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bonfirebydesign · 1 month ago
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Image Credit: Sawyer Bengston, from Unsplash
Edited in Photoshop
Hue/Saturation: 0 / -9 / +2
Color Balance: Midtones, -23 / -14 / +2
Vibrance/Saturation: +15 / +23
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bonfirebydesign · 1 month ago
oh boy do i miss the city
big cities with public transportation, of course
dawn breaking with the horns of the buses
to the dusk that calls with the subway screeches
the cigarette smoke that wafts through the walkways rusted green,
these are the sights and smells that scream home to me
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bonfirebydesign · 1 month ago
self awareness is not my strong suit but if i were any more aware of the horrors built inside my own comprehension id also turn nihilistic and look for a way to bring back the ubermensch and aristocracy
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bonfirebydesign · 1 month ago
lemongrass 🤩🤩
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Care for a drink?
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bonfirebydesign · 1 month ago
Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse.  It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms 
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable.  As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of. - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
is there such a thing as too much empathy?
i find myself giving my heart out to others so often- feeling the pain and grief and suffering that others feel, but only as an onlooker can. where is line we shouldnt cross, as living, functional human beings? is there a line at all? when is it justified for me to withhold my empathy for someone else? because they "deserved" it? or when my heart is full, that cant take in any more?
i remember mark twain's quote:
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"
my faith compels me, as do my morals, to pray for those that need God the most- the greatest sinners, the worst murderers, the cruelest of tyrants- but also the frailest of babes, the strongest of mothers, the most desperate of doctors.
but i am only human- tragically limited in time and in energy and in focus; for whom shall i pray, for whom shall i give my time and resources the most? im not debating whether i should help murderers or mothers, but the idea that, who am i to deny the next to ask for help when inevitably, my hands are full and my heart is taxed.
i hope to vindicate the hurt, the dying, and the dead, against their transgressors. but i cannot do it all, for all.
i will continue loving, continue supporting, continue fighting for those that most need it, because that is what i can do, and want to. i pray that the day will never come that i have to turn away the weary and tired in my heart- because all deserve a hearth
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
some nights, im blessed with bouts of creativity-
with the scraps from the court of the Muses
its fleeting like the wind, a light caress and you'll miss it.
striking through the visions of my half-baked consciousness
this inspiration lands like a kiss, a first love so don't forget it
like im watching poor Eurydice and i'm the only witness
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
the greatest poets struggled with delusions and madness
the most beautiful poetry to me is the stuff that goes on and on and rambles for breaths on end with no period in sight. The kind of stuff that only comes once in a blue moon, ones that arise from half-awake visions sparked by the ID and the superego (hi freud!), and those that only come in the deepest delusions and madness of lovesickness, hubris, or despair.
I want to know the thoughts and feelings and tinges of ANYTHING that the narrator describes - these kinds of poems just pull me into their immersiveness.
perhaps it is my own hyperactive mind that draws me into the curious thoughts of others - by no means a unique qualification, but an explanation nonetheless.
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
wheres stonefox?
Stonefox are a small indie band of three with a focus on electronic and pop music. They have over 100 million streams total on Spotify, so they aren't exactly a small band.
Their last post online was over 60 weeks ago on their Instagram - and I just recently discovered their music, so I've never been a part of their online presence. They haven't posted anything to their Facebook, Youtube Channel, or Soundcloud in years too. However, I know they are still at least partially active, since they are listed as a contributing artist on the song titled 'Garden', which released in 2023z
I found out the name of their members on this Australian article, since they're a Melbourne-based band: Jenna Russo, Tim Carroll, and Monica Sparaso. If anyone has leads on this band and where they (or the members if they've since split) are currently, please let me know! I just really want to follow them where they're active!
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
"not my circus, not my monkeys" = not your problem
"not my circus, but those are my monkeys" = it's only your problem as far as figuring out how to retrieve them without being caught
"my circus, but those aren't my monkeys" = it's your problem until you figure out whose monkeys those are, and after that you make it their problem
"my circus, my monkeys" = this is 100% on you. On the bright side, if you decide you're chill with the shitshow currently happening, nobody can walk in and make you do anything about it.
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
listening to Sabrina Carpenter and actually paying attention to the lyrics instead of just having it on in the background is such a diff experience.
anyways, i think her older songs (currently obsessed w 'Looking At Me') slap harder than her newer releases. feels different, esp comparing music before and after 2021.
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
i need this in my life, tetris is life
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Credits to @Hakusi_Katei from X/Twitter
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
its a perpetual cycle that i experience in the five minutes before an upcoming test 😭😭
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I love psyduck
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
have a friend who would love this terastallized to electric 🔥🔥
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year of the snake! Here's progress shots and then the final pic. Still getting used to the new paint, I like a lot of it but miss the old versions more and more. Might revert back.
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
i know too many oranges 🤗🤗
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bonfirebydesign · 2 months ago
so cutee
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worm for @mapache0noises
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