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Just learned that when school lets out Kitty & Lizzie stay at the school with the White Queen but are pretty much left to roam free after breakfast check in.
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champion-of-love · 7 months ago
eah texting hcs
the charming siblings have a groupchat ofc and dexter is the admin
their gc photo is a blurry picture of their dad midsneeze and they got it from a stock photo website. their dad has tried to sue the photographer's company but lost the suit and it's the trios' favorite photo.
the gc is mostly them sending memes to each other, accusing each other of taking their stuff, or passing messages from their parents to the intended sibling (the charming castle being so massive and all)
their gc names were just their names at first til one day dex got so pissed at daring that he changes his brother's nickname to 'demanding' charming
darling laughed so hard she saw stars and made her twin promise to never change it back
darling's nickname is 'dueling' charming
dexter's nickname is 'dismaying' charming
(he picked it out himself, and daring and darling shared a concerned looked at the other when he did.)
the wonderlandians also have a groupchat. lizzie, maddie and kitty and eventually alistair and bunny
to match all their names, alistair happily changed his nickname to 'allie' and lizzie gave the loudest snort at it
their entire chat is in riddlish and other wonderlandian dialects and theyre happy they get to practice their native tongues even if they're away from home
maddie's messages are sometimes so nonsensical (so wonderlandian) that the kookiness can sometimes short out their mirrorphones
cue to kitty dropping by lizzie and bunny's rooms warning them to not open the groupchat for a while so they don't short out their phones
kitty never warns alistair though, because she thinks it's funny.
alistair just opens that chat with no suspicion and gets flash-banged by maddie's texts and has to spend the rest of the day with no phone, a little hearing loss and dark spots in his vision.
the pink squad also have a groupchat. cupid, briar and hopper, my beloveds.
briar is the admin and the groupchat moves at the speed of light
cupid and briar text rapidfire and send gossip, memes, selfies, screenshots and etc and react as fast to each others' messages as well
hopper wakes up to a massive backread that he has to spend half an hour in the morning catching up or he won't understand what they'll be talking about in lunch
they use that chat to plan events they want to go to and to send photos that they took during the event itself
their gc pic is a group photo of all of them posing pretty cool in front of a mirror during true hearts day (their first party)
they manage to get humphrey to encode some special features into their chat so that:
(a) briar's phone can send a message if she falls asleep alone somewhere to broadcast her location so any one of them can go to her
(b) hopper's phone can also send his location if he becomes a frog and there's no one to turn him back
(c) cupid's phone also sends her location. not because she physically needs help, but because she gets lonely (being further away from home than all of them).
briar and hopper always take this seriously and arrive with hot chocolate, cupcakes and hugs.
anyways this series has been dead for years now but thinking about these kids always gives me the feels and i had to talk about them
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lizzieheartsfanclub · 2 months ago
i love that the first wonderlandians the residents of ever after meet are Maddie, Kitty, and Lizzie who are all batshit crazy (affectionate) in a variety of ways, so they probably assume everyone from wonderland is like that. then Bunny and Alastair show up and they’re just kinda like…normal and nice. don’t threaten to decapitate everyone they meet, don’t disappear into thin air while cackling, don’t pull live animals out of their hats. imagine the realization. “oh yeah not all wonderlandians are super freaks like that that’s literally JUST Maddie, Kitty, and Lizzie”
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daily-eah-facts · 3 months ago
Fact #30:
According to Kitty while disappearing she feels like she's full of soup
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Source: The Book
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everafterwhat · 1 year ago
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I’ve decided that Kitty Cheshire is 100% a contortionist and regularly pulls out the craziest poses and insists that she’s completely comfortable. She also is a huge fan of cartwheeling down the halls of Ever After High, and has somehow NEVER run into anyone (yet).
Idk if Kitty would wear any of these colors canonically but I wanted some pops of color in the piece lol (maybe she’d wear the blue)
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fashion-foxy · 6 months ago
So like I get the emotional process and physical process of the wonderland kids but legally how did they get from wonderland to ever after? Did the government realize what was happening in wonderland and just let them into ever after no questions asked? They're legally enrolled in high-school and mad hatter has a tea shop. I know for a fact wonderland doesn't have the same legal documents as ever after and even if they did I have no idea how they would've gotten those papers in the hurry of fleeing and the queen of hearts definitely didn't help with the immigration process.
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vitafictio · 15 days ago
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white knight & red knight
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oklotea · 6 months ago
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Dragon games Maddie :]
SHEEESSSHHHHHHH it's been a while since I posted anything. Things have been hard 😔 I hope y'all like this piece as much as I do :D I drew this while watching this dragon games review, and I remembered just how much I love Maddie's design in this special.
Have a good day everyone! :3
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dumbdolphin333 · 1 year ago
So we all know that Darling is an honorary wonderlandian, BUT WHAT ABOUT GINGER???
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athena-xox · 1 year ago
Imo all the wonderlandians are somewhere on the queer, trans, poly, neurodivergent and crazy spectrum.
Like that’s just canon to me
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multifandomangel · 1 year ago
i think it’s a fandom wide truth that all wonderlandians are at least a little fruity, right? cause i can’t imagine them dressing the way they do and living in the world they live in AND being homophobic. there’s simply no way
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average day in wonderland be like
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artisgonnabeok · 7 months ago
Lilly Pawn, Ms Her Majesty The White Queen's daughter.
Of course more details under the cut:
This drawing is based off of a character we saw in Way Too Wonderland:
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Which was confirmed to be Lily, the daughter of The White Queen:
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In fact,
Lily actually said in Way Too Wonderland"I never get to play" which is a reference to how in Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (the second Alice book) to how Lilly is too young to play and so Alice takes her place as a pawn.
Now all the details because if you've seen my work you know I fill it full of references and details:
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The first photo has pages from Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, all of which references Lily in some way but specifically they are the pages where The White Queen is looking for Lily/found her. I wanted to add these to show the relationship between The White Queen and her daughter as well as to add a layer of sadness because for YEARS they were separated due to The Wonderland curse.
I specifically picked the quote "Lily's too young to play" as a reference to how in Way Too Wonderland when we meet her she is trying so hard to sound older but acts like a child because she is one. Also because it's an actual quote from the book.
I gave her these scared eyes because that is what she is, a scared pawn who was forced to make it across the board way too fast to become queen.
Also I gave her collar and crown a marble texture because she is a chess piece. Also her eyeliner is a darker marble and her hair has a slight marble pattern to it.
I combined a lot of her mom's characteristics with chess piece characteristics.
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Now for the second picture:
I wanted to highlight her red lips, a feature that stands out for both her and her mom. Especially since most of their outfits/body is unsaturated. Even in the photo you see that her lips are pinkish red but they stand out so much compared to the rest of her.
Also for the title I picked the font and color for the "A Queen" to best resemble The Evil Queen aka the person who caused the curse, who caused them to separate, who caused Lily to become a queen.
In a way it's a way of saying The Evil Queen separated a queen from her kingdom, her daughter, her husband, her sister, her nephew, her niece, everything and forced her daughter who is too young to even play the game, to become the queen in place of her mother.
The Evil Queen wiped the narrative (it's why I added the effect of someone trying to erase ink) and replaced it with her own (why I added the text with a different color and font.)
To wrap it up:
In this fanart I wanted to convey that she is young, a scared child trying to fill in her mother's shoes and forced to by someone who changed the way her story goes.
I thought of this idea while re-reading the book and watching a Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There movie as well as rewatching Way Too Wonderland and seeing Lily in the place of a queen with The White Queen in Ever After. I thought of how tragic this character is just by existing.
Because her main point is that she's young, too young to even play chess, her momma loves her. Yet in EAH she's still young but she's the queen and her mom is all the way in Ever After not knowing if her baby is ok or not, Lily doesn't know if her mom is ok or not.
Ever After High accidentally includes one of the saddest characters just by making Lily a queen.
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lizzieheartsfanclub · 2 years ago
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attempting to clear my camera roll of old eah + text posts pics
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daily-eah-facts · 3 months ago
Fact #29:
Lizzie Hearts has a close relationship with her father.
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Source: The Book.
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everafterwhat · 1 year ago
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Doodle in between midterms, comic pages, and general chaos!!
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