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ancestralvoices · 5 years ago
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#Repost @kindredmedicine • • • • • • | between us & our ancestors, there are no gaps in what we have to offer to our communities. inequity in access to quality holistic healthcare options, traditional + modern healing practices goes away if we come together. the system was designed to make us sick (and it’s working) and prevent our access to our medicine, and to each other. this needs to end. what medicine do you have to offer + hold our communities? share in the comments. join me in our virtual gathering for healers of color 3.11.2020 @ 4pm pst to continue this conversation. registration link in bio. | #kindredmedicine #healersofcolor #holdthehealers #closethegap #healingvillage #qtpochealers #decolonizeyourhealing #decolonizeyourmedicine #wearethemedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Y2F4qjjbq/?igshid=yn3ypgyqqj7b
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thereal-courtneycrosslin · 5 years ago
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[repost] . . There is something called #Synesthesia. Defined As: “the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.” 🔨 🔨 🔨 I often say #ISeeWithMyHands. Little did I know when I first said it, just how true that is. 🔨 It's amazing what we can learn on this journey when we go deeper/beyond mainstream topics as it relates to this journey -- piecing things together. 🔨 If you're familiar with #ASMR and #EFT this might make sense: Most of us are so used to touching things that have been sanded, buffed and polished to perfection. Things in their natural state (or close to it) often make us feel uncomfortable and then our brains translate that as imperfect or wrong -- Much like the ways we a westerners deal with people who have certain “mental illnesses.” However, if we’re able to get past those initial feelings, we will often find that working with the unknown can be liberating to the extent of being therapeutic. 🔨 It takes us back to a state/place before industrialization, etc. -- a place many are doing emotional work to remember -- who we were, before… 🔨 Working with my hands is kinda like that. I guess one might say that being #Psychic, highly intuitive or empathic is much like that. 🔨 This brings me back to the #MeditationBoards and their texture. Because they are #ReclaimedWood, they’re often not perfect -- and since I make it a point not to manipulate them too much, they still have a lot of shape to them and texture - each unique -- carrying its own energy. So the visual while meditating is a different experience. 🔨 🔨 🔨 . . . . . . #THOTreader #CourtneyCrosslin #Neurophilosophy #ArtTherapy #MultidimensionalBeing #HealingArts #MedicineWoman #ExtrasensoryPerception #HealingHands #EmotionalWellBeing #DecolonizeYourHealing #Meditation #Mindfulness #EmergeCommitTransform #EnergyHealing #Bruja #GoddessVibes #Chakras #Reiki #handmadewithlove #lightlanguage #alifeofintention #conjure https://www.instagram.com/p/B9w9_XPneSi/?igshid=t1jhbwj3ggb7
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ancestralvoices · 6 years ago
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#Repost @healincolor • • • • • • | we are not just minds/brains. we are not simple, compartmentalized beings. we are complex, whole, dynamic beings and all of our parts/aspects are interconnected. if we live enough life, navigating the intangible oppressive forces that work against us, it can be tempting to carry on, power forward, body forth without acknowledging the impact on our entire selves. some of us have regular physical exams, but would never step foot in a therapy office. some of us are on our herb/plant game but feel like strangers in our own bodies. some get regular chiropractic adjustments but don’t know what it’s like to experience peace of mind. and while it may be more comfortable in moments to partition ourselves it dilutes our power. woundedness, no matter the source, has a holistic impact. and so we are called to heal, holistically, as whole beings with parts that need each other to show up in our power. | what part of yourself/healing are you neglecting? do you know where to go to find support in healing mind, body, heart, & spirit? - #healer #healersofcolor #peopleofcolor #healing #womxnofcolor #menofcolor #decolonizeyourhealing #fortheancestors #reclamation #creatives #somatictherapies #doulas #herbalists #plantmedicine #forthehealers #movementtherapy #bodywork #wombhealing #healincolor #latinx #BIPOC #africanspirituality #indigenous #curandera #traditionalmedicine #acupuncture #energyhealing #arttherapy #naturopathicmedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ouvJUHbRh/?igshid=gyx4u8clwb06
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thereal-courtneycrosslin · 7 years ago
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i told ya that this would not be your regular kinda "retreat" for women. this will be for women who are tired of retreating and ready to forge ahead! ⚔⚔⚔ so if you're a Chica interested in #forging, #knifemaking, #knifethrowing, #blacksmithing...basically for women not afraid to be wild and get dirty. . . more updates in the way. sign up for newsletter at emergecommittransform.com. registration via eventbrite . . . #THOTreader #courtneycrosslin #womenintrades #wildwomen #womenempoweringwomen #handmadeaxes #shango #witchesofcolor #oya #womenblacksmiths #multidimensionalbeing #higherconsciousness #outofthebox #daretobedifferent #thefutureisfemale #selfmastery #lightworkers #decolonizeyourhealing
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thereal-courtneycrosslin · 7 years ago
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☕️ What's in your cup? ☕️ We've all seen the meme(s) that say something like "turn 💩 into fertilizer." As some of you know, I'm not a fan of memes. Sure, some make me laugh, but most make me feel like they take away from OUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES and making us feel all philosophical while leaving out the pondering part. If we're rapidly pushing out meme after meme using the words of another, when do we take time to stop and ponder and apply (if applicable)? Our experiences are not theirs and theirs are not ours. I made this using an old coffee filter. A coffee filter that many of us throw out every day. Shall we say another person's 💩? Yes, some use old coffee grinds but most don't. Most of us just throw it in the trash. [side note: there are TONS of cool things you can use old coffee grinds and filters for. if interested, do a quick web search.] Anyway, when was the last time YOU REALLY turned shit (a less than desirable experience, trash, life "crisis," etc.) into fertilizer (an opportunity, expansion, etc.) in a new way that will leave an #energeticblueprint on this 🌎? Try and take some time today to do an internal/external inventory of all the things you'd consider 💩/💀 and figure our how you can Flip It to turn it into fertilizer. ...and when you're thinking about me the next time you empty your coffee pot - I Love You! ☕️☕️☕️ . . . . #handmadewithlove #reclaimedwood #makersmovement #lightlanguage #makersgonnamake #wearethemakers #thismakerslife #highvibe #energywork #THOTreader #coffegrinds #brujas #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #raiseyourvibration #higherconsciousness #arttherapy #dnaactivation #soulhealing #alternativeliving #holisticlifecoach #naturalprocess #ascensionsymptoms #raiseyourvibration #mentalhealth #selfcareissacred #decolonizeyourhealing
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