#wizards society
the-colourful-witch · 2 months
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🚂The Hogwarts Express🚂
I loved working on this piece, putting my own spin on the design of the carriage and the candy trolley :) 🍭 The Hogwarts Express scenes are always so amazing and cozy and fun, so I thought it time to do something with it :)
I hope you enjoy this one! Have fun spotting all the little magical details :) ✨⚡️🚂
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blorbopolis · 7 months
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desensitize your wizard bomb early and often
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postnuclearel · 7 months
You guys are the coolest ever idek
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
So, Wizarding Robes
I saw this post by @iamnmbr3 and @kittenjammer talking about wizarding fashion and I wanted to talk about this for a while, so I'm going to give my own two cents on it based on fashion history. I love history in general, but fashion history and historical architecture are two I’m incredibly passionate about. So, here we go (post with a lot of pictures ahead):
When I read the books and they mentioned unisex “robes” which function like dresses in a way (as you don’t have to be wearing trousers beneath them:
James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants.
(OotP, 647)
And described as being very colorful and billowing, often accompanied by a pointed wizard hat, it was clear to me JKR was trying to invoke the image of the classic fantasy wizard robe:
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Especially when it comes to Dumbledore.
The thing is, this style is based on a real historical period and historical styles of the medieval period in Europe.
Medieval Europian Robes
When I'm thinking about the "classic fantasy wizard look" the first historical period that comes to my mind is the 15th century and I'll illustrate why.
Spesificly, the 14th and 15th centuries houppelande. It was a long over garment that looked kinda like a dress with wide, flaring sleeves available for both men and women in various shapes, cuts, and even patterns. Here are examples of some houppelandes:
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(As you can also see, early 15th-century fashion comes built-in with silly hats! Just like wizards)
In the 15th century you also have a wide array of cuts of cloaks (and even more silly hats!):
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Along with surcoats, that contrary to their name, weren't just for knights to signify on their armor the house they serve:
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These 15th-century garments are exactly like wizard fashion is described in the books: billowing robes, colorful and eye-catching, and accompanied by silly hats.
The thing is, all these garments are from the high medieval period and as wizards broke away from muggles only when the Statute of Secrecy was enacted, I'd expect their fashion to follow the muggle trend up to that point and then start diverging. Even the most pure-blooded wizarding families of the modern day, like the Malfoys, integrated with muggle circles up until the Statue of Secrecy, something that would've forced them to dress like the muggles at the time to blend in better.
As the Status of Secrecy was first enacted in 1692, it's time to talk about:
Late 17th Century Fashion
Now, while the high middle ages in Europe had everyone wearing essentially wizard robes and silly hats on the regular, the Statue of Secrecy was enacted much later. Fashion in the 17th century was drastically different from the earlier one mentioned above.
In the late 17th century, this is the kind of dress I'd expect from women in England:
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And this is what I'd expect from men:
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Which is very different from what is described but would've been the historical basis the wizards would work from.
So what do I think wizarding fashion is actually like?
Well, since the books are in the 1990s and wizards don't really live in a vacuum we know some later influences in fashion did make it in. So, I think wizarding fashion is an odd mix of 15th-century and late 17th-century fashions updated to the time period the wizard grew up in, hence distinct fashion changes between generations like we see in the muggle world.
We see these distinct generational fashion changes with characters like Agusta Longbottom who wears a Vulture hat. These sorts of hats with real birds on them were a thing historically. They were quite fashionable in the late Victorian era, which is when Agusta would've been a child if she's around Dumbledore's age:
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Fudge is described as wearing a Bowler Hat, a kind of hat that started catching on in the late 19th century but was still a staple in menswear into the early 20th century, hence indicating Fudge's age.
Ron's yule ball dress robes are described as old-fashioned, again indicating fashions in the wizarding world change at a similar rate to the muggle one. Note that since the 17th century, fashion has been changing quite rapidly and by the 18th century fast fashion where you need to buy new garments each "season" has already started becoming a thing. With all that, I think wizard fashion indeed changes just as rapidly as the muggle one.
Now, that's great, and all, but, what would that odd mish-mash fashion even look like?
Well, I made a few very quick sketches as concept examples for what casual wizarding fashion in the UK might look like if we're working off historical references:
(not my best pieces, it's just to get the concept across)
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Note that Wizengamot robes and other formal professional wear would probably be older in style and closer to 17th-century fashions.
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kifkay · 2 months
Winx memes once again
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zetadraconis11 · 7 months
HL Incorrect Quote #94
Ominis: I think you're a bad influence.
Sebastian: What are you talking about? You're completely fine.
Ominis: I'm not talking about ME...
MC in the distance: *casts Confringo and laughs maniacally*
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
Neville: What is love? Harry: An emotional minefield. Hermione: A neurochemical reaction. Ron: Baby don't hurt me
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iamnmbr3 · 7 months
Dumbledore: clearly tom riddle was evil from birth bc he stole stuff in the orphanage
Also Dumbledore: pay no attention to those letters between me and my boyfriend plotting world domination
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aeons-behind · 2 months
some asmodeus quotes, as a reminder:
"you think my enemy are the prime deities? those are my siblings! we were happy once together"
"just ask yourself, zerxus, whom did we betray?"
they may be gods. they may fight by killing thousands of people (instead of just. like. stealing some clothes or something). but they are still siblings, and if they need to bring down a city to make sure the mortals remember that, then so be it
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the-colourful-witch · 7 months
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🎵🎶 Professor Flitwick 🎶🎵
This was a fun illustration! I liked getting to put my own spin on this teacher. The only description in the books was: he’s a tiny wizard. So, I thought about the role he plays in the books. He’s a kind, good teacher who cares about his job and his students. I imagine he chaperones all kinds of student clubs, because he wants students to explore their interests, like a true Ravenclaw :) He conducts the choir and spruces up the castle during holidays. I bet he plays games in the classroom and does thematic spells for holidays, like hollowing pumpkins for Halloween.
For his design I took some inspiration from old English universities and their professors’ attire. With the long robes and tweed suits. I put my own spin on it and made it more formal and magical, with colour and prints. I subconsciously made him a little bit queer-looking, but I really really like that vibe for him. I hope you like it too! I wouldn’t be opposed to a gay professor Flitwick :)
Until the next one! ✨
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w-stachu · 2 months
✨️ S. P. E. W. headcanon ✨️
Hermione came up with the idea of founding Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare after finding an old diary in the library.
In this diary were many ways to free the house elves from the abusive families and some drawings of happily living elves. She also found a photo of several young wizards, some of the faces seemed familiar to her.
She had no idea that this diary belonged to Sirius' little brother. During his last year at Hogwarts he hid it well in the library.
Regulus loved watching her actions from the afterlife ^^
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cutielando · 9 months
Can I have oneshots for Theodore nott and reader when he finds out that their daughter is constantly bullied at school?
protective | t.n.
warnings!!: mentions of bullying
my masterlist
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School can be tough. That was a given. Especially if you end up being a Slytherin.
Theodore knew that better than anyone. Being a Slytherin himself, also being friends with the infamous Draco Malfoy always attracted some unwanted attention.
Most of the other students knew not to mess with him, but there was still the occasional bully who didn't give a shit and picked on him anyhow.
Because of that, he never wanted his kids to experience the kind of pain he went through when he was younger. He did everything in his power to make sure your children were safe and happy at school.
Oh, how wrong he was.
He didn't notice the signs early on, but you did.
Y/D/N was more distant than usual, spending an awful lot of her time in her room when she was home for the holidays and summer break, her letters always failed to mention any of her school friends and the atmosphere there, she was sadder and lost the spark that she always used to have in her eyes.
Thinking it could be something serious, you decided to talk to your husband about it.
"Tesoro?' you asked him one night as you entered your shared bedroom and saw his under the covers, reading a new book he had purchased the previous day.
"Yes, amore?" he put the book aside as you sat next to him, giving you his full attention.
"Can we talk about something?" you were nervous, you didn't even know how to approach this subject with Theo.
"Of course we can, amore. What's bothering you?" he took your hand in his, drawing soothing circles on the back of your palm.
"I'm worried about Y/D/N" you confessed.
His eyebrows were scrunched, not understanding where you were coming from.
"Why? Did something happen?"
"I don't know. She's just...different. She hasn't been herself in a while, she's always in her room, she barely eats or talks to us, her letters seem downright robotic and she's just not the same girl we know her as anymore. I'm worried something might be happening over at the school" you explained.
You felt Theo's hand that was holding yours tense up, stopping the movements.
You looked up and saw that his jaw was clenched, he was fuming and looking at a fixated point on the wall of your bedroom.
"Do you think someone might be making fun of her? Bullying her?" his voice was low and tense, making you sigh and shrug your shoulders.
"I don't know, but I think maybe we should talk to her. You should talk to her, you know she'll open up to you a lot faster than me" Theo nodded at that, numerous thoughts running through his mind.
Y/D/N had always been a daddy's girl ever since she was little and you were okay with that. Your younger son was a mama's boy, so it evened the scales a little bit.
You knew that Y/D/N would open up to your husband and you hoped that the problem wasn't as bad as you felt it was.
"I'll talk to her"
Come the next day at breakfast, Theo turned to your daughter as soon as you and your son left the kitchen to go to the living room.
"Y/D/N, love, I wanted to talk to you about something" he started and put his hand over hers.
"What is it?" she was avoiding eye contact with her father, which happened very rarely when they would talk.
Theo put a hand under her chin, slowly lifting up her face so she could look at him.
Her eyes had lost their sparkle, now void of any emotion and tired.
"What is bothering you, vita mia?" Theo asked, brushing his finger over her cheek.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, wanting to let the pair talk in private. You instead focused all of your attention on your son, who was more than content to have his beloved mother's attention on him.
"Nothing, dad" Y/D/N tried to shrug Theo off, but he was having none of that.
"Stella, don't push me away. Your mother and I are very worried about you. You haven't been yourself for a while and it's concerning us. What is wrong, vita mia?"
Just one look into her father's eyes and she was sobbing, letting herself fall into his arms and clinging to him.
Your heart broke when you heard your little girl sob, taking everything in you not to run in there and scoop her up in your arms to reassure her that everything would be okay.
"I hate them, dad" Y/D/N whispered once her sobs had calmed down a little.
"Who do you hate, stella?" he was trying to keep his anger in check, his blood boiling at the thought of anyone hurting his princess.
"Everyone at school. They all make fun of me for being a Slytherin and they bully me because their parents hate you and now they say they're supposed to hate me too. I'm just so tired of always being the one getting hurt over there" the young girl finally confessed, her words breaking Theo's heart.
He pulled away from the hug, instead opting to take her face in his hands.
"Y/D/N, listen to me. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is allowed to make you feel bad or think any less about yourself. You are perfect, mi stella. You hung my moon and stars from the day you were born and both your mother and I know that you're destined for great things and a bright future. Never listen to what anyone else has to say about you when you know the truth about yourself. Do you understand?" the girl nodded, giving her father a small smile.
"I love you, dad" she said before kissing his cheek, hugging his body once again.
"I love you more, vita mia"
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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oldschoolfrp · 9 months
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Wizards & Warfare, fantasy miniature wargame by Peter Irving of the Leicester Wargames and Model Soldier Society (undated 1st ed, 1976 2nd ed and 1978 3rd ed shown). Earlier printings reference many names from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings -- Ents, Nazgul, Hobbits, Riders of Rohan -- later replaced with more generic terms, similar to early and later versions of Dungeons & Dragons.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
do you think it’s strange that the uk monarchy is, as far as i remember, never mentioned in the books? it seems so weird to me since, for better or worse, it’s such an integral part of the concept of “britishness” - even if wizarding society seems pretty removed from muggle society, the monarchy has such a long history that it seems weird for the two societies to not intermingle in it. has wizarding society cut ties with it after the issue of the statute of secrecy? how many of the crown jewels are actually magical items? how *noble* is the house of black, really? were there ever kings or queens who were wizards?
there’s so many questions i have about this! such a world building plot hole!
Ok, so there are a lot of questions here and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. I will note there are a bunch of my own headcanons in this post. They are based on what we know about Wizarding History and what I know about irl UK history but they are still headcanons.
So, we know the Ministry of Magic was founded in 1707 after the Statue of Secrecy was enacted in 1692. The ministry was an immediate response to said statute since wizards needed a more uniform government to enforce their secrecy and cover up any slip ups. This means that before the Statue of Secrecy, the muggle government or monarchy earlier was the governing force for wizards as well as muggles. Yes, the Wizengamot already existed, but it seemed to behave differently from how it does in the modern ministry.
I wrote about the Wizengamot and how I believe it works along with some of its history here although I learned more UK history since, so this post is more accurate on the history front.
Now, I hope you won't mind me going into some medieval history of the UK in general, since the monarchy has changed over time, and in the early Middle Ages, the UK was comprised of multiple smaller kingdoms. Wales had 3 big kingdoms, but also a bunch of smaller ones (there were also warlords that took over abandoned Roman fortresses after the Romans left Britain in eastern Wales), England had the Anglo-Saxons settling in after the Romans left and creating multiple Anglo-Saxon kingdoms (like Wessex and Marcia). Scotland and Ireland were similarly divided. There were the biking invasions and a whole Viking kingdom in north-east England that's referred to as "The Dane Law". England did unite under King Aethelstan eventually, but with all these fractured kingdoms and warlords, I'm sure there were some wizards among them. Then, of course, there is the Norman monarchy and nobility established after the Norman conquests, which officially settled in 1066.
My point with all of this history is that like muggle society, wizarding society changed and evolved and that the monarchy in Britain wasn't the same throughout the entirety of history. So, the status of wizards and wizard nobility changed based on the specific time period we are discussing. But let's look at post-normans pre-Statue of Secrecy wizarding high society, and for that the Pottermore article about the Malfoy family is incredibly helpful:
Like many other progenitors of noble English families, the wizard Armand Malfoy arrived in Britain with William the Conqueror as part of the invading Norman army. Having rendered unknown, shady (and almost certainly magical) services to King William I, Malfoy was given a prime piece of land in Wiltshire, seized from local landowners, upon which his descendants have lived for ten consecutive centuries.
(from Pottermore)
Most nobility in England after the conquest were normans close to William who arrived with him and were given muggle noble titles, lands, and status. irl, the first Peverell in England, William Peverell was similarly given lands as he was said to be a son of William the Conqueror. That being said, some Anglo-Saxon nobility (mostly from the south of England since the northern Anglo-Saxon nobility were mostly killed after their rebellion) were kept in place by William as long as they swore fealty to him. Families like the Blacks and Longbottoms (both having Anglo-Saxon surnames) are likely among this leftover Anglo-Saxon nobility.
Now besides the muggle nobility, which is very much aware of wizards and even includes wizards (like the Malfoys, Peverells, Lestranges, and the Gaunts) we have the Wizangamot. The Wizaengamot, which I wrote more about in the post I linked, have likely been around and acted as a council of wizard nobility alongside the muggle one before the Norman invasion since around when Hogwarts was founded (around 990). The Blacks and Longbottoms (and the Notts who also have a Germanic name dating to the Dane Law I referenced earlier and King Knut who ruled that portion of England) were probably in this council.
We also know the Malfoys aren't in the Wizengamot in the books, meaning the circles of nobility for each council were different. This is easily explained by the Wizengamot being there earlier and being Anglo-Saxon rather than Norman. The name Wizangamot is, in itself, from old English which supports this speculation.
Since the Wizengamot continued existing after the conquest, I assume William the Conquerer left it as it is, wanting to ally himself with the local wizarding community rather than going to war with them. Wizards are, after all, really fucking useful, and irl he did keep some of the Anglo-Saxon nobility, so that's in character.
I think, after the conquest the Wizengamot either grew in the number of families there or that the families that opposed William were replaced with Norman wizard nobles that William trusted to represent him in the magical community.
The same Pottermore article about the Malfoy family also notes:
Historically, the Malfoys drew a sharp distinction between poor Muggles and those with wealth and authority. Until the imposition of the Statute of Secrecy in 1692, the Malfoy family was active within high-born Muggle circles, and it is said that their fervent opposition to the imposition of the Statute was due, in part, to the fact that they would have to withdraw from this enjoyable sphere of social life. Though hotly denied by subsequent generations, there is ample evidence to suggest that the first Lucius Malfoy was an unsuccessful aspirant to the hand of Elizabeth I, and some wizarding historians allege that the Queen’s subsequent opposition to marriage was due to a jinx placed upon her by the thwarted Malfoy.
(from Pottermore)
This means the monarchy throughout history was well aware of wizards and that the magical nobility was also muggle nobility and allowed in the same circles, but not vice versa. It seems to me, that the Malfoys had a muggle noble title from William I, and once the Statue of Secrecy was enacted they lost their title since they weren't also Wizarding nobility (Wizengamot members). (The Malfoys did keep all their money though).
Considering what Pottermore implies, it seems to me, there is a high chance of some crown jewels being magical. I mean, Lucius Malfoy I proposed to Queen Elizabeth I, and in my headcanon the aforementioned Willaim Peverell is the father of the three brothers of the Deathly Hallows, and in this headcanon, William Peverell is a half-blood wizard. Point is, yeah, the monarchy was well aware of wizards and seemed to have been in an alliance with the Wizengamot and the magical community. Although, I'm sure attitudes changed over time and differed from monarch to monarch with some being closer to the Wizarding community than others, but in general the Wizengamot and the wizarding community as a whole were under the governance of the muggle monarch.
It's actually possible there were a few wizards who ruled the UK (or any of the earlier kingdoms that eventually united) across the Isles's history. I think it's even likely if we're being honest. Egbert the Egregious, for example, might've been a king of Kent or Wessex (two of the older kingdoms before England united) as kings of the same name are recorded in both.
Once the Statue of Secrecy was enacted the wizards drew away from muggle society and wizards who held muggle noble titles likely lost them. But we know some muggles are aware of wizards' existence. We see at the beginning of HBP that the muggle Prime Minister is informed of wizards' existence and obliviated when they leave office. If I had to bet, the monarch (and perhaps more in the royal family) are similarly aware that wizards exist but aren't really involved. Like, the monarch probably knows but is only informed when something in the Wizarding World spills out to the muggle one. So, the monarch knows wizards exist, but not much more than that.
As for how noble the House of Black really was, I mentioned I believe they were nobles of the Wizengamot and Anglo-Saxon nobility before the Normans. I think all magical families in the Wizengamot that were around before the Normans would be considered: "Noble and Ancient". We see the Blacks being referred to as "The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black" compared to the Gaunts who are just: "House of Gaunt" which is how wizard nobility from after the conquest would be titled in my headcanon.
The name Gaunt is one that arrived in Britain with the Normans as stated in a survey of England's land done by William after the conquest (this survey is known as the "Doomsday Book" and it essentially details which land belongs to which lord. The book names both Norman lords and Anglo-Saxon ones and is a super useful historical document. It occasionally even mentions which Anglo-Saxon lord was deposed for the sake of a new Norman one). Gilbert de Ghent (standardized spelling wasn't a thing yet), named in said survey was the nephew of King William I's wife and as such received lands. A lot of them, actually:
"Few among the Conqueror's companions of arms were so splendidly rewarded as Gilbert de Ghent, who held one hundred and seventy-two English manors."
(Manors refers to actual manors, but also the land surrounding them. Basically, it refers to a family seat)
As the Gaunts were so favored, it's likely William I placed his nephew's family (who I headcanon at least some are wizards) in the Wizengamot. I believe the Slytherins married into the Gaunt family around the same time to add legitimacy to the Gaunts' status in the wizarding community.
The Malfoy Family that doesn't have a magical noble title and lost their muggle one is just referred to as: "Malfoy Family" and never "House of Malfoy" which again, to me, suggests this is how these titles work.
The aforementioned Doomsday Book does mention a William Black with 5 manors in Devon. William Peverell, as a son of King William I is mentioned to have 153 manors given to him and another 75 to Ranulf Peverell (not sure of the familial relationship). Reginald Cnut (older spelling of Nott) is also mentioned in the Doomsday Book to have 26 manors. Malfoy is a name JKR made up and isn't mentioned in the Doomsday Book or any other survey of UK landowners done in the Middle Ages. I did read a legend about one Guy Le Strange who participated in a tournament at Castle Peverell around 1083 and won the hand of Mellette, the niece of William Peverell. Although the Lestranges are not mentioned in the Doomsday Book and this legend likely dates from the 13th century a good 200 years after the supposed events it details.
So, to summarise, wizards don't seem to have or ever had a royal family of their own but there were most likely wizard royals throughout the various kingdoms that existed in history. Some wizards do have a noble status that I headcanon/speculate is connected to their status as members of the Wizengamot. These Wizengamot titles were also muggle titles and there were wizards with muggle titles that weren't part of the Wizengamot. These wizards probably interacted very closely with the muggle nobility and even shared family trees and were all probably considered half-blooded if you asked a Death Eater. After the Statue of Secrecy, the muggle titles became irrelevant and stopped being used leaving only the Wizarding titles behind (I headcanon "Ancient and Noble houses" refers to Anglo-Saxon nobility, and just "noble houses" refers to Norman nobility among wizards). The UK monarch likely is informed about the wizarding world to a similar degree as we see the muggle prime minister is informed. Blood purity probably only became relevant after the Statue of Secrecy as before that we see intermarriages with muggle royalty and nobility being practiced (I talked a bit about the timing of the witch hunts and the Statue of Secrecy here).
Sorry for the nerdy history talk, but, I answered this after a few weeks of medieval UK research and I have so many thoughts about medieval wizarding society in Britain.
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
The marauders and the dead poets society members are the same exact people. Like, we got quiet nerd, secretly depressed theater kid, rebel that hates rats, and the rat
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blackstarregulus79 · 1 year
im watching dead poets society and writing jegulus fan fiction i dont think i have ever been more content in my life.
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