#world and others around them and how memory affects his perception of himself
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lukasadss · 7 months ago
Oh pod Sherlock is making me bawl,,
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linkspooky · 6 months ago
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Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 265 quickly surpassed Gojo's death chapter as my favorite chapter in the entire manga. It's a high point in both Yuji's character development and the Sukuna fight, a notion most of the fandom agrees with. That being said, it's once again time for me to take a stance contrary to most of the fandom opinion. I was going to make this post two weeks ago but I'm glad I waited, because this week's chapter helps me illustrate my point in the contrasting way Yuji treats Sukuna and Megumi.
As you can probably tell by the title, my hot take of the week is that what Yuji is showing Sukuna isn't true empathy. It's not atn attempt to understand Sukuna's worldview, but rather condescending pity from a place looking down on Sukuna, which is why it infuriates him so much. This is illustrated in Yuji's atual actions this chapter, which is to go at great length to show memories from his past to make Sukuna understand HIM and not the other way around.
Whereas, what Yuji shows Megumi is compassion, because he's not telling Megumi what to feel or imposing his own views on him but rather accepting the fact that Megumi might be suffering too much to keep living on.
I'll explain more under the cut:
Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy
Yuji is, not as far along in his character development as he might seem. I don't want to undervalue his growth, this chapter shows definite progress, and I understand why it would seem that this is the completion of his arc of being a cog in society because he straight up says people don't need roles, and it seems like the manga is quickly coming to a close.
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However, sometimes characters words don't exactly match their actions. Sometimes characters aren't self aware. People often call characters multi-layered and complex, but what does that mean exactly? For me, a mutli-layered character is the embodiment of "people are never what they appear to be."
A story has multiple layers when you're not supposed to take everything the author says at face value. Every time you read a story, whether you are aware of it or not you engage in some level of personal interpretation. You're not supposed to automatically accept everything the author feeds you without question. Therefore characters are not exactly what they are stated to be, and good character writing allows room for interpretation for what is going on in a character's head beneath the surface.
In a jungian sense this would be the ice berg model of consciousness. There's the persona, or the ego, which is what the person presents to the world and the people around them. Their own-self conceived image. Then there's the part of the ice berg that submerged, which accounts for all of their internal mechanisms and facets of their personality they aren't aware of. This could range from anything to like, how trauma can affect people's actions without them realizing it, things they are in denial of and don't want to admit to themselves or just like someone who's bossy but not self-aware about that trait until someone else points it out for them.
Everyone's have that friend who you try to call them out on their bad behavior, but no matter how hard you try they just won't admit it. That alone illustrates there's a difference between self-perception, how we view ourselves, behavior - how we actually interact with the world, and pther people's perception of us. Somewhere in between these multiple points of view there exists a vague outline of a person, and personality, whatever "personality" means exactly.
To step away from Jung, in a character writing sense this means a good character's motivations, personality, and actions can be viewed from multiple angles. There is conflict between how Yuji views himself, his actual actions in the story, how other characters might view him, and how he's framed in the story. The first two, Yuji's self-assigned roles, and what his actual actions amount to is a conflict that's run over the entire story.
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It starts from chapter three, where Yuji's answer for why he wants to become a sorcerer is that he wants to fulfill his grandfather's dying wish, and Yaga immediately says "Is that what you really believe, or are you just using your grandfather as an excuse?" The story shows us Yaga was right to point out the discord between Yuji's stated motivation and his actual desires because Yuji changes his answer.
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This stated motivation, "To do something that only I can do", or have a role as another way of putting it is Yuji's central motivation for most of the manga. Of course as I said people have multiple layers, so he can also have multiple motivations. Yuji's desire to have a good death, him wanting to be surrounded by people when he dies, his belief that fulfilling his role as a sorcerer will save other people from curses, all of these things are equally true but that one desire to have a role to play in the grand scheme of things is at the center of it.
The role Yuji has chosen is to kill curses so people can have more natural deaths, and also to stop more victims of curses from piling up. He's also resolved from the start to die with Sukuna in his body, to also spare victims of curses Sukuna might attract, and also kill Sukuna for good.
Even these stated motions are challenged right away, and then again continually through the comic.
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I'm not going to go over Yuji's entire arc here, but the fact that Yuji is someone constantly interrogated for his motivations and even punished in story for his altruism is a constant pattern in his character arc.
It extends deeper than just the fact that Yuji is a selfless person in a world where selfish people like Mei Mei, and Sukuna get ahead while people like Nanami die young. A world where it is in your best interest to stick out your neck for others.
For me a lot of the harsh consequences Yuji's conflict in the story also centers around the fact that he can never live up to the role that he has assigned himself. Not only is Yuji mistaken in his perception of himself, but the fandom in general is as well, because most people tend to take Yuji's stated desire to guide people to good deaths and save them at face value.
For example, people were excited to point out the Guanyin symbolism directly referenced this chapter, and also the significance of the seal for Yuji's domain.
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There is much speculation, but it seems certain that this hand sign is an invocation of Ksitigarbha, a revered bodhisattva in East Asian Buddhism. Ksitigarbha is also known as Jizo Bodhisattva in Japan. His name can be translated as Earth Womb, Earth Matrix, and Earth Store. These translations evoke the image of a vessel, which seems relevant to Yuji's role as Sukuna's vessel.
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While I agree the symbolism is well suited for Yuji's goals, someone who wished to guide people to a more peaceful death, and also the way Yuji opposes Sukuna right now determined to kill him who lingers in this world as a parasite for a thousand years finally back to the cycle of reincarnation. It even alligns with his desire to try and make Sukuna understand the value in one individual's life by showing him his memories. In that way Yuji is fitting the role of someone guiding others to enlightenment.
However, Yuji is not a bodhivista in the end. He is a normal teenage boy. In fact this is the crux of Yuji's character to me, he is a good kid, but he's not as good as he thinks he is. If anything this is what this chapter goes to great length to demonstrate, that Yuji despite being a science experiment to create the perfect vessel for Sukuna for Kenjaku's 1,000 year plan, had a normal childhood. All of the things Yuji says in this chapter are for the most parts the musing of a normal kid his age.
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This isn't me criticizing Yuji. I'm just trying to state the message I believe Gege is getting across in this chapter. It's similiar to the conclusion Yuji himself comes to, the conclusion that the value in life lies in the memories you make on a day to day basis, even if you're not living a life full of adventure.
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Yuji's conflict is that he pursues the role of a bodhisvatta, and he holds himself to the standard too of someone who exists to be a sorcerer because by doing his job as a sorcerer people will get saved as a result. However, Yuji as a person will always fall short of this ideal, because ideals by the nature of them being IDEAL and therefore not compatible with reality.
To use an example for another media, it doesn't matter how hard Shirou Emiya strives to save others, or how selfless he tries to be, he will always fall short because the ideal of saving absolutely everyone is impossible. However, in most versions of Fate's story Shirou absolutely refuses to compromise on this and in the future, Shirou will continue to strive towards the ideal of saving everyone until his inability to achieve that ideal and the number of people he's failed to save eventually breaks him.
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So Yuji may genuinely hold onto an unbreakable ideal, but is his inability to let go of that ideal necessarily a good thing? His ideal might break but what about Yuji as a person? Yuji will in the end always fall short of that ideal because of his humanity, especially since Yuji is the most human character in the story and practically the only one with a normal background.
There's also as I stated above Yuji might not be aware himself of the ways he falls short of his ideal, because he has a flawed self perception. Yuji is getting closer with his revelation in this chapter of looking at reality instead of trying to have a role like a character in the story, but that doesn't mean he's finished (since the story's not finished) or he's become a fully realized character.
One of my favorite quotes from my favorite Yuji video helps describe the point I'm getting at with Yuji's lack of self awareness and the way he sometimes falls short of the savior he sees himself as.
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By assigning himself the role as heroes, and the other characters as victims to be saved Yuji sort of condescends to the people he endeavors to save. I describe this as condescending because this way he doesn't see the people he saves as fully fleshed out human beings who are separate individuals from himself.
Yuji is alligned with Higuruma of all people, someone who shares Yuji's savior complex and becomes disillusioned because the people he decided of his own free will to protect as a defense attorney are not perfect victims.
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Someone who becomes disillusioned when looking at flaws in other people, and also cannot deal with his own guilt when he too, becomes like the crimminals he once defended after becoming a murderer.
In fact Yuji sees himself in Higuruma's inability to live with his guilt, and only being able to see himself atoning with his death. Yet, despite Yuji seeing himself Yuji also seems uneasy with Higuruma being unable to see one other way forward in life.
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Also, remember that Higuruma is a defense attorney. The whole point is he's supposed to defend crimminals even if he knows they did the crime and try to get them off their sentence and win the trial. Therefore at this moment Higuruma has failed to live up to his ideal.
There's another character Yuji is paralleled to constantly, who also shares Yuji's symbolism of being associated with a divine, and benevolent figure.
Geto's ears, his dressing as a monk in a Gojo-gesa, this official art all connect Geto to be Budha and yet it's quite obvious that Geto has failed entirely to live up to his role as the budha.
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There's so much symbolism aligning Geto as a divine figure bringing salvation to others, and this corresponds to his original ideal as a sorcerer who belived that sorcerers had an obligation to use their powers to protect others, because in a just society the strong protect the weak.
Geto is an outsider who wasn't born into the Jujutsu World who entered in with an attitude different from most sorcerers by trying to become a sorcerer for altruistic reasons. However, Geto, like Higuruma grows disillusioned when he's confronted with the fact that the people he wants to save are flawed.
However, Geto's ideal was mistaken to begin with because much like Yuji, by distinctly separating people into the weak and the strong, he's separating them into two categories where the former is inherently inferior to the latter. Other people existed to be saved by Geto. He couldn't cope with the fact that the people he wanted to save were people and not victims.
So we finally circle back to chapter 265 where Yuji is attempting to relate to Sukuna and see some humanity in him... or is he?
Yuji shares the same flaw of both Geto, and Higuruma where he sees the people he wants to save as existing in a separate category than himself. So, is what Yuji is offering Sukuna understanding and an attempt to emotionally reach out to him, or is he attempting to show Sukuna the mercy of a conqueror.
Even if Yuji wins the battle and spares Sukuna's life in the end, it won't be Yuji's compassion or empathy that won him the fight. If Yuji wins against Sukuna it's simply because he's stronger. Yuji only feels confident trying to offer Sukuna in the first place because this time he's finally confident he's stronger. It's mercy, offered at a threat with the same time. Yuji, like Geto, is still separating people in categories of strong and weak, he's just showing mercy to someone he now considers weaker than him which is why Sukuna reacted the way he did.
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As I said above, Sukuna begins by just assuming that Yuji had just let go of his anger, and was now trying to reach out to him on some other way. He calls him weak for being unable to keep hating his worst enemy, because in Sukuna's world view Yuji should keep hating him and wanting to defeat him with all his strength to the end. Sukuna mistakenly believes for a moment that Yuji is the kind of person who, cannot sustain his anger even towards his worst enemy.
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It's when he realizes that Yuji is just showing him simple pity that he snaps. Yuji doesn't care for understanding Sukuna's worldview or seeing the humanity in him, in the same chapter he says he can't forgive people who act like lives are worthless.
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To Yuji's credit he admits he doesn't really know which side of the fight is truly human, or whether or not he's right, he admits it's his own personal belief. A lot of Yuji's wisdom this chapter, I'd argue, comes from admitting the things he does not know, and acknowledging that there's no objective truth or "meaning" to the world. However, he still separates people into "good guys, and bad guys".
Yuji isn't actually that interested in considering the perspective of those he considers the "bad guys" he just still had a faint hope that he could somehow convince Sukuna to see worth in his life by sharing memories, therefore convince Sukuna that an individual's life can have value.
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He doesn't want to understand what Sukuna thinks, he wanted to change the way Sukuna thought so it was more like himself. Yuji doesn't ask Sukuna any real questions about himself while exploring his memories. Kind of ironic, because for some reason Sukuna of all people was patiently listening and even engaging Yuji in conversation while he went through the most mundane memories of his childhood.
Irony on top of irony, Yuji's worldview does resemble Sukuna's in some ways. They're supposed to mirror each other after all, Yuji is literally the son of his identical twin brother reincarnated. First and foremost Yuji's offer of mercy isn't really breaking away from Sukuna's ultimate ideal of "Might Makes Right." Yuji isn't seeking some other way of settling this besides fighting Sukuna, he's going to make Sukuna submit because he's stronger.
Maybe there was no hypothetical "third way" for Yuji to put down Sukuna other than fist fighting him into submission. There probably wasn't, Sukuna's pretty up front what he's about, and what he's about is being the strongest and nothing more. He lives and dies by violence, a Sukuna who isn't the strongest is nothing more than a corpse so can that person be reached? However, I just wanted to point out that Yuji wasn't interest in solving this in any way other than a fist fight to begin with. As opposed to say, the way that Takaba handled Kenjaku taking a third route by making Kenjaku feel entertained for the first time in 1,000 years.
In the middle of that fight Takaba even APOLOGIZES to Kenjaku, for saying that it doens't matter if he doesn't understand his audience and he fails to make 1% of them laugh as long as the other 99% of them are laughing and states it's his duty to make everyone laugh otherwise he's failed as a comedian.
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Yet, another reason why this is the greatest fight in the manga. Yuta even remarks in the end that Takaba isn't someone who can kill people. Not only does his cursed technique negate most damage to him by turning it into cartoonish antics, but Takaba's comedy is also all about understanding his audience and trying to get his audience to understand him because his comedy began when he clowned around as a kid when he was lonely. All of this to say we've been shown more points of view than just "Might makes Right" and there are characters who've resolved conflicts in other ways. Kenjaku is also, probably as monstrous as Sukuna, and yet Takaba engaged him right from the start by asking him about his motivations and if there was some other way he'd be happy than the merger.
You could argue that maybe Sukuna can't be understood. Characters in the story certainly try to and all they amount to doing is projecting their own ideas onto Sukuna. Yorozu projects her obsession with love onto Sukuna and we get the idea that Sukuna must somehow be lonely at the top, but in the end Gege subverts this expectation by showing us that Sukuna was never lonely, rather characters like Kashimo and Gojo projected their feelings of unresolved loneliness onto him. They are strong, and he is strong, ergo he must feel the same crushing loneliness as them. Gojo himself demosntrates not understanding Sukuna as he expresses regret in the afterlife that he was unable to make Sukuna go all out and that he related to that guy's loneliness only for Sukuna's response to be a very gratified "You cleared my skies."
Sukuna: Others love us for our strength, and we respond to that love.
The twist of that is Kashimo and by extension the audience assume that Sukuna must not understand love, and therefore he's lonely. However, Sukuna all along had his own definition of love, that people express their love and admiration for him by trying to fight him and he receives their love by facing them at his full strength and giving them the chance to prove themselves. Sukuna's habit of toying with his opponents is an extension of this he wants to see them realize their full potential in their fights with him. Sukuna does understand love, he just REJECTS our understanding of love. Sukuna does not think in the way that we do, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have things he values, or is devoid of positive traits. Respect for his opponents, honoring strength, these are all values they're just not Yuji's values.
As stated above, the irony of all this is that Yuji does buy into "Might makes Right" to an extent. To reiterate, following Geto's "the strong exist to protect the weak" still divides people into two categories strong and weak and implies the weak are helpless. A benevolent might makes right, as you might say. Yuji wants to show compassion to the weak, but he also loathes weakness, he loathes himself for being weak.
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"There still may be lots of people who are weak like you."
Higuruma even points out the flaw in his mindset, well if you loathe yourself for being weak, then what about other people who are weak do you loathe them too? I think it's no coincidence that Yuji is paralleled not one, but two (Geto, Higuruma) people who tried to use their strength in benevolent ways only to start out loathing the people they were trying to help. I'm not saying that Yuji secretly hates weak people, but his mindset of black and white, weak and strong, a mindset that can't accept the greys of reality is a dangerous mindset to have and Yuji has the potential to become like those two.
However, these parallels exist for us the audience to see just how close Yuji was to repeating the cycle, because it makes it that much more meaningful when Yuji grows in ways that Geto and Higuruma doesn't to move one step forward towards breaking that cycle instead.
Yuji is someone who experiences the same loneliness as Sukuna and Gojo for being the strongest, though to a lesser extent because he wasn't born into the realm of sorcerers. At the start of the manga we're introduced to Yuji a kid who despite being someone friendly to everyone he meets and incredibly social, has a friend group consisting of two friends. Two friends who hang out with him because they need a third member for their occult club. Yuji for the whole manga excluding one exception really only knows how to form relationships based on someone else needing him.
Noritoshi Kamo: Itadori why did you become a Jujutsu Sorcerer? Itadori Yuji: It just sort of happened. i'm a loner. I wanna help a lot of people so when I die I'll be surrounded by people.
Yuji has also appeared in flashbacks in early culling game as someone who doesn't really understand, or even take notice of weak people. Yuji in Amai Rin's flashback is beating up bullies, a heroic notion, but from the perspective of somone spineless like Amai who was just going along with the bullies so he himself wouldn't be bullied because he didn't have the strength to stand up with them, and wasn't born with the body of an MMA fighter at fifteen, Yuji looks scary.
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The reason why reducing people to labels like strong and weak is reductive is that humans are complex and contradictory creatures. Let's take Amai Rin for example, an incredibly minor character. In the real world, Amai Rin would be someone as equally complex as Gojo Satoru. Amai Rin a middle school bully would have just as many layers to his personality, inconsistencies, contradictory behavior, different sides of himself as Gojo Satoru himself.
Humans are complex in the first place because we can't see inside their heads, we can only see inside our own heads and know that we're complex and sometimes say things we don't mean, behave differently depending on the situation, do things we're not proud of, but we also usually don't perceive others the same way because we are not inside their heads like our own. Amai Rin is just as complex and multifaceted a human being as Gojo Satoru, he is a person with his own memories and life experiences that shape him, but from Gojo's worldview Amai Rin is a minor character. By reducing him into someone weak, Gojo doesn't care to try understanding him.
So Yuji for the longest time does not try to see the humanity in weak people (except for his big moment with Junpei) he just sees them as people to be saved. Which is why his real moment of progress to me comes the next chapter, with the way he shows empathy to Megumi.
Yuji begins when speaking to Megumi by relating his frustration with his grandfather for not wanting to go through chemo and accepting his own death in old age. Yuji is now mature enough to understand that just because his young body is tough enough to endure chemo, doesn't mean an old man's body can withstand that pain. When he was young Yuji had a very immature viewset of "Well, I can endure it, so why can't they?"
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Yuji then compares the situation with his grandfather to Megumi. Yuji wanted his grandfather to keep living, so he couldn't understand why he wouldn't even try the chemo. Yuji wants Megumi to keep living, but he now understand why Megumi wants to give up. Yuji' fe elings of wanting Megumi to live are not more important than Megumi's own feelings of despair and wanting to escape pain.
Yuji is no longer imposing his feelings onto Megumi. Yuji is respecting Megumi's feelings, because in the end he can't FORCE Megumi to live. It has to be Megumi's choice whether he wants to live or not.
Yuji is no longer pushing Megumi away, or acting protective of him, while disregarding his feelings. He has gone from "as long as I'm around you'll suffer" to "I'll be lonely without you." Yuji doesn't ASK Megumi to live even though he wants to, because he knows he can't tell Megumi to keep on living. What Yuji does is just an honest expression of his own feelings. He's sharing his own feelings after listening to Megumi's ideal life with Tsumiki and Yuji, because that's what empathy is, an exchange, a conversation.
People often jokingly use the term "yap sessh" on Twitter, but yeah that's the different between a conversation and a "yap sessh" in the former you actually care what the other person has to say, in a latter it's only about expressing your own opinion.
That's why this panel, is such a perfect contrast with this panel.
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One is Yuji offering Megumi a choice. The other is Gojo taking Megumi's choices away by giving him the false choice of "go to the Zen'in Clan and be a sorcerer and your sister will be abused, or come with me and be a sorcerer." Gojo railroaded Megumi into being a sorcerer and never let him decide for himself if he wanted a normal life. Gojo didn't see Megumi as his own person either, he, just like the Zen'in Clan just saw Megumi as the holder of the Ten Shadows Technique.
This is entirely different to Yuji who respects Megumi's feelings. Yuji expresses that he'll be lonely without Megumi, but that's just laying the cards on the table. In the end Yuji leaves what happens next entirely in Megumi's hands. Yuji cannot tell Megumi to live, even though he wants him to live so badly, he cannot tell Megumi to just get stronger and keep on trucking because he's not Megumi, he's not experiencing Megumi's pain right now.
Yuji does not tell Megumi to live and therefore becomes the first person in Megumi's entire life to give him a choice. This choice is the most important choice of all, a choice we make every day of our lives. The choice of whether we want to keep on living in this world.
Hopefully, Megumi chooses yes.
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q-ueen-potato · 6 months ago
Yes ME with more about my Cosmic Royal au
(Again thank you for @crazysaru99 for all the amazing drawings and the help on the au. Without you this wouldn't be possible)
The fairies are split in classes and the number of their wings is directly affected by it. It is possible to change the perception of the wings ture nature but not the wings itself. Like a mirage or illusion.
The way to de terminate what class each belong is
First class - Royal family, seelie court(main family) and the council.
Second class - Seelie Court(other family memmbers), some aristocracy and knights (may add other folk)
Third class - commom fairies
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After Cosmo Sr. was born there was an event to introduce the royal prince to the fairies, on this same day Jorgen meet the prince.
Jorgen is a first class fairy as he is from a main family on the seelie court. He also have knights in his family being part of the fairy army.
His mother fought in the great magical and he was really close with the royal family. He also doesn't remember about them since this was long long time ago.
He is just a bit older than his aunt Tuli Von Strangle (Mama Cosma)
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While growing up, Cosmo Sr. didn't minded about how his father would soon forget, he always wanted to share his day and tell stories and just be around his dad.
Gonzo didn't ignored his child willing as he would mostly dissociate for a long time or forget where they are for a moment. He would always recognize his son thou, even if for a moment in his memories he was just a baby.
The events that lead to Gonzo's state was a mix of the attacks during the great magical war, his own stress and his own magic.
Stella had to assume the head of the family since the day they scaped the castle and even if she feels ready to break she will rise her head and face what she needs to do.
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The secret will be revealed on a festival, Timmy had learned about a anual festival that happens in fairy world and wished to be there. It wasn't prohibited for godkids and Timmy even found one or other godchild around the fair so this was fine.
The festival was to honor and celebrate all the lives lost during the Great Magical War. The current Fairy King, King Oberon, was giving a speach about the honor of his family and the sacrifices of the crown withou a single remorse even if he knows he is a fake.
Eventually Cosmo distracts himself to get something to eat and find his mother, they argue as she tries to bring him back to her and Cosmo Sr. who just happens to be there goes in defense of his son.
Wanda appears with Timmy and because of their arguing they accidentally end up in one of the old tunnels
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The tunnels are a giang catacombs under the fairy castle connecting the dungeon and other areas. One of the areas is a garden where the mural made to celebrate the birth of the prince
The mural was abandoned but the faces are easy to recognize
And then the secret of the royal family is revealed. With a wish, Timmy let the truth spread for the fairy world
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After facing the council and being revealed what was done, Cosmo Sr. Is crowned King Cosmo I.
And his family restored to the throne as they deserve.
Cosmo Sr. have a talk with his oldest son Schnozmo that because of all he has done is welcomed in the family but cannot be a heir to the throne leaving this to Cosmo.
Alot of fairies wanted to Cosmo and Wanda stop being godparents because of their current status but they couldn't do it as their heart is to make children happy, and they love Timmy too much
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the-demon-prodigy · 10 months ago
oba yozo and warped perception
ok heres an absolutely giant analysis (its 2k words ermm) that i wrote in an essay format! i cant rlly say im proud of its strength as an essay but i do like the concepts i brought up here so i might eventually redo but it took me literally a week so i cant not post it
yozo is my little guy i want to put him under a microscope and study him like a bug/aff
its under the cut :]
TW: su1cide, s3xual a$sault, misogyny (all mentioned, not depicted)
Osamu Dazai’s No Longer Human, a Japanese literary classic, is told through the writings of the protagonist, Oba Yozo. Yozo is a deeply traumatized and alienated human being, and his perception of both himself and others is distorted by his traumatic experiences.
Yozo makes the judgement very early on in his life that he lacks what constitutes humanity. He separates himself from humans because of this, but unable to renounce their society as he is, he instead opts to display a public facade of light-heartedness and, on occasion, foolishness. Yozo feared that which he did not understand, and he therefore feared people, finding them and their society riddled with unspoken societal guidelines, utterly incomprehensible. (It’s likely that Yozo only feared the unknown so much and only came to this conclusion due to his intelligence, which he is mentioned to have, at least academically. Generally, it would be extremely unlikely that Yozo is an unintelligent character, seeing as how often he pokes and prods at the philosophical and existential.)
Yozo finds himself inhuman, due to how he fails to understand that which humans seem to be born into this world understanding. Additionally, he lacks something in his nature that he believes to be absolutely inherent to humans: a deep, animalistic anger. Yozo never describes being angry throughout the book; he only fears, and fears, and fears some more, until he fears every last thing in this world. It’s likely that this immense fear came only as a result of the life he led. Even in his teenage and adult years, he gauges himself to not be seen as a friend or even a person to some of the people he knew, thus determining that he had never made a friend. And, having been sexually assaulted at a very young age, it’s only natural that Yozo would believe human beings to be cruel and animalistic by nature, hence justifying his fear. 
The childhood trauma that Yozo suffered also caused further complications in his life, outside of the obvious feelings of needing to please in order to be ‘safe’. Yozo seems to have difficulty processing/facing outright his emotions and traumatic events, his flowery style of writing carefully dancing around describing exactly what happened to him. I doubt that Yozo has truly suppressed the memories of his childhood, but he at least doesn’t process them correctly. Yozo also does this in regards to things that remind him of his trauma or, in other words, trigger him.
It’s important to note that the presentation of No Longer Human is inherently biased. There is not a single scene told from objective reality, even in the prologue and epilogue which aren’t told in Yozo’s perspective. While the unreliable narration is pivotal to exploring the recesses of the human mind, it’s impossible to grasp exactly what actually happened at any given point. Had Yozo outright lied about certain things? Were there times when he had forgotten important memories that eventually constituted his personality? Yozo himself even admits to having a side of him that exaggerates for effect, not even to his benefit, and it leads a reader to wonder just how much was affected by that trait of his. 
In the epilogue, one of Yozo’s acquaintances says that the way that his life turned out was due to his father: “it’s his father’s fault.” However, Yozo barely talked about his father in the book, save for mentioning his fear of being reprimanded, which was par for the course for anyone that Yozo spoke to. Although his father did affect the way that Yozo lived, with the information that Yozo gave, it would be impossible to say accurately that it was his father’s fault. 
Although it’s tempting to instead say that Yozo’s unfortunate circumstances only worsened because of him, it’s important to note that Yozo demonizes himself endlessly. Yozo feared humans to the point of decreeing all on his own that he was disqualified from their race, but he still sought out love from human beings. He still wished for connection, but because of Yozo’s deep-seated self-hatred which came only as a result of seeing the most distasteful parts of humanity as a young child and feeling alienated from that, Yozo ended up separating himself. However, Yozo states over and over again that he fakes things, that he has a facade, that he only plays the clown and is not one, but it’s impossible to tell whether Yozo was truly the faker he thought that he was or if that was truly his personality and he simply didn’t know it. 
No Longer Human also has misogynistic themes, at times. While Yozo states that this is because he finds women to be boring, it’s possible that he is, once again, being unreliable, and the true reason that he has an aversion to women is because he experienced sexual assault at the hands of women from a young age and, many times throughout his life, he has experienced love with women that failed to come to proper fruition, hence causing his aversion to women and becoming attached to them.
Yozo spends the majority of the book fairly lost, not understanding humans, not understanding himself. So who is to say that Yozo was truly a liar, or that he simply thought that he was? It’s possible that Yozo only internalized the concept that he was a calculating, deceptive young man in order to make the thought that humans would never love him easier to swallow. 
Yozo being the intelligent and alienated sort of person that he is, he comes across as slightly conceited at times, seeing as he’s rather opinionated, and internally refers to one of his acquaintances as an utter fool completely lacking in artistry, for example. With this acquaintance, he plays two word games, and his opinions can tell us quite a bit about him. The first game is about tragic versus comic nouns. Yozo believes that, just as pronouns can be divided between masculine, feminine, and neutral, nouns can be divided between tragic and comic. It’s primarily a game of connotation (for example: steamship and steam engine are tragic, while bus and streetcar and comic). 
Of the highlights of this game is that Yozo’s first opinion is that death is comic, while life is tragic. This is a reflection of his unique view on death, specifically him seeing it as a sort of cathartic relief, in comparison to life. Yozo views his own life, particularly, as shameful, making it tragic.
The second game is about antonyms. Yozo’s first example is that black is the antonym of white, but the antonym of white is red, and the antonym of red is black. In order to get a different result each time, you will need to repeatedly switch your perspective. Black and white are visually in opposition. Red is only the antonym of white figuratively, however. White is surrender while red is offense, white is purity while red is tainted. Black is the antonym of red in that red is fierce and passionate, while black is empty and void.
These also reflect Yozo’s personality. He is visually the opposite to humans, seen in how an outsider views his photos in the prologue. He is tainted, or corrupted, because of the crime that was perpetrated upon him as a child. Yozo also experiences his emotions in a complex way, sometimes void, like ‘black’, but at other times too heavily, like ‘red’. 
(And you, dear reader, may ask, “Aren’t you focusing too much on Yozo’s sexual trauma?” and I’d respond, “No Longer Human is an inherently subjective work due to the lack of representation of an objective reality. Yozo may ignore his sexual trauma more often than not, but I don’t have to, as that kind of experience is part of what created the ‘Oba Yozo’ that we come to see in the novel, regardless of how often it is directly addressed.”)
It’s also important to note that this example that Yozo provides is a one-way street. Black to white, then white to red, then red to black. Red is not the antonym of white, despite the fact that white is the antonym of red, because the antonym of white is black. This disjointed yet ultimately related style of thinking is reminiscent of the way that Yozo fails to properly reconcile all the concepts that he contemplates daily and how he fails to process things that were traumatic.
A highlight of the little antonym game that Yozo and his acquaintance played was when Yozo’s acquaintance mentioned that the antonym of crime was sure to be ‘the law’. Yozo internally scoffs at the concept, and states that crime belonged to a different category. Through the following paragraphs, it becomes apparent that Yozo sees crime as being a moral concept at heart. Whether or not something is a crime is not dictated by whether it defies the law or not, but by an intrinsic judgement system that exists within the heart of all people. He also states that vice is different from crime. Vice is a societal construct in Yozo’s eyes, whilst crime is not. Crime always exists and will continue to, even if there are no people in existence to observe it. Crime may even be above morality in a sense; there exists things that are crimes even to the earth itself. To Yozo, at least. 
To Yozo, punishment is the antonym of crime. Through a reflection of Dostoevsky's work, Yozo came to the conclusion that crime would only be paired with punishment if they were meant to be of completely opposite affiliation.  The reason his brain works in this way is because of the unique life that Yozo has led. Because the most horrific of crimes that were perpetrated upon him were met with no punishment, it’s only natural that he would see the two as inherently disconnected concepts.
Yozo also loses plenty of people important to him; Tsuneko and his father, to name two. Although the grief that Yozo experiences is very rarely directly addressed by him, it’s crucial to take into account the effect of these events on Yozo. He spends the latter parts of the book impacted by grief, and it shapes the ‘Yozo’ that we see. There is no objective reality in No Longer Human, there is only the clouded lens that Yozo views it through, and this concept permeates the entire story, which means that if, perhaps, Yozo hadn’t lost the people that he did, the second half of the story would be different. The entire book would be different if told from the perspective of someone else; this is where the truly genius subtext of the novel lies, in the fact that almost everything that the viewer ends up consuming about the story is Yozo’s own thoughts, inseparable from the experience of reading the novel.
“He was a good boy, an angel,” is the final line of No Longer Human, said about Yozo by one of the people who knew him. The unlovable, monstrous, deceptive Yozo that he claimed himself to be for his entire life was perceived as an angel by those around him. Yozo accentuated the many ways he had been taken advantage of, the things he had to keep secret, and yet someone who barely knew him was fond of him in a way he would never process as true had he been present for that moment. One might even say that there were a number of people in this world who loved Yozo.
By existing in a world that he determined could only ever be lonely, Yozo’s perception of humans was warped by the multitude of ways that he had been broken by others, and his perception of himself was warped by his personal opposition to the definition of ‘human’ that he had crafted. This is the core of what makes No Longer Human tragic: the fact that Yozo was seeing an emptier world than all others, and he had given up on his life before it began. That Yozo will never see the world that he lived in for what it truly was.
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slutterhaus · 2 years ago
AN: I love F&H and I love angst, so why not mix them together with one of my favorite boys? CWs: Angst no comfort, very light smut, mourning and mentions of death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, light spoilers. Other: Second Person POV, GN!Reader, reader's fate is up to you. Not proofread, we die Moonscorched. Under read more for obvious reasons.
Looking at his eye should have brought you peace, it should've made your heart skip a beat in this intimate moment, yet all it brought were thoughts that made your gut wretch. Ever since you met him in Prehevil you were enamored with Daan, and for a moment, you felt as if he was too. But the realization that you simply bore a resemblance to his late wife made it all too clear that you were nothing more than a placeholder, a what could have been if Elise had never ended up at that stitched up thing. It made your blood boil, teeth clenching as he thrusted into you.
His grunts filled the room, your own noises having died down as soon as your train of thought began. Daan didn't seem to notice either, even as perceptive as he was, perhaps because he was too caught up in his own world and how your hole clenched around his cock. That only served to make your anger and resentment worse.
Even when he finished and cleaned you up, the scowl had already made its way to your face. And when he handed you his cigarette for you to take a drag from, you let the heat of the smoke settle on your tongue. Such an intimate moment, ruined, and he had finally taken notice. The silence of the room was deafening, worse than having all those horrible noises from outside surround you, and the tension was thicker than the fog that engulfed the city. Daan eventually broke the silence by clearing his throat, but it only earned him a glare.
He wondered if Elise ever looked at him that way, if she held the same anger in her eyes when he couldn't save her. And now he's dragged you with him into his misery, because eyes that once looked at him with affection now bore holes into his head, all because he let himself fall for the smallest hope he had of being with his wife one last time. Which ironically, was what happened after he left the building to continue on with this fucked up festival, only in the worst way possible. He couldn’t leave her like that, turned into a monster by some cruel God. And gods did the wound in his heart open again as he held the limp body in his arms for a second time.
Even when it was all over, when he was back on the train, his mind wandered. Your face morphed with Elise's, then to that stitched up monstrosity that he refused to believe was his wife. It was like his own personal Hell, and the devil chuckled behind him with a Cheshire cat grin. Daan knew he couldn't outrun it, could never escape this horrible hole he found himself in.
His chest burned at his last fond memory of you, where you comforted him after one of the passengers had just Moonscorched. Your delicate hands running through his hair at the bar's couch, the way your lips placed a soft kiss onto his forehead, just like Elise did. A scoff left his lips, knowing how much he hurt you with the exact comparison. He knew his wife was gone, and know, because of him, you were too.
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runin-reads · 1 year ago
Trans James Potter headcanons
This is just me brain dumping for my current prongsfoot WIP where James is a stealth trans guy and how this would affect the way he navigates relationships and his place in society. I try to base my writing on canon text so let me know if anything is inconsistent with the books
Not much would change. I see Sirius as someone who genuinely doesn’t care for a guys physical traits when it comes to falling in love. He’s perceptive and can see past a persons facade in seconds. He sees James as just another guy and falls for him because of his character— anatomy be damned. So wrt to their relationship they’d still be obsessed with each other and fit into that ‘two bodies one soul’ narrative
Nothing is off limits between them so I imagine Sirius would be very involved in James’ transition. He helps him do his T shots and he’s always the first person to notice and be told when James goes through a certain change
James would be the type to identify as a guy his entire life. It’s established in the books that his parents were very doting and wealthy, so even though they’re elderly I think they would accept James as their son and he’d have the support available to transition early on. James would be such a different person if his parents didn’t spoil him as a child, so I want to keep that aspect of his upbringing no matter what.
the way he would view his trans-ness would differ greatly from the current generation. I imagine there would be a huge dissonance between him and the label “trans” because he’s seen himself as a guy for as long as he can remember.
His idea of masculinity would be very hetero-normative given the time period he was raised in. His parents were happily married his entire life and I think their relationship would influence how he imagines his own future to be like. He wants to be a father to a child and a husband to a wife, and he subconsciously decides that that is the way a man should be.
In Snape's Worst Memory it’s implied that James cared a lot about what others think. While he and Sirius are antagonising Snape James kept looking back to see if the girls (namely Lily) were watching. I think being trans would only heighten this urge to be cool and popular. He’d love the attention he got from girls because it affirms his masculinity and he’d put a lot of effort into maintaining his image
I’ve already written about how prongsfoot (james/sirius) is queer coded. To add to that, there are two possible ways by which James deals with his not-so-platonic feelings for Sirius. One, he accepts these feelings much more easily than he would have in canon because he’s already trans so what’s a little more queerness. Two, he denies these feelings, preferring to stick to the hetero-normative standards set by his parents and society. (Both possibilities are based on my own experiences as a trans guy so trust me, trans people can still experience internalised homophobia)
On a more lighthearted note he’s the type of guy to try to put a permanent sticking charm on his packer/STP device lol. Key word: try. Sirius would talk him out of it but he would at some point find a way to use magic to keep his packer from falling out in the changing rooms etc.
His confidence would only grow once T starts taking effect on his body. He'd probably brag about his bottom growth to Sirius which, unbeknownst to James, ends up flustering Sirius a LOT
He doesn't bind because even though puberty blockers weren't used back in the 60s/70s, let's just say Monty and Effie found a magical alternative like a potion for example
idk if the wizarding world has its own equivalent of gender affirming care and I highly doubt JKR ever wrote about it, so I'll go off on a limb and say James uses both muggle and wizarding methods to transition depending on what's more convenient for the plot of my fic
If j/s did fool around I think James would be pretty bossy in bed lmao and he'd be very adamant that Sirius should avoid 'female' terms for his body and stick to words like 'cock' or 'front hole'
It would take a long time for James to be open to intercourse so uh they'd get very creative in the meantime
not an expert on magic but James would definitely find a way to like charm his packer so that it gets erect and he can continue living in stealth.
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verlaineszz · 7 months ago
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ LIFE EMBODIMENT! Dazai!
⁺‧₊˚ ཐིཋྀ ˚— SUMMARY: Everything was the same for the two bodies, one had a curse of living and the other had the curse of death.
Every reincarnation of chuuya was him losing his loved ones then hisself, and on dazais side of the story, he does not reincarnate. He rots in the boundaries of living trying to fill the gaping hole in his chest but everytime he gets close to another human being, they face misfortune that does not include death.
It is bad both ways. The people around dazai gets corrupted by the living and chuuyas dies on his hands.
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A/N: can you guys tell i dont know how to get more color fonts in tumblr? I genuinely don't know how people get grey or pastel colored texts..(-‸ ლ) also the title is from the song, "the only exception" by paramore! Anyways, enjoy the soukoku — <3
Extra note! : i decided not to write what i usually write, gothic romance.. But you never know🙏
(i also just broke my leg and English isn't my first language so please excuse my grammer..)
—˚₊‧⁺⋆ WARNINGS! : Blood, Death, Swearing, Alcohol
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Most people that lives in the world believes that reincarnations did not exist, but chuuya did. He believed it since he has experienced it himself, in every universe he was always reincarnating as his self but in different universes with different outcomes. And every outcome was never good, he always had to lose somebody or himself, in every universe he loses somebody, it was either the flags, the sheep, dazai or more..in every universe someone is always dying. And that someone is someone he cares about.
Reincarnation after reincarnation, his memory was still there.. The memory of his past lives, he lost hope that he truly did not wanted to get close with anyone again. Everytime chuuya died, He wished that he would finally reincarnate in a universe that he belonged in.
Every waking day of his life felt like dread but he tries to make the best out of it, his personality never changes. He was still the sarcastic guy he is, but just more distant..
Another stake to his heart and caskets were served once again, this was the end of chuuyas other life. And he will reincarnate into another one once again, it was a never ending agonizing cycle.
As he reincarnates all over again, same story same everything. He escapes the lab through his brother verlaine, joins the sheep then join the port mafia. Chuuya avoided mostly everyone though, not getting too close with anyone as always. But as he met dazais snarky face again, he felt the same as others. Someway somehow he knew that dazai would die due to him but he ignored it.
"Ugh. Do i really have to work with this kid?" Dazai says while rolling his eyes
"who the hell are ya callin' a kid?"
✮₊⊹₊⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆₊ ⊹✮
Mission after mission, dazai and chuuya spend their time together, dazai wanted to learn more about chuuya, in his eyes, chuuya was more human than he could ever be. He was drawn to his aura and how perceptive chuuya was. (due to how many times he has reincarnated.)
Chuuya was drawn to dazai as well since he seemed like he had no affect on chuuyas 2nd ability, which was being the embodiment of death. Dazai was alive and all teasing as always that chuuya missed the feeling of spending time with someone.. Even though it was dazai, the person that made his head hot, he found comfort in the way dazai was.
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Years passes by, they both found comfort in eachother, within each banter was a hint of care, and dazai found something to live for.. For atleast a certain period of time. And it was chuuya, chuuya was unreadable to him, chuuya was like an anomaly, something extraterrestrial. Which made dazai want chuuya more, he wanted to live for chuuya and for chuuya specifically.
The two of them just had a connection in this universe thay chuuya couldn't decipher, why? Dazai was the only person that believed that he was human, that mattered to him alot.
The both of them currently just finished a mission and they both just sit down on a field of grass, talking and just bullying each other as always.
"Don't talk crap about my height when im still growin' jackass." chuuya snarked back at dazais comments about his height.
"And when will that magically happen?" dazai chuckled, chuuya glares at him and sighs and mutters out — "soon. I swear."
Dazai smirks and moves closer to chuuya, his face close chuuyas, chuuya just glares at him with a faint pink tint on the ends of his ears.
"you know, you're very hot headed and weird."
"what the hell does that mean?!" chuuya asks in an offended way.
"But that's what makes me love you." dazai smiles softly at chuuya before pulling away.
Chuuya looks at him with a raised brow and replies back, "ew, that's gross man!"
Dazai laughs back at his reaction. The reaction that he seemed to feel weird towards to. The feeling that bubbles up in his stomach that he found uncomfortable but exciting, chuuya had always standed out of the rest that dazai knew that he was— The only exception.
Chuuya and dazai balanced out eachother perfectly, they matched eachothers personality in an unexpected way. And thats why they're always hanging out after missions.
Chuuya bought some ice cream for the both of them, they played some arcade games and then went on a walk in the forests of yokohama.
Dazai stared at chuuya the whole time as they ate their ice cream. Dazai had the same feeling again, something bubbling up in his stomach. He wasn't sure of the feeling since he has never quite experienced it before but as he thinks about the last "dates" him and chuuya have been going on, it hit him. He has a fucking crush on the chuuya nakahara..but it wasn't a biggie for him, he did confess that he loved him from the start.. But he wanted him madly. A graze of chuuyas hand already sent him to the moon...
Chuuya looks at dazai and catches him staring, dazai locks eyes with him and smiles warmly while eating the ice cream. Chuuya felt warm.. Like it was the first time he has ever experienced life, dazai had no effects of chuuya and neither did chuuya to dazais.
The more and more time passes by, the more desperate they got. Chuuya felt more attracted to dazais demeanor and dazai felt more attracted to chuuyas mannerism.
There was just something that made dazai lose his breath from chuuya, to his way of combat and to the way he even replies back to banter, dazai felt more intrigued.. From the way chuuya patches dazai up with soft and gentle touches and the eye contact they always gave each other.. Drove dazai insane.
Everything felt out of hand for the both of them, dazai was smitten and chuuya was embarrassed, they both swore it was just a crush and they were both indenial about it.
Chuuya has lived through many universes but in this one.. In this one he felt something. No body was dying when dazai was around, and chuuya wanted to keep it that way.
In dazais case, he felt like something was wromg with him, like he was just alone with nobody understanding him like the way he understood people. He saw death as just an extension of life and that's why he wanted to die so badly, because he could not just die through natural causes, but as many times he tried to die, he couldn't.
One day, chuuya wanted to reject the feeling that was lingering in him, the feeling of wanting dazai. And that was the worse decision of his life. He decided to distance hisself away from dazai that dazai got curious.. "did i do something to piss him off? Why is he just randomly ignoring me?.." dazai thought.
As time distanced the two, everything went back to normal, chuuya wanted to protect dazai by just distancing himself from him, chuuya knew that his deathly quirk wouldn't hurt dazai but he was still wary. The both of them slowly lost connections that led to dazai leaving the port mafia and bombing chuuyas car— "god damnit. Ugh.. great."
As the two distance theirselves, chuuya tries to take another shot in getting close to people even though he knew the consequences but still.. Cadavers scattered his soul.
Distance took a toll on dazai, he felt connected to chuuya like he was his soulmate, they were one soul in 2 different bodies, that which made the both of them somewhat connected.
Years and years passes by and melancholy filled the hearts of both of the 2 men, dazai had already tried to commit suicide numerous times.. And time after time.. It finally worked.
His body was found floating unconscious in a deep lake, bricks and his wallet was found in his coats pocket. The police investigates the scene and this eventually reaches chuuya, his heart stopped at the news, dazai was the only person he cared about during the time.
His eyes were wide as he gets the news from a phone call through his akutagawa and he clenches his fist, "i.. I understand.. Yes."
"a picture of you was found in his wallet.." akutagawa mentions before chuuya hangs up. he felt numb. he wanted to scream since thats how he expresses pain but he couldn't. He already knew the feeling of losing who he cares about, why does he feel so Different?
He covers his mouth and a cold sweat dripped down his back, he felt regret. He should've never distanced hisself fron dazai, he wished he could've atleast confessed his feelings. The only person who stayed alive with him that he cared about died because he thought distancing hisself would do any good.
He would never forgive himself, but in every universe, he forgave dazai.. Since he was the only exception.
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BONUS! :: a bouquet was in chuuyas arms as he walks aroumd the graveyard, visiting the grave of an old friend. Dazai osamus. He leans down and offers the bouquet of flowers, sitting down with his hand in his coats pocket, he stares at dazais name and he smiles softly and chuckles, "you know.. I take back what i said.. I didn't mean it. I swear. I love you too, samu."
He says as he takes out a pistol out of the pocket of his coat, "i hope i meet ya again, i swear i'll treasure you more." he says as he points the pistol to his head and pulling the trigger.
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© All works by @Verlaineszz. Do not copy, redistribute, or repost on other platforms.
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 4 hours ago
do you have a favorite hypstage production? are there portrayals of characters in the stage that you prefer over the manga/drama tracks?
Oh gosh... I unfortunately haven't watched the Hypstage productions in years. I saw 1, 2, part of 3, part of 4, and 5--nothing since.
(Damn, track 5 was three years ago?! I remember it was winter when that show dropped and the place I was living in at the time had no heating and ass insulation. It was usually just above freezing inside. I recorded King of Kings for personal use and replayed it constantly so I'd move around enough to keep warm... LOL) That particular show coincided with a huge number of life changes, and I just never got back into Hypstage afterward.
The thing is, I love stageplays in anything and eat up Hypmic's stageplay songs and choreo. I'm definitely interested in watching the ones I missed, but I never end up being able to justify the expense or find the time to sit down and watch a whole one. Hum... Being an adult is hard.
To address your questions:
Favorite: Track 5! I love all things TDD, and the songs in that show are so choice. The plot is ridiculous beyond belief. The gun is the funniest thing in existence. The screen used to let Sasara harass Samatoki is absolutely choice; I like to imagine Sasara lives in Samatoki's head rent-free and makes bad jokes at him constantly throughout all of canon. With that said, I can't stress enough how much I love some of the songs in Track 4 (Ichirou's "Memories" and Samatoki's "Come Back to Me" in particular), and I also enjoyed Track 2 to death. The Onigawa Bombers' song and its choreo SLAP. That's not to say that Track 1 or Track 3 (I'm OBSESSED with Osaka 24k Magic) are bad either... Man, they're all so good... Ily Hypstage. It's been a loooooong time since I saw any of them, and my Japanese was much worse then, so I can only imagine what it would be like to see them now.
Character portrayals I like over main canon: In terms of characterization, I prefer main canon as a whole. Hypstage is, by necessity, so much simpler than main canon that I don't think it can reach quite the same heights. With that said, I dig Akira Takano (Ichirou) and Taiyo Ayukawa (Jakurai) for the youthfulness they add to the characters. No shade against KimuSuba, but he has this inescapable "Whoa *looks at camera, pearly whites gleam* didn't see you there. I'm KimuSuba, and you're watching the Disney Channel" energy in his voice that Takano utterly lacks. This makes Ichirou feel waaaaaay more like a nineteen-year-old kid and lends his character a much more obvious vulnerability, like we're seeing Ichirou from a non-reverential (so not early series Jirou, Saburou, or societal) perspective. It's really good! Similarly with Ayukawa, being that he's much younger than Haymi Shou--again, no shade--he moves much more fluidly and gracefully. It also feels like he carries himself...perhaps a bit more carefully? Like I get the sense that Hayami Shou's deep voice and deliberate carriage is in some part acting, some part just who he is, whereas Ayukawa seems like he's trying much, much harder to affect the same mannerisms. That gives his portrayal of Jakurai an air of someone striving desperately to constrain themselves and interact with the world with a tissue paper-light touch. I don't think this is the intention--canon makes it clear Jakurai is perceived as being synonymous with effortlessness--but it fits with the emotional core of his character and is wonderfully compelling. TL;DR: Both Ayukawa and Takano (I think inadvertently) play up their characters' self-perceptions vs. other perceptions, which is so, so fun to watch.
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geometricalien · 1 year ago
Between Akashi & Furihata, if one of them died, who do you think is more likely to heal from the pain of loss sooner & moves on with his life?
When has Akashi Seijuurou gotten over anything in his fucking life? This rhetorical jest is an oversimplification of one of Akashi's character flaws which is his need for control. This is all to say, simply based on that, Furihata is the more emotionally intelligent of the two, the one more open and accepting to change. I think they both would require years to fully heal but I think Furihata would be the one to move on sooner.
I've tried to keep it short and direct above for those without brainrot but I AM going to go apeshit below the cut
Oh my god oh my god oh my GOD I'm so glad someone wants to hear me talk about THIS, THIS EXACT CONCEPT- ACCEPTING THE LOVE OF THEIR LIVES DEATH FASCINATES ME ENDLESSLY FUCK
Okay for reference there has been 2 fanfics involving this concept that I read when I first got into akafuri and they have HEAVILY influenced my perception of this question:
- The Truth About Reality; which is literally about Furihata not accepting Akashi's death and through mysticism goes to 4/5 different parallel realities to get him back. It's a favorite of mine and I read it once a year. It has themes of sacrifice and second chances which make it so crucial to the thematic elements of akafuri. Read it please
- Through the Air by Maiokoe; I love the first chapter, literally Kuroko Kagami Takao and Midorima come to Akashi while he is at work and inform him that Furihata's flight just crashed. It is so so so good. The way it plays out, Akashi's mounting fear, his resistance, the way his fear turns to anger then to despair- sometimes I cry when I reread it. And the last lines of the chapter---
What was a world without his lover? What was this life without his easy nature and smiles? What was this life without his affection? What was this world without Furihata Kouki? What did this world mean to him? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. What was Akashi Seijuuro without him? He didn’t want to find out.
Those lines have colored my opinion of what Akashi would be like if his husband died so fucking much that it really was eventual that I started my Greek fic where Akashi is Achilles and Furihata is Patroclus. So if you know the Iliad then you know how my fic will play out and exactly where I take a stance on Akashi’s terrible all consuming love.
To talk about the dissolution of happily in love akafuri by the cruel hands of death is to examine how their relationship evolved them and what being torn from their other half would do to them. To be haunted by their after image, to look at their favorite mug, to wear their favorite sweater- who would wear grief better. Who would welcome it, accept its presence. Who would repress it.
Please do not mistake what I'm saying to mean Furihata would move on quickly. Where Furihata is Akashi's light, Akashi is his gravity. He would be adrift and untethered without Akashi. The world would turn upside down. He would feel the expanse of their house, the emptiness of their bed. Furihata would be lost. It would take years to come down back to earth by himself.
Furihata would eventually move out of that house/apartment too full of memories, at the prodding of well meaning friends he would download dating apps, eventually he would go on dates and try his best to not compare them to his late husband because how could a man compare to a god. And then years and years down the line, when his heart only half aches when he sees a hair of red, when he only wears that old ratty sweater on the occasion bad day, he can look up into the sky and smile, thankful for the memories. I think he could even fall in love again, begin a new chapter.
A large chunk of Furihata is lost the day Akashi dies but he grows around the pain and walks on. Accepting the scars, accepting the love and pain, accepting it all.
As I said though, Furihata is Akashi's light. His metric on good and bad. The saving grace that redeemed him and inspired him to become worthy of such love.
Imagine if the sun was stolen from the sky and we were pitched into utter darkness. Until our eyes adjust and we can make out some shapes, you are surrounded in black black. Complete emptiness. Alone more than ever before and for a moment you think it will consume you. That is how Akashi feels for the first year until his eyes adjust to the darkness. He would continue in this shadow life indefinitely, watching everyone else patch themselves together and move on, while he.is.stuck. And he won't admit it and only those brave enough would say it to his face, but he is absolutely wallowing, sulking, in this darkness as self-punishment. that in some twisted sense, this is what he deserves. he digs his feet in, refusing to move. And if out of the corner of his eye a flicker of light dances, he would refuse to follow it. The dark is where he belongs.
He would bury himself in work. He would refuse to move out of their house. Refusing to touch any of the things that Kouki last left them, his toothbrush bone dry in the holder, the book he was reading on his bedside table.
And when his friends compare him to his father- he becomes furious, alight with indignation. He is not cold and cruel like his father had been. "No... you're empty."
It would take him so so long to accept that Furihata would want him to be happy even if its not with him. That he deserves to be happy. Only then would he take tiny half steps out of the cave he buried himself in, the cave that he would have made his grave.
As a side note, I mentioned Furihata falling in love with someone else afterwards... my personal interpretation is that Akashi could not. He would try if only just because he knows Furihata wants him to be happy and knew that Akashi is the most happy when he is in love- but The Akashi heart is a fearsome terrible all consuming thing.
Akashi Seijuurou, is a man who celebrated the anniversary of each milestone of their relationship. Akashi Seijuurou, is a man who is head over heels in love and worships the ground his beloved walks on. Akashi Seijuurou, is a man who calls their partner love- because they are the manifestation of their love. Akashi Seijuurou, is a man who would go to the far corners of the world to see if there was some way to still communicate with their partner if said partner was turned into a worm and would build a terrarium of utmost luxury for said partner and talk to the worm as if it was them, take the worm to see the sun meet the ocean, because they have to hope that their partner still has some consciousness. And if not, then he needs to do that for himself. To fool himself. And once that worm passes, he would be extra compassionate to earthworms because they remind him of them.
The Akashi heart is a blessing to the receiver for there is nothing stronger or purer. The Akashi heart is a curse to the creator if only because they have that one single heart and they are physically unable to take it back.
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 1 year ago
uhhh anything on nate? (<- question being asked by the nate guy)
HII MEL THANK U FOR THE ASK. Sorry for this being really disjointed.
Nate. My friend Nate Torta. And Bianca Farren’s little buddy and also Meloetta’s bff. has a twitch channel where he probably does SM64 speed runs. Imagine him doing this (flashing lights and loud warning). That’s Nate.
Both he and Rosa represents both humanity’s blindness to past events and how bias affects our perception of the world, as well as how meeting people can change our biases. As well as humanity’s will to overcome, both in different ways. (the aspertia trio and the bw rival’s arc center around manifesting Hilbert’s will and wish for both his childhood friends to live normally again and the betterment of the world. Guys who exist in the story through others)
It’s hard to describe his role in the story but like. He’s the child of team plasma members and is fully in denial about them being as bad as they are. He was present for the final confrontation between the battle subway and team plasma but got away and goes out of his way to justify team plasma’s actions some times. Partially to justify his parents to himself so he doesn’t doubt they were right (even if he starts to falter)
But Bianca has him change his way of thinking by making him realize even spreading misinformation and lying to both yourself and others can cause more harm than good even if it’s in the pursuit of your ideals. (Essentially Nate is “don’t trade the truth in favor of your ideals.” Rosa is “don’t trade your ideals in favor of your truth.”)
He has a deep friendship with meloetta who he found washed up on a beach. And his journey with it to help it recover its memories and sing the relic song once again
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oliviaodonnell · 9 months ago
Holistic Analysis of Amélie
Olivia O’Donnell 
CMS 294
Prof. C. Vukasovich
May 10, 2024
To complete this holistic analysis I would like to summarize Amélie on a basic level. Amélie by director Jean-Pierre Jeunet is a whimsical romantic comedy following the life of a young woman named Amélie. She grew up in solitude surrounded by loss with the need for triumph. This made her a very introverted individual, but she was raised with the desire for happiness and the need to spread goodness to those around her, to do this she would silently do good acts for others. 
Good Deeds
The first act we see is of Amélie finding a box in her small apartment that once belonged to a young boy who lived in her apartment decades prior. She sets on a mission to return this box to its rightful owner, she asks her neighbors and eventually finds this now grown man and anonymously returns it to him, with no need for recognition of her act of kindness. 
She brings joy to a blind man's life when walking him to the train station, she describes all the little things that he would never be able to see himself, the windows they pass, the actions of the strangers on a busy street, and the drama ensuing around them on their very quick journey.
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The final act I want to touch on is the act of kindness she does for her love interest. He is a collector of photobooth images and the photobooth he gets his images from was broken. She made the effort to get it fixed and that is what unites them and this makes her love for him a reality.
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These acts mentioned are only the most notable ones to me, however, there are much smaller deeds that she completes for others to bring strangers joy. I believe that this is due to cognitive theory, that my perception of the world affects what I find memorable in a film. I am a young woman perceiving this film. I will undoubtedly relate to some of the messages being delivered because I have something in common with the film's subject. I will link my memories and experiences that relate. I will find salience in the film as well as many others, the supporting characters are all individualized to be recognizable. The creators of this film build stereotypical characters that people can identify with. Amélie’s outspoken coworker and her creepy love interest, the loud-mouthed and introverted street vendors who treat Amélie with kindness and care, the helpless blind man on the street, and so on. All characters with quirks that a person may associate with themselves or someone in their lives. 
This film has an overarching message. Amélie is an empathetic introvert who strives to bring joy to those she meets, she can feel their energy and can determine what they need to experience happiness. Due to her losing her mother so young and being emotionally neglected by her father, she craves to bestow happiness on others. Her behaviors remind me as a viewer that actions always speak louder than words. She has few moments of consistent dialogue, she does so much more intentional listening than she does speaking– an observer of things can be sure to take action seriously, and she does. She spends her whole life trying to bring joy to others waiting for her opportunity to receive it herself. After her good deed to her love interest, she is controlled by his reciprocated interest in her. When the photobooth is fixed for him he finds himself at her apartment where she invites him in and kisses him on his face, but not his lips. She waits for him to take that action, so she can be shown that he is feeling the same romantic interest in her. 
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If there is one thing about this film I picked up on it is how many ways something can be presented. If the director wants the audience to know something they will be shown it visually in the acting, in the composition of the frames, verbally from the actor, or audibly from the music overlaid, the sound effects, or simply in the expressions, and even directly said in the narration. The style of this film was not ominous, viewers were walked through the story without room for misinterpretation.  
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In Amélie, there were recurring colors and hues. Throughout the fil, the hue was strictly green and yellow. This was very intentional, yellow generally symbolizes hope, joy, and possibility, and green is grounding and childlike bringing in an element of nostalgia. Another recurring color was red, it surrounded Amélie constantly; her apartment walls, the clothes she wears, on the street when she's walking, in the cafe she works in. Red frequently represents passion and warmth which align with the tone of Amélie.  The film was shot in a low contrast highlighting the depth in the colors used, it brings out the vibrancy.
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Instrumentals, silence, and dialogue led this film. One moment that stood out in particular was when Amélie returned the trinket box to the grown man, when he realized that he was reunited with his belongings the audience was faced with emotional string instrumentals that brought a hopeful and nostalgic energy to the scene.
The director has an interest in tension within scenes. I don’t think I could count the number of zoom shots within this film, each time it was used the actors were expressing an intense emotion of surprise, fear, excitement, or confusion. The quick or suspenseful nature of the zoom was appropriately chosen for the emotion being expressed. I paid close attention to the composition of the scenes, when characters were interacting with each other the angles would reflect their heights, for example when Amélie was taking an order you’d see her view looking down at the customer and vice versa. It helped the viewer become immersed in the film. In my research, I learned they used several cameras and several lenses to create their desired dramatized style, specifically the ARRIFLEX 435 ES Camera, ARRIFLEX 535 Camera, Iwerks Cameras, and Zeiss Ultra Prime Lenses in 14, 18, 21, 25, and 27mm. (Evan E. Richards, 2011).
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Zoom Shot (9:52)
Amélie’s passion and energy were shown with a multimedia approach of CGI. When there was a need for emphasis the scene would be edited in an illuminated presentation of the main focus, may that be a set of keys, her thumping heart, or her melting with passion and anxiety. 
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Thumping Heart
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Melting with feelings (1:38:58)
A second way they incorporated CGI was with talking portraits. The paintings on her walls speak to her in her moments of loneliness and the photo booth images speak to her when she needs a friend. 
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Talking portraits (58:04) and interactive photo booth pictures (1:12:33)
Cuts and Transitions and Movement 
Cuts and transitions were embraced in this film. The most notable and entertaining use of a transition was towards the beginning of the film, Amélie was being disturbed by customers having sex in her Cafe restroom and then a sequence of orgasms was included from men and women from both adults and elders, they when from orgasm to moan with no time in between to process, it elevated the intensity of Amélie’s feelings towards the sex being had in her presence. She and the audience feel the confusion and surprise. The movement of those clips was quick, intentionally to not distract from the scene at hand, but to give context to the sound. Movement was consistently quick in this film, the anxiety was shown well with the incorporation of movement. Many of the scenes in the train station were fast-moving. One moment of Amélie sitting alone on the train was shown with a violent movement, showing her physical self being jumbled around in the train seat, but also her mind jumbling around focusing on her thoughts and her surroundings.
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Amélie on a shaky train with jumbling thoughts (26:35 and 27:24)
Amélie. (2024, April 9). ShotOnWhat? Retrieved May 10, 2024, from https://shotonwhat.com/amelie-2001
Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Director). (2001). Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain [Amélie] [Film]. Claudie Ossard Productions.
Lester, P. M. (2013). Visual Communication: Images with Messages. Cengage Learning.
Richards, E. E. (2011). Deconstructing Amelie – Evan E. Richards. Evan E. Richards. Retrieved May 10, 2024, from https://www.evanerichards.com/2011/2120
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dailyjuliusblog · 2 years ago
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Ryzen woke up on the morning of his 21st birthday with a sense of excitement and nervous feeling. As a gay man, he had been concealing a secret crush on Smith, a charming and kind-hearted classmate. Although Ryzen had never confessed his feelings, he often found comfort in daydreaming about what it would be like to be in Smith's arms.
The day was filled with festivities and laughter as Ryzen's friends, Danielle, Nathan, and Chelsea, gathered to celebrate his debut party. The evening was an enchanting affair, with twinkling lights, soft music, and an atmosphere of joy. The venue was a grand ballroom, ornamented with elegant decorations and a dance floor awaiting the celebrations.
As the night deepens, Ryzen's heart fluttered with excitement when he noticed Smith entering the venue. He had not expected Smith to attend, and his presence brought a mix of thrill and nervousness. Danielle, ever perceptive, noticed Ryzen's reaction and slyly nudged him.
"Danielle, why did you invite Smith? You know how I feel about him," Ryzen whispered, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.
"Because sometimes dreams do come true, Ryzen," Danielle whispered back, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
The night continued, and Ryzen found himself engaged in conversations with his friends, all the while stealing glances at Smith, who seemed to be enjoying the party. The music swelled, and couples took to the dance floor, swaying to the romantic melodies.
Ryzen's heart pounded in his chest as he watched Smith across the room. Summoning all his courage, he approached Smith, extending his hand for a dance.
"Would you honor me with a dance?" Ryzen asked, his voice tinged with nervous eagerness.
Smith's eyes lit up with surprise and delight as he took Ryzen's hand. "I would be delighted," he replied, his voice soft and sincere.
As they moved gracefully across the dance floor, the world around them seemed to fade away. Ryzen's pulse quickened with each gentle touch and every glance exchanged. The connection between them felt intense, as if they were the only two people in the room.
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared interests. The hours slipped away, and the bond between Ryzen and Smith deepened. Ryzen's friends watched on, their smiles a testament to the promising connection.
At midnight, as the clock struck, Ryzen and Smith found themselves on a quiet balcony overlooking the starlit night. The air was filled with a sense of magic and possibility.
"I've been holding onto a secret for far too long," Ryzen confessed, his voice quivering with vulnerability. "I've admired you from afar, Smith. You've always been the light in my life."
Smith's eyes widened with surprise and curiosity. "Ryzen, I had no idea. I, too, have felt a connection between us, a pull that I couldn't explain."
In that moment, their gazes locked, and Ryzen's heart swelled with hope. He leaned in, closing the gap between them, and Smith shared the gesture. Their lips met in a tender kiss, sealing their unspoken feelings in a moment of pure affection.
The world seemed to stand still as Ryzen and Smith embraced, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. It felt as if all the stars in the sky had aligned, granting them a glimpse of the love they had longed for.
But as quickly as the dream had blossomed, it began to fade. Ryzen's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself lying in his bed, his heart still racing, a mixture of joy and yearning lingering in his chest. It had all been a dream……. a beautiful, bittersweet dream.
His Mom started knocking the door and its time for him to eat his breakfast because he’s run out of time going to school.
As Ryzen rose from his bed, he couldn't help but carry the memory of that dream with him. The taste of the forbidden kiss, the warmth of Smith's embrace, and the depth of their connection stayed etched in his mind. It fueled his hope for the future, reminding him that sometimes dreams are the catalysts for reality.
With newfound determination, Ryzen decided it was time to gather the courage to share his true feelings with Smith. He couldn't let the dream be the only place where their hearts entwined. And who knows, perhaps reality would prove to be even more enchanting than any dream could ever be.
As Ryzen set forth into the awakening world, he carried the lingering emotions of his dream, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Love, he realized, was not confined to dreams alone as it was a powerful force that could shape reality and bring the unexpected to life. And with that thought, Ryzen set out to turn his dream into an enchanting reality, ready to seize the possibility of a shared love story with Smith.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years ago
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What one perceives as yourself is never true. One could say that a mirror or one reflection upon the lake is a representation but it is the farthest thing from the truth: it is an illusion, a trick of the light that one’s mind insists in tying with self-awareness and conscience, but it is inaccurate and meaningless. Surfaces can be distorted and bent, affecting how such reflection presents itself – like how memories can also be inaccurate and not a faithful representation of the past. One’s perception of events is a fragment of a whole, a speck of light in a prism that reflects and distorts into becoming something entirely different than reality. The future romanticizes King Arthur’s rule and the actions that led to the downfall of the utopia are merely a surface level perception, like how a mirror reflects only what the brain wants to perceive as the truth. Saber may be unhappy with how her rule went – the king supported her people with all her might, but her people didn’t support her back. It is impossible to control other people’s actions or the world around them, only how one reacts to the circumstances and Saber did everything she could. “I could have done better” is a sentiment that plagues mankind since the dawn of rational thought – the reflection in the mirror could always be better. Utopia is both the ideal place and the place that is impossible to exist after all. More cruel than look back at one’s past and wonder what could be done to make it better is to actually be in that place once again, watching one’s reflection go about doing every mistake once again. Every single of the bowman’s actions have been calculated, every interaction with Saber, Rin and the boy have been carefully measured. That is a reality that doesn’t belong to him, an existence that he has no say. A distorted mirror, like in an amusement park in which one moves a hand and it is the other that moves or the proportions are completely off.
❝ Fools have a tendency to allow their tongues to be loose. ❞ Archer had no idea which two kings that she was referring to, but he had met a fair share of rulers and those with enough power (or illusion of power) to fancy themselves as such. Deep down they were all the same, which makes Saber’s rule so special. ❝ You would never measure to those to kings, whoever you may be referring to. Nor they would never measure to you or to each other. You were the best king you could be, if you held your power the way you hold your sword it says a lot of how you carry yourself: you doesn’t accept defeat or compromises, your competitiveness and stubbornness won’t allow you to settle for any less than the result you wish for although you are not foolish to insist on an strategy that isn’t bearing fruits due to pride – no, I have misspoken: there is a difference between pride and arrogance, and you clearly knows the difference. I’d hazard a guess that this was the difference between you and the other two. ❞ The man bit his tongue, lowering his head ❝ My apologies, perhaps I rambled and assumed things that aren’t there. ❞ he recognized that he talked a little too much. The warmth of her frame against his was something he should protest, to keep his distance – one cannot touch a mirror’s reflection after all, or reach the moon by touching its reflection on a lake’s surface and yet there she was; the moonlight that once saved him was now finding comfort in his presence. ❝ I’m not the one who should be comforting you. ❞ the whisper barely leaves his mouth, although deep down a selfish part of him still craved for that bond, for that connection that never came to pass.
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It didn’t escape him how he’d been preaching to Saber how Christmas is a time to forgive oneself – the time to let the mirrors’ reflection to be inconsequential – and yet he couldn’t forgive himself. That he couldn’t accept himself. He’d always been an hypocrite, he’d always known the moment he decided to walk the path of a hero that it would be wearing the mantle of a hypocrite for the rest of his existence. Then his self-loathing was cut short the rumblings of a loud stomach. ❝ Hmn, I should have had expected that sooner or later. If you allow me to make use of the kitchen I can make something for you. ❞ it also had the added bonus on throwing a wrench in the boy’s carefully planned meal for the following day.
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what makes a good ruler had been one of the          countless questions still plaguing the king’s mind. A mountain of doubts won’t truly be cleared, not so long as the King of Knights resides among the final battle. The reminisce of a land’s bones had been scattered throughout these pauses of what seemed to be living in a constant limbo. Even so, a guilty sentiment of warmth was felt…that may as well be her own selfish betrayal. Saber had suddenly been granted a chance at experiencing joys rather than the cold sensation of blade touching the tip of her fingers. They usually grasp a cool, sharp edges of Excalibur’s sheath during the prime of her ruling. Were it a crime for her to experience the joys of exposing her humanity before the red knight? His own humanity seemed apparent, despite the cold demeanor being presented towards others. The distance felt intentional every time they were alone together — something secure as if fate would bind their fates through each path. Their time would be spent with festivities, even crossing blades with one another for war. But their battle seemed a distant memory almost as if everyone had forgotten. Arturia hadn’t revealed the truth thus far, yet imagines Archer had some recollection. In between their conversation had drawn emerald eyes to reflect upon wise words. No doubt, she can’t ever consider herself a tyrant for they were unkind and subject their people in selfish whims. Though succession met their rulings in some manner towards a certain couple of kings.
“Yes…the people would not smile underneath a tyrant, but had they been under proper hands among those two kings? I cannot imagine though I held my tongue in the past against them.” Boastful laughter would ring in Saber’s ears, almost as if the king could hear them through their past banquet. It’d displayed upon features suddenly forming a pouting complexion through the term of tyrant. The King of Knights…was not one, nor can she ever declare in desiring it. The foolish ruler who hadn’t understood the feelings of mankind but did her best was an acceptable fate. It was best to pull away such an expression, no matter how it may slightly sting a desire to not lose against those self-righteous kings. Time of forgiveness of others and one’s self is something Arturia envisioned the red knight wishing to speak. As it may grow hard to forgive one’s self, she will muster the courage to doing so for the sake of their celebration together. Her head delivers gentle nuzzles as she grew comfortable with this place to take peace in her chest. A charm of becoming a scabbard that keeps its sword secured was an ideal comparison, especially with how those pure eyes viewed him. “I do wish to have a pleasant time with you…it brings me great happiness to be by your side, Archer. I-It isn’t wrong of me to do this with you, correct? I seemed to be have been swept with this…desire…”
Although it raises a chance at being teased the king didn’t mind in displaying a weakened state. They were alone within the Emiya residence, still lingering about until the King of Knights was greeted by her Master and Rin. Their time might be interrupted though realized she had spoken something that soured the red knight’s mood. Apologetic eyes wished to display, not praying to make him angered. It was simply…a suggestion for considering the couple as well as not being selfish. After all, this was a season for giving rather than receiving in Saber’s recalling of the tv advertisements. Cheeks had flustered up from embarrassment when letting emerald eyes facing him. It seemed Archer’s anger wasn’t truly by her actions, but mentioning Shirou hadn’t done well to brighten up their mood. That self-hatred seemed unnecessary in the Servant’s mind — they didn’t need to compete against one another with their food and combat skills! “E-Eh? Well I…” A stomach growl echoed to reveal the gluttonous king’s hunger, having realized that she hadn’t eaten anything ever since her Master’s departure.
“…………..I might be a little hungry, Archer.”
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oddberryshortcake · 3 years ago
Kalim’s lack of self-preservation and his over-abundance of care towards others
Something I noticed and was always interested in when it came to Kalim is the sort of underlying context to just how nice he is, and his perceptions of himself vs others. 
Usually when it comes to characters who have a vast amount of wealth and the ability to have whatever they want, you’d think of characters who are entirely self-obsessed and believe the world revolves around them, but that isn’t the case with Kalim. 
Yes, he is out of touch and does things without thinking, but it’s not because he values himself over others, it’s more of him not understanding how other people think but still trying to make them happy somehow. 
Kalim’s VA explained it very well and has a good grasp on his character, and I think his take is quintessential- 
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“His desires have always been granted, so he doesn’t need to think that much. He doesn’t have that much longing for his desires, right? That’s why he makes people around him happy. Seeing that instead makes him happy. He doesn’t think too much (for himself) because he’s enjoying seeing other people happy.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwHMphJkLr8&t=68s)
Kalim has rarely felt unhappy, his needs were always met by his loving family and he was very protected. He had his share of terrifying experiences with attempted poisonings and kidnappings, but those were not things that shook him. They are bad experiences, but ones that Kalim can talk about in passing without feeling too unhappy. He generally regards himself as very hard to scare/upset despite going through all of that.
It’s not his own safety or life that he cares too strongly about. Either be believes nothing bad could happen because he’s survived so much and has been kept protected from harm well (like how him almost falling to his death in his dorm uniform SSR vignette wasn’t too much of a big deal, Jamil saved him as he always manages to)
Much like his interest in making other people happy and seeing them happy, his concern that very well could be used for himself is projected onto other people- Primarily Jamil. 
In his dorm uniform SSR vignette he reveals that Jamil almost died eating something poisoned that was meant to kill him, the way Kalim recites that story is so drastically different in tone from his other stories, that event undeniably shook him to the point where he can’t eat curry and bans it from his own household. 
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It’s unfair of him to do that, but it shows how he can move on from his own poisoning with hardiness but it’s Jamil’s poisoning that brings back traumatic memories. It’s so much different to see it happen to someone else, especially when it was meant for you. 
I’m sure the people in his household were more relieved that Kalim wasn’t poisoned, they probably told him it was a good thing that Jamil ate the curry and not him. 
Despite likely being surrounded with assertions that his life is more important than Jamil’s, it clearly didn’t do anything to make him believe so, because he doesn’t think about himself or view himself like that in the slightest. 
His unyielding empathy and compassion for others, the source of what makes him happy more so than being happy himself, is also what caused him to be so much more affected by what happened to Jamil than what happens to himself. 
This plays directly into how Kalim doesn’t care much for his own safety but  cares a lot more for others, with Jamil also being the main subject of this concern in a lot of instances (I’d say MC also is included in this, but Jamil tends to be the center in a lot of vignettes and story in a lot more examples)
It’s interesting how Kalim will generally partake in dangerous things, but the moment he thinks Jamil could be in danger he changes his approach and becomes more aware like in Jamil’s ceremonial robe vignette.
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He even becomes more firm and stern when it comes to getting Jamil to do as he says. He rarely ever asserts his authority over Jamil in this way unless it’s in regards to his safety, and to other people as well like in chapter 6 when he snaps at Jade for implying that Jamil and others might be dead after their kidnapping. 
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I do actually love how Kalim doesn’t use his wealth, power, and authority over people for his own selfish gain, but rather to (try to) lift people up, protect others and to put a stop to something that could be dangerous and bad. 
He really gains nothing for himself, he doesn’t want that, what he wants is for people to be safe and happy, and I adore that about him. He doesn’t always go about it the right way but it’s so genuine. 
Does this also mean there’s something even deeper behind not thinking about himself past his needs always being met? Maybe, especially for angst reasons. Because especially after chapter 4, it feels awful to be told you’re at fault for someone’s misery, even if that isn’t entirely true. That hurts so bad. Because knowing Kalim he’s absolutely more upset his friend is miserable more than his friend betraying him and his trust.
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chantsdemarins · 3 years ago
❄️Frost Secrets from the Other Son
Chapter 7 The Lapis Cave (all parts!)
Links fixed!
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@kaogasm @britishserpent @lokisgoodgirl @immersed-in-mischief
@huntress-artemiss @mischief2sarawr @lokisninerealms
Chapter Summary: Loki and Lillian grow closer as they sort through hidden Aesir and Jötunn history, to save the life of their unborn son.
Smut Rating: 8 (for the cave, okay, wow. 🥵)
The Lapis Cave
Loki’s entire life was in question. Even though he had returned from the edge of ending his known life, he did not yet understand how to live the unknown life that lay before him. Since he could remember, he had always been bawdy, crass, and delighting in the ways he could be a nuisance or challenge the status quo around him. Habits were deeply cut rivers in his life, reactions, and ways of being that protected him. Snake metaphors often filled Loki’s mind.
He had always felt a kinship to the creature that lived both on Midgard and Asgard. The mother serpent ruled the cosmos between the realms, and he felt humbled by its innate power. The snake was one of the only creatures he would ever think to kneel to. Many characteristics from his affinity with snakes formed his presence in his family and amongst his friends. The mottos, strike first before being attacked, and be predictively unpredictable, were the serpent-like qualities that people could comfortably describe Loki with.
For example, he loved to cut off Thor’s naïve perception of the world with a snarky comment. He loved that he felt wiser at times than Odin and never held back quoting famous kings and Asgardian philosophers, especially when Odin was lacking in words himself. Although this only brought negative attention to the young prince and his keen mind.
He relished being more adept in battle than Volstagg. He bested Fandral in nearly every blade match, often leaving his friend injured. Pride was deep and covered his insecurities like the snow from his actual home realm. He never knew where this guarded condition sprang from until now.
He figured he was just what people would label him, and he, in turn, labeled himself in kind. In this way, it was the snake eating its tail. He didn’t intend to become the valiant prince or perhaps even a righteous king now that his life had changed dramatically. Still, he felt he couldn’t be the man he was when he was the charmingly cutting and the distinctively bitter dark prince. Loki also had to consider the consequences of his past relationships and how these fragments of memory were still holding court in his mind.
The truth was he had many lovers in his lifetime, and while sometimes tiresome in their novelty, he relished the attention they gave him. It was some of the only genuine affection he received. He was graced with a certain level of attractiveness that both sexes enjoyed. He was not befitted with his brother’s brawn, but his tall, lean body was muscular. He animated his movements with his deep knowledge of every part of his physical being. No one ever complained about his ample cock or his lovemaking. Loki knew that his attentiveness kept his lovers coming back. This quality about him had its appeal.
Although it seemed that with each lover Loki had, each only saw one part of him. Putting all the pieces together was overwhelming to them. Most didn’t get past his temper or his manipulation. He had drawers full of letters from women and men, trying to “change him.” He knew some of his lovers liked his cock, yet others liked his royal status, and still, others enjoyed his wit, but never all at once. None had wanted to be with all of him. Not until Lillian.
Although Loki wondered about the alchemy of this entire situation. Lillian perhaps would have ended up in the latter category of his other lovers, too, had she not fallen pregnant. This left Loki feeling confused about his ability to trust fully that his life was indeed changing.
Yet there was a new light emerging in his aura. He just couldn’t fully claim it just yet. He had made a decent show of his tenderness, even suggesting to Lillian that they marry. But in his quieter moments, he wondered if that would even be possible. Loki had not discussed anything with his family since the day everything unraveled.
He had simply taken Lillian to his quarters and asked his most trusted aid, Nigel, to send missives back and forth to everyone. He had needed to tend to this emerging light within him. Every day they were hauled up in his room, it changed and grew stronger. Every conversation with her led him down a different path to knowing himself.
By becoming pregnant with his child, this child inheriting his true origin, Lillian now knew him with a totality that was hard to understand, let alone genuinely tell anyone else about. He needed this time to process who he was and begin to take steps into a possible future. He imagined that his son was somehow teaching Lillian about parts of himself he had yet to know through these unconscious and somewhat conscious changes occurring in her body and mind. This completely overwhelmed and yet fascinated him. His bond with Lillian was the unknown.
“How long will we stay locked away like his Loki?” Lillian finally spoke up one sleepy morning as they both lay naked, skin prickly from the breeze rolling in through the open window.
Loki took his large hands and let them roam her body before answering. He could think better when he let his body act first.
“Hmm,” she teased by rolling over to her side and lifting herself up on her elbow.
Lillian knew by now that if she pushed Loki too hard, he would respond unfavorably.
So, she gently waited and enjoyed his fingers finding her body. His hands cupped her fuller breasts, and instead of answering her, he placed his mouth on her nipple, sucking intently. He then let his hands wander to her sex, guiding his thumb over her clit in tormenting circles. His blue eyes flashed, full of distraction. He was clearly avoiding everything outside of the four walls currently housing them.
She was just glad his room had a bathroom...
Lillian closed her eyes and could feel her body responding to his touch, even if what they needed to be having was a real conversation. It had been a week. She rallied her strength of mind against the thought of Loki quickly pulling her on top of him, sliding into her heat with obnoxious ease. So, she sat up, taking every ounce of self-control she had.
“Loki,” Lillian said as she took some fruit off the side table and fed him something she thought looked like a strawberry.
“Talk to me.”
“How can I talk to you when you are naked, and now, you’re feeding me like I’m a baby bird.”
“I’m at your mercy. Do with me what you will, my pet,” Loki’s smolder flashed.
She focused.
“I will ask again, nicely, when are we leaving Loki? We still haven’t spoken to the healers. That is first and foremost before we sort out your family,” she didn’t want to use the baby as an excuse to get him to leave his room, but it was her best shot, and she took it.
“Oh, of course, Lilly, we must see Eir and learn more about your pregnancy. I’m not hiding us away forever. You must know that.”
“How would I know?” she was now letting her doubts inch to the surface.
Loki sat up, fully along with her.
“To tell the truth, I have loved this time with you, Lilly. I can’t think of any better way to begin to understand myself. Sharing more about our child's communication with you helps me know who I am. I don’t know if you can fully grasp this...”
“Loki, we don’t even know if what I am experiencing is information about being a frost giant. We suspect I was drawn to the north because of the baby. We suspect my dreams are giving information about Jötunnheim, but how do we know unless we talk to someone else and find someone civil enough to speak to us about this? We can even talk to your family, Laufey maybe….”
Loki sucked in the room’s air sharply. With that statement, he cut off Lillian. The blade of his tongue lashing at her. The mood in the room swiftly became just what Lillian was dreading.
“I will forget you said that. You overstep.”
“I overstep?” Lilly was floored.
She continued, “Loki, you are the one who has only been talking about Jötunnheim with me this past week. Asking me so many questions about what you think our son knows through his ancestry. Why wouldn’t we go to your biological family and seek further knowledge instead of trying to interpret signals from a fetus! Lest you forget, our child will also need to survive here as a frost giant. We need answers!”
“ENOUGH!” Loki’s face was flushed, he was upset and no longer comfortable with their intimacy. He started to get dressed. Something about putting on his clothes created a barrier to any further questioning, a lame attempt to shield his heart.
Still spewing venom, he couldn’t seem to contain, he said, “Eir and the healers who let’s not forget, you have something against, are in fact very knowledgeable and will be able to guide us through the proper steps, Lillian. To speak to Laufey is to risk the whole realm's safety. I have already told you I will not risk all Asgard for one being, who we don’t even know how they got here!”
Loki had now said too much.
Lillian had tears streaming down her face. The light he practiced holding in his heart was now the size of a dimly lit candle. He didn’t mean what he said.
“Lilly, I am sorry. I know how the baby got here. I didn’t mean to say he is a mistake.”
“No, what you meant to say was that we were a mistake, Loki,” she coldly said, pointing her finger at his chest.
“Is all of this just one of your games? Do you plan on returning to your life as the forgotten prince once this kid gets here? I know you and your father-of-the-year, Odin, said you wouldn’t lock us away somewhere, but how do I even know that you are telling the truth? Isn’t it just as plausible and much easier for you, no doubt, if you just hide us?”
Lillian was sobbing. Between the hormones and the drastic shift in her life, not to mention a week in Loki’s room, her emotions were now so far afield there was no retrieving them.
Loki quickly pulled her to him without thinking, his body again acting first. Lilly did not feel like his arms were the safest place, so she struggled to free herself from him immediately.
“Let me go!” she yelled, prying his fingers off her arm.
“No way, Lilly, not until you stop crying,” the light in his heart was now about the size of an avocado.
“Hush, please, my princess.”
“Do not call me your princess. I am not your princess,” Lillian was astonished by his gall.
“You are, and I am a complete fool, can you forgive me? I have misspoken yet again.”
Lillian continued wrestling him, looking at him she said clearly and sternly, “Just so you know, I am not going to marry you.”
Loki persevered, “okay, don’t marry me, I haven’t officially asked you yet anyway, which is beside the point. In any event, I love you, Lillian.”
She stopped crying and stopped struggling. He had said it. He had gotten close but never said it, at least not without his cock buried deeply inside her.
“Loki, you are just saying this because you don’t want me to be upset. You are probably only worried about your genius progeny I’m gestating.”
“I am worried about him, but that is not why I told you I loved you just now. I do love you, Lillian. You have changed my life. You have given me a reason to be a different man. I don’t know yet who that man is, but I can feel him starting to emerge.”
“Well, this “new Loki” better hurry up, because honestly, this one seems like the same old Loki I met at the solstice ball, who knocked me up while giving me a tour of the royal library.”
With that, Lillian promptly got up and ran to the bathroom.
Her morning sickness was relentless still. Dismayed for a moment, Loki quickly conjured a fluffy pink bathrobe like he had seen on Midgard and ran after her with it between his hands. When he reached her at the toilet, he grabbed her immediately, just as he had instinctively done when she was their prisoner out in the woods, puking in front of his family and friends.
He placed his cool hands on her forehead. Although he was shocked that she didn’t feel warm. She was freezing.
“Lilly, you are frozen. Let me put this robe around you,” he said, rubbing her shoulders and lifting her into the garment. Wordlessly she let him guide her back to the bed. He placed the comforter across her body, gently running his palms across her cheeks.
She seemed happy for the moment, closing her eyes, letting him care for her.
“I wish I could somehow get sick for you,” he mused awkwardly.
“No, you don’t, Loki, trust me.”
“Or at the very least, I wish my magic would help. I hate seeing you like this.”
Lillian smiled. With her eyes still closed, she answered him, “yes, if we go to the healers, maybe we can find out why your magic has a 50% accuracy rate with me.”
Loki thought about this too.
His magic just didn’t work on her very well, and this was from the first contraception spell he cast. He could make her tea better than taking her nausea away with his seiðr.
This was just one of many questions he had. He knew they needed to leave his room and at least talk to Eir. The discussion was tabled for now concerning any contact with his Jötunn family. He just wanted to focus on ensuring Lillian and their baby were healthy. The light in his heart was now the size of a watermelon as he watched her drift off into a nap.
Loki opened his bedroom door and quietly signaled for Nigel. He placed a note in his hand, alerting Eir that they would be coming to see her and the other healers later in the day. He also sent a communique to his mother, letting her know of their plan but asking that no one from the family be around as they journeyed to the healers.
He wasn’t ready for anything more than what was on his plate currently. His new family needed him. Odin’s family could wait.
Part 2
“The cave of what?” Loki repeated what he thought he heard Eir say.
“The cave of Lapis. It’s a stone that is found on Earth,” Eir added more information.
“It is part of Asgard’s mineral composition as well. You need to take Lillian to the cave of Lapis. There is a special ionic quality to the water that will ease her sickness and benefit your child. He isn’t getting enough minerals from our food or water here on Asgard...”
Eir was never wrong, so Loki listened carefully. He looked at Lillian, who immediately felt she had done something wrong. She already had tremendous guilt for drinking alcohol up until she lost consciousness…
“Oh dear, lady Lillian. You haven’t done anything wrong,” Eir said intuitively.
“It’s just that you said he needs more minerals. Maybe I haven’t been eating enough? Or maybe it’s been all my vomiting. Or maybe all the sweets?”
Loki pulled his chair closer to her and wrapped his long arms around her. He nuzzled his face to her ear and whispered. “Eir isn’t saying you did anything wrong, my love. The baby just needs different things because he isn’t from here,” he said sheepishly, with his submerged guilt surfacing as well.
“We already know this, right? We’ve talked about this,” he reminded Lilly.
Eir spoke again, “go to the cave, young ones. You will understand once you get there. It was once a meeting place for Jötunn and Aesir before we were enemies. Jötunn would swim up from the bottom of the water in the cave. Aesir would meet them. The water contains enough molecules to sustain breathing in it. It nourishes the body and the mind,” Eir smiled and sat next to Lillian placing a hand on her shaking leg.
“Okay, I don’t want to hear about Aesir and Jötunn making out underwater in this cave. They are enemies to the crown now. It does not matter what once was,” Loki dismissed Eir’s story with his harsh tone.
Eir looked frustrated, “prince, that isn’t what I was describing. You might need to expand your mind some before entering. The narrowness of it as it is currently, might prohibit your ability to even enter the waters. Have faith.”
In Lillian’s mind, the story Eir told also sounded strange, but she was already accustomed to the stories of the days before the war, and whether it was her unborn son leading her to this knowledge, or just her sense as a journalist, she believed it. It seemed possible the Aesir and the Jötunn once shared information and connected. This cave was proof enough.
“Loki, will you keep an open heart about this?” Lillian inquired as they traveled along the worn path to the location beyond the western mountains.
“I will try.”
She noted that the cave wasn’t much to speak of when they arrived. Lillian had been to many hot springs back on Earth, and they were much more physically remarkable than the small opening surrounded by black basalt-like rock.
“It’s now, or never, I guess,” Lillian said nervously, setting down her bag outside the entrance to the cave.
“Loki, can you go first?” she glanced at him, wondering if he might make up an excuse at the last minute.
“Sure, I am a warrior who has been victorious in many battles far more taxing than this measly Jötunn bathtub!”
Lilly rolled her eyes.
“Then go in already.”
He looked once more all around just to be sure no one had followed them.
He could see his dunce of a brother deployed as a spy to track their whereabouts. Loki was not looking forward to the conversation that loomed about his paternity. It was bad enough Thor found out about the baby the way he did. Loki finally went inside.
The cave's most incredible property was the deep blue lapis lazuli walls that hugged inwards, creating a very intimate atmosphere. He hoped that the Jötunn knew the cave was closed from their side of the realm. It would suck to have a full-size frost giant pop up between his “wife” and himself while they were communing.
He hopped in the warm water quickly. It immediately felt soothing to his skin. He felt it caressing his muscles, he swore he could feel it enter his veins. Loki uttered a deep sigh and offered his long arm to Lilly to help her in after him.
Her body was changing before his eyes. Today, he swore he could see the faint outline of his child growing bigger in Lilly’s strong body. Lifting her down and into his arms, he felt rather romantic.
“Such a gentleman,” she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Now we wait.”
“Yes, now we wait for a sign,” she laughed.
Loki returned to the image of a random frost giant coming up from the depths and quickly offered to look around under the water. This gesture was also reassuring for Lillian, who again felt like this was not the kind of bohemian cave she was used to.
His perfect ass dove down about four times before he was satisfied no one else would be joining them. Lillian started to close her eyes, the heat from the water creating a soft cocoon.
She thought of all the times she had seen rune images since coming to Asgard. It was almost as if runes were coming to her now, messaging her. “Wait, wait, Loki, I think I see rune stones, but I don’t know their meaning. Should I try and explain to you?”
She had been so lost in her experience that she failed to look at Loki since he had not moved very much since his diving exhibition. When she opened her eyes, Loki was blue.
He was blue, and his eyes were like red gems.
To say Lillian was stunned would be an understatement.
Ecstatically she yelled, “Loki, Loki, look at your stomach or at your hand. You are blue!”
Loki looked down at his hands in wild disbelief.
He was completely blue.
He felt his head, he now also had a more permanent pair of horns. His body had deep-lined relief markings, like tattoos. Lilly wondered what each line meant and if her baby would also have this kind of remarkable body like Loki was displaying.
“Eir didn’t tell me that it took away my seiðr! This is a pure embarrassment!” Loki said with frustration.
“I’m hideous.”
Lilly was stunned, but she spoke, “Loki, you look magnificent. I can’t even describe what seeing you like this is doing to me.”
She felt the wetness deep within her core surfacing between her wanting legs. While Loki was shocked at his appearance and overwhelmed, Lilly needed to make him understand how beautiful he was to her at this moment.
Swimming over to him, she was suddenly much smaller than him. His navel met her mouth almost perfectly. Taking a moment to place a kiss just beneath it while looking up at him with expectant eyes, she remembered Eir said the water was breathable. Testing it out now was an as good time as any.
Dunking her head bravely beneath the surface she drew a concerned gasp from Loki and a small utterance of her name as she disappeared.
After a short adjustment, her lungs began to process the water like air. Her eyes could also clearly see everything before her. Including the massive cock of her lover now in his Jötunn form. Daunting to comprehend, Lillian knew Loki needed her assurance that his true form and the form of their child were not monstrous but beautiful.
She placed her mouth over his cock, opening herself, trying to take him all in. She was still, in fact, a tiny human. But she managed. Sucking him with a fierce passion, she took as much as possible. Wondering what he was feeling above the surface, she released his gorgeous member for a brief second, and bobbed her head up. His eyes were closed.  
“Please keep doing what you are doing,” he said simply and quietly.
His fingers found her face, and he grasped her jaw, massaging it gently.
“As you wish, my lord.”
Her lord. Lillian had never called him that before.
She was back underwater, stuffing his cock back into her mouth. Lilly could feel him beginning to shudder, imagining he could come at any time, grabbing his thighs, she doubled down her efforts. She wished she could hear him from under the water, coming in his Jötunn form might carry a significantly different acoustic.  
From up above, Loki was in tears. He cried out, coming in Lillian’s mouth, feeling what could only be considered deeply vulnerable. She had just seen him in his true form. Without hesitation, she took his cock into her mouth and let him come like an absolute maniac.
He pulled her up out of the water. Lillian couldn’t tell if his face was wet, or he had been crying.
“How do you feel, my love?” he said softly, “thank you for your effort to make me feel, well, not like a frost giant who haunts the nightmares of all Asgardian children.”
“Loki,” she began, but he cut her off. The light in his chest was now the size of a small Midgardian sedan.
“You continue to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Even if I am now swimming in a cave like a fool, in my Jötunn form, I wouldn’t change it for anything. You must know this.”
Lilly smiled, “can I tell you about the runes I saw before you transformed? I think they might be a code or message from Jotunnheim!”
Lilly was a little too enthusiastic for the moment for Loki’s taste. He countered, “we should get out first, please. I’ve had enough of this body for now.”
“Okay, but if you ever turn into Jötunn Loki again, I will never be sorry.” Lilly smiled seductively.
Loki shrugged his shoulders and lifted her out of the water. He then cautiously stepped out himself, watching his form shift slowly back to Aesir.
He sighed with relief.
“You wondered if you’d be stuck, huh?” Lilly surmised by his relieved expression.
“I did.”
“Hey, you are a fucking hot blue giant,” she playfully added as she stepped towards him, pulling herself up to his lips, kissing him deeply. He kissed her deeply back.
“Thank you. For everything.”
They left the cave and headed back to the palace to figure out if what Lilly saw had any meaning. She already felt better, placing her hands on her belly as they walked; she could tell her little frost giant did too.
On to Chapter 8
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nejibaby · 4 years ago
Deja Vu
Pairing: Neji x Fem!Uchiha Reader
Summary: Hyuga Hiashi does not approve of your relationship with Neji.
implied established relationship. implied that neji has plans marrying.
Word Count: 2.8k
Memories - Part 1 | Deja Vu - Part 2
A/N: gotta say it started out cute but then bam angst sjdjdens i’m sorry i’m dramatic sumtyms 🤧 please let me know your thoughts 🥺
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The Sharingan never forgets.
That’s among one of the few things that’s drilled into your mind as a child born in the Uchiha clan. Before you had even awakened your Sharingan, your late brother, Shishui, had already taught you this.
At a young age, you’ve always thought it was a blessing, especially to a shinobi like you. With the ability of the Sharingan to discern movements and to retain its information better than any other dojutsu, it enables you to progress faster than children your age.
Outside the shinobi life, however, it’s not really that useful, so it’s expected for you not to activate it at all. You don’t need to remember minor details of everyday life after all. But on some of your days off — on special days — although very rarely, you unconsciously activate your Sharingan when you’re with Neji.
It goes without saying that before the war, you’ve already gained quite a bit of control over the use of the Sharingan. You’re able to activate and deactivate it at will, although sometimes your emotions get the better of you and it messes your control. After the war, however, you’ve become adept at controlling both your emotions and your Sharingan, maybe even better than Sasuke.
But whenever Neji surprises you with affectionate gestures, you get so overwhelmed that you just can't control your body, and by extension, your dojutsu too.
No matter how hard you try, you’re unable to stop the blood rushing to your face. You’re unable to calm the violent thumping of your heart. You’re unable to get rid of the fluttering feeling in your stomach. You’re unable to prevent the Sharingan from activating. Especially on the rare occasions that he kisses the back of your hand tenderly after he walks you home, or when he kisses your lips before he leaves for a mission.
Neji isn’t good at romantic gestures, and so he keeps it to a bare minimum. But when he does these things, it always takes you by surprise.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he likes your cute reactions to his unpredictable acts. There’s always this short moment where your mind goes blank and your Sharingan manifests itself. This reassures him of your feelings for him because he knows he’s the only one who’ll be able to pull such a reaction from you. Not that he’s ever doubted you. You’ve always been so vocal about your feelings for him, after all.
On the flip side, while it embarrasses you that you can’t control your Sharingan when you’re with Neji, you like the way they activate themselves at those moments, as they’re able to help you remember the details of its aftermath — like the way Neji would always look down on the floor first before he meets your eyes, his cheeks tinted pink, and with the slightest upturn of his lips, almost as if he, himself, wasn’t expecting the onslaught of emotions that was brought about by his own actions. In mere seconds, you have all these memorized before he pulls away, and you play it over and over again in your mind until you’re branded with a new memory.
But the Sharingan is a curse as much as it is a blessing.
It’s a curse because it reminds you of the cruelty of the world. It doesn’t allow you to forget the scene of the Uchiha clan district after the massacre, even after knowing the true reason why it had to be done. It lets you remember the way you almost lost Neji from the Ten Tails’ attack during the war in his attempt to protect Naruto and Hinata.
And when Sasuke implanted Shisui’s eye to you, which he retrieved from Danzo before he annihilated him, the Sharingan lets you relive all his memories and experiences, and it paints you a picture of how unfair the world actually is, even more so to an Uchiha like you.
The unfair reality is further proven by an unexpected knock on your door a couple of weeks ago.
Hiashi. Hyuga Hiashi. The head of the Hyuga clan. Neji’s uncle.
He came to you with a deal, a proposition of sorts, but really it was just a threat in disguise as an offer.
“Leave Neji or else I’ll make sure he won’t be able to break free from his cage” is what he basically implied.
But to be precise, his words were, “The Hyuga clan is considering Neji to be the next heir, which would result in abolition of the main and branch family system altogether. Naturally, if he becomes the head of the clan, his curse seal will be removed, along with all the other branch family members’. However, there’s no telling if there’s going to be a change if he doesn’t get the position.
“You might have been keeping your relationship with him on the down-low, but the elders of the Hyuga clan know of it.
“To put it bluntly, we do not wish to be associated with the Uchiha in any way — so much that even disowning Neji has been put out there as an option, just in case — especially after what Sasuke pulled off after defeating the goddess.
“Moreover, if you were to bear a child together, there’s no telling what will happen to their kekkei genkai. It would be ideal to have him marry into the clan and follow tradition in order to preserve the Byakugan.
“I suppose you know where I’m going with this. It would be in his best interest if you call off whatever you have with him. Although this wouldn’t be a deal if there is nothing in it for you, right? Supposing Neji’s bright future is not enough for you, we are willing to arrange allowances of sorts.”
But before he could spout anything more, you cut him off by asking, “Does he know about this?”
“Not yet. But we’ll let him know soon enough.”
“Don’t. Keep it that way. I’ll handle this,” you told him, not caring if you didn’t sound respectful to a prominent figure such as himself. “I don’t need anything from your clan. All I want and need is for Neji to live a life that he deserves; a life that he was robbed off.”
Hiashi glared at you, offended by your words, but he didn't comment on it. Rather, he stared you down. His hardened expression morphing into suspicion the longer he looked at you; clearly he didn’t trust you. “How will you handle it?”
The only response he got from you is an intense stare with your Sharingan, and that alone was enough for him.
It’s frustrating to not have a choice, even when it comes to love, but in hindsight, you should’ve expected this. For all the troubles your ancestors caused in the past, it’s only natural for you to be this unfortunate.
Whatever blessing the Uchihas receive, it’s always paired with some type of misery. That’s just how it is, that’s how it would probably always be.
There’s no denying that in the end, it always, always hurts. But then again, you’re no stranger to pain and loss. And so is Neji. So surely, this would be for the best, at least that’s what you tell yourself over and over again in hopes that it will strengthen your resolve.
After all, Neji deserves a life where he doesn’t have to fear dying by the hands of the main branch family. He deserves a life where he can make choices of his own, without being tied down by his curse seal or his clan in general. And if leaving him means he’ll have all this and more, so be it.
As much as it is painful, it is hard, partly because of your waning resolve but especially because it’s Neji, who’s known for being an awfully perceptive shinobi. He’s almost never caught off guard, all the more when he’s with you, as he’s always keen on keeping you safe. Hence, you have to be meticulous and methodical.
The Sharingan’s ability to cast genjutsu is particularly harder to use against Hyugas due to their ability to see and sense the chakra concentrating by the eyes, enabling them to counter or avoid it entirely. Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami technique would’ve been quite useful, except you’re unable to use it yet because of the events prior to the war. Thus, you’ll have to rely on your own skills.
If timed right and casted properly, the genjutsu of the Sharingan has the ability to remove memories. To be precise, it can trick his mind into “forgetting” memories. But with years and years of memories between you and Neji, you know that you’ll have to cast it over and over again before everything will be completely wiped out.
You take advantage of the moments where Neji gives you affection, as you deem it the most subtle way to cast genjutsu on him without suspicion.
Although you have to admit, in the beginning you’ve been selfish, only removing memories of you and him that weren’t important — like the times he would accompany you in doing mundane tasks, or the times you both just lounge around after tiring missions. And because those are only minor memories, Neji is oblivious to the loss.
It gets exceptionally harder to cast the genjutsu once you’ve started erasing the major events in your relationship — the first date, the first kiss, the first time he held your hand, and the first time he introduced you as the love of his life. Until eventually, the affectionate acts dwindle down, and the only way you can use the Sharingan around him is when you ask him to train with you.
It’s only natural that the longer this goes on, the further you drift apart, and the more you lose him.
And it’s scary and painful because unlike Sasuke, Konoha has always been your home, but more specifically because of Neji. In fact, you can argue that Neji has always felt like home more than the village itself. You can walk the streets of Konoha but all it will ever scream is Neji’s name, and all it will ever show you is the memories you shared with him on every corner of the place.
The fact that you have to walk the streets without him is terrifying and foreign, and the only way you can avoid it altogether is by taking more and more missions, either the ones involving far away places or high rank missions that require every single bit of your concentration. Sometimes you even tag along to Sasuke’s expeditions to escape not only Neji’s overwhelming presence in the village, but also the thoughts of him.
It’s tiring and it’s heavy. But you’ve accepted the fact that you’re going to carry alone the memories for the two of you.
But this doesn’t go unnoticed by your friends, though they were quick to assume that things just didn’t work out between the two of you, and that you called your relationship off.
Ino is the first person to voice out her concern and her curiosity as she claimed it’s weird not seeing you hang out with Neji anymore.
“That’s just how it is, I suppose,” you shrug, trying to act nonchalant about everything despite the ache in your chest and the slight quiver of your voice.
She doesn’t comment further, thinking you probably didn’t want to talk about it.
But one day, when the whole clique — except for you and Sasuke — was hanging out, Ino can tell there was something wrong when Sakura asked if Neji remembered the time when you almost fell off a tree but he was there to catch you, and he furrowed his brows, saying he doesn’t recall that at all.
Break up or not, it’s highly unlikely for Neji to forget. Regardless of how minor something is, he always seems to remember them, especially when it involves you. And while he could’ve just been deflecting, there would’ve been no point in him denying that he remembers that occasion. Besides, Neji is blatantly honest, it’s one thing that you can count on when it comes to him, so really, how come he couldn’t remember that scenario at all?
This prompted Ino to observe Neji further out of concern and suspicion. She’d often find herself casually mentioning you and the feats you’ve both been through, but time and time again, Neji would tell her he has no recollection of those.
Ino wants to do something, anything really, just to clear her mind of suspicions, but she’s afraid she’s overstepping and interfering.
Neji takes notice of this. But even before that, he feels as though there’s something wrong, like something’s missing, but he doesn’t know what it is, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
After all, genjutsu might’ve tricked his mind, but his heart is an entirely different case.
It comes as a surprise to Ino when Neji comes to visit her in Yamanaka’s flower shop, looking at your favorite flowers without a clue why.
With Ino being the only one who seems to be willing to talk about you with him, it’s her who he seeks out. That, and he thinks the Yamanaka’s mind jutsus could be of help.
Ino doesn’t hesitate to help after Neji asks for it. When she goes to explore Neji’s consciousness, the first thing that she senses is your chakra. The further she prods, the more she realizes that it’s you who have been tampering with his memories. Then she realizes that it’s genjutsu that you’ve used on him, and she quickly breaks him out of it.
You know instantly when the jutsu breaks, feeling as if there was a string that snapped, and it immediately renders you frozen.
Fear grips you as you think about how Neji would feel after his memories come back. Will he be able to tell it was you who did it? Will he be mad at you? Will you tell him the reason why you did it? Will he even listen?
But if he’d stop talking to you altogether… then that would still be a win, right? Because that’s what Hiashi wants, that’s what his clan wants. That’s the only condition for them to give back Neji’s freedom.
But is it worth it?
Is this what you want?
Is this what Neji would want?
You’d like to believe so. And that’s the last thought you have as the rogue shinobi you’re supposed to capture stabs a kunai deep into your gut.
Of all the times the genjutsu could have broken, it just had to be when you were facing a highly skilled ninja. It’s once again a reminder that life is unfair, but this time, it’s your choices that lead you to this.
Deja vu. That’s how you feel when you wake up after escaping death’s clutches once again.
You blink once, twice, and then you look around your surroundings. You’re back in Konoha’s hospital, but this time you don’t wake up to a sleeping Neji by your bed.
You’re alone, and you feel hollow.
But then the door to your room opens abruptly and you almost jump in surprise.
Your breath hitches as you find the familiar lavender eyes staring back at you.
He calls your name to you softly, as if in a trance, and you feel your heart stutter at how perfect your name sounds on his lips.
Before you know it, he’s by your side, gently holding your hands. With an untrained eye, it would seem that his face is void of any emotion, but from your years of experience with him, you can clearly point out the sadness in his eyes.
You break the silence by saying, “I’m sorry, Neji.”
“For what exactly?”
You look away in shame. “For trying to erase your memories of us.”
“Why’d you do it then?”
“Because…” you bite your lip. “That’s what’s best for you,” your voice cracks. “I’m not… We couldn’t— no — we shouldn’t be together.”
Neji gathers his thoughts, and it takes a couple of minutes before he speaks up. “The Sharingan may not be able to forget, but the Byakugan sees everything.”
And you understand what he’s trying to say: he can see through the lies you feed yourself.
Neji sighs, and it gets your attention. You peek at him, and only then have you noticed the bags under his eyes and the way his shoulders are slightly slumped.
He has always looked composed no matter the situation, but now he’s different.
“You used to tell me everything,” he says dejectedly.
The way he says it and the way he pleads with his eyes breaks something in you and you spill everything to him.
You’re crying and stuttering and you aren’t sure if you’re making sense. But Neji always, always understands you.
And by the end of your piece, you’re wrapped securely in his arms.
“You’re alright,” he comforts you. “We’re alright.”
“But Hiashi—”
“We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
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here’s some really good ideas sent on anon for part 3!
<If you have ideas too, feel free to send them in because i love receiving them 🥰 I’ll be linking them here too!>
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