#with associated ships tags ratings etc
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warpweight · 4 months ago
making a spreadsheet to evaluate options. making bespoke and coloured subtitles for whatever i decide upon like it's an anime fansub i'm cradling the sweet infant face of
irl friends have been asking to watch a phantom bootleg for like five months straight now and have now specifically requested a viewing tomorrow. trying to decide on what cam to view or frankencam into being. trying to decide WHAT level of slutrot to blast at loved ones who will have to look me in the eye after and possibly during
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queengiuliettafirstlady · 1 year ago
Love Booth Challenge
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Love Booth for underrated characters.
Ikemen version
Hello and welcome to my first challenge. I am proud to present to you the Love Booth challenge, a month long exploration of love for the underrated characters of the Ikemen games.
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General Rules
Works and art of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons, moodboards, playlists and everything you can manage to think of is included. 
Limited to Ikemen fandoms and to certain suitors, due to popularity of some characters more than others I have decided to host a challenge exclusively for the less appreciated.
I had this idea since forever what took me so long to post it was the creations of the prompts I created in association with my lovely friend MO @xxsycamore.
I did my best to include most of the less loved characters from the Ikemen games exclusively with an English version.
That said if you think about other less popular characters, belonging to one of these games or to other Ikemen games that are not out in English yet, You are allowed to use these prompts as inspiration.
The main focus is to show love to characters not so loved by the fandom/game all year around without limit for this reason I won't make a masterlist.
When posting your works, use the tag #love booth challenge - you can as well tag me @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help find other creations for those interested to check them out.
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
Content Rules
This challenge features a list of prompts, and dialogue prompts which you can match to your liking, if you want to. You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
Under the cut, you will find the prompts linked to the characters included in the challenge, that can be mixed up with prompts from other challenges happening around the fandom in the same month.
Any additional rules are up to the artists. You are free to choose the rating (make sure to mark your NSFW works accordingly, and if you’re minor, make sure not to interact with such!), and also the genre (the challenge’s main focus is romantic love, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships included are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You’re free to take requests from your audience using these prompt lists, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creator.
You’re absolutely free to post your works for this challenge whenever you feel like.
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish! :)
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Here is a free-to-use banner/header for the challenge!
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If you have any additional questions, I’ll be happy to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! I wish you happy creating!
Ikemen Vampire
Dazai - Storyteller - A walk under the cherry trees.
Jean - Monster - "I am not worthy of love."
Mozart - Music - "You are my muse."
Sebastian - Secrets - "My composure is an act."
Shakespeare - Bard - A poem for my lover
Faust - Alchemy - "Behave for me."
Charles - Obsession - "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Isaac - Scholar - "I don't understand people at all ... yet I found myself quite curious to know everything about you."
Ikemen Prince
Keith - Duality - "Trust me."
Luke - Bear - "I will protect you."
Jin - Sweets - "All I need is our love."
Rio - Pet - "I will love you always and forever."
Sariel - Discipline - "It will do good to remember I am quite a strict tutor."
Nokto - Facade - "Were the truth lies ?"
Licht - Scar - "No matter what I do this scars will not heal, but your presence made me forget about them."
Yves - Fashion - "Would you like to get ready together ?"
Ikemen Revolution
Zero - Identity - "I am human because of you."
Harr - Magic - "I only want to keep you safe."
Loki - Abandonment - Seeking comfort on a rainy night.
Blanc - Gentleman - "Do you remember what I warned you about when you came in Cradle?"
Mousse - Dreams - "You are the subject of my dreams. I want to know even more about you."
Dean - Strict - Stern gaze softening upon an endearing sight.
Dalim - Flirt - "You shouldn't have trusted me."
Oliver - Creativity - "The best part about my creations is seeing you smile."
Ikemen Sengoku
Kennyo - Revenge - "You make me feel complete with your love."
Ranmaru - Loyalty - "I will always be there for you."
Sasuke - Companion - Fanning over the fanboy.
Mitsunari - Knowledge - "Let me take care of you."
Yoshimoto - Beauty - Admiring art together.
Kanetsugu - Strategy - "I found quite difficult to keep my composure when you are around."
Hideyoshi - Devotion - "You're my number one priority."
Ieyasu - Teacher - Collecting herbs together.
Once again Have fun and Happy Creating! I can't wait to see all your creations. 🧡����💌🤗
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seisubtanabatafest · 10 months ago
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SeiSub Tanabata Fest 2024 Prompts and FAQ
Prompts and FAQ
Welcome to SeiSub Tanabata Fest 2024!
July 7-13, 2024
#SeiSubTanabataFest is a fest ship event organized for Sakurazuka Seishirou and Sumeragi Subaru. Pick whichever version of CLAMP works you feel like creating something for with SeiSub (Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, etc.).
It is in celebration of the coming Tanabata (July 7th in Japan). Each day features prompts relating to traditions or imagery commonly associated with Tanabata. It will run from 7 July to 13 July 2024.
It marks the halfway point (138 days) in between Seishirou’s birthday (November 22nd) and Subaru’s birthday (February 19th). This indicates their relationship as star-crossed lovers, which makes their relationship on Tanabata all the more intriguing.
Everyone is allowed to participate!
Jul 7 DAY 1 -
red thread of fate
Jul 8 DAY 2 -
Jul 9 DAY 3 - FREE DAY (choose your own prompt)
Jul 10 DAY 4 -
Jul 11 DAY 5 -
Jul 12 DAY 6 -
Milky Way
Jul 13 DAY 7 -
paper cranes
Click the jump for the FAQ. Feel free to ask questions!
How do I participate?
Create something in line with the themes above and just tag #SeiSubTanabataFest! We also have a SeiSub Tanabata Fest Ao3 collection available for you to post to. Fic, art, podfics, webcomics, moodboards, etc.—it’s all welcome!
As we will be retweeting and reblogging posts for the weekly fest, please make sure to check our socials to support all the participants!
Twitter (@SeiSubTanabata)
Tumblr (@SeiSubTanabataFest)
The AO3 collection is here:
Can I use a work I’ve already started?
Yes, if it fits the theme of the day you are posting on and the work has not been published yet.
Do I have to include all the prompts listed for the day into my work?
That isn’t necessary. The prompts are merely suggestions.
Can I include other prompts not included in prompts for the day?
Of course! Again, the prompts are merely suggestions. As long as your work follows at least one prompt for the day, you can submit it.
Do I have to participate every day?
No, that is not necessary.
What if my work incorporates prompts from 2 different days?
You can choose to post it on any of the 2 days, e.g. if you write a fic of characters being soulmates and stars, you can choose to post it on either day 1 or day 2.
Can I submit a late entry?
If you’re posting while the event is running (between 7 July and 13 July 2023), we are fine with that. However, if you can’t make that day, we will accept late entries. Keep in mind you will be posting outside the original posting period, but you can post whenever you can post afterwards.
Are there any content restrictions?
No, we do not believe in restricting problematic fictional content. As long as it’s properly tagged, we accept content of all ratings and themes.
Are there minimum requirements for works?
No. Do whatever you want as long as you create a work for the event. It can be any length or amount of effort you want to put in.
What does "FREE DAY - choose your own prompt" mean on Day 3?
You can choose a prompt that is not on our prompt list to use. This day has the most flexibility for the idea you want to create.
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corrodedcoffinfest · 1 year ago
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Let's get a little practice before the full event in July!
Here's a prompt for the 15th of each month leading up to the event to work out the kinks and get into the rhythm of the event!
It's tax day. Do they need to pay their taxes? Is this a write-off? Or, are they just taxed from being on the road? Tax them.
Put 'em to work. First jobs, side hustles, etc. Surely they've had some other jobs besides being in the band. Tell us about them.
Are they late for a gig? Running from monsters in the Upside Down? On a tour from hell?
Same guidelines as the full event will apply:
Ideas for works include: fic, art, gifsets, fanvids, moodboards, edits, playlists, or anything else you can think of to celebrate Corroded Coffin! For fics, there is a word count minimum/maximum of between 300-1000 words. We'll use wordcounter.net to check the word counts before reblogging, so make sure you stick to that range!
This will blog will comment with a 🦇 when your fic has been checked for word count and queued for reblogging.
All submissions should include any pairings featured, content rating and any content warnings (CW) or tags that you think are appropriate. Please put the prompt you are fulfilling as well, just to keep things straightforward. A sample could look something like this:
Prompt Day 9: The Hideout, Word Count: 666, Rating: M, Pairing: None, CW: Underage Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Tags: Corroded Coffin, First Gig, Partying, Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, Freak, The Hideout
Also, please consider putting any explicit material under a read more cut, because anything rated E that's not hidden under a cut will not be reblogged.
For the artists! Your art submission must be posted on the same day as the current prompt in order to be reblogged by this blog. Your piece of art (or other creation) must be Corroded Coffin focused, using any combination of the guys, together or solo. Of course, other characters can be included, too! But you need to have at least one of the CC band members in it for it to count for this event. Thank you!
All ships are welcome, as long as they include at least one member of Corroded Coffin: Eddie, Jeff, Gareth & Freak. (Who I look forward to learning the name of from you all, time and time again!)
Please tag us here @corrodedcoffinfest when you post your work for the day so we can reblog it!
Be respectful of your fellow participants and readers. We're all here to have fun and share the love of all parts of Corroded Coffin.
Definitely feel free to ask me anything if the rules weren't clear in places, or if I straight up forgot something (or if you just have anything else you'd like to ask). You can send an ask/message to this blog or reach out to @thisapplepielife.
Please submit your post by 11:59 PM EDT on the day of the prompt in order to not be missed for reblogging.
 If posting on AO3, please feel free to use the collection associated with this event: Corroded Coffin Fest AO3 Collection after your submission has been reblogged by this account.
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lockwoodandcobigbang2023 · 2 years ago
Sign Ups Are Open!
Signups are open for the 2023 Lockwood and Co Big Bang! These signups are for writers, artists, cheerleaders and reserve agents!
Feel free to sign up as many times as you want, just don't take on more than you can handle! Each role is a commitment, and your eventual teammates won't want you overworking yourself. If you want to sign up more than once, fill out the form again.
Rules can be found on the form, but a separate post will be up shortly! If you want a refresher on what the roles involve, read under the cut :)
For Writers
There are three types of bangs for this event: teeny bangs, mini bangs, and big bangs.
Teeny bangs: fics between 5–10k words.
Mini bangs: fics between 10–20k words.
Big bangs: fics 20k+ words.
The minimum word count for this event is 5k (5,000) words. If you find yourself over or under the word count you signed up for, this is okay, just please communicate with the event mods.
The rules are on the form and will be posted separately, but a brief run down (feel free to send an ask if you want more details):
No explicit (E-rated), RPF or incest fics allowed.
There are no limits on ships (besides what is stated above), genres, tropes, or universes.
No plagiarism will be tolerated.
Works must be labelled and trigger-tagged appropriately.
Works must be posted to AO3.
Fics submitted must be new to the public! The occasional preview/snippet is okay, provided it is after the teams have been announced, but they must not have been posted anywhere prior to or during the event.
Good luck!
For Artists
As you know, there are three types of bangs. For all fics under 20k words (i.e. teeny and mini bangs) you must create at least one piece of art. For big bangs (20k+ words) you must create two pieces of art.
This can be in any medium you deem fit, but unfortunately we are not accepting playlists as official artworks. Don't let this stop you from including them as additions if you want to though! Examples of appropriate art includes hand drawn/digital art, gifts, mood boards, video edits etc.
Remaining info:
Art must be relevant to the associated fic.
White-washing and orange-washing will not be tolerated.
Art must not be posted anywhere before posting dates, beyond hints/snippets. It must be new to the public!
We can't wait to see what you come up with!
For Cheerleaders
Your role is arguably the most important! It is your job to motivate and help your writer, whether that is by beta reading or simply providing encouragement! Don't be afraid to support your artist too, you're the only person they can fully share the art with (aside from their writer) before the posting day!
Brief rules:
Respect your writer and artist.
Do not share your writer's or author's work.
Please keep an open communication with your writer and artist! If for any reason you can't continue your role, please let them and the mods know as soon as possible.
Be encouraging!
We hope you're as excited as we are!
For Reserve Agents
You're the ones that have to be ready to step in at a moment's notice! (You'll probably have a fair bit of notice since this is a long event, but still.) Reserve Agents are on hold in the event that another writer or artist drops out of the event, so they can take their place in a team!
Don't worry, if you're called to action you won't have to do as much as someone who had initially signed up. As an agent reserve you:
only need to write half of the required words for a bang if you're a writer (2.5k for a teeny, 5k for a mini, 10k for a big).
will be accommodated by a later poster date if necessary if you're an artist.
That's all for now. We can't wait to kick this off!
Signed, L&Co Big Bang 2023 mods :))
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greetingfromthedead · 1 year ago
C64: Journey to December
For more information on the series (tags, CW, etc) click the banner!
Series Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Chapter: 64/84
Words: 1.8k
No particular warnings for this chapter.
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You set out the same afternoon after making sure you have all the supplies you need. Reaching December will take a while, but you get to check out the other villages and towns in the meantime. Maybe someone has more hints about what is going on.
"What do you know about December?" you ask Vash when you're far enough away.
"Well, the ship it's built on got very lucky during the Big Fall; it landed nearly completely parallel, leaving most of it in tact. Most plants and people survived, and it has always been the biggest city since the beginning. It has the strongest military force, bigger even than July; they named themselves the rule of the law, they enforce the decisions of the Seven United Cities Government. They have the largest collection of cosmic weapons; they were able to salvage a lot from their ship after the fall." Vash looks deep in thought as he lists what comes to mind.
"Yeah, I think I heard about all that, but I've never been there myself," you answer.
"I've also heard some rumors that despite the strong military presence, there's an underground organization basically taunting the December forces. I don't know much about them, but I think we will find the Snatchers there, or at least they are connected. If the rumors are true, of course. Who would do something like this..." Vash's sad voice trails off, and you look at him.
"Hey, we'll get to the bottom of this. We will do all that we can. Alright?" You smile at him, hoping to take away at least a tiny piece of his burden.
"Thank you," he says, looking over to you again. "I appreciate you sticking by me."
"You won't get rid of me that easy," you laugh. "I will fight every fight, no matter how bad things may seem."
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You travel through a few more villages, and as before, everything seems almost cheery on the surface. The people are kind; the women and elderly are going on with their day, some carrying weapons but nothing unusual. There are fewer men around, and those who are there send suspicious glances your way. The children seem as happy as ever playing catch or ball on the streets. You try to get more information out of the people about the kidnappings, but neither you nor Vash turn up any new and relevant details on how to find the people.
You don't get very far in the hours you move. Darkness has overtaken the land before you find a rocky spot to set up camp at. Things go as you're used to: Vash sets up camp and puts on some food while you settle the birds, give them food and water, take off the gear, and give them some attention. As you work, you look over to Vash; his glasses are pushed up onto his hair as he sets up the little gas burner. The sight of him brings a smile to your lips, even the simplest of things he does with purpose. He can be a bumbling idiot, running around town with tears and snot running down his face, but there is so much more to him, and you're lucky to be able to see it all up close.
Vash senses your gaze and turns to look at you. His eyes narrow in a smile as he gives you a little wave with his prosthetic. You're about to wave back, when your attention returns to the toma, due to Vash's snapping at a little flying worm by your head and then eating it up.
"Good girl!" you praise the bird, giving her another pat. The toma makes little noises at you, and you are reminded how Vash's bird has always liked you a lot. You give her a few more pats before going to Vash.
"And here's my good girl!" He says it with a smile as you sit down beside him. You give his earring an ever so light tug as a mark on him listening in on you. It pulls a laugh from him, and he gives your cheek a kiss. The smell of gunpowder reaches your nose, and while he is always associated with it on top of his regular scent, today it is very strong, reminding you just how desperate the people in this area are.
"I have a feeling we're walking into something even more serious than we might realize," you think out loud as you settle in more comfortably.
"Yeah... human trafficking has always been an awful underlying issue on the planet since the beginning that nobody has been able to truly eradicate, but I have never heard of it being this bad before. Whole villages are being abandoned because of the relentless attacks." His voice is somber as he pokes the stew in the little pot.
"How can the December government let this happen right under their nose?" you ponder.
"They say it simply runs too deep, the underworld is too powerful, and it plainly buys off everyone coming after them, but there might be a more sinister reason for it..."
"You're saying the December government might be connected to it?"
"I hope not."
"Our priority should be to rescue the people and sever the link between the human traffickers; we can't take on the whole of the December underworld. Not without casualties." You know the reality of things, but you're not so sure Vash does. His unwavering moral compass sometimes makes him more reckless than heroic. You know it's a slippery path; if he bites off more than the two of you can chew, then it just means that more people will get hurt.
"But if nobody does anything, it will happen again." His eyes are nailed to the pot.
"I know, but we can't be everywhere at once, and the people who have been kidnapped are traumatized enough, we can't allow anything more to happen to them. One step at a time."
"I know that you're right, but I don't know how to stop," he sighs. "I can't leave anyone in a tight spot."
"You need to realize how many lives you can carry without spilling and operate in the means of that. You can't save the whole world on your own; not even I alone can help you carry that burden. It takes a village. You need to let people help you, but until then, you'll do the greatest good by operating within your means. Still, I know you better than that... I know you will always put yourself on the line first."
"I'm sorry..." he says, leaning his chin onto the knee he has pulled up against his chest.
"You don't need to be sorry for that, Red," you say, leaning your head against his shoulder. "I know you well enough to have accepted it. I'll drag you out if need be."
"Thanks, Sweet Pea." You hear the smile in his voice.
"I'm on your team, Sprout," you say lightly, "whatever it takes. You aren't alone."
He looks over to you, and his eyes reflect a mixture of feelings. Sadness, happiness, guilt, and love are all in his gaze. Vash feels so fortunate to have you; his heart is lighter than ever. You bring peace; he isn't alone anymore; he has someone he can trust with everything; you will have his back; you understand him. You believe in him. But there is fear in him that he might push you too far, that you won't be there forever, and that he will cause you pain.
He takes the little pot from the fire and turns off the burner. Having his hand free again, he straightens his back so he can put his arm around you, the other still resting on his pulled-up knee.
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Days pass and the eeriness grows; the villages get more sparse, and every third one is abandoned or has only a few lonely people left—they have been hit by bandits and plunderers, and many homes have been torn apart. The people get more reluctant to talk to you, the closer to December you get. You don't happen upon anything—no ruffians, no kidnappers, no suspicious cars. It makes you feel uneasy, and Vash shares that feeling. Sometimes you stay in abandoned houses, trying to leave them better than you found them, and sometimes you camp out in the desert.
You considered taking the steamer until you discovered that even a Humpback won't go through this area and takes a different path, avoiding the villages and little towns completely. This confirms for you that the governments of November, December, and July are aware of the problem, but try to pretend that there is nothing wrong. It makes you feel sick—the negligence, the disregard for human life.
You reach the next little village after dark. The lights called you there from afar, but when you arrive, you see it has been abandoned just like the rest; only a windmill is left still spinning, producing electricity for lights nobody needs. You get off the bird to take a better look. There is no doubt that it's not just a sleepy village; you hear nothing and see no sign of people. Furniture has been thrown out into the streets; rooms in the houses have been smashed apart and raided for what little was left.
"We should stay the night here, probably; it's very late," Vash comments as he too comes off his bird. "We're just a few days away now. Yet we still haven't found out much more detail about what is going on or where to find them."
"Yeah," you sigh, "I'm surprised. Considering how bad the issue is, how come we haven't seen them or haven't heard about them?"
"I'm not sure, but I hope it means that the people have been safe too; perhaps it means they haven't come anymore," Vash speaks as he checks out the houses, looking for a fitting one.
"I think that might be hopeful thinking. Maybe they've decided this area has become too wary of them and have picked a different direction to go in," you ponder.
"This might very well be, but I hope the news is better." He sounds so sad and disappointed.
Over the sounds of the windmill and Vash's voice, you suddenly pick up a low rumbling. Your head turns, and your eyes start searching for the source. It comes from somewhere far away. Vash notices your distraction and looks at you for a moment before following your gaze to notice the headlights heading towards the village.
"Who do you suppose those belong to?" You ask quietly, as if the car from far away could hear you in some way.
"If they're coming here, then we will find out soon." Vash shrugs and takes your bird from you. "We might want to get them somewhere safe, just in case."
"Yes, you're right," you nod, eyes still trained on the distant lights when Vash walks off with the toma.
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Author's Note: I realized too late the error in Studio Orange's promotional material about the cities (intentional on their part or not) and wrote with the understanding that December is rumored to have a dark underworld, but actually it's September. I had gotten too far at that point and fixing it would have been too much work so I left it as is.
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For more information and chapters, check out the MASTERLIST.
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years ago
10 songs 10 people
Tagged by @isabellebissonrouthier
Rules: Put a wip/character/etc playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. Describe how they relate to your WIPs or worldbuilding.
Tagging: @shipping-through-eternity @mousterian-writes @fluffleforce-mysdrym @tirions @wolfandwild @bansheeys @maidenwychelm @frozen-fountain @velvethopewrites @tananaphone
From the Wend in the Shadows playlist
Bummed that I’m old and only heard of this band when I saw them open for Duran Duran because according to my younger, hipper sister this song was big a while ago and I wish I’d heard it before because it is like the theme song for Wend in every way, it’s great, I have it in this playlist 5 times so it comes up every other song basically 😂
This went with a scene I originally had about Elisewin sort of finding her sister’s soul in the afterlife that I scrapped after my brother’s death because I’m not strong enough to write it right now
The Renathal vs Denathrius theme song!
Doesn’t exactly fit but I use it to get into “amnesia” writing vibes and also just a great song
Has absolutely nothing to do with the story just a relaxing writing song that’s not distracting but helps lower my heart rate when I’m stressed
An Elisewin getting her powers back song
Added when working on self indulgent Denathrius smut 🫢
Generally dark atmospheric
Renathal POV song (idk why I associate him with a lot of Muse songs 😂)
More atmospheric
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nientedal · 25 days ago
Fanfiction Author Interview Game
Many thanks to @cornistasiathecoblinking for tagging me! I've had this saved in my drafts for months because I chickened out of posting it lmaoooo; this is current as of 12/24/24 ^^;
How many works do you have on AO3?
69 (nice), 63 of which are Megamind fics.
What's your total AO3 word count?
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes:
AO3's stats don't adjust for length or age of fic. I ran some numbers (which I'll explain at the bottom of this post under a cut), and based on the data, I believe my top five multichapter fics are:
Mischief is its Own Reward
Scare Away the Dark
With Every Heartbeat I have Left
My top two just by the numbers are Wake Your Sleepy Soul and We're all that's left (and we're going home). Both are one-shots.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I write and post fic because I love the sense of community in fandom. I write original fiction for myself, but I write fanfiction specifically to be shared - I wanna gush with people. So if I bring a cake to a potluck and someone says, "hey, the icing on this was really nice," I want to at least say thank you, if not elaborate on the icing choice!
(I am not always the best at responding, because my brain is weasels and bees. I have quite a backlog to reply to. But I do try!)
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest ending? maybe Spinning Madly On. (if you asked about whump rather than angst it'd be a very different answer lmao)
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
and everything emptying into white, I think.
Do you write crossovers?
I do! Though the fact that they are crossovers is rarely important to the story. This is fanfic; if I need a character who doesn't exist in the source media, I'll use other characters I'm familiar with before I make an OC. For example, the headcanon that Roxanne dated both Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog) and Dr. Girlfriend (Venture Brothers) back in college before they knew where their careers would lead is an idea that appears in several of my fics, though it's almost never said flat-out who Billy or Sheila is ;)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have received unkind comments here and there, usually from strangers. These are rare. I'm fortunate.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I am open to writing (and reading) basically anything except that which involves excrement or vomit. Ykinmkatok etc. etc. but digestive and biological waste materials are simply not for me, thank you.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge, although I've been asked if I'm open to it in the past (I'm always open to it, just let me know!)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! @buginateacup and I kinda accidentally co-wrote one recently. @/k b jones and I also wrote one together YEARS ago (I'm not sure if she wants her professional username associated with it), which I'd like to publish again at some point. It was never finished.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't think I have one!
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I continue to operate under the optimism that all my WIPs will see completion.
What are your writing strengths?
Oh, you'd have to ask my readers about that one. Dialogue, maybe?
What's your favorite fic you've written?
Favorite? Fuck, I dunno. Probably either With Every Heartbeat or Florigenesis. Or Feathers (if I can ever be contented with chapter 8)!
other authors: literally anyone who wants a go, I'm not sure who all hasn't been tagged yet! maybe @elf-kid2 and @damienthepious?
data and reasoning re: top five fics below the cut.
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Trouble is, kudos alone doesn't take rereads into account the way hits does. But hits is counted by clicks, so my understanding is, fics with high chapter counts are going to rate higher by hit.
I'm a tax accountant, not a stats guy, so this is very basic. Sleepy Soul and All That's Left are my most popular fics by numbers alone, BUT... both of them are one-shots, which I believe makes them more likely to be reread AND more likely to receive quick one-time reads. Dive, you will note, is shortest of the multichaps, which may account for some of its numeric popularity. That said, I did receive a stunning amount of reader interaction on Dive when I was posting it back in 2019, and it does still receive comments here and there, so it is definitely one of my most popular fics. Most popular multichapter is not a stretch.
One thing I wasn't sure how to take into account was age of the fic. Scare Away the Dark is pretty far down the list at only 46 kudos and 822 hits per chapter ("only," he says, as though this is not already an incredible fortune, holy shit), second from last - but it is only one year old! If you evaluate it as Kudos by Age in Years, it slams into first place by a ridiculous margin. Even if you adjust for Kudos/Chapter by Age in Years, it still rockets up to second place multichap, after Dive. So I put it in third place to be conservative - it doesn't have the numbers, by metrics I know how to measure, but I wouldn't be shocked if it truly was in second.
When assembling the above data, I pulled the top five fics by Hits and by Kudos...and then I also added Florigenesis, even though it did not actually place by either statistic on AO3. I included Florigenesis because it is thus far my only fic to have been physically bound and sent to me in the mail. This has happened twice, both times with Florigenesis - so by that metric alone, I think probably it has to be one of my top five, no matter what the AO3 stats say. And when included, it does hold its own.
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quantzigblogs · 2 years ago
Understanding Wedding Industry Supply Chains
Originally Published on: SpendEdge | Understanding Supply Chains in the Wedding Industry
If reality television shows like Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings, or movies like The Wedding Planner (starring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey and receiving an unjust 16% on Rotten Tomatoes), teach us anything, it's that wedding planning is stressful, expensive, and complicated—and that the wedding industry is extremely lucrative. According to The Wedding Report, the average cost of a wedding in the United States in 2016 was more than USD 26 thousand, and the wedding business in the United States witnessed sales totaling over USD 57 billion. Because of the various types of weddings and wedding products and services available, supply chains for the wedding business can be complex and diversified. Here are a few crucial facts to understand how procurement and supply chains work in this rapidly expanding industry:
Wedding planners and wedding planning services must be able to interact with a diverse range of vendors in various markets. Wedding planners are supposed to be a one-stop shop for couples to decide on everything they need for their wedding, such as bouquets, floral arrangements, centerpieces, cakes, event decorations, invitations…and pretty much anything else brides and grooms may have on their wedding checklist. Because of the complexities and expenditures associated with weddings, wedding planners must ensure that they have a thorough awareness of the various markets with which they work. This will assist them in making sound buying decisions, selecting dependable and high-quality suppliers, and negotiating rates.
Wedding gowns are among the most expensive items sold in the wedding industry. The average cost of a wedding dress in the United States is little more than USD 1,200, with wedding dress accessories (belts, veils, etc.) adding around USD 500 to that total, although a rising number of brides prefer dresses with higher price tags. Changes and customizations raise the price even higher. Visibility and communication throughout the supply chain are critical for bridal gown retailers. They must ensure that each stage of the supply chain—from raw material procurement to fabric production to clothing fabrication, and so on—runs smoothly and on time. Late shipments or damage created throughout the distribution process as a result of faulty packaging can permanently harm a retailer's reputation. The same is true for merchants of tuxedos, bridesmaid dresses, and other types of wedding apparel: timely delivery of high-quality products via an efficient, well-organized supply chain and a sound sourcing and procurement strategy is critical for customer happiness and retention. David's Bridal, one of North America's most popular wedding dress retailers and manufacturers, ensures the safe shipping of their wedding gowns by delivering them in bags and then having them steamed, adjusted, and prepped at the stores where clients are to pick them up.
Anyone who has attended a wedding with a cash bar will attest to the importance of food and alcohol quality and availability. Caterers and other wedding food suppliers may face common procurement and supply chain issues that impact the food and beverage industry, such as food safety and waste. Wedding cake suppliers must be extra careful to ensure that their products correspond to the couple's preferences, dietary restrictions, and allergy-related requirements, which can cost up to USD 500 on average. This includes ensuring that their manufacturing facilities, sourced ingredients, and procedures are safe, free of contamination, and devoid of potential allergens or dangers. They should also guarantee that the vendors of equipment and materials they employ follow proper safety regulations and are open about their ingredients and business methods.
"Love can't always be perfect," Massimo stated in The Wedding Planner. "Love is simply love." However, supply chains can be flawless. The wedding market is a fast-paced, ever-changing one, with new trends coming and going every year. It involves a huge number of diverse suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, and categories, as well as a wide range of products and services and clients served. Supply chain optimization is an absolute necessity for wedding planners, merchants, and other businesses involved in the industry in order to develop a reputation and retain and satisfy customers.
Click here to contact our specialists.
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rexsoka-monthly · 2 years ago
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This is a community for anyone who loves Rexsoka, the romantic ship between Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano. We’ll be sharing monthly prompts and posting any content submitted to us on our blog. Whether you are a writer, an artist, a content creator, or someone who just loves to consume any and all things Rexsoka, we’d love to have you here!
Check out the Submission Guidelines below for information on how to submit your content and what kind of submissions are accepted.
Join the Rexsoka Monthly Discord! Send an ask to this blog or DM one of the mods for an invitation link. Please note this server is for adults (18+) only.
Mods: @whamgram / @ahsokathegray / @darthgoosegoose
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Submission Guidelines
1) Any type of content is welcomed. This includes fanfic, fanart, video edits, gifs, photo manips, crafts, etc. If Rexsoka inspires you to make it, we’d love to see it!
2) All content ratings are allowed. Please make sure to appropriately tag the content rating of your fic. (G = general audience, T = teen and up audiences, M = mature audiences, E = explicit content only suitable for adults)
3) Submissions are always open. Submissions for a specific prompt are open as soon as that prompt is posted and never close. We’ll accept content for any prompts even after that month has ended. The more Rexsoka content, the better!
4) Use appropriate tags in your fics. In addition to content ratings and trigger warnings, please tag tropes that may not be of interest to all readers. This includes topics like cheating, dub-con, pregnancy, OCs as major characters, crossovers with other fandoms, etc.
5) Tag any other Rex or Ahsoka ships, no matter how minor. If there are other romantic relationships that occur for Rex or Ahsoka, either as part of your story or mentioned as happening in the past, please tag them.
6) No clonecest. Clonecest refers to the romantic ships between two clones. Please do not submit any content that includes or implies these relationships, even in the background.
7) No master/padawan ships. Please do not submit any content that includes or implies these relationships, even in the background.
8) No underage Rexsoka, unless it’s platonic. This means no content where Rex is an adult and he is sexually attracted to Ahsoka when she is a minor. Unless their ages are adjusted, no explicit romantic content before season 7. Pre-relationship fluff and Ahsoka having a baby crush are acceptable. Please Note: If a submission does not meet this criteria, the mods may choose not to post it on the blog and may ask the creator to remove any mention of Rexsoka Monthly from it.
Submitting on Tumblr
Post to your own blog and tag it with “Rexsoka Monthly”. You can also @rexsoka-monthly in your post.
Make sure to also tag that month’s prompt, which can be found on the infographic for each month.
Your submission can be crossposted from AO3, Instagram, YouTube, or any other appropriate source.
We'll reblog it and add it to the corresponding Masterlist.
Submitting on AO3
When creating your work, navigate to the “Associations” section. In the “Post to Collections / Challenge” field, enter and select “Rexsoka Monthly”.
Make sure to tag your work with "Rexsoka Monthly" and that month’s prompt, which can be found on the infographic for each month.
*All graphics/art collectively made by the mod team
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seisubtanabatafest · 2 years ago
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SeiSub Tanabata Fest 2023 Prompts and FAQ
Welcome to SeiSub Tanabata Fest 2023! July 7-13, 2023
#SeiSubTanabataFest is a fest ship event organized for Sakurazuka Seishirou and Sumeragi Subaru. Pick whichever version of CLAMP works you feel like creating something for with SeiSub (Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, etc.). It is in celebration of the coming Tanabata (July 7th in Japan). Each day features prompts relating to traditions or imagery commonly associated with Tanabata. It will run from 7 July to 13 July 2023. It marks the halfway point (138 days) in between Seishirou’s birthday (November 22nd) and Subaru’s birthday (February 19th). This indicates their relationship as star-crossed lovers, which makes their relationship on Tanabata all the more intriguing.
Everyone is allowed to participate!
Jul 7 DAY 1 - soulmates red thread of fate marriage Jul 8 DAY 2 - stars constellations deities Jul 9 DAY 3 - FREE DAY (choose your own prompt) Jul 10 DAY 4 - longing separation reunion Jul 11 DAY 5 - wishes bamboo tanzaku Jul 12 DAY 6 - promises Milky Way punishment Jul 13 DAY 7 - kimono paper cranes lanterns
Click the jump for the FAQ. Feel free to ask questions!
How do I participate? Create something in line with the themes above and just tag #SeiSubTanabataFest! We also have a SeiSub Tanabata Fest Ao3 collection available for you to post to. Fic, art, podfics, webcomics, moodboards, etc.—it’s all welcome! As we will be retweeting and reblogging posts for the weekly fest, please make sure to check our socials to support all the participants! Twitter (@SeiSubTanabata) Tumblr (@SeiSubTanabataFest) The AO3 collection is here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SeiSub_Tanabata_Fest/profile Can I use a work I’ve already started? Yes, if it fits the theme of the day you are posting on and the work has not been published yet. Do I have to include all the prompts listed for the day into my work? That isn’t necessary. The prompts are merely suggestions. Can I include other prompts not included in prompts for the day? Of course! Again, the prompts are merely suggestions. As long as your work follows at least one prompt for the day, you can submit it. Do I have to participate every day? No, that is not necessary. What if my work incorporates prompts from 2 different days? You can choose to post it on any of the 2 days, e.g. if you write a fic of characters being soulmates and stars, you can choose to post it on either day 1 or day 2. Can I submit a late entry? If you’re posting while the event is running (between 7 July and 13 July 2023), we are fine with that. However, if you can’t make that day, we will accept late entries. Keep in mind you will be posting outside the original posting period, but you can post whenever you can post afterwards. Are there any content restrictions? No, we do not believe in restricting problematic fictional content. As long as it’s properly tagged, we accept content of all ratings and themes. Are there minimum requirements for works? No. Do whatever you want as long as you create a work for the event. It can be any length or amount of effort you want to put in. What does "FREE DAY - choose your own prompt" mean on Day 3? You can choose a prompt that is not on our prompt list to use. This day has the most flexibility for the idea you want to create.
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thelucyverse · 4 years ago
How To Interact With Beta Readers - for Fanfic Authors
I wanted to make posts both for fic authors and beta readers, because I realized in several recent interactions that some helpful unwritten rules of fandom seem to have become lost to people who are new to it.
This isn't meant to be a call-out post against anyone to say 'you did it wrong!' (really, how could anyone be mad if you just didn't know any better), and there aren't even any definite rules for anything - but I just thought these things might be nice to know and helpful to share around. This first part will be @ the authors, the second part is @ the betas.
Asking for a beta reader
When you want someone to look through your fic, whether you ask in a tumblr post, @/helper in a discord server, in the notes of an already posted work or anywhere else, it's important to state both a) what the work that you want betad is and b) what you want from a beta reader.
The facts about the story.
The first most important facts about the story are a) length (in wordcount, as that is the most-used measurement for fanfiction - you can see it below the tags of an ao3 draft, or at the bottom left of a Word document), and b) rating and warnings. No, please don't just ask 'i have a fic for xy ship to beta' - that's nice information, but not helpful for someone who needs to decide whether they a) have the time to work on the length of fic and b) are willing to be confronted with the kind of content you have written.
In addition to that, you should of course also write what fandom, characters and dynamic it is about, because most beta readers are only willing to beta stories they would also usually read for fun. To make sure that the right people find the ask for a beta reader, you best target the post to them, so tag a tumblr post with the fandom and ship etc, and on discord share the request in a server or channel for the fandom, not an unrelated one.
What format is the draft in?
A word document you can send them via e-mail, a copy-pasted text in a direct message, link access to a google docs? Not everyone is comfortable with all of these methods, and you need to figure out one that works for the both of you.
Also, do you want the changes made directly in the text, in comment functions of the document, or as messages to you? If for example you send someone a Word document, and don't want them to change anything directly in your text, but they aren't comfortable working with the comment function there and end up writing you separate messages telling you what page and line the edits are one, that's going to be a lot more work for you to look through than you might have liked, so make sure to communicate it all beforehand and figure out a way that works properly for everyone.
What do you want from your beta?
'Well, to look over the story, duh?' but it's not that easy. Do you want the beta to:
- Only check for spelling and grammar mistakes in comments next to the text, No other suggestions at all because they would make you feel bad about your work/you don't have the time or want to spend the time on editing anything but honest mistakes/ any other reason?
- Grammar and spelling checks but also suggestions for word flow, repetitive words and phrases that could be changed and stylistic things like adding paragraph breaks (which are always nice to have for mobile reading)?
- [same as above] and also point out possible logic flaws and places where you might want to move a scene forward or back, or suggestions to things you could add to the story, with explanations as to why?
- [same as above] and also give suggestions for text you could cut that is unnecessary to the story or interrupting the flow of a scene in the opinion of your beta reader?
- Include nice messages as to what the beta liked best of the fic, or stay completely objective?
- Point out things they subjectively didn't like and would change about the story if they wrote it themselves, or not?
- Make corrections directly in the story, so afterwards you barely need to look at it anymore before you can publish it, or only give suggestions in comments or messages?
All of these are things some people welcome and others find incredibly annoying and/or hurtful! So make sure to communicate exactly what you are looking for. You don't have to do so in your initial public request, but once you have found a potential beta, you should text them the details before giving them access to your fic.
Do not be afraid of cancelling on a beta if you don't think it is going to work out! Whether because they aren't comfortable using the format you like to use, are a language teacher who can't stop correcting the long sentences you choose to keep as a stylistic choice, or just someone you don't vibe with, whether it's before or after they have started beta reading - be kind, but let them know that it just isn't working out, and that you would rather stop now before either of you wastes any more time and effort. If they want you to, you can tell them what you would have liked them to do differently, but don't ask someone to change how they are, and don't give unsolicited criticism, no, not even to a beta reader.
Decide on a time-frame
When are you going to send them the fic? Chapter by chapter over the next days, or the entire work? When do you want or need the work to be beta read? Is it for a challenge or gift exchange and needs to be finished on the same day, or can they wait for the weekend? Even if you don't have a specific deadline, when do you want them to send it back at the latest?
Working with a beta reader
After - or, if you are in for example a google docs at the same time, while - your beta reader does the corrections, you should look at them and decide which corrections you want to keep, and which to disregard. This is entirely your decision, it is your story, you don't need to feel bad if you don't take all of the suggestions for your work, even if you end up only correcting the spelling mistakes and ignoring everything else, it's your decision and this is fine.
If your beta gave suggestions for additional scenes or sentence changes, you can let them know once you have new text for them to correct, but keep in mind that they might no longer have time or energy to beta now, and don't be disappointed if they tell you this or don't reply. They already helped you, and you can always look for a new beta if you feel that your story still needs it.
Crediting your beta reader
Where are you uploading your fic, and how does your beta reader want to be credited? You best talk about this beforehand as well, as some betas only want to work on something when they will get the credit on a platform they are also on.
When posting on tumblr, it is usually expected to @ the person who helped you and write their url or tracked tag in the #s as well, but make sure to ask beforehand, as maybe they don't want other people to know they beta because they don't want to get swamped in work requests/ they don't want their url associated with for example explicit work/ they want you to tag a sideblog for the fandom instead of their main url.
On ao3, you can link to another author's dashboard or profile page (ask which one they prefer) in the notes by first going to the work text - rich text, writing their name, clicking the link symbol, pasting the url, going back to HTML text and cut-pasting the code to the note you want to have it in. You can do the prep work in a new work instead of your actual draft so you won't accidentally cut any of the work text. Again, ask the person beforehand whether they want to be linked there, or just want a nickname or their tumblr url credited.
You can also gift people works on ao3, and while this is in no way a requirement and most beta readers won't ask for it, just about everyone is happy to receive ao3 gifts! You can ask them beforehand if they want that, but as people can accept and refuse gifts on ao3 themselves, you can also let it be a surprise.
If your beta put a lot of work into your fic and wrote parts of it themselves, you can also make them a co-creator of the work on ao3, but only do this if you know and trust the person, as they will gain access to the fic and will be able to edit everything just like you.
Let me know if I missed anything, and I will update the post!
Tips for beta-readers themselves here!
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jestbee · 3 years ago
Jestbee Fics: In Stats
If you’ve been here for any length of time you know I love a spreadsheet, and graphs, and all thing sweet, sweet data. Ao3 doesn’t allow me to export stats about my fics which is really annoying, but I’ve been tracking fics I wrote over the past 5 years (and 1 fic this year) by the following: 
- Year posted - Pairing - Rating - Relationship Status - Canon compliancy - POV
And I’d like to share some insights with you. Mostly about Phan but there are some stats about other pairings in the first bit under the cut. 
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Here’s the number of fics I posted per year since 2017. There are some posted as early as 2014 on my ao3 account but I chose to omit them as they were fairly inconsistent. I have been declining in my output but I think that makes sense given irl factors. 
I’m putting the rest of that juicy juicy data under a cut so as not to bother non-data loving folks. 
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Pairing written by year as a percentage of everything posted. I had a few solid years of only writing Phan or associated pairings (same fandom tag in a03 actually, just separated out for the purposes of this data). It’s only the past couple of years I dabbled in other stuff. I’m not defining these ship names btw, if you’re curious look it up. (but I’ll concede for dwhite - it’s Dye/White from Monochrome which is a phan fic I wrote fic of. v complicated but v fun)
Obviously the majority of my fics are Phan, and so in all following sections I will just show stats for that pairing as all others are negligible at this point. However, I think it will be fun to revisit this the same time next year to see how it has changed. 
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for Phan only, ratings as a percentage of total fics posted per year. What I find interesting is that the number of E fics I write stays basically the same even as the overall number I post drops, which means as a percentage E rated fics are now higher. I also had a pesky habit of not rating fics until about 2019, glad to see I no longer do that. (Also 2019, no G fics, I really don’t know why)
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For all Phan fics, here is the distribution of ratings. Kind of an even split even though I think people would probably guess that I write more E/M rated than anything else. But I think the amount I wrote in earlier years and the way the number of E fics I write has remained consistent it why that’s the case. 
Relationship Status
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I actually think these numbers make the most sense when looked at in conjunction with Canon Compliancy since when I first get into a fandom I tend toward canon compliant and then later AU, which in the case of Phan means established relationship early on and Getting Together AUs later on. I prefer strangers to lovers to friends to lovers, even though my all time favourite trope is Friends with Benefits to lovers. You’ll see I wrote one early on and then restrained myself in 2019 (seriously, was was 2019?) until finally giving in. If I really let myself go those percentages might be much higher but I guess we’ll never know. 
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Quick look at the overall. Unsurprisingly Established Relationship is highest given that my output of fics was higher during the time that was my preference. 
Canon Compliancy
Firstly I need to do a little definining of terms since this data was subjective and so the terminology I use might be different to how you would define things. So, for the sake of this data I have used terms thus: 
Canon Compliant - They have been together since 2009, events happen just as they have done up to the point of the fic being written (with the exception of 1 where I actually predicted the future so yay me)
Canon Adjacent - Mostly canon compliant, all events happened up to the point of the fic being written except usually for them being together. (I drew the line at calling these solidly AU because I wanted a way to be more nuanced)
Canon divergence - All events are compliant up to a point in time where something went differently. (eg, they break up, lose touch, Phil takes the internship etc)
AU  - What is canon? Who is she? Dan and Phil have totally different jobs, probably aren’t together, might not even know each other at first, and I can’t wait to find out how they fall in love
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So like I said before, I prefer canon compliancy when I first join but soon discard canon and run with my imagination. Honestly AU is where I feel more comfortable, especially in Phan where the canon is basically a fic all of its own and there are only say many ways you can write the same scenario over and over. 
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obligatory look at distribution across all Phan fics. 
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We’re only look at Phan fics here, but Other applies to outside POV. I did a couple early on but have since given up the practise. I like them, but I don’t gravitate toward them without a challenge or a specific prompt. 
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I think these were the most surprising to be honest. I didn’t realise I favoured Dan POV as much as I do but that makes sense. I’m a Phillie, and Dan is the ultimate Phillie so I vibe with his point of view. lmao
Anyway that’s it for my little graphs, if you read this far without being bored out of your mind then let me know if anything surprised you, or if there’s any other data you’d like to see. I didn’t do anything about word count in here becuase I have my other tracker but maybe seeing wordcount by relationship etc might be fun. I also toyed with kudos/comments data but ultimately decided against it (mainly because these values change often - PLEASE ao3 let me export this data on a monthly basis and track it I beg) 
I also didn’t do anything about tropes or other tags because I thought that would be too subjective but I could look at it if people are interested. (Heck, I’m interested and could definitely see myself doing it one day)
Right. I’m going now. Come validate this post so I’m not just a crazy woman with a spreadsheet and too much time. Thanks <3
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intonightcity · 3 years ago
Night City (not to be confused with Cyberpunk 2077) is an exclusively private & mutuals only blog. Interactions will be with friends/mutual writing partners that consistently interact on my main blog @wynterlanding. The denizens of Night City are all muses over the age of 21. This blog is rated 21+ with a mun 25+ and will never have interaction with or follow minors.
The city has seedy parts. A red light district focuses exclusively on adult entertainment. Everything involving the s.ex work side of the city is interacted consensually. NSFW will be tagged always and go under read more. When it comes to smut I am open with writing it, fade to black or alluding to it happening. Whatever my partners are comfortable with. NSFW is not something I am always searching for so this is not a smut only blog at all. Don't follow if that's all you want from our interactions please.
This blog keeps a minimal following. City will only follow back rp blogs & will do so selectively. Please don't take it personally if I do not follow you back. If you do not follow my main blog and do not interact with me at all there I likely will not be following you. This blog is highly connected to Landon in all his various aus and prefers to follow&write with mutuals from there who are consistent writing partners with that muse. Night is a multimuse featuring citizens of the city and important locations. Everyone is connected in some way and most often to @wynterlanding including but not limited to: business associates, old flames, friends, family & au determined connections.
Asks are open to everyone for questions on the city and it’s residents. However, I prioritize replies to available opens to get things started OR memes. The inbox is open to memes and rp interaction from mutuals only. I will not interact with personals so do not even ask if you do not have a blog for rp. If you have a side blog please make it visible or I will likely assume you are a personal blog.
Muses here are not all fully open for shipping. Some are closed, some are selective and others are semi to fully open. If any are open for possible relationships it will be stated. Autoship will never take place. Certain muse availability for relationships may always change. mxf & fxf are the predominate pairings on this blog. mxm will be super selective due to some bad experiences in the past. I will not do mxm smut with anyone I do not know well but for now I'm not interested writing it.
When it comes to opens being available for nonmutuals I reserve the right to not reply back or follow your blog back depending on how I feel. As this is more selective and private it's just for my comfort nothing personal. I will unfollow / block at my discretion. If you do not interact I will unfollow. If I reply to an open of yours and you do not reply back to me within 3 weeks I will unfollow and reuse my reply for my muse as an open.
Don’t reblog threads if you are a personal or not involved. Don’t reblog memes. Reblog them from the source. Non mutuals DO NOT reblog anything please. I will use the block button liberally for this.
FCs/Banned - personally I do not have a banned list per se but a few things are true for this blog space. I will not interact with muses under 18, preference for 21 and over. If you're using someone as themselves it's not happening either. I will not write against any muse who uses P.enn B.adgley's face due to this entire city being in connection with my main blog @wynterlanding. As far as face claims go I believe that a face is just a representation for a character so I don't adhere to banned for myself. However, I do respect those who have their own banned lists. That being said I WILL interact against all types of faces: actors, musicians, models, influencers etc. I myself use some from these categories as they are who I envisioned for a particular muse. What they do doesn't concern me because I don't go by acting etc. Underused faces always get a big boost from me. It's great to see new people used. IF any faces I have for my muses are on your banned lists feel free to NOT interact with them. But I will not change who I use for any given character. Absolutely zero interest in interacting with A.mber H.eard and E.zra M.iller in any way, shape or form. So this is as far as I go with 'banned' but this needs no explanation.
Triggers are present all over. Block Night City if you are uncomfortable with: abuse, crime, drug addiction, human trafficking, mafia, murder, prostitution, suicide ideation, etc as these topics will be mentioned or explored in various plots. All triggers will be tagged. Sometimes I may forget to tag something but I try to go back and add it. If I do forget something please dm me politely to ask and I will add it <3
I do not and never will rp on discord. Please do not ask for my discord. Chances are if you come from Landon 's blog I have already given it to you or am willing to if you are a mutaul here. This is for mains from my main blog only. Or if we have written for a long time together.
Last but not least: MUN DOES NOT EQUAL THE MUSES. I don’t condone dark content IRL but it has to be said. I am exploring content in a fictional setting. I am aware of the heavy subjects and also do not agree or associate with it in real life. Thanks for reading!
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starship-squidlet · 4 years ago
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Yo Ho, Hero! A Newsies Space Pirates AU
Summary: Think: Newsies characters, (grittier) Treasure Planet aesthetic, Star Wars planet-hopping, and an embarrassing amount of plot from the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything movie. Jack, Race, and Elmer are plucked out of their ordinary lives and thrust into a whole new world as unlikely heroes when Princess Katherine is captured by a wicked pirate. They join the crew of Prince Charlie and his mage Davey to rescue Katherine and defeat the evil Captain Metalbeard. (Rated T for sequences including violence, blood, fighting, etc.)
Moodboards: Jack, Race, Elmer, Davey, Crutchie/Charlie, Spot, JoJo, Romeo, Skittery, Specs, Finch, Aleesha
Yo Ho Hero Spotify Playlist
<<YouTube Playlist coming soon>>
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen (4/11/21)
Chapter Fifteen (4/17/21)
Chapter Sixteen (4/24/21)
Associated One-shots:
This one about JoJo and Sniper
(Feel free to reach out if you’d like more information about it before deciding if you want to be tagged! And thank you all so much for your support!!!)
What you need to know going into this story:
This fic is a Star Wars AU in that it is (to an extent) set in the Star Wars universe. This is just because I’m too lazy to world-build an entire universe for a single fic, but I already have a lot of energy put into creating my own pieces of Star Wars headcanons, OCs, and etc. that I’ve never gotten around to writing into anything, so I decided to adopt them for this fic. So while Yo Ho, Hero! takes place within the “universe” of Star Wars, it has little to nothing to do with the events of the films/shows/etc. I just wanted to use the planets/species/terminology/etc. of Star Wars instead of putting that much thought into it because I have enough else to do and all I want to do is write, not world-build, dammit.
Despite it sort-of-technically-kind-of-actually being a Star Wars AU, there are no Jedi. Just mages. No force, just good, old-fashioned magic.
In addition to planets/species/terminology/etc. from Star Wars, you may recognize some themes from other media. Yes, the “sailing ship in space” aesthetic is straight from Treasure Planet. It’s also likely that mentions of a planet called “Hyrule” will come up, along with Hylian and Rito species from it. Yes, this is a direct reference to Legend of Zelda, because at one point I was working on a LoZ/Star Wars crossover fic that never got written but did get absorbed into this story apparently. It’s also because I’m too lazy to come up with anything original.
There will be a few OCs who make minor appearances in this fic. Aleesha is one of my first-ever OCs (created when I was literally about 11-12) and has never found her way into an actual written story (despite me having PLANNED several stories about/concerning her) so I’m super excited to use her here!!! Jocasta is my D&D character who I love despite her being an actual disaster. I made a joke about how she should be in this fic cos she’s a pirate then had a galaxy brain moment and actually wrote her into it.
Pretty much any ship they encounter will be named after either a Legend of Zelda game or some other piece of popular media (my other primary source is Twilight book/movie names for some reason don’t @ me I’m unoriginal) so uhhh don’t be surprised by that. I am SO bad at coming up with names for places/things. People? Fine. I can do that. Places/ships/things/etc? Not a chance. (You may think I’m joking here, but you won’t think that when you read about a spaceship named Breath of the Wild or Midnight Sun, because those are both things that I’ve written and that may appear in this story.)
Read on FanFiction.Net | Read on Archive Of Our Own
Also including a cheat sheet of character species/races here because I don’t directly reference many of them by name in the fic. I’ll link references for some of them where I have them.
Jack Kelly: Near-human. May or may not have secret gills.
Race Higgins: “Canus”, AKA dog-based species. Think Dr. Delbert from Treasure Planet.
Elmer Kasprzak: Near-human. Appears human for all intents and purposes.
Davey Jacobs: Former human, current immortal. Basically a human frozen at 25.
Crutchie and Katherine: Humans!
Spot Conlon: “Canus”. Think Dr. Delbert from Treasure Planet.
JoJo: Onotoran (original alien race). Purple skin, deep blue eyes, and a rainbow array of feathers in place of hair on her head and running down her spine to the small of her back. Also feathers on the backs of her hands and running up her forearms to her elbows.
Romeo: half-Felis. Think Tabaxi from D&D but tall, or Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet, but more human cos he’s only half.
Specs: Literally just a Rito from Legend of Zelda (specifically Breath of the Wild).
Finch: half-Rito, half-Hylian. Closer to the look of the Rito in Wind Waker.
Skittery: Verpine (Star Wars: Legends)
Allie Raysh/Aleesha Shray: Human
Jocasta Mar’Soren: May have once been part Hylian but it doesn’t matter any more because she’s now an immortal, like Davey.
Albert Dasilva: Felis. Think Tabaxi from D&D but tall, or Captain Amelia from Treasure planet.
Buttons: he’s basically a cross between an Ood from Doctor Who and a Quarren from Star Wars.
Sarah Jacobs: human or near-human.
Les Jacobs: human or near-human.
Medda: Anatoran (original alien race). See description for JoJo, but with snow-white skin and black eyes and feathers.
Mush Meyers: Cosmoran (original alien race). See description for JoJo, but with coal-black skin and white eyes and feathers.
Elaine O’Dell: Hylian from Legend of Zelda.
Sniper: Togrutan (Star Wars)
Disclaimer: I do not own Newsies, Star Wars, Treasure Planet, the Legend of Zelda franchise, Twilight, or anything you recognize from any of those sources or any other form of published media. I do, however, own this story, Aleesha, the settlement of Haven, Jocasta, and anything else you don’t recognize from any form of published media.
Banner made in Procreate. All images found on Google. If they belong to you and you would like them removed/credited, please let me know!!!
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crown-anon · 4 years ago
hi!! I write things sometimes :)
I'm gonna revamp this post soon. I'm working on a google form for requests so you don't have to go through all the rules every time you want me to write something. I know they're easy to forget!
general rules
I write most genres. even if I've never heard of it before, I'd probably like writing it
I write AUs, but I'm not very knowledgeable about them. I'll ask you to explain an AU in more detail if I've never heard of it before
I write for existing ships and reader inserts. I'm neutral on the pro/anti ship discourse, and whether or not I'll write a toxic relationship is really on a case-by-case basis. ask first
I write headcanons (bullet list format), imagines (short with several paragraphs, dialogue, continuity, etc.), and one-shots (like imagines, but a lot longer & more structured). specify your desired format in your request
I write multiple separate relationships ("multiple characters") for headcanons and imagines, at your request. in general, the more separate relationships, the shorter each headcanon/imagine will be
I write poly relationships! when requesting multiple people for headcanons and imagines, specify if you mean poly. otherwise, I'll assume you mean multiple mono relationships. I also write poly in one-shots
I write references to past abuse ambiguously in the context of healing and recovery. flashbacks included
I write self-harm and gore, past and present, if you want. I find it cathartic
I don't write for woman or she/her readers. it makes me really dysphoric. I assume readers are gender-neutral, so specify if you prefer something else, please
I don't write for OCs. I'd like to keep my reader inserts as inclusive as possible for any audience who desires to read them, not just the original requester
I don't write ongoing abuse. yandere is abuse
constructive criticism is welcomed and desired!!
if I produce any content that makes you uncomfortable, ask me to tag it and I will :) we do not have to be mutuals, reader comfort is my top priority. I'm starting out with the AO3 rating and content warning system for now. eventually this post will contain a tag list for your convenience
if there is a request that I don't want to write for whatever reason, I'll answer it and address it. I know it feels bad to be left waiting and wondering
if you as a requester want the reader to, or pointedly not, express their gender a certain way (like makeup and dresses, or suits, or whatever, especially if it's GNC for their gender), let me know so I can incorporate your preferences in the writing!
I'm still in school, so…go easy on me, haha. but I graduate this spring so fucking POG. even so, my posting will be irregular and unscheduled because mental illness 💔 so be prepared for that
in the future, I want to write for many fandoms! they will all have their own subsets of rules, as follows:
minecraft youtube (MCYT) rules
I currently only write for the dreamwastaken, GeorgeNotFound, and Sapnap. this is subject to change in the future as I consume more MCYT content and become more acquainted with other creators. I don't think I could do them justice at this time
if a content creator sees this and is uncomfortable with something here, 1. I am so, so sorry, & 2. DM me and I'll remove it :)
I haven't had the time to watch dream SMP, so I can't write for the characters, I only write for the real life people right now. this is subject to change. I will, however, write for them in a minecraft setting if it is wanted, just not in the actual SMP. and no spoilers, please!
I use their real names (unless they've said it makes them uncomfortable). if you're requesting something and you want me to use their screen names instead, please specify
enjoy your stay!! xoxo
edited 10 March 2021
explicit content will be tagged "#limeade-zest," so block that tag if you don't want to see it.
explicit rules (under the cut)
I write dubcon in most cases, usually only with implied consent (e.g. anything that was negotiated in advance, like somnophilia)
I write most kinks. if you're requesting smut, specify which, if any, kinks/dynamics you wish to include
I don't write dom/little, as it is a trigger of mine
I don't write noncon or CNC. you can thank the trauma for that one!
I don't write tickling. I refuse to associate that with sex. I just can't do it
I don't write unsanitary kinks. (is spit-as-lube unsanitary? spit-as-lube is alright.) I specifically mean things like coprophilia, emetophilia, and urophilia
on the subject of anatomy, if you as a requester want me to use certain language when referencing the reader's body, please specify! I do write for readers with AFAB bodies, as well as (obviously) AMAB bodies and transmasculine bodies at any stage. I would love to include intersex, but I am not very knowledgeable on that, so bear with me, please
enjoy your stay!! xoxo
edited 10 March 2021
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