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pupsmailbox · 7 months ago
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Fin ★ ☁︎ ❭ The exclusive attraction to those who are feminine in nature, in their gender and/or their presentation.
Fem ★ ☁︎ ❭ An individual who is exclusively attracted to individuals with feminine genders or feminine gender presentations regardless of gender identity.
Fe ★ ☁︎ ❭ The attraction to people with a feminine gender presentation, regardless of actual gender. Gender is never a factor, only gender presentation.
★︰Sexual ☁︎︰Romantic
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genderstarbucks · 2 years ago
Maromantic + Womaromantic!!
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Maromantic, or manromantic, is a romantic orientation describing exclusive attraction to men. This includes attraction to binary men and may also include attraction to male-aligned non-binary individuals.
Womaromantic, or womanromantic, is a romantic orientation describing exclusive attraction to women. This includes attraction to binary women and may also include attraction to female-aligned non-binary individuals.
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nonbinary-polls · 10 months ago
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
Femarsic Pride Flag
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Femarsic, femmarsic, femmascic, masfemaric, femasric, or mascfemaric: an umbrella term for those attracted to men and women; being both mascic and femaric (either fluidly or simultaneously).
This includes those who are, for example: ambisexual/ambiromantic, abrosexual/abroromantic or otherwise m-spec; womasexual maromantic or masexual womaromantic; centriorientation and multiorientation of gyne- and andro-.
The flag was designed by duwang-flags-inc. The term was coined by me. Not to be confused with femascic or marsic.
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freethelgbtqia · 4 years ago
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[Image description: A woma pride flag shaped like a peace sign on a gray background]
Woma: someone who experiences attraction to women and/or femininity
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bi-lesbian · 5 years ago
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More heart emojis!
Woman/Woma ♡ Woman/Woma ♡ Bi Lesbian* ♡ Pan Lesbian*
*my older flags for these terms
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castiel-ro300 · 6 years ago
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(3/3) Asexual Shield Pride Works 💜
Part 1
Part 2
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bigendering · 8 years ago
I identify as bigender (male and agender) does that mean I'm straight because I like girls? Or is their another name for it?
Feminamoric - nonbinary person liking girls or women
Diamoric - neither straight nor gay because of the involvement of a nonbinary person
Womasexual/romantic - liking girls or women
Some nonbinary people like to broaden straight and gay for their own usage, but the original usages don’t account for nonbinary people at all, and nonbinary people definitely don’t have straight privilege.
edit: finsexual/romantic refers to people attracted to those who are feminine in nature, not necessarily women
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neopronouns · 8 months ago
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flag id: two flags with 6 stripes. the left flag's stripes are dark pink, faded pink, very light cyan, sky blue, medium dark blue, and dark indigo. the right flag's stripes are dark pink, faded pink, light red-pink, very light red, medium dark blue, and dark indigo. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
maybian | woybian
maybian/malaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for men
woybian/wolaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for women
[pt: maybian/malaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for men
woybian/wolaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for women. end pt]
for anon! the flags and terms combine gaybian and ma- and woma- respectively (plus velaurian versions of the terms for those who prefer it).
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @prettypinknarc, @skrimbliest, @seraphtrix, @orientation-archive
dni link
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genderstarbucks · 2 years ago
mspec gay people can use that term?
Is there a counterpart to this for attraction to women?
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Yes mspec people can use those/these terms :3
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Womasexual, or womansexual, is a sexual orientation describing exclusive attraction to women. This includes attraction to binary women and may also include attraction to female-aligned non-binary individuals.
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Femaric is an umbrella term to describe any attraction to women or feminine-aligned individuals, and a standalone term as a non-straight identity. It was made with non-binary individuals in mind but can be used by anyone who experiences non-straight attraction to women. This includes all sapphic women as well as bisexual and pansexual men, as well as any other men who are attracted to women but are not straight.
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aggressivelyaromantic · 8 years ago
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Asexual + womanromantic + neckties/bowties for the anon!!!!!
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 6 years ago
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Aco-/Acor-: someone who experiences attraction but feel unable to act on these feelings because of misconceptions about romance, negative events, or anything else that does not allow one to feel feelings like these.
I think this is the more close. - Ap
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nonbinarypastels · 7 years ago
shoutout to nbs who are attracted to women!
🌹 shoutout to nblw!
🌹 shoutout to lesbian nbs!
🌹 shoutout to sapphic nbs!
🌹 shoutout to bi nbs who are attracted to women!
🌹 shoutout to polysexual nbs who are attracted to women!
🌹 shoutout to pan nbs!
🌹 shoutout to omni nbs!
🌹 shoutout to womasexual/womaromantic nbs!
🌹 shoutout to penultisexual/penultiromantic nbs!
🌹 shoutout to venusic nbs!
🌹 shoutout to trixic nbs!
🌹 shoutout to orbisian nbs!
🌹 shoutout to omnigay genderfluid people who are attracted to women when they are women!
🌹 shoutout to feminamoric nbs!
🌹 shoutout to femaric nbs!
🌹 shoutout to neptunic nbs!
🌹 shoutout to nomaromantic/nomasexual nbs!
🌹 shoutout to queer nbs!
💖🌹 shoutout to ALL nbs who are attracted to women!! 🌹💖
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aro-aceplace · 7 years ago
i'm aro ace but i experience alterous attraction towards females. i'm also non binary. is there a term to describe this, since i can't use anything about the same or opposite gender?
There are many nonbinary aroaces who identify as nblw, nblm, and/or nblnb, so you could identify as nblw if you wanted to. You could also identify as woma-alterous or womaplatonic which would be the platonic atraction versions of womasexual and womaromantic (attraction to women and only women).
Hope that helps!
-mod yarrow     
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askanonbinary · 7 years ago
Is there a nb equivalent to sapphic/achillean?
We’ve reblogged a lot of termionology under our attraction tag: http://askanonbinary.tumblr.com/tagged/attraction
nomasexual/nomaromantic: attraction to anyone but men and masc-aligned people.  (A cute word for it is nobrosexual)
nowomaromantic/nowomasexual: attraction to anyone but women and feminine-aligned people.
maromantic/masexual: (androromantic/sexual is not well-liked for the andro root) means nb attraction to men/masculinity 
womaromantic/sexual (finromo/finsexual):(you can see why gynesexual isn’t preferred) nb attraction to women/femininity
Diamoric is an intentionally flexible, loose term.
It came out of recognizing the failure of binary terms like “straight” and “gay” to be useful or accurate for many NB people. NB genders vary so vastly that even two non-binary people in a relationship may not feel that their relationship is accurately described as “same-gender” or “gay”, and can even feel misgendered by the implications. For example, my own relationship as an androgyne with an nb trans boy can only be construed as a gay relationship if you reduce us both to our genitals. A non-binary person in a relationship with a binary man or woman is at an even further loss. Their relationship is far from “straight”, but it’s not technically “gay” or “same-gender” either. So what is it?
It’s diamoric.
If you’re an NB lesbian and your sapphic attraction is your priority, you may never feel inclined to use diamoric, and that’s fine. But if you’re an NB lesbian who wishes to emphasize your NB identity in addition to your love for women, “diamoric lesbian” might be a label that you like.
If you’re a demiboy who loves men and ‘achillean’ is all you need, more power to you. You don’t have to use this word if it says nothing about you that achillean doesn’t.
This word is a supplement to existing language that is free to use by NBs who want or need it. It is not a word to be imposed on NBs who don’t need it.
Feminamoric: nonbinary person attracted to women (be it romantic\sexual\alterous\whatever other way(s) are significant to them). To be used only by nonbinary people and is, by definition, a monosexual orientation (aka: only attracted to women)
Viramoric: nonbinary person attracted to men (be it romantic\sexual\alterous\whatever other way(s) are significant to them)To be used only by nonbinary people and is, by definition, a monosexual orientation (aka: only attracted to men)
Venusic: nonbinary people (of any nonbinary identity) exclusively attracted to women and lunarians. To be used only by nonbinary people, a multi-spec orientation by definition.
Marsic: nonbinary people (of any nonbinary identity) exclusively attracted to men and solarians. To be used only by nonbinary people, a multi-spec orientation by definition.
Femaric: Umbrella term for everyone attracted to women/girls. Can be used as an identifier by anyone who experiences nonstraight attraction to women/girls. Can be used by binary and nonbinary people(?)
Mascic: Umbrella term for everyone attracted to men/boys. Can be used as an identifier by anyone who experiences nonstraight attraction to men/boys. Can be used by binary and nonbinary people(?)
Mascsexual/Mascusexual/Massexual/Viramoric/Virsexual - attraction to men/masculinityFeminarmoic/Femsexual/Femmesexual - attraction to women/femininity
And from genderfluidsupport’s orientation list: http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/orientations/
There are six types of attraction.
-sexual: “I want to have sex with you”
-romantic: “I want to date you”
-sensual: “I want to hug/kiss you”
-platonic: “I want to be friends with you”
-aesthetic: “You look nice”
-alterous: can best be described as desiring emotional closeness with someone; is neither platonic nor romantic but rather somewhere in between the two
All types of attractions may be used as suffixes along with “-fluid” and “-flux”. Feel free to mix and match your own prefixes and suffixes to create the orientation that best describes you.
Proqua- : feeling attracted to feminine people when you yourself are feminine
Proquu- : feeling attracted to masculine people when you yourself are masculine
Are any of those options like what you were thinking of? Or have I misunderstood the basis of your question?
~ Mod Sock
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queer-dinosaurs · 8 years ago
Modern Dinosaurs in Pride Colors: 2017 Edition!
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Queer, (Gay, mlm, Achillean), & General LGBTQ+: Himalayan Monal! 
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Questioning: Rainbow Lorikeet! 
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Gay, Achillean, & mlm: Indochinese Green Magpie!
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Lesbian, Sapphic, & wlw: Flamingo! 
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Masexual, Mascsexual, Maromantic, & Mascromantic: Greater Scaup! 
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Womasexual, Femsexual, Womaromantic, Femromantic: Pink Robin! 
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Diamoric, Enbian, Ceterosexual, Ceteroromantic: Budgie! 
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Bisexual & Biromantic: Glossy Starling! 
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Polysexual & Polyromantic: Green-Breasted Mango!
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Pansexual & Panromantic: Lilac-Breasted Roller!
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Asexual, Demisexual, & Ace Spectrum: Eastern Violet-Backed Sunbird! 
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Aromantic, Demiromantic, Aro Spectrum: Lesser Green Broadbill!
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Akoisexual, Akoiromantic, Lithsexual, Lithromantic: Blackburnian Warbler!
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Queerplatonic: Peach-Faced Lovebird! 
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Quoiromantic: Peacock! 
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Polyamorous/Non-Mono: Wilson’s Bird of Paradise! 
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Trans: Chaffinch! 
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Transmasc & Trans Man: Mountain Bluebird! 
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Transfem & Trans Woman: Violet Sabrewing! 
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Nonbinary: Purple-Rumped Sunbird! 
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Genderqueer: Purple Bellied Parrot!
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Androgyne & Androgynous: Purple Sunbird!
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Maverique: Canary!
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Agender: Yellow-Green Vireo! 
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Genderless & Neutrois: Kakapo! 
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Graygender: Common Grackle! 
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Cassgender: Green Jay! 
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Genderfluid: Purple-Crowned Fairy Wren! 
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Genderflux: Carmine Bee-Eater! 
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Bigender: Splendid Fairywren!
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Trigender: Jambu Fruit Dove! 
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Polygender: Bee Hummingbird!
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Proxvir: Green-Headed Tanager! 
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Juxera: Scarlet Tanager! 
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Demigirl: Eurasian Bullfinch! 
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Demiboy: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher! 
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Demifluid: Cedar Waxwing! 
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Deminonbinary: Cockatiel!
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Xenogender: Eclectus Parrot! 
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Intersex & Intergender: Gouldian Finch! 
Happy Pride! Here is last year’s post! See you Next Year! 
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