#wolf song the movie
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bella-with-a-blog · 6 months ago
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Obligatory wolf song doodles because i mayyyyy be having wolf song brainrot this movie is so bad its funny and great for that . lumfao.
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brokenolivejar · 1 year ago
Hey to all the wolf song nostalgics I redesigned wolf song characters in my image after what 7-8 years? This movie is ANCIENT but it’s a big part of my childhood and I miss it a lot sometimes :(
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mortiswifeireland · 10 days ago
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Gunther, Zep, Rawleff and Vector. 🐺
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howlingdemon13 · 3 months ago
I don’t care that Tumblr isn’t the place for this!
I’m going to be streaming Wolf Song: The Movie on Twitch with my cohost, THiNG!
We’ll be starting around 1 p.m. CST on Saturday the 14th~! Be there or be square. 💚
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Wolf Song will always have a special place in my cold, dead heart, but you’ll definitely need a drink or two to get through this one. Trust me, you won’t be drinking alone.
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nightfallsystem-moved · 10 months ago
did anyone else here grow up on wolf song the movie (like the one on youtube) or am i just weird bcuz that thing was my childhood
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byronicherobracket · 1 year ago
The Byronic Hero Bracket: Qualifying Round Batch B #8
Arrow from Wolf Song: The Movie vs. Suzaku from Code Geass
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Reasons under the cut (spoilers for both)
(All sources from TV Tropes)
Arrow in Wolf Song: The Movie counts as one. He is dark (both emotionally and in fur colour), introverted and plagued by his own childhood trauma, being a very literal lone wolf. He does soften up somewhat midway through and he does actually care for others, namely his younger sister Yasmine and later on his love interest Kara. However this film does also include a partial deconstruction of this trope as he ultimately battles the one who had been the source of his own grief and dies horribly in the process
Suzaku could also count. Brooding, uncompromising, self-destructive Death Seeker who seeks atonement for killing his father and causing Japan to be enslaved by Britannia. He tries sacrificing himself under the guise of chivalry to both Britannia and supposedly Japan as an excuse to fulfill his death wish but mostly serves to derail Lelouch's plans before they would otherwise bear maximum results. In season 2, he becomes even worse, descending into Knight Templar territory and conquering EU nations for Schneizel. He eventually joins Lelouch, but not before they're both broken beyond repair.
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teddybeartoji · 2 months ago
heavily based on the puss in boots movie but sukuna x death!reader..
a bounty hunter, who has set their eyes on the infamous sukuna,, known for his bloody blade and his feracious smile, he doesn't even bat an eye when you show him the wanted poster. he makes a joke about it, he laughs in your face.
but he does enjoy the fight and he is amused by this ridiculous act of yours, so he decides to draw his sword just to humor himself on this late night.
"try me if you dare, you wouldn't be the first to— "
like a gust of wind, like a slap in the face – you swat the blade from his hand without even looking at him properly and his breath gets stuck in his throat.
the steel clatters against the cold floor, it glimmers under the dim lights of the tavern. sukuna doesn't get scared. he doesn't.
the corners of your lips quirk up and the room goes cold. a mean laugh ripples from your throat and his stomach churns.
"go on, pick it up."
he swallows the lump in his throat.
the few steps count as a walk of shame inside his head. he won't let you get away with toying with him like this. adrenaline pumps in his veins as he bends to pick up his weapon and the moment his calloused fingers wrap around the handle, he's swinging it at your back with a low growl.
the sound two swords make when they clash against one another is nothing new to sukuna, so it really shouldn't be as big of a surprise when you deflect his blow.
when you deflect it with ease, with a smirk on your face.
sukuna's eye twitches.
a second swing and then a third. you're unfazed.
he clicks his tongue and forces down the raw anger bubbling up his gullet.
a fourth and a fifth. a sixth. sparks from the blades glimmer in your dark eyes as you blatantly laugh in his face, seemingly so far from his reach that sukuna trips over his own thoughts – he reacts half a second too late and pays the price for it immediately; the cold steel rests against his adam's apple, your breath fanning his face as you tug him closer by the collar of his shirt. stuck between the counter and the end, he glares at you. he snarls, he bares his teeth.
a drop of crimson runs down the side of his neck as you brush your cold nose against his cheek. too close, you're too fucking close. the quiet, honeyed hum you give him gnaws on his insides, it tears into them like a hungry dog. your lips ghost over his pulse point and he feels you smile.
you inhale and a shiver runs up his spine.
"this is always the best part... when the fear finally starts to bleed, when you can taste it. smell it." his free hand curls into the material of your cloak but he's unable to do anything. he can't push and he can't pull, a deer stuck in a trap.
you slot a thigh between his thighs and press your blade deeper into him. "isn't it exciting to be so close to me, hm?"
warm blood trickles over your fingers. the tall man before you shrinks under your presence, under the weight of your makeshift scythe. he holds onto you like his life depends on it and withers at your next words.
"i'll take good care of you, i promise."
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zakuryoishi · 3 months ago
i got to watch the inazuma eleven movie!! it was good i'm once again insanely excited for what's to come ^_^ (victory road, of which i'll talk about under the cut to avoid spoilers)
the first half was, as expected, just a recap with major focus on the first and last episode of season 1. the new t-pistonz song slaps and the nostalgic soundtracks are always good to hear. makes me think something among the lines of "ah yeah, that's right, i love inazuma eleven." fine but not too good when you think of it as a recap, i would've switched some scenes for others personally. voice acting good as always
AS FOR VICTORY ROAD repetition of the scenes of the beta until the last part, where it's all new I GOT SO EXCITED. despite being singular cutscenes put together, it went smoother than i expected. the main (spoiler) points i would like to highlight are:
unless it was shown in the beta and i just forgot about it, we get to see the student council other than shisendou animated. unmei and sakurazaki are on everyone's mouth for challenging the baseball club
sakurazaki sends unmei the video of the hokuyou vs raimon match, to show him "today's soccer" and oh my god i wasn't ready for this. like at all. unmei sits on the same bench - i assume - he sat on with sakurazaki the night he went to the hospital and starts watching the match and then something crazy happens
SORAMIYA APPEARS ON SCREEN AND UNMEI GOES "soramiya-kun!" and then "so this is soramiya now..." they know each other my god. i wasn't ready at all for this. they're showing new connections i can't wait to see them eventually reunite....
the match ends 6-0 in favor of raimon because haru is just That strong but of course he pulls up with the "soccer is boring" line. they're putting haru in a rather different position than his dad. haru said he doesn't have the desire to confront strong rivals (?) (i'm not exactly sure of this point, if anyone notices i'm wrong please lmk!) as mamoru did, all he wants is having friends
the animation is as good as what we've already seen from mappa, especially the match itself is very smooth and enjoyable to watch. the credits arts were my favorite (UNMEI AND RAIKA TOGETHER... also unmei and soramiya as kids together. i can't wait to know more about them) i assume we'll be able to see them in the final game. in the end the second part is more of an introduction of what victory road will be but ohhh it was so nice
also got some merch! plus the cards they give you for purchasing the tickets. there was barely anything left lol, and of fucking course the can badges were blind box style. i really wish i got raika, but kameo's fine too. had fun... i can't believe inazuma eleven is real...
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bimesskaira · 1 year ago
So this is the first poll of a series...maybe...comment if you want me to continue and include different many different fandoms and ships (mxm, fxf, mxf etc.), perhaps even ships in the same Fandoms ?
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iwrotemrtambourineman · 6 months ago
universal monsters | angel of my dreams - JADE
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evansbby · 10 months ago
this is SO niche but does anyone remember…
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bella-with-a-blog · 12 days ago
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More wolf song doodles... only 2 this time cuz im idea dry.....
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authenticallyaudrey · 1 month ago
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My favorite films by Cartoon Saloon, an animation studio from Kilkenny, Ireland.
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mortiswifeireland · 3 months ago
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Raina (Lightning's girlfriend) and Alador (Kara's brother and Onora's boyfriend)
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cursedwerewolf · 4 months ago
every time werewolf media has a wolf- or moon-themed song on its soundtrack, a werewolf grows its claws <3
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idleglowingpixels · 1 year ago
I kinda realised that Mr Komos' song, True Monster Heart follows the same beat as the Monster High Fright song, but the lyrics are like the corrupted version of the original.
Monster High Fright is about accepting
True Monster Heart is about rejecting
Kinda interesting when you think about it
AHHHHHH WHEN I SAW I GOT AN ASK RELATED TO THIS I FREAKED OUT DFGHNBGVFDSF TY FOR GIVING ME SOMETHING TO RAMBLE SOME MORE ABOUT ANON FOR REAL! (Also sorry for the late response, this post has been developing in my drafts for like at least a week now dfgfhng)
I absolutely agree with the conflicting messages between the two songs! I know the song focuses on the story of this universe's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the main verses, but the main focus of the song is that message of rejection of anything and everything human.
Also, because of the Jekyll/Hyde bits, it could represent the duality of where the story starts and ends in its interpretation of a "true monster heart." Instead of Mr. Hyde's human-ness making his heart "untrue," it was his utter rejection of & research into ridding himself of his Jekyll, as well as his hiding of the truth in the first place that caused him to be found out and exiled.
His heart being "untrue" had nothing to do with the fact he was half-human, because if it were, then Clawdeen and Komos's presence in and of itself within the school would've triggered its self-destruction. That was proven as a false interpretation by the story in the movie, so it's self-explanatory. A true monster heart is one of self-acceptance, despite one's flaws or differences. That's what Mr. Hyde, and Mr. Komos thereafter, had neglected to realize before Clawdeen proved the point.
Though, I've listened to both True Monster Heart and Fright Song a few times back-to-back, to try and get where you're thinking as far as the beat, but I don't hear it unfortunately (unless you meant the tempo of the song, then yes they do follow the same 120 beats per minute!).
The closest thing I can think of as far as melodic parallels between the songs is the chanting sections. The Fright Song chant is much quicker in the way it's sung compared to the chant in True Monster Heart, however. The whole of Fright Song's chant goes in 16 beats/4 measures, whereas True Monster Heart's chant takes twice as long at 32 beats/8 measures (I was a band/choir kid lol). It's mainly due to how the song kinda drags out the point, and it definitely feels like a nod to Fright Song for sure. Fright Song's chant is only there because 4/5 of the main ghouls were fearleaders, so it was sort of characterizing the cast before actually showing their characters in the webisodes.
Fun little headcanon/ramble that I forget if I ever mentioned about Fright Song, but with Holt Hyde being released in the 1st Signature wave with the rest of the the main ghouls and all, I think it was because he's intended to be the singer of the rap section before any subsequent content with the character was released (No offense but I don't think Holt DJs because he's a good singer sdfgbfds). This would line up with his current crush in canon with Frankie, as well as his former crush on Draculaura from either the diaries or books, maybe both? I forget. :'D Also I feel like Holt wouldn't hesitate to call Cleo vile immediately after saying she's charming either, he's very direct with his words. (I also interpret Jackson/Holt as bisexual because Deuce is included in the rap I DON'T CARE Y'ALL IT MAKES SENSE!)
Also I always interpreted the howl-like sound at the end of the rap as "Holt ran outta time/battery power for his music and transforms back to Jackson as it transitions to the rest of the song." It kinda works with how the beat kinda drops down with the howl, like a TV being shut off or something idk.
Ghoulia also debuted with Signature Wave 1 but she's only in like a second of the music video in the background, I figure it could've been budgetary reasons for the animation, to save on animating an extra character. Also I imagine flame-y hair wouldn't be very fun to animate in 2D, and Deuce's snakes moving on their own were bad enough I imagine to animate, so it begrudgingly checks out as to why Holt isn't in the animated bits with everyone else.
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If any straws for these dumbasses can be found I SHALL GRASP THEM fr they're my blorbos :'D
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