#womasexual flag
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caeliangel · 10 months ago
Alternate name for gynosexual? It always creeps me out but it's the closest thing to my identity. And if there is a flag for it?
Love your work. Have a great day!
Well, there are some similar terms yes! Hope these apply to you ^_^
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Femsexual, or femmesexual, is a sexual orientation describing an individual who is exclusively attracted to individuals with feminine genders or feminine gender presentations regardless of gender identity.
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Womasexual, or womansexual, is a sexual orientation describing exclusive attraction to women. This includes attraction to binary women and may also include attraction to female-aligned non-binary individuals.
important to note this term is often used as a synonym of gynesexual! So they pretty much mean the same.
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Finsexual is the exclusive attraction to those who are feminine in nature (FIN), either in their gender and/or their presentation. This means finsexual individuals are attracted to women, feminine-aligned and/or feminine-presenting non-binary individuals, and potentially feminine men. Finsexual is not synonymous with the attraction to women, it is the attraction to femininity.
Other terms include faunic, neptunic, femique, etc.
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crazyalien87 · 6 months ago
Abrosexual flag combos
based on these posts: post1, post2
I mainly made these for myself (questioning my sexuality a bit rn if I'm just having bi-cycle or am actually abrosexual) but anyone can use them.
Each of these has 2 flags spliced together with abrosexual arrows on top, showing that one's sexuality is fluid between the two sexual orientations whose flags are shown.
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The pink and yellow flag is the mercuric flag and the mostly pink one is the womasexual flag. The purpley one is this homo- flag.
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firefromhisgills · 1 year ago
Demi/Demian Masexual/Womasexual Flags
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Demian womasexual/womansexual individuals require a strong emotional bond to develop romantic and sexual attraction, and can only develop that attraction to women and female-aligned non-binary individuals. It does not specify the individuals own gender identity. 
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Demian Masexual/mansexual individuals require a strong emotional bond to develop romantic and sexual attraction, and can only develop that attraction to men and male-aligned non-binary individuals. It does not specify the individuals own gender identity. 
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genderstarbucks · 2 years ago
hihi! so for some context I’m trying to collect terms that include attraction to women, could I get a list of some terms that fit this description? :3
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Womasexual, or womansexual, is a sexual orientation describing exclusive attraction to women. This includes attraction to binary women and may also include attraction to female-aligned non-binary individuals.
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Femaric is an umbrella term to describe any attraction to women or feminine-aligned individuals, and a standalone term as a non-straight identity. It was made with non-binary individuals in mind but can be used by anyone who experiences non-straight attraction to women. This includes all sapphic women as well as bisexual and pansexual men, as well as any other men who are attracted to women but are not straight.
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Azalean / QLM is an orientation where one is queer, in any form, and loves women. They can also love any other genders.
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Liersian / Liersic is a term for anybody who feels gay attraction to women, regardless of one's own gender.
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Reilian is a term for anybody who feels straight attraction to women, regardless of one's own gender.
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Lesbian is a term that defines queer attraction to women. This attraction is most commonly used as exclusively wlw/nblw attraction, as communities surrounding exclusive wlw/nblw have become the primary part of the lesbian community. However, there is no one perfect definition that encompasses all experiences of lesbianism. This term includes butch, femme, non-binary, anonbinary, cusper, and multigendered individuals.
QLW Terms:
AGLW - Agenirian
AGLW - Azalian
AGLW - Ablateric
BLW - Blank Loving Women
GVLW - Gendervoid Loving Women
KLW - Kenochoric Loving Women
MLW - Romeric
NBLW - Trixic
QLW Omni
WLW - Sapphic
XLW - Xenirian
Carnian - NBLW / QLW
Harian - Multigender Men Loving Women
Queer MLW
Loving Women:
Hibarian - Queer Love for Women
Mspec Lilaen Flags
Platonic Attraction to Women
Sophian - Queer + Straight for Women
Sapphic Flags:
Mspec Sapphic
Pan Label Sapphic
Sapphic Bisexual
Sapphic Omni
Lesbian Flags:
Aurora Lesbian
Bi Lesbian
Dawn Lesbian
Dusk Lesbian
Flowerbed Lesbian
Moth Lesbian
Nightfall Lesbian
Trixic Flags:
Bi Trixic
Mspec Trixic
Mspec Trixic Flags
Smoke Trixic - Mono Trixic
Trixic Bisexual
Vaporic - Mspec Trixic
Neptunic Flags:
Bi Neptunic
Mspec Neptunic
Omni Neptunic
Abro Flags:
Abro Lesbian
Abro Neptunic
Mono Flags:
Rosaean - Exclusive* WLW
Skyian - Mono Sophian
Mspec Flags:
Lobelian - Mspec Lilaen
Mspec Aurora Lesbian
Mspec Lesbian Flags
Queer Mspec Lesbian
Sabrinian - Mspec Sophian
WLW/MLW/NBLW Pref - Bi Flags
WLW/MLW/NBLW Pref - Ply Flags
WLW/MLW/NBLW Pref - Pan Flags
Combo Flags:
Darcian Lesbian
Enbian Lesbian
Enbian Neptunic Lesbian
Feminamoric Lesbian
Finsexual Lesbian
Mestric Lesbian
Noma- Lesbian
Trixen- Sapphic
Trixic Lesbian
QLW Lesbitrix Enbian
Womquallian / Womquall
This only took 3 1/2 hours to put together but wtv 💀
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
Femarsic Pride Flag
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Femarsic, femmarsic, femmascic, masfemaric, femasric, or mascfemaric: an umbrella term for those attracted to men and women; being both mascic and femaric (either fluidly or simultaneously).
This includes those who are, for example: ambisexual/ambiromantic, abrosexual/abroromantic or otherwise m-spec; womasexual maromantic or masexual womaromantic; centriorientation and multiorientation of gyne- and andro-.
The flag was designed by duwang-flags-inc. The term was coined by me. Not to be confused with femascic or marsic.
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freethelgbtqia · 4 years ago
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[Image description: A woma pride flag shaped like a peace sign on a gray background]
Woma: someone who experiences attraction to women and/or femininity
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queerness-lover · 3 years ago
Lesbi-NoCisWoma or Despinacoric
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Lesbi-NoCisWoma also called Despinacoric, is a term for lesbians who aren’t attracted to Cisgender Women, they:
One's attraction to a woman fades once it is known that this person is a cisgender woman.
One does not feel attraction to women until it is known that the woman in question is not cisgender.
One chooses not to date cisgender women.
This term is exclusively for Lesbians who arent attracted to Cis Women, any non-cis lesbians can use it (lesboys, non-binary, multigender, etc…), the term is used by transgender, non-binary, or otherwise non-cis people who are not attracted to cis women or are unwilling to date cis women.
How and why ?
The unwillingness to date cis women is not because there’s any inherent difference between cis and trans women, rather it stems from issues of safety, trauma, oppression, or other personal reasons. One may not want to be vulnerable to misconceptions, misgendering, or oppression from their partner. One may also prefer a trans partner because one would relate to them more.
This label was made by an inclusive individual and so exclusionists don’t use it !!
Despina come from one of the moon of Neptune. Since the term is a merge of Lesbian and NoCisWomasexual, the name is also a merge making LesbiNoCisWoma
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bi-lesbian · 5 years ago
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More heart emojis!
Woman/Woma ♡ Woman/Woma ♡ Bi Lesbian* ♡ Pan Lesbian*
*my older flags for these terms
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wonderingwhereiam · 5 years ago
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pomosexual | abrosexual
gynesexual | androsexual
womasexual | masexual
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neopronouns · 8 months ago
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flag id: two flags with 6 stripes. the left flag's stripes are dark pink, faded pink, very light cyan, sky blue, medium dark blue, and dark indigo. the right flag's stripes are dark pink, faded pink, light red-pink, very light red, medium dark blue, and dark indigo. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
maybian | woybian
maybian/malaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for men
woybian/wolaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for women
[pt: maybian/malaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for men
woybian/wolaurian: one who is gaybian/velaurian for women. end pt]
for anon! the flags and terms combine gaybian and ma- and woma- respectively (plus velaurian versions of the terms for those who prefer it).
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @prettypinknarc, @skrimbliest, @seraphtrix, @orientation-archive
dni link
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jaythegaylord · 5 years ago
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crazyalien87 · 2 years ago
womaflexible/womanflexible flag with multisexual stripe in the middle
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castiel-ro300 · 5 years ago
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🌈 Holiday Season Pride 🌈
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years ago
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the man! the headcanon that his father is Ashfur (from ShadowClan, not Assfur) comes from @nugs-art! obviously it was mentioned quite a few times in early Burning Thistles, but it’s kind of faded out of BT, since Willowpelt kept it hush-hush and Graystripe never learned who his father was (though had mild suspicions, not about who or what clan or anything, just a feeling of “hm. my father probably wasn’t ThunderClan,” but he never cared)
Graystripe being Fireheart’s apprentice in BT is honestly my favorite thing! personally I would have made them less friends that way just so Fire could be way angrier and Graystripe more secretive when the whole Silverstream thing happened. but also who could stop FireGray from being besties?
so! his identity! while canon Graystripe is a total Bi Bitch, BT Graystripe gives So Many Hetero Vibes it’s flabbergasting lol. like im sorry but i cant imagine him as anything but a straight man. But! that being said, his flags are as follows: hetero to bi-curious to gynesexual (and/or femsexual, womasexual, gynosexual). He is attracted to woman or highly feminine-presenting people. this specification of his “masc guy attracted to fem” is due to spoilers >;)
(also i was very tempted to put Feathercloud as an ex friend. Graystripe really left him in the dust for his apprentice to pick up the pieces, huh? though I wonder if Graystripe thinks of Feathercloud when he thinks of Featherkit)
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 6 years ago
Nomascic Pride Flag
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Nomascic: Umbrella term for everyone NOT attracted to men/boys. Can be used as a nonstraight identifier by anyone who not experiences attraction to boys/men.
This includes both mono- and m-spec folks, such as trixenamorics, neptunics, solarics, penulti-/differo- dudes, woma-/noma- and cetero- pals, sometimes anattractionals.
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hello everyone i am making some wlw leftist icons send requests
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