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pol-ski · 4 months ago
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Slavs and Vikings Festival in Wolin, Poland
The Slavs and Vikings Festival is one of the largest early-medieval events in the world. There are archery and spear-throwing competitions, games and contests for kids, craft-making presentations demonstrating how jewelry, coins, horns, and amber were created, live music, readings, and much more.
Wolin is a town located on Poland’s largest island (of the same name) on the coast of the Baltic Sea. It's a City of History, whose glory days date back to 1000 years ago. In the early Middle Ages, it was one of the largest and most powerful cities in this part of Europe, and ranked among the most important ports of the Baltic Sea. Wolin is considered to have been the gateway through which Scandinavians traveled southwards from the Baltic Sea to inland Piast state.
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aelianur · 3 months ago
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From last year's wolin. Working to gain space for the dane axe to deliver some killing blows.
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blueskipper-photography · 6 months ago
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Boats at Wolin’s Gates ©2024 blueskipper
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po44wyspach · 3 days ago
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Moje miejsce / po 44 wyspach.
Chciałbym wierzyć, że opinie o naszej okolicy wyrażane w dość nonszalancki i wydaje mi się nie pogłębiony sposób, bez zastanowienia i refleksji to przeszłość. O czym mówię? A o postawie: “tu nic nie ma”, “nie ma co robić”, “nic się nie dzieje”, “wioska rybacka”, “nie ma tego i tamtego… i nie dzieje się nic”. Nie wiem z czego to wynika, nie mi osądzać… chociaż to niezwykle łatwe. Czy to brak widoków na teraźniejszość i przyszłość? Czy kompleks małej ojczyzny? Czy w końcu czysta ignorancja i brak inicjatywy? I ja tu nie oczekuje od spracowanych i zmęczonych ludzi, pochłoniętych pracą i obowiązkami, wychowaniem czy inną codziennością wiele miejsca w swoim i tak ograniczonym czasie na wielkie wyprawy czy studiowanie okolicy z jej wszystkimi niezwykłościami.
Jednak szuka się często czegoś co jest dalej i gdzie indziej nie bacząc na co się ma tu, pod ręką, pośród codzienności i pozornie znanych miejsc i historii. Chociaż by być uczciwym i to się zmienia odrobinę i coraz częściej słyszę od ludzi, że ten mały skrawek lądu otoczony wodą na którym przyszło im żyć coraz bardziej ich ciekawi i zachwyca a rozmowy o miejscach bliskich ich intrygują. Czas pokaże czy przerodzi się to w większą świadomość miejsca, czy rozbudzi chęć odkrywania.
Może ja mam wąskie horyzonty… gdzie moje spojrzenie pada gdzieś tu niedaleko… zanim zachwyci się czymś odległym… ale chciałbym wierzyć, że spojrzenie mam szerokie. A mimo to, mimo upływu lat, wciąż okolica mnie zaskakuje i zachwyca :) i to jest właśnie o tym… miejscu. I jemu podobnych czasem też będzie.
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sputniksflight · 1 month ago
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Wolin Wolf
Linework based on archological finds on Wolin island; order for my friend's conference logo
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fieriframes · 2 years ago
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[GUY FIERI: Look at that, man. There you go. Wolin, Heidegger’s Children, 134–72. Mm. It's dynamite, man.]
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stromuprisahat · 2 years ago
Kult Triglava (u Wolina) nepřímo potvrzuje i lidová tradice uváděná ještě v 19. století, podle níž lze v kraji za svatojánské noci spatřit při měsíčním svitu pasoucího se nádherného černého koně (Triglavovo posvátné zvíře), který však okamžitě zmizí, pokud se k němu člověk pokusí přiblížit. ~ The cult of Triglav (near Wolin) is also indirectly confirmed by a folk tradition reported as far back as the 19th century, according to which a magnificent black horse (Triglav's sacred animal) can be seen grazing in the region in the moonlight on Midsummer night, but which, however, immediately disappears if approached.
Bohové dávných Slovanů ~ Gods of ancient Slavs (Martin Pitro, Petr Vokáč)
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oncanvas · 6 months ago
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(American Flag), Joseph Wolin, 1989
Screenprint 11 × 15 5/16 in. (27.9 × 38.9 cm) Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, NY, USA
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processes · 12 days ago
that Hobbes tucked tail and returned to England, making his submission to the Council of State, as he was to do again when the royalists finally returned. When this prudential behavior is placed alongside the heroic dimensions of this theory, instead of being puzzled by the discrepancy, we may instead be startled by the complementarity. The society of Leviathan is the antihero’s utopia: a society of formal equality, where all subjects have been humbled and made dependent upon the sovereign for the security of their lives, goods, rights, and status.
It is a utopia for those who wish to be rid of the anxieties produced by political instability so that they may concentrate upon "industry" and "culture of the earth" and all of the other goods of "commodious living,” which "natural philosophy" and mathematics make possible.
The political epic of the antihero proves, in the end, to be an attempted epitaph to politics, another denial of the ancient hope of a public setting where men may act nobly in the furtherance of the common good, another way of absolving men of complicity and guilt for their common predicaments.
— Fugitive Democracy, Sheldon Wolin (2016)
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geezerwench · 1 year ago
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My wife and I recreated Aja Trier's Calvin and Hobbes Starry Night using roughly 38,000 LEGO pieces. There are 144 of the 16x16 art series plates with a final size around 5 foot wide by 5 foot tall. Big thanks to the creators of LEGO Art Remix, which was used to render the mosaic. This was displayed at Brick Days in Omaha and won the award for best artwork!
via Ben Woline and Tigon Woline
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grandhotelabyss · 2 years ago
I'm sure everything Wolin says here is true, and deplorable, but still, we know Heidegger was a Nazi, we've known in detail for at least 40 years, no one except the far right excuses it, and we've had plenty of time to detach it from what he had to say that was worthwhile, and so much worse for the revolutionary left or the liberal center that they never had a proper answer to that.
Whence the logic of contamination? Why will it be assumed that if I allow Heidegger had a point about the proper affect inspired by the work of art—a kind of reverent stillness, rather than an imperial willfulness—I will thereby necessarily be implicated in his (in this case totally irrelevant) nonsense about "world Jewry"?
I haven't read Wolin's Heidegger book, but I did read his Seduction of Unreason, which calls a symptomatically bewildering range of thinkers "fascist" (Nietzsche, Blanchot, Jung, Bataille, etc.) because they dishonored "reason." He winds up with an attack on left-wing anti-Americanism, this written just before and published just after the Iraq invasion—speaking of academic complicity with political terror. And I read at least some of The Wind from the East, Wolin's book on how the Maoism of the soixante-huitards usefully aerated the culture of the French intelligentsia, softened it up for American-style participatory democracy—though why intellectual credulity before Mao should be treated with so much more forgiveness than intellectual credulity before Hitler is not immediately clear to me.
I am no great admirer of the stylistically rebarbative Heidegger beyond an essay or two, but the constant spectacle of his execration has the "look over there" function of diverting our attention from more contemporary theoretical collaborations with oppressive power. The Financial Times has reported that rates of cancer are rising in my generation due to the bubblegum-pink amoxycillin they had us swilling as kids several times a year; but this somehow seems less important than yet another reminder that the most famous philosopher to question the high holiness of science was a bad man. And finally, it has the effect of totally politicizing the whole of culture in a style known both to Hitler and to Mao.
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cinematitlecards · 2 years ago
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"Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan" (2006) Directed by Larry Charles (Comedy) . . "Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery Of Prodigious Bribe To American Regime For Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" (2020) Directed by Jason Woliner (Comedy)
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aelianur · 4 months ago
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A strange story of a slavic warrior and a latin mercenary falling in love.
Photos by rekografia
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abwwia · 8 months ago
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Penny Wolin, Jackalopes, Cowboys and Coalmines: A Photographic Survey of Energy Development in Wyoming, 1979, chromogenic color print, image: 83⁄4 × 121⁄4 in. (22.2 × 31.1 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Transfer from the National Endowment for the Arts, 1983.63.1889
Penny Wolin (born June 5, 1953), also known as Penny Diane Wolin and Penny Wolin-Semple, is an American portrait photographer and a visual anthropologist. She has exhibited solo at the Smithsonian Institution and is the recipient of two grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and one grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. via Wikipedia
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mycstilleblog · 1 year ago
"Hybris und Nemesis" von Rainer Mausfeld. Rezension
Wir leben in einer Zeit der Krisen. Nicht zuletzt in einer Krise der Demokratie. Haben wir überhaupt eine Demokratie? Hatten wir je eine? Oskar Lafontaine etwa urteilte in einem Interview mit Tilo Jung einmal: „“Deutschland ist keine Demokratie, sondern eine Oligarchie“. Beispielsweise sind 73 Prozent der Deutschen gegen einen Militäreinsatz der Bundeswehr in Syrien (Welt-Trend). Dennoch findet…
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 years ago
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