#work inprogress
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cbeedoodles · 2 years ago
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i almost never post WIPs but have this one that im proud of rn Its for an art contest for Queen Rowlet!
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mightywhite · 1 year ago
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drupelet · 11 months ago
one of my newest playlists 🤖 combining my favorite daft punk songs with their contemporaries, their influences, and their successors
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forsakenwitchery · 2 years ago
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Sometimes I do shit that's just... stupid af. So funny story. I've got my Elegoo Mars almost three years ago, and I've been using it from time to time for a few months, and then I just got lazy and didn't empty my resin tank. And it sat with resin inside for two years and at some point, I just got afraid of checking if my printer was, ya know, well, or if my laziness just killed it. Told you, I do stupid shit for no reason. 😂
ANYWAY. So since I'm finally doing Merrin I knew the time was coming to check on my poor little Elegoo and now I've basically been printing all day and look at all the pretty omg. 🙀
As you can see so far I've got Merrin's buckle, most of Merrin necklace pieces, Merrin's charm from Survivor and the charm she gives Cal & also decent ST deltas. Why am I even printing stuff from Survivor if I never plan on doing the costume from it 'cause it sucks? Who knows, at least the trinkets were pretty and I'm compulsive.
Next up are Galadriel's and Merrin's daggers and some Underworld thingies and chances are I'm gonna print a whole bunch of stuff from BG3 next week. Fingers crossed no prints fail. 🤞
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year ago
I'm abt to post more sad s2 izzy fics, so ya'll should check out these two songs that are izzy coded (to me at least) and see if the devastate you as much as they are me fkdjsafldjs (meant as a good thing)
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innerprivatethoughts · 2 years ago
 “Healing is not linear, but it is possible.”
Not me writing this post numerous times until it felt authentically me. LOL (jk I’m literally staring at my screen trying to figure out how to put the thoughts I have into actual words).
I think what saved me from literally contemplating what to write is this quote. For me, writing this blog is a part of my own healing journey. Being able to put my traumas, my experiences, my truth out there is something that I have always wanted to do, but was resistant to it.
Am I nervous? Hell yes but am I going to back down? A la mejor sí. A la mejor no, no sé, but what I do know is that I refuse to give up on myself and what I want to do to feel more free.
If y'all (like I really have a following peró todavía) want me to discuss certain topics please feel free. Nothing is off limits here. Anonymity is key though if it's shit I don't like, sorry but I am going to set the boundary.
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strawberry-seal77 · 3 months ago
Hii!!! YTTD fanart from my inprogress playthrough with @rookeryyy!!!
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We took a 15-20 minute break from playing and 7 hours later this image was sitting on my screen fully formed. also rook drew sara's warrior cats purrsona!!!
Extra images and thoughts under the cut!!!
Time Spent: 7 hours 24 minutes
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Okay so first thing, if it's not obvious, this is them playing warrior cats on the playground!! We have decided they do this. Shadow the hedgehog and baby baby shadow are part of the awesome sillyness that happens when you make a drawing on vc!! Though baby baby shadow himself is a longer running joke between us.
Second thing, this playthrough is SUPER FUN !!!!! Chat and I split the voices evenly (somehow) and we've been adding on silly little bits as we play!!! Like Sara sleeping through the instructions of the gun game (and yet winning flawlessly) and Joe having unwaivering confidence in her.
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Also Sara threatening to beat people up, as we see above <33
Though it DOES mean the game takes much longer to get through, especially if you're taking a SEVEN HOUR BREAK to draw FBDJHSBFH
the drawing was INTENDED to be a quick doodle but. as you can see. its gone past that
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I had a good amount of struggle with Sara's fist, as I originally had her body turned away from the camera to look mainly at Joeheart, BUT it wasnt working, and I think it looks much better this way anyhow <33
The drawing was first sketched, then colored in grayscale, colors were put on by overlay layer, and after that I did a whole lotta paintover!! <3 As shown below
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After I did the greyscale I actually had to use a gradient map to make the darks darker, cause I have a tendency to pick really light colors. All is well though!!
We decided that Sara would be leader of the warrior cats group on the playground, hence being Sarastar, and Joe would be a dog! She takes being a leader very seriously, including hiding snacks around the playground for her clan to hunt! I think I even smell a doritos bag by that bush over there...!!
It's not as obvious in my image as in Rook's, but we also decided that Sara identifies as a gun (because me saying "as a gunslinger" was misheard to be "as a gun"), and Joe is a furry.
im soo happy with this <3 theres so much to LOOK AT Im not used to large canvases <33
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dracolilhoe · 11 months ago
Harry Potter Fandom Masterlist
This is the Harry Potter Masterlist! Includes all the Harry Potter characters I write for and requests I have received! If you find mistakes please tell me! I'm not a perfect writer so please just let me know. Please leave your suggestions or requests in my asks, messages or comments!
REQUESTS are currently open
Main Masterlist here -> DracoLilHoe
Last updated: 09-17-24
A/N: Not all of my stories are on Tumblr. I'm currently working on a book of Harry Potter Oneshots that will soon be posted on my Wattpad. It will feature a variety of characters that are not on my Tumblr, and I'll also be taking requests from readers.
Messaging with HP characters!
Picking an outfit
Severus x Y/n
Harry x Y/n
Severus x Y/n
Draco x Y/n
Draco x Y/n
Draco x Y/n
Draco x Y/n
Severus Snape
Temptation(One shot) - Severus Snape x fem!reader
Secret Keepers - Pt.2 - Severus Snape x fem!wife!professor
The Potion Master's Experiment**- Severus Snape x fem!herbology!professor
Lucius Malfoy
Forbidden Loyalties - Lucius Malfoy x fem!ministryworker
Narcissa Malfoy
The Girl I Love - Narcissa Malfoy x fem!reader
Bellatrix Lestrange
Shadows of Obsidian*** - Bellatrix Lestrange x fem!reader
Remus Lupin
Moonlit Serenade - Remus Lupin x fem!girlfriend!reader
Draco Malfoy
Forbidden Enchantment - Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Harry Potter
The Forgotten Heir*** - Harry Potter x fem!reader
Hermione Granger
Love of My Life - Hermione Granger x fem!reader
Ron Weasley
Gryffindor's Heartbeat - Ron Weasley x fem!reader
Check me out on Tumblr!
Check me out on Wattpad!
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notational · 2 months ago
Grid patterns are mutating. Introducing progressive scaling and rotation to the truchet program. Also wave shapes have been added as a tile option.I  STILL feel like I haven't exhausted the possibilities of this program.....and it keeps getting more complex. Will need to tweak many things, but I am intrigued about where this is heading. However a software developer from Japan recently reached out about working together. We'll see where the project goes. Made with #processing and some help from #chatgpt. I’d be very interested in suggestions, feedback, and comments. Please subscribe for more. If you’re interested in the code, I will eventually post it on Github and Open Processing.  #creativecoding #generativedesign #videoart #remix #programming #vlog #vlogger #inprogress #genuary
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Been hit with everything at once these past couple months. Nothing we can’t come back from, thankfully, but it does feel like one thing gone wrong after another. Been in and out of doctors for several ills, lost a car, lost a family member (we knew it was coming, but still).
More relevant to this blog, my computer had a corrupted hard drive and I’m probably not going to be able to get my data back. This means everything I was working on (that wasn’t for my job) is just gone. Huge bummer for me, it’s so hard to squeak time to do things just for fun anymore. So having all the fanart I had inprogress just poof away…. It’s not the worst that’s happened this week but it still stings.
I don’t know how active I’ll be able to be going forward. I have one more thing to post and it may continue to be quiet around here for awhile. Sucks, but we gotta do what we gotta do.
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sharpedgedfool · 10 months ago
Im a recent follower (found you through someone else's reblogs) and just wanted to say I fucking LOVE that you share thumbnails for some of your comics. I've never drawn a comic beyond Hourlie Comics day format, but Id like to dabble a bit more at some point in the future. Seeing the process is really enlightening, especially the shorthand you use for the characters in your thumbs. I'm a storyboard artist so I love seeing how other artists make thumbnails, and I hope you keep sharing your inprogress sketchs for your work, comics and illustrations alike. ♥
Tldr; I think your thumbnail phase sketches are real neat 👌
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Heres another one for u then lmao, I usually do these super small with pen on the scripts i print out so some of em are incomprehensible. Some of the funnier ones i like to post just to help fill time in between posting pages cause I take a while to finish anything haha
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becomingfoxes · 2 years ago
Happy Wednesday my loves!
Here are some inprogress fic binding things. I've been on a typesetting spree but I've finally finished a few to print and work on binding! 🥰💖
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notthestarwar · 2 years ago
 snippet from- the lost mand’alor
One day, he was simply gone.
Jango Fett, the lost Mand’alor, had once again disappeared in to the night.
There was no trace.
Gone, and with him? Almost 100 Mando'ade. No trace of any of them, barely anything linking them together.
But Jango Fett? This was a Mand'alor that had been lost to them once before. They'd thought him dead, gone. No man looked for him, no-one awaited his return, and then, Jango Fett had returned to the galaxy.
Would he return to them once more? Could he?
They say he's dead, but they’ve said that before.  Myles did not look for him last time, he will not make that mistake again.
Once, Myles had believed that his Mand’alor was dead.
Once, he had sworn fealty to Jango Fett and had not seen that through. He had allowed the shine of the crown to overtake him.
Myles had been less than their Alor deserved, he had abandoned him to slavers and had stolen his throne. Their people paid for that.
They will not do so again.
It had been over a decade since Jango had disappeared.
Gone, along with almost 100 other Mando’ade.
Over 100 Mando’ade, and their king, lost to the depths of the galaxy, never to be seen again.
It was the thing of storytales.
As was Myles himself. A usurper to the throne, left in debt to the King he’d tried to replace.
He’d thought Jango dead. He hadn’t looked for him. He left him to rot on a slave ship and then, Jango had returned.
Myles had been trying to atone ever since, not that Jango made it easy.
Jango hadn’t been dead. He’d fought his way off that slave ship and returned to them.
But a part of their Alor never made it back.
That was thanks to Myles. Had he looked, Jango wouldn’t have spent so long on that ship. He might have left it whole.
The Jango that returned to them, was a shadow of who he’d once been. He was a ghost, when Myles returned it, the crown fell right through him.
He didn’t stay.
Jango left again, this time by choice they said. But Myles had known there was more to it than that.
Myles had left him, and now he’d forgotten what it was to stay.
It was up to Myles, to make that right.
And so he’d tried and he’d tried again. Jango was lost and then, each time, he was found.
Each time he was lost, they said there was no sense in looking. They said that he did not want to be found. They said that he could not be found. They said he’d died on that ship.
But Myles knew.
He had believed them once, and Jango had been less dead than assumed. So he would not believe them now.
Jango was out there, waiting to be found, and the responsibility fell to one, and one only. Myles had forgotten his leader and in doing so, his leader may have forgotten himself.
It was up to Myles to find him. It was up to Myles to remind him.
And it always would be, because Myles owed Jango Fett a debt, one that it would take a lifetime to settle.
It had been ten years since Jango went missing for the last time.
Not a whisper.
This time they are sure of it. They say that he is dead this time for sure.
They say that Myles is wasting his time, wasting his life, looking.
But had they not once told a tale of a king thought lost who'd returned when his people needed him? Jango had been lost before and he'd returned to them.
He was a man who'd already lived the impossible, he'd already shown that he could come back to them, and he would do so once again.
Myles was sure of it, he would make sure of it.
a long shot lol but does anyone want to read 2 versions of the chapter this is from (like 4k) and tell me which they prefer? this is from an inprogress work and i’ve hit a bit of a slump with it (right at the last sprint. there are 2 chapters to go and they are 70% written in my drafts and have been for months) and have started doubting the whole thing and started rewriting chapter 1
problem is i cant figure out if the rewrite is better or worse.
for context: the whole fic is about Jango but he’s not really in it. the main character is Myles, who is searching for him. this snippet is from version 2, version 1 remains posted to ao3
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forsakenwitchery · 28 days ago
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bts of these photos Aemond: ElvenDen Helaena by me
I know that gifs look weirdly cropped, that's because no one was looking how vids were recording, and it's a miracle some bts are salvageble at least as far as heads go. even without the necks. :c
still cute tho. and not-so-cute, the 2nd one will forever be whoa in gif or photo form for me.
My cosplay tags:
Photos, gifs, videos from costests/cos shoots/cons
Inprogresses (costumes, 3d printing etc)
since it's my blog and I can talk at length about anything, here's a story of how I came to ship Helaemond TL;DR: fanarts and actors. & my anti S2 / Condal & Hess musings again. Wasn't planning on venting, but TG treatment still makes me so mad that I can't do one without the other.
Okay so my friend kept telling me her friend looks a lot like Aemond. I've met him once before this costest at the elven photo planner & he really does, but I still wasn't fully prepared for how uncanny it will be in costest. 😹 It's uncanny to be point it's CRAZY especially as up close as in the gifs above. Y'all are not ready for the full cosplay.
ANYWAY. So I sort of started thinking who among HotD characters I could try putting together for a costest for this to make sense. Alicent was out of the question since I don't look like her at all, and with me tending to look younger than I am, it would have looked even weirder than in the show. Eventually, I was choosing between Hel and Alys. I didn't ship Helaemond at the time, and we had no stills of Alys back then, so Hel seemed like an easier choice, plus I had my Dany wig.
And then I realized people actually shipped them, and at first I was like, 'huh'? Since they barely had any scenes and whatnot. Not that the greens had a lot of scenes together even back then. I wasn't particularly in the fandom, too thank god, I wish I could unsee some TB's hot takes. ANYWAY. I genuinely wasn't planning for this costest to be shipping galore at first, because I didn't know this was even a thing. Then I started looking up the fanarts and started to see the appeal. xD No joke, it legit happened when I was looking for references in a span of a few days. Then I saw how Ewan and Phia were hyping them up for S2 and talking about them in S1, and I was fully on board... Only for S2 to turn out to be so underwelming and character assassinating for all the greens blacks too, I really liked Rhaenyra in S1 and it's insane how much of a nothing sandwich she is after S2. By the time we shot the costest right before S2 finale, I had so little hope we'll get anything. Or more like. I knew we still haven't seen the scenes Phia and Ewan were talking about, so I knew we were getting something, just probably something that will simultaneously shit on Aemond and the ship since TG can't have nice things or feel anything but disdain for one another per S2 aside from Alicent and Hel because they aren't male therefore can be nice to each other. And at that point, I was so invested that I'm in my delulu land now, surrounded by my plans to do Helaemond justice in the best way I can. With maybe some side plans to try gathering the whole TG to ya know. Annoy people who hate them even more. xD Jokes aside, I'd really love to do that, I'd love to at least shoot Targtower kids as, you know, not hating each other. Shippery or not, doesn't matter. I'd just really like to do some wholesome green things, but yeah atm we're just Hel, Aemond & Alicent, and tbh I don't think it's possible to find an Aegon over here. I tried reaching out to my friend in another city, but got more of a 'no', than 'yes' answer, so idk where to find Aegon unfortunately.
I might eventually do Alys since my face works for both Hel and Alys & I can pull off one hell of a bitchface I'm actually surprised how I somehow come off so soft as Hel, but I have a feeling the show will make her TB she practically already is, and since Aemond is the eViLeSt person to ever evil in Westeros per Condal & Hess aka the only character making sense amids ongoing war with magic medieval nukes ffs, and doesn't deserve good things... I don't see a universe in which Alysmond will be really inspiring, not fucked up from the get go. I don't trust them. At all. So like. Giant question mark there. Helaemond priority. Fuck this show. Like if I had the resources to, I'd honestly shoot a bunch of scenes, not just photos. Hell, I'd reshoot S2, TB included, lol. But my ass is broke and I'm doing both mine and Aemond's cosplays so. 🤷🏼‍♀️
'Cause not that they haven't fucked up Helaemond… Or Alicent's relationships with her sons... Every single relationship of the greens went down the drain so fast it's like. The. Fuck? No, seriously, it still enrages me Hel helped Daemon of all people?? And seemed to almost wish Aemond would just drop dead right there. ANYHOW yeah… Yeah. I legit have so many ideas. I love using props and all that, and with her needlework, love for bugs & her overall tragic story (plus the dreamer storyline on the show the show doesn't touch like AT ALL), I want to do so much!
TL;DR again: the fandom made me do it. Just like the fandom made me dislike TB a lot. Or more like, the loudest TB stans with double standarts and zero understanding of how Westeros and people in it should function. And that it's not real world and no one is 'coded' anything related to our world or politics (or at least they shouldn't be no matter how much Condal & Hess try to push contemporary problems into the show to pat themselves on the back).
I realize there are dubious people on both sides of the fandom, but really not even Condal & Hess can make people like or dislike characters as much as their stans can. Oh also, WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE EVEN SIDES. They literally pitted the fandom against each other, it's so sick and twisted and all sorts of fucked up.
Back to Condal & Hess, them trying to sink TG so much made me sympathize even with those on it I didn't care about at first, like Criston, and simultaniosly dislike the Saint-RhaeRhae side and it's vicious vocal part of the fanbase... I even liked Daemyra in S1, but after S2 I don't want to touch anything or anyone related to her with a ten-foot pole. Even tho I still like some characters on TB, they just ruined everyone. To some extent on both sides, but for TG I sort of want to do things in support of them and in spite of Condal & Hess. Thereas for TB... After S1 I was thinking of cosplaying Rhae, but LMAO NO. Just no.
Tagged this with all the anti tags I mention, so don't come at me, I don't have time, and do have a block list. You can argue with the wall or those who want to argue. If you can't disagree with someone & be civil about it, it's not my problem.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year ago
hi. im promoing :)
okay so im def having some form of burn out when it comes to writing and i have a ton of writing ideas put on a fic of mine (well, oneshot series, not the point though)
the point is while i have one inprogress and 100 more ideas to write, i do have a couple finished ideas and i think itd help if maybe people read what i have so far?
do you want gillion tidestrider to slowly fall in love with a cat and concure his fears? do you want to hear about the small details i researched just for small things? DO YOU WANNA READ ABOUT GAY MEN??? well chapter 10 has the first 2 questions, as for the last one, yeah i write alot about gay people in the other chapters. press the link below to check me out please
btw, theres some writing prompt things i didnt add on the list so i think i might just keep those on here aka some tumblr exclusive writings lol
btw im tagging like every character ive written about in the oneshot series, this one is very gillion centered
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voidthatdraws · 1 year ago
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I offer u my beloved girlboss in these trying times. my call of cthulu character miss Eden Howdy who currently works as a stage actor and has one messy divorce and multiple messy breakups since then under her belt. as she deserves.
plus an inprogress sketch screenshot teehee
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