#with them carrying all their stuff even though i offered like 5 times and them just pushing themselves aside so i have space
rapidhighway · 2 months
gonna vent for a sec but im so tired of this "don't wanna be an inconvenience", people pleasing shit ngl.....do people who do this know that they just come off as really rude and like... it just feels insulting each time
#idk it's so upsetting and discouraging im really tired of it#like bro.... everyone can see what you're doing and#you doing it just communicates that you think im a fucking awful person#if im going to be fine with like someone... putting themselves down for the sake of others#or denying help because thay dont want to be an inconvenience#it just feels rude#if you don't think that i genuinely want to help you#if you think that I'm just fucking pretending or whatever then why are you even here I don't want#a friend who thinks these thoughts about me xd#like#how many times do i have to assure someone#i just feel like shit#it really just feels so shittyyyyyyy#comeonnnnn#people can SEE you people pleasing and doing all that shit#and everybody fucking hates it#it just makes me super uncomfortable and i know it also makes other ppl i know very uncomfortable also#on one hand I don't wanna mention anything to this person because trauma is trauma what the fuck am i#supposed to do about that its just a trauma response but god i have feelings too#i want that person to also consider me because it feels so awful it just taints every single interaction#because it makes me feel like they think im some awful person who's going to be fine#with them carrying all their stuff even though i offered like 5 times and them just pushing themselves aside so i have space#even though im offering to share#AURGHH#it feels so bad#i feel like this every time i spend time with this person or any other person who does this that i know enough to like#recognize the behavior#idk im just tired I can't be putting all my effort#into reassuring every single step it's just sucking all fun out of everything we do together it just feels like shit whatever
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herofics · 4 months
Hi do you do requests for continuations of fanfics you did 5 years ago😭.
For contacts it is the one about Aizawa's adopted kid gets killed in a villain attack, I don't know if you're long over that but I was thinking if you did continue it could it be like other student's reactions🙏. (love your works btw❤️)
A/N: Oh I will gladly write some more for that. I just picked some characters and mashed them all together into HCs. The post mentioned is this one (I think at least). Thank you for liking my stuff :D
•When Aizawa carried your lifeless body out of what was left of the dorms, everyone was already in shock from what had happened, and your death certainly didn’t make things any easier
•The police and paramedics had been alerted and teachers were pouring to the scene to help and make sure everyone was alright
•Almost everyone else had gotten out with only minor injuries, except for you
•The whole class was quiet, some because of the shock, some because they were showing respect
•You were put into an ambulance and taken away, even though no one could help you anymore, Aizawa wanted to go with you, but he also had a responsibility to his class, so he decided to go to the hospital later
•”Is everyone okay?” he asked as the rest of class-A stood there quietly
•Everyone muttered something akin to a “yes” but no one knew what else to say
•”They pushed me out of the way” Midoriya said
•As if he doesn’t carry the world on his shoulders already, the blame he placed on himself for what happened to you was certainly enough to drive anyone past the breaking point
•Aizawa assured him that it wasn’t his fault, but how could it not be? If he just had better control of his quirk, if he was as fast as All Might, you wouldn’t be dead
•There was a lot of buzz outside the school as to how it could have happened, how does a student get killed in the UA dorms?
•The whole class and Aizawa were so tired of hearing all the theories and the media blaming everyone but the actual culprits
•The whole class brought something for your desk in the class, candles, incense, flowers, food, things like that
•It became a sort of shrine to you
•The whole class was understandably distraught about what had happened, but your closest friends were the most messed up about it
•Bakugou didn’t yell at anyone for at least two weeks, he just muttered to himself whenever someone annoyed him
•He knew heroes die on the job all the time, but you weren’t a hero, you were a student
•It drove him to train harder, study harder, so next time something like this happened, maybe he wouldn’t feel so fucking useless
•Midoriya got the worst of it, he blamed himself, no matter how much everyone else told him it wasn’t his fault, he just wouldn’t listen
•He too started training harder, developing his quirk and his control over it, he didn’t want this to happen again
•In a way you motivated the whole class to be better, get stronger, it just sucked you had to die for that
•Yaoyorozu started practicing more extensive first aid after that, she took some courses outside of what the school offered, and started taking lessons from Recovery Girl too
•Some of the class followed her example, such as Uraraka, Tokoyami, Asui and Todoroki
•Yaoyorozu also made sure to learn how to make certain medicines, hemostatic gauze and things like that with her quirk, that could help in a situation like what happened to you
•His students efforts brought some light into the dark time Aizawa was going through, and the little shrine on your old desk was a nice gesture
•Even though it was sometimes a painful reminder, it was also a reminder of how much you were loved by your classmates and friends
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riality-check · 1 year
a continuation of this post. tw substance abuse. next part here. part 4 here. part 5 here. part 6 here. part 7 here.
The only person to whom Eddie breaks his promises is himself.
If he says he'll help someone, he'll help them. If he says he'll call someone, he'll call them. If he says he'll be there, he'll be there.
If he tells himself he won't be stupid on tour, he’ll try cocaine for the first time right after the second show.
He's always been like that. Always found it easy to lie and cheat and bend when it comes to himself. It's easier still when it's his self control, ever-fragile. And it's not like this is his first time with anything. He's been drinking beer to help him fall asleep since he was sixteen.
But the tour and the coke and the people and all the other stuff they have make it so easy to get so much worse.
He tells himself he keeps it together for work. He always gets back on the bus (Archie carries him) and gets up on time (Jeff wakes him up) and keeps it together onstage (Gareth yells at him because he comes in late for one song, every show).
He tells himself that so long as he's fine onstage, he can do whatever offstage. He tells himself that so long as he keeps only taking the dexies and the coke and other uppers, that it's not a problem. He tells himself that so long as he avoids the downers - except for alcohol because refusing drinks is a dick move - that he's not his parents.
Coke isn't a problem. Heroin is.
Eddie thinks back to track marks and sores and unseeing eyes every time someone offers him heroin. It's enough to keep him from taking it.
It's not a problem that he usually stays up for two days before he crashes. It's not a problem that most times, someone has to wake him up a half hour before soundcheck. It's not a problem that he needs a bump before he goes out onstage, and even then, he'll still crash right after the show.
It feels good. Being up all the time, talking and playing and moving, always moving, feels good. It’s what he’s supposed to do, isn’t it? This is what rock stars do. He’s doing it right. He’s doing everything right.
It's not a problem. He's fine.
Until he gets backstage when they finish up in Indianapolis and Wayne is there in the green room, sitting on the couch that Eddie wants nothing more than to flop onto and pass out.
He doesn't, though. He walks over, grips the armrest with both of his shaking hands, and leans forward to take some of the weight off his feet.
God, he's tired.
"Wayne!" he grins. "How are you? Did you like the show? I wish I knew you were coming, I would've got you a good seat. Did you-"
As he talks, he watches as Wayne's face falls from a smile to something neutral to something angry.
And when he finally shuts up, Wayne says, "You're a mess."
"Excuse me?"
"Eddie, you're a mess," Wayne says. "I don't think you can stand right now without holding onto the couch."
Eddie wants to prove him wrong, but he doesn't think he'll be able to.
"So what?" he says instead.
"So what?" Wayne repeats. "What are you taking?"
"Nothing that'll kill me."
"Everything can kill you, boy, even sugar. What are you on?"
Eddie sniffs, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.
"Coke, then," Wayne says, like it’s obvious, like it’s something nasty.
"What do you care?" Eddie says. He starts pacing, hands flying wildly. If he keeps moving, he doesn't seem unsteady, right? "I'm happy. I'm living my dream. I'm doing what I love. Who cares if I'm having a little fun while I'm doing it?"
"This ain’t fun."
"Yes, it is."
Wayne sighs. "You're gonna hurt yourself or someone else if you don't stop. What if you were driving, and-"
"I have people who do that for me," Eddie says, finally feeling like he's starting to win.
"Do you let them?"
Eddie stops moving, almost toppling over when he does so. "What?"
"Do you let them drive you?" Wayne asks. "Because I don't think you do. You've never let anyone do anything for you when you could do it yourself, and I don't think that's changed."
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek to stay quiet.
"I think you're scared. I think this all happened too fast, and you're scared because you don't think you deserve it. So you're trying to make that true."
"That's bullshit."
"If you keep it up," Wayne says slowly, like he's talking to a child, "this is gonna kill you, and it is gonna be ugly."
"I'll have a closed casket funeral," Eddie snaps.
"You won't be around to have any say!" Wayne barks.
Eddie jumps back. Wayne has never raised his voice at him, not even when Eddie was a total brat of a teenager.
"It's rehab," he continues softly. "When this tour ends."
"Or what?"
"There is no or," Wayne says. "I buried my mama, your mama, two of my cousins, and my uncle because of this. I'm not losing you to the same stupidity."
Eddie takes a breath.
"I know you're grown, but I'm not losing you," Wayne says, standing up and wrapping him in a hug.
Eddie clings to him. He has about fifty different protests on the tip of his tongue about how he's a grown adult, how he's fine, how Wayne has no right to tell him what to do.
They all lose credibility as he stands, holding on to his uncle and sobbing like he's nine years old again.
He goes to rehab the morning after the last show. He gets clean, quits everything except the cigarettes because Eddie needs to break every promise to himself, just a little, if he wants them to stick a lot.
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hbyrde36 · 23 days
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Caught in the Undertow
Chapter Five
WC: 4574 | R: Explicit | TW: Suicidal ideation/depression | Ch 5/10 | AO3
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 <-
There may actually be something to this whole talking about it thing, Eddie thought as he leaned against the wood siding of Steve’s house, pulling smoke into his lungs from the first cigarette he’d had in days as he gazed out over the covered pool and at the trees beyond.
He felt… lighter somehow. 
Not like all the bad stuff inside him was gone exactly, but more like he wasn’t carrying it alone anymore. 
He’d played with fire earlier though, coming out to Steve like that. A bit of self destructive tendencies come back to rear their ugly head for a moment, he supposed. Or maybe, once you’ve opened yourself up to someone, told them you think about dying on a semi-regular basis, telling them you like to suck cock wasn’t that big a deal.
And Steve had been… kind, accepting.
Eddie flicked a bit of ash off the end of his cigarette as the glass door to his left slid open, and Steve stepped out onto the patio. He joined Eddie wordlessly, taking up a post right next to him, propped up against the house, close enough to bump their shoulders together. 
Eddie’s stomach did a little flip at the touch, the skin under his sleeve growing hot.
The thing about finally snapping out of it, about feeling better, was that now he could feel everything again. Those flutters he’d had all through that week in March whenever Steve’s eyes met his, or his hands reached out to offer a reassuring touch. Whenever Eddie swayed into his space and Steve didn’t move away.  
Those butterflies had reawakened the moment Steve burst into his room all pent up and pissed off this morning, and taken flight with a vengeance when Steve had let him take care of him, let Eddie cradle him in his lap while he worked through the worst of his migraine.
Ah well. 
It wouldn't be his first crush on an unattainable straight guy, and it probably wouldn’t be his last. He’d get over it. He wouldn’t subject anyone to a… relationship with someone like him anyway, least of all Steve. 
Eddie slipped the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, half-heartedly holding it out to the other boy in offering, surprised when Steve dipped his head in thanks and took it.
“Didn’t know you smoked,” Eddie said, the white smoke coming off the end of his own still burning cigarette curling around them as it bobbed between his lips.
Steve shrugged, tapping one out of the pack with a practiced hand. “I don’t much anymore.”
Passing over his lighter, Eddie raised a questioning brow.
“Robin hates it, but I still sneak one every once in a while when she’s not around.” Steve flicked the little wheel half a dozen times but the lighter refused to catch.
Eddie patted his jacket pockets, sure that he had another stashed somewhere, but froze as Steve leaned in close.
“Do you mind if I…?” Steve said softly around the unlit cigarette still hanging from his mouth, reaching out to steady himself with a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. 
Eddie stopped breathing. 
They stared into each other’s eyes, faces only inches apart as Steve touched the tip of his own smoke to the still burning cherry on the end of Eddie’s. The flare of light when Steve inhaled to make it catch illuminated his face like candlelight, making his captivating hazel eyes even prettier somehow. 
It was Eddie who moved back first. Who broke the stare and the moment, his heart thumping so loudly against the walls of his chest that if he didn’t Steve might hear, and know it was beating for him. 
He leaned back against the side of the house and resumed staring out into the darkening sky as dusk turned to night, and tried to regain his composure. 
Steve cleared his throat, mirroring Eddie’s position in turn, his attention back on their shared view. 
“Must be nice out here in the summer. I bet the gremlins bug you to use the pool all the time,” Eddie said after a while. 
“They’ve asked, but, uh...” Steve reached up to rub at the back of his neck. “I haven’t opened it since ‘83.”
It took Eddie a second to remember why that year held such significance. When he did he still couldn’t fathom the connection between Steve’s pool and Will’s disappearance into the Upside Down, but surely it wasn’t good. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to like,” Eddie waved his hand vaguely in the direction of the pool, waffling as he pinched the last little stub of his cigarette between his fingers to snuff it out. “I didn’t know.”
“No, man. It’s—it’s okay. I hadn’t thought about it, but there's probably so much you don’t know still.”
“Only the basics. There wasn’t time for Dustin to really fill me in before, and it’s not like I’ve given him much of a chance since.”
Steve hummed in acknowledgment, but was quiet for long enough that Eddie wasn’t sure if he was done talking for the night, or if Steve was simply working up to it. Either way he wouldn’t push, letting a companionable silence settle between them.
“Barb Holland.”
The two words rang out like a bell in the quiet air, deep and affecting. Steve paused to take a long drag from his cigarette, blowing out a thick plume of smoke with his head tossed back.  “She was Nancy’s best friend. They were here one night, after Will… I think a day or two after he went missing? I was—” He squatted down to crush his own cigarette out on the concrete, rubbing at his face as he straightened back up. “God I was so far up my own ass, I don't even know. And of course I was more worried about hooking up with Nancy than what might be out here stalking that poor girl. Demogorgon got her. I didn’t find out till later, but she was pulled through a gate in the pool, and killed on the other side.”
“Shit, Steve.”
Steve gave a little shrug as if to say, it is what it is. “I failed her and Nancy that day, and I've been… trying to make up for it ever since.”
“You were just a kid. You couldn’t have known what was coming for her.”
“I guess not, but that doesn’t make me feel any less haunted by it.”
Eddie shivered, the short hairs on the back of his neck standing up. He felt the same way about Chrissy, sure that it would be much worse if he’d had to go back and live in the same trailer where she died.
“Why did you stay here?”
“I could have left after graduation. Not for college, I never even sent in my application, but my dad took early retirement, and my parents moved to their summer home full time. They wanted me to go with them, but—” 
Steve bowed his head, shaking it. “Everyone was convinced it was over. El closed this gate at the lab, and they got whatever was infecting Will out of him, but I—I couldn’t shake the feeling that it might come back, and I’d be miles away and Dustin would for sure get right in the middle of it and get himself hurt or worse.”
“And you were right.”
“Unfortunately,” Steve breathed.
Eddie ached for him all over again, for the weight of the world he seemed determined to carry.
“I hate this house,” Steve went on. “This whole town really. I’d leave it in a heartbeat if I could.”
“Well it really is over this time, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I think it finally is.” 
The bike beneath Eddie creaked as he pedaled, going as fast as he could, his thighs and calves screaming that they weren’t made for this, but he had to get the bats away.
Every time he looked back the advancing flock were closer and closer. He was so tired, and absolutely fucking terrified, but none of that mattered now. 
He had to keep everyone else safe.
The trailer was lost from sight when the bats finally caught up, knocking him from the bike, and making him eat shit. He could only hope he’d lured them far enough. 
Eddie picked himself up, feeling a bit like he was in a horror movie as he turned slowly, wielding his spear and shield to face the hoard, but the sight that greeted him was far worse than any number of flying monsters.
Because it was Dustin, doing his best to run with a pronounced limp. 
It didn’t make any sense. How did he even make it out here so fast? Little shit was going to get himself killed.
“What are you doing, Henderson?!” Eddie hissed, swinging his shield to knock away one of the demobats as it tried to dive bomb them.
“Never split the party!” Dustin shouted, positioning himself behind Eddie so they were back to back, slowly rotating with the swirling cloud of beasts that flew around them. 
Eddie didn’t point out the obvious—that they already had split the party, several times in fact, before this moment and Dustin hadn’t had a problem with that.
And now he was gonna…
Eddie swallowed hard past the lump in his throat. It was hopeless, but he’d do whatever he could to keep that from happening.  
They fought tooth and nail, watching each other's backs as they speared, kicked, punched, and dodged, but there were simply too many of the vicious creatures. 
Then Dustin’s spear broke.
Eddie spun suddenly, curling his body around the younger boy’s, holding his shield up behind Dustin to try and cover him completely. He held strong through the force of the impacts as one-by-one bats slammed into his back… until one of their tails wrapped itself around Eddie’s neck from behind, ripping him away, and dragging him to the ground where a number of its brethren descended on him at once.
Through the searing pain of being eaten alive, Eddie still fought, still tried to shake the creatures off and get to Dustin, but his arms were pinned to his sides. 
Over the cacophony of screeches and squawks Eddie heard Dustin scream—wordless, high pitched, blood curdling, before something hit the ground hard with a heavy thump at his side.
And the screaming stopped.
Eddie shouted Dustin’s name over and over, but heard nothing in return. He turned to look as soon as he could, finally able to as the bat that had been feeding on his cheek moved away to search out the meatier flesh of his chest, and wished he hadn’t.
The boy’s face was a bloody mask, his unblinking eyes—wide and lifeless. His mouth didn’t move, could not move any longer, but still a voice began calling Eddie’s name. It didn’t sound like Dustin either, it sounded like…
“Eddie? Eddie? Can you hear me?” 
Eddie woke with a gasp to someone gently shaking him as they hovered. To Steve looking down at him, his mouth pinched with worry.
One of Steve’s hands left Eddie’s shoulder to cup his cheek. “It was just a nightmare. You’re okay, I’ve got you. Dustin is fine, everyone is fine.” He spoke so softly, as though he were addressing a frightened wild animal, which in fairness wasn’t too far off. 
Eddie could do nothing but stare at first, still dazed and a little breathless from the absolute nightmare his dream had been, and maybe a little more so for the way Steve was touching him, warm and gentle, but eventually he managed to nod.
Steve gave him a small, sad smile and started to pull away. And before he could stop it, before he could consider what a terrible idea it was, Eddie reached out, gripping tightly onto the hem of Steve’s t-shirt. 
“Stay?” Eddie choked out. He felt like a pathetic baby even asking, but the image of Dustin laying bloody and broken was too fresh, and though it had only been a dream, the very real tears he’d cried in his sleep were still drying on his face, his fresh scars throbbing with the renewed memory of so many tails and teeth. “Just for a little while… please?” 
Steve bit his lip, something unreadable flickering across his face for a second, or maybe it was a trick of the shadows, as he whispered, “scoot over.” 
Forcing himself to let go, Eddie shuffled backwards on his side, raising the covers while Steve slid under, facing him. 
Eddie itched to bury himself in Steve's neck, his chest—to be wrapped up in the safety of his arms, but he was acutely aware of the fact that he'd come out to Steve only a handful of hours ago. So he kept a polite distance, still grateful for the simple comfort of not being alone.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Steve asked, snuggling down into the spare pillow.
“Not really. It was—” Eddie exhaled deeply. Awful? Terrible? Horrifying? None of the words that came to mind were enough. 
Somehow Steve's hand found his under the covers, resting between their bodies, their fingers lacing together automatically. 
“I know.”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on the feel of Steve’s hand in his instead of the pain of what he’d seen. “How do you deal with it?” 
“I wish I had better advice to offer but I don't think there's much you can do but just get through it.”
“Lovely.” Eddie grumbled, but knew he was lucky the nightmares hadn’t found him till now. He’d barely been sleeping as it was, and when he did he was usually in a blackout, before he came to Steve’s at least. Now he couldn't help wondering if he was in for the same thing he’d heard Steve go through night after night.  
Steve let out a breathy laugh, rubbing his thumb along the back of Eddie’s hand. “Sorry. You just gotta try and go back to sleep when you can, and on the nights when you can’t, find ways to distract yourself.”
Eddie could think of some things he’d like to do to distract himself right now. A few sure fire ways to shut his brain off, and all of it far more pleasurable than laying here and trying to go fall asleep again, but that was too dangerous a line of thought to follow.
It wasn’t long before Steve’s eyes fell shut, his body relaxing, and his breath evening out. Surprisingly, Eddie found himself following close behind, his own eyelids growing heavy as he watched the wrinkles in Steve’s forehead smooth out, their hands still clasped firmly together when he finally drifted off.
Over the next week, he and Steve developed a loose routine of sorts. 
They made breakfast together in the mornings, which really only consisted of Eddie making toast, with butter this time—elevated cuisine—and Steve brewing a pot of coffee on his overly complicated machine that Eddie refused to even touch, before separating for the day. 
As he continued to work on reclaiming himself, Eddie still spent a lot of time hiding away in his borrowed room with his book and his music, and a notepad Steve dug up for him from the bottom of a kitchen drawer. 
He started writing again. 
Struck with inspiration for a new campaign he began taking copious notes, smiling at the idea that he might actually be able to run a game again one day soon. Something that would go a long way towards making up for lost time with so many of the friends he’d been neglecting lately.
When bits of lyric popped into his head he wrote those down too, humming simple tunes he hoped he’d remember later when he actually had a guitar handy to strum them on, his fingers itching to play for the first time since the Upside Down. And tried very hard not to think about the fact that they all sounded a little more like love songs than anything he typically played with the boys in Corroded Coffin. 
Eddie didn’t really know what Steve did with his days, besides talking to Robin on the phone, occasionally checking on him, and cleaning compulsively from the sounds of it, as though someone might show up at any time and expect a spotless house. 
Sometimes he got in his head about it, wondering if Steve was annoyed at being stuck here babysitting. If he was bored. If he’d get tired of waiting for Eddie to be normal and resent him for holding him back. But when Eddie came downstairs each day around five or six to call his uncle, Steve lit up, looking so genuinely happy to see him that Eddie was forced to remember and believe that Steve wanted him here, wanted to help him heal and find some kind of peace. 
By some miracle, it even seemed to be working.
While Steve put their dinner together Eddie would sit on the kitchen floor, curling the cord around his finger as he spoke to Wayne on the phone, the two of them catching up before the older man went to work for the night. There were other phones in the house he could have used, even ones that offered a comfy seat and more privacy, but none that had as nice a view of Steve’s luscious backside.
Honestly it was one of Eddie’s favorite parts of the day.
After dinner though, that was when they actually spent time together, and Eddie discovered what a dork Steve truly was, and how much he liked being around him.
They’d sit and talk while watching movies mostly, or on one memorable night a baseball game, of all things, an activity Eddie never thought he could find enjoyment in, and if Wayne ever found out he’d done so voluntarily, he’d never live it down. While Eddie still didn’t exactly see the appeal of sports in general, he could appreciate the fit of their uniforms, and seeing Steve smile so much and slap his thigh whenever something good happened wasn’t half bad either. No matter what they were doing Steve's presence never failed to leave him feeling warm, like sitting in the sun, and it was impossible not to bask in it a little.
All in all, It was easy enough for Eddie to be normal about his unfortunate crush during the day, but—
Okay, maybe he wasn’t being super normal about it, but he was at least managing to hide the worst of it from Steve, he was pretty sure anyway, but at night things were… a little more difficult. 
Night after night like clockwork Eddie woke in near hysterics.
Sometimes it was him and Chrissy standing in the trailer, where he’d try in vain to wake her, and have no choice but to stand by and witness her body breaking to pieces right in front of him all over again. 
Or it was Steve, getting strangled to death by demobats after being pulled into the depths of Lover’s Lake. He, Robin, and Nancy following behind far too late to save him. 
But more often than not it was his own gruesome near death experience he was made to relive, alone or with Dustin dying by his side. Those were always the worst. 
And every night, without fail, Steve was there when Eddie lurched awake, crying and gasping. There to soothe away the pain and heartache, touching Eddie’s face and hair with gentle hands, uttering soft sweet words, and each time, like the first time, Eddie asked him to stay, and Steve would simply say, “scoot over.”
The nightmares never came back once Steve was with him.
And in the morning, no matter how tangled together they were when they woke, they separated without a word and went about their days as normal. 
And it was fine. 
It wasn’t complete fucking torture or anything. 
It continued to be fine until one morning Steve came downstairs in jeans—obscenely tight jeans, not that Eddie noticed—and a polo shirt. The first time either of them had put real clothes on since the ill-fated party. 
Maybe he was expecting someone?
Eddie wasn’t sure how Steve had managed to keep the kids and everyone else away for this long, but he was grateful for the time to get his shit together within their private little bubble while it lasted. “Who’re you all dressed up for?” He asked.
Steve held up a grocery list scrawled on a notepad in answer, smaller than the one stashed under the bed in Eddie’s room—
Not his room, though, he had to remind himself. Steve's guest room. He had to stop thinking of it as though this living arrangement were a permanent one. Had to remember the reason he was here in the first place—because Steve and Wayne were afraid he might hurt himself. He wasn’t bitter about that fact anymore, really he wasn’t, but he was feeling pretty good now, and maybe it was time to start acting like it. 
Eddie hadn't forgotten Hopper’s warning to avoid public places, but the grocery store in the middle of the day on a random Tuesday hardly seemed like a risk.
“Can I come?” He asked.
Eddie pushed the cart, following behind Steve like a lost puppy, providing minimal commentary while he shopped. It was nice, in a way, to be out and about, but he also felt a little jittery about being so exposed, and was grateful for something to do with his hands. 
It was impossible not to notice the lingering stares and whispers being thrown in his direction from the other customers, as few and far between as they were, but he was determined not to let it bother him.
Steve had seen it too, making sure to never get too far ahead, and more than once Eddie saw him staring daggers back at some old lady until she was forced to look away with a huff. 
Just as Eddie was starting to relax, knowing they were in the home stretch and might actually get out of the store without incident, they rounded a corner and came across a boy wearing a familiar green and white letterman jacket.
It was Andy, because of course it was, and he wasted no time getting right in Eddie’s face, spitting with each hate filled word he spewed. “Who let you out of the house, Munson? You should be locked up, I don’t care what the police said. You’re a fucking murderer.”
Before Eddie could even react Steve was there shoving Andy away from him. The other boy stumbled back into a chip display, sending a dozen or more bags falling to the ground, a few crunching underneath him as he regained his footing. 
“Back off man, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Steve snarled.
Andy recovered quickly and pushed into Steve’s space next, puffing up, and trying without success to loom over him. “Harrington, I knew you’d changed, but you’re hanging out with freaks like him now?”
A sound not unlike a growl came crawling out of Steve’s throat, making Andy take a step back. It looked involuntary, and Eddie wondered if he even realized he’d done it. He was tempted to let the scene play out, but, as hot as it would be to see Steve beat the ever loving shit out of someone like Andy—someone who’d hurt a little girl while following the orders of his deranged leader—Eddie knew he had to stop this before someone called Hopper. He wasn’t really in the mood for a lecture today. 
Eddie reached out, wrapping a hand around Steve’s bicep, gently holding him back. “Forget him, Steve. He’s not worth it. Let’s just go, okay?”
For a split second Steve tensed at the touch, then leaned into it, shaking himself. “Yeah, okay.”
Thankfully Andy seemed to understand that he’d gotten lucky, not so brave when his opponent was the same size as him, and let them pass with nothing further than a few more dirty looks.
Steve stuck close to Eddie’s side, guiding them right to the checkout though Eddie was sure there were a few more things on his list, but he certainly wasn’t going to argue. He was ready to get out of there, and go back into hiding for the day. 
They drove back to the house in an awkward silence that continued on even as they pulled into the driveway and carried all the bags into the kitchen, neither of them quite knowing what to say. Eddie knew better than to think Steve was mad at him, and maybe going along had been a bad idea but it could have been worse. He was actually feeling remarkably calm about the whole thing now that it was over, except for the fact that Steve kept sneaking these long glances at him whenever he thought he wasn’t looking.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Eddie mumbled as he started to unpack the groceries, unable to ignore it any longer. 
Steve’s cheeks went pink. “Sorry,” he breathed, shaking his head at himself as he reached for one of the bags, taking out the milk and butter, and putting them away in the fridge.
“Hey,” Eddie said softly, ducking his head to catch Steve’s eye as he turned back around. “I'm okay, I promise. I'm not gonna go off the deep end or whatever you're worried about, ok? Screw that asshole and everyone who agrees with him. We know the truth, and that’s all that matters.” 
He wasn’t sure he wholeheartedly believed that yet, but he was trying.
“Sorry. You’re right,” Steve sighed. “You did great. I'm the one who lost it. I just—I hate that anyone thinks that way about you.” He dragged his feet as he crossed back to the counter, rifling through another of the bags. 
“Steve–” Eddie bit his lip, something like panic swelling in his chest even as his stomach did somersaults over Steve’s words. “Why… and I swear I'm not being a dick this time, but—why are you doing all this for me?”
Maybe Steve really was just that good of a friend, that caring of a person. Eddie could believe that—did believe that, by this point. But, no one had ever looked at him the way Steve looked at him, and all of it was becoming too much to ignore. Too many late night rescues and soft voices in the dark. Too many mornings of waking up on the same pillow, arms and legs wound so tightly together, as though their separate bodies were trying to become one while they slept. 
And now, ready to fight some dickhead in the middle of Kroger in broad daylight to defend his honor.
Eddie was scared to death of the answer to his question but he had to know, even if the answer might have the power to destroy him, no matter what it was.
“Eddie…” Steve’s face crumpled, like it broke his heart that Eddie had even asked the question. But there was something else too, something peeking out from behind his eyes, that thing Eddie couldn’t bring himself to admit was real, that he hoped wasn’t real because, that would be a very different kind of torture. Cruel and unusual punishment from the universe.
“I care because it’s you. Because you’re one of us. Because you’re my friend. Because…” Steve took two steps forward, standing so close that the toes of their sneakers were touching as he gently took the can of Spaghettios out of Eddie’s hand, and put it back down on the counter.
Eddie couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move—wouldn’t have wanted to if he could, but also he did kind of want to run from the room screaming. Kind of wanted to take the question back and resume pretending. Put his head firmly back in the sand.
“Because…” Steve’s eyes flicked down to Eddie’s mouth, completely unaware of the war raging in his head, before stepping impossibly closer, bringing their bodies flush as he pressed Eddie back into the countertop, and slotted their lips together.
Chapter 6 (Coming as soon as I finish up my Steddie big bang!)
Thanks and love to @penny00dreadful and @pearynice for all your help and encouragement with this.
Permanent taglist(open): @penny00dreadful @pearynice @hitlikehammers @bookworm0690 @wonderland-girl143-blog 
@goodolefashionedloverboi @themagicalari @awkwardgravity1 @rocknrollsalad
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cripple-culture-is · 1 year
Sorry, but if you do not use a mobility aid, then you aren't physically disabled 🤷‍♀️ Only those with mobility aids can call themselves a cripple. I saw your main blog and that you are "physically disabled without mobility aids". That's not even possible. You can't be physically disabled and not require mobility aids.
And the fact that you believe you have the right to use the word cripple rubs me the wrong way. You have to look disabled in order to use that slur. Otherwise it's incredibly disrespectful.
If you can walk, you are not crippled. Crippled means to "cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move normally." If you can walk, you can move normally.
My first full on hate comment lol 🤣 I'm really moving up in the world.
But on a serious note, yes, you can be physically disabled and not require mobility aids. Physical disability isn't always stagnant. It isn't always as simple as someone who is paralyzed being a full time wheelchair user.
Since you used definitions, I'll use definitions. Physical disability is defined as "a limitation on a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina." Also, "any physical limitations or disabilities that inhibit the physical function of one or more limbs of a certain person."
I am physically disabled. I pretty much always have been. I have a mobility disability. I was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis at 9 months old, an autoimmune disease. I did show symptoms at 4 months old at the latest though. Arthritis is actually the leading cause of disability and the most common disabling condition for U.S. adults.
I do not currently use mobility aids, no, but I am looking into getting a rollator for college. So I suppose that when I do get that aid, I will finally, in your eyes at least, be considered physically disabled.
However, I have reached a point in my life where I don't really care what people say about my disability. Whether you believe I'm physically disabled or not doesn't change the fact that I am physically disabled under U.S. law 🤣🤣
I got my permanent disability plates and placard when I was about 5 years old, though I probably could've gotten it before then.
I have always said that I have never used mobility aids. And while that's technically true, it's also not. I've never used traditional mobility aids regularly. I used a wheelchair in public once as a child, and I hated the pity looks adults would give me as I used to be more self-conscious.
However, I HAVE used untraditional mobility aids. While most people wouldn't consider them as such, I have used aids that have helped my mobility, mostly as a child, they just aren't stereotypical disability aids.
I was offered a wheelchair as a child, but due to the pity looks I got from adults, I turned it down. My parents worked around that hangup of mine by using things that I was confident enough to use for mobility as well as more acceptable to me.
My parents had bought this long stroller. When I got older, the typical strollers caused problems, in that I couldn't rest my legs on anything. So I had this stroller that had a leg rest that I could use to stretch my legs as keeping them bent for long periods of time physically hurts me.
I also sat in the baskets of shopping carts until I was in my mid-teens. My mother or father would put the cart with me in it and I'd sit in it as if I was merchandise just like everything else in the basket. This was all because I couldn't walk.
Though, what would happen when a stroller or shopping cart wasn't available? I would get a piggyback ride, mostly from my sister, though from my father as well. My mom did it only occasionally as she has joint issues just like I do.
Then, when I was a bit older, my parents bought me a red wagon. We would take it to amusement parks and carry some things in it. We'd use it for food and other stuff. But it's real purpose was to be there in case I got to a point where I couldn't walk anymore.
I have arthritis in every single joint in my body. From my jaw and neck, all the way to my toes. Hips, ribs, spine, you name it, I got it.
As for the use of the word 'cripple' it DOES apply to me. Cripple refers to anyone with a physical disability. And due to my disability, I do have lower body involvement. Hips, knees, ankles, toes, etc. All of it.
As for being able to "move normally", I actually don't completely. I appear like I do, but if you look at the structure of my legs and the way I walk, I do move differently than a lot of people. I find that I tend to limp often, even when I'm not in pain. And I am curious as to if that's because I got so used to limping as a child due to pain that my walking pattern just adopted that, leading me to limp when I'm not in pain. I also sometimes walk as if I'm waddling.
Plus, if you notice, my right knee is actually slightly turned in, which means that somehow, it's out of alignment. Knees are supposed to point forward. My dad's point forward, my sister's point forward, my mom's mostly point forward. Both of mine do not, even though both of my ankles are straight. My left one is pretty straight, straight enough for me to not really notice it. But my right is a separate story.
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Because my right knee is pointed slightly inward, I tend to walk with my right foot slightly turned out.
I'm not sure if the alignment is a knee issue, a hip issue, or potentially an ankle issue. This wasn't an issue that was ever pointed out by my doctors as a child, cause my knees have been like this for a while. I did have a lot of knee inflammation as a kid.
But back fully on topic, cripple punk isn't contingent on the use of mobility aids. Plus the assumption that I have to "look disabled" in order to be physically disabled is very ableist and leads to those like me getting harassed when we use our handicapped parking permits. I'm invisibly physically disabled, I have always recognized that. But me having an invisible disability doesn't change the fact that I am physically disabled. And come this time next year, I will probably "look disabled". Not that I believe disability has a look. It doesn't. Believing disability has a look is ableist and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. I AM physically disabled. I AM crippled, mobility aid or no mobility aid.
You don't know my history, you don't know me. You don't know my day to day life.
In order for you to believe me, you'd likely have to see my diagnosis papers and the proof of my disability. But you are not entitled to that information. I don't have to show it to you, and I'm not going to.
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Hello! May I request Vil, Kalim, Malleus and Azul with a male! s/o who’s like Sherlock Holmes or William Moriarty? As in reader is very intelligent and stuff
Hello anon and sure! I sorta alternated between the 2 cuz didn't know how to incorporate both but I hope this is to your liking!
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Kalim Al Asim,Malleus Draconia,Azul Ashengrotto
Author:Mod Betty
Warnings/tags: slight spoilers for book 3,5 ( mainly spoilers on book 5) ,not proofreaded yet
Reader is male
Word count:1,300 words 
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-The first time he noticed your high intelligence was when you actually memorized every item for the skin routine he recommended you
-It took Epel forever to memorize them all and still forgets some
-During VDC he knew you'd be problem because he knew you'd probably see right through his plan and his concerns were correct as you were the one to inform Jamil way before he himself noticed Vil's odd behaviors
-Vil does care a lot about things being perfect, one minute mistake could end in a catastrophe
-You agree with Vil on that but sometimes you rather study than do a self care routine, maybe on your breaks you could add a couple products but not enough to meet Vil's standards
-Vil did admire your determined to adapt to this strange world by learning about it as much as possible, but what he doesn't admire is your lack of self care
-Sometimes he drags you out of your room to do a proper self care regiment
-Like the one you are currently doing
-" For someone who's such a genius you can be quite a forgetful potato" Vil says as he rubs some sort of cream on your face
"Apologies by I can't help but simply indulge of the common things in thought world taht would be deemed impossible in mine" you replied hoping to somewhat justifying your actions every though you knew it wouldn't
" I understand your excitement but you do need to take proper care of yourself,you may deem this unnecessary but I disagree completely and as your lover I'm even more complied to do this" he retorted continuing to apply product to your face
"Oh how lucky i am to have someone to spoil me like this, I'm moved" you tease,smile on your face
" The real lucky one is me to have a brilliant and sometimes forgetful boyfriend like yourself "
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-When he found out about your intelligence he was in awe
-you were so cool and not mean like Riddle and you were easier to approach Unlike Malleus
-Jamil is wary of you for a good while knowing how easily Kalim is influenced but you weren't heartless to use someone's kindness
-Kalim is the type to brag about you like " Look how smart my boyfriend is so if you ever need help go ask him!"
-And he wasn't lying,ever since hanging out with(and dating) you he's been improving in his academics and would always would go to you if he needed assistance, saving Jamil from extra work( which he thanks you for)
-Being in a new world made everything surprise you but also defied the logic of your own world so when Kalim offered you a ride on a magic carpet you were skeptical
-I mean a carpet couldn't hold the weight of well anything so it being able to carry 2 people is already taboo and also how can you control it's direction and spee-
-Before you could finish your train of thoughts and how the pure concept contradicts basic physics Kalim pulled your arm and seated you on the carpet
-The first minute you were nervous as hell,who could blame you, you were literally flying on a carpet!
-After the initial shock the ride was actually relaxing and fun
-You never thought you'd ever find yourself flying around on a magic carpet flying around but you don't mind it
-Turning to Kalim who was looking at you the whole time to make sure you're enjoying yourself, you put a hand on his cheek before saying "thank you for showing me something I would never have thought of" and pulling him for a kiss
-Kalim was overjoyed knowing he actually managed to 1) surprised you and 2) make you feel happy
-Safe to say there's never a dull moment with Kalim
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-He knew you were smart by simply observing how well you performed in class
-A magicless human from a completely different dimension did better than most of the NRC students
-What caught him by surprise was when you knew his true identity almost as soon as you saw him
-What confused him was that you were still referring to him as that silly nickname you came up with
-Even if you're smart and probably have some combat abilities you still couldn't stand a chance
-When confronting you about it all you did was smirk ad say " Don't worry I know a foe when I see one "
-Also good luck having to deal with Sebek since he's suspicious of you and your wits. Who knows maybe you were trying to fool the young master!!
-Would often come by Ramshackle and talk about each other's lives
-He was quite fascinated by your life back home,always solving mysteries and how capable you were in dire situations
-He doesn't necessarily need help in academics especially being the next heir of Briar Valley but would often ask you for help with other stuff ((*cough* technology ))
-For a mere child of man and from a foreign land you have a lot of knowledge to almost rival some fae
-Despite knowing you can handle yourself just fine you're still a fragile human with no magic so he will occasionally loom around the shadows,sometimes your sharp tongue could easily infuriate students from a certain dorm,After all Savanaclaw students don't settle arguments with words,but with their fists but when they pull their magic pens Malleus quickly steps in to stop the fight before you got hurt because of some buffoons
-After the students ran off, you turned to him a smile on your face " I could've handled them myself you know, even if they can use magic they're still brainless" Malleus chuckled " I suppose so however I don't think I'd forgive myself if you did end up hurt" he said sighing
-" How about we go to Ramshackle after class for a cup of tea? My treat" you suggested
-"Anything for you ,my brilliant child of man"
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-The first thing he noticed about you was how calm you were when you signed that contract about bringing that painting from the museum, it was almost as if you had a plan already and were confident it'll succeed
-Seeing how brilliant you were and how you could easily make things go your way he actually suggested working in Mostro Lounge
-Would sometimes challenge you to see who's better,be it who'd give a better offer on contracts or who'd finish homework quicker
-During closing hours he'd offer you a cup of tea and discuss whatever topics you thought of
-When dating your counseling started coming into play
-After some time Azul started getting comfort with being vulnerable around you, often pouring his insecurities as he stared at his lap
-" Sometimes I feel like you deserve better" he muttered not making eye contact with you
"Why do you say that love?" You ask him ,serious look on your face
"I mean someone as brilliant as you shouldn't stick around a stupid,fat,clumsy octopus" he said slight irritation in his voice
You sighed as you placed your hands on his shoulders " Azul look at me" ,hesitantly he did as he was told,teary eyes looking right into your
"The fact I'm your boyfriend should be telling you enough that I'm not going anywhere, I don't stick with people that I don't want too, so if I didn't like you I wouldn't be sitting in this very room now would I?" You said trying to comfort your partner without any sort of sugared words but with pure logic
-"Yeah I guess you're right" Azul said wiping his tears
-Smiling you kiss his forehead has you bring him into a hug " so please cease these idiotic thoughts for both our sake ,you know it pains me to see you this upset"
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bubblefina · 2 years
Dad Scaramouche? just some post reuniting stuff
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No Puppet Strings Attached Scaramouche specifically 
I’ve been thinking about this before I even finished writing the final part of the story-
Didn’t feel like I could include it at the very end cause it just didn’t fit, but how could I not include it at all! 
Here’s some of my brainrot about it-
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
- yknow after hundreds of years being a cold hearted harbinger, I think he’d walk the line of being somewhat of an ass to his kids, but eventually warming up to them
- The way I imagine it, you and scara have two twin daughters. They look so similar to him...actually they look more similar to the raiden shogun if I’m being honest
- through a really long discourse, the twins ended up being named Makoto and Ei  🤩
- he really REALLY hates the names
- but how can he say no to his cute little wife that he’s been in love with for so long?
- Both you and scara still live in Sumeru, occasionally venturing out to neighboring countries for the festivals and such
- favorite by far has to be lantern right. the twins love seeing the lanterns go in the sky :(( so cute
- when they turned 5, both of you made the decision to visit Inazuma. It’s been way too long since the both of you went back (well for you at least *cough delusion factory cough*)
- head to liyue to catch a ride on Beidou’s boat
- Uncle Kazuha is there too!! How much joy you felt to know that he was your descendent, and that the blood line continued with him
- Kazuha loves the twins too, keeping them entertained while parents get some much needed alone time
- playing tunes on a leaf, he’s never had an audience that asked for an encore like this
- the amount of people that had to do a double take when the four of you stepped off the boat
- “why do these little girls look so much like the shogun?” blah blah blah
- continued until you got to the tenshukaku, where even Kujou Sara was in shock to see it
- after centuries apart, mother and son finally reunite (he’s not the most happy about it)
- Raiden Ei is pretty awkward too, ngl both of them barely spoke, it was just you carrying on the conversation
- when it was finally time to introduce your kids, Raiden’s expression immedietly softened when she heard the names
- she didn’t speak much, but it was written all over her face that she was so happy
- even happier when both of them ran to her and hugged her legs, calling her different variations of grandmother
- she kneels down and pats their heads  😩 😩 offers them dangos!!
- scara was about to pull out a heavy NO, but you managed to keep him quiet 
- Raiden Ei and the girls bond really well, and as much as Scara hates it...he wants his girls to be happy. To have the life that he always dreamed of having, and he was willing to give up whatever to make it happen
- While the girls were occupied with activities at the Tenshukaku, both you and scara venture to tatarasuna
- walking around, remembering all of the happy times before everything fell apart. it felt bittersweet to be back here. it was around night time when the both of you were about to return, but Scaramouche had another thing in mind
- he guided you a little far away from what used to be the village, you recognized the path
- just in the middle of the wooded area, there stood a single bloom blossom amongst a patch of grass
- he confesses that he planted it years ago when he visited inazuma for the first time since he joined the fatui. it seems as though it culviated itself and kept itself alive all this time. Still glowing alone, through all of the darkness.
- everyone else may be gone, but the both of you started a new chapter with each other. Both Makoto and Ei would carry it on, tatarasuna will never truly die
- If only Niwa, Katsuragi, Miyo and the others could see the both of you now, how you started a family. They’re watching up from above somewhere, and that’s all that matters.
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punks-never-die205 · 8 months
Honeysuckle: Red
afab!reader x Vampire!Eustass Kid
cw: Vampire AU with blood, violence, gore, some very marginally dubious consent, 18+ only
Summary: Vampires are real, and the World Government has ways of maintaining the balance of power and peace between humans and Vampires. Most of it is simple extortion, but one person's desire for freedom threatens to upend the delicate balance and change the world completely.
Tag List: @keiva1000
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Chapter 5: Enthralled
You sit on the small sofa in your room, watching a small fire that you risked starting in the hearth. You’d made sure to pull the curtains and even used a few books to keep them tight against the wall so that the small warmth and light didn’t cause any extra issues.
You didn’t know how long Kid was going to be gone, but worry made the minutes seem even longer. You’d worked so hard to adjust to being awake at night, but you were diurnal by nature, and without any company, or chores, it was hard to stay awake.
You wanted to. You wanted to be up when he came back. Even if he yelled at you or got irritated about it. Something in the back of your mind just… wanted to be there when he got back.
He hadn’t even truly scared you earlier. Five days was enough time to realize that he was intimidating, and terrifying when he wanted to be, but he wasn’t a monster. He wasn’t a voracious, mindless beast, sniffing out his next meal like some wild animal.
He wasn’t like what you’d been raised to believe Vampires were like.
You’d expected that at least some of what you’d learned would be factual, but the more you thought about what you knew versus what he knew, and what you’d experienced, the more you realized it was all propaganda. The only way to know the truth was to learn it for yourself.
The only way to do that was to travel.
Traveling meant not staying in the manor with Kid, but it wasn’t like you had a strict schedule. There wasn’t any harm in staying for a while. Long enough to learn from him. Long enough to build up the strength and stamina to look after yourself.
Did Vampires travel?
You’d been told they made lairs, or nests of a sort, and rarely moved from those. Instead, they relied on thralls to do things for them. Tend to chores, offer up blood to their master, go fetch victims. Evil Vampire stuff.
All the reasons why Honeysuckles were protected and controlled the way they were.
An unexpected sound pulled you from your thoughts and you stilled. Focusing entirely on any other sound you could pick up you held your breath. The front door hadn’t slammed, but it had opened, and closed, you were certain.
It seemed too soon for Kid to have returned, and you weren’t sure what to do. If it was Kid you wanted to be able to see him, but the effects of your blood would last much longer, and if he was out blowing off his energy and anger it would be an hour at least before he even started to cool down. At least, with your blood empowering him, he wouldn’t be feeling exhaustion like usual for a long while.
There was more than one person, you realized, muffled voices you didn’t recognize sounding against the boards of the house. They weren’t harsh and curt, like orders between marines, they were more relaxed and jovial.
You heard someone call out for Kid by name, and then another voice. Big booming voices that would carry easily through the entire manor. You can hear them working through the house, a few of them less-booming, adding to the chorus.
Voices turning from reverie to concern.
Getting up off the small sofa, you walk closer to the door, trying to make out the voices. You can hear them coming up the stairs.
“- he wouldn’t leave without good reason.” One voice says.
“Where the fuck would he go though?” Another asks.
“I mean, it’s Kid, he could just be tearing through the forest cause he’s bored.” The third voice sounds more muffled than the others, and you aren’t sure why.
The only thing that matters is that they sound like they know Kid well, and that’s going to have to be good enough for now. They sounded concerned too, and you can at least tell them something.
You open the door, and the hall goes completely quiet. Your eyes meet three sets of eyes on very tall, very surprised faces. One man towers over the others, but none of them are short. One wears a mask and has a cascade of blonde hair, the other almost looks like he’s wrapped in barbed wire, until you realize it’s all tattoos.
There’s a long few seconds of silence between all four of you, the sounds of other people in other parts of the manor still calling out for Kid.
“… Hi.” You manage, straightening up a little and opening the door more. “You’re… Eustass’… friends?”
The mask man nods, the other two just stare at you mutely.
“I’m…” You step out into the hall, finding it hard to meet their slack-jawed gazes. “Eustass said I c-could stay. He was here… but he, um… ate…” You tug the collar of your shirt up a little. “Got… angry, and then left, and told me to… to go to my room.”
“Your room?” The mask man repeats in disbelief. “That room?”
You nod. “He’s had me use it the, um, last couple of days. Nights.” You correct. “I’ve been cleaning, and earning my keep, and… and not just taking advantage of him.” You try to assert.
Your words seem to be enough to break whatever was bothering the other three and they all laugh. The tattooed one and the tall one are both nearly howling, and the masked man’s shoulders move, but you don’t hear anything coming from him.
“Take… advantage…” The tattooed man gasps, hands on his knees as he works to catch his breath. “Of Kid!” He devolves into laughter again, nearly crying from it.
The laughter seems to have gotten everyone else’s attention and soon the second floor hallway has twenty or so people in it, yourself included. It’s an eclectic gathering at the least. After a few more rounds of laughter among the others, you get some introductions, and have names to put to faces. You offer your name in return, but nothing more.
Killer is apparently the appointed spokesman of the group and steps toward you. “If Kid ran out of here angry he might be out all night. Are you hungry?”
“A little. I did get to eat breakfast before he left, so… I’m not starving.” You look over the people in the hall and look back to Killer. “Are you all his thralls?”
There’s a collection of giggles through the gang again and Killer shakes his head. “Kid, Heat, Wire and I are all vampires.” He explains. “Kid might be big and imposing, but no one needs twenty thralls.”
“Then, there’s four masters of the house?” You question tilting your head. That didn’t seem right either and Killer shakes his head again.
“We all follow Kid’s lead.” He clarifies. “The Government would call it a coven, but instead of a collective, we all just decided to let Kid call the shots.”
“Him?” You ask the question with disbelief before clamping your hands over your mouth. Chuckles shift through the group, and there’s a good natured feeling among everyone.
“Has he hurt you?” Killer questions, and you shake your head. “Done anything cruel?” He prompts and you shake your head again. “He’s loud and blunt, but not so bad, yeah?”
You smile a little and nod your head. Killer ruffles your hair, hand warm and heavy, almost as big as Kid’s. “He’s a real bastard sometimes, but he’s a good guy. Smarter than he acts too, and that’s why we follow him.”
“Let’s get you something to eat.” A taller lady with bright curly orange hair says, holding out her hand. “We just came back with a ton of supplies, so we can make whatever you like.”
You reach out and put your hands in hers, letting her lead you after a small hesitation. Kid had only told you to go to your room, he hadn’t told you to stay there. He probably knew the crew would be back before he was, and just didn’t want you wandering around the manor.
“Do you know how long he’s been gone?” Hip asks, as Quincy and Killer moved around the kitchen, working on making food for the whole crew.
“It… has only been three or four hours.” You admit nervously.
“Do you know why he was angry?” Killer questions. He’s not even facing you, working on cooking.
“I… yes, but… I,” you stammer nervously. You can feel embarrassment rushing through you. “I don’t know if I should say anything.” You admit in a very small voice.
There’s a long quiet in the room before Dive pipes up. “Did you call him fat or something?”
“Huh?” “Dive!” “Why would he even care!” “I don’t know!” “By the seas child, what was that?”
“He’s been eating people food again and maybe he got fat!” Dive yells, stamping her foot on the seat of the chair she’s standing on. “We haven’t seen him in weeks.”
The entire crew’s eyes turn to you, and you look around nervously. “Um?”
Dive rolls her eyes. “Was our idiot captain fat or not, keep up!” She snaps, smacking the table a little.
Hip smacks Dive against the back of her head. “She’s not going to understand your form of admiration you pig-tailed idiot.” Hip takes a deep breath as Heat grabs Dive, putting a hand over her mouth and keeping her arms pinned. She’s mumbling and growling the entire time but neither Heat nor anyone else seems bothered by it.
“… Did you insult the captain?” Hip questions after a moment.
You shake your head. “I did not.”
“Did you tell him you’re a honeyblood?” Wire questions flatly.
Aside from Wire, Heat and Killer, all eyes turn to you again. There’s no hiding the answer to his question, as you flinch. The continued stares cause you to put a hand over the teeth marks you’re certain have been clearly visible from the start.
“I did.”
“Before, or after?” Killer questions, back still turned to you, his focus still on cooking.
“… Before.”
“You’re from the facility.” Wire says, and you nod.
“Well… Shit.”
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
Ok but imagine Sunshine with a Captain Turner death
5:27 - 6:06
as a pure Drabble but just imagine after Birdy is done healing mentally and physically, Sunshine has proved themselves to the team and is practically great at everything,
So yk they’re on a mission and goes SOUTH- not like oppsies 🤭🤭 more like ‘oh shit’
So like Sunshine gets shot, while everyone is going against leaving they all know she won’t make it.
The last time they see her is falling back into the mud where they’re into eternal rest.
You wanna make it worse?
It's between Birdy and Sunshine.
Both Birdy and Sunshine had no idea how the fuck either of them had ended up on the front line. They weren't boots on the ground, they weren't infantryman. This wasn't their job.
Realistically, it had been Sunshine's fault. It was always Sunshine's fault when it came to stuff like this.
The screaming through the radio had been enough for Sunny to spur from their post.
"We gotta go help them," they growled, throwing their rifle over their shoulder.
"No, we stay here," Birdy raised their voice, scrambling to their feet. They gripped Sunny's arm, pulling them away from lowering slope of the hill.
The fiery sniper whirled on Birdy, their eyes wild and their nose red with the cold.
"You stay here then," Sunshine snapped, ripping their shoulder from their partners grip. "You can watch them die up close through your scope, you fucking pussy."
Birdy tried not to let the words faze them. They knew why Sunshine was manic.
Ghost was down there.
But so was König. So was everyone that Birdy considered family. But this was a job and they had to know their place.
Sunshine wasn't going to take no for an answer.
As Sunny bolted down the hill, anxiety rose through Birdy's chest.
"Fuck me dead," they finally growled, shouldering their weapon and bowling after their rogue teammate.
It was always Sunshine's fucking fault.
And they knew that. They knew that when a bullet ripped through their stomach, digging in just below their armour. They knew it was their fault when Birdy dropped to their knees, clutching their bullet riddled thigh with a thundering scream.
It was always Sunshine's fault.
But today, Sunshine would be the reason that their family survived.
They knew everyone was thinking it. There was no way they'd survive the way home, even if Ghost could manage to carry them back to the evac point. Birdy's wound was critical but they'd survive it if they left now.
König's eyes were wide as he watched Sunshine, his own sniper writhing in his arms, screaming.
"No! No! You're coming with us. You're coming with us!"
Birdy was sobbing so loud the earth could have cracked beneath their grief. Nature bowed to their sorrow, the sun hid from their rage.
But Sunshine only grinned, no less feral than any other day. "Get the fuck out of here, Pigeon. Leave some glory for me."
Pigeon. A nickname that had started off as insult, now affectionate.
Birdy could barely hear the words.
When Sunshine looked at König, offering a solemn nod with watery gazes, he took a step back.
"I..." any sentence dried on his tongue.
What does one say to a breathing corpse?
"Go, big guy." Sunshine cried out as they stood to their feet. They didn't let him speak, they knew there was nothing to say. "Tell Simon I'm sorry."
Birdy wailed. Ghost was on the other side of the field, covering his men as they retreated. He didn't know that Sunshine was down there with them.
When König left and the bullets sprayed the air between Sunshine and the enemies before them, sorrow blossomed in their chest.
They promised themselves that they'd never regret anything when the time came to pass on. But when Sunshine hit the mud, a bullet in their throat and blood in their mouth, they realised that they had just one.
Sunshine had never told the 141 that they loved them, not once.
They'd never told Simon, that they loved him. Spewing words of hatred and banter, even though they'd felt like ash on their tongue.
Sunshine died a liar.
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iheartmomochi · 10 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi A•CHI•KO•CHI \No Limit!!!/ translation
Important: i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter (an entire month ago LOL), so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language.
You can listen to the cd here
[closes door] Ahhh, just cramming the luggages and it tires me already. It doesn’t make sense how I have to drive now. Ugh. I should have hired a mover to carry all this stuff. In the first place, why do I have to keep costumes at the office? If there’s no space to store them, just add a new building or something. It’s not like they don’t have the money.
Anyway, the interior of this car really sucks! Wood paneling?! Seriously, why did he buy this of all cars? I’d definitely refuse it if he offered it to me even for free. Way too lame. Well, not that it matters. It’s not like I’m gonna get in this car anymore after this. Actually, how do I start the engine? Where’s the key?
Huh? Of course I have a license. I just didn’t tell you about it. Well, I’ve only driven twice since I got the license though...Besides, I can survive in the Tokyo metropolitan area without driving. Actually, it’s a bother to have a car. What is this button? Ah, it’s on. Geez, what’s the deal? Nobody needs cars to be so high tech. Why can’t it just be like those cars at driving school? Just use a key and we’re all set. We’ll go now- ..oh right. Gotta set the navigation. I have it but it’s a hassle so can you set it up? You remember my home address, don’t yo- Ah.
Ahem. If so, then what? It’s fine. Just a slight scrape on the mirror won’t affect the driving. It’s their fault for parking next to a pillar. Put that aside, hurry up with the gps! I told you to set it up, right? Figure it out by the time we come out of this basement parking.
[beeps] Tch, so noisy. I just gotta turn right next. I know that much. [beeps] Ugh!! That red car keeps tailgating us, right? Stop bullshitting me. Now I can’t enter the right lane! Whatever. I’m going straight. [beeps] Shut up. Why don’t you drive, then? It’s not like we’re in a rush anyway. Can you not complain just because we’re taking the longer way? Ughh. How irritating. Oh. We can just enter that family restaurant. We’re taking a break. A break. [horns from other cars] Huh???! Shut it!! You don’t have to horn that loud. I can hear it just fine!
Ughhh. Huh? I just need drinks. If you wanna eat, just go ahead. Anyway, will you bring me anything to drink? I’m tired from driving. No way I can move even one step from this seat. Whatever works. Ah, but not that lemon squash from earlier. The one at this place tastes so awful. Also not coffee or tea. I’m not in the mood now. Also, don’t add any ice. It’s so inconvenient anyway. (sighs) I still gotta drive after this. It’s unthinkable we’re not even halfway to home. I’m so fed up, seriously. Ahhh! I wanna go home soon!
Tch. How long do you think I waited? You’re too slow. Come on, let’s go. Huh? Where else? Obviously back home. We’ll grab a taxi somewhere. The car? Just leave it here. I’ll just make up some random excuse and have one of the members pick it up. I can just ask them to carry the luggages while they’re at it too. I see. Then stay here by yourself. If you’re that concerned about the car.
[car slows down] Hm, I’m gonna read out the address so can you insert it in the navigation? Yes, please do- Ugh! Hey, what are you doing? You’re gonna get those hands caught! Ehehe! Sorry about that. Seems like this girl is a little drunk...Hey, what are you crying for?! Stop it! Uhh, I’ll get off for now. I’m really sorry, after I made you stop the car! Alright. [car leaves]
(sighs) Hey. Stop your bullshit. The driver gave me a weird look! Seriously, what were you thinking? Not only you wrench opened the door I’m about to shut, you even cried out loud! Nobody knows who’s watching us on this high traffic road. You’re seriously unbelievable. Come over here!
Looks like nobody’s around here. Hey, will you get over it? I’m already irritated enough..! Huh? It hurts? You got those grass as a cushion, so isn’t that fine? Or maybe I should’ve pushed you against that wall? Huh? Roses? Ahh, the thorns hurt you. I see. Huhhh..! Haha! I know, and that’s why I did it. Nggh...! Feel more pain! There! There!
Hm? Are you gonna cry again? Even when everything is your fault? I really don’t get it. Hm? Your neck is bleeding. Did a thorn pierce you? [sucks] Hey, what are you doing? It’s teared up because you moved unnecessarily. I was being kind enough, because that cloth looks new. But I guess it’s too late. You fell down the grass and you already got yourself dirty earlier. I suppose it doesn’t matter anymore. This cloth..! (tears) Ahhh, it tore up more than I thought it would. Now you’re gonna be full of scars, no? Hehe! But what can I do? Because everything is your fault..!
Haha! Feel more pain! I’ll ruin you even more while we’re at it! You have such a pathetic look right now. But that makes me feel a little better. Depending on how you behave, I might feel like driving again. Actually, isn’t it going to be inconvenient for you if I don’t drive? How are you coming home when you’re like this? Your clothes are all torn. Your makeup, hair - all messed up. You probably can’t even catch a taxi so that means you have to rely on me, don’t you agree? So, there’s only one thing that you can do. Do your best and put me in a good mood. I told you before, remember? That I’m the only one who can love a miserable girl like you. Don’t ever forget that. Your answer? Don’t tell me you already forgot. If you get it then be desperate and behave in my favor. If you don’t want to be abandoned. Okay? (kisses)
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This is Eseryt Yrva of Barton, formally Zerimar
my minecraft diaries oc
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so because this is an oc instead of a canon character, i’m just gonna tell you as much about her lore as i can :P this might be long i’m sorry but i need to info dump or else i’ll explode
first off she is Cadenza’s bio sister whom she was separated from incase you missed that. She is also originally from the village of Zerimar. It was destroyed by O’Khasis and very few people got away. Each person born in Zerimar is given a magicks associated with the meaning of their name.
•First and formost, her name is pronounced Es-er-it. It means “to perceive”. Being originally from Zerimar, that is her given magicks. The ability to read anyone’s expressions, intentions, whether or not they’re lying, stuff like that. However, it also means that she is difficult to read for other people.
•When she was 5, and Cadenza was 11, their village was attacked by O’khasis. She and Cadenza were chased into a dead end. Desperate, they climbed up the wall and jumped into the river below. The rushing river separated her and Cadenza. Eventually Es washed up and was found by a boy who recognized her as his neighbor. He and a large man she’d never seen before told her they’d keep her safe so she went with them.
•The man told her his name was Björn. He had another boy with him. Eseryt thought he must’ve been very sleepy because Björn had to carry him. They traveled very very far and Calcifer, the boy from her village, carried her a good portion of the trip. This is essentially their route v
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•They traveled to the village of Barton. A relatively young village, one that many people aren’t even sure really exists. It’s known as a safe haven, keeping to itself and not involving itself in the affairs of the rest of the world. It’s also very tricky to find, hidden in a valley surrounded by mountains. Without directions it’s practically impossible to find. Björn was traveling there from Nahakra Village with his son Derek. The village found out that Björn and his son were both werewolves and hunted them down. His human wife, Amelia, was killed in the action and his son was badly wounded. Björn tracked down the location of Barton and was on his way there when he was spotted by a panicked boy who flagged him down for help.
•Björn’s son died from his injuries literal DAYS after arriving in Barton. Björn adopted Eseryt, and offered to take Calcifer in, but he refused.
•Because Barton is a popular place with travelers, merchants, refugees, and adventurers, it’s very busy. Despite being small and having few people there at a time. Because of this, Eseryt grew up surrounded by all kinds of people and cultures. She also never really understood why some people were hated simply because they were different.
•As she got older, she realized just how much she loved singing and started performing at festivals and in the tavern were Björn worked.
•She and Björn (who she calls Da) live in the attic of their tavern/inn.
•Eseryt always had an adventurer’s spirit, and when she was 18 she secretly left Barton despite Björn telling her no multiple times. She told her best friend that if she didn’t return by 3-4 months to not come looking for her. It wouldn’t be worth it.
•She left because of strange nightmares she’d been having of a strange woman telling her to “find her” once a month. This woman was Kul’Zak, Eseryt is her incarnation. I’m not gonna get into it more than that cuz it’s kind of a lot..
•She left in the middle of the night with her horse Dagny. She headed straight for the forest, having no clue that is was sentient. However, instead of trapping her, it guided her to Phoenix Drop. Despite traveling completely alone with only a few daggers to protect herself, she only got trouble from bandits once. She was able to get away and the forest helped block them off (though she didn’t know that).
•When she got to Phoenix Drop, it was very late so she decided to camp outside the town. By the morning she woke up to a strange black haired women and dusty brown haired man staring her down, just as confused as she was. They asked if she was alright when suddenly the man looked shocked. He asked her name and when she said it his eyes widened more than they already were. “Do.. Did you have a sister..?” he asked. Confused, she said she did but they were separated a very long time ago. Without explaining to either Es or Aph, he instructed she come with him. She hesitantly did, and he led her to a house with rose bushes outside. He knocked on the door until a women with long orange hair answered. The realization was instant. When Eseryt asked how Laurance even figured out that she was Cadenza’s lost sister, he said that she looked oddly familiar to begin with, but when she saw her tattoos and necklace there was no denying that she was the sister Cadenza missed so dearly and spoke about so much.
•She and Cadenza spent a lot of time together, and Laurance began to see Es as another sister. He began mentoring her and teaching her to fight at her request. Cadenza made Es some new clothes that fit her better. Everything was great… Until O’knasis and Scaleswind showed up at the gates of Phoenix Drop.
•Eseryt wanted to help, to stay and fight. Aphmau allowed it as she’d shown real skill and Aphmau trusted she could handle herself. For a while, she did. Staying on the wall with a bow and arrow. Somehow, Zane had managed to find his way to the wall and confronted Eseryt. She would’ve shot him with no hesitation, but the second he mentioned Cadenza, she froze. Zane knew about them escaping Zerimar. Eseryt was frozen by shock and Zane took his chance. He struck her and pushed her off the wall. Laurance saw this happen and ran to her. He tried to save her but he couldn’t. She was gone..
•SHE WAS BACK. She awoke in the Nether completely disoriented and in pain. Sasha and Gene explained everything. Gene tried telling her that Laurance let her die but she knew there would’ve been no saving her without some kind of magicks.
•Sasha became her “mentor” in the Nether, and was the only person to show her any.. “kindness”. She rarely called her by her name, instead choosing to call her “Lamb” or “Lorelei”. When Es finally asked why she called her Lorelei, Sasha said “Well because you’re- wait… Do you not know? Oooh” Sasha then informed her that she was a siren and teases her for never figuring it out on her own. She also told her it was the only reason Gene kept her around. A siren could be useful.
•Each time she was defiant Sasha would cut a piece of her hair as punishment. Gene however, did much worse.
•Eventually she got tired of fighting back, so she tricked them. She told them she gave up, she’d join them. All while Vylad was helping her find the secret second portal to the overworld. She’d been in the Nether for almost a year in Nether time, but only about a month in the overworld.
•It took her days to find her way back to Phoenix Drop but eventually she did. Cadenza cut some of her own hair to braid into Eseryt’s.
•Everything was great until Zane returned and everyone became trapped in the Irene Dimension. (Everything is the same it just happens a little later than in canon).
Everything happens pretty much the same from here and she’s not really import to the plot. Just kinda there.
•She and Travis eventually kind of have a bit of a thing 😉
•Eventually, about a year after Laurance left, the calling was becoming too much for her. She left to the Nether without telling anyone, where she aided Laurance and Zenix in the rebellion.
there’s a lot more but it’s not as important as that stuff so i’m not gonna get into it for now
sorry that wasn’t my most elegant post but you get the gist
Up Next: An Incredibly Irresponsible Priest!
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pamgkrthwrites · 1 year
Hi i saw your request are Open.
I think this is my Frist ever ask I am asking you I am really excited
Can I request a yandere playtonic Macaqa Monkey King Nezha and pigsy x toddler female daughter reader
Like the reader is there daughter from a one night stand and The find out about them on accident. And they see the reader is a runt to
But a really sweet bean and Carry her stuff dog with her and is waiting for her mama. Even though her mother treats her bad the reader still loves her mama cuz she don't know her daddy. but when the fathers find out about her they take her away and give her a better life.
I hope you have a great day
Everyone, move aside. Time for some true fluff content.
Support me here
The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
He finds out about her after visiting MK and sees the woman again holding the hand of her young daughter.
He puts the pieces together quickly and is not pleased to say the least.
He doesn't want to reveal what he knows yet and just watches over his daughter. He may not like the idea of you but you are still his daughter.
He watches you as a bug most of the time, and his heart slowly warms up when he sees how sweet you are.
His heart aches when he sees you being left home alone, sitting close to the front door holding your puppy plush waiting for your mother. Who doesn't even love you.
It was when you are around 5 years old when he decides to step in after you answered the door and had an interaction with someone who would've harmed you if your neighbour wasn't leaving her apartment at that same moment.
He makes it known to your mother he knows, he angry with how shes raised you, and will be taking you himself.
Your mother acts mad but is happy she doesn't have to care for you anymore.
So Wukong takes you to his cave and takes care of you from that point on.
He didn't realise how much he wanted to be a father until that moment.
Macaque and your mother met via one of his classes. One night stand and he never sees her again.
Well until she walks into his place 2 years later holding you in his arms.
Your mutant ears clearly indicate you're his.
She hands you over that second and tells him she doesn't want to raise his mutant offspring.
Macaque isn't happy that 1, a child is being dropped on him and 2, you are being referred to as a mutant.
He's a reluctant parent at first and gets rather annoyed at you at times.
But he learns to love you.
When your 4, he's surprised you still wait at the door with your puppy plush in your arms waiting for your mother.
You don't remember her, but you know the plush is the only thing in the home that she gave you and it's now a habit of yours to wait by the door for her.
Even if it looks like Macaque doesn't love you, he gets you everything you ask and is willing to kill for you if anyone even lays a finger on your pretty little head.
Is pissed as all hell when they learn they got a mere mortal pregnant.
Nezha is probably the only one who knows off the bat, keeping an eye one the woman during the whole pregnancy.
Nezha doesn't want a daughter, but you are still theirs and therefore, they have to look out for you.
Then Nezha forgets for a few years.
When Nezha decided to remember and looks back over to see you waiting by the door late at night, waiting for your mother to return from a late night out.
They're pissed.
Nezha visits you when your mother is home and by the age of 7, you've learned Nezha is your father.
Nezha offers to take you to their home and you agree, happily.
Nezha doesn't inform your mother, just takes you while you were out partying.
You don't have to know your mother ends up being arrested for child neglect and the police believe she killed you. All you have to know is that Daddy came and took you to a beautiful lotus palace were you'll be raised for the rest of your life.
Pigsy is the only one who learns when you are around 10 years old.
Your mother just happened to walk into his noodle shop, holding your hand. You were still in school uniform, your mother just wanted to pick up some easy dinner.
Pigsy acts kindly to you, but he connects the dots on who your father is(it's him).
So when your mother wants a break from you, she drops you off at Pigsy's.
Tang and MK grow to love you, but Pigsy feels annoyed he has to be around you now.
It's only you who come to him unpromoted and give him something you have made.
He's prepared for it to taste gross but is surprised it tastes good.
Tang says "It must run in the family." and that's how you learn Pigsy is your father.
Like Macaque, Pigsy just acts as if he doesn't love you but soon enough he does. He seems how much you just want to be love and he can't deny how that makes him feel.
Soon enough, Pigsy gets full custody of you. Now you have two days, an older brother, and a free baby sister(Sandy or Mei considering the time of day).
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sunnpii · 9 months
HI GUYS‼️‼️ minecraft ddlc au won the poll sooo yuri in minecraft ddlc au!!1!1!
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i dont like this drawing veyr much but it gets her design down anyway SHES AN ENDERMAN!!!! cuz. duh. theyre tall shy and purple
lore under here☟☟
first general enderman lore!! sorry if any of this conflicts with canon minecraft lore, if there IS any actual minecraft lore i do Not know of it
1. endermen are highly intelligent creatures, but not much is known much about them at all by other mobs because theyre mostly solitary and almost never talk (even though they can). theyre barely even social with their own kind, much less other mobs. it certainly isnt helped by the fact that they feel threatened when theyre looked in the eyes, and will almost always accept it as a challenge to fight even when the person who looked them in the eyes had no ill intent.
2. endermen are the only mobs that have a language specific to their species, as all the other languages (humanoid, monster and piggish) are spoken by multiple species of mobs (humanoid with villagers pillagers illagers and witches, monster with overworld monsters like zombies and skeletons and such, and piggish by certain nether mobs but mainly piglins and zombified piglins and stuff). endermen can learn other languages too, but due to their widely solitary nature they usually dont because they simply dont have a need to talk to other mobs.
3. endermen can pick up any block in this au for pretty much no reason other than i think they cant pick up chests normally and i wanted yuri to carry a chest around
4. they can have hair on their heads and tails and its purple and sparkly and stuff‼️‼️yaay
5. their ender pearls are liek inside their bodies basically in the same place their heart would be, and the ender pearls are their source of magic and its how they can teleport yayy!!!! the magic is why they have particles floating off of them and stuff
now YURI!!!!!!!
1. yuri is an ADVENTURER!!!!! woah!!!!!! that may seem off brand for her but she loves exploring and learning about all this world has to offer, especially in the pursuit of knowledge about the enchanted books (see 4)
2. she is one of the few endermen that have learned other languages (she knows enderman, humanoid and monster)!!! she mostly did it because she just loves learning stuff in general but it turned out to come in handy a lot!!
3. she doesnt attack. like ever. she just gets too nervous. if u look her in the eye she just runs away. she runs away from most threats shes never actually killed another mob before
4. her main goal is collecting and attempting to decode enchanted books!!! most mobs dont care because they still know what the books do even if they dont know what they actually SAY, but yuri is super curious about them. her chest is filled with the books shes collected so far!!
5. she has a TOTEM OF UNDYING!!!! holy shat!!!!!! the story of how she got it isnt too crazy there was just a huge fight at a woodland mansion one day and a totem of undying was dropped and she just. snatched it. and now it holds her little cape together!!! shes actually not sure what it does yet so her side objective is to find out what the deal is with it, she just snatched it cuz she thought it was cool
6. though still VERY shy, she is a lot more social compared to other endermen, as she tends to encounter a lot of different mobs on her travels that she ends up needing to talk to (especially villagers to see if they have any enchanted books theyre willing to trade). still, she is having a Very hard time perfecting the art of social interaction,,
umm yah thats it for now!!! ill ptobably talk about all the characters Together when all their Seperate posts are done and stuf
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heyclickadee · 2 years
Things about "The Outpost" that are still killing me:
1. That airstrip was huge. And by the time we see Mayday and Crosshair on it they've been walking across it for a while, at the rate they’re going. The TK troopers don't see them at first, but once they do, they gather, see this:
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These two men, barely on their feet, clearly in pain, one of them unable to keep holding on to his crutch anymore, staggering towards them inch by inch, looking towards them for help--not a single one of the TK troopers offers any kind of assistance whatsoever. No one calls for a medic, no one rushes forward to carry Mayday. They all just stand there and watch. And when Nolan tells them to go, they do, because they probably don't see the clones that differently than Nolan does.  
Yeah, Lieutenant Nolan is an asshole. He went from, "I'm probably going to dislike this guy," to, "LOATHE," in my book with a single line. He's a pathetic officer-wannabe who genuinely thinks of the clones as machinery he can push around and direct how he likes. He doesn't see the problem with kicking around someone like Mayday--someone who technically outranks him, I think--or the danger inherent in goading someone like Crosshair, because he doesn't see either of them as reasoning, emotion-having people who may just retaliate if pushed far enough. He's a snake and he deserved what he got. But his malice is more than matched by the TK troopers' apathy.
2. The way that there's ice and snow frozen to Crosshair's armor on the landing strip, and the fact that Mayday can't quite make it to the end of the tarmac, nor is Crosshair able to continue carrying him. They're both so cold and tired. They've both hit their physical limit and it would have been enough if anyone had cared to help.
3. Crosshair is--literally--stripped of everything that marks him as an imperial soldier or a soldier at all by the end of the episode, and most of it is stuff he casts aside himself. His CT number (in a way, when he gives Mayday his name), his helmet that he doesn't even look for (there as SO MANY good helmet metas out there, so I'm not going to get into it), his rifle (which he gives to Mayday to use as a crutch and doesn't retrieve when Mayday drops it), his backpack (I'm guessing it got too heavy so he threw it away to keep carrying Mayday), and even his armor, reflection mirror...sticker...things, and sidepiece (all of which are taken from him after he blacks out. I'm not real happy about the fact that the scientists at Mount Tantiss changed his clothes while he was unconscious). Of course, the last few function a little bit differently than they first ones do. The CT number, the helmet, the rifle, and I guess (?) even the backpack (though to a much lesser extent) are all Crosshair intentionally putting his imperial identity aside in order to help someone he sees as a brother and re-humanizing himself in the process. The last couple--the armor, the sidepiece--that's the writers telling us how vulnerable Crosshair is in his current situation.
4. The SNOW and the way it interacted with the CHARACTERS was just *chef's kiss* Credit to Joel Aron and the effects department, you guys knocked it out of the park.
5. Likewise, while I'm really glad The Bad Batch does list the names of the animators at CGCG who worked on each episode in the credits (because guess what--not every animated show does this. Sometimes they just list the name of the studio), I really want to know which animators were responsible for animating Crosshair this time around. Or at least Crosshair's shots, since the way I think it often works is that an animator will be assigned a series of shots and be responsible for animating everyone in those shots, because oh boy, was that a performance. Crosshair's animation has always been standout, I think partly (partly) because he's a character that doesn't actually talk that much, and says stuff he doesn't mean at least half the time, so there has to be a certain level of clarity and nuance in his performance for the character comes across the way the writers intend (and partly because being an ultra-expressive but taciturn bundle of emotions is a big part of Crosshair as a person). But the team working on this episode took something that was already great and kicked it up another level.
6. I want to know if Jennifer Corbett, the board artists, layout artists, the other writers, the directors, and others high-fived each other when they came up with the ice vulture symbolism and the rock-wings shot. I want to know if they knew we'd go crazy over it.
7. Mayday. Literally everything about Mayday. Mayday my beloved. *cries*
8. The look on Crosshair's face when he's about to pass out and sees the TK troopers coming still messes me up, because it's the closest thing we've gotten to a real smile (one that actually reaches his eyes) pretty much since he was teasing Echo in the med bay in "Aftermath." Crosshair's someone who's come across as to me passively suicidal since the moment he turned around after the droid fight in "Return to Kamino" and saw Hunter and the rest pointing their guns at him. Passively--meaning that he's not going to actually do anything, that he doesn't actually want to die, he’ll survive however he can, but that he's not exactly planning for the future, either. He'll just keep doing what he's doing until it (almost definitely) kills him. And. I mean. Crosshair's not stupid. He knows what killing Lieutenant Nolan means for him. I'm not saying that Crosshair didn't expect to wake up afterwards, or that he wanted to not wake up, but I am saying that he did decide that avenging Mayday and defying the Empire in whatever small way he could was worth dying for. And that he was very, very tired.
9. I'm so! Glad! That Crosshair's growth wasn't centered around Omega, Wrecker, Tech, Hunter, or Echo. We already know that he cares about them. Showing us the lengths he'll go to help a relative stranger instead and making that his breaking point does so much more to tell us that he's grown.
10. The thing that sticks with me most, though, is the fact that this episode wasn't just sad. It wasn't just unrelenting tragedy, or even like "The Solitary Clone," where overriding emotion of the whole episode is despair. I mean, yes, this episode is sad. It's tragic. You have Lieutenant Nolan's cruelty, you have the malice of the Empire, you have the apathy of the TK troopers, the dehumanization of the clones, the soul-crushing way in which Mayday and Crosshair find out that the clones were always going to be replaced, that inevitability, the futility (on one level) struggle that ends in Mayday's death. 
But it's not just that. There's warmth, too. There's camraderie and a little bit of humor. Mayday, a survivor starting to see how pointless it all was, and Crosshair, who's so desperate for companionship at this point that he'd pack bond with a rock, snark back and forth at each other a little bit like old friends. Heck, this is the episode where we get the most profound act of compassion we've seen in the show so far. Mayday didn't have to disarm that mine and save Crosshair, but he did, and it matters. No, Mayday didn't make it, but Crosshair carried him through a blizzard for two days and made sure he didn't get left behind or die alone, even if he couldn't save him, and that matters. Yes, Crosshair's a prisoner now, but he chose to avenge Mayday, grab hold of his own humanity again, and told the Empire where to stuff it, and that matters. Kindness and defiance have their own meaning, even if they don't change the outcome. But the fact that this episode is more than just sad is, I think, why it's so harrowing in the first place.
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butchcinna · 2 years
Random Off the Hook and Agent 8 found family headcanons, because I have them in my head and I REALLY gotta work today:
– Marina and Eight are two years apart at most. So Pearl is 5 years older than Eight
– Neither Marina nor Eight had ‘Parents’ or ‘Siblings’ growing up, they had superiors and unit/squad mates so none really think of the other as conventional family names.
– Despite that, Pearl insists that she will be Eight’s big sister! So eventually the octoling does call her that, mostly to humor the squid.
– Pearl is an only child so getting a younger sibling like friend makes her so happy. Even though she is the one that ‘mothers’ Eight the most. “(You are just like Marina when I picked her up haha, here -explains stuff-)”
– When more comfortable, Eight will whine at Marina in a jokingly tone, saluting her and saying “[Yes ma'am]” and Marina hates it. She always replies to her that she is not her superior officer!
– Both Marina and Pearl taught Eight inkling. Pearl eventually asks Eight to teach her some octarian phrases, nicknames and pick up lines to woo Marina. Eight doesn't remember much but she help as much as she can.
– Octarian forces usually spar together to keep morale up and tensions low. It is one of the things Marina missed the most on the surface, since she didn’t really know how to ask Pearl to play fight with her. 
– So when Eight is recovered enough from any wounds and tiredness from escaping the metro she asks Marina to spar. Marina has to do a double take and then immediately tackles her. Pearl was really confused and tried to separate them, but soon enough she heard both laughing and let them be. Waiting to be explained.
– “WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE COULD HAVE BEEN WRESTLING TOGETHER ALL THIS TIME??” “I’m sorry Pearlie! I didn’t know how to ask it without sounding like a threat…” “THREAT MY ASS, I WANNA PLAY TOO”. Eight laughs at this, only half understanding but getting it with their tone.
– Pearl also joins spar time and is elated when Marina or Eight ask her in particular. Marina is bigger and stronger and also has the longest tentacles to aid her, but she holds back a lot. Eight is methodical and knows where to hit or tickle to disarm and loves to fight until she is exhausted. Pearl is wild, unpredictable and quick, she usually laughs loudly while playing.
– Octarians are very touchy and enjoy hugs and holding hands and even grabbing things and people with their tentacles. Marina and Eight will hold each other’s longer tentacle while walking in the morning or when waiting for Pearl to wake up. They also love to cuddle which Pearl quickly grows used to. There aren’t many better things in life than getting in a snuggle session with the two octolings after a long day.
– Also, after being outed and still accepted, Marina spends a bit more time on her swim form. Pearl loves to use her as a weighted blanket and Eight likes to carry her around the mansion.
– Eight has a lot of trouble sleeping and waking up in the beginning. Pearl and Marina quickly recognize the tiredness on Eight. Marina shares stories of how she literally panicked when waking up years ago and how hearing Pearl sleeping nearby helped her calm down. Pearl also offers their bedroom as a safe place to crash if Eight is having trouble falling asleep. It does help.
– Now that Marina has someone that fully understands her language, she will switch into octarian to whisper stuff to Eight. Mostly making light fun of Pearl or telling her how good and caring the inkling is to her fellow soldier. Eight finds it really sweet so she lets her and she also switches to octarian to tease Marina occasionally. Pearl doubles her effort to understand them then so she can actually reply to some of it.
– Eight eventually tells Pearl how much of a figure Marina was in octarian society. She doesn’t remember details, but she had a feeling that she mourned when Marina disappeared years ago. Her fellow octarian feels guilty at this information but is quickly comforted by the other two.
– Pearl shares some of their story with Eight, how they met, how they started Off the Hook, how Marina always tried to help everyone around them, and how they got into Nantai the day they found the walkie talkie. All the while hugging Marina who is suddenly very quiet.
– Eventually Marina talks about the day she escaped, the fight turned into a concert… how guilty she felt leaving her garrison and her fellow soldiers behind. So many also heard the inkantation but she couldn’t take them with her. It would have caused too much suspicion if a battalion fully disappeared against her leaving alone. She apologizes to Eight, near tears at this point, for leaving her behind.
– Eight and Pearl reassures her. Pearl tells Marina how brave she was and how much she has changed everything for the better, how much Inkopolis loves her and how much it means to her that she did escape, that she learned to live with the inklings not out of fear, but out of love. 
Eight tells her that hearing her in the coms and then in her music in Octarian of all things gave her hope that she could make it out with her help and perhaps she could become someone like Marina. They all cry a bit and spend the night in a cuddle pile.
– Later, that next morning, Pearl was not in the mood to wake up at 6 fucking AM, but she also wasn't letting Marina’s arm go, so they compromised by carrying Pearl tiny sleepy squid form around. Marina tells Eight how lonely she was in the beginning, how afraid she was by herself, without her battalion surrounding her. 
Until Pearl found her and both decided to stay with each other. Pearl became her unit mate and then her everything. “[We might be even more at this point…]” Marina whispers with a slight blush, smiling at the snoring squid in her arms.
Eight smiles, she gets it. She was lucky to be found by cuttlefish and then by Marina and Pearl and in her head.-
Marina continues, interrupting Eight’s train of thought. 
“[Pearl and I talked about it… and we would love to have you in our Unit as well]”
Eight stares, shocked for a moment. Then she smiles and tackles Marina. Pearl wakes up and whines about being squished, but Eight doesn't care. They all laugh and hug when Pearl turn back into herself.
She has a unit again… a ‘family’, like the inklings would say.
All the horrors she faced down in the metro were worth it for it.
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goldheartedsky · 5 months
tagged by my beloved @ongreenergrasses for this writer's ask so here we go!!
1) how many works do you have on AO3?
Right now, 192, though some of them are art. So if we're talking strictly *fics*, then I think around 180?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
a whopping 1,012,726!!!! 😵‍💫
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Right now it's almost entirely TOG, but I have written for Captain America, Agent Carter, Wolf, Close Enemies, and there are a few orphaned hockey RPF fics written by me floating around Ao3 🫣
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Carry the Field, When All The Boys Can’t Be Men, Fireproof, Lines in the Sand, and Tripping On Stars which, honestly I kind of expected, though it does bum me out that none of my AndyBooker fics made it into the top 5
5) Do you respond to comments?
almost always unless it's like... real weird or an emoji that I don't know how to respond to hahah
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I might have to go with Beginning to Feel the Years, solely because it's so open ended with the angst. I really love angst with a happy ending because I love a little ray of hope through the clouds, but the morning after this fic is just going to be so hard, no matter what.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I really gotta hand it to North Star for the softest ending in the world. I said fuck the haters and gave Andy a husband, 2 kids, and a picket fence with zero regrets
8) Do you get hate on fics?
not usually, people tend to save that for Tumblr, but I did get a little whining on Change Your Ticket when I started redeeming Francesca the way she deserved.
9) Do you write smut?
the fact that this is even a question and not an automatic yes is so funny. Of course I write smut. Raunchy smut, romantic smut, angsty smut, you name it, I've written it.
10) Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Other than old Bandom crossover fics, I don't think so! I think the only thing that might count as a crossover fic is the MajidxManuel Wolf/Close Enemies fics
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
NO thank god 🥲
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but I've gotten a few podfics done by @cookiemom6067
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, but I'd honestly love to cowrite one!
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
As much as I want to say it's AndyBooker, I really gotta give it up to Steve/Bucky. They were the blueprint for a lot of my shipping patterns now.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Everything gets finished eventually, though it might take me a bit right now
16) What are your writing strengths?
Other than my smut writing skills, I think either dialogue or handling a lot of tough topics with nuance. People in fandom right now love their black and white subjects and I am all about that grey matter.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
action sequences, without a doubt.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I tend to either keep it to small little pieces of dialogue in latinized form (especially with stuff like Arabic/Yiddish) but with Prodigal Son, I really wanted the language to be a little symbolic of how othered Ilan feels. Because most people can't read Hebrew, keeping it in its original form felt the most isolating. If you're not Jewish and know Hebrew, you won't know what Ilan's saying unless you *try* to translate it, which is more than what he gets in the fic.
So I think it can be an interesting plot device, depending on how you use it.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter but I was like...12 and that fandom got abandoned quick ahahah
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
FAVORITE? Oof I usually say the Cherry Wine fics or North Star, but I'm gonna broaden my answer this time and offer a couple little one shots. I REALLY love Color Him Father just because I love the idea of transmasc!Booker, and then the one I love that doesn't get enough love is From Adam’s Rib, my golem!Winter Soldier fic
tagging @druckkugelschreiber @quinbi @captain-grammar and @shatterthefragments, as well as anyone else who wants to do this!
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