#wooyoung analysis
atiny-piratequeen · 2 years
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Character Analysis, Jung Wooyoung, the 'Shrieking Angel'
Name: Jung Wooyoung
Languages: English, Gaeilge (Post Transformation), Japanese (Modern Day), Korean (Modern Day), Creole (Modern Day)
Crew Position: Sailing Master + Navigator + Map Maker
Powers: Ferrikenisis (Alloy Manipulation) + Vocal Creation (Inherited from a banshee)
Compass Position + Arrowpoint Stone: West Facing, located on right pectoral, larvikite stone
Eye Color: Brown (Natural)/ Onyx Black (Demonic Form)
Hair Color: Dark Brunette (Natural)/ Blonde (Demonic Form)
Likes: Quality Time With Loved Ones, Singing, Gift Giving
Dislikes: Being Left Alone, Inner Conflicts, Fighting
Young, and full of doe-eyed wonder. Sickness was never enough to slow the man down. Though the body may have been frail, the mind always yearned for that which lay just over the horizon.
Though blood may spill from his lips, though his bones may be weak, there’s certainly something over that horizon for him. He and his parents had faith when he turned away from his home. He’d come back a better man. A man that his mother and father would be proud of.
Lofty dreams keep the head afloat, but fires burn them back down to cinders.
Sailing Master Jung Wooyoung
This is his family now. With his hand firmly clasped in San’s, and with the graces of The Captian, Wooyoung has found his place with a brand new chance at life. Still finding conflict a bit too much to deal with head-on even after all of these centuries, Wooyoung prefers to work things out with a bit more subtlety, if possible. However, it’s up to very liberal interpretation if this approach works for the navigator.
While the days of the seas may be behind him and the crew now, Wooyoung still finds strength in his voice and blades. Time may roll on and the need for his original position has all but disappeared, he still knows he’s beyond the sickly man he was in the 1600s.
The song of the blades changes with the passage of time.
Of Irish Origin, the banshees are known and often depicted as shrieking or screaming harbingers of death. Also known for their singing, banshees may sing to an unsuspecting individual similar to a siren in order to draw them closer.
Of many forms, ranging from young and conventionally beauiful, to old and decrepit, banshees have been known to wear similar attire when spotted, a tattered grey dress or cloak of some form, and with bloodshot red eyes from all of the wailing and crying.
The sighting of a banshee or hearing any of their glass-shattering screams instills fear in all who are familiar with the stories and mythology behind these “women of the fairy mound”, as a banshee sighting is known as a premonition of death soon to come. Her arrival and subsequent wailing may also spell doom for someone in the household of whoever hears her, making encounters all the more uncertain and terrifying.
Whether you refer to these female spirits as banshees, “little washerwomen” (a name given to them after depictions/stories of banshees washing the blood from the clothes of someone soon to die), or bean sídhe (known nowadays as “woman of the faries”), the constant amongst all depictions of banshees, is that these women of the forest are Angels of Death and the haunting sound of their vocalizations spell the end.
-Power Applications/Demon Transformation-
Each note of sound, every vibration, may form a new creation.
Naturally used to being the most talkative and lively person in the room, and with a harmonious voice to match, Wooyoung almost instantaneously obtained a mastery over his newfound abilities. From simple conversation, to singing, to wails of anger or anguish, Wooyoung’s voice alone are all he needs for his powers to work.
Steel, Iron, Metal, alloys of a similar nature. Wooyoung can create all of them with a simple tune.
Once he fully transforms, Wooyoung’s hair lightens to blonde, with the area from his eyes to his temples turning black, with the vein-like markings stretching down past his cheeks. The same black color of his eyes is also the color of his lips, along with several dots along the bridge of his nose and stretching up to his forehead, with a backward crescent located just above his brows.
Wooyoung’s powers are heightened when he fully transforms. The louder the vocalizations are, the larger and more aggressively his powers work. This works in the opposite direction, as well, with quieter whispers yielding smaller creations.
Having been sickly for most of his early life, Wooyoung has never been a strong fighter. He’s learned over the years from Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and especially San, how to use an array of bladed weapons, and has actually created items that all of the pirates have used throughout their adventures. San and Yeosang use his creations the most, with each of San’s non-blood-made weapons being something from Wooyoung’s own powers. Yeosang’s preferred cookware are all made from Wooyoung’s own songs.
Due to the nature of his powers, Wooyoung cannot create anything if his ability to speak is hindered for any reason. Because of this and a certain previous experience, Wooyoung prefers to fight in groups with the others and finish fights as quickly as possible. His healing and fighting abilities are lacking compared to the other members of the crew, and serious injuries take him much longer to recover from, most likely a result of his body’s naturally weakened state before he inherited his powers.
-Character Song Breakdown-
All of the main crew members have a song assigned to them in the AtT playlist, and much like his crew position and his introductory chapter, Wooyoung shares his song with San, which is ‘Mist’ by Ateez.
If you’ve read San’s analysis, this section of Wooyoung’s analysis may mirror the breakdown a bit, but the selection of Mist is used as an in-story device for the relationship between the two and their coping with life aboard the slave ship they were taken aboard.
So please
Tell me it’s alright
In this uneasy mist (Alright)
Tell me, it’s all just a moment
So please
If this is my path
Hold my hand tight (Alright)
So I won’t wander for long
All of Wooyoung’s life until he and his family were tricked and he was taken aboard the ship was sheltered and incredibly quiet. Being born and raised as an anemic main with a (more than) slightly paranoid family that sheltered him from the outside world has left Wooyoung with a sense of uncertainty and a lack of confidence when it comes to making impactful decisions on his own without outside leadership. Wooyoung takes more comfort in following the lead of someone he trusts over his own decisions most of the time.
-Character Blurb-
“All I want…is to be stronger than the man I was raised as.” Wooyoung looked up through his bangs, blood running into his eye. The world around him spun, shifting metals and steel.
It's cold. The blades don’t feel like they normally do. In the distance behind him, he can hear someone calling for him. He didn’t tear his gaze away from the figure in front of him, his chest rising and falling harshly as they hummed slightly.
“My, you’ve been barking a lot tonight. Should I be afraid?”
Wooyoung ignored the voices calling for him, narrowing his eye. He sang a tune, low and sorrowful as his metal began to form, sharp and pointed at his adversary.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re afraid. All I know is I’m tired of living in fear and uncertainty.”
The figure laughed and spread their arms, leaving themselves open.
“Give it your best shot then, Navigator.”
Wooyoung inhaled sharply, widening his stance.
With the world whirring around him and vision red, he let out an unholy scream.
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rainy-astrology · 8 months
ATEEZ Friendship Synastry
- Wooyoung and Yeosang -
Just for fun. Not an expert. May change later.
I've always been curious about these 2. They're so interesting.
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Wooyoung - Yeosang
Sun trine Venus (4°) / Venus trine Sun (5°) - Sag sun trines Leo venus / Libra venus trine Gemini sun... As their Suns trine each other's Venus signs, they provide support for the other in many ways in order to help each other shine.
Moon conjunct Moon (2°) - Both have Cancer moons that fall into each other's houses (3rd and 9th). This placement often indicates a very close and lifelong friendship since they understand and connect with each other deeply on an emotional level. With Woo's moon in Yeo's 3rd, they are comfortable expressing themselves to each other. Their words are comforting to each other. With Yeo's moon in Woo's 9th, Yeo may idealize Woo a lot. Woo does seem to help Yeo a lot and vice versa.
Moon conjunct Mercury (5°) - Woo's Cancer moon conjuncting Yeo's Cancer mercury. Should definitely have very good emotional connection and understanding of each other, esp in Cancer. They can provide emotional support and rationality for each other. Yeo's mercury can help with Woo's moon when he's being a bit excessive as mercury is logical and analytical. Yeo grounds Woo.
Mercury trine Mercury (1°) - Scorpio and Cancer mercuries trining makes for a very emotional bond and communication. They're very aware of each other's feelings and thoughts, intuitive of the other. Both signs are very observant of people's emotions, so they understand each other mentally and emotionally very well.
Mars square Mars (4°) - A power struggle. Especially between Capricorn Mars and Libra Mars - Capricorn is generally a lot more assertive and "tougher" compared to Libra (detriment in Mars), so Wooyoung can be forceful and pushy. However, Libra is also a cardinal sign and wants to take the lead to seem strong and assertive too, just in a gentler way. Yeosang is not as aggressive as Wooyoung and can be hesitant to confront issues in the friendship. Even when he does, it can be passive aggressive. However, he is willing to bicker with Woo sometimes. The two have to be careful to not annoy each other too much.
ASC opp ASC (0°) - Wooyoung's Libra rising opps Yeo's Aries rising. Both are sister signs with several similarities and differences. Libra risings are generally more approachable and charming compared to an Aries rising, who may be seen as too direct and blunt (maybe intimidating?). The two are justice oriented though, making sure there's harmony and fairness where they go. Could have been mixed first impressions of each other.
Sun in 8th - Woo may be very fascinated by Yeo... there's just something about Yeo that is alluring to him. He can't get away from him no matter how much he tries. Very attached to him. Seems like a very deep, transformative placement for both.
Mercury and Venus in 7th - Woo's Mercury in Yeo's 7th makes him feel understood by him. He can feel relaxed and truly be himself with Yeosang. The both of them feel comfortable in communication with each other. Venus in 7th means the two complement each other well. Their personalities blend with each other, both are supportive and uplifting of the other.
Jupiter and Saturn in 11th - Woo's Jupiter in Yeo's 11th helps Yeo's confidence (Jupiter = expansion and growth). Yeo is a bit shy and quiet and Woo is the opposite, so he can help Yeo be a bit more social or just be more outspoken in general. Saturn in 11th can indicate long term friendship, deep commitment. The two find each other reliable and dependable. Wooyoung may help Yeosang with forming good friendships.
Jupiter and Saturn in 7th - Jupiter in 7th is focused on common interests and sharing several life aspects. Saturn in 7th can indicate long term bond. There could be some challenges for the two as Saturn likes to throw obstacles, but if they put in the effort and time, these challenges won't break them. Saturn is also about strength too.
Individual charts:
Yeosang | Wooyoung
Kpop astrology list
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rainytypology · 10 months
ATEEZ Wooyoung MBTI Analysis
- ESFP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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ESFP (Se - Fi - Te - Ni)
Dom: Se (Extroverted Sensing)
A perceiving function that uses our 5 senses to process the external world.
Wooyoung is always aware of the present moment, quick to react and to take action. He also pays attention to physical things such as aesthetics, the visuals of the performance, the way he looks, etc physical appearances matter a lot to him.
He enjoys photography and videography, which are pretty good activities for Se - it allows him to use his senses to make visually stimulating images and videos. Physically engaging activities seem like the best way to energize him e.g cooking and riding a bike. Cooking is great for his Se as it engages with all his senses - all the movement in cooking, tasting the foods, the aromas, watching the food cook, plating, maybe he enjoys hearing the sounds of food cooking as well and/or the way kitchen tools slightly hit each other (e.g knife on a cutting board).
This moment especially was an incredibly Se dom moment. Comparing it to Si user Jongho (Si has to step back and assess first), being the Se dom he is, Woo just went for it.
Aux: Fi (Introverted Feeling)
A judging function that uses one's own values and belief to compare and make choices
As Fi wants to be authentic, that is what Wooyoung always strives for - he always wants to express himself well, to be real. He wants people to like him for him. He returns the same gesture with others - he wants to know the real version of others. Wooyoung tries not to make assumptions at first meet since he knows he will not learn everything just from one encounter. He seems very empathetic.
Tert: Te (Extroverted Thinking)
A judging function that uses established facts and systems to make objective, working decisions.
He's quite goal oriented and takes time to plan to achieve these goals, even if it's not the most detailed. Either way, he knows how to get what he wants and works hard to reach his achievements.
Wooyoung lays down the rules as well - Te can be by the book, which Wooyoung can be sometimes. E.g when he was explaining how he found it rude when juniors would not put in the effort to correctly bow down to him and other senior artists. Wooyoung has a strong belief in being humble and kind (Fi) and wants to implement this in everyone.
Inf: Ni (Introverted Intuition)
A perceiving function that uses one's own personal insights and ideas
In his episode of "Fill in the Blank" series, Wooyoung said he wanted to use dance to convey deeper messages and emotions for others. He wants to be a sense of comfort, the light in other's darkness. He has always wanted to make an impact on others from a young age, especially considering how much he values relationships.
Why is he not an xSFJ or ISTJ
Both types use Si - Ne, which I do not see in Wooyoung at all...xSFJ's Fe is understandable, but Wooyoung is sometimes a bit too straightforward and honest to be using Fe in his main stack though lol.
And ISTJ just does not make sense in general for him.
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth Chart
Kpop typology list
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sansang · 2 years
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ateez-seventeen pipeline results so far !! the sheet with the yellow highlights indicates the most biased seventeen member per ateez member and the sheet with the purple highlights indicates the most biased ateez member per seventeen member :] ty @februaryflowers for helping me with this :D
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leenaur143 · 21 days
just watched the mv for the first time and its safe to say i am still as lost as i was before but as per usual i am THRIVING AND BOPPING AHHHH
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kitten4sannie · 5 months
ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛ
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ᴛᴇɴᴛᴀᴄʟᴇꜱ/ᴛɪᴛꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ➠ ᴡᴏᴏʏᴏᴜɴɢ
pairing: intergalactic alien idol! wooyoung x cyborg call girl! reader (fem) feat. ai! san
genre: futuristic au, idol au, smut
summary: your company pleasureplanet™ gets a call from the most sought after idol in your galaxy, requesting you for an evening. he shows you a side his fans have never seen before.
w.c: 2.5k
warnings: switch! wooyoung, reader adapts to whatever woo wants for her own pleasure ^^, alien heat cycles, woo’s got an big alien cock, implied voyeurism, praise, begging, tentacle sucking + fucking, deep-throating, titfucking, choking kink but not in the way you think, unprotected sex, just…so much cum and alien goo lol, breeding/impreg kink, actual impregnation (in this economic climate??), oviposition, creampie, cum inflation
a/n: i’m giving my lord and savior cthulhu all the credit for bestowing this idea upon me,, it’s not like i’ve been wanting to write something this heinous for months and months… where’d you even get that idea from?? haha…ha. but fr im so happy i finally got to write out something that’s akin to a hentai lol i’m living my best smut writer life rn. please heed the warnings and if you did so i hope you enjoy :3
Now Playing:
ᴘʟ4ʏɢ1ʀʟ ʙʏ ʟᴏʟᴏ ᴢᴏᴜᴀÏ
0:01 ❍─────── 4:28
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
ᴘʀᴇᴠ | ꜰꜰꜰ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ | ɴᴇxᴛ
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Wooyoung woke up from his sleep in a cold sweat, the flashing lights projecting from the room’s flatscreen making patterns on his glistening skin as he sat up, his body filled with an odd, though familiar heaviness that he knew he would have to take care of sooner than later. 
“Shit, is it happening already?” he whispered to himself, groaning as pulled himself to the edge of the king-sized bed to sit comfortably. “San, do a body scan.” Wooyoung rubbed his tired eyes, waiting for his in-house AI system to kick in, a familiar ding suddenly ringing out inside the empty room.
A projection of a youthful man with sharp, feline-like features appeared on the wall closest to Wooyoung’s bed. He looked in Wooyoung’s general direction, giving him a cordial smile and a bow. “Good evening, Wooyoung.” Blue rings of light formed along the edges of San’s brown eyes, studying Wooyoung’s form. “It appears that your BPM is above normal range. Abnormal body temperature and cortisol production have been detected. Unusually high levels of arousal and semen production are recognized as well,” the AI stated matter-of-factly, blinking. “You seem to be exhibiting symptoms of an illness that members of your sector are susceptible to contracting during this time of year. Would you like to see an in-depth analysis?” 
“Yes, San.” Wooyoung waited for a moment until a prompt appeared on the small computer built into his wrist, tapping a few options, until it projected various images to him. The application showed him what he was in denial about discovering, the bright red letters indicating that he was indeed smack dab in the middle of an intense heat, and to make things worse, he was carrying. To make matters even worse, he knew his kind was required to transfer his offspring to a willing partner, or else his own body would become a birthing ground.
Knowing that he had too many fans relying on him in the intergalactic entertainment world, it simply wasn’t an option for him to retire. He would have to find someone that could host them for him, but where? And so late in the night? Who could possibly–
“Hey, sexy, are you looking for a late-night lover?” an ample-chested member of the spider dimension with eight hooded eyes and fearsome mandibles questioned Wooyoung from the bright TV screen, bringing a bit of their web together into a pattern that formed a heart.  
“Oh?” Wooyoung murmured, realizing that just perhaps his reluctant, desperate prayers to his galaxy’s god were in the process of being answered.
A curvy gray alien leaning seductively against a bar table continued the spiel, “Someone you can unload your deepest desires onto? Someone that can make your wildest dreams come true?” 
“Well, look no further.” An enthusiastic, though automated voice took over this time, as the screen showcased the company’s shiny logo, while it flipped through a slew of optional playmates across the screen like pages of an open book, showcasing the wide range of choices Wooyoung had. “Our playmates at Pleasure Planet will take good care of you. For price options, call (XXX)-XXX.” 
Wooyoung bit his lip, about to look away from the TV when you popped up on the screen, drawing his attention to you, your human-like beauty mixed with the metal intricacies of a robot standing out to him. 
“Well, what are you waiting for, baby?” you asked Wooyoung through the screen, laying across a plush velvet couch in only a small black slip, your back arched, running your fingers up along your sleek body, until you brought them into your hair to push it behind your ears, your fingers brushing against the small lit-up chrome circle near your temple. “Give me a call~” 
Wooyoung gulped so hard, he almost swallowed his Adam’s apple, knowing what he had to do. He rubbed at his sweaty neck, feeling more beads of sweat trickle down his neck to his chest, the loose sleep t-shirt that was hanging off his shoulders now tinted a darker color. “San, call Pleasure Planet and book me an appointment with the cyborg girl.” 
“Right away, Wooyoung,” San obeyed, bowing at the waist, before his image dissipated, the wall returning to a blank state. 
A soft ding sound filled the empty space of Wooyoung’s expansive cyber chamber after some time went by, finally distracting the overheated alien from his current predicament. He continued to lay in a fetal position on the side of his bed, too overwhelmed by the dizzying amount of arousal that was swirling around his insides like a shoal of fish. “Is…nnngh…she here, San?” 
San’s form materialized onto the wall once more, scanning his Master’s crumpled up body, running a number of tests, finding that the situation was beginning to grow imminent. “Yes, she is, Wooyoung. Please begin the mating ritual as soon as possible, to prevent less favorable outcomes. I’m sure your company wouldn’t want you–”
“You think I don’t know that, San?” he snapped back, holding a hand to his disruptive abdomen, groaning in both pain and unexplainable pleasure, as what Wooyoung could only describe as molten-hot lava churning around inside his core, just aching to spill out of him. “Where the fuck is she? I need to–”
“I’m here for you, Wooyoung. Please, put your worries to rest,” you replied as you entered his room, Wooyoung’s eyes following your movements like a moth to a flame, taking slow steps up to his bed, shedding various articles of your clothing until you were bare for him. 
“O-oh, hi,” Wooyoung croaked, doing his best to sit up in his bed with his head against his pillow, beads of sweat already soaking into it, strands of black hair sticking to his forehead. He watched you climb onto his bed and crawl towards him, his eyes shifting from your face to your body, trying to get his spinning mind to stop for a moment. “Wh-what’s your name?” 
“Y/N, but you can call me whatever you want. I’m yours for tonight~” You mounted him, lowering yourself down to feel his aching length pressing into your heat through his boxers. 
“Y/N…” he repeated softly, entranced by you. 
Smiling down at him, you gently ran your hands up his rapidly rising abdomen, feeling up his soft body along the way, eventually slipping him out of the sweater he was in, eliciting a whine from the alien below you. You brought your lips near Wooyoung’s parted ones, whispering against them, “Oh, baby, you’re in bad shape, huh? Need me to take care of you?” 
Wooyoung nodded weakly, his hands on your thighs, feeling your soft skin underneath his heated grasp. He squeezed into it, swallowing harshly, his Adam’s apple visibly bobbing inside his throat. “Y-yes, please, it hurts so bad…” 
San, who was still watching from the wall, cleared his throat, doing his duty and informing his Master of important information. “Master, please return to your body’s natural state soon. Your vitals are starting to worry me.” 
“I got it, San,” Wooyoung grunted, glaring at the AI, before returning his attention to you. “Oh my god…” He groaned at the sight of you running your hands up and down your perfectly created body, your fingers slipping past the metal, glowing seams that sealed you together, until you got down to your glistening cunt, your fingers spreading yourself open for his viewing pleasure, all while grinding back and forth against his slippery, clothed length. “Y/N…fuck…I just…don’t want to scare you…” 
“You won’t, trust me. Please, let yourself go, Wooyoung, it’s okay,” you reassured him softly, licking at your fingers before they returned to your perfect pussy, rubbing at your clit, feeling zaps of electricity course through your body, your artificial synapses firing off inside your brain. “I’ll take care of you, I promise.” 
Inhaling sharply, Wooyoung closed his eyes for a moment to ground himself, knowing you wouldn’t judge every inch of him like people on the Universal Net did. Little by little, he let his body return to its natural state, small, ridged scales growing in patches along his skin, which exhibited an electric blue tint wherever his blood settled in the most, long, slick-covered tentacles emerging from his form, some of them idly curling around different parts of your body — the most notable change to his body being his cock, which tore out of his boxers from its size. It was no longer human-like, but instead resembled his wriggling appendages, had prominent ridges, leaked a steady flow of blue, viscous pre-cum, and had an obvious girth to it, thick, heavy-looking, and perhaps capable of stretching you open to your particular model’s max capacity for cock.
“Oh, Wooyoung,” you sighed, small digital hearts forming within your hooded eyes, cupping the alien’s flushed face, bringing your lips to his. “You're beautiful.” 
Wooyoung melted into your kiss and body respectively, bringing his hands up to your own face, holding it, his tentacles exploring the rest of your form for him, a few curling around and in between your tits, others sliding along your thighs and hips, while his slippery cock idly rubbed back and forth along your cunt like it had a mind of its own, sending waves of pleasure into the both of you. “Fuck, I need you so bad, Y/N…” 
A string of saliva broke your kiss as you pulled back, squeezing your tits together around the tentacle that was between them, licking at the wriggling tip. “How bad, baby? How bad do you want to fill me up with your cock?” you asked breathily, feeling the tentacle begin to thrust faster and faster, dripping blue pre-cum onto your slick skin. “You want to fuck your cum into me, Wooyoung? Fuck me so deep, it reaches my womb?” 
“Y-esss, please, oh my god, please,” Wooyoung moaned out, grabbing at your hips, continuing to grind his large, ridged cock against your cunt, unable to stop gasping for air from how hard he was breathing. 
“Then, come here,” you purred, reaching down to grab Wooyoung’s cock and pushing it inside you, feeling it fill you up inch by inch until your hungry cunt swallowed it in its entirety, your bodies essentially becoming one. 
Any semblance of composure completely left Wooyoung’s burning body in that moment, encouraging him to grab onto your hips like handlebars and drive his cock deep into your cunt over and over, his tentacles still eagerly exploring the expanse of your skin, some rubbing into your clit, others still preoccupied with your now bouncing tits, an additional tentacle loosely wrapping around your neck, the tip of it sliding along your cheek like it was licking you. “Feels so fucking good being inside you, Y/N, I’m gonna melt.” 
“Take me, Wooyoung, do whatever you want to me,” you told the alien in between pants, opening your mouth when Wooyoung’s tentacle rolled down your other cheek and across your lips, eventually slipping inside your mouth when you opened up, the small round disk built into your temple continually flashing blue the longer your body short-circuited with pleasure, your sensitive flesh squelching lewdly each time they joined together in slick, gooey harmony. 
Wooyoung watched you with a fondness that bordered obsession, drooling at the sight of his appendage fucking itself into your bulging throat that it was wrapped tightly around, still bringing you down onto his cock at an unnerving speed, the heaviness swirling around inside his lower abdomen growing more and more prominent. “I’m going to breed you, Y/N, did you know that? I’m going to fill you to the fucking brim with my kids.” 
You gurgled happily around the thrusting tentacle that was currently stretching out your lips and throat, your body shuddering with pleasure once load after load of blue goo spilled into your willing mouth, dripping down the sides of your chin and traveling along the rest of your slicked-up body. The tentacle left your mouth with a lewd pop and slowly wrapped around your waist instead. “Fill me up, Wooyoung, please, fuck it in me, deeper, I need it,” you begged him, desperately driving yourself down on his thick cock, cupping your own overheated cheeks, the hearts inside your eyes growing more and more bright each time the alien’s cock slipped deep inside your sloppy cunt.  
“Gonna fuck you so full, Y/N, gonna plug you up with my cock so you have to be my breeding bitch again and again,” Wooyoung mindlessly moaned out, simply driven by his overwhelming lust and instinctual urge to procreate, the heaviness moving closer and closer to his pulsing cock. 
“Yes, give it to me, please…!”
San, who had been silently observing the entire time, cleared his dry throat up to announce, “Delivery of offspring will be completed in…three…two..one…”
Neither you nor Wooyoung could tell who had came harder between the both of you, your joined moans and pants filling up the heavy air in the room. Wooyoung’s hands were cemented against your lower abdomen, able to feel as each warm, egg-like object had been deposited into your contracting cunt. “Feel them?” he asked under his breath, looking up into your barely open eyes.
“Yeah, I feel them,” you breathed, feeling dizzy just from the sensation of being filled to the absolute brim, Wooyoung’s cock acting as a dam until he knew that nothing except loads of his cum would come out afterwards, a small bulge present inside your stomach being the proof of what had been done to you. 
Wooyoung let out a small whine, slowly pulling out of you, his cock flopping lifelessly onto his pelvis, his eyes focused on the way your used hole fluttered around nothing, dribbles of electric blue cum dripping out, until a flood of it came seeping out in between your sticky bodies. With a blissful smile on his face, Wooyoung rubbed your stomach with gentle circles, humming to himself. “Let me know when you’re ready for another round, okay, baby?” 
You smiled softly down at him, placing your hand over his, ready to ask him for another round as soon as possible when San spoke instead.
“I hate to interrupt, but you have quite the schedule tomorrow, Wooyoung…practice at 9, vocals at 11, a fan meeting in the Twilight Quadrant at 3….” San slowly informed in a disheartened tone, a drop of sweat cascading down the side of his sleek face. 
Wooyoung growled, grabbing a pillow and tossing it at the wall, the image of San blurring temporarily. “Shut off! Shut down, San!” He looked back at you, rubbing your hips gently, unable to stop smiling at your pretty cybernetic face.
San disappeared from the wall, but his voice remained. “Just so you know, I don’t actually have a shut-off button, Wooyoung. I’m sentient…” 
Wooyoung’s fingers clenched into your hips, his eyebrows twitching downwards. “Oh my god, San, just wait till I fucking figure out how to hack your programming…” 
San cleared his throat, shaking his head, though it wasn’t visible to either of you, especially since you were both too busy eye-fucking each other. “Again, I’m sentient. That’s out of the realm of possibility.” 
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fff taglist: FFF taglist: @itza-meee @chnt1 @k-hotchoisan @wonyobie @vampiregirl215 @yuyusbunny @christmastodoroki @luvt0kki @pieyoon @goldnhwa @choisanboobenthusiast @icyb3rry @maximofftrash @choism @yunhosmelonbar @nebulousbookshelf @astayinwonderland @slutologyy @10nantscompanion @ddaeing @pandagirl-016 @Randomgirl11-posts @staytiny816 @horanghae8 @smally97 @ateezzzser r @crispybaguettes @bubblegumbird @midnightmaja @i2nsstuff @asimpelslut @svt-dinosaurus @wisejudgedragonhairdo @deathbyyeekies @firefox79 @wildesreblogs @everyonewooeverywhere @raspberrysannie @Whatintheninerealms @hyunjinsbby (pls check your privacy settings if i couldn’t tag you lovelies <3)
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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Ateez Masterlist
How To Be Memorable
Husband Material
How Would They Comfort You
Ideal Type: Fashion Aesthetic
Fancall Deductions
Members And Foreplay
Prefer Someone Older Or Younger
Kim Hongjoong:
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
As Your Late Bloomer Bf
3:45 AM
10 Days Of PyeonghongNovember
Park Seonghwa:
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
Standing Out In A Fancall
Standing Out In A Fancall Pt.2
Seonghwa's Love Language Is S*x
Seonghwa's Love Language Is S*x Pt 2
Jeong Yunho
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
As Your Late Bloomer Bf
Yunho's Hidden Side
Kang Yeosang
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
18:01 PM
Choi San
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
Fancall Tips
Song Mingi
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
Fancall Tips
Jung Wooyoung:
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
Fancall Tips
As Your Late Bloomer Bf
Choi Jongho
Natal Chart Analysis 18+
As Your Late Bloomer Bf
A Soft Touch & Grey Days
There is more information and fun thoughts through answered asks, if you just click on the member # and you'll find them.
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yunhoszn · 3 months
alright babes you already know it's bro but sleep deprived
anyway we were talkin abt this in the dms but i think its time to share w the class
who in atz are briefs guys and who are boxers guys?
also i love you •3•
ateez & boxers v. briefs
erm mentions of underwear?,,,, extremely suggestive….. half of this makes no sense im high as shit typing this and my logic probably does not logic like i thought it did…
OKAY ok here we go
⟢ hongjoong likely wears boxers.. i feel like if he did one of those calvin klein ads, he’d wear the briefs for the bit but that’s about it. he seems like the type who likes the free-ness of them if that makes sense 😭
⟢ seonghwa. ok. i feel like he varies. i could def see him in boxers like… hovering over you, knees caging you in, his hair long enough that it wraps and curls around the base of his neck— i’m gonna stop talking about this— but i could also see him in that same calvin klein ad setting and i feel like he would look really good in some grey briefs…
⟢ yunho is fs a boxers guy. tbh i feel like most tall men are just cause they’re comfortable and most tall men are carrying very well endowed,,,, packages,,,, so yeah i think he would wear boxers, but not too loose. like they’re actually on the snugger side
⟢ yeosang is a briefs guy. u cannot convince me otherwise. (i’m imagining the jeremy allen white calvin klein ad) that’s how i imagine yeosang in briefs. like it just makes so much sense to me.
⟢ san…. i told u my thoughts on san. but i’m sharing with the class now <3 i think if this were inception era san, the answer would be boxers no questions asked. but current san, extremely built, shaped like a dorito san, the answer is obviously briefs. they hug his thighs and his ass just right… muscular men in briefs is a weakness…. a plague…
⟢ mingi is another obvious briefs choice. slightly dorito shaped, mingi is the exception to my ‘tall men wear boxers’ disclaimer from before. U cannot look at him and tell me he does Not wear briefs. then ur lying straight to my face. tell me u do not see this man being the ateez man who would Actually do the calvin klein ad.
⟢ wooyoung, i had to toss around with. but ultimately i think he’s a boxers guy. my conclusion is more of a technical analysis bc i was thinking about his style and the kind of clothes he wears, which are usually on the baggier side, so i’d think he prefers comfortability. and tbh boxers fit that whole vibe.
⟢ jongho is also a boxers guy no doubt. his wasn’t even a meticulous analysis or anything. i thought about it for one second and immediately came to the idea; ‘jongho wears boxers’. solely based on vibes. like look at him. once u see the vision, u just do and there’s no turning back. boxers guy.
(also hi i love YOU MORE!!!!! :3 hehe i got the last word so i win in terms of size of love)
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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boopiddyboop · 8 months
ATEEZ Scorpio Analysis
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Hello and welcome to quite possibly the silliest post I’ve made to date! I’ve spoken at length about Ateez and the relationship with their Scorpio placements, but for whatever reason, I wish to rank them and find the chiefest Scorpio amongst them. So without further ado, let’s get into it!
Disclaimer: As per usual, traditional astrology and rulership applies. This post especially is just for fun. If you think I’m wrong, feel free to argue in the askbox.
So first, I’ll explain the how of the game. We’re going to be measuring the dominance of the three major components the rulership of Scorpio: Planet (Mars), Element (Water), and Modality (Fixed). We’ll be using the very convenient Dominants tab from the Natal Charts available on astro-seek to get our base numbers and weight them accordingly. I did my best to find a “fair” way to account for everything, but there’s a reason they say “lies, damn lies, and statistics”.
Here’s what the table I’m working with looks like, using Ateez’s group natal chart as an example:
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I’ve generated one for each of the members, but they're not included with this post so as to not clog up the view. The website itself explains each column and how they come up with the numbers, but in short, significance is given to each planet based on where it is, if it’s being ruled by a sign of rulership/exaltation/etc, whether its in a house of corresponding rulership…  we will be ignoring aspects for this, as some of the birth times we have are approximations, which can lead to incorrect aspect degrees.. 
For scoring, planets will be weighted at 40% of the total, with element and modality each being worth 30%. 
As a refresher for those who don’t keep this information in their brains, here are the Scorpio placements between members:
Hongjoong: Sun and Venus
Yunho: Mars and Rising
San and Mingi: Mars
Wooyoung: Mercury
Jongho: Mercury and Venus
Yeosang and Seonghwa have none, but they have quite a bit of Mars and Water influence, so don’t write them off just yet!
**I am operating this under the assumption that Jongho is a Taurus Rising. I’ll address it more at the end, but ultimately, there wasn’t a huge difference between my top 3 guesses and his final score, so I just ran this with the one.
Round 1: Planets
Who has the most outright Mars influence? Well, this one should come as no shocker:
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Yunho and Seonghwa are very close point total wise, but for Yunho, his Scorpio Mars in the first house is his strongest placement by a margin of 4 points (his Taurus Venus coming in second at 10 points), Despite all of his Aries Mars influence clocking 13 points, Seonghwa’s Aries Sun and Cancer Moon are also weighty factors in his totals at 12 points apiece, bumping his point total up, but his percentage down.. San’s Scorpio Mars is actually tied for influence with his Leo Mercury, since it’s ruling his ascendant.
Mingi’s Scorpio Mars is tied for second in his dominant planets with his Leo Sun, but both are overshadowed by his Cancer moon by a mere point. Wooyoung actually has all of 9 points, but as it turns out, his Venus in Libra in the first weighs in at a whopping 18 points (the most points of any member, causing his Mars to only rank 3rd in his dominant planets. Hongjoong’s Jupiter in Pisces is actually doing a lot of the heavy lifting in his influence, but his Scorpio Sun and Mars in Virgo help keep him from falling into last. Finally, Yeosang is bringing up the rear with 6 points being carried by his Aries Ascendant placement
All in all, every member of Ateez has Mars as no less than their 3rd place influencing planet, which is honestly quite impressive. 
Round 2: Elements
Water placements! We’re looking at Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer. No crazy weighing this time, we’re just checking to see who has the most water in their chart.
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Most of these rankings are being carried by the plethora of Cancer Moons (Mingi, Seonghwa, and Yeosang), with Hongjoong getting a chance to shine by virtue of his Scorpio Sun/Venus and Pisces Jupiter. Almost everyone actually has water as their top element or is tied for top, with San and Wooyoung being Earth/Water and Air/Water
... except Seonghwa, who despite getting second place, is strictly fire dominant.
(And now I’m laughing because a whole bunch of water dominants debuted with a pirate concept 😂)
Round 3: Modality
Easy peasy, we’re looking for fixed signs in the natal placements + ascendant. For a refresher, these are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
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San’s Leo and Taurus placements clench the win for San in this category, with 5 placements out of 8 being fixed, compared to Yunho and Mingi’s four, though all 3 are fixed dominant. Meanwhile, this is where Seonghwa finally gets penalized for all of his Aries/Cancer energy, as his only fixed placement is his Aquarius Venus. Hongjoong and Jongho both have predominantly Mutable placements, while Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Seonghwa have significant Cardinal energy. 
A note on Signature Signs:
If you take the natal 7 plus ascendant and calculate the most modalities and elements (not the same way as the Round 2), some people will end up with a signature sign. Of the Ateez members, 5/6 out of 8 (Jongho being a maybe) actually manage to snag one: 
Hongjoong has a Pisces Signature (3 Water + 4 Mutable) 
Seonghwa and Yeosang both have Aries Signatures (4 Fire+5 Cardinal and 3 Fire+5 Cardinal respectively).
Yunho has a Scorpio Signature (3 Water+4 Fixed), 
San has a Taurus Signature (3 Earth + 5 Fixed)
Jongho (w/ an assumed Taurus Rising,) is a Gemini Signature (3 Air + 3 Mutable). 
Mingi and Wooyoung both have ties in their elements, with a 3/3 split on Earth/Water for Mingi, and 2/2/2/2 for Wooyoung across all elements. 
I couldn’t figure out how to weigh Yunho's bonus Scorpio Signature into this contest, but in the end it didn’t matter…Because the grand Scorpio of Ateez is still Yunho
Final Scores:
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Yunho was the only member to get Top 3 in all 3 rounds of scoring, and really his Mars strength from round 1 could not be surpassed. In my attempt to make this fair, I tried different ways of weighing this (33% even, 50/30/20, etc.) and Yunho comes out on top every time. But once again, Scorpio Rising ruled by a Scorpio in Mars- was there ever any doubt? 
By this weighting, Mingi and San tie, but if you switch to 50/30/20 Mingi squeaks out above San, while 50/25/25 has San edge out Mingi. Ultimately I’m fine with the weighting I landed at, as I think it’s pretty clear that these 3 are leagues ahead of the rest. Hongjoong and Seonghwa will actually tie in 50/30/20, but for the most part Hongjoong sits above Seonghwa. Meanwhile Wooyoung never clears last place, with Jongho and Yeosang sitting somewhere above him.
Final Tidbits: 
-Now, as previously stated, a Taurus Rising for Jongho is just a guess, but with the exception of a Scorpio Rising (which I ranked at 5/12 for likelihood), the top 3 rising options sit at about the same place in the chart, so I went ahead and kept Jongho on here. I have all 4 on my master document that I will post at the end
-If you run Ateez’s group natal chart against all the members, it often will rank even higher than Yunho, depending on the weighting.
-I’ve included my own Scorpio ranking in the master document. Do with that as you will. 
If you’ve made it to the end of this, I greatly appreciate you and your time. Hope you’re having a wonderful Scorpio Season!
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ᴀᴛᴇᴇᴢ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
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A = Angst | F = Fluff | S = Suggestive | M = Mature | C = Crack | 🤍 = Author's Fav
♡ ӄɨʍ ɦօռɢʝօօռɢ ♡ 김홍중
Their Unfortunate Fate [A] [F] {Werewolf AU} :
▪️[Part One]▪️[Part Two]▪️[Part Three]
Yandere! Hongjoong analysis [A] [M]
Angst reaction [Pirate Au]
♡ ρα૨ҡ รεσɳɠɦωα ♡ 박성화
Yandere! Seonghwa analysis [A] [M]
M-Mommy [M] {Yandere!au}
When you surprise him with flowers [F] 🤍
Realising how much you love Hwa
I Can Make it right Masterlist [on going] 🤍
Pussy eating w/ Mommy Hwa
Basically a drabble about Seonghwa's tongue technology
"Behave Little Girl"
ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴏʙᴇᴅɪᴇɴᴛ, ꜱᴏ ᴅᴀᴍɴ ᴏʙᴇᴅɪᴇɴᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ɢʀᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪᴍᴀɢᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ.
Seonghwa & Overstimulation [part of the kinkmas series]
Drabble #1 [ft.wooyoung]
♡ ҡαɳɠ ყεσรαɳɠ ♡ 강여상
Yandere! Yeosang analysis [A] [S]
♡ ʝɛօռɢ ʏʊռɦօ ♡ 정윤호
Yandere! Yunho analysis [A] [M]
When he catches you masturbating [M]
[7:50] [M]
Angst reaction w/ Mingi
♡ ૮ɦσเ รαɳ ♡ 최산
Bratty Babyboy [M]
Yandere! San analysis [S] [A]
Pretty girl
ᴡʜᴇɴ ꜱᴀɴ ɢɪᴠᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ɢɪꜰᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ
♡ รσɳɠ ɱเɳɠเ ♡ 송민기
Waking him up with a blowjob [M]
Angst reaction w/ Yunho
Ballbusting w/ sub! Mingi
♡ ʝʊռɢ աօօʏօʊռɢ ♡ 정우영
[8:20] [M] [Dilf!woo]
[9:20] [M] [F]
[6:50] [M]{Prompt : #20}
His Burning Desire :
[Part One] / [Part Two] / [Part Three] / [Part Four] / [Part Five]
When you flinch during an argument [A] [F] 🤍
[7:45] [M]
"Look at me, Princess" [M]
Work up your muscles, Baby [M] 🤍
ʜᴇ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ꜰᴏᴄᴜꜱ, ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅ ꜰᴏᴄᴜꜱ.... ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ (ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇꜰᴇɴꜱᴇ, ɴᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ᴅɪᴅ ʜᴇ ꜰᴏᴄᴜꜱ)
"Can I pet you, Master?" [M] 🤍
"Lure me into your darkness" [M] [sex God! Woo]
ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡʜɪꜱᴘᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴅᴇᴇᴘʟʏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴀʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ, ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴛ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ ʟᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ?
Ribbon - w/c - 2k - [M]
Free Use w/ Woo [Hc] w/c - 1k - [M]
Wooyoung & Overestimulation/Dacryphilia [part of the kinkmas series]
Kiss and Make-up - w/c - 1.8k
SYNOPSIS: An argument with your husband always led to kissing and making up.
Congratulatory Fuck - w/c - 1.6k - [M]
SYNOPSIS: You can't blame Wooyoung for wanting to fuck upi after a good game, after all, having a hot girlfriend is tiresome.
#1 | #2 [ft. seonghwa] | #3 | #4
♡ ૮ɦσเ ʝσɳɠɦσ ♡ 최종호
Angst drabble #1
When you kick them out of the bed [C] [F]
{Hyung Line} {Maknae Line}
When you ball bust them [M]
Seongjoong Reaction [M]
Size Training w/ Hyung line \ Maknae Line
When agre! S/o regresses in public [F]
When they're jealous [M]
Want Mommy!
ρσℓу! αтєєz
Not how it was planned [Members present : Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, Wooyoung, San]
ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ɪɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴘʟᴀɴɴᴇᴅ....
Woosan threesome
Seongjoong threesome [mainly mxm]
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barnesbabee · 2 years
[P]raise PT2 || P.S
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[ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴇɴᴄʏᴄʟᴏᴘᴇᴅɪᴀ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ P2]
Summary: Everyone gets distracted in class every so often, but not everyone is as lucky to have a hot professor to be distracted by.
Pairing: DILF!Park Seonghwa x female!reader (ft. Wooyoung)
Words: yup, after careful analysis, I can tell there are definitely a couple of them
Genre: Smut
[PART 1]
⚠ unprotected sex ⚠
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Seonghwa put a stop to whatever your weird relationship was meant to be after a couple other encounters. It was filthy and intense. There were no feelings attached, just pure lust and desire for one another. It had been four weeks, but if you closed your eyes and concentrated you could still feel his hand over your mouth, blocking the sinful sounds you couldn't help but make, and the way he rhythmically pounded into you from behind.
Sometimes you'd miss class to avoid having to look at him, to avoid the overwhelming feeling of neediness whenever you landed eyes on him, but you still needed to pass.
Whenever you missed Seonghwa was just as happy. He didn't want to end it, shit he felt like you were just what he needed to escape his boring life, but it was too risky, and whenever you came around sinful thoughts of taking you right then and there in front of everyone.
All of this pent-up frustration was making you both angry, not at each other specifically, but just in general, and Seonghwa was about to be a lot angrier.
Ever since you and your teacher happened, you had turned down every single attempt of guys and girls trying to get in your pants, whether you were drunk or sober. Not because you didn't want to have sex, but because no one turned you on like Seonghwa, no one could make you feel what Seonghwa made you feel when you looked into his eyes that night. That fact became known around the university, how "hard to get" you were, and of course, that made you a lot more desirable for the people who liked a challenge.
One of those people was none other than Jung Wooyoung. How he got into university was a case to be studied. People knew he was enrolled in the university not because he actually bothered to go to classes, but because he went to every single party thrown by people in the university. If there were two parties on the same day he would make sure to go to both, he just had to be there.
So it was weird when he suddenly started going to class... Not only because he was inside the actual university building, but because he was only going to Mr. Park's class. But once he began talking to you and getting closer, everyone understood the scheme.
"So, going to the party tonight?" Wooyoung asked as he leaned on the table in front of you.
You stopped putting your stuff away and looked at him.
"Whose party?"
"I'll be fucked if I know, I just get texted the address by some friends who actively attend the classes and show up. I figured you'd know."
You shoved your computer into your bag and the sound of the zipper echoed in the room.
"I don't know, got a lot of catching up to do on this class apparently, should stay home and study." You replied, picking up your bag and starting to walk away.
Wooyoung grabbed your wrist, stopping you from walking away. Seonghwa, who was putting his things away painfully slow to witness the whole interaction was getting angry.
"Come on, princess. I'd love to see you there."
You could see Seonghwa staring over Wooyoung's shoulder. You glanced at him briefly, and he immediately averted his gaze.
Wooyoung was hot, very hot. And he definitely seemed fun, and like the type of guy that wouldn't catch feelings after sex. There was no reason for you to keep sabotaging yourself and keeping yourself from having fun with sex just because of your teacher.
"I'll be there. What kind of party is it? What should I wear?" You answered, finally.
"Just a regular house party. You can wear anything you want, I bet someone like you could pull up with sweatpants and still steal the show." He cheekily said, before winking at you and leaving the room.
Seonghwa rolled his eyes. He honestly didn't understand why you agreed. Like, really? Wooyoung would be his successor?
"It's fucking weird to spy on people's conversations." You said loudly, for Seonghwa to hear, before leaving the classroom.
The man wasn't aware of how painfully obvious he was being, but staying in the classroom packing one book into a bag for five minutes was very noticeable.
You managed to get some study in before getting ready for the party, and you really didn't want to go all out because that would mean a lot more work to take it all off when you eventually got home wasted.
As you were making your way to the party, Seonghwa wondered if he should go. He was definitely within the acceptable age group... Would it be too bad? He would definitely get recognized by some of his students though, and he decided that once more, for the sake of his career, he would have to sit this one out.
You on the other hand were doing the opposite of sitting it out, you downed 3 tequila shots as soon as you got there, and Wooyoung approached you with a red solo cup full of God knows what.
"You sure know how to party." Wooyoung yelled in your ear, so you could hear him over the loud music.
He handed you the cup and winked.
"Nothing compared to the king of the university." You told him.
After the whole Seonghwa ordeal, you began going out. At first, you did it in an attempt of finding someone with the same chemistry you two had, but after a while, you took a liking to it. There was a certain freeing and adventurous feeling that came with the alcohol, and you kept chasing it.
Wooyoung licked his lips and grabbed your waist with one hand, pulling you closer ever so slightly.
"You flatter me."
You looked at his hand, and at the way his thumb caressed your slightly exposed hip bone. When you looked back up at his face his eyes were locked on your lips.
"You're very discrete." You joked, with a smile, at how obvious he was being.
"Come on princess, surely you knew that when I asked you here I wasn't thinking of revising the class."
His hand slowly trailed up to your cheek and his lips approached yours, slowly, giving you space and time to step away if you chose to. Instead, you leaned into his touch and tilted your head slightly.
"Really?" You said, mocking him.
You saw a slight smile on his lips before he kissed you. It was slow and enticing, and you felt yourself melting against his body, your hands gripping his biceps.
You had to admit, Wooyoung was an exceptionally good kisser, and this time you actually felt something sparking within you.
"I'm sure they'd love to see the whole show, but should we take this somewhere more private?" The man asked you, his hands sneaking behind you to grab your ass.
You bit your lip and nodded. Wooyoung, happy with the response, grabbed your hand and guided you through the crowd. He stopped in front of a door and tried the knob, but to no avail. Wooyoung banged on the door.
"Get the fuck out!" He yelled.
"I'm taking a piss!" The person inside replied.
"I don't give a shit if you're pissing or having a wank, out."
A couple seconds later a disgruntled guy left the bathroom and Wooyoung pulled you inside. He locked the door and proceeded to pin you against it, assertively yet softly so he wouldn't hurt you.
"If you want to stop," he paused, delivering a couple open-mouthed kisses "tell me."
It surprised you how Wooyoung, seemingly a careless player, actually made sure to make you feel safe.
His hands grabbed your ass, pulling your crotch closer to his. You could feel his cock beginning to harden as he sucked and bit your neck. One of your hands rested on the back of his neck while the other slightly gripped his hair.
Wooyoung's attention turned back to your lips and, grabbing your waist, he moved you until your ass bumped against the hard, marble counter. The man started slowly undoing your pants and pulling them down just enough so your ass was exposed. He then turned you around and you instinctively somewhat bent down and held yourself up by placing your hands on the counter.
The man pulled your panties down, always keeping an eye on the mirror in front of you, analyzing you expression.
"Fuck Y/N, great ass." He complimented as he began taking his own pants off.
You giggled and playfully wiggled your ass. Wooyoung bit his lower lip and smacked your ass.
He stroked his dick for a second before slipping in a condom as fast as possible. Wooyoung aligned his cock with your entrance and slowly pushed himself inside of you.
"Shit- fuck." You cursed, not expecting him to be so big.
You gripped the counter when Wooyoung picked up the pace. Even with the loud music outside, you could hear the sound of skin slapping and his low grunts.
"You feel so good princess, shit."
Wooyoung gripped your hair and tugged on it, making you look at the mirror in front of you.
"I want you to see how good you look when you're getting fucked."
The dirty talk was working wonders on you, and the way you tightened around his cock made him go faster and harder.
Wooyoung would make sure to slap your ass and whisper to you how good you were doing and, after a couple minutes, he came. Wooyoung, like a gentleman, fingered you until you came as well.
You both took a second to calm down in the bathroom, and you were drained. The alcohol had worn out too, so you told him you were going to head home.
"I'll take you." Wooyoung offered.
"It's alright, you don't need to."
"No self-respecting guy would let a girl go home alone this late, come on."
He dropped you off at home and waved goodbye as he sped off, presumably home as well. The next day you skipped classes, you were hungover, tired, and honestly a little sore.
After your painfully hungover day passed you had to peel yourself off of your bed and drag yourself to Park Seonghwa's class. You wanted to skip it once again but he'd probably flunk you if you kept missing his classes. Plus, Wooyoung would probably be there to see you.
When you got into class Seonghwa was already there, as per usual. He would usually be there early to set up the class, but so was Wooyoung. He winked at you and smiled. You smiled at him but tried to avert your gaze, so he wouldn't see how embarrassed you felt as the memories from 2 days ago came crashing over you.
You sat a couple tables away from him, and watched as he got up from his chair and pulled it to sit on your table.
"That bad, huh?" Wooyoung asked, thinking you were avoiding him.
"What? No, no, it was great, really, I'm just... a little shy."
"Wouldn't've pegged you for the shy type," he paused, leaning in to whisper in your ear "given how loud you were moaning when I was fucking you in that bathroom."
You felt your whole body heat up and smacked him in the chest.
"Asshole." You said, jokingly as you both laughed.
Seonghwa couldn't wait for it to be time to start the class so he could end that annoying fucking interaction. He didn't like you, at least he was pretty sure he didn't, but the way he couldn't have you frustrated him. Seonghwa wanted your body, he wanted to hear your pretty voice beg, and seeing another guy just sweep in and get all of that when he himself had to give it all up... it was frustrating.
"Right everyone take your seats, at your own tables, please, and let's begin."
You rolled your eyes at the comment. Wooyoung was oblivious but you knew very well it was meant to be a dig at you.
Nevertheless, you painfully paid attention to the class because despite everything you still needed to pass.
At some point, Seonghwa had finished explaining something and started asking questions, however, for the first one, he specifically called Wooyoung. Seonghwa was a big apologist of not calling anyone specifically to answer because he didn't want anyone to feel anxious to answer, he didn't want his students to feel embarrassed if they made a mistake, so Seonghwa asked the question for everyone to hear and waited until someone volunteered. That is how you knew he was trying to screw Wooyoung. Seonghwa was fully aware that he usually wasn't present in classes, so instead of letting him answer something wrong, you jumped in and replied instead, being just as petty as Seonghwa.
"That's correct but I didn't ask you, miss Y/N. I asked Mr. Wooyoung, please refrain from speaking if you're not called to do so."
"You never ask anyone specifically and allow us to answer, why would this time be different?"
The class fell silent and Seonghwa was red with anger. He took a deep breath and regained his composure.
"Miss Y/N please see me after class."
"No thank you."
The class now echoed with whispers and giggles. You had never been disrespectful to a teacher, ever, and neither did you have the habit of starting shit. You were generally liked by them even, so this was shocking to everyone.
"It wasn't a question."
You opened your mouth for another snarky remark but Seonghwa stopped you.
"Enough. I don't wanna hear anything else, you come see me after class and that's it. Let's continue."
The remaining 30 minutes were very tense for everyone, and when class ended everyone nearly bolted out to gossip about everything.
Before leaving Wooyoung mouthed "You good?" to which you replied with a thumbs up.
The second you heard the door close behind the last student, you walked up to his desk.
"What is wrong with you!?" You whisper-yelled.
"What's wrong with me!? What is wrong with you! How fucking dare you disrespect me like that in my classroom just because you're angry I don't fuck you anymore."
"I'm not angry you don't fuck me anymore, I'm angry 'cause you fucking dropped me with no explanation and now you're acting like a dick because of Wooyoung and I. Don't pretend to call on him to answer a question today wasn't meant to embarrass him, you know damn fucking well he never shows up to class."
He was taken aback and swallowed dryly.
"We weren't fucking dating I don't owe you an explanation! And no matter what you and I do or don't do should stay the fuck out of this classroom, it was incredibly immature of you to do that."
"As if you weren't being immature. And I think after being balls deep in me I deserve more than just 'We should stop, goodbye'." You said through gritted teeth, mimicking the last text he sent you.
Seonghwa got closer to you, your bodies almost touching and darkness in his eyes you had never seen before.
"I had to stop fucking you because I'm your fucking teacher. If I got caught I'd get fucking fired. I wanna bend you over and have you every day you step in this classroom but I can't, okay? That's why I can't handle Wooyoung 'cause I want you and can't have you."
Anger dripped from every word he spoke. The atmosphere was tense and heavy, the repressed feelings of desperation and exasperation finally coming to the surface.
You scoffed.
"You're pathetic."
Seonghwa raised his eyebrows in shock and placed his hands on his chest, motioning toward himself.
"I'm pathetic? You're the one who's behaving like a kid because you can't take rejection."
"No, Seonghwa, you're pathetic because you constantly bitched about how fun whatever we had was and how freeing it was because you felt like you wasted your 'young years' and then you turn around and throw that shit out of the window. Are you actually gonna make time for yourself in your life or are you going to keep self-sabotaging yourself!?"
"I have a daughter to raise, Y/N! I can't just risk everything for some fun!"
"Yeah and that daughter will grow up and then you'll be almost 40 and then you're gonna try to have the fun you didn't have and you're just gonna look like those freshly divorced weird men who go to clubs alone to pick up 20-year-olds!"
There was silence. Seonghwa's chest rose and fell rapidly, and suddenly he fell back onto his chair and hunched over. His face was covered by the palms of his hands when you heard muffled sobs.
Shit. That was not the outcome you expected. You slowly approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Seonghwa? I-I'm sorry I didn't mean that."
He straightened himself up in his chair and looked at you. His cheeks were red and wet, and his eyes revealed pain and anxiety.
"You did, and you're right. You're right. She's gonna grow up and have her own life and I'll be left with nothing but work. No hobbies, no friends, no memories to re-live, nothing. But I'm so afraid that I'll get fired and that I will struggle to give her the life that she deserves. She's my world but sometimes... Sometimes I wish I had more time to live."
You sat on his lap and wiped his tears.
"You're already giving her the life she deserves. You give her so much love, she has food, a roof over her head, a comfortable bed, a safe place to be in, clothes, and a dad that cares for her unconditionally. But you need to live your life too, you're also a person."
"You're right, you're so fucking right." He thought.
Without questioning himself twice, he kissed you. A simple soft, kiss, to test the waters.
"Seonghwa if you don't want to we don't have to-"
"I want to. I fucking want to so bad."
You took that as an invitation to kiss him. This time deeper, and needier. His hands were all over your body as if exploring what he had missed the past weeks and reminiscing your curves.
"My daughter isn't out till 3, meet me at my house. I want to make up for all I've lost." He told you with a sly smile.
"Yes, Sir."
He bit his lip as he smiled at the nickname. Seonghwa slapped your ass before you stood up, and you went separate ways to the same destination.
Once you got to his house, the door was agape, so you invited yourself in and closed the door behind you.
No response.
You walked up the stairs, and into his bedroom.
"I see you remember where it is." He said when he heard you come into the room.
Seonghwa turned around to face you. He was dressed in nothing but dress pants, and you couldn't stop yourself from admiring his well-sculpted torso.
"What? No please?" You joked as you removed your shirt.
He walked over to you and waited until you were fully naked.
"Oh, princess, after the stunt you pulled today," Seonghwa paused, running his fingers over your hardened nipples "the only pleading around here will be coming from you."
He spanked your ass before you could reply.
"On your knees, you know what to do."
You obeyed without a word, dropping to your knees and undoing his zipper. He was wearing no boxers, making it easier for you to access his hard cock. You covered it in your spit before pumping his dick a couple times. You then wrapped your lips around his tip, taking more and more of him every time you bobbed your head. Your hand followed the movement of your mouth.
"Shit, you feel so good."
Seonghwa had his head thrown back and hand tangled in your hair, pushing your head down from time to time.
He started thrusting into your mouth, making you choke on his cock as he did so.
"Shit, fuck- you're such a good girl, you take it so well."
You hummed around his cock, trying to mumble a 'thank you sir' as you gripped his thighs. Seonghwa pulled out when he felt his orgasm build up.
His hand wrapped around your neck and pulled you up. He then pulled you toward himself and kissed you roughly, guiding you towards the bed by your neck.
"On all fours, princess."
"Yes, Sir."
You complied and he smiled and smacked your ass.
"What a good girl..."
Your wetness spread with his small praises. You felt the bed dip behind you and moaned when his lips came into contact with your pussy.
"Shit, fuck-"
Seonghwa slapped your ass and then moved one hand to rub your clit as the other held one of your asscheeks. The way his tongue swirled between your folds made you grip the sheets. Seonghwa's hips began rocking against the bed, hoping for some friction as he wanted to give you more pleasure but your filthy moans weren't helping.
When he couldn't take it any longer, he got on the bed and knelt behind you, immediately inserting his tip in, and moving painfully slow.
"Fuck, Seonghwa please, I need you to-" You yelped at his spank before you could finish the sentence.
"What did you call me?"
"Sorry- Sir, please fuck me, I need you inside me."
Seonghwa gripped your waist and bottomed inside you, causing you to let out a loud 'Fuck!'.
As both of you were already on edge, he didn't go easy on you. He was relentlessly ramming into you, quickly and with force. The bed rocked and the headboard slammed against a wall, but nothing as loud as your moans and pleads. Seonghwa didn't hold back either.
"Shit you take me so well, you're such a good fucking girl princess, I love being inside you."
Your arms gave in, and your face was plastered on his pillow. Seonghwa grabbed your wrists and held them behind your back. He loved the control he had over you.
"Tell me how much you love my cock in you, princess."
"Shit I love it- s-so much, you make me feel so good, Sir."
"That's right, you're mine to fuck. All mine, got it?"
"Yes, sir! F-fuck I'm almost-"
Seonghwa quickened the pace.
"Cum on my cock princess, come on."
A couple more thrusts and your walls tightened around his cock. You came with a mix of a shriek and a moan. Seonghwa had no time to ride you out of your high, as he immediately pulled out to spill all over your ass, and he had to admit, your ass covered in his cum was the best view he had ever seen.
He helped you turn around and face the ceiling so you could breathe better. Seonghwa removed all the little strands of hair that were stuck on your face due to the sweat and kissed your forehead before laying down next to you.
"Shit that was... that was amazing." You said, still trying to regain your breath.
Seonghwa laughed and pulled you closer.
"It was..."
There was a short silence, before Seonghwa's hand began roaming your body once more.
"Already?" You asked between giggles.
"Yes, princess. After this one I'm calling her grandma to pick her up so you can spend the night here."
Seonghwa hovered over you and kissed your lips.
"We have a lot of catching up to do."
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rainy-astrology · 2 years
ATEEZ Wooyoung Birth Chart analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May change later.
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November 26th, 1999
Ilsan, SK
3:20 AM
☀️♐️, 🌙♋️, ⬆️♎️
Sun in 2nd house indicates materialism and possessiveness, both object and people wise. Financial security is important to him
Sun, Mercury, Pluto, and Chiron in 2nd...
Mercury Scorpio is very observant and investigative. Wooyoung can be a little argumentative at times and straightforward with his words. He's also quite fierce when it comes to figuring out the truth (the murder ep of ATEEZ's office series Salary Lupin). In 2nd house, he knows how to handle money well and knows how to work for it
Pluto in 2nd makes him work very hard for money. Being financially stable seems like his top priority. A bit materialistic. He likes to assert control over his life, he does not want any restrictions.
Chiron in 2nd struggles with security and self worth...Financial insecurity, maybe feeling like his self worth comes from what he owns, how much money he has
Venus in 1st house explains a lot; very charming and friendly, we all know how outgoing Woo is. He can easily befriend anyone and loves talking about his new buddies. He is also quite gorgeous, very nice and angular features. This placement enhances his Libra placements more (rising and venus), so he's definitely got a smooth way with people. Very loving and affectionate as most Libra venus ppl are
Jupiter in 7th lets him have an easy time creating bonds with others. Venus, Rising, and Jupiter placements make him so social (esp with Venus opp Jupiter and Venus conjunct Rising)
Mars Capricorn in 4th is a hardworking and protective placement. Mars Capricorn is exalted, so Woo definitely takes his work and responsibilities seriously. He may have felt responsible for his family at a young age (as most Capricorn in 4th house ppl do...) and matured earlier than most people. Mars in 4th makes him very protective of those he considers family (if i recall correctly, he said he would bite whoever upset Seonghwa lol. And honestly I can see it happening. He is not hesitant to call out whoever hurts ATEEZ). Do not mess with his loved ones
However, Mars in 4th could also mean fighting with family/close ones a lot. He has high standards and demands that may annoy them even though he thinks he is being helpful...the addition of Uranus and Neptune in 4th does not help either
Uranus and Neptune Aquarius in 4th can indicate a weird family or possible family issues. He may not notice it though (can be idealized or avoided due to Neptune) or does and tries to control the environment. Personal life and home may feel chaotic; craves stability and comfort in home
Moon Cancer in 9th wants to travel and explore; wants new experiences and learn new things. Has a lot of energy, definitely can not stay still
Saturn in 8th could mean a fear of changes...irrational fears. Has or is learning how to efficiently deal with finances and materials.
North node Leo in 10th theme is to explore and express himself authentically, be creative and fun, show who he is. In 10th, he should learn to focus on himself. From what I see from his chart, he seems to do a lot for his family - which is great, but he should also think about himself too. He is hard working and responsible and likely feels he needs to be that way for his family, but he should know it's ok to just do things for himself. He can be dependent on others and may be a bit insecure, so he should learn to be more confident in himself and do what he want without worrying too much abt what others want/think
Seems like there's a lot of lessons about finances and possessions, family, and self worth...
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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rainytypology · 10 months
ATEEZ Wooyoung Enneagram
- E2, sx/so 2w3, 278 -
An in depth analysis of an idol's enneagram. Based on my opinion and observations. Not an expert. May change later.
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Core (main type): 2
Triads: Heart/Image/Shame, Positivity, Compliant, Rejection
Basic motive: To be loved
Basic fear: Being unworthy of love
Wooyoung has always desired love and admiration from others. He has lots of love and care in his heart and not afraid to express his affections for others. 2s want love and want to give love, so many of them are drawn to people.
He highly values relationships, especially since he used to feel lonely when he was younger. Since then, he seems motivated to create connections with others - Wooyoung simply wants love and to give love, just like an ennea 2.
Wooyoung seems especially touched when fans tell him the deep impact his and the group's work have on them - how he and ATEEZ help change a fan's life for the better. A 2 wants to be able to help others, to make a positive impact on people and the world. Wooyoung has made it his goal to be the light in other's life. It is the reason why he chose a candle to represent himself in "Fill in the Blanks" episode. (If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It is the best proof of his core 2)
Some things from the ep that stood out to me about his ennea 2 core:
"The very first thing that comes to mind when I think of Wooyoung is 'The heart that thinks of those who are precious to him before himself so I think he suits the forget-me-not flower, which means 'true love'." - Seonghwa
"One time when a fan said they know how to give love but don't know how to receive it, Wooyoung replied and said he would teach them both ways. It felt like being embraced by a warm blanket." - Anonymous ATINY
"You, who shines a light on my dark life. Positive, cheerful Wooyoung has completely changed my life." - Anonymous ATINY
"I want to become someone who is needed by someone." - Wooyoung
Wing: 2w3
Wings act as a complement to the core.
With a 3 wing, it adds a need for achievement and success. Wooyoung is definitely goal oriented, accomplishments make him feel worthy of love and praise. He wants to be the best at what he does, which is why he tries so hard to improve in his passions. It's why he tries so hard to improve in his performance and wanting to be the best at his cooking - he has a whole series dedicated to cooking where he pushes himself to learn different techniques for cooking and cutting. He also expanded his menu to be able to cook more different types of food.
As both 2 and 3 are from the same triad, Wooyoung is very image oriented. The best example is one of his recent lives where he was talking about "needing" to lose weight in order to better conform to the ideal idol image. Having a 3 wing gives him a bit of perfectionism, along with very high expectations. He wants to fulfill these expectations in order to gain the love he wants. Although Wooyoung is already quite amazing as is, being a 2w3 may make him feel he still has to look and be a certain way in order to be loved and successful. One of the major things an image/heart type struggles with is never feeling good enough.
Subtype: sx/so
Subtypes show our drive in life.
Sx (sexual/one-on-one): intensity, deep connection
So (social): Group connections, community
Sx 2: Sx 2s want to get to know a person deeply, to know their life story and their soul. This seems to fit Wooyoung best since he said he wants to know the real version of people. He doesn't judge right away - he wants to genuinely take his time to truly understand someone. He wants to be wanted by others.
So 2: Being his 2nd dominant subtype, Wooyoung still values group connections. He's outgoing and friendly and puts effort into creating a nice environment. He wants to do things for others - has said he enjoys cooking and feeding others. Especially when they react positively, it gives him a sense of accomplishment and motivation to get better in order to keep people happy.
Tritype: 278
Tritype is formed up one's dominant type from each center of intelligence (heart, head, gut)
- Head center type: 7 -
Head center focuses on dealing with fear and anxiety.
I think Wooyoung deals with such issues in a 7 way - he's silly and goofy, obviously a fun and overall positive guy, as most 7s are. Even Hongjoong said Wooyoung is good at creating a comfortable atmosphere - they probably would not be as close if it weren't for Wooyoung's ability to make things fun. Whenever things were tense or awkward, Wooyoung would go out of his way to relieve such tension.
- Gut center type: 8 -
Gut center is about reaction, control, and anger.
8's are the most comfortable and open about their anger - they do not repress and are not ashamed. Wooyoung seems to have no difficulty in expressing his disappointments and anger with people. He's quite straightforward and blunt, a bit unfiltered at times. He's also fiercely protective over those he cares about, e.g saying he would bite whoever hurt Seonghwa when some "fans" were being rude to him. He also did a biting motion with his arms as a way to call out the person who had plagiarized their Say My Name dance move. An 8 would definitely be bold enough to do such a thing.
- Stems -
How types connect
2-7: Positivity, playful, fun, charming
7-8: Assertive, can be impulsive, do what they want
2-8: Rejection, take control, protective
Other analysis:
MBTI | Birth chart
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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wonwooverse · 2 years
could you do a short analysis on how often u think atz and svt would have sex? like who would be the type to do it frequently in the same day and none the rest of the week or once but multiple days? just curious heh
multiple times a day (aka horn dogs) - soonyoung, wooyoung, JUN, seungcheol, yunho, SAN, chan, jeonghan
once everyday: joshua, seonghwa , seungkwan, WONWOO, yeosang
few times a week: mingyu, dokeyom, mingi, minghao
whenever they get the chance: vernon, hongjoong, jongho, woozi
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fxirysforesight · 2 months
hey, how are you? hope ur doing well.
for the game id love a compatability ship with ateez, bts and nct 127 thank you!
i was born on 12/11/1994, time 12:11pm and im from lancaster, england originally (:
the kpop song I love at the moment is crazy form and bouncy by ateez ofc bc I couldnt pick one of them lol, and a few others as well it was actually hard to pick a single song.
congrats on the follower count btw
Hello! Here is your analysis! I am doing well and I hope you are too. And thank you <33
NCT 127
Platonic: Mark
7th House in Virgo + Virgo Venus
Scorpio Venus Conjunct Scorpio Mars
Aries Moon + Aries Moon
Aries Moon Trine Sagittarius Mercury
Pisces Saturn Sextile Virgo Venus
Leo Sun Sextile Aries Moon
Compatibility: 7/10
Romantic: WinWin
Sagittarius Sun Conjunct Sagittarius Venus
Sagittarius Sun Conjunct Sagittarius Mars
Sagittarius Mercury Conjunct Sagittarius Venus
Sagittarius Mercury Conjunct Sagittarius Mars
Scorpio Venus Conjunct Scorpio Sun
Scorpio Venus Conjunct Scorpio Mercury
Compatibility: 9/10
Frenemy: Kun
Aries Moon Square Capricorn Sun
Leo Mars Square Taurus Moon
Scorpio Venus Square Leo ASC
Scorpio Venus Square Aquarius Venus
Compatibility: 5/10
Romantic: Jimin
Sagittarius Sun and Mercury + Sagittarius ASC
Scorpio Venus Conjunct Scorpio Venus
Aries Moon Sextile Gemini Moon
Aries Moon Sextile Libra Venus
Sagittarius Jupiter Sextile Libra Mercury
Compatibility: 8/10
Platonic: Namjoon
Sagittarius Mercury Conjunct Sagittarius Moon
Virgo 7th House + Virgo Sun
Sagittarius Mercury Sextile Libra Mercury
Scorpio Venus Conjunct Scorpio Venus
Compatibility: 6.5/10
Frenemy: Taehyung
Aries Moon Square Capricorn Sun
Scorpio Venus Square Aquarius Venus
No Mercury Aspects
Compatibility: 3.5/10
Romantic: Seonghwa
Sagittarius Sun Trine Aries Sun
Sun Trine Mercury Double Whammy
Sagittarius Mercury Trine Aries Mercury
Sagittarius Sun Trine Aries Mars
Sagittarius Mercury Trine Aries Mars
Scorpio Venus Trine Cancer Moon
Sagittarius Sun Sextile Aquarius Venus
Leo Mars Trine Aries Mars
Compatibility: 9/10
Platonic: Mingi
Virgo 7th House + Virgo Venus
Sagittarius Sun Trine Leo Sun
Sun Trine Mercury
Compatibility: 4/10
Frenemy: Wooyoung
No Major Aspects Between Inner Planets
Compatibility: 2/10
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moanz111 · 1 year
✩°⋆。 system error ⋆。°✩ - character profile 2
synopsis ✧ you've always dreamt of having your fantasy-like love story. naturally, hearing the sweet melodic ring of your love alarm was what you wanted the most, right? until it actually happened. four times.
san ʚɞ dance major (final year), doesn't (?) like y/n, hides his emotions well (can get very emotional), actually a sweetheart, wants to open his own flower shop
wooyoung ʚɞ dance major (final year), a menace to society., very loyal, trust him at your own risk, can bite, wants the best for his loved ones
yeosang ʚɞ journalism major (final year), doesn't ask that many questions, kind of wild (wooyoung.), secretly wishes to be a music major
jongho ʚɞ drama major (3rd year), the only person who's asking the right questions, will call you out (very logical)
mingi ʚɞ music major (final year), his lyrics don't make any sense (won't admit it), down to do anything
seonghwa ʚɞ creative writing major (master's 1st year), the most precious human being, must be protected, very shy
yunho ʚɞ psychology major (final year), his psychological analysis is often wrong (unless...), searching for patients 24/7 (carrier oriented), san's personal therapist (actually gives good advice), very random
hongjoong ʚɞ fashion design major (master's 1st year), captain, doesn't really know how he ended up living with the boys (loves it), can be impulsive
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note ✧ no mingis were harmed in the making of this chapter...
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