#women obey husband in Islam
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secular-jew · 3 months ago
I can't tell if it's Botox of if she's scared
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radfemsiren · 4 months ago
no idea if you talked about this before, but can you talk about the muslim belief for paradise because...i find it very weird
Yeah Muslim men are promised houris, or “young, pale female virgins,” … 72 is the common number that’s spoken but that specific number is from a weak Hadith. But the promise of virgins being offered comes from many strong hadiths and ayahs of the Quran, so it’s a solid Islamic concept. They are basically sex slaves god creates for men, they don’t use the bathroom, don’t eat, they just exist to have sex with Muslim men in heaven.
Female Muslimahs that reach heaven don’t get any sex doll virgins at our disposal tho lol. And we still must obey under her husband’s rule in heaven … Muslim women get to be “the queen of the houris” so still a sex slave, just a high ranking one. Muhammad also said any feelings of jealousy we might feel at our husbands many wives, Allah will take that away! How considerate! 🙄
So if that doesn’t expose how much of a male fantasy Islam is .. idk what does. I can make an indepth post going more into it, the description of houris is… kinda insane lmao
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feministfang · 5 months ago
Islam is the most misogynistic religion on earth. It’s the most oppressive cult for women among all abrahamic religions. Women can’t get out of their house. Women have to hide themselves in black tents they wear from head to toe. Women can’t even show one strand of hair. Check out the comments under any Pakistani female celebrity’s post and you will be disgusted. Women get attacked by religious bigots even for wearing half-sleeves. Women can’t initiate divorce easily and a lot of them are stuck in abusive marriages. Women are supposed to obey their husbands and can’t deny sex or they will be cursed by their god. Marital rape is allowed and encouraged in islam. Parents’ inheritance is not divided equally between brothers and sisters because women are expected to get married and rely financially on their husbands. Only men can be authority figures and be leaders, women are supposed to be quiet and submissive. Their prophet (idol) was literally a fuckin pedo. And these are just a few examples of how women are treated in islam. I don’t get how these dumbass muslim women still find the audacity to say shit like 'iSlAm iS tHe mOst peAceFul rEligIoN and tHe mOst fEmiNistic religion cAusE iT gAve wOmEn tHeIr rIgHts 1400 yeaRs aGo' what right?? Where’s the right lol?? All i see is oppression and violence in your religion. You can’t even give your opinion without some man’s permission but because his money is your money and your money is also yours you think islam fulfilled all your desires. It’s true that the more religious a person is, the more narrow-minded they are but muslim women have crossed all limits of stupidity. So glad i cut off such people from my life and saved one woman from converting to islam. ☪️ancer religion!!
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julaibib · 3 months ago
How can a Muslim woman best the best wife to her husband?
She is the one who it is thought will guard her chastity and her honour in the husband’s presence and absence, and be diligent with regard to both minor and major issues.
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard” [an-Nisa 4:34]. a righteous woman always shows affection and respect for her husband, does not delay what he likes her to hasten to, nor hastens what he does not like her to do. When the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was asked about which woman is good, he said: “She who pleases her husband whenever he looks at her, obeys him whenever he orders her, and does not oppose him in herself and his property with what he dislikes.” [Ahmad and An-Nasaa’i]
Obedience is the first right that Islam acknowledges for the husband over his wife. She is required to obey him in everything unless he commands her to do an act of disobedience. The Prophet, , said: “No creature should be obeyed when it comes to disobeying the Creator.” one of the most overlooked characteristics. The first thing you can do in how to be a good Muslim wife to your husband is to give them respect and loyalty.
Men want to know that their wives respect them. In most Muslim households’ men are brought up as breadwinners and heads of the family. This is a fact whether you like it or not, and rearing your feminist head just does not help. To maintain a feminine look and avoid behaving like a man. A woman should know that her husband loves to see her in the house like the sun in the sky without any dark cloud of frowning covering her face, particularly if her husband returns home with a long face for a reason that has nothing to do with her.
There are certain chores we enjoy doing, and others that we hate. But, a good Muslim wife is one who stays on top of the household chores, even those she’d rather not do. Try to schedule a time each day to tackle the household chores so you stay on top of them, and nothing becomes overwhelming for you.
A man wants a partner that makes a home for him, with love and care and who is willing to look after him. 
It was said to ‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her): Which type of woman is best?
She said: The one who does not know about saying bad things, and she is not crafty like men; her focus is on adorning herself for her husband and taking care of her family.
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abdullahblogsposts · 3 months ago
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Shaykh 'Alī al-Khudayr(حفظه الله) was asked: There's a woman who travels with her husband frequently because of his job, however this husbad tries to compel her to uncover her face while she objects to that, and he took an oath to her that she must uncover her face in their future travel, so is this woman sinful if she went against the command of her husband & refused to travel with him to the land of Kufr, safeguarding her dignity and religion?
The Shaykh responded by saying: A woman uncovering her face to strangers is Harām & it's not permissible, because Allâh(سبحانه وتعالى) said: {O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women to bring down over themselves their Jalābīb(garments)}, and Allâh(سبحانه وتعالى) said: {and to wrap [a portion of] their head-covers over their chests}, and Allâh(سبحانه وتعالى) said: {And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment}, and covering the face is firmly established by consensus, whereas the later scholars opposed that, when the colonizers ruled upon some of the Islamic lands, so ambiguity and misconceptions occurred in the issue.
Ibn Hajr(رحمه الله) said in al-Fath(9/324): "The customs of the women in the past and present have remained unchanged of covering their faces from the strangers" End Quote.
And al-Tīb al-Ābādī(رحمه الله) mentioned in his Sharh of 'Awn al-Ma'būd(11/162): "The agreement of the muslims on preventing the women from going outside revealing their faces, especially with the amount of evil sinners around, Ibn Raslān(رحمه الله) quoted it from him" End Quote.
It becomes Harām upon her to obey him in this command in accordance to the Hadīth "There's no obedience to a created being when it comes to disobeying the creator", and she doesn't become sinful Inshā'Allâh if she opposed her husband in this and rejected to travel with him, Allâh(سبحانه وتعالى) said: {Whoever fears Allâh, He will make a way out}, and in another verse: {He makes for him an easy affair}.
Note: In the question after it, he mentioned more proofs, for e.g. Imām al-Shawkānī(رحمه الله) said in Fath al-Qadīr(4/304) regarding the verse: {to bring down over themselves their Jalābīb(garments)} "The Mufasireen stated that they cover their faces & heads, except for 1 eye", and Abū Hayyān al-Andalusī(رحمه الله) said in al-Bahr al-Muhīt(7/25) "The customs of the women in Andalus was that nothing from a woman was shown except 1 eye", and al-Ghazālī(رحمه الله) mentioned that the women would remain wearing Niqāb & leave 1 eye to show, this is how it was in the past and present.
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alhamdulillah10 · 1 year ago
A man can't lead a women unless he lead by Allah's guidance. Way too many losers out there getting married and expecting unlimited obedience access including haram of culture and what not with the justification of the high position of a husband in Islam. Ignoring the fact they don't qualify to get that special treatment rather they don't qualify even for a genuine muslim wife. Allah would rather be angry at a wife obeying her husband in haram as much as a women has to obey him a lot and make sure he is constantly pleased with her but this is only meant in halal.
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Muslims in most countries surveyed say that a wife should always obey her husband. In 20 of the 23 countries where the question was asked, at least half of Muslims believe a wife must obey her spouse.
Muslims in South Asia and Southeast Asia overwhelmingly hold this view. In all countries surveyed in these regions, roughly nine-in-ten or more say wives must obey their husbands. Similarly, in all countries surveyed in the Middle East and North Africa, about three-quarters or more say the same.
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
“Reliance of The Traveller: The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law”, p.559 (TOR) :
m10.12: Dealing with a Rebellious Wife
When a husband notices signs of rebelliousness in his wife (nushuz, dis: p42) (O: whether in words, as when she answers him coldly when she used to do so politely, or he asks her to come to bed and she refuses, contrary to her usual habit; or whether in acts, as when he finds her averse to him when she was previously kind and cheerful), he warns her in words (O: without keeping from her or hitting her, for it may be that she has an excuse. The warning could be to tell her, “Fear Allah concerning the rights you owe to me, '' or it could be to explain that rebelliousness nullifies his obligation to support her and give her a turn amongst other wives, or it could be to inform her, "Your obeying me [def: (3) below] is religiously obligatory''). If she commits rebelliousness, he keeps from sleeping (O: and having sex) with her without words, and may hit her, but not in a way that injures her, meaning he may not (A: bruise her,) break bones, wound her, or cause blood to flow. (O: It is unlawful to strike another's face).
He may hit her wether she is rebellious only once or whether more than once, though a weaker opinion holds that he may not hit her unless there is repeated rebelliousness.
(N: To clarify this paragraph, we mention the following rulings: -1- Both man and wife are obliged to treat each other kindly and graciously.
-2- It is not lawful for a wife to leave the house except by the permission of her husband, though she may do so without permission when there is a pressing necessity. Nor may a wife permit anyone to enter her husband's home unless he agrees, even their unmarriageable kin. Nor may she be alone with a nonfamily-member male, under any circumstances.
-3- It is obligatory for a wife to obey her husband as is customary in allowing him full lawful sexual enjoyment of her person. It is obligatory for the husband to enable her to remain chaste and free of want for sex if he is able. It is not obligatory for the wife to serve her husband (dis: w45.1); if she does so, it is voluntary charity.
-4- If the wife does not fulfill one of the above-mentioned obligations, she is termed "rebellious'' (nashiz), and the husband takes the following steps to correct matters:
(a) admonition and advice, by explaining the unlawfulness of rebellion, its harmful effect on married life, and by listening to her viewpoint on the matter;
(b) if admonition is ineffectual, he keeps from her by not sleeping in bed with her, by which both learn the degree to which they need each other;
(c) if keeping from her is ineffectual, it is permissible for him to hit her he believes that hitting her will bring her back to the right path, though if he does not think so, it is not permissible. His hitting her may not be in a way that injures her, and is his last recourse to save the family;
(d) if the disagreement does not end after all this, each partner chooses an arbitrator to solve the dispute by settlement, or divorce.)
”The History of al-Tabari, Volume IX: ‘The Last Years of the Prophet’”, page 113. From the Farewell Sermon, Muhammad’s final speech before he died:
“Now then, O people, you have a right over your wives and they have a right over you. You have [the right) that they should not cause anyone of whom you dislike to tread your beds; and that they should not commit any open indecency (fāḥishah). If they do, then God permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain from [evil], they have the right to their food and clothing in accordance with custom (bi’l-ma‘rūf). Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals (awān) with you and do not possess anything for themselves. You have taken them only as a trust from God, and you have made the enjoyment of their persons lawful by the word of God, so understand and listen to my words, O people.”
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:
Once Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) of `Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife.
It’s hard to know if they’re lying, delusional or simply don’t have the slightest idea what their own religion says.
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sickofthis666 · 8 months ago
It's pretty hard finding likeminded people.
All my mutuals are trans or trans friendly. My coworkers made a "did you just assume my gender" joke the other day, so I thought I was dealing with sensible people, but then the next day my female muslim coworker said that Islam required women to obey their husband, but that she chose to believe anyway. That kind of cognitive dissonance makes me lose braincells.
So I ranted to my atheist friend about it. Then I make a comment about men (not all men lol) and he immediately took it the wrong way. As if he didn’t have the luxury to condamn religion because of logic and reason, while I'm mainly condamning it for treating women like subhumans.
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papirouge · 1 year ago
Im not a chrisitan but I can respect how you don’t back down from your beliefs and aren’t as hypocritical as others I have seen.
I want to ask since I know the bible has strict gender roles for women to obey god and men, but why does it say that men just answer to god? Because I see a lot of men who are christian say that they follow god but just do what they want and claim the god is telling them to do it. How can men in this religion be held accountable?
You're welcome 🩵
"strict gender roles to obey God and men" I'll stop you right there anon. Women have to obey to their HUSBAND. There's a nuance. A women would never be married/remain celibate (which is highly encouraged in Christianism) she's not compelled to obey a man, but GOD.
Obedience to the husband in marriage is in the context of family that's considered as a ministry, and ministry have to have a hierarchy in terms of responsibility, not in nature. There's a reason despite all their screeching, anti Christian/feminist never found a word deeming women inferior as men. That's why they make all sort of reach, such as acting like woman being made out of man's rib is sexist (which is weird bc if anything, the woman being made to help Adam and be a company shows that men are those who need women and can legitimately be interpreted as "demeaning" for men 🥴) or this whole "the wife is the glory of her husband" thing...
And I wonder what "strict" gender roles you're talking about? The only physical prescription women have is to not wear men's clothes (which may vary depending cultures) and covering their head in the assembly. On the other hand, men are called to not wear anything in the assembly and to not wear women's clothes. Beside that, there's not specific gender distinction in Christianism. (Married) Women can work, carry money and her business (the famous Proverbs 31:10 girlboss lol)
It's always confused me as a Christian, the religion that explicitly states that we recognize a tree by its fruits, to see so many people acknowledge people self iding Christians without displaying the actual fruits of the spirit, as actual Christians..... That's why I'm so mad at pro gun Christian when they are unable to follow the very example that Jesus did on his last moments on earth: NON VIOLENCE. Those people are not Christians. IDC about whatever hoops they will do to argue that aKtcHualLy violence is acceptable. LOOK AT JESUS AND SHUT UP.
Interestingly, the same people using those fake Christians to argue that *this* brand of Christianism is the real Christianism, they will have no problem making the actual distinction when it comes to islamist terrorismfor example. They will say how terrorism don't apply real islam, etc etc. But they are unable to provide the same energy when it comes to Christianism. Deranged Christian zealot USAmerican Conservatives are supposed to represent ALL Christians... which is highly frustrating bc I dislike as much those people as the next sane person lol Those imposters aren't Christians. They are modern day pharisees
They will be held accountable - in hell. That's why it's sooo important for them to repent.
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sassyandclassy94 · 1 year ago
You think "God's will" justifies the forcible removal of a group of people from their native land? God gave us a choice, to treat others humanely, or to not do so, and it seems you are in favor of the latter.
Um… have you not read Genesis? Where God promised The Promised Land to Abraham and his descendants? Aka the Israelites ??
Have you read any of the Bible? Did you know there’s more to it than just “love everyone” and “do not judge”? God tells us to condemn sin. To call it out. Did you know that Revelation and the Minor Prophets, and even in Jeremiah and Isaiah have passages and sections about the end times?
Did you know that God never backs out on His promises? The Mosaic covenant is dead because Jesus dying for us and making atonement for our sins replaced the Law. The Davidic covenant - Jesus coming to earth being born from his mine - has been fulfilled so it’s no longer still going. However, the Abrahamic covenant was everlasting. Israel is God’s chosen people, and they always will be, until Jesus comes back to conquer evil and it’s forces. There are so many obvious verses in Revelation explaining how the end and His return revolves around Israel. Literally the entire 11th chapter in Romans is about how God’s promise to the Israelites is not void and how gentiles will provoke them to jealousy in order to lead them to salvation. (Paul was a Jew - the topic was obviously a heavy burden on his heart). If He never takes away His promise of salvation then He’ll never take away His promise to Israel.
Did you know that Palestinian Hamas are literally raping women and children until their pants are soaked with blood? Did you know they are torturing and mutilation people so that their limbs are twisted in more than unnatural positions (Did you not see that poor German woman???)?? Did you know they’re shooting the Israelites’ dogs point blank in cold blood because Muslims hate dogs (a simple google search and a video on Twitter will confirm that)? Did you know that Hamas is literally beheadig Israelite babies?? BABIES!!! The most innocent creatures in society?! I guess I’m failing to understand how you see Palestine and Hamas as the ‘humane’ side🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Did you know that these ‘innocent’ Palestinians have knowingly elected Hamas leaders and that they are the ones that want Israel dead?
Did you know that Israel sacrificed the crucial and effective ‘element of surprise’ battle tactic to warn Palestinian civilians in hopes to save as many lives as possible?
Did you know that having your head cut off by a machete is not at all merciful and that it takes a long time? You want to say “Oh but the Israelites are blowing children to smithereens!!” Guess what? War is ugly. But being blown up is more merciful than being decapitated. Why, you ask? It’s quick. It’s over before you know what’s happening. And if these children are young enough to not know they’re sinners then it’s God being merciful because they’ll be in heaven instead of having to grow up into a brainwashed monster by Islamic terrorists.
Did you know that supporting Palestine and Hamas is you supporting terrorism, rape, and torture?
Also. This would not be happening if Sarah kept her eyes on God and didn’t have her maid sleep with her husband. If she had trusted God, Ishmael would not have existed. Hence, Arabs wouldn’t exist. But I’m not judging Sarah because it is HARD to keep trusting God and keep your eyes on Him.
This also wouldn’t be happening if Israel has obeyed God when He told them to kill ALL the inhabitants of the land (read all of Joshua and Judges please). But again, I’m not judging them because it would be hard to kill women and children. This is why we should always obey God’s orders because it’s not just us who will suffer consequences but also will our descendants thousands of years after us.
Lastly: ‘Chosen’ does not mean ‘favored’, or ‘preferred’. It means ‘chosen to fulfill a plan or purpose’. Jesus is not done with His chosen people and He won’t be done with them until He destroys evil and establishes His new heaven and new earth in, where? Oh yes, baby, JERUSALEM! The PROMISED LAND PROMISED TO ABRAHAM AND HIS DESCENDANTS (meaning both his spiritual descendants - born-again Christians such as me - and his physical descendants, the 144,000 Jews/Israelites that call on His Name and recognize Him as their True Messiah after the Rapture)
Israel has always been God’s chosen people. They’ve always been a small but mighty nation. And as far back as they’ve been a nation, God has always avenged them, even when they turn from Him. Philistines: they stole the Ark; God unleashed he’ll on them with boils and tumors. Babylon: He used Nebuchadnezzar to chastise His children but then He allowed Persia to rise up and used them to punish Babylon for hurting His children. He used Rome as a way to chastise His people and bring about His plan for redemption. Rome is no more. Some day soon, Palestine will be no more. Whether it’s before or after the Rapture, they’ll be no more.
God said they’ll never have peace until His Son comes back. Israel will never be stomped out because God won’t allow it (again, ALL over Scripture). Once Israel cries out to the Messiah it’s game over for everyone. Because that’s when He’s coming back. And when Jesus comes back, it won’t be as a meek lamb for sacrifice. He will return as a roaring lion. A Warrior. And He will avenge His martyrs and destroy evil, it’s forces, and it’s followers - aka, those who hate and reject Him.
Most importantly: you saying you hate Israel and being pro Palestine is you saying you hate God and His plan, and His chosen people. And that is a very dangerous place to be in. I pray God will open your eyes to the truth❤️🙏🏻
I wish King David was alive today. He and his deep unwavering faith in the living God, along with his mighty men, would squash these Palestinians and bring Hamas to their knees. “Never back. Whom shall we fear? Never back. In Him alone! Never back! That’s how giants fall! The battle belongs to the LOOOORRRRRD!”
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uma1ra · 2 years ago
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Marriage is the most overwhelming time in our women’s lives, particularly when adjusting with their in-laws. There are certain cultures where women are obliged to live with In-laws, mainly in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
But is it obligatory for a woman to live and serve her in-laws in Islam? The answer is NO! It’s a huge misconception that Islam does not back; rather, it’s a cultural belief.
From the very beginning, Islam has been uplifting women. Islam gave rights to women 1400 years ago, which were considered revolutionary at that time. Despite Islam being the most liberating religion, Muslims fail to give women equal rights and oppress them. Home should be the first area where women should get their rights.
As our beloved prophet, Muhammad, said, ‘Charity begins at home.’
Women in Islam have a right to have an accommodation that befits them; they can demand to live alone with their husbands, demand independence in running their household, and there is no sin upon her. If one cannot afford a house, they must give their wife a place within the house, where she can live in privacy without any interference.
It’s even more challenging for women to live with In-laws if their brother In-law lives with them because he is not a mahram (a person with whom marriage would be considered haram)
The Quran has clarified the mahrams for a woman; brother in law is not a mahram to a woman. Living with a brother In-law can make a situation even worse because it is tough for a woman to wear a hijab all the time; she cannot dress according to how she wants, she cannot beautify herself for her husband.
Our beloved Prophet said: “Beware of entering upon the ladies,” A man from the Ansar said, “Allah’s Apostle! What about Al Hamu, the in-laws of the wife( the brothers of her husband and nephews etc.)? The prophet (SAW) replied,” The in-laws of the wife are death itself. [Sahih al Bukhari 5232]
It means evils and corruption of heart should be expected more from them than other non-mahram, and women should fear them more.
Some Misinterpreted Hadiths regarding Women
Allah’s Apostle(PBUH)said, “Shall I inform you of the biggest of the great sins?” They said, “Yes, O Allah’s Apostle!” He said, “To join partners in worship with Allah and to be undutiful to one’s parents. [Sahih al Bukhari 6273]
Being dutiful to your parents doesn’t mean forcing your spouse to serve them. A son should look after his parents’ needs and do his best to provide them comfort and serve them. Similarly, a daughter should also obey her parents and care for their needs. No one should force a woman to cook, clean and do daily chores to please her in-laws. Men should emotionally and physically refrain from forcing their wives to serve their Parents as Islam does not mandate it.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter Paradise from any gate she wishes. [Musnad Ahmad 1664]
Many Muslim folks misinterpret this hadeeth and use it to oppress their women by forcing them to take care of the house inhabited by their parents. Being a servant to in-laws is oppression, not obedience to the husband.
Our beloved prophet said, “Oppression will be a darkness on the Day of Resurrection.” [Sahih bukhari]
Allah’s Messenger said, “Be afraid, of the curse of the oppressed as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah.” [Sahih Bukhari]
A woman is not a bad daughter-in-law just because she refused to serve her in-laws. Islam provides women with the freedom to live their lives as they desire, as long as they adhere to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: “The most wicked among the people in the eye of Allah on the Day of judgement is the man who goes to his wife, and she comes to him, and then he divulges her secret. [Sahih Muslim 1437]
It is not permissible for a husband to tell anything private that happened between him and his wife or disclose his wife’s secrets. In-laws cannot interfere with the private matters of husband and wife.
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whocookedthelastsupper · 1 year ago
They were reduced to less than full personhood, systematically defined as inferior, perpetually doomed to adverse comparisons with the masculine norm, the whole, the ideal, the pertect image of the incomparable male, his God. Under Islam women are "mutilated beings," in the phrase of Fatna A. Sabbah; she adds, "I feel nauseated whenever I hear the tedious introductory phrase, 'Since the seventh century Islam has given a privileged place to woman.... You have to be a man to decode the Koranic message as positive to woman." And in Japan, while the wife was accepting with cries of rapture her husband's rape of her anus, her newborn daughter, according to the very same pillow-books, was to be left for three days and three nights untended on the ground, "because woman is Earth and man is Heaven": "This is the law that grants the man, not the woman, the right to have the final word, and to make all the decisions... In the hands of man, the woman is only an instrument. Her submission is total, and will last right up to her death."
What escape was there for the individust Worman trom this vio lent and sustained onslaught of masculine lust for possession and the rage to destroy? The new father gods who arose in the East during the crucial millennium spanning the birth of Christ were very different from their phallic predecessors, though no less equipped with mindless aggression and manic drive. Now God was no longer in the thun-der, or far away in the clouds veiling the peak of the distant mountain range—he was in every male authority figure from priest to judge and king, he was in every woman's father, brother and uncle; he was in her husband, so he was at her board and in her bed. Finally, and most important of all, he was in her head.
For, arraigned at the bar of history, the gods of the patriarchs had many crimes against women to answer for. They had attacked and demolished the worship of the Great Goddess, colonizing only what served their ends, reducing the former Earth Mother to child-bride and exploited virgin. Woman's sexuality had been inverted or denied, her body reduced to a sexual vessel of God's will, belonging to her husband who in his own person was God, and who was therefore to be obeyed and adored. In the first and greatest act of discrimination, of deliberate apartheid in human history, women were made into untermenschen, a separate and inferior order of beings. But worse than all these, they were made to believe in their own downgrading and debasement.
Not every woman submitted to the relentless ideological bombardment of the new patriarchal systems; not every system was as snugly jointed and watertight as those who put to sea in it liked as think. The gods of the patriarchs tightened their grip only slowly, and the gap between what the authorities prescribed and what human beings actually did allowed women of skill and resource more room to maneuver than the historical record has often been prepared to show. But women's resistance henceforth was to be localized, sporadic and all too frequently short-lived. In the struggle for supremacy, the budding ideologies hit upon the happy inspiration of shifting the bat-teground to an area where to this day women feel exposed and vul-nerable— the female body. Viciously attacked for and through their breasts, their hips and thighs and above all for their "insatiable cunt," all too many women were lost beyond all hope of recovery.”
A woman's heaven is under her husband's feet. ���BENGALI PROVERB
-Rosalind Miles; Who Cooked The Last Supper? The Women’s History of the World
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radfemsiren · 3 months ago
I agree with your post about being wary of any religion and that Christianity was also violently misogynistic. I am an atheist myself and especially against all Abrahamic religions.
But just wanna point out that there is something uniquely misogynistic abt one of them in particular that can’t be reduced to poverty/war/violence.
At its worst medieval Christianity still did not have constant honor killings (in fact it was more common to kill/mutilate the adulterous man nor ask regular laywomen to cover themselves in public (which if doen in the most extreme eyes-only way literally dehumanizes you
cf. Tour de Nesle affair (women imprisoned but men tortured and executed. Heloise’s relatives targeted her teacher/abuser Abelard but allowed her to live out her life in a convent as she more or less wished.
But still that is such a low bar.
Hm the first thing that comes to my mind with medieval Europe for me is witch burnings. I would consider that a mass femicide unique to Christianity. Muslims also believe in witches but I’ve never heard of a systemic murder of them like how the Christians did.
It’s funny with the medieval time period, I was really only taught what was happening in the Middle East at that time, going to an Islamic school. It was almost reversed, with the west seen as poor and backwards and bloody, and hotspots of affluence and academia being only in the east. Libraries, universities, hospitals, plumbing, bathing, were all far more advanced … scientists travelled from around the world to share their discoveries, like Indian mathematians going to the library of Baghdad with their concept of “zero”, Al Zahrawi inventing the scalpel, Ibn Sina (or Avicenna) performing successful eye surgieries, Muhammad ibn musa writing kitab al jabr, or the book of algebra, Al haythem creating al-qumra, or the pinhole camera. Ancient Greek texts were translated and passed to the west paving the way for their own enlightenment periods… ironically the Islamic Golden Age time period was so good because the religion itself took a backseat, and society was more focused on science, poetry, literature, etc.
The Europeans were seen as so backwards that we were shown the personal diary of a middle eastern doctor sent to aid them during their black plague. The Middle East did not discover germs yet, but quarantining was already a popular method of treatment, as well as prescribing the sick fresh fruit, vegetables, and rest, so they weren’t as affected as the west was. This doctor traveled to meet with European doctors and was was shocked when he heard their treatment plan: to cut into the patients head and remove their skull, and rub salt on it! Then to put it right back! He watched extreme sects of these people flay themselves in the street to “beat the devil out,” he watched doctors engage in filthy and deranged practices, not understanding sterilizing their hands or instruments, or pain management. He left back home in less than a month! I’ll have to find his name, it was darkly amusing.
This is all just things I remember from school (I love history but have been studying tech more for school) so if there’s any inaccuracies or mistakes, forgive me.
The reason I bring it all up though is I think most people are heavily influenced by what they are taught, and this image of Islam definitely being the worst is because you’re only interaction with modern Muslims/ middle eastern people is probably just from the news, and your interaction with ancient Muslims is tiny paragraph in a western leaning textbook. (If not, sorry for the assumption, but I’m assuming ask is coming from someone with a Christian background)
You have fond memories and good relationships with Christian friends and family, so you have a softer view of the faith, because you see it practiced by humans that you care about, so your interpretation is more generous. You will oversee parts of the faith that command women to be silent in church, obey their husbands, etc and assume Islam is more extreme. Islam is seen as more extreme than Christianity because Muslims refuse to practice their faith any differently than their ancestors 1400 years ago, and also because many of our geopolitical regions are unstable.
The core of the 2 faiths themselves are equally wretched for women… bias only makes us see differently. Now if you want to make the argument Christianity is less terrible because its followers change their practice the second some King feels like it, or currently because the all mighty American dollar is the true god now, so pigskin on a football and beer is now allowed, than I might consider that a fair point lol! The fluidity of Christianity to change with the times can be its saving grace, but also what makes it so hypocritical as a dogma.
Sorry this was a long rambling response, these are some thoughts I’ve been having about all the Christians in my inbox haha. I wish yall would just hang out with Muslims more and see how almost exactly the same masjid functions are to church functions, same judgy aunties, boring grandpas, little kids running around being annoying, youth leaders being corny and trying to make a lesson out of everything. The skin tones are just darker, and the rituals slightly different, but everything else: the boring sermons, the passive aggressive misogyny, the mob mentality, the political infighting, the human faults of judgment and emotional thinking, the rush to hide any faults of abusive husbands or sons, the patriarchal hierarchy of first father, then wife, then child … all are the same and the core of what makes religion an outdated and faulty way to guide your life. It’s hard for me to say one is worse than the other when so many terrible practices or Quranic verses I see from Islam, there are bible verses to match.
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feministfang · 6 months ago
Why is pro-watermelon 🍉 gang keep saying this is the first time they are seeing a live genocide and still nobody cares?? No this isn’t your first time!
Women around the world have been slaughtered, murdered, raped, and facing all other kinds of oppression since the dawn of time. There is already a world’s oldest and biggest genocide that is still happening today. And that is femicide.
But nobody seems to care about that because according to them there’s a "gender war" going on. I wonder if these watermelon people would be protesting and boycotting the same way if it was only the Palestinian women suffering in this genocide.
None of these people ever fought with this much vehemence for women in iran, for afghan women, for sudanese women, women in Congo, and all other women who are suffering around the world.
In fact, they’re busy glamorising terrorists like Hezbollah and Khamenieh (however the fuck you spell it) and mourning the deaths of the likes of iran’s terrorist leader who died in helicopter crash just because these bearded devils chanted "free-palestine" two, three times.
More than seventy per cent of the people who have been killed in this genocide are women and children. But the only time i see the pro-Palestine m@les talking about it is when they wanna blame it all on feminists. "WhErE aRe tHe fEmInIsTs?" "WhErE aRe tHe liBerAlS?"
Just shut the fuck up and tell me where are all the anti-feminist men and women who love to say m@n should be the leaders?? Where are all the muslim and christian conservative bigots who keep saying shit like women should obey men and men should lead?? These are your leaders now!
Muslim women commenting "BoYcOTT" under every female influencer’s post promoting an israeli brand while at the same time cooking and cleaning like slaves for their husbands so these men could become the next big leaders oppressing women using their power.
If you wanna boycott anything, then boycott these men. Stop coddling them and stop doing anything for them. Instead, use all that energy in making yourself a powerful leader.
But no, FemInIsts aRe sO eVil aNd wRonG fOr tElliNg wOmEn tO sToP coNfOrMinG tO gEndEr rOLes. FeMinIsTs hAve rUiNed EvEryThInG fOr wOmEn. ThEy aRe sOciEty bReAkeRs!
It’s not the feminists fault that there’s a genocide going on, it’s the men’s. Men are the ones who vote for these male politicians. Men are the ones who worship these male leaders. Men are the ones who ruin everything for women. The enemy is exposed yet your rage is directed in the wrong direction.
There’s not one male world leader who is not destroying the planet with his evilness. But all i see is comparisons being made about which one of them is more evil; the islamic ones or the zionist ones or the white ones??
Listen! Idgaf about your free palestine land or the entire boycott list of brands. I don’t even care about your brave palestinian m@les dying either. Y’all cry about pregnant palestinian women having a hard time and feminists doing nothing for them, but who the fuck is impregnating them????
Women of Palestine should be freed from both israel and Palestinian men. That’s just what i care about. And women of Israel should be freed from these men too. No, they don’t deserve to be raped or killed just because they support Israel. It’s not even palestine vs Israel, it’s men vs women; where men are the oppressors on both sides and women are the victims on both sides. Every war has always been a genocide against women.
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julaibib · 2 months ago
non-muslim here, why is Islam centered so much around men? why are men promised pious wives (multiple) and intercourse with virgins in heaven, yet this “benefit” does not apply to women? if a muslim woman were to strive for those things she would be told she is dishonoring her family (and maybe even endanger her life) yet men are to strive for this? is she not a human being with wants and needs as well? why must her sexuality be demonized yet the mens’ are praised and even encouraged. I was looking to revert a few months back, but have struggled with this part of the religion so much. the men in Islam have scared a lot of hopeful reverts away. including me. and I would love a genuine answer
Islam deals with men and women on the basis of what each one can, give orders to a man on the basis of his nature and what he can tolerate and gives orders and reward for women on the basis of their nature and what they can tolerate Contrary to what you think exactly most of the most burdens in Islam are on a man like fighting in wars and carrying financial burdens in marriage are obligatory for him as much as he can, if you look, you will find all the hard work in life is required of the man because God made these burdens and create an estimated nature To endure it, and this is to clarify the idea that it centered around man
All bliss in heaven is as much as a person carries in life, and as it is known and scientifically, the man has more desire than a woman, so he faces more difficult test in this life than in this regard. It is easy to monitor this in non -Muslim societies. How do men do everything from deception or Definition or lying until he reaches a relationship in any way and in Islam is not allowed for a man to do any sexual relationship outside the framework of marriage, for example, a girlfriend, or go to nudity clubs, for example, all these matters are forbidden and whoever does it commits a great sin,
because the Muslim man is not like the Western man who can do This is with anyone and in any form he wants, so he had reward in heaven as much as he experienced in life.
The Muslim man is not like a Western man who can do this with anyone and in any way he wants, so he had a reward in heaven as much as the test he suffered in life, then the largest number of these virgins will be for the man who was killed in the battle because as I mentioned before A woman in Islam is not required to fight or enter wars is a duty of a man only, and every difficult thing that he is exposed must get a reward that is rewarded for difficulties.
As I mentioned in the beginning the most difficult acts of worship in Islam, they are on the man like fighting in the battles, the entire physical expenses and burdens of the house and these are just examples and there are other things these additional burdens should have had additional reward On the other hand, the required acts of women are simpler than a man, such as the words of the Prophet Muhammad"“If a woman prays her five (daily prayers), fasts her month (Ramadan), guards her chastity and obeys her husband, she will enter whichever of the gates of paradise she wishes" It has only to persevere in these matters, so that it is the wish of every human being in the other life
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mrsjohnwilson · 1 year ago
Hello Becky, why do you see wearing modest clothing as a punishment, still? I am a western woman who reverted to Islam and that also involves dressing modestly. I usually wear clothing quite similar to the things you post as "horrible examples" of the things you have to endure (think long sweater dresses and cardigans) and I also cover my head with a hijab through most of the day (when in public or when there is the possibility of encountering non-family men), and after a short adaption period I started to love it.
I feel more feminine and at the same time more confident in it.
If my husband wanted to punish me, he would have to force me to wear revealing clothing now - not that I would obey him in this, as it would be sinful.
I wish you the best for your journey of submission.
Dear Ma'am,
I apologise if I have caused offence or been unclear. I prefer and as a submissive wife I must dress modestly. I like to wear a below knee length dress with long sleeves and a high neck or a below knee length skirt and long sleeved blouse together with flat shoes. I wear a hat whenever I am in Church. I do not wear bright colours or pastel shades that I am as plain as possible.
However I hate woollen clothes particularly wool cardigans and for me having to wear such items is a punishment. I have not behaved well over a long period so at this time I am either wearing wool dress and two cardigans one of which, at least, is long or am confined to school uniform as part of which I must wear two knitted woollen school cardigans. I must wear a wool beret when entering the Church. For me having to wear these items which are uncomfortable, unfashionable and either dowdy or childish is a humiliating punishment particularly in public. I deserve this punishment and having to serve this type of dress discipline will not only punish me but deter me from repeating my selfish, thoughtless and childish misbehaviour. I am sure other young women seeing me dressed in these ways will hopefully learn from the example being made of me.
For yourself it sounds like having to dress in immodest clothing would be punishment but I hope that you do not repeat my sins and have to face such discipline.
I apologise again for any offence I may have caused and will pray for forgiveness when I attend Church on Sunday dressed in my school pinafore dress and cardigans.
Yours faithfully,
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