then, his lips curve into something that isn’t quite a smirk but isn’t entirely neutral either. "Letting you into my apartment."
You gasp, scandalized, pulling back slightly. "You’re so mean!" Geo exhales a long-suffering sigh and drags a hand down his face. "You really don’t know when to quit."
"Not when I sense weakness." You grin, watching the muscles in his jaw twitch. Slowly, he pushes himself up onto his elbows, closing the space between you again. His expression is unreadable, but his eyes glint with something that makes your stomach flip.
"Then I suggest you stop poking at things you’re not ready to handle," he murmurs, voice low, deliberate.
Your breath catches for just a moment. You narrow your eyes at him, shifting slightly but still keeping your position above him, bracing yourself on either side of his head.
His answer doesn’t really answer anything, and that smug little smirk tugging at the edge of his lips tells you he knows exactly what he’s doing. You hum, pretending to think. Then, because you know you’re pushing your luck, you grin. "Fine. Why on earth do you own so much rope?"
Geo’s expression doesn’t change. Doesn’t shift. Doesn’t so much as flinch.
And yet, you feel a distinct shift in the air as his eyes half-lid in something that looks suspiciously close to amusement. "Why do you think I own so much rope?" he asks, voice smooth—too smooth.
You immediately regret your curiosity. Your brain conjures up a hundred different answers, none of which you should be saying out loud. Unfortunately, silence isn’t an option either, because Geo is just waiting, watching, unblinking, and enjoying this way too much. You shift, eyeing him with exaggerated suspicion. “…Rock climbing?"
A barely-there twitch of his lips. "Try again."
"Be serious."
You narrow your eyes, gaze flicking toward the closet where you first spotted the neatly coiled bundles of rope. "Do you… tie up intruders?"
Geo exhales sharply, a breath of quiet amusement through his nose. "Depends on the intruder."
Your body stills, heartbeat ticking just a little louder in your ears. His tone is too even, too unbothered. He didn’t say no. Your eyes flick back to his, scrutinizing. "That is not a denial."
And then—he smirks. A slow, lazy, knowing half-smirk. One that curls at the edges just enough to make your stomach dip slightly before you shove the feeling away.
"Geo," you say, scandalized. "Are you—are you a kidnapper?"
He groans, tilting his head back against the blanket, hands covering his face like the sheer force of your stupidity is physically painful. "Oh my god."
"You are!" You gasp, jabbing a finger into his shoulder. "I knew it. You totally—"
You don’t get to finish. Because a hand moves. Fast.
Before you can react, your wrist is caught in a firm grip, momentum flipped with practiced ease. The world tilts abruptly, breath-catching as your back meets the blanket in an unceremonious sprawl. You barely register the shift before you’re caged. Geo looms above you, one arm braced beside your head, the other still securing your wrist against the fabric. His weight barely touches you, yet the closeness—the gentle control—presses into the air between you like something tangible.
You blink. His expression is unreadable. Calm. Studying. There’s no smugness, no teasing grin—just a quiet, sharp scrutiny that makes your breath hitch despite yourself. A test. A silent now what?
Your throat bobs as you swallow, suddenly very aware of every inch of space—or lack thereof—between your bodies. Geo tilts his head just slightly, watching you in that infuriatingly composed way, before finally speaking. "Instead of throwing random questions and assumptions at me," he murmurs, voice low, measured, "I need you to think—why do I own rope?"
Your lips part, mind racing through every possible implication before landing on the most obvious one. You stare up at him, blinking rapidly, feeling the heat creep up the back of your neck.
Geo doesn’t move, doesn’t say a word—just waits, eyes closed, basking in the sun, perfectly content in his victory while you sit there malfunctioning.
Your breath catches slightly as you shift beneath him, just enough to test the hold he still has on your wrist. His grip is firm but not painful, a simple, unspoken reminder that he had flipped you onto your back with barely any effort. You feel the weight of his presence, the way his body shadows yours, his long fingers still loosely wrapped around your wrist.
You swallow. Then, in a moment of pure, unfiltered realization, your eyes widen. "Oh." Geo hums, the sound deep in his chest, a silent acknowledgment that he knows exactly what just clicked in your brain. "Oh." You swallow again, blinking up at him. "You… you like tying people up."
His lips twitch, but he doesn’t deny it. Your stomach does something weird. Not bad, not unsettling—just… weird. Geo finally opens his eyes, looking down at you with an expression that is both unimpressed and deeply entertained. "That took you longer than I expected."
You huff, willing the heat in your face to die down, but it’s no use. "I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt."
He sighed, tilting his head slightly. "That was your mistake."
You scoff, shoving at his shoulder with your free hand, and to your mild frustration, he doesn’t budge. "So what, you have some secret collection of knots you practice? Like, ‘oh, here’s my specialty hostage tie’—"
You freeze mid-sentence, your brain hitting a wall. "What?"
Geo’s gaze remains steady, unreadable, his voice a little too casual—too smooth. "The word you’re looking for. It’s called shibari."
Your mouth opens. Closes. Opens again. "Oh." A pause.
Geo just watches you, waiting, his expression calm—expectant. The realization fully dawns, your mind short-circuiting as pieces snap together at an alarming rate. And because your brain has officially abandoned all common sense, your mouth moves before you can stop it. "You practice?"
Geo exhales a sharp, amused breath that’s almost a laugh before he finally releases your wrist. He shifts effortlessly onto his side, propping his head up with one hand while the other rests lazily against his stomach. He looks relaxed—too relaxed—like he’s completely enjoying watching your mind self-destruct. "Wouldn’t you like to know?"
You groan, dragging your hands down your face, already regretting everything. “Fuck. You totally do." Geo just smirks—entirely unbothered—as he reaches for a sandwich from the tray, taking his time, fingers deliberate as they pull it apart slightly before bringing it to his mouth. He chews, slow, unrushed as if this entire conversation hasn’t completely derailed your ability to function.
You watch him, brain still spinning, words refusing to string together properly. Finally, you take a deep breath, collecting yourself, sitting up slightly. Your eyes narrow. "So…" You tilt your head. "How good are you?"
Geo stops mid-bite. For the first time, his composure cracks—not much, just the briefest flicker of something in his expression before he chokes on his sandwich. He coughs once, sharply, hastily covering his mouth, eyes momentarily widening as he tries to recover.
Geo’s gaze sharpens, his smirk turning razor-sharp, like a cat that’s just cornered something far too cocky for its own good. He stretches his fingers slowly, considering his next move with the kind of deliberation that sends a shiver down your spine. Then, he tilts his head, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Since you’re so curious," he muses, voice smooth like silk, "Want me to show you my skills?"
Your stomach does a flip. A nervous flip. This could go very, very wrong.
Without thinking, the word slips out of your mouth before your brain has a chance to catch up. "Yes."
You instantly regret it. Almost.
Geo looks at you, his gaze flickering with something unreadable, something that makes your heart skip in a way you really don’t want to acknowledge. Then, he exhales through his nose, amusement glinting in his eyes. "Brave."
No. Stupid, actually. You realize just how far you’ve gone now.
Geo moves with an ease that shouldn’t be this intimidating. One moment, he’s leaning back on the blanket, casually finishing his sandwich, and the next, he’s pushing himself up onto his knees with the same fluid grace he’d exhibited when first walking into the room.
Suddenly, the air feels heavier. You blink, realizing you’ve just entered a zone you didn’t even know existed. And now, standing over you, Geo looks… dangerous.
His fingers brush against your wrist with startling precision, his touch cold and deliberate as he gives you a look that sends an unspoken message straight to your gut.
Without a word, he takes your wrist, his grip firm, like he’s done this a thousand times before. You go rigid for a moment, heart racing. It’s not that you’re scared—well, not exactly—but there’s something about the way Geo moves, the way he controls every single moment, that sends a chill down your spine.
He stands up, pulling you gently yet firmly along with him, leading you towards a door at the far end of the room you hadn’t noticed before. There’s something darkly intriguing about it—something about the way he moves, how confident he is in his space, that you can’t help but be drawn to it.
Geo opens the door to reveal a room you can’t even begin to process at first.
The air smells like straight rope, and in the center of the room, there a different types of ropes and several other tools--neatly arranged on shelves. "Welcome to my practice space," he says casually as if this is all completely normal.
Your brain takes a moment to catch up. This is real. This is actually happening.
You’re standing in Geo’s personal bondage room.
He looks at you, sensing your hesitation but not saying a word. Then, with the flick of a wrist, he unhooks the nearest length of rope, a purplish one, and begins unraveling it, the motion fluid practiced.
"So," he starts, voices casually again as he turns to face you. "You were curious. You want to see how it’s done?"
You swallow, trying to regain control of your brain which seems to have temporarily shut down. "Do you practice on others?" you ask, voice more steady than you feel.
Geo doesn't answer right away. He simply raises an eyebrow and finishes pulling the rope taut in his hands. When he does speak, it’s calm, but with an underlying tone of something deeper, something that makes your heart rate spike again.
"I used to take classes," he admits, his gaze never leaving you. "But eventually, I taught myself. After a while, I didn’t need anyone else." He steps closer, his presence overwhelming in the best and worst ways. "I practice on myself now."
The words settle like ice in your stomach.
"You practice… on yourself?" you repeat, trying to grasp the weight of what he’s just said.
Geo nods, his expression unreadable. "It’s... efficient." He moves towards the bench, the sound of the rope sliding against itself making your chest tighten. "But if you really want to know what I’m capable of, you’ll have to trust me."
You blink, realization dawning on you.
This is no longer hypothetical. No longer a curiosity you can walk away from.
This is real, and you’re in it now.
Geo watches you for a moment longer, waiting for your response. His fingers gently twirl the rope, giving it a little snap as if to remind you of its presence.
"I think you’ll find that trust is a pretty key ingredient here," he adds, voice low, almost predatory.
Your heart skips a beat, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.
The room feels smaller now, and your breath seems louder as you take in the ropes and tools scattered around the space. It’s not like you hadn’t known what you were walking into when you’d asked—no, you were fully aware—but actually being in this moment, in this room, with Geo, makes everything feel so much more... real.
You swallow hard, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. There’s a flicker of something in his eyes—something patient but knowing, as if he’s watching you carefully, measuring your every move. He’s not in a rush, and that’s what makes it worse. You know he’s waiting for you to make the next move, and yet you’re caught in this swirl of confusion and curiosity.
"I..." you start, but the words feel clumsy in your mouth. You don’t know what to say, how to ask, or if you even want to ask any more questions. You were just playing around before, throwing out a joke, trying to break the tension. Now, it feels like you're treading water in a deep ocean, and you're so out of your depth.
Geo doesn’t speak for a moment, just watches you, his expression unreadable. It’s like he’s giving you space, the kind of space that feels so heavy you can’t even breathe. Then, he moves again. It’s fluid, and smooth, with the same effortless grace as before. He steps closer, narrowing the gap between the two of you until you can feel the heat of his body in the space just in front of you.
"Would you like me to tie you up?” he asks, his voice a soft drawl, almost teasing. His words send a ripple of something sharp through your chest. You’re dying to know more, to ask more, but something in the pit of your stomach warns you that diving deeper into this conversation might lead you somewhere you can’t come back from.
You glance at the ropes hanging from a hook by the wall, the tools that could easily be used to restrict, to bind, to hold. But the question still lingers in the air: Are you willing to be tied up?
"So..." you murmur, trying to keep the shakiness out of your voice, “That”’s what you gonna do to me? …Tie me up?”
Geo tilts his head slightly, watching your eyes flicker between him and the room around you. He knows exactly what you’re doing, exactly what’s running through your mind. He sighs and steps even closer now, reaching for the ropes, his fingers curling around the smooth, coiled lengths as if they’re an extension of him.
"I’m not going to do anything with you," he says, low and almost comforting, as if trying to ease some of your panic. “I can tie you and explain to you how this works, we can go through it. If not, we can pretend none of this happened,”
And with that, he steps back, letting the ropes fall slightly into his hands. His eyes search yours with an intensity that makes your pulse quicken.
“I’ll let you decide how deep you want to go,” he says again, his tone calm and almost soothing. “No pressure. No rushing into anything. I’m not going to force you, okay?” His eyes are steady on you, searching for any sign of hesitation, and you can feel the sincerity in his words.
You nod, understanding the subtle care behind his words. He’s not trying to control this moment; he’s giving you space to back out if you need to. But, something inside you makes the decision, and you meet his eyes with quiet determination.
Trust, like he said, is mutual.
You don’t have to dive into something you’re not ready for.
After a breath, you whisper, “Okay. Please show me, Geo.”
Geo’s lips quirked into a soft hum, a sound that almost felt approving, but it was casual, with no force behind it. He nods as if you’ve passed some kind of unspoken test.
The rope in his hands makes a satisfying snap as he tightens it, and his movements are slow, and deliberate, like he’s trying to make sure you’re okay with everything that’s happening. “Let’s take it slow, all right?” he murmurs as he guides you down to the floor, gently encouraging you to kneel. He follows your lead, his body moving with purpose but no rush.
“Is there a specific way you want me to tie you?” Geo asks, watching you closely. His gaze is soft, but the way his eyes study you says he’s waiting for your answer, giving you control in this situation. His voice is unhurried, and there's no pressure behind it—just genuine curiosity.
You swallow, feeling a sudden warmth spread through your chest.
"Not sure," you admit, your pulse quickening as the anticipation starts to settle in. "Pick for me." A flicker of something crosses his face—maybe interest, maybe amusement—but he doesn’t comment. Instead, he just nods, seemingly satisfied with your response.
Without skipping a beat, he reaches for the coil of rope beside him, his movements fluid and practiced. He holds the rope for a moment, running it through his fingers like it’s second nature. “Ushiro takate kote,” he murmurs quietly, almost to himself, as he gathers the rope in his hands.
It’s a technique you don’t fully know yet, but the sound of it, the way he says it, almost feels like an invitation to trust him completely. Then, meeting your gaze, he explains, "It’s foundational. Classic. It controls the upper body, secures the arms behind the back in a balanced U-shape… and it’s one of the first ties I ever learned."
You swallow, watching his hands with quiet intensity as he begins to unravel the rope. The fibers slide smoothly through his fingers, each coil effortlessly falling into place like a dance. There’s a calm, steady confidence in his movements as if this is second nature to him—no hesitation, no rush.
“Hold still,” he says, voices soft but firm, and you do as you're told, heart, picking up just slightly.
Geo moves behind you, close enough that you can feel the warmth of his presence without him touching you. His breath brushes against your neck as he reaches for your wrists in front of you, and for a moment, you freeze. His touch is gentle, but firm as he guides your arms behind you, positioning them to rest one on top of the other.
His fingers brush your skin as he pulls the rope taut for the first time. It’s not painful, but you feel the pressure, the way the fibers bite into your skin just enough to make you acutely aware of each movement. His touch is careful, deliberate, adjusting and readjusting, as if he’s taking the time to make sure everything aligns perfectly.
"This tie," he says, voice low and smooth, "is the foundation for a lot of shibari forms. It's about balance. Control. Presentation." The rope winds around your arms, pulling them into position. Each pass tightens just a little more, and you feel the steady pressure increase, the sensation settling across your muscles. It’s precise and controlled, and you can feel the thought behind each knot, each loop.
He doesn’t fumble, doesn’t hesitate.
Every movement is calculated and effortless.
You shift slightly, feeling his breath warm on the back of your neck. You move just enough to give him space, and he works, tying the rope around the top of your arms, and lacing it across your chest. The rope swings behind you, crossing over your back before he brings it back to the front again. Each movement is purposeful, each knot placed with a careful consideration that leaves you breathless.
Geo’s hands never rush. There’s something almost meditative in the way he works, his fingers moving with quiet intention. He pulls the rope under your arms, adjusting, making sure the fit is even. The rope brushes against your skin in a way that feels almost too intimate, but it’s not uncomfortable. There’s a raw emotion in the way his hands move—each tug, each twist, feels like it has its own weight, its own purpose. It’s not just about tying knots; it’s about creating something—something deeply personal.
Your fingers twitch slightly, the only sign of your growing awareness of how tightly secured you are, but the pressure is balanced—just enough to feel the restraint, but not so much that you’re overwhelmed.
As Geo finishes the final section of the knotting, he shifts slightly in front of you, his hands moving with a practiced, fluid grace. He pulls the rope snugly, adjusting the tension with precision, focusing on each curve and contour of your body.
You can feel the weight of his careful attention, the way he enhances the shape of your breasts with the gentle pressure of the rope, each loop placed with purpose but never rushed.
The quiet in the room feels heavier now, almost suffocating, and you can hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears, a soft, rhythmic thrum that echoes against the stillness.
“You’re really good at this,” you murmur, the words slipping out before you can stop them.
Geo pauses, his hands lingering on the rope for a beat longer than necessary. A soft exhale escapes him, somewhere between a sigh and a laugh, as if amused by your comment. “I should be,” he replies, his voice smooth and warm with amusement, but it’s not arrogance. No, there’s just a quiet acknowledgment, a hum of experience behind his words.
You can’t help but notice the way his touch seems to linger a fraction longer than required, his fingers grazing your skin as he double-checks his work. Every motion is careful, almost reverent, ensuring the ropes are secure but never too tight, and that everything sits just right. He moves like this is second nature to him, yet with an intimacy that makes you feel as if you’re the only one who matters at this moment.
When he leans back slightly to admire his handiwork, you feel the subtle shift in the air—the space between you expands, but it feels like an unspoken agreement that this space, this connection, is something shared.
His gaze sweeps over you, lingering for a moment on the knots, his eyes scanning the ropes with the quiet intensity of someone making sure everything is perfect.
You shift a little, testing the ropes again, feeling the tension and the tightness wrapped around you, but there's a steady calmness that follows. You meet Geo’s eyes and ask, almost shyly, "Hey, can you... can you take a few pictures of me? I want to see how it looks, like, all of it. My phone’s in my back pocket."
Geo’s expression softens, but there’s a flicker of curiosity in his gaze. He doesn’t respond immediately, just watches you with a quiet intensity as if weighing your request. His hands, which had been making final adjustments to the ropes, now still for a moment.
"Yeah?" His voice is low and thoughtful. "You want to see it that badly?"
You nod slowly, a faint blush creeping up your neck, suddenly aware of how exposed you are in the moment—physically, sure, but also emotionally. Still, the strange sense of comfort you feel keeps you grounded.
Geo sighed before his lips curled into that subtle smirk again—the kind that makes you feel like he knows something you don’t.
"You got it," he says, leaning forward, his hands moving with practiced ease to slide your phone out from your back pocket. His touch is gentle, but there’s a confidence in it, a steadiness that matches the way he’s holding you all along.
As Geo adjusts the phone, getting it in place, you sit still, your breath slowing as you prepare to see the image. You feel strangely exposed, but not in the way you'd imagined. Instead, it’s as if a new part of yourself is being revealed, not just to Geo, but to you as well.
The click of the camera snaps you out of your thoughts, and before you can say anything, he lowers the phone, locking eyes with you. “You ready for your reveal?” he asks, his tone teasing, but there’s a slight softness there too.
"Yeah," you reply quietly, and when you glance down at the screen, your breath catches for a split second. It’s not just a picture; it’s a snapshot of vulnerability, of a moment you didn't think you’d be able to capture. You’re wrapped in those ropes, but somehow, you look... confident.
Even empowered in a strange, sexy way.
Geo watches your reaction carefully, his fingers grazing lightly over your arm. “How does it feel?” he asks again, a little more curious now as if he’s checking in with you in this new space you’re in together.
You swallow, your heart racing a little faster at the image in front of you, the surreal combination of submission and control.
"It feels... right," you admit, your voice quiet but steady. "I didn't expect it to. But it does."
Geo’s eyes linger on you for a moment, as if committing the sight to memory, before he sets the phone aside. But before he can move on, you shift slightly against the ropes, tilting your head as an idea pops into your mind.
"Hey, can you take a few more?" you ask, glancing up at him.
Geo raises an eyebrow, his lips twitching with amusement. "More?"
You nod, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious under his gaze, but the desire to see more of this side of yourself outweighs the embarrassment. “Yeah, I... I just wanna see how it all looks. Like, from different angles or something.”
Geo exhales a slow, dramatic sigh, shaking his head. "You're lucky you're cute," he mutters, but there’s no real annoyance in his voice—if anything, there’s a hint of fondness.
Still holding you in place, he shifts slightly, reaching for your phone again. With the practiced ease of someone who’s far too used to indulging your whims, he angles the camera, snapping a few more pictures—some closer, some showing the full extent of the bindings.
Every now and then, his eyes flicker back to you, silently making sure you’re still comfortable. And each time, you nod, feeling more at ease than you ever thought possible in this kind of setting.
After a few more clicks, Geo finally sets the phone down for good and shakes his head, smirking. “All right, you got your pictures. Happy now?”
You grin, cheeks warming at the nickname. “Yeah, I think so.”
He huffs, but the corner of his mouth betrays a hint of a smile. Then, without another word, his fingers begin to work at the knots, skillfully undoing them with the same precision he had when tying them.
His fingers working with the same precision and care they had when tying them, you can’t help but let your mind wander. The way his hands move so naturally, unhurried yet efficient, has you thinking more about the quiet intimacy of the moment.
Your mind wanders to the question that’s been nagging at you, the one that you can’t quite shake. You hesitate for a second, but then the words come spilling out, almost like an afterthought.
“So,” you start, voice a little tentative, “why are you into this stuff? I mean... I get the skill part, you’re really good at it. But what about the... whole thing?” You gesture vaguely at the ropes, unsure how to articulate the question any better, but hoping he understands what you mean.
Geo doesn’t immediately respond, his hands still working to untangle the ropes with careful precision now behind you. It’s almost like he’s contemplating the answer, taking his time. When he finally looks up at you, his expression is thoughtful, almost distant.
Geo’s hands work methodically, each pull of the rope gentle, his fingers tight and precise. He speaks in a low, steady tone, but there’s a certain edge in his voice like he's trying to keep control of something else.
“It’s not about... what you think it’s about,” he says, his gaze focused on the ropes, but there’s a subtle tightness in his jaw, as though he's fighting to keep his composure. “It’s the process. The control. The trust. The way it all comes together. It’s calming, something I can’t really explain to anyone else.” His hands don’t waver, but you notice the muscles in his arm flexing just a little more, a slight tremor that betrays his calm façade.
He doesn’t look up as he continues, but his voice falters ever so slightly like he’s trying to keep it even. “I’ve never really... shared this hobby of mine with anyone before, not even Jericho.” His gaze flickers to yours, but he doesn’t hold it, his eyes quickly darting away. The vulnerability in them is fleeting but undeniable—something he doesn’t show anyone.
“This part of me? It’s just... for me. I keep it to myself.”
The ropes fall away with each tug, and even though he’s untying you, there’s an odd sense of tending to you in the way he works. His hands are sure but gentle like he's aware of every inch of your skin, the subtle pressure of the rope, the way it all connects. It's intimate in a way that makes your pulse quicken—like he's paying attention to things that no one else ever has.
The words he shared hang in the air between you two, heavy with meaning. You feel a shift in the atmosphere like you've crossed a line—one that was never meant to be crossed, yet somehow, you’ve managed to find your way through it.
And you're here.
With him.
A place that not even Crowe has been allowed to reach. A small, half-joking thought slips past your lips, an attempt to lighten the mood. “Well, at least I’m ahead on Crowe.”
Geo’s lips twitch in response, the corner of his mouth pulling up into the faintest of smiles. “Don’t get any funny ideas,” he mutters, his voice low and soft, though the amusement is unmistakable. There’s no malice in it, just playful restraint like he’s trying to keep his composure in check despite everything.
You shift slightly, feeling the weight of your body settle against Geo’s chest now that the ropes have been fully untied. It’s not uncomfortable, but there’s something almost grounding in the position. Something soothing. His chest rises and falls beneath you, steady, but there’s a tightness in the air, something suspended, like an unspoken tension that hangs between you both.
You glance at his hands again, watching as they smooth over the final knots, the last of the rope slipping away from your skin. You can’t help but lower your voice, soft and thoughtful, as you speak.
“You know,” you murmur, “it’s kind of fitting that you’re into this. I mean, you’re good with your hands, you’re patient. It makes sense.”
Geo’s chest tightens beneath you, the breath in his lungs hitching ever so slightly. It’s subtle, but you feel it—his body betraying something. His fingers twitch, flexing as if battling against some internal war. His voice drops, so low, it’s almost a whisper, and you feel the warmth of his breath against the back of your neck as his arms hover around you, hands frozen, not daring to touch, yet not pulling away.
“You’re right,” he says, voice almost strained. “I’m good with my hands. I’m patient. But... it’s not just that.”
Your curiosity piques, and without thinking, you shift, turning in his lap so that you’re facing him. His breath catches again, just barely, and you can feel the way his muscles tense with restraint, but it’s fleeting. His arms still hover, uncertain, like he’s fighting against something more than just the physical proximity.
You tilt your head up slightly, eyes meeting his as you wait for him to finish his thought. Your patience is wearing thin, the space between you both growing more charged with each passing second.
"Then..." you murmur, voice soft yet teasing, "What is it?"
Geo inhales sharply, his body shifting beneath you, muscles tensing as if fighting off the urge to move, to react in ways that would break whatever fragile control he’s desperately clinging to.
His gaze falters, darting away for a second, like he’s trying to understand the intensity of what’s happening between you two, trying to fight back whatever feelings are rising to the surface. His fingers twitch at your waist, and then, as if losing that battle, they curve around you, pulling you closer.
There’s a slight shift in the air as his face nuzzles against the nape of your neck, the warmth of his breath brushing against your skin. You can feel the weight of him against you, his body leaning in, pressing against you like he’s desperate for something he’s unwilling to admit. His lips hover near your ear, his words laced with an honesty that surprises you.
“I don’t let people in like this,” he murmurs, voice rough and vulnerable in a way that makes your pulse skip. “Not like this... not ever.” He exhales, shaky, before continuing. “You’re the first.”
There’s a vulnerability in his tone, a rawness that cracks through whatever walls he’s tried to build around himself. His admission hits you harder than you expected, leaving a knot in your chest that you can’t untangle. The realization that you’re the first person he’s let in like this—that you’ve somehow managed to get past every guard he’s built around himself—settles over you like a heavyweight.
It’s a strange feeling, one that both unsettles and comforts you at the same time. For a long moment, you’re still, trying to process everything. You knew something was there, some sort of pull, but this?
This is something else entirely.
Geo’s grip tightens, fingers pressing just a little deeper into your waist, like he’s trying to anchor himself—trying to hold onto something steady while his world tilts in a way he wasn’t expecting. His forehead rests against your shoulder, his breath warm against your skin, slow and measured, like he’s trying to keep himself in check.
“I’ve been trying to figure this out... for a while now,” he murmurs, voice rough, hesitant. “I don’t really understand us…”
His words sit heavy between you, threading through the quiet like something fragile. You pull back slightly, just enough to look at him, to meet that storm behind his eyes, but you don’t hesitate.
You don’t second-guess.
Instead, you lean in, closing the distance and pressing your lips to his—soft, unhurried, but firm enough to leave no room for doubt. It’s not desperate, not rushed, just something real. Something that’s been waiting to happen for longer than either of you probably want to admit.
Geo stills beneath you, breath catching for just a second before he melts into it, his grip shifting, hands splaying over your back like he’s memorizing the way you feel in his arms. He doesn’t kiss back right away, like he’s trying to make sense of it, trying to process the fact that this is happening. But then, his lips move against yours—gentle, cautious, like he’s testing the weight of the moment. Like he’s afraid to break it.
And it’s good. It’s slow and warm and careful in a way that makes your stomach flip. His fingers curl slightly against your skin, hesitant but firm, and there’s something about the way he holds you—like he wants to pull you closer but doesn’t quite know how.
When you finally pull back, you’re both quiet, breath mingling in the space between you. His eyes flicker, searching yours, still trying to catch up with everything that just happened, his cheeks were flushed slightly and he was looking at you with a flustered expression.
“You’re not the only one who’s been trying to figure out what’s between us,” you admit, voice barely above a whisper, your fingers still resting against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your palm. “I like you, Geo. I do. The question is do you like me back...”
Geo blinks at you, lips slightly parted like he’s still working through the weight of your words. He remained quiet for a moment before he spoke softly.
"I do... I do like you,” he says slowly, his voice steady but quiet. “But I don’t really know how to show it.” His brows furrow slightly like he’s frustrated with himself. “Not like… like that, at least.”
You watch him for a second, then huff out a quiet laugh, shaking your head. “You don’t have to do anything, Geo.” Your fingers brush lightly against his shirt, grounding yourself in the warmth of him.
Geo exhales, tension bleeding out of his shoulders. His arms are still around you, still holding on, even though he’s not entirely sure what to do with himself.
But he doesn’t let go.
“I still want you,” he mutters after a pause, almost like he’s testing the words, trying them out before fully committing. His gaze flickers to yours, hesitant but steady.
“But you already have me,” you whisper, forehead resting against his. “And that’s okay.”
Geo exhales, his arms tightening around you for just a second before he shifts—sudden, decisive. His grip is solid, and firm, and before you even register what’s happening, your feet leave the ground.
“What the—Geo?” Your voice comes out half a sputter, half a breathless exhale as your hands instinctively clutch at his shoulders.
He doesn’t falter. He doesn’t hesitate. Carrying you is effortless like you weigh nothing in his arms. The way he holds you isn’t rushed or careless—his grip is secure, steady like he’s making sure you’re safe, making sure you know he won’t drop you, won’t let you go.
And yet, his face is unreadable.
His jaw clenches slightly, his brows drawn together in the way he gets when he’s overthinking something. His arms remain firm around you, one hooked beneath your legs, the other supporting your back, fingers pressing lightly into the fabric of your clothes as he walks. The silence between you is thick, charged with something you can’t quite place, and you barely register the way the space around you changes until he steps into his bedroom.
Wait. His bedroom?
Your back meets soft sheets as he lowers you onto the bed, his movements gentle, careful—like he’s afraid of startling you, of doing this wrong somehow. His hands linger at your waist, just for a second, before he steps back, rubbing the back of his neck. There’s something hesitant in the way he shifts, something uncertain in the way he avoids your gaze.
“I—” He exhales sharply, shaking his head like he’s trying to gather his thoughts like he’s trying to piece together the right words. His shoulders tense before he finally speaks.
“Look, I don’t… need this,” he says, his voice quieter now, rough around the edges. “I don’t crave it. Sex. Any of it. I don’t think I ever have.”
You blink, your brain lagging a second behind. “Okay…?”
“But,” he continues, eyes flickering to yours, hesitant but serious. “If you wanted it… I’d do it. For you.”
You stare at him. And keep staring. Because—what?
Geo shifts under your gaze, growing visibly uncomfortable. “What?” he mutters, crossing his arms like he’s suddenly feeling too exposed. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because that makes no fucking sense, Geo.” You sit up, your mind still scrambling to piece together what he’s saying. “You just said you don’t want it, don’t need it, but you’d still do it? For me?”
He doesn’t answer right away, his expression twitching into something like frustration—at himself, not at you. His fingers flex, like he wants to do something with his hands, but he doesn’t move.
“Yeah,” he finally mutters. “I would.”
Your head tilts, trying to wrap your brain around this. “But… why?”
Geo lets out a sharp breath, dragging a hand down his face. “I don’t fucking know,” he admits, his voice edged with frustration, though not directed at you. “I just— I like you. A lot. And I wanna… I don’t know, make you happy?”
Your stomach flips at that, at the sheer honesty of it, but you’re still trying to piece it all together. “So you’d do something you don’t even enjoy just because I wanted it?”
He shrugs, looking away. “Yeah.”
“That’s stupid.”
Geo whips his head back to glare at you. “Fuck off.”
You snort, but there’s warmth behind it, something fond as you shake your head. “Geo. You know you don’t have to do that, right? I don’t want anything from you that you don’t want to give.”
“I know that,” he grumbles, rubbing at his temple. “It’s not like I’d be miserable or anything, I just… It’s not something I think about. But if it was with you, I wouldn’t mind.”
You watch him carefully, the way he keeps shifting, the way he refuses to look at you directly, and it clicks. He’s not just saying this out of obligation.
He means it.
“You’re ridiculous,” you murmur, but there’s no bite to it, no real complaint.
You reach out, grabbing his hand, and pulling him just a little closer. “You really don’t have to prove anything to me, you know.”
His shoulders drop slightly, some of the tension bleeding out. “I know.”
But then—he moves. Before you can process it, Geo’s hands are on either side of you, pressing into the mattress as he leans over, caging you in. His weight shifts just enough to pin you in place, and your breath catches.
His gaze finally meets yours.
There’s something unreadable in those deep, aquamarine eyes of his—curiosity, maybe, or something tangled and complicated that even he doesn’t fully understand. His lips press into a thin line, his expression flickering between hesitant and determined.
You swallow hard. “Geo—”
“I just…” He trails off, exhaling through his nose. His head tilts slightly, studying you. “I’ve never really wanted it before. Never needed it. But with you…” His fingers flex against the sheets, like he’s testing the waters, testing himself. “I don’t know. I kind of want to try.”
Your pulse thuds against your ribs, a slow, steady drumbeat of disbelief. Because what the fuck? Geo—the man who barely lets people touch him, the one who’s always kept this sort of thing at arm’s length—wants to try?
It’s not desire in the traditional sense. Not some burning, uncontrollable need. But it’s something.
Curiosity, maybe.
The old saying comes to mind, unbidden. Curiosity killed the cat.
You search his face, trying to find some kind of hesitation, some sign that he’s unsure. But he just looks… focused. Determined.
You wet your lips, your voice quieter now. “Geo, you don’t—”
“I know,” he cuts you off, shaking his head slightly. “I know I don’t have to. That’s not the point.” His voice drops just a little, something softer threading through it. “I want to see what it’s like. With you.”
Your heart stutters. Not because of the words themselves—but because of the way he says them. The way he’s looking at you, like you’re the only person in the world.
Like this—whatever this—actually matters to him.
His fingers brush against your wrist, light and careful like he’s still figuring out how this is supposed to go, “If that’s okay with you,” still navigating the unfamiliar weight of what he’s just admitted.
Then, you decide to push your luck.
You tilt your head slightly, your voice smooth and even, testing the waters. “If you wanna try… maybe you can blindfold me and tie me up, please?”
Geo stills, his reaction immediate, brows furrowing as he processes your words. His grip tenses slightly, his entire body caught somewhere between confusion and intrigue.
“…You thought of that way too fast,” he mutters, staring at you like you just threw a wrench into his entire thought process.
You blink up at him, watching as his mind visibly short-circuits, gears turning in real time. It’s rare to see him this thrown off, and you fight the smirk tugging at your lips.
“What?” you say, feigning innocence. “You did say you wanted to try.”
Geo narrows his eyes slightly like he’s trying to see through whatever game you’re playing. “And what exactly does that do?”
You tilt your head, your voice smooth as you explain, “So you can focus on the feeling instead of overthinking everything.”
His expression shifts—just slightly. His fingers tap idly against your waist, and his lips press together as he exhales sharply through his nose.
“You’re serious?”
You shrug beneath him, but there’s no true nonchalance in the gesture.
Soon the room is quiet, save for the soft rustle of fabric and the faint sound of your breathing. Geo sits on the edge of the bed, his hands lingering on the silk blindfold as he finishes tying it securely around your eyes. The smooth fabric glides over your skin, cool and delicate, before darkness envelops you completely.
Your world narrows to the sound of his breathing, the warmth of his body so close to yours, and the faint scent of him—something clean and faintly musky, grounding you in the moment.
Your arms are bound behind you, the rope firm but not uncomfortable, a reminder of his control and your trust. You shift slightly, testing the restraint, and feel the subtle bite of the rope against your wrists. It’s enough to make your pulse quicken, your skin tingling with anticipation.
Geo hesitates for a moment, his hands resting lightly on your shoulders as if unsure what to do next. You can feel the tension in his touch, the way his fingers flex slightly before stilling. The silence stretches, thick and charged, until you break it.
“Here,” you murmur, your voice soft but steady. “Let me face you.”
You start to move, but your lack of sight makes you clumsy, and you fumble slightly. Geo’s hands are there in an instant, guiding you with a gentleness that belies the intensity of the moment. His palms are warm against your hips as he helps you turn, his touch firm but careful.
When you’re settled in his lap, your legs straddling his, you feel the heat of his bare skin against yours, the intimacy of the position making your breath catch.
He doesn’t say anything, but you can feel his gaze on you, tracing the lines of your body. The rope around your wrists, the blindfold covering your eyes—it’s all so deliberate, so purposeful. You can almost hear the thoughts racing through his mind, the way he’s trying to reconcile the sight of you like this with the part of him that’s still unsure.
Is it wrong that he likes seeing you like this? Bound, vulnerable, yet completely trusting?
The question lingers in the air, unspoken but palpable. He shifts slightly beneath you, his hands resting on your thighs, his thumbs brushing against your skin in absent circles. The touch is light, almost hesitant as if he’s still processing the reality of the moment.
You feel him exhale, a slow, measured breath before he lifts one hand to cover his face. His forearm rests against his forehead, his expression hidden, but you can sense the conflict in him. He knows why you asked him to do this—it wasn’t just for you.
It was for him, too. For his enjoyment, his curiosity, and his desire to explore this side of himself. And that realization seems to weigh on him, even as it excites him.
You lean forward slightly, your movements slow and deliberate, and feel the way his body responds to yours. His breath hitches, his hands tightening on your thighs as if to steady himself. The air between you feels electric, every touch, every shift of your body against his, sends ripples of sensation through you both.
“Geo,” you whisper, your voice barely audible. You lean in, your lips brushing against his ear as you whisper, “…You can put it inside me if you want.”
The words hang in the air, soft but deliberate, and you feel him tense beneath you. His hands still on your hips, his fingers flexing slightly as if he’s trying to process what you’ve just said. For a moment, he doesn’t respond, and you can almost hear the gears turning in his mind.
“Don’t you need to be, uh… wet for that?” he finally asks, his voice low and hesitant, tinged with a mix of curiosity and disbelief.
You can’t help but smile, your forehead resting against his shoulder as you let out a quiet laugh. “I already am,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “You tying me up earlier… it did things to me.”
Geo pulls back slightly, his hands moving to your shoulders as if to steady himself—or maybe to get a better look at you. Even through the blindfold, you can feel the weight of his gaze, the disbelief written across his face.
“Wait, seriously?” he asks, his voice rising slightly. “That… that really turned you on?”
You nod, your cheeks flushing as you feel his eyes on you. There’s something about the way he’s looking at you, the way his voice cracks slightly, that makes your stomach twist in the best way.
“Yeah,” you murmur, your voice soft but steady. “It did.”
For a moment, he just stares at you, his expression a mix of shock and something else—something warmer, more intense. Then, slowly, his hands slide back down to your hips, his touch firmer now, more deliberate. “Okay,” he says, his voice low and rough. “Okay.”
You feel him shift beneath you, his hands guiding you as he positions himself. The first touch of him against you sends a shiver through your body, your breath catching in your throat. And then, slowly, he pushes his cock inside, the sensation of him filling you making your head fall forward onto his shoulder.
“Fuck,” he breathes, his voice strained. “You’re so… warm.”
You can feel the way his body tenses, the way his hands grip your hips tighter as he adjusts to the sensation. His breath is uneven, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to steady himself. “You’re pulsing around me,” he murmurs, his voice barely audible. “How are you… how are you doing that?”
You bite your lip, trying to suppress a smile. “I’m not doing anything,” you say, your voice teasing. “That’s all you.”
Geo lets out a shaky laugh, his hands moving to your back as he pulls you closer. “Stop teasing me,” he says, his voice rough but playful. “You’re going to make me lose it.”
“Sorry,” you murmur, though there’s no real apology in your tone. You shift slightly, feeling him twitch inside you, and hear him groan softly.
“You’re not sorry,” he says, his voice low and amused. “But… I’m not complaining.”
The moment stretches, heavy with anticipation, as you settle more firmly into his lap. The warmth of his skin against yours is intoxicating, and you can feel the way his body tenses beneath you, his breath hitching as you shift your weight. Slowly, you begin to move, pressing with your legs and knees to lift yourself slightly before sinking back down. The sensation is electric, a slow, deliberate rhythm that sends shivers through both of you.
Geo’s hands tighten on your hips, his fingers digging into your skin just enough to ground you, to guide you. You can hear him—quiet, restrained moans escaping his lips, each one sending a thrill through you.
God, you wish you could see him, see the way his face twists in pleasure, the way his eyes might darken with desire. But the blindfold forces you to focus on everything else: the sound of his breathing, the way his hands tremble slightly against your skin, the heat of his body beneath yours.
“Geo,” you murmur, your voice breathless but steady. “Grab my ass. Help me move.”
He hesitates for a fraction of a second, his hands stilling on your hips, before sliding down to cup your backside. His touch is firm, almost possessive, as he lifts you slightly, guiding your movements. The added support makes it easier to bounce, to set a faster pace, and you can’t help the soft gasp that escapes your lips as the sensation intensifies.
His quiet moans grow louder, and more frequent, and you can feel the way his body responds to yours, the way his hips jerk upward to meet your movements. It’s intoxicating, the way he gives in to the rhythm, the way his hands grip you tighter, pulling you closer with every thrust.
“Fuck,” he breathes, his voice rough and low. “You feel… incredible.”
The praise sends a jolt of heat through you, and you lean forward slightly, your chest brushing against his. “Geo,” you whisper, your voice trembling with need. “Play with breasts… please.”
He doesn’t respond right away, and for a moment, you wonder if he’s going to refuse. But then you feel his hands shift, one sliding up to cradle your back as the other moves to your chest. His touch is tentative at first, his fingers brushing against your breast before his mouth follows.
The first swipe of his tongue is slow, almost teasing, and you can’t help the sharp intake of breath that escapes you.
“S-shit,” you murmur, your voice barely audible.
He doesn’t need further encouragement. His mouth closes over your nipple, his tongue swirling in slow, deliberate circles that send sparks of pleasure shooting through you. The sensation is almost overwhelming, the combination of his mouth on your chest and the way his hands guide your movements making it impossible to think, to focus on anything but the way your body responds to his.
You can feel the tension building in both of you, the way his movements grow more frantic, more desperate. His moans are louder now, more like grunts less restrained, and you can’t help the way your sounds of pleasure escape your lips, mingling with his in the quiet of the room.
“I’m coming…” You mumbled as you felt your body tense, a sharp gasp escaping your lips as pleasure surged through you, overwhelming and electric. You come undone on his cock, your hips stuttering against his, your bound hands twitching behind you as waves of sensation crash over you.
For a moment, the world narrows to nothing but the feel of him inside you, the way your body clenches around him, and the sound of your ragged breathing.
Geo doesn’t move, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he lets you ride out the waves of your climax. His breath is uneven, his chest rising and falling rapidly, but he hasn’t come yet.
You can feel the tension in his body, the way he’s holding himself back, and it only makes the moment more intense.
When the last tremors of your orgasm finally subside, you tilt your head slightly, your voice soft and breathless. “Do you want to keep going?”
He doesn’t answer with words.
Instead, his hands shift, gripping your hips firmly as he guides you off his lap. Before you can process what’s happening, you feel the bed dip beneath you, and then you’re being moved, your body repositioned with a confidence that leaves no room for hesitation. Your face presses into the pillow, the soft fabric muffling your surprised gasp as your hips are lifted, your ass in the air.
The room is a cacophony of sounds—your ragged breaths, the sharp slap of skin against skin, the creak of the bedframe as it strains under the weight of your bodies. The air is thick with heat and heavy with the scent of sweat and desire, and every noise seems to amplify the intensity of the moment.
You’re both drowning in it, overwhelmed by the raw, unfiltered connection between you. Muttered curses slip from your lips, half-formed and breathless, as Geo’s hands roam your body with a possessive urgency. His touch is everywhere—gripping your waist, sliding down your thighs, tracing the curve of your back before settling firmly on your ass.
The heat of him is undeniable, his presence consuming you as he leans in, his gaze burning into your skin. You feel the blunt pressure of his cock as he pushes back inside you, and the sensation is immediate, electric.
“F-fuck…” A moan escapes you, unbidden, as your body arches instinctively toward him.
His movements are quick, each thrust deep and measured, and you can’t help but wonder how he knows exactly how to angle your body, how to control the pace, how to pull the rope binding your wrists to adjust your position. It’s too precise, too instinctive, and the realization sends a shiver down your spine.
He’s a natural at this, and it’s both thrilling and unnerving.
The rope tightens as Geo pulls you back against him, the soft fibers biting into your skin just enough to remind you of his control. His grip is firm, grounding, a counterpoint to the dizzying pleasure coursing through you. Each tug of the rope sends a shiver down your spine, and your moans grow louder, each one seeming to spur him on, his rhythm shifting to match the urgency building between you.
“Fuck…” he mumbles, his voice rough and low, almost lost in the sound of skin against skin. His thrusts grow more demanding, the obscene, rhythmic slap of his hips against yours echoing in the room, a visceral reminder of how close you are, how connected. You arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him, desperate for more, for everything.
“Geo,” you gasp, his name a plea and a prayer all at once. He responds with a low groan, his hands tightening on your hips as he drives into you harder, faster, each movement deliberate and unrelenting.
The pleasure builds again, slower this time but no less intense, and you can feel yourself teetering on the edge once more. It hits you with a jolt that he’s not just doing this for himself—he’s doing it for you, too. Every thrust, every pull of the rope, every sound he draws from you is part of the trust you’ve built, the connection you share.
Your back arches like a bowstring as his hands grip your hips, guiding you back into him with every motion. Then, he reaches down to remove the blindfold. The fabric slips away, falling from your face, and the sudden flood of light makes you blink, your eyes adjusting to the room. You turn your head slightly, your face now visible to him, and the sight of you—flushed, breathless, utterly exposed—sends a jolt of electricity through him.
Your hair is a riotous halo, strands sticking to your forehead and temples, and your lips are parted, your expression a mix of vulnerability and defiance. His movements falter, his breath catching in his throat as he feels himself teetering on the edge. His muscles are taut as steel cables under sweat-slick skin, one hand splayed possessively over the small of your back.
His other hand grips your bound wrists, fingers digging in just enough to make you shiver. He leans over you, his breath audible, ragged, and unsteady, his head dipping like he’s muttering a prayer—or a curse—against your shoulder.
With a low groan, he pulls out abruptly, his release spilling onto your back, hot and urgent. The sensation makes you shiver, your own arousal undeniable as your body throbs, slick and sensitive, a testament to the pleasure he’s drawn from you.
For a moment, the room is silent except for the sound of your shared breaths, heavy and uneven, the air thick with the weight of what just passed between you.
Geo’s hands move to untie the rope, his touch gentle now, almost reverent, as he works to free you. His fingers ghost over each impression, tracing them with something almost like reverence like he’s committing them to memory while simultaneously regretting their existence.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, his voice hoarse but tender, and you can’t help but smile, your body still humming with the aftershocks of what you’ve shared.
“Does it hurt?” His voice is quiet, softer than you’re used to, like he’s unsure if he even wants the answer.
You shake your head, offering the smallest of smiles. “No, it’s fine.”
He doesn’t look convinced.
Geo exhales through his nose, his thumb sweeping gently over the inside of your wrist before he presses a lingering kiss there—chaste, careful, as if to silently make up for every tight knot, every press of rope that had bound you.
Then, without a word, he shifts off the bed, disappearing for only a moment before returning with a warm towel. The scent of his soap lingers in the fibers as he drags it over your skin, slow and methodical, wiping away any lingering sweat, any remnants of the intensity that had filled the air just minutes ago.
His touch is purposeful—gentle but firm like he’s grounding you both. There’s no rush, no urgency. Just him, taking his time, making sure you’re okay.
When he finally sets the towel aside, He leaves you briefly to tug on faded gray sweats and a soft cotton tee, the fabric clinging to his broad shoulders. Returning with an oversized shirt for you, he avoids your gaze, cheeks flushed as he helps you into it.
“There,” he says gruffly, tugging the hem down to your thighs. “Better.”
You bite back a small laugh. He rolls his eyes at the sound but doesn’t stop, ensuring you’re comfortable before finally settling beside you.
You arch a brow, biting back a grin. “Aw, can’t handle a little temptation, Sir?”
Geo huffs, clearly unamused by your teasing, but he doesn’t let go. His fingers stay firm against your skin, his thumbs idly tracing over your jaw like he’s debating something.
“You’re pushing it,” he mutters, voice lower now, the weight of it settling between you. His eyes flicker, dark and unreadable, lingering on your lips for just a second too long before he exhales, shaking his head.
You grin despite yourself. “Or what? You’ll tie me up again?”
You laugh—a bright, teasing sound—until he closes the distance in one swift stride. His palms cradle your face, thumbs brushing your jawline as he leans in, your laughter dissolving into a gasp.
Geo kisses you.
It’s soft, but firm—like he’s shutting you up in the most effective way he knows how. His lips linger against yours, warm and unhurried, the teasing edge melting from the air as something softer settles between you. When he pulls back, he doesn’t go far, his forehead resting against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the quiet space between.
“Better?” he murmurs, voice low, slightly rough around the edges.
You blink up at him, dazed, before breaking into a slow, knowing smile. “That’s one way to do it.”
Geo huffs, shaking his head before shifting, pushing you back onto the mattress. His weight pins you down—not heavy enough to trap you, but enough that you feel the heat of him pressing into your skin. His arms wrap around you, strong and steady, and before you can react, his face is buried against your chest, his body fully relaxed against yours.
You freeze for half a second before your lips twitch, barely containing your amusement. “Geo,” you mumble, voice muffled against his tousled hair.
He doesn’t respond.
Instead, he just tightens his hold, burrowing closer like he’s refusing to acknowledge whatever flustered thoughts are undoubtedly racing through his head. His grip is warm, and grounding, the steady rhythm of his breathing settling into something slow and even.
And then, quietly—so quietly you almost don’t catch it—he mutters, “...Can you stay?”
You blink. Then blink again. Did he really just—
Your shoulders shake, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you hold back another laugh. The way his entire body tenses just slightly tells you he knows.
“Shut up,” he grumbles before you can even get a word out, his face pressing further into you, practically smothering himself against your chest in embarrassment.
You wheeze, trying to compose yourself, but the way he’s acting—the way he asked—has you grinning like an idiot. “I didn’t even say anything.”
“You were going to.”
You hum, clearly unconvinced, but let it slide. Instead, you run your fingers through his hair, feeling the tension in his shoulders slowly ease as you rake your nails lightly against his scalp.
His breath slows. His grip stays firm.
And in the dim quiet of his room, you murmur, “Yeah, Geo. I’ll stay.”
Meanwhile, somewhere else, Perssila lay on her bed, her phone gripped tightly in her hand. She stared at the text message you had sent earlier, her brow furrowed in confusion.
Perssila: You’re asking about rope? At Geo's place?
It didn’t make sense to her—Geo was a mystery, sure, but ropes? What exactly were you getting into over there? It had been hours since she last heard from you, and her mind was starting to spiral. A million thoughts ran through her head.
Had something happened?
Was Geo... too much for you?
The worst-case scenarios played out in her mind, one after the other. She bit her lip nervously, already preparing a second text, but she stopped herself.
Before she could hit send, she heard footsteps behind her. Crowe’s presence was unmistakable, and in an instant, he was lying beside her, his weight sinking into the bed as he settled on top of her, arms wrapping around her like a shield. His breath brushed against her ear, and she could feel the heat of his body pressing against hers.
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly, his voice low, but filled with concern.
She didn’t answer right away, her eyes still locked on the screen of her phone, the message lingering there like a question she couldn’t solve. She was worried—so damn worried about you. Geo is quiet and somewhat unpredictable. The fact that you went over there to get to know him more... it was risky. You were her friend, her responsibility, and yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that something had gone wrong.
“I just—” she started, her voice tight. “I haven’t heard from them in hours, Crowe. They went to Geo’s place, and I haven’t gotten any updates. I sent so many texts, and nothing. I—” She cut herself off, turning her head so her face was buried in the pillow, trying to shake off the gnawing feeling in her gut.
Crowe didn’t say anything at first, just tightened his arms around her, his hands rubbing soothing circles on her back. She could feel the steady beat of his heart against her own, the rhythm steady and reassuring.
“Geo’s not the kind of guy to hurt anyone,” Crowe murmured, his tone low and steady like he was trying to calm her with his words. “He’s… different. But I’m sure they’re fine. Geo’s not like that.”
Perssila let out a shaky breath, not fully convinced. She knew Crowe was trying to comfort her, but the lingering doubt still gnawed at her.
“Yeah, well,” she said, voice muffled into the pillow. “I’m still worried.”
She could feel Crowe shift, his lips brushing against the back of her neck in a soft, comforting kiss. It was gentle, meant to reassure her, to calm her fears. His lips were warm against her skin, and the way his breath ghosted over her ear made her body relax, if only slightly.
“Don’t worry so much,” Crowe said, his voice almost a whisper. “They’re tough. Geo wouldn’t hurt them, and if something was wrong, they would’ve called. You’ll hear from them soon, I promise.”
Perssila let herself breathe out, her body slowly relaxing under his touch.
Crowe stayed there for a moment longer, his arms wrapped securely around her as if trying to shield her from the worrying thoughts swirling in her mind. He kissed the back of her neck again, the soft pressure of his lips lingering just a bit longer this time before pulling away.
“Come on,” he said softly, his voice a little warmer now. “Let’s get our minds off this, yeah? Takeout’s on the way.”
Perssila let out a small, tired laugh, finally lifting her head from the pillow, her eyes meeting his. There was still some unease in her gaze, but Crowe’s presence was grounding. As much as she was worried about you, she knew she needed a break from the tension.
“I’m not hungry,” she muttered, though her stomach gave a soft, almost imperceptible growl, betraying her words.
Crowe raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. “You know we both ordered, right? And you can’t sit there and pretend you’re not starving. You’ve been running on stress all day.”
She huffed, but there was no real bite to it. She just didn’t want to admit that she was, in fact, hungry—just didn’t feel like she could relax, not when she was so caught up in thoughts of you.
“I don’t know,” she said with a little shrug. “Just... worried. About them. You know how they can get when they dive into something.”
Crowe nodded, looking sympathetic but determined. “Yeah, I get it. But hey, you can’t control everything. Sometimes you gotta just trust they’ve got it covered.” He gave her a soft but teasing smile. “Besides, you need energy to deal with me later.”
Despite herself, Perssila rolled her eyes, but the tension in her shoulders loosened, just a little. Crowe always had a way of getting her to laugh, even in moments when she felt like the world was too heavy.
“I’m not in the mood for your shenanigans,” she replied dryly, but her voice was softer now.
Crowe stood up from the bed, stretching his arms out above his head as he moved toward the door. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll warm up to them. Takeout’s here in fifteen. I’ll be in the kitchen setting it up.”
With that, he left the room, and Perssila lay there for a few moments longer, her mind still stuck on you. But she knew Crowe was right—she couldn’t keep worrying herself sick over things she couldn’t control.
Slowly, she pushed herself off the bed, grabbing her phone one last time to check for any updates. Nothing. But she didn’t have the energy to keep checking. Instead, she slipped into her slippers and padded into the kitchen, where Crowe was already arranging the takeout on the counter, the smell of hot food filling the air.
Perssila’s heart skipped a beat as the soft ping of the message broke the silence. Her fingers moved quickly, swiping to unlock her phone, and she practically tore open the message as soon as it appeared on her screen. Relief flooded her chest when she saw that it was from you.
You: Yeah, I’m chilling now.
Perssila exhaled in a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. The knot of worry in her stomach loosened, but only just a little. She quickly typed her response, her fingers almost moving too fast for her to catch up with herself.
Perssila: So... did you find out what the rope was for?
She bit her lip as she hit send, the question lingering on her mind like a thorn. She knew you were fine now, but her curiosity couldn't help but get the best of her. The thought of you over at Geo’s place, dealing with whatever the hell was going on there—it didn't sit right with her.
She sat back against the counter, her fingers drumming impatiently against the side of her phone as she waited for the reply
Her phone buzzed again, snapping her back to reality. Perssila’s eyes snapped to the screen, her heart quickening a little as she saw your message pop up.
You: Not what I expected... Let’s just say Geo’s got some interesting hobbies.
Perssila raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a slight smirk. Interesting hobbies? That’s one way to put it.
Perssila: Interesting how? You’re not in any kind of danger, right?"
She chewed on the edge of her thumb, hoping that she wasn’t reading too much into the cryptic message. She really didn’t want to sound like she was overthinking things, but she couldn’t help it. The idea of you over there, with Geo and whatever it was that he did... it didn’t sit right.
You: God no, he would never ! Kinda the opposite !
Perssila paused, trying to decipher what you meant. It sounded vague, and that only made her more curious.
She stared at the screen for a moment, fingers hovering over the keyboard, unsure of how to respond. She didn’t want to sound like she was pushing, but she couldn’t stop herself from asking the next question.
Perssila: What the opposite?? Girl explain…
Her stomach churned, a mix of concern and confusion settling in. She didn’t know what you were getting at, but it sounded like things had shifted in a way she hadn’t expected.
Geo’s 'interesting hobbies' and the way you'd worded things made her think that maybe you were a little more tangled up in all this than you were letting on.
You: Just... a lot of stuff I wasn’t expecting.
The suspense was killing her. What did that mean?
You: sent images !!!
Perssila let out a strangled noise, somewhere between a gasp and a scream, her phone slipping from her fingers and clattering onto the counter.
“What the actual fuck,” she whispered to herself, staring at the device as it had personally committed a crime against her. But despite her body’s visceral reaction, her hands itched to pick the phone back up, to confirm that she hadn’t just hallucinated whatever the hell you had just sent her.
Slowly, hesitantly, she snatched it back and forced herself to look at the images again.
The first one was already enough to make her brain melt—your arms bound behind your back, the ropes so expertly placed that they framed your body like something out of a goddamn high-fashion photoshoot. The tension in the bindings was obvious, snug but not harsh, emphasizing every curve and dip in a way that was almost too intimate. It was... artistic. Too artistic.
She swallowed hard, her fingers gripping the phone like it was the only thing grounding her in reality.
Then the second photo.
Perssila slammed a hand over her mouth to muffle the horrified squeak that nearly escaped. Geo’s goddamn foot was planted firmly on your back, pressing you down against the floor in a way that was undeniably dominant. The bastard wasn’t even looking at the camera properly—his gaze was fixed on you, half-lidded and unreadable, like he was admiring his own work.
"Oh my god," she muttered, her brain absolutely refusing to comprehend the implications.
But then—the third image.
Her stomach dropped. She should ignore it. She really, really should. But of course, she didn’t.
With trembling fingers, she tapped on the notification, opening the third picture.
Perssila regretted everything.
Geo was seated behind you, his pale hand curled loosely around your throat, fingers pressing just enough to tilt your chin up. Your lips were parted slightly, your expression unreadable but undeniably relaxed, almost like you belonged there. Like this was normal.
And the ropes? The way they framed you? The way they emphasized every inch of your body?
Her soul left her body.
She barely had time to process it before another message popped up.
You: Just Geo and I playing around. I learned some things about him. About myself too, I guess.
Perssila: LEARNED WHAT???
You: Noooo, you’re fine. It’s all fun. Geo has taste.
Perssila screamed into her hands, her stomach twisted in confusion, concern, and the undeniable urge to scream. What kind of ‘learning’ was this?? What did you mean you were learning about yourself?!
Meanwhile, Crowe, who had been quietly watching her meltdown from across the room, finally leaned over, his curiosity piqued.
"What’s got you all worked up?" he asked, his tone far too casual.
Just as she was about to throw her phone across the room, Crowe’s voice sliced through the tension in the air, his frown deepening as he noticed her sudden, extreme reaction.
"Everything okay?" His voice held a soft, concerned edge as he set his food down and leaned forward.
Perssila jerked, her face heating up even further. She quickly tried to swipe the phone out of view, hoping he wouldn’t see what she was looking at, but it was too late. Crowe squinted. His eyes flicked between the images, his expression unreadable. Then, slowly, he sucked in a breath through his teeth.
“Damn.” He leaned back, nodding to himself. “Did not have that on my bingo card.”
Perssila slapped his arm. “This isn’t funny, Crowe!”
He chuckled, rubbing his arm as he stole another glance at the screen. “I mean... it kinda is.”
Perssila groaned again, dropping her head onto the table. “I hate everything.”
Another message.
You: Don’t worry. It’s all safe, promise. Geo’s a real perfectionist when it comes to this. It’s called ~shibari~. 😌
Perssila lifted her head just enough to type out a response.
You: Because I am !
Perssila stared at her message, her mind struggling to comprehend what she was reading. Her phone buzzed again with another reply, and against her better judgment, she looked.
You: sent an image !
A selfie from you popped up, your face in a peace sign, a grin stretching across your face, while Geo lay on top of you—completely out of it, arms wrapped around you like a teddy bear, his face nestled against your neck, dead asleep. You looked half-amused, half-chilled, while Geo was in another world, like a snuggly corpse.
Perssila: …Mission success, huh? 😑
You: Yeah. He’s a snuggly corpse now. 10/10.
Perssila groaned and dropped her face into her hands, completely mortified.
Crowe’s gaze was still locked on her, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "You okay there, love?" He asked his tone teasing but with an undercurrent of genuine concern.
She glanced at him, blushing hard, but the absurdity of the situation made her crack a smile. “…I’m never going to unsee that," she muttered, rolling her eyes.
Meanwhile, back with you, your eyes lingered on your phone, a mix of emotions twisting in your chest. You hoped Perssila knew you hadn’t meant any harm with the pictures—you thought it was funny. But despite that, an awkward tightness settled inside you, making it hard to shake the unease.
Just as you were about to type something else, Geo suddenly reached up and snatched the phone straight from your hands. The sudden movement startled you, your body freezing for a moment as your gaze snapped to him.
He still held you tightly, one strong arm wrapped securely around your waist, keeping your back pressed against his chest. The warmth of him was grounding, but his grip on the phone was firm, ignoring any protest you might’ve made.
You blinked in shock, barely able to process what just happened before his fingers curled around the back of your neck, pulling you in closer. The motion was gentle but deliberate, keeping you locked against him.
“Be still,” he murmured, his voice low and unwavering, carrying a quiet authority that made it impossible to ignore. His thumb absently brushed over your wrist, the same one that had been holding your phone just moments ago. You could feel the subtle tension in his muscles, the way his body stayed attuned to yours as if making sure you didn’t slip away.
“No texting Perssila right now.”
You stared at him, confusion flickering across your face. "How do you even know I was texting her?" you asked, your tone just a little accusing.
Geo exhaled sharply, amusement flickering in his eyes as he kept his hold on you. "Because," he said, tilting his head slightly, "I saw the messages and missed calls from her earlier—before we took those pictures of you."
Your stomach flipped.
Your mouth opened, but no words came out at first, your mind scrambling to catch up. "You—what?" you finally spluttered, unable to hide the shock in your voice. You’d assumed he was just letting you send a few messages, not that he had been paying attention the entire time.
Geo exhaled, shaking his head, though the subtle smirk tugging at his lips gave away his amusement. "You really thought I wouldn’t notice?"
Your face heated instantly. “I’m sorry, Geo, I—”
He cut you off with a quiet chuckle, his grip on your waist unwavering. “Relax. I don’t really care if it’s just between her.” His voice was calm, almost too casual. “And I’m sure Jericho saw too.”
Your stomach dropped.
He gave the slightest squeeze, his fingers pressing against your side, grounding you in place. “I just have to make sure they keep quiet about it.”
You swallowed hard, pulse hammering in your ears. There was something about the way he said it—so effortless, so damn confident—that sent a shiver down your spine.
This man was impossible.
And yet…
Who would've thought a little bondage would lead to this?
#the kid at the back x reader#the kid at the back vn#tkatb#tkatb vn#tkatb geo#subaru oogami#geo oogami#the kid at the back mc#tkatb geo x reader#the kid at the back geo#tkatb smut
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Sorry for asking but do you do twt links?
yes i do — and it's for sub!san 🤭
i call this one: failed cockwarming
cw: smut (18+), nsfw link, sub!san, praise kink, edging, overstimulation, m!squirting, cockwarming (obvi), piv + unprotected
note: there's nothing i love more than a whiny, desperate man, completely lost for the touch of his partner...(did not mean to make this 1k words lol) -- also WHAT A CUTIE
there's been one thing you've wanted to try with your boyfriend for a while now: cockwarming.
you've been building him up to it, knowing how desperate he gets once he's inside of you. how do you expect him to be a good patient boy while you're sitting on his cock if you don't train him?
it started with a series of edging sessions. you make him sit on the couch or against the headboard of the bed and slowly stroke him, refusing to speed up or hold him firmer. your fingers glide over the blushing silk-like skin, drawing shutters and moans from his perfect lips. he begs you sweetly, eyes already shiny with desperation, but you refuse to give in. it's for his own good, you tell yourself.
every time he tries to buck his hips against your hold, you use your other hand to hold him down, scolding him lightly for being so greedy. after bringing him to the edge a few times, he's shaking under you, cock hard and throbbing for relief. his eyes are red and wet from frustrated tears, his lips are shiny and plump from all the lip bitting, and there's a cute blush that's spread over his pretty face.
when you finally let him cum, his eyes roll to the back of his head and his flushed chest heaves beautifully from the intensity of his climax. he cums so much.
it spills over your fingers and trails down your wrist, making a mess of his lap. he whimpers desperately as you continue to stroke him. he tries to back away from the overwhelming painful pleasure of being overstimulated, but you keep pinned in his spot, interested to see how much he can handle.
he ends up having his first squirting experience, completely soaking everything around him -- including you.
"i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to--" he's embarrassed, pouting with a blush as he stares at the soaked sheets under him. you drag your thumb over his thigh comfortingly and can't help but admire the way he shudders just from the faint touch.
"you did so good for me, sannie. you looked so pretty squirting for me like that~" the praise immediately calms him down, happy to please you and that you're not mad about the mess (but then again, you never are).
you thought this practiced restraint would help san acclimate to cockwarming. it's not like you're moving against him or anything. it's all about enjoy each other's company and the feeling of being connected. apparently there's a very big difference between your fist and your pussy.
it started off promising. you approached san with your idea:
"sannie..." you're playing with his hair delicately as he rests his head on your lap. it's a routine bonding moment that san regularly begs for. it makes him feel doted on and secure, and it usually leads to him falling asleep at the end.
he opens his eyes gently, already bleary with an adorable sleepy expression.
"i was thinking..." you hum, massaging his scalp as you speak, "there's this thing that apparently brings couples closer together. it's supposed to be very comforting and intimate."
you swear, if he were a cat his ears would've been perked up at the mere mention of 'being closer' -- as if you could be any closer to each other. you practically spend every minute together.
he turns his head so he's looking at you more directly, "what is it?"
it's only been a few minutes and he's already whining under you. you feel so full and warm, perfectly draped over his body as he stuffs you to the brim. if it weren't for his desperate whines and the way he's throbbing inside of you, you swear you could fall asleep like this.
you've been trying to placate him with small kisses along his face and neck -- but it's only making it worse.
"it's okay, sannie, just relax." you coo, "don't think about it, i'm right here, baby..."
he whimpers softly, "i-i can't, it's -- mmph..."
he holds onto your waist firmly, trying to hold back. you can't help the way your body reacts when he squeezes you tightly with his large hands, the pressure feels amazing. you unconsciously clench around him, causing him to buck his hips against yours unsteadily with a choked out moan.
"f-fuck...sorry, baby, i didn't mean to do that~" you whisper against the heated skin of his neck. you press lazy kisses against him, already half-delirious from that scant bit of movement. "just stay here with me..."
your hands move to ghost over his chest, one of your favorite parts of his body. he's surprisingly sensitive there, gasping whenever you flick over his nipples or grope his pecs. you know you shouldn't, but you can't help the way your fingers circle around his pretty blush buds. he shivers from the contact and shallowly thrusts into you again.
"s-stop, it's too much." he lets go of your waist to grab your wrists, forcing your hands away from his chest. with misty eyes, he looks up at you, "i'm trying to be good, but i'm gonna cum if you keep doing that."
he looks fucking edible like this.
fuck it.
you take advantage of the weak hold around your wrists and push both of your arms to the top of the mattress. he looks lost as you pin him to the bed, weary eyes anticipating your next move.
"i was trying to do something new with you, but you just can't help it can you?" you tease, "so sensitive that you'll do anything to cum, hm?"
it's almost like he can't hear you, reeling from the teasing words that drip from your enticing lips.
you squeeze him within you again. that gets his attention.
"anything" he pants eagerly.
"fuck me, baby."
#san x reader#choi san x reader#san smut#choi san smut#ateez x reader#ateez smut#twt links#ateez links
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AGAIN . . ? ⋆.˚

summary: after a night out, you wake up in a bed you know all too well.. again.
warnings: single mention of vomiting (she’s hungover let a girl live smh), reference to previous sexual activities, ending leads to sex, but no details are given - lmk if i missed anything!
a/n: hi lovelies!! this is my obx fic writer debut, so pretty please go easy on me :,) my requests are open 24/7 and i’m really excited to be in this amazin community! enjoy this lil thing xx
wc: 922

you groan, your head feeling like it’s being, repeatedly, banged against a wall, lids heavy with sleep and an impending hangover. the morning sunlight shining in through the covers was blinding, another tired sound slipping past your lips.
you think nothing of it when you notice that the messy sheets surrounding you are different from yours - that’s ‘cause you’d changed them not too long ago.
but when the sound of movement behind you breaks your thoughts, you sigh in.. disappointment? anger? anyway; the feeling was targeted towards yourself.
your phone vibrates next to the pillow your head was resting on, an alarm chiming in the warm room. you turn it off, taking it in your hands. a text catches your eye.
ah, fuck.
sar 🤍
pls don’t telk me that u lrft wit my brotger again
Delivered: 01:54 AM
well.. that confirms your suspicions.
you and rafe had an.. interesting relationship, to put it mildly. glances around tannyhill soon became hook-ups in his bedroom and truck after parties. sneaking around the cameron household, stolen kisses and sweat beaded bodies slowly becoming a norm.
but, damn it, was he fucking imposs—
“fuck you doin’ up so early?” rafe’s voice invades your hearing, making you wonder if killing yourself would be a good option right about now.
“how much did i have t’drink?” you grumble as you put down your phone and press your cheek against the cool pillow, your face slightly squished.
“why?” he asks, his tone lacking any sign of patience. shocking.
“‘cause i’m here. again,” a dry scoff leaves your raw throat (probably from the vomiting. great fuckin’ job!).
“..a decent amount,” he answers, chuckling with no emotion behind the small laugh “way too early for this shit, baby,” the nickname spills from his lips before he could even think about it - a habit, almost.
“told y’not to call me that, rafe,” you mumble, groaning hoarsely when you sit up and stand up from the plush bed. you catch a glimpse of yourself in his mirror, brows furrowing as you gaze into the glass.
yesterday’s clothes? gone.
panties? still there.
what was new, though, was the black tee framing your body. the fabric was soft and smelled of.. him. fuck, his perfume was intoxicating. what did he use again? eh, whatever - all you knew was that it smelled divine. and expensive.
“did we..?” you ask carefully, turning to face him from your place on the floor. he simply shakes his head, huffing.
“nah. drunk outta your mind.”
you nod in acknowledgment, biting the inside of your cheek in thought.
“did you.. want to?” another question from you fills the room. he shrugs, sitting up. the white covers fall from his bare upper half, crumpling in his lap.
“no shit,” he scoffs, scratching his nose before he continues, “didn’t wanna.. y’know— take advantage of you. basic human decency and stuff. would’a been wrong.”
he was rambling. a bit, at least. you’d never seen him like this and.. to be completely honest? it was kinda cute. you nod again, the corners of your mouth tilting up a bit. you try to fight the smile starting to break through, but god, was it difficult.
“right, yeah. uh.. thanks,” you mutter and chuckle quietly. to your complete surprise, his lips turn up an inch, a hint of a smile playing on them. he stands up and the duvet falls behind him, a pair of boxers being the only thing on his toned form. he steps closer to you, towering. bastard.
“sarah texted?” he asks, tilting his head. fuck him and his fucking teasing, and his fucking smile, and his—
“mhm. jumble of letters, really, but yeah. why?” you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest. you don’t miss the way rafe’s baby blues flicker down to the movement, before meeting your gaze again.
“think we have some time ‘fore she scolds us again?” his voice was just barely above a whisper, a small smirk grazing the corner of his mouth.
“maybe,” you reply, shrugging.
before you could fully finish saying the word, his lips were crashing into yours, big hands cradling your face. his ring was cold against your heated skin. an audible hitch of your breath travels into his mouth as you kiss him back, your own hands brushing up his muscular arms. his biceps flex underneath your touch, the feeling sending a jolt up your spine.
he’s devouring your fucking face at this point - like a man starved. your back meets a wall, a soft gasp leaving your mouth. rafe swallows the sound, a small grunt escaping his throat. he pulls away after a few moments, his forehead resting against yours as he pants.
“fuck, baby.. can’t stay away for t’long,” he whispers, “that okay with you?”
you chuckle, slightly out of breath, “d’you hear me complaining?”
“that’s my girl,” he drawls, his signature smirk filling your sight.
in one swift motion, his hands reach down and grasp your thighs, lifting you up. instinctively, your legs wrap around his waist. he leaves small wet kisses on your neck, his breath hot against yours skin, all while his thumb rubs circles into the small of your back.
your back meets his plush bed again, the man in front of you already on his knees. his eyes flicker from your panties to your eyes, that fucking proud smirk plastered on his smug face.
“you got time, right?” he chuckles, kissing up your inner thigh.
you nod, breathing heavily.
oh, you were definitely sober now.

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Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 150 (Inventing - or Reinventing? - Time Travel)
To research the possibilities of time travel, Felix Psyded, Esquire, and his girlfriend, Lilith Pleasant, had spent months at Laurel Library in Britechester. Emit's knowledge had proven helpful, but his device was too advanced for modern times and required materials yet to be discovered. They had a lot to learn, and often studied late into the evening.
These two - an attorney and a podcaster - knew next to nothing about programming or biometric sciences. But Lilith, especially, was determined to make a device to chase Emit's time thief, and Felix would stay by her side in any decade.
"I checked out a copy of A History of Time Travel like Ash suggested," she said eagerly. Felix quickly flipped her laptop to The Sims Archives, Volume 2, disguising the webpage he'd really been reading. "Are you enjoying the game? I didn't realize how much I missed playing it!"
He nodded absentmindedly, and Lilith noticed. She was about to raise the question when her twin sister, Angela, emerged from behind the bookshelves with a programming guide. "Geez, this stuff is difficult," she complained. "How are you planning to learn all this to make a time travel device?"
"Ash was taken with a faulty remote," explained Lilith. "He said we need to program it correctly or we might end up lost in time, but he's been a huge help on some things we just can't wrap our heads around."
"It's pretty crazy to let a nine-year-old help you build a device to jump through time. And how did he invent it already, because Emit's here, but not invent it yet at the same time?"
Lilith scowled at her twin. They'd been polar opposites since high school, and Lilith always felt a sense of moral superiority oozing from her earthy pastel pores. "Why are you even here, Angela? We didn't ask you for help."
"Excuse me for being interested!"
A librarian shushed them from somewhere beyond the tall rows of mahogany bookshelves, and Lilith leaned in to whisper. "You're not interested in the device, you're interested in Emit."
Angela caught herself before she let out a yowl, aghast at the suggestion. "A blue-haired time traveler? Please! Do I look desperate?"
Felix poked his head in gently, having built up a good relationship with Lilith's family. "No, but you look infatuated every time he's on TV. I don't blame you, really. He's polite, and he could well be handsome behind those sunglasses. He's mysterious; it's alluring!"
"Lil, if you're not careful, you're going to lose your boyfriend to Emit Relevart."
Lilith rolled her eyes and changed the subject as Angela huffed. "Ash thinks we need to look for something called a shard of time, which he first read about in Theoretical Electronics. He reads so fast, it's amazing! He says the shards are hard to spot, but if you look at something long enough, relax your mind, you'll see slight discoloration in an object. Once you see it, you can pick it up with your fingers. Ash said he found one on the toilet in his bathroom at home."
(This is Ash pondering time travel on the toilet for the quest points. I know it doesn't look like it but some of the event reward animations are sus or my game is broken. The actual books - Theoretical Electronics and A History of Time Travel - never appeared in Lilith's hands. That's why she's reading a violin skill book, which she picked herself when she was done reading the invisible books.)
"So you're going to go stare at toilets for a while?"
"Refrigerators, too," said Felix.
"This is so weird, you guys. Are you really serious about this?"
"After Felix is done work tomorrow, we're going back to Willow Creek to talk to Emit some more." Angela tried to stuff her hopeful expression and Lilith let out an exaggerated sigh. "Did you want to come with us?"
"Well...if you think I'd be helpful I'd be happy to-"
"Ange..." Lilith pursed her lips. She loved her sister, but she was always like this. "I said you could come and meet Emit. Don't act like it's a favour to me."
They made it to Willow Creek Park the next evening, where they found Emit still wandering the paths. He smiled and waved when he spotted the girls waiting for Felix near the public restroom. "Lilith Pleasant! I hoped you'd be back. Most of the gawkers have been unserious, and they don't come around as much now that the news cycle's moved on a little."
"We wouldn't know where to begin, but we've been getting help from someone...Does the name Ash Landgraab mean anything to you?"
After everything they'd learned about Ash's visit from the ghost of Marco, Lilith posed her question carefully. When Emit frowned, shaking his head, her shoulders dropped in relief. "Everyone's heard of the Landgraabs, but Ash Landgraab doesn't really ring a bell. Why?"
The sisters looked at each other. "When you're from, who invented time travel?"
Emit laughed as Felix joined them. "That's one of life's great mysteries! It's thought whoever invented it wanted - or needed - to be protected, so their identity was kept secret. When I was at the academy, there were rumours the inventor was a kid and that's why their name was never recorded, but some say people did know, and the inventor was well known once upon a time, but the truth was lost to history."
Felix chuckled. "Perhaps the truth was hidden by another time thief."
Lilith and Angela laughed with him, but Emit's face held a stern expression. "Time thieves aren't that funny. They could erase history as we know it if they try hard enough. Some days, my wristboard pings so often, each time they move to a new time, I can't possibly chase them alone. We're lucky the one we're dealing with is just dropping household furnishings all over the place. So far." He dropped his voice in an ominous tone. "But even that could break the strings holding time in place."
"Wow, you know so much!" Angela gushed at the blue-haired man, and he looked back to Lilith with a curious expression.
"Is this your clone?"
Lilith laughed, but Angela laughed louder. "This is my twin sister, Angela."
"It's nice to meet you, Angela."
They shared a sweet smile, and Lilith glanced knowingly at Felix. "We also wanted to ask you about shards of time," she said. "Where are the best places to look for them?"
Emit looked back to Lilith as though he'd forgotten she was there. "Shards? Oh shards! Sorry, our tech hasn't had to use shards for a long time. Shiny surfaces are best, but I suppose they could be anywhere, really, if you look long enough."
"That's what Ash said."
"This Ash sounds fascinating. I'd like to meet him, or his guardians, since you mentioned last time he's a child, didn't you? You're...you're not saying he's the one who invented time travel..."
"He hasn't yet," said Angela. "He's almost ten, but these two would probably be hopeless without him. He's the one who discovered the shards."
"A child Landgraab invents time travel? That is a headline!"
"His parents - at least his mother and his stepfather - don't want people hounding him the rest of his life."
"I don't blame them. It's important to protect children - even brilliant ones."
"Should you meet him some day, I think you'd be quite impressed by him," said Felix. "He's nothing like the rest of the Landgraabs."
Emit laughed. "What do you mean? The Landgraabs are incredible. They spent six billion simoleons to end global hunger and built the ship that stopped the asteroid. A Landgraab is president of Simlandia right now. Well, right where I came from."
Felix shared looks of surprise with Lilith and Angela. "Maybe Marco's stunt changed more than we thought," he mused.
Felix and Lilith paid attention to each other while Angela made small talk with Emit. But Emit seemed uninterested in her flirty advances, which he returned with friendly nods and turned glances.
Before they left him in the early hours of the morning, Felix gave him a burner phone so they could reach out if they had more questions. Emit took the untraceable phone willingly, glancing quickly at Angela before sending them home with polite goodbyes.
When they got back to the old three-story home they shared with Angela and her parents in Gibbs Hill, Lilith quickly went to bed. But Felix was mulling something over in his mind.
He tried reading, but his mind moved too fast to take in the paragraphs. When dawn finally broke and he left for work the next morning, he called his favourite grumpy police captain on the way.
"Hey. I know it's early, but I was wondering if you had a few minutes. I've got a problem I need to talk about..." ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 2.1 Summary
Gen 1 Start | Gen 1 Summary
Last shot is of Felix is his work attire and not on the phone with Conrad because I liked it. He is not without swagger!
NOTE: If you've played through the event, you know the story is diverging a bit from the strict tasks since Emit isn't the sole source of information for Lilix here. Also, Angela had that instant attraction to Emit and I want to see if I can see that through. Even though Emit is being very professional-adjacent about it, he accepted some of her flirts, but not all, so I gave it a rest before he got mad. But once again, I'm making something much bigger than it is for the sake of plot.
#sims 4#sims 4 gameplay#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 legacy#sims in bloom#ts4#ts4 gameplay#ts4 legacy#ts4 screenshots#sims 4 story#ts4 story#legacy challenge#sims legacy#ts4 legacy challenge#gen 2#blast from the past event#felix psyded#lilith pleasant#angela pleasant#emit relevart#britechester#willow creek
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Tara Carpenter x reader
“Maybe Tara wanted to be more than your friend”
Genre – smut Warnings – mentions distant parents
Now playing – What You Need, by The Weeknd

Tara Carpenter was never very open about how she felt. She struggled with her emotions, most of the time keeping everything to herself until she couldn't take it anymore and exploded. She knew it was a bad thing to do, something that would only harm herself, but she still couldn't act any other way.
Any feeling, anger, sadness, sometimes even happiness, Tara kept inside her, even if her heart was on the verge of exploding. Even though Tara had been doing this since she was practically a child, she still couldn't hide certain feelings from her friends. Which meant that everyone knew about Tara's huge crush on you.
You and Tara were complicated to say the least, always flirting with each other, holding hands around the campus, kissing at some frat parties, you've certainly lost potential people who were interested in the two of you because they thought you and Tara were dating. All this just so that at the end of the day, you and Tara could raise the flag of friendship and make everyone around you want to kick your asses.
Your friends had had enough. Holy shit! Sam had had enough. All they wanted most was to see you finally admit your feelings for each other, and believe me, they tried everything. Double dates with Anika and Mindy, going out bowling as a couple with Chad and Liv, Ethan and Bailey even tried flirting with both of you to see if you'd get any reaction, but Bailey just got scared of Tara's stares and Ethan backed off because he was sure he'd get punched by you if he stayed by Tara's side for one more second. Amber even locked you in the bathroom once! But that only earned her screams and more screams.
At some point, everyone was convinced that you might have to figure it out on your own. They didn't know when, they didn't know where, and they certainly had no idea how close it was to happening. Which brings us to the present moment.
You and Tara always liked to do everything together, and with a big test coming up, you and the Carpenter girl decided it would be a good idea to study together. Your house wasn't noisy, you're sure your brother would stay at his girlfriend's for many days, and your parents were never home, preferring work to spending any time with the family they decided to build themselves.
Walking to your room - where you and Tara were studying - you carried two glasses of lemonade. Summer was coming and the cold drink seemed perfect to quench your thirst.
“Man, this is really good.” You said, taking a sip of the liquid in the glass after handing Tara's glass to her.
Convinced by your tone, Tara brought the glass to her lips, her eyes widening slightly when she saw that you were right. “Wow, you really know how to make something.” Tara says, mocking you.
“Hey! Of course I know, who the hell do you think I am?”
Practically throwing yourself into your chair, you felt yourself going slightly backwards in a jolt. Momentarily forgetting that the wheelchair would move if you threw yourself onto it. The sudden movement caused the glass to tip slightly, causing much of the liquid to splash onto your white shirt.
“Oh, fuck!” Getting up quickly, you heard Tara laughing, glancing at the girl in time to catch her looking at you with a funny face.
“ Dude, you're such a loser.” Laughing even harder at the scowl on your face, Tara turned around in her wheelchair, following you with her eyes as you walked towards your closet, pulling at your shirt to remove it from your body.
“Yeah, very funny. Suck my dick, Carpenter."
Tara knew you meant it in another way, but seeing your muscly back and catching a glimpse of your abdomen and the muscles in your arms made Tara wish you had meant it in the way she was thinking.
Who could blame her? You were always Tara's ideal type, from the first day she saw you she knew she'd have a fucking crush on you. You were tall, strong, beautiful, had a style to envy, you were polite and funny at the same time. You were everything Tara had always asked the heavens for. But she was afraid, afraid of ruining the friendship you had created over all these years. So she kept accepting the crumbs you gave her, because that was better than losing you completely.
You and Tara had made out before, but it never went beyond that. Tara knew you had a nice body, and she was even more sure now. With your closet doors open, Tara could see you perfectly well, innocently looking for another shirt, totally oblivious to the hungry gaze the younger Carpenter had in your direction.
“You know, it's not a bad idea.” Frowning at what Tara had said, you continued looking for a clean, stylish shirt to wear, oblivious to Carpenter's movement around your room.
“What?” you asked, genuinely confused when a strangely nervous Tara approached you.
“It wouldn't be a bad idea for me to suck your dick.” In disbelief, you looked at Tara with slightly wide eyes.
You'd never even talked about sex, let alone considered it. “You're kidding, right?”
“Why? Do you think you can't handle me?” Tara asked, her fingers gripping the belt loops of your pants, pulling you closer and making you slightly nervous.
“I can handle it. Can you handle it, Carpenter?” You said, pulling the shorter girl closer by the waist.
God, you loved Tara's waist, it was so small in your hands, it made you feel so big.
“Why don't you come and find out...”
In all the talk, that was more than enough to make you move forward, kissing Tara's lips with desire. Your hands squeezed the girl's slender waist and Tara's sighs were like music to your ears. Her lips tasted like strawberries from the lipstick, and the kiss had a slight aftertaste of the lemonade you were drinking a few minutes ago.
You couldn't believe it, Tara was simply the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen, and here you were, about to have sex with her. You were nervous, but you had to get over it. You wanted it to be good for Tara, as much as you knew it would be for you.
Tara gasps as you lift her off the floor, wrapping her legs around your waist, Tara noticing that you were holding her with just one arm, while the other groped the walls, looking for the way out, as you were too busy kissing Tara's neck to lift your head. Finally emerging from the closet, you walk over to the bed, carefully tossing Tara onto it before climbing on top of her.
“Fuck, you're so hot, Tara.” Lowering your kisses to her breasts, you tugged at the hem of Carpenter's shirt in a silent request to take it off.
“ Fuck, Yn. Do whatever you want to me!” With a smile on your face, you pulled Tara's shirt off, your fingers quickly going up and opening the clasp of the girl's bra.
“God, you're so beautiful, Tara.” Hearing your words, the Carpenter girl's body shivered, making her let out a moan as you massaged her breasts - now free of the fabric -.
“Do you like it?” Looking at you in bewilderment, Tara saw you laugh a little. “Do you like it when I compliment you, Tara?”
Tara moaned, confirming what you wanted to know.
“Do you like it when I say you're being a good girl for me?” Tara moaned awkwardly as you took her nipple in your mouth, sucking slowly without giving the girl a chance to respond to your teasing.
Taking advantage of Tara's distraction in the fog, you unbuttoned the girl's pants, pulling the garment off her body, seeing the damp stain forming on her panties.
“Fuck, are you already wet?” You teased, leaving a kiss on Tara's clit under the fabric of her underwear, only for the Carpenter girl to let out a loud moan.
“You do that to me.” Tara said, pulling your hair closer to her intimacy. “Please fuck me.”
You smiled, knowing that you were making the most of this moment. Even as you felt your cock growing in your pants, you decided that you wanted to make the most of that moment.
Removing Tara's panties, you gave her pussy an experimental lick, collecting all the juices that flowed from it. “Uhmm, you're delicious, Tara.” Hearing Tara moan, you continued your work.
Grabbing the brunette's legs, you gained more access to her intimacy, sucking her clit and making the woman squirm in your arms. “Please, Yn. I need more.”
Looking at the woman, you could see Tara's watery eyes, those eyes that seemed to beg for your pity, those eyes that made you want to torture her even more with pleasure. But at that moment, those eyes made you give in.
Standing up, you unbuttoned your pants, making Tara lean on her elbows so she wouldn't miss a second of the show. When Tara saw the bulge in your underwear, her mouth was already dry, she had imagined how big you were, even felt it a few times when she was sitting on your lap at parties, but she never thought she would see it up close.
Seeing Tara look at you as if you were a piece of meat, you let out a snort, reaching out to grab a condom from the drawer of your bedside table. “Drooling too much?”
“Shut up.” Tara said, the smile on her lips letting you know she was enjoying the moment. “I think you talk too much.”
Looking at Tara with a raised eyebrow, you watched the girl kneel on the bed, reaching up only to take the condom from your hand, settling back on the bed with a predatory look on her face. “You don't know what you're talking about...”
“Come here and show me.” Overcome by desire, you took off your underwear, making your cock jump free and hit your abs.
Climbing onto the bed, you made your way between Tara's legs, kissing the Carpenter girl as soon as you had the chance. You gasped into the kiss as soon as you felt Tara's hand reach your cock, feeling her pump a few times, you spread kisses across her neck, distracting yourself while the younger Carpenter put the condom on you.
Moving up from her neck to Tara's jaw, you pulled away from her slightly, looking into her brown eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Rolling her eyes, Tara put a sarcastic smile on her face. “Why? Don't you think you can handle it?”
Getting onto your knees properly, you watched Tara lie back comfortably on your pillows. “I just want to make sure you're comfortable with it, Tara.”
Seeing that you were serious, the Carpenter girl stretched out her arm, her hand resting on your waist, only for her to shake her head, as if finally realizing that you wanted a sincere answer from her.
“Of course I do.” Sitting up properly on the bed, Tara's hand reached for the back of your neck, pulling you until your forehead was resting against hers. “I've never wanted anything as much as I want this, Yn.”
Seeing you nod, Tara smiled, pulling you into a kiss and making you lie on top of her. One of your hands was on her waist, while the other guided your cock to her wet pussy.
Carefully, you slid the head of your cock into Tara, making the woman moan into the kiss. “Fuck, you're so big!”
“You like that, pretty girl?” Tara moaned at the nickname, ecstatic as you sank into her inch by inch.
“Fuck, I love it.” Taking your hand in hers, she looked up at you, almost as if asking your permission.
With your cock all impaled inside Tara, you took both her hands, intertwining them with yours and placing them on top of her head. Your thrusts began at a slow pace, but increased in line with Tara's desperate pleas.
The brunette underneath you was ecstatic, she was loving it, you were even better than Tara had imagined. You could make the hard feel soft, and the fast feel loving, you could make Tara feel two ways at the same time. She had never had sex with someone who made her feel loved and dirty at the same time.
The words and compliments you whispered to her made Tara's stomach churn with pleasure, your big, sturdy form on top of her gave her the feeling of protection and imposingness that she used to hate with guys out there. But Tara knew you weren't a guy, and you weren't even close to being a jerk like them either.
You managed to be gentle and loving amidst the brutality of your thrusts, you managed to leave Tara wanting more, you were making the brunette see stars. And it was only when Tara felt that no forming that she let out a loud moan, which was quickly muffled by your lips on hers.
You knew Tara was coming, when you pulled away from the kiss, you saw her eyes roll back, her hands squeezing yours as it became harder and harder to move inside her. Slowing your thrusts, you followed Tara all the way up her, still hitting her g-spot as you chased your own orgasm.
Kissing Tara's forehead, you thrust a few more times, seeing tears of pleasure in the woman's eyes. Grunting, you pulled your cock out of Tara, masturbating quickly and watching the jets of your come fill the condom.
“Fuck...” Taking off the condom, you went to the bathroom, disposing of it in the trash and getting back into bed as quickly as possible, worried that Tara would think it meant nothing to you.
Lying next to the brunette, you could see the smile on her face. Crawling closer to her, you left a kiss on the younger Carpenter's cheek, making her look at you with heartfelt eyes.
“Was it good for you?” you asked, still worried that you hadn't satisfied the woman.
“Are you kidding?” Tara asked, settling down on your bare chest. “It was the best fuck of my life.” She said laughing.
Smiling, you looked at Tara, the words stuck in your throat. “Did that... mean anything? Or like, are we just friends who fuck?” You asked, laughing nervously.
“Yn, I never wanted to be just your friend.” Tara said, leaning in and kissing your lips.
A feeling of relief ran through your body. Finally, you had the girl you'd always wanted, and you were going to do everything to make her happy.

hey guys, I hope you're well.
I'm very happy to be posting here today, I hope I'll be able to post some short requests and some thoughts that you send as well.
did you see the oscars? honestly, i'm very happy that “i'm still here” won an award. And although I was rooting for Fernanda until the last minute, I'm also very happy for Mikey. And I want to say that this profile does not support ANY kind of hate or misogyny towards Mikey.
Mikey is a kind and loving soul, and she's just doing her job. So I want to make it clear that I don't support any kind of hate.
anyway, that's it. drink water, stay safe
xoxo, spider.
#gxg imagine#request#g!p reader#gxg smut#jenna ortega x reader#tara carpenter x g!p reader#tara carpenter x you#tara carpenter x female reader#tara carpenter x reader#spiderb00bs
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Elriels are funny. We've been in Azriel's head. One time and know exactly what he's thinking. He is attracted to Elain... but that's all. Their story would never be about choosing love over a bond because Azriel's only motive to go after her is because he believes she should be his mate. His brothers are mated to her sisters, so, in his mind, it's only natural he should be mated to Elain. Even if they ended up together somehow, Azriel's fixation with the bond would not fade, because it's already there when he thinks of the middle Archeron sister. The moment Azriel found his mate would also be the moment he left Elain. And that mate will be Gwyn. He will leave Elain the moment the bond snaps for him and Gwyn.
Are you a romance reader? Like I’m genuinely asking anon if you read romance books a lot? Because in 90% of romance books the love interests don’t confess any sort of feelings for a while into their love story.Romantic pairings in romance books usually start out w lust. (Especially in sjms books)The author shows the reader that the MC’s are into each other by the way the characters act, by their actions toward each other and then once the story gets going we get the love confessions. We haven’t even had Azriel or Elains story yet.
We have been n Azriels pov for one singular bonus chapter. Of course we’re not going to get any sort of love confessions in a bonus chapter. Remember Cassian & Nestas bonus chapter from Acomaf? When we were in cassians pov was he thinking about how much he loved or deeply cared for Nesta? NO LOL he was thinking about how badly he wanted her. His physical attraction to her… they had a almost kiss that didn’t happen in that bonus chapter as well. HMM SOUND FAMILIAR?!?!
But I’ll play along….
So Azriel and Elain get to know each other slowly over two years and then start to like each other… he spends time alone with her in the garden and on Soltice in acofas past 3am never once makes a move on her just hangs and talks w her…. And you think this man doesnt have deeper feelings then lust?
Azriel was the first to notice she was taken in acowar and was full of rage and was willing to die to get her back, then when he gets her back he’s bleeding out and won’t even get looked at until he knows she’s ok…And you think this man doesnt have deeper feelings then lust?
In azriels bonus chapter we learn He can’t sleep because he’s thinking about Elain so much, he saved her Soltice gift put it on his nightstand and looks at it everyday for a year, his razor sharp thoughts go quiet around her, he has a physical reaction to eluciens mating bond, he can read her without his shadows, he questions the cauldron over Elain… not finding a mate… but over Elain…And you think this man doesnt have deeper feelings then lust?
You guys take the one sentence where he says he hasn’t planned farther then his fantasies to mean he only lusts for her!!! Which doesn’t even mean that. It means he hasn’t made any plans for elain bc she has a mate. She is off limits to him. Rhysand reinforces this in the bonus chapter. We know he thinks more about her. He’s losing sleep because that’s how much he’s thinking about her and upset because he can’t do anything about it…. And you think this man doesnt have deeper feelings then lust?
If Azriel did any one of these things for Gwyn yall would never stop saying he was in love w her. I mean you guys take him smiling at her when she cut the ribbon in training as him being into her so please be so for real right now. Yall know Azriel is into Elain much deeper than lust.
Azriel is not fixated on a mate bond. He is into Elain who already has a mate lol… if he was going after elain because he’s just fixated on the mate bond why would he be going after someone who already has a mate? That makes no sense whatsoever
“The moment he found his mate he would leave elain and that mate is gwyn” Ok I’m not sure if you realized you even said this but like wowza…. You know he met Gwyn first right? Hes been around Gwyn longer… yet he still is into Elain not Gwyn. Even after his acosf Soltice moment w Gwyn your sides fav moment “spark and glow!!!!!” 3 days later he is around Gwyn again THINKING ABOUT ELAIN 🤣
But you know who Azriel is not thinking about? Gwyn. He lived in the same court as her for over 2 years and never even checked up on her after Sangravah. Then when he starts training w her for months never even thinks about her to get her her own gift. He pawns off the necklace he got for elain which she gave back to Gwyn anon. Meaning if Elain didn’t return it Gwyn woulda got nothing. Then when Gwyn is taken to the blood rite Azriel cares more about Saving Eris then gwyns well being. And even after that when Gwyn goes to the river house after they complete the blood rite azriels in the same damn house and doesn’t even walk over a couple of rooms to make sure she’s ok🫣
Even if you want to convince yourself all Azriel feels for Elain now is lust that’s still not a good point for your ship LOL bc he’s known gwyn longer and been around her more and is not attracted to her like that.
Remember when SJM had rowan lusting after Aelin in her gold nightgown lonnnnggg before they were together or admitted they had feelings for one another? Remember when SJM had hunt drooling over Bryce in her pink dress lonnnng before he admitted his feelings to her or that he even had any? Remember when Casssian was insanely attracted to Nesta in acomaf lonnnnngg before admitted to having any sort of feelings for her? Or what about Dorian and Manon who literally started out just as purely physical attraction and hooking up? So even if you want to try and convince yourself it’s just lust…Azriel being insanely attracted to Elain is still on par w how SJM writes all her endgames.
#acotar#sarah j maas#elriel#pro elriel#pro azriel#pro elain#anti gwynr/el#make it make sense#acotar fandom
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⋆.ೃ - Greene!Reader
Greene!Reader who was practically Carl's guardian angel when his group first arrived at the farm - never leaving his room because he was the first person her age she had seen in months since the beginning of the apocalypse and she would've cursed the Lord above if he didn't live. Carl genuinely thought he was in heaven and she was an angel when he woke up.
Greene!Reader who is a complete mix of Beth and Maggie, given that they were the only examples of teenagers when she was younger was a rebellious brunette and a compliant blonde.
Greene!Reader who was jealous of Carl's 'crush' on Beth at the prison and would ignore him just to piss him off - even going so far as to put eggs in his cowboy hat, two things she learnt from Maggie.
Greene!Reader who is attached to the hip with Carl, wherever he is she is, and when they got to Alexandria and they had to spend time apart for more than five seconds she'd get all moody.
Greene!Reader who has Carl wrapped around her finger. She says she misses something? He is finding it. She's hungry? He's giving her half of his plate - even if she. argues. Michonne is endlessly teasing him about it but he can't find it in himself to care because he just loves her so much, she's always been there for him.
Greene!Reader who loves Glenn (in my heart he lives) and he's literally just the brother Shawn never was to her, given thirteen year age gap and all. Even though Glenn was ten years older, they liked all the same things. Video Games, Movies, he got her into skateboarding at the prison after he found one on a run, they're both equally as sarcastic as the other, and the most notable shared interest : Maggie. Although they both love her in different ways, she's their favourite person.
Greene!Reader who absolutely adores Judith. Whenever she can she's babysitting her, playing with her, holding her, anything involving Judith she is usually there. And this only makes Carl more obsessed with her, because she's so loving. She loves everything and anything cute and he feels the same way, except she's the everything and anything cute.
Greene!Reader who is obsessed with animals. When Carl told her he used to have a hamster she almost screamed, she was never allowed tiny pets like that due to living on such a large plot of land. She was always reading books with the horses back at the farm, randomly talking to foxes she finds in the woods, she's practically the apocalypse Snow White.
Greene!Reader who is always stealing Carl's clothes in the winter or to sleep in. It just brings her so much comfort to be able to smell Carl wherever she goes. Her attachment issues would probably get her into therapy in the old world.
Greene!Reader who despite being cautious and scared of every sound, loves sneaking out of Alexandria with Carl. She loves how freeing it is not being constantly watched by Maggie or Daryl. And she especially loves the amount of alone time it gives her with Carl, their first kiss was underneath their tree.
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Someone take the screen away from me I can't stop writing these 😭 I have so many different reader types for Carl in my head it's actually crazy I love this man so much 💔
#greene!reader#greene!reader x carl grimes#carl grimes#maggie greene#maggie rhee#glenn rhee#beth greene#michonne grimes#twd#the walking dead#carl grimes x reader#carl grimes x you#carl grimes x female!reader#twd x reader#twd x you#the walking dead x reader#the walking dead x you
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hi! i was wondering if you had any advice on knowing when your boundaries are being tested? i’m mentioning that it’s on grindr because this is where i’m interacting with a wider variety of people, but i know it’s probably applicable to situations where sex isn’t a factor. i’ve read your guides on meeting people as an autistic person and cruising as an autistic person, but i’m not quite sure of how to identify if someone’s whining/trying to guilt me because cues often fly over my head, especially when they’re said really nicely. feel free to skip this part but additional context is just that he’s mentioned that he doesn’t know why i’d be interested in having sex with him, and when i postponed our hookup he said that if i was still up for it that day i should definitely let him know and he’d be interested. but also i mentioned that i don’t want to be touched and he said that that was 100% fine but that he’d love to have a chance to do so in the future, and that he’d have to use all of his self restraint to not touch me and some stuff about feeling guilty for just receiving pleasure. i don’t know, the questions around my boundaries feel a bit like prodding but i don’t know necessarily. and the things about ‘hoping he wouldn’t disappoint’ makes me feel like he’s trying to get me to feel emotionally obligated to express attraction to him (and not just of my own free will), but i don’t know if that’s a correct assessment or if i’m being avoidant here, because i do struggle a lot with emotional intimacy, so i’d love a frank opinion :)
Yeah it sounds manipulative and weasley! I would consider all of this stuff to be a red flag. In my experience if a guy talks a ton about how badly he wants to go down on me, how much he loves giving pleasure etc etc that means he actively WANTS to do that stuff and isn't really satisfied with only receiving pleasure from me, but is going to pretend to be down to just get a blowjob or whatever until he has me in the room and can try to pressure me to do something else. A lot of people in the sexual marketplace do this really scummy disgusting thing where they will pretend to be down for anything if it means they'll get the attention they want from you -- but then they'll switch it up and be upset when they didn't get what they were interested in. it's this really gross covert contract they are forming with themselves and then expecting YOU to come in and fulfill.
in the past, i used to try and give someone the benefit of the doubt if they said they were switchy, or verse, or interested in playing a role that wasn't their primary thing because they could still find the pleasure in it or whatever -- but i've gotten way more selective these days, and only meet up with people who actively WANT to be in a Dominant position and be serviced by me. everybody else winds up super fucking slimy about actually wanting to be a pleasure-giving partner and not being satisfied if i do not like that. this isnt a problem unique to like "pleasure tops" or whatever but it's the one i run into a ton. i think anytime someone starts saying all this mealy mouthed shit about what they actually want and offer to cross their own boundaries to get with you its a big red flag and will likely come back to bite you. stick with people who can own up to what they want and be choosy!
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A Problem Named Sukuna (sukuna x reader) [College AU]
> Warnings: 18+, smut, College AU, face-sitting, creampie, kinda overstim, dom-kuna/sub-reader, sukuna and reader drink alcohol, drunk-ish sex, if I forgot any lmk!
> Word Count: 2.4k
> A/N: something about frat boy Sukuna makes me feral. Not my art; credits to: @ Chalseu_D on Twitter
You didn’t know exactly when Sukuna became a problem.
Maybe it was the first time you had the misfortune of sitting next to him in class. Sprawling across the seat like he owned it, manspreading so obnoxiously that you had to shove his knee aside just to have room for yourself. He had looked at you then, amused, like a cat staring down a feisty mouse.
Though, he might've become a problem when he first spoke to you.
“You’re cute,” he said. He sounded bored with the world, but had decided you were interesting enough to look at. “I think I’ll keep you.”
You barely glanced up from your notes and scoffed. You were well aware of who he was due to his reputation, and from what you could gather, he was bad news all around. “Not interested.” You said simply.
Sukuna chuckled, finding your dismissive response quite entertaining. “You don’t even know what I’m offering.”
That's when you finally turned to him, meeting his gaze directly for the first time as you get a good glance at his features. Oh, I can see why the other girls fawn over him now.
“You’re offering yourself,” you said flatly. “Which, lucky for you, plenty of people would jump at. I’m just not one of them.”
That should have been the end of it, but guys like Sukuna didn’t get rejected often. He had the face, the body, and the sheer audacity to walk through life like he owned everything in his line of sight. That worked on a lot of people.
But you refused to let it work on you.
Sukuna tilted his head, examining you intently. You hated how it made your nerves flare up and how it felt like he could see right through you. Then, to your irritation, his smirk widened.
“Don’t worry, princess.” He leaned in slightly, voice dropping as if sharing a secret. “I like the ones who play hard to get.”
You exhaled slowly, fingers tightening around your pen. “It’s not a game, Sukuna. I’m just not interested.”
His grin didn’t waver. If anything, it sharpened. “Sure,” he said easily. Then he pulled out his phone, tapped a few things, and suddenly shoved it into your hands.
You blinked. “What—”
“Put your number in.”
You stared at him and your heart skipped a few beats. “You cannot be serious.”
“Dead serious.”
“Sukuna, I literally just told you—”
“For when you change your mind,” he said, cutting you off, grinning like he knew something you didn’t. “I’ll even let you name yourself something cute. How about Mine?”
You scowled at him and his antics, doing your best not to fall for his charms. “You are unbelievable,” you muttered, but against your better judgment, you typed in your number anyway... if only so he will leave me alone.
And so after that encounter in your lecture, you didn't see him in person much over the next week, but that didn't mean he wasn't in your life. And, well, that's because Sukuna proved that handing over your number for temporary relief had been the worst decision you could’ve possibly made.
Maybe that's when Sukuna became a problem, because the texts you had been receiving were as persistent and insufferable as he was in class that day.
Whether it was early morning.
Sukuna: "Mornin’, princess. Dream about me?"
Or in the middle of the day.
Sukuna: "What are you wearing?"
Or late at night when you both should definitely be asleep.
Sukuna: "Bet you’d look real cute under me."
It became a pattern more quickly than your disdain for him had grown. And despite the fact that you seldom replied, he never let up. But when you did reply?
You: "Have you ever considered just shutting the hell up?"
Sukuna: "Sure. Have you ever considered sitting on my face?"
Being Sukuna's current pursuit was not for the faint of heart.
And then there's the chance that Sukuna had become a problem on that night he invited you to one of his parties. That night, as you were getting ready to relax for the evening, you felt the all-too-familiar buzz of your phone. The screen lit up, and you knew exactly who it was before even looking.
Sukuna: "Throwing a party tonight. It'd be a shame if you didn't show."
You scoffed at his audacity. Of course he’d invite you to one of his infamous frat parties. It was just another attempt to lure you in with his charm, arrogance, and whatever else he thought could win you over. But before you could reply, he was already messaging you again.
Sukuna: "Or are you scared that a few drinks will show your true feelings, princess?"
It definitely felt like a challenge, one you couldn't ignore. Though, to respond would be falling for his trap, you didn't care and had already made your decision for that night.
You: "I’m not your princess. But I’ll be at your party. Just to prove a point."
It was petty. You have no obligation to prove you can hold your own after a few drinks. But there was something in the way he spoke to you that just made it impossible to let it slide.
Sukuna: "I knew you'd come around. See you soon, princess."
And just like that, you were committed. You reminded yourself that this was just about proving a point. But as you walk across campus dolled up all pretty, you start to realize how foolish this might end up being.
You stood at the door of the frat house, your heart pounding in your chest. The thumping bass of the music hit you first, the music blaring through the walls as the door swung open. A few people rushed past you, drunk and laughing, but your eyes were fixed on the room ahead. The crowd was massive, but somehow, through the craze, you spotted him immediately.
Sukuna leaned against the wall, his usual smirk plastered across his face as he watched you with that unmistakable air of superiority. His eyes flickered to your lips before they met yours, and for a moment, you almost felt like the whole world had stopped.
"Glad you made it, princess," he said, voice as smooth as ever. He looked exceptionally good tonight, though he hadn't done anything special, he just looked so... effortless. And that damn smirk was already making your heart flutter a bit.
You didn’t respond, your only reply a deep, inward breath. His presence was like a weight pressing on your chest. He was as dangerous as he was captivating, but you weren't going to let any of this stop you from proving he had no impact on you.
"I’ll get you a drink," he offered, eager to see you actually hold up this point throughout the night.
But perhaps Sukuna became a problem after he convinced you to down 3 shots within an hour.
Sukuna kept his eyes on you as you steadily downed the drinks, one after another, as your conviction to prove your point never wavered.
You hadn’t planned on getting tipsy, but it was inevitably going to happen when you walked in the door. You weren’t sure when it happened, but suddenly, Sukuna’s presence was all-encompassing, pulling you in closer, tugging at you in ways that felt both urgent and undeniable.
Was it a problem when your body started to betray you? After the tipsiness was in full swing and you found yourself standing a little too close to him, holding onto his arm as you laughed at something you couldn't quite remember? The space between you was no longer an uncomfortable gap as your fingers curled around the solid muscle of his bicep.
With every step you took, with every movement you made, he could feel it. He could feel you caving in. He could feel how the alcohol was loosening your tongue, your body, your everything. And he couldn’t help but watch, his gaze dark and intense as he watched the shift.
Your breath came a little quicker now, more shallow, and you caught yourself leaning in closer to him without realizing it. You would glance up at him from time to time, only to get lost in those daunting eyes of his. The way his tattoos lined his face and defined his features just made you all the more interested in him. Is that when Sukuna became a problem? When your mind started to realize just how attractive he really was?
It wasn’t until a few more shots and another hour later that you found yourself sitting on the couch; that you realized just how far you’d gone. The shift happened without warning. One moment, you were standing, trying to prove some silly point, and the next, you were perched on his lap, your legs straddling his, your body weight resting heavily against his chest.
Had Sukuna become a problem when you let him grip onto your hips and pull you closer to him? You hadn’t meant to be this close, but now, with your hands on his shoulders, you're the one desperate to lean in first for a kiss.
Sukuna was a problem. But right now, you couldn’t even remember why you ever tried to fight it.
You couldn’t remember when the teasing, the banter, the defiance had gone. It was all gone now, replaced by the heat building between you, the undeniable pull that made your pulse race. You felt him smile into the kiss, a wicked, self-assured curve of his lips, and it drove you wild. He knew what he was doing to you, and the fact that you didn’t know whether to pull away or get closer made it all the more intoxicating.
And Sukuna became an even bigger problem when you couldn't resist the urge to grind against him ever-so-slightly.
He pulled back, his eyes dark, pupils blown wide as he studied your flushed face. A satisfied smirk spread across his features. “You really are something else.”
His hand slid down to your lower back, pressing you even closer, and the weight of his body on yours made your breath hitch. But it was more than just the physical pressure; it was the sensation of being completely at his mercy, the intensity of it all, and it was both overwhelming and exhilarating.
Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging him closer as you continued to kiss, your heart fluttering in your chest as you drowned in the sensation of his tongue in your mouth and continued to roll your hips against him. The alcohol may have loosened you up, but it wasn’t just the drinks making you needy, desperate even... it was him. He was making you crave this in ways you hadn’t even known you could.
He pulled away just enough to look at you, his smirk widening as his grip on you tightened once more. Before you could even react, he was standing up, lifting you effortlessly off his lap like it was nothing. His strong arms cradled you close, and one hand slid to your ass, gripping it firmly to support you, his touch possessive and casual, as though you had always belonged in his hold.
You blinked and gasped, momentarily surprised, the room swaying around you as your body felt weightless in his arms. “Sukuna, wait—”
He cut you off with a low chuckle, his lips curling into a grin. “You’re overthinking it, princess,” he murmured, his grip firm but reassuring as he held you close. “Relax. This’ll be fun, and I can't wait to see what kind of a hot mess you turn into."
Before you could argue further, he began to move, striding confidently through the crowded party. You felt small and helpless in his grasp, like a ragdoll being carried without a care. The noise, the music, the people; All you could focus on was the solid warmth of his chest beneath you, his breath warm on your skin, and the way his hold on you never loosened as he carried you upstairs.
Although, Sukuna most likely became a real problem when he made you sit on his face like he had mentioned in those texts a few days ago. As he licked and sucked on your clit in ways that felt too good to describe you arched your back whilst trying to hold up your weight a little still.
"I said," Sukuna grips your thighs and pulls you down more, "fucking sit on my face." The words are muffled but you fully understand. And so you do. And as you do, your legs shake and you let out these pitiful whines and moans that show just how overstimulated you are.
You can't hold it back anymore, not when his mouth is on you like this, not when the pleasure is so good that your toes curl unwillingly. "S-Sukuna I—" You couldn't even finish your warning before you're cumming hard all over his face.
He gives you no rest, picking you up and shifting the position, unbuckling his pants and pulling them down just enough to free his hard length. Was Sukuna becoming a problem the more and more that you bounced up and down on his unfairly thick cock? The stretch of it made you feel so full that any point you were wanting to prove tonight had fizzled up and died as you gripped onto him helplessly.
Your lips find his and you moan into his mouth as he continues to have his way with you. You can taste yourself on his tongue, only making the reality of how much of a problem Sukuna is more grounded. Though, you didn't really need that reminded, not when the tip of his dick is hitting your cervix every other second as he trusts into you and bottoms out each time.
And as that goes on to the point where he groans and unloads hot, sticky spurts of cum deep inside your needy pussy, your mind blanks as you ride the high and you collapse into Sukuna's chest as your body damn near gives out.
Breath shaking, full on panting, you muster a pathetic, "H-Hey Sukuna..."
He smirks at the unraveled mess still sitting on his cock and lazily answers you, a little breathless himself, "Yeah princess?"
You smile and look up at him, oxytocin coursing through your body which causes you to say the silliest things as you finally realize what's happened to you. "I think you've become my problem."
His smirk widens and he gives you a soft kiss on the forehead, a moment of unexpected affection that makes your heart race even more. "Don’t worry about it," he teases. "I’m the best problem you’ll ever have."
#sukuna x reader#jjk x you#jjk x reader#ryomen sukuna#ryomen sukuna smut#sukuna x reader smut#ryomen x reader#sukuna jjk#jjk sukuna#ryomen sukuna x reader
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So, this week's episode...
[spoilers below cut]
I'M HERE I'M HERE *trips from stone pebble, face first* i'm here...
That's right, my dear fellows, your local theorist is back and freed from the basement! WA-HOO 🎉 What episode do we got today... *sees thumbnail+title* ...oh. huh.
Team...*inhales* care to tell me what. the. fuck is this? "SMG4:" IS BACK ON THE TITLE?! AND THIS DESCRIPTION?!
oh my god the Team hates me so BAD (/lh /jk) WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!
(the following is my live reaction:)
dude, i don't even know what to expect from this but it looks like i'm going to be incredibly annoying in this review 😅 (sorry in advance)
the way Mario goes to the front door of his home is exactly how i enter every room
Mario to Luigi: "Trying to get me back after locking you in the fridge for 5 days?" wha ...y'know what? that sounds about right
*war flashbacks to Ben's tweet*
(hey nicc, buddy, how are you holding up?)
btw the Team could've gone with any mask but they went with this for 4 & 3 🤔
*points at 4* he wants that cookie SO BAD
UE UE UE THEY MEAN THE WORLD TO ME💙💜 they do be scheming
look how much they've changed 🥹 (and i will talk about them later)
AND their expressions? *dies*
*stares at Team suspiciously* wow the framing of this scene is quite interesting, huh
speak yourself, 4. you could barely handle horror games
OH I GET THE CLUE NOW @arco-doodles never could i have ever imagined a roles-reversed version of "the princess carry" 🗣️LET'S GOOOOOOO
SMG3: "You've used the same laugh in like all your videos." and ofc, you would know that. you were like his biggest fan (in the classic era), obsessed even smh /affectionate
*deadpans at you through the screen* y'know...
I'm a sucker for this animation, dude
gonna bounce around the screen like the DVD logo, spooky style
well this feels familiar
and also the fact that Mario looked like that one meme with the realistic eyes (link) that Ben used as his pfp one time. what's crazy is that Ben hasn't seen this episode yet lmao
OH A BIT OF 2D PNG ANIMATION. also the eyeliner 👀
(hmm why do 4 & 3 get trapped in the weirdest places tf? /lh)
welp we found Luigi, we did it guys *cheesy thumbs-up* roll the credits
also it's giving:
i'm just going to drop this here, ok? ↓
4 lifting 3's chin :)
a TADC ref? in my SMG4 episode? it's more likely than you think
love the small details of not only Mario's post-it note of "Mario's Spaghetti, DO NOT EAT" but also his drawing of "stinky 4" just hung up on the fridge
it is still Mario....... NOT EVEN THE SPAGHETTI TRAP?
somehow 3 summoning ghosts fit with his internet graveyard/dark web role
*WHEEZE* the 2 dollar store item...
*danny phantom theme plays*
oh. uh, i'm intruding, aren't i? i should go...... ("he wants that cookie so bad" 2: electric boogaloo???)
i hired 3 & 4 to stare at you /silly /ref
love how 3 has his contacts with the regular names (Karen, Bob, etc.) meanwhile for 4, it's "StinkyMessGuy4". 4's different 💅
aw 4 🥹💙 you did a good thing in apologizing
*IGBP war flashbacks*
oh, what's that? i was staring at space again? oh, no, I was trying to figure out HOW DID I MANIFEST 4'S CASTLE COLLAPSING IN AN IGBP PARALLEL OF AN EPISODE?! oh god, did the Team somehow see my WIPs of my door fanart? they're hacking into my tablet /silly
so let me get this straight: a supernatural entity with multiple eyes and red is causing chaos, starting from emerging out of the PC to eventually corrupting the castle and its ground, meanwhile, the friends believed that one of them is possessed by said entity and trying to save them in several ways. AND by the end, 3, having a character development moment, sympathizes with their "possessed" friend...
🧍 ...ok yeah I see how it is, Team. and while i was gone for the weekend? smh
eh close enough, welcome back IGBP
before i move on, it's crazy how the Team kept punching me in the gut for the "Eye of Horus/Ra" stem of the Goop!4 theory and now they jumped into the theory's "Eye of God" and Christianity thing with Mario's new form. "wow Mario really is 4's avatar" i can never catch a break 😔 /silly
here's some context *flashback noises*:
*le gasp* he apologized?! BIG MOMENT HERE FOLKS AAAAAA
...and it didn't work? oh shit. i'm still very proud of you 3 💙
ok ok first off, the fact that 3 was serious about his apology. For once, doing the right thing only to be rejected. It feels very similar to the YT arc when 3 was doing his own thing with Snitch Productions. Here tho, 4 is affirming 3's actions, approving it. 3 really did good. if it was 4 back in the classic era, 4 might've had a harder time believing 3 bc of them being enemies, which was what eventually caused Snitch Productions to get destroyed and 3 clicking into his villain arc. BUT HERE, 4 believed and trusted 3's sincerity, especially since we all know 3 isn't the usual type to be emotionally vulnerable. 4 knows bc of what 3 said to him in IGBP
second, this might be a dark subject so fair warning about death. can we talk about how 4, time and time again, doesn't mind the idea of dying? I know we talked about the death guidelines of this universe and sure, it entirely depends on the context/intent behind it. But the fact he's ok with it regardless... Here, in IGBP, and other sillier episodes, it's almost like he accepts it as some sort of punishment, just enough bc by what seems like the end for him, he's doing the right thing or something he loved or from his own doing/fault. And that is what i worry bc in a serious arc, sooner or later, something like this is gonna happen again, and 4 might say he accepts this supposed fate bc he "deserved it" after everything he's done, even before IGBP. This got sad real quick, dude
Really, Team? All this in a silly spooky episode? damn
...let's go on and try to go back to silly mode, ok? ok
*shaking violently* Team, was it necessary for you to shove the fact that the window to the boarded-up room is right there, in my face? really?
and let's not prank Mario ever again :D
Congrats to Not_wizz for your art being featured in the end credits 🎉
.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
[Ink here! Sorry for the late review, I literally passed out for the whole day from the conference and immediately had a rough production day yesterday. But I'm here now, coming in fashionably late 💅]
This. This was an INCREDIBLE episode, I don't even know how. The animation, the story, all of it was crazy /very pos. If you haven't noticed my insanity already, this feels too familiar to IGBP (says the co-CEO of the Goop!4 theory). at this point, the Team is teasing us. So Team, while I'm upset at the fact that I had to miss this, touché. congrats, you got me good.
Now, some of you might've noticed in the end credits that Cube is the producer instead of Kevin. For the jokes and giggles, Kev may not make it out alive from Creator Clash when his opponent's out for blood, so he's passing it over to Cube. Even some of the Team joked about it when it was first announced RIP Kev /jk.
But no seriously, Cube has been the producer for several episodes now and it's nice to see the Team growing and trusting each other with these roles. I'm sure Kev will be around but hey, things change. we just gotta adapt.
Ok, back to the episode itself. 3 & 4 have really shown how much they've grown over all these years. Obviously 4, who didn't do "childish" pranks before, now does bc of 3's influence and is really getting along with 3. But 3 went through some change from 4's influence as well, episodes before and "subtlety" now. 3 tried to save his friends in Puzzle Park (more worried of their safety than his own) and now he apologizes for that prank they did to Mario. Like he said, he swallowed his pride, and 4 believed in his word. another step of character development for these two, we love to see it.
and ofc, another episode of our goofball Mario, it's really in-character for him to into a biblically accurate angel just for a prank lol.
Anyway, this has been an incredible episode and I applaud to everyone who worked on this 👏 something's brewing and I'm so excited to see what comes next. Apparently, I owe my moot a can of rizz soda so chat, I'll see you all at the next one, and remember: numbers go first........
...so *slowly turns chair* Team, what's up with that title huh? you ain't slick, "SMG4: IT'S A ME..." is LITERALLY a few words away from "SMG4: IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT". and HEY, what's up with the framing showing the DOOR, huh? NO i'm not delusional, ANSWER MEEEE /silly
#smg4#smg4 spoilers#ink reviews#belated review ig#smg4 smg3#smg4 mario#smg34#CRAZY THEORIST ESCAPES THE BASEMENT. more at 11#the Team's really out to get me /silly
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Some stuff on DD Ford and the kids: Ford still plays DD& more D with Dipper. It's kindof their bonding time
He will discuss fairies and unicorns with Mabel, and does actually hang up any drawings she does of these in the house or on the fridge
He does take them out to do some stuff, but he's more strict with them then Cannon Stan was. They have a curfew, they're not allowed to go out EXPLORING by themselves, but he'll send them off on excursions to "spread the word about Cyphertology" on their own? Because that's a perfectly safe activity
The kids have actually gotten into quite a bit of accidental trouble on these excursions because he'll frequently send them into the woods to go try and convert Killbillies, some of the Manotaurs, the Gnomes, etc. They encountered the Multi-Bear and actually enjoy visiting him because he has a more philosophical view on life and has some interesting conversational topics
Ford is more manipulative in this version, because he's learned how to talk to people and coerce them into doing what he wants by presenting information as though they are doing something good or helping someone by doing what he wants. He's also learned how to play into what the other people want, but he's not as good at is as Stan is.
He does genuinely believe that what he's doing; building the Temple, finding new followers, and the eventual sacrifice (read RAPTURE) of people in town who represent one of the symbols on the cipher wheel, is for the good of all mankind. Bill played into his hero complex and told him that his dimension was in danger (false) and that Ford was the only man smart enough to figure out how to save it by bringing Bill into the dimension as a savior. If Ford did this, then he would be respected and beloved by all mankind and viewed as a hero.
He does feel a twinge of guilt about what he did to Stan, but he is under the belief that it was for a greater good. Stan was an obstacle to saving the dimension, and he just didn't see that what Ford was doing was for a divine, good purpose. (how he views it)
The only reason Ford keeps Stan around after Stan comes back is because he realizes that Stan is actually the last symbol from the wheel that he needs. Now he just needs to get to the rift created by the portal that Stan keeps under lock and key and on him at all times...
Dipper and Mabel are basically the same, but encouraged to be a little more "polite" by Ford, a.k.a reserved and obedient. This is why they like Stan and Saoirse so much, because they encourage them to be themselves and even match their weirdness at times to let them know "Hey, this is bullshit and it's okay to be you."
Ford's not entirely a villain. He still has some of the same qualities of Cannon Ford, he is just doing things because he believes it's right. Which...isn't that why we all do things? It just depends on perspective and outside influence.
Ford and Stan are chronologically still the same age, but Stan's friend Saoirse gave him something that physically stopped his aging at 35. Mostly to piss off Ford when Stan comes back as Bill had promised to "restore his youth" if he did what Bill wanted. She also thinks Stan deserved another chance at his younger years since the first time around was kindof dogshit. XD He can reverse it whenever he wants, but he won't just yet because he's being a petty bitch.
Mabel makes Ford new sweaters all the time, and he does wear them and appreciate them
She also makes sweaters for Stan and Saoirse. Stan suddenly gets dust in his eye when he receives a dinosaur themed one from her, and has to excuse himself. He is then seen wearing the sweater for the next week until Saoirse makes him wash it. But she does the exact same thing, sooo...XD
#demon's disciple au#stanford pines#gravity falls ford#stanley pines#stan pines#ford pines#zealot ford#gravity falls grunkle ford#gravity falls grunkle stan#Saoirse#mabel pines#gravity falls mabel#dipper pines#gravity falls dipper
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Falling for You Was Never Part of the Plan
Felix had never been one to get caught up in the drama of his feelings. He was usually calm, collected, and focused—traits he prided himself on. But there was something about you, Chan's little sister, that made everything he’d worked hard to maintain come undone. It was inevitable, really, and as much as he hated it, he knew deep down that the heart couldn't be controlled, no matter how hard he tried.
Every time you flashed that infectious smile at him, something inside him stirred. Your laughter had a way of filling the room, making everything brighter. The way you were so effortlessly kind to everyone around you made Felix admire you even more, even if he didn’t want to admit it. But he couldn’t. Not to you, not to anyone. And definitely not to Chan.
Chan. His best friend. The person who’d been like a brother to him for years. The person who had raised an eyebrow the first time Felix and you had spent time together. Felix didn’t need to see the subtle shifts in his gaze to know that Chan wasn’t stupid. He saw things, even if he never mentioned them. And that was the last thing Felix wanted to deal with.
So, he kept his distance.
When you’d show up at the studio or hang around during practice, Felix would act like he didn’t notice the way your eyes lingered on him, or how your voice seemed to soften whenever you spoke to him. He was careful. Too careful, even.
But the more he resisted, the harder it became to stay away.
“Felix,” you called out one afternoon, a hint of excitement in your voice as you approached him during a break. “Want to grab some coffee?”
Felix froze for a moment, trying to play it cool. He always played it cool around you. “Uh… sure. I’m down,” he replied, trying not to sound too eager. But inside, his heart was racing. The thought of being alone with you made him nervous, but he pushed those feelings aside.
As you two made your way to the nearby café, he couldn’t help but notice how you effortlessly carried yourself, the way your lighthearted conversation made him forget about the weight of the world for a few moments. He should’ve known better than to put himself in this position. Chan wouldn’t approve.
But you were so easy to talk to. So genuine. You always knew exactly how to make him laugh, or how to bring up something interesting to distract him when his mind started to wander.
“So,” you said, sipping your drink and casually leaning against the table, “when are you going to admit that you have a crush on me?”
Felix’s eyes widened, and he choked on his sip of water. “What?” He tried to play it off, but his voice betrayed him. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You smiled knowingly, your eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, come on, Felix. I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I’m not paying attention. You can’t fool me.”
Felix’s heart hammered in his chest. He had been so careful—hadn’t he? He tried to control his reactions, keep everything locked up tight, but it was like you saw right through him. “You’re imagining things,” he muttered, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “I’m just looking out for you. You know, Chan’s sister.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so you’re only being nice to me because you’re scared of Chan?”
Felix opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. Damn it. You were too perceptive, and the truth was, that was exactly why he’d been avoiding you. Chan would kill him if he knew.
But then you surprised him. You reached over and gently placed your hand on his, your expression softening. “Felix, I know you care about me. And honestly, I care about you too. You don’t have to hide it.”
Felix froze, his heart skipping a beat at your touch. He could feel the warmth of your skin against his, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop moving. You were close. Too close.
“I… I can’t,” he whispered, his voice low, his mind racing. He pulled his hand back quickly, swallowing hard. “I can’t risk losing Chan as a friend.”
You let out a soft sigh, leaning back in your seat. “I get it. I don’t want to make things complicated either. But I’m not a little girl, Felix. I’m not going to tell Chan, if that’s what you’re worried about. I just… I can’t help how I feel.”
Felix felt like the air was sucked out of the room. You were looking at him so earnestly, and for a moment, all he could think about was how it felt to be close to you. To hold your gaze. To wish he didn’t have to fight this so hard.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Felix said, voice barely above a whisper. “I really don’t.”
You smiled, this time more gently than before. “You won’t.”
Felix didn’t know how much longer he could keep up this charade. It wasn’t just that he cared about you; it was that he was starting to fall in love with you, whether he liked it or not.
And somewhere deep down, he knew that no matter how hard he fought it, no matter how many times he tried to push you away, he was already in too deep.
The truth was, it was inevitable. Felix had fallen in love with Bang Chan’s little sister. And no amount of denying it could change that.
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J Stands for more words than one PT.4
DISCLAIMER You are responsible for the content you consume. Make sure to read all necessary warnings. Minors do not interact. Please remember this is a work of fiction; if you don’t like it, don’t read it.
Warnings: Drinking/Drunkenness, P in V, getting freaky in a car, fighting, slight mentions of death, Jealousy??
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F! Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Little author message here- Finally out!! AHH part 4 was way overdue - and part 5 is almost ready to be posted >:) this chapter gets...interesting...so take that how you will
part 1 here | part 2 here | part 2.5 here | part 3 here
Gracia, JJ, and Emily had gotten all dressed up and were already seated in a booth, chatting. Emily sat with JJ, and next to Garcia was an open seat. They had ordered a round of shots when they first arrived, and only a few minutes after the trio had arrived and started chatting, Y/N appeared with a staff member, showing her to the trio’s booth. Y/N was wearing a longer dress, one that was maybe a bit too much for meeting your boyfriends’ friends, but in her eyes better to be over than underdressed. “Hi! Aw you look so pretty!” Emily cheered when she saw Y/N approach them. “AH Y/N!! You’re so hot - what the heck??” Garcia jumped out of the booth and gave Y/N a quick, welcoming hug before the two sat down.
JJ was stunned. As soon as she saw Y/N walk over to their table, that pit in her stomach was back. Y/N genuinely looked so good. She was so beautiful, and all done up - from her hair to her heels. JJ was a grown woman, she shouldn’t feel so intimidated by someone younger and prettier than her…But…it was just so easy to be intimidated by someone who was currently dating your old coworker crush.
Y/N sat down and looked around with a smile. “So- did I miss anything??” Emily shook her head and handed Y/N a shot. “Nope! We all just got here as well..Garcia ordered a round for the table, so enjoy!” Y/N took the shot and looked around the table. She was a little nervous meeting these women, but she decided to take the shot to push down those anxious feelings. Garcia and Emily cheered as Y/N drank, slamming the shot glass down as she put it back on the table in front of them. The group cheered, all making small talk while they drank themselves half blind. “So, I’m sure all of us want to know how you and Spence met!” JJ started the conversation, a smile on her face. Emily and Garcia lit up, excited to hear about Y/N’s experience with their ‘boy wonder’. Y/N glanced over at JJ, shrugging and smiling softly.
“I mean…I work as a librarian, so I’d see him reading books all the time, staying at the library for so long that I’d have to kick him out for closing time…” Y/N looked down at a shot glass she was fidgeting with in her hands before looking back up at everyone. “I always thought he was pretty cute, so one time when I was going to kick him out for closing time, I just…asked him out” She shrugged, her small smile slowly growing. “In my eyes there was no harm in asking, and if things went south, well, I was already kicking him out” The group laughed, hearing the couples’ origin while Garcia smiled warmly. She cupped her hands together as Y/N shared this story. “Aww that’s so romantic - and so Spencer to be asked out at a library of all places”. Y/N grinned, nodding excitedly as she took another shot for confidence.
JJ just nodded, taking another shot as she thought about asking Spencer out. Hypothetically what she would do. Hypothetically how she would go about it. She probably knew him better than this girl anyways…JJ was quiet, deep in thought as the other girls chatted. It was late into the night, and the girls had all easily drank too much. They were slurring their words, playing drinking games, and enjoying themselves…well…most of them. JJ sat next to Y/N, looking more annoyed as the night went on. “Oh! Oh! I have another question” Garcia butted into Emily and Y/N’s conversation. “Is he romantic? I can’t picture him not being a shy nerdy guy…” Y/N smiled warmly, thinking about her boyfriend. She wanted to call him, text him…anything really. She just missed him after all. She nodded, a faint blush crossing her cheeks. “Oh yeah! He’ll write me poems, surprise me with flowers when he gets home from long trips, and loves baking…’because it’s a science’ as he would say” Y/N took another sip of her new drink, and sighed. “He surprises me in other ways after long trips, but we don’t have to get into that…” She said it as a passing comment, but everyone’s heads shot to Y/N. JJ, in particular, was starting to feel uncomfortable…she had been picturing this new, unknown version of Spencer in her mind. Imagining baking with him…Imaging him bringing her flowers…This was not ok. JJ knew this was bad, yet she couldn’t stop these images flashing into her mind…except Y/N never seemed to be pictured. “Ooooo and what other ways does he surprise you??” This time Emily was the one to jump in and speak. Garcia followed suit, grinning “Yeahhh Y/N what other ways? Spill it!” Y/N was definitely too sober for this conversation. Especially with his coworkers?? Y/N reached for another drink, trying to feel the buzz.
Y/N looked around the table, and sighed. “Well you know, his memory is pretty insane…if we…” she gestured with her hand, “…If I like something, he already knows.. I don’t have to pretend I’m enjoying anything…I don’t have to remind him what I don’t like…ya know?” She paused and smiled “He’s putting that memory to good use..” Garcia and Emily grinned, surprisingly enjoying the thrill of learning about the secret sides of their coworker. “So what- you do anything?” The question cut through the air like shards of glass. Y/N turned to face JJ, a confused expression on her face. “What?” All JJ could think about was Spencer this. Spencer that. Spence…everything. She was trying to shift the conversation away from him, for her own sake. “You heard me…what do you do?”
Y/N had a confused expression on her face, looking back to the empty shot glass in front of her. She started to slowly spin the rim of the glass, pursing her lips as she thought “Well…when you’ve all been away for at least a week or two, traveling across the country…” She paused, a small smile growing on her face as she thought about her boyfriend. “I always make sure he walks through the door feeling comforted and happy…Sometimes I’ll go out for the week…pick up something…purple” Y/N laughed softly and looked up at the group in front of her, especially keeping an eye on JJ. “Did you know that? He…really loves the color purple…like a lot…” She continued to speak. “Sometimes I’ll plan a little scavenger hunt, just for him..” Her smile grew “Like…hide things around our apartment building and make him work for what he wants…and as far as I know he enjoys finding the clues…little price tags hidden in the laundry room, a box from his favorite brand in the lobby, little love notes saying what-” Y/N turned a little bit, glancing at JJ. “what I’m gonna do once he solves the scavenger hunt…” Y/N shrugged and smiled warmly. “Sometimes I throw in little puzzles for him to solve…cause why not…I like the way he looks using that big brain of his…it’s pretty cute…” “and then?” Gracia jumped in, almost hanging on every word. Y/N looked back at Garcia, a small smirk forming across her lips as she shrugged. “Well, once he makes his way back to the apartment, after…finishing the little game i set up, he gets what he wants” She shrugged, the smirk stuck on her face. JJ pursed her lips, taking that all in. She never imagined Spencer being like…like this? Hell- why was she even imagining what she’d be like with him? In compromising positions? This was bad. Very bad…
Some Time Later
The girls were all at least 5 drinks deep, not including the 10 shots they took. The girls were wasted, to say the least. As the night went on, so did the questions aimed towards Y/N. The only difference from the start of their interrogation? Y/N was pretty drunk.Garcia was still somehow full of energy and egging Y/N on, begging to hear all the gossip. “-And oh my gosh the praise..? It’s so sexy sometimes..oh! And-” “Oh! What’s he working with..?” JJ jumped in, yet again. Though, Y/N didn’t seem to care this time. Garcia laughed and gestured towards JJ, agreeing with her. “Yeah! You hyped him up, now we gotta know!” Y/N looked amongst the group and quickly held her hands up and started moving them slowly, farther apart (think that one Family Guy bit with Stewie and Taylor Swift). Everyone laughed, gasping and shouting as Y/N finally stopped. JJ shoved Y/N “shut up! No way!” Y/N just smiled and shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant.
JJ was wasted. Not buzzed, not drunk- wasted. She would drink, trying to forget the things Y/N would mention, but it was no use. All she could think of was Spencer. Walking over to her sitting at her BAU desk, when he would softly grab her by the chin, making her look at him. He would be shirtless, wearing only a BAU bullet-proof vest over his toned- no- ripped chest. He would scoop her up, carrying her bridal style over to the elevator outside their office. “-JJ? JJ we asked you a question…” It was Emily that brought JJ out of her drunken fantasy. This was past the point of bad, but JJ didn’t seem to care. “Huh? What was the question?” Emily and Garcia looked at each other before Garcia spoke up. JJ was so off tonight. ”You’re so close with Spencer! Does he ever bring Y/N up..?” It was an odd question, yeah, but they were drunk and definitely were not keeping things professional.
JJ thought about Spence. She had been through everything with him. She honestly considered herself his work wife, but they never really discussed stuff like that. All she could think about was what they’ve been through, what they’ve witnessed, when they would comfort each other during especially hard cases. Shne shrugged, seeming unimpressed. “I mean yeah, sometimes I’d see him talking on the phone before and he looked…so..happy..” JJ pursed her lips and smiled awkwardly. Then, maybe it was the alcohol or all the memories tied to Spencer, but something slipped out that definitely should not have. “..You aren’t even a little bit scared to be with him? To be attached to a government job like ours..?” Y/N looked over at JJ. She had a twisted expression on her face. She looked like some mix of discomfort and frustration. Y/N’s brows furrowed and she turned to face JJ. “Should I be…?” “You know I’m - we’re all much more used to the steaks this job brings, maybe you’re just…not ready for all that” Y/N was frustrated, confused by this constant twist of words and deception. She tried to play off the comments by laughing. “Come on JJ, we’ve been dating for quite some time now…I think I can handle being with him-” JJ jumped in, cutting Y/N off yet again. “You can handle it? Yeah? Well, where were you when he was trying to get over his addiction..? Where were you when he got kidnapped and almost died…?” The three girls were stunned, listening to the drunken ramblings of JJ. Y/N felt embarrassed. She had no idea these things had happened to her boyfriend, he had never really brought them up to her. “What..? JJ I think you’ve had enough..” Y/N awkwardly tried to push away the drink in front of JJ, but she ended up grabbing Y/N’s wrist. The two stared deeply into each other’s eyes, almost as if no one else was in the room. “JJ come on now, that’s enough…” It was Emily who finally spoke up, trying to defend Y/N. “His last girlfriend died because of this job…did he ever tell you that..? Did you ever help him through the grieving process..? Did you even consider you don’t know him like we do…maybe you’re just not meant for someone like him”
You could hear a pin drop. Y/N just sat there, feeling disgusted, confused, and upset. Garcia and Emily started shouting at JJ, trying to get her to take back what she said. “What? Am I wrong? You all witnessed the same things I did!” Y/N just sat there, processing what JJ had just said. Taking it in, looking it over, processing… everything. She slowly looked back up at JJ, anger seeping onto her face. “And what- you think you’re so much better? You think you know him like I do…? Jennifer- JJ- ugh whatever the fuck your name is, he’s my boyfriend - not yours he didn’t ask you out. He doesn’t love you. Doesn’t touch you, like he does to me- ok?”
JJ scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever - love me or not, you could never be as close as we are...” Y.N was angry now - “Wow ok…” Y/N looked up to see a clock on the wall, it was past midnight. She moved out of the booth, scooting and shoving before finally getting free. She stood in front of everyone, looking past JJ to the other girls. They both looked equally uncomfortable. “Ladies…it was nice to meet you but…I think I’m gonna get a ride home…” Y/N walked past the booth, heading for the bar near the entrance. She finally relaxed as she sat down, the stress she was facing earlier disappearing. What the fuck was that?
Spencer had been enjoying his night, watching movies and getting ready to head to bed. He was happy Y/N was finally learning more about his work life, and the people in it. They had been dating for a year now, and he loved Y/N, wanted to keep her in his life any way he could. That’s when his cell phone started to ring. Spencer muted the TV, walking over to see…it was Y/N? “Y/N? Hello, what's up? Any thoughts on the girls yet?” “I need you to come pick me up..I..drank too much and feel sick..” Spencer’s eyebrows raised and he walked over to grab his car keys. “Ok…Ok don’t worry baby I’ll be there soon…just stay put…” What had happened? Why did Y/N sound…sad..? Maybe it was just her sickness…it was probably just that.
15 minutes later
Spencer walked into the bar, seeing Y/N alone at the bar counter. Ok, now he was really confused. Why was she alone? Why was her body language so…closed off? Where were his coworkers? “..Y/N..?” He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. He watched her turn around, and her disappointed reaction quickly morphed into shock and happiness. He loved the way she smiled, how she looked when he finally appeared in front of her at the bar. She pulled him in for a hug, something he wasn’t usually comfortable with, but he would accept a hug any day or time from the person he loves. “Spencer..!” He heard a familiar voice stumbling towards him. “Garcia…? What’s going on..?” Garcia looked at Y/N then to Spencer. “It was so great getting to know Y/N but um…JJ happened…” Garci turned back to see the table. “She…drank a little too much..” Spencer, confused, made sure to bookmark that information and ask JJ what happened very soon. “Okay…” He looked back over at Garcia “you guys need a ride home too? We’re all pretty close by, we can drop you off…”
Garcia looked at Y/N, and sighed, looking back towards the table. “I mean, if Y/N’s ok with it…it would definitely be cheaper and safer than taking a taxi…” Y/N, tired and annoyed, smiled softly shrugging Garcia’s question off.. “Sure why not?” Garcia smiled and gave Y/N a side hug. “Thank you thank you thank you! I’ll go grab the girls” Garcia walked away, and Spencer just watched. He gently placed a hand on Y/N’s lower back. Was something weird going on? Or was he suddenly really bad at reading people?
One by one, the girls, Y/N, and Spencer walk out of the bar together. Garcia and Emily are laughing, holding onto each other as they stumble towards Spencer’s car. JJ stumbled out as well, possibly acting the most drunk out of the group. The sidewalk was uneven, and as she made her way towards the car, she not-so gracefully stumbled and almost fell, grabbing Spencer's forearm. Y/N just stared at JJ. Oh that was so on purpose. Y/N just rolled her eyes, watching as Spencer helped JJ up. “You ok JJ..? That was a rough fall” “Honestly…I don’t know…maybe I could hold onto you for support..? Just so I don’t fall again..” A confused expression formed on Spencer’s face, but he shrugged it off. “Ok..” JJ perked up, smiling as she hugged Spencer’s arm and held onto it for support.
Look at her. So smug, so insufferable, so…annoying. It was honestly gross. Y/N let go of Spencer’s hand she had been holding, and just watched JJ from the side. JJ glanced over at Y/N, smirking. So…cringey. Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head, following the group. “Where is this car anyway? Did you park on the opposite end of the earth..?” Emily joked, but honestly, they had been walking for at least 6 minutes now. Where was this car anyway? “Right here! No more walking” Spencer chuckled and opened the passenger and back doors for everyone. Emily and Garcia sighed with relief, no more walking. The pair climbed into the backseats. “Thankss Spencer! Yeah thanks Reid!” They laughed and sat comfortably, ready to go. Now it was just a trio, Spencer standing in between either woman. JJ finally let go of his arm, but smiled up at him, biting her lip and laughing softly. “Spence…I’mm like…ffivee minutes away…can I sit in the frront seat..?” Spencer turned to face Y/N. To be fair, she was closest to this bar. It was a 15 minute drive from her house…but what it would symbolize, having his “work wife” in the passenger seat next to him…while his actual girlfriend sat in the back…that was not a good look for them. Though, the more she thought about it, she’d be able to spend time with the coworkers she actually liked, and laugh with. “You know what? Go ahead. I’ll be in the back with Garcia and Emily..”
Wait- what? Spencer looked at Y/N, confusion crossing his face once again. JJ smiled though and shrugged “If you insist…” And without hesitation, she hurried over to the front seat while Y/N made her way to the back, greeting the other girls with a smile. Spencer goes to the driver's side and shuts the door, confusion still fueling his brain. JJ seemed so much happier about this than the others, watching Spencer as she started to drive down the road, bringing JJ back to her home. Wow Spencer was…so…”You’rre soo cool when you drrive with onne hand Spencce..you lookk like a badass from one of those crime shows…”
Spencer laughed awkwardly. Why was JJ acting this way? It was…odd. “Um…thanks? I guess..?” he felt weird, glancing up into the rear view mirror, seeing Y/N. She seemed annoyed. She was rolling her eyes and occasionally talking with Emily and Garcia…huh. Something was definitely up. Spencer looked back to the road and sighed. Whatever was going on, whatever this tension was in the air, needed to be resolved asap.
10 minutes later
“Annddd here we are!” Spencer pulled into JJ’s driveway. He smiled, looking to the person in his passenger seat. JJ smiled, visibly drunk. “SSpencee can you wwalk me insidee..?” JJ softly grabbed Spencer’s wrist, looking up at him hopefully. She tugged at his slender wrist, pleading. “Cmonn please..?” Reid glanced at Y/N in the back seat and sighed. He did care about JJ, and this was probably the right thing to do. “Fine...but I gotta drop off the other ladies so let’s speed this up..!” He continued to smile, getting out of the car as JJ was visibly excited. She glanced back towards the car before they shut the front door, heading inside.
taglist: @libraprincessfairy @esposadomd @teenwolfbitches28
#criminal minds#fanfic#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid smut#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid#spencer reid criminal minds#x reader#jennifer jj jareau#jj jareau#curvy girls#curvy and cute#x yn#criminal minds imagine#spencer reid fanfic#dr spencer reid#spencer reid fic#bau team#derek morgan#david rossi#penelope garcia#emily prentiss#smut#IDK if I can add anything else#fanfiction#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid x you
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Before it starts, I’m wondering if we are going to see more of our “lovely” detective this episode. Hopefully a little more insight if he is actually inside the estate or a hallucination!
Ooo the changing scenes on beat is a fascinating choice!
“Some of the limbs are fake, we couldn’t restore all of the pieces” DAMN OKAY
Pin of a sunflower? Hmmm
The shots on the stairs feel very intentional- OH okay reference back to the scene between Ivory and the Detective I see
These guys have got to stop sneaking up on my girl I don’t know how many more jumpscares she can take
It’s nice to see some insight on the other members of the estate!
Another confirmation that the current season is fall beyond just the visual indications. I wonder if the seasons will have more to play within the story
The shot with just the painting on the wall is giving me the creeps… I stand by the secret passages thing
Notice the painting on the wall where Serapter picks up the pin. That feels suspicious, the silence, the glancing around? If Serapter is up to something then it would explain how he lost Clown back in ep 4
We already knew the Hemlockes were rich but renting out the entire cathedral sure is something huh?
“Who lets the day of the lord get bought out by some rich guy, right?” I’m not fully sure how to think of this statement just yet… other than the fact that it may be a commentary to the present day
I’m interested with the formation the group has taken up to walking. Oddly enough Serapter is behind Ivory rather than beside her, which is the formation they have taken before when walking
Imma need to look up the symbolism of sunflowers later because I’m pretty sure Pyro has a sunflower pin like Serapter. But none of the rest do?
I love it when the music cuts off it’s just so good
That felt so wrong, which is what made that scene so good
I can’t tell if the darkened stumps of the trees are a design choice or something intentional…
I wonder why Div would ask that?
Damn they are just straight up dissing the Hemlockes
“What everyone knows he’s a little fruity” DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT LOUD THOUGH?
I wonder where Pyro is going?
Once again she is drawn to the woods
Now who was that???
Oop Div… going out to the woods too I see
Same cinematic shot that was there when Ivory went to the woods too
Ok yeah to be figured that Pyro would go back to her grave
A few moments sure Ivory
It’s sweet that they are bonding even under their specific circumstances
Awww Maddy
WHAT not enough money for Kantje’s dad? Agreement??
So an argument between Kantje and Ivo…
Oh so Ivo plans on leaving the estate?
Okay what is Kantje’s background?
Ivory please don’t get caught
Okay this is build up to something…
“Any of the maids acting strangely or being really anxious” I KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU FREAK
“Great progress on the case” you just think it’s Ivory bro
#taag talks#whitepine#whitepine spoilers#ivorycello#PACING AROUND MY ROOM HOLY SHIT#AMAZING EPISODE ONCE AGAIN
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