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yogadaily · 1 year ago
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(via @alchemy_of_yoga posted to Instagram: Authenticity is: Trust Love Kindness Courage Fearlessness It … | Teach yoga online, Online yoga teacher training, Yoga anytime  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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ancestralvoices · 6 years ago
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#Repost @healincolor • • • • • • | we are not just minds/brains. we are not simple, compartmentalized beings. we are complex, whole, dynamic beings and all of our parts/aspects are interconnected. if we live enough life, navigating the intangible oppressive forces that work against us, it can be tempting to carry on, power forward, body forth without acknowledging the impact on our entire selves. some of us have regular physical exams, but would never step foot in a therapy office. some of us are on our herb/plant game but feel like strangers in our own bodies. some get regular chiropractic adjustments but don’t know what it’s like to experience peace of mind. and while it may be more comfortable in moments to partition ourselves it dilutes our power. woundedness, no matter the source, has a holistic impact. and so we are called to heal, holistically, as whole beings with parts that need each other to show up in our power. | what part of yourself/healing are you neglecting? do you know where to go to find support in healing mind, body, heart, & spirit? - #healer #healersofcolor #peopleofcolor #healing #womxnofcolor #menofcolor #decolonizeyourhealing #fortheancestors #reclamation #creatives #somatictherapies #doulas #herbalists #plantmedicine #forthehealers #movementtherapy #bodywork #wombhealing #healincolor #latinx #BIPOC #africanspirituality #indigenous #curandera #traditionalmedicine #acupuncture #energyhealing #arttherapy #naturopathicmedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ouvJUHbRh/?igshid=gyx4u8clwb06
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kiandsonic · 6 years ago
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we’re Ki & Sonic. (circa 2016)
we met in NYC in 2015 after sonic got off of The Voice and started creating together.
It’s been nearly 4 years & we still rockin’.
Check out Sonic’s debut LP “SEASONS” available on streaming platforms everywhere.
IG: @uhkiea @sonicwavs
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soilknowledge · 6 years ago
To be there with you.
I wish I could be there with you. 
Where ever that may be. 
I wish to speak about the things on my mind, about the cruelties of the world, about the happiness found within it. 
Or about how your childhood heroes/heroines play a role in your being to this day. 
Even about the flaws you bury inside, trying to kick under the rug. Let’s take a look into each other to see what we find. Dirt and purity is what I seek.
There could never be such a love as strong.
Except for the rest of the world loving as passionately. 
Imagine a world whole heartedly loving you. I’m here to tell you that they do. Because you would not be here without the love and might of your world surrounding you. 
Now think of me by your side to keep you warm at all times. 
This is my scrambled love letter to you because I can’t yet put in words my honor towards you. I can’t yet put in description my level of care and tenderness for you. 
Just know, that I wish I could be there with you, discussing our next political moves to change the pendulum swing in all of our favor.  
Sleep tight at night knowing that you have yet to shake my hand, to meet your match. Sleep with the intent of meeting one day. 
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princesscharmont · 6 years ago
‪Call for Submissions: Virginia Residents, please.‬
‪This is for Womxn identifying, non-bianary, and otherly identifying people. We want to hear YOU.‬
‪Your writing will be paired with an Artist’s 🎨 based on YOUR work! Check out the link for more!
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gloriousgingy · 6 years ago
My latest single
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harmreduction · 6 years ago
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Join the fight to reunite Black families by donating to break open a cage for Mothers,Day! National Bail Out is bailing out Black womxn all week! 
More info: http://bit.ly/free-more-mamas
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thehauntedbyhumans · 6 years ago
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Still learning to love my face. How easily it sunburns. How my eyes aren’t quite the same size. How the bridge of my nose, which I used to be teased for, takes up so much space. In working through self-deprecation, it’s easy to forget that there are things I love about my face. Like the way it browns and freckles in the summer. The way my cheeks are perpetually pink (thank you sunburn 😂). The way my left cheek dimples hard. The color of my eyes, which change and morph in the light. For the most part, I avoid looking at my own face because it makes me very insecure. I am afraid of beauty standards, how they make women of all shapes and sizes feel that they must measure up in order to be worthy. These are still things worth challenging. But today, I looked at my face. And I liked what I saw. And I want to share that joy, even if it’s only for today. Thank you for allowing me to indulge in my own joy. ❤️ #beauty #challenge #beautystandards #change #womxn #womxnofcolor #woc #mixed #indian #polish #selflove #love #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Rqj9sga1A/?igshid=eqsefq9k5f70
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chumanimtshixa-blog · 6 years ago
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Moloweni, Bhotani and Hello 
Welcome to my queer world. I hope to keep up this times and share as much as I can about my life, times and experiences. Be ready and prepare for a world of queer taboos namanyala. I am a Xhosa womxn and soon you will find out that I’m so good at honoring titles so I always shy away from them. I hope to share more about what informs my fears, laughter and ambition to life. 
A little about the picture above: it is a picture from a family shoot I did titled Seat At the Table. The project was to capture visually what it means to be enough as a woman, and that despite our differences we are all the same and we are all enough just as we are. We become more not by achieving things but by achieving self love and appreciation. I strongly believe in reaching my goal, whatever that maybe (as you will find it changes as often as Cape Towns weather). I reach for my dreams and will achieve them no matter what, whatever it takes and against all odds, because there is no going back, asijiki!. As we llok at the sun jongilanga 
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lainmensidaddelanada · 6 years ago
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Dibujo hecho por Náantau
Don’t remove this caption
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thebalkanwitch · 6 years ago
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If reading this makes you uncomfortable, or defensive, good
It means you need to take a deeper look at yourself
Being served second, while others don't even have a seat at the table, is not enough
Are you really fighting for everyone or just fighting for yourself, first?
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archietype-ink · 6 years ago
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Support women #Repost * * * #artists #designers #writers #womxn #womxnofcolor #blackwomen #brownwomen #latinx https://www.instagram.com/p/Bonr97fhITH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10qio76uh6h1r
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ama-creatives · 6 years ago
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#totalshutdown #stopkillingourlesbians #womxnsmarch #womxnofcolor
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brownsugarlit · 4 years ago
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Happening Sunday, August 30th! The Sweet Honey Sessions will be a series of events hosted by our magazine, starting with our very first workshop. At this workshop, we’ll introduce you to us, the editors and founders of the magazine. We’ll also go into more detail on what we look for in a submission, and of course, we’ll write! RSVP on EventBrite or Facebook, so we have an idea of how many of your beautiful faces to expect. Although the event is free, we are still asking for donations to our gofundme 💛 #writingworkshop #literarymagazine #womxnofcolor #brownsugarlit #blackstoriesmatter #literature #workshop #poetry #fiction #memoir (at Zoom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_qKF6lkS_/?igshid=15fwm32qppv56
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louisewoodcock · 5 years ago
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We’re in Chiron, time of the wounded healer. Let’s feel, heal, and self-empower. *fft share 🙏 Hi all, I’m Lou. I’m a healer from a mixed race and working class background. I experienced loss and addiction in my home from an early age and have been working through my trauma in earnest for the past 5 years. I’ve always been battling to live the life I choose, but have now learned how to get into my ‘flow’ with a heart full of passion, vivid imagination and sharper mind. I’m an artist in Manchester’s inspirational Queer community. My work ventures into the shadows of being, fearlessly fighting for liberation, often in collaboration, especially for those who have been marginalised and even criminalised by society. It’s always a celebration. New found strength came from being ok with vulnerability, something I was afraid of. My experience as a support worker for those struggling with housing, domestic violence, mental health, addiction and learning differences; visiting prisons, working in youth projects for 10 years, has given me deep insight into cycles and patterns that can limit our lives in many ways. I am a reiki master, practicing transcendental meditation for 11 years + yoga, pranayama, tai chi. My spiritual practice has guided me, 12 step programmes and research into cptsd (complex: from childhood trauma), tantric practice in chakra, shamanism, and ‘deprogramming’ the unconscious. I received spiritual instruction and healing in 2018 across India which has greatly increased my skills and intuitive knowledge. If I resonate with you, don’t hesitate to get in touch. A recent testimonial: ‘negative self talk’ decreased by 70% (after one session). *Prices of sessions vary according to income+. Medical consultation is encouraged for all clients, and required for serious health issues. Please DM or text +447958050730 #Vision #Empowerment #Authenticity #Trans #Poc #bame #healer #workingclass #fem #masc #freehealing #womxn #cptsdrecovery #womxnofcolor #blacklivesmatter #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia #nonbinary #activist #artist #freedom #wellbeing #trauma #traumarecovery #cptsd #lifecoach #shadowworker #cptsd #authenticity (at Hulme) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtqHBYAoPG/?igshid=1riw4evm586ma
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womxnintheenvrmtalmvmt · 5 years ago
Dana Alston
Dana Alston
Dana Alston (1951-1999) was an environmental justice advocate best known for planning and hosting the 1991 National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, a gathering made to redefine environmental issues to include African, Latinx, Native, and Asian Americans from across the 50 states. Following the conference, she attended the 1992 Earth Summit and Global Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Before making waves on the international scale, Alston advocated for people of color in any capacity she held. With countless papers published under her name and connections with organizations reverberating her cause, Alston paved the way for environmental justice to be incorporated into all conversations concerning both institutionalized racism and environmental issues.
 In her early career, Alston received a masters in occupational and environmental health from Columbia University, worked for the Red Cross where she addressed issues rising from toxics and nuclear power problems, and also served as staff on Rural America, an organization made to deal with pesticides and its exposure to farmworkers. She served on the founding board of the Southern Rural Women’s Network which sought to give rural women more power over their economic lives by providing better access to healthcare and education. Alston also directed the Environment, Community Development, and Race Program at the Panos Institute (now known as the Panos Network). The organization was focused on developing countries, but Alston facilitated a program catered to domestic people of color organizations whose niche was environmental justice. It led her to take part in the planning committee for the First National People of Color Environmental Summit in 1991, one of the defining moments in the environmental justice movement. 
Although Alston has made waves in bringing the environmental justice movement to an international scale, many still do not know her name. 
Learn more about her and the Summit here: https://www.reimaginerpe.org/20years/alston
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