#woke up to get shouted at over dishes
moneygoblin04 · 2 months
I kinda feel like I'm falling apart
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oracle-of-dream · 7 months
Frame by Frame
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Minors DNI
Summary: Your brother Jay invited his friend Sunghoon over to spend the night at the house. The three of you had mostly grown up together, so you knew him pretty well. Something's off with him... he keeps looking at you.
Warnings: Male Reader, Muscle Kink, Rough Sex, Brother's Best friend, Breeding, Spit play, Pet names (Baby), Soft Dom Sunghoon, Sunghoon has a big dick, Aftercare, Jaywon (briefly)
Wordcount: 3.5k
You woke up from a midday nap to the smell of food being cooked downstairs. The Sun was still shining into your window, but you could tell it was the afternoon by its dark orange color.
Climbing out of bed, you remembered your parents said they'd be out of town for the week. Probably because it was spring break for you, and they didn't want to be around when both their kids would be home again. They were way too happy to send you and your brother off to college...
You put on some sort of t-shirt before leaving your room to investigate the kitchen. There were two voices; one was Jay, your brother. The other was Sunghoon, his best friend since you were five years old. Sunghoon and Jay went everywhere together. To the movies, the gym, cafes, and even the same college too. It really felt like they were dating each other with how much Sunghoon was around, even if your parents treated him like another kid.
Stepping into the kitchen, you saw Sunghoon in a sleeveless red shirt with gray sweatpants. Jay was wearing something similar in green and black. They probably just came back from the gym. Jay had shouted something about it before you'd fallen asleep.
"It smells good. What's on the menu today, chef?" You smiled at your brother the way you did when you needed something from him.
"If you do the dishes after dinner, then it's a tomato bruschetta with salmon," Jay replied without looking up at you.
"What!? Why do I have to do the dishes?"
"You want to eat the food I'm working hard to make, then you have to contribute."
You rolled your eyes. "You hate the way I wash the dishes, you always say it's not done right and end up doing them anyway–and what about Sunghoon? He's eating too, so he has to do the dishes!"
Sunghoon was about to protest but Jay beat him to it. "Fine. Both of you start washing these dishes. If it's not clean by the time I'm done, then the dog is eating really well tonight."
Sunghoon didn't bother arguing. "I wash, you dry?" He asked while handing you a clean rag.
Your stomach was too empty to think of a good argument about why Sunghoon was the person who should do everything. "Fine," You snatched the rag from him and lifted yourself onto the counter to sit. For the next ten minutes, you dried the dishes as he handed them to you. Your mind wandered, thinking about how hungry you were. You looked over at Sunghoon washing the dishes, his huge biceps flexing as he worked over every dish. He'd been going to the gym as much as Jay, but he always had a better shape than him. His arms were incredible, his shoulders also pretty broad, and his side profile wasn't half bad either... He definitely wasn't the kid you'd grown up with anymore.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Sunghoon's eyes looking over at you, catching you staring at him.
"Y/n, you alright?"
"Y–Yeah, just still a little drowsy..."
Jay finished making the food and started planting the table. "Did you really sleep all day, y/n?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Those are the same pajamas you've been wearing for the past two days..." He dryly replied.
"Well–What did you do today, Jay?"
"I cleaned the house, got groceries, picked up Sunghoon, and then we went to the gym. Then we came back here and I cooked for the entire house."
"Three people, but okay... that's supposed to be a break and you're working like a house husband!"
Jay picked up the plate sitting at your place at the table. "So, that's a no to the food?"
"Okay–Let's not get out of hand. You started it."
"That's what I thought," Jay set your plate down and returned to his seat. He waited for you and Sunghoon to finish the dishes and join him. Dinner was pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, with a bowl of fruit. Jay knew you loved breakfast for dinner, and it was all prepared and set to perfection.
You all eat together, not talking very much as you focus on the food. Sunghoon was wolfing the food down like usual, making a mess.
"Hey, you're going to get food on the floor!" You pushed him slightly, "I'm not cleaning the floor if you make a mess."
He replied with a mouth full of food, "Relax, Mom!" Sunghoon has egg on his face and crumbs on his shirt.
You pinched the egg off his face and tossed it to the dog to eat. But when you looked back at Sunghoon, he was staring at you.
"What? Were you gonna eat that?" You asked.
He shook his head, "No, it's nothing."
The air hung heavy between you. Sunghoon has been acting like that sometimes around you, creating some sort of tension between you. But you couldn't think of what you could've done to make him bothered by you. He was fine earlier...
Jay cut through the silence. "Well. Sunghoon, are you still staying the night?"
Sunghoon nodded. More invested in the food now, even though his plate was almost empty.
Jay turned to you, "Y/n, you doing anything tonight? We can all hang out if you want."
You shrugged. "I don't think I've got anything for me. So I'll be around."
The three of you continued dinner without much extra conversation. You went back to your room, Jay started washing the dishes from dinner, and Sunghoon stayed in the kitchen to talk to Jay.
You watched some TikToks in your room until you got a text from Sunghoon.
SH: Hey...
You sat up in bed so you could give it more attention. Why would he put the ... in there?
YN: What's up?
SH: I hope I didn't make you upset earlier. About the dishes. You were kinda giving me daggers, so I just wanted to make sure we're cool.
YN: Of course! I didn't mean to look upset, I was just thinking.
SH: What, about?
YN: Random stuff, I can't even really remember it now...
You knew you couldn't just say, "Oh I was thinking about how good you've been looking these days. Great gains, bro!" You needed to play it cool.
SH: Oh, okay. Can I get your thoughts on something?
Your heart raced, just for a moment.
YN: What is it?
SH: What do you think about this, hot or not? Jay says not.
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You stared at the picture of Sunghoon in the gym's locker room. You tried not to laugh at his expression.
YN: I think you could work on your expression. Try smiling or something. Most guys just focus on showing their body rather than their face at the gym anyway.
There was a pause in the messages. Sunghoon didn't reply for a full five minutes...
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SH: What about these?
YN: Sunghoon, why do you need me to tell you if you look good? You've always been the most handsome out of you, me, and Jay.
SH: Well, Jay won't even look at them. But it's good to know you think I'm good-looking.
You blushed and scoffed at your phone... You couldn't tell if he knew what he was doing to you. Your body was going crazy.
YN: Well, whatever. I think the photos are all fine.
SH: Last one.
You braced yourself for another sleeveless selfie, but what you got was way better.
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You almost dropped your phone when you saw him shirtless. He was absolutely doing it on purpose. Making sure not to actually show you anything, just some collarbone.
SH: Thoughts?
YN: Yep, still looks good.
SH: Well, you can send me photos too. Let me rate you.
You caught a look of yourself in the reflection of your phone. You looked more than a little rough.
YN: Um, I don't really have photos...
SH: Then should we fix that? I can take some photos for you.
YN: Why do I need pictures?
SH: ...I dunno. It just felt fair, since I forced you to look at me. I should look at you too.
You thought about sending Sunghoon photos of yourself. What kind of photos would he even want?
YN: What kinda photos are we talking about?
SH: Anything, I'm just here to help. Just like you did for me.
You spent almost twenty minutes trying to find a photo that seemed decent enough to send. Changing your outfit, messing with your hair, cleaning your room a little bit. You settled on a candid photo of you reading a book in some loose-fitting clothes. Your shirt was almost falling off your shoulders, and your shorts barely peeked out to show you were wearing any. You sent it to Sunghoon and waited anxiously for his response.
SH: Looks good.
You frowned at his response. You really look all the time just to get that kind of response from him... You tossed your phone away from you and went to the living room to find Jay and Sunghoon. Both were sitting on the couch, using their phones. But as soon as you walked in, Sunghoon tucked his phone.
"I'm gonna hit the bathroom really quick." He said as he brushed past you.
Jay didn't acknowledge it, but you sure did. Sunghoon was acting weird again.
"Jay, have you noticed anything about Sunghoon lately?"
He shook his head. "Nope. Same old Sunghoon."
You scoffed at your brother. "Since when have you been so uncaring?"
"And since when did you care so much?" Jay raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his phone.
"Never!" You turned and stormed off from Jay. Clearly, he wasn't going to be helpful, so you needed to get to the bottom of things yourself. As soon as you got into the hallway of the bathroom, you could see the light was on, but the door was barely open. The bathroom door got messed up when Jay closed the door too hard, making it difficult to keep the door shut. A small push could open it. But Sunghoon didn't know that. You moved forward to pull it closed, but then heard Sunghoon breathing heavily.
You leaned closer to the door to listen.
"...Jeez. You're so beautiful. Y/n, holy fuck." Sunghoon softly moaned.
You moved to peek through the crack. Sunghoon was jerking himself to something on his phone, moaning your name. You didn't realize you were holding your breath watching him. His hand stroked quickly, his hair bounced lightly, and his mouth hung open with his eyes squeezed shut. His thick arms pulsed, and his veins popped. His legs shook and shifted in pleasure. You inched closer to get a better look at Sunghoon's phone, but accidentally touched the door which creaked slightly and scared Sunghoon.
"Y–Y/N! I–" Sunghoon scrambled to cover himself but he dropped his phone while doing it. His phone landed face up, showing what he was masturbating to; the photo of yourself you'd sent earlier...
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk here..." You said as you turned around and shut the door.
There was shuffling, and then the door opened. Sunghoon's face was wracked with guilt. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I..." His voice trailed off, not knowing what to say.
You turned to him. "Be honest."
He gulped before opening his mouth to answer. "I–I'm really into you, y/n. I've been like this for a while... And, I get it if you're not interested in me."
You stepped forward and kissed his cheek, leaving him dumbfounded. "Come to my room tonight. Wait till Jay's asleep." You walked off toward your room without waiting for his response. You couldn't look him in the face after what you'd seen. All you could think about was his dick and the expression he was making, replaying again and again in your mind. You stayed in your room for the rest of the night, and when Jay knocked on your door to check on you, you told Jay that you didn't want to hang out anymore.
Around midnight, the house had fallen asleep except for you. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest when you heard a soft knock at the door.
"Y/n? It's me." Sunghoon whispered through the door.
You opened the door and let Sung Hoon in. You sat down on your bed, and he sat down on the far end of it, awkwardly looking at you in the low light of the moon that dripped in from your window.
"I've already seen it, so you can't be awkward with me now." You stated, trying to start the conversation.
"I know... I just didn't want you to find out like that. It's embarrassing." He scratched his head. "You just looked so good in that picture. The moment I saw it, it was hard. And then I saw you in person. I needed to deal with it."
You shifted a little closer to him. "Well, you were sending those pictures first. I was just following your lead."
"I wasn't trying to be sexy in the pictures..."
"Well, you're bad at not being sexy. And, why would you send that shirtless one if you weren't making a pass at me."
Sunghoon's ears went pink. "Well–Maybe I was fishing a little. But I didn't think you'd send anything back to me."
"So it's my fault?"
He turned to you. "No! I didn't mean it like that. I meant–" Sunghoon couldn't finish his sentence as he watched you unbutton your shirt.
"What? Aren't you going to get undressed?"
Sunghoon looked away from you. "Wait, what's actually happening right now?"
You shyly started putting your shirt back on. "I thought you came so we could... have sex. Or something. That was dumb, I'm sorry–"
Sunghoon knelt down in front of you and stopped your hands. "No, it's not dumb. I liked it. I was just thrown for a second. We can do that if you want. But I want to take it off you if you'll let me."
You let your hands rest, Sunghoon slowly stripped off your shirt, touching you gently, caressing your skin, and breathing in your scent deeply as he did. Once your shirt was off, he tossed his aside roughly, revealing his muscular torso to you. You automatically looked away, but he sweetly pulled your chin to face him.
"You can touch me, y/n." He spoke with softness in his voice and looked up at you with warm eyes.
You placed a hand on his shoulder. It was stiff and strong. You traced his muscles down his arm until your hands met his and locked into his fingers.
"We'll go however far you want, y/n. Whatever you want, I'm all yours." He kissed your hand.
"Can you call me baby?"
He chuckled. "Baby."
Your heart fluttered at his deep voice calling out to you.
"Baby, can I touch you?"
You nod.
Sunghoon uses his other hand to wrap around your waist and lift you off the bed, moving you so he'd sit on the bed and you on his lap. "Is this okay?" He slightly leaned in for a kiss, pausing for your consent.
You nod again. Leaning in to meet him.
Sunghoon's hands traced your chest before landing on your hips. Your hands traveled up his waist and stopped at his neck as the two of you made out. Every time you moaned Sunghoon would pull you closer to him, squeezing you slightly. You could feel him slowly grinding into you, his hips lurching upward for just a moment of sensation. You arch your back, laying your ass down to meet him, earning a groan from him.
"Keep doing that, baby." He moaned into the kiss.
You pulled away from the kiss. "We can keep moving forward."
Sunghoon lets you climb off of him. The both of you face away from one another as you toss aside your pants and underwear, leaving you both naked.
You felt a little too exposed. "Actually, can I have my shirt back?
Sunghoon handed it to you, and you took it without looking back at him. You slipped it on but left it unbuttoned and open. Slowly, you turned around to let him see you.
"You look amazing with it on. Good call." He complimented.
You blushed at his compliment and lay on the bed. "Are you coming?"
Sunghoon crawled onto the bed, positioning himself over you. "Are you prepared, or do you need me to do it?"
You covered your face. "Don't ask embarrassing questions. Just check if it's enough for you."
Sunghoon smiled. "Will you lick my fingers?"
You moved your hands just enough to show your mouth and let it open. He delicately placed his fingers on your tongue and let you work them over, tossing and turning them. You got them so wet that they were dripping as he took them out.
"Jesus, that's hot." Sunghoon put them in his mouth.
"Hoon–" He then slipped two fingers into you, making you cover your mouth so you didn't slip out any loud noises.
Sunghoon pushed and pulled softly, searching around and bending his fingers. When he found your spot, he felt you suddenly squeeze his fingers. "There it is. Now, I know where to aim."
You were starting to drool with all the foreplay. Or maybe it was an overexcited thing. Either way, Sunghoon noticed and licked your cheek, drinking your spit.
"We're going to start now. Anything you need to do?" He asked one more time for your consent.
"I've been waiting for you to get to it..." You muttered.
"Oh, baby, are you getting impatient?" He teased me.
You didn't answer and Sunghoon lined himself with your hole before slowly sliding his length inside you. You held the sheets of the bed, trying to control your noises as he filled you. He was so big, and every vein and twitch felt like an explosion inside of you. You struggled to stay still while you got used to him.
"You can do it, baby."
You moaned. "Seven inches is more than I've had before..."
"Did you count my inches with your hole? How lewd." Sunghoon chuckled. "And, we're not done yet."
Your mouth twitched a smile. "Just put it all in then."
Sunghoon put his hands on either side of your hips and pulled up into him, putting the last two inches into you.
"Nine!?" You almost screamed.
"Maybe it's 9.5, but who's counting? Now, stay quiet, or Jay will wake up." He leaned down to you, sliding his hand under your head. "Bite me if you need to."
You thought you didn't need to until you felt his hips move, and then your mouth instantly fixed itself to Sunghoon's collar. He groaned as he started moving slowly but picked up the pace when you moaned. Your thighs were raised, and your legs were around his waist, shaking as Sunghoon pulled you into him to meet his thrusts. You could feel Sunghoon's muscles moving and tensing as he controlled your body. He leaned back to see his work on you and caught you staring at his chest. His pecs were so big and bounced with every thrust.
"Oh? Does Baby like my chest? Wanna touch it?"
You nodded breathlessly.
Sunghoon leaned back down for you to touch them comfortably.
You squeeze them, pinching on his nipples. You were mesmerized by them.
"Since you like them so much, I'll keep them nice and big for you, okay?" Sunghood cool to you.
"O–Okay." You moaned as you held his pecs in your hands, kneading them roughly. The sensations were so intense you didn't even notice you'd already finished once, cum painting your stomach.
Sunghoon's thrusts got sloppier, losing their rhythm as his moans got shakier.
"I'm almost there, baby, hold on a little longer." He growled, hitting a few more times before his cum spilled into you. Which makes you cum again, painting yourself with more ropes of white. Sunghoon rode out his high, thrusting a few more times before pulling out. Cum spilling out of you, onto the bed.
Your body shook and convulsed every few seconds from the rush. You were a sticky mess, and Sunghoon took care of everything. He went into the bathroom and got you hot towels to clean you. And then he carried you to your bathroom so you could do your business. While you took care of yourself on the toilet, Sunghoon changed the sheets and waited for you to come out of the bathroom with new pajamas ready.
Sunghoon tucked you under the covers. "Goodnight, baby, I'll see you in the morning." He got under the covers with you to cuddle you.
You grabbed his arm. "You're not leaving? What about Jay?"
Sunghoon laughed. "He knows. I talked to him. He should be at Jungwon's house right now doing the same as us."
"Why would you tell him–Jungwon!? They're a thing!?"
"Since forever. And Jay's known for ages that I've liked you. After I talked to him about what happened, he chewed me out for being a pervert and jerking off in the house, but he gave me his blessing. So we don't need to worry about him~"
The two of you cuddled together for the night. You drifted to sleep to the sound of Sunghoon's heartbeat, plotting about your next morning...
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
day in the life as a strawhat pirate
-> very messy, very cute, very fluffy.
-> i don't think any pronouns are used except for "you" but i had a male reader in mind when i was writing it...SHOUTOUT
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you wake up - luffy's foot is in your mouth, but also at the same time, his other foot is wrapped around your legs??? he stretched in his sleep and has trapped you in some very odd body trap...it takes you yelling at him to even wake him up.
sanji is the first to wake up, usually, and when you get to the kitchen the breakfast is waiting for you. now you have to sleepily fight for your share of the food because luffy is hangry (his default mood when he wakes up is hangry because he hasn't eaten yet...since he just woke up...) and then also there are 9 other hands that are fiending for all the dishes on the table.
after surviving a war in the dining room, you hope to take some time to relax. but that doesn't exist on the thousand sunny since chopper and usopp are quick to get into their shenanigans. they call you over, wanting to show you a creation that the sniper made, only for you to get a pie of whip cream to the face. they called you over so that they could prank you and now were rolling on the deck laughing about it.
instead of skewering them alive, you decide to take the peaceful route in going to the bathroom to wash your face off. oh, but franky is already in the bathroom taking his morning shower.
you get a face full of cyborg and a very girlish scream escapes his mouth when he realizes that you are standing at the entrance, watching him sing into the shower bottles - naked and all. he then screams out for how he can get no privacy, but you're just too determined to clean your face of the whip cream that you don't really pay him any mind.
when you get out of the bathroom, now having peace in mind, there is a rabid sanji and zoro fighting each other. they're at each other's throats for whatver reason and when they catch you walking down the hallway, they involve you in their fight...for whatever reason.
they're asking you to take a side, who was right in their idiotic fight, but they're both shouting so loud and at the same time you can't even process what either of them are saying. you can only blanky stare back at them as their huffing and puffying to regain their breaths from their nonstop yelling.
and then their expressions go back to being angry, but not at each other - at you, for seemingly being too neutral and not staking a claim to one of their sides. it's all just their adrenaline ramped up to a thousand (even though it's barely been an hour since they've woken up) and now they're trying to make your reaction the same.
you can only sigh, shoving your palms into their faces, and making them clear a path for you to leave the hallway. this makes their bickering turn back to each other instead, their shouts echoing all over the thousand sunny.
just when you finally think, maybe robin or jinbe could offer you comfort in peace, no! brook and nami are actually fighting about something on deck. as you listen in you hear about how brook is the one stealing their undergarments at night - that's enough for you to step in and deal with the perverted skeleton. a punch to his skull is enough to knock some sense into him (nami laid out a couple of her own on his head before you arrived)
nami thanks you in a sigh of exasperation. she offers you a slice of the tnagerine she had peeled, which she gingerly feeds you when you accept. and her face mimics that of an angel, eyes closed as she smiles kindly at you...before she barks at brook to make up for his odd, perverted actions by playing her her favorite song.
and even though you do enjoy brook's violin playing, that is just not your definition of peace right now. maybe any other day, but just not right now.
so you go below deck and finally find your favorite people: robin and jinbe. you practically collapse on jinbe, murmuring about how tired you were despite the day just starting, and robin laughs at your fatigue. she begins to read aloud for the three of you whilst jinbe's hand comfortingly goes up and down your back. she looks at your figure, observing your peaceful expression, before fluidly going back to reading aloud the history book she picked up.
jinbe is laid out against the cushioned seats so really, he's acting as a big bed for you and you definitely do not pass up the chance to catch a quick cat nap. and hopefully this time when you wake up, your captain's foot won't be in your mouth <3
(tags are platonic - its just to reach the audiences)
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An Offer You Can't Refuse- Part 2
Part 1
Hero woke up to the feeling of being watched. The weight over their eyes had been lifted, and their restraints had been removed as well, judging by how they were sprawled out in bed. Bed? This bed felt much bigger and softer than their own bed. The feeling of being watched grew stronger. Who cared whose bed it was- who was watching them!? Hero’s eyes snapped open, darting around the room until they landed on- oh. Right. Them. That. This.
“Good morning, Hero,” Supervillain said softly, “I must admit, you slept so long I was worried they had overdosed you, but you seem to be alright. That’s good.”
Alright? Alright!? What about this was alright!?
“Do you often make a habit of watching people sleeping?” Hero blurted.
Did they really just say that!? Hero’s heart hammered in their chest. This was Supervillain they were talking about- one false move and they were dead. No, scratch that, death would be a mercy- surely someone like Supervillain was an expert at dishing out fates worse than death-
Supervillain just chuckled.
“No,” they said, “but after eighteen hours and no sign of you waking, I did want to check up on you. That couldn’t have all been the drugs, I’d wager. Were you overworking yourself before you were abducted?”
“Eighteen-” Hero started.
“Technically twenty-five if we’re being specific,” Supervillain said, “your little snores are quite cute, and did you know you sleep-talk?”
Hero blushed in embarrassment. More than flustered, they felt confused. Supervillain had bought them for… however much they paid for them (Hero couldn’t quite remember) and now they were waking up in a lavish bed while the mastermind made small-talk about the whole thing?
“Are you hungry?” Supervillain prompted.
“Confused.” Hero admitted.
Hero’s stomach didn’t like that answer, and it growled loudly in protest. Supervillain smiled knowingly.
“I’ll have my chef make you something,” they said, getting up, “It would be in your best interest not to leave this room.”
Supervillain left the bedroom, closing the door behind them. Hero waited until their footsteps faded into silence. They sprung out of bed and tried the door. Locked, of course. Hero formed a small icicle in their hand and started to pick the lock. After a couple seconds of picking, the icicle snapped in two. Right, well, time for something more aggressive then. Hero forced the door down with a blast of ice. Stepping over the now-warped door, they looked around for the nearest exit. They ran down a hallway and past a few different doors, before reaching a grand staircase. They checked both ways for signs of Supervillain, then descended the stairs at a breakneck pace.
They realized, as they were rushing to freedom, that they weren’t wearing any shoes. In fact, their entire suit had been replaced by silk sleepwear. Oh well, they’d just have to make a new one when they got out of here. Their hand was on the front doorknob when a rough force yanked them backwards.
Hero yelped in surprise. They craned their neck to see a large, muscular person behind them. They had an earpiece and a small microphone hooked up to them.
“Got ‘em,” they said, “taking them back now.”
The henchman started to drag Hero back by the arm.
“Hey, let me go!” Hero shouted, forming cold energy in their hand and hurling a snowball at the henchman.
“Gah- why you-!”
In shock from getting a snowball to the face, the henchman had let go of Hero, who was now making another run for it.
“C’mere you-”
Hero turned, anger burning in their eyes. If it was a fight this bozo wanted, it was a fight they were going to get. And Hero was going to win.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @morning-star-whump @crotchgoblin69 @books-are-everything @worstcasescenariolullaby
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written-with-blue-ink · 11 months
Cuddles with alhaitham? I want to be in his arms desperately please and thank you
Thank you for the ask! Not necessarily cuddles but happy wholesome fluff is coming up <3 also, I got a lot of requests and I am going in order from oldest to newest, sorry for the wait y'all. Wish the Furina wanters to be Furina Havers!
At the Dendro Archon's Decree, Alhaitham X Reader
Being the (Acting) Grand Scribe meant long days and multiple pots of coffee just to get work done. How he wondered how much Aazar and so many previous Grand Sages fucked up just due to not listening to the “Lesser Lord”. 
The average day had him leave long before you woke up and come home when you had finished your dinner, curled in the corner with a book. Sure, the few moments he got to spend with you were precious, but you both knew you wanted more time together. Just seemed like it wasn’t in the cards right now.
That’s why when the doors of the elevator opened, he was not expecting the God of Wisdom sitting at his desk, scribbling down notes and her vizier, no kagemusha was the term he used for himself, sitting off to the side with a scowl and crossed arms. “Lord Kusanali,” Alhaitham slowly stated, eyes glancing at the both of them, “I wasn’t aware we had a meeting today.”
Her green eyes fluttered up, her flower-shaped pupils meeting his, and seemed to shine with amusement. “Alhaitham! You’re here,” she smiled, pulling herself up so she was standing on the chair, “you can go home now. Bye!”
The white-haired man narrowed his eyes and cocked a brow as he stepped to the center of the room. “While I don’t mind going home,” he spoke bluntly, “is there a reason for my sudden dismissal?”
“Yeah, you work too much,” the hat-wearing boy said in the corner, a smirk on his face that always seemed to rub Alhaitham slightly the wrong way.
“Exactly,” Nahida smiled, pointing at the boy with indigo hair. “Not in a bad way but you have taken on so much work that was originally split evenly amongst several heads. While we are looking for replacements you have taken on that work but you deserve a break, Grand Sage Alhaitham.”
“Acting Grand Sage,” he corrected but he couldn’t help but feel some of the tension leave his shoulders. “But thank you, Lord Kusanali. I’ll be going now.”
Swiftly turning around and walking back to the elevator, he couldn’t help but smile as Nahida shouted, “Have fun! Tell (Y/N) I said hi!”
Walking out the doors of the Academia’s Library, the edge of the sun started peaking over the horizon. The warmth on his skin seemed to add some speed to his step as he briskly walked home.
Waking up in the morning, the smell of fresh bread hit your nose and the light shining through the windows sturred your senses. The thin bronze cat batted at the pillow next to you, her spots seeming darker in the shadow she gave off. “Mornin, Asal… How are you, baby girl?”
She purred as you scratched behind her ear, flopping on her side as you scratched her tummy with a smile. After a minute or two, the smell from outside your bedroom seemed to grow stronger and Asal flipped herself back onto her feet and bounded out the cracked door. You giggle as you hop to your feet, running out the door after her.
Wandering through the hall, you turn the corner just in time to watch Asal crawl up the green fabric before wrapping herself around the neck of a familiar face, his eyes concentrating on the stove as he cooked some eggs. She licked the side of his face, causing him to turn to the left, eyes meeting yours as you both smiled. “What are you doing here, handsome? Shouldn’t you be doing Grand Sage things?”
“Lord Kusanali sent me home and said I needed to spend more time with you,” he said, eyes on you instead of the dish in front of him as he slid the eggs onto a plate. “But you wouldn’t have any idea about that, would you?”
Strutting forward, he places an arm around your waist. “Why, I have no idea what you could be insinuating,” you smirk, placing a kiss on his lips as he pulls you closer to his chest.
Asal crawled down from the man’s neck into your arms, purring as you held her close. Alhaitham rolled his eyes, leading you to a table covered in slices of bread, cheeses, honey, and other spreads. Pulling a chair out for you, he spoke, “Then how did the Dendro Archon know you and I were dating? I don’t necessarily talk about my private life at work.”
“Well,” you coo, placing a hand on his, “I may or may not have run into her while I was bringing you lunch a few weeks ago. Then she would occasionally stop by in my dreams and we would talk… You aren’t mad, are you?”
His eyes melted at the question. Leaning over the chair, his arms wrapped around your shoulders and he placed a kiss in your hair, “How could I ever be upset at you?”
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
omg can you do y/n asking peter “can I borrow a hoodie?” “I don’t know, will I get it back this time?” and peter asking y/n “are those my sweatpants?” cause they share clothes hehe 😝🤲🏼
based on this prompt list
someone also requested one so i included it, this is kinda like a timeline of their relationship, can you find the taylor swift lyrics?
contains spicy commentary
“That’s my shirt.” 
Was it impressive? Maybe passive aggressive, no, maybe he was annoyed, or threatened? 
Peter had his finger pointed at your shirt, no hidden tone, just stating a fact. 
You play coy, “oh is it? I found it on my bedroom floor, it seemed out of place.” 
You’d started hooking up a month ago, the first time Peter had actually left proof he had stayed in your bed the night before, he was always gone before you woke up and always cleaned his mess up, like he was never there. If he left it there it was on purpose, it’s not like he had a change of clothes at your place, he left without a shirt and there was no way he didn’t know it. 
“It looks really good on you, you should keep it.” 
You look at your phone, you have ten minutes before your next lecture and it is halfway across campus. You start walking away from him, you shout your words behind you as you leave, you miss the bright flush across his cheeks. 
“The shirt or the guy that left it?” 
Peter’s apartment was freezing, you figure he does it on purpose, to keep you tucked to his side as much as possible. 
“I promise, baby. I didn’t do it on purpose, the heat went out a few weeks ago and I haven’t called the landlord yet.” 
You whine, “but petey, look,” you cup your hands around your mouth and breathe out, you’re expecting a cloud to appear, it’s that cold. 
Peter rolls his eyes at the dramatics, he starts to stack the plates from the coffee table, he has a whole dinner mess to start packing up before his roommate returns. “I’ve been dating you long enough to know that you can handle things much colder.” 
You follow him to the sink, you speak over the running tap, “do you ever think about the fact that we’ve been fucking longer than we have dated?” 
Peter hands you a cup for you to dry off, “no, do you think about fucking me often?” 
Your nose wrinkles, the chill has made its way up your arms. “Kinda, I mean like, you had a lot of game, but now that I like, know you or whatever,” Peter mumbles, ‘or whatever,’ under his breath and you have to smack him lightly with the back of your hand, “you’re kind of a nerd, and I love that! But seriously, how did you take me home without shitting yourself?” 
Peter’s hands are covered by soap suds, “honey, be honest, does this keep you up at night?” 
You groan, “sometimes! Like, when we finally went from fucking to more,” Peter grunts, he always hates when you say that, “the more I learned about you the more I loved, but it also opened up way more questions.” 
Now he’s curious, “like?” 
Your fingertips are starting to wrinkle, one hand holds the wet plate while the other dries. You look over at him with your tongue poking out the side of cheek. “Oh you like this, don’t you?” 
He shrugs, “maybe. You know, I’ll answer anything you ask.” 
He’s just given you the opportunity of a lifetime. 
“Did you try to hook up that night or did it just happen?” 
“I didn’t have that intention, but when you started flirting I went along with it.” 
“Interesting, have you wanted to hook up with me for a while?” 
Peter looks at you then shies away, eye contact on the dishes. “I always thought you were very pretty.” 
“Did you ever fantasize about me before we got together?” 
Peter stops scrubbing, if you don’t break now he’ll cut the conversation short. 
“Kidding! Just kidding, babe.” He relaxes, and continues to scrub.
“Okay, how did you do it?” 
He looks at you when he hands you the last bowl, “whaddya mean?”  He turns off the tap and tugs the rag from your hands to wipe his dry. “Court me, date me, execute taking me home.”
“What, you wanna know you scared the piss outta me?” 
“You’re just being funny now,” you slap the rag across his lower back. 
Peter pushes you against the counter to cage you in, his arms gripping the countertop on either side. Suddenly you feel like he’s taking the easy way out, trying to seduce you subtly. “You made me nervous, you still make me nervous. How did I do it? Pure adrenaline, probably.” 
“Then why didn’t you ask me out on a date?” 
Offended, “I did.” 
You blow your lips, “after two months.” 
“I had to make sure you’d say yes!” 
You grip his shoulders and feel up the muscle, “babe, I had your balls in my mouth and you questioned if I liked you?” 
“Just because you’re hooking up doesn’t mean you want more, and after the first couple times it happened I felt stuck in the loop.” You pout and run your hands all over his arms, you could’ve had him sooner. “Well, I would’ve said yes. I thought it was obvious after wearing your shirt to school.” 
Peter gasps and whispers your name, “are you trying to tell me you tried to claim me?” 
“Yes, but please tell me everything, one time and I’ll never ask again.” He throws his head back with a groan, “I just told you everything!” You whine, “but there’s not enough detail, I love this so much you little mastermind.” 
He sighs and leans in to kiss your forehead, “I had a thing for you since the group project in english one, you were with Jake-” “Ew,” you gag at the mention, Peter exhales a laugh and continues, “at the time, so the most I did was like your instagram pictures. Then, I may have had a friend with an in, who let me know that you were free game,” 
You clench his shirt, “who?” Peter smirks, “I can’t reveal all my secrets, sweetheart.” You narrowed your eyes and waved to continue him along, “so then I found out that you were going to that party, and I promise I was going anyway, but that just really solidified it. And I saw you and walked up to you,” 
Peter pinches at your hips, it makes you squirm and lean into his chest as he lightly tickles you. 
He speaks louder over your giggles and squeaks, “and my knees were like jelly, and I had no idea how I was going to talk to such a pretty girl, and then she looked at me and I swear the second she saw me it’s like she said, ‘that’s who I’ve been looking for,’” 
Soulmates are real and that just proved it. Because that night you saw Peter, truly saw him, you knew he was it for you. He was home, the person you’ve looked for your whole life, and you didn’t know him that well, but it felt like you’ve known him forever. 
“That’s fucking scary cause I really did.” 
“So, I walked over to this beautiful, gorgeous girl, and she told me, ‘about time,’ and all I could think about was that I needed to keep you looking and laughing at me.” 
“How scared were you when I asked you to take me home?” 
“I nearly pissed myself.” 
You push on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his mouth, “If I could go back to Peter like, six months ago and tell him that I am like, soooo in love with him, I’d do it in a heartbeat.” 
Peter frowns, “you’d terrify him, please don't.” 
You push him away and are met with the wall of cold air, you didn’t realize how much Peter was insulating you until he wasn’t there. Peter slaps your ass and passes in front of you, “wanna watch a movie?” 
“Can I borrow a hoodie?” 
“I don’t know, will I get it back this time?” 
You’ve been together long enough that mixed laundry has turned into community laundry. 
It didn’t matter if you took a shirt from Peter or if he took your fuzzy socks, both would end up in the same basket, washed at the same time and put into the same closet. 
Sharing a home with someone you loved was incredibly domestic, even the quiet moments were loud with love. 
Peter was upstairs showering, you were folding laundry while humming, a background show playing on the TV. You purposely move your two favorite shirts of Peter’s into your pile, you wear them as nightshirts most evenings, he never wears them anymore because of that. 
You yawn and finish loading the basket, this time it’s clean and folded. 
Steps echo down the stairs, a towel covers Peter’s waist, “hey, baby?” 
“Yeah?” You call out to him, he’s halfway down the stairs. 
“Have you seen my,” he stops and looks down at your feet kicked up on the coffee table. 
“Are those my sweatpants?” 
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oneofnanamisgirls · 1 month
Toji Fushiguro Pt.3
synopsis: texting toji after shiu woke you up from the job and toji comes over
cw: ed/disordered eating mentioned, cursing, and honestly i can’t remember (sorry).
A/N: heyy, sorry this took so long to post. i’ve been soo busy with schoolwork lately. likes/comments/reblogs are always appreciated <33
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your thumb hovers over the call button, debating whether or not to call him. would it be weird to call him this late?
you hear your brother shut the door of his bedroom. he would be going to sleep, he is a heavy sleeper.
you click the call button and wait.
"mphello." toji's voice was muffled.
"god, you really need to stop talking with your mouth full." you roll your eyes at him.
"how is it my fault you decide to call me as i am stuffing my face?" his voice was clear this time.
"i was debating if i actually wanted to call you or not."
"yeah and what's so wrong with talking to me?" you can hear the annoyance in his voice.
"stop being so defensive." you want to yell at him, but you whisper it out instead.
"you won't wake him up, he sleeps like a damn mummy." you laugh at his joke, knowing its true.
"that's true. what are you eating?" you ask curiously, remembering that you fell asleep before having dinner earlier.
"some leftover takeout from earlier. let me guess what you had, that pasta that you always make? with the orangey sauce." he asks, knowing that the pasta dish is his favorite and he is looking to score some.
"actually i passed out before eating earlier." you tell him as you put the phone on speaker and turn to lay on your side.
"you do that a lot." he mentions.
"i didn't realize you pay that much attention to me." you chuckle.
"aside from shiu, you are the only other person i see often."
"i take it as a compliment." you smirk to yourself.
"it wasn't, you shouldn't do that." he isn't entertaining the idea of it being a compliment.
"i mean that you pay attention to me." you defend.
"yeah i got that, but you have to eat. especially after a night like last night." he tells you. you can hear shuffling around from his end of the phone.
"forgetting to eat because i was asleep is not the end of the world toji. it was an honest mistake." you shift to the other side.
"it's been more than once. you think i don't realize? when shiu and i have late nights into the morning and you ask him to bring home food because you wake up starving?" he sounds mad.
"why are you lecturing me on this? i'm not doing it on purpose. i don't get why you are so mad over this." you speak defensively.
"i know about the shit from when you were a teenager y/n, i'm not dumb." he states as you hear the door locking through the phone.
"that was years ago toji. i was sick back then. you need to relax about this. i'm not doing it on purpose. i told you that. shiu knows." you explain yourself to him.
"bullshit." he scoffs as you hear an engine rumble in the background.
"where are you going?" you ask him.
"for a drive." he says coldly.
"i miss when you were being nice to me." you sigh.
"whatever, bye." the phone disconnects and you scoff at his ignorance. you should have known that he would flip to being a dick.
you realize that you didn't even shower either, and the warm water is just what you need. when looking for apartments, shiu insisted on both rooms having their own bathroom. you shut the bathroom down and have your shower.
the hot water made you feel better. you dry yourself off with the towel before wrapping it around your body.
"jesus christ!" you shout, noticing toji on your bed. "what the hell are you doing here?"
"brought you some food." he says nudging toward the bag on your desk.
"get out!" you point toward the door.
"not until you have dinner. what the hell is your problem?" he rolls his eyes.
"my problem is you invite yourself into my room without even telling me! i am also in a towel for gods sake."
"what are you embarrassed? its a towel, not like you are butt ass naked."
"seriously get out of my room!" you tell him again.
"fine." he waltzes out, shutting the door behind him.
he has some nerve, showing up unannounced. with frustration, you put clothes on without a care. you pause in the middle of pulling your pajama pants on when you realize you forgot to put lotion on. you groan out before sitting at the edge of your bed to apply the lotion to your legs.
you open the door, signaling to toji that you are finished and he can return. you apply your moisturizer in front of the mirror atop your dresser. toji makes himself comfortable at your desk chair.
"i'm surprised you even own clothes as skimpy as what you wore the other night. around here you always wear such baggy stuff." he states.
"can you just stop talking?" you're annoyed.
"look, i'm sorry for scaring you earlier and being a dick. you gotta realize that you and shiu are basically all i have. don't want anything happening to either of you." he tells you with little emotion in his voice.
"it's fine, but i don't need you to act like a parent to me. that stuff with the eating was almost a decade ago. i was really sick. i'm good now." you explain to him.
"i know, i'm sorry."
"did you just apologize to me? i swear i am still asleep. pinch me." you stick your arm out to him.
"haha very funny." he isn't amused. he takes a box from the bag he brought in and hands it to you. it was some plain noodles.
you thank him as he hands you a fork. he lets you sit in the chair to eat. you notice from the corner of your eye that he is looking at the stuff in your room. you let him browse the decor and the other things that decorate your room. you weren't embarrassed by anything, not even the stuffed bear on your bed. you were too mesmerized by the food. until you hear him start opening up drawers.
"get your filthy, greedy hands out of my drawers." you state, not even turning around to him.
"what? you got something you think i might find?" he asks, taunting you.
"no, it's rude to look through people's things." you say to him, taking your last bite.
"don't act so surprised by it then, especially from me." he tells you, truthfully. he isn't always this nice, if you could even say that.
"have some manners fushiguro." you treat him like a kid.
"back to the last names i see. ten years of knowing you and we are back to square one." he sits at the edge of your bed, manspreading of course.
"what did i say about manners?" you question rhetorically walking to him. you push his knees closed a bit. he looks up at you with his eyes, almost daring you to touch him again. "keep dreaming."
"you are the one dreaming." he uses your words back at him.
"why are you still here? you fed me, therefore you know i'm not sick." you cross your arms against your chest.
"we are both awake, might as well hang out." he shrugs his shoulders.
"god if we are actually hanging out, let me take a cigarette from shiu first." you playfully tease.
"i'm not that bad." he tries. "plus you don't smoke."
"not in front of you." you push your arms closer to your body.
"liar." he pokes.
you walk out of your room, grab a cigarette from the box that is tossed on the kitchen counter aside shiu's keys. you take the lighter from the box before walking to the door of the apartment. toji follows you outside, where you look out over the railing. you walk to the area farther away from the other apartments, finding yourself in your favorite corner of the balcony.
you sit on the stool that someone left when they moved out. the area you live in is a nicer area, but it's still in the city. as you take your first drag, toji waits for you to start coughing. when you don't, he raises an eyebrow.
"told you." you blow the smoke away from him.
"i guess we are just learning more about each other today." he leans against the railing next to you. you look around for the outside cat that always comes to your lap.
"hi sweet girl." you coo as the white cat, you have named edie, jumps into your lap.
"crazy cat lady." toji chuckles.
"her name is edie." you pet her and release your fist, letting her take the treat out of you palm.
"why don't you bring it inside?" he asks, receiving a glare from you.
"she is an outside cat, she has always been. i feed her everyday and got a little house for her where she sleeps. i tried bringing her in, but she kept wanting to go back outside." you tell him and then taking another drag. you pet edie with your empty hand, remembering that you have to give her some flea medicine soon.
toji can't help but admire your softness with the cat. he knows you are always soft with things that are precious to you. he is almost jealous of the way you are soft with a stray cat, you were never soft with him.
edie jumps off your lap and runs off to the stairs. you drop the cigarette butt on the ground, letting toji step on it. the sun begins to rise in the distance, you should try to get some rest.
"you look tired." toji notices.
"getting there." you lean your head back against the corner column. the tiredness hits you like a ton of bricks.
he offers a hand to pull you up from the stool. you stumble to your feet, clutching to his tee shirt in fear of falling. your head falls into his chest, you're unsure about the proximity. you were never this close up to him.
"sorry." you stumble back, he was unbothered. you slowly shift your feet back to the apartment, ready to brush your teeth and go to sleep for a few more hours.
you mumble a goodnight to toji, as he gets himself comfortable on the large couch in the living room. you don't wait for a response.
taglist: @en-happiness
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flowerandblood · 10 months
The Prince and The Fox (8)
[ modern! • Aemond x friend! • female ]
[ warnings: fingering, smut, mention of grooming ]
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[ description: After the events of her childhood, despite her best efforts, her neighbor and the younger brother of her friend Helaena, Aemond, does not want to know her. This state lasts until a house party organized by his older brother, Aegon, during which an incident occurs that will change their relationship forever. Slow burn, angst, toxic ex-Alys, rough Aemond. This is several anon requests combined into one fic. ]
WARNING: The main plot between the characters takes place in high school. Yes, in high school. The belief that teenagers wait with an intimacy when they are in love in high school is ridiculous to me. Aemond and the character here are the same age. Don't ask me how old they are, in my country you are of the age of consent in your first year of high school and an adult in the last year of high school, so if it is more convenient for you, think about it that way and decide for yourself. In this story, I am not following the trail that they are magically friends right away, but how they become friends and what that even means. I'm writing this fic to give the perspective of young, lost people, not adult women who want to see exactly themselves in everything they read. If that's all you expect, this isn't the fic for you.
I don't want whining about this in my comments or asks. I will delete these and block you. You have been warned.
Aemond + Evans Series Moodboard
This is my first story that has its own playlist, but yes! Get in the mood!
Story Music Playlist.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She woke up hearing the clacking of dishes in the distance. She opened her eyes and furrowed her brow, not knowing for a moment where she was. She looked around and recognised Helaena's living room in confusion, only then remembering with a blush on her face the events of the evening before.
Their passionate kisses, his hand on her soft breast, his arms embracing her throughout the night.
He had slept with her on the couch, his face snuggled into her shoulder, his hands on her palms.
She thought they really were together.
She got up and followed the sounds that led her to the kitchen. In it she saw, amazed, Aemond standing over a frying pan, apparently just making scrambled eggs, next to him water was boiling in a kettle on the burner.
He heard her footsteps and glanced in her direction; she saw that he too was embarrassed and swallowed loudly, stirring in the pan with a wooden spoon.
"Will you eat with me?" He asked lowly, and she agreed with a smile, walking slowly closer.
"Can I help you somehow?" She asked and he nodded, pointing with his head to the mug standing on the countertop.
"Choose what kind of tea you want to drink. I don't know if you want sugar. There are plates upstairs in the cupboard, take three out, I'll ask Aegon if he'll eat with us." He said turning off the fire under the pan and went out into the corridor, shouting from downstairs to his brother if he would have breakfast with them.
After a while Aegon joined them and the three of them sat down at the table. Aegon looked at her wrinkling his brow, sleepy, not yet fully awake.
"Did you stay overnight?" He asked puzzled, and she lowered her gaze, embarrassed, swallowing the bite she had just eaten.
"Yes, I fell asleep on the couch and Aemond probably didn't want to wake me up again." She said in a slightly trembling voice, trying not to give herself away or look at them, taking another bite of scrambled eggs into her mouth.
Aegon raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother, then grunted loudly, clearly amused, already concentrating on his food.
"Helaena returned safely?" She asked uncertainly wanting to change the subject, worrying if anything had happened to her.
"She texted me a while ago that she was staying with a friend for the night and that she would be home this afternoon." Aemond replied, and she nodded.
Aegon left them alone, saying that he needed to sleep for at least another hour and Aemond looked at her uncertainly, fiddling with his cup in his hand.
"If you want, take a shower. I'll give you a clean towel. We can still play here or in my room. Or watch something." He muttered quickly, as if suddenly throwing out ideas and reasons why she could stay longer.
Her heart was pounding like crazy.
He wanted her not to go home yet.
She agreed and, at his suggestion, bathed, then they moved to his room to play games on his computer. They took their pads with them and spread out comfortably in two leather armchairs, one of which he had brought for her from Helaena's room.
She saw him looking at her, her hair was still slightly damp and completely loose.
She knew that, like her, he was thinking about what had happened between them and that for him it had been an equally groundbreaking experience.
He paused the game they were playing after a while and looked down at his thighs, his lips tightened.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asked without looking at her, fiddling with his pad in his hand, his voice trembling as he spoke the words. She nodded.
He licked his lower lip, as if he was gathering what he wanted to say with great difficulty. He was silent for a moment.
"Do you have any physical experience? I mean…one with yourself, for example." He mumbled embarrassedly, sliding lower in his chair as if he wanted to curl up and hide. She lowered her head feeling the embarrassment that was visibly painted on her face.
"…I've never had a boyfriend before, if that's what you're asking." She said quietly and he swallowed loudly, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, pale.
"But have you…you know. Have you ever touched yourself?" He asked uncertainly, and she gave him a concerned look, furrowing her brow.
"Why do you ask about it?" She asked in a slightly trembling voice, and he looked at her surprised, feeling subconsciously that he might have crossed a line with this question, even though he didn't want to.
"I just…I just don't want to hurt you. I want to know what point you're at so I can…adjust to you. You know." He shrugged his shoulders pressing his lips together; she felt some kind of pain and at the thought that he was more experienced than her, that he had done it with his ex-girlfriend in all sorts of ways.
She lowered her gaze, looking at her pad with a blank stare, thinking about how she would be a disappointment to him.
How would she give him what she had?
She felt tears under her eyelids, her lower lip beginning to tremble a little. She heard him lean forward in his seat wanting to see her face and seeing her state he moved quickly towards her, touching his hand to her cheek, taking her hair back with a light flick of his fingers.
"− hey − what's going on? − tell me −" He mumbled out, frightened by her condition and the fact that he had offended her. She swallowed hard, looking down at her thighs and shrugged her shoulders.
"− it doesn't make sense − you'll be only frustrated with me − I can't give you what she had −" She uttered with difficulty, and he pressed his forehead against her temple, tightening his hand on her hair.
"− stop − okay? − you don't understand this − I regret a lot of things − I regret that I didn't wait with them − I regret that I couldn't erase all of this and start over, with you −" He whispered, and she felt a strong squeeze in her heart, breathing unevenly through her slightly parted lips.
"− I was proud of the fact that she treated me like a man − that she wanted me like a man − but inside I was terrified − she didn't care, she took what she wanted − I was left with this sickening sense that she used me, that I am just a flesh and nothing more −" He muttered, and she looked up at him, shocked by his words, her eyebrows arched in pain.
"Don't say that." She said softly, quietly, and he swallowed loudly, his jaw clenched, his fingers running over her cheek and lower lip.
"− but it's true − that's how I feel − I did fucked up things with her − I felt like an animal − when I came home afterwards I didn't know what my fucking name was − I couldn't look my mother in the eye −" He choked out with difficulty, his face and healthy eye red, his voice trembling making her feel a tightness in her throat.
"− but with you −" He stammered and chuckled under his breath, shaking his head, his thumb circled and returned back to her cheek.
"− I didn't know it could be like this − so tender − so peaceful, safe − − just your scent and your closeness makes me want you so badly that I can barely keep my hands off you −" He exhaled and bit his lower lip, sighing quietly.
"− that's why I just want to know what you need, how much I can allow myself − you're my girlfriend and I don't want to hurt you − okay? −" He asked in a trembling voice, and she nodded quickly, feeling hot in her heart at his words.
You're my girlfriend.
She looked up at him, swallowing loudly, her lips slightly parted.
"− I'd just like to please you − I'd like to be enough for you −" She whispered in a trembling voice, and he drew her to him, forcing her to sit on his lap and embrace him, his large chair creaking under their shared weight.
She felt safe in his arms, his hand stroking her hair, his lips kissing the top of her head with a tender click. She could hear his heart pounding fast.
"− I want you − I want to wait for you − I want to be worthy of you − make us slowly discover everything together −" He murmured tenderly, placing affectionate kisses on her hair again and again; she snuggled into him tightly, touched, lingering like this with him in the embrace, feeling that they were closer to each other than ever.
"− can you kiss me? −" She asked in a shy, trembling voice. He hummed contentedly and lifted his head, his nose gently rubbed against hers before his lips pressed to hers in a soft, innocent, warm kiss.
She hugged his neck and pressed herself tighter to him wanting to show him how much she needed him, how much she desired him, how happy she was. He murmured contentedly as he embraced her around the waist, their kisses loud, sticky and slow, she could feel his fingers trailing down her back.
She pulled away from him and looked at him with a misty gaze, thinking with a fast beating heart that she wanted to do this, she wanted to open up to him, she wanted him to think she was beautiful.
With a light movement of her trembling hands, she grabbed the material of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head, exposing her bare chest to him. She saw the pupil of his healthy eye narrowed in shock, his breath caught in his throat, felt his manhood pulsate hard beneath her in his trousers.
She looked at him uncertainly, feeling a slight chill, feeling vulnerable, exposed, however at the same time realising that she was safe, that he would never hurt her.
She saw him swallow loudly, his gaze running from her face to her breasts and back again, his hand gently running over the side of her naked waist. She felt him slowly move forward and press his face against her sternum, placing his hands on the bare skin of her back.
She could feel him pulsing hard beneath her, his fingers trailing up and down her body, but beyond that he didn't move. She slid her fingers into his hair, stroking his head and kissed the top of it leaning over him, pressing her cheek against him with a blush on her face.
She felt his lips place soft, tender kisses on her sternum, and then he pressed the side of his face into her warm flesh, one of his hands tentatively running his fingers gently over her soft, plump breast as he looked at it.
He traced his fingers up and down, a pleasant shiver passing through her every time he ran his fingers over her nipple. He felt it, his thumb deliberately beginning to tease and play with it; she felt a pulsing between her thighs and a pleasant heat in her lower abdomen, involuntarily rubbing against his erection she felt underneath.
She heard him sigh softly, his hips responded to her movements with slow rocking, their bodies in some subconscious reflex begin to press against each other with their breaths speeding up.
He surprised her when he lifted his head suddenly, his lips finding hers in greedy kiss, his hands gripping her armpits in such a way that both his thumbs brushed and teased her nipples.
She moaned into his mouth, feeling a pleasant shiver that shook her whole body, she felt him smirk.
"− feels good? −" He murmured between one sticky kiss and another, and she only nodded, unable to focus on anything other than the wetness and pulsing between her thighs, her hands stroking his cheeks and hair, holding him close.
He pulled away from her and looked at her in a way that made her hot, and then he leaned over and grabbed her right breast in his mouth, sucking and licking her nipple, making her clench her hands in his hair and tilt her head back, a moan escaping her lips again, her thighs speeding up their movements, rubbing against his manhood faster and faster.
"− quiet −" He gasped out between one lick of his tongue and another, starting to suck her again, and she pressed her lips together with difficulty, remembering that Aegon was asleep in the next room. The tension she felt was indescribable, she had never felt this good before in her life.
She heard him let go of her breast with a loud click of his saliva only to deal with her other breast in the same way, making a quiet mewl escape her throat, his hands sliding down to her buttocks forcing her to press harder against him.
"− fuck −" He growled, panting loudly along with her; she had the feeling that they had both lost control and surrendered completely to what was happening between them.
She squealed quietly as he stood up with her, grabbing her under her hips and walked with her towards his bed, thrusting himself onto it with her pulling away from her breasts, looking at her.
"− did you ever touch yourself down there? −" He repeated the question in a trembling voice, and she swallowed loudly, embarrassed, feeling that she had never been so wet before in her life.
"− yes, but − nothing ever came out of it − I mean −" She mumbled out, feeling that she was red, though she didn't know how to put it into words.
She touched herself and it felt good, but she couldn't bring herself to orgasm and had no idea what she was doing wrong.
Never then, however, had her insides pulsed as hard as they did now. She saw that he licked his lips, breathing hard, restraining himself with all his might not to just throw himself at her.
"− would you like me to try? − you know −" He muttered, and she swallowed loudly, looking at him with wide eyes.
"− we don't have to − we can only do what we've been doing − I just want to know −" He added quickly, terrified that he might have imposed too fast a pace on her and frightened her. She swallowed loudly, looking at him with her lips slightly parted, feeling her heart pounding hard.
"− we can try −" She mumbled embarrassedly and saw that he swallowed with difficulty, letting the air out loudly. He nodded, laying down beside her.
"− lie with your back to me − yes, just like that −" He murmured, pulling her to him, embracing her with his arms, she could feel his hard length pressed between her buttocks.
She swallowed loudly as his fingers gently began to tease her nipple again, and his other hand slowly slid lower to the material of her shorts, his warm breath surrounding her ear and cheek.
"− tell me if you get uncomfortable, okay? − promise me −" He whispered in a trembling voice, and she nodded quickly, feeling like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.
"− okay −"
She drew in a loud breath as his fingers slid under the material of her panties, in a slow, unhurried motion sinking into her most intimate place. He stopped as her whole body tensed through this new, foreign sensation.
"− do you want me to stop? −" He asked uncertainly, but she shook her head.
He swallowed loudly, gently exploring her condition with his hand, sinking into her hot, soft folds, his fingertips ran gently over her slit, so wet because of her arousal; she gasped, hearing his sudden, surprised, quiet groan.
"− oh fuck − little one − what happened here? −" He asked with some kind of appreciation, spreading her moisture all over her womanhood, his fingers in gentle circular motions began to tease the space around the spot from which shivers ran through her.
"− I − I don't know −" She mumbled embarrassedly and he chuckled softly, his lips placing a gentle kiss on her neck.
"− but I know − my little fox got all wet for me −" He whispered, and she felt his words between her thighs, a wave of heat went through her, the space inside her throbbed hard.
"− ah −" She moaned helplessly, his hands simultaneously teasing her nipple and her clit made her body all hot, she felt like the tension in her lower abdomen kept growing, that she was no longer thinking soberly, her hips began to move to the rhythm of his hand.
"− that's it − just feel it − such a good girl −" He praised her, kissing her hair tenderly, obviously feeling her leaking onto his fingers.
She squeezed her eyes shut, panting loudly along with him, feeling him rubbing against her from behind, feeling his hardness pulsing aggressively pressed against her buttocks, feeling that he was turned on by what he was doing to her.
She shuddered and barely stifled a loud moan when she suddenly felt the tip of his middle finger slide into her a little, pushing her tight, throbbing muscles apart.
"− shhh −" He hushed her and she swallowed loudly clenching her lips, reaching back with her hand, grabbing his hair with his murmur of delight, with subconscious movements she sank down onto his finger, letting it fill her, both of them sighing loudly.
"− fuck − so tight − we need to prepare you a bit before you feel this inside you one day, hm? −" He asked, rubbing his hard erection against her buttocks. "− I wouldn't want to tear you apart −"
She let out a loud gasp at his words, all hot, moaning and panting as quietly as she could, his finger sliding in and out of her with a loud click of her moisture.
She arched her back as he found a spot inside her that every time he rubbed it made her go dark before her eyes, his thumb teasing her clit as at the same time the fingers of his other hand massaged and pulled at her nipple.
"− A-Aemond − I think − oh my God −" She mumbled out and opened her mouth wide with a loud moan, sensing that something was coming; he managed to cover her lips with his free hand before she whimpered again and again, her body shook with a wave of pleasure that took her completely by surprise. She breathed loudly, quivering and moaning his name, falling and rising on his finger.
"− oh baby − so much flowed out of you − fuck, I want to feel you so badly −" He breathed out into her ear as her body shook with convulsions, his hand still clamped over her mouth.
He let her go when he felt her calm down; she could feel him looking at her but she just lay there with her eyes closed, concentrating only on how wonderfully intense the experience was.
"− how was it? − did you enjoy it? −" He asked in a trembling voice with some kind of pride, and she just nodded, unable to get anything more out of herself.
"− I'm going to go to the bathroom for a while, okay? − I'll get you some tissues so you can wipe yourself off −" He said quietly and she nodded again. He kissed her on her cheek and got out of bed, walking quickly towards his door, closing it behind him as soon as he left.
He'd been gone quite a while, but she didn't think about it, happy and fulfilled, thinking about the fact that she felt a little more like a woman now, not a little girl.
That even though her whole body was trembling, it felt good.
She opened her eyelids when he returned and took the packet of damp tissues from him, slipping them individually between her thighs, wanting to get rid of that uncomfortable, sticky feeling.
She tossed them into his bin standing next to his bed and lay down again. He settled behind her back as before with his arms around her, kissing the bare skin of her neck and shoulder; she felt that the hardness in his trousers disappeared.
"− what happened to that? −" She asked with amusement, rubbing her buttocks against him; she heard him hum behind her, she knew he was smiling.
"− it's my dark secret −"
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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helios-writings · 1 year
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Stupid in Love
Sanji x gn! Reader
Wc: 1.8k
Warnings: none
You’ve been in love with Sanji for a long time, but have never been brave enough to do anything about it, until now.
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The breeze brushes against your face as you stare out at the blue sea, the rising sun peaking out above the horizon. You were up earlier than the rest of the crew, wanting to watch the sunrise before the day dove into chaos, as it was bound to do when Luffy was awake. You watch the rest of the stars disappear and then climb down from the crow’s nest, ready to begin your day.
You always woke up earlier than the rest of the crew, cherishing the alone time you got in the morning silence, the waves crashing against the Sunny being the only sound filling the air. You took a deep breath, letting the salty air wash over you, before the yelling started.
“Luffy, get out of the kitchen!” Sanji shouts, followed by the crashing of pans.
“But I’m hungry!” Your captain whines, and you laugh, before heading into the kitchen to herd him elsewhere.
“You should ask Nami about where we head next, I hear there’s a port nearby.” You tell Luffy, who grins in response before running off to bother the navigator.
Sanji sighs. “Thanks. Have you been awake long?”
You flush. “Who? Me? No.”
He cracks a smile like he doesn’t believe you and hands you a glass full of something to drink. “Well, you are welcome in here any time, as long as you clean up your mess.”
“Don’t worry about any mess from me! I’m as clean as they come, haha.”
You turn to walk out, run into the doorframe and contemplate walking into the sea, wishing you had eaten a devil fruit so you could drown. There was something about Sanji that made your brain short circuit and disconnect from your mouth, letting it run unattended.
“Are you….okay?”
You’re almost certain there’s a mark on your forehead from the door, but you wave him off. “Never been better.”
You are definitely walking into the ocean when you make port, it’ll be less embarrassing in the long run.
Making your way from the kitchen, you run into Zoro, who is desperately trying to hold back his laughter. “That was-”
“Say one more word and you’ll be tied to the front of the ship as the new figurehead.”
He doesn’t take your threat seriously. “You’re this flustered over curly brow in there? Unbelievable.”
“I hate you. So much.”
He’s still cackling as you walk away, and you definitely don’t deserve Zoro to understand what you see in the cook, but Sanji was…..he was amazing.
You saw parts of him that no one ever did, like when you helped him in the kitchen and he hummed softly to himself, sleeves pushed up to his elbows as he washed the dishes. When you accidentally cut yourself with a knife and he doctored it right there, eyebrows furrowed in concentration but you were only focused on the impossible blue of his eyes, always focused on his eyes. Sanji was kind and gentle and brave, but no one else could see that.
Soon enough, the crew made port and you went ashore alone, desperate to avoid Sanji(and the more annoying Zoro) but mostly to find something to give to the cook, if you could sync your brain with your mouth long enough to have a meaningful conversation with the man. But what would you get him? He didn’t use cookbooks, and he bought his own ingredients(not that you’d know where to start, being as you wouldn’t be able to know what were good quality ingredients).
He wasn't a jewelry guy either, though he would wear it beautifully but then you remember a conversation the both of you had a few months ago.
Sanji sets the knife down on the cutting board with more force than necessary, startling you. He laughs lightly and apologizes.
“I need new knives, but I keep forgetting to buy any when we make port. Would you remind me?”
You flush and nod furiously but say nothing, just watch as he picks up the knife and starts chopping again.
You grin and make your way towards a stall you passed a few minutes ago, now certain that you were getting Sanji the perfect gift. At least you hoped so.
You were the first one back to the ship, box in tow, leaving it in the kitchen where you knew he would find it. You had decided that you didn’t have the courage to give them to him yourself, but hoped he didn’t think much of it. Maybe he would think one of the other crew members gave them to him.
Proud of yourself, you climb up the crow’s nest again to look at the stars, always seeming brighter when you make port. You hum to yourself as you do so, leg bouncing in anticipation. What if he hates them? Or he tells you that he doesn’t want to talk to you anymore? Were you risking your friendship over a set of knives?
Just as you had decided to return them, you heard the crew clambering back on deck and you curse, crouching low so they don’t see you. It works, because they soon start asking each other about your whereabouts. They don’t seem especially worried, since it’s a safe town and you’re more than capable of handling yourself, but it’s nice to know they care, even if they tease you.
The crew goes their separate ways, and the cook finally heads into the kitchen to start prepping for dinner and that’s when you begin making your way towards the lower decks.
You almost make it when he comes back and spots you. “Oh, there you are!”
You turn and grin. “Here I am, haha. What do you have there?”
You gesture to the box, though you already know its contents.
Sanji beams, and it’s so bright you fear you may go blind. “Knives! I don’t know where they came from, but they’re gorgeous.” He takes on out to show you.
It is gorgeous, that being the main reason you purchased them. A beautiful pearl handle, topped with a gorgeous steel blade. You knew he’d love them, even if your brain wanted to argue.
“That is really pretty, Sanji.”
“Did you leave them? I know we talked about knives a while back.”
This is your chance.
You shake your head no and shrug. “Sorry, wasn’t me, but I hope you find who left them soon.”
His face almost falls at the aspect of you not being the gift giver. “Oh, well, whoever it was picked out a really nice set.”
You smile at him as he bids you goodbye and you curse yourself for not telling him the truth. Oh well, you suppose it’s better than him rejecting you outright. It was kind of nice, leaving him anonymous gifts.
He seemed happy to receive it, but it was always nice to see him happy, especially since it seemed to be a rare sight most days. You wanted to continue making him happy.
A few days later, Zoro joined you in the crow’s nest before dinner.
“You know, the shit cook really wanted those knives to be from you.”
He rolls his one eye. “You’re not serious.”
You say nothing.
“You are. The cook’s been staring at you and sighing hopelessly for days, it’s really pissing me off.”
“That doesn’t mean anything.”
“He told Robin the other day he wanted it to be you. Plus, the whole crew can see that you two are in love with each other. Even Luffy.”
“I’m not going to take romantic advice from you of all people. Sanji and I are friends. Really good friends, a friend I have no intentions of confessing to.”
Zoro sighed, leaning his arms against the wood. “Do you remember when we got into that fight with that gang of bandits a few months ago? And you got injured real bad and were unconscious for what, three days?”
“Of course. Why?” You thought he was just changing the subject.
“Curls was the one taking care of you while you were out, making sure you drank water, helping Chopper clean and dress your wounds, sitting on a chair in the infirmary while you slept, he was really worried.”
You open your mouth to object, to say anything other than what was going through your head but he cuts you off.
“And don’t you say he would do it for any one of us, because that’s bullshit. Now go down there and tell him how you feel.”
The swordsman pushes you towards the ladder and you begrudgingly climb down and head for the kitchen. It wasn’t like Zoro to lie, in fact he was the most honest man you knew, so you knew he had to be telling the truth.
You knock softly on the door before you enter and find Sanji beaming at you. “Hey, what brings you by?”
“I….I think we should talk.”
He sets the towel on the edge of the sink. “Okay.”
You wring your hands as you sit on the counter, something that the cook used to object to but now has accepted as a quirk of yours. He leans next to you.
“I did buy you the knives. I was too scared to give them to you myself so I left them in here for you to find.”
“Why didn’t you say something when I asked?”
You aren’t looking at his face but you can feel his gaze burning you. “I really fucking like you, Sanji. It actually makes me stupid because I like you so much. You’re just so incredibly caring and strong and I like being around you because you make me happy and I didn’t want to ruin anything by telling you that.”
“You wouldn’t have ruined anything.” He tells you, voice impossibly soft.
“You sure?”
He takes your face in his hands, and you are trapped in the impossible blue of his eyes once again. “I’m certain, because I feel the same way.”
You laugh a little wetly as he kisses your hand and then your cheek before finally meeting your lips. It’s a little sloppy, but you have nothing to compare it to. You know he doesn’t either, and he told you as such one late night in the kitchen.
He pulls away grinning, cheeks a little red. “That was…nice.”
You lay your head on his shoulder. “Yeah.”
The two of you get one quiet moment before the crew charges in to tease you and you yelp as Franky wraps a particularly large arm around you and ruffles your hair, while the rest of the crew begins to tease Sanji for getting up to no good in his kitchen.
He yells and scolds them all while you laugh, and then when he makes eye contact with you over the chaos he smiles and everything is as it should be. Perfect.
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a-strange-familiar · 2 years
wait! since harry's birthday is tomorrow can you make a fic about y/n celebrating his birthday?
Yeahhhhh... It's just a small fic , I'm actually busy with my exams🥲.... but I couldn't resist this. IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY. (Not proof read)
Thank you for the request nonnie, let me know if you like it <3
Birthday boy
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Harry woke up with his beautiful girlfriend pressing kisses all over his face and neck. He hummed at the feeling and smiled with his eyes closed.
He appreciated the love and the softness of her lips for a while and opened his eyes to his girlfriend who is smiling now.
"Happy birthday, baby!" She said with a huge grin and pressed her lips to his passionately. He let her kiss him,there is no other best way to start his birthday other than this anyway.
She pulled away from him, with the same beautiful smile that he fell in love with.
"What a great way to start my day." He said with a smirk on his face.
"Anything for the birthday boy. And now get up because your girlfriend did a lot of hardwork and made you breakfast." She said while getting off of the bed.
Harry just chuckled and shook his head at his girlfriend while she practically ran out of the room.
After a while he went down stairs and found his Y/n arranging the table with amazing breakfast.
"Baby, this smells soo good." He complimented her while sitting on the chair.
"Thank you, bubs."
"But really you didn't have to do all of this. I would be happy to just spend some time with you." He admitted while stuffing his mouth with the delicious breakfast that his love made for him.
"Oh shhhh. It's your birthday obviously I'm gonna cook for you, but don't get used to it. It's only your birthday special." She said with a cheeky smile on her face.
He laughed." I'll keep that in mind, and I'm glad you made this, this is soo good."
They had their breakfast while talking and laughing.
After completing breakfast and loading the dishes in the dishwasher they settled on the couch for a bit. Few minutes later there is a knock on the front door.
Harry furrowed his brows and asked "Are we expecting someone ?"
Y/n just shrugged her shoulders and ushered him to open the door.
The moment he opend the door he met with two bright smiling familiar faces.
His mother and sister shouted and practically lunged at him and attacked him with a hug. He was surprised, no he was shocked to see them and also skipped a heartbeat for the sudden shouting. But he embraced them, he smiled at his mother and sister and hugged back tightly.
"Mom, Gemma! What are you guys doing here ? " He asked once they pulled back from each other.
"It's your big day, lil bro. Obviously we will be here." Gemma said and hugged him again.
"Happy birthday, H." She said to him.
"Thank you, Gem."
After pulling away from Gemma, Anne went in for a hug again. "Happy birthday my love. I'm soo happy and proud of you for everything you have done."
"Thank you,mum." He could feel tears brimming in his eyes but he stopped before falling.
Y/n joined them while they are talking and Gemma noticed her first and went to hug her. They both hugged and laughed about something Gemma said.
He can't help but awe at the sight of his girlfriend, the love of his life and his mother talk and laugh together happily.
They all went inside and caught up on each other and talked about everything and anything.
While his mother and Y/n are in the kitchen together, Harry can't help but fall in love with her all over again. The way his love and his mother are talking and being comfortable with each other is just making him soo happy. The way his mother tipped her head back laughing at something Y/n said and placing her palm over Y/n's, he couldn't help but observe these little details.
Gemma sat with him and patted on his shoulder. " penny for your thoughts "
He smiled
"Nothing just happy that you both made it here. I'm soo happy to spend time with you guys."
"Me too. We missed you a lot. And you have to thank Y/n for this. She is the one who planned this and made us fly here. She booked the tickets and asked us to keep it as a secret from you." Gemma smiled and squeezed her brothers hand.
Harry just went speechless with that. His love towards her increasing with every passing minute. His heart is bursting with happiness and love.
Gemma squeezed his hand again. "She is perfect Harry, I have never seen you this happy or soo deep in love. Trust me she is the one. Never let her go."
He turned his head and looked at the women he is madly in love with, still talking to his mother about something that she is showing on her phone.
Then he met eyes with Y/n. She turned her head and looked at him, meeting his emerald ones. She smiled at him and blew him a kiss.
He smiled with his heart in his eyes, how is he not supposed to fall in even more love with her ?
Harry and his mother are driving back home from the grocery store, apparently his mother need some ingredients to make deserts . So they both ran to store to get them.
"You look so happy, darling " his mother said while both are half way into the drive.
He smiled and said "I am , mum. I'm soo happy and feel soo lucky"
"I'm happy you guys are here. I'm happy because Y/n makes me happy " He said with smile adored his face and blush creeping his neck.
"I'm soo happy to see you guys together. You both are soo good to each other. I can't wait her to be completed family. It's not like she is not a family now, but I can't wait to completely make her my daughter." Anne said and squeezed his arm.
The taught of marrying Y/n brought butterflies in his stomach. They have been dating for three years now and madly in love ever since. They were friends before that and that blossomed into lot more later.
With Y/n he felt safe, he felt like he never loved anyone before. He felt comfortable around her to show his flaws and be himself, her felt confident. He felt home with her.
She is his muse.
He had been imagining his future with her form soo long, but now that even his mother saying that made him happy. Him marrying her and having kids and building a home with her, everything is soo surreal.
"Yeah, even I can't wait for that "
When they entered the house everything is soo silent, he wonderd where Y/n is.
As he and his mother made their way inside he got startled with a huge sound of people shouting happy birthday.
His friends and his team, band everyone are present. Everyone wearing a party hat and some party glasses.
Harry is soo happy to see everyone, house is decorated. It's simple but beautiful, he figured that Y/n did it all with Gemma's help. His heart swelled at that, she did this for him. Surprised him with his mother and sister and now a Surprise party. She is an angle he thought.
"Mum, you knew about this, didn't you ?" Harry asked his mother.
She smiled and shrugged.
There are just few people it's not a huge party, just selected amount like his close friends like Jeff, Glen, Mitch, Sarah and his whole band and team and few other close friends. Exactly how he like. It's intimate and special.
Everyone wished and hugged him.
Jeff came and hugged him "Happy birthday,man"
"Thanks, Jeffery."
"Wow your getting old." He teased him which earned a swat on his arm by his wife Glenn.
"Happy birthday, Harry." She hugged him too
"Thank you, Glenn." He smiled
Even with room full of people he like his eyes and heart still searched for Y/n. She is not in the room, maybe in the kitchen.
Just as he was about go find her, she appeared from the kitchen with a cake in her hands. She changed into a beautiful and simple dress which made him loose his mind she also had a party cap on her head.
She slowly made her way to every with a smile on her face. His angle .
She placed the cake down and stood infront of Harry. He circled his hands around her waist and pulled into a hug and nuzzles his face into her neck and breathed her in.
"I love you, my angle." He said and pulled away from her neck but stood the same with his arms around her.
"I love you too, honey."
He smiled and kissed her. Longer than a peck and shorter than an actual kiss, but very short for his liking.
"Happy birthday, love"
He cut the cake while everyone is singing him the birthday song while his love is beside him all the time. He blew the candles while wishing for happiness, their happiness.
He couldn't let her go from his side. He kept her close throughout the party. While Y/n is playing a good hostess duty and making sure everyone is having a great time, he roamed with her like a lost puppy.
At one point everyone got loose, not drunk but definitely not completely sober. Harry started some slow music and encouraged everyone to dance. He pulled Y/n to the center and started dancing with her. His arms around her waist and her's around his neck. They slowly started swaying to the music enjoying the silence around even though there are people around they left like it's only them in the room.
"Happy birthday." She said maybe for the 15th time since morning and pecked his lips.
He slowly chuckled "thank you, love"
She smiled
"Really, thank you for everything." He said and pulled her even closer to him so they are pressed to each other.
"This is the bare minimum, Harry. I would do anything for you."
It's fixed, he is completely fucked with love and he is making her his wife.
"And I have some gifts waiting for you upstairs, once the party is over we'll get to that." She said and rested her head on his should.
"I don't want any of those gifts, love. All I need is right infront me in my arms. That's enough for me.:
She looked in his eyes and then his lips.
He closed the gap between them and kissed her. Very slow and passionate. He parted her lips with his tounge and entered into her mouth. His lips moved with her with ease. They fit perfect together, like a missing piece of puzzle. They are perfect together.
After few more minutes they pulled away and to get some air.
"Best birthday ever "
A/n : please let me know what you think. Please talk to me and tell me if you like it, pretty please. 💗
Hope you enjoyed.
Thank you for reading
Like, comment, and reblog if you like.
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Practice Makes Perfect
Tsukishima x you fluff | rated T | 1.3k
Summary: You and Kei visit his family for the holidays and you meet his new niece for the first time. It’s a learning curve for you, never having been near a baby. But Kei sees you with her and everything changes.
“Could you hold her for me?” Akiteru hands you his crying daughter as he sifts through the diaper bag for her pacifier.
“Uh,” you grimace, holding the baby at her shoulders as a snot bubble forms around her nose.
“Have you ever held a baby?” Kei strides over to you at the sound of his niece’s distress.
Taking her from you, he cradles her. Patting her little diaper bum, rhythmically as he gently bounces his knees. She immediately stops crying in his arms, her little baby gasps calm down as soon as her head hits his chest.
“See?” He looks up at you. Your eyes are wide with awe, you’ve never seen him so gentle.
You’ve been dating for a few years now, and you’ve become a part of his little family, since you don’t have any of your own. Akiteru and his wife just moved back home to start their family and now that’s it’s the holidays, you’re able to meet the newest addition, baby Ari.
Kei has been back and forth between here and your home in Tokyo, helping his brother and sister in law get settled into his mothers house now that the baby is home.
“You’re so good with her,” you smile at him, taking in his massive frame holding such a tiny little infant.
“Found it!” Aki shouts, a little too loud, holding the pacifier in the air. “You got her to sleep?” He asks in quiet excitement.
“I guess,” Kei shrugs, gently handing her off her to her father
Watching as he lays her down in her crib, quickly swaddling her in a blanket, you feel Kei’s arm slide around your shoulders. A satisfied sigh falls from his lips as his eyes glance down at sleeping baby Ari, to you.
“Okay, let’s go eat,” Aki whispers, ushering you two out of the room. “I’m starving!”
After dinner, you and Kei clean up and wash dishes alone in the kitchen. The baby woke up and now it’s their mom’s turn to work her baby magic. Hearing the baby giggling as his mom bounces her and makes funny faces, Kei looks over at you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so bad at holding a baby,” he laughs at you as he hands you clean plate.
“I’m not bad at it,” you pout, taking the plate and drying it with your towel. “I’ve just never held one before.”
“Well, you’ll get plenty of practice this weekend,” he smirks at you.
Rolling your eyes at him, you finish drying the last plate, flicking your towel at his bum as he walks away from you, laughing at your teasing nature.
The next day, you help Aki and his wife take care of their child. They teach you how to hold her, feed her, burp her, and of course, change her diaper. It’s exhausting, having a baby. You’ve only had her for a day and you’re wiped out.
Please read the rest on ao3
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xiefuyu · 1 year
Being a Sano
-- sano siblings x little sister reader
🖤 — tokyo revengers
📝 — reader is a sister, second pov (you/your), cursing, fluff, light angst at the end if you squint
: a/n — this is me starting my journey here at tumblr with a fluffy imagine with my favourite sano family <3
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Being a Sano itself was a blessing.
At least, that’s what you’re telling yourself. And right now, you’re thinking twice, full of doubt and annoyance if it’s still a blessing. Your brothers, Mikey and Izana, are fighting over small things again early in the morning, on a weekend, mind you, that it woke you up abruptly when you hear something crash from the kitchen.
Do you want to thank Takemitchy for saving everyone and for getting your family complete? Yes, of course. Do you want to kill Mikey and Izana, though? Yes. Of fucking course.
With a heavy sigh through the nose, you get up from the bed and make your way towards your closet where your beloved stick is residing before going to the kitchen where said two menaces and absolute disruption are.
“Good morning, Mikey-nii, Zana-nii!” you greeted loudly. The two freezes at your tone. So sweet and so, so utterly high-pitched that it got them laughing nervously and glancing at one another as if blaming.
“Good morning, y/n!” your oh-so loveable Mikey-nii greets back, slowly slinking away to the back door, Izana on trail. You laugh to yourself and they laugh, too, before running with you on their tail.
“For God’s sake! Stop interrupting my sleep, you devils!” you shouted, throwing your stick and successfully hitting Mikey in the back of his head while Izana just laughed and continued to run away from you. “Hey! That hurt!” Mikey grunts, complaining. 
“Zana-nii, stop running and come here so I can pinch you!” Said boy just darts his tongue out before going back inside the kitchen again through the back door.
“Mikey! Izana! Y/N! Shut up!” came your Shinichiro-nii’s voice from inside making you roll your eyes. Why are you even included? It was your other two brothers who started it! “Shin-nii, blame Mikey-nii and Zana-nii!” you shouted back, glaring at Mikey who’s smugly smiling at you, making your eyes twitch.
Silence was what welcomed you before the backdoor opened again, revealing a grinning Izana who’s now running towards you. “Wha–” you were cut off when Izana grabbed your hand, dragging you along with his running figure. You look back and see your Emma-nee-chan who’s holding a ladle, fuming.
Your eyes glances at Mikey whose eyes widened before running, too, along with you and Izana. “Why are you even dragging me?!” you asked even though you’re not stopping, afraid of getting hit by a ladle. 
(But let’s be honest, Emma loves you the most so she’ll just hit Izana and Mikey)
“Aww, come on, bubs, your older brother is saving and protecting you from the devil!” Izana says, emphasising on the word devil and even looking back at Emma who’s running after the three of you as he does so.
You laugh at the implication, Izana squeezing your hand and smiling back at you before you feel Mikey getting ahold of your other hand and squeezing it, too, grinning, as the four of you run on the streets with big smiles on your faces.
Being a Sano was a blessing itself.
And even though your brothers, Mikey and Izana, are absolute menaces, you still thank whoever is up there for making you a Sano.
After going back to the house, panting with smiles on your faces, the four of you head to the kitchen where breakfast, Shinichiro, and your gramps is waiting. But then you stop abruptly when you see your favourite cup, now broken in pieces on the garbage can, and remember what woke you up earlier due to a crash caused by Mikey and Izana. 
Your head whipped at them and they just looked away, suddenly interested in the ceiling (Mikey), and now looking at the dishes as if it’s a new discovery (Izana)
(You still love them, though, and will sell your soul if it means being their little sister for your next few lifetimes.)
Yes, being a Sano was a blessing but sometimes, it’s a little bit of a curse when it comes to your Mikey-nii’s and Izana-nii’s over the line doings as you cry in their arms, whispered apologies in your ears.
A/N: yes i headcanon Izana calling his little sister "bubs" because it's so adorable
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enhaheeseung · 1 year
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warnings : age gap, smut, protected sex, fluff, cursing, vulgar language, angst.
Note : hi, sorry this is taken so long to update, but here is chapter number six.
Masterlist (not updated)
WC : 2,333.
If anyone wants links to other chapters lmk!
Heeseung opened his eyes to be greeted by the clock that read 7:02, and your arms wrapped around his waist. His eyes widened in shock. He had never slept so long in his whole life.
He grabbed his phone from the nightstand to text Jay.
Real life bambi 🦌: How does it feel waking up in a cold, empty bed?
Jay park my car in your garage 🐦 : You're not still leading her on, are you?
Real life bambi 🦌: I'm not. She's the one that's hungry for my dick, and I just give it to her.😏
Jay park my car in your garage 🐦 : You’re ✨disgusting✨ Are you still making her a birthday cake?
Real life bambi 🦌: Of course, but why are you bringing that up? It's like forever away.
Jay park my car in your garage 🐦 : Hate to burst your bubble, but it's like three weeks away,
“Three weeks!?" heeseung shouted. Causing you to stir in your sleep.
He quickly slapped his hand over his mouth.
He gently moved your arms from his waist and left a note, leaving the bed as quietly as possible and making his way to his bathroom to get ready for school so he wouldn’t wake you.
He made you a few dishes for breakfast. And then he took an apple for himself, rushing to school with a few minutes to spare.
You woke up feeling around the bed with your eyes still closed. Once you felt it was empty, you figured heeseung had already gone to school.
You got up, rubbed your eyes, and saw a small note on your nightstand.
"Morning my darling, I'm off to school, and I probably won't be back till much later, so don't wait up for me. Don't worry. I packed a few dishes for you before I left. See you later tonight, beautiful."
You smiled after reading the note. You decided on taking a bath instead of a shower, hoping to kill time while he was away. Maybe it was too soon to miss his presence, but you did.
In the beginning, his looks attracted you, but as time passed, there were so many things to love about him.
It was definitely too soon to feel this way about him, and you knew it. This was one of the many reasons you had been taking advantage of in the past, and one of the things you swore against was trusting yet another person so easily.
But here you are, falling in love with your live-in maid and trusting him with your whole heart, yet it hasn't even been two months yet.
You had hoped that eventually, he would feel the same way, but only time could tell you were quite the impatient person, but you would wait for him.
After heeseung got out of school, he asked Jay to accompany him to the store to shop for your birthday.
They walked side by side on the way to the store. He had already decided what he was going to make for you.
"She loves strawberries, so I decided to make her a strawberry shortcake," he said with a bright smile. He felt proud that he remembered you telling him how much you liked strawberries.
He loved watching your eyes light up every time he had them prepared for you, along with your breakfast.
"You look like a creep with that smile on your face." Jay threw in his two cents that literally nobody asked for,
'I can't wait to surprise her. I really hope she'll like it," they arrived at the grocery store a few minutes later.
"Are you sure you don't like her? I mean, you're going through a lot, especially seeing how she already gave you the goods."
"First things first, strawberries." he ignored his friend's questions, grabbing a basket at the entrance.
"heeseung!" Jay raised his voice slightly, gaining the attention of some shoppers by accident.
"What do you want me to tell you? Yeah, I had sex with her a few times, and now I caught feelings for her. Some sappy unrealistic bull crap. She's letting me stay in her house and paying me a ridiculous amount of money. The least I can do is give her a small gift,"
Jay just nodded his head, a sigh leaving his lips. The whole situation was making him feel a bit uneasy, especially cause of heeseung’s messy past with his ex’s jay just wanted to see him happy, and the idea that he might like you made him excited, but if heeseung said he didn’t like you than he wasn’t going to push for it anymore.
"Now, can we just finish this already?" he walked past Jay, feeling irritated by his stupid questioning.
Jay followed closely behind him, staying silent for the most part.
heeseung had got everything on the list and was heading toward the checkout when he spotted a display with flower seeds.
"Ooh, do you think y/n would like these?" he set down his basket, kneeling to take a closer look. He picked up the packet of sunflower seeds, showing them to Jay.
"What girl doesn't like flowers?"
"For once, you actually said something remotely smart" he grabbed four packets. Adding them to his basket,
You finished with your bath, and still hours before heeseung came home. You took it upon yourself to add a few decorations to heeseung's room, not too many, but just the right amount.
You had spoken to him about adding some furniture and a few paintings on the wall. He said that he would eventually do it when he got some free time.
At least that's what he told you, but ultimately, he just didn't want to waste time with decorating cause he'd be leaving soon.
You didn't hear when he came home, and you were putting the final touches up when you heard his footsteps coming upstairs.
You quickly bolted out of his room with your back pressed against his door.
"Hi," you said nervously.
"Hi?" he noticed your suspicious behavior right away. "What were you up to?"
"Nothing," you reply a little too quickly.
"Okay, can you let me in my room, please?" he smiled, still unsure of what you were up to.
You moved aside slowly. You were a bit nervous that he wouldn't like it.
His eyes went wide immediately. He turned back to you with his mouth agape. Eyes darting from you to the room.
"You didn't have to." he hugged you, placing a kiss on your cheek.
'but I wanted to. I missed you. Where were you all day?"
"It's a secret, and I missed you too, darling. I was so close to skipping and spending all morning with you."
"It's a good thing you didn't. School is important." You hugged him back.
"Not as important as you. Give me a kiss." he leaned down so you could press your lips to his
He picked you up and tossed you on his bed, throwing his backpack to the other side of the room.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just going to have sex with a beautiful girl in my beautiful room." He climbed on the bed, hovering over you.
"I've been thinking about you all day," you admitted.
"Oh yeah? What about me?" his hands made their way to your shirt, taking his time with each and every button.
"Your smile, your hands," you pulled his shirt over his head. "Your body and what it feels like when you're on top of me."
"Funny, cause that's exactly what I was thinking about you too," he trailed kisses down your stomach, grabbing the waistband of your two-piece and dragging it down your legs, noticing your matching top and bottoms.
"For me?" he asked with a grin on his face.
"All for you," you wrapped your legs around him, bringing him in for a kiss.
"Absolutely beautiful," he positioned between your legs and slowly rolled his hips into you, moving his head to the side of your neck, leaving hickeys just below your ear.
"Hee, I want to feel you inside me now." It was like a switch went off in his head when those words left your mouth.
He instantly shot up from the bed. Kicking off his pants and underwear before he walked over to his backpack, digging inside for something.
He stood above you, holding a small box in his hand and waving it around. "Look what I got," he smiled while opening the package as fast as possible, grabbing the foil packet and ripping it open.
"You're crazy," you chuckled. You couldn't believe he actually bought condoms.
"Crazy for you' he winked, giving himself a few pumps before sliding the latex on.
He got back on top of you, but you quickly flipped him over.
"Oh," he smiled. You laced your fingers together, putting your hands behind his neck.
He kissed your forearm while he held your thighs in his hands.
You straddled his lap, grinding down on his cock. You moved your panties to the side, your heat finally coming in contact with his hard-on.
"oh my god," he looked down, watching his dick slide between your pussy lips.
You laughed softly and took his length in your hand, rubbing it on your folds and wasting no time as you pushed his cock inside of you.
He moaned, squeezing on your thighs tightly, eyes traveling to you, getting ready to unclip your bra.
"Can I?" he asked, looking up at you with his big shiny eyes.
"You can do anything you want, hee."
He slid his hands up your sides, reaching for the clip on the back, fumbling with it slightly.
You waited for him patiently while he focused on unhooking your bra.
Once he unclipped it, You lifted your arms so he could easily pull it off.
"so fucking beautiful," he pulled you flush against his chest, bucking his hips into you slowly.
"Hee, just relax. I want to take care of you tonight." You put your hands on his shoulders.
"But-" you placed your finger to his lips to keep him quiet.
"Let me," you bounced up and down, riding him slowly.
"Okay," he rested against his headboard.
"You look perfect like this." You tipped his chin up, making him hold eye contact with you.
He trailed his palm on the valley of your breasts before taking them in his hands and massaging them gently.
The slow pace was getting nearly unbearable for both of you.
"Please go faster," you followed his command. Even though he wasn't on top, you still gave him full control over you.
You rode him a little faster. The material of your panties rubbing against his cock adding even more pleasure.
"Feeling good?" you ask, picking up the pace.
"So good." he leaned his head to your chest, rolling his tongue around your nipple.
You gripped his hair tightly, making him groan against your chest from the slight pain.
He gulped loudly before switching to your other nipple, giving it the same amount of care.
You held onto his shoulders, gaining more leverage to bounce on him, hitting a better, deeper angle inside of you.
"Fuck y/n," he let out quick breaths, you could feel him twitch, and You knew he wasn't going to last much longer. You moved your hand to rub your clit, so you could both cum together.
He quickly replaced your hand with his, and it felt ten times better than your own as you threw your head back in pleasure.
"Are you gonna cum, hee? You leaned down to connect your lips with his just in time for him to let out a whiny yes into the kiss.
He wrapped his arm around you, helping you ride him faster to bring you to your orgasm.
"let it out, darling," he spoke onto your lips as he put his thumb on your clit, rubbing it in fast circles.
He could feel your walls tightly convulsing around him, and that's all it took for him to fill up the condom with his cum.
"oh, hee, I'm cumming, cumming" you whimpered out, rolling your hips tiredly.
"fuck yes, that's a good girl" He dug his hands into your hips, bringing you down on his shaft gently, so you could feel every last bit of him inside you while your walls clenched tightly on his length.
He encircled your waist with his arms, giving you a tight squeeze. Your head automatically falling into the crook of his neck.
"You okay?" he chuckled, feeling how your body slightly shook.
You nodded your head. Unable to speak while you caught your breath.
He ran his hand through your hair. Pressing his lips to your cheek. "Mwah." he rested his chin on your shoulder, hugging you into his body.
You lay together, basking in each other's body heat for a few moments until he gradually went soft inside of you.
He pulled out of you and got up, tossing the condom in the bathroom trash. He walked over to his backpack, grabbing the packets of flower seeds he had bought from earlier.
"Hurry up. I miss you already," you whined, missing his warmth.
He got under the covers with you, and you clung to him instantly. "Maybe you should skip school tomorrow. I don't know if I can spend a moment without you."
He glanced down to see you smiling at him. For some reason, he felt a strange feeling in his chest.
It didn't take long for him to figure out what he felt was guilt, but he shrugged it off. He'd be leaving in a few weeks anyway.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked while you poked his chest.
Then he remembered the packet in his hand, and he showed them to you. "I thought we could plant these together. Do you like them?"
"I would love to, and they're my favorite," you pecked his cheek and yawned afterward.
"Let's sleep now, precious." he wrapped a hand around you, holding you close to him.
Just a few more weeks, he told himself before shutting off the lamp on his nightstand.
I have to make a new taglist so If anyone wants to be added pls lmk!
Permanent taglist:®• @hello-stranger24 @ashxsmoon @lhsggg @scarlet127 @bunhoons @axartia @kpopscruggles @badidealy @heeseungleeworld @jayroseyy @bangchanhasbigfeet @duolingofanaccount @oceanyocean @hee-in @heesgirl @bambisgirl @heeaddict @heartandfangs @nyxtwixx @iamliacamila
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night🖤
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babybadger · 2 years
I need more dad!daniel please x
Your wish is my command love🥰
A New Baby in Town
“Daddy?….Daddy?” Daniel woke up to soft tapping on his cheek. His princess sitting up on his chest. “Daddy wake.” She began to sniffle and gasp on air. The key sign his two year old was about to burst out crying. “What’s up darling?” he asks right before he yawns and pulls her down into his arms, not even opening his eyes. He was used to Layla crawling into the bed midway through the morning and her demanding cuddles. “Mumma sick. I not like mumma sick.” she whines into his chest. “mhmm” he agrees before realising what his daughter was telling him as he heard you in the bathroom. “Wait what? Baby stay here I’m gonna help mum.” He tells her, passing her a dummy from his side of the table and pushing back her curls as she crawls into the warmth of the spot he was just lying in.
As he walks in he sees a test on the side of the counter and you slumped by the toilet. “I certainly didn’t miss this stage” You tell him. “AHAH we are having another baby!” he shouted before you shushed him. “Babe yes sorry it wasn’t a grand reveal but I feel like shit. Can we not tell Layla yet. She is already so jealous with Isaac, I dread her sharing you with another child in the house.” He nods but still sits beside her on the bathroom floor and pulls her in for a cuddle. “We are having another baby! God I love you,” he says smiling into your neck.
9 months later…
Introducing your daughter to your newest little girl was going to be hard no matter when you did it. She cried on and off for a week when you told her there was a baby coming to the house. Seeking comfort in only Daniel and refusing to speak to you about it. Thankfully, Daniels parents took her for the first couple days so you could get settled and get comfortable feeding a newborn again. But today she was coming home and you still didn’t feel ready. You loved her so so much and were glad she was coming home but her reaction to the newborn was keeping you awake more than the newborn themselves.
“Y/N honey, we are home” You hear Grace come in the front door and strapped your nursing bra back up. Your little girl quietly slid into the living room and stood by the couch. Daniel and Grace coming in behind her, Dan carrying her overnight bags. “Come say hi darling.” You said holding the baby on a pillow on your lap and one hand out to her so she could come sit beside you. She took one look at you and the baby and hid in Daniels leg. “C’mon let’s meet the baby together shall we?” He said bringing her over to sit on his lap beside you. Grace snapped as many pictures as she could from the sofa across from you. Watching her grandchildren meet brought tears to her eyes. Moments like these were precious.
Everyday was a learning curve with two under two. Jealousy was a BIG issue from the first night. Grace was kind enough to cook your whole family dinner before she left. Even sitting down to feed your youngest your oldest girl was still acting very shy. You could hear her talking to Daniel in the kitchen. She’d stuck by his hip since she got back.
“No no baby mummy and baby don’t need space at the table, they can eat on the couch.” He tells his curly haired double. “Why?” She asks through her dummy. Something she had barely let go of since she got home from her grannies. Both you and Daniel thought it might of been a cry for attention but it wasn’t causing her any problems so you left her to use it whenever she wanted. “Cause mummy and sissy need to be comfy so sissy can eat too.” Immediately the toddler burst into tears. Daniel turned from dishing out the dinner to pick up Layla. “What’s wrong beautiful heyyy hey hey calm down” he attempts to soothe her as she spits out her dummy onto the floor and begins nearly screaming into his shoulder.” If Daniel knew anything, it’s that if Layla was crying, you would be crying too. Those damn hormones.
Taking your oldest upstairs, Daniel picked up another dummy on his way and sent you a soft smile as he walked passed the living room door. Just as he expected tears were running down your face. Gently your stroked your youngest’s face. “I swear she likes you bub, she just loves her mummy and daddies attention,” you whisper down at Lily. She pays you no attention back. Her mouth sucking away as her tiny hands grab at your chest and rolled up t-shirt. Wiping your tears, you try and relax into the sofa. You know the stress is no good for the feeding but you just want both your girls to be happy.
“Alright little one tell me what’s going on? hmmm why you so upset with Daddy?” Daniel asks the distraught toddler. Her little legs dangle off the bed as he sits on his knees in front of her. Layla gasps as she tries to cry and talk at the same time. “Just…want my mummy back….daddy wants new baby…I’m not baby.” Sobs racked the entire little girls body and Daniel passed her the dummy he brought up as he picked her back up to soothe her once again. He thought a part of his heart was fully dislodged from his chest. How dare he of let his little girl feel like that. Daniel tried to put Layla back on the bed once she’d calmed down but she clung round his neck and refused. Instead he turned around and sat her on his lap, his arms still around her.
“Hey, let daddy see your pretty face.” Very slowly she retracted from his neck. Her big brown eyes riddled with tears, shiny tracks down her face. Her dummy still firmly in place with only her red cheeks showing either side. “Your mummy and I love you so soooo much little one.” He begins, unsure of where to take the conversation. “Just because sissy is here doesn’t mean we have gone away. Lily just keeps mummy very busy cause she has to eat and drink with mummy. Remember when you ate and drank with mummy?” Layla gave a quick nod of her head. It took you forever to ween Layla so she only stopped feeding about a year ago when she turned two. “You know how much it made you big and strong just like big girl food does now?” Again Layla gave a little nod, one of her thick curls falling only her face. Daniel pushed it back lightly, “So Lily needs to spend lots of time with mummy so she can get big and strong like you did. Then she can play with you when she’s bigger.” Layla looked blankly at her dad. Daniel was unsure what else to say. How could you explain loving children equally to a newly three year old. Until he remembered what Michelle told Isaac. He gave Layla’s forehead a gentle kiss and pulled her in tighter for a cuddle. “You know how you have lots of teddy bears and you love all of them the same? That’s like mummy and daddy with you and Lily. We love you both the very same. But Lily does stinky nappies so we have to help her more so she’s not smelly.” Daniel tried his shot at a joke to lighten the little girls mood. Much to his amusement it works and the little girl giggles. “Will we go see if Lily is stinky for mummy?” Layla sneaks her head out and nods once more.
Standing up, still holding his now exhausted princess, he makes his way downstairs. Your lying on the couch, finally getting a break while Lily sleeps in her basket to your left. “Hi babygirl, you okay?” you ask as Layla reaches for you out of Daniels arms. “Careful baby mummy is still-” “it’s okay mummy is fine. Very happy to see her big girl. Mummy wants all the cuddles cause daddy has had loads. Greedy daddy.” you say squeezing her as you speak. Giggling loudly she says “silly mummy.” Daniel knows you just don’t want her to feel rejected by you, so ignoring how uncomfortable it was sitting right would have to suffice.
“Daniel…Daniel” you say throwing a muslin at him. “Dan wake up babe.” He leans forward off the sofa which you all appear to have fallen asleep on after watching an episode or two of paw patrol while Layla caught you up on the nursery drama and art projects. “Lily is about to fuss but Layla is fast asleep can you take her before she wakes up.” Daniel nods sleepily. “Cmere princess” He says lifting her off you and she quickly snuggles into his arms. You pick up Lily and begin feeding her before she gets the chance to cry. Dan and you smile at each other through the dim lighting of the living room. “We are gonna get pretty good at this double the trouble stuff” you whisper at him. “Just wait till we are outnumbered. We need that boy, darling.” Daniel winks back at you, a hand sliding up and down your thigh. “In your dreamiest of dreams Ricciardo. Not for at least another 2 years.” “Oh yeah cause Lily was planned” He rolls his eyes and you gently slap the shoulder Layla’s head isn’t on. “I don’t know if your sperm can create boys Riccy” You joke at him and move to burp Lily. “My sperm are perfectly capable of making boys thank you very much and in 1 year 11 months and 28 days i’ll prove that.” You giggle and his stupidity and shake your head. “I never thought i’d be sitting on this couch talking about your sperms’ capability while holding our two children.” Daniel laughs loudly then covers his mouth checking quickly he hasn’t woken either of his babies. Sliding closer to you, her puts and arm around you. “I love you, thank you for your capabilities of growing them.” You make a disgusted face but kiss him softly none the less. Leaning your head on his shoulder and enjoying a moment of reflection and silence.
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cherr-22 · 10 months
“Cashew. Stay still for a moment.”
The time has come.
My sluggish body which had been lazily lying on top of the sawdust to enjoy the warm light of the electric lamp was helplessly lifted by Kyle’s rough hands.
He picked me up more carefully than usual and took my measurements with a tape measure he got from who-knows-where.
―Squeak. (Sigh.)
I stretched out my arms and watched Kyle work with full concentration. His hands and arms were wrapped in bandages and yet on his day off, he was doing this instead of resting.
Just rest. Stay lying down on your bed.
I burrowed myself among the yarn and, with a sour expression on my face, read the book Kyle laid out, <Try making one yourself! 79 styles of hamster clothes>.
Well, I read it and closed my eyes shut in cringe.
The outfit Kyle chose to make was a pink cape with a large strawberry embroidered on the back. I turned my head to try to pretend I didn’t see it.
I knew it. I shouldn’t have given him this book. At the very least, I should’ve looked over it before giving it to him.
At that time, I was fooled by the viral marketing of the system that said [You can keep fluffy hamster clothes in your inventory and use them at your disposal!].
[d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b]
Why are you so happy.
I huffed and kicked towards the system window. Kyle must’ve thought I was fighting with the air, so he stopped for a moment and gently stroked my body.
“Wait a bit even if you’re bored. I’ll finish this up quickly.”
And then I was given an almond.
With a sigh, I laid down on my side and watched Kyle while nibbling on the almond.
‘Well. It’s already happened, so what can I do anyways.’
When I asked the system, it said that if I used ‘Summon’ to turn into a human, the clothes would also grow bigger to suit me. Anyways, isn’t it better to wear at least a cloak than to be naked when you’re in a hurry?
The problem was Kyle’s crafting abilities.
‘……Is that really clothes? Not something else?’
I scrunched my face as I watched him make what looked like a dish scrub. The dishes would become so clean if I used that. Anyways, it meant that I couldn’t wear that. 
Then, a knock and the voice of a knight came from outside the door.
“Pardon my intrusion.”
“No. Don’t come in.”
Kyle raised his voice as his fingers slipped. The large door slightly opened a crack before closing again.
“……Are you busy at the moment?”
“Coming into the study is prohibited unless someone has died. Do not come to me for trivial reasons!”
Kyle’s voice was firm.
‘Why are you talking like that? You’re just knitting hamster clothes.’
Even if it’s you, I bet you don’t want your subordinates to see this, huh…….
The knight outside raised his voice sharply and shouted, “Yes sir!” before walking away.
With that, it should be silent without anyone else’s disturbance for a while. The poor knight would tell everyone in the castle to not go into the study even if they’re dying.
I scratched my stomach and checked the system window. Kyle continued to concentrate on knitting.
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×14]
Your skills are atrocious but as long as you are enjoying it…
‘Your happiness will soon be my happiness, I suppose.’
As the ball of yarn grew smaller and smaller, the number of Hearts increased. I buried myself into the pile of yarn and fell asleep due to the warmth.
The system window flashed in my blurred vision.
[Kyle Jane Meinhardt. Approximately 50 days left from the expected time of death.]
I jumped when I saw the previous 15 days increased by over a month. I stared at it blankly and then slowly closed my eyes again.
50 days isn’t long either, but at least we would get through this winter. Long enough to see the spring in this desolate North together with him.
When I woke up, I was in the hamster house.
I yawned lazily while stroking my pressed cheeks from lying down on it for too long. I checked my body.
Luckily, he didn’t make me wear anything while I was asleep.
It seemed he finished making the clothes before I fell asleep, but didn’t make me wear it due to its poor quality. I patted my chest in relief and sat on the swing.
‘The problem is the Miracle Points…….’
I opened the system window and checked the amount of points I had.
[Current Miracle Value 19.0%]
‘I sure used a lot.’
I sighed.
With this, ‘Summon’ was only an hour long. It would have to be at least two hours for me to use it comfortably…… just how exactly did I go around with 30 minutes in the past? I’m like a frog who can’t imagine what it was like to not be able to hop around on land when it was just a tadpole……
[=3 =3 =3]
I know. I know. I just ran around back then.
The first time I stole Kyle’s shirt and the second time I wore a maid outfit. Nobody knew about the shirt, but even Kyle found out that I stole a maid outfit. And to mistakingly make myself known as a pet pervert……
I let out a single tear drop as I turned my head up towards the ceiling.
Thinking back, wasn’t the dish scrub Kyle made actually luxurious piece of clothing personally made by the Grand Duke? Even if I wouldn’t know which hole to fit my arms through. Even if the neck was so tight I could barely breathe.
……Never mind. It’s not okay.
I shook my head to chase away the random thoughts. That’s not what was important now.
―Squeak! (My Miracle Points!)
That’s the problem!
I ignored the surprised system and got off the swing. Then I paced around the hamster house to think.
In the first place, saving a person’s life wasn’t the only miracle that existed in this world.
I was too focused on increasing Kyle’s lifespan that I didn’t notice. The number went up when I made the relationship between him and Sen closer.
In other words, the points would go up if the future changes for the better.
If death was the fate of all living beings, then the least we could do is to choose to live a better life.
I hugged a doll Kyle gave me and laid down together with it.
No matter how much I think about it, I wouldn’t be able to come to a conclusion.
It was during times like this that we must resort to magic.
### Not actual magic, but a chant to avoid responsibilities
I’ll leave tomorrow’s problems to tomorrow’s me.
Even if there were no solutions now, if you continue to push forward and live on, things would always work out some way or another. People who failed to do so would fall, just like the people of this land.
In <Winter’s Heart>, the Blake estate slowly went into decline after losing Kyle.
The surviving demonic beasts caused the people to leave the estate in fear and the supply routes cut off, making it a land near impossible to live in.
What was it? There was a description said by the people who left the Blake estate in the second half of the novel. It was…….
[An abandoned castle haunted by frost ghosts. That was what people called the frozen castle.]
That’s right. A castle haunted by ghosts.
I raised my head and took a look around the warm interior. I could feel the sincerity of the people who cared for this castle everywhere I looked.
Now that I think of it, even Sen and her colleagues seemed to enjoy working at the castle. Kyle was not an overpowering monarch, but rather, someone who was like family. Kyle, the maids, the knights, and all the other workers of this castle.
That was why I was more concerned. If I failed to save Kyle, what would happen to all these people?
I scratched the back of my head and walked along the corridor.
I wondered if I grew attached to this place after spending time here. I wished for the people here to not only rely on Kyle, but to also find a way to survive the winters even without Kyle.
That way, even if the central pillar collapsed, the rest of the pillars would not collapse. Of course, I planned to save Kyle at all costs too.
“Whew. Catching this took a long time.”
“It’s difficult to catch a flying demonic beast.”
As I walked down the hallway, I came face-to-face with soldiers holding bird-like beasts in their hands.
“Oh! It’s the demonic beast specialist! Are you feeling alright?”
“Huh? Oh yes, yes! I’m alright. I’m feeling better than ever, in fact.”
“I’ve heard you returned but…… wow, to actually survive the fall from a cliff like that is incredible.”
I was confused for a moment since I couldn’t recognize them due to the dust covering all over them. Having a closer look, I saw that they were one of the new knights who had gone on the reconnaissance.
“Are you returning from somewhere?”
“We came back from hunting demonic beasts. They weren’t particularly dangerous, but they were still a bother to the village…….”
One of the knights held up the beast in their hands for me to see. A plump body with white feathers..
So, it’s a duck.
No matter how I look at it…… it’s a duck.
They say it’s a demonic beast, but to me it was just a plump duck.
Wait. ……ducks?
“Wait, hold on. What do you plan to do with that?”
“Umm…… I suppose we would just bake or fry it and then eat it?”
Bake? Fry? Not boiling it to warm yourself up with a nice hot soup?
Now that they mentioned it, everything here was either baked or fried. They were delicious, but at the same time they were too oily. In the Blake estate where the temperature was low all year round, won’t soup dishes be a better choice? Were there no soup recipes here?
“Please give that to me. I will cook it for you.”
I guided the two dirty knights to the kitchen and rolled up my sleeves after receiving permission to use the kitchen from the maids.
I had a whole 7 years of experience living alone. I could easily make some baeksuk in an instant.
### Korean dish where a whole chicken seasoned with rice and medicinal herbs (in this case a duck) is braised
I took a knife and cut off the duck’s neck. Then, I prepped everything I needed to be able to put the duck into a boiling pot of water.
For your information, I learned this at a part-time job. He was a trash boss who refused to even pay me the minimum hourly wage, but I still learned a lot from him. Especially on how to report non-payment of hourly wages to the Labor Office.
“Should I throw this away……?”
I was inserting rice into the duck’s stomach when the knight next to me held up a pile of feathers that he helped pluck.
“No, how could you throw away such precious duck feathers! Do the Northerners not get cold at all? We must make clothes out of them!”
Since ancient times, the best parka has always been duck down parkas.
I carefully took care of the basket full of duck feathers. I took them to the maids and tried my best to explain to them using both words and body language. Collect this amount of feathers and quilt it to make the clothes warmer to wear.
Indeed, the maids have been taking care of the Blake estate for a long time. They quickly realized my intentions and gathered in groups of twos or threes before they started sewing excitedly.
All my hardships in my past life were becoming helpful in one way or another, huh.
While I looked at the scene with pride, the knights shouted that the water was boiling. I quickly returned to the kitchen.
It almost felt like a holiday due to how crowded it was, making me feel strangely ticklish and warm inside.
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starsurface · 6 months
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Regressor Johnny w/ CG Kenshi: Nightmares
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, bottle breaking, bad nightmares, child abuse
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Johnny gasped as he sat up in bed, feeling sweaty and cold.
Gosh he hated having bad dreams.
He hated having bad dreams about his Dad.
He hated his Dad.
He hated waking up regressed.
He hated waking up regressed because of his Dad.
He- Crap- He didn't know what to do.
It was dark, and all he could hear was screaming. Shouting. Glass breaking.
He blindly reached beside him, trying to find Kenshi. He was here tonight, he was sleeping beside him. 
His Dada could help him, Dada was there for him. Dada could protect him from the loud noises and the bad, bad memories.
"Kenshi!" Johnny whispered, lightly shaking Kenshi's shoulder.
"Hm?" Kenshi hummed, not at all awake.
"Dada? Dada wake up!" Johnny panicked, shaking Kenshi harshly. "Pease wake up!"
"What the-?!" Kenshi gasped, shooting up. He didn't get much time to understand what was happening before Johnny crawled onto his lap and hid in his neck. "Wait- What's going on? What happened?"
"Scary dream!" Johnny began to cry. "It had- Had my Dad and he was yelling and-"
Johnny continued to blubber as he clung onto Kenshi for dear life. Babbling about his nightmare.
There was only once when his Father ever broke a bottle. It was a sparkling cider bottle. Johnny had broken a dish by accident, dropping it when he was trying to put it away. 
It wasn't his fault, really. He was too short to actually reach the cabinets at the time. A struggle to even get a plate.
His Dad had gotten furious though, grabbing whatever he was drinking and smashing it against the table. Grabbing Johnny by the shirt collar and threatening him.
It was the first, and one of the only times, his Mom ever really stopped his Dad. Threatening to take him to jail then and there.
His Father never threatened him again with broken glass.
Fists were still mildly common though.
Johnny never really spoke about his family to Kenshi. He spoke poorly of them, hinted to what they did. But it wasn't until Johnny had accidentally dropped a plate one night that he went completely spiraling, begging them not to hurt him, sobbing in the corner as he held his injured hand.
"He's not here anymore, baby," Kenshi whispered, holding Johnny close. "Your okay, he's gone bye-bye now. You'll never see that man again if I can help it."
Johnny shook his head, clutching Kenshi's shirt so tightly his knuckles turned white. It wasn't the first time Kenshi had helped either of his lovers with nightmares. Nor the first time they woke up regressed because of it.
He held Johnny close, steadily getting out of bed. He began to pace around the room, bouncing him. He even was able to turn the lights on, which made Johnny a little bit better.
Kenshi continued to tell Johnny that everything was going to be alright. That Dada was here, and Dada would protect him.
He made sure to use a softer tone, needing Johnny to understand that he was going to be okay. There was no more yelling, no more mean words.
The tone difference from the memory vs his now life made Johnny sob harder.
But eventually, his sobs turns into soft cries and hiccups.
"'m sorry," Johnny sniffed. "'m so sorry, Kenny."
"What are you sorry about, Precious?" Kenshi asked. 
Johnny's breathing went ragged for a second, choking as if he were to cry again, "W-Woke you up, and ruin your sleep, a-and made you feel scared!"
"You didn't do anything wrong, Johnny," Kenshi said, sitting on the bed. "You were ten, sweetheart. You were put into a terrible situation. You're allowed to look back and feel scared."
"But it happened so long ago!" Johnny coughed, his throat hurt from his crying. "And we no no see him anymore!"
"Just because it happened a long time ago doesn't mean it can't come back as if it were yesterday," Kenshi gently shushed him. "You're allowed to feel scared and upset over scary memories. But you are safe now, Honey. The bad man is gone and he'll never be back here ever again. Do you understand?"
"Mhm," Johnny nodded shakingly.
"Good," Kenshi kissed his forehead. "Can you read the time for me, Precious?"
". . . One," Johnny tried to read the alarm. Numbers were hard, and his vision was slightly blurry from his tears. "One, three."
Kenshi held back a sigh. One? When had Johnny woken him up? 12 something? It was probably about 1:13 or 1:30. Either way, it was incredibly late.
Although he wouldn't force Johnny go to bed just yet if he wasn't able to.
"What'll help you get back to bed, sweetheart?" Kenshi asked, rocking the both of them while they sat.
"No seep!" Johnny shook his head. "No seep, wanna stay up."
"You wanna stay up?" Kenshi asked, feeling Johnny nod hastily. "Alright, we can stay up. Do you wanna cuddle?"
"And play IPad?" Johnny asked hopefully.
Screen time was not 1 something in the morning.
But Kenshi wasn't going to nag about the rules right now.
"Of course we can use the IPad," Kenshi agreed, grabbing the IPad from Johnny's side with the nearby charger.
Johnny went back under the covers, practically forcing Kenshi back into a hug. Kenshi struggled but grabbed the half empty glass of water he had, encouraging Johnny to have some. Kenshi usually had a glass before bedtime, but never really finished it.
Johnny wanted to watch Octonauts, which Kenshi agreed with. They kept the lights on too.
"Dada?" Johnny asked quietly. "Want my teddys."
"Which one?"
". . . All of them?" Johnny looked hopeful.
All of them?
Johnny had . . . a bunch of stuffed bears. It made sense, he owned a bunch of Mortal Kombat merch, quite literally made the franchise. Some of his favorite merch sets were the teddy bears, making one based on every. Single. One. Of. His. Friends.
So there were a ton of bears.
But goodness, Kenshi was willing to find them all if it made Johnny happy.
And so he did, with Johnny's help of course. The boy refused to leave his side anyhow. He wasn't as scared anymore . . but . . .
What if Dada left! Or if Dad came and took him away? Or if Kenshi came back and he started yelling?
Why wasn't he yelling over the fact that all his teddy bears were all over the mansion? Kenshi was always lecturing him about not picking up his toys. Where was the 'I told you so'?
"I think we have them all," Kenshi said, counting all the plushies. "Wait, where's Kenshi Bear?"
"Here," Johnny said, holding the bear tightly, sitting on the bed. "I waiting."
"Waiting for what, 'Hun?"
Johnny wished he hadn't opened his mouth.
". . . For-For you to start yelling 'cause my toys were everywhere and now it's two," Johnny frowned, looking at the bed in shame. "It's late and I woke you and up I so sorry, Dada-"
"Stop, sweetheart, you've gotta stop," Kenshi gently said, kneeling before Johnny and gently grabbing his hands. "You're exhausted, your feelings are everywhere right now. Right now, it's just you and I. No big bad feelings and no big bad yelling, I promise you."
"But Dada-!"
"Johnny baby, it's okay. One, I wanna be here to help you. And two, you're going to be alright. I'm not going to yell or lecture you, I'm not your Father. I'm your Dada," Kenshi reasoned. "It doesn't matter how late it is, or how tired one of us are, you did the right thing coming to Dada for help, okay? Dada wants to help. You've done nothing wrong, Precious."
Johnny tried not to begin crying again, he really did!!
But he did, he began to blubber again, nodding at he tried to pull Kenshi into a hug. Which Kenshi happily accepted, rubbing Johnny's back.
This cry ended sooner. Much, much sooner. Kenshi was right, he did feel incredibly sleepy and his head hurt and his emotions were all out of wack.
Kenshi carried Johnny to the bathroom, wiping his face and filling his cup with sink water. Any water was good right now, and Johnny was so thirsty after crying again and again.
The bed was flooded with plushies. Kenshi tried to push them more towards the end of the bed, but Johnny teared up and insisted that they all stayed near the pillows.
Except for one, Kenshi Bear. The bear that Johnny held incredibly close to him.
"Dada?" Johnny whispered as they were snuggled back in bed. "I wuv you."
"I love you too, Precious," Kenshi smiled, kissing Johnny's hair.
Johnny didn't make it past a full episode. With how tired he was, and Dada scratching his scalp, and rubbing his back, and feeling all warm, and cozy, and safe, how could he stay awake?
Kenshi shut off Johnny's tablet and put it back on Johnny's nightstand. He kissed Johnny's temple and hugged his sweetheart closely.
Tomorrow would be a big conversation.
But tonight? Just some cuddles and love.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hey guys!! This one and the 'Regressor Syzoth w/ CG Kitana: Broken Cookie Jar' were from my AO3 that I thought I'd put on here. <3
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