#work expreince
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crispysnake · 2 years ago
nobody asked but I'm talking about it anyways here is some ramble about Keyleths work in me modern au :P
She studied Ecology in university (where Percy was also there studying mechanical and system engineering, Grog for a wrestling scholarship, and Pike for allopathic med, but that can be a different post tehe) cause she loves delving into little ecosystems and learning about how everything has its purpose and use, everything is essential and it's a whole little world, later on, she often refers to VM as her own little ecosystem. But afterwards, she becomes a Conservation Biologist!
I think Vilya was incredibly passionate about protecting the environment and endangered species, Zephrah is a small community in the middle of nowhere and first hand watched their land get taken and forests get chopped down for urbanizing, roads, and cities etc, so Keyleth grew up watching her mother be very active in their community and vocal about how important their environment is and how it needs to be protected.
This loops back around to Keyleth pursuing Conservation Biology and being the very eco-friendly girl she is, as mentioned before in my hobbies post! She loves working outside, she loves working with a whole bunch of different critters and plants and ecosystems and learning how to care for and protect them. I think that does mean she travels quite a bit,( which was one of the reasons she was hesitant about starting things with Vax) usually just a few hours out of town but in a similar sense to her aramente she has had to make a few more extensive trips for work.
It's just very very important to her and she puts an immense amount of focus and effort into her job, she can easily pull out 5 fun facts about the Golden Mantella frog and its ideal environment. or crouch down next to a tree and ramble for 5 minutes about how this particular ecosystem is cool because it has Funaria moss as its primary producer and how it also means there was most likely a wildfire in the area recently. Other then being a constant fountain of information and awe, I think she's fought to try and make a difference in their community or maybe just at least their neighbourhood, rooting for community gardens, composting and planting more trees in the area, it isn't a lot but it's a good start and she hopes to achieve more someday:) she hopes Vilya would be proud of her for the work she's doing.
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shadow-monster · 4 months ago
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when you have no idea what's happening to your game:
anyway, i have no idea what's going on with my Skyrim world, i know i use DynDOLOD and TextGEN, and it was working fine with me for sometime. but after downloading a handful of mods, my game is like this. i don't have any idea what mods are doing this to me, or anything like this. i just know that i'm expreinceing a thing called "Black LOD' the conversation i saw seemed to help a little bit, but that was mainly to identify the issue. i'm kind of an idiot on understanding all that tech modding stuff. so, any help would be greatly appreciative!
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coolmaycroft · 2 months ago
I often think about the whole line that separates Frienship and romance and how that works from a cishet perspective.
From what I've gathered is that the line must be there because cishet relationships have this expectation of becoming something more: the whole marriage-family pipeline yadda yadda patriarchy thing.
And as a cis person there's a lot of expereinces that make you wary of threading that line: you fall in love with a friend and they don't like you back and then oops, the whole friendship fell apart. You cuddle with a friend and next thing you know they caught feelings for you. You think you're more than friends with someone and oh, suprise, this person has 5 other people that they treat the same and you suddenly feel replaceable.
And I know that attachemnt styles are a flimsy theory but they explain one of my observations very well: some people are just more detached and have it easy with ambiguity, but I do think cishet people lean to a more anxious-attachment style where they want that line well traced to avoid emotional hurt. I hang out mostly with cishet people and we've all had sucky expreinces with ambiguous relationships.
All this because again, there's the whole expectation of relationships fllowing a prescribed path of dating > marriage > family. A relationship that stays in that vague line of frienship-dating seems like a way of being stuck in life, and depending on the dynamic, even reprobable.
The cishet idea of romance and sex is fucking boring btw. The line between friendship and relationship is so artificial, it doesnt even really exist. And yet so much is supposed to change in the relationships dynamic once you make things "official". And then you cant even cuddle with your friends for some reason
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abouquetofdaylillies · 10 days ago
Also I don't think a person who expreinces sexual feelings over kind of non-traditional things is a bad person, a weirdo, or a person who deserves to be mocked and insulted.
Like when I say I'm critical of people who practice kinks that celebrate and reaffirm forms of societal violence and oppression I'm not saying I'm critical of people who are like into feet, or dressing up as cartoon animals, or role playing, or cutting each other with scalpels, or urinating or defecating on each other, or people who exprience objectum sexuality. I'm not sure how or why a person might experience those feelings, but I don't condemn them for it.
I'm not critical of certain sexual practices because I think "Oh how strange!" But becuase I don't understand how a person can experience sexual arousal due to enacting misogyny, homophobia, racism, or transphobia on another human being and be completely unwilling to deconstruct those feelings and work towards undoing their prejudices.
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soberientist · 1 year ago
maybe..no i think you are btter off without me... tama si aimee,,,, o tama c arvin.. wala kang future saakin.. kasi yung future mo hindi nmn saakin... dumaan k lng nmn sa buhay ko .. or ako yung dumaan sa buhay mo... well at least na expreince ko yung mahalin ng childhood crush nya :) my wish for you is... wag ng ulitin yung mga nagyare saatin... bigyan mo ng time yung next partner mo.. wag puro work... enjoyin mo yung time with him... please.... c mama mo? oo importante yan... may mga kapatid ka nmn na pwde mag bigay dyan kung sakali nag kulang ka ng responsibilidad... pa minsan minsan... sila nmn yung problemahin mo.. please? LIVE your life... kasi kung ganto ka pa din sa sunod na makakaralasyon mo e, same outcome.. unless... yan yung gusto mo?... na palipas oras lng... well, nkkita ko nmn na ok lng sayo na mging solo for life... ang akin lng e.. mas masaya yung meron kang kasama o companion pag tanda mo....... :) ayun lng.... bye..... ;)
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gothibara · 2 years ago
Okay, so related to that one post abt somebody with plant powers not really being able to control ibara, how DO you think she sees the world?? Like to be honest i live your interpretation of her quirk and could read a whole book on it. You said it was kinda translated right? so how would she expreince her senses then??
Haha, thats a really good question! Ive actually been reading a book on plant perception lately (What A Plant Knows, by Daniel Chamovitz) so while i cant say i definitely know everything, its helped put things into perspective. also for the sake of Not Being Buzzkills obviously horikoshi didnt think abt this its just hc im using canon to supplement and draw conclusions dont be silly
also um. im putting this under a cut because it really is a book's worth of meta. i got really excited.
But i think, from how we see Ibara, a large part of it is going to be filtered through religious experiences+delusions. It already seems like how she talks and understands thing is subconsciously put through this filter (i dont think shes calling shishida "apocalypse beast" out of spite or to be inflammatory-- there is religious theory that the beast of gevaudan may have been god-sent, albeit this theory is rare and far from widely accepted. Ibara doesnt seem to follow any specific doctrine, though, and i really think parts of it are just kinda her brain drawing connections in line with her deeply personal beliefs as opposed to dogma. To her it may just be that she believes theyre saying the same thing in essence, while he does not)
But on the topic of sensory experiences specifically, I would also say that Ibara is experiencing exponentially higher levels of sensory input than most people, so i cant blame her for being a space cadet. And while the fainting is an anime-only gag presumably to show her delicate sensibilities or whatever i personally am choosing to interpret it as an incredibly reasonable consequence of her brain hitting the limit. Like cut the cameras im OUT!!! It's documented frequently in the history of religious ecstasy and other spiritual experiences, so adding an assload of input i can imagine only heightens your chance.
And so onto your question about how that manifests-- its hard to say! But i have a few ideas.
Firstly, i think we should address what the plant is perceiving, and how. In a base function, we can say that they respond to stimuli in certain forms (light, sound, smell, balance, touch, etc) which loosely correlates with our own senses. They differ in the organs used, though, but Ibara having a centralized animal brain both simplifies and complicates it.
Plants don't "see" pictures-- they have sensory cells dedicated to seeing both light and different wavelengths of light (which helps control their circadian cycle and even flowing schedule! Even a small disruption of flashing a certain color light during the night can allow farmers to delay or change when certain plants flower), but these arent rods and cones connected to an optical nerve connected to a brain. But at the same time, they... ARE connected to a brain.
I think for Ibara, plant sight is like a murky, back-of the mind addition to her normal range of vision. It's not a picture the same way her Eyes work, but she knows intuitively theres light, shadow, and colors around her, and can focus in on it a little more if she tries. Details and motion that doesn't block light wouldnt be part of it-- the plant can only see what blocks light covering it or reflects light onto it. Ever-periphery flashes of shadowy shapes and colors. (and conversely: i think the prayer pose, with eyes closed and hands clasped makes it easier to focus on the information filtering through)
sound is also different-- while the studies about plant growth and music are bunk, plants do react to sound. the mechanics of it are still heavily under-explored, but we know they do, just so long as its sound that may be relevant to a plant, like running water or insects chewing. I don't think Ibara could do what Hawks does-- where he can focus in on sounds through his wings and hear conversations. The vines aren't a dedicated sensory organ, they just communicate signals back that are of relevance. She may KNOW there's sound somewhere, but it's background noise until it's something that triggers a response. The question is really what would be deemed important enough to do so.
See, the thing with plants is that they don't have emotions, or even a centralized brain, as we've established. Animals can and do. humans especially. Things deemed important by a person can be important for a variety of reasons, beyond just survival. While Ibara uses the vines as an extension of her limbs, it doesn't change the built in systems of stimuli response the plant has, but the plant isn't a brain in the sense that it will decide anything. So the question of What Ibara Hears from the plant is an interesting one. Personally, I don't think she hears the sounds "as is". Ibara doesn't HEAR insects chewing, because the cells are communicating a stimulus and response, so it would be an interpretation of the response. Sort of a plato's cave issue-- I think ibara may say she "hears omens of danger" or "tidings of great joy", but it's not like she's being told a Coherent Thought By The Vines. it's sound of water = good = we are safe and can find safety + an avidly catholic teenager = the angels bring tidings of joy. it's thing she "hears" but doesnt hear because its never actually touching her own aural organs or nerves. She may not be able to pinpoint what the sound itself is, just what it evokes or what her brain fills the gap in as, like talking.
Taste and smell are both something plants do, but defined slightly differently, as we associate these things with specific nerves in the human body that plants Dont Have. to define it the way my book does, we're going to say "taste is the reception of chemical signals through touch" and "smell is the reception of chemical signals dispersed through the air". and plants do taste, and taste one another-- many parasitic plants show preference for certain species, like the dodder vine. other vines, especially those that climb, will avoid climbing their own species because they know that the support is unstable. this is something they figure out by the chemicals they release onto their surface. This is something that would really be tightened up by ibara having an actual real world plant on her head but trust me trying to find anything that matches is a mess. more on that in a bit. but we know, in theory, she can "taste" other plants, and maybe even other type of similar compounds through these vines, which i think would then also manifest in at least a vague idea of a taste in her mouth-- once again, platos cave of sensation, although honestly its probably a bit more in line with what the actual thing would taste like. (tomatoes, for example). this taste may also correlate with a signal that associates emotionally, but ill touch on that in the pain part of this.
Smell is similar- once again, just detected through the air instead of touch. (The smell of cut grass? An airborne danger signal. Ibara probably can't stand being around freshly-cut lawns, it must feel like a giant panic attack. How this would manifest? Not sure! The smell of blood? As a sound instead? It's hard to say what could compare to the scope of fear that kind of flood would cause). I won't go into depth since it's the same as above, but I would also like to add carbon dioxide as a mention. Plants can detect levels of CO2 (and it can decide how they photosynthesize!) in the air, and I think because for Ibara, photosynthesis has to be accelerated (due to the faster growth and usage of energy being more akin to that of an animal instead of a plant) and she and the plant share an exchange of signals and nutrients.
I'm going to diverge briefly into the realm of digestion and nutrition. Firstly because I love it. Secondly because it will circle back to our carbon dioxide talk.
Ibara's vines are, as we see, leafless. This is quite relevant. Leaves, as most people know, are responsible for the majority of photosynthesis. While chlorophyll in any parts of the plant can photosynthesize, leaves are by far the most effective way thanks to the broad surface area and certain specializations. Leafless plants (especially in the case of vines) tend to be parasitic. Plants that evolve photosynthetically-inefficient leaves tend to be carnivorous, which I would like to explore a little.
A plant is defined as carnivorous if, typically, it shows a form majorly inclined towards having prey-trapping mechanisms, and receives a substantial amount of nutrition from doing so. They tend to grow in areas that have high sunlight and water levels, but with incredibly nutritionally deficient soil. Nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, and proteins, which are found in meat (bugs included)
Now, Ibara's vines don't have visible roots, so I think it's safe to assume the root system is within her body, and goes deep below the surface. Water, nutrients, and neurological signals all need to be shared; and so I think her entire body is connected to this root system. Ergo, all the nutrition the plant gets that isn't photosynthesized comes from what Ibara digests-- which is also why I don't personally subscribe to the vegan or vegetarian Ibara headcanon-- because nitrogen and phosphorous are INTEGRAL to stem growth, and baby, she's all stem. In fact, I think she probably loves meat-- second only to bread, which provides long-term energy in the form of complex sugars. I personally think Ibara would dislike sweets in the traditional sense of candy and desserts outside of winter-induced cravings from a drop in photosynthesis, but that would be because the sugars her vines produce for her already maintain a decent level of homeostasis, so it would cause her blood sugar to spike and make her feel ill. Conversely, bread breaks down and is stored much more long term, so it would both benefit her and the plant, which is inefficient at photosynthesis compared to a plant of the same size with leaves, and would need a boost given how much energy it uses to grow, detach, and move.
I know this girl can put away a MEALLLL after training. Yaomomo style.
I think you could argue Ibara (and her quirk) qualifies as a carnivorous plant. Her vines lack leaves and instead have developed extensive thorns (which can be a type of modified stem-- its complicated and varies plant to plant), and we never see them branch off of each other, so they may not even be capable of developing stems. She also doesn't appear to have any flowering mechanism (nor does she need one!), although I will say I'm a sucker for the idea of Ibara having psuedo-blossoms that aren't functional flowers, but rather an indicator of health. Either way, the heavy focus on the vines for strength, complex movement, and grasping through pointed extrusions makes me think you could convincingly argue that they are the "trapping mechanism", which is a requirement for carnivorous plants.
So, once again, we've established that there's a complex nutrient exchange both from Ibara to the vines, but from the vines to Ibara. And because of this, I think there's an added level of complexity to her digestive system-- specifically regarding the stomach's direct connection to the brain. Just like her own nutritional needs can trigger certain responses like in any person, but the plant probably has the same access to these hormone signals. Things like craving sugar and being irritable in winter because of the inability to produce her own as much, but also conversely, I think the plant can trigger a digestive response to prepare for the influx of sugar being photosynthesized. A "heads up, we're about to start sending this your way" to help maintain proper levels.
So, back to carbon dioxide finally. When plants detect higher carbon dioxide levels in the air, they may photosynthesize more. This may result, in my opinion, to "phantom smells" and a trigger to the digestive system, resembling how our own mouth waters when we smell food. Whether it's just an ambiguous food smell or one specifically (maybe bread?) to Ibara I'm not sure, but what I'm saying is that if Bakugou's explosions over the course of an hour can produce about the same amount of carbon dioxide as an entire person throughout one day, she probably thinks he smells fucking delicious and for no reason why. It's funny to me.
Ok! On to touch. I think it's obvious that Ibara's vines react to touch and that's transmitted to her, given how she knows that she's found someone and is pulling them out in JTA. Plants definitely can feel touch, and respond, but I'd like to note that plants can't feel pain. They don't have the ability to feel pain. They can react to adverse touch, certainly-- for example, grass releasing their smell when cut, but they don't feel pain. It's solely for survival, and feeling pain isn't really important for a relatively stationary being. Nor do they really have the factor of emotional association with pain that typically is bundled together. But in the case of Ibara; who, once again, has the burden of the complex mammalian brain... maybe she does feel pain, even if it's not "real"! It likely has to do with whether she has the expectation of and emotional association of fear/pain/etc, so simply cutting away the vines aren't likely to make her hurt. But I don't think phantom pain is out of the question, especially for someone already as high-strung as Ibara and who has so many wires crossing at so many times because of the nuance of the signals transmitted from cell to cell.
And related to touch... a fascinating and storied study in plants includes gravitropism and proprioception, or-- balance and how they know what's up and what's down! People have incredibly complex proprioception systems (most people know about the inner ear, but it goes far deeper than that!), and plants, too, make use of this ability. In fact, it's integral for plant growth.
Plants have two main mechanisms for gravity sensing. The root caps, and then in the stems, the endodermis (which is also responsible for osmosis in cells, sorta) both have genes that develop statoliths, similar to the otoliths we have in the inner ear. These statoliths tell the plant which way gravity is pulling. The root caps make roots grow down, the endodermis makes the shoots grow up.
I think for Ibara, her vines have become an extension of her own balance and ability to know where she is in space. Losing all of them suddenly would result in something similar to a damaged ACL-- having to readjust and being wobbly for a while. Not only that, but I think quirks that impact someone's sense of balance would seriously waste Ibara. While Ibara does move her vines in more ways than up and down, the ability to tell what's what still relies on the individual cells in the stems and roots. While Ibara would still be able to produce the growth hormone and self-amputating mechanisms that detach her vines (i have to look more into this, honestly-- autotomy has only been recorded in one type of plant, and even with abscission ibara's vines dont follow typical patterns. smh my head.), there would be little if any control over the movement, especially if the balance reduction hits the endodermis in more ways than one, because that would impair the hydrolic movement that causes movement in plants.... Either way, Ibara's quirk would be rendered functionally useless. Deidoro Sakaki has this one. And in my opinion, with Uraraka's quirk, they would grow, but wouldn't show proper gravitropic bending, and so may also be impaired in their ability to perform actions.
And I think a complete removal of Ibara's vines would honestly feel like... overwhelmingly suffocating? Imagine having so much of the senses you're used to having cut off, it's probably incredibly jarring and upsetting. I don't think she would prefer it to the every day life she lives, because it seems like she's generally not that impeded by her own world view and strict standards, even if others oppose it (OCD queen lets go #1).
So...as a TLDR; I think Ibara experiences normal human sensory input, she just has another layer that bleeds into it. While I often refer to the plant separately in the above, that's solely for clarity of biological mechanic explanations-- they're one and the same, the same way we started reproducing mitochondria despite their likely beginning as a different organism. She may see things that aren't there (like in the case of warning signals from other plants, or in her mental translation of all sorts of things), "hear" things in her mind, smell or taste or even feel pain... while the mechanics aren't the "real" ones we associate with the senses in question, she's still reacting to stimuli she is receiving, and I think she's learned to adapt to it. It's hard to explain, because it almost has a sort of eldritch feel... but really, Ibara is Ibara, she's a bit stubborn and translates everything into her world view, and so that determinative personality probably helps streamline the constant influx of information. Angels, music, emotions, memories-- those are things she assigns to the experiences, but they are no less validated by the biological machinations behind them. Human survival also relies on our ability to feel and the more complex machinations of the brain, the social advantages of more refined expressions and speech, and Ibara's just as human as her classmates, and her quirk ultimately is another part of that, even if we know the individual cells of the plant are without that same neurological function.
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pretz3l-log1c · 3 years ago
I find antis (shippers or otherwise) tiring for many reasons but on the most basic level?
It's because they think I should cater my content to their prefrences and then call anything they dislike Wrong.
I'm pretty much horror phobic at this point in my life. I've never handled horror above pg13 content well and even then some pg13 stuff can leave me shaken. I'm squeamish as well for even gorey action films I have to prepare myself to handle them. I like some gorey action films, I still gotta mentally prepare myself for them.
(Sweeny Todd was a horror musical with laughably fake blood and it still bothered me at points. I went into that movie with a dear friend knowing it probably would bother me. My friend was aware of my issues with the genre and disclosed as best as they were able to the type of content I would see. I enjoyed the film. I watched it multiple times even cause the second viewing was easier to handle now that I knew what was there.
This is the real life equivalent of fanfic content warning tags. Did my friend overestimate my ability to handle the movie? Yes. Was that on them? Nope. Could they have done better to convey the content? Maybe. But I don't engage in horror genre enough to have clear cut lines on content that is enjoyable for me and not. They were working off of vague knowledge on what I could and couldn't handle. They did their best to warn me of the content they knew could potentially bother me. That's the best you can ask for of others in fandom. Especially when most content creators are complete strangers who do not know what content you like or don't.
Sweeny Todd turned out to be borderline acceptable. I'm not going to go and harass the creators of the film for not catering to my specific tastes. That's doomed to fail from the start, arrogant, self-entitled, and laughable.)
You know what happens every fucking October? Then every fucking September and October? Every August to October?
I pretty much quit the internet. I love costumes and mythical creatures and candy and fall season stuff. But for my own mental health and welfare I avoid the internet, and Tumblr in particular, like it's an improperly contained hazardous material. Because for me it is.
I recognize I have a problem with content other people enjoy. That whole fandom communities of people enjoy.
Are they "Wrong" to enjoy it? Hell no. I'm happy for them. It'll never be my thing and that's My Problem.
I am the one who has to set boundries. I am the one that has to filter content so I don't upset myself. I am the one that has to put in the work to keep my expreinces in fandom and online positive for myself.
And whether it's a genre, a ship, a character, a trope, etc. that you find upsetting, that's how you handle it. Fandom is too big, too diversified, too international for you to try and enforce your view of what is and isn't appropiate upon it.
State your boundries if you feel like you have to and respect others when they're provided.
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tmabutlesbian · 3 years ago
attention, this is a n-s-f-w post abt martin's big guy between his legs so yknow, the rest under the cut
i personally hc martin as a cis man, so bear that in mind
i also hc him as having the biggest dick known to man
imagine. its halloween. tim, sasha n martin have matching costumes: sasha is ur run of the mill ugly evil cackling witch, tim is ur hot witch with one of those iconic sexy halloween costumes, and martin is their cat/familiar. he gets to wear a cat onesie for halloween. he's living the life right?
well, it was hard to find martin's costume at a reasonable price and within the limited timeframe they got from elias when he announced the institutes halloween costume party. sasha finds it somehow, because its sasha, but its like, right on the day of the party. so sasha goes to the tube looking like a green ugly witch with a huge bag with one (1) cat onesie and one (1) pair of properly patterned halloween tights that sasha already had. therefore, martin n tim are waiting for sasha to get their costumes on (btw, jon didnt wanna participate in such childish things as per s1 jon, but he does get those fake fang things for vampire costumes)
sasha gets there, gives them the goods, and leaves them to change in document storage. tim just needs to pull the tights on his legs and put on his high heels and he's done. martin needs to get naked. why couldnt he stay with his boxers on?? oh he will but both tim n sasha made him promise he'd wear halloween patterned underwear like them just for funsies so he already had those at the ready in doc storage. he's so preoccupied in understanding how a onesie works that he forgets tim's there
when martin takes too long, tim turns around and freezes. now, hes not gonna lie and say he's never thought of martin naked. man's hot, we all know this. but he just imagined it, never had the facts. NOW he has the facts. and they're big.
martin busts out tim's full goverment name when he catches him staring and tim is horrified and embarassed but martin just laughs him off and gets dressed, less terrified than tim would expect
tim learns later that apparently, from the admitedly little expreince martin has to getting naked in front of others, they always have the same reaction if they ever look down, so he's used to it atp. tim is still terrified but also horny cuz wtf?? big dick?? on sweet and big martin?? he needs to ride this man
anyways, martin in a cat onesie also does things for jon but theyre way less sexual and more like "omg martin is a big cat, like the admiral, awww- wAIT" and supresses the fact that he thinks martin looks cute as a cat. sasha was the one who had the underwear idea and did plan this, cause shes a menace to society and we love her for it
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the-ethereal-serpent · 5 years ago
Debunked : Moon, Sun & Fae Cursing
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As many of you know, there has been a rumor going around about a circle of Tiktok "witches" claiming that they will be cursing the Moon, Sun and Fae.
Many Pagans and witches are concerned by this, as they do work with deities connected to the Moon and Sun and claim that they are "weak" or "angry".
The fact of the matter is, you cannot curse celestial objects, Gods and Goddeses or spiritual beings like the fae. It is simply not possible as they are of a much higher and therefore more powerful vibration than humans.
Beginners or simply those who are uninformed, think being a witch makes you an amazingly powerful being, when in reality, you are simply tapping into the power of nature and energies around you and using knowledge to bend those to your will.
This does not make you an all powerful, force of destruction that can take on God's, celestial objects or fae. The power you gain as a witch cannot even measure to the power these beings and objects have.
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Conclusion : The Sun, Moon, Gods, Goddeses and Fae are NOT affected by any of this.
They are probably laughing at how stupid these fake Tiktok "witches" are for even considering cursing them. They are not weak or angry about this. They can simply ruin these "witches" lives with the snap of their fingers.
Therefore, you do not have to worry about this. It is false news and these people probably haven't even done anything they have claimed to. Focus on your own practise, know that there are fakers and liars out there and that if they dare mess with the forces of the universe, they will expreince serious backlash and get their asses kicked.
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legobatjoker · 3 years ago
omg ok very sory 2 complain abt like. ppl badly interpreting tswift songs (not in a realteing 2 taylors personal life way i like. do not give a shit abt tht lol) nd ofc songs nd music r like a lot more personal than like show or amth so ofc ppls personal expreince will relate more 2 how they interprate the song nd how they relate 2 it but like this has been bugging me 4 agess basically the other day i saw someone say that "afterglow has the same theme/meaning as daylight just less obvious" and like. litreally wtf does that mean likee. even as someone w their own personal interpretation or way or relating 2 daylight like beyond tthe personal aspect of my interpretation daylight is v clearly a song abt like. finding someone who genuinly loved u despite past relationships or ways tht either of u have messed up in the past nd afterglow is a song abt apologising after messinf up nd hurting the other person nd not wanting 2 loose them bc of it (stolkhome angst song btw. like not tht much but like kinda like. yea <3) like afterglow nd daylight r very different songs like i feel like if i was gonna compare daylight 2 a dif tswift song it wld prob cowboy like me nd like def not afterglow i do not know what tht person meant by that its so weird... i remember seeing a dif postalso abt atw the other day that also rly annoyed me but i am NOT going 2 get into that now oohh boy (i prob will some other day tho bc it rly annoyed me holyy shit)
oaky i lied im gonna get itno the bad atw post its so fucking annyoing sorry 4 complaining sm abt bad tswift song intepritations but oohh my god way so like. the psot (it wasnt even j an atw t like barely mentioned it but the way it did pised me of smm) basically said smth like "atw isnt "you damaged and fucked up me deeply" its "i dont know you anymore but i hknow all these things about you that i dont need too"" and like. ohh my fucking god it litreally checked i went all the way to check !! when the op possted it bc i thought the person putting this on my dash is j ignoring this inaccurate line bc they agree w the point of the genral post nd the og post is from pre ten mins atw nd theyre j talking abt the shorter version but no the og post was from !!! fucking de cem ber of last year !!!!! like mayb 2 give them the benifit of the doubt they cld have j been talking abt the shorter version but like no one consideres that 2 b the actual atw after the ten min version so seeing as they didnt specify i doubt they were and j !! thats suchh a like. bonkers thing to say like. yes atw is a song abt being deeply damaged and hurt by someone actualy wtf r u talking abt !!! like ig techinically its not entirly bc it does sometimes talk abt the good part in the relationship but thats only bc its talking abt how remembering both how the reationship damaged you and the few good part are painful bc of how much they hurt you likee. omg thats such a stupid thing 2 say like sorry 4 getting so worked up abt this but its j so dumb omg -__-
ok i actually hadnt heard afterglow and daylight befoee this ask so i j lostened to them and first of all ur 100% right ofc.. and second of all rlly into daylight now currently….. ALSO uhhh yeah whattt was that atw post on… like yeah its ab knowing a lot ab someone who damaged u deeply and holding those good and bad memories and j remembering. so much. but its also like?? very much ab that person damaging u and ab being fucked up in a relationship??? yeah mann
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ofmagicallonging · 4 years ago
Fletcher- The Siren
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Open starters | Asks | Drabbles | Headcannon | Desires | Aesthetics | Face | Story
Name ~ Fletcher Herrera
Faceclaim ~ Tom Hughes
Age ~ 29
Height ~ 5 ft 9
Sexuality ~ Bisexual
Cock Size ~ 6.5 Inches
Physical Description ~ Fletcher has medium hair that he keeps styled with bright blue eyes. His body is covered in scars from fights he has been in and has caused himself. He has three tattoos, one of a compass on his back, one of a wave a moon on the back of his left calf and one of an iceberg on the inside of his right wrist. In merman form, he has a silvery blue tail and large fins. As well as gills on his neck. 
Position ~ submissive verse
Favourite kinks ~ ice play, voyeurism, edging, group sex, nipple play, harness, leather, being watched, impact, pegging, femdom, choking, breath play
Fears ~ the dark, abandonment, dogs
Job~ Fletcher never stays in  one place long enough for a permanent job, he’ll take whatever he can find, normally bar work or handywork
Background ~ Once the daughter of the king of the sirens fell in love with a sea witch that had been shunned from their kind. When their romance failed because the princess fell for one of her own kind was the time she became aware she was carrying the sea witches child. Everything was kept quiet about it with the hopes the child would be like their mother. Unfortunately when Fletcher was born instead of being a siren with a song of beauty, his music only caused death and chaos even at a young age. The sirens labelled him an outcast and left him in the icy waters. His father found him and raised him to believe in getting revenge back. His father realised the strength Fletcher had and used his son’s powers as a weapon. When Fletcher’s father finally passed he decided to enjoy the human realm. With the ability to be a human on land, he used it regularly to explore, often being found in dark pubs and concerts. He decided that since he only brought destruction with him, he might as well try to enjoy it. He quickly built himself a reputation as a bad boy who started fights and left chaos where ever he went. For his actions on the human relam he was completely banned from ever returning to the ocean again. Even though he still has his powers and turns back on his true form in large bodies of water, he only does so for his own enjoyment. The rest of the time he spends doing as he pleases.
Personality ~ Fletcher is cold towards everyone when he first meets them and is very slow to open up or even trust. He can be very self destructive in any relationship (romantic or not). He is used to only expreincing negative emotions so when he has moments of happiness he treasures them. When he’s having a particuarly bad time, he purposely uses his song to start fights and get caught in the cross fire.
House | Siren | Tattoo | Clothing | Magic
☆it is important to note that Fletcher has killed people, and will willing kill people still. He can be an ass towards other people. There will be some triggering themes him☆
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moneymakingsoftware · 4 years ago
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Earn 500$ per day / no work / no expreince
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smartwork not hardwork 
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adaptive--manipulator · 5 years ago
Communism is literally a form of fascism but honestly? I'm not all that surprised privileged westerners feel no shame in identifying as Marxists and waving the hammer and sickle as if it's a symbol of pride. They love denying the expreinces of people who have actually lived under the regime, and the people who live in countries that are still affected by it even after dropping it.
As a leftist living in a country that was once under the regime, I find it completely absurd and offensive that individuals who claim to be for what I stand for would even dare to think positively of Communism. The ideology is anything but tolerant to minorities. One quick Google search will give you all the info you need to know about the purge and violemt intolerance, but of course, first-worlders are used to turning a blind eye to issues that don't affect them personally. They like to think Communism is this revolutionary idea that is all about standing against the people in charge and institutions like police working under them..
When that couldn't be further from the truth. You dare to say one thing against the gouvernment? You get beaten up and kidnapped by the police, your disappearance never mentioned. If you're not a total sheep to the regime, your life doesn't mean jack shit.
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inferioruled · 6 years ago
“i did it for me, but really for you.” shining-stxrs (entrapta)
Her words catch him by surprise. Her fascination with science and the process of discovery are obvious, and her vast expreince with experience suggests she is quite the workaholic. A scientist that never sleeps. Hence, whenever he caught her working so diligently he assumed she did it purely out of her own interest. Not because she was genuinely interested in helping him. “Do you really mean that?”
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groupblog2 · 2 years ago
My experience in ganaan is absolutely incredible because this school year has been the way that build up my confidence to face a lot of people specially reporting in class , furthermore I’ve met a lot of strangers that turns into friends and at the early school days i felt comfortable and be able to socialize with other students than I used.
Lastly our Advisor is literally the best because teacher sheryl is an amazing woman , she understands the feelings of her students and her patience is amazing to the point that you are going to say to yourself that this teacher is worth listening for and our subject teachers are amazing too they teach us different lessons that we will keep to ourselves. -Lois
Since it’s my first year in Ganaan Christian Academy, first I was enrolled late because of some financial problems and at the day that I was enrolled the principal told me to go directly to my specific classroom and quickly join the class to be able to catch up the lesson that they've been tackling about. As my mom accompany me going to my classroom, some students were shocked that they have a new classmate. So then they welcomed me a well warm greetings as I introduce myself. I belong to Grade 11 HUMSS CHRONICLES and advisory of Ms. Sheryl Abaño. As the months goes by the teachers are doing well, some teachers giving a bit pressure to the students and some teachers are just relaxed too. If I would rate this school over 1-10, I would rate it 8/10 because its not that tense but its just okay for the students. One thing I really love in this school is that it isn't polluted because its not in the city, I love the sorroundings, the trees, and the wonderful sea breeze and ocean view. 🥰 -Dorothy
My expreinces in ganaan
The first day of school was so embarrassing i just find it embarrassing lmao, because every subjects they let us introduced ourselves 1 by 1 and i was so shy that time because i had no friends because it was first day of school ehehhe, and i really can't forget that one of my classmates said that "unsa namn sad na oy" because once we introduced ourselves their is something unique which made us all scared to introduce like for example and so I have noticed that every 2weeks there is an exam, which made us it pressure for us, There is one time all subjects are about to test, we dont know what to start, what subject to start, because all of them are gonna have a long test, but all those sleepless nights, daily self affirmations, free times sacrifices, 11 pm tears, struggles and hard works are quite worth it because they gave us a high grades. -Chris
Since I’ve been in Ganaan Christian academy , i did feel that i am going to learn something new and be able to understand different lessons and i like the students here in Ganaan because they are too friendly, i do like the school with the pressure that they gave us but then it is a way to learn and be able to keep striving, i do like the teachers because of their teaching, like you can easily understand the lessons that they will give to us. -Lovely
First day of school I felt pressure and to the point that im going to transfer to another school because I did tell to my self that i am not going through this but then the day comes which is my friend Kian "Pogi", He was my inspiration to let go through the pressure because everytime we laugh and enjoy every moment and he reminded me not to transfer to another school , even im not really good at the class I still try my best in every exam because it is stressful to me. But then i tell to my self that it is okay because i have my friends (brothers) and i am grateful to have them. -Geoff
My experience in Ganaan Christian Academy was very challenging to me because every month we have to take an exam, at the first day of school I felt excited because im not really shy (Just slight :>), So I tried to transfer to another school but then i have to continue this journey so i decided to keep striving for my future. -Shara
My experience in Ganaan Christian Academy is incredibly different than to other schools because the way teachers teach is amazing, you instantly understand the lesson at the same time you enjoy because of the twist such as games specially teacher Gaze. -Andrey
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soberientist · 2 years ago
Note to self  10/24/2022
Im still confuse on how and what to act on...but my time is running... and life doesnt wait for no one.. you have to make it happen or you dont. 
So lets start from where we left of :D  i want to have a stable job or a business that can support both the need and wants of me and my family,getting by just enough will be perfectly fine. i want to have,lets say 3 or 4 children maybe.. i want to raise them and let them feel how it feels to live life with loving people around you, no worries and just be free and expreince what god have given to us. free will :) 
In order for me to do that.. i will need resources .. and for me to get that resources is to go work abroad... but im not sure if that it will be the best decision i will make, but my gut tells me it will work and that im willing to work hard for it..but for just, lets say 4? or 5 years only? after that i will go back here in the philippines to put up my own business (first),have a family (second),buy my dream car(honda civic hatch back 1995)(third), have a bungalow house by the beach or a little closer to the beach,(fourth)a full set kitchen with high end gadget that i need to cook food that my i,my family and my friends love, an entertainment room... within that room it will have a complety full of high end gaming computers(fifth),a cinema which me and my family,especially my friends which we can watch on(sixth),,(seventh) a studio where we can play our favorite instuments..(eight)  and lastly,my biggest dream is to perform in front of a lot of people with my talent which is playing guitar and sing.. i would like to happen with my own band(which will be with my closest friends). thats what i want to achieve before i pass on to this life :) I hope god will give me strength and blessing on this journey in order for me to accomplish all these things. but if he doesnt approve my plan.. well, i am really contented with my life now and whatever god brings my way,god or bad,will still be happy cause just by living this life iam already happy and will still be happy living life without me accomplishing those things.
Lets see how things goes.. will be wrting to you again soon :) 
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