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arpeggio-the-parrot · 4 months ago
Nothing like opening up your Bible to read your favorite verse ❤️
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everwalldigan · 6 months ago
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Bruce being a toxic boy mom when it comes to nightwing will never not be funny as fuck he is literally the biggest nightwing defender one bad word against him and the next day he’ll show up at ur house
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itsmuffiiee · 8 months ago
@daycarefriendpickup hosted a art thing! Wow wow wow! Super fun ::D 10/10 I will be doing this again in the future! I blocked out any art I don’t own! I met such amazing people like @puffinft and @moon-m4n ! ‹𝟹
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My favorite doodle of that day! Lunar Cosmic Brownie Cookie Moon and Vanilla Crème Wafer Cookie Sun!! These are close enough to trickster mode right? (I gotta draw them trickster soon!) Based off some of my favorite treats as a kid!
More Doodles Below!! ・・・・・★
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!! Can’t wait to do this again >::]
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corpusdiem-seizethedead · 8 months ago
Fat Nuggets: *squealing inconsolably*
Angel: *appearing on scene, prepared to commit a murder* What happened??? Who hurt him??? I swear to satan if any of ya-
Husk: *casually turning the page of his reading material* I said he couldn't have two dinners.
Fat Nuggets: *squealing louder*
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emry-stars-art · 10 months ago
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@halfpintpeach asked for fae autumn queen Allison in this dress and she is.. SO pretty ✨
Get a sketch request on kofi 💕
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kaneki-week · 3 months ago
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Kaneki Week, an event celebrating all things Ken Kaneki, is approaching!! Kaneki Week will run from the 16th to 22nd of December 2024. For those interested, please check the prompt list above and guide given below!
1) Please tag this account (@kaneki-week) or use the tag #kanekiweek24 when posting work intended for this event!
2) Tagged submissions will be reblogged from this account from the beginning of the official Kaneki Week to February 1st 2025. Submissions later than this will not be archived here.
3) The prompt list is merely suggestions. If you want to follow your own prompts or inspirations, you are fully welcome to do so! And don’t be pressured to post something for every single day of the week - if that is unrealistic for you, that’s okay, you’re still welcome to participate!
4) You can create whatever art you wish for this event - whether it be writing of any kind, fanart, edits, crafts, a dish that reminds you of Kaneki, literally anything. Generative AI submissions will not be accepted.
5) Please include a line break before any nsfw submissions.
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gaiusjuliuswheezer · 5 months ago
BBC ludwig has already become so meaningful to me and I’m obsessed with how cute john is like. sean stone if he was free and liked puzzles and was a little tiny bit happier
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highly-flammable · 5 months ago
I have watched Galadriel and Celebrimbor’s scene multiple times since 2x07 aired and failed to hold back my tears every single time, which is a testament to how insanely good Morfydd and Charles were in that scene. I really wish they had gotten to explore their family drama in the show a little more.
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bugisbonkerz · 1 year ago
I’M HOSTING A DHMIS REANIMATION COLLAB FOR THE JOBS SONG!!! (for the late anniversary.. yuay!!)
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each animator will be assigned to a job of their choice to animate!! (unless you’d like to work 2 jobs..)
HERE ARE THE JOBS!! (‘HELP WANTED’ means the part is available and ‘POSITION FILLED’ means it’s taken. if there’s a name beside it it means it’s finished)
1: school (POSITION FILLED) astronomalyy
2: office job (POSITION FILLED)
3: football (POSITION FILLED)
4: judge (POSITION FILLED) pizza-feverdream
5: doctor (POSITION FILLED) billypeacockart
6: lumberjack (POSITION FILLED)
7: crypto bro.. (POSITION FILLED) solchle
8: sitting on a chair! (POSITION FILLED)
9: army (POSITION FILLED) transredguy
10: ice cream truck (POSITION FILLED) sn33zy
11: barber (POSITION FILLED) dhmis-autsim
12: fishing (POSITION FILLED) yippeepy
13: astronaut (POSITION FILLED) fluffybirdcentral
14: petersons (POSITION FILLED) totally average kid
15: mailman (POSITION FILLED) retrocandyfloss
16: artist (POSITION FILLED)red-string-and-patches
17: toolmaker (POSITION FILLED)
18: therapist (POSITION FILLED) cosmicxd
(if you’d like to quit your job please dm me!)
here is a video so you know where your part stops and ends!!
and here’s the discord for you guys to discuss it!! i will not be there unfortunately, but the co-director mtsodie will :o]
-keep it SFW obvs..
- don’t make your animation just one frame/a still image.
-don’t directly trace anything
-please don’t ask for a job if you aren’t actually going to participate !!
-AS A NOTE.. the slide transition at the end of your animation to the next will be up to you to animate! :o]
-please don’t use stuff like gacha club/life for your part
-make sure your animation is as long as your clip!!
ONCE YOU’VE FINISHED YOUR ANIMATION EMAIL IT TO [email protected] !! (please ignore the name of my old weird ass email ..) i’m not very good at this sort of thing, so i’d appreciate as much support and reblogs as i can get for this!!
and by all means …. GET CREATIVE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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sweetandglovelyart · 1 month ago
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 16
Meta meets some surprisingly polite bandits in the Float Islands cave system.
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divinebunnii · 4 months ago
Why all of you cunts are always autistic, ADHD or mentally ill?
I guess that normal people don't do what y'all only fans cunts do
what’s crazy is us cunts give the best head and offer the best hole you’ll never get, sad whiney bitch fuck on anon 💗 totally normal behavior by the way ~ oh wait it is *totally normal* to be a pathetic loser hiding behind an invisible face that still chooses to be here following us “not normal cunts” 🤌
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the-adventures-of-dave · 11 months ago
✨Free to a good home!!! 🐱✨
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Looking for someone who enjoys:
Late night soap opera level drama
Debate Club (12am - 2am)
Mysterious thumps in the night
Rattling doors to blur the line between nightmares and reality when you are half asleep
A beautiful singing voice designed to carry kilometres through the jungle
Fight Club (2am-4am)
Snack time (brought to you by the “”””cat proof”””” treat bin)
A sudden desire to throw hands
Priority given to those that are heavily caffeinated, have no love for the concept of sleep, or are afraid of the sun.
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dent-de-leon · 5 months ago
And what if the animated Nein see Mollymauk for the first time when he’s in the middle of performing his Ice Spinner routine at the carnival. What then—
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 years ago
Read Vampire Eddie first!
Dustin shows up first.
They didn’t call him yet, he just seemed to have a fucking sixth sense or something.
Steve had fallen asleep in Eddie’s lap after crying it out, as anyone would do when their sort of friend/sort of enemy comes back from the dead (kind of) unexpectedly.
But he was woken up by a yell that either belonged to a young girl or Dustin Henderson.
“Steve! You better explain what the hell is going on!”
Steve’s eyes blinked up at where Dustin was standing in front of them with his hands on his hips. If it were any other time or day, Steve would probably be proud of him for it.
“Did you have to wake him up? He only just got to sleep.”
Steve sighed before he answered Dustin’s question.
“It was really late and you didn’t answer the radio. We were gonna call when we got up.”
“This isn’t wait to call news, Steve! This is show up at my door news. This is take an ad out in the paper news.”
“Dustin, you’re being dramatic.”
Dustin just stared at him for a moment before throwing his hands up.
“You’re. Sitting. In. Eddie’s. Lap. Steve, you realize he’s been dead for a month! A month!”
“I haven’t been dead for all of it! Only like, three or four days of it!” Eddie looked away. “Or at least that’s how my math is working. But I failed math a few times.”
Dustin was staring between Eddie and Steve.
“What do you mean?”
Steve was still trying to wake himself up. He apparently hadn’t been out for long, but it felt like he was pretty deep into sleep.
He suddenly felt Eddie’s fingers running through his hair.
“‘S not helping.”
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I’ll talk to him.”
Steve let his eyes close, but he still listened to them for a few minutes.
“And why the hell did you come to Steve? You barely know him! You could’ve come to me.”
“Dude, I didn’t pick this. I just appeared here.”
“What do you mean?”
Steve couldn’t see, but Dustin seemed to be calming down from the shock now, focusing on his natural curiosity.
“I just. Thought about being here I guess. Maybe I was delirious or bored. I was definitely lonely. It’s hard wandering that place for so long by yourself, man.”
“Yeah, I don’t know how Will did it.”
“I don’t know either. I’m not even completely human anymore and I was ready to give up.”
Steve was drifting, catching only a few words here and there.
“….explain….Steve….him sweetheart?”
“Just….and….I know….love….”
— — — — — — — — —
Steve woke up in his bed again.
The sun was shining much too brightly for it to be early in the morning, but he couldn’t think of the last time he actually managed to sleep more than a few hours.
He looked over to the bundled up mound under his comforter and everything from the night before came flooding back.
He heard a snore from the floor to his left and leaned over to see Dustin curled up with a blanket and pillow.
Steve has two guest rooms, one of which is frequently used by the kids when they stay over after movie nights. Why wasn’t he in those?
“He didn’t wanna leave either of us.”
Steve jumped at the sound of Eddie’s voice.
It wasn’t loud, in fact, it was barely above a whisper. But he’d assumed Eddie was asleep.
“Woke up a few minutes before you. Dustin snores so loud.”
Steve snorted and then lifted the comforter so he could look at Eddie, who was cuddling with one of Steve’s pillows.
Oh, that was cute
“Okay, I have to tell you something. I should’ve told you before.”
“What is it?”
“I can…kind of…read your mind?”
Oh no.
Oh no.
“Yeah. Sorry. I’m not trying to. You’re the first person I’ve been around so I figured it was just a new thing I could do, but I can’t read Dustin’s mind and we tried a bunch of things. I’m trying to block it out, but it’s hard when it’s just us.”
Eddie looked…was that shame?
Steve couldn’t let him feel ashamed for this. It was not only out of his control, but also a super shitty thing to have to deal with. Listening to Steve’s thoughts? Steve didn’t even like doing that.
“Hey. Be nice.”
“I’m not being mean to you!”
“Not to me! To you!”
Steve couldn’t help the confused look on his face.
Then he realized that if Eddie could read his mind, he could hear when he put himself down.
“You do that often?”
“Treat yourself this badly?”
“Steve.” Eddie placed a hand on his cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth along his cheekbone. “You know how amazing you are, don’t you?”
Steve shook his head.
What else could he do? He couldn’t lie. Eddie would know.
Eddie’s other hand was settled on Steve’s hip, squeezing his fingers just enough to ground Steve.
“Well, since I’m being honest this morning, let me hit you with another truth. This one’s been hanging around for years, and got much worse when you decided to make it worse in the Upside Down.” Eddie took a breath before continuing. “I’ve had a crush on you since your sophomore year. It’s so stupid, right? You were everything I was against. I actively fought with Tommy frequently and you just watched. But I’d always watch you when he was finally done and you’d just be watching me with this look. I don’t even know what it was, maybe I was reading too much into it because you were so god damn cute, I dunno. I’m rambling. Jesus Christ, I’m shutting up now.”
Eddie started to pull away, but Steve wasn’t gonna allow that. Not after that confession.
Not after he’d spent the last month mourning a lot of would’ve, could’ve, should’ve moments.
Steve pulled himself closer to Eddie, hands curling up against his chest, telling himself not to panic when he didn’t feel a heartbeat. He’s alive.
“I didn’t know then. I didn’t know why I looked at you like that. I didn’t know I could feel the way I did about girls and about you. I didn’t have anyone to explain it to me.” Steve’s breath stuttered as he looked up at Eddie, who was watching him with wide eyes. “But I know what it was now. You were pretty god damn cute, too.”
Eddie’s hand found its way back to Steve’s cheek. Steve leaned into it, letting his mind run through thoughts he remembers having about Eddie through high school, the Upside Down, and after.
“You really thought that? You’re not making this all up?”
“I wouldn’t make it up, Eds. You don’t have to believe me, but I want you to know that you’re amazing, too.”
“You two are disgusting.”
Steve and Eddie both jumped at Dustin’s voice, but smiled at each other before Eddie pushed the comforter off of their heads.
Dustin was sitting up on the floor, sleepy eyes still managing to glare at them in bed.
“Sorry, bud. Forgot you were there.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Dustin yawned. “I’m gonna go let everyone know that Eddie’s back and wants their blood.”
“Hey! I do not! I just want some blood, not their blood.”
“It’ll be fun to make them think so, though.”
“Dude, the way to break this news to them is not gonna be making them think Eddie’s Dracula.”
Eddie snorted at Steve’s words and Dustin shook his head.
“There is no other way to break the news. You two get whatever this is out of your system by dinner time. Everyone’s gonna want to see you.”
When Dustin had this particular tone, they knew they had to listen. Which was kind of annoying because they’re the adults, but whatever.
Steve was kind of just glad that Dustin was showing some emotions besides anger and sadness again.
“Fine. Don’t come back before 7. If you do, I’m not sorry for what you walk in on.”
Steve felt himself blush as Eddie spoke.
“Gross! Can you at least pretend I’m not leaving you two to have sex? Jesus.”
“Nobody said anything about sex. You’re such a teenage boy, Dustin.”
Steve giggled as he rested his head against Eddie’s chest.
Dustin didn’t add anything else to the conversation, probably sensing that Eddie was going to say more embarrassing things the more he argued.
“Seriously. 7:00. Be dressed and at least mildly presentable,” he said as he left the room.
Steve felt Eddie relax and wrap his arms around him, resting his fingers along his spine and tapping a melody. He did that a lot against his own leg or tables, Steve had noticed before everything happened. It seemed like a nervous habit, but he shouldn’t be nervous now. They’d done the hard part already; Admitted feelings and faced the possibility of rejection.
“Hey. What’s wrong?”
Steve didn’t want to look up at his face yet. Not if he was changing his mind.
“I’m. Well, I do need some blood.” He started to pull his arms away from Steve, like he was actually going to leave this very warm and cozy bed. “I can be back quick. I mean, animal blood seems to work pretty well so.”
Steve looked at him.
Really looked at him.
He shouldn’t do this.
He really shouldn’t do this.
“I mean I have plenty of blood. Like, if you didn’t wanna go out.”
Eddie stared at him, possibly not even comprehending what he was subtly (not really) offering.
Steve tried not to feel too proud about rendering Eddie nearly silent, but considering how much Eddie always spoke, he counted it as a win.
“I mean, you don’t need much right? It’s like donating blood. People do it all the time.”
“Steve. I can’t. I can’t drink your blood.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not sure I’ll stop.”
Something about that made butterflies appear in his stomach, which is probably not the right reaction to someone saying they could drain your entire body of its blood. Steve was learning a lot about himself today.
“You’ll stop.”
“I’ve never had a human’s blood before, sweetheart. I don’t know if I could stop even if I wanted to.”
“You’ll stop.”
Eddie shook his head.
“I can’t take that risk with you. Not unless I know I could stop.”
“How else will you know if you don’t try?”
“I don’t know, but I can’t use you as a test subject. Especially not while we’re alone. Someone should be around in case I can’t stop.”
“We’ll call Robin then.”
Steve started to sit up so he could use the phone by his bed to call her when he felt Eddie’s hands on his shoulders.
“Steve. I don’t know if it’s a good idea. The few times I’ve drank from an animal that was still alive, they were like, hypnotized? I don’t want you to get like that. You wouldn’t have any control.”
Steve’s reaction was probably not what either of them expected, and it definitely wasn’t normal.
He whimpered. Like he was already being drained of blood.
And he was, kind of. It was all going to his dick.
Eddie looked like he might actually eat Steve. Steve was gonna be okay with that, actually.
“Steve. I have to go. I don’t think I have enough control.”
Steve sounded desperate, which was what he was. He’d be embarrassed about it if he could think about anything other than having Eddie’s mouth on his neck, teeth in his skin.
Steve was crawling into Eddie’s lap, wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he could.
If Eddie had any type of super strength, he wasn’t using it to push him away.
Steve counted that as another win.
“I can hear what you’re thinking. This isn’t fair to you. I have every advantage.”
“I want you to.”
“What if I can’t stop?”
His voice was quiet and Steve paused for a moment to gently cup his cheeks in his hands.
“I know you can. You’ve had every opportunity to hurt me, Eds. You could’ve hurt Dustin. You could have run from here by now and gone to anyone’s house and hurt them. But you haven’t. And you won’t hurt me. You’ll stop when you’ve had enough.”
“I don’t know that I could ever have enough of you.”
If Steve wasn’t fully on board with this before, that would have sold him on it for sure.
This may be a risk, but it was a risk Steve would rather die than not take.
“I trust you, Eds.”
He felt more than saw Eddie give in.
Steve rested his forehead against Eddie’s and closed his eyes.
He took a shaky breath, suddenly nervous that he’d made a fool of himself. He pushed the nerves down, though, knowing Eddie would leave if he thought Steve was having doubts.
“I want you to take what you need from me. Please.”
Part 3
TAG LIST: @bisexualdisastersworld
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months ago
i think they’re just fun little coincidences, but the way nghy’s story so far is filled with the experiences of past cec couples is just so cute!!
like the sporty childhood friend romance of kthn
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and the initial turned down confession
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and “what is love??” crisis (and consequential realisation of feelings) of mochiaka
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and the long-distance (for the sake of their dreams) unrequited love of the harucouple
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and that’s not even getting into the dynamic parallels between nghy and other couples, which may be kind of a stretch, if i’m being honest so i’m not including them, since their stories all written by the same crew, so there’s bound to be some overlap there
it’s kind of like hw has written a couple made up of their favourite bits from their prior pairs, whether intentionally or not, and i’m all for it tbh~~~ i’m sure there’re still more (perhaps accidental?) callbacks to come, considering how early we are in nghy’s story, so let’s watch their little fairytale unfold together!!
let nghy be the clichéd couple to end all clichéd couples!!!!!!!!
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baycitystygian · 9 months ago
least heterosexual “straight” men on the planet fifty odd years running
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