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princess-lilura · 2 years ago
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Wild women are an unexplainable spark of life. They ooze freedom and seek awareness, they belong to nobody but themselves, yet give a piece of who they are to everyone they meet. If you have met one, hold onto her, she'll allow you into her chaos but she'll also show you her magic.
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annnan · 2 years ago
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dun-scathach · 2 years ago
I am wild waves dancing deep-sea determination
the clarity of raindrops and the complexity of a storm
I fill you to the brim with blood, sweat and tears I hold you, envelop you, through rough and through calm
I am life seeping through roots and sap rising in leaf
I am quench of thirst and emotion buried deep
I am sea-salt and sand-full stretched across the earth
I am tears for the end I am safe arms at birth
I am, always. Water.
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pashashana · 1 year ago
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My home is my happy place.
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mypow · 2 years ago
"She was a wild one; always stomping on eggshells that everyone else tip-toed on." - Kaitlin Foster
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manicormystic · 2 years ago
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ashymcgee · 2 years ago
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"I can't bring myself to follow the rules Come with me if you want to get on the news..." Prof | Time Bomb . Pop Quiz: Reality or Movie? . SCENE: Two thick, nerdy women, one an Emmy Award Winner, agree to stuff themselves into the trunk of convertible Tesla owned by a multimillionaire Baseball Player who also agrees to drive them down the midnight streets of Los Angeles to sing karaoke in Koreatown. . Real? Or Not? . @jul3ia and I will never tell. . #wildwomen #nerdywomen #losangeles #aboutlastnight #tesla (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4v2LRPEIZOhvWaEMVvjMi6EmxOJPrKSy9tfA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cakeniron · 2 years ago
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"I can't bring myself to follow the rules Come with me if you want to get on the news..." Prof | Time Bomb . Pop Quiz: Reality or Movie? . SCENE: Two thick, nerdy women, one an Emmy Award Winner, agree to stuff themselves into the trunk of convertible Tesla owned by a multimillionaire Baseball Player who also agrees to drive them down the midnight streets of Los Angeles to sing karaoke in Koreatown. . Real? Or Not? . @jul3ia and I will never tell. . #wildwomen #nerdywomen #losangeles #aboutlastnight #tesla (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4vxnMJ7v7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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facetofacetarot · 2 months ago
Many women stand together, exuding an aura of strength, mystery, and rebellion.
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cowgirlsuntamed · 2 years ago
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Wild Cowgirl Top! We love leopard here at Cowgirls Untamed, and this casual top is a must have. Perfect for spring! S-2X, runs large and has stretch. Cotton blend. Shown with our black cardi and handmade jewelry. 
Cowgirls Untamed - Small Online Cowgirl Boutique
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teratocrat · 1 year ago
undomesticating your puppygirls with my Plowshares-Into-Swords Technique and running through the woods naked at the head of a pack of wildwomen
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templeofmaatknoxville · 2 months ago
WildWomen, WiseWomen & Witches - A new paradigm for Maiden, Mother & Crone
I run a small private group on FB with adjacent sites at IG & YouTube on the Feminine Divine - A safe space for women moving forward during a lot of cultural change. The following essay was written for my previous Patreon by the same name. I hope you enjoy
Maiden, Mother & Crone The times are changing… with the growing awareness of the spectrum that IS gender, the range and diversity of expression, the many colorful and unique voices that are part of our humanity, it is time to reevaluate in our ongoing effort to Restore the Goddess, some of the more traditional forms perhaps needing a bit of an update to evolve into a more inclusive and embraceable form of the Feminine Divine.
I have spoken to many women over the decades who have expressed great dissatisfaction with the Great Goddess archetypes of Maiden, Mother and Crone. From discussion on the fact that a Maiden does not mean virgin, to the ageism that is intrinsic in the form of the Crone to the feminist movements of the 70s that exalted the independent woman, not for her womb, but for her intelligence and power and to many other patriarchal nomenclature we can no longer embrace.
It might be a time for a deeper dive into this concept and new ways to embrace the concepts represented. For quite some time, I have chosen agrarian terms to express this 3-Fold Goddess… with the sprout of a plant being the maiden, the bloom or fruit of a plant being the mother and the seed itself, in the dark earth, the crone. This is a really lovely way to approach the energies of the Goddess, but more importantly, we must examine the various thresholds that are part of our feminine experience, expressed in divine form.
We are WildWomen, WiseWomen and Witches… Maiden: I think of the Maiden archetype as ripe with youth, empowered by passion and dancing precariously on a precipice of life & death… challenging mortality with an independent spirit, self-assured and maybe even cocky, with a deep connection to Nature that will remain throughout her days. She is like Diana of the Forest and a sister of the Dryads, fierce and untamed. She is a WildWoman, young and with lots of energy, driven by a rather naïve sentiment retained from childhood, but coming face to face with her own power…the New Witch just beginning to blossom on her path and deepen her connection with herself by connecting to nature. She is the seed of the WiseWoman and will hold fast all the experiences of this time in her life as they inform her future. If you are in the Maiden phase, how you relate to the Mother or Crone (Blossom and Seed, Young Woman and Mature Woman) will be different in these years… The Mature Woman will be a mother or a mentor and the Crone will be an elder who perhaps you have been taught to respect, or have chosen to honor because of a special connection, like a grandmother or teacher.
Mother Mother…We must never allow this role to be devalued. Being a Mother, bearing a child is a phenomenal and life-changing experience. As a single mom, I have great respect for the responsibility that comes with this and as the daughter of an amazingly spiritual woman, I am thankful for how I have been ‘mothered’, but just like me, my mother was a woman first. And not every woman chooses to be a mother. That does not make her any less of a woman. This is the one ‘concept’ within the 3-Fold Goddess that has become the most problematic, at least at this moment in time. How many young, fertile women hear “when are you going to have a kid”? OR “when are you going to settle down and start a family”. These are patriarchal remnants of a cultural fabric that is unravelling, so it is incumbent on us to weave a new and stronger tapestry that honors women as autonomous, unique and sacred beings.
So, how do we redesign? Blossom for Mother is a simple start, but let’s examine the period of life that Motherhood encompasses. I use the term ‘mature’ woman because she is no longer an ingenue’. She has experiences under her belt that make her wiser, more discerning, but perhaps not yet free or even finished with patterns and habits that inhibit her growth. She has greater resources, more refined desires and hopefully, a strong support system not only of family, but other strong and confident women. I think of Hera and Brigid, but also of figures like Mary Magdalene and the Goddess Sophia, perhaps the most supernal expression I know of Feminine Wisdom besides Shekinah.
The Mother is the ‘Presence’ of the Goddess, comprised of the experiences of her youth while shaping the events of her future, preparing for a time when life will slow down, her responsibilities will diminish and the body will need more rest. As someone who is knocking on the door of the Crone (delightfully so, I might add) how I now relate to those in their ‘Sprout’ or seedling phase as more than one generation removed, as the ‘younger generation’ to whom we must provide as much support as we can. As I leave this sense of ‘mother’ albeit raising my grandchild, I see more with the eyes of the Crone…
As a mature woman, I engage with the Goddess much differently than I did as a young woman. Then, she was the Great Mother Isis and the Independent Goddess Diana… I looked up to Her, sought Her guidance. Now, I think of Isis as my sister. It was actually a very natural development. When I work with Hekate, I go to Her Hearth, sit beside the fire for a spell and converse with Her as if She was my older and wiser sister….
Crone And now, when I work with the Crone, I see a true WiseWoman, shaped by her experiences and allowing life to flow gracefully and eternally, awakening to worlds not only beyond death, but beyond time, space, perspective…. The Crone is the Elder, the Sage, the Seer, the Shaman, the WiseWoman in the Woods. Her knowledge is buried deep in the earth, where the seed of ‘All-Potential’ lies dormant from one season to another, always part of the cycle… what must it be like beyond this dimension? Does the same cycle apply?
So The Great Goddess is all these things… She is Maiden, Mother, Crone, Daughter, Sister, Lover…. Provider, Savior, Destroyer…. I encourage you to start embracing a more inclusive paradigm, not just the politically correct terms, but the ones formed in compassion and empathy for all human life. That is why I chose Sprout, Blossom and Seed. My Blossom is fading, but the seeds that will result will help create a new generation of love and hope.
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pashashana · 1 year ago
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Never let someone's opinion stop you. Dance in the wild, sing to the flowers
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eulembrodelemuria · 2 years ago
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"O retorno a si mesmo será paciente. alguns passos parecerão longos, cansativos, uma repetição contínua, outros passos serão breves, curtos, um destino temporário. Sempre há chaves em cada parada de sua jornada que o ajudam a abrir o caminho de volta para casa." ** * * * Estamos no Telegram. Vá em nossa bio. Sua jornada começou. #journey #spiritualjourney #jornadaespiritual #jornadadaalma #jornada #livres #PazeBem #5d #gaia#vegan #esoterico #despertar #espiritualidade #espiritualismo #spirituality #esoteric #meditação #meditation #witch #wicca #bruxas #wildwomen #eusuperior #divindade #consciencia #buscainterior #vocêéluz #vocepode #mudança #transformação https://www.instagram.com/p/CobDkNVrBCz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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enjoy-the-small-thingsxx · 10 months ago
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wyldwon · 1 year ago
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One Day…
an army of furious older women will take over the world.
And I want to be there at the front.
Because one day, every woman wakes up and realises, that quite frankly, they put themselves through too much.
Trying to fit in, trying to be enough, to be attractive, to be acceptable, to be responsible, to be reliable, to be a mother, to be a wife, to be a friend, to be a carer, to hold a career, to keep it all spinning effortlessly….
And in a flash, years and years of back-breaking conformity, whizzes before your eyes and you have a lightbulb moment…
It was never going to happen.
We could never have done it all.
For it is not possible.
No man could do it either. Not a chance.
Women of this world, beautiful, wonderful women – let that lightbulb go on sooner rather than later because when it does, you will be free.
Free to live.
Free to mess up.
Free to take breaks and make mistakes.
Free to pass over on the list of things you ‘should’ be doing.
And you will understand that whatever you did today, it was enough.
You are enough.
One day, an army of furious older women will take over the world and I want to be there, right at the front.
Donna Ashworth
Pre-order my new book here: https://amzn.eu/d/eDGFsCs (UK only other countries coming very soon)
#growingolder #womensupportingwomen #women #poetryforthesoul #wordsofwisdom #fridayvibes #helenmirren #womentribe #wildwomen #wiser
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